#can you tell I'm still in thesis brain mode
wraithdance · 1 day
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The TF 141 Compatibility Love Report
For: @dwarvenagenda
This is based on my personal opinion and interpretation of you and the character.  the user makes no claims to be a real doctor or any medical professional. Please don't sue me! I got shook down by some girl scouts, they took my money and broke my knee caps. I have nothing but my illusions of grandeur left :(
The Doc says your TF 141 Perfect Match is…
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley!
Romance: Unsurprisingly this was a no brainer for me! Romance with you and this scary murder muffin would be like two worlds colliding and merging into something so fundamentally right it blinds the rest of us peons. Simon is often misunderstood and labelled as a 'big bad'. As a partner you would be able to give him the space to put down his armor and be his unmasked self (doubly important because I do personally believe he is on the autistic spectrum.) The same would be said for you, given his protection of his family and his loyalty to his team, I don't think Simon would shy away from supporting you through even the hardest times. Mutual understanding and acceptance is the core of why I believe this is your perfect match.
Simon has weathered the torrential storms life has given him, he's not leaving you behind once he's got that collar on him and babes the leash you'd hold is but another string of fate. I specifically use dog analogies in reference for Simon because as humans a lot of us like to believe we are absolved of our primal natures with the emphasis on moral rightness.
Simon is someone who seems to embrace his more 'primitive' traits to be effective and cut through to the hard truths over politeness. To me, that means when Simon has his teeth in someone soft with gentle hands, he's in for life. In this dynamic physical connection would take precedence (with a bit of an awkward phase inevitably) and shared inside jokes would be the glue to a successful relationship. Romance with him is lazy days in bed at your rustic cabin or farm, taste testing recipes while music plays in the kitchen, playing footsie while checking in on your stardew valley crops.
Sex:  Please know that shit would be so good you'd need 800 years to write love sonnets about it. Sex with Simon would be the definition of dichotomy. Rough and primal, all teeth and tight grip, demands for acknowledgment of your life long (and beyond) connection. But also sensual and slow, wet lashes and heady kisses, sweetness that usurps the taste of candy. Either way he's taking care of you the whole time and he'll put you first. Def into freaky shit if you are! Get him comfortable with not having control and you can hogtie that man up and ride him like your life depends on it, if you so choose.
Possible points of Contention:
Trouble with communicating needs
may be insensitive about certain niceties
heavy handed with the petting (good luck to you and your pets lol)
Your Poly Pairing (haha) is…
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GhostGaz- Pure bliss. Do I even need to tell you the vibes? In this poly pairing you would 100% be the ward to Simon's knight. Gaz would act as the charming diplomat and first point of contact for potential threats. But when shit hits the fan? These men work like perfectly oiled machines to get you all to the other-side. that goes for the way they'd flow in a relationship with you. Always pivoting around each other in an intricate dance to ensure the continued happiness of your lil love bubble. Besides who wouldn't want to wake up to the literal epitome of sour and sweet?
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Thesis diary #54 (still not sure on the numbers but this is THE FINAL CHAPTER)
I uploaded my thesis. I did it, it does not feel real at all and I have no idea how to feel about this but it's done and there's no turning back. Tomorrow I'll send an email to the professor, I refused to do it today, cause my anxiety was already doing enough, so I'll write to her when I'm calmer. I was planning on uploading it tomorrow, but then I realized the uni website will probably be on the verge of crashing due to everyone turnin in their own thesis, and I have no mental streght for that. Plus there's honestly not much more that I could have done, and it's fine like that. There will be mistakes? It's a possibility, but with the energies I have now I wouldn't have seen them anyway.
Productive things I did today:
did my daily inktober doodle
continued rereading and fixing my thesis
practiced Irish on duolingo
looked for infromations on how to upload my thesis on the uni website and on where to have it printed
uploarded the thesis offically
Self care things I did today:
read first thing in the morning
didn't force myself too much when I was tired
decided to go against my original plan and upload the thesis today, which gives me one less thing to worry about and one more day of rest
I will make myself something nice for dinner as a treat
Tranquil's studyblr challenge // day 1
The beginning of the challenge, woohoo you did it! A lot of the time starting is the hardest part. So, tell us a little bit about yourself! What are you studying currently, what where are you in your life right now? Are you happy with where you are right now? What are your goals in doing this challenge?
