tunedtostatic · 3 years
Reply to @iffeelscouldkill on the great Vikady slowdancing post of 2021 because we've reached the point where my reply was going to have to do with neither Vikady nor slowdancing...
Also @ghostsquidsandspacebees please do post your mixes!! I would be especially excited to listen to the Campathi one :D I'm always in awe of people who can do fanmixes because I just don't seem to know enough songs in order to come up with them? But they're really cool!
#TSCOSI#Vikady#fanmixes#I am still singing The Mountaineer to myself so I think I know what's going to be on repeat for the rest of my work day#also YES someone beside me used Campathi as a smooshname#I am also partial to Captain Soup which some people use as a ship name#and hey why limit yourself?#we should have a concept ship name for Vikady too#And Brian x Krejjh#what about... mint trees for Vikady#hahahaha that's terrible#someone come up with a better one#and for Brian and Krejjh#I want to say Renegade Pilot after Brian's line about being a renegade academic#but that just sounds like a descriptor for Krejjh xD#also Renegade Academics could be a name for a Brian and Violet friend ship#anyway I'd better stop before I start trying to do Park and RJ#what am I doooooing in these tags#someone take tags away from me
The fanmixes are those ones I've been pulling together since spring, so rest assured they are slated to be posted! I'm doing one for each crew member (except remaining unknown quantity Park, poor Park, or maybe lucky Park since all the mixes have heaps of angst tracks), and I was planning to post those first, then the three canon ship mixes, then miscellany like noncanon ships and Other Violet.
I haven't quite finished the first, Sana's...it's admittedly already on the longer side for a non-shuffle mix, but it needs a couple more tracks in the middle before I'll be happy with it. I've been listening to tracks I haven't heard by artists I like, and I found another good Sana track this morning...
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But as I said in my tags there's...actually no reason for character mixes to come before the ship mixes? I think that that started as a vague plan when nothing was close to completion, and now it hadn't hit me yet that all three canon ships are ready. The Campathi mix is still on the shorter side, but shorter mixes aren't a bad thing, so I'm calling it done! Ship mix time! (I know, I could always interleave characters and ships, but I like categories. 😄)
I have. Never heard "concept ship name" as a term for that kind of ship name, I love it. I read "mint trees" and my gremlin brain immediately came up with something far worse:
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Free use image
I like the idea of "battle poetry" for Brian/Krejjh...they create battle poetry and he studied an epic poem. Of course, that could create confusion between battle poetry the ship name and battle poetry the thing. I can't think of any serious suggestions for Vikady... I actually think the fatal flaw of both mint trees and tea tree is not that they are silly but that the mint tea was also kind of Arkady's thing, so it would be nice to combine stuff that has to do with each of them. (Anyone?)
I HADN'T SEEN CAPTAIN SOUP. Glorious. I definitely got Campathi from you, IDK if you came up with it or just popularized it ("popularized" = "got at least one other person to start using it"...everything in a small fandom is relative, eh)?
The only ones I've come up with are Tripatel and Tripateliu, when I was trying to come up with a smushname for Arkady/Sana and thought it was cute their surnames nested together that way. Then I realized Violet's does too!! Fate, clearly.
To come full circle, I came up with Tripatel in the process of tagging my first post about fanmixes, since they were the start...
