#can i pretend they r from something so people will actually like my oc art
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og by sometimes317 on twt!!

#art#artists on tumblr#artwork#fanart#character art#lgbtq#<3#my ocs#oc artwork#oc art#can i pretend they r from something so people will actually like my oc art#mlm ocs#lgbtq oc#oc artist#ocs#oc#bisexual oc#bisexual#gay mlm#i want people to enjoy my ocs as much as i do!#they r both guys btw
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✨Unusual OC Associations✨
Tagged by @nirikeehan--gonna do both versions of my boi Pravin cause his answers are actually different lol
Pravin Winscliff II (Cipher Nine)
Seasoning: Cardamom
Weather: Tropical, warm and breezy (ideally he is lounging on a beach on Rishi with a cocktail in hand, shades on and his shirt open ok)
Color: Violet, red or orange
Sky: Blue, clear and sunny
House Plant: I'd say something tropical and flowerless like a fern but his actual living situation probably has like 'bouquet of flowers he got from a fwb that is slowly rotting in its vase'
Weapon: Vibroknife
Subject: Drama!
Social Media: 100% he'd be a redditor. He's got like several different alts and goes on a bunch of extremely specific subreddits for art films and other cult media and gets into debates with people. Every now and again he posts angry opinions in r/worldnews or tells heavily edited stories of the crazier shit that's happened to him in r/askreddit to make people laugh. One of the alts becomes a meme at some point a la this dude and people regularly ping him in threads to get him to drop some dry, debatably truthful tale about something.
Make Up Product: Nail polish. Like the clear kind or a metallic shade with appropriate bisexual energy
Candy: Nougat
Fear: /gestures broadly at IA story Chapter 2
Ice Cube Shape: Shaved ice. Like in a blended margarita
Method of Long Distance Travel: Flying a ship! (Someday he's going to buy himself a yacht. He misses his cool James Bond car of a ship.)
Art Style: Whatever the fuck was going on in 70s interior design tbh
Mythological Creature: Something that can shapeshift, like a werewolf or kitsune
Piece of Stationary: Slightly stained hotel stationary from some moderately upscale but still sketchy place on Nar Shaddaa
Celestial Body: Mercury
Fidencio Frye (Pravin Talavera)
Seasoning: Nutmeg
Weather: Sunny and temperate, coastal Orlais in spring
Color: Red, blue, violet
Sky: A colorful sunset
House Plant: Something with long, dark leaves that have streaks of color, like this puppy.
Weapon: Stiletto dagger
Subject: Drama!
Social Media: Twitter. He's got a flattering review of a show he was in pinned at the top, which sports a photo of him singing to a woman during a romantic scene. Most of his feed is supportive retweets of other actors and questions from fans. There's a persistent rumor that he has a secret alt account that he uses to bait other users into saying shit that'll get them banned but no one's been able to verify that. He regularly links to his Instagram, which consists of backstage shots, rehearsal pics and the occasional candid selfie with friends. He follows Thalia and leaves her admiring comments on occasion. :)
Make Up Product: White foundation! As someone running around in Orlais pretending to be a commoner, he can't wear a mask, so he just does his face to popular beauty standards (which winds up looking pretty mask-like given his skin tone.)
Candy: Caramel
Fear: The mortifying ordeal of being knownnnnn
Ice Cube Shape: Whatever the current weird trend is in Orlais, really
Method of Long Distance Travel: In a carriage, preferably with an attractive companion to pass the time with ;)
Art Style: I place him aesthetics-wise around the 1630s, so Baroque art
Mythological Creature: I'm gonna be basic af and say phoenix on account of his whole 'killed my old self and made up a new identity' thing
Piece of Stationary: A nice piece of vellum with some rich noblewoman's heraldry on it
Celestial Body: Mercury
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OC Companion Interview
Romiyya Ri’ka
I saw this here and I immediately wanted to try it. I’m doing at least two of these, maybe more.
Instructions: Pick three companions who know your OC/muse well. Answer the questions from at least one of their companions points of view. Replace anywhere it says ‘Romiyya�� with your OC’s name. Name the three companions who will be answering here:
1. Malavai Quinn
2. Mayyen Nivean
3. Vette
Are they ready to be candid with their responses? Don’t worry, this is totally private. Romiyya will never read it.
1. First Impressions. What was the first impression you had of Romiyya?
Malavai: She was beautiful, and terrifying. She commanded the room as soon as she entered it. She looked so alien among all the human imperials on Balmorra. Not one single sith among us all, and certainly not an alien sith. She was like nothing I’d ever seen before, and I was enraptured by her.
Mayyen: I remember thinking that she seemed so lonely. I met her on Tatooine, and at the time she only had Vette and Malavai - still the three of us are the only people she really trusts. I just remember thinking how miserably lonely it must be to trust only two people in all the galaxy.
Vette: I dunno really. I guess I thought it was funny to see a Togruta sith - I’d never seen one before - but mostly I was just preparing myself for more electro-shock therapy. She never used the collar though, and I was impressed. That’s when I started to wonder if maybe she and I could actually be friends.
2. Romiyya walks into a bar. No, it’s not a joke - what does she order? If you give her a credit for the jukebox, what kind of music would she put on?
Malavai: She orders two fingers of Kaasian brandy, neat. If she’s in a particularly good mood she’ll order a bottle of Alderaanian wine to share with me, Vette, or her sister. She likes Sith Opera music, but that’s never on the jukebox. Barring that she’ll play whatever Vette recommends.
Mayyen: She gets the fancy Kaasian brandy usually. Sometimes she drinks Alderaanian wine. But - if you get her drunk enough - she downs Coruscanti bourbon like there’s no tomorrow. She won’t admit it on pain of death but I’m pretty sure it’s her favorite drink. In terms of music I think she really likes that one pop band from Ord Mantell. I saw Malavai give her a holodisk of their music for Life Day once. I don’t think I’m supposed to know that.
Vette: Coruscanti bourbon - but only if Malavai and Mayyen aren’t around. She’ll never admit it to them. The only reason I know is because I caught her buying it on Nar Shaddaa once. In terms of music she loves Outer Rim cantina music, but she won’t admit it. Whenever we go to a cantina she always asks me to recommend something, so I always recommend different bands I know she’ll like.
3. How does Romiyya spend a day off from work?
Malavai: With me usually. We go on dates and that sort of thing. Not really your business, is it? Otherwise she likes to paint and draw - that sort of thing. She has a whole book full of drawings of me, Mayyen, Tatooine, things she really loves.
Mayyen: Sometimes she’ll go out for drinks with me or Vette, but usually she spends off days with Malavai. They go on these adorable little dates. He takes her to the Sith Opera, or to picnics on Alderaan, or - oh! Once they went to the Red Light district on Nar Shaddaa. I’ve never asked why, and I don’t want to know.
Vette: She has sex with Quinn.
4. What silly superstitions or funny traditions does she observe?
Malavai: She has a long scarf made from killik silk that I bought for her on Alderaan after we were married. No matter what else she wears - armor, civilian clothes, a dress - if she’s going into a fight she wears that scarf. Even when we were… apart, she wore it.
Mayyen: Well she has Malavai’s scarf which she never takes off. We have a tradition as sisters - we try to meet up at least once a month if it’s possible. No matter the state of the war or our personal allegiances at the moment, we mean a lot to each other and so we try to see each other as regularly as we can manage.
Vette: Quinn’s scarf, but also she’s methodical about cleaning her armor and her lightsabers. She gets in a lot of fights, she gets bloody and dirty a lot, but she’s kind of OCD about hygiene, so after every battle or mission she cleans her armor and her lightsabers.
