#can we get church to ruin tuckers type yet again
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leonardalphachurch · 4 months ago
do we think tucker would look at the director as what church would look like if he grew older and be like “phew i dodged a bullet” or would he be like “oh no he’s STILL hot”
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jokerfan99 · 6 years ago
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Strong Pains, Stronger Bonds (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
At the Blue Base
Continuing to where we left off, the Blue base is being heavily besieged by the lone Red with nothing but a rocket launcher on her shoulder and the fit of inhuman rage that terrifies even Satan himself. Oh and Church became a ghost again thanks to Caboose acciddently shooting him with Crescent Rose. The continuous bombardment has destroyed 49% of the base. Their rooms are ruined, the weapons storage obliterated and Tucker's stash of monthly magazines buried under a pile of rubble. If Church were still in his body, he would've died of cardiac arrest. Now look at him!
Church: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCCKK!!! OUR BAAASE!!! Caboose: There there, Church. At least we can camp outside!
Caboose: But first running time! Church: Wait, don't leave my body here! Caboose: Whoops, sorry!
Caboose quickly picks up Church's corpse from the floor and runs straight behind one of the defensive walls followed by Church's ghost where everbody has taken shelter in.
Tucker: HAHAHA! Church is a ghost again. Church: Don't you dare bring that up! What the fuck is wrong with your teammate?! Simmons: I don't know, I've never seen Rose this destructive before. Tucker: Never? What was she like before this? Grif: Sweet, kind, innocent, all those traits of a stereotypical girl. Tucker: Ohoho that's my type of girl. Simmons: Maybe she's here to rescue us. Grif: Rescue? Does this even look like a 'rescue' mission?! It's more like a bombardment! Church: Well I don't care what's she's here for. Stop her or something! Simmons: Like what? Church: I don't know. How you always talk to her.
Grif and Simmons look at each other. Both shrugged before removing themselves out of cover and try to stop her attack.
Grif: HEY YOU DUMB BITCH! Stop shooting or I'll eat all of your cookies! Simmons: And if you don't, I have no choice but to report Sarge about your reckless behaviour!
The angry Red responded not with words but with more barrages of rockets. The Red duo quickly duck back to cover before the bombs blow up in impact nearby.
Grif: *breath in an out* That was close! Simmons: Okay, she's far beyond our control now. Church: Ugh! We can't just stay here all day until the whole base turns to rubble! Tucker: Hey wasn't Caboose suppose to shoot her? Church: He was until the numbskull shot me, AGAIN! Caboose: I told you it was Sheila II's fault. Church: Now I don't trust him with that thing anymore. Tucker, you'll do it. Tucker: What? Why me? I do wanna get the chance to fire that thing, but shooting at a possibly hot chick? Church: Want your dick to be spared for Weiss? Tucker: Uh... yeah? Church: Then good. Caboose, give Tucker the rifle. Caboose: Okay.
Caboose hands Crescent Rose to Tucker.
Tucker: Finally! Time to finally fire this thing. Wait a minute, why don't we just use our rifles? Church: Have you ever try hitting a faraway moving target in mid range? Tucker: Good point.
Tucker got out of cover and aims the Crescent Rose at the lone Red 'Rambo' riding around the base. The warthog isn't in full speed so he didn't have to worry about aiming the gun. Once she's in his crosshair he pulls the trigger. However, just like happened with Caboose, nothing came out from the barrel. He tries again. Still nothing.
Tucker: What the-?
Swarms of bullets fly passed the Teal One, luckily not a single shot landed on him or he'll be swiss cheese. He yelped out and jumps back into cover.
Church: What happened? Have you killed her? Grif: Sarge will be really pissed if he did. Tucker: This damn thing won't fire! Church: What?! Caboose: See I told you, Sheila has gone naughty! Church: How can that be? Caboose somehow manage to fire that thing and it worked perfectly fine! Tucker: No seriously, look!
Once Tucker pulls the trigger, he thought it won't fire, but it did. The rifle finally fired again and a high caliber bullet fly passed through Church's astral form and hits the concrete floor right between Grif's legs! Thankfully, his balls were spared!
