#can counting machines detect fake money
anbuselvi1 · 2 years
How to Detect False Brand-Name Devices Sold Online
How to Detect False Brand-Name Devices Sold Online
How to Detect False Brand-Name Devices Sold Online Whether you are withinside the marketplace for gear for yourself, or to provide to others as gifts, you are likely preserving a watch out for income and unique gives-mainly over the following week or so. But unfortunately, now no longer all gear bought online are what they are saying they are. According to Tom Scalisi in an editorial for…
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mad-maximoff · 4 months
𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝟐
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Warnings: Language, Forceable touching
Word Count: 3,914
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Why in the sam hell does it have to rain? Every goddamn time I go out on a nightly investigation it piss pours. The lower east side down poured more than the upper east. Everything bad that can happen happens here 10 times worse.
I had the shittest sleep on top of this rain. My sleep schedule is fucked up with these stakeouts. I have to find her. This Cherry. A common fake name for any hooker. Cherry's are normally perceived as red, delicious and sweet. So trying to find a redhead or any broad in red lipstick is like finding a needle in a haystack. I changed out of my usual 'detective' clothes to something casual. Jeans and shirt. Nothing fancy. The night was young. If I was to find Cherry I will have to get my ass in gear. I grabbed a coffee before my search. Using the deceased phone, I kept calling Cherry's number. Either left on voicemail or when I would open my mouth to speak she'd hang up. Probably a safety precaution, if a John or pimp gets ahold of their phones. Though as a man looking for information, it's getting pretty damn tiring.
"Fuck! Goddamnit!" Straight to voicemail again. I slammed my foot into a newspaper vending machine. It backfired immediately as it jolted up my toe to my thigh. I cussed worst almost causing a scene.
"Poor baby. You want me to help you ease that pain?" A crap-dyed blonde heavier than me beckoned me over. She was dark as midnight, maybe if her hair did not look like skunk she'd be not too bad to look at. Hot pink lipstick and blood red fishnet bodysuit. Covering only the essentials thank god. "No sweetheart, I'm okay. You know what? Do you know anyone named Cherry around here?"
"Darlin' I know a whole lotta of Cherry's! Need to be more specific. Asian? Black? Puerto Rican? White? You Latinos always like the paler ones huh?"
"Haha! Not looking for anything like that. I suppose I do. She hung out with a girl named Rose. Rose wanted me to return something to her."
"Oh! You mean that Cherry! The motha-fuckin' FT! Haha! You can try to return her shit but she will not return the favour, honey. Try Pianos. She and Scarjo like the live entertainment." Scarjo? I've heard that name somewhere. Have I picked her up before? Must have. I reached into my overcoat pocket to pull out a crisp 20-dollar bill and handed it to the blonde. "Here, I might as well give you something for taking up your time and business. Thank you."
"Oh shit! Anytime honey, if you need anything else ask for Miss Elsa!" Her voice trailed on as I hopped back into my car. "Thank you!" My tires squealed as I sped off down 4 blocks west.
·:*¨༺ ♱ ☠︎ ♱ ༻¨*:·.
Pianos was a ghost town. Not a soul in sight. I was wondering if Miss Elsa's advice wasn't worth the 20. I sat at the barstool near the exit to examine anyone who left or came in. No one I recognized. No one I knew named ScarJo. However, that name resonated with me somehow.
I joined the police academy like every lower-class Guatemalan boy from the Bronx. For the stupid reason. The wrong reason. To make this city a better place. You come to realize after a few too many bad crime scenes you cannot do anything to help New York. Some of the shit I saw would turn any man's stomach, but hey, the pay is good and when I retire I'm set for life. I hate to shit-talk any of my fellow officers but I'll tell you this. All I'm spending my money on is bills and booze. Not pushing it up my nose or swinging my dick around to every pair of tits I see. No, no. I see more corruption in the force than out of it. At least the gangbangers and hookers have standards and couth. None of these jackoffs do. It's tiring being the 'good' cop, even more as a 'good'  detective.
I got a scotch from the bartender focusing only on the contents in my glass swirl around. Every circle, every turning the liquid would go. Until my hand stopped its motion, throwing it back. Pianos was starting to become more alive. Different people piled in. No one would fit the bill of an ordinary 'hooker', though, with the golden age of the internet and Onlyfan-like sites popping up everywhere, one can never judge a book by its cover. I tried to ring up Cherry's number again. To see if I would hear a ring in the club.
*Mailbox Full*
"Fuck!... Hey, get me another!" I slammed the phone down to raise my empty glass. As I shook the empty crystal glass to the light something caught my eye. Not a thing but more or less someone. She looked as if she jumped right out of the pages of a Tank Girl comic strip I used to read as a teen. Gothic, tiny frame, in a short black dress. Her dress had a skeleton's body printed on, and under was a pair of fishnet garters creeping up her thighs. What caught my eye to most was her hair. It was black with thick chunky white highlights. It wasn't badly done, it looked professionally done. She looked soft. Her hair I mean. Her face was young but young in the sense I had to urge to ask for her ID. It reminded me of how I used to look before I became a cop. Painted on under the heavy eyeliner and bold black lips. Hope.
I got up from my stool to follow a distance from her. Something told me I had to. The tiny strides she took with her platformed boots were soft on the floor. Her body cascaded around the club floor leaving behind only the scent of cherries. Wait! Cherries! That's it! She's the girl! The girl stopped at the front of the stage giving pleasantries to people from her left to her right. An announcer ran out onto stage introducing himself and attempting to get the crowd riled up.
"Ladies & Gentlemen! Without further ado! Please put your hands together for ScarJo!" My ears perked hearing the name. The gothic cutie cheered as the song played. I pictured a drag queen named ScarJo. Perhaps a gal I picked up in Greenwich. They all picked the same damn song. 'You Don't Own Me' By Lesley Gore. However, this was the much newer version with some rappers I do not know. Out came a striking familiar face. Caramel auburn hair suited her nicely. Especially in latex knee-high boots and fishnet garters.
"You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys. You don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys..." She lip-synced the song along as she bent down over a chair. Scarlett Johansson. I remember now. She was an undercover cop when I was still a metre-maid. Until she got too deep into the prostitute game. It swallowed her whole. Word on the street is she quit hooking entirely. Or so what the rumour detailed. If that was true, then what else would she be doing here? Not prancing around in latex in front of crowds. Her body levitated over the seat of the chair as her arms folded on each other. Her lips mouthed the words like any other performance, with cheap red lipstick.
"I don't tell you what to do, So just let me be myself...That's all I ask of you!"
She fell to her knees landing on the stage floor. Her upper body dipped as her lower half bucked in the air. The goth cheered more loudly than any other audience member in the crowd. Scarlett's eyes locked with the dark-haired girl. A cheeky smile swept across her face as she sprung her body onto her back. Hips arched in the air in her monstrous heels.
"I'm young and I love to be young! I'm free and I love to be free! To live my life the way I want, to say and do whatever I please!" The song finished out with Scarlett's leg swinging open in a 'V' shape. The crowd erupted in praise. The woman I was searching for jumped in her tall boots, clapping over her head.
"Dude! That was fucking amazing! I told Scar that song would be a killer!" She turned around shaking a girl's shoulders amid the crowd. Her voice wasn't something I pictured in my mind. Strangely, I pictured her voice to be soft and sweet. Her voice was monotone, more throaty. Raspy. I followed behind her growing in distance. Her feet halted at the bar. She rotated her boots around, looking at me from top to bottom. "Sorry baby, I'm off tonight. If you wanted to follow me around you should have done that last night." She laughed leaning her arm over on the bar.
"No, that's not why I'm following you, Cherry."
"Hmph...who are you?" She asked.
"I am Detective Oscar Isaac. I hate to spoil your night but I believe your friend Rose is the 19th victim of the Smiley Face Killer. I wanted to ask you some questions in private." I wanted to play it cool to not allow her to cause a scene. Her jaw cracked open. Her heavy black eyes pointed down at the floor. "Oh god...are you sure? Maybe you got her confused with another girl?!" Cherry's voice shook. "No, I'm so sorry. We retrieved her phone and your phone number was on her phone. You are a hard woman to get ahold of."
"Ha...if I had a nickel...well what would you like to know?"
"Well, do you know where Rose was last night? I hate to be frank with you but they think she passed around 1 am or 3 am."
"R-Rose was here for a bit. She left saying she was heading to The Core. She was meeting someone outside there."
"A John you mean? Inside the Core or outside?"
"Pfft! Yeah, a John. Outside of Core? No. Cate never liked Ro. She had to meet outside"
"Did Rose say who he was? Anything distinct about him?"
"Nope. She didn't say a thing. She was her usual bubbly self." She leaned her back against the bar counter folding her arms roughly into her chest. She tilted her head to hide her tears to probably not mess up her face. "Rose said she loved us and left."
"What about yourself? Were you here all night?"
"Um...yes and no. I was here watching a local metal band with Scar then I had an online client to attend to."
"Where did you go with this um...online client?"
"Russian Tea Room. Funnily enough, I got bought for dinner and conversation these days, no fucking required officer. You can see the app and the texts back and forth." She whipped out her phone with the bright screen saver illuminating her face flipping the screen to me.
"N-no need just needed to write it down. Hey, if you need anything. I mean if you feel unsafe or something feels odd with a client please do not hesitate to call me Cherry." I handed her one of my cards. Her pale fingers were small grasping the card and flipping it front to back. Gleaming her jet-black nail polish
"Sure. Thank you, Detective."
              ·:*¨༺ ♱ ☠︎ ♱ ༻¨*:·.
I left Pinaos with no intention of being out any more than I had to. I stopped at the curb before hopping into my car, and lighting a cigarette. I had two measly drinks, nothing that would bring my BAC to a DUI-level charge. I know my limits. I'll drink more when I'm more comfortable at home.
"Hey! Hot stuff! You know that's bad for you!" Another raspy-voiced woman yelled out from behind. I turned exhaling a puff of smoke. It was Scarjo.
"Pendejo! You're one to talk Johansson!" Her leather boots clicked along the concrete. "Fuck, no one's called me that in a long time Officer Issac."
"Detective, Scarlett."
"Oh excuse me Mr. Big-shot. What? I left the force and they upgraded you up to your big boy panties or what?" Scarlett exhaled another puff of smoke directly in my face. Her cheap red lipstick left a stain on the tan end of her cigarette.
"No Scarlett. Pedro and I both got promoted at the same time Detective Bling and Wilson got gunned down." I pulled the collar of my coat over my neck. The cold breeze downtown was sharp. I could not imagine what Scarlett was feeling in the fishnets. "That's a shame. I saw that on TV. Did I see you talking to my girl Cherry just now?" Scarlett flicked the butt of her cigarette into the street.  
"Oh, your girl now? Are you two a thing or are you her handler?" I inhaled my last puff before the smoke shot out of me, coughing up a lung. Scarlett cackled, with a mixture of cigarettes and a hint of vodka escaping her breath. "Are you asking if I'm Cherry's pimp?! Hell no! And I'm not dating her either. She's just a girl I met when I first went undercover 4 years ago. She just turned 14 and I held her under my wing. Just in case things got dangerous."
