#can you tell I've gotten back into fnaf...
tearcynical · 11 months
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omg I actually draw....
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the rabbit guy is actually a bunny harvestman spider!! it's not included on the sheet... anyway... These are my guys!!! The guys ever!!!
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s1llydr3amscape · 5 months
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Silly toy freddy kinsona named Taffy because pookie made some guys in roblox and I had to redo mine :3 I gotta not care about posting my doodles tbh my art is fine I will kill the self that hates (real!!!)
And a convo I had with him because on god bro don't call me out I know I have bad taste but leave me alone!!! I gotta draw his sona fully one day hes so good at designing!!! His name is Loltz (He/Him)
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Exposing my tastes real not clickbait (It gets worse then this)
I wanna draw more but life stuff rn oughhh (never take computer science yall worse mistake off my life real) I had to make a design seeing lil bro tell me his kin list so we can draw more together <333333
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
I'd like to request 10, 16 and 43 prompts from your list with Springtrap (FNAF 3) if that's cool with you. Thx :)
With a plot where the Draling is defiant of Springtrap and actively fighting back because of the frustration of how long they've been forced to live in such conditions and be "loved" by that monster. During their argument, the Darling says or does something that crosses the line and is threatened by Springtrap to finally obey, to which for the time being until they get a chance at escape they unhappily do.
Sure! @okchijt helped me out with the plot on this!
Yandere! Springtrap Prompts 10, 16, 43
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
"Do as I say or I may just have to press this weapon closer to your back...."
"Won't you be a good pet for me?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Blood, Murder/Violence, Kidnapping, Isolation, Manipulation, Threats, Sadism, Forced "relationship".
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Springtrap always loved the fight in you. To him, it's the most amusing entertainment he can have. He just loved to push you to the brink.
He always saw how you looked so hopeful when new Night Guards came to replace you. Even now it was always a fun time to end their lives just to see your reaction. He loves to see the hope fall from your face...
He loves when it turns to rage.
Amusement twinkled in the rabbit's eyes when he saw you scamper about the room he locked you in at the back of the attraction. Seeing you yell, scream, and break random objects was the funniest thing he's seen in years. In a way he found your fight cute... delectable even.
You always call him names. You call him a monster. You act like childish name calling is going to hurt the murderer's feelings.
You tell him he's ruined your life... he counters you ruined your own life by coming here.
Seeing your anger and destruction makes him cackle. You even pause in your outburst to hear the wheezy laugh of the decaying corpse inside. That is until he comments on your words.
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!" Springtrap laughs. "Maybe you're the one being ungrateful!"
He didn't mean it, the whole thing was a bait to make you frustrated. He just couldn't stop laughing. Oh, if he could cry he could!
Then he felt something thunk against him.
The rabbit stops, the room goes quiet. Springtrap slowly cranes his neck down to see the fact you threw something at him. No damage was done...
But things got less funny.
You two stare at one another. Springtrap can see the fear in your eyes. He hears you sputter apologies... yet he's not really listening.
You panic when Springtrap pulls you close to his suit, the smell suffocating you. You feel a blade lay against your back and go still. You had never shown such defiance before...
This would certainly be the last time.
"Do as I say or I may just have to press this weapon closer to your back...." Springtrap growls the threat out in a dangerous tone. He grins when you meekly nod. Funny how a simple knife to your back can silence you so quickly.
"You belong to me here, dear. You don't get to disobey me." Springtrap warns. "Disrespect me like this again... and there won't be any second chances."
You meekly murmur apologies against him, tears streaming down your face. He can tell you're getting overwhelmed... he's gotten the point across. Some fight is amusing to him... too much feels like a threat.
For now... he shows mercy
"Won't you be a good pet for me?" Springtrap coos before caressing you in a seemingly comforting manner. Yet the effect is greatly reduced due to the knife still behind your back.
You nod vigorously as Springtrap searches for any more fight within you. Once he deemed you fine he lets you go. You feel slight relief after he lets you go.
"Good, doll. Now stay here, I have some matters to attend to." The bot scoffs before leaving the backroom and locking it.
When his footsteps fall away you take the time to recollect yourself. You huddle away in the room, murmuring small promises to yourself.
Someday you'll escape...
Won't you?
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venbetta · 1 year
I'm not sure if anyone's ever thought about this or has made a post about it, but I figured I'd add my own two cents if someone did talk about this.
// Ruin spoilers ahead
mostly about Freddy
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So, seeing that headless Freddy has prototype written on the bottom of his foot, it's suggested or even theorized that our Freddy (the one we're with in SB) was a prototype this entire time.
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Of course, like many others, I was very skeptical and in denial about the idea because why the hell would that be a thing? How is he a prototype? It wasn't there on his foot in the base game, so why this sudden change?
I kinda hated it, and as a way to cope, I theorized that maybe it wasn't the same Freddy and FazEnt just replaced him with another copy and then abandoned him... don't ask me how that particular Freddy became headless either. Also I was wobbling between the "True Ending" being the Canon one, I was back and forth and just trying to figure out what would've made sense.
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My logic for the True Ending being canon was, maybe Freddy and Gregory both got out (alongside Vanessa) with glamdaddy intact, and they're just living life. Meanwhile, Faz Ent just made a new Freddy while fixing the plex but gave up and left everything to rot. Of course I know now that makes no sense or explains why/how the 2nd Freddy lost his head, but it's what I came up with. The PQ Ending is technically canon... so that was a waste of a braincell, hah...
