#can somebody be a maths freak w me..
bedforddanes75 · 17 days
george daniel was Not lying when he said 6'4 i just worked it out and my my very vague maths he is exactly 6'4 x
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sovtwords · 2 years
Hiiii! Can i request from your prompt?
"I just...adore you?" With Tanaka?
It's cool if not. Just really enjoy your writing 🥰🥰
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for: haikyuu!!
pairing: tanaka ryuunosuke x reader
warnings: none!
w/c: 507
a/n: I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMG christmas period at work was just unbelievably stressful and i barely got time to do anything but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Thank you for your kind words, I hope you enjoy this lil drabble! Tanaka is a cutie <3
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Tanaka won’t stop staring at you.
At first it was sweet - the way he had his head propped up by his hand, cheeks squished and a charming, dopey smile plastered on his face.
Then, it became a little bit annoying - the way his chest would heave with what you assume to be a longing sigh, the sound drifting across the table in the library while you scribble your notes just that little bit harder into your copybook.
Now you’re considering contacting a teacher, or even a god damn police officer because this is getting a little bit ridiculous and bordering on harassment because he hasn’t looked away from you once since you sat down at the table to go over maths with him an hour ago and you’re beginning to get a little freaked out.
Was there something on your face? A pimple, a wart, a missing eye? Was he picturing someone else when he looked at you? Like Kiyoko, with her stunning, otherworldly looks and angel-like nature. You know he had a thing for her before, it wouldn’t be too far fetched, as much as it saddens you to admit. For all his idiocy and brashness, Tanaka was somebody you’ve come to care for a little more than a friend would. 
…maybe he hit his head in practice, and wasn’t 100% there. Suffering brain damage right in front of you.
Whatever it is, you’ve reached your limit of blushing and sweaty palms for the day.
“Can you stop staring at me? You’re really starting to freak me out. Like do I have a second head I don’t know about, Ryuu?”
Tanaka startles, his shaved head whipping up so fast, cheeks burning red with the embarrassment of being told off so blatantly. His eyes flicker from side to side, but when no immediate laughter comes from strangers, he deflates, and shoots you that same, silly grin he’s been sporting since you arrived.
“No second head,” he beams happily. You narrow your eyes.
“Ugly pimple?”
“Nope, and even if you did have one, I wouldn’t care!” 
You squirm in your seat. “Then what? I can’t be that interesting to look at. I don’t think you’ve heard a single thing that came out of my mouth since we started studying.”
Tanaka looks like he vibrating nervously in his seat, but before you can question if he’s going to puke or not, he blurts out:
“I just…adore you.”
You blink. You stare. You struggle to open your mouth and reply. Tanaka holds the stars in his eyes for you, laying them bare for you to touch.
And just like him, a dopey smile blooms on your face, which you promptly bury in the pages of your textbook, but you’re sure he sees the burning of your ears, if his happy laugh is anything to go by.
But the hand on your head is so gentle, and now you suddenly crave the stars in his eyes.
“I adore you too,” you whisper so quietly, and the fingers in your hair shake.
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thewordjunkyard · 4 years
A Wish Well Made Chapter 1
Author’s Note: Hey! if you think I missed a tag or the rating, then let me know! I’m putting down all I can think of, but I’m only human! Thanks and happy reading.
Fandom(s): Danny Phantom
Summary: A fight leads to Desiree granting a wish for Tucker and Danny. This is a bad thing, right?
Rating: Teen
Tags: Danny Phantom, Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Desiree, Swearing, Cursing,
Ships: None Currently. 
Chapter 1
He was done.
He didn't want to do this today.
Or any day for that matter.
But he needed to set the record straight.
For his sake.
“No. I'm going home and doing my homework for once.” A boy with raven hair and light blue eyes sternly said. He was making eye contact with a girl in gothic clothing. She has deep violet eyes and dark hair pulled back into a ponytail on the top of her head.
She was glaring back in draggers.
“You can't just say no!” The girl argued. “She could destroy the town! You saw what she could do at the meteor shower last fall!” The girl gestured in a certain direction in the park they were in. “Are you honestly just going to ignore her wish granting?!”
The boy held his ground. “Yes. Sam, I'm going to ignore it because there are other people who can catch her.”
“Oh yeah? Who Danny? Valerie?” Sam's voice dripped with venom at the mention of the other girl's name. “Or your parents? The G.I.W.?” Sam put her hands on her hips. “Or do you mean your sister and us?” She gestured to an African-American boy in a red beret and thick rimmed glasses. The boy was watching the exchange between his best friends in silent horror.
Sam was pushing buttons. The boy knew. But he could only watch.
Danny's eyes flashed from blue to an acid green. It was mostly hidden by his bangs, but the boy in the red beret saw the change. “Um, Sam-” the boy tried to mediate.
“Stay out of this Tucker.” The girl growled at the boy in glasses. Danny snarled at Sam as his hair moved out of his now acid green eyes.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
“Don't tell him what to do Sam.” Danny growled out. Sam wasn't phased by the tone or the eyes. “If he wants to talk, then let him talk! His opinions matter.” 
“This is between you and me Fenton. Not him! So his opinion doesn't apply here!” Sam raised her voice.
Tucker started to back away slowly from the two. Tensions have been high for a few months now. Danny was under constant stress from ghost hunting and school. Sam wasn't making it any easier by telling Danny that he was just overreacting to it all. Brushing him off and urging him to keep fighting ghosts. It was going to turn on their heads sooner or later.
Tucker honestly loves them both, but even he knew Danny had limits, even with ghost powers.
Danny was going to snap. 
Like he was right now.
Tucker hugged himself as Danny growled like an animal. “He is a part of this group as much as you.” Danny snarled. Tucker's eyes widened as he saw Danny's teeth. His canines were unnaturally elongated and sharp. “He deserved the RIGHT to SPEAK!” Danny bellowed at Sam.
Sam held her ground fearlessly. She had a scolding look to her face. “What could he honestly add that could be sooooo helpful.” Her tone gave a bit of sarcasm.
Ouch. That hurt Tuck's heart.
She didn't mean for it to come across that way.
Danny stepped closer to Sam's face and said dangerously low. “Maybe if you let him talk, we'll know.” They were a breath apart with Danny a few inches taller than Sam. They were glaring dangerously at each other as Sam turned quickly red in the face.
She moved her arms up to push Danny. Tucker saw the motion and quickly shoulder shoved Danny out of the way. Sam pushed Tucker to the ground. He landed on his elbows. 
Tucker was okay. He wasn't physically hurt.
But he was emotionally exhausted.
“WHY YOU LITTLE- OOF!” Tucker quickly got up and tackled Danny to the ground. Tucker pinned his best friend to avoid the boy from hurting Sam. She didn't mean to push Tucker or tried to with Danny. She was just mad. And people did stupid things when they were mad.
Like picking fights with a teenager who could literally pick up cars and throw them across town.
Oh man… Danny could honestly kill somebody if he wasn't careful.
Danny looked at Tucker with a fury in his eyes. “TUCKER!” Danny screeched. “LET ME GO NOW!” Tucker didn't move, and Danny didn't move him with force like he could have.
A minute passed before Tucker spoke. “You need to cool off.” Tucker looked concerned. “You don't look like yourself D.” Tucker used an old nickname of Danny's.