Grif: EEEK! Watch where you're shooting, jackass! Church: T-that's exactly what happened just now! Caboose couldn't fire at that psychopath but he was able fired that thing at me! Tucker: Does this thing have a mind of it's own or what? Simmons: I think it's a mod.
Everybody turned to Simmons when they heard of what he said.
Church: What are you talking about? Simmons: That thing is made by her right? She must've installed a mod as a precaution so that it can't be allowed to harm her. Everyone: A mod? Simmons: That's right. I think I read it somewhere in a book. This mod can identify a certain body signature through a long range biometric scanner. Meaning that once it reads a certain body signature, for example the creator's, it locks the firing mechanism unless the signature is no longer in its field anymore. Church: So it can't harm it's user? That's just fucking great. Well it looks like we'll just have to rely on our crappy guns. C'mon guys, let's teach this bitch a lesson. Grif: Hey, what about us? You can't just leave us tied up here! Tucker: Hey at least those handcuffs will prevent you from escaping. Catch ya later!
At the Red Base
This is beautiful, Sarge thought. He happily looks at the devastation being laid upon the Blues by his favourite female soldier. Of all the things he sees in the war, he has never seen such a beautifully destructive battlefield happening right at his doorstep.
Sarge: Look at this, Lopez. I've seen so much war with my two old eyes, but this takes the cake. What do you think? Lopez: Es una obra maestra de un demonio. Sarge: Hahaha! Now you said it. Though it's a shame I'm not there to be apart of it. But nevertheless, it's a good view to watch. Now I wonder what those three are doing out there. If I can guess, Grif could be sitting behind a rock, traumatized by Rose's handiwork. Hahaha!
Back at the Blue Base
Grif: We're going to DIE!!!
Precisely what Grif said. The battle seems hopeless for the Blues and their Red hostages. The Blues have started launching their counter-attack at the moving Warthog and it's rider. They have manage to land a few hits on the mad Red, but it did little to stop her due to how much she dodges in that thing like an annoying fly flying around a man's face. Tucker grabs his grenade and throws it at the driver. However, Ruby grabs the bomb before it hits her face and throws it straight back to Tucker. The Teal One, while surprised by the Red's reflexes, runs away before the grenade explodes mid-air above him.
Tucker: Wow, this girl is badass than Tex! A little help Church! Church?
Tucker turned to Church, currently trying to get into his cold dead body.
Tucker: Uh, Church, what the fuck are you doing? Church: What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to get into my body! Now how did I get in there again? Tucker: Deal with that later! Just give us a hand here with your ghost powers! Church: And do what? Go out there and scare the pants out of that crazy bitch while saying "OOOOOOH, I'm the ghost of Christmas Past!". Yeah right. I don't even look scary! Tucker: Then why not... (bullet flies above him) WOAH, that was close!... possess her body and make her stop? Church: .... Oh, I kinda forgot I can still do that. Alright just wait here while you distract her. Tucker: On it. Hey, baby! I know I recently just knew you and you probably can't hear me from here. But if you do, how about I show you a couple of moves with my rifle's barrel and then we can... Church: Not that kind of distraction, dumbass!
Church teleports himself on the crater filled landscape. He looks around and spots the Red driving nearby about two meters from him. The Red stops the warthog and continues firing the rocket launcher with her left arm and the assault rifle with the other.  This looks like a good oppurtunity to possess her.
Church: Alright you little bitch. I'll make you cement this entire base from top to bottom.
Church runs towards Ruby. She hasn't noticed him yet so that's good. As she kept firing those guns, Church enters her body and takes control of her. Finally the battle's over! Actually, it hasn't. Ruby is still attacking the Blue base! Tucker who had seen everything, was dumbfounded to see that Church's possession had little to no effect on her.  
Tucker: What the... why is Church not controlling her?!?! Caboose: I think Church is trying out the body. Tucker: Hey Church, if it's really you, quit it! It's not funny!
Suddenly, Church screamed as he gets blasted out of Ruby's body like a catapult and falls right back into his body. Church finally back in his vessel, shot up and screamed as if he had a terrible nightmare. Caboose and Tucker took notice of their fully revived leader and rushes to him.