Since fnaf has the tendency to rewrite/add things to the story, I think our Glamrock Freddy being a prototype is something I've accepted. Now, there are a few things I thought of that might add to the idea of him being a prototype (not confirmed but more speculative).
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He's a high-tech, sentient AI robot, he can clearly experience human emotion (like the other glamrocks) and has decent mobility. What most likely seperates him from the other glams is the fact that he experiences existentialism. I know we don't see much from the other glams, what they think of their current situation (not even from Roxy in Ruin), they aren't fully aware of what they are or what they're doing (as far as we know). Their programming is focused on being entertainers and birthdays.
I'm not gonna say that the other glams aren't able to express deeper thoughts, but I think this is where I might be stretching this idea just a bit.
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If you're going to make AI bots who can adapt and be flexible with their environment, there's gotta be some kind of limit of what they can say/think/do. Freddy is the prime example of not having that limitation since we see/hear him express concern about not being the only Glamrock Freddy that's walking around:
"Have I always been a Freddy? Am I Monty with a different shell? What if I am not the first Glamrock Freddy? ... Do we all feel the same? Am I special? If I am mass-produced, am I still art?" (Endo Warehouse)
This motherfucker literally commits arson:
"You sure collected a lot of toys! Perhaps we can do something to stop whatever is going on here." (Fire escape Ending)
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When he goes to the basement and encounters the blob, he goes on this monologue:
"I know what this is. I have been here before. She brought me here. I found myself for the first time when I cleared the path. I did not want to, but I had no choice. Now I have a choice. I have changed. My friends are here. They are so angry, confused. But I can protect you. I am not me." (True Ending)
He ultimately goes against some of his programming to help a child in need-- even lie to a security guard-- which if he were set to do as he's told, he would've sent Gregory straight to Vanessa, even with Gregory adamantly telling him not to.
If he were programmed to be strict and not break any protocols, he'd would've gotten Gregory killed immediately.
I'm saying this because if we're being realistic (realistic in terms of how we usually program robots and things), there are barriers in what a robot/ai can really say/do that doesn't break its programming. If he's a prototype, Freddy wouldn't have those barriers to stop him from saying/doing most of the things he did in SB. I know there's another factor to him behaving kindly to Gregory and that's him being in safe mode, but even still... you would think he would follow the rules and not let Gregory do certain things and perhaps unintentionally get the boy killed.
I'm going back to the existential crisis Freddy has, because for something that's meant to be an animatronic mascot for kids, you wouldn't want him to make the children around him question the meaning of being alive and sentient. There would have to be some sort of guard against having those kind of thoughts and ideas. It makes Freddy more interesting, especially if he could've been easily replaced with a finalized version of him that did what he was suppose to.
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Also, I know it's probably more widely accepted that either Vanny or Gregory hacked into Freddy, causing his collapse during the opening. With him being a prototype, maybe his systems couldn't handle that type of an advanced hack, unlike the other glams, making him unable to be properly hacked into in the beginning.
Not only that, there are some issues he has with performing, who knows, maybe he's had collapses before. We don't know.
Him being unable to enter the West Arcade:
"When I step onto the West Arcade dance floor I cannot stop myself! It is a programming bug." (West Arcade)
I'm aware him being in safe mode meant he's disconnected from the main network as well keeps him docile. While the "Afton" fight isn't technically canon, with the other upgrades on Freddy, those parts might have made him more susceptible to the virus attack. There's not much evidence pointing to the other glams not being prototypes but seeing how they each have upgrades while Freddy doesn't, that might hint that the others were mostly finalized, meaning their systems were properly functioning (aside from the virus of course).
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Sorry if this was super long, but it's something I thought about and I had to put it in words. Nothing about Glamrock Freddy is normal, like he's not possessed (I use to believe in the glammike theory but I don't anymore eh...), but he's a prototype! He's gonna act all funky because he's not polished yet... and I think that's very interesting and endearing (in an odd way).
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Thanks for your response. I was the anon who ended the ask with 'the fandom can suck it'. When I saw that anon who you and twinanimatronics had assumed to be the one that keeps you know starting shit with you, I really hated that they labeled us as shipbrain or whatever they said. I am aroace who finds comfort in shipping characters and that doesn't make me any less aroace. Can't people like them just let us have this, let us share it and stop taping our mouths? God. We are not even hurting anyone. I posted a solarxmoon and solarxearth mini comic thing yesterday and behold, I believe that same anon found it and is looking adamantly through the solarxmoon and even solarxearth because I didn't use the tsams tag for my comic. I took the comic down fast and turned off anon messages so quick because God that anon was quick to leave nasty messages, six in total and that was panic attack inducing. I'm sorry for rambling about this. I don't know anyone else who got that same anon on their back. It looks like they are persistent for lack of better term and it annoys me+scares me. Can't even share things I like about here anymore. Hoping solarxmoon becomes canon so that anon can shut up already
If Solar Moon became canon, they don't even need to change anything.
The actors don't even need to pretend to kiss or be romanically involved at all.
It's literally as simple as "Oh yeah, we were dating for months, anyway..."
OH AND... FUCK THAT ANON. I know the user you are talking about, I think there's around two or three of them... and it seems like they're dead set on hunting down people who use that Solarmoon or Solar x Moon tag.
Going into popular users in the tsams fandom that I personally don't know... and spreading bad lies and rumors about me.
