#can you tell i drank green juice and not liquor this time around?
masterswrd · 4 years
Hannibal Fashion Meta Pt. 4
Now with sexy annotations.
In this installment we’re back to our favorite party vampire, my sweet Hannibal, who is a whole ass meal and always ready to please a crowd. So we’re going to be talking about his Event Looks.
Ya know, these are becoming less like metas and more like me sitting with you on your couch and pausing and pointing at the screen while I dump all this on you. But what matters most is my own happiness so here we are.
Let’s start in order with one of my favorite episodes, 1x07 Sorbet. Where we see Hannibal is a gorgeous double breasted midnight blue Brunello Cucinelli tux. It’s not bespoke, but honey if this is cashmere than this is probably $9000. If it’s wool than it’s closer to $5000 (which is what I estimate he pays for a lot of his bespoke suits).
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Hannibal really isn’t the type of person to wear black, I’m pretty sure we never see him in a solid black suit. Black suits are very very formal and unless you’re at a black tie event or a funeral, a black suit is usually overkill. We know he likes to stand out. Blue is a very socially acceptable way to have some flair at a black tie event. It’s very main character of him. He’s also wearing french square cuffs on the shirt (the reason they look almost tear drop shaped around his wrists) which is why he’s wearing cuff links (you need french cuffs for cufflinks).
Hannibal doesn’t seem to wear cuff links very often. Only with tuxedos. On this evening, he pairs this with a $200 a blue silk Burberry bow tie.
Hugh Dancy used to model for Burberry and I lost an hour of work on this due to that little morsel of information.
The next even we see Hannibal at is his own dinner party later that episode. This shit is lux, baby.
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This blazer is a dark dark green velvet Canali dinner jacket that I’m estimating to be around two to three thousand dollars. And hey listen. I tried so hard to edit these pics so you could see the green, but it’s the type of material in color where you’d really only see it in person. Canali is a luxury Italian brand that has a shop in Washington DC,which is probably the one Hannibal would go to in canon. There’s also a shop in Milano, Italy so Hannibal could’ve been a fan of this brand for a long time. Under the jacket we have a $600 Gucci button up. A paisley tie, not surprising with it being a staple to Hannibal’s taste, and a three-peak folded pocket square to finish off the look. King of pocket square folds. I love you.
With only one party happening in season two, Futamono is next. Now, I personally love this look but anytime people step up their formal wear with color, I go nuts.
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This is a maroon velvet dinner jacket with silk lining and trim. The make is Etro, a very high end Italian fashion house that specializes in bold prints. It’s a gorgeous $1500 jacket, but I want to talk about the cravat. Cravats felt out of a fashion a long time ago (they were originally a military thing way back before aristocracy got a hold of it) and most people could NOT pull them off today. BUT that is only because people don’t modernize the look. People wear them too high on the neck and makes your whole outfit look outdated. But keeping it low to the open collar or using it to frame an open collar makes it look a million times better. This is just another example of Hannibal being a person who wears what looks good on him and not wearing things that follow certain rules. He can pull anything off it he puts his mind to it. If we wore crocs to the opera, everyone would be trying to do it the next day. He’s a trend setter and an icon.
Jumping to season 3, we have another black tie event. Everyone in the background wearing black and our man comes through with a gorgeous burgundy two-peice tuxedo. This is a unique bespoke peice by toronto based Italian master tailor, Nino Cioppa. Nino is the primary tailor for season 3 and he did a fabulous job, the talent JUMPED out. Molto bello.
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The silk on the lapels are patterned and the same fabric is used to do an accent strip on the sides of the legs. Silk lapels are one trusty way you can tell between a suit and a tuxedo. Lovely lovely lovely. Not a plain tie either. It’s maroon silk with an embroidered square pattern. He’s also wearing french cuffs with mother of pearl Burberry cufflinks.
Another amazing suit in Antipasto is this baby, a beautiful chalkstripe emerald green three-piece suit. By FAR, one of my favorite outfits that he wears. Like the tux above, this is another bespoke original from Mr. Nino Cioppa.
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The silk blue bowtie brings yet another pop of color. He does color matching and pattern matching very often and does it well. There’s a general rule of two that people follow where they will only wear two patterns at most having one be understated (the chalkstripe and stripes on the shirt in this case) and one being more attention drawing (the bowtie). Hannibal ignores this rule a lot and still looks amazing but this is a good example of the rule in action.
The biggest thing I want people to get out of these is that regular fancy people don’t dress like this. Hannibal Lecter is another plane of fashion. He’s avant-garde and ahead of his time. He is always wearing something fresh and showstopping. This person had to be THE TALK of the baltimore upper class. “What’s Dr. Lecter wearing?” “Who is your tailor?” “Oh my goodness, he’s stunning.” Nobody else is doing it like him and doing it so well. He dresses for the Met Gala everytime he pulls up to ANY function. Why should he be concerned out rules? Why should he be self-conscious or worried what other people think? Take his self confidence and apply it to your style. Wear that peice of clothing you bought but shoved back in your closet because you can’t bring yourself to wear it out. Hannibal will never hold back when he’s serving looks and neither should you.
In conclusion:
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sp00kworm · 4 years
Silence (Part 3- Bloodhound’s Ending)
Part 1 -  A Bar Brawl
Part 2 - A Totem to Remember (Revenant’s Ending)
Pairing: Bloodhound x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: None
The Star Goddess - Bloodhound’s Ending
Bloodhound had done well in the games recently. Keen eyes with even keener tactics had proven their worth countless times, in countless line-ups. They had a good number of wins under their belt and you assumed that meant lots of winnings. The customers had quickly become fans, and often you found them asking you about the mysterious champion and to put on the highlights for the latest match. You were always happy to put the highlights on for them when asked, and you enjoyed watching the expert tracking from Bloodhound on the screen. A few weeks of highlights made you wonder if Bloodhound would ever come back to your little bar in the outskirts of the city.
 A chirp from over your shoulder paused you in your humming. The washing robot chirped again as you looked at it and watched the screen as it flashed with a winking emoji and a smirk before red text scrolled along the bottom.
You smiled and nodded, “Okay buddy.” You patted his front, “Did you manage to put them all away?” You asked.
The robot chirped with a nod, his green optics flashing before he held out a tub of the shot glasses for you to take.
“I’ll put them away, no problem. Thank you.” You took the box with a smile and moved back towards the cabinet to put all the freshly washed glasses back in their proper homes. You blew dust from the shelves and tutted before taking a duster and wiping the shelves down with quick strokes towards you, removing the thin layer of dust over the wood. It was much tidier with a dusting. After placing the duster away you started putting away the glasses in their correct places.
 You jumped when there was a knock at the front door. It was just before closing, but there wasn’t anyone in the bar, so you’d already gotten to cleaning up for the night. Another few knocks sounded against the metal and you placed the tub of glassware down before you headed over to the door and opened it a small amount.
A man stood in front of you, dressed in heavy pelts with a smile like a bears snarl. He gave a great laugh at you before pulling back his hood to reveal his bright white hair and beard, “It’s been long, krútt!” He raised his arms jovially before heaving his packs a little higher and pulling his hover-sledge a little.
“It has been a long, long time, Halldór.” You replied with a laugh as you let the traveller into the bar, “How has business been?” You asked as you helped him tuck his sledge in the corner by the door.
“Pah. What business?!” Halldór sneered as his icy eyes trained on the bar, “But you have had a makeover! Look you even have…what is name? Holovision!” He clapped his hands together before he tugged free his furs and hung them over the hooks by the door, “Did you get loan?”
 “Nothing like that…” You shrugged, “Some asshole came in here and started…well…” You grumbled, “A man died in here and I got a lot of hush money.” The confession was like poison and bitter in your mouth and you unhooked the bar door before closing it and facing Halldór.
“Hush money. Not good to get involved with those sorts…even after the war.” He tutted in disappointment, “But, I suppose the money went to good use.” He didn’t ask anymore questions, and you were glad, for both of your sakes. You knew that the Games would not be too happy with more people knowing about the murder. It was best left in the past, and that was where you would rather it stay forever. Just the thought of Revenant’s orange gaze made you grimace.
Halldór sat himself at the bar and smiled, “Come, come. Let me tell you about the Outlands! There are new faces and new stories to be heard.”
“How about we get to that after you show me what insane drinks you’ve brought.” You laughed as you reached for some glasses and placed them in front of the Outlander.
 Halldór scrubbed his hair back from his face and stood with a groan, hobbling tiredly, and dramatically, over to his sledge to take out items from the sacks laid across the metal structure. The sacks were large but Halldór reached into each of them in turn and pulled free a bottle of liquor from each, each of them wrapped tightly with brown paper and tied to stop them from breaking and spilling into the rest of his goods. He pulled all the brown paper free and revealed a brown bottle and two green taller bottles. They each had a hand made label and you looked at them before taking the brown one in hand and smiling at the label. Brennivín. You smiled at the label and turned it around for him to see.
“It has been a while since I’ve gotten hold of it.” Halldór chuckled as he squinted at the label, “That’s something strong right there.” He snorted, “I don’t think many customers would be after that.”
“Its more for a personal try.” You offered as you turned the bottle back to face him and hummed, “What kind of a price are you thinking of? I can give you a hundred for it.” You went in low, knowing you had room to bargain with the trader then.
 Halldór snorted at your offer, “I want at least two hundred for it. It has come a long way you see.” He smirked at your scowl.
“One bottle for two hundred. No way. One fifty.” You retorted.
“Not even one hundred and sixty?” Halldór teased you.
“Nice try. Not a penny more for you.” You chastised as Halldór laughed at you. You reached for your credit purse and pulled out the chips for Halldór to take from the top. He slid you the bottle and you took it from the bar top with a smile. The green label was stark with a writing you were sure you could not read in large lettering above the translation.
“I have something else you might like.” Halldór smirked as he went back to retrieve something else from one of his large sacks. He pulled free a large jar full of meat and sauce.
“That looks like death.” You commented at you watched the pickling liquid swill left and right.
“No, no. It is pickled meats. Goes well with Brennivín.” He said as you took the jar from his grasp to look at the long strips of game in the juice.
“I feel like you’re lying to me, but I’ll take it.” You hummed as you eyed the gamey looking meat.
“For you, eighty credits.” Halldór smiled and you handed him the credits without much complaint, wondering if you could find someone to eat it if you didn’t like it.
 Halldór tucked away all his goods before he sat down and slapped the bar with his palms, “Come then. Let us drink for a while, you can fill me in on what I have missed among the land of the living.”
You laughed at the merchant before you reached under the bar and plucked free a very suspicious looking rum, “Well you’ll be glad I got this then. I think it was made in some guys basement, but I know you like those sorts of drinks.”
Halldór laughed brightly, “You know me so well!” He threw his arms out with a guffaw and you laughed with him as you reached for the glasses and poured him a drink.
“To meeting old friend again!” Halldór cheered as he held his alcohol up. You clicked your glasses together and drank with each other late into the night, far past closing time.
    The memory of that hang over made your eyes spin in your skull, a reminder of how tired you had felt the next day as you opened the bar for the night, eyes half closed despite the insane amount of water you had chugged. It was another busy night, some days after your exhaustion, and you were rushed off your feet trying to get out the insane amount of drinks to customers without any help. Thankfully, your washing robot was happy to step in and help you out with serving, though he was no good at pulling pints. You’d let him start pouring and watched as his tummy for washing smacked the handles over and caused beer to spill over the sides, splashing everywhere as the robot fussed and chirped in upset. Now he was happily handing out bottles and cans of drinks as you took care of the pints and other more delicate drinks which the robot could not handle. It went a lot easier with some help and you felt less rushed off your feet as the customers eventually ebbed to drinking and speaking with the occasional refill for the larger groups.
 Closing time couldn’t come any sooner as you took in the last of the glasses and hooked your robot back up to the water to get on with the tidying. He chirped happily as the water started to churn in his systems and you laughed softly as he chirped a tune.
“Thanks for today buddy, you were a big help.” You cooed as you patted his shoulders and brushed off some dirt from him before you took your cloths and set to cleaning down the bar top and the tables
His screen flashed with a thumbs up emoji and you laughed again as the robot hummed to himself and happily set about working cleaning and stacking pots.
“That’s it, buddy. Too right.” You jokingly said as you headed back towards the tables on the back wall of the bar with the trigger bottle of disinfectant in your hand. The tables were particularly covered in beer and pieces of nuts. You grumbled at the mess, wiping away the sticky mess before you cleaned away the crumbs and sprayed it with disinfectant. The holoscreen played softly in the background announcing the end results of this season in the Apex Games. It was a rough season, but Bloodhound had finished with many wins under their belt, closely followed by Revenant. Neither was the winner overall, but you turned to watch the replays of intense moments and laughed at the knife in Revenant’s side as Bloodhound severed his coolant pumps and drove it three times up through his sternum, severing the rest of Revenant’s vitals before they laid the Simulacrum back and placed the gun over his chest with a nod of their head. The Simulacrum got what he deserved for trying to bait the hunter into fighting him.
 The call of a Raven sounded from outside and your head shot up as you paused cleaning the tabletops to peer through the window as the Raven hopped along the window ledge and pecked at the glass harshly. Two hands appeared from behind the wall to grasp the bird by its body, tucking its wings close before the hunter appeared, clad in heavy fabric and goggles, their respirator fixed firmly in place. Bloodhound peered through the window, Artur tucked under their arm before they nodded their head in greeting and knocked on the door quietly with three solid raps of their knuckles. You turned towards the door and unlocked the mechanism before peering out with a smile.
“Hey stranger.” You smiled at Bloodhound.
Bloodhound let Artur go at the birds incessant nipping to their gloves and watched him hop up their shoulder before replying, “It has been some time.” They commented, “I hope you have faired well.”
“I’ve been fine! It’s been busy but with the season over its finally winding down a little bit.” You let Bloodhound in through the door, watching as Artur hopped across their shoulders before cawing loudly at your face, his beak snapping at your nose.
 “Artur. That is rude.” Bloodhound reprimanded as they entered the bar, peering around the empty inside before they limped over to the bar and settled awkwardly on the seat, their foot perched on the stepping part of another stool.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” You watched Bloodhound as you rounded the back of them and lifted the bar door before standing behind the top and watching them squirm in discomfort, however minimalistic the movements were.
“I am fine. A small injury in the ring.” Bloodhound brushed your concerns aside as they adjusted themself on the stool.
“Revenant got you in that tussle, didn’t he?” You asked as you reached into the back of the liquor cabinet for the new bottle of Brennivín. You turned back to Bloodhound with a smile as you offered the green bottle to them and placed it on top of the wood. Bloodhound gave a breathy chuckle as they took the bottle and looked at the handmade label.
“The Simulacrum got his recompense for daring to try.” Bloodhound observed softly as they ran their gloved fingers over the label and reached to undo the top, pulling the cork with a deft twist of their wrist before smelling the strong liquor, even through the respirator.
 “Its strong. That’s for sure. I remember you saying something about cold glasses?” You reached under the bar and tugged out two glasses from the cooler, laying them on the top for Bloodhound.
“Yes. Though snow is still the best way to cool this.” Bloodhound huffed a laugh again as they poured a generous amount into each glass.
You took one in your hand and raised it to the hunter, “To…” You floundered, “I don’t know. What do we toast to?”
Bloodhound held their glass up, “To new friendships and a long rest.” They tapped your glasses together before laying the drink back on the bar and waiting.
“Ah, sorry.” You turned around as they reached to undo the straps of their respirator, “You don’t have to take it off if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Bloodhound tapped the back of your elbow, “I do not mind.” Their voice was soft but gentle, like the sound of a strong wave against the beach, powerful but not hurtful. You turned around and smiled at their scarred face, the pale skin covered in thin veins of tough scars from an old injury. Their goggles stayed in place with their head wear and scarves, which prevented anything else from being revealed. Still, the gently slope of their lips made you wonder how someone with such a pretty, yet scarred mouth, could be a vicious hunter in a game of blood sport.  
 Bloodhound ignored your eyes looking over their scars and gave a small smile. It was a simple small twist of the corner of their lips before they took a large swallow of Brennivín and hissed at the burning in the back of their throat, “That is stronger than I have had.” They coughed a couple of time before chuckling and motioning to your own drink which you had not touched, “You have toasted but not drank.”
You swallowed heavily, “I don’t know if I want to after your reaction, and you’ve been drinking it all your life.”
“It is not that bad, so long as your stomach is strong.” Bloodhound insisted with another chuckle, “You will be fine. Give it a taste.”
“If you insist.” You joked as you took a sip of the liquor. It took a moment for the taste to pass and the burning sensation to clench your throat, “Oh my…” You gave a sharp cough and cringed at the burn before breathing deeply to try and ease it.
“It is good for the soul.” Bloodhound chuckled again before Artur squawked and tried to dip his beak into the glass, “No, my friend, it is far too strong for you.” They eased the bird from their shoulder and watched the Raven protest and hop along the bar, ruffling his feathers and pecking at the wood and bar taps.
 Suddenly you felt at a loss for what to say. You had wondered if Bloodhound would ever show up. They were under no obligation to, of course, they had merely been interested in keeping Revenant in line, but you had to wonder if they enjoyed your company.
“So, what’s kept you away? Has Revenant kept you busy?” You asked as you watched Bloodhound sip at the drink.
Bloodhound gave a grumble, “Unfortunately. The robot cannot control itself.” Their fingers twitched in the motion as though they were playing with something and you watched them reached to their thigh and pluck free a short throwing dagger before they proceeded to spin the blade back and forth and around their fingers in a dexterous display.
“I don’t doubt that.” You commented as you dragged yourself over a stool and sat in front of Bloodhound, “I know it first-hand, after all.” You tried to laugh a little to not remember the night of the slaughter across your bar floor, but the blood and guts were fresh in your mind. The alcohol’s sting was welcome as you avoided Bloodhound’s eyes behind the orange tinted goggles.
 A hand on your own shocked you, and you looked up just as they slid the knife across the bar, the tip of the blade tapping at your wrist.
“You do not have to fear him, krúttið mitt.” Bloodhound uttered before revealing bright, white teeth. Two fangs dipped out from under their top lip and you found yourself staring a little as their other hand cupped your palm and squeezed softly, comfortingly.
“I don’t fear him…” You tried to ease your hand out with a gentle tug, “I just don’t want him near me or my bar, ever again. I wouldn’t hesitate to…to…”
“I admire your bravery, but you would be dead before you could touch a wire. He is an animal now, do not forget that. He would have little regard for your life.” Bloodhound grumbled again, “I have seen him torture my fellows. I know what he is capable of. You are best to stay away.”
“And what, you’ll protect me?” You scoffed, “I’ve heard that before.”
“I will.” Bloodhound’s goggled eyes looked towards your own, the deep brown glinting through with the shine of the antique lighting, “I will make sure he bothers you no longer, this I promise.” They covered their heart and bowed their head, “And if I fail, then you will have the right to hate me.”
 You took your hands away with a frown before shaking it and giving a wet, upset laugh, “There’s no need for the dramatics. I believe you.” You watched Bloodhound drag their hands back after a moment before you held the bottle of Brennivín again, “Another?”
“I would rather not partake again but thank you.” Bloodhound reached for their respirator and fixed it back into place. Their respirator whooshed quietly as you put the bottle back in its appropriate place.
“Do you have matches coming up?” You asked as you worked quietly behind the bar, facing the cabinet.
Bloodhound shook their head, the beads and bones of their hat clicking together, “Not soon, but I promised Loba I would help her practice her hand to hand.” They stated softly, “Though I think it is her way of gauging our individual abilities.” They confessed with a peer up the bar at Artur who was contently admiring himself in a metal nut dish.
Loba seemed to hardly need such training, “I think you’re probably right about that.” You chuckled, “Watching the test match…Well she really doesn’t need the training, huh?”
Bloodhound hummed in agreement, “She is up to something.” They commented mildly.
 “Like what? I thought you were all there for the contest and the titles…or whatever it is you all like.” You asked as you leaned over to finish the last of the liquor in your glass with another cringe and a cough. You decided one glass was more than enough for you as well.
“Titles?” Bloodhound hummed, “I have three titles of Apex Predator, but that is not why I do this…The hunt is what I live for.” They confessed with another look at their knife, their glove testing the sharpness of the edge before they levelled their gaze on you, “None of us are kind people, but there are far more dangerous folk than I in these games. I am here to honour my Gods and my family. Others for fame. Others for death.”
“That’s…” You swallowed, “I didn’t mean to assume anything.”
“You have done no harm. Now you know my reasoning.” Bloodhound nodded their head, “I live for the hunt and to honour the All Father.” They confessed quietly as they slid the knife away.
 There was a moment of quiet between the two of you before Bloodhound looked back at the door and to Artur who hopped along the bar back to the hunter’s arm. The Raven pecked at Bloodhound’s sleeve before he climbed back up to their shoulder, perched, watching you with two beady black eyes.
“I can’t say I understand it, but I respect it. It’s better than a lot of people.” You smiled at Bloodhound before remembering the jar of pickled meats you had gotten, “Oh, wait a minute. I know you want to go but I have something for you.” You rushed into the kitchen and rooted through the cupboards. Your washing robot chirped in confusion, large question marks floating over his screen as you finally pulled free the pickled game that you had purchased. Thankfully, when you rushed back into the bar, Bloodhound was still perched on their seat, watching you with their head slightly tilted in curiosity.
You placed the jar on the bar top, “I got these from the same merchant as the Brennivín. He said that anyone who liked Brennivín would love this.” You tapped the metal lid of the jar before sliding it closer to Bloodhound, “Take it as a thank you for what you’ve done for me.”
 Bloodhound eyed the jar before carefully pulling it closer with a gloved hand, their respirator whooshing quietly with air before they reached to undo the lid. It came off with a pop and carefully they leaned to look into the pickling liquid.