5. What does Romiyya wear to bed? And just how do you know that?
Malavai: Romiyya likes to sleep in silk nightgowns. I know because I’m her husband.
Mayyen: She likes silk pajamas. I got her a pair of red silk pants for Life Day one year and she loved them. I know because after we discretely bought that stronghold on Tatooine we slept together in the one room that actually had heat.
Vette: Back in the early days when it was just me and her we used to sleep in the same room. We didn’t really trust each other, and the easiest way to gain that trust was to be vulnerable around each other. She used to wear a silk nightgown every night. I would be sitting there in sweat pants and a stolen t-shirt and she’d walk in wearing full length white silk. It was so weird.
6. Your favorite memory of Romiyya?
Malavai: I find I have difficulty picking just one. Perhaps you’re looking for a real memory, a big moment or something similar, but my absolute favorite memory of my wife is a simple one. She likes to paint in her down time. It’s nothing special, and she doesn’t think her work is any good, but one morning I went out to the balcony of our stronghold and she was sitting there painting the sunrise. She likes the sunrise. The suns lit her cheeks in just the right way. Her skin turned the color of fire, and her eyes were so blue…. Apologies. I was just… remembering.
Mayyen: The first night we spent in our Tatooine stronghold. It was just the two of us. I finally got to ask her about my father, and I told her about Belsavis. She told me about Baras, Malavai, her parents - all the people who’ve betrayed her, let her down. It was the first time we were really truly close with each other. I’ll never forget it.
Vette: When I asked her to take my shock collar off, hands down. She was just so kind about it. There was this empathy in her eyes I wasn’t used to seeing from Sith and it really shocked me. It was in that moment that I realized that she was more than her kind. She was a person, and maybe even a good one.
7. A time you very nearly almost kissed Romiyya?
Malavai: The first time we went to Alderaan together. Romiyya decided to work with the Organa woman, and so we fought in a battle that seemed to last all day. Wave after wave of troops and droids hit us endlessly, but my love cut through them all like they were nothing but lumps of clay. She was incredible. I wanted to kiss her then, I almost did, but I knew the line I would be crossing and at the time I was still reluctant to cross it.
Mayyen: I kiss her on the cheek all the time. Partly to watch her squirm while she pretends to hate affection, but mostly because she’s only pretending. She’s actually very affectionate, and she loves physical affection the best, so I try to kiss and hug her whenever possible.
Vette: When she helped me return a Twi’lek artifact to some of my friends. We had drinks afterwards and I was really drunk and really grateful and got into one of my “Hey, Romiyya’s really great and also pretty” moods. It happens from time to time with really attractive people and enough alcohol. I vaguely remember almost kissing her until I saw that she was looking at a message Malavai sent her. Pining is really the biggest of buzz kills.
8. Vacation time! Where do you take Romiyya for some R&R?
Malavai: A couple places, but for vacation we typically return to Dromund Kaas. My mother lives in Kaas City and she adores Romiyya. We spend a day or two with her and she cooks a big feast even for just the three of us. Then we spend a few days catching up on the culture; we go to the art galleries and the opera and such. Finally we spend our final days off in bed in my apartment. It’s rare we get a vacation, but it’s always wonderful when we do.
Mayyen: Tatooine. It’s our home. It’s neutral. We’re not beholden to anyone there and we can be entirely ourselves. It’s the safest place in the galaxy for us. We go whenever we can, and we always relax when we’re there.
Vette: Rishi. I love that stupid crazy pirate planet. Romiyya likes the beaches. I stay with a friend of mine - Clabreo Aldin - her family are big time Corsairs and they own an island on Rishi, so I take Romiyya there to relax.
9. Romiyya’s sense of humor -is it dry, immature, sarcastic, self-deprecating, physical, witty, dark, or…?
Malavai: Contrary to what most people believe my wife is actually very funny. She has a dark sense of humor, it’s true, but her humor is very sarcastic and dry, to the point where most don’t recognize it as humor. I do though. I understand every word, and so I know she is a very funny woman.
Mayyen: It’s- uh- very dry- and sarcastic- and also dark. She’s not typically one for humor to be honest, but when she gets in the right mood (and typically the right mood is when she’s tormenting her enemies) she’s incredibly dry and sarcastic. She’s even funny sometimes- when she’s not threatening people’s lives of course.
Vette: Try nonexistent. Most of the time anyway. If you get her drunk enough she’s funnier than a hut in a bikini.
I’m going to do at least one more of these - one for Mayyen - but I might do a couple more too because it’s so entertaining.
Since this is a tagging game (and also so much fun to do) I’ll tag some people: @thebreadtree, @darth-bagel, @palepinkycat, @shanfamilydrama, @blueburds, @starlightjedi
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A-Z for honesty hour because I'm an asshole. :D
A - If I’m in love.
...yes. I never thought I would be again, I thought I’d been too hurt and jaded to feel this way again, but against all odds, I’m back to being 17 in full force.
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was.
The only one who ever calls me is my mother. And customers at work.
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed.
damn, almost a year now… not since my last relationship ended back in October-ish. even then, it was mostly casual pecks idk if we ever seriously made out tbh.
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls.
already answered (twice) but I'll keep going… I've got a definite preference of guys over girls, but I'm also a bi disaster and sometimes it doesn't make a lot of sense why this person is instantly attractive to me while that person isn't. certain aspects of femininity do appeal to me, but weirdly other aspects seem to be a turn-off and I can't always put my finger on what or why. ...that caveat does not apply to masculinity though, even if it's traditionally "masculine" features on a feminine-presenting individual I am 100% down every time.
E - How many holes I have in my ears.
two and a half? I got a third piercing at some point halfway up the lobe but it got infected and scarred over I think. the holes I do have are also stretched (I'm up to 0G now) and I've been meaning to get some more.
F - Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’
wasn't given any options, so I guess I'll go with hot or cold lol. I prefer hot, I'm one of those weirdos who loves summer because of the heat and I'll usually take a hot food/drink over a cold one.
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to.
my mom, over the phone just now.
H - The last person I hugged.
my roommate. we're not always super touchy-feely with each other but I've been feeling kind of down and she noticed.
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.
I'm not usually a very jealous person, but the last time I really felt that way… I'd recently broken up with my ex, and they were sitting on someone else's lap and I… felt things. part of the reason I realized I may have made a mistake.
J - Are you insecure. What about?
K - What my full name is
already answered, my first and middle are Jacob Brooks, I'm not putting my last name out there sorry I don't trust like that.
L - If I have siblings.
already answered, I've got two, an older brother and a younger sister.
M - If I forgive betrayal.
I mean, I forgive but I don't forget, ya know? like I'll accept an apology if it's sincere and welcome the person back and never bring it up again, but I'm probably gonna be cautious around them in the future, and not trust them as readily as I would have before.
N - If you want to know how I treat my friends.
if I call someone my friend it means I really feel close with them, and I treat my friends basically like my family. I try to always be honest and supportive of them, bc I love and appreciate them and just want them to be happy.
O - If I like my school.
I love my school. the campus is beautiful, the teachers are fantastic, and I just love being there and learning and growing in my classes. I'm really sad this semester is probably going to be mostly online because I really feel like I belong in those studios and on that campus and I miss it.
P - What kind of music I like.
already answered, and it mostly boiled down to all over the fuckin place, so this time… band recommendations, here we go. no you have no say in this.
here, have a clump of random favorite bands off the top of my head: mother mother, bad suns, nothing but thieves, hozier, shearwater, the neighbourhood, steam powered giraffe, rainbow kitten surprise, the oh hellos, gregory alan isakov, caravan palace, mystery skulls, khai dreams, autoheart, muse, silversun pickups, thousand foot krutch, two door cinema club, twenty one pilots, blue october, jukebox the ghost
Q - What the last party I went to was, and when the next will be.
