#can we all agree that luke would be a prefect?
soggyburgers · 4 years
ig this is my life now
luke hemmings ravenclaw moodboard [2/4]
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i was going for a soft luke but i ended up with frickin "will murder you in your dreams" luke but im not upset about it sooooooo
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midnightartemis · 3 years
Chapter Two
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Rated M - SFW - Read on AO3 - Chapter One - Chapter Three - Masterlist
It had been long said that the Fourth Year was the hardest year at Hogwarts. Ben learned quickly the truth of this statement. His professors dumped assignment after assignment in his lap as if they had realized how little they had taught him over the past three years. Hardly a class went by without a professor mentioning O.W.L.s, still over a year and a half away.
Ben had no time to contemplate anything outside of his studies and soon all thoughts of Vader and darkness were in the back of his mind. While his dreams were dark, he never remembered them after what little sleep he managed.
When he was not in class, he was studying. When he was not studying, he was sleeping. The weekends proved no better and he found himself quite alone on Sunday nights, trying not to think of Rey and the way her nose scrunched up as she tried to jinx him. He missed their time in the Room of Requirement. He missed having a true friend.
Ben shook his head to clear his thoughts and brought his focus back to his half-finished parchment on cursed object detection. While he loved to dive into the theoretical when it came to magic, Luke had the annoying habit of keeping Defense Against the Dark Arts as hands-off as possible. It was highly unlikely his uncle would bring in any cursed objects for the class to view, even though Ben knew for a fact his uncle owned several. This only brought up memories of India that Ben wished to forget and he scowled at his parchment.
“Forget how to read, Solo?” Hux’s voice came from across the common room. This time of night it was filled with students, some studying, some talking quietly around one of the many fires that warmed the perpetually chilly dorms. Hux sat on a plush emerald chair across from his usual cohorts, Phasma and Mitaka, who were giving him questioning looks. Despite being two years younger, Hux was one of the few Slytherins who had never been afraid of Ben or smart enough to leave him alone. Their parents were rivals; that was all the cause Hux needed.
“Forget your place, Huxley?” Ben muttered, not lifting his eyes from his parchment.
Hux frowned. He pushed himself from his chair and sauntered over to the empty table where Ben was working. With one hand, he slammed Ben’s D.A.D.A. book shut. Ben stopped his writing and sat back. Like this, they were the same height. Hux sneered, “Think you’re better than me, half-blood?”
Ben itched to turn Hux’s legs to jelly. Hux was only trying to get a rise out of him, to give his mother ammunition for her articles again. He was saved by a steady voice over his shoulder.
“Watch your tongue, Hux. I seem to remember a muggle-born putting you on your arse last year. Or did you forget? Blood isn’t everything.” Voe Elphrona raised her brow, amused. Her Head Girl badge flashed in the firelight on her robes. A talented witch and a fierce opponent both on and off the Quidditch pitch, Voe was widely respected, even by the likes of Armitage Hux.
Hux’s face turned bright red and he stiffly walked back to his chair. He snapped at Phasma and Mitaka who quickly found something else to look at.
Ben put his head back down though he could still feel Voe and her friends standing behind him. Only a moment passed before Voe took a seat across from him. Her friends - namely, the other Prefects - Tai, Hennix, Bazine, and Grummgar, made for the largest, most central couch in the common room, scaring off a flock of First Years.  
What did she want?
“Mind if I join you?” Voe’s silvery eyes flashed. It wasn’t a question. “We’ve just gotten back from our meeting with Professor Tarkin. Seems you’ve made the shortlist for Prefect next year. Maybe even Head Boy, one day.”
Ben sat up a little straighter. Head Boy. He’d dreamed of it even as a child. If they made him Head Boy, maybe then they would see him as something other than an enemy. “And?”
“I agree.” Voe tilted her head toward the rest of the group. “We think you’re really the only Fourth Year qualified enough. Best if we mentor you properly.”
“Why?” Everyone wanted something from him. Slytherins rarely ever did anything from the goodness of their hearts. Not when there was something to be gained. It was a fact of life now. Even Rey had wanted things from him. Knowledge. Training. He had gladly given it, even for just a sliver of her friendship. “What do you want?”
Voe grinned, revealing sharp incisors as white and luminous as her hair. Every year to scare the first years, there was a rumor spread that Voe’s grandmother was part vampire. How someone could only be part vampire, Ben had no clue. “Your mother will not be Minister of Magic forever. All I ask is your support for when I take her place.”
A political move then. “I’m not exactly a person you want on your side.”
The young witch only shrugged. “We will see.”
Ben glanced at the cohort sitting around the fireplace. Tai and Hennix sat across from each other in high-backed chairs, each carefully studying a game of Wizard’s Chess. Beside them on the couch, Grummgar sat like he owned the common room with Bazine lounging at his side. She flicked through radio stations with her wand, a bored look on her face. He’d be hard-pressed to call them friends, but what Voe was offering wasn’t friendship.
“They will make you stronger. And one day, they will bow before you.” The voice in his mind whispered.
“No.” Ben met her eye. “I fail to see how this is worth my time. Support for Minister of Magic comes at a high cost.”
There was no doubt in Ben’s mind that Voe could take that position if she wanted to. The Elphronas were an old pureblood family, powerful and wealthy. They had long held seats in the ministry, both before and after the war. Her father was currently Ambassador to the United States.
“I can offer you mentorship, a favor, and access.” Voe’s steady eyes studied him as if she had come to realize that Ben would not be anyone’s prey. This fact only drew her in more.
“Access to what?”
Voe leaned across the table and took Ben’s quill from his inkwell. On a scratch piece of parchment, she wrote out something in thin, spidery letters. Once she was finished, she drew her aspen wand and tapped the parchment. Her charm work settled over the parchment in a silver haze. She stood and offered it to him. Her fingers brushed against his as he took it. “Midnight. Don’t be late. Or don’t come at all.”
Ben looked down at the blank piece of parchment.
It had taken him longer than he would like to admit to deconstruct Voe’s spell work. The most basic charm to reveal hidden things, Revelio, had no effect on the parchment whatsoever except to make a mark on the corner like a small tally. An attempt at Aparecium, a similar but far more powerful charm made to reveal hidden text, produced nothing but a second tally.
Voe had revealed nothing, so Ben erred on the side of caution and worked with the idea that he had one attempt remaining to reveal the text. His next attempt had to be the right one. One hour 'til midnight, Ben hadn't moved from the common room table. The enchanted parchment and textbooks floated in front of him at eye level. The common room had cleared of First through Third Years for their 11 pm curfew. All who remained were upperclassmen studying, playing wizard’s chess, or quietly speaking to one another.
At eleven, the Prefects sitting at the couch stood to start their nightly rounds. Voe winked at him as she passed with Bazine, Grummgar, Tai and Hennix trailing behind her. Ben stared hard at his books as they passed. He only looked up when Tai paused by the table. The sixth-year stood at an average height and looked skinny in his robes, but Ben knew better. The wizard had a controlled and dexterous strength that made him an excellent Seeker. His mind was just as sharp when it came to potions. His dark hair was closely shaven, nearly bald.
“Don’t overthink it, Solo.”
Ben gave him a short nod and the boy walked off.
Don’t overthink it. Voe Elphrona was not one to play tricks. She could be devious, yes, but she never hid what she truly desired. Power. Prestige. Voe had dealt him a secret and this was her test. Though Voe excelled in all areas of magic she put her talent, it was not Charms but Transfiguration she excelled at. Revealing charms would not work to reveal the text on the parchment because she had transfigured the marked parchment to a blank one.
Ben swept the tip of his wand across the parchment. “Reparifage.”
The untransfiguration spell took effect immediately as Voe’s script reappeared on the page. Any elation at solving Voe’s puzzle vanished as Ben looked down at the runes.
ᛁᚳ ᛒᚢᛖ ᛒᛖᚾᛁᛞᚻᚪᚾ ᛋᛖ ᛚᛁᚠᛏ, ᛋᛖ ᛖᚩᚱᚦᛖ, ᛋᛖ ᛚ, ᚷᛖᚾ,
ᛁᚳ ᛒᚢᛖ ᚩᚠᛖᚱ ᛋᛖ ᚪᛚ
ᛘᛁᚾ ᚷᛖᛋᛏᛠᛚ ᚪᚾᚻᛠᛚᛞᛖ ᚻᚹᛁᛚᚳ ᛚᛖᚩᚱᚾᛖᛋᛏᚱᚪᚾ ᚪᛋᛖᚳᛖᛋᛏ
ᛋᚳᚩᛚᛞᛖ ᚦᚢ ᚪᚾᚻᛁᛖᛚᛋᛏ ᛖᚠᛖᚾᛘᛖᛞᚢᛘᛘᛖ, ᚪᛋᚳᚪ, ᛁᚳ ᚪᚳᚹᛇᚦ
“Accio rune book.” The book flew from his book bag and floated in front of him. He worked quickly as there was less than an hour to translate and solve the message. It was easy enough to translate the Anglo-Saxon Runes to their Latin counterparts. From there, however, things grew more tedious. Words varied from region to region. There were a few words he recognized, however. Lyft often referred to air. Eorthe to earth, as in soil or ground.
Quarter to midnight, Ben grabbed his cloak of Invisibility from his bag and hurried out the common room door.
I live beneath the air, the earth, the water...
Assuming the entrance was in the castle, only a few dungeon halls that ran beneath the lake. The first, of course, being the common room and dormitory halls. The halls beneath the lake were some of the oldest in the castle and rumored to have been there before even the four founders arrived. They were dimly lit by the same green light found in the potions classroom and Slytherin house.
Yet, I live above the fire…
My frame holds what all students seek…
He had never seen a fireplace or torch in the halls beneath the lake. Not in all his time at Hogwarts. Nor did he recollect any paintings. Most paintings preferred to be in the warmer, dryer halls. Ones where they could be seen.  In truth, he had never paid much attention. Ben hurried, not bothering to stick to the shadows. The halls were empty this time of night. Not a witch or wizard in sight. Most students and staff avoided this part of the castle.
The air grew colder and colder as he walked deeper and deeper into mostly forgotten halls beneath the lake. He came to a staircase that took him further still. The cold, musty smell in the air was the only sign of how far beneath the lake he was now. It was nearing midnight now, any minute.
“Further still, young Skywalker,”  The voice whispered.
Up ahead, came a soft glow of firelight, one he had never noticed before.
He hurried towards it and found that it came from a short hall - really it was more of a small chamber - with no doors, no windows. Just dark stone that curved into an arched ceiling. Five brightly burning flames sat in low stone pillars near the walls. Two on each side and one at the head of the chamber. Above them hung five large paintings, taller than he was.
If ye be worthy, ask, and I shall answer.
None of the paintings were the same but for the fact that they all depicted different items held in ghostly hands. To his left, a sword and a wand. To his right, a key and a book. And in the fifth frame at the head of the room, the ghostly hands stirred a bubbling cauldron.
Sword. Wand. Key. Book. Cauldron.
A sword could represent power- same as a wand. Sought by students, yes. Voe certainly would be one of them. Yet, this was no longer Voe’s puzzle. This was something older.
A bubbling cauldron lived above flame, but did students seek it? What did it represent?
A key. Access. A way to open locked and forbidden items. Doors.
The book.
Students sought knowledge held within the frame of a book. One could ask and a book would answer.
In the distance, the midnight bells rang throughout Hogwarts’ halls. He was out of time.
If ye be worthy, ask, and I shall answer.
Ben turned to the painting of the book. The ghostly hands held it closed in their grasp. Ben took a deep breath. “What knowledge do you hide?”
For a moment, nothing happened. Ben held his breath. The final toll of the midnight bells rang out. Had he failed? Was he too late?
Before his eyes, the hands parted, letting the book fall open in their palms. The painting began to shimmer as if it were a pool of rippling water. A portal.
Ben stepped through to the other side.
A curtain of warmth passed over him as he stepped through the portal. The feeling of this magic was not unlike the entrance to Platform 9¾ at King’s Cross Station. Though, t his portal did not lead to a train platform on the other side.
Ben found himself standing on the top step of an amphitheater made of stone similar to the halls he had come from. Four sets of stairs descended towards the arena floor, sectioning off low stone seating. There was no portal behind him, only stone and an arch marked with runes. The arches surrounded the amphitheater and gave support to the room’s domed roof. At first, Ben thought the ceiling was made of obsidian, but a closer look revealed that he was still beneath the Black Lake. Deep beneath. Strange shadowy shapes rippled through the water behind the glass.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to make it.” Voe’s voice echoed through the amphitheater. She stood on the other side of the pit beneath a similarly marked arch. She glanced up at the arch above him and made an amused sound. The corners of her lips curled up in a smile. “Interesting choice.”