“Pickled pheasant.” They whispered before looking back to you, maybe to assess your motive and reasoning, “I have no had this since I was a child.” They confessed as they screwed the lid back into place, “There was an old woman, we all called Amma, who made the best. Sour but meaty. Cooked just right. She passed some years into my teenage life. So, I thank you. This is a fine gift, krúttið mitt.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled before looking back to the orange goggles, which hid dangerous eyes, “You keep calling me that…What does it mean?” You asked.
Bloodhound shook their head, the metal beads and nuts of their headwear clinking before they stood from the bar seat, “Perhaps that is something for another day. It is late and I have a long way back to my residence.” They reached for the jar and tucked it under their arm, “Thank you, for the drink, gift and for your time.”
“Its not a problem. You’re actually lovely company.” You complimented.
“Thank you?” The hunter seemed a little flustered, “I am oft’ told I am…too stoic and boring.” Bloodhound gave a small breathy laugh before tipping their hat, “I will see you again. Good night.”
“Good night, Bloodhound.” You followed them to the door and closed it behind them, watching through the window as Artur took off into the sky and Bloodhound melted into the shadows past the streetlamps.
 The break between the seasons was a little longer this time. Various legends had injuries which needed to heal and personal business to attend to before they could get back to what they did best. That meant that Bloodhound had more free time to come to the bar. Sometimes they had a drink, but others they did not. The legend was not much of a drinker and you figured that out when one night they had around four drinks and swayed in their seat, back and forth, grumbling about each and every legend. Mirage came up often. It was usually how annoying the man was for a playboy. Loba came up a few times in the same category. A flirt by nature she managed to ruffle Bloodhound’s feathers often and the hunter made it clear how much they despised the foolery of it all. Other times, Bloodhound showed up after closing and simply talked about their day, carefully retelling tales they thought you would enjoy. That’s how the stories started. When you were alone, each with a drink and a snack, Bloodhound would think of a tale from their childhood, about the Gods or folktales which were too whimsical to ever believe. You were entranced by their voice and storytelling capabilities, and a few times you watched Artur settled down to sleep with the gentle rhythm. You yourself could have also fallen asleep with the peace that settled over you both in those moments. They became precious memories to you as you greeted Bloodhound at the door with a smile and a drink or food.
 All you had to wonder was if they felt the same way.
 The night before the season start was cold. The wintertime was rolling in, even to the city, and you made sure to keep the bar doors firmly closed the whole night and the heaters on. Even your washing robot complained about his coolants being far too cold. You shuddered in a jumper as you placed the last of the glasses away and peered at the clock. It was very late. A knock made you grin, even as your teeth attempted to chatter, and you headed to the small back door and unlocked the electronic system, smiling up at Bloodhound as they ducked a little to enter. Artur squawked on top of their head and you laughed as Bloodhound shook their head to make the Raven move.
“Good evening.” Bloodhound uttered, “Forgive me for being sudden, I know you have no said anything yet, but I have something to ask of you?” They asked in a rush, their voice betraying a small amount of urgency.
“Hi to you too.” You teased before stepping back to let them inside, “Sure. Is anything wrong?”
Bloodhound shook their head, “Nothing of the sort.” They promised before they reached to remove their hat, revealing a wrap of dark cloth hiding their hair and features from you still. They ducked their head and placed their hand over their heart, “Would you do me the honour of accompanying me out?”
 It was very old fashioned, but you remembered that Bloodhound had grown up very isolated away from the normal city life and culture. A smile split your face before you could control yourself.
“You mean like on a date?” You asked curiously.
Bloodhound swallowed audibly, “If that is agreeable to you? If not, then you may forget that this ever occurred…”
“No!” You rushed to catch their gloved hand and smiled, “I would be honoured…But let me get a coat, okay? Its too cold to be outside without too many layers.”
“Of course. Take your time. We will have to travel by hover to get there.” Bloodhound nodded as they turned back to the door, “I will wait at the front.” They promised.
“Okay. I’ll not be long. I just have to get a coat and lock up.” You rushed into the back and up the stairs to your small flat over the top of the bar. After snatching a warm coat from its hook and you rushed back and helped your washing robot back into the charging point before locking all the doors. Eventually, you appeared out of the front door and looked at the hovering vehicle.
 Bloodhound hopped from the vehicle and you looked at the old engines with a fond smile. It was similar to an ancient snowmobile, but it hovered above the ground with old technology, humming much louder than any of the newer modern models.
“I haven’t seen a mobile like this in a long time.” You nodded appreciatively of it.
“It is old, but she will get us to where we need to go.” Bloodhound promised with a soft chuckle, “It is up in the mountain.” They pointed up past the city outskirts to the mountain beyond, “The snow has fallen so we will need her to move through the terrain unhindered.” They stood by the side of the vehicle next to the back which was packed with fur and blankets. You smiled excitedly before you took hold of the hunter’s gloved hand and let them help you into the small back compartment. You sat carefully and laughed as Bloodhound flicked the hover mobile into action and punching the gas. The two of you streamed down the old roadways towards the outskirts, quickly leaving behind the blue light pollution as the fields turned into old pine trees.
 The mountain was cold, and you laughed brightly again as Bloodhound engaged the snow skis and the hover vehicle sprayed snow either side of you both. It was exhilarating to be out of the pollution riddled, busy city, and be in the fresh air of the countryside. You held your head high in the fresh, cold air and watched Bloodhound navigate the mountain with ease, their shoulders relaxed as they handled the controls with small turns and touches. You looked at the ancient trees with awe.
“Do you come up here often?” You asked over the hum of the engine.
“Not often enough.” Bloodhound replied, their feet planted firmly as they made a sharp turn and revved the engine again, heading up towards a large rock platform jutting from the side of the mountain. You looked at the place and wondered if it was warm, as there was no snow covering the grey surface of the stone.
“Is that where we’re heading?” You shuffled in your seat to look over the side of the vehicle.
“Yes. We are almost there.” Bloodhound peered over their shoulder, orange goggles glinting in the small amount of light from the lamps they had on the front and back of the snowmobile, “Keep inside. Some rocks could catch you.” They scolded as you headed towards the platform with another grumble from the old engine.
 “Careful. The snow hides holes and rocks.” Bloodhound jumped from the snowmobile before they held out their hand to help you out of the small seat in the back.
“Thank you.” You took their hand and hopped out before watching your breath steam in the air and laughing excitedly, rushing over the rocks to go and look out across the city below, “This is amazing!” You cried as Bloodhound dragged the blankets and a basket from the back of the vehicle, “How did you find this?”
“I have time to waste occasionally.” Bloodhound chuckled before they reached for another pack and you rushed to help, taking the large bundle of blankets to help them a little, “Thank you, krúttið mitt.”
“You still haven’t told me what that means.” You joked as you carried the blankets to the edge and unwrapped the cord which held them in a large roll.
Bloodhound placed the basket down before hefting the furs from their shoulder. They gazed over the mountain’s edge before replying, “It means something…like sweetheart.” They confessed in a hushed voice.
 You looked at them and smiled, sensing their unease, “That’s adorable.”
“I am glad you like it.” Bloodhound returned in a rush before looking at the pile of blankets you had set out and dragging them out on top of one another, “I did…I thought it was perhaps stepping over a boundary?”
“You worry a lot, you know.” You joked as you sat over the blanket and accepted a heavy, outstretched fur, “I…I can’t hate it, because its from you, and you mean a lot to me Bloodhound.”
“I…” Bloodhound seemed stunned, “You mean more than you know to me.” They draped another fur over you before sitting close and peering down at you through their orange goggles. You took the initiative and tugged your own furs over Bloodhound’s lap before sitting closer. You were close enough to feel the heat from their covered skin, but you only smiled and took one of their hands, linking your fingers before you looked out at the city, far, far below, and listened to the peace around the two of you.
 “I have brought food…like those…how do you say it. Picnics!” Bloodhound exclaimed softly as they dragged the basket over and squeezed at your hand, enjoying the contact even through their thick clothing.
“A picnic? What have you brought?” You asked as you leaned over Bloodhound’s lap to peer at the contents of the wicker basket. It was covered with a deep blue cloth and they dragged it away before revealing a small selection of food you had never seen before.
“They are delicacies from my home world.” Bloodhound pulled free a small jar and you recognised the pickled meat you had given them, “I thought it would be…nice to share them with you as I tell you a story. I had to spend a long time remembering this one.” They confessed as they pulled free a dense looking load of bread and a tub of butter, “If that is what you want?”
You tugged the furs closer and nodded as they sliced the bread on a plate and buttered you a piece, “Of course, you know I love the stories!” You gushed as you took the bread and took a bite, humming as Bloodhound fished you free a piece of meat and then showed you the mushrooms they had also covered in a form of sauce. It looked spicy and you gladly dug in as they cautiously reached for their respirator.
 Their hands reached for the straps and you watched the elastics loosen as they pulled the clips free and the respirator fell away with a quiet whoosh of air, revealing their scarred lower face. They smiled at you, revealing a single point of one canine before they took a moment to get used to the mountain air.
“Does it not hurt?” You asked worriedly, “I know…”
Bloodhound held up their hand before they coughed a few times over their shoulder, “No. It takes some time to adjust. The fresh air is fine, but the city. The air there hurts.” Bloodhound’s fingers squeezed your hand again in comfort as they coughed a few more times before finally growing used to the unfiltered air.
“These mushrooms…I’m amazed!” You cooed to distract them, happy to see them smile again as you gobbled another, “I never thought you…”
“That pickled foods would taste good?” Bloodhound teased with a small wheeze, “I confess, I thought you would hate them. They are an acquired taste, krúttið mitt.” They took a small bite of bread before seeking a large piece of game and tearing it apart easily with pointed teeth, chewing quickly before the rest of the piece followed. You only continued to eat, waiting for them to start the tale you wanted to hear.
 “Before there was day. Night ruled the frozen wastes.” Bloodhound started as they laid back, tugging you into the blankets so you could both gaze up at the bright stars hanging above the two of you, “There was a goddess of light, controlled by her ruler the Night, banished to a cage in the sky, twinkling in the halls of the Night as she wept tears of silver light from between the bars.” They gestured to the sky above, “She reached between the bars and begged the Night to let her free, to let her roam and dance across the night sky. He denied her, selfish and greedy for her light to himself. So bright was her light, he wanted to keep her beauty of silver flesh and hair for himself.” Bloodhound watched a start twinkle, “One day, the goddess wept again but she whispered to the tears as they dripped from her eyes, of the universe and adventure, of life and protection. The tears dripped from her cage and painted the halls with bright silver spots, blinding and glorious. Night returned to find her cage empty, the only remnants of his light the bright tears rolling from the stone and falling into the sky below, dancing over the blackness one by one, brightening the world with a glorious silver light. She danced that night, between her own tears, on pointed toes, jumping from light to light, causing the sky to twinkle with joy, even in the darkest of nights.” Bloodhound pointed to the North Star, “She wore a crown of stars, blessed in her freedom from her own tears, making constellations with her dances to defy the Night.”
 You gazed in wonder at the sky, “What did they call this Goddess?”
Bloodhound chuckled, “Nothing. She was simply, the stars.” They gestured to the stars again, “I think there is beauty in that story. She was free with her own will to dance and defy all those that would work against her.” They sighed, “It was my favourite as a child.”
“I can see why. It is a beautiful tale.” You whispered, trying not to disturb the peace that had settled over the two of you, “Even if it started so sadly.”
“Not as wonderous as you.” Bloodhound whispered next to your ear as they turned their head, “I never thought the stories would pale in comparison, but the Gods seem an eon away when I gaze at you.” Carefully, they reached to remove their gloves before they shakily reached to touch at your cheek, brushing their fingertips gently over your cheekbone. Bloodhound’s mouth parted as they followed the trail with their eyes. Their calloused hands touched your cheek and gently traced a path over your nose and then down to your chin, leaving a streak of heat in their wake, “It is blasphemy but I…” They swallowed, “I believe I love you. We have spent so much time together and you consume my mind no matter the task I undertake.”
 Fire laced your veins as you pulled the tracker forwards to press your lips to theirs, kissing their soft, scarred lips with fervour enough to demonstrate your point. Bloodhound was frozen for a moment before they returned the kiss, their arms wrapping around your back tightly as their goggles dug into the bridge of your nose. You didn’t mind. You pushed against them with a hum before moving away. Bloodhound tried to chase your lips, breathing a little heavier, a wheeze emanating from their chest.
“I love you too.” You whispered, cupping their cheeks.
Bloodhound smiled crookedly again before they reached up and pushed their goggles away. Their cloth dipped a little to reveal their bright ginger hair, tamed in braids and clasps, but you didn’t touch it, you simply looked into their deep, dark brown eyes, amazed by the mix of red in the colour. Their eyes were almost maroon. You kissed Bloodhound again.
“You…” They eased back, “You do not care that I am…”
“You are Bloodhound, master of the hunt and the one I love.” You gushed as you held them tightly, burying your face in their clothing, “Nothing else matters. We can take our time with everything else.”
“I…Thank you, krúttið mitt. You mean so much to me.” They confessed with another soft peck to your lips.
“I love you, Bloodhound.” You confessed again, affirming it even to yourself, as though it was not real.
“I love you too, my darling.” Bloodhound whispered against your ear as you clutched each other under the furs, laid before the night sky.
 The Stars twinkled across the central belt as the Goddess danced for the happiness that she had witnessed that night.
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aiden-png · 3 years
I was thinking about FSA tolerance headcanons again sooo XD I love Blue being a lightweight and Red being ridiculously good at holding his liquor.. putting Green in the middle and Vio closer to Red, or at least having Vio be good at hiding how drunk he is. but that got me thinking about Vio and Green drinking alone together, not having to worry about keeping up facades or staying alert for threats... anddddd now have a fluffy Vio/Green ficlet! (obv warning for legal drinking/drunkenness but it’s totally sfw!)
“Rough day?”
Green looked up from his lap, blinking the fog from his eyes to find Vio standing in the entryway. Vio gave him a look, equal measures knowing and tired, and Green only chuckled as he turned back to the sword in his lap. He’d zoned out sharpening it some time ago it seemed, the house now quiet, crickets chirping beyond the windowpanes. He sighed, sliding the blade into its sheath as Vio approached.
“Not any rougher than the rest,” Green relented, and Vio scoffed, tone full of humor.
“No use worrying about it now. It’s late, you should relax for once,” Vio hummed, and when Green looked up again he noticed the bottle in Vio’s hand. The taller man lifted it, a glimmer in his eye. “What do you say?”
Green smiled, and Vio settled onto the couch beside him with poised ease. The bottle was dark glass, expensive liquor from the tavern in town. Green couldn’t remember the last time he went--nor the last time either of them drank. Vio wasn’t usually the type, preferring to keep his wits about him and tease Blue as he quickly became drunk. Green didn’t drink with the others either, not really, even when Red pleaded and Blue tried to bait him with drinking contests. He was always on edge when they were out, too tense not to keep an eye out for any evil lurking in the shadows.
Vio handed him the bottle, the cap mysteriously missing. At least when they were home, Green didn’t have to keep on the defensive. He took a swig, wincing at the burning taste of it until it radiated warmth in his chest. Vio laughed softly as Green handed the bottle back, taking a drink of his own, face a perfect mask of calm at the taste.
“Not bad,” Vio murmured as he pulled back. He handed the bottle over again and smiled, settling in. “So, tell me about your day.”
Green lost track of time as the night wore on, the warmth in his body smoothing away any lingering worries from the day. The next thing he knew, he was crackling up over something Vio had said--something so deadpan and innocuous that when he sat back up, the world tilted dangerously, and Green realized how plastered he must be.
Vio didn’t seem to notice, or at least he didn’t comment, taking his turn drinking from the bottle. There was a light dusting of pink on his cheeks, his eyes just a bit more lidded than usual, but otherwise he appeared much the same as before. When the bottle returned to his hand he tilted it back and forth, trying to judge just how full it was. At least half, though the glass was heavy and dark, so maybe more? He took another drink and some spilled down his chin, making him yelp as Vio chuckled beside him. He wiped his mouth, cheeks heating as he grinned.
“I’m drunk.”
“So it seems,” Vio took the bottle again, inspecting it much the same. The sharp, analytical edge was still there, but... “Guess I can handle my liquor better than you, too.”
There was a haziness in Vio’s eyes, and Green smirked as he began to drink again. “Makes sense. You’ve got the most practice, after all.”
Vio nearly choked, and when he pulled back a startled laugh fell from his lips. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Do you really expect me to believe you and Shadow were drinking ‘evil rootbeer’, Vio? We’re not kids anymore,” Green stifled his laughter behind a hand as Vio rolled his eyes. “That lie wasn’t good back then, even for you.”
“Alright, fine, you caught me,” Vio huffed, but he was grinning as he shoved the bottle back at Green. “Shadow and I may have drunk some things we should not have. What can I say, I was trying to play the part.”
“Yeah, but you liked it,” Green grinned, giggling when Vio’s cheeks flushed darker. “Did you let yourself go back then? You must’ve if you and Shadow became so close--”
“Oh-- Give me that,” Vio huffed, pulling the bottle away again. He took a long drink, and when he pulled back his face was definitely red. “‘m not drunk enough for this conversation.”
“Are you now?” Green waggled his eyebrows.
Vio took another swig and Green doubled over with laughter.
“Alright, okay,” Vio mumbled, shoving the bottle back into Green’s hands as he rubbed at his face. “You need to drink more of that-- Goddesses help me if I say something embarrassing and you remember it.”
Green could barely stop laughing long enough to drink again, the liquor tasting more like apple juice than fire the drunker he got. He was warm and heavy and pleasantly relaxed now, but with Vio so flustered he couldn’t resist his curiosity now.
“So, you’re an honest drunk then?” Green smirked, and Vio eyed him with amusement. “Gonna tell me some secrets then?”
“Shut up,” Vio groaned, hiding a smile behind his hand. “Goddesses, I had no idea you were a flirty drunk. I never would’ve agreed to this--”
“What? Vi, I’m offended!” Green swooned back on the couch, grinning wide. “Me? A flirt? You’re a married man, I could never!”
Like music to Green’s ears, Vio began to laugh. It wasn’t the subdued, shy laughter or sarcastic chuckling either--but real, snorting laughter, absolutely honest and unflattering as Vio tried to stifle the sound. His eyes glistened with tears as he shook his head, absolutely beaming as Green stared, transfixed by the sight.
“I-- I’m not married, I’m not even dating--” Vio managed as he caught his breath. The flush on his cheeks and the unfiltered joy that sparkled in his eyes was too much for Green’s poor heart, and he hastily took another drink to calm its racing. “Shadow and I messed around, but that was years ago, Goddesses Green, it was all hormones and alcohol and lowered inhibitions...”
Vio sighed, shaking his head. When he looked back up, there was a fond, lopsided smile on his face, and Green felt his breath catch in his throat.
“Lowered inhibitions?” Green murmured.
When had Vio gotten that close? Their legs were pressed together now, sometime between Vio’s laughing fit and Green’s inevitable plunge off the deep end. Vio laughed, plucking the bottle from Green’s hands and taking another swig. He frowned as he pulled back, swirling the glass--it was empty.
“Yeah, y’know, like,” Vio waved his free hand around aimlessly, struggling with words for the first time Green could remember. The small pout on Vio’s lips when he failed to concentrate, his face scrunching up in drunken annoyance--so cute. “Oh, whatever, you know what I mean.”
“Nope,” Green shifted forward. He could smell the booze on Vio, mixing with his strong scent of lavender. His head spun, it was intoxicating. “Dunno that word. Give me an example?”
Vio huffed, eyes roaming just a bit too slow over Green. “Alcohol makes you feel funny things, doesn’t it? Like attraction.”
Green swallowed, bobbed his head. He wasn’t sure what he was agreeing with, but Vio laughed, so it must’ve been right. He couldn’t take his eyes off Vio’s perfect, thin lips, watching them move without paying attention to the words that came out.
A hand slipped into his hair, a bit clumsy, and Green finally looked back up. Oh, Vio was close now, their faces just inches away. Green’s breath shuddered out as Vio’s hand cupped the back of his neck, tangling in his hair.
“I still don’t understand,” Green murmured, tongue feeling heavy in his mouth. “Show me?”
Vio sighed, smiling as he pressed their foreheads together. “You better not regret this in the morn--”
Green slipped forward, and their lips finally connected.
Green woke the next morning to a pounding headache, a sore back, and with his head resting on Vio’s chest. He shifted, grunting in discomfort until an arm held him back against Vio’s side. The couch was barely big enough, their legs tangled and half falling off the side, but... Green sighed, settling down once more. It was barely dawn yet, and he wasn’t ready to forget the night just yet.
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Thomas Shelby x Reader
A/N: hi!! So this is sad and angsty, sorry. Also it’s kinda shity, this is my first time writing for Thomas and I wrote this a month ago, so don’t mind the errors!! It has cheating and basically the reader leaves him, so if you don’t wish to read it, dont!! I will have a cuter thing for tommy later but this is what you get now. Bolded are thoughts, idk trying something new here. 
Words: 3k                Gif: hyproductions            type: Angst (cheating)
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"Love, wait" you felt his hand wrap around your upper arm, tugging you to face him. Your tears filled your eyes as you stared blankly at him, his bare chest gleaming in the light. You felt empty, and all you wanted to do was pool at the floor like a child, "why?" Your voice was a small whimper and he felt his heart break. You looked past him to his messed up desk, the papers distorted from when he had a girl laying on them, "why would you do this me?" His eyes left yours and he tried searching the room for answers, his mouth opening but no sound was coming out. You noticed then your arms were crossed, definitely displaying you had a wall between the two of you. Your heart was not open to Thomas Shelby like it had been. You felt yourself laugh at his blatant resistance to talk, "I'll have Polly send for my things."