I'm not a partier at All, but I did have a bunch of friends over for the 4th (okay I say a bunch but it was like four people from our usual less-socially distant circle). I have no idea when the next get-together will be, it's kinda hard to plan those kinds of things lately.
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities.
the phrasing of this question is weird but I'm gonna assume it means things I'm curious about? let's go with that.
travel. I haven't ever been out of the country and I'd like to see other parts of the world at least at some point in my life.
tattoos. both getting them and learning to do them, it's a niche branch of art that I'm just fascinated by and I might like to do it as a career if I knew more about it.
same thing with being a florist. I'm really drawn to it as a concept and I'm super curious how it works, but I have no idea what kind of… qualifications and whatnot I'd need for that.
surfing. I'm surrounded by the lifestyle and now kind of own a surfboard, I just want to know what the appeal is.
this may be a bit tmi, but I'm really curious what it's like to have a dick. I don't suppose I'll strictly ever know, but I still really want to… probably one of the biggest things to clue me in that I'm definitely trans is the literal penis envy ngl.
I've always kind of had a fascination with the ocean, and I'd love to go like, scuba diving or something someday, to see it up close and personal.
I think everyone has the impulse thought of shaving their head at some point. maybe someday I will I don't quite have the balls to do it now.
I've gone this long in my life and never wielded a sword? a travesty. I don't pretend to have the grace to actually know how to use one, but I've like, never even held a real one and the idea interests me a lot.
this one might be slightly morbid curiosity, but I don't think I've ever been like, properly drunk or high before, like I've been tipsy but I've never been wasted, you know? the idea kind of scares me and I don't think I'm going to go out and remedy it, but it's still there, and even if I know it's not a good idea, I do still wonder what that's like.
same vein, maybe even a little darker, but I've got at least a little morbid curiosity about like, death and real danger. again, not planning to act on it At All, but the thought is still lurking in the back of my mind like what if…? you asked for honesty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
S - 2 habits.
bit of a new habit, but I have a whole ritual of disinfecting groceries when I bring them home, and then disinfecting the door knobs and counters. I don't know if it'll persist after the pandemic is over, but it's already ingrained in me and I don't feel comfortable if I skip it or do it differently.
I apologize for things that aren't my fault. it's such an instinct at this point to say "sorry" when I'm uncomfortable or anxious that it doesn't even register anymore, even when people tell me not to be sorry, I'm still gonna say it, sorry.
T - 5 things I love unconditionally.
already answered so here's 5 more
my family. if I haven't got my family I haven't got anything, we've got each others' backs and I won't turn on them for anything
my friends. same deal, I owe so much to my friends, I love them, and that won't change no matter what they decide to do or be.
sleep. I love sleep so much, even if it's just an involuntary nap, though for someone who loves it so much I sure don't get enough of it
spotify. I know it has problems, I know there are probably more streamlined/cheaper music streaming services out there, but at this point, I've sunk too much of my time and energy into this one and I'll never give it up
my ocs. I don't talk about them very much on this platform, but I have them, they're my children, and I love them even if they're assholes and never easy to write/draw.
U - How many texts I send daily.
already answered, the number varies, and sometimes swings drastically between like, 5 and 35 on any given day.
V - 3 big dreams.
graduate art school. it's gonna be a serious undertaking and probably take several more years and a lot of loans at this point, but I'm still determined to get there someday.
someday I want to write a book. I know I've said that before on a different prompt, but it wouldn't be a list of dreams without including this one that I've held onto since childhood.
this one's kind of vague, but someday… I want to not be afraid anymore. like I want to finally be in a state of mental/financial security so I can live my life without the fear of what's coming next.
W - An idol.
it's probably really basic to list a youtuber, but I've still gotta go with Chase Ross. the guy was an inspiration and a major source of information and support for me early-on in my transition, and even watching him now I still want to approach life with the pure positive energy and confidence that he has.
X - If I’ve done something I regret very much.
yes. a couple things, really… some of which I don't think I'll ever be able to make up for.
Y - If I like my town and why.
my current town? yeah, it's got its problems but it's also beautiful and full of life and art and unique energy and I miss the days before the Corona End Times when I could actually go out and enjoy it.
Z - Ask any question you want.
??? I did not receive any specification for this one, and given that I didn't skip even the duplicate answers and this is ridiculously long, this one I'm gonna SKIP.
#shin speaks#answered#finally getting to this a million years later#thanks friend!!#i'll get to the other prompts in a second but i felt bad about not finishing this one#tw death mention#tw alcohol mention#just to be safe
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Mobile Masterlist
If you want to just scroll through everything, my tag is: /my-writing
If you want to send me feedback/requests, feel free to go to MY ASK BOX
HERE is the link to my Wattpad account. I have full multichapter WIP’s that I post there, as well as a compilation of the one shots I’ve posted here.
Everything I write is safe for any age/rating practically. I will put the ratings and warnings in each summary so you will know ahead of time.
Thank you so much for your continued support and requests! I hope you guys enjoy reading! x
Most recent update: June 4, 2019
- Lilies and Lattes: Summary: You’ve had a soulmate tattoo since you could remember, but there’s no way it’s right. You’ve never been to Seattle, and you don’t plan on going. Word Count: 6.2K | Rated: T+ (heavy language, sensual scenes, alcohol)
- Double Shot: Prompt is - “Why are you so jealous?” Summary: You’re the manager of Bean There, Done That Cafe when you notice a certain blonde orders one too many shots of espresso. Word Count: 2.1K | Rated: K - Art and Whiskey: Prompts are - “You’re lucky you’re cute.” and “I’m too sober for this.” Summary: You attend the Hemmings Corp. annual Christmas party and meet a new friend. CEO!Luke AU. Word Count: 2.7K | Rated: T+ (language, alcohol)
- More Creamer Please: Summary: Luke is a famous CEO and you work for a magazine that makes money off of his late nights and poor decisions. You try your hardest to keep him out of the bad spotlight, but your boss has other ideas. Word Count: 14.2K | Rated: T+ (language, alcohol, sensual scenes)
- Only Time Will Tell: Prompts are - “You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am to cuddle?” and “What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.” Summary: You and Luke have been best friends since the womb. Now you’re all grown up. Word Count: 2,800+ | Rated: T+ (language, alcohol, emotional)
- Playing Catch Up: Prompt is - “Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything.” Summary: You knew Luke before the fame. What does that mean for the two of you when he’s become an international popstar? Word Count: 1,600+ | Rated: K
- Woman Up: Prompts are - “Where do you think you’re going?” and “I need some time.” Summary: Something is wrong with you and Luke. What you had was strong, special. Now you’re not so sure. Word Count: 2,000+ | Rated: T+ (alcohol, language)
- Stray Hairs: Summary: Luke’s hair is annoying him, so he asks you to braid it. Word Count: 250+ | Rated: K
- Just Admit It: Prompt is - “I think you’re just afraid to be happy.” Summary: Luke is too honest sometimes. (Gender Neutral Reader) Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: K
- the forbidden fruit: Summary: When Hades is cast away to the Underworld for his own protection, he discovers a mortal with whom he has a connection. She is most definitely not what he expected. Word Count: 15K+ | Rated: T