Last week I was listening to a new album and thought “hey this is a good Arkady/Sana track I should make an Arkady/Sana fanmix” which is all well and good but then as I was building the fanmix I kept running into tracks that’d work better for Vikady or Sana/Campbell or Arkady or…..and long story short I now have fanmixes in progress for Arkady/Sana, Arkady/Violet, Campbell/Sana, tscosi in general, Violet, Arkady, Sana, and Krejjh
arkady/violet arkady/sana campbell/sana does arkady/sana have a smushname a quick search reveals nothing that would bar sakady or tripatel from ship name use i think i'm gonna go with tripatel because I simply think it is cute that their names nest together that way
(Technically Arkady/Sana is at the rear of the posting queue because noncanon, but I'm also chicken since "Much of the appeal is that it'd be such a messed up disaster" seems like a great way to alienate anyone who doesn't ship it and anyone who ships it in the sense of thinking they'd be good together. But I'll human up and post their angsty, angsty tracks some day. 😆)
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iffeelscouldkill · 4 years
The Strange Case of Starship Iris, season 1 episode 9:
VIOLET: No, I mean, what’s the average lifespan, for somebody in this line of work? Every day, we trust a thin layer of hacked-together ship to keep us from a sucking, freezing void so vast that if we honestly stopped to think about it, we might not be able to start again. And that’s not even getting into--we’re talking the fragility of human life, I could be here all day. Fatal arrhythmias, pulmonary embolisms, even just a simple aneurysm--
ARKADY: Strokes, infections, Floating Pneumonia--where are we going with this? 
VIOLET: I came of age knowing that if I said one wrong thing, made one wrong step, annoyed one wrong person, it would be all over for me. So, yeah, it’s not that I don’t care about dying. But dying’s always there, and here we have a chance to do something.
The Strange Case of Starship Iris, season 2 episode 4:
CAMPBELL: You know, I keep thinking...we have that saying, “When their foot is on your throat, any day breathing is a victory.” 
SANA: Yeah.
CAMPBELL: That’s not enough for me anymore. Just surviving, scraping by and calling it a win. If we really want to piss off those Regime goons, we should try thriving.
Wouldn’t that make them furious? To just--live our lives and take our chances, and be happy, even if it’s only for a while?
Starship Iris said live your life and fuck The Man
ARKADY: Nothing. You’re a badass, Violet Liu.
SANA: Every now and then, I remember why I kissed you the first time. 
Revolution is very romantic
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iffeelscouldkill · 4 years
Strong Coffee and Sourdough
Or: “It’s not ‘too late’ for a Valentine’s Day fic if it’s still February”
A/N: I was in no way planning to write a Valentine’s Day fic this year, because I have enough ongoing fic projects as it is! But then a couple of days before the 14th my brain was like “but Sana and Campbell???” and I was like god damn it you’re right. And then I thought of the scenario at the end of Episode 3 where Sana and Arkady both wake up in Campbell’s guest room, but make it a contemporary/present-day AU, and this fic idea was born!
It’s teeechnically also a College AU, but not in the traditional sense of the characters being students - instead, most of them are staff/faculty, minus Sana who’s a mechanic and Krejjh who’s a *mumble mumble something to do with poetry*. Also, I’m not American and although I attempted to write a US-ish college style setting in deference to TSCOSI being US-ish (I mean, the space colleges are vaguely based on US ones according to Jess’s notes), it’s probably not that accurate? It was meant to be a quickie Valentine’s Day ficlet (emphasis on “meant to be”, lolsob), so I didn’t want to go through the whole production of getting it checked over by someone more knowledgeable. Please forgive any glaring issues!
Warnings: Mentions of forcible eviction (past, not taking place during the fic) and er, air rifle-related violence and injury? But don’t worry, it’s no-one that we like :D
Cross-posted to AO3
It’s been a while since Sana has had the experience of waking up in a strange bed with a throbbing hangover.
She comes to slowly, and then all at once, groaning as she opens her eyes to bright light streaming through a gap in the curtains. As she brings one arm up defensively to shield her eyes, her elbow brushes up against something warm. Another person. Sana freezes.
Very slowly, she turns her head – and lets out a huge breath of relief as she recognises the sleeping profile of her best friend. “Arkady,” she says, fondly, even though she knows from experience that the other woman will be completely dead to the world. Arkady is a light sleeper normally, but after a night of drinking (and the strength of Sana’s hangover tells her there was plenty of drinking) it’s as if her body takes the opportunity to make up for the lost rest.