*a week later*
You went to every job opening that popped up, but no one would hire you. As if that didn't help, you moved back in with your parents and teenage sister Charlotte, because you weren't going to be living with tommy. Stop calling him Tommy! It's Thomas. Polly had gone to your shared home when you both knew he would be a the races and helped you grab everything you could carry. Your clothes, perfume, and makeup was mostly everything you wanted. As you folded your undergarments, a red pair of silk pants made you smile. "I have a surprise." His voice was like silk as he covered your eyes with his left hand. You had been at the table getting dinner ready when he had come in from work. You sighed but couldn't hide the grin on your face, "Tommy, I'm busy." "Pshh," his free hand went down the curve of your waist, "to busy for me love?" You reached for his hand to pull it away from your eyes, "well, what is it?" You felt his warm hand leave you side and a frown spread across you face. But he dropped his left hand and placed it on your stomach, pushing you into him as your eyes focused on red fabric dangling in front of you. "Tommy?" He moved your hair to show your shoulders and placed soft kisses upon them, "I thought you could wear this tonight." You almost melted at his lips touching you, but he held a bra and panty set, that were crimson red like blood. "Why did you get these?" "Because love, I saw them and knew they were meant for you." "Shit," you mutter as the tears filled your eyes yet again. Not a day could go by before you felt your eyes fill with tears once more. You leaned against your bed as you remembered there was a top to the satin panties. Tommy had the top. God, of course you had to leave something behind. "Fuck," you whipped your cheeks and went to the bathroom, looking at your exhausted reflection. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. He wasn't going to beat you. In the spite of it all, you decided to do your make up and get all dolled up, though you didn't know your destination, you knew you needed to do something. Making sure your hair laid perfect, you jumped when a voice behind you became present, "what're you doing?" You looked in the reflection of the mirror to see your sister standing before you. Her straight hair framed her face, and she looked as though she had just taken it down. She wore a simple brown skirt with a satin white shirt. She was beautiful, and so young. "Um," you stepped back from the mirror, "I don't really know." She frowned, "is this about the Mr. Shelby." You smiled, even though your felt pain. Mr Shelby. How cute, she'd always called him that, partly because your father did and she wanted to be like him. "Uh, I-I don't really know." "Well, are you going out?" Your eyes widened, you didn't know what you were doing. "Want to?" She smiled, "really?" You nodded, half unsure, "oh god! Yay! Let me get my coat!" You did the same and grabbed your own coat, buttoning it as you looked at your watch. It was 7:30 on a Friday, the night was young. "I'm so excited," Charlotte almost screamed in your ear, "can we go to the Shelby's?" "No!" Your voice was quick, but you hadn't told anyone why you broke it off with Thomas, all you sister knows is that you moved back home for space. Her brows moved together, "I, it's just, not tonight." She frowned, "but I wanted to dance." "We will! But not with the Shelby's." She pouted next to you, "why do you want to go there so badly anyway?" She looked at you and smiled a little, "because Micheal," her voice was soft. "Micheal Gray?!" "Shh!" She pushed into you, trying to not make your conversation be known to everyone walking on the streets, "he's cute." "Charlotte, he's a Shelby." "So? You dated one." "Yeah, and now I'm not." She leaned her head on your shoulder, "why Y/N?" Her eyes looked sad, like your relationship ending meant something so deeply to her. You rolled your eyes, "I need a drink." You found your way to a small club you knew would be Shelby-free. You had gotten a shot of the strongest liquor and a French 75, but you made Charlotte get juice. Taking the shot quick, you looked around the full club. Finding a young man, you pointed to him, "he's cute." Charlotte turned to see who you were pointing at and shook her head, "no," taking a sip from her straw, "he's not my type." You rolled your eyes and scanned the room, "y/n," you turned back to her as she took your hand in hers, "please tell me what's wrong." She was such a romantic, but she was a teenager. She had no idea about true love, and how it feels when it's broken. You sighed, letting a crisp laugh leave your lips, "Tommy, sorry Thomas," you corrected yourself, not looking up from your drink, "he um, he was with another women," your eyes matched hers and you could see the pity, "and I may have caught them, and may have told him to never see me again." "Come here," she hugged you tight before returning to her seat, "do you still love him?" You stared at her blouse, "I think so, which makes it hurt more." She frowned, brushing a hair away from your face, "it'll be okay." And you nodded, even though you knew it wouldn't, "let's go dance!" You smiled, "okay, just let me finish this," you drank your alcohol fast and followed her to a groups of men. "Boys," she charmed them. For 17, she knew how to work a mans brain, "anyone wish to dance?" Two boys stood up, "my names Mitch and this is Louie, we'd love to dance with you fine ladies." "Well, I'm Charlotte and this is Y/N, so let's go," Mitch took her hand as Louie took yours. They led you to the floor and you seemed too far from Charlotte to hear what she was laughing about, but once the music played, you looked to your partner. You smiled, a little uncomfortable but willing to go with it, because you were single. "You look beautiful," his voice was rough in your ear, but the compliment made you smile. "Thank you." "I saw you walk in and couldn't take my eyes off you." Could he be your rebound? You laughed, "I'm sure that is not true." "No truly," he swayed you to the slow song as you looked in his green eyes. He seemed nothing like Thomas and everything you needed. His eyes were green, while his hair was a yellow blonde, and he seemed shorter than Thomas, but bulkier. You could feel his muscles under his shirt as he began moving faster as the music began to quicken, "you're in for a ride." You only let a laugh out, "well, I'm ready for it." As you began dancing, you laughed while Louie made funny faces. His dance moves were nothing like Thomas's, but that didn't matter. You were having fun. You even took three more shots with the group he was with, you made Charlotte watch, not participate. It wasn't until another slow song played that you felt eyes watching you. You shook it off and let your dance partner place his hand on your lower back, bringing you closer to him, "would you like to come back to my place tonight?" You smiled, looking into his beautiful eyes, "oh love I would like nothing more, but" you looked back at Charlotte who sat with a dark haired guy at the bar. "Ah, your sister." You nodded, "I gotta make sure she gets home and stuff." "I could go to your place then?" You let a crooked smile escape your expressions. Now all your thoughts were in how you lived with your parents, and it wasn't ideal to shag someone in their house. Granite, Thomas always spent the night when you first started seeing each other, you didn't want your family to believe you moved on so quickly. "I-" "No, you could just say you don't want me to." "No! I do, but, I kinda live at home right now," he smiled, looked down to the ground then back to your eyes, "I get it, but can I at least know we'll see each other again?" The music slowly died down but you still kept you close to him, "I promise. I better go though, Charlotte looks bored out of her mind." He released you, "good night then Y/F/N. I will dream of you." You threw your head back in a laugh, "I hope so Louie." As you walked with Charlotte, you could hear the steps behind you, making you clutch your purse even more. It was 4:30 AM, and though you shouldn't have had Charlotte our that late, you wanted her to have fun with you. She kept talking about the boy she met, but you were focused on the steps. You knew you had a small revolver in your purse, so you yanked her into an ally to meet the person lurking so close to you, "hey! Y/N have you gone mad?" "Shh!" You grip the gun and wait till the moment the steps are just around the corner. Once the hit your vision, you point the cold metal and cocked the gun, "who the hell are you, and why are you following us?" "Mrs L/N please," his hands went up, "I-I was only told to." "Told to?" Charlotte leans forward into the light of the street, "by who." You knew who, and you knew you would kill him. "Go," you mutter, his eyes looking to you in fear, "but I swear to God, you come near me again I will shoot your prick off, got it?" He nodded, "now fuck off," he ran like hell and Charlotte latched onto your arm. "Who the hell was that?" You tugged her and walked as fast as you could, "I'm gonna kill that mother fucking, dumb cunt as idiot, bastard. . . bitch." "What?" You saw fire as you marched your way to his office, Charlotte hot behind you as the sun began to come up. You knew he would be there, and you weren't taking chances by stopping at your home. "Thomas Shelby!" You marched through the hall of offices, fire on your feet when you made it to his door. "Ma'am you can't go in-" You didn't listen to the secretary at his door, you didn't care at this point. Invading your privacy, not having respect for you? He would pay. "Thomas fucking Shelby," your eyes crossed his and he looked cool. You could feel your chest heaving in anger. He dropped the pen and looked to the men you blatantly ignored, "gentlemen can you give me a moment." They left in such hurry you couldn't see their faces. But once the door was shut he leaned back in his chair, turning his body to you, "Ms. Y/N, what can I do for you love?" "Don't call me that," you marched to the front of his desk, "what the hell is wrong with you? Spying on me!" He scrunched his nose then looked away, shaking his head, "You told me not to see you, so I was respecting what you told me." He crossed his hands over his abdomen and smirked. That fucking dumb-witted bastard, "so you had someone spy one me? Like that is better!" "Love-" "Don't call me that!" He smiled, dropping his head, "sorry, Y/N, I need to make sure you will be safe. And next time you leave, take all your stuff with ya. " Your cheeks burned when you remembered the red bra, but that wasn't the point. That wasn't why you were here. Moving back to look at his wall, "'safe'" you mocked him, "Thomas I think I can take care of myself." Your words sour as you squinted at him. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag, then letting the smoke flow through the room, "really? Hm, how's your job search going?" "Job-search?" How the fuck did he know? Then it hit you, you felt so stupid, "are you fucking kidding me?" You went to hundreds of interviews in the two weeks since you last saw him, "you fucking told them!" Your eyes stung with tears, "you told the whole fucking town 'don't mess with her, she's Shelby property.' Didn't you," he stared at you, his cigarette between his lips, "didn't you!" Your tears burned your cheeks, "you're drunk love, sit down and I'll get you some food." You wanted to scream, pull your hair out, something, "no! Fuck you Thomas Shelby, fuck you and your dumb fucking company!" You turned around but he pulled your arm back, "let go!" When he refused, you turned and slapped his cheek hard. So hard it burned your hand. He didn't flinch, he just took it. His hand didn't falter from your arm as his eyes stared into your soaked ones. You could see his jaw tense then release, "I'm not letting you run like you did last time, we are going to talk this out, now." "Fine," he released your arm, "you wanna talk?" He nodded his head before moving to lean against the wall behind him, his hands in his pockets. "You hurt me Tommy. Truly hurt me." And looked to the floor, "and-and watching me? Thomas we are done-" "But-" "Thomas, I cannot take you back. You have made a fool of me, people will laugh." He pushed himself off the wall, placing his unfinished cigarette in its tray and coming towards you to place his hands on your shoulders, "I'm not willing to let you go." You could only shake your head, "you have to Tommy. I love you so much it hurts me, do you see it hurting me?" "I will stop it," his eyes began to plead, "please I cannot live with out you. I haven't gone home since I saw you took you things. I haven't even slept in our bed." You sighed, lifting you hands to his cheek as he welcomed your warm touch, you voice a soft whisper in his empty office, "you have to my love." You could see a tear trickle down his cheek, "I cannot lose you, I will do anything, please." "I'm sorry Tommy.”
Thanks for reading!! <3 xoxo
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cassnottiel · 4 years
a s7 freddyxdeke au? but also totally ignore this if u dont feel for the ship lol. maybe something like deke and freddy highkey fall for eachother during the first trip, things still end up the same way they did but its a bit more tragic. then deke meets old freddy and he recognizes him asap this time. and he's such a shattered and different person deke's heart is highkey broken by who he's become. maybe some hurt/comf with the whole team of emm. or the team attempting with varying results lol
"Deke, how do you do this?"  Daisy smiled at herself, clad in a green very nice dress.
"I've always had great style."  He said indignantly.  "I still have the leather jacket from the future."
Daisy nodded and fixed her neck line, before offering her arm.  "Shall we?"
Deke and Daisy, arm in arm, walked through the party of politicians and jazz music, up to the bar Mack was standing behind.
"Two of your finest Zimas, please."  Deke said in his own version of suave.  He would have made another joke, but someone caught his eye.
A man his age, standing behind the bar with Mack and Coulson, stocking the liquor.  His hair was slicked back, like Dekes, but he wasn't wearing a tuxedo, favoring a regular white shirt with brown suspenders and tie.  Deke really wanted that Zima, his mouth had gone dry.
When Mack assigned their stations, Deke made up a reason to walk around the bar area, wanting to look for that man again.
He was back behind the bar when Deke got back, and Daisy and Coulson were gone.  He took a seat at the bar.
"Zima doesn't exist."  Mack told him, sliding over a glass of clear liquid.
"What's this?"  Deke brought the beverage up to his nose and smelled it.
"Water."  Mack answered.  "Basically Zima."
Deke rolled his eyes and pushed the glass away.  "I'll take a martini."
Mack gave a weird look.  "You don't even like beer, how would you like vodka?"
"I told you," Deke shrugged, "boot juice."
It was Mack's turn to roll his eyes.  "In the normal world, we call it moonshine."
Deke sighed dramatically and slumped against the bar.  Mack wasn't going to make the drink.
A glass with a tall stem and an olive was slid across the bar.  Deke looked up and met eyes with the other man behind the counter, who winked and smiled.
Deke switched seats so he was sitting in front of the other bartender.  "Thank you, how much is this?"  He reached into his pocket.
"On the house."  The man shook his head.  "Because your friends are working."  He added as an afterthought.
"What's your name?"  Deke asked, then took a drink of the martini.
"Freddy."  The bartender answered.  "You?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Governor Franklin Roosevelt."  The band stopped playing and the crowd applauded.
Deke turned and watched a man walk stiffly up to the microphone and started talking.
"He's really here."  Mack was smiling slightly, watching the politician up on the stage.
"The governor?"  Freddy started cleaning a glass.  "What's the big deal?"
Mack kept talking, and Deke didn't listen until he heard the words "way ahead of his time."  He whipped his head around and met Macks eyes.
"Or, will be, someday."  Mack covered badly.  Freddy gave him a weird look, before turning his attention back to Deke.
"So, Freddy, anyway," Deke changed the subject quickly, "how'd you fall into this shifty line of work?"
Freddy shrugged and leaned against the bar.  "Well, after my dad kicked the bucket, I was hustling work in the streets.  Mr. Koenig offered me some."
Deke nodded solemnly in understanding.  "I lost my dad, too."  Images of the Lighthouse in over one hundred years flashed through his mind, and he remembered some of the things he did to survive.  "You do what you gotta do."
Freddy understood.  Maybe not all of it, but he knew Deke and him were thinking along the same lines.
The party went on, FDR hadn't died yet, and conversation fizzled out.  Deke drank the water when his martini was gone, stealing glances at Freddy every now and again.
"Deke."  Mack nodded to the other side of the room, where Coulson and Daisy were moving.  The two men at the bar left Freddy to follow.
The service hallway was empty, except for the four S.H.E.I.L.D agents.  FDR wasn't the target.
"The Chronicoms are after someone else, named Freddy."  Jemmas voice crackled over the radio
"Freddy?"  Dark hair and sharp features flashed to the front of Dekes mind.
The four took off running down the hallways, then they heard a suppressed gunshot.  Daisy quaked the robots away and went to finish them off.  They rounded the corner and saw a woman bleeding on the ground and Freddy sitting against the wall.
"What is all this?"  Freddy asked breathlessly, staring at the three men.
"We're saving your life."  Deke answered and held his hand out.  "Let's go."
Freddy looked at him for a second, then took his hand and stood up.  Deke might have held on for a second longer than needed, but nobody noticed.
"We'll keep him safe.  Meet back at Koenigs."  Mack said, then followed Deke and Freddy down the hallway to the back exit.  Their stolen truck was back there.  Mack got in the drivers seat, Deke in the passengers, and Freddy in the back.
"The cops will be on us any minute,"  Deke turned in his seat to look out the back window.
"Any idea why they're after you, kid?"  Mack glanced in the rear view mirror as he drove.
"No, none."  Freddy leaned forward.  "I-I'm just supposed to make a delivery tonight."
"Well, if they wanted to stop him, we better make sure they don't."  Deke looked to Mack.
"Tell us where you need to go."  Mack said to Freddy.
A siren flared to life behind them, the cops were chasing them.
"Faster!"  Freddy yelled, looking out the back window.  "They're gaining on us!"
"This boat won't go any faster!"  Mack yelled back.
"We gotta give 'em the slip."  Freddy told the other two.
"Yeah, and we gotta lose them, too."  Deke suggested.  He felt Freddys eyes on him, and the look on his face told him they had said virtually the same thing.
Mack turned off the engine and drifted into an abandoned alley.  the three ducked down under the line of sight from the windows.  The police car sped off down the street, and the three men sat up in their seats.
Freddy laughed.  "So long, Coppers."
"Where do we go now?"  Mack asked.
Freddy smiled and clapped them both on the shoulder.  "Gotta deliver the goods."  Then he opened the door and jumped out of the car.
Mack and Deke made eye contact, then followed.  Freddy opened the bed of the truck, revealing their other clothes.  "Might wanna get out of those fancy duds, you kinda stick out."
As Mack grabbed his other shirt and jacket, Deke snatched up the radio.  "This is Deke."  He said into it.  "Hello?  Is anyone there?"  Nobody answered.
"What's that?"  Freddy nodded to the device Deke was holding.  
"It's like a, uh, telephone."  Mack tried to explain.  "Deke's an inventor."
"Hello?  Is anyone out there?  Daisy?"  Deke wasn't paying attention to the others.  "Jemma?  Coulson?"  A beat, and still no answer.  "These things suck."  Deke tossed the walkie down into the truck.  "They have, like, zero range."
"It's gotta be plugged into something."  Freddy said, like it was the most obvious thing.
"No, I know how they're supposed to work"  Deke picked up his clothes.  "I can fix it."
"This is the delivery?"  Mack picked up a bottle.  "More booze?  They'd kill you over this?"
"This is the highest grade giggle juice ever made."  Freddy took the bottle.  "A lot of people would kill to get their paws on the formula."
Mack sighed.  "If we're going to protect you, you need to be honest with us."
Then Freddy said something Deke couldn't understand even if he tried, and then they started driving again, to a train yard.
They carried the four cases of alcohol out of the car and set them on the ground.  
"Who's the buyer for all this?"  Mack asked as Deke looked up at the night sky and fixed his tie.
"Some guy, I dunno."  Freddy shrugged.
"What's he look like?"  Mack tried.
"No idea."  Freddy slipped his hands into his pockets.
"When does he get here?"  Deke asked.
Freddy smiled, like he just said something funny.  "He doesn't.  The meet-up is 500 miles away."
Deke and Mack shared a look.  "That's a lot of miles, we don't have time for that."
"Why'd you have us unload this, then?"  Mack sounded close to angry.
"So you can take the car and go."  Freddy told them.  "This is where we go our separate ways, fellas."  A train whistle blew in the distance, getting closer.  "That's my ride.  I appreciate you saving my life," he looked right at Deke as he said that, "I owe you one."
"We're not leaving you."  Deke said before he knew what he was doing.  Luckily, Mack nodded.
"I don't need no body guard."  Freddy shook his head, the train rumbling closer.  
"The cops that are after you, they're not the type to give up."  Deke said seriously.  "They're gonna keep coming until they finish you off."
Freddy stared into Dekes eyes for a long, silent moment.  Then he nodded wordlessly, and the three men got on the train.
Freddy was fiddling with the small radio, Mack was sitting on the floor of the box car, and Deke was looking out at the passing scenery.
"You really invented these?"  Freddy asked.  Deke looked back, met Macks eyes, who nodded, then back to Freddy.
"Yeah, I did."  Deke took off his hat and sat next to Freddy.  "It's just a prototype."
"And you can talk to someone on it?"  Freddy was smiling in disbelief.  "It doesn't have to be plugged in?"  He met Dekes eyes.  "You must be real smart."
Mack sighed, got up, and walked to the other side of the car.  "I'm going to get some rest."  The look he gave Deke conveyed: don't do anything stupid.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Freddy spoke.
"Deke."  He said the name like it was a foreign word.  "That's a funny name.  Where're you from?"
"Upstate," Deke said, the answer he gave anyone who asked that same question, "near lake Ontario."
Freddy smiled.  "Is that why you don't understand any slang from the city?  You've never been?"
"I think the slang is horrible and I'm not even going to try to understand, but I like the accent."  Deke laughed.
Freddy nodded.  There was another stretch of awkward silence.
"So, uh," Freddy scratched his head, "at the party, you walked in with a real pretty lady."
Deke furrowed his brow in confusion, then realized who he was talking about.  "Oh, that's just Daisy.  She's a friend."
Freddy laughed quietly.  "Just a friend?  You mean she's not your girl?"
Deke shook his head with a smile.  "No, Daisy isn't anyones girl."  
"That's too bad," Freddys smile sent something through Deke, "I would've thought a handsome guy like you would have girls lined up."
Deke flushed and looked away.  "You're really smooth, you know that?"
"I should hope so."  Freddy leaned forward and offered the Walkie-Talkie.  When Deke took it, their hands brushed.  Freddy leaned farther forward and placed his hand on Dekes arm.
The next thing Deke knew, a pair of lips were on his.  Something that surprised him very much.  The kiss short, but it was hot.
Seconds after it started, it stopped.  Freddy pulled back, looking slightly sheepish, leaving Deke red and breathless.  "Sorry, I shouldn't have-"
Deke grabbed Freddy by his tie and pulled him in again, capturing his lips in his own.  They almost fell back, but Freddy braced his hand on the wall of the car, bringing his other hand up to Dekes hair, still stiff from the gel.  Deke hummed and opened his mouth into the kiss, screwing his eyes shut.
Freddy got off his chair and climbed into Dekes lap, straddling his hips, never breaking the kiss in the process.  He leaned a little too far forward, and Dekes chain fell back.  The two fell to the floor in a crash, and they laughed breathlessly as they lay on the uncomfortable wood.  Deke was about to lean up for another kiss, when--
"Hey, are you--?"  Mack stood up in a hurry, and stopped dead when he saw the two men on the floor.  "Deke!"  Freddy pushed himself up and away from Deke.  
"Whaaaat?"  Deke dragged out the word with a sigh and let his head fall to the floor.
"Hey, if you got a problem with--"  Freddy stood up and tried to look threatening, but Mack waved him off.