Tucker: Church, are you okay? Church:........ WOAHOHO!!! That bitch... is MAD! Tucker: What happened out there? Church: Okay I was going to take over her body right when I was in possession and man her body's quite thin and young. When all the sudden some bright angry force pushed me out off her! JESUS, she's more madder than O'Malley! Tucker: Well at least she doesn't make that annoying laugh all the time. Caboose: But that's not the only thing I experienced. I also saw her mind and I finally found out why she's attacking us. Tucker: Rescue Grif, Simmons and Donut? Church: No. Caboose: COOKIES! Church: Not CLOSE enough. Though I did saw a big cookie floating in her head. Tucker: Me? Church and Caboose:..... Tucker: Nah, I'm kidding! So what's she really for?
Church slowly turns his head. Tucker wonders what his leader's looking and turns to where his head's facing at. He's looking at Caboose, but not exactly 'at' the Blue, but at the big red rifle, Crescent Rose hanging behind his back.
Caboose: Is there something on my nose? Oh my God, I hate spiders! Tucker: Wait, the gun? Grif: What are you guys doing over there?! Stop Rose or something! Church: Give us a minute, fatass! That's right. Her main purpose her is the gun. Tucker: W-wha? How can a kidnapped gun turn a girl into a psychopathic killer? Church: Hey, I'm no psychologist! However, if we give the gun back to her, that might stop her rampage. Tucker: Hold on, let's not try handing it back to her like gentleman. Remember. She thinks we stole it, right? Church: And the point is? Tucker: If one of us give it to her, she'll still kill us! Church: Good point. Hmm. How about.... we use it to drive her away from the base like bait. Tucker: You think that'll work? Church: Don't know but it's worth a try. Man. And I thought I might be able to try it. Tucker: Sigh, no kidding. I didn't get the chance to shoot someone's ass with it. But's it's better than getting blown to smithereens. Church: Then that's a yes. Caboose, I'm sorry to say this but... Caboose: Okay. Church: You know... I kinda like cause you have no idea about what I just said. Caboose: Oh no it'd be nice for the gun to go back to its mommy. It's nice knowing you, Sheila II. Church: Now that all of us agreed, the question is, how do we get out of here? If we try moving it by foot, that psycho will run us down with that bike. Tucker: I don't think we have to move at all. Be right back!
Several 7.62mm FMJs and 102mm rockets later.
There goes another wall and a roll of duct tape. Tucker has fully wrapped both Donut's unconscious body and Crescent Rose together, as well as the proposition for Grif's and Simmon's s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶l̶a̶b̶o̶r̶ imprisoment to Sarge. The base is beginning to look real bad. Half the roof is gone and much of the interior has collapse. Whatever they're planning, they better do it quick.
Tucker: The way we saw how strong Caboose hit that grenade gave me an idea. If he swings and strike them hard enough, he might be able to launch them across the canyon to the Red base. Caboose: Yay, golf time! Tucker: That's exactly what I'm thinking. Once the babe sees her weapon flying with Donut, she'll be drawn to it. Church: If she sees her rifle that is. Simmons: What about Donut? Wouldn't he get hurt badly once he hits the ground? Grif: Simmons, may I remind that Donut survived an explosion to the face and got crushed by a falling pelican. Simmons: Oh I guess he'll be alright. But aside from baiting Rose, you sure Caboose can launch an object that far before? Tucker: You could've seen what he did to a golfball. Simmons: What happened to it?
The explosion made the remind of their current situation.
Church: No time to explain that! Tucker, let's give Caboose some cover! Tucker: On it! Here Caboose, you'll need this.
Tucker gives Caboose a long pipe with a 90 degrees pipe elbow at the end similar to golf club.
Tucker: Remember how you launch that golfball to the sky? Caboose: Oh yeah, it flew right out of orbit and hit straight at our satellite. Then we didn't get an TV reception for a week and... Tucker: Yeah something like that but, just do it softly this time. Caboose: Aye aye, chief! Church: TUCKER! Tucker: Coming!