A really old nickname.
Danny stared at Tucker for a few seconds before relaxing a small bit. He was breathing heavily. He felt like punching down a wall, or yelling.
Yelling down a wall sounded great about now.
Tucker looked back at Sam. She was standing there. Arms limp at her sides with wide eyes. She was staring at Danny. Like she just now noticed how mad he looked. “Sa-am.” Tucker breath shaky. His nerves were fried. “Go.”
“Tucker I-”
“Go.” Tucker added more emphasis this time.
She got the message. 
She jogged up the trail that left the park. When she was out of sight. Tucker looked to the halfa pinned beneath him. 
Tucker had the boy by his hands above his head. He was being pinned by one of Tucker's knees in the admin. His closed eyes had dark circles around them. His canines were long and sharp. He was breathing heavily through his teeth in a way to calm himself.
Danny never forces himself up. He never forced Tucker off of him.
Danny had a weird rule about that.
He would have forced anyone else off him by now. Used his super strength to get up and fight on.
But not with Tucker. Tucker was the only exception. And well… Jazz. Tucker didn't fully understand it, but he didn't have to. It was Danny after all.
A few minutes passed, and Danny's anger slipped into sobbing. Tucker moved off of Danny and released his hands. Tucker was soon wrapped up in an embrace by the young halfa. 
Danny buried his head in his best friend-no, brother's- shoulder and cried. “I-I just wanted t-to get my res-search paper d-done.” Danny sobbed. Tucker rubbed circles into his back. “I don't want to f-fail.”
“I know man. I know.” Tucker soothed. “We can go to my place and get started if you want. There are other folk who can take care of the ghosts.”
“I w-wished I wasn't such a f-freak.” Danny sobbed.
“Dude, you're not a freak. If I had to wish for anything, it would be for you to stay the same, powers and all.” Tucker said. “And maybe for you to be less…”
“Fucked up.” Danny sniffed. “Believe me, I want that. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if the portal never fully opened, or if Sam never talked us into hunting ghosts.” He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Didn't Sam make a wish similar to that during the meteor last semester?” Tucker furrowed his eyebrows together in thought.
“It was to never meet me, and in turn you, but she was wearing the Specter Deflector so she remembered.” Danny sniffed again. He stopped crying at least. 
Tucker huffed annoyed. “We never said we didn't want to meet her.” Tucker mumbled.
“Exactly!” Danny leaned up and broke the hug to look Tucker in the eye. His nose was running and his eyes were red from crying. “WHY are we still friends with her!?” Danny croaked. “She has been nothing but a pain since I got my powers!” He pointed to the direction Sam left the park. “She didn't even let you have a chance to talk!”
“Duuuude, that was so uncool.” Tucker slump where he sat.
“And it's not the first time she's done it either! Last week for the molecule model thing, she didn't let you do anything! I saw from my table.” Danny was mad, but he was a lot calmer than a few minutes ago.
Tucker groaned. “It was soooooo unfair. And that was one of the few projects I was looking forward to! I can't believe Mr. Mindle assigned us partners for the thing.” Tucker crossed his arms.
“I know! I was just lucky not to get Dash as one.” Danny grimaced. “I might have actually hurt him that day if we were partners.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It was a looong day.”
Tucker smirked. “Bet it made your day to get paired with the cute smart girl.” Tucker wriggled his eyebrows.
Danny lightly glared. “Seriously Tucker?” Tucker innocently smiled. Danny rolled his eyes. “Okay. Fine. It actually did. But not for the reasons you're thinking of.”
Tucker was curious now. “Really? How she made your day?” He was really curious to know how one project together made Danny's day.
“She was just- I don't know.” Danny found it hard to explain. “She just- gave off this welcoming and non-judgy vibe? I think. She was super nice and wasn't all in your face about stuff. She even explained to me what the molecule model was, and the difference between the carbon molecules in diamonds and graphite.”
“Danny, we were told that three weeks ago.” Tucker said after a moment.
Danny groaned and put his face in his hands. “All stupid Ghost hunting is messing with my studies!” Danny looked up at Tucker. “It's a wonder that I'm passing at all…”
“Hey. Solid C+ is better than Dash record F-.” Tucker smirked.
“You don't know that he has an F-.” Danny said. He squinted his eyes at Tucker. “...Do you?”
“Not only do I know, but can back it up with math. Care for the statistics?” Tucker gloated.
Danny lightly laughed. “Maybe another day.” Danny looked up at the sky. It was still daylight outside. “We should get going. How-how do I look?” Danny asks hesitantly.
Tucker did a once over. “Your eyes are back to blue, but your teeth are still sharp.” Tucker kept scanning Danny for anything weird. “You look tired, but otherwise normal.”
Danny sighed and got up. He offered Tucker a hand up as Danny said “I feel tired.”
“I feel you D.” Tucker took Danny's offered hand.
Once to their feet, Danny and Tucker started to walk to Tucker's house, where Tucker's parents and warm fresh baked cookies will greet them. Studying and talking filled their afternoon with a fresh of breath air.
Desiree hazed into existence at the park. The ghost child was too upset with his goth friend to notice her.
She was graceful for that.
The halfa looked ready to kill if his sergeant brother hadn't stepped in.
Their conversation after the goth girl left was interesting, to say the least. Desiree almost granted the ghost child's wish when his brother negated it with his own. But they were getting clever, but she had her loopholes.
The brother left the wish open-ended, and the ghost child continued it with the conversation.
She could use whatever they said to grant their wish. It will take more time to grant it, but it is possible.
Been awhile since Desiree granted a wish like that.
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noorhelmcliche · 5 years
random pics/video from my trip to europe!
hey guys so basically i saw a bunch of stuff that reminded me of y’all when i was in europe this summer. while in oslo i didn’t go see anything skam related even though for 2 of the 3 days i was just wandering around by myself while my dad was in business meetings all day. i wanted to do more sightseeing and i didn’t want to be a creep and take pictures of apartment buildings (and later be confused as to why i took pics of random apartment buildings). i also totally forgot that school was out, otherwise i probably would’ve gone to hartvig nissen (i’ve heard people say the students complain about tourists and for me personally education is the number 1 priority so i didn’t want to bother them but i forgot it was the beginning of july so school wouldn’t be in session whoops). everything in this post is super random and kinda stupid, but my family is super dysfunctional (which is why i love the noorhelm seasons) and whatever (so vacations can be tense and draining- although i realize how lucky i am to be able to travel to such amazing places). so i had to find some sources of entertainment for myself even though vacations are basically the only time me and my sister get along. unfortunately i don’t have any crazy stories bc again i was with the rents aka my parents, but if i think of any i’ll share. also this is going to be long just fyi...
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this ginger & lemon tea was disgusting ! idk it just reminded me of incantava and so i tried it (actually at the hotel in oslo but i took a pic in a grocery store in italy) and i was very disappointed lol. 
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this was also really gross i thought i could be like incantava eating a pistachio cookie in italy, but it was super dry and bland. 
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we went into this store to look at ties because my aunt came with us on our trip and she wanted to buy more ties for her sons, one of whose job as an accountant/stock broker/financial advisor (obviously i don't really know what he does- it’s deals w a lot of math and money i know that for sure) requires him to wear a suit and tie, and the shirt on this mannequin was totally giving me edoardo vibes. 