"I don't care, just don't do that while I'm in the room!"  Mack ran a hand down his face.
"Do you want us to jump cars?"  Deke sat up shook his head, showing off his messily ruffled hair.  
Mack looked away from the two.  "Either that or stop."
"It's a box car, there aren't doors on the end you can just jump between."  Freddy piped up, fixing his tie.  
Mack shook his head and gestured vaguely to the opposite end of the car, walking back to where he dropped his coat and hat.
Deke pushed himself off the floor and offered his hand to Freddy, pulling him behind a stack of boxes that were there before they got on.  They both sat on the floor, Freddy with his back to the boxes and Mack, and Deke against the wall.
"So," Freddy started awkwardly, "your friend doesn't mind all . . ." he gestured between the two.
Deke shook his head nonchalantly.  "No, he's fine."  He smiled jokingly.  "He just thinks I'm annoying."  The rumble of the train and the slight shaking of the cargo drowned out whatever noise Mack was making, so their hushed voices wouldn't reach him.  At Freddys unconvinced expression, Deke gave a more serious answer.  "Where we grew up, it was different.  It was like a different time," he smiled softly at his own joke, "it wasn't exactly New York City."
"Greatest city in the world."  Freddy smiled sadly.  "My old man took a walk off a tall building after the market crashed.  I'm kinda glad he never found out about this."
"I'm sorry."  Deke reached out and placed his hand on Freddys knee, trying to be comforting.  "My dad, he . . . he left when I was twelve.  Died a few years ago."
Freddy placed his hand on top of Dekes and smiled sadly.  Something crossed his face, and he shifted himself forward.  "When I make this delivery, come with me."
Deke tilted his head slightly.  "What?"
"It's not just whiskey."  Freddy whispered excitedly.  "There's something else, and when I give it to the buyer, I'm going to get back everything my family lost and more.  Come with."  He kissed Deke quickly.  "We can--"
"Mackenzie . . ."  The radio crackled to life.  ". . . can you . . . information . . ."
Deke and Freddy quickly stood up and ran around the pile of boxes.  Freddy stopped short, staring at his open crates of liquor.
". . . Wilfred . . ."  Enochs voice fizzled out as Mack picked up the walkie.
"Enoch, I copy, do you hear me?"  Mack waited for a response, but none came.  Freddy slowly stepped around Deke and toward his shipment.  "Enoch, do you copy?  Over."
"What the hell was he doing?"  Freddy pointed to the alcohol crates and spoke to Deke.  He started rifling through them, making sure everything was there while Mack spoke into the radio.  "Wanna tell me why you're snooping through my goods?"  
Mack lowered the radio with a sigh, stepping closer to Freddy.  "I need to know who and what we're dealing with.  You may not think there's more to this, but I do."
Freddy turned back to Deke.  "So, was that just to distract me?"  His face went from suspicious to angry.  "Keep me busy while your friend looks through my cargo?"  The last few words grew to a yell and Deke shook his head.
"Just let me inspect the bottles."  Mack said calmly.  
"And get me killed?"  Freddy whipped back around.  "I deliver open bottles.  What's that say about me?  That I'm a snoop?"
"You're not curious?"  Mack asked.
"Curious'll get you kill faster than trust."  Freddy looked back at Deke as he said that.
"Let's just get him there and be done with it."  Deke said to Mack.  "It's ripples, not waves, right?"
Mack ignored Deke, instead stepping closer to Freddy.  "Step aside."
The two stood in a silent challenge for a moment, then Freddy stepped aside.
"Deke, give me a hand."  Mack said and picked up a bottle.  Deke hesitated, looking back at Freddy, before slowly following the order.
A gun clicked.  "Like I said," Freddys voice was quiet, "I can't let you do that."
"Put the gun down."  Mack said evenly.
"You need to listen to Deke, here."  Freddy gestured to the man in question with the gun.  "Just let me do my job, and we can all go home."
There was a long, excruciating moment of silence.  Finally, Freddy stepped back and pointed to two boxes.  "Both of you, sit down."  His voice was shaking, barely noticeable, but it was there.
Slowly, the three men all sat down.  Freddy refused to look at Deke.  They sat.  Time passes.  The sun rose over the horizon.  All in silence.  All with Freddy pointing that gun.
"Why don't you come clean."  Freddy said suddenly, the train still rumbling along the tracks.  "You ain't bootleggers, and you definitely ain't from around here."
"Okay, you're right."  Deke sat up straighter.  "We were sent a very, very, very long way to make sure that you don't die."
"Why?"  Freddy asked, leaning forward slightly.  "'Cause I'm this 'thread'?  What does that even mean?"
"It's complicated," Mack looked up from his hands, "but Deke's right.  Our job is to protect you.  How do you know your buyer?"
"I know her, the lady who sent me to do this."  Freddy gripped the revolver tighter.  "She knew my father.  And she's giving me a chance to be something he never could."  He looked at Deke, then, a question in his eyes.  A question of, would you still go with me?
Before Deke could do anything to answer, the whistle ripped through the air and the train car shook.  Mack leapt forward, tackling Freddy.  The gun fell from his hand, and Deke picked it up.
They brought the crates of alcohol out to the pier.  As Mack started looking for whatever was hidden inside, someone spoke from the other end of the radio.
"Mack?  Deke?"  It was Daisy.  "Are you there?"
"Hey, it's Deke."  He picked it up and answered.
"Finally.  We're on our way to you.  You guys have to be ready to leave as soon as we arrive. We have no time.  Where's Mack?"
"He's with Freddy."  Deke walked a little farther away from the pair, but kept his eyes on them.  Freddy spared a glance every now and then.
"Freddy is not what he seems.  He is very dangerous."
"Freddy?"  Deke turned around and watched the water, squinting against the sun.  "Nah, he's alright.  He's just in a tight spot.  We kind of have a lot in common, actually."  Thoughts of the previous night made themselves known in his head.
"No, you don't.  Trust me."  Daisy cut him off quickly.  "Do not let him out of your sight."
"Okay, don't worry."  Deke said nervously, looking back at the man in question, who was staring back at him.  "I-I got him in my sight and my finger on the trigger."
A beat of silence.  "You have a gun?"
"Yeah, it's Freddys."
Another beat.  "Take the shot."
Dekes eyes widened and he stared down at the radio.  "Pardon?"
"That's Wilfred Malick, future head of Hydra."  Daisy said.  "If you kill him now, you'll save thousands of lives in the future."
Dekes stomach dropped.  He stared down at the gun, not listening to Daisy anymore.  He set the radio down and approached the others.
"Mack."  Deke said seriously.  "They're on their way, and we have to leave as soon as possible."
Mack nodded and popped the cork of one of the bottles, and started pouring.  "We'll be ready."
"One more thing."  Deke looked at Freddy, then back at Mack.  "Daisy says this is Wilfred Malick."
Freddy looked between them.  Dekes hesitation and Macks shock.  "My name, so what?"
"She told me to kill him."  Deke couldn't look at Freddy, not even when he heard the sputtering questions.
Mack thought for multiple seconds, paying no mind to the vial of green liquid that falls out of the bottle in his hand.  "She did?"
Deke nodded, glancing at Freddy.  He was staring in horror back.
"Watch him."  Mack said and walked over to where the radio was set down.
Mack started talking into the radio, and Freddy started talking to Deke.
"My guy's here in a few minutes," Freddy sounded desperate, "we can still go, get everything we want in life."
"Freddy," Deke closed his eyes, "I can't leave my team."
"They want to kill me."  Freddy stepped forward and gripped the other man's arm.
"They're my family."  Deke hissed.  "Would you leave your family on a whim?"
Freddy gripped Dekes hand tightly.  "Please, Deke."
He sighed.  Then his head jerked up when he heard something.  A car.  A car with multiple police officers in it.
"Get down!"  Deke yelled and fired Freddys gun at the Chronicoms before ducking behind the wooden boxes.
By the end of the fight, Freddy was on his way to creating Hydra, Enoch was gone, and the rest of the team was in 1955.
- - -
"Deke, I gave you an order."  Daisy said over without looking up from the file she was reading.  "Why didn't you follow it?"
"It was murder."  He responded plainly, tossing aside his own file and picking a new one up.  "You ordered me to murder a guy who hadn't done anything wrong yet."
"It was a tough call, but--"
"I couldn't do it."  Deke cut her off.  His cheeks seemed to go slightly pink.
Daisy scoffed.  "Why not?  You never used to shy away from this kind of stuff."
"Daisy, he kissed me."  Deke looked at her and tossed the file down.  She froze and looked up.  He was definitely flustered, and he looked away as soon as she met his eyes.
"You're serious?"  Daisy lowered her voice to a whisper.  When his face just got more red, she laughed in disbelief.  "Oh, God, you're serious.  You made out with the father of the guy who sent your grandparents to a different planet."
"Don't mock me, I'm having a personal crisis!"  Deke hissed and glanced at the door to the lab.
"Does Mack know?"  Daisy leaned forward.  If possible, his face got even more flushed.  "I'm so sorry."  They went back to reading the files in silence.  Suddenly, Daisy spoke again; "So . . . if it was still 2019 and you met Freddy Malick, would you go out with him?"
"Daisy!"  Deke pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What?"  She glanced up from her file.  He was glaring at her.  "That's not a no."
Deke groaned and tossed his file aside.  "This crisis kind of ongoing, so id you can stop making fun of me--"
"Wait, shut up."  Daisy picked up his discarded file and stared at the name.  "We can talk more about this later."
"What is it?"  Deke leaned over to see what he missed.
"Daniel Sousa."
This man turned out to be important, and they needed to help him.  So, Yo-Yo and Deke went out to retrieve a device for Coulson and Sousa.
After the only words exchanged through the otherwise silent car ride were the directions read from a map, Yo-Yo tried to start a conversation.  "You're quiet."  She pointed out.
Deke tried to play it off as not being an experienced driver, but she could tell he was lying.
"In the 30s, you drove fine."  She leveled him with a look.  "Is it what Daisy asked you to do?"
Deke sighed an closed his eyes for a second.  "A little."
Elena waited.  And waited.  "And?"
"Promise not to laugh."  Deke glanced out the window at the houses.  "Daisy laughed and now I just feel worse."
"I promise."  Elena glanced at the street map again.
Deke blew a long sigh out of his mouth.  "In the 30s, Freddy Malick kissed me."  He was met with stunned silence.
"Is that why you didn't shoot him?"  Elena asked after a minute.  Deke shook his head.
"Not the whole reason."  He glanced out the windows again.  "He was scared, asked me to go with him to start Hydra.  I couldn't shoot him."
Elena sighed and studied the map again.  "Is that why Mack is acting weird around you?  He caught you two?"  Deke nodded wordlessly.  "Wow.  If you need to . . . talk about it, or something, you can talk to me."
"Thanks."  Deke smiled slightly.  "How close are we?"
"We . . ." she dragged the word out.  "We just passed it."
They split up as soon as they entered the house, searching for whatever briefcase they were supposed to get.  Elena drew her gun and walked up the staircase, while Deke explored the ground level.
Deke was walking through one of the bathrooms when he heard a floorboard creak on the other side of the wall.  A man stepped into view, and Deke started backing away, searching his pockets for a weapon that wasn't there without taking his eyes off the person in front of him.  He should have been more worried about the man behind him.
There was a sharp pain on the back of his head, and Dekes world went sideways and dark.
He woke up to someone slapping him, and he gasped and sat up.  He had been lying across the back seat of a car.
"Rise and shine, big brain."  One of his assailants said.  Deke was seeing starts, and not just because it was night.
He was dragged out of the car and into a large house, to a fancy looking study with a man sitting behind a desk.  As soon as the door closed, Deke jerked his arm out of the grip of the men who kidnapped him.
"Here's your scientist, boss."  One of them said.  The man behind the desk was shrouded in darkness, so Deke couldn't make out his face.
He stood up and slowly made his way around the desk.  He stared at Deke for several seconds.  "Leave us," he said to the two men behind the guest, "I want to speak to him alone."
This man knew who Deke was, but Deke did not know him.  The two men left the room, and now Deke was alone with this stranger.
The man reached out his hand to touch Dekes face.  Deke took a step back.  He wouldn't flinch, no matter how creepy this got.  The man seemed slightly hurt.
"Deke."  He knew his name.  How did this man know his name?  "Take a seat."
"I'll stand, if that's alright with you."  Deke tried to sound confident, smoothing out his jacket.
"You look exactly the same."  The man chuckled.  When Deke didn't laugh along, he frowned.  "Do you remember me?"
"Can't say I do, no."  But Deke was getting a feeling in his gut that he knew the man in front of him.
"That's fine, it's been a long time."  The man unbuttoned his blazer.  "The name is Wilfred."
"Freddy . . ." It clicked immediately.  This was Hydra.
Freddy smiled.  He reached out, grabbed Dekes tie, and pulled him in.  Deke did not expect to meet Malick again, and he certainly didn't expect resuming whatever they started in that train car.
The kiss was just as it had been twenty years ago (two days for Deke), hot and short.  Deke had no idea what to do.  He had to get back to the Zypher, back to the team.  But Freddy had him by the back of his neck and was biting his bottom lip.
Freddy moved his hand up until his fingers were tangled in Dekes hair and worked to loosen his tie with the other hand.  Malick had a beard now, and way more confidence.  Deke tried to pull away, but Freddy just gripped his hair tighter and kissed harder.
Deke gasped from the pain on his scalp, and Freddy took that as an invitation to use tongue.
Dekes tie had been fully undone and tossed aside, and the top buttons on his shirt were next.  The encounter had become sufficiently uncomfortable, seeing as he was now more than twenty years younger than the other man.  Deke needed to get out before this went any further.  
Deke brought his hands up to Malicks chest and pushed.  "Freddy," he tried to say, "Freddy, stop."  Freddy did not stop, but he slowed down.  Deke could finally pull his head fully away.  "I can't be here."
Malick sighed and bowed his head, catching both Dekes wrists when he tried to pull his hand away.  If he felt Deke flinch, he didn't care, because he didn't let go.  "So, you're a S.H.I.E.L.D scientist now?"
"Something like that."  Deke said stiffly, trying to free his right hand.  
"I'm guessing Agent Sousa told you about his suspicions?"  Malick squeezed the other mans wrists tighter.  
Deke had never met Daniel Sousa, but he had to play along to get out of this alive.  "I guess this is it."  He blinked and looked around the room.  "Hydra?"
Malick hummed and brought Dekes right hand up to his mouth, kissing it softly.  "I can make a spot for you.  It's not to late."  When he got no answer, he continued.  "You saved my life twenty-four years ago.  I want to repay you."
"Not like this, Freddy."  Deke whispered.  "How did your life get here?"
Malick finally let of him.  "You do what you gotta do."
Deke remembered those words vividly, it felt like he said those words years ago, and not just days.  "I can't be a part of this."  He said.  "My team--"
Malick scoffed and started rummaging around his desk.  "The same team that ordered you to kill me?"
"That was just one persons order."  Deke knew what he was about to say was completely stupid, but he said it anyway.  "Maybe . . . maybe she knew what you would go on to do."
A gun clicked.  The revolver looked so much like the one Malick pointed at Mack and Deke on that train.  Deke threw his hands out in front of him, he didn't know what for, though.  The gesture was useless.
"You're a smart guy.  Start making smart decisions."  Malicks voice didn't shake, and neither did his hand, not anymore.  "I offered you multiple chances to join me.  And you turned down every single one."
"Freddy, please," Deke kept his voice as steady as possible, "put that down."  Malick pulled back the hammer.  "What happened to wanting to repay me?"
Malick thought on that.  Slowly, he lowered the gun.  "Fine.  Get out."  Deke let a relieved smile cross his face, before turning to the door to the study and fumbling with the handle.  "One thing before you go."  Deke froze.  "If I ever see you again, I won't be so generous."
Deke nodded slowly and opened the door.  
- - -
Back on the Zypher, Deke was sitting in the lab by himself, rubbing his head where he had been hit.  He groaned softly when he touched the wrong spot and his head throbbed with pain again.
Soft footsteps made their way into the dimmed lab.  "Do you think you have a concussion?"  
Deke squinted up at Yo-Yo and shrugged.  "Maybe.  He hit me pretty hard."
Elena walked over so she was sitting next to him.  She placed a hat on his knee.  "You left this behind."
Deke smiled slightly and picked it up.  "Thanks."
They sat in silence for a minute, then,  "You okay?"
Deke nodded and winced again.  "Yeah, I think so."
"So, Malick again?"  Elena crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.
"Yeah."  Deke sighed.  "I don't really want to talk about it."
"Your tie is crooked and your hair is messy."  She pointed out.  "What happened in there?"
"I said I don't want to talk about it."  Deke tried to smooth out his hair but flinched.  From the pain of the wound or the memory of Malick, he didn't know.
"Deke, did you and him--?"
"I didn't want to!"  Deke said suddenly, refusing to look at her.  "But he . . . he wouldn't stop."
Elena stared in shock.  "He forced himself on you?"
It took a moment, but Deke nodded.  "It didn't go that far, but," he sighed, "it was really uncomfortable."
Elena hesitantly brought her hand up and placed it on his.  "I'm sorry."  She said quietly.  "That's messed up."
"At least he let me go."  Deke rubbed his eyes.  "He said he wouldn't be so generous next time he sees me."
"That's still not okay."  Elena frowned.  "You're lucky he didn't kill you."  
Deke held his right wrist in his left hand, as if protecting himself.  "It felt so . . . wrong."  He whispered.  "He wouldn't let go of me, and he grabbed right where my metric was."
Elena looked down at where hers would have been, but there was no scar.  Those arms were long gone.  Instead, she wrapped her new arms around Deke, her friend.  They hadn't been close before, but she was willing to change that.
"You'll be okay."  She told him.  "What's that thing Jemma always says?"
Deke huffed out a laugh and returned the hug the best he could in their awkward position.  "The steps you take don't have to be big, they just have to take you in the right direction."
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This one is long. I was feeling like a boy and wrote this.
Word Count: 2766
Mentions: Alcohol, drugs, gay sex, and a slight mention of piss, but no watersports or bathroom play! Shape shifting.
“Oh fuck…” You choke out as your hips rock into the warm mouth swallowing your cock. You swear you feel claws lightly scratch at the back your thighs as you buck a bit too roughly. A groan vibrates you earning a pitchy cry wanting to speed up your thrusts, but large hands keep you from moving too much. A clever tongue tickles around your shaft as lips drag themselves to the cusp of the tip. A prick of sharp teeth where the flat edge of front ones should be. Was your partner wearing fake fangs? That thought is pushed away as a confident suck has you focus on your dick again. The pleasure of someone sucking you in a darkened room, you never thought this would ever happen to you.
 Your mind is still fuzzy from the alcohol you guzzled not too long ago. You barely remember anything leading up until this point. However, you do recall red irises on a man you met. He was very charming and dashing, you blush at the memory of him complimenting your handsome features. The guy even bought you several rounds of drinks at the bar, including the last few establishments you and your new friend went to. One, the one with all the glow-in-the-dark paintings, had some pretty slapping music to which you felt obliged to dance.
‘Oh shit.’ You gasp as the mouth sucks the entirety of your cock in as you think back on the last thing you can remember. A woman, a pretty little thing in nothing more in what could be described as a neon bikini. Dark hair in two tight buns to show off her glowing makeup under black light. Lips were a sickly green color as they smiled at you. Your eyes drifted to her breasts as they bounced to the beat looking like they wanted to slip out of her pink bra. She had swallowed a little white pill with a giggle before placing another on her tongue. The girl had rushed forward slamming her lips to yours slipping you the pill. In a panic, you gulp it down tasting the chalkiness of it and the sting of whatever she was drinking. She grins up at you before moving on to another person who walked in.
Your friend had found you with specks of neon on his dark suit. You barely hear him when he asked if you were okay his teeth glowing in a blue color from how white they are. You notice red in his eyes for the first time tonight. You had to blink several times before everything was normal again, or so you thought. Colors were beginning to pop more, the music didn’t sound too chaotic anymore, and your body was floating. You groan hunching over placing your hands on your knees, the softness of your pants got your attention. Everything was starting to feel better, more pleasurable.
Your friend is a little concerned as you started to rub your thighs. Little contact like this was so damn good. He takes your wrist to lead you to the bar and ordered a whole bottle of liquor. You down the first shot expressing how delicious it was, then you took eight more. Your friend drank way more than you, but you were jealous at how he didn’t seem drunk at all. That’s when you blacked out.
“Hey!” An annoyed, deep, menacing voice calls you back to the present. It’s your friend on his knees having your dick in his fist looking slightly pissed. “I’m fulfilling your wish and you’re not even here!” He practically growls in normal human voice, that same red you saw earlier flashes in his eyes. You hiss as he gives your shaft a threatening squeeze, “Thinking of someone else?”
“I-“ You about to start, but he rises to his feet. His crimson tie is missing showing that he had unbuttoned the first four buttons of his black shirt. His nicely toned body peeking through the opening in all the right ways.
“You want that girl.” He smirks with a huff his eyebrows knitting close together. His expression could have easily been an evil expression, if it weren’t for the fact that he was sucking your dick not even a minute ago. “She was a pretty number, wasn’t she?”
You were about to interject when he changed. You gasp as his visage morphed into the girl in the club. You jolt backwards to try to hop away only for your back to hit a wooden wall. You look around finally noticing you are in a wooden box with a bench. Are you in an outhouse? You didn’t get the chance to ask as your friend, now the girl from the club, climbed up on the bench placing platform heels on either side of your seated form until their groin is right in front of your face.
She/He pulled on the tie of their bikini bottom letting it fall away. A bare pussy greets you, slick with arousal and pulsing. You immediately think the worst and prepare for a warm filthy shower closing your eyes. Instead you hear wet sounds coupling with soft sighs. You curiously open your eyes to see your friend playing with their clit. Two fingers rub circles on the heated flesh rocking into the hand. You peer up at their face unsure what to do. Their eyes are half lidded with their plump lips parted uttering groans and sighs staring down at you.
