#campbell household
grimbunnies · 2 months
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Karma: "Girl!"
Nicole: "Ah! Huh?"
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Nicole: "What? Where did this rain come from?"
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Karma: "Here. A gift. For when you wish to control your grandmother."
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Nicole: "Why... are you giving this to me? Don't you hate my granny?"
Karma: "Don't you?"
Nicole: "What? I—"
Karma: "Hush. Open it, or don't. But it's yours if you find you need it. It helps to be able to make your own karma."
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berkana-sims · 2 years
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The Campbell round is over.
Some results: - Margaret has opened the tailor's shop and wants to become a stylist - Dorothy loves videogames - they left the idea of opening an Internet Cafe as advice to the Mayor - they found the Takemizu Village map - Margaret is in a relationship with Gordon Fitzgerald - Dorothy seems to be attracted to William Wright
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mick3yz · 1 year
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Some cc doodle pages b4 the new episode comes out !
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rurpleplayssims · 1 month
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utilitycaster · 2 years
This was a really good Orym episode tbh. Like, I definitely think that recently hearing from Dorian and having Ashton acknowledge that Orym's role in the party is something of a tough one helped, as did the weird gruff praise from Uther and Chetney this episode.
I really loved Orym's response to Seedling - it's truly so fitting. It's a way to keep growing and changing while still keeping the memory of Will close, and it allows him to get a bit of range from enemies. He seems so excited about it when he talks to Chetney. I also think, given what Orym knows of Vox Machina and what he says to Chetney, he feels greatly reassured that the gods are aware of them, because that's how this sort of story goes.
I also think that the opportunity to relax did a lot because the party was able to burn off some steam with no more severe consequences than annoying the staff; all Orym had to do was tell people to maybe not cheat at cards just yet, and could otherwise sit back and let Fearne and Chetney and Ashton cause problems.
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sapphysims · 1 year
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leah campbell 🪴
green fiend • vegetarian • art lover
lady of the knits
style influencer
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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James wasn’t the only Campbell sibling making moves--or trying to, at least.
Mariam and Farah were happy to hang out on the jungle gym and chat about the upcoming test, but how were you supposed to move beyond that? Justin nodded and inwardly cursed his brother for being full of shit.
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Joanna, on the other hand, was finding Iris a bit more... amenable to her attempts at flirtation.
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The trio stayed out past dark--who was going to stop them? Trevor?--but not all of their friends had such lenient parents, so eventually they headed home.
“Dude, I have got to tell you what happened with Idara--”
“Watcher, are girls all you think about now?”
“You’re just saying that cause you struck out.”
“Did not--!”
“Ha, you totally did.”
“I did not!”
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grimbunnies · 2 months
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Christine: She doesn't understand... She's too rebellious, too foolish to see what it will take to break our curse...
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grimbunnies · 2 months
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grimbunnies · 2 months
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Christine: "I know what I have to do. There must be a fire. A massive fire. Complete the cycle. Then my land will be able to be farmed. I will plant the seeds you gave me tonight!"
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Christine: "I communed with the dead last night."
Nicole: "Uh..."
Christine: "I know what we must do to fulfill our duty as the last surviving members of the Campbell family. In order to restore our legacy. We will burn the past. A bonfire."
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Nicole: "Granny... It can be really dangerous to burn trash. And how will that really help?"
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Christine: "You always question me! You have to listen! I know this land better than you. I know what we need to do! Your mother told me! Do you want to question her the way you question me?"
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grimbunnies · 2 months
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grimbunnies · 2 months
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Nicole: "I try to look on the bright side, but it's hard. I just resent being stuck with her so much..."
Ripp: "I get it, trust me."
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Ripp: She's cute but... huh...
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grimbunnies · 2 months
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Nicole: "Granny? Who do you think you're talking to?"
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Christine: "Shut up! Wait! Come back! You scared him off. Stupid girl!"
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Ripp: "Let's get outta here. Grab some lunch. My treat."
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grimbunnies · 1 year
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There is something wrong with the Campbell farm. Some people say that it is cursed and that Christine Campbell is fighting a futile fight against the sins of her forefathers. Others say that Christine herself might be responsible for the fires that ravage her land and is in league with a dark, otherworldly entity. And a selected few say that she is just an unlucky old lady. Whatever the truth is about the Campbell farm, the townsfolk are not likely to find out.
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grimbunnies · 1 year
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Christine: “Water the earth! Quench its thirst, so that it no longer burns and takes from us!”
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grimbunnies · 1 year
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Christine: Soak into the earth.
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Christine: “Where is that girl? Nicole! Nicole!”
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Nicole: “I’m here, Granny. I was out with Tan—”
Christine: “You were out neglecting your chores! Grab a shovel before I clip you around the ears!”
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