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i saw a timvision store and a ton of ads/commercials for timvision and i was really confused bc i thought that timvision was a tv network, but i guess they also sell phones?? whatever- i was about to walk in there and give them a piece of my mind about s3 and tell them that the episodes should’ve been longer bc benedetta and giancarlo are literally so good at acting and their characters were amazing and they were not used to their full advantage and the last couple of episodes felt rushed. also wanted to tell them that they need to change the s4 main bc i’m not here for white sana and not to break up incanatava bc i will lose it since we aren’t getting norandro until fucking 2020!!!
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and of course i had to try pistachio ice cream while i was in rome to truly pay homage to incantava and it was delicious omg eleonora was definitely onto something. also the US needs to offer more ice cream flavors (that are normal) like they do in italy i was in heaven. also sorry that this isn’t a great photo i’m not the best at getting aesthetic pics. 
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so i went to these little seaside towns (cinque terre) and there was this couple waiting to get on the same bus as us (bc the only way to get up to the town with suitcases was by the local bus) and they totallyyyy reminded me to incantava because they were in those white shirts/dress like incantava during edo’s party. they were also were being all cuddly on a bench while waiting for the bus. also on the bus there wasn’t enough room for everyone, so she had to sit on his lap and i was standing next to them and he wouldn’t stop kissing her shoulder which was sweet but very awkward for me because i was also lowkey trying to snipe photos of them at the same time without them noticing so i could show you guys lol. also he was carrying her purse bc i guess she didn’t want to carry it anymore (complete edo move) and later i saw them at a table and she wasn’t drinking but he was drinking like whatever and he was smoking (i think she maybe was too) so i was really freaking out internally at that point. okay sorry this was a long description, but i also wanted to say sorry that this is a bad photo my dad was also in it so i had to crop him out. 
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okay in oslo i saw this building and i feel like it was the newspaper noora/william wrote the iconic people need people essay for. 
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so i went to dinner with my dad and some people from the norwegian office/branch of my dad’s company and i saw this bridge and was screaming internally because i felt like this was the bridge they drove on during noorhelm’s date. (also i got some major info about skam from the people we went to dinner with who are parents- if you guys want i can share, it’s more on the bts side of things tho) AND I JUST REWATCHED THE DATE AND THIS BRIDGE WAS SHOWN and i’m super happy because i saw a bunch of stuff shown in that little car montage. 
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also that awkward moment when you don’t speak norweigan but you have to tell your uber driver where he needs to pick you up. and omg everyone in norway drives like mercedes and teslas bc it’s subsidized by the gov’t and all the ubers are mercedes s classes or the tesla x model with butterfly wings. the drivers also dress in a suit and tie which is very different from america. oslo was super sleek, clean, and modern. 
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okay finally i saw this house and i could totally see noorhelm living here. especially with the old vintage car i feel like older william would collect vintage cars. also the classic feel of the house but with a few modern touches also gave me noorhelm vibes idk i also just really love this house. 
also i saved this video on snapchat of me zooming in on parigi on a map, but i can’t figure ut how to convert it into a .mov from a .mp4 after airdropping it to my laptop so sorry however the point of the video was PARIGI!!! somebody needs to write a fanfic series of them traveling to spagna, turchia, parigi!  also there were cool moldboards of them on vacation to those places but idk if i will be able to find them lol i saw them while i was still on vacay.
if you made it to here thanks for reading i’m sure this was not that interesting and it mean a lot that you read my random ramblings! :)
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1: Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
None of them work on my computer but I have a feeling when I get a phone, it’ll be Spotify.
3: what color are your eyes?
The most boring shade of brown you could possibly imagine! :D
5: what is your relationship status?
Ahhhhh single but I also have a crush so I can’t see anyone else in a romantic way??? AHHHH HELP??????
7: what color hair do you have?
Dark brown.
9: where do you shop?
Target/Kmart/Big W… we’re pooooor. XD
11: favorite social media account
YA LOOKIN AT IT :D for real tho I gotta stop wasting my life on this gotdamn website
13: any siblings?
Yeah. An asshole big brother. I hate him. :)))
15: favorite snapchat filter?
Never had a snapchat, no idea. XD
17: how many times a week do you shower?
Pretty much all 7 days. Occasionally I only shower every other day, especially when The Depression is kicking my ass. But I normally shower at LEAST 4 days a week.
19: shoe size?
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21: sandals or sneakers? 
SNEAKERS. God I hAtE sandals with a fiery passion. >:(((
23: describe your dream date
adopting a shelter dog :D Getting take out and curling up on the couch watching a movie or show.
25: what color socks are you wearing?
Not wearing any. Too hot.
27: do you have a job? what do you do?
Not yet!! But we should be moving back home this year and I’m going to get one then!! :DDDD
29: whats the worst thing you have ever done?
I used to be on another site. I left that site to dedicate all my time to this one (abusive) friend, and I left all my other friends on there with only a mediocre explanation for 9 months of silence. I was in a bad place mentally and wasn’t thinking too clearly, but I still feel guilty to this day. I apologized to all of them and explained myself after I left that bad friend but it was never the same again and honestly I don’t blame them for not trusting me again. I wish I’d never done it.
31: 3 favorite boy names
Uhhhhhhhh I really don’t know? Aaron, Ben, Zephyr??????? First three that pop to mind, don’t even know if I really like them or not. XD
33: favorite actor?
35: who is your celebrity crush?
Don’t have one.
37: do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
YES!! Tho I do have a bad attention span when I’m bored so only books I really enjoy grab me. My all-time favourite book is Bird by Crystal Chan. It’s beautiful.
39: do you have a nickname? what is it?
Matt and Math(s) mostly! :D My parents call me Bubba bc I’m the baby of the family. XD 
41: top 10 favorite songs
(in no paticular order)
Favourite song ever
Somebody Else
Take me to Church
God Put a Smile on Your Face
Mr. Blue Sky
Dust and Light
Give It Up
43: what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry AF with brief and confusing bouts of Grima Wormtongue. XD
45:how many kids do you want?
Me??? A responsible parent who wouldn’t accidentally fuck up their child’s life??? *hysterical laughter* Idk. Depends on how future-me is and if my partner wants kids, I guess??
47: what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
Small!! Big houses just mean more cleaning. Besides, I like feelin cozy n my parents do to. XD
49: what was the last compliment you received?
I can’t remember? Not that it was that long ago, I just tend to disregard compliments?? bc I don’t think I deserve them?? I mean don’t get me wrong I love them and appreciate them and they’re super nice but.. idk, I don’t let them soak in. :’)
51: how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
53: opinion on smoking?
If you wanna slowly and painfully kill yourself, it’s your choice, go nuts. But don’t do it around me bc my lungs flat out don’t work at the best of times. (fun fact but I actually blackmailed/guilted/manipulated my Granddad into stopping smoking when I was 6 lmao.)
55: what is your dream job? 
Waiter at a li’l cafe thing I used to go to when I was little. Also, author! :D
57: do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
……………. ye. :) XD I know they won’t reuse them so I may as well have ‘em.