Your mouth his salivating at the sight of this beautiful pussy being pleasured in front of you. Your nose bumps into their hand edging closer. You groan smelling the musky aroma of the dripping juices. Your dick is now twice harder than it was before, straining to feel some friction. Their hand moves away before hips thrust into your face. You gladly lick the opening while grinding your nose into their clit. Their moans are loud as they hold on to your head, fingers clawing into your hair.
“Fuck, fuck…” They moan rocking onto your face, “Wanted a nice wet cunt, huh? You couldn’t cum without having some old-fashioned pussy, could you?”
Your face heated up to a new degree, you felt it travel down your neck and passed your ears. Your tongue plunged into them earning a high-pitched wail. Damn, they were loud. Their hips worked themselves faster on your face, you didn’t need to do any work, but you move your tongue out of curtesy. Your friend moved to where you can suck on their clit. You planted open mouthed kisses on their button reaching for your neglected dick.
“Na-uh.” They lightly kick your arm back and pin it with their shin, “Not yet.”
You groan wrapping your lips around their clit sucking ever so lightly. Your friend keens head lolling to the side back arching. Their clit becomes a thick slimy dick shooting into your mouth gagging you. You look up nearly screaming at the sight. A tall muscular demon is standing over you shoving their dick down your throat. Claws dig into your scalp as he continues to pound into your mouth. You fling your hand to where you assume his balls should be to find a warm wet crevice. He has a pussy too? You slip two fingers in curling them like you were trying to hit a G-spot. The demon roars hips stuttering as he cums in your mouth. You sputter nearly choking on the fluid gliding down your throat.
He pants pulling away from your face, dick slipping out with a wet pop. You cough a little not enjoying the foreign taste in your mouth. It wasn’t like any cum you have ever swallowed, it was thick and salty sweet in an earthy way. You look down at your dick, it’s still very hard and wanting attention.
“What the hell, man?” You blurt up at the demon who was getting down from the bench. “You didn’t tell me you were… this!”
“Actually,” The demon’s voice is deep and regal in a pseudo British accent. He grabs the wine bottle that was sitting on the floor, “I did.”
“What? When?” You blanch at him waving your hands around in a fuss.
“At the club, after you took the pill from that girl.” He states taking a hardy swig from the bottle. “You don’t remember, do you?” You shake your head, hand creeping to your hard cock to grasp the base with two fingers. He doesn’t notice as he heaves a heavy sigh, “I told you that I’m a djinn and I can grant you any wish. You said,” His voice mimics yours, “‘That’s crazy! I wish you would give me that wildest sex ever then!’”
That sounds like me, you listen as this djinn finishes the bottle. You notice the fine toned muscles on him starting with the chest and working your way down to his things. You bet they would feel so good should they straddle your hips. Your hands would slowly run up them to grab a handful of his flank to bounce him on your cock. Your hardness twitches at the thought regaining the want once again.
“I still need to fulfill my end of the bargain.” The djinn chuckles eyeing your dick like a piece of meat. You hope he’s not going to suck you off again, you saw his teeth. He changes back into the form he first met you with minus his pants. “Would you like to be on top?”
“Actually,” You blush with a firm grip on your cock, “Can you ride me? In your real form?”
He seems surprised at your request, but it is your wish he’s fulfilling. He shrugs before turning back to his true form. You move your hands and lean back a bit for him to straddle your hips easier. You rest your hands on his thighs as he takes your dick in his palm. He lefts up enough to guide you into his opening. It’s not as wet as it was before, but it is still moist enough to not be painful. You feel your head push into a slick heat, you sigh rubbing the djinn’s thighs in a circular motion. He sinks down on your length with a grunt.
You gasped at the feeling of being inside a djinn. It was like any other human hole you stuck your dick in, it constricted around you, pulsing with uncertainty at the intrusion. However, it was almost unbearably warm. You steadied your breathing so that you can get used to the heat using your thumbs to draw patterns on the djinn’s skin. You peer up at him noticing that he had been very still and had placed his arms on either side of you head, hands flat against the wall.
“Are you okay?” You question taking in gulps of air, trying not to wiggle too much.
“Fine.” He grits out taking a few breaths himself wincing whenever he adjusts himself, “Just been a while.” You don’t question any further waiting patiently for him to feel ready to continue. “And not to inflate your ego,” He straightens his back taking one hand off the wall, “You’re the biggest human cock, I’ve taken.”
Before the swell of pride blooms in your chest, the djinn moves his hips. You let out a rough sigh from within your chest as he bounces on your dick. Soon enough, moans fall from your lips as the djinn works you. Your hands travel up to his waist allowing your arms to move with him until you use the leverage to slam him back down. The djinn barks a confused ‘Uh’ as you continue the action for him to ride you harder. He’s back to being loud again and his once flaccid cock is bobbing upright in rigid attention.
“D-damnit,” The djinn curses as the new pace is set. You groan watching his dick wave up and down a few drops of precum landing on your shirt. You grip his length giving some twisting jerks in time with your own cock. The djinn lets out a string of curses in a language you never heard before as he grits his sharp teeth. You feel his pussy pulse even harder now, more frequently, you figured he was close to cumming.
“Aw yeah,” You mumble groan, thrusting upwards in a brutal pace once the djinn began to slow down, “Come on, baby. Come on, cum for me. Cum on my human cock.” That seemed enough for him. With an elongated bellow, the djinn comes with a weak stream of white and clenching on your cock in a hot vice. “Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuck-“ You chant keeping him still as you curl on yourself losing your pace to chase your own climax. You finally push yourself over that edge getting enough momentum to reach up and clamp your teeth on the djinn’s neck. A shout set off another round of clenching from the djinn’s pussy as you empty yourself into him. Was that a third orgasm?
Your moans are muffled as hot fluid leaks into your mouth, you must have bitten down hard enough to break skin. The djinn is whining as he feels your seed enter him leaning forward to rest his forehead on the wall behind you. You release your teeth from his throat groaning as you pull him to your body, dick spent and flops out with a wet sound.  You lick his wound as it heals itself under your tongue. The djinn rests himself seating himself on your full bladder. You ignore the pain in favor of savoring the moment.
The djinn pulls away getting off you to stand up. You groan lowly seeing your cum leak out him, dick slightly twitching. He turns into the human you met at the beginning of the night fixing his shirt, but his dick is still out.
“Later, maybe somewhere where there won’t be people in a couple hours.” He smirks seeing how you’re getting hard again. He swoops down to nab the empty wine bottle before opening the door and stepping out.
You stuff your half chub into your pants before following the djinn out. Your jaw falls open upon seeing where the two of you are. A pearly white church with rows of pews, the moonlight casting a majestic glow into the large echoing room. Heat returns to your face as you cannot believe what you just did, with a djinn! You shakily step out of the room turning around to see where you two fucked. Of course, it would be the confession booth! You slowly look to find the djinn who had walked some ways away but had stopped. You were about to joke about how he wasn’t supposed to be on hallowed ground until you heard it. A faint whizzing sound that was muffled somewhat, you lean to the side to witness him using the wine bottle. So that’s why his dick was out. Your own bladder ached for release as you tried not to listen. Once he was finished, the djinn looked around spotting the table where he took the wine from and placed the bottle back.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You shout at him, your voice twice its volume due to the room. You slap both hands over your mouth upon hearing it. In a quieter voice, “The fuck is wrong with you?”
“Oh come on!” The djinn tilted his head with his hands up in surrender, “I’m a djinn! You really expect me to have some respect for this place? And you’re one to talk! You pissed on the front steps and almost jacked off to the Virgin Mary!”
“Hey! I can see why God knocked her up! Jesus’s mom has it going on!”
The two of you stared at each other in silence before erupting into laughter. Tears form in your eyes from how hard you were laughing. The djinn’s back is arched back giving full belly laughs rubbing his face in mirth. You both settle down trying to catch your breath.
“I, uh,” You chuckle rubbing the back of your neck with a sheepish smile. “I forgot your name.”
The djinn chuckles back saying his name in a rough sounding language. You stare at him, unsure if you should try to pronounce it back. He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose, “Verdel. Steven Verdel.”
“Nice to meet you. Again.” You blush reaching out for a handshake, the djinn takes it with a half-smile. “So, uh, my place or yours?”
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blackpantherismyish · 6 years
Walls (3)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Word Count: 1.7k
Warning(s): NSFW, just nasty...
Listen to: PlayHouse By Trey Songz
A/N: Dedicated to @vanitykocaine
Song lyrics = Bold
Dialogue = Italics
The next few weeks between Vanity and Erik were filled with sporadic meetings and late night conversations. It's like Vanity couldn't function without Erik. And it seems neither could Erik. On more than one occasion, Erik called her at 2 o'clock in the morning. The time she would get off work and they would talk until either of them fell asleep on the phone. Most of the time, that one being Erik. With these visits and conversations Vanity feened for something she had yet to get from Erik. If you get the drift. Sitting on loveseat in her living room, she read through the messages her and Erik had exchanged.
Erik🤤😈: When you gonna let me slide through to yo crib?
VMonaé🥃😍: When I feel like it.
Well it seemed like tonight was the moment of truth.
Baby when ya lonely
U can find me in ya call log
Tell me that ya horny I'll kindly come
Over and get things popped off
Vanity finger hovered over the call button while she took in a deep breathe. Mentally preparing herself, she finally pressed the button. Putting the phone up to her ear, it rang twice before Erik picked up.
“Hey Babygirl.”
“Hey Erik… You busy?” Vanity played with the hem of the black lace boyshorts she wore under the damn near see through tanktop. She wasn't too fond of pants.
“Nah, why? You need something, lil mama?” Erik sat his gold rimmed glasses down next to him while he pinned his hair up on the top of his head. If he was a fruit, he'd be a fineapple.
“Yeah. I need you to come through.” Vanity giggled softly.
“Oh? Bet. What's your address?” Erik stood up from his office chair and grabbed a shirt from his dresser.
Vanity told him her address and they hung up. Getting up from her couch, Vanity walked into her kitchen and grabbed two of her favorite drinks. Hennessy and Apple Juice. They made an excellent concoction when put together. Mixing the drink in her cup, she sat back on the couch and waited for Erik to arrive. After about 25 minutes, there a knock on Vanity's door. Getting up, while still holding her cup, she walked over and opened the door. Erik stood at her door in a blue tanktop and some loose fitting basketball shorts. Biting her lip, Vanity moved out of the way to allow him to walk in. Looking around and sniffing, Erik surveyed her body as she closed the front door.  
“You got Henny, don't you?” Erik watched Vanity walk over to him.
“Yeah. How did you know?” She craned her neck to look up at his face.
“I drink it all the time.” Erik took the cup from her hand and took a huge gulp nearly downing the rest on the cups contents.
“Nigga… I know you didn't just… you know what. “ Vanity laughed shaking her head. She was starting to feel her buzz. Erik laughed along with her, finishing the cup.
“I did. And you gonna be okay with that shit.” Erik leaned against the back of the couch and let his eyes follow Vanity's body into the kitchen.
“Whatever. I know it's late, but you hungry?” Vanity searched through the cabinets that were within her reach. She really didn't feel like getting her stool at the moment.
“Yeah, but I ain't hungry for food lil mama.” Erik voice had dropped to a rumble that reverberated against the walls. Which walls you say? Well…
Get into ya favorite game we call it 4play
I wanna kiss up on ya neck i'll do it slowly
You know...u can get it whenever babe
The bedrooms the playground babe
Call me so we can play...house
“Huh?” was all Vanity could say as she turned around and bumped into Erik's sculpted chest. Grabbing her chin, he made her eyes meet his.
“You heard me. I've been watching yo body since I got here. You know what I'm tryna eat.” Erik's callused hands made their way to her throat and wrapped around it.
“O-okay Er-" Erik hand squeezed around her throat.
“It's Daddy until I tell you otherwise. Understood?” Erik raised an eyebrow, causing Vanity to bite her lip to hold back a moan.
“Yes Daddy.” Vanity stared up at him in awe. She had never been handled like this before and she was extremely turned on and surprised that she was enjoying this. Letting her throat go, they made their way back to the living room. Once they got around the couch, Erik noticed the Henny bottle on the table and picked it up. He spun the top off and took a swig from it, letting the excess drip down his chin.
“Ever had Henny drank off you?” Erik twirled the cap between his fingers as Vanity sat down on the loveseat.
“N-no. But I've always wanted to try.” Her emerald eyes peeked through naturally long lashes and Erik slowly dropped to his knees.
“Panties off.” He took another swing from the bottle and sat it on the floor next to him. His fingers found the hem of his shirt while Vanity's fingers shimmied down her panties. Pulling Vanity to the edge of the couch and propping her legs on his broad shoulders, he picked up the bottle and let his lips ghost against her clit. Tilting the bottle and letting the brown liquor dribble down her body, Erik's lip latched onto her clit and sucked the liquor off her body.
“O-oh fuck…” Vanity rubbed her hands down her body and grabbed onto Erik's head.
Erik's thick tongue slid up and down her wet folds while he poured more of the liquor down her body, sucking her clean in the process. Just as Vanity was reaching her peak, her phone buzzed on the couch.
“F-fuck.” She reached over and picked it up to read the screen. Putting the bottle behind him, Erik swirled his tongue around her clit before looking up at her.
“Who is it?” Erik voice sent shivered up her spine as she stared at the phone.
“You better answer Daddy.” Erik's hand smacked the bare skin of her ass which in turn made her buck her hips.
“I-it's my boyfriend Daddy.” Vanity peered down at Erik who had lifted his head. With an eyebrow raised, he smirked.
“Answer it.” Erik grunted diving back between her plentiful thighs. Swiping her shaking finger against the screen to answer the facetime call.
“Hey baby.” Beamed her year long boyfriend Justin. He had been gone for a while and they tended to call each other when he wasn't busy.
“H-hey babe. How a-are you?” Vanity bit her lip, gripping onto Erik's dreads as he slurped and sucked on her clit while toying with her opening with his middle finger.
“I'm wonderful.” Justin raised an eyebrow, he could see that Vanity was flustered, like she had run a marathon. “You okay Van?”
Attempting to gain most of her composure, she nodded.
“Yeah. Just came from a late night gym run.” And she gave him a reassuring smile.
“Oh okay.. Well I'll let you get some rest. You go hard in the gym so you're probably tired as fuck right.” Justin chuckled.
“Yeah baby. I'll talk to you later. Love you.” Vanity smiled.
“Love you too, By-" Before he could finish, her finger slammed into the end call button.
“F-fuck!” Erik slammed his finger into her love cave and she shook violently.
“So why didn't you tell Daddy you had a boyfriend baby girl?” Erik stood to his feet, laying Vanity down on her back.
Baby it feels like heaven
Feels like breakfast on sunday morning
It feels right oooooh girl
I love makin yo love come down
We make those love sounds...we can do it
“I-I'm sorry Daddy. I w-was going to…” Vanity scanned Erik's body as he slid down his shorts and his boxers while climbing between her legs.
“I'm going to show you what happens when you don't tell Daddy things.” Erik grabbed the base of his fully hard dick and teased her swollen clit with his tip.
“D-daddy pl-" Vanity voice became caught in her throat as Erik pushed his dick into her without much of a word.
“Damn girl.. This lil pussy tight as fuck..” Erik began to surge his hips in and out of Vanity at a quick pace. Her juices coating him with the quickness. Vanity's fingers gripped onto Erik's keloid covered biceps, the keloids she had only learned about just days earlier.
“F-fuck, you're so big…” Vanity stared up at Erik, his face twisted with pleasure as he pounded into her with ease.
“I bet yo nigga can't fuck you like this, can he?” Erik drilled into you quickly. Her wetness coating her thighs and Erik's pelvic muscles.
“N-no Daddy he doesn't.” Vanity threw her head back and whined her hips against Erik's.
“Your pussy don't grip him like this does it?” Erik rocked himself into Vanity, causing the couch to rock with him. Erik reached up and grabbed her throat. With Erik deep inside of her and his hand around her throat, she couldn't really form sentences so she nodded.
“Use your words, lil girl.” Erik growled, leaning his face down to hers and staring into green eyes that were hooded with lust.
“N-no.” She whispered.
“No what?” Erik smacked her ass.
“NO DADDY!” She screamed arching her back off the couch.
Erik growled as her pussy tightened around his dick, she was close and so was he. Pinning her hips down with his free hand, Erik slammed into her gspot and her legs began to shake vigorously.
“You gonna cum on this dick? That pretty pussy gonna cum on this dick?” Vanity nodded frantically and bit her lip to hold back on a moan.
“You better cum then cause I'm right behind you.” Erik grunted, pressing her legs to her chest and pounding his hips into Vanity's. Crying out, she came undone under him, Erik followed suit. He panted, pulling himself out and watching his cum drip down Vanity's thigh and the tip of his dick.
Its dat role play role play
Show me what you bout girl
[Break it down 4 daddy]
We can play house girl
Role play role play
Show me what you bout girl
Her legs shook as she looked up at Erik, his lips twisted in a wicked smirk while he stared back down at her.
“I hope you know we ain't finished, lil girl.” Erik sat back and pulled Vanity on his lap cause her to gasp.
“O-oh god…” Vanity whimpered, glancing down at Erik's lap and back up at him.
“Don't call on him… He can't save you now…”
Taglist: @panthergoddessbast @sweetsexysavagery @blackpanthersmut @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-4evr  @hearteyes-for-killmonger @killmongersgurl @dreamingoftchalla @drsunshine97  @thehomierobbstark @texasbama @youreadthatright @kumkaniudaku  @hailerikmonger @wakanda-inspired @lunaerly @shesfromwakanda @wawakanda-btch @ange-sensuel @magic-madness-heavensin  @eriknutinthispoosy @muse-of-mbaku @sicksadgen @killmvnger  @allhailnjadaka @vanitykocaine @amethyst1993  @thickoreo @blackpantherimagines @kxnfuzed  @bidibidibombaclaat
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starchild--27 · 5 years
85 questions
I was tagged by @kafkascupcake .  This will be fun, so thanks ^^
rules: answer 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
1. drink – water with lemon flavour
2. phone call - my hair dresser (if i ignore the fact that i accidently called my dad a few momnets ago when i wanted to look up my last phone call - ofc this had to happen xD)
3. text message - i told some kid from my spanish class tht we didn’t have spanish class last week
4. song you listened to – Californiacation by Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. time you cried - three days ago i think, but i waas at the verge of crying yesterday evening  
6. dated someone twice? – nope. i never dated anyone 
7. kissed someone and regretted it – nope
8. been cheated on – no
9. lost someone special – i’m so grateful to say that i never lost anyone in my life and i am so afraid of the day this will happen to me
10. been depressed - kind of. i have my depressed moments but everyone has at some point
11. gotten drunk and thrown up – never, i’m not drinking much 
fave colours
12. navy blue
13. black
14. metallic shades of basically every colour
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends – i’m always careful with the word friend when it comes to my real life, but let’s say i got to know some people better that have been around for a longer time but i never really interacted with. on the internet things are a little different, so i can say i’ve interacted with a lot of people here and i can’t help but treat them as friends 
16. fallen out of love – not in the last year
17. laughed until you cried - multiple times xD
18. found out someone was talking about you – i really don’t know and i hate that i can’t say this wouldn’t bother me because i really want to know what people think of me - just to be able to understand why they treat me how they do. 
19. met someone who changed you - oh, i really don’t know. i think i didn’t change that much in the last 365 days
20. found out who your friends are – it was a little more than a year ago, but yes i did.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list – i don’t even have facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl – since i don’t have facebook i’ll do this for instagram and there it is probably a minority since i follow countless art pages, celebrities, fanpages, animal pages, political pages, people i don’t know in real life, …
23. do you have any pets - yes - a black cat with the name Black Pearl, which we gave him before i even knew about the song by EXO ^^ his name referred to the ship from Pirates of the Carribbean first xD
24. do you want to change your name – i did in the past, because my name is very rare where i live. but i started to like it after some time. the great thing is that it’s meaning differs since no one really knows it’s true origin. 
25. what did you do for your last birthday - i invited my two best friends but one happened to be sick at that day (ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ) so we were only two but it was great anyway. since i was born the day after walpurgis night we went to the bonfire and spent some time there
26. what time did you wake up today – 7 am but i slept in again and got at 11:20 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night – reading or sleeping, i don’t know for sure
28. what is something you can’t wait for – vacation with my family and the summer holidays in general (school was … much in the last weeks.)
30. what are you listening to right now – the sound of me slamming my fingers on my laptop’s keyboard while writing this lol
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom – i did, in fact to more than one
32. something that gets on your nerves – that i have to go to school for one more year (i hate this place wholeheartedly) but i don’t know what to do with my life after graduating 
33. most visited website - tumblr and youtube
34. hair color – my natural hair colour is brown but i dye it ginger red and i love it
35. long or short hair – pretty long actually, but i have curls so it’s pretty hard to notice how long 
36. do you have a crush on someone -  if we ignore my celebrity crushes then … i don’t know…probably no. i’m not sure about this one boy though but…yeah, i don’t really know him that well and i probably only like the idea i have of how he could be. (this is btw so typical for me xD)
37. what do you like about yourself – don’t get me wrong, i know it sounds tragical and sad, but i don’t have something i like 100% about myself. i am used to it though because i’ve been this way since forever, having high standards for me (and for others probably too, which is very unfair from me) but the closest to 100% is my talent for music.     