Like, they typically try to keep it as vague as possible, like "oh I am not talking about dana-chan-the-control-brain specifically....." but they often steal the exact wording and turn of phrase I use.
Cause I have an overly wordy way of talking on the internet.
I've always been this way since I was 15, so I feel my style of speaking is pretty overly wordy, rambly and long compared to most people just because I don't have a lot to share with my opinions with in real life. And I also misspell things a lot cus spellcheck has gotten worse since it became AI trained and it doesn't help my dyslexia.
But how sad is that? That someone is searching out the tag for a ship that they don't like, claim that "it's everywhere" and I'm "poisoning the fanbase" when I'm just.... here... playing with my own dolls, doing my own thing.... and not bothering anyone... Not even putting the ship in the tags publicly because I have Such respect and love for the silly little youtube show, who also plays with fnaf characters like they're dolls.
(just saying.. "bio-organic" and interdimensional travel did NOT come from fnaf I can tell you that much. )
And yeah, if they're really stumbling across Solarmoon or these ships on accident.......Blacklist the tags and move on? Don't come to my messages... Don't harass my friends...
And don't harass other people I DON'T EVEN KNOW because someone just said "hehe but what if they kissed" on the internet?
Like blocklist the tag, and move on.
I know the blocklisting tagging system sucks sometimes, so maybe it's picking up "Solar" like in that case? Just scroll super fast and don't look at it?
And yeah. You don't deserve those nasty messages sent your way at all!
Oh, and if you feel brave enough to reupload your art to tumblr and DM me, I will gladly reblog it here. <3
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callsign-bunnie · 11 months
Wow… I always thought you were inclusive to all fans. Guess not.
I tried to be, and I still try to be to MOST fans, but I have limits and I have lines. I know it's probably been obvious, but I've really drawn back from being socially active in the fandom. I take stands, occasionally, but for the most part, I just block and move on. My block list on tiktok is long, because if I don't like content, I block rather than get upset.
I don't really look at my home page, anymore. Going onto AO3 hits me with so many (niche and specific to me) triggers in a day, that my reason for not reading others' works has shifted from, even though I'm working on managing it, my Dyslexia to just being unable to navigate my own triggers. This isn't anyone's fault, it's mine.
If I'm being honest? My mental health is in the dumpster and while this has a wide variety of reasons, if I can protect it in any way I can, I will. And if this includes having to tell a certain group of fans that they're not welcome on my blog? Unfortunately, that's what has to happen.
I'm not a stranger to fandom wars, as stupid as I think they are, I'm not a stranger to the aggression that happens here. And I have, definitely, been on the other side a few times. My first proper introduction to fandom was Supernatural and FNAF. I STILL deal with seeing posts talking about how a ship I didn't ship is superior to one I do ship for no fucking reason. I understand liking a character, and I understand having villain characters that you still like and love, and I can appreciate the "he's my precious pookie bear and does nothing wrong" mindset to a certain extent.
But I think ignoring Makarov's actions, even if he's a fictional character, even if it's just a game, is ignorant, in today's climate. A prime example of why I cannot get behind it is Russian Terminator. I have... so many reasons I can go through why this man is just awful, but my wife is slightly more educated, so I'll let her take the reigns on that one if she wants. However, he sucks. Objectively. But because he's masked and ripped, I see so many edits of him. So many.
I see people call themselves his "simps" and actively ignore and block those who try to point out his horrific actions and opinions and views and values to them. This man is not a fictional character. He's a real person.
I have always been a huge advocate for "live and let live" in fandom spaces. To an extent that even my wife and I get into arguments over it. My only limit seems to be pedophilia, for personal reasons. And I am not telling you to stop writing Makarov. I'm not even telling you not to find him hot. You can giggle and kick your feet when he "activates your praise kink" in the first mission, I don't care I won't stop you.
But I don't want that in my own space. I protect my peace. This ranges from silly things that just bother me (pricegraves) to big things like this. As my wife stated, Graves committed war crimes. Yes. He killed civilians, and that's inexcusable. But, I feel like this is comparing a passion killing, to systematic murder. Graves would have committed those crimes in any country, but the US. France, England, pretty much any country he could have gotten away with it.
Makarov targeted a country of Arabic people, because he knew about the aggression and islamophobia that exists in the west. He knew that if he pulled some strings a little, he could very easily turn a country just looking for peace into a country of terrorists, in the western media's eyes. This is irredeemable in my eyes.
So, no. I try to be inclusive. Pricegraves fans are still welcome to interact with me. They know by now that I won't write it, I don't really entertain it, and to go to my wife. The same for FarahAlex shippers, and really anyone who ships something on my No-Ship list. (Though please get the memo on that second ship, I'm never gonna budge, I'm sorry.)
I'm sorry if you feel alienated, I know it probably sucks. Trust me, I understand. But, unfortunately, I want to protect my peace, and I want my blog to continue to be my own safe space.
Thank you for understanding.
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silverbulletofficial · 3 months
Well, hey guys. Been... so... long... since I've seen you all.
But I'm baaaaaaack! Back with a newsletter! And I have done so little since I've talked to you guys. Uh, let's talk about that.
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So, in terms of game development, it gone backwards. However, i have gotten ideas, lots of ideas. the game is way more inspired by Omori now, and that's a good thing.
After i type out this newsletter, I'm going to begin re-coding the engine.
So, the team has a new party member! @jfjustjackie's OC: Olive Scott! Her playstyle is more like a tank. High HP, hits well. She also has a healer move.
Oh, also I have a new idea for the battle system. Have a look!