- death & promises: Request is - “Royal!AU + Fake Marriage” Summary: Prince Sweetwater, known to you as Sweet Pea, has been your best friend since before you could remember. It’s time for you to get married to a prince so you can become queen, but that means that you and Sweet Pea will no longer be allowed to be friends. So, how do you solve this? Just pretend to marry Sweet Pea. Problem solved... or is it? Word Count: 4.9K+ | Rated: T
- bloody knuckles: Request is - “Scars + Bathtub!fic” Summary: Sweet Pea is used to patching you up, but with every scar and every bruise, he begins to fear more for your future. You shun him for trying to put a stop to your boxing career, and in giving you space he also allows you to fall further into self-destruction. Word Count: 3.3K+ | Rated: T+
- war in switzerland: Request is - “Flirting Under Fire + Bar!AU + Injured!fic” Summary: It’s been a while since you’ve been back to Riverdale. You thought you’d never go back, if you were being honest. But something draws you back, and Jughead thinks you need to celebrate at the Whyte Wyrm, which has recently become Switzerland, a place of neutrality. Until a fight breaks out. Word Count: 2.4K+ | Rated: T
- marked for the kill: Request is - “Roommates!AU + Dancing!fic” Summary: One night, after being marked as a sacrifice for the Gargoyle King, you’re forced out of the Northside. Your wandering for a new place to lay your head brings you to the nastiest part of the Southside - where the Ghoulies have secretly set up home. As they wave knives in your face and threaten to take your life, who will come to your rescue? Word Count: 3.2K+ | Rated: T
- the both of you: Request is - “Pregnancy!fic + Anger Born of Worry” Summary: You have a big secret you need to tell your Serpent husband, but will you be able to when he doesn’t come home one night? A call from FP brings you to Riverdale General, where the love of your life lays battered and bruised. Word Count: 2.3K+ | Rated: T
- i’ll always be with you: Request is - “Baby!fic + Fake Dating” Summary: After the father of your child left, the only constant that remains in your life is Sweet Pea. Over the years, he helps you when you need a hand planning your daughters birthday party, but it’s not uncommon to be mistaken for a couple. Sweet Pea just rolls with it. Word Count: 2.1K+ | Rated: T
- despite it all i loved you anyway: Request is - “Arranged Marriage!AU + Love Confessor Trope” Summary: You are betrothed to Prince Sweetwater. Of course, you believe he’s just like all the others - only here for your hand in marriage to take over your kingdom and call it his own. However, during your courtship leading up to the wedding, your forced courtship turns into something more. Word Count: 5.5K+ | Rated: T
- Dissension: Summary: You and Bucky hate each other. But you know what they say - everything changes when you’re dead. MULTICHAPTER | BUCKY X READER
- Slowly, And Then All At Once: Prompts are - “I shouldn’t be in love with you!” and “I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.” Summary: You’re the nanny of a successful single father. All of a sudden, you can’t imagine living life without him and his daughter. Word Count: 2.2K | Rated: T+ (language, sexual allusions)
- Gunpowder & Silk: Prompt is - “I’m the tailor who always makes/hems your nice clothes but I don’t know you’re the head of the mob so why are the police barging into my shop?” Summary: Riley runs a tailoring shop. Mr. Barnes runs the mob. MULTICHAPTER | OC
- Denial: Prompts are - “Just admit I’m right.” and “How many fingers am I holding up?” Summary: Bucky is your sparring partner and you’ve taken one too many hits with the metal arm. Word Count: 900+ | Rated: K
- Incidental: Prompts are - “I know it’s three in the morning, but I can’t find my cat.” and “Every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again.” Summary: The five times Bucky had to make an excuse, and the one time he didn’t. Word Count: 9,000+ | Rated: T+ (language)
- Broken: Prompt is - “Ignore me, I didn’t see anything.” Summary: You’re complaining, Bucky is listening. Word Count: 800+ | Rated: T+ (alcohol, death mention)
- Not Quick Enough: Prompt is - “Almost Kiss + Anger Born of Worry” (BuckyNat) Summary: The one time Natasha wasn’t paying attention, it almost costs him his life. Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: T
- Nepenthe: Summary: Soulmates weren’t real, the Soldier had decided. But, if they were, his was going to be very disappointed. Word Count: 1,800+ | Rated: T+ (violence, language, alcohol) MULTICHAPTER | BUCKY X READER
- Unfair: Prompt is - “You want to know what happened to me? You! You happened to me.” Summary: You’re sick and tired of Bucky’s suicide missions. You decide to call him out on it. Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: T (language)
- I’ll Take Care of You: Summary: You’ve always been overly attentive to Bucky. You overhear him complaining about you one night so you decide to take a step back. Turns out he actually misses you. Word Count: 2.3K | Rated: T
- Confessions: Prompts are - “The door is over there.” and “I don’t believe you.” Summary: Bucky has loved you for a long time, but for some reason you won’t believe him. Word Count: 1,200+ | Rated: T+ (language)
- Blessings: Summary: You’re going to get a raise, but Bucky doesn’t like how you got it. Even so, a beautiful thing comes of it. Word Count: 2,500+ | Rated: T+ (language, sexual references, alcohol)
- Reinvented: Summary: You and Bucky attend a summer concert, and he asks you to dance. Word Count: 1,400+ | Rated: T
- Ice Water: Summary: Bucky is stubborn and so are you. Word Count: 1,300+ | Rated: T+ (language, emotion)
- I Offer You a Lifetime: Prompt is - “I have loved you my entire life.” Summary: You and Bucky have known one another for a century. Word Count: 1,500+ | Rated: T+ (sexual allusions)
- Absent: Prompts are - “Please....stay...” and “If you really love me, you’ll let me go...” Summary: Bucky goes on a mission. You don’t think he’s coming back. Word Count: 2,300+ | Rated: T+ (language, violence)
- Battle Armor: Summary: You’re all alone on top of the roof of the Tower, and an unexpected visitor joins you. Word Count: 1,600+ | Rated: K+
- Free Falling: Prompt is - “I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people per cart and now we’re stuck at the top.” Word Count: 1,400+ | Rated: K
- Void: Prompts are - “Where were you when I needed you?” and “It’s time to say goodbye.” Summary: This conversation between you and Bucky is difficult, but it had to happen. Word Count: 1,400+ | Rated: T+ (alcohol, language)
- Teeth: Summary: You don’t smile. Until there’s one exception. Word Count: 800+ | Rated: T+
- Winter Winner: Prompts are - “I came here to win you back and dammit, I’ll do whatever I have to do.” and “What are you doing here?” Summary: Bucky doesn’t like the way he feels when he sees you with someone else. Word Count: 1,100+ | Rated: T+ (sexual implications)
- All Mine: Summary: Bucky has a tendency to get jealous. Word Count: 1,800+ | Rated: T+ (language, sexual references)
- Undeserving: Summary: Steve tells Bucky that he should just go after you, but Bucky isn’t so sure. Word Count: 1,400+ | Rated: T
- Worthy: Summary: Bucky is always questioning why there is a random hammer lying about during their “family meetings” in the Tower. Word Count: 500+ | Rated: K
- History in the Making: Summary: Bucky puts his years of history to good use by helping you with your homework. Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: K
- Get Bent: Prompt is to use the phrase “Get bent.” Summary: Mario Kart can be vicious. Word Count: 400+ | Rated: K
- i belong to the devil: Prompts are - “Huddling for Warmth + Established Relationship” Summary: Chloe becomes much more gutsy the moment she finds out she has The Devil on her side. Word Count: 656 | Rated: T
- demons in the night: Prompts are - “Erotic Dream + Sleep Intimacy” Summary: Chloe isn’t used to sleeping with The Devil. At least, not yet. Word Count: 656 | Rated: T
- Self-Destruct: Prompts are - “I’m not alright! Okay? Are you satisfied? I’m not alright.” and “The problem is I don’t think I can stop thinking about you.” and “Pretending not to love you was the hardest thing I ever had to do.” and “You saved me from myself.” Summary: Peter is suddenly absent from your life, and you’re not sure you can handle it any longer. Word Count: 1,200+ | Rated: T+ (violence, blood)