"14!? Cherry was 14 when she started?!"
"I dunno. I met her when she was 14. It didn't mean she started this life at that time."
"Jesus H Christ..."
"Yeah I know, thank god they call her an FT." Scarlett swayed her hair over her shoulder, adjusting her fur coat. I turned with a puzzled thought and the same expression. "About that, what the hell is an FT? Another girl called her the same thing."
"Oh shit, sorry. I'm so used to so many people knowing the lingo I keep forgetting about everyone else. Cherry is an FT, which in layman's terms just means Fucking Tease. She doesn't put out. Meaning she doesn't actually fuck. When she was younger she'd get paid to do strip shows. Men would pay to see her strip but not to be caught with actually fucking a minor. She was the gateway drug for most businessmen. Nowadays, those same businessmen have created a platonic repertoire with her. They pay for her championship, not for sex."
"So she's not a hooker but more or less an escort?"
"Basically at this point, Isaac. But, since she hangs around hookers for so long, she got labelled as one. But, you didn't ask my question, why were asking her questions?" Scarlett followed me as I trotted closer to my car. "A girl she knew was found dead this morning. Her name and number were in the deceased phone."
"Awe shit, you think Smiley Face did it?"
"Pedro and I think so. You hear of Smiley often?"
"Mostly ghost stories. Cate Blanchett is the only one who has seen Smiley and walked out alive. She owns the Core. But, for the love of god, don't bring up you're a cop and don't look at her face too long. I learned my lesson while I was undercover." She lifted her fishnet top to see a C-curved scar across her torso. "She loves Cherry though. Wants her to work for her. But she's not the only one who wants Cherry." 
"It seems you have pissed off the infamous Cate Blanchett. She's a stone-cold bitch."
"Well, yes, but once she lets you in she's a nice woman. The one woman you have to look out for is Mama Ciccone. She's a real scary pimp. She turns out girls and profits millions. She's a cold-hearted bitch from hell. She runs girls from Wall Street to the red light district. She wants Cherry. Not to turn out, but wants Cherry all the herself."
"I heard of Mama Ciccone, I swore I read she was dead."
"Evil doesn't die Oscar. It just finds better ways to hide."
"Good to know, you take care of yourself Scar. And watch Cherry too." I unlocked my driver's side sliding into the seat.
"You know I will, bye Detective."
·:*¨༺ ♱ ☠︎ ♱ ༻¨*:·.
*Cherry's Pov*
Rose is dead. I could not believe it. She was so young. She just started in this game. Not even a week. How is this possible? I suppose it wasn't meant to be.
Rose and I always texted our locations and schedules just in case. I knew tonight she had to be somewhere I enjoyed and loathed the most. The world thought this place was closed in the 80s due to the AIDs epidemic, but the owner held on underground waiting to reopen after Covid. Plato's Retreat. It used to be the biggest swinger joint in New York in the 70s, but, as of late it's basically a bath house. People still swing yes but it's mostly girls like me with men in saunas. I personally don't like Plato's due to too many grabby men not knowing my limits.
Plato's was busier than the last time I weaselled in. Though, I think the last time I was here I could not legally get a driver's license. Only a damn permit if I wanted. Hell, it's New York. You're pretentious if you think you could get around in New York driving. Though, maybe getting my license could get me out of New York. Not forever, just to visit. I have never left the city in my 18 years.
This was Rose's most popular spot. She'd walk around in a lacey white bikini acting younger than she was. It was cheap, and that's a lot coming from 'someone' like me. I've seen what men do when they find out how old you really are, it's strange to be the age you lied you were. I almost feel like an old model. Ready to be put out to pasture.
There are a few rules in Plato's, all a very standard of any establishment such as this. Some however have changed due to the digital age, but one rule remained. Everyone must be either partially or fully nude. I chose partial in black swim bottoms. I hate to say in my line of work that I am some kind of germaphobe but it's easy to catch something if the workers do not fulfill their duties properly. Working at night isn't my only life. It's just my job. I started in the public saunas. Mostly, liver-spotted old men rosey in the face. Big and jolly. Except the jolly part is what it's in the wallets. Most out of breath just sitting down. I can just jiggle my tits and these men will bust. None were steering my way. Too busy conversing over the stock market. Something I love to eavesdrop on. I'd love to have some extra cash to throw into the stock market just to see if I get more or lose it all. It's basically the wealthy version of a casino.
"Hmm...seems to me these gentlemen aren't paying you mind huh, Cherry?" I shuddered at the voice that broke through my concentration. It was hers. A woman I have been hiding from for years. Always around every dark corner. Waiting for me to be alone or to be away from Scarlett. Mama Ciccone. I figured she'd be here in this neck of the woods, it's her turf. She highrolls with the big boys. Pimps more like. Grown men still act like little boys with guns. She's a real terror.
"Maybe because you showed up." I cocked my head to see Ciccone. The last time I saw her she had burnt orange hair, now she's gone back to her roots. Back to her platinum blonde. Breaking Plato's rules completely. Wearing a forest green suit and her stable gloves. In the 5 years I have run into Ciccone, not once have I seen her hands uncovered. She was older maybe late 50s or early 60s. All the work she's gotten done to her face and body you would think there would be a procedure for hands. Shows her true age under the botox.
"Oh now, now Cher. I hate to watch you milk these duds. Why don't you come and party in our private lounge? You can make easy cash." Ciccone leaned her arm, brushing my back.
"I don't think so. I'm just picking up...the slack...Rose was s-supposed to be here tonight." I got up fixing my hair to cover my chest. Feeling her eyes stare me down.
"Oh, you mean the same Rose chopped up by Smiley? Sorry to be blunt darlin' but that's what happens to cute girls all alone." She rose following behind me. I choked pretending to cough. I could not believe how heartless her attitude was. "How'd you know?" I pivoted my heels back to see her face-to-face. For all the rumours I've heard about the infamous Mama Ciccone, I imagined she'd be taller. Funny to think we were the same height. She doesn't seem as scary up close.
"Darlin' have ears everywhere. Even some ears with badges. Listen, my ears tell me you're still an FT. After what? 4-5 years?! Ha! I've never in my 40 years of work heard of a virgin hooker! Or has it changed? Has my little Cherry popped?" She leaned in hooking her clothed hands to my sides. I pulled away in disgust. "Not interested. I know you must be pissed I'm still quote on quote a 'fucking tease'. " She snickered at my remark as if I was telling a joke. Did I fucking stutter? I don't think so. "No honey, not pissed. Intrigued would be the word. See, I pick up so many girls a week and most of them are not like you."
"What? Worn out? Been around the block? I hate to tell you this Ciccone, but it's 2024. Most girls my age have a handful of exes under their belt." I turned down a corner to a barely lit hallway. It leads to the changing rooms. Don't get me started on the filth there. Wearing flip-flops in those showers would not save you. Ciccone's hand reached from behind to my arm yanking me against a wall. "And that's why I want you. I don't want you as one of my girls. I want you. All to myself." Her small frame pressed against my body. Her suit burned my bare skin. The expensive silk or the peachy musk of her perfume. It made my head throb. Her hand left my arm, dropping lower to caress my hip bone. "Come on Cherry, sweet young thing needs someone like me. Someone who can protect you and love you." I was too busy watching Mama Ciccone's facial expressions to feel where her hands were. Ex-girls who made it out alive working for Ciccone said to always watch her face. Sometimes the botox doesn't always hide true emotions.
"Sweet of you to think that but I'm not a gal that needs protecting-..." I gasped sucking air through my teeth. I should have watched her hands more than her face. Not knowing she slipped her lace hand under my bikini bottoms. "Real love...right? Yeah...yeah...love."
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How does a note counting machine improve business efficiency
A note counting machine significantly enhances business efficiency through several key advantages:
Time Savings
Note counting machines operate at a much faster pace than manual counting, capable of processing large volumes of cash in just seconds. This speed allows businesses to streamline cash handling processes, particularly during busy hours or at the end of shifts, reducing the time spent on cash management tasks.
Improved Accuracy
These machines provide a high level of accuracy, minimizing the risk of human error that can occur during manual counting. They can accurately differentiate between denominations and even count old or damaged notes that may stick together. This reliability ensures that businesses maintain correct financial records and reduces discrepancies.
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User-Friendly Operation
Most note counting machines feature automatic start and stop functions, making them easy to operate. Users simply insert the notes, and the machine takes care of the rest. This ease of use helps staff focus on other important tasks, further enhancing productivity.
Convenience and Portability
Many modern note counting machines are designed to be portable and battery-operated, allowing for flexible use in various locations within a business. This convenience enables cashiers to quickly count money where it is most needed, without being tethered to a power source.
Smart Features
Advanced note counting machines come equipped with intelligent features, such as self-diagnostics and counterfeit detection. These capabilities ensure that the machine alerts users to any operational issues or the presence of fake notes, safeguarding the business from potential losses and enhancing overall security.
By integrating a note counting machine into their operations, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and security in cash management. This investment not only saves time but also helps in maintaining a reliable cash flow and financial integrity.
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vmscareaid · 1 month
7 Essential Insights About Money Counting Machines
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In today's fast-paced financial environments, efficiency and accuracy in handling cash are paramount. Businesses, whether large or small, rely on advanced tools to streamline operations, and a money counting machine is one such indispensable device. This article will delve into the key aspects of money counting machines, highlighting why they are crucial for businesses and how to choose the right one.
1. The Evolution of Money Counters
Money counters have come a long way from the simple mechanical devices of the past. Modern machines are equipped with advanced technologies, allowing them to handle large volumes of cash quickly and accurately. Today’s machines not only count notes but also detect counterfeit currency, making them essential tools in the retail and banking sectors. With the rise of digital transactions, the need for cash handling might seem reduced, but cash is still king in many parts of the world, making money counting machines relevant even today.
2. Types of Money Counting Machines
There are several types of money counting machines, each designed to meet different needs.
Basic Currency Counting Machines: These are straightforward devices that count the number of notes passed through them. They are ideal for businesses with a low risk of counterfeit currency and where speed is more important than accuracy.
Mix Value Counters: These advanced machines can count mixed denominations and calculate the total value of the notes. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that handle large amounts of cash in various denominations, ensuring that they don’t just count notes but also know their exact value.
Note Counting Machines with Counterfeit Detection: These machines not only count money but also check for counterfeit notes using UV, magnetic, or infrared technology. This is crucial for businesses in high-risk areas where counterfeit currency is more prevalent.
3. Why Businesses Need Currency Counting Machines
For any business handling cash transactions, time is money. Manually counting notes is not only time-consuming but also prone to human error. A money counting machine automates this process, significantly reducing the time spent on counting cash and minimizing errors. Moreover, the counterfeit detection feature in many machines ensures that businesses do not lose money by accepting fake notes.
4. Key Features to Look For
When choosing a money counting machine, there are several features to consider:
Counting Speed: Depending on the volume of cash handled daily, businesses should look for machines with varying counting speeds. High-speed machines are suitable for larger businesses, while smaller businesses may opt for slower, more affordable models.