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So, to explain: It's kind of like FNAF world, your attacks are always choosable, and the enemy auto attacks. You just have to know what to do and spam. And special moves like healing cost energy (or whatever name i choose), which you get by attacking and stuff.
Each character's special moves are as follows: one sort of emotion-based move (like Omori, @jfjustjackie's idea). Such as Olive's special #1, Pester, which makes the enemy's DEF low, and ATK high.
Special 2 is unique to the character, and mostly involve special things. Such as Gage's #2, Flirt, which makes the enemy unable to attack for a few seconds but costs a quite bit of energy.
Anyways, I know I said something about moving the game to Godot, but I think I will be keeping it in Turbowarp. The only reason I even thought about Godot is because it was free, and my friend kept telling me to use it. I also thought about using a RPGmaker alternative called "WOLF RPG EDITOR". But I got confused. I know Turbowarp way better than anything else, so I can do more.
Anyways, I would like to end this newsletter off with the rewritten story for SILVER BULLET.
SILVER BULLET is an RPG inspired by games like OMORI and UNDERTALE. You play as Gage, a depressed and anxiety ridden human-like thing, and Olive Scott, their always happy female roommate(?) inside of Gage's strange dreams that he uses to escape the real world, his depression, and mysterious events from his past. In the dream, he meets an old OC he made years ago: Peter, a short little guy that looks like a ball of fur.
Oh, also something is stalking Gage.
Anyways, I'm going to go sleep and tomorrow I will start working on the engine.
Demo soon?
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akamaru01 · 1 year
Nightmares are one thing
Those you just wake up from. You're fine
It sucks but you're awake now
Whatever the fuck i just had? Hate those
Every now and then i have a nightmare i guess? Where i go from one dream/nightmare to like, what i THINK is being awake in bed. But i cant move or talk and there is usally SOMETHING with me. Sometimes just a voice (tonight it was ome or two fnaf characters i dont know why i'm not afraid of them). I've gotten to the point where i do my best to scream at them they're not real, to flip them off as best i can.
It's painful, and i can sometimes force them to disappear by telling myself they're not real and closing my eyes and opening. Sometimes they stay and i try again and then they go away. Sometimes they come back.
Moving is painful and weird. Any movement i make, and progress to forcing myself up, I blink and i'm right back where i started. Sometimes that's when they come back. So i keep trying.
I struggle to move, finally start getting up, just to be right bacj down.
Eventually something snaps and I fully ACTUALLY wake up. In a different sleeping position and freely able to move and talk, even the lighting of the room is different, and know all that really was dreams.
I hate that shit
Brain can i please just fucking rest at some point tonight
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orestescontact · 2 years
Good day to you! I'm Ore (Tes is also acceptable). She/her pronouns only, please. I've roleplayed off and on since Quizilla was a common fandom name, from Email to Tumblr to Twitter and a scattering of others. My hyper-fixations are Undertale - more so its abundance of AUs - and Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. The only roleplay(s) I would have an interest in would involve either or in some capacity, whether that be canon-compliant or lifting the characters off the page for use in an original idea. I'll unabashedly admit my interest lies in OC x CC plots but how that is portrayed is up for discussion; as much as I fancy a romance, it's a shame platonic pairings often fall by the wayside.
While I'll consider OC x OC, CC x CC is off the table.
FxM is where I'm most comfortable but I'm open to MxM. FxF I've never done but am not opposed to.
21+ is preferred. Due to the possibility of dark content and heavy topics, I won't write with anyone under 18. Honestly, the thought of writing romance alone with a minor squicks me out.
Smut is an option and can even be the focus. I'm not picky between plot or lewd-driven. Limits and kinks will be thoroughly discussed if anything sexual is to take place.
Speaking of, my tastes are extensive. I love horror, thriller, survival, romance, slice of life, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort—suggest something and there'll likely be an angle I'd enjoy.
I default to 2-3 paragraphs per character or thereabouts and expect a similar effort. No one-liners of any sort. I'll mirror you when applicable and can write more if need be. Just please, no 1,000+ word replies. Mad respect to you lot but I just do not have that amount of energy anymore, good Lord.
Doubling is the expectation, yes? No? Is that how it's done here? I'd be happy to do so so we're both satisfied, at any rate.
Depending on the length of a reply, expect a response every one to three days. Take as long as you need to get back to me; I'm unbothered if you need some personal time or have a busy life. Take a week or two—hell, a month. I've got a chock-full schedule myself.
Over Discord (Orestes#6316) would be the highly preferred option.
Fnaf SB: I haven't gotten the opportunity to write for this yet. I'd be willing to try out most of the cast as long as wiggle room is given. As for who I want to write against, a Sundrop, Moondrop, or even an Eclipse are, well, it. They are responsible for 80% of my current brain rot.
Undertale: My experience here is spotty and with so many AUs and interpretations of those AUs, I'm not confident making a blanket statement. I'd be able to write one of the skeletons, particularly a Sans, far better than any of the other characters. Be mindful that I can't guarantee the portrayal you're seeking; fandom is vast and a lot of original canon has been lost before even touching upon my personal headcanons. Who I'm looking for in return is also a long list of Sanses. In no particular order: any of the Bad Sanses group (including the less accounted for Error), multiple -fell verses, multiple -echo verses, and any iteration of -swapfell or -fellswap (though I have my favorites, many versions appeal to me). On occasion, I catch myself eyeing the Papyruses from the mess of -fells. There's more AU's I like but we'll be here all day if I list them all.