Arkady’s hand is resting on the pillow next to her, and Sana frowns as she takes in some bruising on Arkady’s knuckles, visible even in the gloom. What the hell happened last night? Very little is managing to penetrate the thick pounding in Sana’s head – she remembers that they were at a house party, hosted by someone she vaguely knows who works in the university administration. Gregory…? No, Gregor. Red Gregor. Brian had found out about the invite from Park, and they’d all decided to go along – except for Violet, who’d been helping with some monitoring in the labs overnight – because it had been a while since they’d all had the chance to get together and relax.
Sana is being vividly reminded of all the reasons they’d stopped doing this once they hit their late 20s and early 30s. She hasn’t been this hung over in what – four years, maybe five?
She pushes the mystery of Arkady’s bruised knuckles to the back of her mind, something to ask about when her friend is finally conscious. For now, she can smell coffee, and everything else has abruptly taken a back seat to discovering its source.
She gets out of bed, noticing that she’s still wearing her outfit from the night before, the sky blue blouse and dark trousers a little crooked and creased. At least she has the sense to take off her jewellery, which is laid neatly a side table on top of a folded dark sweater that she doesn’t recognise. Sana moves her earrings and pile of bangles and unfolds the sweater, which has the university logo on it and smells faintly of aftershave.
Someone must have given it to her to wear before she went to sleep – presumably the same someone who owns the guest bedroom that she and Arkady are both crashing in. Sana pulls the sweater over her head (it’s worn, soft and hangs loosely around her, evidently worn by someone with much wider shoulders) and goes to look for their mysterious benefactor.
It’s a smallish apartment, the kind that Sana imagines would belong to someone working a teaching or admin job at the university, maybe someone who recently moved to the city. She spots a bathroom, the door cracked open, and makes a beeline for it to use the toilet, wash up a bit and rinse her mouth out. A glance in the mirror confirms that Sana looks as wrecked as she feels; she runs her fingers through her tangled hair and uses some wet tissue paper to clean off the last of her smudged makeup.
The bathroom is clean and neat but doesn’t have many other distinguishing features – except for, curiously, a row of brightly-coloured rubber ducks lined up behind the sink, and what looks like a plastic baby bathtub leaning against one wall – does the owner of this house have kids? Sana tries to think if she’s ever met anyone with young children in her friends’ circles, but she’s drawing a blank. Maybe the person who lives here is a caretaker or has relatives that they babysit.
The scent of coffee is even stronger now, and Sana thinks she can hear humming. She makes her way down the corridor to what can only be the kitchen, and slowly pushes the door open. “Uh, good morning.”
“Hey!” The man at the kitchen counter half-turns, favouring Sana with a bright smile. She instantly feels more at ease, though she isn’t sure what she did, between getting so drunk at a party that she needed to crash at a stranger’s house and appearing the next morning looking like she’s been dragged through a hedge backwards, to earn that kind of expression. “You’re awake. Come sit down – I made coffee. Strong coffee.”
His voice is wonderful, melodious and full of humour. Sana catches herself thinking this and wonders if it’s appropriate to be thinking it about someone she’s just met (though, did they just meet? Surely there must have been some kind of conversation that led to her and Arkady winding up here? Sana can’t remember anything), and decides to chalk it up to her hangover. That, and the word ‘coffee’.
“Thank you so much. I guess it must be pretty obvious how much I need it,” Sana says ruefully as she sits down at the kitchen table, which is a plain light wood. One or two coasters sit on top of it: they’re made of colourful clay, and slightly wonky and misshapen, like they were handmade in a child’s art class.
“I think anyone would, after last night,” the man says lightly, no judgement in his voice. “Is your friend awake yet?”
“Not yet. I think she’ll emerge in a half hour so. Maybe sooner if the coffee filters through to her senses,” Sana jokes, and the man laughs. He turns, holding a mug of coffee that looks reassuringly pitch black.
“Do you take milk or cream? Sugar?”