38. want any piercings? – only at my ears
39. blood type – A positive
40. nicknames – the most common nickname for my name is Selmi but hardly anyone except for my mom and my sister calls me like that anymore. other than that i have the feeling my friends and i don’t have nicknames but more like pet names for each other. like, i was called “Flauschebausch” (in english “Fluffpuff”) not that long ago (it referred to my hair). i would also count “squirrel”, “the stars” and all that stuff as nicknames but we don’t really call each other often like that in person xD     
41. relationship status - single 
42. zodiac - Taurus (but most of the stuff people say about tauruses are not 100% true for me)
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows – lately i finished Game Of Thrones and i liked it so damn much, especially the ending (i really don’t get why it was so hated, but i’ll not explain further - i don’t want to write an essay here xD). i also enjoy watching Gilmore Girls from time to time, but hardly anyone in my generation knows it. and since i read it at @kafkascupcake ‘s post for this tag i just remembered how much i liked Memories of the Alhambra too (gosh, how i waited for every episode to air … i still remember this impatient feeling so well)
45. tattoos – i’m not allowed to have any yet but i’m thinking about getting smaller ones later since i think tattoos are pretty. buuuuut i’m also afraid because i can’t really imagine the pain
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery – yeah. unspectecular story tho.
48. piercings - only earrings but one of my friends and i plan on getting helix piercings soon (originally this was planned to be done before last christmas but we never found time)
49. sport – no no no no no. i hate it. i always did. i did some horse riding in my childhood but that’s it. i’m just not able to coordinate my body so a fail at basically every kind of sport. and i am easily frustrated when i fail at something so i never really tried to ace sports.  
50. vacation – my last vacation was when i visited Berlin with my two best friends and m next vacation will be in Denmark with my family
51. trainers – Converse Chucks, always and forever
more general
52. eating – i used to be a very picky eater but it gets better with every year. lately i really like spicy food. but i also have a terrible sweet tooth. i am surprised how i am still like super slim …
53. drinking – a trait i inherited from my dad: i love milk. but i also like juices, tea, coffee (with milk ofc xD) and plain water too
54. i’m about to watch – Avengers Endgame. like today. in 2 hrs.
55. waiting for – my train ride to the next bigger city for seeing endgame. and for me getting an idea what i want to do with my life
56. want – to travel and to make music. my two passions
57. get married – i don’t think it’s necessary for a happy relationship but it depends on the person. to be honest, i like the thought of getting married but i totally understand if someone doesn’t like it.
58. career – the biggest question mark in my life rn
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs. i can’t even explain why. but hugs.
60. lips or eyes - i thinj i look at the eyes first. but i am damned if a person has beautiful lips too
61. shorter or taller – taller
62. older or younger - not important
63. nice arms or stomach – yeah ofc stomachs are great. but let’s be real here: i’m a swooning bitch for nice arms.
64. hookup or relationship – relationship. i am a hopeless romantic
65. troublemaker or hesitant - i am an overthinker, which makes me the epitome of hesitant.
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger – never kissed anyone lol
67. drank hard liquor – only mixed with juice
68. lost glasses - yeah. wasn’t cool.bc without glasses i am literally blind
69. turned someone down - kind of.
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someone’s heart – i hope not.
72. had your heart broken – yip. my first heavy crush was not that happy. but i am over it since the guy was and still is a jerk and i don’t even know why i fell for him anymore
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend – never
do you believe in
76. yourself – depends on the situation.
77. miracles - there are moments in which i do
78. love at first sight - yes
79. santa claus -  no
80. kiss on a first date – yeah.. i think itmight happen xD
81. angels - who knows? it would be great though.
82. best friend’s name - deer of the sun @swiftfeatherscorner and cat of the moon @fille-de-janvier xD i don’t know if they’d like to have their real names published here but here you ahve their tumblrs
83. eye color - i looked it up someday and it’s called glasz - a strange mix between green, blue and grey with some golden dots and marks. depends on the lightning which colour is stronger.
84. fave movie – impossible to tell.
85. fave actor – also impossible to tell. there are so many good actors in this world
i’m not even sure if 20 people will read this so i’ll just tag everyone who has time to answer 85 questions xD
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averymessyxmas · 6 years
Chapter 6: Grandma Rudy Arrives (10 Days till Christmas)
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 I woke up this morning feeling like a weight had finally been lifted off my shoulders. I never knew Vada still held on to that night, I kind of just put it behind me, and moved on. After Grandma Rudy surprised us. We all caught up with her in the living room, Mama and Daddy set her up a room, and we just all went to sleep, I was in pain from Vada’s slap when I woke up. “Damn it that girl can hit” I got dressed for the day and sat on my bed and called my husband on facetime. “Damn baby what happened” Dylan said seeing my face bruised on one side. I sighed. “Vada” I told him. He shook his head. “Damn, yall still beefing?” He asked. I shook my head. “No actually we made amends last night after she hit me” I told him. He smiled at me. “Your still beautiful, right Chase” Dylan said with Chase climbing all on him. “Yesth” He said with his little lisp not paying me any mind. “So I’m thinking fuck it, I should just come over today” He told me. I felt nervous a little. “I mean, yeah everything has calmed over here so far and daddy is happily in a relationship so he wouldn’t care” I said. I heard a knock at the door before it opened. I jumped but calmed down when I seen it was Grandma Rudy. “You scared me” I told her. She laughed and gave me a cup of something. I tasted it then made a face. “It’s eggnog with henny” She said. I laughed. Grandma Rudy always had to be drinking. “That’s that husband of yours?” She said. I nodded slowly but confused how did she know. “You wear your wedding ring like an idiot, if you trying to hide the fact your married child just take off the got damn ring” She said before sitting next to me. She snatched my iPhone. “Oooh I remember him, hey fine white chocolate you remember me?” She said smirking. I see Dylan nod and laugh through the camera. “Let me see that baby, Hey Grandma Rudy’s baby, he so cute, looking like coffee mixed with crème, a latte baby” She said sipping on her drink. I seen Chase look through the phone smiling. “You have a nice ass family Nessa; your daddy is going to kill you” She laughed before handing me my phone back. “Your grandma and my grandma shirl should meet” He said laughing. Grandma Rudy and I were on facetime with Dylan for an hour before he had to go because Chase was getting fussy and needed to eat. “So you and Vada made up?” She asked. I smiled yeah. “Does she know the rest?” Grandma Rudy said. I put face in my hands. “No, and I’m not telling her, it was in the past Grandma, were fine now” I told her getting up. If Vada found out we dated after she left for 2 years, and that I got pregnant, got an abortion she would be pissed at me even more.
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  Ever since, I told Dre. I thought it would be easier for me, and I wouldn’t have to stress about hiding my pregnancy, but shit aint go to good when I told him. I been trying to listen to breathing exercises to calm down when I’m stressed. I heard a knock at my door. “Hold On!” I said. I put on my oversized jacket quickly and zipped it up. “Come in” I said. In walked Janessa. “You scared me Ness” I said. She smiled. “Sorry, How are you?” She asked. I shrugged. “I’m okay, just I’m always tired, he is always moving, I’m hungry. I want cereal at random times, and Doritos dipped in Ranch is like my go too, I just feel by myself” I stressed to her. She sat down on my bed, I sat next to her. She rubbed my stomach a little. “If things get to crazy here, you can come with us in L.A. I will help you” She told me. I smiled. She got off my bed, and opened the door. “I’ll see you downstairs” She told me. I stood up and looked at my mirror, and absurd my baby bump. My iphone started ringing. I noticed the number. I picked up the phone. I could hear him breathing on the phone. “Norielle” He finally said. “Yes”. “I, I want to apologize for blowing up on you, I was caught of guard”. He told me. I felt a tear drop of my cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you, I didn’t want to say it through a jail visit where we can’t even touch each other, I really need you right now Dre and you’re in there”. I said through my tears. “Nori, it was still fucked up man, I shouldn’t have questioned you but damn girl you showing, it ain’t like you just found out”. He said. “I was in denial Dre’, I didn’t know how far I was until I went to the doctor, I’m 5months, Im due May 15th.” I told him.  “You know what we are having?” He asked. I smiled. “A boy”. I could hear him getting emotional on the other in of the phone. “I um, damn I’m have a son that’s crazy, and you were going to keep him from me”. I sighed. “Dre, I was not going to do that, I was not trying to leave you nothing My doctor said NO stress, I love you, I want us to have this big happy family but first you focus on getting out and I’ll focus on getting him here”. I told him. “I don’t have much time Nori, I love you and my son man” He hung up. “I was going to give you some drank but I see you can’t drink” I turned around and seen Grandma Rudy standing by my door. I was about to cry. “Please don’t tell Grandma” I stressed to her. She put the drinks down and hugged me. “Stop all that crying girl, I’m not telling nothing. I ain’t no snitch baby, I’m here for you. Now having a baby is a big responsibility. They cry, they shit, they take up all your damn time, you can’t drink cause you got to breast honey it’s a whole damn job, are you ready for this?” She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, I just know I love my baby already so much” I told her. “Well your still in school, that’s good, you got family that loves, although my daughter will shit a whole brick when she finds out good lord, but I got you baby” She told me. I nodded and hugged her. “Thank you, Grandma,”. “Baby get dressed, we are going out today”. She told me. I nodded and started to finish getting dressed.
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 I was sitting at the dining room table with Damien and Nylah eating Cereal when Nori and Grandma Rudy came downstairs. “So yall ain’t fucked yet?” I asked looking at Nylah and Damien. Nylah looked at me crazy, Damien smirked. “I mean I have tried” Nylah pushed him. “Boy please” I started laughing. That nigga D was blind asf La-La was feeling him and if he stopped trying to fuck old ladys then he would see how beautiful she was and how she been there for his dumb ass since diaper days but that aint my bizz. “Who fucked what?” Grandma Rudy said. She was lit. “Hey Grandma Rudy you got the juice, that good shit” I said. She winked at me and slid me a cup. “Oh its lit” She held her hand out. “I know you got that green for your granny now” She said. I smiled. “I gotchu G-ma” I told her. Momma walked downstairs looking nice. “Good morning babies” She said smiling. She kissed Grandma Ruby cheek. “Hi mama”. My mama said. Grandma Rudy looked at her suspiciously. “Who been in your draws Rice?” She asked my mama. “Ayye yo Grams nobody wants to hear about who been blowing my mama back out why we eating”. I told her. “Hush up boy how you think all yall got here” She said. My mom was humming around the kitchen, now she boujee, she never eats cereal so we all just stared at her as she made her some all smiley and shit. “Mommy you good?” Nori asked walking in. My mom nodded. “Mmmhm she done met somebody or got her groove back” Grandma Rudy said sipping on her “Special” drink. My mom normally would argue with G-ma but she just waved her off, yeah that’s nasty but somebody done made my mama happy, she aint get home till 2 am after she had been out all day, and Daddy left to go back to his apartment since they announced they divorce, shit was weird as fuck. My iphone started buzzing. It was Mack. I sighed and got up to go outside and take the call. Homie been scaring me since he pulled the strap on me, like made me one to get suited up too, just in case. I ain’t no bitch but I was scared to piss him off. “Yerr” I said. I could hear Mack laughing. “Nigga, don’t yerr me bitch, What happened to what’s up Bossman…anyways I don’t need you to fuck up on my shipment again young blood, I need you at 8pm asap, or I’m pull up on you again and it wont be pleasant, now I been letting you slide cause you my favorite but you missing out on my million dollar deal the other night hurt me, and as of recently I found out that you never got that brick to East Side a few months, but it’s all good just be there tonight get me this money, get me this merch and ill move up your pay and your position” He told me. My heart was racing. “Aight I got you, 8 pm don’t fuck up” I told him. He laughed. “You already know”. He ended the call. I heard the front door open, revealing my Grandma Rudy in her puffer jacket and a scarf drinking her liquor in a coffee cup. “Now I know you aint bout to roll one without your grams” She said. I smiled. “Nah I got you grams”. She nodded. “Nori told me you got yourself a range rover, and a condo in Buckhead”. She said smiling. I nodded. “Yeah, but keep that between us, I been saving at footlocker” I told her. She started laughing. “MJ used to be saving up at Taco Bell, lying ass nigga he was out there selling them drugs and being a want to be gangsta, I had to bail him out of jail so many got damn times, so I know when my grandkids up to no good” She told me. I passed her a blunt I had already rolled. We sat on the porch. “You know your twin is pregnant?” She asked me. I nodded. “Yeah man its tough for her with her baby daddy in jail and shit” I said. “How he get there?” She asked. I sighed. “Um they found a pack of cocaine in his car like a brick” I told her. She looked at me as I looked towards the drive way. “He was dealing too?” She asked me. I shook my head. “Nah, he like a honor student, Um G-ma don’t tell Nori this but I um I l had got scared cause the cops was checking my dorm for narcotics so I got scared, I aint want to go to jail so I noticed his car door was unlocked. I put it in his car”. I confessed to her. She shook her head at me. “That’s a shame, your sister struggling as it is to keep this secret of hers, you going to have to make this right or tell her, I can keep your secret Nari but you need to be a man and own up to this” She told me. I shook my head. “I can’t right now, she so damn fragile since she been pregnant, she would cut me off, or panic or lose the baby and I don’t want to stress her out, she stressed as is because of me”. I said. She passed the blunt to me. “Well it’s your mess baby, you figure it out”. The front door opened again, revealing Vada, Nori and Michael and Janessa, Damien and Nylah. I quickly put the blunt out. “Damn grandma Rudy you drunk and high?”. Vada asked. Grams shrugged. “Im what yall say lit?” She said smiling. Vada held her hand out. “What?” I asked. She smirked. “Pass me it, shit Im stressed I need to smoke” She said. “You got to share” Michael told her. She smiled. “Ofcourse”. “Aye yall mutherfuckas need to chill this my shit, but ima share” I said. They laughed. I lit the blunt and we all passed it around and we all smoked except Nori and Janessa. “So what’s the move?” I asked. “Well we all about to hit up the mall” She said. I nodded, “Yall have fun, I’m bout to go see my girl” I told them. After we smoked, G-ma, Vi and Mike, Damien and Nylah was smacked. They all got in the car with snacks and shit and pulled off. I started getting ready to go see my girl.
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When we pulled up to the mall, the first place we all went was the food court. Nori and Janessa and I split up from Michael, he wanted to get gifts from me and didn’t want me to see. Grandma Rudy ran off cause her boyfriend Charles met her up here. Damien and Nylah went their separate ways, so it was just me and my sisters. “The last time we all hung out like this Nori was like 9 or 10, we were babies now were grown that’s crazy, how have you been Nori, I haven’t catched up with you since I got here” I said to her. She went through her phone and slid it to me, it was picture of an ultrasound. “I’m pregnant, I’m 25 weeks, and I’m having a boy. Oh my God that felt so good to get off my chest” She said. I was staring at her and the picture in shock. I saw her and Narkim when they were born, I helped change them and bath them and I’m fucking shook. “Wow, your going to be a mom” I said in a daze still high. She smiled and nodded. “That’s weird to say, just keep this between yall, I will tell everyone else when I’m ready”. She told us. I nodded. “Where’s the father?” I asked. She showed me and Janessa a picture. “Oh girl he is fine, where are you hiding him?” I asked her. “He is in jail” She told me. I looked at her crazy. “Come again?” I asked. “He was wrongly accused, but he will be out soon” She said. I almost smacked her. “Well, I hope everything works out, I don’t want you out here being a baby mama”. I said to her. “I’m getting married, well hopefully Michael proposed earlier this month” I said. Nessa and Nori smiled. “Oh my gosh Vi, I’m so happy for you” Janessa said. “He wants to have time to tell Daddy, you know how he is” I said to them. Janessa nodded. “Don’t we”. I was curious to know why she was single. “You live alone in L.A?” I asked. She slowly shook her head. “I have a life out there, but right now I’m keeping it private” She told me. We sat and talked and ate our food just catching up on sister shit. “Vada? Vada Richards?” I heard a man say. I bought choked on my juice. “Omari?” I said. He held his arms out for a hug. I got up and hugged him. He smelt so got damn good. “Damn girl you are looking fine as hell, how are you?” He asked. “I’m good, how are you?” I asked. He smiled. “I’m good, I’m sorry about that night when you left, I was hurt, I felt so bad I didn’t know how that happened. I never meant to hurt you” He said. I nodded. “It was a decade ago, Im over it”. I said. “I’m actually here with my sisters, you of course remember Janessa, and this is my baby sister Norielle” I told him. He looked at Janessa. “Hey, Ness” He said. I don’t know why but him calling her “Ness” pissed me off. “Well it’s nice seeing you” I said. He pulled out his phone. “Can I get your number maybe we can meet up again?” He said. “Well who is this chocolate drip?” I heard Grandma Ruby say walking hand in hand with her man Charles. “Grandma, you just going to say that with Charles right there?” Nori said. She waved him off. “Old bat is losing his hearing, Right Charles!” She yelled in his ear. He smiled at her. “See, now who are you?” She asked Omari. “Hi, I’m an old boyfriend, Im Omari” He told her. Grandma Ruby dropped her smile and let go of Charles hand. “Oh you that nigga, that broke my Vada’s heart and then….”. “Grandma!” Janessa said cutting her off. Grandma Rudy stopped what she was saying. “You fine boy but you trifling, plus Vada already has a man and he is way sexier than you keep it in the family having ass, come on Charles” She said walking with him, looking at me. “I um well” Omari said. I awkwardly smiled. “We can maybe catch up on drinks but like she said I do have a man”. I told him. He nodded. We exchanged numbers, we hugged again, and he walked away. Michael walked up behind me hugging me from behind. Nori and Janessa looked at me and I glared at them, they could read that I was telling them to be quiet.
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“So, who is this girl that you are keeping from me?” Nylah said. Laying on my bed with her feet on the wall. “Nobody, just a little bitch I’m fucking” I told her. She laughed a little. “You like her?” She asked. I shrugged. “I mean I like the way I feel around her, but it’s not love” I said honestly. “What is love to you D?” She asked. I shrugged. “I don’t know, like some real vibe type shit, homies and lovers” I said. She started to get up and face me. “Well you love me?” She asked. I looked at her for a while. “Yes, I do” I said. She smiled. “Like a friend, like a sister, like a girlfriend?” She asked. I sighed. “I just love you, I mean I’d beat anybody ass for you, and kill for you, and like die for you type love” I said to her. She looked at me and then looked down, “I love you too”. We looked at each other for a minute, next thing I know we was making out on the bed.
 “I um, I’m sorry La-La” I said to Nylah. She was putting back on her clothes. “Don’t be sorry” She said smiling. I smirked at her, “What are we, what is this?” She asked. I sighed, “Let me think for a minute” I told her. I walked up to her and kissed her. “I got you La and you got me, but if my moms find out we just had sex, you going to Nori’s room” I told her laughing. My phone buzzed, and I see I had a text from Kristen. “I’m outside, back yard.” I read. “I’m be back” I told Nylah. She nodded and grabbed her stuff to take a shower. I ran downstairs and went out the back door. I looked to see if Vada and Michael could see us, but their blinds were closed in the guest house. “Oh you making house visits now Ms. Madison?” I asked folding my arms. She looked at me. “I couldn’t think about our last encounter and I’m sorry for leading you on, can we please just move forward?” She asked. I inhaled deeply and nodded. “Sure whatever” I said. She looked at me shocked. “Really?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah so you can get gone now” I told her. She stood there. “I um, I missed you” She said smiling at me. “Nah, we not doing this, you good fam you can go fuck the older version of me, and shit” I told her. She started coming on to me, doing that kissing on me shit. I was starting to fall for it. “He said you good!” I heard my grandma Rudy say. We both jumped. “Get your old ass away from my grandson bitch” Grandma Rudy said. She came out there with her henny bottle, and a blunt. Kristen ran off. “Spill it” She said to me sitting at the back-porch table. “I um, Nah you don’t want to hear it” I said to her. She gave me a stern look. “She’s my teacher, we were messing around until I found out she’ dad’s girl”. She started chugging her henny. “I aint drunk enough for this shit” She said getting up. “I aint gon say nothing to you knuckle head ass daddy, lets go inside”. She said to me. I walked upstairs, and I came in my room. “Want to go again?” Nylah said smiling at me. Now I know I got the juice, but damn these females go crazy for D’s D. “Let’s just chill tonight” I told her. She started laughing and nodded.
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 I was up fixing a snack in the Kitchen, I couldn’t sleep since Danielle left place. My mom been out late these last 2 nights like she’s some 20-year-old girl what the fuck is going on in here. “Hey baby” My grandma said. “Hey Grandma Rudy”. I said. She was walking all over the place stumbling. She went to the radio set in the corner of the living room and started playing Boys 2 men “Let is Snow”. She started swaying around. “This my shit!” I nodded and laughed. “Alright grandma lets get you to bed” I said. She shook her head. “Can you take me to Charles house?” She asked. I groaned. “Alright let’s take you to your man’s house”. She packed a bag that she called a “Dick Appointment bag”, my grandma be tripping man. We got in my car and started driving, Charles lived just 35minutes away. “Where Dani?” She asked me. “Um with her family” I said. She nodded. “I’m happy yall still together even after you tried to get back with Gia”. She told me. I shook my head. “Let’s not bring that up grandma” I told her. “What? I’m glad you decided to end that break yall had to go back to her” She said. I shrugged. “I think She’s cheating on me Grandma, she been hiding shit staying out all night” I said to her. She looked at me. “That’s cause you think when yall had that break she fucked around on you too, sometimes women just need a man to be there, you got to be there” She told me. We talked a little bit before I dropped her off. I sat in the drive way of Charles house before I thought about what she said. I drove to Douglasville to Dani’s fam’s house to see her and my kids. When I pulled up at the house, I seen her, and some nigga laughing in the window. I was so fucking mad I wanted to drive through that damn house. “Fuck this!” I banged on the door. The door opened revealing my wife. Her smile went to a scared look. “Malcom, what are you doing here, I told you I’d be back tomorrow” She said. I laughed. “You up here with that nigga with my kids Dani!” I yelled. She shook her head. “Malcom please he’s my cousin” She snapped. “Man fuck you” I said. I got in my car and drove to some place familiar. I knocked on the door. “MJ what are you doing here?” Gia asked. “Can I crash here?” I asked. She nodded and let me in.