- Doctor Darling: Prompt is - “You’re bleeding all over my carpet!” Summary: This isn’t exactly how you thought you’d find out that your boyfriend was the webslinger that New York couldn’t stop talking about. Word Count: 1,500+ | Rated: T+ (blood, language)
- Why?: Prompt is - “Why are you like this?” Summary: You’re not sure why it has to be Peter that is always sacrificing for the greater good, for the world. You don’t know if you can take it anymore. Word Count: 250+ | Rated: K
- I’m New to This: Prompt is - “So you hate me now too? Join the club.” Summary: You’re not sure how, but you’re pretty sure you’re jealous of Tony Stark. Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: T
- Webslinger: Prompt is - “See, now was that so bad?” Summary: You take a ride with the webslinger of New York. Word Count: 500+ | Rated: K
- by your side now and forever: Prompt is - “Hospital!AU + Secret Relationship” Summary: Karen is tired of playing sidekick. Word Count: 900 | Rated: T
- i found my savior in a bar: Prompt is - “Fake Dating + Holiday!fic” Summary: Karen is being stalked by one of her exes, and she picks the protective looking guy at the bar to be her savior. Word Count: 800+ | Rated: T
- Daddy Issues: Summary: Tom through the stages of becoming a dad. Word Count: 500+ | Rated: K
- Oh My Darling: Summary: Tom really does love calling you ‘darling’. Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: T (sexual innuendos)
- Please?: Prompt is - “I need you to forgive me.” Summary: Monopoly is a relationship ruiner. Word Count: 150+ | Rated: K
- perfect timing: Prompt is - “Coffee Shop!AU + Mutual Pining Trope” Summary: Two people with matching schedules end up bumping into one another in the coffee shop. Word Count: 1,000+ | Rated: K
- warm in the snow: Prompt is - “Secret Relationship + Royal!AU” Summary: Hope loves the snow. She also loves the servant boy. Word Count: 700+ | Rated: T+
- i will save you from yourself: Prompt is - “Historical!AU + Bodyguard!fic” Summary: Ser Van Dyne is in charge of keeping Prince Lang out of trouble. Word Count: 500+ | Rated: K
- RECOLLECTION: Prompt: “I don’t remember that!” Word Count: 250+ | Rated: K
- Silent Love: Prompts: “You’re special to me.” and “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” Word Count: 500+ | Rated: K
- my skin burns: Prompts: “Soulmate!AU + Royalty!AU” Summary: Clarke is betrothed to a man she does not know. So what becomes of the relationship when she realizes he may very well be her soulmate? Word Count: 700+ | Rated: T
- keep my secret safe: Prompts: “Detective!AU + Criminal!AU” Summary: When Detective Blake shows up to the scene, a certain blonde is cleaning her knife and restocking her gun. It’s another chance to put her where she belongs. Word Count: 500+ | Rated: T+
- unexpected allergens: Prompts: “Flowershop!AU + Hospital!AU” Summary: When a stranger falls unconscious in Rey’s flower shop, she thinks it is her responsibility to make sure he gets to a hospital safely. Word Count: 600+ | Rated: K
#my writing#masterlist#5sos#5 seconds of summer#luke hemmings#marvel#bucky barnes#peter parker#spiderman#bellarke#the 100#bellamy blake#clarke griffin#bellamy x clarke#tom holland#luke hemmings imagine#luke x reader#luke hemmings x reader#luke hemmings blurb#luke hemmings one shot#luke hemmings fanfic#luke hemmings fanfiction#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#bucky barnes imagine#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes fanfiction#peter parker x reader#peter x reader
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Fallane and Eliza Fate, please
Alright, these two are from different ‘verses just fyi. so any supernatural elements are very, very different, as well as social situations.
WARNING: Fallane’s contains reference to some things that might be triggering. nothing in-detail, but please be advised.
Full Name: Fallane
Gender and Sexuality:
male-ish but with a rising intonation and a hand-wiggly gesture. sexuality is definitely just a hand-wiggly gesture, we think he has a slight preference for men but tbh no one cares
he/him. if you used other ones he probably wouldn’t object but if you asked he’d say ‘he/him’
Egyptian. and he’s like,,, vaguely a demon but not actually. he’s
to be one of the generals/servants/sextoys/whatever of AN ASSHOLE who reincarnates every 30 years or so, possesses a young girl, and makes everyone’s life hell but he said ‘nope that’ and (mostly) left. so he’s not actually a demon but that’s what his kind got characterized as by various mortals and usually he doesn’t correct people
Birthplace and Birthdate:
like literal ancient egypt in like 2,700 bc or smth
Guilty Pleasures:
I don’t think he’s guilty about any of his pleasures.
that came out way more sexual than I intended
I just meant that he likes things and he’s not ashamed of it
ahhhh this ‘verse is so dark help. I’d say sexual assault is pretty high on the list. I think he’s also a bit claustrophobic. more than a bit. he’s very claustrophobic he just doesn’t get into many situations like that
What They Would Be Famous For:
he could be a model? like actually. he wouldn’t but he
. he’s got a wicked fashion sense and is really good at makeup. ooh he could model makeup too
What They Would Get Arrested For:
can u get arrested for smoking indoors? he would. or shoplifting. he likes petty crime because either a) ‘this shouldn’t be privately owned and private ownership is just a social construct’ or b) ‘haha what are u gonna do, catch me?’
OC You Ship Them With:
Sam!! Sam Reeve x Fallane is best ship. you could also ship him with Kai but Sam is most perfectest. I made a ship name for them but it’s lame and I’m not sharing unless u dm me. I also ship Fallane with a healthy lifestyle but that’s never gonna be canon so
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
does Nara canonically murdering him count? there r a lot of ppl who want to murder Fallane so I feel like this is an unfair question. Kai genuinely hates him for a large part of the story. ahaha Kai canonically kills him too jesus christ Fallane you’ve been killed three times you gotta chill. but I think Nara would be more likely to succeed than Kai so. the answer I pick is Nara. in a sarcastic way tho it’d be Mista, who is so done with his shit and she’s the type to say ‘im going to murder you’ when he like, puts his feet on the table or something
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
mystery? anything he can sarcastically criticize the plot of, tbh. maybe horror
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
if he’s a horror fan, then it’d be where any time someone says ‘dont do this’ the person does it and dies. I think he definitely dislikes the ‘aliens are always technological experts’ cliche like what if the explorers are anthropologists with no clue how their ship works?? did you ever think of that?? no you didn’t
Talents and/or Powers:
his main talent is sarcasm. he’s very gifted with picking up languages and accents, and he has a high appreciation for all forms of art. in the supernatural realm, he’s got a lot. he’s a natural low-level empath, and then he got powers on top of that, which made him nigh immortal, gave him rly cool wings, and magical charisma (which is like subconscious suggestion, except,, magic) which he mostly uses to convince people he’s paid for shit he
paid for. in the name of disabling capitalism, of course, and not because he just wants the pillow. then he’s also got some extradimensional abilities which are often interpreted as a kind of telekinesis but isn’t technically. and his empathic abilities get turned up to eleven until he can project so hard he can accidentally (or purposefully) kill someone
Why Someone Might Love Them:
if you’re about grey moralities, ambiguity, and anti-heroes, you’ll probably love Fallane. he’s also very protective, and a single dad of energetic twins so there’s no shortage of relatability, either. but I think a lot of his charm comes from his interactions with other characters, because he feels very strongly and brings many things other characters are afraid to say. there’s a weighty sense of honesty with him, and a real desire to do right by the world and help the downtrodden. he also struggles with trauma and mental illness and he’s really, really messed up but he
and sometimes he fails and I think people will find a surprising amount to identify with. Fallane is my ultimate walking contradiction, but I think it works.