“Just black is fine, thanks,” Sana says, trying not to look like she’s on the verge of making grabbing motions at the coffee. The man smiles like he’s noticed this, and brings the mug over, setting it on one of the misshapen coasters.
“One of my nephews’ art projects,” he says, nodding at it. “Pretty impressive for a six-year-old, right?  Kid’s good with his hands – it runs in the family, I guess.” He grins, and the pride is clear in his expression.
Nephews. So, that explains the rubber ducks and the bathtub. Sana means to ask how many nephews he has, but what comes out instead is, “Do you work with your hands a lot?” She feels herself flush brightly and covers it up by taking a drink of coffee. God, the coffee tastes incredible.
Her host shrugs easily. “Well, culinary arts teacher, you know how it is. Speaking of which – are you hungry? Because I made a fresh batch of sourdough the other day, and I don’t like to brag, but it came out pretty well. I can warm some up for you.”
“Oh my god, marry me,” Sana blurts out, and then claps a hand over her mouth. What is wrong with her this morning?? Okay, so the guy is warm and funny and generous, a doting uncle, and he can cook – but there’s no reason to come on quite so strong. “I’m sorry, I don’t even know your name and here I am proposing marriage. Yes to the sourdough, please. If it’s not a bother.”
An odd expression comes over the man’s face, but it passes before Sana’s sluggish brain can parse it. “Ignatius Campbell, but you can call me Campbell,” he says. “And coming right up.” He opens a bread bin on the counter and takes out a paper-wrapped loaf of bread and a knife.
Sana searches for something to fill the slightly awkward silence that’s suddenly opened up. “So, uh, how do you know Red Gregor?”
“Oh, Red and I go way back,” Campbell says, expertly slicing off some of the sourdough. Even his bread-slicing technique is perfect – Sana has never managed to hand-slice bread without a shower of crumbs and a very awkwardly wedge-shaped result. “I’ve been best man at both his weddings. We met at college, kept in touch after – I moved around a lot, turned my hand to different things. Eventually he told me about an opening at the university where he worked for a culinary arts teacher, and it had the added bonus of being nearer to my sister and the kids, so here I am.” He slides two pieces of bread into the toaster.
“That sounds pretty eventful,” Sana comments. “I bet you’ve got a few stories to tell.”
Campbell smiles at her, bringing down another mug from a cupboard and pouring some more coffee for himself. “Well, no more than the usual. But what about yourself? I know you don’t work at the university. Red has a habit of drawing people into his orbit, though, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that you were at the party.”
Sana laughs a little. “Well, no, I’m not faculty – I actually run a repairs shop just off campus. I can fix pretty much anything, but somehow I find myself spending most of my time changing the oil for students who never learned to take care of their own cars.” She shouldn’t complain, since the repairs keep her in business, but it pains her to see so many kids who didn’t know how to do basic maintenance.
“So, good with your hands, then?” Campbell asks slyly, and Sana laughs at the way he’s turned her own comment back on her.
“I have my moments,” she says, blushing again and taking yet another sip of coffee to cover it up. “Uh, so the invite to Red Gregor’s party actually came through Brian. He’s a professor in the linguistics department.”
“Wait, as in Brian Jeeter?” Sana nods, and Campbell leans back against the counter as if absorbing this revelation. The sourdough pops up, and Campbell takes down a plate and piles the slices of bread onto it. “I could have sworn he was a TA. He can’t be older than mid-twenties.”
“Twenty-six, and he’s a bit of a prodigy,” Sana tells him. “Youngest professor at the university. God, this smells amazing, thank you,” she adds as Campbell slides the plate of sourdough over to her, along with some butter and a knife. Campbell looks pleased at the compliment.
“Arkady also works at the university, doing IT support and systems security,” Sana adds, inclining her head towards the kitchen door to indicate who she means. “Her partner, Violet, is in the biology department.” Confusingly, there is also a Violet Liu in the computing department who is an infosec specialist. She and Arkady don’t get along, exactly, but they have a grudging mutual respect for each other, and the other Violet enjoys challenging her infosec students to find vulnerabilities in the university’s notoriously impenetrable firewalls. She’s tried persuading Arkady to teach a class, without any luck so far. Arkady’s self-conscious about her self-taught status, and disdainful about higher education in general. Sana thinks Violet might be the only reason she still puts up with working at a university at all.
