#can aydin
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badmovieihave · 2 years ago
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Bad movie I have Violent Night 2022
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year ago
-watched 12/7/2023- 3 [1/2] stars- on Amazon Prime
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DAVID HARBOUR as Santa Claus in Violent Night (2022)
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kenpiercemedia · 2 years ago
Now Playing: Universal Pictures "Violent Night" (12/2/2022)
It was only a few short months ago when I discussed the Universal Pictures release “Violent Night” with the Official Trailer (seen HERE ICYMI) and today the film is out for all to enjoy for the upcoming holiday season. Of course that’s only if your holiday season includes Santa Claus kicking some major villain behind when they try to ruin Christmas. When I discussed the trailer I pointed out how…
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projectjasper · 2 months ago
PROJECT JASP·ER: A sweet message to each other
(The boys were given four pieces of paper with names, each one got another random member's name and had to say something to them / about them).
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Joong: First of all, I want to say that I love my friend very much.
Pond: Awww, cute!
Joong: How do I put this? I don't want my friend to overthink. Because he is a very meticulous person. And he cares so much... how do I say? He cares about people around him a lot, which makes him overthink sometimes. So don't think too much.
Pond: Okay.
Joong: Chill out. Well, my friend is actually a very chill person, but he just cares so much, maybe too much about the people around him, so he gets stressed out. Also, I want to say that I love my friend a lot. We talk to each other very directly, we can always talk about anything.
Pond: Yes, yes.
Aou: Tell him that, if he has something to say, it's better to send a voice message.
Joong: Yeah, don't type, ok?
JASP: [laughing]
Pond: Things go wrong sometimes! I type very curtly. I type one way but then it seems very confrontational. It's all in the delivery. You could say "[softly] You don't like this?" or you could say "[rudely] You don't like this?" It really changes the meaning.
Joong: Right, right... And then you have to fight back.
Pond: We didn't understand each other until we talked on the phone. "Oh, I see. That was how you meant it?"
Aou: Until someone called me and complained...
Joong: "P'Aou, Ai'Pond is fighting with me!"
Aou: [whiny] "P'Aouuu, Ai'Pond is fighting with me!" I've never seen this side of Joong before!
Joong: Well, I've never seen this side of Pond either!
JASP: [laughing]
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Joong: Joong, please.
Aou: Right, Joong. Our band needs support in many different ways, right?
Pond: Yes.
Aou: Like for example... how should I say?
Pond: Let's be direct, in terms of character and style.
Aou: Exactly, yes. Like the image, the image of our band. And also... [clicks fingers, trying to think of a word]
Pond: In terms of content.
Aou: Yes, content! That we can leave to you, Joong.
Pond: Yes, yes.
Aou: Because, to be honest, I'm not very good at that. But I know like: Oh, Joong, I can definitely rely on him. He has a really great personality and a good image. He is so creative. Joong is a very talented person. I saw that he was serious from the very beginning, as soon as we started to dance together, and I was happy that we got to work together.
Joong: [squeezes Aou's arm] Thank you very much.
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Santa: Right, I got P'Aou! Let me start with a compliment, you are a very brave person.
Aou: Huh?
Pond: [giggles]
Santa: I mean, how should I say?
Pond: Passionate rather.
Joong: Bold!
Pond: Daring enough to get outside your comfort zone.
Santa: Hmmm.... You know like, that day we were filming the MV, right?
Aou: Yeah.
Santa: You were so brave when you did that somersault.
Santa & Pond: "Don't people need to practice that first?"
Pond: Last time he did it was for 'We Are [Fancon]', for 'Beast Inside'.
Santa: Right! That day we were filming the MV, I turned to look at P'Aou and he had these worried eyes.
Pond: He did.
Aou: That day, I wasn't worried about anything else, I was worried only about that one moment.
Santa: I want to say that you are capable, very capable.
Aou: Thank you.
Santa: And I just want to say: you can get your old skills back, I'm rooting for you!
Pond: And don't worry, you have me, I'll help you.
Santa: Let me help too.
Joong: But also... you lack some confidence in yourself, think that you're not good enough. When in reality, you are amazing.
Santa: Right.
Pond: Yes! The fans, they all saw what you can do with their own eyes! No one else here can do it!
Santa: I don't want you to think that you are inferior. Everyone here is very good, actually.
Aou: Thanks so much.
Joong: You are the leader. Among us four...
Pond: ...there is no one like you.
Joong: Exactly.
Aou: [scared incomprehensible noises] Thank you!
Santa: Emotional.
Joong: It's true! No one else fits that role. This one [points at Santa] is still a kid, this one [points at Pond] literally never stops...
Pond: [points at himself, as if to say 'what? me?']
Joong: ...this one [points at himself] is too hot-headed, I'm afraid I'd forget myself.
Santa: I would like to thank P' for playing such an important role in our band.
Aou: Thank you.
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Pond: Oh, I got my beloved Nong Santa! <...> I am so shy. But let me talk about my beloved Nong and then my other friends here too.