Counterfeit Detection: As mentioned, this feature is crucial for businesses in areas where counterfeit currency is common. Ensure the machine uses multiple detection methods for the highest accuracy.
Hopper Capacity: This refers to the number of notes the machine can hold at once. Larger hoppers are better for businesses that need to count large amounts of cash quickly.
Noise Level: Some machines can be quite noisy, which can be a distraction in quieter office environments. Consider a machine with a lower noise output if this is a concern.
Portability: For businesses that require flexibility, portable money counting machines are available. These are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for use at multiple locations.
5. The Cost Factor: What to Expect
The price of money counting machines varies significantly based on their features. Basic models can be quite affordable, but as you add more advanced features like counterfeit detection and mix value counting, the price increases. It's important to balance your budget with your needs, as investing in a more expensive machine can save you money in the long run by preventing losses from counterfeit notes and improving efficiency.
6. Maintenance and Durability
Money counting machines are robust devices, but like any equipment, they require regular maintenance to ensure longevity. Regular cleaning and calibration will keep your machine running smoothly and accurately. It's also wise to invest in a machine from a reputable brand that offers a good warranty and customer support.
7. Real-World Applications
In the retail sector, where cash transactions are frequent, a currency counting machine can save significant time during cash register closeouts. For banks and financial institutions, mix value counters ensure that large volumes of cash are processed accurately. Even small businesses can benefit, as these machines reduce the likelihood of errors and the labor costs associated with manual counting.
Conclusion Investing in a money counting machine is a smart move for any business that handles cash. With features like counterfeit detection, mix value counting, and high-speed processing, these machines streamline cash handling, improve accuracy, and protect your business from losses. Whether you run a small retail shop or a large financial institution, there's a currency counting machine tailored to your needs. By choosing the right machine, you can enhance efficiency and ensure the smooth operation of your cash-handling processes.
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media-geneous1 · 2 months
Will youtube penalize me for buying youtube subscribers?
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Will YouTube Penalize Me for Buying YouTube Subscribers?
Buying YouTube subscribers might seem like a quick way to boost your channel’s visibility. However, it can have serious consequences, including penalties from YouTube. Let's explore why this practice is risky and what you can do instead to grow your channel organically.
YouTube's Policy on Fake Engagement
YouTube has strict policies against fake engagement, which includes buying subscribers, likes, or views. According to YouTube’s Community Guidelines, any attempt to artificially inflate engagement metrics is prohibited. This policy aims to ensure fair play and maintain the platform's integrity.
When YouTube detects suspicious activity, such as a sudden spike in subscribers, it can take various actions. These include removing the fake subscribers, reducing the channel's visibility, or even terminating the channel. Thus, buying subscribers not only wastes money but also puts your channel at risk of being penalized.
How YouTube Detects Fake Subscribers
YouTube employs sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to detect fake subscribers. These systems analyze patterns that are common with purchased subscribers, such as irregular engagement rates or sudden, large increases in subscriber count. Once detected, YouTube may remove these subscribers, affecting your overall channel growth and credibility.
The Risks of Buying Subscribers
Channel Termination: YouTube can terminate your channel if you are found violating their policies repeatedly. Losing your channel means losing all your content and the community you've built over time.
Damage to Reputation: Viewers are savvy and can often detect when a channel has fake subscribers. This can damage your reputation and trustworthiness, making it harder to build a genuine audience.
Ineffective Growth: Fake subscribers do not engage with your content, meaning your view counts, watch time, and interaction rates won't improve. YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes engagement, so having inactive subscribers can hurt your channel’s growth.
Alternatives to Buying Subscribers
Instead of buying subscribers, focus on growing your channel organically. This approach is more sustainable and aligns with YouTube's policies.
High-Quality Content: The most effective way to attract and retain subscribers is by creating high-quality, engaging content. Make sure your videos are well-produced, informative, and entertaining.
SEO Optimization: Optimize your videos for search engines by using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. This can help your videos appear in search results, increasing visibility.
Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create content based on viewer interests. This fosters a community around your channel, encouraging more organic growth.
Collaborations: Partnering with other YouTubers can expose your channel to a wider audience. Choose collaborators whose content complements yours for the best results.
Trustworthy Services for Organic Growth
If you're looking for external help to grow your channel, consider using services that focus on organic growth strategies. Here are some reputable options:
MediaGeneous: MediaGeneous offers comprehensive services that focus on organic growth, including SEO optimization, content strategy, and audience engagement. They provide tailored solutions that comply with YouTube’s guidelines, ensuring your channel grows safely and effectively.
Social Blade: Known for its analytics tools, Social Blade provides insights into your channel's performance, helping you understand your growth trends and areas for improvement.
VidIQ: VidIQ offers tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, and video optimization. These features help in enhancing your content's visibility and engagement.
TubeBuddy: TubeBuddy provides a suite of tools for video SEO, thumbnail creation, and A/B testing, all designed to boost your channel's performance.
Sprizzy: Sprizzy helps promote your videos to a targeted audience through YouTube ads, increasing your visibility and subscriber count organically.
Buying YouTube subscribers may offer a quick fix, but it's fraught with risks that can harm your channel in the long run. YouTube's policies are strict, and penalties for fake engagement are severe. Instead, focus on building a genuine audience through quality content and ethical strategies. Services like MediaGeneous can assist in growing your channel organically, ensuring sustainable and authentic growth. Prioritize long-term success by adhering to best practices and YouTube’s guidelines.
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Top Benefits of Using a Currency Counting Machine with Fake Note Detector
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1. Enhanced Accuracy
Counting large sums of money manually can lead to mistakes, especially when done under pressure. A currency counting machine ensures precision by accurately counting every note. This reduces the risk of human error and provides peace of mind that your cash tally is correct.
2. Time Efficiency
Manually counting money is a tedious and time-consuming process. A currency counting machine can count thousands of notes in minutes, significantly speeding up cash handling processes. This efficiency allows employees to focus on other important tasks, improving overall productivity.
3. Fake Note Detection
One of the standout features of modern currency counting machines is the integration of fake note detectors. These detectors use advanced technology to identify counterfeit notes, protecting your business from potential losses. With counterfeit currency becoming more sophisticated, this feature is essential for any business that handles cash regularly.
4. User-Friendly Operation
Most currency counting machines are designed with ease of use in mind. They come with intuitive interfaces and simple controls, making them accessible to all staff members with minimal training. This user-friendliness ensures that the machines can be quickly integrated into daily operations.
5. Improved Cash Flow Management
Using a currency counting machine helps businesses keep an accurate track of their cash flow. This accurate tracking aids in better financial management and planning. It also helps in maintaining transparent and accountable financial records, which is vital for audits and financial reporting.
6. Enhanced Security
In addition to detecting counterfeit notes, currency counting machines also improve security by reducing the amount of time cash is exposed. This minimizes the risk of theft and ensures that cash is handled securely and efficiently.
7. Versatility
Modern currency counting machines can handle multiple currencies and denominations, making them versatile tools for businesses operating in diverse markets. They are also capable of batching and sorting notes, adding further convenience and functionality.
Why Choose Marctek Fake Note Solutions?
When it comes to finding the best currency counting machine, Marctek Fake Note Solutions stands out as a trusted provider. Marctek offers a range of Indian currency counting machines equipped with advanced fake note detection technology. These machines are known for their reliability, accuracy, and ease of use.
Marctek Fake Note Solutions ensures that their machines meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, Marctek’s currency counting machines are designed to cater to your specific needs, providing you with the best tools to manage your cash efficiently and securely.
Investing in a currency counting machine with a fake note detector is a smart decision for any business that handles cash transactions. The benefits of enhanced accuracy, time efficiency, fake note detection, and improved cash flow management make it an invaluable tool. For the best currency counting machine, look no further than Marctek Fake Note Solutions, where quality and reliability are guaranteed. Equip your business with the best tools to ensure smooth and secure cash handling operations. At Marctek Fake Note Solutions, we specialize in providing top-of-the-line Indian currency counting machines equipped with advanced fake note detectors. Our machines offer unmatched accuracy, speed, and security, making them the best choice for businesses of all sizes. Trust Marctek for reliable and efficient cash handling solutions tailored to meet your needs.
Explore our latest blog to discover how leveraging a fake note detection machine can enhance your currency conversion processes and safeguard your business. Learn the best practices and benefits of integrating advanced detection technology into your cash handling operations.
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james34111 · 5 months
Top Success Strategies for Choose the Right Money Handling Equipment
Ever wondered how banks process millions of dollars efficiently? Or how casinos keep track of mountains of chips and coins? The answer lies in a world of specialized equipment designed for one crucial task: handling money securely and efficiently. This beginner's guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the fascinating world of money handling equipment.
Let us start with the most basic category: counting. Cash counters, both automated and manual, are workhorses in any business that deals with physical cash. These machines quickly and accurately determine the total amount of currency in a drawer, saving cashiers countless hours of tedious counting.  Furthermore, some advanced counters can even detect counterfeits, adding an extra layer of security.
Coin handling requires a different approach. Coin sorters separate mixed coins by denomination, making it simple to organize and deposit them.  These machines often work in tandem with coin counters, providing a one-stop shop for processing all your loose change.
Security is paramount when dealing with cash. Counterfeit detectors use ultraviolet (UV) light and magnetic sensors to identify fake bills.  These devices provide peace of mind for businesses of all sizes, protecting them from financial losses.
For businesses that handle large volumes of cash, cash recyclers are a game-changer. These sophisticated machines not only count and sort bills but can also dispense them to customers or staff. This eliminates the need for manual cash drawers, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of human error.  Imagine a bank teller no longer needing to count out stacks of bills – the cash recycler handles it all with a simple command.
Cash registers are another essential piece of money handling equipment. These versatile machines not only calculate transactions but can also print receipts, track inventory, and even manage customer databases.  Modern cash registers are often integrated with point-of-sale (POS) systems, offering a comprehensive solution for managing your business finances.
Beyond these core categories, there is a wealth of specialized equipment available.  For instance, bill dispensers are perfect for high-volume retail environments, while check scanners can expedite check processing.  Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are a familiar sight, allowing customers to access their accounts 24/7.
Choosing the right money handling equipment depends on your specific needs. Consider the volume of cash you handle, the types of transactions you process, and your budget.  Security features are also crucial, ensuring your business is protected from fraud.
By understanding the different types of money handling equipment available, you can streamline your cash flow processes, improve efficiency, and enhance security.  So, the next time you see a cashier effortlessly counting bills or a customer withdrawing cash from an ATM, remember the silent heroes behind the scenes: the remarkable machines that keep our financial world running smoothly.
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maxsell00 · 1 year
The Benefits of Currency Sorting Machines: Streamlining Cash Handling Processes
In the present speedy business climate, time is money. One method for setting aside time and cash is by using a currency sorting machine. Currency sorting machines are creative gadgets that can precisely sort and count banknotes, making the handling of cash more productive and secure.