Tucker leaves Caboose to his job. Caboose then walks towards the duct tape wrapped unconsious Donut and rifle before standing next to them. He then positioned himself in the good old golf set up and places the end of the pipe next to the human sized makeshift ball. But before he could swing, Donut finally regains consciousness.
Donut: Ugh, what happened? Caboose: Hi, Donut! Donut: C-Caboose? What are you doing with that pipe and... why am I tied up in duct tape? And why is Crescent Rose tied up behind me? Caboose: Yeah we're suppose to drive the monster away from us by getting Sheila II with you out of here. Donut: Monster.... Sheila II?
Donut is completely confused until he looked around the devastation around him. He is shocked to see the Blue base in a complete wreck!
Donut: Holy bananas! You guys need some serious renovatons around here! Caboose: Oh don't worry, Simmons and Grif will be in charge on that.
A familiar mongoose engine from nearby caught his attention. He turned to see a familiar colored armor and cape riding on his team's ATV. It's Ruby, firing a rocket launcher and an assault rifle each in both her hands! Though why is her eyes glowing?
Donut: Is that Ruby? Caboose: Donut, would you help me with something? Donut: Uh yeah sure? Caboose: Would you kindly... posture yourself like how we did when we were in our moms' bellies. Donut: You mean fetal position?
Donut did what Caboose ordered him. He curved his back, bows his head and wraps both his legs with his arms.
Donut: Like this? What's the point in it? Caboose: I'm going to strike you like a golfball with this pipe and launch you back to your base. Donut: Wait... WHAAAAT?!?! Caboose: FOOOOOOORRREEE!!!
Caboose raises the pipe above him, swings it hard and strikes the poor pink Red (I mean 'lightish red') to the sky! Donut screams in both pain and terror as he flies through the sky like a human cannonball.
Meanwhile back on the ground, the blast off Donut caught Ruby's attention, briefly pausing her destruction. As if she had super sight, she spots a flat long red object strapped behind Donut. Crescent Rose. No doubt about it. Like a moth to a flame, she turns the mongoose around and follows the flying object. Back on the Blue's roof, everyone looked to witness the monster finally leaving their base alone.
Caboose: Bye, Sheila II! Welp, time to get the broom.
At the Red Base
Sarge: What in Sam Hill did I just saw, Lopez? It looked like something flew off from there! Lopez: Parece algo lanzado en su base.
Was Sarge imagining things or did he just saw the Blue hit something and launched it like a golfball. As his mind begins to process of what the hell happened, his ears caught something of what sounded like a familiar girly scream coming closer and closer from above him. He lowers his binoculars and looks up to see a ball of pink heading directly straight at him!
Sarge didn't had time to dodge the incoming projectile and the object lands directly on top of him. The crash while may look painful, Lopez nonetheless laughed upon seeing what has befallen upon his leader.
Lopez: LOL! Habla de un aterrizaje forzoso!
Some of his bones are broken, but he's been through worse. Sarge groaned in pain as he looks at the pink object now lying on top of him. To his surprise, it's none other than Pvt. Delano Donut tied up in duct tape with what seems to be Crescent Rose on his back. Wait, Crescent Rose is on his back, he thought!
Sarge: Good golly Miss Molly! You got Crescent Rose back! Donut: Oh hi, Sarge!
Both got up from each other as they push the dust all over them.
Sarge: Status report! What are doing tied up with Crescent Rose in duct tape? And where did those two go? Donut: I have no idea. I was firing the gun on the Blues with them driving, when all the sudden everything went black like something hit me on the head. Sarge: Yes, I can see why.
Unbeknownst to Donut, the grenade Caboose hit back is still stuck on his head. Sarge and Lopez just took notice of it.