Omari: Now (Lance Gross)
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Mack: (Quavo)
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rules:: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
Well, this was long lol. Thanks @veronicasanders for tagging me! <3 
— what was your last…
1. drink:: Water
2. phone call::  Volunteer coordinator for a charity event I’m helping with this weekend
3. text message:: “You won’t” In response to my friend who was saying how is she supposed to survive 13 seasons of emotional Grey’s Anatomy  
4. song you listened to::  Edelweiss (Reprise)- Sound of Music
5. time you cried:: This morning, waking up because depression is a heartless bitch
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice:: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it:: yes
8. been cheated on:: no
9. lost someone special:: yes
10. been depressed:: yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up:: Yes, but only because tequila and Scotch in the same night are combined evils
— fave colours 12. turquoise  13. mint green  14. indigo
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:: yes
16. fallen out of love:: yes
17. laughed until you cried:: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you:: yes
19. met someone who changed you::  yes
20. found out who your friends are:: At the bottom of heart, I always knew, and have known who they are  
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list:: no, not in the last year
— general
22. how many your facebook friends do you know irl:: Everyone on the list, but not all of them very well
23. do you have any pets:: no, but if someone showed up at my door right now with a dog, I’d be the happiest person in the world
24. do you want to change your name:: If I could just switch my middle name and first name around, 10/10 experts would agree my life would be easier 
25. what did you do for your last birthday:: I just sat at home brooding lol
26. what time did you wake up today:: 5:45 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night::  Putting away laundry
28. what is something you can’t wait for:: To go see my best friend in Banff this summer!
29. what is your favourite animal:: There’s so many! St. Bernard puppies, giraffes, zebra’s, tree frogs, whales, I could go on forever. 
30. what are you listening to right now:: The sound of high school students chattering who are unfortunately always in the fresco the same time as my break at work
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom:: Yes, of course
32. something that’s getting on your nerves:: That nearly a third of Canadians don’t believe that climate change is caused by human industrial activity
33. most visited website:: Gmail
34. hair colour::  Brown with a fair amount of grey already 
35. long or short hair:: Medium 
36. do you have a crush on someone:: Nope
37. what do you like about yourself:: That I’m smart, analytical, and kind
38. want any piercings:: Possibly, I have been procrastinating on piercing my ears for years
39. blood type:: I have no idea, but I should probably find out
40. nicknames:: Star
41. relationship status:: Single
42. sign:: Capricorn
43. pronouns:: She/Her 90% of the time
44. fave tv show:: Bones, One Day at a Time, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Golden Girls, Cheers, Frasier, Grace and Frankie, The Good Place, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Eastsiders, and there’s so many more
45. tattoos:: I have 2 on the outside of my lower right arm, the top half has a swirly border and underneath says “Meraki, Fernweh, Ubuntu, Inoubliable” in cursive, and in a list format with the same border at the bottom, underneath that on my wrist is a heartbeat tattoo, with Pulse in the middle which I got for several reasons
46. right or left handed:: Ambidextrous- I use my right hand for writing and mainly everything else, but my left for sports and anytime scissors are involved
47. ever had surgery:: Yes, but non invasive
48. piercings:: None
49. sport:: To play: volleyball or soccer. To Watch: soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball
50. vacation:: Banff in August. Possibly Williamsburg as well in August too.
51. trainers:: Grey and black fabric and white bottoms
— more general
52. eating:: Last thing I ate was a piece of cheese at 7pm last night- eating habits are questionable
53. drinking:: water, coffee, or apple juice
54. i’m about watch:: When I get home, I’ll be watching Gossip Girl
55. waiting for:: A call that my landlord has fixed my smoke alarm
56. want:: To get a head start on my dreams this summer
57. get married:: Never say never, I guess
58. career:: Right now, working a mundane banking job, but the dream is to end up in research, preferably in Cognitive Science, Linguistics, or Anthropology 
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:: Hugs
60. lips or eyes:: Eyes
61. taller or shorter:: It’s always nice when your partner is close to your height so you can look them in the eyes
62. older or younger:: Typically older, most of my friends and relationships have been with people who are a year to three years older than me
63. nice arms or stomach:: Arms
64. hookups or relationships:: I love a relationship, but the past two years it’s been mainly hookups
65. troublemaker or hesitant:: Hesitant, but only because I have a pressing desire to think about literally everything
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger:: Yep
67. drank hard liquor:: Of course, yes
68. turned someone down:: No
69. sex on first date:: Yes
70. broken someone’s heart:: Apparently, yes
71. had your heart broken:: Yep
72. been arrested:: Yep, but under the Mental Health Act, so does that even count?
73. cried when someone died:: Yes
74. fallen for a friend:: Yes, totally a cliche
— do you believe in
75. yourself:: Sometimes
76. miracles:: Nope
77. love at first sight:: Once upon a time I did
78. santa claus::  No, BUT if I did, I’d tell you we need to protect the Arctic, because every time a glacier melts, Santa Claus cries 
79. angels:: No
— misc
80. eye colour:: Hazel
81. best friend’s name:: I have many best friends, I wouldn’t say it’d be fair to name one
82. favourite movie:: Our Souls at Night, Meet Me in St. Louis, It’s Kind of a Funny Story, My Fair Lady, Casablanca, Perks of Being a Wallflower, and so many more
83. favourite actor:: I’ve got to say I love and will always love Humphrey Bogart, absolutely iconic and political
84. favourite cartoon:: Daria 
85. favourite teacher’s name:: The teachers I had from grades 6-8 certainly had the most impact in my life, and were some of my favourites 
If you want to do this, do it? It was fun, despite it’s length ;) 
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Dinnertime Conversation
[Sequel to Coincidence is Overrated]
Note that this drabble also references the events of the Kharlan Noir thread, which you can read here.
Cooking was not something Yuan would say he was terribly good at. His skill was passable, he supposed, but it wasn’t something he excelled at, nor particularly enjoyed. Fortunately, his flatmate was not a fussy eater, and the guest they were expecting wasn’t either. Still, he heaved a sigh as he stirred another ladleful of chicken stock into the pot of rice. It was much less effort to do rice the Chinese way, but at least he had a solid half hour now in which he could think without being expected to do anything but stir.
So the Acerbi gang hand hired a private investigator to keep an eye on him. Specifically, a Gaspari man in the Acerbi gang had hired a private investigator that Yuan counted among his friends. There was absolutely no way that was a coincidence. And there was absolutely no way that it was unrelated to the flight through the alleys the night before, and the annoyingly-stinging red mark across his cheek.
“—and for the third time, Yuan, is there anything else you’d like me to cook besides the chicken?” Kratos’s voice asked, perhaps a touch irritably.
Yuan blinked. “Sorry, I was—”
“Thinking, yes, I gathered from the look on your face. I was quite certain that making rice didn’t require nearly as much concentration as you were giving it. So I ask again, now that I have your attention—is there anything besides the chicken?”
Yuan sighed, setting down the ladle and pushing his hair out of his face. “Cut up some green onions, I guess?”
For a long moment, all was silent except for the sizzling frying pan and the rhythm of the knife on the cutting board. “And what were you pondering so deeply?” Kratos asked at length.
Yuan sighed. “Give you one guess.”
“Martel’s shapely figure?” Alvin’s voice suggested from the doorway.
Yuan jumped, the ladle clattering to the counter as he instinctively reached for one of the knives. “God, Alvin! Warn a man before—”
“As I tried to tell you before,” Kratos said with a trace of a smirk. “Alvin is here.”
Yuan took a deep breath and put the knife back in the knife block. “Duly noted.”
“Seriously, Scorch—is this the railroad guy again, or is this something else?” Alvin asked, making a beeline for the icebox.
“Something else,” Yuan said, pouring the last of the stock into the rice and reaching for the green onions.
“Well, don’t keep me waiting,” the investigator prompted, arranging a trio of bottles and three limes along an unoccupied part of the counter and then reaching for glasses. “Is it related to my new job?”
“Yes, certainly. And I think I might have figured out why.”
“New job?” Kratos asked, leaning past Yuan to switch off the stove.
“New job,” Alvin confirmed. “Someone called Gilberto Gaspari hired me to keep an eye on Yuan for about a month.”
“So much for your client confidentiality agreement,” Yuan observed.
“Oh, did I say that name? Whoops, must have tipped a few too many earlier,” Alvin said with a wink as he mixed their drinks. “Glad you got more limes, it’s not a Prohibition Sour without the sour.”
“You raised such a fuss about them last time that we dared not go another day without them,” Kratos said with a remarkably straight face. “You’ll notice that I restocked the lemon syrup and soda water as well.”
“Hey, you’re not locked in to hot leaf juice all the time now, and no one will even arrest you for it. You’re welcome.”
“So what have you done that makes Mr. Gaspari so interested in you, Yuan?”
“Well, if he is who he says he is,” Yuan said as he started dishing out the risotto. “Then I’ve made myself quite unpopular with him and his brothers. I mentioned that I don’t keep in touch with my uncles, Kratos.”
“That you did, yes. So why are they suddenly interested in you? I doubt they wish to send you missed birthday cards.”
“Might have something to do with getting Arrigo Gaspari arrested last month.”
“Sounds like you’ve stirred up a hornet’s nest,” Kratos said, sliding a piece of chicken onto each of their plates.
“I had no way of knowing he was going to be there,” Yuan objected as he took his seat and his drink. “I’ll level with you, I was actually trying to get one of our associates arrested. Sandro Benenati was a menace and needed to be dealt with.”
“I find it difficult to believe that Mithos would encourage just arresting him,” Kratos pressed, giving Yuan a cool stare over the rim of his glass.
Yuan sighed. “Of course Mithos wanted him relocated to the bottom of the bay. But you know I don’t like doing that.”
“You weren’t afraid that he’d talk?”
“Not really,” Yuan said. “Benenati was a bit of an idiot, but not so much of an idiot that he couldn’t point a gun.”
“He was a mugger, right?” Alvin asked. “Common street thief?”
“No so common.” Yuan shook his head. “He had a nasty habit of targeting high-profile people. Lots to steal, but also got a lot of press for it. But the thing that I really wanted taken care of was the particular gun I last saw him use.”
“Oh?” Kratos asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah. You think my gun is conspicuous? It at least looks like a Peacemaker from a distance. Benenati recently started using a goddamn shotgun. A very new shotgun.”
“The hell, you say?” Alvin asked, raising his eyebrows. “What, did he have a getaway driver too? Those aren’t the easiest thing to conceal, most street thugs prefer something smaller.”
“Getaway driver,” Yuan grumbled, stabbing his fork into a piece of chicken with slightly more enthusiasm than was necessary. “Mithos reckoned he had designs on starting an outfit of his own—which, of course, is the last thing this city needs. But I’d had it up to here with his disregard for collateral damage anyways, regardless of what Mithos said about it.”
“So you engineered an arrest for him? And got Arrigo Gaspari as well?”
“So what had you so specifically concerned about the shotgun, then?” Kratos asked. “I don’t follow.”
“Can you think of anyone, besides me, who keeps a shotgun on hand, Kratos?” Yuan asked.
“Can’t say that I do. And you don’t really use it.”
“And even mine is quite old, yes?”
“As far as I know, yes.”
“And just where does one get a shiny new shotgun?”
“I’m sure I don’t know,” Kratos said pointedly.
“I’m not sure I do either,” Yuan said. “But I’ve seen a couple of them around. Mostly in Acerbi hands.”
“You think he was a spy?” Alvin asked.
“I don’t know about spy, I think he was too stupid for that. Turncoat, perhaps.”
“And you’re still not worried about him talking?”
“No, not really. No matter who he’s working for, confessing anything would be bound to make someone mad. Might save him from execution, but to what end? If he sells out either of the hands he’s playing to the police, whoever remains of that gang will kill him.”
“That is an unusual amount of faith, coming from you,” Kratos said after a moment of slack-jawed staring.
“Well, that, and the fact that dead men tell no tales.”
“I don’t follow, Yuan, surely you don’t have contact with a hitman in prison?”
“Did I say hitman?”
“For God sake, Yuan,” Kratos said exasperatedly. “Speak plainly.”
Yuan sighed. “We need better dinnertime conversation.”
“I’ll stop eating until you finish,” Alvin said, leaning back in his chair.
“Last month, the police caught Sandro Benenati and Arrigo Gaspari trading liquor and opium on the edge of Little Italy,” Yuan said flatly. “Both arrested. Gaspari killed Benenati in prison after a week.”
Kratos pinched the bridge of his nose. “And if Benenati didn’t talk, then why did Gilberto Gaspari hire Alvin to trail you, specifically?”
“Because of one Mr. Dario Croce. Turncoat working with the Acerbi and the Undzer Shtik.”
“The Undzer Shtik?” Alvin repeated. “This isn’t just between Italian gangs anymore?”
“Doesn’t seem to be. Mithos said that Joey Zawinski was assassinated, with a ‘power vacuum and an arms race’ as a motive. According to Croce, he drank poisoned absinthe that was traced back to us.”
“Zawinski,” Alvin repeated. “Yeah, I’ve heard that name. Jewish crime boss whose gang mostly runs narcotics trades and arms-dealing schemes, but they pale in comparison to some of the Irish gangs on that front.”
“You think that the new weapons that the Acerbi gang is using go back to this Joey Zawinski?” Kratos asked, rubbing his temples.
“I think it’s distinctly possible,” Yuan said. “And I’d say that between that, and what happened to us last night, that they’ve decided to try their hand at my game—shift the blame, cause doubt, cover their tracks.” He picked up his fork once more. “There. Business talk over. Enjoy dinner.”
“Business talk not quite over, Scorch,” Alvin objected, absently gesturing with his glass. “You said you had an offer for me.”
“I should think that obvious,” Yuan said. “I want you to keep tabs on the Gaspari men and their associates for as long as you’re in their employ, and let me know what you find out.”
Alvin grinned. “Pay me in lunches at Liu’s, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
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killerqueen-18 · 4 years
Chapter Three| Little Hunter
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“THE BATTLE OF WILLOW CREEK TOOK PLACE AT THE END OF THE WAR IN OUR VERY OWN MYSTIC FALLS. How many casualties resulted in this battle?.... Miss Bennett?" The history teacher says, boring the class to death.
It was Friday, and Athena couldn’t be happier. She didn’t care about the party and didn’t want to go but a certain blonde was forcing the girl to go. But, the way she saw it, was that it was an easy way to get free booze.
"Um… A lot? I'm not sure. But, like, a whole lot." Bonnie says, nodding, hoping it would please the man. Athena chuckles, looking down at her sketchbook. Today the girl wore a pink lace top - that Caroline got her -, black cargo pants with a belt buckle, a cropped jean jacket, and black tennis shoes. She was having a bad hair day, so the girl also had on a black bucket hat - one that she stole from her brother.
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"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Miss Bennett.”
Athena scoffed at the man. No one particularly liked the man, especially when he was an asshole to anyone and everyone. Including the quiet kids. “Mister Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your jock stereotype?" The man says, turning to a laughing Matt.
"It's okay, Mr.Tanner. I'm cool with it." Matt says, getting laughs from the class.
"Athena? Surely, you can enlighten us about one of the town's most historical events, And not just the fictional greek gods and goddesses." Tanner says turning, to the girl that was still drawing in her sketchbook. "Gods and Goddesses history, I know. But this History is a bore, sorry." Athena says shrugging, carelessly.
"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Athena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." Tanner says, making everyone go silent. The girl looks up from her book with a glare on her face. "Well-"
"There were three hundred and forty-six casualties, unless you're counting the local civilians." Stefan says, cutting the girl off making her friends sigh in relief. "That's correct, Mr...?" Tanner says, turning to the boy.
"Salvatore." Stefan says, nodding to the man. "Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?" The man asks, curiously.
"Distant." Stefan says, almost hesitantly. The youngest female Gilbert picked up on it, and tilted her head at the boy. There was no reason to be hesitant, but the boy was. It was as if he was choosing his words wisely.
"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."
"Actually, there were twenty-seven, sir. Confederate soldiers fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. And they were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are in Civil Hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts Mr.Tanner." Stefan says, smartly. "Did Mr.Tanner just get Tannered?" Athena says laughing, as soon as those words left her mouth everyone seems to break and laugh along with the girl.
• • •
The moment Caroline and Athena parked, the blonde ditched the Gilbert girl and spoke to other people. Athena wasn’t too mad about it, since she didn’t feel like socializing at the moment. Instead the girl began looking around for the good booze.
"Where is all the good liquor when you need it." Athena says groaning to herself, straightening the jean jacket. She’d been wandering around looking in coolers, and no luck it was all beer. Not even the good kind, it was a cheap liquor.
"’Thena, hey." Tyler says, walking up to the girl. "Hey, Ty." Athena says, absentmindedly as she continued opening the group of coolers in front of her
"What are you up to?" Tyler says, looking down at the girl. Athena sighs standing up straight, and looks at the boy unamused. "Is that your way of asking if I'm okay?"
"A way is which I hope you won't bite my head off like everyone else?" Tyler says, hesitantly. "I won't if you point me to the good stuff," Athena says, smirking.
"This way my lady," Tyler says, walking her over to the coolers where Vicki is standing. "Hey, lady Donovan." Athena says, smirking at the girl.
"Hey, How-" Vicki starts.
"Don't start Vics. I actually like you. Don't make me want to rip your head off, too." Athena says, seeing vodka and other juices. The girl sees strawberry lemonade and sprite, and mixes the two and adds a larger portion of vodka. Athena hums, taking a sip from the solo cup, and nods to the two teens watching her. "I'm going to leave you, two. Don't do something I wouldn't do."
Athena didn’t feel like walking around the drunk teens, and decided to walk into the woods. Tyler and Vicki watch the girl’s body disappear into the darkness. The boy makes a mental note to tell Elena where the girl was.
"She's a lot off work." Tyler says, turning back to the female Donovan. "But you gotta love her."
The Gilbert girl let her feet guide her to the same spot she was earlier that week. The spot her father brought her two countless times. The same spot she met a stranger. Athena took a seat on a large rock, and drank what was in her cup in silence.
That silence was soon broken by a snap of a branch. Athena jumps up, spilling the contents of her cup on the ground from the shock. “Who’s there?”
Athena knew how stupid she sounded, like a white girl from a horror movie. But she couldn’t help it. Her question was somewhat answered, as the man from earlier that week walked into the moonlight. “Hello, stranger.” A man says, smirking at the green eyed girl.
“Oh, it’s the creep.” Athena says, rolling her eyes at the man, as she still had a cautious stance. “Scaring girls in the middle of the woods seems to be a normal thing for you.”
"Only the gorgeous, green eyed ones.” The man asks, looking the girl up and down. A smile grows on his lips hearing the girl scoff. “You know I never got your name.”
"You scream 'Stranger Danger' so I'm not gonna tell you." She says smiling, sarcastically at the man. "Will it help if I tell you mine?" The man asks, with a tilt of his head.
"How do I know you're not using a fake name?" She asks, making him laugh. "I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore." The man says smirking, holding his hand out for the girl to shake.
"Okay, now James Bond." Athena says rolling her eyes, downing what is left in her cup. "I said my name. I'd like yours." Damon says, stepping closer to the girl.
The girl sighs, and nods at the blue eyed man. "Athena Gilbert… You happen to be related to Stefan Salvatore?"
"Yes. My brother actually." Damon says, with a sigh of displeasure. "Nice, he apparently likes my sister and I need something on him." Athena says, straightening her jean jacket.
The man shakes his head chuckling, but nods nonetheless."Alright. Ask-"
"Jeremy!" They hear a yell. The voice sounded like Elena which worried and confused Athena.
"Uh.. I have to go." Athena says, turning to Damon. The man grabs onto the girl’s arms, stopping her from leaving. He looks into the girl’s angry, green eyes.
Athena frowns, and looks at the man confused as he spoke. "You never saw me. You came to look at the view, nothing else."
The girl pushed the man away from her. “What the hell, asshole!”
Damon looks at the girl in confusion, and is shocked that the compulsion didn’t work. The girl scoffs, rolling her eyes at the man. “You really shouldn’t go around manhandling girls like that. That’s a one way street to having a girl kick your ass.”
Athena doesn’t say anything else, and runs in the direction of the yell. The girl ran, jumping over fallen branches, and moved branches out of her way. She sees Elena following their brother as he walks away from her. "Jeremy, where the hell are you going?" Elena says, looking down to not trip over anything.
"I don't wanna hear it." Jeremy yells angrily, looking back at the eldest Gilbert. The moment of distraction caused the boy to trip over a log and onto the ground. Athena runs faster, and stops abruptly beside her brother and sees a bleeding Vicki Donovan.
"Vicki? No." Jeremy says, looking down at the body below him. "Oh, my God, Vicki." Athena says with wide eyes.
Athena pushes her shock away, and jumps to help the girl. "Let's go. Jeremy pick her up, we need to help her."
"Somebody help!" Elena yells, as the three Gilberts break through the forest trees. Everyone turns to the three, and Matt Donovan runs towards them confused with Tyler right behind him. "Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?"
"What happened?" Matt asks, looking at the three Gilbert’s. "Someone, call an ambulance!" Athena yells, to no one in particular.
"Everybody back up. Give her space." Tyler says, pushing people away. "It's her neck. Something bit her. She's losing a lot of blood." Elena explains holding the girl's neck.
"Vicki, come on, open your eyes. Look at me." Matt says, to the girl. "They're on their way." Bonnie says, with her phone in her hand.
The minutes before the ambulance went by as a blur for Athena. Once the ambulance came the two youngest Gilberts sat on a bench in silence with Elena standing in front of them. Only breaking when Bonnie walked up to them. "Hey, we're gonna go get coffee and wait for news."
"I gotta take Jeremy and Athena home." Elena says, motioning to the two that sat on a bench.
"I'm right here." Athena says, throwing a rock at the girl’s feet. It went ignored, making the girl groan and her brother to laugh at her childish antics. The boy had his headphones in and was blasting music not wanting to hear anyone's voice at the moment, and when his sister moved sharkly it broke him from his thoughts.