“Then there’s Park and McCabe – I think Park and Red Gregor know each other from back when Park was in the admin department, but he helps oversee the sports centre now. And McCabe runs the shooting range.” Sana concludes her recital and takes a bite of the sourdough she’s been buttering. Her eyes flutter closed involuntarily, and she doesn’t make a noise, but it’s a close run thing. God, Campbell’s not just a cook, he’s an incredible cook. She feels less weird about the pseudo-proposal now. Sourdough this good is worth marrying someone for.
“Wow, it sounds like you guys are quite the family,” Campbell says, and he sounds a little wistful.
There’s always room for one more, Sana wants to say, but manages to hold herself back this time.
“And yeah, I know Park – vaguely, anyway. Eyepatch guy, right?”
Sana nods.
“What about…” Campbell looks hesitant, suddenly, the first time he’s seemed less than sure of himself. “You and Arkady seemed to have a connection with someone who was at the party last night. Ricky someone?”
“Oh my god,” Sana says, dropping the half-slice of sourdough she’s holding onto. “Ricky Q was there?” But even as she says it, she remembers – flashes, anyway: Ricky, disdainful and sneering, his nose bleeding from Arkady’s punch. Sana pulling Arkady off him – not because he didn’t deserve every bit of it, but because she could be fired for attacking the son of the university’s biggest donor. Red Gregor, intervening, telling Ricky to leave. She can’t remember exactly what happened after that, but she can guess.
“You offered us a place to stay,” she says, looking at Campbell for confirmation. He shrugs awkwardly.
“I had a place that was nearby, and you both seemed to want to get out of there as quickly as possible,” he says. “Red Gregor said your truck would be safe at his place, and you could swing by to pick it up anytime.”
“Thank you, Campbell,” Sana says, touched. She’s still surprised that someone who barely knew either of them would offer up his home – especially after watching them get into a fight – but maybe that’s just the kind of guy that Campbell is. She wonders what had happened to Brian, Krejjh and Park – maybe they’d left the party earlier. Oh god, she hasn’t even checked her phone yet. She’s going to have so many messages.
“I know it’s none of my business what happened,” Campbell says, and Sana remembers that he’d asked about how they knew Ricky Q. “But that guy seems like bad news, and I like to avoid people who are bad news.”
Sana scoffs a little, picking at the last of the sourdough on her plate. “That’s one way of putting it.” She hesitates over what to say. It’s not really her story to tell, and she normally wouldn’t have any qualms about telling anyone who asked to drop the subject. But Campbell had offered his home to them purely because they needed somewhere to go, and Sana has this feeling that he’ll understand better than some people would.
“Short version is that Ricky Q’s family – the Cresswin family – are wealthy real estate owners,” she says, quietly. “When Arkady was a teenager, they bought up the apartment complex that her family lived in – not a great place to grow up, but people did the best they could. But instead of improving things for everyone who lived there, they wanted to evict them all. Renovate the complex, turn into a luxury apartment block to be rented out to billionaires and the like.” Sana knows her bitterness and frustration are audible. “Most of them didn’t have any place to go – so they tried to organise, withhold rent in protest. Ricky Q showed up, saying he didn’t agree with what his family was doing, and offered to help.
“The tenants were wary, but he seemed sincere, he helped them co-ordinate, so they trusted him. He was going to go public about his involvement – go against his family, get them some media coverage and give their story real publicity. But then, at the last second, he went behind their backs – and the story that the media wound up running was a very different one to what they’d expected.” Campbell’s face darkens at that. “Ricky claimed that he wasn’t his fault the media ran with the story they did, but – you can imagine how that went over. A local housing organisation offered some support, but it wasn’t enough to keep the residents from being evicted – just to help them deal with it.”