If you have any interest or questions, you can contact me through PMs or Discord (if the ad is old, Discord is your best bet). Please, please, please tell me something in your message. A plot, which fandom, what characters you're thinking—anything. "Hi" or "can we rp" doesn't inform me of any of your wants nor expectations.
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getsillyyyy · 4 months
Redoing this because I don't like my first one
Hello! You can call me pinkz, pinky, or Benny! My favorite activities are drawing, listening to music, roleplaying, and staring at my wall(/j)
I absolutely LOVE talking about my ocs because they are just so silly! My favorite ocs right ATM probably has to be Randy and or noodles!
I love when people info dump on their ocs and let me info dump about mine! It makes me SO happy and I will be kicking my feet and giggling the entire time
If someone's oc is rotting in my brain for long enough I'll draw them 🥱
I'm a yapper if you couldn't tell ‼️ I won't shut up about something unless I run out of things to say to it (which is why I over explain things) I also have ADD/ADHD
I'm always up for anything unless it's actually fucking weird- you know what I'm talking about!
Favorite movies:
House of 1000 corpses
The fnaf movie(it's fnaf)
Rick and morty
American dad
Super jail
Occasionally Steven Universe
Animal jam
Creepy pasta (I've been in this one the longest and I don't plan to leave any time soon! Most of my ocs are based on here but they do hop fandoms. After some stuff happened none of them are considered creepy pastas)
Slender verse(my favorite is everymanhybrid‼️I need to finish it, I'm only in like 9 (?) episodes- idk I need to go look)
Super jail(my favorite character has to be Alice! I don't mention this one a lot 🥱)
Sally face(this is a fandom I keep getting pulled back into. I've had more.. Questionable experiences in this one back in 2021-2022
Bands I enjoy listening to that I can remember by name is ICP and Slipknot! Other than that it's pretty scattered. I'll listen to anything that isn't jazz/classical music or sad music (only one song but it's because in my eyes it's good and doesn't seem that sad)
people who infantilize characters. (Seriously, you're annoying if you do this. One of my ocs were infantilized A lot by other people because they had arm sleeves and couldn't talk properly. There's no reason to do this to people with disabilities man. He was raised by an animal cult, HE'S NOT GOING TO SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH AND BE A FUNCTIONAL MEMBER IN SOCIETY. It's gotten so bad I made it cannon he's babied and she HATES it. I'm ranting 😭 mb, (summary) It's just really annoying and makes me want to pull my hair out)
People scared of women with body hair, emos, or scene (I'm not changing my characters because you don't like it :3 I didn't ask for your advice so respectively keep it to yourself)
people into Alfred's play house. (I heard it's a bad fandom with a lot of romanticized SA, I don't want those type of people interacting with me or my content.)
That should be all for my little introduction post. Bye bye!!
Anyone else who is problematic!
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klobast · 8 months
About Me
-I have ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, as well as an Unspecified Communication Disorder (Which my therapist has told me is likely autism) and I suffer hallucinations. Due to my communication disorder, you can expect I have trouble understanding certain concepts that a person with autism might similarly struggle with. That doesn't mean I don't want to learn, though. If you see something I've done that seems bad, I'll be willing to listen, learn, and change it.
-I struggle with pains and aches throughout my whole body, which affect my ability to think, my memory, and my mental state. It may also be the cause of my hallucinations.
-I've also, at times, created false memories, which I first noticed when I believed someone close to me wanted for me to do something bad. Good thing is, I've always tried to confirm if these things are true with the people in question before they get out of hand. Most times when this happens recently for me, although, I just end up creating false memories of mundane, harmless things such as people wanting to eat turkey.
-Due to the two categories of things above, I may not post often. Especially now that I'm trying to get a grip on my addictions to writing, once again. +AMENDUM: Around March of 2024, I began walking a lot longer than I usually do. I have had less trouble catching my breath due to that (Still have some trouble, though, to be clear). Not less pain, though. In fact, I believe I am actually in more pain and as I've ignored this pain, it seems to have caused me to become more numb (and tired, maybe?) than usual. I guess because it's so much pain (Dunno, not a doctor myself)? So, I'm thinking I might have to shorten them soon. I've been talking less of these long walks due to this problem. +AMENDUM 2: Also, I've begun to edit my posts almost every day since I need something to do as it helps with my memory and other things. I seem to be fine with it for the most part and am happy with it. I want to stress -- I NEED to do something to challenge my brain, because I know things will get worse if I don't. But STILL -- I will take breaks when I know I need them, so also be aware of that. +AMENDUM 3: So, I'm stupid. Took a long walk, got too into my music and ended up fast-walking. Didn't feel bad. But then again, I didn't really feel anything at all in my legs. Took a long walk the day before. Got home, couldnt feel much still. Sat down and my world turned into crackling shadows that phased in and out of my vision, Still happening. Pain is horrribly horrific in legs and there for one moment, then somehow numb the next. Repeating cyle. Oh yeah the rest of my body is starting to0 ache the same, too. What can I say but ouch. Literally. My chest feels like it has a large opening in it and not in a good way. Need rest, but sadly finding it hard lately to sleep even despite the 3 or 4 different meds I take to help with sleep. This must be what a bad drug trip is like, huh? Only I likely need drugs instead. Gonna take pain pills. Even the DDLC music hurts. Vision stuff hurts, too. Dunno the words, need rest. +AMENDUM 4: I realize now that I might need to say that I'm still alive. So, yeah. I am. Still in pain and aches, but I have enough energy to edit my FNaF theory a little bit. EDIT: As I woke up, I got more energy and looked over my timeline to make little edits on spell-check, story consistency, and making sure I didn't accidentally say something wrong as I always do because of my unspecified communication disorder and adhd and other stuff. Even doing this once or twice (Usually I do it 3 times, actually, out of anxiety), I still miss things, so every now and then I go back to it. +AMENDUM 5: It's gotten to the point where I'm unable to easily tell when I'm bleeding due to always being in a lot of pain. I often bump into things and cut myself due to tiredness. I've also had nightmares almost every night since 2020, and that doesn't help. They just keep getting worse. I feel more and more tired when I wake up. Most of all, I find it hard to feel anything other than extreme sadness or hatred/anger.