59: do you smile for pictures?
Yeah but I look stupid. XD
61: have you ever peed in the woods?
Multiple times. XD
63: do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Neither. My brain doesn’t let me eat fast food. The only thing I can eat from there = chips/fries.
65: what do you wear to bed?
My birthday suit. 👀 (occasionally just briefs… but mostly nothing lmao)
67: what are your hobbies?
Writing. Walking. Daydreaming. Doodling. Playing with animals. Playing Pokemon. And watching Netflix atm. :D
69: do you play an instrument?
71: tea or coffee?
73: do you want to get married?
I really don’t care either way??? So it’d depend entirely on what my partner wanted, I’d be happy to do anything for them. a lightning bolt might strike me at the holy alter tho just a warning XD
75: are you going to change your last name when you get married?
Again, it’d depend on what my partner wanted. But I guess I’d prefer not to? Or I could hyphenate the names?? :D
77: do you miss anyone right now?
79: do you believe in ghosts?
81: last person you called?
Can’t remember.
83: regular oreos or golden oreos?
I’ve only ever had regular ones so I can’t really say! :D
85: what shirt are you wearing?
I’m not wearing one. Too hot. I’m wearing my binder tho (even tho I should really be bc it’s too hot and I can’t breathe properly lmao) and it’s black. :D
87: are you outgoing or shy?
I guess I’m shy? But really I’m just socially anxious. XD With people I know, I’m more outgoing.
89: do you like your neighbors?
I like the ones on our left, they’re a nice old couple.
91: have you ever been high?
No. I’ve had close people in my family addicted to drugs. Not even gonna go there.
93: last thing you ate?
95: summer or winter?
97: dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Yes! :D
99: what is your zodiac sign
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ohlovelywar · 6 years
Raise a Little Hell Part Two
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Series Masterlist 
warnings: mentions of infinity war spoilers, swearing, mentions of death
Summary: A familiar face suddenly appears in Peter’s life as he tries to deal with the after math of what happened on Titian. 
Queens, New York Wednesday 7:00am
An obnoxious beeping sound broke through Peter’s dream, jolting him awake. He hissed as a sharp pain ripped through out his body, reminding him of the rough beating he endured just hours before. He stumbled out of bed, attempting not to cause any further harm to his already sore body. He gave his injuries a quick glance in the mirror; numerous purple bruises adorned his pale skin. Nothing too major. Thank god for being enhanced. He grabbed his light grey sweatshirt and denim jeans, dressing himself before hesitantly opening the door.
 He knew May was going to kill him for the current state his body is in. She hated anything that had to do with danger, fearing that she might lose the only family that she has left. Peter’s pastime was no secret to her. Not since the one afternoon where she opened his bedroom door to find Spider-man.
 “What. The. FUCK?!” May’s questioning voice pierced Peter’s ears once his head was freed from his mask. His eyes bulged out of their sockets as he tried to come up with something, anything to say to his aunt.
 “Heeeeyyyy Mayyy. Didn’t see you there,” Peter slowly turned around to face her, nervously chewing on his lip and messing with his hair. A nervous laughed made its way out of Peter’s mouth as he tried to read his aunt’s expression.
 Hurt. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Rage. Panic.
 “You have some explaining to do mister.”
 “I know. I know. Just, please, don’t freak out.”
 She scoffed at the young boy. “‘Don’t freak out’? ‘Don’t freak out’! Peter, you have been RISKING your life for MONTHS now. And you’ve kept me in the dark for all of it!”
 “No, do not ‘May’ me! Peter, the minute you came into my life and stayed with Ben and I, I swore to keep you safe. And this,” she gestured at the Spider-man costume on his back, “this is EXACTLY the opposite of what I swore.”
 “I know May, I know. I just...I wanted to keep you safe.”
 “No, hey. I listened to you so you listen to me, okay? What if...what if something bad happens to you? What if someone tried to hurt you? What if you ended up in Uncle Ben’s shoes?” his voice cracked at the mention of his late uncle. May’s eyes began to tear up.
 “I’ve lost everyone May. My mom, my dad, Uncle Ben. I’m not losing you too. I can’t lose you too,” he broke down. May instantly wrapped her arms around the boy she loved and raised as her own, crying with him.
 “You won’t ever lose me Pete...I’m always going to be here, okay?” She rocked them back and forth, just as she had done when he was little and the nightmare would cause him to wake up screaming, when he would cry for his dead parents, when the bullies at school would get too much, just as she did the night that Uncle Ben died in front of his very eyes.
 “I just don’t want anyone to go through what we have gone through,” he snuffled, his voice muffled by May’s shoulder. She sighed, knowing that he was right. The two have survived some very hard times. And, if there was someone with Peter's abilities that was able to help the two of them when they needed it most, she would have been begging on her hands and knees to them, pleading for help.
 “You’re too good for this world Peter.” Fear radiated off of her. She knew people wanted to hurt the masked web-slinger, her nephew, her son, her Spider-man.  She hugged him tighter, afraid that someone or something would rip him away from her at any second.
 “I love you May.”
 “And I love you too Peter. Please, be careful. I only have one of you.”
 “I will. I promise you.” And Peter always was. Until Titan.
 Peter really didn’t want May to see him like this. Sure, there have been worse fights with worse injures. But, ever since Titan, even the smallest scratch on Peter would have May spiraling. He knew it was just as hard on her as it was on him. But he also knew that he couldn’t just ditch Spider-man. There were people out there who needed him. And he was going to help them. He took a deep breath before entering the kitchen, mentally preparing himself for the long scolding May was sure to give him.
 "Morning May," he greeted, trying to play it cool.
 Maybe if I don't draw her attention she won't notice.
 "Morning Peter...Oh my god!" She dropped the glass of orange in her hand. The plastic cup hit the hardwood floor of their two-bedroom apartment a loud clink. Peter winced; the loud sound setting off the pounding in his head. "What the hell happened to you?!"
 "Just some big guys tried to steal some money it's fine," he tried to convince her.
 "No, it's not fine. You have a black eye, a busted lip, you look like you haven't slept... And that's just what I can see!"
 "May seriously. I'm okay. I-I had some help."
 "Oh," she straightened up. Peter was very stubborn and hard-headed. It was rare that he asked for help, but she sure was glad. "Did Tony send somebody?"
 "No, actually. Maybe? I don't, I don't really know." He racked his brain, trying to remember what little he saw of platinum haired girl.
 "You got lucky. Those guys aren't so easy to take down."
 "Well, I'm glad you got help. Just, please be careful Peter. You're my kid."
 "I will May. I have to get to school."
 "Here," she tossed a granola bar and brown paper bag that contained his lunch at him, "say hi to Ned and Mj for me."
 "I will. Bye, love you!"
 "Love you too!"
 And with that, Peter took off for his regular school day.
 The entire subway ride to Midtown, Peter tried to remember the black figure that saved his skin last night: platinum blonde hair, almost white. Bright blue eyes. Pale skin, maybe even paler than his own. Her voice held power, you could tell she means business. And yet, it was kind, and welcoming. It held concern and genuine care. It all seemed so familiar. Peter knows he's met this girl before. But who is she.
 The subway came to a stop, pulling Peter out of his thoughts. Here goes another day.