“Jesus,” Campbell says. “After hearing that, I’m surprised all she did was punch him.”
“She might’ve done worse, if I hadn’t pulled her off,” Sana admits. “It wasn’t for his sake – his family is unfortunately one of the biggest donors to the university. Arkady could lose her job if he makes a complaint to the wrong person.”
Campbell draws a hand over his face. “I’m no stranger to bullshit systems, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make me angry,” he says. “I’ve no idea why he showed up at Red Gregor’s, though. I’ve never heard of him before, and he’s not the type of person that Red would associate with if he could help it. Trust me on that.”
Sana shrugs tiredly. “Ricky has a tendency of showing up where he’s not wanted,” she says. She drains the last of her coffee, and Campbell wordlessly offers her the pot. Sana smiles gratefully and holds her mug out for a refill.
“If there’s anything I can do to help…” Campbell says. He sounds completely sincere, and it does something strange to Sana’s heart. She knows she has a tendency to trust people too easily; but it feels like it means something, that Campbell listened to her tell this story – a woman he’s known for all of a night, though it feels like longer than that – and even though there’s nothing in it for him, he genuinely wants to help.
“You’ve honestly helped us a lot already,” Sana says. “And I really can’t thank you enough for that. We’ll figure something out – it’s not the first time we’ve been in a bind.”
“Well, in the meantime…” Campbell turns back to the countertop and pulls the cutting board towards him. “More sourdough?”
Arkady tiredly shuffles into the kitchen about ten minutes later, as Campbell is in the middle of brewing another pot of coffee. They’ve moved on to talking about anything and everything; Sana has discovered how many nephews Campbell has (three: the eldest is six, the second is four and the youngest is a year old) and that, in a weird coincidence, the two of them grew up not that far from each other. Campbell is in the middle of telling some of the stranger and funnier stories from his Culinary Arts classes when Arkady enters the room.
“So I told the kid to turn out his pockets,” Campbell is saying, as Sana laughs, “and they were just full of tomatoes! He must’ve had at least eight of them in there! Maybe more. I told him, if he was going to be stealing my tomatoes, I would at least teach him how to make ratatouille with them.” Sana laughs harder at that.
“Morning,” Arkady says from the doorway, and both of them look over. “This looks cosy.”
“Hey, g’morning,” Campbell says easily. “Hope you’re not feeling too rough? There’s coffee.”
“Coffee would be good,” admits Arkady, making her way over to the kitchen table. “You’re Campbell, right?”
“That’s me.”
Sana is wondering how Arkady apparently knows who Campbell is when she didn’t – did she have that much to drink last night? – when Arkady says, “Red Gregor talks about you a lot.”
“Only good things, I hope,” Campbell jokes. Arkady smirks.
“It’s a variety.” She pulls out her phone from her pocket, its screen dark and unresponsive. “You wouldn’t happen to have a charger, would you?”
“Sure,” Campbell says, holding out his hand for Arkady’s phone. As he retrieves a charger and plugs Arkady’s phone in at the wall, Sana says to Arkady in an undertone,
“Did you sleep okay?”
Arkady shrugs. “Sure, for all it’s helping with my hangover. You seem to be having a good time in here, though. Did I interrupt something?”
Sana splutters. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Arkady raises her eyebrows slightly. “I just mean, if I’m gonna be a third wheel…”
“Third- okay, if we want to talk third wheels, how about every time that you and Violet-”
“Uh, Arkady?” Campbell’s voice cuts in before Sana can finish. “Your phone’s ringing.”
He tilts the phone screen so that she can see it; the screen reads, ‘Violet Liu calling’ with a picture of Violet that looks like it was taken from a joint selfie. She’s smiling, her arm around someone out of shot, and flashing a peace sign at the camera.
“Shit,” Arkady swears under her breath as Sana smirks.
“I think you’d better pick up.”