+AMENDUM 6: I'm happier now.
-I am currently 21 years old.
-I am Scottish, German twice over, Polish, Greek and French.
-Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, She/Her.
-I am Bisexual.
-I support all of the identities within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community (Just to make clear for those wondering, since I've learned that there are those who only support some identities instead of all of them. I support all of the identities in the community.)
I am a follower of many pagan religions alongside Christianity. I don't support Christian beliefs that speak against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
-I do Tumblr for fun, not for profit. Not only to have fun but to help others have fun, too. If there's one thing that drives me to write and theorize, It's knowing people will enjoy what I'm making. I want to make people happy.
-I value my privacy and I ask you to please respect that.
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campyvillain · 3 years
the worlds first entirely ai generated spamton fic.
for reference i put the first sentence into a bot and let the rest fill itself out. this is what it came up with
Spamton came into the room and saw you.
He was sopping wet and looked like he had just been in a really bad thunderstorm. He also had a bloody nose and looked like he needed help. One of his shoelaces was untied and he was covered in DIRT and GRIME and STICKS. And worst of all -
SPAMTON was limping, walking on one leg rather than the other.
"Oh. Hello, Spam," you said as he walked in. You were sitting at the table with your laptop open. You were almost ignoring the fact that he had been clearly ran over by a truck, as indicated by tire marks lining his back.
"Hi, [y/n]," he mumbled and limped to your bed and sat down. He took a couple breaths before looking at your laptop, and then up at you and you could see the worry on his face, the fear and confusion that you could tell were going through him right now. He looked like his favorite song was by the beatles and he was just learning they made it. He was SO SO SAD. SOOOO SAD.
"Hey, I've been watching YouTube videos of people who can fly or ride animals for the last hour and there has always seemed to be one person that everyone is interested in, someone that has their mind fixed on them."
"What the fuck" Spamton asked you. "I am going to die, y/n."
"No, no, don't say that Spamton. You will live."
Spamton shook his head.
You sighed. "Well, it seems that some random dude from a YouTube channel has written a book." You held out a hand to show him what it was called, The Amazing Spiderman.
He ate it in one gulp.
"Wow, Spamton that's disgusting." You laughed, throwing it in the trash can across the room. It landed upside down, but still inside. "Okay. So this guy writes books about heroes and superheroes and how they are supposed to save the world and save it from itself. He calls it The Amazing Spiderman
"I don't care." Said Spamton. "YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME TO THE ER NOW"
"Why?" You asked.
He gave you an incredulous look as if saying, 'why do you think?'
"I know," you said. "I'm not taking you anywhere until you have cleaned yourself off."
Spamton nodded and stood up, wobbling slightly.
"Are you alright?" And then he fell onto the ground with a loud thud.
Your eyebrows raised.
He groaned a bit. "Fuck," he muttered. "I forgot how hard it was getting up after being run over by a truck."
He slowly got up off the ground.
"Here," you handed him a towel. "Dry yourself off." Then you threw the towel at his face and it made a big meaty noise. And he fell back down.
You chuckled lightly and picked up your laptop again and put it on the table and opened YouTube and started browsing. Spamton was still on the ground so you threw another towel on him.
Again he didn't move. You went back to scrolling and you saw a video that read:
The Amazing Spamton! A story about an old hero! A superhero in costume who has been running around with a mask on and he can't stop smiling! What is he doing? Oh! He has been hit on the floor by TWO TOWELS! But no matter! He will get back on his feet! His name is Spamton! The Amazing Spamton!
You laughed quietly.
Then you heard a crash from the bathroom. You jumped up, ran in, grabbed Spamton by his shirt and dragged him towards the shower.
He had Fnaf pizza in his mouth and it was going EVERYWHERE. There was sauce everywhere and the ends had gotten tangled around his fingers.
You threw his shirt away and turned the water on full blast. There was just SO MUCH FNAF PIZZA.
You stepped out of the bathroom and pulled Spamton behind you while he coughed loudly and spluttered as you dragged him towards your bedroom.
In your closet you pulled out your comforter and blanket and set Spamton down on top of them. He was still coughing and you picked him up and threw him onto the matress face side down. He rolled on to his back as he choked on more pizza.
When he was done he looked around as if trying to find something to wipe the mess from his hands and face and lips with. "Where is Freddy Fazbear"
he whispered. "I want Freddy Fazbear to come give me some pizza."
You smiled softly at him and patted his back.
He lay back on the bed, staring blankly into space.
After awhile he asked you what was wrong.
"Just wanted to make sure you're OK." You said.
"I AM CHOKING ON THE FUCKING FNAF PIZZA BITCH!" he yelled and you flinched.