Currency sorting machines can be utilized in various settings, for example, banks, clubs, retail locations, and different organizations that handle a lot of money. The machines utilize trend-setting innovation to sort and count bills, recognizing fake cash and distinguishing various divisions. This improves the money-considering process while lowering the risk of human error and misrepresentation.
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The advantages of currency sorting machines are various. Most importantly, they save time. Counting cash by hand can be a tedious interaction, particularly when managing enormous amounts of cash. Currency sorting machines can count and sort bills at a much quicker rate, which permits organizations to zero in on different parts of their tasks.
As well as saving time, currency sorting machines additionally further develop precision. A human blunder is consistently a gamble while taking care of money; however, currency sorting machines wipe out that gamble by precisely counting and sorting bills. This additionally diminishes the requirement for manual descriptions and prevents mistakes in store summaries. One more benefit of currency sorting machines is their capacity to identify fake cash. Fake bills can be challenging to detect with the unaided eye, yet sorting machines utilize trend-setting innovation to recognize fake bills and alarm the administrator. This keeps organizations from tolerating fake cash and safeguards them from likely misfortunes.
Currency sorting machines likewise advance security by decreasing the risk of robbery and extortion. The machines can be customized to monitor cash exchanges, permitting organizations to watch out for their income. This forestalls representative burglary and diminishes the gamble of deceitful exercises. Currency sorting machines are a significant instrument for organizations that handle cash. They save time, further accuracy, recognize fake cash, and advance security. Putting resources into a currency sorting machine can smooth out cash flows, take care of cycles, and assist organizations with remaining serious in the present fast-paced climate.
For More Info:-
Currency Sorting Machine India
Note Sorting Machine Importer
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charxprime · 1 year
Online Ad Fraud: How To Prevent It.
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The practice of intentionally creating false or invalid impressions, clicks, or conversions for online advertising in order to deceive advertisers and generate fraudulent revenue is known as online ad fraud. Click fraud, impression fraud, and conversion fraud are just a few examples of all the forms of ad fraud.
How To Prevent Ad Fraud
If you want to ensure the success of your advertising campaigns and prevent ad fraud, we encourage you to CLICK HERE AND SIGN UP ON CLIXTELL TODAY. Clixtell is the best tool for any business looking to protect their advertising budget and achieve their marketing goals, due to its advanced ad fraud prevention features and user-friendly interface.
Online advertising fraud is a major problem that costs businesses billions of dollars every year. Ad fraud occurs when an advertising campaign's performance is inflated by creating fake clicks or impressions. By providing false metrics, this not only wastes advertising budgets but also has the potential to harm a brand's reputation. Clixtell, on the other hand, is one of the best tools for preventing ad fraud.
One of the best methods for preventing ad fraud is by using Clixtell. To identify and prevent fake impressions and clicks, it makes use of cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning. Through a combination of real-time monitoring and analysis, Clixtell is able to prevent fraudulent activity from affecting your advertising campaigns.
Through its click fraud detection system, Clixtell helps prevent ad fraud in a significant way. IP blacklisting, device fingerprinting, and user behavior analysis are some of the methods this system employs to identify fraudulent clicks. Clixtell is able to block any fraudulent clicks in real time by analyzing click pattern analysis and determining whether a click is genuine or fraudulent.
Through its impression fraud detection system, Clixtell contributes to the prevention of ad fraud in additional ways. Although it focuses on identifying and preventing fraudulent impressions, this system employs similar strategies to the click fraud detection system. This ensures that your advertising campaigns are only seen by real people and are not wasted on impressions that are not real.
Overall, Clixtell is one of the best tools for preventing ad fraud and ensuring the smooth and successful operation of your advertising campaigns. Clixtell is able to identify and block fraudulent activity in real time by utilizing a combination of advanced algorithms and machine learning. This prevents ad spend from being wasted and safeguards your brand's reputation, go ahead and SIGN UP ON CLIXTELL TODAY.
What is ad fraud?
Ad fraud is the deliberate creation of false or misleading impressions, clicks, or conversions in online advertising with the intention of defrauding publishers or advertisers of their revenue. Ad fraud is a serious issue in the digital advertising sector because it hurts all parties involved, can lead to losses in money, and can harm a brand's reputation.
Click fraud is a frequent form of ad fraud that involves using software programs or bots to simulate clicks on ads, raising click-through rates and inflating ad revenues. Other types of ad fraud include attribution fraud, in which scammers manipulate data to take credit for sales or conversions that they did not contribute to, and impression fraud, in which bots create fake impressions that are counted as legitimate.
Ad fraud can also take the shape of ad stacking, in which several ads are stacked on top of one another and only the top ad is visible to the user, or pixel stuffing, in which tiny ads are tucked away on a webpage and impressions are tallied even when the user is not aware of them.
Ad fraud can have serious repercussions for both publishers and advertisers. Publishers may experience a decline in credibility and income as a result of fraudulent traffic, while advertisers may end up spending for fake traffic that doesn't generate real clicks or conversions. Ad fraud can harm the trust and reputation of the advertising business as a whole in addition to causing financial losses.
Industry participants use a number of strategies and tools, including ad authentication, fraud detection tools, and data analytics to spot and stop fraudulent activity.
How Do Bots Drive Ad Fraud?
Bots are computer programs made to carry out automated tasks; they are frequently employed for fraudulent activities. One of the areas where bots are frequently used to generate income for scammers is ad fraud. By inflating the appearance that actual human users are interacting with online ads when they are not, bots fuel ad fraud by producing fake clicks, impressions, or views.
Bot-driven ad fraud can take many different forms, such as click fraud, impression fraud, and viewability fraud. When bots click on advertisements, it is called click fraud. This raises the cost of the ad campaign by increasing the number of clicks. appearance fraud occurs when bots create fake ad impressions, giving the appearance that more people are viewing the advertisement than there actually are. The practice of using bots to create impressions that are technically viewable but are not actually seen by people is known as "viewability fraud."
Because they can complete tasks much more quickly than humans and are able to do so around-the-clock, bots are especially effective at promoting ad fraud. They can be programmed to mimic human behavior and avoid detection systems, making them difficult to detect as well.
Ad fraud can have serious repercussions for marketers because they might end up spending money for ad impressions that don't reach their target audience, wasting money and lowering ROI. To reduce the risk of ad fraud, it is important for advertisers to adopt fraud detection mechanisms and collaborate with trustworthy ad networks.
Types of Ad Fraud
In the digital advertising sector, ad fraud is a significant issue that costs marketers billions of dollars annually, according to estimates. Ad fraud can come in different forms, including:
Bot fraud - Bot fraud is the practice of creating fake impressions, clicks, or sales using automated software programs (bots). It can be challenging to spot fraud because these bots can be used to imitate human behavior.
Click fraud - is when a user clicks on an advertisement without intending to use the promoted good or service. Performing click fraud directly or with the aid of bots is both options.
Impression fraud - includes the production of fake ad impressions. Using bots or stacking several advertisements on top of one another can achieve this, giving the appearance of more impressions than there actually are.
Conversion fraud - Conversion fraud happens when a user is offered a reward in return for taking a desired action (like making a purchase). These bonuses may be provided to the user directly by the scammer or acquired through fake clicks or impressions.
Domain spoofing is the practice of manipulating a website's URL to make it appear as though the advertisement is being presented on a trustworthy website. This can be used to deceive businesses into paying for the spreading of their ads on fake or unsafe websites.
Ad stacking is the practice of adding several advertisements on top of one another to fake that there have been more impressions than there have actually been. This has the potential to deceive marketers and inflate ad metrics.
Advertisements that are hidden from view but still count as impressions are known as invisible advertisements. Ads can be placed in places where they are unlikely to be seen or used as tiny, transparent pixels to achieve this.
Ad fraud is a critical issue for the digital advertising industry overall, and marketers must take precautions to safeguard themselves.
How Does Ad Fraud Affect Publishers?
Ad fraud is a serious problem that could have dangerous effects on publishers. When advertisements are clicked on or watched by software bots or other automated devices rather than by actual human users, this is known as ad fraud. Publishers may experience a range of issues as a result, such as reduced advertiser trust, lost income, and online damage.
Loss of income for publishers is one of the biggest effects of ad fraud. Advertisers may decline to pay for advertisements that are not seen or behaved on by real human users, costing the publisher money. Additionally, ad fraud can decrease advertiser trust because it may make them unwilling to work with publishers who have previously been the victim of it.
A publisher's image may also fall victim from ad fraud because it may give the impression that the publisher is engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior. Publishers may find it more difficult to draw in advertisers as a result, which could eventually hurt their bottom line.
Publishers may suffer serious consequences from ad fraud, such as decreased advertiser confidence, lost revenue, and reputational harm. As a result, it is crucial for publishers to take action to stop and catch ad fraud, including using fraud detection software and collaborating with trustworthy marketers.
How Does Ad Fraud Affect Advertisers?
Advertisers will suffer serious implications from ad fraud in a variety of methods. The following are some of the most typical ways that ad scams can harm advertisers:
Advertising funds can be wasted on fraudulent impressions, clicks, and conversions as a result of ad fraud. This may lead to advertisers paying for advertisements that never actually impact real people or produce any significant results.
Ad theft can also lower the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns. Advertisers are not producing any actual business value when they pay for phony clicks or impressions, and this can greatly lower the ROI of their campaigns.
Brand Reputation Damage: Brands that casually advertise on shady websites or platforms risk having their reputations destroyed as a result of ad fraud. Consumers may start to connect a brand with dishonesty or deception when they see fraudulent advertisements, which could be detrimental to the brand's reputation and long-term success.
Reduced Ad efficacy: By manipulating data and analytics, ad fraud can also reduce the efficacy of marketing campaigns. Ineffective advertising strategies can result from marketers making decisions based on false or incomplete information when they can't trust the data they're getting.
Costs May Rise: As a result of the need to invest in extra fraud detection and prevention tools like software or third-party verification services, advertisers may face costs that are higher due to ad fraud.
Ad fraud can significantly affect advertisers by wasting ad spend, lowering ROI, harming brand reputation, and lowering the efficacy of marketing efforts. For the protection of their financial investments and to guarantee the success of their campaigns, marketers must take proactive measures to identify and stop ad fraud.
Disadvantage Of Click Fraud
 While click fraud can be profitable for the perpetrator, it can also have a number of disadvantages, such as:
Wasted Ad Spend: Click fraud can result in marketers wasting their advertising budget on clicks that are not genuine. This can lead to a significant reduction in the return on investment (ROI) of advertising campaigns.
Decreased Performance: Click fraud can also negatively impact the performance of advertising campaigns. Advertisers may be led astray by falsely inflating click-through rates (CTR) and other engagement metrics into believing their ads are more successful than they actually are.
Advertiser Trust: Click fraud has the potential to decrease marketer faith in online advertising networks. Advertisers may become afraid to invest in online advertising campaigns, reducing the amount of money flowing into the industry as a whole.
Legal Issues: Click fraud is illegal and can result in severe legal consequences for those caught engaging in it. This may involve fees, legal action, and in some circumstances, even imprisonment.