Arkady doesn’t move, staring at the phone as if it will magically stop ringing and solve her problems for her.
“C’mon, she’s not going to be mad at you,” Sana says.
“No, she won’t be mad, she’ll be worried,” Arkady says. “Really worried.”
“Hey,” Sana says, reassuring now, because she knows that even after two years Arkady still frets about her relationship with Violet. “Violet trusts you. If she didn’t know what was going on and couldn’t get a hold of you, she would’ve called Brian or Krejjh.” Or me, she mentally adds, thinking guilty of her own phone, lying neglected at the bottom of her bag. “Just explain what happened, and let her know you’re okay.”
Arkady nods grimly, and goes over to take the phone from Campbell. Sana and Campbell both do their best not to eavesdrop, Campbell clattering around and pouring more coffee and cutting Sana another slice of sourdough. She’s already so full, but it’s hard to say no.
Eventually, Arkady says, “Yeah. Talk soon. Okay. Be safe,” and hangs up the phone. She exhales, and Sana looks at her enquiringly.
“She talked to Brian and Krejjh, who heard from Red Gregor where we were,” Arkady summarises. “But she also heard about – what happened, and she was worried about that more than anything.” Sana winces and nods.
“Here,” Campbell says, handing Arkady a mug of coffee. “I didn’t know how you take it, but-”
“Anything’s fine,” Arkady says. “Thanks.”
“Listen,” Sana says to her. “We’ll figure out what to do about-”
“Yeah, I know,” Arkady interrupts tiredly. “I’ll suck it up or lay low or – whatever, can we just… not talk about this yet?”
“Okay,” Sana says, willing to give Arkady some space, particularly after she’s just woken up. “But seriously, Violet will be okay. And if she’s not,” Sana’s tone turns sly. “You can always make it up to her on Friday.”
Arkady goes still for a couple of seconds, until the significance of ‘Friday’ comes back to her. “Oh god,” she says, raising her coffee mug like she’d be happy to drown herself in it.
At Campbell’s quizzical look, Sana explains, “Valentine’s Day.”
“Ah,” Campbell says, sympathetic. “Not sure what to do yet?”
“I don’t really do… romantic gestures,” Arkady says, then looks like she isn’t even sure why she’s talking about this. “I think the whole day is full of crap, but… Violet likes it.”
“You don’t have to go overboard,” Sana tells her, like she has done every other time they’ve had this conversation. “Just do something nice together.”
“Yeah, but what does that mean?”
“I’ve always found you can’t go wrong with a good picnic,” Campbell offers. When Arkady squints up at him, he shrugs. “It’s a classic, but you can personalise it too.”
“Hey, yeah – you guys both like to go for walks in the woods,” Sana says, warming to the idea. “You can do that, but make it romantic.”
“Sure, except I have no idea how to make a picnic,” Arkady says. “We didn’t really… do that when I was a kid.”
“I can recommend a few things,” Campbell offers. “If you want advice.”
Arkady hesitates, clearly torn between her dislike of opening up – about romance most of all – as well as her aversion to taking advice from anyone, and her need to find something – anything­ – to do for Valentine’s Day. She glances at Sana, who holds up her hands.
“You’d be better off taking advice from Campbell than me,” she says. “You know I can’t cook. Of course, if you’d rather ask Brian…”
Arkady instantly makes up her mind. “Sure. Let’s hear it.”
Sana spends the next few days waiting for the other shoe to drop on the Ricky Q Situation. She doesn’t think that Ricky will lodge a complaint against Arkady right away – it seems much more his style to use the leverage that it would give him to his advantage. Even so, Red Gregor promises her, through Park, that he’ll keep an eye out for anything that comes via the Administrations office. (Sana would have liked her contact with Red Gregor to be through Campbell, but she didn’t manage to work up the courage to ask for his number before she and Arkady left that day. She was kind of hoping that Campbell would ask for hers, but he hadn’t).