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
I feel like he’s a character people would be just indifferent toward UNTIL people started being apologists and saying he does nothing wrong and then he’d be one of those characters that the fandom just splits on, as polarizing ends get increasingly more argumentative. he can be manipulative too and I think people might take issue with things like that, but I feel like most people who would actively hate him would be misinterpreting him. he’s not supposed to be a paragon of good morality
How They Change:
in the first few waves of this ‘verse Fallane was a definite villain, if a hero-aiding anti-villain. then I decided villains were overrated and now there’s no villains, just a complicated mess of varying degrees of grey morality. in canon, this is reflected. he goes from a certain ‘I can’t do anything substantial about it so I just won’t bother’ to someone who
on his desire to combat discrimination and abuse. he also gets his family back, and gains a little sister, and he’s constantly learning how to love (in every way) and how to
Why You Love Them:
he’s learning how to live. much of Fallane’s backstory (and his role-switch from anti-villain to anti-hero) came from when I got over being suicidal, so he’s sometimes a comfort character. ngl, I also love his aesthetic. I’m also a bit biased because he has ocd and I have ocd and that’s relatable too and it makes his aesthetic
relatable. he’s also incredibly emotional and that’s always an adventure to write. I really love Fallane guys.
also this ao3 tag is like the greatest descriptor of him:
Full Name: Eliza Fate
Gender and Sexuality:
female, bisexual
: She/Her
English. and she’s a vampire so uh yea
Birthplace and Birthdate:
England and uh….. like…. idk….. a long time ago
Guilty Pleasures:
both slow and fast jazz music. also she’s surprisingly good with children - I like to think that sometimes, she volunteers at daycare-like-places in the shadier parts of town where there’s too many kids and not enough workers and she just helps out these toddlers and teaches them to jazz dance, the way you teach little kids anything, which is hold them and pretend they’re following anything you’re saying
I don’t think she’s phobic of anything, but she’s afraid of losing her family. they’re very important to her and I think her deepest fear is that someday she’s going to wake up completely alone. she’s not afraid of any one person leaving (obviously she’d be upset), it’s just the idea that
could disappear
What They Would Be Famous For:
she’s kind of famous within the criminal underworld because she’s like a mob boss, and she’s mostly famous for having a very large family, and for being independent. she went almost two centuries without a right-hand man/woman/etc which, especially as a woman, was quite unique
What They Would Get Arrested For:
I mean she already murders ppl and runs a mafia so that
get her arrested, but if she ever got caught it’d probably be something like she murdered a child abuser or something really,
violently and not well-planned
OC You Ship Them With:
Itsuki, who’s her canon boyfriend, and Andrea, who’s her canon girlfriend. she’s poly and her relationships are usually open relationships, including with those two. I also ship her hardcore with Katsumi, although that’s a very different dynamic (1960s lots of drugs and alcohol and free sex and it’s about pushing each other further and further and not always healthy but they know that and it’s okay). I feel like Eliza would be really great for romance fanfic because you can go with many time periods!
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
Rin. boi Rin has wanted to murder her since he met her probably, he just hated her on principle and then Eliza went and decided she liked Itsuki so Rin hated that and
she started dating Katsumi too and so she’s in love with both his roommates and that pisses Rin off. it’s funny.
actually it’s often really depressing because they end up blaming each other for Katsumi’s death and just about everything else and I think Rin might actually wish she had never existed but
usually it’s a sarcastic ‘I would murder you right now Eliza I swear’
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
slice of life. I think she likes the variety and the normalcy of it all, and she usually thinks the couples are cute. her least favorite genre is probably mystery
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
love triangles. they’re way, way overdone. also they invalidate the possibility of poly or open relationships. on a less serious note, she hates any mystery story that ends with like ‘the detective was the culprit all along!’ there’s not really a reason why she hates that but. she does. I made her I make the rules
Talents and/or Powers:
powers: well, she’s a vampire. talents: charisma. she is very good at getting people to understand her viewpoint, when she puts her foot down on something, which is rare. she’s also good at dancing. and very good at sex too apparently. she’s good with children too! but only really smol ones, once they get above like 5 they’re usually assholes
Why Someone Might Love Them:
she’s strong, and independent, and I think she’s over all a good person. she doesn’t take shit from people, but she doesn’t assume that people
giving her shit. she’s quite easy-going, all-in-all. she’s also really loving to her family, and in many ways she fulfills feminine roles, but the way she does them and the way she thinks about them are empowering, I think
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
when Eliza was first conceptualized in mid high school, I was terrified that people would see her as bad representation because she’s not morally straight
I worried that making her bi and poly would make people angry. but I think I’ve mostly gotten past that? idk. but I definitely think people might dislike her for her constant relationships - she doesn’t do well if she doesn’t have at least one datemate, and people might see that as too dependent or needy. she sometimes comes across as needy, so there’s that. I think there’d definitely be Eliza Fate stans and Eliza Fate haters
How They Change:
you get to see her progression from the civil rights era to present day, and she does change a bit, but overall she’s one of the most stable characters in this ‘verse. she really learns to accept rejection, and since she adopts a literal child (Nayeli) into her family and doesn’t raise Nayeli with any expectations of her joining the Family, I think she learns to work with people during their formative adolescent years, too
Why You Love Them:
Eliza is a character from the second wave of this ‘verse, so she’s quite old to have changed so little. I also love how she can differ depending on the time, so her roles change depending on the context. her personality doesn’t really change between any of them, but she’s a very complex character (a side effect of having been in my head for at least 5 years) and you can actually
all her facets. also she’s a mob boss mom??? like that’s cool idk she’s super suave and i’m gay
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I'm so glad Kirishima is getting so much spotlight, he really deserves it!!!! And it looks like hes gonna get more, since hes in the main group along with Deku, Uraraka and Tsuyu. I;m so hyped!!!
Honestly!!!!!!!!!!! That’s one interesting group tbh, Kirishima and Tsuyu’s interactions are always incredibly adorable to watch and seeing Kirishima interact for so long with pure and good people is gonna be hard on my heart (I mean, you know I’m 100% a bakusquad fan but they’re all at least in part assholes and Kiri fits with them just right, he can be just like Sero and Kaminari and I love it, but then his interactions with Amajiki have been so pure can you imagine an arc filled with that I’m already crying)
I just hope my other faves won’t completely disappear through this arc haha sigh
Anon said: So which Kacchan quote do you like best "Die your bacteria fucks, dieee!" or "BRING YOUR DAMN TRASH TO ME"?
Anon said:there's a terushima week. thought i might tell you bc i miss you drawing him ;3; might wanna join? :3
Anon said:Terushima week is this next week! (@terushimaweek) Might we maaaybe see some cute lil bokuroterus sometime soon? ;)
As I’ve already said, sadly I’ve found out about this too late to be part of it - I’m not completely ruling out the possibility of doodling something one of the days, but I didn’t have the time to plan anything and I’m still in the middle of working things through with the bakushima week and bakugou’s birthday so I don’t know - they 19th is Teru’s birthday so maybe I’ll draw something for it, but it’s also a super busy day for me so it really depends on how soon I’ll be able to finish everything else I’m working on orz I’m sorry guys I seriously had no clue about this till, like, five days ago o
Anon said: What are your thoughts on KiriDeku b/c I'm not even that into it but as soon as I saw art I was like "OMFG I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING SO PURE CHOULD EVER EXIST!!!" My following thought was that'd you may have something interesting to say (as you always do, I luv it), so here I am 😁 Also, I love the blog, your amazing art, and you!! I truly appreciate all you do ❤️❤️
Awwww thank you!!! And I dunno, as things are now my opinion on a possible ship might change soon enough because it looks like their interactions amount is about to skyrocket, so anything I say right now is just a temporary answer? But generally I find their friendship incredibly adorable, though as of now I don’t think I can see anything romantic between the two... mostly because even though I’ve seen them being friendly and supportive of each other I don’t think I’ve ever seen them actually connect over anything that wasn’t Bakugou?? Being friendly and supportive is just how they both are with everyone, before I can say I ship them I’m gonna need something more singular to their relationship
I might be totally biased here considering where my main shipping lies, though haha
Anon said:HOSHIHINA!!!! YESSSSS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I think this is like.... my new OTP or well... a new OTP that I will gratefully put on the shelf next to all my other children in love!! oh yeah and THANK YOU for introducing me to both BNHA and d grey man! I'M IN LOVE!!! oH and YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!! KEEP IT UP!! I WILL GRATEFULLY SWALLOW UP ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU POST IT'S AMAZING!!! YOUR OC'S TOO!!! Have a nice day!!