Voe stepped away from her arch and down the stairs into the pit. The low heels of her shoes clicked with every step. Ben stayed at his arch, though there was no longer a portal there. No way to get out.
“Everyone must solve the riddle to pass through a portal. How you solve the riddle… That is the choice. Any of the paintings will reveal a portal if you ask it to.”
He’d chosen the book. Knowledge. Why?
“I’d say you have questions unanswered. Hidden from you. Knowledge you desire to obtain. Yet, everyone is a closed book to you.” Voe stepped onto the floor of the arena. She looked around the arena before turning her gaze back to Ben. “Am I correct?”
Ben said nothing.
Voe took his silence as answer enough. She drew her wand and turned around the firelit arena. “Have you figured it out yet?”
He looked at the stone closer, seeing the cracks and burns that covered the dark stone. The floor where Voe stood, the center of the arena, was painted in fading golden runes and protective sacred geometry.
“Dueling.” Ben stepped away from the arch and started down the stairs into the pit. “Who knows about this?”
“A select few. Those who aren’t given the secret cannot find this place.”
“A Fidelius Charm?” Ben had only read of the charm. It was an incredibly difficult spell that only very powerful witches and wizards could manage. The spell concealed a secret in a primary keeper’s very soul. A place protected by the Fidelius Charm was completely hidden from the world. Unplottable. Not even the most powerful revealing magic could make the place known. The only way for someone to find a hidden place was for the primary keeper to reveal the information of their own will. Whoever gained that information would then be able to find the hidden place. But they had no power to reveal the secret themselves. Now that Ben knew, he would not be able to tell of this place to another soul, even if he wished to.
Voe nodded. “Some of the greatest duels in history were fought in this very room. When dueling was banned, this place was forgotten by almost everyone, except for two Prefects. They created the riddle and hid it all with the Fidelius charm. It’s been passed down ever since to those who… Craved knowledge as you do. Now more than ever, knowledge is power. And if Professor Skywalker refuses to teach us properly...”
“We have to teach ourselves.” Ben finished.
Voe grinned. “Precisely.”
“Where are the others?”
“They’ll be here any moment.” Voe flicked her wand and the amphitheater chamber filled with blue light. The markings beneath Ben’s feet began to glow. Voe stepped out of the circle formed by the runes and flicked her wand once more. From the circle, a wall of blue light formed, cracking with protective blue energy.
Ben bared his wand. It seemed as the new initiate, he would be going first tonight. Soft wooshes filled the room as students appeared in the arches. Tai and Hennix came first. Followed closely by Bazine and Grummgar. Grummgar immediately placed a galleon in Bazine’s hand at the sight of Ben. Next came Cal Kestis, Gryffindor Head Boy, and Merrin Nightsister, Head Girl. Jyn Erso, a Fourth Year Hufflepuff, stumbled in from the opposite portal. Not long after her came the only other one from Hufflepuff, Dorra, a Prefect, through the same portal. From Ravenclaw, Tam Ryvora, Pammich Goode, Mira Syntel.
The ten students filed in quietly. Tense anticipation hung in the air. Ben paced the edge of the ring, heart pounding. No one had yet approached the ring. Each house took a seat in their own quarter of the arena, though there was nothing to designate who sat where. Voe stood on the steps between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, arms crossed. She tapped her wand impatiently against her arm.
“Is he coming or not, Kestis?” Voe turned her steely eyes to Cal.
“Give him a minute.” The redheaded seventh year looked unbothered as he lounged next to Merrin. “He’s got time.”
One last whoosh echoed in the amphitheater announcing the arrival of the final participant. Poe Dameron stepped through the arch. Ben felt his blood heat. Dameron looked around the amphitheater with a smirk.
“Waiting for me?”
“The first and the last.” Voe gestured to the ring. Dameron’s eyes landed on Ben and Ben fought back a small smile as Dameron hesitated. “Unless you’d like to leave?”
Dameron swallowed and descended the steps. He stepped through the ring of blue energy, wand drawn.
“Let the rules be known.” Voe raised her wand to the arena. “No contact. No unforgivable curses. No magic which will cause permanent harm. The duel will begin with a bow and end when one duelist is rendered incapacitated or house heads call for a cease fire. I wish you both best of luck. You may begin.”
Cheers rang from the dozen and a half students filling the stone seats of the amphitheater. From the Gryffindor section came shouts of, “Dam-er-on! Dam-er-on!” Not unlike those chanted on the Quidditch pitch. Dameron ate every ounce of it, lifting his hands to egg it on.
How he’d like to put Dameron on his arse. How he’d like to see the cocky bastard get taken down a peg. Ben raised his wand, pointed to the ceiling as Dameron pulled his redwood wand from his back pocket. Poe bowed first, low and mocking, playing to his crowd of supporters. It seemed that Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had taken his side. The Slytherins, on the other hand, seemed somewhat uninterested. Voe watched with a domineering gaze. Ben dipped his head in a shallow bow to Dameron.
“Focus. Feel the anger, the hate inside of you. Let it fuel you. Control it, young Skywalker.”
Ben stepped into his dueling position, breathing deeply. Poe raised his wand, but neither student moved to fire the first shot. Poe grinned, “So, who goes first? You go first? I go fir-”
Ben flicked his wand, shooting off a nonverbal jinx. Poe leaped out of the way, throwing up a weak protego. Shock crossed the boy’s face, but quickly morphed into focused anger. They weren’t required to start nonverbal spells until Sixth Year, a fact that Dameron very well knew.
Ben was not here to go easy on the Gryffindor Fourth Year. He fired off spell after spell, each slamming into Dameron’s shields. A memory of Rey practicing protego, her grin as she managed the smallest shield, popped unbidden into his head. It was enough to throw him off, to give Dameron a chance to hit back.
“Aguamenti!” A jet stream of water barrelled towards Ben from Poe’s wand. The water hit Ben hard in the gut and knocked him to the floor. All the air in his lungs rushed out of him. Whoops and shouts and laughter echoed through the stone room.
Poe looked towards Voe in the stands. The witch shrugged as Ben stood. “He can still cast. He’s not done yet.”
He was soaking wet now, blood pounding in his ears. Poe shot a disarming spell at him and Ben deflected it. The wall crackled with energy. There was nowhere to go. Poe shifted to his left and the dance began. They circled each other, waiting for the right moment. Blood rushing, Ben pounced first. Poe jumped away from the impediment jinx and fired back a red bolt. Ben pointed his wand at the spell, not even thinking. The red beam hung in the air, frozen in time.
A gasp rippled through the amphitheater.  
How was he doing this?
Before he could comprehend, his spell wavered and Poe’s stunning spell hit him square in the chest. Ben flew back and hit the wall of light surrounding them. He fell to the floor, limp. Uproarious cheers of victory filled the arena at the fall of Ben Solo.
He woke as the blue wall surrounding the dueling ring lowered. He pushed himself up off the stone, an ache in his chest. Come morning, he would feel as if he had been hit by one of his father’s muggle cars. Or by the Hogwarts Express.
Poe had already climbed the stairs of the arena to the rest of the Gryffindors, who met him with high fives and congratulations. Ben crossed over to the Slytherin seats, passing Voe as she came down the stairs. She gave him a cold, appraising look.
Ben took his seat near the other Slytherins. Tai was the only one to turn to him. “How did you do that?”
“I don’t know.” Ben shrugged and winced. “It just happened.”
“It couldn’t have been the Freezing Charm, could it? Something similar. Perhaps the Slowing Charm. But you didn’t slow it, not really. I didn’t even know you could slow or stop spells, not like that. Are you sure you didn’t use a spell?”
“I’m sure.” Ben couldn’t help but glare at Poe. From the dueling ring, Voe announced the next contenders- the new initiates from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. There was no doubt in his mind that Rey would be chosen to join the club in her Fourth Year. Would he still be here? He wasn’t sure. He hadn’t been for a while. It wasn’t a future he could imagine. He hoped that he would be, just to see the poor sod who had to face her. He hoped it would be Hux.
“-could try a prior incantation charm to take a closer look at it.” Tai hadn’t stopped talking. “Surely, Professor Kuiil would know something about it.”
“No.” The last thing he needed was for word to get back to Luke or Kenobi or his parents of his wand doing strange things.
“Right. Can’t talk about this outside of this room. Still, very interesting.” Tai noted.
“Very impressive.” Bazine eyed Ben. Her gaze desired to devour him. “Most entertaining initiation duel I’ve seen. Usually, everyone is so meek and timid. Voe always tries to pair up rivals, but,” Bazine sighed, “once they step into the ring… poof. Scared little kittens.”
Grummgar grunted in agreement.
Below them in the dueling circle, Jyn Erso faced off against Myra Syntel. It lasted all of two seconds as Jyn hit Myra with a perfect Full Body-Bind Curse. The young Ravenclaw, who had been trying to perfect her attack stance, fell face first on the stone with legs glued together and arms stuck to her sides. Jyn ran over to her and quickly undid the curse, helping Myra sit up. Blood from a broken nose ran down the girl’s face. A simple utterance of ‘ Episkey’ had her back on her feet.
Memories of the Trophy Room were quick to resurface. He’d been sitting in the common room late that night studying for a test in A History of Magic when Hux barged through the common room door, loudly bragging to anyone who would listen of how he ‘showed that mudblood a lesson’ and left her in the trophy room. Ben had gone to help her without a second thought.
Ben pushed the memory deeper into the dark recesses of his mind. She had been his one and only friend and now he wishes they had never met. She was a distraction now. One that could prove destructive. He wished he could bottle up all the memories of her and toss them away. He wished he could forget.
Rated M - SFW - Read on AO3 - Chapter One - Chapter Three - Masterlist
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softforcal · 6 years
hiiii listen i love hogwarts!5sos so please do HCs for gryffindor ash x gryffindor reader x hufflepuff calum bc it would honestly be the cutest poly relationship ever
gryffindor ash x gryffindor reader x hufflepuff calum
-you and Ashton have been best buds forever
-there’s always been something there but neither of you have ever acted on it.
-Calum and Ashton are their Quidditch House Captains so they know each other and they get along
-they have a few classes together and often sit next to each other, as a sign of ‘house bond’ but they genuinely just enjoy each other
-they’re always discussing Quidditch or muggle tattoos or shit like that
-you show up at lunch one day and Calum is sitting at the Gryffindor table, they’re both deep in conversation but when you sit down next to Ashton and across from Calum, they stop talking
-Ashton introduces you to the GORGEOUS Hufflepuff who you’ve seen around but never actually talked to
-Ashton has a way for slotting people into conversations and making sure people don’t feel left out and within minutes, you’re laughing with them and its a great time
-you go to your next class and they go to theirs, while walking Calum just sort of states, “she’s pretty cute.” and Ashton is shook that his lil Puff friend just said something so bold and out there. but like… “yeah she’s gorgeous.”
-”so uh… is she single?”
-Ashton is so shook.
-no one has ever asked him about you before because everyone in your house sort of knows Ashton’s had a thing for you since first year but this little Puff boy has no clue
-”yeah she’s single.”
-something spurs to life inside Ashton
-because like… he’s never had legit competition before?
-but also… he and Cal are such dope friends already so he’s like… woah. like part of me wants my bro to succeed but i want myself to succeed to so wtf is this feeling
-the whole day he’s thinking about a way for it to work for everyone
-and polyamory comes to mind
-and he is WAY to ahead of himself
-Gryffindor Ashton exists on a plane of being where he’s like a month ahead of everyone else cuz boy thinks ahead
-so Calum has no idea Ashton’s thinking about this so hard but the next day at lunch when Ashton shows up, you and Cal (who were waiting for him) can both tell there’s something off about him
-”you look like you’re thinking real hard, stop.” you giggled
-”what do you guys think about polyamory?”
-Calum chokes on his drink and Ashton has to pat him on the back.
-”why are you bringing this up?” you ask, watching in amusement
-Ashton tries to act suave and you buy it because you have no reason not to. the three of you chat about it, Cal looks super distressed but you can’t tell why, and after lunch Calum pulls Ashton aside and is like “what the fuck man?”
-Ashton explains he’s been into you for ages and Calum’s like “well i’ll back off if she’s taken man, no harm done.” and Ashton’s just like… “but… but Polyamory sounds kinda dope don’t you think?”