"It doesn't taste good." You replied.
Then you went downstairs to make tea.
As you walked to the cupboard you noticed Spamton curled up underneath the covers of your bed, fast asleep.
He looked so peaceful...
You manually opened his mouth and poured tea in there. You poured all of the tea.
He woke up with a start when his mouth tasted like coffee and he began sputtering.
"What the fuck is in this tea?" he exclaimed.
You just shrugged and went back upstairs to watch the news.
"There is a new movie coming out soon." Your dad told you, "Have you watched it?"
"Ok I'm sorry. I'll take you to the doctor now."
You grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the house and over to a car.
You dropped him off at a medical centre, which you knew from experience was probably a bad idea and he walked in like an adult.
He looked around and then sat at a desk. You left him alone. You're not supposed to do that to your spamtons.
But you couldn't help but smile at the sight of Spamton working. He was typing on his computer and reading some sort of email and occasionally would mutter under his breath and shake his head.
He was so cute!
Then came in the EVIL DOCTOR.
"Yeah you do Spamton!" said EVIL DOCTOR.
Then they talked for a bit.
Then the EVIL DOCTOR went to grab Spamton and took him to EVIL OPERATING ROOM. He readied his EVIL SUPPLIES, then left Spamton alone and then returned with the EVIL DOCTOR (who was carrying the EVIL SACK).
When Spamton came down he was completely bald except for one single hair on his head. He had been given every vaccine (even the ones that kill you) and looked like he had been hit by a car again and had 5 more wet towels slapped on his face. He had 5 new found diseases.
He looked awful.
"Look Spamton," you told him. "We don't have any more time. We are late, we are really fucking late. Let's go, please. Now."
"NO NO NO" he said.
"Yes now!"
"NO NO NO NO" he shouted. And then Spamton's last words before he exploded into a million pieces were, "PLEASE DON'T COME BACK WITH ANOTHER MAN"
you laughed as you heard your dad yell, "OH MY GOD Y/N!" and ran upstairs to see what happened. When you got there you stopped laughing.
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twitchytrash-blog · 3 years
HSHXGAD My first post is going to be about how pissed off I am generally at all of the fandoms I'm in where literally every single xreader for my favorite character is a feminine presenting afab reader who uses feminine language for their genitalia.
Like it doesn't even matter if it's tagged gender neutral pronouns, in fact if you see gender neutral pronouns AND afab reader in the same fic it's BASICALLY guaranteed that the reader will be using feminine language for their bits
I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten my hopes up because I hardly get any masc rep in xReaders and then immediately my hopes are shattered because this Trans Masculine Character is using Feminine language for his bits and bobs and suddenly I am even more miserably dysphoric than before
It doesn't help that I have the unbearable urge to gatekeep alot because I specifically go after characters who Just. do Not give off Straight vibes AT ALL. Like the amount of utter fucking SHOCK I had when I realized there was almost NO masc reader representation in the fucking SUNDROP&MOONDROP FNAF FANDOM OF ALL FUCKING PLACES
I'm actually so pissed off I'm going through every Moon&Sun/Reader fix on ao3 just so I can tally up the reader characters gender based on the tags
And then I'm gonna go back through and Read these fanfictions to also make a tally on whether or not the tags are just condescending bullshit and really the reader was never meant to present any other way than feminine.
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erigold13261 · 3 years
so uh do you have any good mayeve headcanons 😳
(Sorry I've been a bit too focused on my FNAF comic! But sure! I can try to think of some!)
-Eve finds out what May's favorite textures are and then makes some high fashion clothes for her to wear when they go out on fancy dates! May thinks a lot of them look silly but in a really fun and affectionate way! Eve always try to make the function outweigh fashion, but there are a few outfits that May only wears for super special occasions because they are a hassle to wear for long times.
-Eve is really good at massages because of her extra limbs she can make and will offer May massages. May doesn't like staying still for too long but Eve is always able to calm her down with a good massage and then they cuddle together. May will do her best to massage Eve back but is not that good. Eve appreciates the thought though.
-They both have made love songs for each other, which are completely different from their usual music. Fans can tell the difference and wonder who the songs were about (this is before the two became a public couple).
-May has definitely bought some expensive Eve merch out of love and lack of impulse control. One day Eve saw one of her more expensive merch in May's room and started giving May some exclusive/first look merch. One of May's favorite merch is a dopey looking demo drawing figure doll that got messed up in production that Eve was going to through out but May begged for it. Eve personally thinks May deserves better than that but gave it to her because she was so adamant on wanting it. May keeps it by her bed.
-Once May learned Eve's dietary restrictions, she started making all kinds of foods that Eve could eat. There have been times where May has shown up to Eve's studio unannounced to deliver some food and make sure she eats because Eve is known to forget to eat at times. Eve always makes time for a small break to eat with May when she does this.
-The two have gotten into a lot of fights. Eve's response to these is to shut people out and deal with things later after having time to process things. May's response is to just try and get through the problem as fast as possible and try to fix things. This has caused fights to actually get worse.
Thankfully, the two realized they needed to communicate better (maybe one of the other NSRtists or even Zuke told them this) and now they always try to work with each other and each other's responses to fights.
Most of their fights are caused by outside forces and one of them being angry at that and not at each other, but their frustrations just cause used to cause them to have fights since May always tried to push Eve to just fight her problems and push back for what Eve wanted (which she couldn't do because of how her work is) while Eve just kept wanting May to relax and calm down to think about what to do and not just rush things (which May felt was doing nothing and just letting the problem win).