Lopez: Sr. Sarge, ¿deberíamos estar preocupados por eso? Sarge: Yes tell us more. Donut: Well when I woke up, the first thing I heard were gunshots and explosions everywhere. POW! PEW! BANG! I learned I was tied up in duct tape with Crescent Rose here and the next thing I saw was Caboose standing above me holding a pipe. He then talked some monster attacking their base and driving it away. I think he was referring to Ruby for some reason, she was on the Mongoose with a... rocket launcher? Lopez: ¡Ya te lo dije! ¡Hijo de Mictlāntēcutli! Donut: After that, he told me to get into a fetal position and then, he striked me with the pipe like a golfball! Sarge: Well that explains everything. But at least we got Crescent Rose back. Though what I don't understand is what you mean't by 'driving it away'? Lopez: ¡¡¡JADEAR!!! ¿Podría ser?
Heavy footsteps caught all the three's attention. They slowly turned to Ruby ascending up the stairs as black aura flickers like flame all over her. She removes her helmet, revealing the same demonic face of burning bright eyes Lopez first saw half an hour ago. Sarge is recoiled by the sight of her and Donut, upon seeing Ruby in such a wrathful state, awed in horror at his teammate's horrying state. Ruby then focuses her monstrous eyes at one of them, Donut to be exact.
Ruby: Cre-Crescent....... Roooooossse? Donut: R-Rose? Are y-you okay? You looked like you could use some m-m-milk Lopez: ¡Donut, hablar con ello es inútil! Sarge: Donut, get it off your back. Donut: What? Sarge: I said get Crescent Rose off your back before she tears your poor soul APART!!!! Lopez: ¡DEMASIADO TARDE! ¡MIRA! Ruby: GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
As if by instant, Ruby viciously lunges herself like a leopard to Donut.
Sarge: You're on your own! Lopez: Adios, Donut!
Sarge grabs Lopez's head and ducks into cover, however Donut was too shocked by the incoming terror that his body was too paralyzed to dodge her. The last thing he would see was the wild demonic face that is Ruby's as her hands are about to reach out to him like sharp claws! Oh the humanity!
Donut closes his eyes and braces himself for the horrifying pain. But instead of claws driving through his chest and his organs ripped off, all he felt was a gust of wind passing by. Confused, he slowly opened his eyes and sees Ruby not going to attack him but, happily bawling out while hugging Crescent Rose?!
Ruby: My Sweetheart!!!
Okay this is just too sudden, even for Master Chief's standards. Sarge and Lopez too were stupefy to see what the hell just happened, Lopez mostly. Donut on the other hand, is astonished by Ruby's cute renunion with her weapon.
Donut: Aww! Lopez: ¡¿Qué demonios acaba de pasar?! ¿Por qué no lo ha destrozado? Sarge: That's it? No mutilation, no spine ripping? That was the most disappointing fatality I have ever seen! Donut: But look how Rose going! Ruby: Imissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyouimissyou!
Ruby finally noticed the men looking at her. She stopped, realizing how awkward she was doing with her weapon like an immature kid. Wait, she is immature.
Ruby: Uuhm. Forget what you saw. Sarge: What in holy macaroon was that about that! Donut: For the moment there I thought you were going to rip me apart. Ruby: I'm sorry! I kinda lose control when it comes to stuff and family. Heehee! Sarge: And you caused a lot of mayhem for that? That's why you're my favourite markswoman. Lopez: ¿Pero sigues siendo el hijo de Mictlāntēcutli? Ruby: I'll translate what you said later, Lopez. By the way, Donut, where's Simmons and Grif? Weren't you with them just now? Donut: I was, until I got knocked out that is Sarge: Hmm, what's this?
Sarge rips off of what seems to be a piece of paper taped behind Donut written in blue ink. Everyone comes closer so see what it contains. It reads:
"Dear, Sarge of Red Team. I'm sure you have questions about your other two soldiers, but as you might already know we have taken them prisoners for some 'personal affairs'. But in exchange for them, we return back your other teammate and the weapon we stole from you. Once we're done with them, we can bring them back to you. Or if you're too impatient, be my guess, but just wait till we cement the whole place please! P.S. DON'T BRING THAT PSYCHOPATHIC RED IF YOU'RE GONNA RESCUE THEM!!!"- Love, Leonard L. Church.