-and Cal kind of thinks about it and is like… “okay im in but we have to ask the girl out first right?”
-they plan all day
-like… extensive planning
-which mostly consists of Ashton coming up with ideas and Calum telling Ashton they won’t work
-”we could take her to The Three Broom Sticks-” “too many people and she’ll totally think it’s a friend thing unless we call it a date.”
-”we could go for a swim in the black lake.” “first, kinda rapey bud, second, its like October.”
-”we could go to the forbidden forest” “Ashton.”
-they’re walking down the hallway discussing it and suddenly a door appears.
-Ashton opens it and starts laughing, “the room of requirement is our pimp now.”
-yeah, the room has set the boys up well
-like. there’s a full on king sized bed whenever they need it and it seems the room is like Ashton, always thinking steps ahead
-Calum finally suggests just doing a study date in the library
-”well she’ll think we’re just friends.” “we gotta tell her its a date.” “right.”
-so they both come ask you
-”we want to take you on a date.” “a study date.” Calum clarifies. “still a date.”
-you’re kind of shook then you glare at Ashton, “this is why you asked about polyamory!”
-he shrugs and grins, “it seems like a good idea.”
-i mean. kinda false.
-but it’s not like you’re going to turn down two of the most gorgeous guys in school who are also complete adorable dorks
-so you go to the library and find the most secluded corner
-it’s honestly just studying but you know they’re both into you so thats fun
-and then Ashton’s arm confidently goes over your shoulders and Calum rests his hand on top of yours and you’re just like… i could get FUCKING USED TO THIS
-so Cal is so soft and adorable
-and Ash is cocky and giggly
-so wow. they’re both perfect
-and then you ask the age old question
-”so if we do this… which house colours do i wear to Quidditch games.”
-”mine.” they both say at once
-a small discussion about it
-”but… she’s been wearing your colours forever-” “thats because she’s in my house Cal.” “well… yellow would look cute on her.” “red looks cute on her.”
-these boys
-finally Ashton concedes and is like… “if we do this, you can wear his colours first if you want but we have to switch each time to be fair.”
-the first poly agreement is made and it wasn’t actually that hard. compromise was found.
-this could work
-spending the whole week testing it out with cute dates and hand holding and shit but no kisses because who the fuck knows how that shit’s even gonna work
-finally you’re in the library and you’ve all been giggling about something dumb that Luke Hemmings did earlier and Calum just leans in and kisses you
-Ashton is shook that the puff had bigger balls than him
-so as soon as Cal pulls away, Ashton kisses you too
-when he pulls away they both look at you and Cal is first to ask “was that okay?”
-it was better than okay fam.
-”think we should try it again just to be sure.” you’re a Gryffindor, you gon take this opportunity sis
-Calum shocks you both AGAIN by being the first AGAIN, grabbing your face and kissing you harder this time, putting all the little Puff can put into the kiss
-when he pulls away, Ashton is sitting there stunned like “wow. how am i supposed to compete with that man?”
-no jealousy. just support and awe and general good squishy stuff
-Ashton kisses you again and he tried to be softer, going for more of a Hufflepuff vibe and you were getting whiplash from these boys
-so now that the first kiss is out of the way, everything cums comes easier
-Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have a match and you go in Cal’s scarf
-Hufflepuff wins but as soon as everyone lands, Ashton and Calum are shaking hands and Calum’s assuring Ashton that he played really well and was just unlucky
-they’re such good friends.
-they go to the change room and when they both come out all showered and cute (curls curls curls curls curls) you’re like… “you both played so well, i kind of feel like we should go somewhere and celebrate.”
-”well Hufflepuff is having an afterparty and you can both come-” Calum begins but you and Ashton grab his arms and begin to drag him because was a SWEETIE
-”So room of requirement or prefects bathroom?” Ashton ask as you call head up to the school
-”the room of requirement is pimping for you now?” you laugh
-”thats what i said!” Ashton grins
-”i vote room of requirement.” Calum quips
-so of course you do what the Puff wants
-getting to the room of requirement and Ashton notices there’s something a little different as he closes the door behind you but can’t place his finger on it until Calum goes “is that a weighted blanket!?” and runs to the bed
-”aren’t weighted blankets for people with anxiety?” Ashton asks.
-you elbow him because your little Puff looks so amused. its obvious who the blanket is for, lets be real. what a smoll baby
-so like… there is a little bit of a discussion that needs to be had about HOW exactly this is going to go down… if you catch my drift
-Ashton just starts whipping out words like “choking” and “spanking” and phrases like “fingers in your mouth” and “marks where people can’t see”
-and Calum just sits and watches the two of you sort out all the schematics
-Hufflepuff baby is honestly there just for a good time, he don’t mind HOW it happens just as long as it happens
-when you and Ashton finally agree on everything you turn to Calum who looks sort of dazed cuz he’s honestly spaced out at this point
-as soon as he notices you looking at him he just grabs you and throws you on the bed, tearing your pants off and devouring you
-Ashton just laughs cuz “i guess we had a plan but this works too.”
-Hufflepuff Cal is a pleaser thats for SURE
-he keeps surprising you and Ashton
-like he makes you cum twice from his mouth before Ashton’s finally like… “okay mate, gotta give me a turn too.”
-they’re VERY good at sharing apparently
-it would be kind of wild lets be real
-they’re only down for what you’re comfy with but… if you’re down for it… Ash is the ass man always
-Cal is oddly down for anything which is a bit of a shock
-like he spaced out when you and Ash were discussing it but in the heat of everything, his hand is going around your throat and you and Ash are shook
-laying there after, between your two boys and you and Ashton are just speechless about Cal who has shaken you both to your core
-”so are you sure you’re not secretly a Slytherin Cal?”
-”im just pretty good at finding the right spots.” Calum. what the fuck. you funky little Hufflepuff.
-lets be real. the three of you stay there all night
-being addicted to each other
-like, Ashton is always down for a quicky but even Calum starts toeing the line and putting his hand VERY HIGH on your thigh while you’re in class
-yeah, you are trying to keep it a secret but ya’ll aint suave
-everyone fucking knows
-like people see the three of you go into the room of requirement ALL the time
-finally there’s a Quidditch game where it’s Slytherin vs Gryffindor and Gryffindor kicks their ass
-as you get on the field with Calum you catch the Slytherin team captain saying to Ashton something SUPER offensive about you and Calum
-Calum just DECKS this guy
-like the Slytherin team captain is KO’ed like a MOTHERFUCKER
-and once again, you and Ashton are looking at your little Puff and he’s just like… “uh… my hand slipped?”
-what a baby
-you and Ashton take good care of Cal
-the first time his dom side comes out you’re all shook again
-Hufflepuff Cal just has a lot hidden up his sleeve
-yo. Hufflepuff Cal teaching Ashton how to find your sweet spots
-would be hot as FUCK
-they’re such a team
-like. Cashton is a dream team but these two would be hot as fuck in these houses
-yeah i love it.
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sian265 · 6 years
Whispers Chapter 8
Chapter 8
 As first dates go, this one wasn’t bad at all!
  Alec stepped in the bar at 6:59. His nerves had almost gotten the better of him, but he stiffened that famous Lightwood spine and took the plunge. Hunter’s Moon was busy, the crowd mostly DownWorlder’s but there were also  mundanes here and there. Alec ignored the curious looks, it wasn’t unknown for a Shadowhunter to hang out here, just wasn’t common enough to avoid the stares. His gaze swept past the pool table, away from the tables, to the bar. There he met the warm honey gaze he had come for. He moved to join Magnus.
 Magnus was seated at the bar engaged in conversation with Maia. Alec took the stool next to him. The Warlock turned to greet him with a smile. “Hi,” Alec said softly. Magnus looked dangerous, dressed all in black, with his silver jewelry glittering against the bar lights. He only wore black eyeliner and Alec got lost in those mesmerizing eyes for several moments, long enough to miss Maia’s question. It was Magnus’s light laughter and Maia clearing her throat that made him realize how long he had been staring at the other man.
 Alec looked at the female beta with a sheepish grin. “Sorry Maia,” he responded and feeling bold, “Though, can you blame me?” Alec purposely looked back at Magnus and was delighted at the light flush on the other man’s cheeks.
 Maia just laughed. “What can I get you, Alec?”
 Alec frowned, unsure. He didn’t really enjoy that dry red wine at Magnus’s. He looked back at Magnus when the Warlock touched him softly on his arm. “Can I order for you, Alexander?” Alec nodded gratefully.
 He took a sip of the martini Magnus called it, face scrunching up at the strong alcohol. “You don’t like it?” Magnus asked.
 “No, this is good.” Alec took another sip.
 Magnus grabbed his glass and stood. “Shall we move to a table?”
 Alec nodded and grabbed his own glass, following Magnus to a back corner table, he let the other man pick his seat first. Magnus chose a seat that put his back against the wall and allowed him a full view of the bar. Rather than sit across from him, Alec sat next to the Warlock. Magnus looked at him curiously. “Not a fan of sitting with your back against the door either I take it?”
 Alec just smiled. “Sure,” he said. “Let’s go with that.” Magnus rolled his eyes at him and Alec’s smile grew. He didn’t know where this boldness came from, but he felt like if he didn’t make it very clear to Magnus from the get-go that he was interested, the very private man wouldn’t let Alec in.
 Magnus observed Alec for several long minutes without speaking, and Alec got he impression that Magnus was still trying to figure him out. That was confirmed with Magnus’s next words. “I know that I have avoided Nephilim politics for decades, but it cannot have changed enough to welcome an openly gay Shadowhunter, let alone  given him such a position of power?”
Alec nodded at Magnus’s words and took a sip of his drink before speaking. He noticed Magnus’s grin, but had no idea how adorable he appeared scrunching up his face at the taste of the alcohol. “I didn’t come out as they say until right before my appointment, but I had already been running the Institute for years as my parents spent much of their time in Idris. Honestly, I’m not bragging but I am damn good at my job and the Clave couldn’t come up with a good enough reason not to appoint me.”
 Magnus hummed. “That’s never stopped the Clave before. It has been my experience that they never do what is in the best interest of their Shadowhunters.”
 He laughed at Magnus’s description of the Clave, completely silently agreeing with that description. “It also helped that my Parabatai is the Inquisitor’s grandson.”
 “Your Parabatai is a Herondale?” Magnus asked, he had known a few and had liked maybe two in his long life.
 Alec nodded. “Yep and when she offered him the Head position he laughed at her and said no way was he being in charge, that his brother had been running the Institute for years and that I deserved it. Jace also warned her if she put him in charge anyway he would immediately step down and appoint me. After that, she gave up.”
 They both laughed at that, Alec’s laughter drifting away at the look in Magnus’s eyes. Magnus looked a little in shock, his gaze roamed over Alec’s face as if he didn’t believe Alec was real. “What?” Alec asked, but Magnus just shook his head. They managed to talk and laugh through several more drinks. Alec shared stories of the messes Izzy and Jace had gotten him into and Magnus told some wild stories of his adventures with his two best friends, Ragnor and Catarina.
It was when Magnus talked about his late friend Ragnor Fell that Alec reached across and took Magnus’s hand, not able to see the other man so sad and not offer comfort. Magnus looked down at their joined hands with a soft smile. He then looked back up at Alec, gaze soft. “You are the most surprising Shadowhunter I have ever met Alexander.”
 “In good ways I hope.” Alec responded, gaze dropping to Magnus’s lips.
 Magnus tore his gaze away and cleared his throat. “I’ve never met one with such an open heart, and so bluntly honest and forthright.”
 He gave Magnus’s hand a squeeze drawing the Warlock’s eyes back to his. “Well I do have to come clean about one thing.” Alec continued in a hurry seeing some of the wariness return to Magnus’s face. “My family and Luke think I asked you out to investigate you, but that has nothing to do with it. I just didn’t correct them.”
 Magnus frowned, and tried to pull his hand free. “To see if I’m your murderer? How can you be so sure I am not, Alexander?”
 Alec tightened his hand around Magnus’s. “I trust you, I don’t know why, but I do.”
 The smile that slipped across Magnus’s lips would remain one of the most beautiful things Alec had ever seen. It started so shy, hesitant, slow, but grew so sweetly that it brought a twinkle to those golden eyes, causing them to shine with even greater warmth. Magnus returned Alec’s grip on their joined hands. “Walk me home, Shadowhunter? It’s getting late.”