So much!!! HYPE in this ask!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING anon I hope you’ll have the best day!!!!!! *O* And I’m SUPER GLAD you gave dgm and bnha a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Aww the kiss. I know you posted it the other day, but it wouldn't load on my tablet. They're so cute, those two. 💜✌
*lays down forever* they are aren’t they those pure idiots !!!!
Anon said:I'm laughing so hard. Literally everyone that read the new chapter was like expectation vs reality. I love my idiots. Also yas to HoshiHina
HoshiHina is an A+ ship with A+ potential and I think I’m being slowly but surely swallowed by it - then again, what Hinata ship don’t I ship even ??? the mysteries
Anon said:To answer you question on what cheese sticks are, they're this disgusting processed cheese stick, also known as string cheese, and it's p much what it is, cheese in the form of a small stick that you can pull apart into strings and eat like that! (as you may have noticed, I'm not a fan hah) ((I don't know if you know the artist mookie, but she made a comic about bokuto eating a cheesestick whole before)
Anon said: cheese sticks = string cheese? D: they are delicious i promise
I’m seeing conflicting reports here (lol) but yes this might be a problem for me only because as I said I’m Italian but what I’m failing to see here is what kind of cheese are these things supposed to be ???
Anon said:Are you into Kuroken?
Only as very good friends, I don’t ship it romantically at all
Anon said:I love your bakushimas, SO SO SO MUCH. God, and with the latest chapter, I just can't wait for more interactions with them. God, seeing as I think Kirishima was filmed by the people that were there, I want to see Bakugou's reaction to his new move.
This took me long enough to answer that we now know Baku’s reaction was total and utter envy at how popular Kiri is LMAO - but yeah I still think Baku already knew about Kiri’s new move! After all he most probably came up with it as they trained for the license exam and I can’t believe he wouldn’t test it against Bakugou to make sure he actually turns unbreakable? Also proud-of-himself Kiri yelling at the squad to check out his new move is too much of a good image I can’t let that one go hahaha
Anon said:I started following you for Haikyuu but started boku no hero academia in order to understand what your other drawings were so I thank you (and blame you) for getting me hooked on another anime and manga :)
I’m!!!!!! HAPPY you ended up liking it???!!!! *O*
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that you're my most fave artist here in tumblr istg i go to your page everyday just to go back at the fanart you drew if you didn't have any new, but when u have, my heart just swells and i fuss over it. God bless you because you opened my eyes for bakushimanari when i was just kiribaku back then.. God i love denki sfm right now bc of you, im sad bkk week is over though ahh and laven. Jfc i love your laven pls draw them more if u can 😘 i hope you'll have a great day!!
Don’t!!!! worry anon Laven has been my #1 otp since I was sixteen at this point it’s just not gonna leave me ever, I’ll definitely draw more of it in the future! And thank you??? so much?????? Oh man!!!!!
Anon said:Everyone in class 1-A: *trains as if they're gonna be in a battle royal and need to (literally) slaughter the competition* Competition: OBSTACLE RACE YAY
Well, the anime did change the training scenes a lot lol but LMAO anon they’re highschoolers what were you expecting hahahahaha it’s already savage enough as it is, I assure you lol
Anon said:Hi hello yes are you up for some angsty stuff because my brain turns even the sweetest moment to that, like what if kaminari saw bakushima's first kiss and he becomes so sad b/c he crushes on them both but he pretends not to and starts teasing 'em like a true bro while hiding his feelings and idk it's only if you want but yeah, how's your day been?
..........I would lie if I said I didn’t think about this while drawing that kiss R I P my multishipper heart is gonna kill me BUT IT’S OKAY I’m not one for unhappy endings so consider this - Denki sees them kiss, since he’s best bro and both Kirishima and Bakugou tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves he already knew this was gonna happen so he’s like, sad but resigned it hurts and he wishes he didn’t have to see it but he loves them both so much that he can’t help but being happy for how happy they are at the same time too (sure, being part of that happiness would be a dream coming true, but he’s used to never coming first he can deal with this hahahahaha r i p)
Meanwhile a bit after the kiss once Kiri is a hundred per cent sure Bakugou isn’t going to explode his head off if he mentions his very huge crush on Kaminari he does and Bakugou’s like, shit, it’s not like he’d mind it because Kaminari is, well, he’s Kaminari and Bakugou isn’t sure why but he’s comfortable to be around and easy to talk to and he’s stupidly pretty and like, yeah, okay, he might be into him too, maybe, he isn’t admitting anything here (not like he needs to, as stated already he’s pretty easy to read), but Kaminari’s also the no homo type of het so it’s not like they can do much about this threeway crush or whatever, and Kirishima’s like sure, I know, I just wanted to be open about this to avoid trouble, which is very sensible and will cut us on a lot of miscommunication angst this is getting out of hand let’s skip ahead I always forget how much fun I have writing this kind of bullshit
For however much Kaminari swore he could deal with it and how much he’s actually managing to deal with it he’s also the same brand of open book Baku and Kiri are and while it was easy to act like friends with no romantic feelings when everyone was doing the same, trying to hide from Bakugou and Kirishima while they’re openly in a relationship turns out to be more or less impossible, mostly because he can’t seem to avoid the longing stares and sad smiles and the I have to go I just remembered I have a thing to do bye’s when it becomes too much, and Kirishima might not be the brightest but he’s perfectly in tune with everyone’s feelings and Bakugou might stomp on people’s feelings more often than not but he is the brightest which means they notice and they’re like god fucking damn it - Bakugou in nature isn’t one to talk about problems until they burst out in fits of anger, but thank god he’s got Kirishima right there and they might not be 100% sure they got the reason for Kaminari’s weirdness right but they’re exasperated and they at least want their friend to stop being weird and avoiding them, they miss him (and Kaminari seriously misses them too he feels so stupid for how big of a deal he’s turning this into) SO they corner him and talk it out cause I’m a slut for open and honest communication and Kaminari straight out starts crying from happiness and relief before they’re even done talking and Kirishima starts crying right after him because sympathetic crier supreme and Bakugou’s like you know what I changed my mind fuck both of you emotional disasters I’m out
(spoiler he isn’t really)
#fran answers#SO MANY WORDS IN THIS ONE R I P#i got carried away on that last one s o r r y#instead of working on the fills gdi fran stop procrastinating#anonymous
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i love them i have more art of them….
#art#artists on tumblr#artwork#fanart#character art#lgbtq#my ocs#fandoms#can i pretend they r from something so people will actually like my oc art#lgbtq oc#oc artist#oc artwork#oc art#gay mlm#mlm ocs#my gay characters that i love so much#<3#lgbtq characters#lgbtqia
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the noragami writers’ chat according to the creator
Okay, so you have probably seen other accounts summarize our lovely chat before. And if you’re curious to know who started the whole thing, it was me! And in the six months the chat has been up, I have seen so many personalities come together. Now, I will summarize each member how I see them everyday.