 Peter weaved his way through the crowd of rambunishous teenangers, trying not to bumpd into anyone. He let out a sigh of relief once he made it to his locker and exchanged the items in his backpack.
 "You're NEVER going to guess what I got!" Ned's excited voice suddenly appeared next to Peter's ears, making him jump slightly.
 "Oh really?" He smirked at his friend. "Not another Star Wars Lego set?" The girls next to them snickered, causing Peter to roll his eyes. What's wrong with having a little fun?
 "So close yet so far. It's an Avengers Lego set," he smiled with pride at his friend. "And it happens to include our favorite masked hero." Peter looked at his friend.
 "No way," a small smile tugged at his lips.
 "Uh-huh," Ned held up the tiny Lego Spider-man, proving to his friend that the world thinks he's an Avenger now. Peter tried to hide his excitement as best as he could.
 "I'm a Lego now?!" he whispered to his friend, a smile completely taking over his features.
 "Yup!" Peter laughed, a sense of pride took over. The world thought he was a hero.
 "Man, life is crazy when you're a super hero."
 "It sure is. Oh! May says hi."
 "Aw! I love May. She's like my second mother. You know?  Of course you know, shit wait. I mean.. damn." Peter just laughed at his friend. Instead of feeling hurt, he found it funny.
"Come on," he closed his locker. "we have chemistry."
Over in the principal's office, a rather intimidating man sat across the principal, his bored teenage girl seated next to him. She tapped her black converse on the ground, trying to distract herself from the scene in front of her.
 "I just want her to be safe, you know? After all, some pretty messed up shit happens in New York," he leaned back, taking a drag of his cigar. The principal gulped.
 "Yes yes of course Mr.."
 "Tsk, that's 'Sir' to you."
 "Yes...sir. Safety is our top priority." The teen rolled her eyes. Her dad always intimated everyone. She was rather tired of it. She mentally cursed herself for pulling her hair up into two space buns, leaving her nothing to fiddle with as the man in front of her squirmed under her father's stare. She picked at her long, cat like nails. Why couldn't her dad just...be normal?
 "Well the paperwork is all signed. Miss, if you'll come with me, I'll take you to your first class."
 The three stood up. Her dad giving a slight nod to his men in the back of the office. She grabbed her messenger bag from the floor and swung it over her shoulders. Her white long sleeved shirt wrinkled underneath the strap of her school bag. She straightened out her black dress that laid on top of her long sleeve before following her principal out the door. Her father and his two men began to walk towards the exist of the school while the girl walked further into the building. The principal was confused; he had never met a father and daughter more disconnected. He shrugged it off as he walked the girl to her class.
 Peter and Ned sat next to each other in chemistry, bored out of their minds. Their friend, Mj, sat in the table next to them, without a partner, reading her poetry book instead of paying attention to the board. Not like she needed to anyways; chemistry always came easy to her. A knock on the door suddenly interrupted the lesson as everyone in the classroom looked at the door.
 "So sorry to interrupt," The principal stepped through, a girl followed him, looking around the room with a sense of wonder. "Class, I just wanted to introduce the newest member of Midtown School of Science and Tech.: Felicia Hardy."
 Peter froze. He knew that name, and all the memories that came with it.  
send me an ask if you want to join the tag list! 
tags: @waywardskychaser
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snowkatze · 7 years
How to Survive Exam Season
This one is dedicated to everybody who is stressed right now and to everybody who has to write exams at the moment (including myself).
Prompt: here Genre: fluff Word Count: 1678 Summary: Simon works as a teacher in a high school and has a crush on another one of the teachers, Baz. When Simon is in a desperate situation, Baz decides to help out.
“Snow?” Oh no. Fuck no. It's the voice of Mister Sexy. (That's not his name. Except he might possibly be the most handsome person I've ever seen.)
I turn around, slowly, because there's the silly hope that he might not see me if I don't make any sudden movements. He's already seen me. Maybe he's right when he says I'm stupid.
And there he stand in the corridor, looking absolutely perfect, which isn't fair. Because right now I'm wearing the ugly yellow T-Shirt that's a bit stained with paint and that I usually only wear to sleep. Also, I'm pretty sure there are cobwebs stuck in my hair. So basically I look like I have never heard of the existence of mirrors and he looks like the definition of stunning.
And that's just great. Couldn't have gone any better. Except now the urge to bang my head against the wall has increased by four hundred percent. (He would know. He's a maths teacher – history, too, and politics, but I swear if you could choose more than three subjects, he'd be qualified to teach any subject in school. I'm not making that up, I saw in his qualifications that he can speak five different languages. I mean, it's not like I've been stalking him. It's just that I happened to stumble across them. Somehow. And I saw him play football with the sports teachers. He's really good at it. I'm just searching for something he's not perfect at. Not stalking him, Crowley.)
Anyhow, the reason why I want to bang my head against the wall. “Why are you under the staircase?” And why I'm under the staircase.
“I was... looking for something.” He raises his eyebrow at me.
“What could you possibly have been looking for under the staircase?” His voice is dripping from sarcasm.
“Your friend Ryder the spider, perhaps? Because I think you've found him.”
That's when I notice there's a little spider crawling up my arm. Oh. I find it quite endearing, so I watch it for a bit before setting it on the ground. When I look up, I find him sneering in disgust.
So, here's the thing. Baz (that's what his sister calls him) thinks I'm an imbecile. And to be honest, it's not entirely unjustified.
Let's just say, my conversation starters aren't the best. Example.
“H-hey, could you maybe tell me where the library is?” “Two months into the school year and you still don't know where the fucking library is?!” Okay. So maybe that makes me seem stupid, but to be fair I had a great plan to engage Baz in a conversation about books on the way. Then again, I probably shouldn't have asked him that question when the library was just around the corner. So.
Then there was the time I asked him how to spell the word 'accommodation'. He looked at me like I was crazy and said, very slowly: “Snow? Aren't you an English teacher?”
I really didn't know how to spell it in that moment, but it probably wasn't the best thing to ask him. Now he thinks I'm incompetent as well. Which is honestly just an awesome new fact he can add to his list of reasons why he should never talk to me ever again. So really, I'm not losing much by him catching me under the staircase. And it's not even that I'm so awkward and acting kind of dumb all the time. It's just his presence that makes me act like a total fool. I just suck at flirting.
This time, though, it really doesn't have anything to do with him. I might have done something incredibly stupid. With consequences. And I'm trying to fix it before anyone notices what's gone wrong. But I guess I can't hide it from him any more. I could just tell him, as an excuse, that I just really like spending time in narrow, dark spaces, but I guess that would be the even weirder option.
Weird as fuck is not on his list yet. (Or so I think.)
“I was looking for... the ungraded exam papers of the tenth-graders.” “Snow. You. Didn't - “
“Don't call me that.” “Oh, I'm sorry, Mister Snow. But did you just say you lost ungraded exam papers?”
Baz is also a bit intimidating at times. He takes his coffee black without sugar or milk and drinks it on a table that's a bit separate from the others. The other teachers call him a bit creepy. (I think he wants them to think that.) I call him attractively mysterious. But he would probably skin me if he knew that.
“My students are going to hate me.” Suddenly, his eyes soften.