User Experience: Click fraud can also have a negative effect on how users interact with advertisements. A user might grow frustrated and stop interacting with ads if they click on an advertisement several times without finding what they are searching for.
Overall, advertisers, users, and the online advertising industry as a whole may suffer significantly from click fraud.
More Thought On Click Fraud
Click fraud happens when robotized programs or real people are paid to click on ads repeatedly in order to make money for the scammer without actually viewing the content of the ads. Impression fraud involves creating false impressions, such as when ads are loaded in invisibly embedded iframes or when page views are simulated by automated means. Fraudsters who fake leads or purchases in order to receive commissions from advertisers are said to be engaging in conversion fraud.
Ad fraud can have severe effects for advertisers, who may waste large sums of money on useless or fraudulent ad campaigns. It can also damage the reputation of ad networks and publishers, who may be seen as participants in the fraud. Ad fraud can also have a negative effect on user experience because it exposes users to offensive or irrelevant advertisements.
Advertisers can safeguard themselves against ad fraud in a number of ways. Using fraud detection tools, which can examine traffic patterns and spot suspicious behavior, is one strategy. Advertisers can also use whitelists and blacklists to control which publishers and sites their ads show on, and can set up rules to automatically block traffic from suspicious sources.
Fraudulent online advertising faces a significant risk to users, publishers, and advertisers. Challengers should take aggressive steps to safeguard themselves against ad fraud, such as using fraud detection tools and putting in place strict traffic controls. Advertisers can guarantee the success of their marketing initiatives and protect themselves from scams by following these steps.
In conclusion, the advertising industry is seriously threatened by online ad scam. It is believed that fraudulent practices like click fraud, bot traffic, and impression fraud cause advertisers to lose billions of dollars annually. Ad fraud is a complicated issue that needs a strict approach to resolve. The use of advanced technologies and tools that can identify and stop fraudulent actions is necessary to prevent online advertising fraud.
Clixtell is one of the best tools for preventing online ad fraud. This software helps marketers identify and stop fraudulent activities like click fraud and bot traffic by giving them real-time data about their ad campaigns. Clixtell analyzes ad traffic and spots suspicious trends using cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning. This assists marketers in maximizing their ROI and optimizing their advertising campaigns while stoping the risk of fraud.
Additionally, Clixtell offers a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for advertisers to keep an eye on their advertising campaigns and make choices based on current information. The software can be tailored to suit the unique requirements of each advertiser and is compatible with a range of ad platforms.
Clixtell is the best tool for you if you are an advertiser seeking to safeguard your ad campaigns from fraudulent activities. Clixtell's advanced functions and user-friendly interface can help you maximize your advertising efforts and prevent fraud. Therefore, take the first move toward securing your ad campaigns from online ad fraud by clicking HERE TO SIGN UP ON CLIXTELL TODAY.
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How do currency counting machines help in reducing internal theft
Improved Accountability and Transparency
When cash is counted by a machine, it leaves an audit trail and reduces the number of people handling the money. This increased transparency makes it harder for employees to misappropriate funds without being detected.
Faster and More Accurate Counting
Currency counters can quickly and precisely count large amounts of cash, minimizing the time it takes to process receipts. This efficiency reduces opportunities for theft compared to manual counting, which is slower and more prone to errors that can be exploited.
Counterfeit Detection Capabilities
Many advanced currency counting machines have built-in counterfeit detection features using technologies like UV, MG, IR and image sensors. These features can identify fake bills and alert staff, preventing losses from accepting counterfeit currency.
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Bankomat cash counting machine
Batch Tracking and Reporting
Currency counters often have batch tracking and reporting functions that record the amount, denomination and time of each counting session. This data creates a paper trail that can be audited to identify any discrepancies or suspicious patterns.
Reduced Cash Handling by Employees
By automating the counting process, currency machines minimize the number of employees who directly handle cash. This limited access makes it harder for any one person to steal without being noticed by others.
Deterrence Effect
The presence of a currency counting machine itself can serve as a deterrent against internal theft. Employees are less likely to attempt stealing if they know the cash is being counted by a machine that leaves an audit trail. By leveraging these capabilities, currency counting machines enhance cash handling controls and accountability. This helps businesses protect against internal theft and fraud, while also improving overall cash management efficiency.
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Sex Tape
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Pairings: Johnny Depp x Reader
Request: “ If you take requests, would you consider doing johnny reaction to like theirs sex tape getting leaked? Reader may also be a celebrity or not. Whatever you prefer “ - @fanficshitandother 
Warnings: Mentions of sex but no actual smut
Word Count: 1800
A/N: Sorry this one is so short. I was having a harder time writing it than I thought I would. I hope you enjoy!
You knew this was a bad idea when he suggested it but no. He just had to have this video “for when he was away filming.” It always ended like this, though, right? It always started out as fun and games until bam! Celebrity sex tape leaked! 
The gossip talk show video that your best friend had sent you was still playing on your phone and you watched in silent horror as the red haired woman talked about your sex life to her male counterpart as if she had any actual right to have an opinion. In the top corner was a picture of you and Johnny at the red carpet for the premier of the Crimes of Grindelwald, his arm around your waist and both of you smiling for the paparazzi pictures. “Okay, guys. You are going to want to hear this,” She started, clasping her absurdly long acrylic-clad fingers together and holding onto her knees, “So there has been yet another sex tape leaked and I want you to guess who’s it is.” She looked over to her co-host. He had a push broom mustache that was bleached blonde to match his hair. 
The man hummed before waving his hand, which also donned long yellow acrylics, “I swear, Laurel, if this is another Kardashian or Paris Hilton tape, I’m gonna scream. That’s such old news.” 
“Actually, it’s someone that I certainly didn’t expect. Johnny Depp and his wife, Y/N L/N.” She dropped the news and the co-star’s mouth dropped. 
“Are you serious? Like Jack Sparrow, Sweeney Todd, Willy Wonka, Johnny Depp?” He asked in total shock, “I didn’t expect that either! But you know what? I feel like he’d be really good in bed.” 
He and Laurel both laughed, “You’re so bad!” She squealed, hitting him with the paper notes in her hand, “But, between you and me,” She leaned in, as if she was telling an actual secret that wasn’t being broadcast on the internet, “I did see it.” 
“It was pretty hot, I can’t lie. That Y/N is a very lucky girl indeed.” The pair giggled like a pair of school girls. 
You were absolutely mortified. How did this happen? How many people had seen it? Who had seen it? Oh God… all you could imagine was your family stumbling across the video or, debatably worse, Johnny’s kids. This had to be one of the worst moments of your life. 
You turned off the video and quickly dialed your husband. “Hello, love.” He greeted cheerily on the other end. The faint sound of cars passing in the background told you he was probably driving home from the meeting he had been at. 
“Did you see it? Did you hear it?” You asked frantically. 
“What?” He asked, confused.
“The video! The video got leaked!” You ran your fingers through your hair messily, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. 
“What video?” He questioned, not sounding like he fully understood what had happened, but then you could almost feel the weight of realization falling on him, “Wait, our video?” 
“Yes! Our video!” You were yelling at this point, not at him but at the situation and thankfully he understood that. 
“Okay, okay. We’ll- Hang on my manager is calling. Probably to tell me about it. I’ll be home in five minutes. I love you.” He signed off your call quickly before hanging up without giving you the chance to respond. 
While you waited for him to get there, you spiraled down the rabbit hole that was the tabloids and social media. Your phone buzzed off the charts as everyone from your sister to Helena Bonham Carter called you to ask if you were okay. Of course, you weren’t. But it was one phone call from a former college roommate, Sheila, had really gotten your blood boiling. 
“It’s okay! If anything, this is just going to make you more famous! Look at all the other celebs who’ve had their sex tapes leaked. They’re like, super famous.” Sheila sounded more excited than she should have, which certainly made you question her motives behind calling you in the first place. Since marrying Johnny, you’d had the unfortunate displeasure of having to cut a few people off from your past who had randomly called you up after years of little to no contact, asking more favors in the movie industry, money, or even just for the clout of saying they knew you. There really was such a downside to this whole marrying famous person thing that nobody ever really talked about - not that you would take it back, though, of course. You loved Johnny more than anything. 
Still, when the words left her mouth, you felt a flash of anger swell up, “Contrary to what a lot of people might believe, being famous actually kind of sucks,” You spat angrily, “And call me crazy, but I don’t exactly feel thrilled at knowing the whole world as access to a video of my naked ass!” 
“At least it’s a good naked ass, though! Your boobs are looking pretty good too. Did you get them done?” She asked bluntly, still not a care to be heard in her voice. You swore you could almost detect a fake valley girl accent too. 
Your mouth dropped open in disbelief at the words coming from her voice, “I can’t believe you.” Without giving her a chance to respond, you clicked the off button before flipping her off through the screen, though you knew she couldn’t see it. The audacity of some people. 
The front door swung open, drawing your attention as Johnny hurried into the house, setting his bag down by the front door. “How bad is it?” You asked, knowing his manager must have told him the full extent. 
“Do you want the truth?” Johnny saw as panic and humiliation swept across your face, knowing that perhaps that wasn’t the best way to break it to you that it was pretty bad. He stepped forward and wrapped you in his arms, “I told Harrison to take ‘em down. Whenever he found one, he said he’d get it deleted. 
You sighed defeatedly, “That doesn’t stop the fact that a bunch of people already saw it.” Your arms wrapped around Johnny’s torso and you allowed your head to fall against his chest, trying to calm yourself with his scent- exotic spicy cologne and old books. 
His large hand came to stroke through your hair, “That is true,” He conceded with a heavy breath, “But, it also means that fewer and fewer people will continue to see it.” There was a pause in which neither of you said anything, only took a few minutes to hold onto each other while you thought about the future now, “Y’know, I can’t help but feel like this is partly my fault. I shouldn’t have asked to make the video. I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
You shook your head in disagreement, “I agreed to do it too. It’s on both of us. In retrospect, we should have put it on an actual VHS tape or something that would be more difficult to get into the tabloid’s hands.” 
You were tired of this - of this constant running from the vultures that prayed off your every misstep just to turn them against you and create headlining stories. You felt like you couldn’t even breathe without a scandal unless the media allowed it. You were just grateful that you happened to marry one of the most private actors in Hollywood, knowing that whatever pressure you felt, more public figures like Angelina Jolie had it much worse. Still, something inside you stirred, a decision that you’d stop living in fear. 
Johnny pulled back and gave you that infamous cocked eyebrow look of wonder, one that you’d mostly seen him use as Jack Sparrow. Little did everyone know, it was a gesture he’d picked up on doing in real life as well. “Do we even have a VHS player anymore?” 
You chuckled and buried your head back into his white shirt, “I don’t even know. I feel like there must be one laying around somewhere. And if not, I’ll go down to a pawn shop and pick one up just for you to use while filming.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean,” You leaned back, pulling on his shirt to bring him down closer to your level, “That if we’re going to be making you another one of these videos, it’s gonna be on something that stays only between us.” 