 Alec stood, holding tight to Magnus’s hand. “I’d love to,” he softly replied. The pair, hands still joined walked past Maia, who smiled hugely at them. They both gave a shy wave goodnight. The walk was quiet, but the silence was peaceful and not uncomfortable in any way. Alec understood fully the precious, priceless gift Magnus had just given him, a fragile piece of hope, Magnus’s hope. Alec swore to himself he would protect and cherish this gift and never betray it or deceive Magnus.
 Sooner than Alec liked they came to a stop in front of a high-rise apartment building. Magnus waved a hand, eyes looking at the building. “This is me.” He looked back at Alec. “Want to come up, one more drink for the road?”
 Alec nodded, no more eager to leave Magnus’s company than the Warlock appeared to be. He followed Magnus onto the elevators, both men moving to opposite corners, eyes locked on each other. A different tension built between them, one Magnus was more familiar with than Alec, desire. They said nothing however, Alec following as they entered Magnus’s home. Magnus removed his jacket and moved to the drink cart. “Make yourself comfortable, Alexander.”
 Alec laid his own jacket over the arm of a familiar sofa. The air between them didn’t feel as comfortable as it had at the bar; some of that desire that had built now had Magnus guarded again. Alec searched for something to say to bring back that ease they had earlier in the evening. “Magnus,” he said, pulling the other man’s attention away from the bottles of liquor. When Magnus finally looked at him, Alec moved closer.  He looked down into Magnus’s eyes, gaze dropping then to the other man’s lips. “I hear relationships take effort.” His lips moved closer.
 Magnus’s eyes were locked on Alec’s lips. “I’m all for effort,” he whispered.
 Alec slowly lowered his head, his hands moving up Magnus’s arms. The last inch seemed suspended, and so hard to close, but finally their lips met. As fist kisses go, Alec wouldn’t be able to say, all he could do was describe the feeling of Magnus’s lips against his own. They were both so tentative, that the first brush was so light, so soft, it left a slight tingle behind across their lips. The second was a firmer pressure of lips against lips, in which they both could feel pushiness give way, and breaths mingle together for the first time.
 The first kiss was the getting to know you stage, so much depending on the senses, how well lips lined up and how pleasant sharing breaths was. Alec knew theirs was a success because they one could not stop, and two because the desire just kept growing. He could taste everything Magnus was, could feel everything they could be with his arms wrapped tightly around his waist. His lips felt numb and tingly at the same time, and he couldn’t pull away until his legs finally demanded air.
 They drew back with a gasp, hands flying to their lips and eyes locked. Alec felt a shiver travel up his body. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Magnus, he was stunning! He looked like light was glowing under his skin, and Alec could swear that his eyes flashed gold before Magnus turned away. “Magnus?” Alec whispered.
 Magnus turned back, looking more composed but regretful. “I cannot believe I am going to say this, but I think its time we called it a night, Shadowhunter.”
 Alec frowned and moved a little closer, suddenly unsure of himself. “Did I do something wrong?”
 Magnus moved quickly to him and placed a hand along side Alec’s cheek. “You did nothing wrong, you were prefect, it was perfect.” Magnus took a step back and spread his hands out, looking a little unsure himself now. “I just don’t want to rush this, rush us.”
 Alec smiled, relieved. He grabbed his jacket and laid it across his arm. Moving back into Magnus’s body, he leaned down and gave the other man a brief peck on the lips. “I agree,” he whispered. He moved to the door and before leaving turned back to look at Magnus. “Can I call you later?”
 Magnus smiled, “You’d better.”
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spywriter27 · 7 years
Innocent Corruption
“Go put on some nicer clothes we’re going to church.” Michael ordered.
“Seriously? The Johnson’s wear jeans and t shirts.” Luke grumbled as he turned back to his room.
“You wouldn’t be in this mess if you were more descret.” Michael glared as he watched his son move towards the closet where he knew there was a suit hanging up.
“If she would have knocked.” Luke argued, grabbing it from the hanger and begrudgingly putting it on.
“What? She would have just seen him naked and you on your knees and put it together. Honestly. I don’t agree with it but what you  do in that area of your life is for you not me to know. Once she found out though you knew, none of us would hear the end of it.” He snapped, “Now put on the tie and get your butt in the car.” He ordered.
“So she saw me giving a bj.” Luke groaned, “If she stuck around she’d have seen me fuck him too.” He smirked, “But no, she had to go all family values senator on me and toss him out. And you wonder why none of us have lives.” He huffed, tie draped around his neck as he protested his way to the car where some were still waiting to go. 
“You know you have to tie the tie.” Katie smirked as she saw her brother enter the car.
“I’ll tell you what I’ll tie with this tie.” He grinned to everyone’s annoyance.
“This is a church, you will behave yourselves.” Elizabeth said as she got in the car making everyone stop their groans and laughter with one glare. “Especially you. You have some forgiveness to beg for.” She glared at her youngest child.
Luke began to open his mouth in retort only for a hand to move over it. 
“We’re already late you two can fight it out later.”  Michael sighed as he ordered the driver to go.
The drive to church was a tense one, ever since ten year old Luke denounced god he hadn’t had to go, saved by his grandfather  who wasn’t a huge fan of the very traditional church and now here he was, yet again, grandpa couldn’t save him this time.
“Mind your manners.” Katie sighed, linking their arms as they walked in. “And please, these are good religious people so keep it in your pants.” She mumbled as she dragged him towards her friends and more importantly away from their mother.
Luke looked around the room, this wasn’t his crowd and if these people were anything like his family he didn’t want to be there for a second longer. His eyes scanned until landing on a form, he couldn’t see the front half but the back looked amazing, even in the slacks. “Hey  Katie.” He started, “Whose-”
“Don’t just don’t. Whatever it is just don’t come on, we need to go to our seats.” She said, dragging him in exactly the direction he wanted to go so it worked out. 
“Seriously assigned seats what is this place.” He mumbled before realizing she meant sitting with their family, behind that prefect rear end. “Katie, Katie.” He whispered before getting smacked on the shoulder and shrinking in his seat.
Although he had to be quiet and couldn’t very much move with his mother watching his every muscle he kept moving his foot, kicking at the feet in front of him, curious about perfect bum’s face and everything
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arielsojourner · 8 years
I love Luke goes back in time and saves everyone and leading a Jedi reform. I love Darth Vader going back and redoing his life. But what if they went back in time together? Now with even more self indulgent crack, filled with plot holes I never plan to fix, and now quoting "Lilo and Stitch" because it FITS, damn it, don't judge me!
-After every mission where Vader takes command and then takes care of Separatist Forces while Luke works with the troopers, Luke makes sure to take some time (usually at least a 10 day) before they move on to the next system, the next part of the front line, to just spend time with his father. Sometimes Vader wants to just move on as fast as he can, to the next battle, the next challenge, but Luke has learned the lesson of patience with the loss of his hand. He doesn't' suggest they mediate or spend time in silent separate contemplation like the Order would (also Luke seems to only meditate while doing handstands for some reason which is not a technique that Vader is familiar with but, to each his own). Luke insists that he and his father explore the planet they are on. They go racing. They explore local space and speeder craft. They spend nights just stargazing out in the wilds of whatever planet they are on. Luke loves to visit any source of water they can find- rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans. He cannot get enough of them. Luke insists his father help him spend some time training Chatterbox, Fives and Hardcase. Luke goes out with some troopers to enjoy the nightlife if there is any (Luke is awesome at Karaoke. Tatooine's music scene was always 20 years behind the rest of the galaxy and heavily Hutt influenced so now Luke is on the cutting edge of the music scene at last).  Sometimes Vader will even share a few stories of places he has seen in the galaxy. Luke isn't sure but he thinks this may be the first time ever Vader has done anything like this.
-Slowing down, taking time, and enjoying the galaxy is a novelty for the troopers. They have had R&R before but usually it is a five day at most bookend with campaigns and massive battles. There is still danger and fire fights but now the troopers are taking care of criminals, stopping slavers and war profiteers and there have been few casualties in the last month. Kix is positively cheerful. Rex is preparing to update reports on their numbers for the month and realizes that between this ten day and the last there has not been a single death. The system has been taken, the Separatist forces routed, Grievous is dead, and not one of his brothers died. Rex isn't sure why but when he realizes that it feels like someone has punched him in the throat, he cannot breath, his eyes burn and he chokes. No one has died. In the quiet of his quarters Rex curls his body over the report and sobs.
-Vader hates being back in time. Vader hates being back on the front line of a war that was a total and complete waste of lives and resources. Vader hates the pointless waste of it and Vader hates having to knowingly be back in this time, reliving it. Vader hates that the Council and the Order making the same stupid mistakes and clinging to the same Code as before. Vader hates knowing that somewhere Anakin Skywalker is out there, living and fighting under orders from the Republic and the Council in a war that only ever benefited one person at the expensive of trillions. Anakin Skywalker who was too weak to stop any of this, too weak to see himself careening to destruction of everyone and everything he holds dear. Anakin Skywalker who is him. Vader hates so much it feels like he is still on fire, flesh cooking, nerves screaming. It fills him and still, still he doesn't know what to DO with all of it. It seems never-ending. It burns and burns and nothing helps! Not the Force, not "letting it go," not using the dark side, not destroying Separatist bases and slaughtering slavers and going after war profiteers, not the dream of killing the Emperor, not knowing Padme is alive, not having his troops at his side, not seeing Ahsoka again alive and still not yet betrayed by the Order. Nothing! 
And then . . . and then his son will suddenly be there, by his side suggesting they go do something or see something or sometimes just to sit with him.  
Vader has not told Luke all the details, all the monstrous things he has done and said and thought but Luke must know, must sense it through the Force, but for some reason Luke is still there. Luke frequently doesn't agree with him, won't obey him, doesn't excuse or justify, doesn't ignore who and what Vader is or  has done, what he may do but Luke just won't leave him.  Vader asked, (well screamed really) at him once when they were arguing. "Why?!" Why stay, why bother? Doesn't Luke know? Vader is not going to change, he is not going to suddenly un-Fall, or be nice, or be good. Anakin or Vader, this is who and what he is! Can't Luke see Vader burning with hate until there is nothing else? Why stay?
"Because you are my father, my family" Luke explains.  "Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."
It is an old Tatooine proverb. Half hope, half prayer because it was nothing more than a fantasy, a rage inducing lie people told themselves in the face of ugly reality. Families got left behind and lost all the time, but the poor people of that wretched dust ball still said it. 
His mother used to say it. 
Luke was impossibly trying to prove it was true.
-The 501st likes to speculate and gossip about just how this all came about, Luke and Vader. Rex will sometimes try and shut down rumors because he prides himself on a professional battalion (Don't gossip around Luke and Vader! What if they heard you?) but even he has wondered with his brothers just who and how and why? Lots of theories are bandied about, each more absurd than the last. Bets are laid. Ventress runs a book (and isn't that just as weird, working with Ventress! When Luke had brought her back with him after haring off on some solo mission that had Vader reacting with large explosions and massive Separatist destruction Rex had thought everything was going to blow up in his face but instead she has hung around and helped!) The best odds are on Luke and Vader being royalty from a warrior empire on opposite sides of a civil war, somewhere beyond the reaches of Wild Space and finding out they are father and son, they have fled to their galaxy to make a life together. Fives suggested it and has even put together a spreadsheet showing all the evidence in support of his position and will spend a good hour explaining why it makes sense. Force or no, Fives is still Fives. Chatterbox disagrees. When Ventress pressed him for his bet he laid his credits on the table and said "Time travel from the future."  
-Ahsoka wants to argue. She wants to point out that it is a trap, a trick, a Separatist ploy, a Sith plot but the more she learns the less she feels she knows. Umbara was a nightmare when she had been there and now there is peace, reconstruction. Vader keeps his distance which is a good thing. She has never felt anything like him in the Force, being near an open reactor would be easier to tolerate. She also wants to contact someone, her master, hells even the Council but Luke has asked her not to and suggested she send a written report through a slicer channel, censored and secured for the safety of all.
Not ordered, or told. He asked her.  He showed her what they were doing. He gave her the data files to review, he showed her what they had accomplished and how reconstruction was going. He showed her where and how the communication system was vulnerable. He told her peace was happening and this was the only way to defeat the real Sith Master behind all of this, not Dooku, Dooku was only ever the apprentice.
"You know who he is? Who? Where is he?" Ashoka had demanded.
"Where he has done and can do the most damage to every being in this galaxy," Luke had said sadly. "You can see it if you stop and be still.  That is why he started this war. That's why he wants it to keep going on no matter what. You will only know when you are calm and at peace. All the pieces are in front of you. Stop and think."
