#can you tell im really missing copia rn
acherryghost · 9 months
What I really love about copia is how much he f e e l s like a rock star. Not to say that his successors weren't but in my mind it clicks for copia more than the others
The first three papas definitely accomplished that spooky regal antipope feel, while copia for me marks a neat transition for the band and the ministry too
Like I totally can buy into copia being an antipope for a satanic church as well as a kick ass rocker. I can easily imagine him as a musician in the studio recording music AND grinding as the head of an antichurch
Idk if it's how he carries himself, his look, his personality, or whatever but as far as the storyline goes with the other characters, I think tobias nailed it with how he had copia turn out
Anyways ghesties, lmk what yall think, do you have a favorite ghost era
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leafcabbage · 3 months
Purely hypothetical,
How much do I have to pay so you ramble about the band Ghost . please
I really wanna get into their music n shit, and feel like there's a lot of story telling in their music that I miss because I Am Shit At Understanding Lyrics And Their Meanings By Myself.
So, how much? (/hj)
you dont have to pay anything! im not deep into the fandom so i would be the first to admit that i am not deeply versed on the lore or anything, but i have been to two rituals (aka concerts) and seen the movie, so i know a bit!
so ghost is a swedish rock/metal/everyone describes it differently band that does everything in full costume and with the story that they are spreading the word of the devil through their music. it's the creation of tobias forge, who is also the front man, currently playing the character of Copia/Papa Emeritus IV. he's the guy in all the posts youre seeing me reblog who ISNT wearing a black mask and all black clothes. his face is a mask though. like a really high quality one thats been painted and stuff. thats why you dont really see his mouth move.
anyway, the way ghost works is that since the formation of the band, different Papas (1-4) were the lead singers of the band, all played by tobias forge. as an era came to the close, the papa would be retired, or beheaded in the 3rd papa (terzo's) case, and the next would take his place to continue to spread the word. the current papa, Copia, has been with us for longer than the others, and Prequelle and Impera are the albums that came out under his time. if you really want to get into the lore, theres also a like... webseries mostly focused on Copia.
then theres the ghouls. those are the guys in the masks. they arent band members as much i suppose, as they're like... contracted performers for tours and certain music videos. so they come and go to an extent, though most ghouls are played by the same people for several years at a time, and a new person = a new ghoul as far as the fandom is concerned. same instrument but new name. i wont get too into all the people behind the masks rn, but they ARE listed on wikipedia now and most are independent musicians with their own music out! the ghouls are all assigned elements based on their instruments (air for keyboard, water for bass, fire for lead guitar, earth for drums, quintessence for rhythm guitar, and multi for the ghouls who do vocals/tambourine/guitar/etc). then they end up with names based on those elements (like keyboard is air, so the keyboard players are cirrus and cumulus).
man i think that's the super basics. but really, at the end of the day, you can just listen to the music. you dont NEED to know all the background to enjoy the music. i didnt know any getting into it and then went on to learn what i know. the ghost wiki is pretty in depth so you can get info there, too, and im happy to do my best to answer any specific questions too! just let me know, my ask box is always open :]
(if youre looking for a music starting place, impera is a good first album)
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