Your husband nearly choked on air, “Another one? After what just happened?” 
“Only if you want to and only if it stays on something physical like a CD or VHS that we can mutually agree to burn and destroy if anything happens.” You giggled and Johnny joined in with a low chuckle as well, “But… the video was leaked. We knew that was a risk when we made it. But, y’know what? I’m tired of living in fear of the paparazzi and public. They’ve already seen us fuck. There’s not much else we’ve got to lose.” 
His dark eyes flashed with mischief before he took off in a light jog down the hall without a word. You followed him, “Where are you going?” You giggled, turning the corner to find him digging through your little Harry Potter closet under the stairs. 
When he stood up, he shook his long hair out of his eyes messily and held up an old tape recorder that had to be at least twenty years old. Johnny swayed towards you, jokingly flirtatious as he spoke, “Well, Mrs. Depp, it would seem that you’re in luck because your husband likes to hoard old shit.” 
The grey and black machine seemed to stare at you and some hesitation set in again but then you remembered what you’d said: I’m tired of living in fear… there’s not much else we’ve got to lose. 
Johnny flicked open the side compartment and his eyes opened in surprise to find a tape still in there. He lifted it from the slide and looked it over, shocked to see that it appeared to be an unused blank tape, “Well, well, looks like we’re in luck.” 
Biting your lip, you looked up at him with those eyes before grabbing his hand and running upstairs to your bedroom, dragging him along. “The world thinks they’ve seen us fuck. They only got a preview.” 
“Only a preview? I thought we went pretty hard last time?” He countered with a low challenging laugh.
You turned around at the top of the stairs, one hand on the banister as you turned to face him. His body collided with yours, his hand reaching around the small of your back to steady the two of you and you arched your body into his, being sure to brush your body against his groin, “Oh, Johnny… we’re both throwing our backs out tonight.” 
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Which is the Best Currency Counting Machine in India ?
In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key, especially when it comes to handling finances. Whether you run a small business, manage a bank, or handle cash transactions on a daily basis, having a reliable currency counting machine is essential. But with so many options available in the market, how do you determine which one is the best fit for your needs? In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of currency counting machines, focusing particularly on the Indian market, with a spotlight on Chennai, and highlight why Marctek Fake Note Solutions stands out as a top choice.
Understanding Currency Counting Machines
Currency counting machines, also known as bill counters or money counters, are devices designed to accurately count large volumes of banknotes quickly. They come in various types, including basic models for simple counting tasks and advanced machines equipped with features like counterfeit detection, sorting capabilities, and batch counting.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Currency Counting Machine
Accuracy: The primary function of a currency counting machine is to count money accurately. Look for machines with high precision sensors and advanced counting algorithms to minimize errors.
Speed: Efficiency is paramount, especially in environments with high cash flow. Consider the speed of the machine, measured in notes per minute (NPM), to ensure it can keep up with your workload.
Counterfeit Detection: With the rise of counterfeit currency, built-in counterfeit detection features are crucial. Look for machines equipped with UV (Ultraviolet), MG (Magnetic), and IR (Infrared) sensors to detect fake notes effectively.
Sorting and Batch Counting: If you deal with multiple denominations or need to batch count specific amounts of cash, opt for machines with sorting and batch counting capabilities.
User-Friendly Interface: Choose a machine with an intuitive interface and easy-to-use controls to streamline operations and minimize training time for your staff.
Reliability and Durability: Invest in a machine built to withstand frequent use and capable of handling large volumes of cash without compromising performance.
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Based on the aforementioned criteria, Marctek Fake Note Solutions emerges as a top contender in the Indian market, particularly in Chennai. Here’s why:
State-of-the-Art Technology: Marctek currency counting machines are equipped with advanced sensors and cutting-edge technology to ensure unparalleled accuracy and reliability.
Comprehensive Counterfeit Detection: With sophisticated UV, MG, and IR sensors, Marctek machines can swiftly identify counterfeit notes, safeguarding your business from financial losses.
Versatility: Whether you need a basic currency counting machine or a multifunctional device with sorting and batch counting capabilities, Marctek offers a wide range of options to suit diverse needs.
User-Friendly Design: Marctek machines feature intuitive interfaces and ergonomic designs, making them easy to operate for users of all skill levels.
Robust Build Quality: Built to withstand the rigors of daily use, Marctek currency counting machines are known for their durability and longevity, providing reliable performance year after year.
Exceptional Customer Service: With a dedicated team of experts and authorized dealers across Chennai, Marctek ensures prompt assistance and support for all your currency counting needs.
When it comes to selecting the best currency counting machine in India, particularly in Chennai, Marctek Fake Note Solutions stands out as a trusted brand synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation. With a commitment to excellence and a comprehensive range of products tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, Marctek is the preferred choice for those seeking top-notch currency management solutions. Invest in Marctek today and experience the difference firsthand.
For more information on Marctek Fake Note Solutions and to explore our extensive range of currency counting machines tailored to suit your specific needs, visit our website https://currencycountingmachines.com/ today. Contact us +91 984 07 07 223 directly to speak with our knowledgeable team and discover why Marctek is the ultimate choice for reliable, high-performance currency management solutions in Chennai and beyond.
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
A Latte For Erwin
Summary: Hange and Levi are baristas at a local coffee shop, and Hange watches as Levi takes a particular interest in a certain customer, 1.4k words
Warnings: Some language (because Levi, obviously), if I need to add anything else, let me know
Note: at this point I’m just sending this out into the world and crossing my fingers really hard that it doesn’t suck... so yeah <3 I don’t have like any writing experience so hopefully this makes sense, and I can work on improving my writing from here :)
Part 2    Part 3
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Levi Ackerman is a focused guy, preferring to dedicate all of his energy to perfecting one thing. And that one thing is coffee, fortunately for the patrons of his shop. It’s small and eclectic, though he’d glare at anyone who dares refer to it as such. 
He knows coffee like the back of his hand, and anyone who’s frequented the store can tell you that. And he’s got no problem managing the business end of things, making calls and filling out paperwork. So he really only encounters one issue: interacting with customers.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” 
“I said, I asked for dark roast. This is wrong,” A customer stood across the counter from Levi, holding the cup away from themselves in disgust.
“So I heard correctly. Well I can assure you, that is in fact the dark roast,” Levi glared, crossing his arms.
“Sir, I’m certain it’s not. I’m actually very familiar with coffee, and-”
“And yet you don’t know what you’re talking about,” He muttered.
“Excuse me? I’ll have you know I’m practically considered an expert. I don’t appreciate being spoken to this way.”
“Don’t like the coffee? Leave.” Levi gestured towards the door, and the customer scoffed. They slammed the cup down onto the counter and stormed out of the shop, ringing the bell above the door.
Levi sighed, picking up the cup and staring into it idly. 
“Leviii, again?” Someone stuck their head out the door of the back room, their wild ponytail just barely visible.
“Hange, didn’t I tell you not to eavesdrop?” Levi turned to face them and glared as they stepped fully into workspace pouting.
“Oh boo, you don’t let me have any fun. Besides, I’m not the one scaring away customers! You know we need them, right?” Levi rolled his eyes, picked up a cloth, and began furiously polishing the wand on the espresso machine.
“Not my fault that people are so entitled. What else am I supposed to do?”
“Well for starters, you could consider not being such a grump all the time.” Hange joined him in tending to the machine, unscrewing the parts to be washed. 
“That’s what we have you for, four eyes.” Hange snorted and nudged his side, Levi smiling slightly despite himself. It was true, they did tend to handle the majority of customer interactions, knowing it wasn’t the best job for Levi.
“And that’s all well and good until I’m occupied and you’re stuck trying to take an order without yelling at the poor customer! Some day you’re gonna have to learn normal human interaction, Levi.” Just as they finished speaking, the bell above the entrance rang, and someone entered the store. Hange winked at Levi as they made their way back to the storage room. “Looks like you’ve got another chance. Don’t scare them away again!” Levi shot them a simultaneously angry and pleading look as they abandoned him at the cash register. When Hange just waved and disappeared into the room, he sighed, threw his towel over his shoulder, and turned to face the customer.
“Can I help you?” Levi locked eyes with the customer, a much taller blonde man with a heavy scarf wrapped around him. The man didn’t respond, eyes scanning the menu written on the blackboard behind the counter. Levi cleared his throat, and caught his attention.
“Oh, hi, yes, can you do a latte?”
Levi just stared at him and tried not to snort. “A latte? This is a coffee shop. We can do a latte.” A look of slight embarrassment crossed the man’s face as he looked off to the side.
“Ah, well, yes, I imagine you can. Thank you.”
“Can I get a name for the drink?” Levi reached over to grab a cup and a pen.
“Erwin. Anything else?” He scribbled the name onto the cup and recapped the pen.
“No, just the latte, thanks.”
“Latte... I’ll have to see what we can do.” Levi teased sarcastically, the man chuckling quietly.
As Levi bustled around the kitchen assembling the drink, Erwin took a look around.
“This is a nice shop. I can see why everyone recommends it.” Levi rolled his eyes slightly, but he wasn’t necessarily disgusted by the compliment.
“Yeah, well, I’m glad to hear we’ve got fans.” 
“You do, I’ve heard about the shop from several friends. It’s just you, running this?” 
“Not just me, my partner works here as well.”
“Partner...” Levi could detect the slight confusion in Erwin’s voice.
“Business partner. Coworker.” He wasn’t quite sure why he’d jumped to clarify the nature of his relationship with Hange so quickly, but Erwin seemed to accept it. “Alright, all ready to go.” He popped on the lid as he handed over the cup. “Latte for Erwin.”
Erwin thanked Levi and handed him money in exchange as he began typing away at the cash register.
“Hey Levi, can you find the expiration date on here, I can’t see-” Hange ducked around the corner holding a can, and looked up in surprise. “Oh, I’m so sorry to interrupt, I didn’t think anyone was here!”
“Not at all! You must be the partner-  business partner.” Erwin held out his hand and Hange smiled, moving to shake it. 
“That’s me! Hange Zoe. And you are?”
“Erwin. Erwin Smith.” Levi finished with the register and pulled out the receipt, passing it over the counter. “Ah, thank you. Hange, I’ve heard such great things about this coffee.”
“I’m sure! It’s all thanks to our resident coffee expert.” Hange leaned towards Levi and elbowed him in the side. He glared back at them, mouthing a threat, as they just grinned back.
“Expert? Well, now I have to try this.” Erwin popped open the lid and took a sip. “Oh, that’s terrific! The best latte I’ve had, without a doubt.” Hange cheered and he chuckled, directing his gaze towards Levi. “Glad you could scrape something together on such short notice.” Levi snorted, staring off to the side to avoid Hange’s eyes. Erwin focused back to Hange. “He’s done a great job. Do you have a tip jar?” 
Hange’s eyes lit up and they strained over the counter to point towards the yellow jar in front of the pastry display. “Right over there!” Erwin smiled and shifted towards it. Hange stretched their arms out dramatically and clearly fake yawned. “Well, I’m beat, I’m gonna go take a nap in the back. Glad you enjoyed your coffee, Erwin!” They waved and disappeared into the storage room, not before winking at Levi. 