"You won't tell me? What kind of Jedi are you? Are you working with him? Is that what this is?" Ahsoka stood, furious. 
"No, never," Luke denied. "But you cannot play his game. None of us can, Jedi, Sith, Clone, Separatist, Republican, civilian or soldier.  You lose a battle and he wins. You win a battle and he wins. Until you stop playing, you cannot defeat him. The war is his game so we are stopping the war and then we will go for him. We are not playing anymore." 
To: Skywalker, Anakin (Knight, General) CC: Jedi High Council Date: XXXX XX XXXXXX Status Report of Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano
Honorable Councilors and Master Skywalker,
I have located the Jedi and Sith that were the subject of Master Fisto's and Senator Amidala's recent report and the subject of Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker's investigation. To ensure peace and reconstruction efforts continue without interruption and to avoid intelligence leaks I am sending this report among the regular data packets subject to standard censors but then transmitted the same via a backdoor slicer hack. Only you should receive this message or be able to trace it.
I am following my last instructions from the Council and I am staying with the 501st Legion until Master Skywalker can join us. Be assured that I and my two squads am in good health as are Captain Rex and the troops.
I met with the 501st on XXXXXXX at XXXX hours on the X day of XXXXX.  Reports of a Separatist blockade in the system are no longer accurate. I found substantial debris found in orbit upon arrival. Smaller Separatist transports were in the possession of the planetary government.  Republic ships were planet side. Upon my arrival Prefect XXXXXXXXXX informed me that further GAR troops were not expected nor necessary. 
I found the 501st Legion under the command of a human male known as Luke matching the description and name provided by Senator Amidala's report to the Senate.  I do not recognize Luke from any of the Order records but he has all appropriate access and Jedi and Republic security codes to take command of the 501st. He also has all current battle and wartime codes for a Jedi General. He identified himself as a Jedi but refuses all titles of Knight or Master. He has been in command of the 501st and the other troops working in tangent with the 501st. Luke has been in command since XXXX, taking over during the Umbara campaign from Jedi Master Pong Krell. Luke has been working with a Sith since at least Umbara identified by the name of Vader.  
Luke confirmed that Vader has killed Master Krell and provided the attached data files (XXXX-XX-XXXXXX) as proof that Master Krell had Fallen prior to his death and was deliberately causing the deaths of his clone troops. The 501st confirm these events. They were made to fire on troopers from the 212th on Krell's knowing command. The casualty reports before Master Krell died are extreme. We lost a lot of good troops.  
I still have no idea why or how a Jedi came to be working with a Sith except Luke refers to Vader as "father." I told him this is violation of Order doctrine and the Code and he told me that he doesn't care about doctrine or Code. Vader refers to Luke as "son."  I don't know what the Sith Code is or if it is being violated by such a claim. The Sith Asajj Ventress claims it is against the Sith Code. 
Ventress is here too working with Vader and Luke. I don't know if they really are father and son or if it is some sort of Sith trick. I tried to talk to the troops about it but they just laughed.   
Vader and Ventress claim they have destroyed or surrendered most of the Separatist fleet on planet to the local government and Luke and Captain Rex on behalf of the Jedi and the Republic have accepted the surrender and declared the system at peace. The 501st and Ventress arranged the remaining reprogrammed battle droids and Separatist supplies to aid in reconstruction under Vader and Luke's supervision. 
The Force tells me that Luke is rooted in the Light. Further evidence of his use of the Light side of the Force I saw first hand as I watched him  kill General Grievous in a lightsaber duel. 
General Grievous is visually confirmed as dead and in many pieces. Luke has taken three (3) Force sensitive adult clone troopers as apprentices in violation of Order doctrine and the Code (apprentices identified as XX-XXXX/XXXXX, XX-XXXX/XXXXXXXX, and XX-XXXX/XXXXXXXXXX) and all have been confirmed as Force sensitive and are now armed with re purposed lightsabers.  I told him it was not the Jedi way and he just laughed at me and asked me if I wanted to train with them.
Luke and Vader further confirm all troopers have been implanted with behavior modification chips with encrypted coded orders requiring oral triggers which cannot be overridden, including kill orders against Senators, Republic and Separatist governmental officials, and the Jedi. See attached data files (XX-XXXX-XX-XXXXXXXXXX.). Confirmation also given that all clones were deliberately left in a genetically modified state of hyper growth and aging. Luke with the assistance of clone medics and Vader removed the chips and have through use of unknown Force manipulation corrected the genetic error. I don't quite know how he uses the Force to do it. All he says when I ask is "Size matters not" which is what Master Yoda says but how would he know Master Yoda? 
Luke, Vader and Captain Rex insisted both XXXX Squad and XXXXXXX Squad traveling with me be treated and those clone troopers that wish to stay on the planet to become citizens and leave the GAR have permission to muster out for civilian positions so long as citizenship and full sentient rights are granted on them by the local government and recognized with the Republic. When I tried to argue, the Sith got very very angry. Luke asked me if I intended to treat the troopers as slaves and property of the Republic or as living breathing citizens. Masters, I know slavery is wrong but I didn't know what to say.  We need the clones to win the war but then again there doesn't appear to be a need anymore, at least not on XXXXXX where there is peace.
Luke insists this and the entire war, both sides, start to finish, is the work of the Sith Master and that he and Vader intend to stop the war (not win it, Luke says that it is not possible to fight and win this war because of the Sith Master, only stop it) and then defeat him. Luke has  refused to tell me who the Sith Master is, saying if I slow down, if I stop fighting I will see it. Vader won't talk to me at all and frankly I am not sure I want to talk to him. It is difficult to be around him. I don't want to believe it but I can feel it through the Force. I have searched my feelings. They know who he is and they are right about the war and the clones and Master Krell, all of it.
Master, I have tried to report as best I can what I have seen. I do not have any explanation for what is going on or why. I do not know how much longer I will be here before the Legion moves to the next system out on the front lines or into Separatist space or wherever we are going next. I am not sure when I will be able to message again. It seems unreal but it is true. We need to stop the war. Luke and Vader and Ventress and the clones, they are stopping the war. Master Anakin after everything you have taught me I feel that it is the right thing to do to help them do this, that my purpose, that every Jedi's purpose should be the same.
May the Force be with you. Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Padawan
-Master Plo Koon receives the message first and immediately calls his clone medic and Commander Wolffe  and tells them to start scanning everyone for where their chips are and removing and/or shutting them down. He then asks if one of the clones will volunteer for him to try and figure out how to fix the aging process via the Force. Commander Wolffe immediately volunteers. Plo meditates but cannot find or figure out quite how to do it. Even though the message is censored he knows he must find this Jedi Luke and find out what is going on and see the truth for himself. His troops lives are at risk. Plo is supposed to be patrolling previously liberated Separatist planets to keep the Separatists from returning but things have been quite for days. He orders his medics to keep working and takes his squad to trace the message and find Ahsoka and find Luke and Vader.
-Master Yoda cannot catch his breath. His whole chest aches. He fumbles for his cane. He needs to meditate. He needs to call his fellow councilors. He needs to-- He needs to-- he can't breath-- "General? General? Are you all right? Fry, call the medic, get the medic now!"
-When Anakin reads the message he, to put it mildly, freaks. Obi-Wan and Anakin were supposed to find this mysterious Sith and Jedi pairing with Padme's help, not Ahsoka. Anakin vacillates between terror/anger and glee. He is very nearly manic and out of control. His whole world has been turned upside down. Grievous is dead! Krell was killing troopers. A Jedi let a Sith kill Master Krell. This Vader and now Ventress are working with a Jedi! The Jedi is a heretic! A Sith as a father? The 501st are safe! The 501st had slave chips in them! There are Force sensitive clones! Peace is happening! The war is just a Sith ploy? All of it? All those lives, all the work and energy, and blood and sweat and tears was for nothing? Nothing? They know who the Sith Master is. This could finally be ending, the war could end. 
Anakin turns to Obi-Wan. "What do we do? Can we figure out where the message is from? We need to get to Ashoka!" She is surrounded by Sith and heretical Jedi but Grievous is dead but they know who the Sith Master is and he needs to check on his men and, and, and--!
Obi-Wan needs to sit down. He also needs some tea spiked liberally with Correlian brandy. Hells, he just needs some brandy. Grievous is dead. Someone is teaching Force sensitive clones, Krell Fell to the dark side, a Sith has a Jedi son, the war really really is a Sith plot, the Sith Master is known, it is too much. He can hear the notifications from his comm from various Council members wanting to talk to him. He is not going to answer. The channel is probably not secure anyway. Anakin is leaking emotion all over the place. Obi-Wan is not very far behind him. He needs brandy and then he needs  to apparently sit on Anakin until he calms down. Maybe he should wake up Padme in her cabin and have her help? No, no, first, brandy.
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Defenders of Magic - Chapter 3
So, fun fact I love the X-Men franchise as much as the MCU so I’m adding some X-Men in this so it extends into a made up multiverse that I so desperately wish were real for the movies and TV shows.
Chapter 2
              Once the first years made it inside Hogwarts, a dark-skinned man wearing an eyepatch and a long black duster jacket stood atop a set of stairs clutching the railing, staring down at the new students. Slowly, he released his grip and walked down the steps, the thud of his boots upon the marble floor echoing all around. He stopped a few steps away from the bottom floor and cleared his throat.
              “Welcome to Hogwarts,” he spoke crisply and clearly, “I’m Professor Fury and will be teaching you Transfiguration this year and every subsequent year after,” he looked around at the children.  “There will be no screwing here, am I understood? Good.  Now just beyond those doors,” he pointed up the stairs, “is the Great Hall where you all will be sorted into either Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw.  Once sorted you will join your fellow housemates in a feast to welcome in the new year and then your prefects will show you to your dorms.  Any questions? No?  Good, follow me.”
              As he turned his duster whipped behind which seemed to be the unspoken signal to get all of the first years to start moving. Trish trailed a few steps behind Jessica as they entered the Great Hall.  A collective gasp rang around the newcomers as they took in the sights around them.  The ceiling had transformed into a dark blue night sky with clouds moving over it and candles floating above the that acted as stars flickering in the sky.
              “I am so thankful for all of our new students that have entered this year,” a man in a wheelchair spoke from the front of the hall. “I am Professor Xavier, headmaster of this fine institution.  I won’t take up much of your time as I’m sure you are all famished, so the main thing I want to reiterate since last year a few of you did not heed my advice: The Forbidden Forest is absolutely off limits, the centaurs tolerate our proximity as long as we do not go into their territory.  They do not care of age, they will try to kill you,” Xavier let that warning settle into the minds of the students for a few seconds before continuing. “That is all for now, Professor Fury will now sort the first years.”
              Professor Fury stood a few feet away next to a wooden chair with a list and a hat in his hands.  Clearing his throat, he called the first name, “Luke Cage.”
              A rather tall dark-skinned boy made his way through the crowd and hopped onto the chair.  The hat was on his head for only a few seconds before it shouted out, “Gryffindor!”
              A loud eruption of cheers sounded from the far side of the hall, Jessica turned and saw Thor and Tony standing on the benches clapping and screaming, the sight made her let out a low laugh before she turned back to the ceremony.
“Sharon Carter.”
              A blonde girl walked determinedly to Fury and sat slowly onto the chair.
              Again, it only took a few seconds before the hat called out, “Gryffindor!”
              Another loud eruption sounded and Jessica was slowly getting over the theatrics of the evening.
              “I’m going to have a headache by the end of the night,” Jessica muttered into Trish’s ear as another round of cheers sounded out.
              “It’s fun Jess,” Trish sighed.  “Let loose for tonight, please?”
              “Fine,” Jessica grumbled.
              Before Jessica knew it, Fury shouted out her name, “Jessica Jones.”
              A knot twisted in Jessica’s stomach as she made her way toward the professor.  As she sat down she could feel the hundreds of eyes staring down at her; the sensation of being watched making her fidget slightly under the scrutiny she imagined was being thrown her way.
              As the hat rested on her head she felt a vibration of magic jolt through her as the hat came to life.
              “Ah, a young muggle born, you are a rarity these days,” the hat spoke quietly.  “A survivor for sure.  There is a need to prove yourself, one of the most ambitious I have seen in quite some time. Slytherin would steer you to the path you seek.”
              “No, please, my friend... I can’t leave her,” Jessica whispered. “She needs me, she won’t be in Slytherin.”