“Calm down, Simon. I'm going to help you look for the papers. They can't be gone, right?”
“I guess,” I say insecure, because really, I'm not sure at all where they could be. Maybe I left them on the bus and they just drove away somewhere. Maybe somebody found them and fed them to his dog. Who knows what happened.
“I swear, when this is over, I'll make sure to never lose exam papers again. I'll protect them like my own son!” “You don't have a son.” “Then... I'll just protect them like my sour cherry scones.” He shoots me a sideways glance and smirks at me.
“Right... You're very protective of your scones.” “Hey! Name one food that is better than sour cherry scones!”
“Hmm... roast beef, maybe?” “I – ehm. Yes. I – I mean. No! That's just a close second.”
Baz laughs and I think that maybe I haven't blown it completely.
“Why did you look beneath the staircase, though? How would the papers have got there?” “I don't know,” I say and throw my arms up in desperation. “It was just the only place I hadn't looked yet.”
We go look around the whole school, which is what I did before, with the difference that Baz has a strategic plan. (Of course he does.)
And we talk, which is really nice. We get along better than I expected and my heart does annoying fluttery things. (Damn it. I'm twenty-nine. I'm supposed to be past this.)
We spend two hours looking for the exams and I start panicking again. If I don't find the papers, the students are going to have to write the exam again and that just isn't fair.
“Baz,” I say, sighing, and sit down on the stairs. We've looked everywhere. Where else could they be? Baz sits down next to me, with a great distance between us. (Did he do that on purpose?)
He looks kind of nervous and I want to know what he's thinking. Why did he spend so much of his time with me? I thought he hated me. Or at least disliked me.
“I just – this wasn't supposed to happen. I can't even – I mean – I was going to grade them in the staff room and then I got distracted by a phone call and somehow – I mean – at least I thought that's where I saw them last. It could've been anywhere. This is terrible. They should just fire me.” “Simon -” “No. I'm serious. I don't deserve to be a teacher. I'm terrible. Nobody can ever trust me with their exam papers again.” “Simon.”
I look up.
“You called me Simon,” I whisper.
“I... have a confession to make.” He averts his eyes and he looks a bit guilty. My heart beat speeds up. What's wrong? What's he going to say? He saw an angry student that I once gave a bad grade steal the papers for revenge and Baz watched them burn up? Baz himself took the papers and burned them so I would stop making awkward advances? I mean. Probably not. But still.
Baz takes a deep breath.
“I – I found your exam papers yesterday. I was going to give them to you, but then I forgot about it.” “W-what? Why didn't you tell me? We just went looking for them for two hours!” “I'm – I'm sorry. I just. I just wanted to spend time with you. I used it just as an excuse to talk to you.” “But why would you – I mean –“ I'm really, really confused (and a bit angry) for a second. Then, I realize what this means.
“Oh.” “Yeah.” He's fidgeting with his sleeves and still won't look me in the eyes.
“I'm really sorry. I'll get them for you immediately.” I can just stare at him in shock.
“Look,” he says. “I get it. Let's just pretend this didn't happen. I go back to my side of the staff room and you go back to yours and we'll never talk to each other again. I know you don't like me. I shouldn't have done that.”
He stands up really quickly and walks away. I snap out of my trance and rush after him.
“Baz,” I exclaim and stop him. He blushes. (I'm totally not freaking out right now. He likes me.)
“You're – you're so silly. You pretended we were looking for exam papers for two hours. That's – that's so silly.” He turns away, obviously ashamed of himself.
“Yeah, well, I'm not the best at... talking to people. It won't happen again, don't worry. I'll just -”
“You're so silly,” I say and giggle. “You thought I didn't like you.”
“What – what do you mean?” “I mean,” I grin. “Do you want to go on a date with me?” His face turns even redder and he looks completely flustered.
“A- a date – as in – ehm. Y-yes. I mean. Yes.”
I think I've found it. The one thing Baz isn't perfect at. I take his hand and his eyes widen (it's really, really adorable) and I love it all the same.
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hazeldough · 7 years
I just. Had a really weird dream y’all.
And by weird, I mean, I remember most of it and that barely happens ever. Usually I’d recall stuff that came from a sleep paralysis situation but this was just a regular dream?
Some of it’s fuzzy, since I don’t have the best memory. But the first thing I remember doing is waking up and getting ready for school. Pretty standard stuff.
Then my dad tells me to call an uber to go to school. Really weird considering that he’d Never do that, but okay. Uber gets me to school and drops me off. For some reason I have a pillow with me? So I figured it was close to the last day of school or smthn.
Uber driver asks me how I’ll pay. I know that I could pay rn, but I didn’t know if my dad was paying for it or not. And for some reason, he’s there. So while my dad’s talking to the uber driver, I see this kitten on the road. My dad finishes talking to the driver, giving me free reign to scoop this kitten up to safety. She was v reluctant, but I got her off of the road.
Then, I was in my elementary school’s cafeteria. Again, really weird since it was a separate school, but for some reason, multiple grade levels were there. Didn’t question it tho bc it was a dream!!!! So I get my food but they served it unusually? Like if you have chicken, they give you the whole thigh and/or leg. But they took off the meat for me? Anyway.
A fight broke out while I was getting my food. It was put out immediately and the people responsible were separated. One girl was called out though, but before anything else could happen, the scenario changed.
I was in my freshman bio class, but it was run by my middle school woodshop teacher? Still had my pillow and I was freaking out about an assignment I didn’t do that was due the next period. 
The assignment was to look up the minutiae for an episode of psych where we had to investigate it like we were there. For some reason I procrastinated on it? Which would be plausible, but I wouldn’t do that for smthn I was rly into. But, I did do the first and last bits and I was able to give a full summary of the episode.
For a good chunk of class, I was freaking out about how I could finish it. There was only one person in the class I could ask about it, but he refused to help me out. Which I get but still :( It was a thing in my class to help each other on situations like these, even a little bit. Looking back, it was p weird of him to be there because he didn’t!!! Even!! Go to the same school!!!
Then I noticed that the teacher was gonna put a video up on the projector. I got super relieved because I remembered that in a previous dream of mine, he started to put on the video the assignment was based on.
Some dudes in baseball walked in and took a seat at the side so their coach wouldn’t notice them Their coach ended up walking right in and started to lecture them. So this kid was like, “hey could you lecture them in practice maybe?” And me, hopped on adrenaline of wanting to finish, was like: “yeah I have some work to do, can you lecture them later?”
Mind you, the teacher was in the middle of putting up a movie.
But the coach left anyway.
When teacher got it working, I noticed that I put on a different video. Since I was on good terms with him, I asked him if I could work on my assignment on the computers, and he let me. I click on the computers to figure out which one I should use. But All of Them. Had. Viruses.
Except for one that I was strangely logged into already? Even more weird: it had programs that couldn’t have been installed by the school or at all. So I go look for stuff to help me on the assignment and lo and behold, I find it. And the worksheet looks exactly the same as the one we have. It does look funky though, so it takes me some time to read it.