Athena ignored the conversation going on between her sister and their best friend. She rested her head on her brother’s shoulder, and kicked her feet on the rocks below her feet.
"You okay? I called Jenna. She's on her way." Elena says, looking at her phone as Bonnie left. Athena ripped the headphone out of Jeremy’s ears, gaining his attention. “Bitch.” Jeremy says, hitting the girl’s thigh.
“Jerk.” Athena says, hitting the back of her brother’s head. The two began hitting each other, making their sister groan as she tried to stop the two from hurting each other. “Hey, stop it!”
The younger sibling sighs and takes a drink of the beer they grabbed in unison.
"Those people in uniforms? Last time I checked, they're the police.” Elena says, jokingly. She sighs watching her sibling ignore and down the beers, tossing the bottles into the metal barrels behind them.
“People are gonna stop giving you breaks, Jer. They just don't care anymore. They don't remember that our parents are dead. They've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on. You should try, too. And being a smartass and getting angry isn’t going to solve your problems, Athena."
"Says the girl who sits in the cemetery writing in her diary." Athena says sarcastically, looking at her sister with bored eyes. "Is that supposed to be you moving on?" Jeremy adds.
"Mom and Dad wouldn't have wanted this." Elena says, looking at the two. "Don't be so hypocritical, ‘Lena." Athena says, rolling her eyes.
The three made it home, Athena went straight to her room with Sirius. While she changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, Sirius jumped onto the girl’s bed getting comfortable. Seeing the dog sleeping Athena opened her window and climbed out to the roof to look at the full moon above. "Elena says we need to move on… I hate it."
“You hate everything, little hunter." She says mocking, her father's deep voice. The girl then sighs, tiredly. "Yeah well I hate you the most. Leaving me in the place we call earth, more like hell."
"I feel like I'm dying more and more each day. I want to feel alive." Athena says, softly. She plays with her necklace trying to stop herself from getting angry. "I've lost you. I can't lose myself, either. But tonight feels different, I feel like I actually have hope. I... Just don't know what for."
Athena’s mind was racing, but she couldn’t concentrate on one thing. So, she sighed and looked down at her hands seeing the chipping black nail polish. She focuses on the thought of her mom painting her nails every weekend, and now she had to do it herself.
The girl sighs, and looks at the moon thinking of her father. "I love you… from our first war to our last."
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levelfivegay · 7 years
Tagged by @ryuriel india i would die for you i swear 2 god Rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last: 1. drink: earth juice 2. phone call: kayla 3. text message: grandma 4. song: bohemian bird- grizfolk 5. time you cried: a couple days ago have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yep 10. been depressed: me? depressed? never 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no favourite colors: grey and pastel blues in the last year have you: 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: no 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: yup 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no 22. made friends: kinda? 23. fallen out of love: nope general: 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i dont have a birthday  26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 0 27. do you have any pets: my chubby chocolate lab Sadie who is the only living creature i care about 28. what time did you wake up: 6:41 29. what were you doing at midnight last night: sle..e.p 30. name something you can’t wait for: DECEMBER 15TH 31: what are you listening to right now: spotify daily mix 32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33: something that’s getting on your nerves: being alive 34. do you want to change your name: yes. oh my god. you have no idea. or at least go by something else. 35. hair color: brown ish idfk 36. long or short hair: short 37. piercings: just regular ones, i’d like to get more 38. tattoos: in the future god yes 39. blood type: iiiiii have no idea 40. nicknames: mcnothin really 41. relationship status: in relationship with depression 42. zodiac: libra 43. pronouns: whats that 44. most visited website: this hellsite 45. right or left handed: right 46. surgeries: none 47. sports: good one 48. favorite tv show: probably vikings tbh 49. vacations: spent a month in florida, been all around cali, been to illinois and wisconsin. 50. sneakers: they are certainly shoes more general: 52. eating: it happens 53. fave drink: ocean water (not actual ocean water the drink from sonic) 54. what you’re up to: basking in the warmth of getting above 100% on my first quiz 55. waiting for: the sweet release of death 56. want: to die 57. get married: dont tell me what to do 58. career: idk.... archaeologist but on the side i’ll fight nazis like indiana jones which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: love physical contact. love to one day be used to it. 61. lips or eyes: i have both 62. shorter or taller: i need a short girl who i can one day benchpress in a show of my masculinity 63. older or younger: closer to death the better 64. nice arms or stomach: a..rm... lov that shi.t....... 65. hook up or relationship: i wouldnt know 66. troublemaker or hesitant: depends on the situation have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: for taste, yes 69. lost glasses/contacts: nope. i have broken them though 70. turned someone down: um 71. sex on the first date: why are these all relationship oriented 72. broken someone’s heart: never had a heart 2 break wtf 73. had your heart broken: unless the palpitations count no 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yeah 76. fallen for a friend: nope do you believe in: 77. yourself: hhhahhahhaaa nice one 78. miracles: i believe in random chance 79. love at first sight: kind of? 80. santa claus: no i believe in Gigi the christmas snake 81. kiss on the first date: sure 82. angels: yeah all my mutals are angels other: 83. current best friend’s name(s): i love Cheeto, cholera, and the furry one 84. eye colour: green 85. favourite movie: dunkirk right now
i tag @kwiimi and u who is reading this bc i cant think of mutuals rn wh oops. seriously. i tag u. i wanna hear from u. do this. please. fuel. my. needs.
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thesummerfox · 7 years
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 whoever the fuck you want
I was tagged by the fabulous @goddamnitkastle and @laura--howlett , thank you both so much! I’m tagging @wolveria, @emanationman, @thewonderginger, @sonicskullsalt, @carry-the-sky, @wasleichtes, @secondary2mary , @kteague , and @theycallmeeverlasting with absolutely no pressure to do this cos it’s a lot of stuff but if you’re bored like me.. go give it your best shot? 
Setting this under a read more cos I doubt anyone wants my babbling on their dash..
The Last …
1. drink: apple juice
2. phone call: I think I called mom to let her know what time I’d be coming home
3. text message: one from work asking if I remembered a password cos the entire IT dept is out on holiday and they couldn’t access a laptop lol
4. song you listened to: Na Na Na by Pentatonix
5. time you cried: ugly cry has been a while but casual cry was a few days ago
Have you ever ...
6. dated someone twice: I’m not sure how they mean this question but I’ve never casually dated, I’ve always been friends with people first and ‘dating’ felt a lot like hanging out (except with more kissing lol) so I dunno?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope. I love kissing people and I do way too little of that so my only regret is not kissing more people haha!
8. been cheated on: not to my knowledge.
9. lost someone special: Yes, either because they died or because they left my life. 
10. been depressed: oh yes. My last major episode’s been a while, but I get downer moods like no tomorrow after I come off one of my high-as-a-kite moods so that’s a lot of fun. *eyerolls* Always have to be careful in fall/winter cos I’m more susceptible to a depressive bender in those months.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never even gotten drunk lol -- tipsy is the most I can manage because I’m a controlfreak like whoa
Favorite Colors…
12. Sky blue
13. Dark purple
14. Sunshine yellow/bright pink (hah I can’t choose!)
In The Last Year Have You…
15. made new friends: yesss
16. fallen out of love: nope. Been a while since I’ve been in it, if I’ve ever been at all.
17. laughed until you cried: that’s the best kind, so absolutely! I am the type to just start laughing hysterically or crack a few jokes that are funny to nobody but me so you can imagine that I’m not a stranger to just laughing so hard that I start crying
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, in both good and bad ways
19. met someone who changed you: always -- in big and small ways
20. found out who your friends are: thankfully, yes. 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: it’s a 50/50 cos I hate using FB for anything other than games and I have added people I only know from online interactions before cos they’re awesome and I wanna see what’s up in their lives
23. do you have any pets: not anymore =(
24. do you want to change your name: nah, I’m good with my name. My name and I are best friends right around now lol
25. what did you do for your last birthday: uhh I don’t recall what I did on the day itself but I know that I went to see the movie Jackie not too long after my birthday and called it my birthday outing so that’s that
26. what time did you wake up: 5am because my brain hates me
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting ready for bed
28. name something you can’t wait for: new Game of Thrones season
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: she’s literally in the next room so like 10 seconds ago lol -- I still live at home
31. what are you listening to right now: chirping birds in the backyard
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah
33. something that is getting on your nerves: the godawful holiday schedule that public transport’s got going on right now holy shit I’m so pissed
34. most visited website: Tumblr
35. hair color: it’s red right now but my natural colour is brown
36. long or short hair: I’m growing it back out to long
37. do you have a crush on someone: when do I not seriously
38. what do you like about yourself: I'm pretty intelligent and creative but I gotta tell ya that the thing I like most about myself is the devil-may-care Aquarius attitude to fashion/make-up that winds up with me mixing patterns and colours and going full-tilt cray with blue lipstick
39. piercings: I just have a hole in each ear so I can wear earrings but then forget about that a lot so I’m stabbing my own ears every so often just to keep them from closing up
40. blood type: I have no idea
41. nickname: no real nickname going on at the moment
42. relationship status: single and too picky to mingle lol
43. zodiac: Aquarius
44. pronouns: She/her.
45. favorite tv show: BANSHEE (I’m sorry I’m all-capsing the fuck outta this but this show is insane in the best way and I want y’all to start watching it if you haven’t already okay good thank me later for your traumas)
46. tattoos: I haven’t got one but I keep thinking about getting one but I’m a chickenshit with a low pain tolerance so eh
47. right or left handed: right-handed
48. surgery: I had some work on my teeth done like ages ago but I’ve never been in hospital for anything 
49. piercing: aside from my earring holes, absolutely nada
50. sport: I took ballet back when I was tiny but lately the most I do is occasional yoga
51. vacation: I’m not going anywhere this year that I know of but I like doing citytrips and a lot of sightseeing stuff
52. pair of trainers: Skechers are awesome for my feet so I’ve got a fair few of those -- I tend to walk around in trainers a lot cos I’m always on the go and cannot walk long distances in crap shoes
More General
53. eating: I’m a superpicky eater but I like my fruit and veg, haha (and the last thing I ate was bread and strawberry jam)
54. drinking: I live off fruit juice and water
55. i’m about to: stare at my screen some more cos I have a writer’s block looming over my long fic
56. waiting for: my holidays to start omg
57. want: to buy a car and move out of the house but in this current economy that’s like saying “I need a ticket to the miracle express”
58. get married: someday, maybe? I’m not seeing anyone and you really do need more than one person for that adventure
59. career: I have one? but it’s like a career born out of necessity that doesn’t totally suck to do on a daily basis and the career I want (I just wanna write let me write) is not constructive as a way to pay the bills
60. hugs or kisses: BOTH. I hug people more than I kiss ‘em but I’m all for both
61. lips or eyes: eyes are the window of the soul yo
62. shorter or taller: I’m relatively tall so my inner circle of people consists of both shorter (mostly girls) and taller (Dutch folks tend to be skyscrapers)
63. older or younger: I’m friends with people much older and quite a bit younger than me -- I really don’t care about that. all my relationships have been with guys who were a bit older tho
64. nice arms or nice stomach: ARMSSS I have a thing with nice hands/arms you don’t even know
65. hook up or relationship: relationship, never done random hook-ups
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant (I blame my Cap stellium omg)
67. kissed a stranger: noooo but I totally would not gonna lie
68. drank hard liquor: hahahahahaha oh no
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nah, I may forget where I put them but I never lost them
70. turned someone down: yeah I’ve had to do that, it’s not fun but if I’m really not feelin’ it I’m not gonna pretend otherwise -- I really fucking hate it when people don’t take a polite “no” for an answer though
71. sex on the first date: depends on how long I’ve actually known someone? if they’re a total stranger, then nope, but if we were friends before dating I just might
72. broken someone’s heart: yes, probably, but I didn’t stick around to watch them fall apart cos I was that done with the relationship and he really really really had it comin’ so I hope I shattered it tbh
73. had your heart broken: yeah but I bounced back all right from that so my guess is that I haven’t crashed and burned the way some folks do over heartbreak
74. been arrested: nah
75. cried when someone died: I have done both the ugly sobbing that just makes everything stream out in a cascade of tears and snot (yeah lol tmi) and the dry-eyed thing that eventually ended in a breakdown months later so uhhuh
76. fallen for a friend: always. not in that I always fall in love with my friends, lol, but in that I have to be friends with someone if I’m really gonna fall for them that way imo
Do You Believe In …
77. yourself:  hell to the yes I do
78. miracles: I think the universe provides for us and sometimes blindsides us in a way that makes us think miracles are real
79. love at first sight: I’ve had it happen and it’s not fun so I wanna stop believing in that okay thanks
80. santa claus: I used to, like I seriously hallucinated reindeer noises at one point
81. kiss on the first date: yes please
82. angels: yes
83. current best friends’ names: they know who they are
84. eye color: green
85. favorite movie: Wonder Woman! (to absolutely nobody’s surprise? hah)
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perlethewitch · 7 years
Massive Ask
I was tagged by @the-mighty-sorceress
Rules: Tag 20 people
The Last:
1. Drink: Smoothie ofbananas+strawberries
2. Phone Call: Can’t remember
3. Text message: An online friend showing me a meme he made
4. Song you listened to: Hooked on Swing Dancing (It’s a random classic Swing medley I downloaded from Youtube)
5. Time you cried: Last night, can’t remember why
Have you:
6. Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
8. Been cheated on: Nope
9. Lost someone special: Depends what you mean by ‘lost’. If you mean dead, It was a long time ago and I don’t really remember them. If you mean lost touch/lost a friendship, It happened to many times, it even just happened yesterday with my best friend
10. Been depressed: I’ve started being depressed pretty recently, actually. I’ve only started to realize all my problems a couple of years ago
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I drank alcohol a few times, but I can’t tell if I got actually drunk from it. I’m really careful.
List 3 Favourite Colours:
12. Between Indigo and Purple
13. Unsaturated nature Green 
14. Brown
In the last year, have you…
15. Made new friends: Yes! Thankfully
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, it happens a lot
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I think? I don’t know, I don’t really want to think about it
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Kissed someone on your FB list: What. No
21. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have Facebook lmao
22. Do you have any pets: A dog and I love her more than I love myself
23. Do you want to change your name: Nah I like my name
24. What did you do for your last birthday: I had an existential crisis and cried. Nothing else.
25. What time did you get up: 6 AM
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: Walking around the house thinking about my life
27. Name something you can’t wait for: To be able to interact with fictional people. Believing this might happen someday is what keeps me going, even if I know it’s ridiculous. Or maybe I just can’t wait for anarchy, or anything that puts an end to society as we know it.
28. When was the last time you saw your mom: This morning
29. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I was less bitter and more organized
30. What are you listening to right now: Nothing? I’m in a library, it’s pretty silent
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, he was a dick
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: Organize meetings in my schedule, people who get offended by stupid shit
33. Most visited website: Tumblr
34. Mole/s: Uhhh one above my eyebrow, one on my leg I think
35. Mark/s: birth mark on my leg, and a scar on a knuckle
36. Childhood dream: I wanted to be superhero or something? I always had unrealistic goals
37. Hair colour: Brown, a little light
38. Long or short hair: LONG.
39. Do you have a crush on someone: Nobody non-fictional!
40. What do you like about yourself: I’m open-minded and I try to understand everyone’s point of view, unlike SOME people *glares at tumblr* and I’m a decent artist. I like my imagination. I take pride in being as kind, sensitive and wise as I can be; It’s like a competition to me. But ironically, I’m not humble, and that’s not really wise of me
41. Piercings: Well, earrings
42. Blood type: ???
43. Nicknames: Max, Perle, Maxou, Maxchou (the two last ones are only if we’re friends)
44. Relationship status: Single
45. Zodiac: Pisces
46. Pronouns: She/Her
47. Favourite TV show/s: Batman the animated series, Rick and Morty, Doctor Who, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Survivors, One Piece
48. Tattoos: I’d like to have like… a star on the back of my shoulder
49. Right or left hand: Right
50. Surgery: Nope
51. Hair dyed a different colour: Never
52. Sports: Never
53. Vacation: Mexico, one time a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea. I’d like to see New Zealand before I die.
54. Shoes: I like old brown leather boots, formal shoes or my galaxy converts.
55. Eating: IDFK
56. Drinking: Juice
57. I’m about to: Post this post
58. Waiting for: My life to start for real
59. Want: More time and motivation, also date the Music Meister
60. Get married: I don’t know really
61. Career: I still dont fucking know
62. Hugs or kisses: Both! Just no french kissing, ew
63. Lips or eyes: Eyes
64. Shorter or taller: I’m a hoe for people who can loom over me
65. Older or younger: Younger, I really hate growing up
66. Nice arms or nice stomach: ??? both
67. Sensitive or loud: BOTH
68. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: BOTH
70. Kissed a stranger: What no
71. Drank hard liquor: What’s that
72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No
73. Turned someone down: Yes
74. Sex on the first date: I’m a virgin
75. Broken someone’s heart: God I really hope I didn’t
76. Had your heart broken: Not… really
77. Been arrested: No.
78. Cried when someone died: Yes
79. Fallen for a friend: I can’t tell
80. Yourself: Kind of
81. Miracles: Yes
82. Love at first sight: Attraction at first sight, not love
83. Santa Claus: No
84. Kiss on the first date: Maybe
85. Current best friend: …a few people irl. and @couldyounottalktomethanks @theatroid online
86. Eye colour: Dark brown
87. Favourite movie: Jeez you cant just ask me that,i love so many damn movies, uhhh Dragonheart? Scott Pilgrim vs.the World? The Craft? The Nightmare before Christmas? Corpse Bride?
Tagging: @theatroid @spookyboo117 @fredyria @kromtar @ladylexluther @queencelina33 @randoomwriter @bones-and-magma @jaxsinstrike pretty much all my mutuals have already been tagged so…
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skihuepfer · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people (or less)
i was tagged by @smile-stephan​ (omg thank you ♡ )
1. drink: grape juice
2. phone call: some parents I had to tell that we’re returning sooner than planned for my summer job
3. text message: a friend who I told the sweaters/ski jumpers joke - I’m still not over it
4. song you listened to: turning back around by RHODES
5. time you cried: i guess a month ago when skam ended
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. been cheated on: nope again
9. lost someone special: my grandfather
10. been depressed: those moment when a series ends
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i've been rly close tho
12. teal
13. ruby
14. magenta
15. made new friends: probs, guess I've mostly sticked to my old ones tho
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: more than once
18. found out someone was talking about you: don't rly recall anything (thanks, short-term memory)
19. met someone who changed you: found some incredible fandoms
20. found out who your friends are: yea, they've definitely proven that they are
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: don't really have a lot there so yes
23. do you have any pets: yes I have 3 cats and 4 bunnies and they are all very special and I love them so much and I could talk about them for hours but I'll spare you (for now)
24. do you want to change your name: nah kinda content with mine
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friends made me an incredible cake that looked like a hobbit's door and I got tickets for my favourite comedian (Otto Waalkes) and then we just played games and watched films and had a chill evening
26. what time did you wake up: at about 10
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading fanfics (gosh there are so many good ones)
28. name something you can’t wait for: Our trip to wales on Saturday and the competition in Hinzenbach in October *-*
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: about an hour ago
31. what are you listening to right now: the silence of my room ( ahhh I love it)
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: definitely, I just can't recall a specific one... (short-term memory again)
33. something that is getting on your nerves: loud chewing ugh
34. most visited website: youtube and tumblr probs
35. hair color: brunette
36. long or short hair: short
37. do you have a crush on someone: yea but its kinda hopeless since I'm to shy and socially awkward to get my shit together and talk to him
38. what do you like about yourself: tough one, maybe that I'm kinda tall
39. piercings: just my ears (hardly wear earrings tho couse I'm way too lazy)
40. blood type: why should I know?
41. nickname: my friends sometimes call me Mary or Mary Jue
42. relationship status: forever single since I am this awkward, asocial mess
43. zodiac: pisces
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favorite tv show: Skam, Sherlock, Poldark, Reign, Outlander, New Girl, Doctor Who, Robin Hood, Merlin... waaay to many
46. tattoos: nope
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: nope, got stiched two times on my chin tho
50. sport: besides horse riding extremly unathletic – apart from passive ski jumping of course
51. vacation: i prefer cold, secluded hicksvilles where I can avoid people like Scottland, Iceland or Wales
52. pair of trainers: guess I have 2 or so
53. eating: I'd die for this tyrolese food called Schlipfkrapfen that my granny makes, just google it, it's srsly the best thing you can imagine
54. drinking: lychee juce
55. I’m about to: continue studying for my drivering test ugh
56. waiting for: Hinterzarten... and food, always for food
57. want: food... still
58. get married: one day, if I'll ever meet someone
59. career: I like working with kids so I'd love to be a teacher one day... maybe English and History so we can all just watch Hamilton and Les Mis together all the time and be happy
60. hugs or kisses: hugs
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: doesn't matter as long as the age gap isn't that severe
64. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
65. hookup or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: bit of both i guess
67. kissed a stranger: nope
68. drank hard liquor: yes, don't quite like it tho
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: every dam time
70. turned someone down: nope cause hardly anyone has ever shown interest in me lol
71. sex on the first date: nope
73. had your heart broken: if having improbable hopes crushed counts then yes
74. been arrested: about 3 times now (nah just kidding)
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: kinda, fallen for a childhood friend that probs doesn't even remember you
77. yourself: who does srsly
78. miracles: yea why not, time to be a bit optimistic
79. love at first sight: yes
80. santa claus: nope, his reindeers? yes
81. kiss on the first date: yea why not, let me be the romantic mess that I am
82. angels: nah that's too much
84. eye color: this stange grey-blue-green kind that nobody can ever quite define
85. favorite movie: lord of the rings, les mis, war horse, dead poet's society, bokeh
I won’t tag anyone since most of the people I know or ‘know’ here have most likely already done it or been tagged. So feel tagged if you want to do it ;)
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