I am very happy to say I am very close to graduating. Today I uploaded my thesis on the uni website, and before the day of the dissertation I only have two important tasks to accomplish (three if you count getting my energy back), firstly I have to find a place to get my thesis printed, and secondly I have to plan and exercise what I will me saying on the actual day of the graduation. I'll have to present my work in roughly eight minutes, which is not going to be easy, so I want to practice as much as I can to be confident when I'll be there. I'm not good at talking in public, but when I graduated in high school I remember that during my oral exam my brain went itno auto-pilot mode and things went super smoothly, so I'm hoping it will be the same this time. I really hope this challenge will help me with staying motivated even though I am very tired.
📖: The Secret History by Donna Tartt, The Wolf and The Woodsman by Ava Reid
🎵: this playlist
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
That process thing you shared for making looping scenes was cool! Tho I wonder how the other skeladies would react to The Human standing on (what looks like) a counter. 🤔 (The picture in the middle. I'm sorry for bothering you if I'm wrong. 😓)
Oh wow thank you so much!
Honestly, all the other ladies would largely be cool with it, just some would probably maintain a closer eye on The Human standing on a counter - they don’t have magic, let alone gravity magic, how foolish, best to offer a steadying hand - oh yes, on the back, right - Crimson be good - Scarlet no stop trying to pick up the Human - Amber oh my stars don’t join them -
They’re a hilarious bunch, basically. So long as the human isn’t wearing dirty shoes up there, they’d probably be fine, if a bit obscene in their usual way ;D
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I’ve actually done art of her! Here’s the first art I did of her (old art warning, oof), and here’s one a little bit later of her talking with her girlfriend Coda (lilytale gaster). ;D
… she pretty much looks like a big strong curvy sapphic lady who’s a classy and mildly old-school fashion oriented in taste but casual bartender X)
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Oof, that’s intense- and man, I get the vibe of wanting to work with that. I think it’s a fascinating subject, and honestly, I can kind of go into full thesis mode on any number of ways things like this might pan out (frankly, that’s my state on most hc pitches, my brain just… finds ways to run with it >v>;;;)
Overall though, to simplify it, I’ll say for certain that ‘sensing LV’ as well as other ‘stats’ isn’t something you get an immediate knowledge of for monsters - I much prefer thinking of it as a specific action, a skill if you will, that has to actively be employed; but it’s a cultural norm not to unless in an Encounter, or if there’s other strong reason (kind of like invading personal space, I suppose, at least a little).
However… I also think re LV specifically, the ladies from harsher universes could have a sense for it. It’s a survival thing, a little - you just… get the knack for telling when someone’s carrying that sort of weight. So the Fell, Swapfell, and Horrortale sisters would cotton on quick. They’d probably be… not wary, or even rude (stones, glass houses, and all), but definitely aware. In general, though, the ladies aren’t going to treat you as a pariah for having a dark past; it’s one of those things that… well, takes a while to ‘unlock’ for any friendship, you know? In the end, depending on the circumstances, they’d find their own ways to accept that and understand you better (for the sisters that have no LV), and/or empathize pretty deeply and be someone you can really talk to about the burdens of that sort of thing with, once you get close enough to them over time (for the sisters that have LV).
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Oooo, that could definitely be a lot of fun to work with, that’s a nice HC ya got there! :D For the sake of Lilytale (and my usual portrayals of the skelebros) there’s no ‘look and know they’re physically hurt thanks to Soul Knowledge’ ability amongst them; even checking a soul is something they can only do With Purpose, not at first glance. It’d be pretty invasive otherwise, for their purposes; not like seeing someone naked, but definitely getting a better look than most would be aware of. They tend not to as a cultural norm unless it’s a fight thing (eg, the Fell & Swapfell bros & sisters are more likely to check sooner than later for protectiveness instinct reasons).