The q & a were:
Put these events in order w/ their time stamp.  (i skipped this and i woke up before i read it)
How hot was the fire? x lava hot
How hard was the math? x (equation) very hard
But same person I asked to help me notices that I find  the answers and asks if I could share. I took a moment to tell him to eat a dick. Listen y’all. Just bc I had a crush on somebody doesn’t mean I let them walk on me. I did tell him to pull up a seat so we could work on it together tho, SINCE I AM NOT A COMPLETE ASSHOLE.
While he’s getting his seat, I accidentally misclick and the page is like, “this comes from this book” which featured the author’s face on it. They looked a Lot like Hugo. But then the misclick again and I see another passage, this time saying that it came from “Artist, Body, and Blood” which was an anime art history text book. From the same author.
So. I lose my shit and tell the dude about it. As we’re both freaking out about it, I wake up.
It’s a dream, shit happens.
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shibasparklez · 6 years
Selfshiptober Day 13!
Can you tell I was hungry while writing this? I was really looking forward to this prompt since it directly correlates to an AU that I think about a lot. 
Day Thirteen: Highschool AU
“You’ll need a partner for this project.”
My heart sank. I was loving the concept of the project until I heard that. After all, it was creative writing class. That word brought me a visceral sense of dread. Especially when none of my friends were in class with me. Scanning the room, I tried to find somebody I was at least somewhat familiar with. There were no signs of Izzy, Sozui, Bree, Sydney, Peter, or Shuri. All of them had picked different electives. I began to freak out internally, not sure who to look to for support. That’s when I heard a few taps on my desk. Swiftly turning my head toward the noise, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw who it was.
“Hello, Dottie! You’re a writer, correct?” Thor smiled brightly when our eyes met.
“W-well, I wouldn’t call myself professional but…” I instantly avoided staring at him directly. “Yeah, I like to write!”
“Would you like to partner up with me? I don’t have practice after class so we can work in my dorm together.” Thor rolled his pencil on my desk.
“Y-yeah! We can work together!” I fiddled with my fingers.
“Perfect! Let’s meet during lunch so we can plan.” Thor held out his hand, seemingly for a handshake.
“Sure, I like that idea.” I properly turned to face him, shaking his hand.
Eventually, everyone else found a partner and sat back at their desks. This was a project to work on purely after class, which meant each pairing had to meet on their own. I couldn’t believe that Thor went out of his way to pick me. We hadn’t talked to each other much before that point. I knew he was in the class, but went right past him when trying to find someone to partner with. My instant assumption was that he’d find someone right off the bat. He was basically friends with the entire school. Yet, he instantly picked me.
The question of why I was his first choice was on my mind for the entire class, then the class after that, and the class right before lunch. Even as lunch period started I couldn’t stop thinking about it. We didn’t share third period together, so I had to find him in the cafeteria. I didn’t like it, I rarely ate my lunch there. The room was stuffy, every desk felt like its own clique, and it was extremely crowded. Admittedly the crowds kept me from actually going in most of the time.
I could spot Thor the moment I entered, waving at me enthusiastically. His table was one of the longer ones, and most people sitting at it were on the other side. There was plenty of room for me to sit there comfortably. A massive weight lifted from my chest, the fear about being squished next to a bunch of strangers wasn’t a worry anymore. I debated whether or not I would sit across from Thor or next to him, until he patted the spot directly next to him.
“Dottie! How were your classes?” Thor beamed the moment I sat down. “Have you brought a lunch? I can buy you one if you’d like!”
“My classes were alright, we watched a video in math class so that was nice.” I had forgotten most of what happened already. “You don’t need to get a lunch, I packed one myself. I appreciate the offer, though…”
“What have you packed?” Thor took a bite of his food, a plate cooked in the school’s kitchen.
I found myself giggling from his excitement, taking out my pastel pink lunchbox. Once I opened up the container he gasped, and I bit back a prideful grin. My lunches were something I put a lot of work into, since it usually involved me getting up way too early in the morning. That day I had a few slices of fresh honeybaked ham from the grocery store, crisp green grapes, a fruit salad with feta cheese, and a few homemade chocolate chip cookies. Before I forgot, I got my still cold iced green tea bottle out of my bag.
“Your meal looks fantastic.” Thor stated, his voice breathy. “Do you make them yourself?”
“Yeah, I do! Thank you!” I smiled as sweetly as I could. “Since I’m really picky, sometimes I don’t like what the school serves.”
“Including the drink, it seems.” Thor raised an eyebrow when he noticed my tea.
“Okay, I know this is silly but I don’t trust the drinks. They’re in these big machines that anyone could open! Who knows what’s actually in the lemonade.” I twisted the cap off of my bottle with a satisfying cracking sound.
“...Do you possibly have another drink to share with me?” Thor pushed his cup away from him.
“Yep, I always carry an extra just in case! Hopefully you don’t mind sparkling water.” I handed him a light orange can from my bag.
Thor was visibly confused when he got the can, but he instantly was able to open it. His eyes widened once he took a sip, but he quickly went back for another one. I had to stop myself from laughing, his over the top expressions from everything were charming. Before we could start eating, I pulled out my notebook for the writing class. Thor frowned from this, and I wasn’t sure why.
“We’re here to work on the project, right?” I asked, taking a bite of my salad.
“Yes, but I assumed we were going to eat first. We wouldn’t want to make a mess of our papers.” Thor already finished his mashed potatoes.
“I guess that makes sense. Though that reminds me, I have something to ask you.” I closed my notebook. “Why did you immediately pick me to be your partner? Not to be rude, but we don’t really talk that much normally.”
“I had a feeling you would ask me.” Thor subtly smirked. “You share your writing in class often, I’ve always enjoyed your style. Also, so far I haven’t necessarily gotten the best scores on the assignments.”
“Ah...thank you.” I focused on his compliment, my cheeks turning pink. “So, do you want my advice?”
“Yes, I would appreciate some help. We can just start with this project.” Thor gestured to my notebook. “Only if you want to, of course. You have a busy schedule, so I understand if you’re unable to help me.”
“No worries, I can help you!” I jumped at the opportunity. “We can meet after school and work on homework together.”
As we started to schedule when we’d meet, I was growing more ecstatic by the moment. This was the first proper study buddy I’d ever had. Anyone who would do work with me before was usually some kind of tutor. This time I was going to be the one doing more teaching. Not only that, but I had no idea Thor noticed my writing until that moment. Whenever I would read out loud, I assumed nobody was listening. As we planned together, Thor suddenly grew tense.
“Dottie! Look out!” Thor shouted, covering me with his jacket.
I was too busy being completely perplexed to properly focus on what had happened. Now I was laying against Thor’s chest, with his arm wrapped protectively around me. His jacket was like a blanket, warming me up immensely. That’s when I saw why he had to have his arm on me to begin with. Someone had thrown a spoonful of mashed potatoes directly at us, staining the side of his jacket.
“Are these people animals?” Thor grabbed a napkin.
“Someone was probably messing around and it went too far.” I got a napkin in synch with him, our hands touching briefly.
“What a childish way to play.” Thor mumbled, attempting to wipe off the potatoes.
“Here, let’s go find a water fountain or something. That’s just gonna stain the fabric more.” I attempted to stand, before remembering that his arm was around me.
“Do you know where the closest one is?” Thor bundled up the napkin.
“I have a guess. Does that count?” I stuck out my tongue.
We didn’t once work on the project for the rest of the lunch period.