Ruby: Oh no, we got to rescue them! Sarge: Nah, I'm sure they're fine. At least we got your weapon back. Ruby: Yeah but I'm now starting to feel sorry for them. Maybe we should rescue them- Sarge: Simmons might live through imprisonment, but Grif on the other hand... hehe... that's a completely different story. Ruby: Are you sure cause- EEEEP!!! DONUT, IS THAT A GRENADE ON YOUR HEAD? Donut: What?!
Ruby hands Donut a miniature mirror from her belt. He looked through the reflection and is shocked to see the grenade.
Sarge: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Donut, you got a grenade stuck to your head. And the pin's off Donut: PIN'S OFF?! AAAAAAHHHH!!! GET IT OFF ME, GET IT OFF ME, GET IT OFF ME! Sarge: Calm down, it hasn't exploded! Damn thing must've misfired. Now hold still while I... Ruby: WAIT! If we try pulling it out by hand, it could explode! Donut: OH NOHOHOOOO! Ruby: We should call, Command for help! Sarge: That'll take too long to get them here! What this boy need is a good old quick yank with this old paw. Donut: Wait, Sarge! SAAAARGE!!! Ruby: Oh boy.
Back at the Blue Base (again)
With that fiasco with the Red over. All that's left is to clean up the place before Weiss comes back. Tucker drops the last bag of cement on top of more piles of the stuff and tools to cement the whole base back to it's proper shape.
Tucker: Here you are. Enough stuff to fix this whole place up. Enjoy boys. Grif: Fuck you! Sigh. So, Simmons, how long do you think will this take to cement this place? Simmons: Well based on the calculated damage here, I'd say a whole week... non stop. Grif: ... DAMN, YOU ROSE!!!
The two idiots grab the stuff to get into working, while Church, Caboose and Tucker relaxed themselves on their UNSC issued beach chairs.
Tucker: Shouldn't we help them so this might speed this up? Church: After what we've been through today? Nah! Considered this a lesson learned for them. Tucker: Hmm, I guess so. Hey, servants! Make sure the walls are smooth like silk! Grif and Simmons: Auugh! Church: Hehehe! And as long as we make them work HARDER, this will be done before Schnee gets back.
As Church sip a drink through his helmet, his peace was interrupted by a loud and ear piercing...
The sudden scream made Church spew out his drink in his helmet (gross!). They Blues turned to the source and to their horror, Weiss is standing above the stairway with a shocked expression. Yep, she's back from Command.
Church: S-Schnee?!?! Tucker: Hey... eh... Schnee.... You're back early. Hehehe. Caboose: Hi, Weiss! How's your trip at Command?
Weiss slowly turned her head to the relaxing Blues. Her shocked turned to anger that they have never seen before. She gets closer to them as she grits her teeth, making the Blue's aside from Caboose, swallow their throats.
Weiss: CHURCH... TUCKER... CABOOSE... I was given an early leave after Command was done with me. While on the way, I expected nothing bad would happen while I was absent. However, I incidently come across a pile of rocks what was once our base while YOU DOPES RELAX ON YOUR CHAIRS AND SIP A GLASS OF LEMONADE?!?! YOU PIECES OF... Schnee remember, swearing is unladylike... gasp... YOU PIECES OF UNPROFESSIONAL TRASH!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH MANNER HAS BEFALLEN ON OUR BASE AND YOU DID NOTHING... NOTHING!... TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING! WHERE I LIVE, WE DO IT IN A MORE FAST AND PRECISE WAY AGAINST THE ENEMY, NOT THE SLOW AND IMPRECISE WAY! AND WHAT IS THIS?! OUR COVERS FROM SNIPERS ARE DESTROYED, LEAVING ALL OF US INVUNERABLE ENEMY SNIPERS! DO YOU THINK WAR IS REALLY THAT SIMPLE? THIS IS- Ahem! This is unacceptable.
Weiss returns back to her calm demeanor after a lengthy speech of wrath upon her team. Despite her petite size, her voice mixed with her fury were so powerful that it feels like their souls were about to shatter like glass. And the look of her beautiful eyes turned to fury just now, was soul trembling. Church and Tucker were fully stunned by what happened, but as for Caboose? Still the same old oblivious Caboose.