“You know, I don’t think I caught your name.” Erwin glanced over at him as he searched for something in his pocket.
He found what he was looking for, fussed with it for a moment, and dropped it into the tip jar. “Levi. Thank you for the coffee, truly, it was wonderful.”
Levi mumbled something like a “no problem” as Erwin moved towards the door.
“Have a nice day, Levi.” He smiled warmly and left. 
As soon as Hange heard the door shut, they ran back out. “LEVIII I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH A CUSTOMER!!” They shouted, attacking him with a hug. Levi peeled them off of his side and glared daggers.
“Flirting?? I wasn’t flirting, four eyes.” Hange smiled maniacally.
“Oh? So you mean to tell me you weren’t staring into Erwin’s dreamy eyes the whole time you took his order? So then you definitely didn’t exchange sarcastic banter. Or blush when he complimented you.” 
“If that’s what you think flirting is, Hange, I’m concerned for you. And anyone you set your eye on in the future.” Levi once again pulled the cloth from his shoulder and returned to polishing the machines as Hange frowned.
“I’m telling you, Levi, there was something there.”
“Yeah, polite conversation and a purchase transaction.”
“Fine, fine. At least let’s see how much he left in the tip jar!” Hange grinned and strained over the display once again to grab the jar. Levi avoided looking as they emptied it onto the counter and began counting.
Hange began sorting the bills versus coins when they came across a folded up scrap of white paper. They glanced at Levi, seeing that he was occupied, so they turned the other way and opened it.
Inside was a ten digit phone number and a small message: 
“thanks for the latte -erwin”
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Gotham’s Sunshine
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: Gotham & Male!Reader Summary: Gotham has a lot of bad people, a rarely good people, but they have one sunshine and it’s their precious’ boy Word Count: 1,366 Warning: Descriptions of wounds and death A/n: I did promise that the next time I write a Gotham piece it would have a good reader or... is the reader actually good?
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Gotham is a pretty gruesome place, if you think about it, how there are always villains arising every other week. The murders, robberies, arson that occur almost on the daily and how the weather is usually shit. But, there is one good thing about Gotham.
It’s the coffee boy. Radiating warmth and happiness, it seems like he brings his own light and sun, no matter how grey and rainy the outside world may be. His coffee shop is small, yet comforting, and not only that but it produces the best baked goods as well. It is the only place where the villains have kept their peace because you somehow put a spell on them.
You were always smiling, goofiness twinkling in your eyes. You were just a pretty boy, handsome and perfect hair. It was like unspoken rule between everyone that they do not want to piss you off. It was frequent to have two villains bump to each other in the cafe, with usual awkwardness, they seem to keep the peace level at the maximum. You often brush off the tension with a smile and a wink.
“Good morning Oswald,” You greeted at five in the morning, a light chirp to your tone, “Morning to you too, Zsasz.”
Oswald raised an eyebrow as Victor blushed at your wink to him, Oswald cleared his throat as your sweet look turns to Oswald, who flushes at your divine attention. He sinks down, almost submissive to your stare.
“The usual (Y/n), please,” Oswald requests, sweetly as you nodded.
Tapping on the screen as you got to work with the coffee machine. The barista has tired eyes, yet there is that glimmer, a give away of your good heart. You have one of those surviving sparks, one of the ones who held on to who they really are. You were true to who you were, you were never fake and never wanted more from the villains. You didn’t want money whenever bad people come to your coffee shop, begging you to take a sun of the money because you have such a whole heart that they want to keep you happy.
You never want to hire anyone to kill someone, Zsasz even offered for a free price but you refused because you don’t have a bad bone in you. Often at times, they wondered what it was like to be you. Soft, loving and understanding. You weren’t vindictive.
“Here you go,” You push two to-go cups and a brown bag of pastry goods, “That’s been 14 dollars.”
Oswald nods as he hands out you money, you smiled and put in the register as Victor pulled out his own money to give you a tip. You beamed as he pocketed the money away before the two men threatened any of your coworkers on how you get the money and they don’t. And you’ve seen many bad guys whip out a gun faster than you can blink. 
“Thanks, guys, if you’re lucky, you can miss Jim and Harvey...” You pointed behind them, as see Jim coming out of the police car.
The two nod, saying their thanks as they take their leave. Missing the two detectives quickly as you put on a smile, they wave at you as they enter.
“I take it, usual again?” You asked as your finger hover a black coffee for Jim as he nods, you tapped the screen as you looked at Harvey, “And you, Harvey? Black coffee too?”
“Ah- Uh, can I get one of those fancy coffee?”
“ Macchiato?”
“Yeah, that.”
You snorted as you nodded, tapping it before swirling to the machine. Usually early morning is just you in the coffee shop, seeing that you are nocturnal, but yet a morning person at the same time. 
“Anything entertaining?” You asked as you gave them their coffee and asked for payment.
“You ask this every time we come here.”
You shrugged your shoulder as Jim smiles at you, “It gets boring here quickly, I need gossip you know?”
“The more they know, the more likely you’ll get yourself killed.”
You slammed the register closed, the two detectives jumped and feeling uneasy at your joyful smile. You shrugged your shoulders, tilted your head.
“Doesn’t that make life a lot more exciting?”
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“Did you hear?” 
Gossip started to travel in the police station as Jim looked at Harvey, who shrugged his shoulders. They went to Alvarez’s desk and asked about the gossip, the whispers that were happening.
“The infamous coffee and bakery cafe has been damaged, they found one body...”
“No, it can’t be-” Jim stuttered.
“(Y/n) (L/n) was found dead, a slit to the throat and multiple wounds,” The other detective hands Harvey the case files, “Camera was broken before the scene, no witnesses and no leads to go on.”
“I feel pity for those who killed his sweet man, I don’t think we’ll find out who did it before the bad guys of villains team up to kill this bastard that killed their one last thing of goodness,” Harvey was reading the file, for once interest at the words.
“We have to check up on them-”
“GORDON!” The detectives snapped their head at the entrance way to see Penguin, standing straight with murder in his eyes. Zsasz next to him as well as Edward Ngyma, his glasses down at the bridge of his nose. 
“Oswald-” Jim came walking at a fast speed, “I don’t know what’s the story, I’ve just found out.”
“Somebody killed out boy, Gordan,” Zsasz sang, before his tone dropping, “You do realise if you don’t figure it out this city will burn.”
“We will flip this city, if it’s needed,” Edward sneered, “I hope you’re aware, this will be the only time we will work together to find justice for (Y/n).”
“I’m aware, and I will do everything,” Jim nodded promising, “You’re not the only one who’s upset about his matter.”
“Say,” Harvey pipes up from behind Jim, “You still mayor, Cobblepot? Why don’t you make a funeral for (y/n), you’re the one that was the closest to him. I’m sure you can get busy with that whilst Jim and I will find evidence to his murder.”
Oswald looked irritated that he wasn’t going to be able to help and that he was pushed away from the investigation, but he had no faith in other bad guys of Gotham to take care of a funeral. 
“Fine, but keep us posted.” 
Jim nodded watching the bad guys slowly leave the station. He turns to his partner, telling him to talk to detective Alvarez to update him about all the information as Jim makes a call. Whilst Harvey looked sceptical, Jim rushes to the back exit of the station. Greeted by a mysterious figure.
“What’s your reason then?” 
Jim sighs, running his hand through his hair, “You had to get away from Gotham, it’s not a place for you.”
“I had my life here, Jim.”
“I know, but, live your life, travel the world, go get that degree you’ve been dreaming off. Gotham will always be here.”
“I don’t know about that, Jim, Gotham will be a different place when I leave, and I don’t think Gotham will be welcoming when I return.”
“You’ll be a different man, go, be free.”
“Promise me one thing, Jim.”
Jim tilted his at the request that was about to be spoken to him. The eyes boring into his, there was no sunshine or happiness. Just like that day, it radiated gloominess and rain. It was somewhat threatening.
“The only reason I am leaving Gotham is that I am the key to all things here. My request that I want you to promise is to make it believable.”
“Okay,” Jim nodded, watching the figure  turn around, and start walking towards a black car with tinted windows, “Wait.”
The figure looked at him.
“Have a good life, (y/n), I’ll see you soon.” 
Jim swears he sees a flicker of the smile that he was so familiar with. Before you sharply turn and get in the car. For the last time, Jim Gordon was the last person to see (Y/n) (L/n).
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To Someone Special (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
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notes: happy holidays! please take the time to celebrate with your family and friends. 2020 was an egregious year, but let’s thank god for letting us survive through the whole COVID pandemic. let’s pray for everyone to get through this. 
anyways, here is my christmas present to you all, wrapped with some angst and fluff! ethan’s ex-girlfriend from his med school days who cheated on him with another ‘friend’ (and no, it’s not tobias :)) makes an appearance hehe. forgive me if there are any spelling mistakes and grammar errors, and as always enjoy! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
(i felt like this was similar to @jamespotterthefirst ‘s fic ‘Fake Husband/Wife’, so i asked permission to write this, and she gave me it. shoutout to bree!)
summary: On Christmas, 10 years ago, he gave his heart to a girl. The very next day, she gave it away. This Christmas, to save him from tears, Ethan will give it to someone special.
pairing(s): dr. ethan ramsey x f!mc (dr. abigail ‘abby’ chacko) || mentions of past dr. ethan ramsey x dr. aubrie zavala
warning(s): angst (mentions of cheating) and fluff (mentions of proposal)
word count: 1999
** i suggest you listen to ‘last christmas’ by wham! :) **
‘The most wonderful time of the year.’
If it were years ago, Ethan would chuckle at the preposterousness of this statement. 
To everyone else, the Christmas season is full of jubilation, nostalgia and generosity. Giving and donating had become a peculiarity of the days neighboring the observed holiday, street-corners crowded with Santas ringing golden bells. 
Houses twinkled with multi-colored and pulsing lights, bouncing off the crystalline white snow. Inside the houses, trees glimmered with more colorful lights and various decorative ornaments. Christmas colors added sumptuousness. Classic poinsettias are tied, and candy canes add some idiosyncrasy, dangling from the mouths of exhilarated children. Joyful music and golden bells can be heard from everyone’s car.
To the senior doctor, it’s dissimilar. Christmas means more work to do at the hospital. Emergency rooms are filled with injured patients who were looking forward to blithesome moments with their friends and family. The roads are slick with shiny ice, vehicles slipping across the road to hit the one next to it or a broad tree. And the mistletoe. On one occasion, he had to escape an elderly grandmother with wrinkly skin and gray hair, who was convinced that he was Bob Dylan. Yet he wasn’t even an accurate replica and they didn’t sound the same.
Seeing other interns and derisory people kiss under the mistletoe makes him turn away with disgust. He cordially hated PDA. Well, that is, until he met her.
When Ethan met Abigail, however, he felt some sort of attraction to her, something he couldn’t escape from, no matter how hard he tried. Her compassion, her wit, her charm, her intelligence, her everything. 