              “The girl hasn’t been sorted yet?” the hat hummed.  “There is a fair amount of loyalty and the need for hard work, but you must operate in the shadows,” the hat paused before shouting, “Slytherin!”
              Jessica ripped the hat off before Fury had the chance to grab it, she stomped over to the table where the green and silver tie wearers sat cheering on their new addition.  Natasha and Steve were the only two standing on the bench shouting her name as she approached.  
              “What did I tell you, zmeya?  I thought you were going to be a hatstall though, it took you quite a while to agree,” Natasha smiled as she scooted over so Jessica could sit between her and Steve.  “Just you wait, Trish will be a Hufflepuff.”
              Jessica shook her head, “I can’t leave Trish. The hat wouldn’t let me go with her.”
              Steve wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “The same thing happened with me and Buck.  He was sorted first and nearly had an aneurism when the hat yelled Slytherin instead of Hufflepuff for me.  Don’t worry though you two will still have some classes together and you can still study together and hang out on the weekends.”
              Jessica shrugged his arm off her, “Why are you in Slytherin anyway?  You seem too nice.”
              Natasha laughed, “It’s the game he plays. Pretend to be the nice boy so no one will suspect him of any shenanigans.”
              “Not true Nat,” Steve shot back.  “In all reality, Slytherin is the best house for getting what you want mainly because you can learn from others around you and you can make some very good connections that will help you later on.”
              “Jessica?” Wanda’s voice sounded from behind.  “Can we sit here?”
              Jessica turned around to see Wanda’s small figure and Pietro’s tall one.
              “Yeah,” she looked to see who would move to make room for her two companions.  Steve moved over so the twins could sit down.
              “This is so exciting!” Wanda whispered to Jessica. “I’m so happy I have a friend besides Pietro in my house.”
              Jessica’s eyes widened at Wanda’s use of the word friend but didn’t point it out.  “I’m glad I have someone I know my own age.”
              “Franklin Nelson,” Professor Fury shouted.
              A slightly chubby boy stumbled up to the sorting hat and quickly sat down.
              It took barely a minute for the hat to yell out, “Hufflepuff!”
              More cheers ensued and Jessica sunk further into her seat.  She didn’t dare lift to her head for fear that she would see Trish’s disappointed face. Professor Fury called name after name, the sorting hat shouted house after house, and students screamed, cheered, and clapped as each student was added to their respective house.
              “Patricia Walker,” Professor Fury finally called out.
              Jessica’s head snapped up as she saw her canary-haired friend, the last one left, make her way to the professor.
              As the hat was placed on her head, Trish’s eyebrows instantly scrunched up.  She whispered something that Jessica couldn’t hear, and it took all of Jessica’s strength to not leap over the table and sit herself in front of Trish so she could hear it. As Jessica fought to remain in her seat, Trish continued to argue with the hat, her face getting redder and redder. As she opened her mouth once more, the sorting hat cut her off.
              Trish sucked in a deep breath as she got off the chair and headed off to the canary yellow table.  As she passed the Ravenclaw table, she looked over making eye contact with Jessica.  She offered up a smile and despite how much Jessica wanted to reciprocate the action, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
              “It’s not as bad as you think!” Steve yelled over the chatter that filled the great hall as numerous elves burst out of the kitchen carrying piles of food for the students.
              Jessica nodded her head pretending to understand that her life was not ruined, that her and Trish’s friendship wasn’t in jeopardy.  Slowly she reached for the food that was plopped in front of her as Wanda and Pietro droned on about their excitement and all of the new things that wanted to try.  She tuned them out and wished she was anywhere but Hogwarts now.
Chapter 4
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Chapter 28
St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath been called the Acts of the Apostles. Not that we can look upon this work, as a history of what was done by all the apostles, who were dispersed in different nations; but we have here a short view of the first establishment of the Christian Church, a small part of St. Peter's preaching and actions, set down in the first twelve chapters, and a more particular account of St. Paul's apostolical labours, in the following chapters, for about thirty years, till the year 63, and the 4th year of Nero, where these acts end.
Chapter 28
Paul, after three months' stay in Malta, continues his voyage, and arrives at Rome. His conference there with the Jews.
1 And when we had escaped, then we knew that the island was called Melita. But the barbarians shewed us no small courtesy.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. Melita, now called Malta, famous for being the residence of, and giving the title to, the military order of Knights, who strenuously resisted the Turks, when they threatened to overrun Christendom. The inhabitants are called Barbarians, not as a term of reproach, for the manner he speaks of their humanity testifies the contrary; but in the classical sense of the word, it was applied by the Greeks and Romans to all who did not speak either of those languages. Their hospitality was rewarded by the light of faith, which they still maintain, although infidels have sometimes for a century had dominion over this island. (Tirinus, &c.)
2 For kindling a fire, they refreshed us all, because of the rain which was falling, and of the cold.
Ver. 2. No explanation given.
3 And when Paul had gathered together a bundle of sticks, and had laid them on the fire, a viper coming out of the heat, fastened on his hand.
Ver. 3. No explanation given.
4 And when the barbarians saw the beast hanging on his hand, they said one to another: Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, who, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth him not to live.
Ver. 4. Murderer. In this instance we see how unfounded are the judgments of men. As if the misfortune itself were not sufficient to endure, the man upon whom any temporal calamity falls, must be also judged to be an object of divine vengeance. How cruel and preposterous, yet how common are such proceedings! Whence can it happen that man is so forward to think evil, so slow to suspect good in his neighbour? (Haydock) --- Not to live. The inhabitants of the island, called Barbarians, had a notion of a Deity, and also that murder was against the law of God and nature. (Witham)
5 And he indeed shaking off the beast into the fire, suffered no harm.
Ver. 5. No explanation given.
6 But they supposed that he would begin to swell up, and that he would suddenly fall down, and die. But after they had waited a long time, and seeing that no harm was done to him, changing their minds, they said he was a god.
Ver. 6. That he would suddenly fall down and die. It is not then by the natural situation and temper of the air, that this island has no venomous creatures. (Witham)
7 Now in those places were possessions of the chief man of the island, named Publius, who received us, and for three days entertained us courteously.
Ver. 7. No explanation given.
8 And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever, and of a bloody flux. To whom Paul entered in: and when he had prayed, and laid his hands on him, he healed him.
Ver. 8. No explanation given.
9 Which being done, all that had diseases in the island came, and were healed:
Ver. 9. No explanation given.
10 Who also honoured us with many honours, and when we were setting sail, they laded us with such things as were necessary.
Ver. 10. No explanation given.
11 And after three months (about the year A.D. 61), we sailed in a ship of Alexandria, that had wintered in the island, whose sign was the Castors.
Ver. 11. No explanation given.
12 And when we were come to Syracusa, we remained there three days.
Ver. 12. No explanation given.
13 From thence coasting, we came to Rhegium: and after one day, the south wind blowing, we came the second day to Puteoli:
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 Where finding brethren, we were invited to stay with them seven days: and so we went for Rome.
Ver. 14. No explanation given.
15 And from thence, when the brethren had heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii-forum and the Three taverns: whom when Paul saw, he gave thanks to God, and took courage.
Ver. 15. No explanation given.
16 And when we were come to Rome, Paul was permitted to dwell by himself, with a soldier that guarded him.
Ver. 16. To dwell by himself, with a soldier that guarded him. St. Paul was chained, as it appears by the 20th verse: and it was the custom to fasten one end of the chain by a lock to the prisoner's wrist, and the other end of the chain to the wrist of the soldier who was to guard him. In most Greek copies we read: the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guards: as it is in the Protestant translation, and very probable; but these words are not found in divers Greek manuscripts nor were read by the ancient interpreter of the Latin Vulgate. (Witham) --- St. Chrysostom attributes this liberty St. Paul enjoyed at Rome of going whither he liked, to their admiration of him. (Hom. liv. in Acts.) --- Others to the moderation of Afranius Burrus, who was prefect of the Prætorium in the year 61, and who used his authority, as long as he possessed any over Nero's mind, to repress that emperor's bad inclinations, and direct his councils with wisdom. (Calmet)
17 And after the third day, he called together the chief of the Jews. And when they were assembled, he said to them: Men, brethren, I, having done nothing against the people, or the custom of our fathers, was delivered up a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans:
Ver. 17. Chief of the Jews. We have seen before, that the emperor Claudius banished all Jews from Rome. It would appear from this verse, that many of the principal Jews returned at his death, which happened five years before St. Paul's arrival. (Calmet)
18 Who when they had examined me, would have let me go, for that there was no cause of death in me:
Ver. 18. No explanation given.
19 But the Jews opposing it, I was forced to appeal to Cæsar, not that I had any thing to accuse my nation of.
Ver. 19. No explanation given.
20 For this cause, therefore, I desired to see you, and to speak to you. Because that for the hope of Israel, I am bound with this chain.
Ver. 20. Because that for the hope of Israel. That is, of the Messias, so long expected and hoped for by the Israelites. (Witham) --- According to the Roman custom, St. Paul must have been fastened by the right hand to one end of a chain, the other end of which chain held to the left hand of the soldier who guarded him. (Bible de Vence)
21 But they said to him: We neither received letters concerning thee from Judea, neither did any of the brethren that came hither, relate or speak any evil of thee.
Ver. 21. No explanation given.
22 But we desire to hear from thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that it is every where gainsayed.
Ver. 22. It is every where gainsayed. Here we observe one of the characters of the true religion. It is contradicted and spoken against. As singular as this may appear, it is however true. Jesus, the author of that religion, had foretold it should be so. If the world hateth me, it will hate you also. The situation of the Catholic religion in this country [the United Kingdom], at present, is something similar to what is related here of Christianity: and those who have the candour to inquire seriously into its merits, have generally the reward of being convinced and of believing in it. Christianity, like some plants, grows the better for being trodden upon. (Haydock)
23 And when they had appointed him a day, there came very many to him to his lodgings; to whom he expounded, testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Jesus, out of the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning till evening.
Ver. 23. No explanation given.
24 And some believed the things that were said: but some believed not.
Ver. 24. No explanation given.
25 And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, Paul saying this one word: Well did the Holy Ghost speak to our fathers by Isaias, the prophet,
Ver. 25. No explanation given.
26 Saying: Go to this people, and say to them: With the ear you shall hear, and shall not understand: and seeing, you shall see, and shall not perceive.
Ver. 26. No explanation given.
27 For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears have they heard heavily, and their eyes they have shut: lest perhaps they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Ver. 27. No explanation given.
28 Be it known, therefore, to you, that this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it.
Ver. 28. No explanation given.
29 And when he had said these words, the Jews went out from him, having much discussion among themselves.
Ver. 29. No explanation given.
30 And he remained two whole years (until about the year A.D. 63) in his own hired lodging: and he received all that came in to him,
Ver. 30. Two whole years in his own hired lodging. That is, in the lodgings which St. Paul was permitted to hire for himself, and to live there, with a soldier chained to him for his guard. Happy soldier, if he knew how to make use of such a favourable opportunity! We may take notice by all this narration of St. Luke, (as when he says here, ver. 16, when we arrived at Rome, &c.) that he was all the way in the ship with St. Paul. (Witham)
31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, without prohibition.
Ver. 31. Here terminates the history of St. Paul, as contained in the Acts of the Apostles. The other actions of this great apostle, for want of being recorded, are involved in much obscurity. That he obtained his liberty again, and made many voyages to carry the light of the gospel into many countries, is certain: but nothing is known as to the manner or time. He finished his labours by martyrdom, being beheaded at Rome in the 66th of the Christian æra [the year A.D. 66], and the 13th of Nero. What a degree of virtue might we not attain, were we animated by the spirit and courage of a St. Paul. Let us at least try to imitate his example; and, if in dangers and difficulties we cannot clothe our souls in adamant, as he did, we may certainly avoid yielding ingloriously to every light impression. Let us at an humble distance tread in his footsteps and live so that we may navigate in safety the boisterous ocean of life, and by the grace of Jesus Christ arrive at the port, where danger is no more to be apprehended. (St. Chrysostom, hom. lv. in Act. ad finem.[at the end.])