Tucker: Talk about a girl with fire. Weiss: Moving to the matter at hand, what happened here? Church, Tucker and Caboose: Uhh... Weiss: ANSWER THE QUESTION! Church: Okay okay, 'Ms Drill Seargent', it's those idiots' fault! Grif: Hey, our girl did it, not us!
Church points Weiss to the men responsible for this mess, still cementing a once destroyed wall. Grif and Simmons. Both of them are surprised by this teammate for this is the first time they have met her.
Grif: Uhh... is she new here? Simmons: Kinda, I've never seen her face before. Church: Oh, I forgot you guys haven't met. Weiss, Grif. Weiss, Simmons. Grif, Weiss. Simmons, Grif. Grif: 'Sup. Simmons: Hello, nice to meet... GAH.
Simmons yelp when Weiss approaches them at a surprising speed. She didn't say anything to them yet, but examines as they also examine her. Although they haven't met her, their instincts are telling them to get out off this planet. She looked around the chaos and back at them.
Weiss: You two... did this? Grif: Yeah.. well no... NO! We didn't 'actually' wreck the base, we pressed our teammate's berserk button by framing your team they have her weapon but it went from bad to worse. Simmons: Shouldn't we explain it a lot more understandable?
Suddenly, a jolt of electricity smacked Simmons at the visor. His helmet protected him, but it stings like hell! Grif helped Simmons to get up before both of them look up to see what had just hit them. In Weiss' left hand is a whip, an electro whip. That was lucky for Simmons. If she had tune it to 'High' it would've killed him.
Weiss: You both will explain right after you two FINISH CEMENTING THAT WALL UNTIL A SINGLE CRACK IS GONE!!! AND IF YOU DO NOT FINISH IT BY THE END OF THE HOUR, I'LL SEND YOU BOTH STRAIGHT TO BLUE'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY AS P.O.W.s! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?! Grif and Simmons: Yes, m-m-ma'am! Weiss: Good. And if you need any breaks, you are free to do so for five minutes. Now chop chop, boys!
Grif and Simmons rush back to their workplace and continue cementing as fast as before like loyal obedient servants. Church, Tucker and Caboose are amazed by what Weiss did and that whip she somehow got her hands on.
Tucker: When did she get that? Church: Wow. You might be fit emough to be a drill sergeant after all. Weiss: Thank you. I learned a thing or two from my sister. Tucker: Man, I would like to see your sister. Now if you'll excuse me, babe. We'll be there relaxing our asses and... Weiss: Hold it right there, I'm not done talking you dopes! Tucker: Sigh. What is it? Weiss: You need explain everything, I mean all of it, of what happened here! Church: What? Aren't you going to interrogate them later? Weiss: I need both parties' testimony. Unlike those prisoners here, you'll be writting in a formal documentation and submit it to me, ten thousand words. Church: Ten thousand words long?! Weiss: As well as indoor repairs. Tucker: Indoor repairs?! That will be those guys job too! Weiss: Consider this a punishment for your lack of caution here. UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO CONTACT COMMAND ABOUT YOU AND GIVE SOME PROPER DISCIPLINE LIKE THOSE REDS! As a Sangheili said. "The more the workers, the more faster we can fix this place up." Tucker: Hold on, what about Caboose? What will he do? Weiss: While I'm in charge in making the prisoners work fast and their interrogation, his job is to keep them from escaping. Caboose: Yay! Church: What? That's not as bad as ours! Weiss: Ahem... Command? Church: Sigh. "Don't tell Sarge." they say. "We'll fix this place." they say. Grif : Hey, you forced us to fix this place!
Grif gets silenced by Weiss elctro whip again.
Weiss: KEEP WORKING, SCUM! Now off to writting you two! Caboose: See ya later guys! Church: Sigh, we should've let that Red kill us in the first place. Tucker: Not me. I'm planning to hook up with her once she cools down. Grif: Hey, Simmons? Simmons: Yeah? Girf: Telling the truth and get shot by Sarge would've been a lot more merciful than this. Simmons: *Sob*! Yeah, it should have.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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