But I do love the idea of monsters sensing intent, which is something I roll with a lot in my own HCs, and sensing people’s hurt could be a pretty easy adjacent skill! I’m really loving the idea of seeing it in a accupuncture-esque sort of thing; especially re magic flow, maybe? given the relation to the Soul -
Overall, that’s a neat heckin’ HC! Seems a bit intimate to be able to see all that, to be certain, which could be it’s own fun playground of possibilities, heheh.
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Ahhh honestly, I’m real spotty on Discord, and can be a bit wild in timing on messages in general! I don’t really give out my Discord much unless it’s to mutuals/people I’ve talked with a lot, because I’m still not reliable on there, though I do my best X) But you’re always welcome to shoot me a DM through Tumblr!
Just know that I’m definitely still human, as well as an anxious dork. Sometimes I go a bit afk just for my own sanity/because I get busy, but I always try and return messages eventually!
Also, ah, please keep in mind that I’m 25; for anyone under 18 in particular, I try to keep a more respectful relationship in place. For everyone’s comfort involved, ahaha, but I still do my best to answer questions and keep up as I can! Friendship’s a funny thing; it really just develops naturally, I feel, and sometimes you can get along well with someone but never quite click to deeper friendship. That’s okay too! I think it’s important and great to have a lot of different kinds of friends, whether it’s the few super close types you share everything with, or the lower key friends you occasionally gush about X topic with and have fun in a fandom with. ^^
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spectralarchers · 6 years
You talked about this with an anon a few days ago I believe and I have to say I'm indeed impressed of how you've grown as a person those last years. I'm also impressed of how many things you do in your life and how many things you are interested in. How do you even do it ? Everytime I want to do something, I end up just spending my time on my computer doing nothing all day, and that goes for my homeworks, internship research and mémoire too. You have any advice ?
Hi my dove!
I have to admit that I do spend a lot of time staring at my computer screen and at my phone’s screen. These last couple of months have been quite intense for me, since I started my internship, because I’ve had my internship, my one class a week, my student job and my volunteer job, all of which kind of merges together when I try to write fic (NaNoWriMo), do edits, work on cosplay and what else have yous...
To be quite honest, I don’t have any usable advice, other than telling you what I do in order to try and get through all the tasks I need to get through in the day - and perhaps, telling you that maybe having 60+ hour weeks for more than four months in a row is a bit much.
I always write down a list of things I’ve done in the day when I am having dinner and/or am about to head to bed. It can be ‘done laundry, folded clothes, showered, put cutlery and plates in dishwasher, read one text, saw a movie and went to the grocery store’ because all of those things in themselves aren’t, well, “proper things” but they are when you put them together.
After I’d done this a while, I realized that I had a list inside my brain all the time, and if I could just tick off 4 things in a day, I’d be satisfied - it could be to wash my clothes, shave my legs (which also meant showering), prepare a text for Uni, and walk home from my internship. 
It’s also a lot of self-control - when I’m at my internship, that’s all I do. I don’t sit around on Facebook, staring at my phone, because I know they’re expecting me to do my job and to do it well - I may be overperforming at 120% of what is expected of me, because I am hoping to impress them enough to be offered a position there when I have finished my thesis, but that’s basically it.
When I’m working on Uni things, I also don’t look at my phone. It helps that I have it on completely silent 24/7 - it’s never on vibrate or on sound. So, I don’t know if someone is calling me unless I a) have my phone in my hand when the call goes through or b) I see they’ve tried to call and left (or not) a message. You’d be surprised at how few calls I’ve missed because of that specific thing. 