Joong & Aou: [excited noises]
Pond: Let's end it like this! I am so shy, I'm not going to look at you. [literally turns away to the side] So, Santa, we've probably known each other since like 2020 or 2021, so it's been 4-5 years. He was one of the people who would always be willing to dance with me. He knew about my dreams and we could always dance together. I know he has dreamt of being an artist too. Even on the days when he was tired, I was so proud of him. He has improved so much in terms of dancing and performance, it's clear to see. And most importantly, he is the kind of person who thinks about other people's feelings all the time. And he is like an example, he is the standard we all follow. I want to thank Nong for coming together with us, making Project Jasp·er complete and perfect. I hope you continue pushing forward with us. That's what I wanted to say. I'm shy now, I'll turn away.
Joong: Cute, cute, cute!
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Pond: As for my other friends, let me just face this way. [turns his back to them]
Santa: But the mirror...
Aou: There is a mirror.
Pond: [notices, laughs, and turns back forward away from the mirror but doesn't look at them] Let me just say that I was not sure what the journey up to this point would look like, how things would turn out. But I have to say I am very happy this project happened and I get to work with these three people. I feel like I love these guys even more now that we've worked together for real. Just keep in mind that if you need anything, whatever it is, I'm always here and ready to help. Or if you want me to fix or change something, I am ready, I can adjust anything. Let's fight together! [silent pause] I'm so shy...
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Aou: Listen, after the Starlympics concert, after the event everyone kind of disappeared for a bit. Then I get a notification from our group chat: "Let me just say, I love you so much, guys." [points at Pond, who sent the message] I'm really glad and proud to be able to work together like this. I don't really think of the guys as Nongs, they are my friends. And then, when we started working together - wow! they were all so dedicated! There was never a day, when we went to dance practice late at night and didn't want to do it. There wasn't a single day we didn't feel like practising. When we just met, everyone was trying their best, and we worked so hard to get to this point. And it just makes me feel like: oh! at least I'm not fighting alone! at least there are three other people by my side.
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siyah-kugu19 · 1 year ago
"Bir duruşu olmalı insanın.
Bir bakışı,
Bir anlayışı,
Bir aşkı,
Bir davası olmalı... "
Cahit Zarifoğlu~
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bolatserkan · 1 year ago
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—  E R K E N C I K U S
you are my albatross who is flying past me all the time, but you couldn't find me anywhere because I was in ashes and the only fire who can burn me into life was you - Sanem Aydin.
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heldisrps · 2 years ago
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ERKENCI KUŞ └ season 1 episode 1
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laennil · 1 year ago
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youremykindagirl · 2 years ago
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"Became a habit?"
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demetozdmr · 2 months ago
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the first and the last look.
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r-pmt · 2 years ago
“Don’t leave.”
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un-mei-no-akai-ito · 7 months ago
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iconsturkish · 2 years ago
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nothingleftofyou · 7 months ago
it had been miraculous he'd been given animal blood at all with his rescue. if he hadn't been stefan probably would have ripped open the woman's jugular by now, frankly enough. now that overwhelming hunger were gone, and stefan could only wish everything else that was wrong was as easy to fix. he stared at her for a moment, fighting with himself on his own response. he wouldn't eat her. if that was a concern he'd already have been gone. nonetheless, he had no idea how to go about this. "... alright." apparently, agreeing was how he went about this. all he had to do with stay quiet, tight lipped, and listen. maybe if he was lucky, she would speak the whole time and he could simply get out of there quick. "any place in mind?"
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❝   oh   !!   i'm   sorry   ….    ❝   a   pause.   nervous   hands   picked   at   a   thread.   watched   as   it   pulled   free.   unspooled   and   unspooled.   was   it   only   a   matter   of   time   before   it all   came   undone   ??   which   left   esmeray   with   the   problem   at   hand:   is   it   kinder   to   leave   a   man   to   his   sorrow   or   reach   out   a   hand,   unwanted   though   it   might   be   ??    it   was   the   question   she'd   been   asking   herself   about   her   brother   for   months   now.   but   he   just   looked   so   sad.   fragile.   a   world-weary   atlas   staring   down   eternity.   ❝   would   you   like   to   get   lunch   with   me   ??   ❝ 
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projectjasper · 28 days ago
the energy i need from jasp•er mvs (but like, serious)
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shorthaltsjester · 4 months ago
as always thinking about vex and vax and the dawnfather and the matron. episode one of downfall and emhira reminding the aydin that he can’t save everyone and aydin reminding emhira that they can always try. vex’s last breath begging her husband to save vax. vex coming back and when faced with vax again, insisting that everything can be fine, turning to keyleth and saying We Can Pretend. i’m just chewing on them man. always chewing on them. vex who plays the hardass but with so much relentless and occasionally naive hope in her chest, just like aydin had once. and vax who is a loving prankster turned champion to a god who took time in her godsaving mission to steal an imp from a guard, who is distant and grounded in reality but no less loving for it. god . god . get me out of here
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