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jinwoostro-archive · 7 years
70 questions tag
I was tagged by @puppycat-eyes a meme-loving child who gives me too much shit for what i did to rocky :)))
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? ??? parents?? don’t know them 2. who did you last say “i love you" to? @mystic-astro-trash
3. do you regret anything? taking biology
4. are you insecure? yes, hella, so much
5. what’s your relationship status? Have been single since the day I was born
6. how do you want to die? i wanna see jinjin irl and for him to smile at me
7. what did you last eat? PANCAKES!!
8. played any sports? I used to do gymnastics when I was a kid, then I did athletics and more recently I did taekwondo
9. do you bite your nails? i have other habits so nah I don’t bite em
10. when was your last physical fight? not really a physical fight but i did get punched by a stranger oh and I had to beat up my sister in taekwondo
11. do you like someone? Y es fuck u philippe 
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? it’s a mistake..don’t do it
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? I don’t want to but yes
14. do you miss someone? does jinjin count?
15. have any pets? No
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? my eyes are puffy and i wanna cry but other than that im fantastic
17. ever made out in the bathroom? n o p e
18. are you scared of spiders? YES SO MUCH SPIDERS ARE SO FREAKING SCARY  i cried so much when my mum brought in a spider to my room ok I still haven’t recovered
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Maybe 10 years ago, and become the smaller me but with my adult memories in tact
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? Have i ever??
21. what are your plans for this weekend? dying
22. do you want to have kids? how many? None of my own but I want to adopt at least 2 kids
23. do you have piercings? how many? 2 piercings on both ears
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)? maths and chem and drama
26. what are you craving right now? jinken
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart? ??id hope not?
28. have you ever been cheated on? yes.... in monopoly 
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? ask me if I’ve ever dated
30. what’s irritating you right now? my family ://
31. does somebody love you? ??? who knows??
32. what is your favourite color? Pastelly purple pink and green
33. do you have trust issues? I trust too easily
34. who/what was your last dream about? there was a cloud in astro’s dorm and i popped out of it and was then adopted by them
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? Unfortunately my whole family ://
36. do you give out second chances too easily? YEs
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive
38. is this year the best year of your life? so far? yeah it is
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? ask me again in a few years
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? i have no idea
51. favourite food? RAMEN
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yup!!
53. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? write the finale hehehe
54. is cheating ever okay? never
55. are you mean? a lot of people call me mean and im just?? what have i done?? i get anxious over saying the wrong thing daily
56. how many people have you fist fought? 79 every day
57. do you believe in true love? The people who do get to experience it are lucky
59. do you like the snow? i love it but it makes me cry
60. do you wanna get married? i wanna say yes but at the same time im terrified bc there are so many things that can go wrong with it But i’ve planned that I dont wanna get married to a guy
61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I used to not like it but i would love it now??
62. what makes you happy? -astro -everyone reading this -making ppl cry with my fics
63. would you change your name? Nah im happy with it
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? w h o  h a v e  i  k i s s ed 
65. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? think about it for a few days before giving them an answer
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? ok so my parents are completely paranoid and im only allowed to have friends who are girls but my guy friends on tumblr? then i’d say @deersovereign
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? look above ^^
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my friend Kits, we have a deep convo every day it’s ridiculous
69. do you believe in soulmates? Who knows...there might be some out there...
70. is there anyone you would die for? everyone, the real lanna never gives up a chance to die
not tagging anyone but if u read this then u can do it
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nyan76 · 8 years
all of them >:)
1. Do you have a good relationship w/ your parents?I can imagine its a decent relationship
2.Who did u last say “i love you” to?@ifoughtabee and @sylvir-raven during livestream last night
3.Do you regret anything?yes, theres so many things i regret
4. Are you insecure?yes 
5. What is your relationship status?single ;-;
6.How do you want to die?idk tbh, as long as i die happily
7. What did you last eat?bread w/ cheese (is that called a sandwich??)
8.Played any sports?I used to play baseball, i was really good @ it too
9. Do you bite your nails?no
10. When was ur last physical fight?never been in one, im a lover not a fighter
11. Do you like someone?Platonically yes, romantically no
12. Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?no, best is 24
13. Do you hate anyone at the moment?no, its really hard to make me hate someone
14. Do you miss someone?yes, a lot of people.
15. Have any pets?of my own? no, parents own? yes
16. How exactly are you feeling at the moment? sick n happy
17. Ever made out in the bathroom?no, never been in love
18. Are you scared of spiders? yes, but some are adorable
19. Would you go back in time of you were given the chance?tbh no, i dont want to risk changing what i have now
20. Where was the last place you snogged someone???? never happened??
21. What are your plans for this weekend?well, for this upcoming weekend i plan to spend it with @ifoughtabee and @sylvir-raven , especially since its bees bday soon
22. Do you have any kids? How many?lmao no
23 Have any piercings? How many?none
24. What is/are/were your best subject(s)?Math
25. Do you miss anyone from your past?yes
26. What are you craving right now?i would put love and attention but its probably food
27. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?yes, i didn’t share the same feelings they had for me when they confessed
28. Have you ever been cheated on?never been in a relationship lmao
29. Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?no
30. Whats irritating you right now?im sick and my voice is all over the place
31. Does somebody love you?i hope so?? i know my friends love me!!
32. Whats your favorite color?purple
33. Do you have trust issues?not really
34. Who/what was your last dream about?okay so like, it involved me, @ifoughtabee , @sylvir-raven , and basically we were helping people like, hook up?? it was weird
35. Who was the last person you cried in front of?my parents
36. Do you give second chances too easily?yes
37. Is it easier to forgive or forget?hmm, forgive probably, but i forget too easily about anything ;-;
38. Is this year the best year in your life?so far yes
39. How old were you when you had your first kiss?whats with all these romantic questions never had one ;-;
40. Have you ever walked outside completely naked?i hope not
?? the ask post skips to 51??
51. Favorite food? i would die for pizza
52. Do you believe everything for a reason? for the most part yes
53. What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? talked to my bbffs (best bee friends forever lmao) @ifoughtabee and @sylvir-raven
54. Is cheating ever okay?Hell no
55. Are you mean?i can imagine not?? im a generally nice guy so ive been told
56. How many people have you fist fought?none
57. Do you believe in true love?yes, there is someone for every person who looks for love
58. Favorite weather?i love it when it rains
59. Do you like the snow?never seen snow before ;-;
60. Do you wanna get married?yes
61. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?ye its kinda cute
62. What makes you happy?talking to @ifoughtabee and @sylvir-raven . people who like my art
63. Would you change your name?not really, kevin is a decent name for me
64. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? never kissed a person?? if its on the cheek then not really
65. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?i uhh i dont know?? i would probably freak out and be constantly blushing that someone likes me??
66. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?  i act my complete self to anyone so yes
67. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?instead of opposite sex, ill just put my friend, and that would be @sylvir-raven
68. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?  does last night count? cause then it was @sylvir-raven and @ifoughtabee ( i think idk if the stuff i said was deep conversation worthy? )
69. Do you believe in soulmates?probably yea
70. is there anyone you would die for
@ifoughtabee @sylvir-raven and my mutuals, and other friends.holy shit this took too long lmao
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