It felt like some sort of grip she had, her usual chocolate aroma, big brown eyes, wavy hair, and her milky skin all holding on to him like a police officer would do to a criminal. And it’s addicting.
But now, looking at his Rookie from across their luxurious bedroom, getting ready for the Christmas Gala hosted by Bloom Edenbrook Hospital, he started to look forward to the breathless moments under the mistletoe. On second thought, why does he need to kiss Abby under the mistletoe when he can kiss her anywhere? They are officially dating, after all.
He wanted to satisfy her and hear her singing goofily along with the carols in their cars. He wanted to see her tastefully decorate their penthouse with stockings, ornaments, a garland. He wanted to see her making sticky toffee pudding and her longtime favorite gulab jamuns, even if he claims he doesn’t like sugar. She, in return, would constantly mock him, prompting him of the day when he focused his eyes on the delicious chocolate bar in the vending machine at the hospital. He wanted it all with her.
Abby was adorning a long sleeve crimson velvet dress, strikingly showing some cleavage. She wore a generous split from her right thigh down, parading her creamy legs. She looked divine. She looked like heaven. The red gown made her look scandalous. 
She cleared her throat, smirking at him staring at her. “Are you finished?”
“You look...” The more conventional doctor was at a loss of words, looking at her up and down. He started from her soiled velvet heels, moving up to her wavy cafe hair.
Abby flashed him a sly grin. “Why, thank you, Doctor. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Indeed he doesn’t. Ethan sported a matching outfit, a suit with a red velvet coat black shirt and a crimson bowtie.
“I can’t wait to come back after this gala. You’re making me lose my patience.”
She chortled, lovely music to his ears. “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”
The gala invited all the hospitals in Boston, including Mass Kenmore. It was being held at The Seaport World Trade Center, one of the largest venues in the city. Ethan and Abby arrived at the front of the venue, walking towards the entrance. Inside, a waiter took them to the very front table, the one where their seats were reserved.
They were recognized as the ‘rich couple’ and the ‘power couple’ of Edenbrook. It was no surprise that some of the doctors decided to gossip about them, stating how they match and look excellent together. Some women were jealous, and Abby could feel covetous eyes burning behind her back. The male doctors were also envious of Ethan, that he got to be with the young graceful doctor. In return, Ethan winded his protecting arm tighter around her slim waist, a clear mark that she is his. Only his. 
The front table additionally included Naveen, Harper, Tanaka, and Tobias Carrick. When Ethan and Tobias faced encountered other at the front table, the Mass Kenmore doctor somehow took his hand out, waiting for the famous diagnostician to shake it. Ethan was stupefied at first, but then he remembered what Tobias did for them, saving his Rookie from the maitotoxin. After a rare moment Ethan shook it, sending the latter a faint smile, to which he returned. Abby beamed at their interaction, glad that they finally cleared the air that had been surrounding them for more than a decade.
Naveen greeted both of them with a hearty hug, and Harper sent both of them a pleasant smile. The Chacko looked around the decorated room to discover her friends, all relaxing at a table. When she spotted them, she gave them a huge wave, to which they imitated back. It relaxed her to have Ethan and her friends in the same room, forgetting about the upcoming discussions with the money-eating scumbags who only care about wealth and not for the wellbeing of their patients.
Tobias and Ethan sat between Abby, and all the seats were filled except for one.
As if interpreting her thoughts, Tobias sought a confused question. “Are we expecting someone else at our table?”
“I believe we are,” Naveen answered.
The young doctor wanted to talk to her friends for a little while. Otherwise, everyone was roaming around, mingling with people.
Ethan seemed to detect this because he leaned in to whisper to her ear. “If you want to hang out with your friends, you can go ahead. It’s understandable, if you’re bored, as am I. Besides, I’ll just talk to Tobias.”
Abby sent him a grateful smile, not only for excusing her, but because he wanted to talk to his old (former?) friend. She was genuinely happy that their relationship is getting better and better.
In return, she bestowed him a kiss on his cheek and went to the table across the room, where her colleagues are. 
Her friends said the usual. Bryce and Kyra are dating, and they adopted a puppy after moving in together. Sienna doesn’t think she will move on from Danny, and that her heart will always belong to him, but the enormous pain had subsided. Elijah and Phoebe went on another date which had gone really well. Jackie’s debt is under control, and she said that she felt at peace and tranquility. 
After she had finished socializing, she looked back to her reserved table, where she saw a woman, a rather charming one, probably in her 30s. She had raven hair and porcelain skin, and was assuming a royal blue dress with an elegant split across her left thigh, displaying her beautiful legs. Standing next to her boyfriend. Being too touchy with her man. Abby was ordinarily not the type to be jealous, but looking at the woman made herself feel ugly.
Her eyes went to Ethan, who had a horrified look on his face. They moved to Tobias who had a similar expression. Naveen and Harper both had uncomfortable looks.
The latter captured her eye and came up to her.
Abby was confused, so she decided to convey this confusion to Carrick. “Is everything alright at our table? Is that woman the last person to occupy the empty seat?”
Carrick sighed deeply. “She... is Dr. Aubrie Zavala. Another famous diagnostician... She is also Ethan’s ex-girlfriend.”
That’s when she glanced back at their table and saw both of them arguing.
Tobias must have noted this because he replied, “Ethan and Aubrie are both arguing now. Back in Hopkins, she cheated on with another med student named Dillan, I think. And it was at Christmas. Now Aubrie wants him back.”
The cacophonous racket heard in the auditorium drained away from the ears of the young doctor, and the sounds of warning bells replaced it. 
What the hell am I supposed to do to grab her butt off the table?
Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She examined her bag and found a fake diamond ring. Her mother gave this to her; she saw this at the store and found it pretty. Abigail always kept it in her bag, a reminder that her mom loves her. It looks real, so this can work. The Chacko placed the ring on her left ring finger. Tobias, knowing what Abby was about to do, gave her a wink. She smiled back and walked over to their table.
“Babe? What’s wrong?” Abby asked innocently. Ethan’s oceanic eyes widened as he saw the mischievous gleam in her coffee eyes. 
The woman, who was now dubbed Aubrie, turned around to look at her with a grim expression. 
“Babe?” Aubrie threatened lowly, “Who the hell do you think you are, calling my Ethan ‘babe’?” Oh, this girl has it coming.
Abby offered her a fierce smile, showing off her properly ‘engagement’ ring. “Well, I’m pretty sure I called my fiancée babe, right Ethan?” 
Instantly, Ethan understood. She wanted to play as his wife-to-be now, did she? Well, that can be easily arranged, Ethan smirks, deciding to play along.
“Well, you see, Dr. Zavala, you do remember how I love hearing the opera, don’t you? I took Abby to one of my favorite operas named Carmen, and I proposed to her there. She cried happy tears and said ‘yes’.”
Aubrie’s furious face slowly drained of color, as she realized they are engaged. She now has to live with the regrets from the past. Her violent hands started to shake a little as she realized who she was arguing with the whole time.
“Wait, are you Dr. Abigail Chacko? One of the youngest doctors in America, Sister of the famous surgeon Sebastian Chacko, the youngest member of Edenbrook’s diagnostic team, and the person who cured Dr. Naveen Banerji?” Zavala asked slowly, her shrill voice starting to grow tense.
Abby, on the other hand, was having too much fun with this. “Bingo! You got it right!”
Right away, when she said that, Aubrie reluctantly left the whole table, stomping on the way like a teenager. Naveen and Harper both had amusing smiles on their faces, Tobias tried not to choke on his wine, and Ethan had the biggest smirk ever. 
Abby took off her fake ring and placed it in her bag. At once, Ethan gave her a sounding kiss on her plump lips, not minding anyone any attention. 
“How did you know I had a pretty rough time here?” Ethan asked curiously. 
She smiled triumphantly. “Well, I saw all of your uncomfortable faces at the table when Aubrie was here. Tobias saw me and gave me an explanation to what was happening. I’m so sorry you had to go through that during your med school days.”
Ramsey gently stroked her smooth and delicate cheek. “It’s fine. Besides, I got an even better woman right here.” 
Tobias cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, but can you please just continue this later at home? I’m tryna drink some good wine here.”
Everyone snorted, but Ethan’s mind went back to the actual engagement ring he bought for her at their penthouse, stored inside one of his worn-out shoes. He was actually planning to propose to her tomorrow, on Christmas Day. 
Taking her to one of my favorite operas named Carmen, proposing to her there.
Oh, he can’t wait for this chaotic day to be over.
notes: if you’ve made it this far, thank you!
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maxsell00 · 2 years
Best Manufactures Company In India For Cash Counting Machine
A currency-counting maker is a tool that counts cash - essentially loose money notes. The counters may totally be mechanically or electronically operated. The machines commonly provide a best overall matter of all the cash, or matter particular batch sizes for saving cash money; like in banks. Also these money counting devices can detect fake currency notes which is an impressive success in this class. Currency counters are commonly utilized in vending makers as in mall to determine what quantity of cash is really being transferred in money counters. Maxsell.Tech is a leading cash-counting machine supplier, we provide top-quality cash counting machine products at a competitive price.
In today's market we have 2 great money counting products: one is compact and the various other one is fully automatic, both of them fairly durable. The Compact V30 cash checking maker is designed only for counting; it is very much handy as well as additionally light in weight and portable. Operate with 4 pencil cells batteries or adapter; this is quite ideal for most of the currencies. The device can count up-to 100 currency notes in simply 5 seconds. Its portable & handy features make it very easy alternative for taking a trip. Maxsell.tech. have  a wide range of machines to suit your needs, and our team is always available to help you choose the right one for your business. 
As the size is small, it can be maintained next to your table or the cash money counter. The digital LED display screen counts and also shows variety of notes in bright red led light. Light in weight: just 450 grams with batteries. Its additional function enables the device to count up-to 999 notes at one go. The maker appropriates for Indian rupee notes in addition to for worldwide currency. Maxsell.tech. company also offer a wide range of LED video wall solutions that are perfect for any event or installation.
The maker comes with six months guarantee. The cash counting equipment has all vital features which a money counting equipment needs to have. The gadget has all the most recent moduses operandi like the counting and detecting setting, adding, and also batching mode. The maker has automobile begin function, automated cleansing sensor, as well as UV-ultraviolet discovery. Maxsell.tech Indian Rupee Mixed Note Counter. With its advanced note identification system, you can be sure that your money is always counted correctly. 
We provide a wide range of money counters such as digital money counters, coin counters. The gadget can count up-to 1200 notes per minute. Durable chassis with retracting carrying deal with, suitable for multi-currency, half note as well as keeps in mind stuck detection function, fast and also easy to run, it has automatic problem checking out. Exterior consumer display, counting display screen with digital LED and also includes 3 months guarantee. Mostly these currency counting gadgets are significantly essential for banks, offices, precious jewelry shops & various other stores, hotels, dining establishments, shopping malls and in a lot more places for cash money counting.
For More Info:-
Money Counter Manufacturer India
Cash Counting Machine Supplier
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