It stems from the fact that having my phone vibrate for every single notification all the time gave me a whole lot of anxiety a couple of years ago - WhatsApp, Messenger, Twitter, Tumblr, e-mail, text, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Tumblr, Messenger, e-mail, e-mail, text from the store, e-mail, e-mail,... It was just non stop, so I turned it off. I still check my phone once every three minutes, but if it’s a notification I can ignore for now (someone on Whatsapp asking me how my day is, for example), I wait until lunch or until I have a bathroom break to reply to it.
It’s also how I did it with NaNo - do word sprints. Except here, it’s more like concentration sprints. Write your article, then spend five minutes goofing around on tumblr. 
In the morning, too, I’ve made it a habit to unlock my phone when I go to the bathroom to pee, first thing in the morning, and instead of spending 15 minutes in bed checking my calendar/mail/instagram/whatnot, I spend maybe 5 minutes going through it while I do my thing, and then I get on with my day. I also optimize phone usage while I’m on public transport - scroll away while you’re in the bus, but stop scrolling when you’re at work / in class.
My student job is being behind a counter in a busy shop, so I don’t have time at all to goof around on my phone, which means I get shit done there too, but it’s retail, so you reach a point where there’s nothing left for you to learn, so you just go on auto-mode.
I’m juggling a lot of things at once right now - I’m supposed to start writing on my thesis, but I still haven’t finished my internship and my one class yet (lol, don’t ask), so I’m optimizing all of my time so I can get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, and get enough tasks done in a day to keep me afloat - and, when I can, I sit on the couch, connect my phone to the ChromeCast and watch a bunch of silly Vine compilations or other equally silly videos for half an hour, and then I go to bed.
My only, like, real life advice I can ever give you is: don’t ever think that you’re doing yourself a favor by staying up until 5 am, UNLESS YOUR BODY (AND PSYCHE) CAN HANDLE IT. I know my brain can’t, so I’d rather go to bed at 9 pm, and get up at 5 am to finish something, instead of doing it the other way around. 
Make sure you get enough sleep when you can. Socialize when you can - don’t lock yourself away from others because you’re busy. You’re not too busy to grab a cup of coffee or meet up with someone at Uni after class.
Eat. Like, for real. Even if it’s muesli with milk and a banana for dinner, it’s fuel for your body. You only had garlic bread in the freezer and you were too tired/busy to make proper food? Eat those garlic bread. Or cheetos. Or donuts. Or salad. Or- you get the point. Just get SOMETHING into your body. You can always go to the gym or walk it off when you’re not stressed anymore.
Drink - if you haven’t filled your water bottle three times in a day, you haven’t had enough water today. (Assuming you have a 0,5 l bottle, like me). If you think filling it twice is enough, you’re wrong. If you’ve only had soda during the day, you need to drink at least one large glass of water - trust me.
Remember that it’s okay to cry because you’re stressed - it took me a while to remember this, but your body and mind have limits. Even if you do 60+ hours, remember that it’s okay to break down at one point and be like ‘fuck this’. If you have to skip reading some texts for Uni, then just read the conclusion of the text instead. If you have something to hand in at work, either ask for an extension, or hand in something that’s finished but not perfect instead - sometimes they’ll have other things to correct (commas, spellings, etc.) and when you get to do the second draft, you’ll get to edit some of those other things you didn’t get the time to do first time around.
And last: never, ever, ever, blame yourself for not managing to do as much with your 24 hours as others. Some only need 3 hours of sleep to function, others need 9. Some manage to get up at fuck’o’clock in the morning to go to the gym, workout, go to work, go to some extra-curricular activity, make homegrown chicken pasta noodle salads with their homebaked bread, and then watch a documentary about how clever they are, all in one single day. Others will sit all day on the couch and watch a documentary on Netflix about polar bears while eating cheetos, maybe also procrastinating and making mentals notes about that paper that’s due in a week.
All are valid. 
You can make it count. All that matters is that you don’t give up. 
Also: my background on my phone is this picture: 
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And I suggest all of these ones to keep you motivated: 
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(All these pictures are from a photopost that crossed my dash months ago on tumblr, if you know the owner/artist, PLEASE let me know so I can credit them!)
I hope this all helped, my little darling
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