@kurisuumakise - Has a cookie jar we are not allowed to touch, writes angst that kills us all, is the English major student you go to for tutorial, says she’s the saving voice of the chat but really edges us on, will make a power point out of you, has the longest iTunes and manga list I have ever seen in my entire life, cannot call her unnie, and has four hour long art streams.
@yatorihell - (Fake Brit) Drunk aunt, also a grandma, loves Game of Thrones, models her fics after said show, eyebrows be on fleek, has a liver made of steel, will drop a class is she learns only the basics, writes angst when fluff is demanded, is the only person who would kill over ten people in a fic, have to spray with water daily, makes dark deals with pip, and will call you babe or nerd.
@paperypiper - (Munchkin, Smol, Pip, Pippo, Pipper, Pippin) Smol human being, loves cats, has a wicked art talent, can connect with you over any musical or book, or show, gets hella sassy, has actually dragged my ass more than once, is the one who looks into the camera, or screams no, makes. all. her. snaps. three. seconds. long, will stay up till five am but yell at you if you do as well, and has the cutest voice ever.
@eerna - VERY PRETTY AND CUTE, gets excited over smol and meaningful things, is cute when excited, DRAWS SO HELLA WELL LIKE GIVE ME YOUR TALENT, is the savior of the chat, the responsible sister who gives you health facts when you’re about to do wrong, writes really well too, is so created like pls, lives in a place we like to assume is not real, and is open to share new ideas.
@skyheaven1231 - Rose trauma, still can’t believe I have to put a trigger warning on that, literally will disappear for weeks but somehow summon the second her art and name are mentioned, has this v soothing accent, DREW A COVER FOR MY FIC AND THANK YOU, you could honestly tell her any idea you have and she will love it, is the older sister you can go to for anything, and is the sweetest person I know when not writing angst.
@skadventuretime - Hey mom, is legit the mom of the group, she is not in often, so we’re actually partying in her absence, but when she appears the whole chat acts like angels, has written character death before, we act like angels but she writes angst frequently, is the inspiration to us all, if she saw what we all did for a living... we would be grounded, and she’s a hard working grad school student.
@hiyoris-scarf - Writing senpai, likes to pretend that fanny packs are not fanny packs, has a habit of pulling apples outta nowhere, is high on alcohol life, sends videos of her cat, IS SO FUCKING PRETTY GOSH, went to Europe and came back a different person, is the definition of tumblr aesthetic, is extremely bad at lying over message, has had experiences in airplanes and writes smut for a living.
@moonemi - LITTLE SISTER, is honestly so BEAUTIFUL, the cutest person ever, is the definition of relationship goals, has a lotta knowledge in Korean dramas and music, has a v cute drawing style, cares so much about others, has the cutest British accent ever, how many times can I say cute in a sentence, cusses when v serious, is very aesthetic wth teach me, and is the first person I will visit outta the country.
@shadownightes - SASSY DAUGHTER, is the kindest person ever, drew a picture of my OC and I wanna lay down, will text during class, is there when you need her to be, honestly also lives in a place that is not real, draws the good stuff, is the biggest OC fan I have ever met in my entire life, is so precious, takes care of her mama, and knows what goods to send.
@dr-gothtastic - (Inku) Angst Queen, your local Kazubisha nerd, makes the best edits ever, can catch her playing video games for hours, will one day come to NYC with me, FELLOW KPOP FAN LIKE HELLO, tells the best stories in the whole universe, the person who has a nerd party that is fucking wild, has a beautiful laugh, literally is the cousin who knows how to party in the best ways, and will always give advice,
@bishoujohiyo - Your friendly neighborhood nurse, looks like an actress, wil fucking diagnose you if you mention you have cold, tells you all the things you should be eating... but you don’t have them, has the best typos in the world, will come up with the most unique insults, is the concerned mother for all of us youngions, knows how to calm someone down, and I would be hella sick without her.
@wolfisyatotrash - RP buddy, took two months just to join the damn chat, is the voice of reason for most of our actions, awoo, is up at 12 am when she has school the next morning, is literally the most indecisive person in the chat, screams with me over random aus, literally is the manga page finder, finds everything before everyone else, says she can’t draw but can, and we just celebrated our one year anniversary for being friends.
@themusicalbookworm - (Geo, National Giographic) BEST SINGER EVER, is honestly the nicest person in the world, will meet up with me soon, writes the best and most angsty songs, can talk to you on just about anything, will write a song just for kicks in an au, gets my Florida problems, is also the mom of the group, comes up with the best ideas ever, and is like E V E R Y T H I N G.
@omnismith - Local kazubisha fan, swoons at many things, fact checks everything, looks up the meanings of Adachitoka detail, comes up the best headcanons and imagines for Noragami, also says some painful things about kazubisha, slowly became corrupted by the chat, judges the chat when she’s on, and is honestly the nicest person ever.
@godinatracksuit - WIFEY, likes to go on walks, takes pictures of her dogs and nature, is very outdoors-y aesthetic, will literally send me a box of potatoes one day, judges the beaches in Florida, HAS THE BEST AND CUTEST AU EVER, can also sing like multi-talented, has to make us all coffee one day, first started out in the kazubisha chat and the moved over, and we have corrupted her.
@carrotcouple - My go to sleep alarm clock, is up when I go to bed, has to go through 1000 messages each morning, also looks up details about Noragami, is also a big KPOP fan, writes a fic that was translated into Chinese, likes to kinkshame me on the daily, kinkshames everyone on the daily tbh, inspired a new fic series of mine, and is a part of the Kdrama group.
@yes-campaign - WROTE ME THIS LONG ESSAY ON WHY I MATTERED AND HONESTLY SHE DESERVES A FUCKING GOLD STAR TYVM, sassy daughter, literally sasses everyone, you will probably think she is from England, can probably give you a detailed report on how to do something the simple way, is the youngest one in the group, and she acts nineteen.
@sunflower-yukine - My son, he was so innocent, now he is nothing except bees and shrek, sends me daily snaps and I am v thankful, is the only boy in the chat, likes to torture us all with memes, is the best friend nobody can control, knows how to get under everyone’s skin with memes, teams up with the meme team to attack us, and is honestly the funniest person to be around.
@rest-in-bees - Talks to me on the daily, has literally been taken over by memes, made a shrek cake, is the voice of reason when I am down in the dumps, loves listening about aus, I get to see her very soon, is so funny that it hurts, has a lot of childhood shows that she needs to watch, IS THE VOICE BEHIND THE RELATIONSHIP OF MY OC, and helps me out with Tinder.
@kiun & @blessedburial - NEWBIES, i have yet to really experience their full extent, caring children, also tell me to go to sleep or lay down, slowly are becoming corrupted from the chat, salty savages and I love them so much, still adjusting to Cat writing angst, and me killing characters, newest additions, and they fit in perfectly!
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i can’t stop drawing them this is unhealthy
#art#artists on tumblr#artwork#fanart#character art#lgbtq#<3#my ocs#oc artwork#mlm ocs#can i pretend they r from something so people will actually like my oc art#lgbtq oc#oc#oc art#oc artist#ocs#queer artist#my characters#my original characters#my original art#my original oc#i love my characters
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tour time!
#art#artists on tumblr#artwork#fanart#character art#lgbtq#<3#my ocs#oc artwork#oc art#i love my ocs#can i pretend they r from something so people will actually like my oc art#i want people to enjoy my ocs as much as i do!#lgbtq oc#mlm ocs#oc#oc artist#ocs#female oc#music oc#band oc
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