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softforcal · 6 years
could you do slytherin!cal and hufflepuff!luke poly!cake x reader xxx
-okay so readers house isnt specified, i’ve done I’m pretty sure the only reader house i haven’t done is Gryffindor and i could feel this vibe hard core so lets gooo
-you’re this gorgeous Gryffindor and people’s love for you goes cross house, like everyone appreciates how amazing you are
-Hufflepuff!Luke absolutely adores you and you’ve been friends since first year
-Slytherin!Cal is a more recent friend, but he is head over heels for you too
-you usually hang out with Cal and Luke but sometimes Slytherin!Michael or Gryffindor!Ashton will tag along too
-but usually just you, Luke and Cal
-people are kinda confused by you three being friends
-Slytherin’s usually stick to their houses so Cal being friends with both you and Luke is kinda odd
-Cal is so protective over you and Luke though, like even as friends, if anyone tries to talk shit about the three of you being buds, this Slytherin!Quidditch Captain will fuck them up
-you and Luke are best buds with Cal so of course the two of you are always invited to Slytherin Quidditch after parties (no Slytherins can argue about this either because Cal will fuck them up)
-usually you keep the partying and dancing pretty PG
-but after a huge win for Cal, you he and Luke are dancing and Cal gets a little friskier than normal
-his hands go to your hips as he pulls your back close to his front
-Luke looks a little confused at first but you pull him closer to your front
-you’re sandwiched in between them
-then Cal’s lips are on your neck
-Luke looks a little confused by that too but then one of his hands is cupping your face and his lips are on yours
-you’re surprised but you go with it for a moment before realizing, like what the fuck is happening and you pull away from them both, pushing through the crowd and leaving the Slytherin Common Room to a hallway where you can get some air
-of course Cal and Luke are right behind you ready to apologize
-”Y/N im so sorry-” “i don’t know what came over me-”
-”guys calm down.” you laugh, “i just needed a breath, let me think for a moment.”
-they kinda just stand there while you take a few deep breaths
-once they deem you calm, Luke grabs your hand and just smiles slightly at you, “what are you thinking?”
-”i think you guys are both my best friends and i don’t want to ruin a friendship with one of you by choosing between you.” you stated.
-i mean, valid point. they’d always known that they were both into you but never really talked about it, but they get what you’re afraid of so…
-”i understand.” “me too.”… “do you want to go back and enjoy the party Y/N?”
-you opt out to leave because you really need to just process what happened. they watch you go and Luke sits on the floor, Calum following suit, its about time they actually talk about it
-”so uh… how do you want to do this?”
-they end up talking for hours about everything and they’re such great buds and they both agree that the three of you are such a great team and they don’t want to ruin that either… but what if they don’t have to
-”we could both date her?” “yeah, i mean, i wouldn’t be jealous.” “me neither.” “we both enjoy her so well already, it would just sorta be another step.”
-the next morning you leave your common room to go to breakfast and find both your boys sitting in the hallway waiting for you
-”hey.” Calum says, hugging you and kissing your cheek, then Luke hugs you with a grin “how did you sleep?” “fine…. what’s up you guys?”
-”we were thinking… what if we both date you?”
-”you guys gotta stop surprising me with stuff.” you laugh, obviously kinda freaking out again
-they both grin and pull you into a big hug, but it feels so right, between your guys
-”and you guys wont be jealous of each other? i mean, come on Cal, you’re a Slytherin, you guys are kinda known for being possessive and aggressive and-” Luke steps in like: “are you trash talking Calum?” and you and Cal are both so shook that Luke just stood up for Calum when usually its the other way around, that you’re all laughing
-in that moment you know that it will work out
-”okay.” “okay? just like that?” “just like that.”
-so Luke grabs your hand and Cal’s arm goes over your shoulders and the three of you walk down to breakfast grinning like idiots
-the three of you sitting across from Ash and Michael and Michael’s just like “you three are too happy.” and Ash is like “no they’re always this happy.” and Michael rolls his eyes like “yes, but we can’t see both of Calum’s hands.” and thats when everyone else notices that Michael is a genius because Calum totally has one of his hands on your upper thigh (Ashton straight up looks under the table to catch Cal with his hand on your thigh)
-but it’s so new and how do you even describe it to people. i mean, ya’ll haven’t even had a date or anything so? i mean? are they your boyfriends? are you dating them? what do you even say?
-Cal saves the day with “Ashton it’s not my fault you don’t have friends who let you touch their thighs.” and of course this distracts Ashton because they have a semi bickering love hate relationship and then Ash gets defensive like “yes i do!” “oh yeah who? the only person i ever see you sitting next to is Michael.” “don’t drag me into this Cal.” “Michael i’m going to grab your thigh and i need you to not fight me on this.” “what the fuck Ashton!?”
-there’s only a few places to go on dates at Hogwarts lets be serious, so you probably end up somewhere at Hogsmeade
-starting at Honeydukes where they both buy a bunch of candy that you then all share while walking around
-its probably snowing and it’s cold as fuck but they both want to hold your hands or something so Cal’s hand goes into your back pocket and Luke holds your hand in your jacket pocket
-having to let go of one of their hands to eat candy and they get annoyed of that so they just begin to feed you
-cute, soft, snowfall dates with these boys is my life okay?!
-Cal sees someone he knows and leaves you and Luke to go talk to them for a bit
-while he’s gone Luke pulls you to his chest and is looking down at you, and of course (as always) he looks like a complete angel and then you find yourself kissing him
-Cal gets back and is grinning like “what, i don’t get a little sugar too?” and you laugh, pulling him into a kiss
-could you imagine if you still had a candy in your mouth and to be funny you push it into his and he just laughs his ass off because you actually gave him some sugar
-so much soft laughter with these two
-i am so soft for cake
-and you’re all so cold getting back to Hogwarts and Cal convinces you and Luke to sneak into one of the prefects bathrooms for a hot bath
-”come on Gryffindor, aren’t you supposed to be brave?” he teases, and then you and Cal are both dragging Luke to the bathroom
-”guys we shouldn’t be doing this.” Luke warns
-but then you and Cal are taking Luke’s clothes off and your clothes all end in a pile as you and Cal are wading into the hot soapy water and Luke just stands there shuffling before deciding to join
-and so begins the corruption of Hufflepuff Luke by a Slytherin and a Gryffindor
-Cal comes up with ideas of things for you guys to do and manages to edge you into it by bringing up “Gryffindor is the house of the brave!” and then the two of you corrupt Luke, never force him, but how can he just not sometimes?
-anyways, back to the bath, i won’t get into the schematics of water not being lube but seeing you as exposed as they ever have gets them both a little wild and horny
-ya’ll really wanna fuck but hold off because it’s still new
-but the sexual tension is super obvious, especially from Cal who practically growls whenever you do anything sexy
-somehow, on the same day, Ashton pulls Luke aside and hands him some lube (Luke gets hella flustered) and Michael just throws a bottle of lube at Calum who just laughs
-both guys meeting up with bottles of lube and being so confused that the other two had lube but neither of them did?
-neither of them really wants to think about why Ashton and Michael both have lube but Cal starts to get really vivid images in his head and he gets this haunted look every time Ashton is around
-Cal and Luke gotta figure out where they’re even going to fuck you the first time, i mean, there are dorm rooms and unless you plan it to make sure no one is going to just show up in the middle, its a tough one
-so where do they even fuck you?
-one day Luke is walking through the school and just stops, turning and looking at where a door has appeared, he opens it and finds a room with a large bed. room of requirement is a wingman yo
-”hey Cal, i found a place.” “oh yeah where?” “the room of requirement.” “Luke you can’t be serious.”
-they go check it out and Cal laughs his ass off
-later that night they bring you there and then you and Cal are both laughing your asses off and have to assure Luke that you both love it but its just funny that the room decided to help ya’ll get laid
-they both pull out the Lube, of course the one Michael gave Cal is some weird as fuck wizard flavour like Turkey Dinner or some shit that actually tastes like turkey dinner so you all choose Ashton’s mundane, muggle, flavourless lube
-its kinda awkward at first because this sort of thing does take some planning for the first time.
-you’re all on the bed and then Cal just sits up, opens your legs, gets between them and starts kissing you
-Cal’s grinding against you and you’re both moaning and you move your hand to try to find Luke but somehow you hand lands on his cock and then he starts groaning too
-they both just sort of work on a different part of you
-Cal proving he’s a master of eating a girl out while Luke kisses you and grabs your tits
-DP where you’re riding Luke and Cal is behind you (DP = double penetration)
-Cal is dirtier than Luke and that becomes obvious from the first time Cal’s hand lands down on your ass and Luke’s eyes widen as he looks at Cal over your shoulder
-its actually amazing and you all end up just cuddling after
-Luke needs a lot of pampering so probably you and Cal lying on your backs, Cal’s arm around you while Luke cuddles into your side with his head on your chest
-who would have fucking known that a threesome between a Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Slytherin would be so hella?
-they were serious when they said they wouldn’t get jealous of each other
-like so much happiness and smiles and love
-Slytherin!Cal is more into exhibitionism than Hufflepuff!Luke so usually this is where the little push and convincing comes in
-you and Cal give each other a lot of hickies and Luke feels left out so you both adorn his neck too
-”so… turkey dinner.” “Michael we didn’t use your weird tasting lube.” “well how would you know its weird if you never tasted it?” “he caught you Cal.” “Luke shut up.”
-the only house who doesn’t have an opinion on you, Cal and Luke is Ravenclaw because they’re the only house without someone involved in the triad
-the Hufflepuffs think it’s cute and they’re super accepting of Calum because since things got serious, he’s been even more protective of all the Hufflepuffs
-the Gryffindors love Luke but they’re all kinda confused about how Calum fits into the equation
-the Slytherins are also confused because Cal is their golden boy and he’s with a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff?!? no one saw that shit coming
-Calum gets you and Luke Slytherin scarves for when you’re both cheering him on when he plays Quidditch
-kissing Luke every time Slytherin gets a point
-partying with these boys when Cal carries his team to a win and then the three of you slipping off to the room of requirement or the prefect bathroom
-people being kinda jealous because you have the hottest Slytherin (voted three years in a row) and the Angel Faced Hufflepuff?
-long, warm, happy cuddles
-contented sighs
-fingers tracing patterns on skin
-fingers intertwining
-waking up to sunshine
-you and Luke hugging the shit out of Calum after every Quidditch game
-so many smiles
-so much love
-the first ‘i love you’ being whispered while cuddling
-you and Luke being there for Cal when he gets new tattoos that dance across his beautiful skin
-Cal totally having a Slytherin legacy ring that he slips on your finger even though its so big it almost falls off
-Luke and Cal notice how much you like the ring so Luke and Cal go find three, beautiful matching rings for the three of you
-them presenting the ring to you with grins and showing you that all of you have matching ones
-they do this thing where Cal spins you around and then Luke grabs you and spins you around and they take turns making you dizzy until you’re laughing so hard you’re almost crying
-happy tears only
-fuck it i’m just going to say Cal somehow has his own room. fuck it, i dunno all the rules at hogwarts. anyways, he has his own small room that he sneaks you and Luke into sometimes, usually the weekends when you don’t have class so you can all wake up next to each other
-Slytherins all just roll their eyes at you and Luke sneaking in because Luke is giant and gets caught like every time
-also if they say shit, Cal will fuck them up. 
-Cal is a horny morning person
-he just gets on top of you and buries his face in your neck while Luke grins
-soft kisses
-fluttering eye lashes
-lazy kisses
-all of you being so lovey dovey together but especially in the mornings when you’re all basking in the happiness of being together
-holy fuck i’ve just realized how long this is. i should probably stop.
-um… yeah, its cute as fuck yo
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dailyofficereadings · 5 years
Daily Office Readings May 10, 2019
Psalm 105
Psalm 105
God’s Faithfulness to Israel
1 O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. 2 Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. 3 Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. 4 Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. 5 Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he has uttered, 6 O offspring of his servant Abraham,[a] children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. 8 He is mindful of his covenant forever, of the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations, 9 the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac, 10 which he confirmed to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, 11 saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan as your portion for an inheritance.”
12 When they were few in number, of little account, and strangers in it, 13 wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, 14 he allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked kings on their account, 15 saying, “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”
16 When he summoned famine against the land, and broke every staff of bread, 17 he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. 18 His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron; 19 until what he had said came to pass, the word of the Lord kept testing him. 20 The king sent and released him; the ruler of the peoples set him free. 21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions, 22 to instruct[b] his officials at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom.
23 Then Israel came to Egypt; Jacob lived as an alien in the land of Ham. 24 And the Lord made his people very fruitful, and made them stronger than their foes, 25 whose hearts he then turned to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants.