Now the two try to work together and understand that their partner is not mad at them, but mad at the problem, and try to support each other in how they each handle these kinds of situations.
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pandaren · 3 years
Every so often, I'm hit with the most intense fear that somebody will look at my fursona (which is basically my online identity for all intents and purposes, living vicariously through it and using it in place of my own gross meat prison) and think it is still meant to be a tediz.
I've changed which direction I wanted it to actually to several times but have decided on an animatronic built by my FNaF universe counterpart specifically to die inside and possess. And have made a version that shows this accordingly. But, after it happens, I'm sent back to the 80's (which you guys may or may not know I'm obsessed with) to take down the bad guy in order to "repent" for using his invention for my own personal gain.
I kept the draconic / cat-looking yellow eyes.
And I'm not sure that all of that other shit MATTERS because in the end I KEPT THE EYES?
Which I really just think look cool, I think they would on any character actually, but I'm so so terrified that someday, somebody is going to start telling people that I'm a fascist because this seemingly small detail makes them think I'm using a nazi allegory to represent myself.
I've talked to several people about this multiple times in the past and all have assured me that this fear is unfounded but I can never shake it. And I know it's probably the logical thing to just make more changes or scrap the entire thing, but when you've become attached to something so personal, it's easier said than done. (To be fair though small details such as the eyes don't alter the design so drastically that it's unrecognizable or something.)
Please...If you have any advice on the situation, I'd love to hear it. Or really, just your honest opinion. I'm really not one of those that cares about my public (?) image too much past the obvious shit (don't do shit that makes people think I'm a turd with a computer) but this is something that has been haunting me for many years now.
That got really long heh, if you've gotten the bottom of it, congrats. You win this cookie. 🍪
But in all seriousness thank you so much if you take the time to read it all and consider it. It really means a lot and I do need some sort of support (or kick in the butt) right now.
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beidouswifee · 3 years
hello hello! if your matchups are still open can i request one?
(sorry if this gets long im not good at requesting these-)
-so uhh to start off with i use they/them pronouns and am AFAB (assigned female at birth) and have not gotten any transition surgeries so i still look more feminine (which causes some gender dysphoria around the time of my period and on some days i find it really hard to make myself shower because i don't like to look at my body)
- i'm an INFP-T which means i have the same personality trait as Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Yuri from DDLC, Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, Dr.Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, Fishcl from of course Genshin Impact and Sadness from Inside Out
- i'm a bit of a daydreamer and tend to zone out a lot, and i don't like to ask people to repeat themselves when i zone back in which will probably screw me over in the future (it has not yet)
- fantasy and horror are my go-to genres but i also really enjoy historical fiction and read a lot of classic novels (Crime and Punishment, Grapes of Wrath, Dracula, The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, The Devils, The Great Gatsby, etc)
- very much a fan of animes (like Haikyuu, The Promised Neverland (i cried a bunch), Demon Slayer, Blue Exorcist, Hunter x Hunter, OHSHC, FairyTail, Bungou Stray Dogs, etc) and video games (like Danganronpa, YTTD, Ayakashi Akaashi, Until Dawn, Undertale, Detriot Become Human, Minecraft, Genshin Impact (obviously) and FNAF (yes i'm a Game Theory fan))
- whilst i do enjoy horror i prefer psychological horror to slasher films and straight up gore (i have a lot of nightmares from the time i was dared to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre and either screamed, cried or sat petrified in fear for almost the entire time)
- i get really emotionally attached to characters in books/TV Shows/movies which i know is a problem and they're not real but i cant stop myself
- i'm definitely an English History person instead of a Science Math person (i'm terrible at math please help me-)
- i forget to sleep and/or eat a lot, and im a huge hypocrite who preaches self-care but doesn't do any self-care for myself (i take the self out of self-care if you will)
- i ramble a lot as well about anything and everything that interests me and will not shut up for awhile
- i'm not too short but also not too tall at 5"8" with long brown hair and blue-grey eyes. whilst i do wear glasses usually i've recently started using contact lenses which i think are neat
- i adore musical theater and music, i sing, play piano, and know some guitar and cello. i think i'm an okay singer but people tell me i'm really good and my voice is really cool because i'm able to sing a lot of different styles (i primarily do musical theater and jazz music but i can also sing classical Italian pieces)
- i speak Polish, Spanish, French and English but i would love to learn Russian and/or Italian fluently.
- i hate having photos taken of myself, but love taking pictures of my friends for memories
- i have a sticker and pin addiction i'm such a little gremlin who hoards them
- my music style is pretty diverse because i usually listen to musicals or Paramore as well as classical music (i've been listening to a string quartet version of Howl's Moving Castle on repeat for weeks and it sounds like a gypsy romance which i adore, the version i listen to is by the Vitamin String Quartet) and metal
- i am very much a hopeless romantic and a biromantic disaster (meaning i'm bi and asexual)
uhhh i think that's everything (sorry it's so long-)
thank you so much and have a lovely day! <3 (also the option to be anonymous is turned off for your asks, i don't know if that's intentional or not so i just thought i'd let you know)
I match you up with Hu Tao!
I chose Hu Tao Because:
you guys would watch horror movies together
because of her job, she might smell like corpses
make her take a shower/bath if she does
she’d find it cute that you’re a hopeless romantic
she prolly is one too ngl
also was surprised by all the pins and stickers you have
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