26 He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron whom he had chosen. 27 They performed his signs among them, and miracles in the land of Ham. 28 He sent darkness, and made the land dark; they rebelled[c] against his words. 29 He turned their waters into blood, and caused their fish to die. 30 Their land swarmed with frogs, even in the chambers of their kings. 31 He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats throughout their country. 32 He gave them hail for rain, and lightning that flashed through their land. 33 He struck their vines and fig trees, and shattered the trees of their country. 34 He spoke, and the locusts came, and young locusts without number; 35 they devoured all the vegetation in their land, and ate up the fruit of their ground. 36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land, the first issue of all their strength.
37 Then he brought Israel[d] out with silver and gold, and there was no one among their tribes who stumbled. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed, for dread of them had fallen upon it. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering, and fire to give light by night. 40 They asked, and he brought quails, and gave them food from heaven in abundance. 41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed through the desert like a river. 42 For he remembered his holy promise, and Abraham, his servant.
43 So he brought his people out with joy, his chosen ones with singing. 44 He gave them the lands of the nations, and they took possession of the wealth of the peoples, 45 that they might keep his statutes and observe his laws. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 105:6 Another reading is Israel (compare 1 Chr 16.13)
Psalm 105:22 Gk Syr Jerome: Heb to bind
Psalm 105:28 Cn Compare Gk Syr: Heb they did not rebel
Psalm 105:37 Heb them
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Daniel 6:1-15
The Plot against Daniel
6 It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom one hundred twenty satraps, stationed throughout the whole kingdom, 2 and over them three presidents, including Daniel; to these the satraps gave account, so that the king might suffer no loss. 3 Soon Daniel distinguished himself above all the other presidents and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king planned to appoint him over the whole kingdom. 4 So the presidents and the satraps tried to find grounds for complaint against Daniel in connection with the kingdom. But they could find no grounds for complaint or any corruption, because he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption could be found in him. 5 The men said, “We shall not find any ground for complaint against this Daniel unless we find it in connection with the law of his God.”
6 So the presidents and satraps conspired and came to the king and said to him, “O King Darius, live forever! 7 All the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the counselors and the governors are agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce an interdict, that whoever prays to anyone, divine or human, for thirty days, except to you, O king, shall be thrown into a den of lions. 8 Now, O king, establish the interdict and sign the document, so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and the Persians, which cannot be revoked.” 9 Therefore King Darius signed the document and interdict.
Daniel in the Lions’ Den
10 Although Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he continued to go to his house, which had windows in its upper room open toward Jerusalem, and to get down on his knees three times a day to pray to his God and praise him, just as he had done previously. 11 The conspirators came and found Daniel praying and seeking mercy before his God. 12 Then they approached the king and said concerning the interdict, “O king! Did you not sign an interdict, that anyone who prays to anyone, divine or human, within thirty days except to you, O king, shall be thrown into a den of lions?” The king answered, “The thing stands fast, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be revoked.” 13 Then they responded to the king, “Daniel, one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, O king, or to the interdict you have signed, but he is saying his prayers three times a day.”
14 When the king heard the charge, he was very much distressed. He was determined to save Daniel, and until the sun went down he made every effort to rescue him. 15 Then the conspirators came to the king and said to him, “Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no interdict or ordinance that the king establishes can be changed.”
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
2 John
1 The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth, and not only I but also all who know the truth, 2 because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever:
3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from[a] Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, in truth and love.
Truth and Love
4 I was overjoyed to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we have been commanded by the Father. 5 But now, dear lady, I ask you, not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but one we have had from the beginning, let us love one another. 6 And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment just as you have heard it from the beginning—you must walk in it.
7 Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh; any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist! 8 Be on your guard, so that you do not lose what we[b] have worked for, but may receive a full reward. 9 Everyone who does not abide in the teaching of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have God; whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 Do not receive into the house or welcome anyone who comes to you and does not bring this teaching; 11 for to welcome is to participate in the evil deeds of such a person.
Final Greetings
12 Although I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink; instead I hope to come to you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.
13 The children of your elect sister send you their greetings.[c]
2 John 1:3 Other ancient authorities add the Lord
2 John 1:8 Other ancient authorities read you
2 John 1:13 Other ancient authorities add Amen
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Luke 5:12-26
Jesus Cleanses a Leper
12 Once, when he was in one of the cities, there was a man covered with leprosy.[a] When he saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.” 13 Then Jesus[b] stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, “I do choose. Be made clean.” Immediately the leprosy[c] left him. 14 And he ordered him to tell no one. “Go,” he said, “and show yourself to the priest, and, as Moses commanded, make an offering for your cleansing, for a testimony to them.” 15 But now more than ever the word about Jesus[d] spread abroad; many crowds would gather to hear him and to be cured of their diseases. 16 But he would withdraw to deserted places and pray.
Jesus Heals a Paralytic
17 One day, while he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting near by (they had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem); and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.[e] 18 Just then some men came, carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. They were trying to bring him in and lay him before Jesus;[f] 19 but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the middle of the crowd[g] in front of Jesus. 20 When he saw their faith, he said, “Friend,[h] your sins are forgiven you.” 21 Then the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, “Who is this who is speaking blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” 22 When Jesus perceived their questionings, he answered them, “Why do you raise such questions in your hearts? 23 Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and walk’? 24 But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the one who was paralyzed—“I say to you, stand up and take your bed and go to your home.” 25 Immediately he stood up before them, took what he had been lying on, and went to his home, glorifying God. 26 Amazement seized all of them, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen strange things today.”
Luke 5:12 The terms leper and leprosy can refer to several diseases
Luke 5:13 Gk he
Luke 5:13 The terms leper and leprosy can refer to several diseases
Luke 5:15 Gk him
Luke 5:17 Other ancient authorities read was present to heal them
Luke 5:18 Gk him
Luke 5:19 Gk into the midst
Luke 5:20 Gk Man
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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dailyofficereadings · 7 years
Daily Office Readings May 05, 2017 at 01:00AM
Psalm 105
Psalm 105
God’s Faithfulness to Israel
1 O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. 2 Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. 3 Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. 4 Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. 5 Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he has uttered, 6 O offspring of his servant Abraham,[a] children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. 8 He is mindful of his covenant forever, of the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations, 9 the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac, 10 which he confirmed to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, 11 saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan as your portion for an inheritance.”
12 When they were few in number, of little account, and strangers in it, 13 wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, 14 he allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked kings on their account, 15 saying, “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”
16 When he summoned famine against the land, and broke every staff of bread, 17 he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. 18 His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron; 19 until what he had said came to pass, the word of the Lord kept testing him. 20 The king sent and released him; the ruler of the peoples set him free. 21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions, 22 to instruct[b] his officials at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom.
23 Then Israel came to Egypt; Jacob lived as an alien in the land of Ham. 24 And the Lord made his people very fruitful, and made them stronger than their foes, 25 whose hearts he then turned to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants.
26 He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron whom he had chosen. 27 They performed his signs among them, and miracles in the land of Ham. 28 He sent darkness, and made the land dark; they rebelled[c] against his words. 29 He turned their waters into blood, and caused their fish to die. 30 Their land swarmed with frogs, even in the chambers of their kings. 31 He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats throughout their country. 32 He gave them hail for rain, and lightning that flashed through their land. 33 He struck their vines and fig trees, and shattered the trees of their country. 34 He spoke, and the locusts came, and young locusts without number; 35 they devoured all the vegetation in their land, and ate up the fruit of their ground. 36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land, the first issue of all their strength.
37 Then he brought Israel[d] out with silver and gold, and there was no one among their tribes who stumbled. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed, for dread of them had fallen upon it. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering, and fire to give light by night. 40 They asked, and he brought quails, and gave them food from heaven in abundance. 41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed through the desert like a river. 42 For he remembered his holy promise, and Abraham, his servant.
43 So he brought his people out with joy, his chosen ones with singing. 44 He gave them the lands of the nations, and they took possession of the wealth of the peoples, 45 that they might keep his statutes and observe his laws. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 105:6 Another reading is Israel (compare 1 Chr 16.13)
Psalm 105:22 Gk Syr Jerome: Heb to bind
Psalm 105:28 Cn Compare Gk Syr: Heb they did not rebel
Psalm 105:37 Heb them
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Daniel 6:1-15
The Plot against Daniel
6 It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom one hundred twenty satraps, stationed throughout the whole kingdom, 2 and over them three presidents, including Daniel; to these the satraps gave account, so that the king might suffer no loss. 3 Soon Daniel distinguished himself above all the other presidents and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king planned to appoint him over the whole kingdom. 4 So the presidents and the satraps tried to find grounds for complaint against Daniel in connection with the kingdom. But they could find no grounds for complaint or any corruption, because he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption could be found in him. 5 The men said, “We shall not find any ground for complaint against this Daniel unless we find it in connection with the law of his God.”
6 So the presidents and satraps conspired and came to the king and said to him, “O King Darius, live forever! 7 All the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the counselors and the governors are agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce an interdict, that whoever prays to anyone, divine or human, for thirty days, except to you, O king, shall be thrown into a den of lions. 8 Now, O king, establish the interdict and sign the document, so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and the Persians, which cannot be revoked.” 9 Therefore King Darius signed the document and interdict.
Daniel in the Lions’ Den
10 Although Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he continued to go to his house, which had windows in its upper room open toward Jerusalem, and to get down on his knees three times a day to pray to his God and praise him, just as he had done previously. 11 The conspirators came and found Daniel praying and seeking mercy before his God. 12 Then they approached the king and said concerning the interdict, “O king! Did you not sign an interdict, that anyone who prays to anyone, divine or human, within thirty days except to you, O king, shall be thrown into a den of lions?” The king answered, “The thing stands fast, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be revoked.” 13 Then they responded to the king, “Daniel, one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, O king, or to the interdict you have signed, but he is saying his prayers three times a day.”
14 When the king heard the charge, he was very much distressed. He was determined to save Daniel, and until the sun went down he made every effort to rescue him. 15 Then the conspirators came to the king and said to him, “Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no interdict or ordinance that the king establishes can be changed.”
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
2 John
1 The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth, and not only I but also all who know the truth, 2 because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever:
3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from[a] Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, in truth and love.
Truth and Love
4 I was overjoyed to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we have been commanded by the Father. 5 But now, dear lady, I ask you, not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but one we have had from the beginning, let us love one another. 6 And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment just as you have heard it from the beginning—you must walk in it.
7 Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh; any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist! 8 Be on your guard, so that you do not lose what we[b] have worked for, but may receive a full reward. 9 Everyone who does not abide in the teaching of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have God; whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 Do not receive into the house or welcome anyone who comes to you and does not bring this teaching; 11 for to welcome is to participate in the evil deeds of such a person.
Final Greetings
12 Although I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink; instead I hope to come to you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.
13 The children of your elect sister send you their greetings.[c]
2 John 1:3 Other ancient authorities add the Lord
2 John 1:8 Other ancient authorities read you
2 John 1:13 Other ancient authorities add Amen
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Luke 5:12-26
Jesus Cleanses a Leper
12 Once, when he was in one of the cities, there was a man covered with leprosy.[a] When he saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.” 13 Then Jesus[b] stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, “I do choose. Be made clean.” Immediately the leprosy[c] left him. 14 And he ordered him to tell no one. “Go,” he said, “and show yourself to the priest, and, as Moses commanded, make an offering for your cleansing, for a testimony to them.” 15 But now more than ever the word about Jesus[d] spread abroad; many crowds would gather to hear him and to be cured of their diseases. 16 But he would withdraw to deserted places and pray.
Jesus Heals a Paralytic
17 One day, while he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting near by (they had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem); and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.[e] 18 Just then some men came, carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. They were trying to bring him in and lay him before Jesus;[f] 19 but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the middle of the crowd[g] in front of Jesus. 20 When he saw their faith, he said, “Friend,[h] your sins are forgiven you.” 21 Then the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, “Who is this who is speaking blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” 22 When Jesus perceived their questionings, he answered them, “Why do you raise such questions in your hearts? 23 Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and walk’? 24 But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the one who was paralyzed—“I say to you, stand up and take your bed and go to your home.” 25 Immediately he stood up before them, took what he had been lying on, and went to his home, glorifying God. 26 Amazement seized all of them, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen strange things today.”
Luke 5:12 The terms leper and leprosy can refer to several diseases
Luke 5:13 Gk he
Luke 5:13 The terms leper and leprosy can refer to several diseases
Luke 5:15 Gk him
Luke 5:17 Other ancient authorities read was present to heal them
Luke 5:18 Gk him
Luke 5:19 Gk into the midst
Luke 5:20 Gk Man
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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