She and Arkady have a brief conversation about it, during which Arkady states that they may as well “deal with the shit when it hits the fan”, and that it’s “not worth wasting any more time or energy” on Ricky Q until then, both of which seem like fair sentiments. Strangely, though, nothing happens.
Sana drops by the university one day to meet Arkady for lunch; she’s running early, so she stops by Brian’s office first to say hi.
“Hey dude, come in,” Brian says when she knocks on the door. “You here to meet Arkady for lunch?”
Brian’s office is in cheerful disarray, stacks of papers and books piled around in a way that looks disorganised, though Sana knows that he could instantly locate the right volume or piece of research if he needed it. He looks like he’s in the middle of doing some grading, which is probably why he’s happy for the distraction. Sana shifts a textbook off the chair on the other side of the desk and perches on it.
“Yeah, we’re going to grab a sandwich from that new place that opened up across the campus,” Sana says. “Also, I think Arkady wanted some last-minute help with organising her surprise for Violet tomorrow.” When Brian looks puzzled, she adds, “Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh! Right, I almost forgot it was tomorrow. Man, is Arkady really doing something for Valentine’s this year?” Brian asks, entertained. “Never thought I’d see that day.”
Sana smiles. “A little under duress, but I think she’s secretly looking forward to it. What are you and Krejjh doing for tomorrow? Got any plans?”
“Yup! We’re planning an all-night soap opera marathon,” Brian says proudly. “Eight hours of the best and cheesiest dramas the internet has to offer. We’re making movie-style snacks and drinks – it’s gonna be awesome.”
Sana laughs. “That sounds like you two.” She can’t help feeling a little wistful. Sana doesn’t normally feel left out on Valentine’s Day – she’s happy for her friends, and she sees it as an opportunity to spend some quality time on her own, doing some of the things she likes best. A few years back, she and Arkady would have spent it together, getting cheerfully drunk and watching terrible, trashy horror movies as an antidote to the general sappiness of the occasion – but Sana would much rather have Arkady be happy with Violet, who is definitely one of the more positive things to have happened in Arkady’s life over the last few years, than have their old tradition back. It’s just one day in the year, after all.
Brian’s phone chimes, and he briefly checks the screen, and then starts snorting with laughter. “Oh, man.”
“What?” asks Sana.
“Uh, so… That Ricky Q guy that showed up to Red Gregor’s party, the one you stopped Arkady from whaling on?” says Brian. Sana nods, wondering where this could possibly be going. “Well, Red and Park managed to pull some strings via their contacts in the admin office, and persuaded the Cresswin family that it would be a good idea for their youngest son to do some publicity. Y’know, earn some goodwill. Their reputation isn’t the greatest at the moment, and Ricky’s been kind of in the doghouse lately – that start-up he funded is being scrutinised for some shady dealings – so he doesn’t really have a choice but to play nice.”
“So… what is he being made to do?” Sana asks.
“Well, someone might have suggested that he chaperone a group of kids who’ve come to tour the university, and Park and McCabe volunteered to give a demonstration on the shooting range,” Brian says cheerfully. “But, y’know, Park’s aim isn’t what it used to be, what with the eyepatch and all. A few bullets might have gone astray during the demonstration – non-lethal, obviously, they’re just air rifles, but they hurt like hell. Which is unfortunate, because Ricky Q also wasn’t wearing safety equipment. Apparently he thought that he was ‘above it’.”
Sana stares at him. “Brian, are you saying that Park shot Ricky Q during a shooting range demonstration?”
“I mean, I’m not not saying that,” Brian replies. “But y’know, just hypothetically, there might have been some bruises. Kind of looks similar to being punched in the face – which, of course, none of us would know anything about, either. But hypothetically, if Ricky Q tried to complain about a certain recent incident at a party – which no-one who was there witnessed – Park and McCabe are willing to testify to the bruises having come from Ricky’s recent shooting range accident. The kids, too.”
“Oh my god,” Sana says. Part of her – a very small part of her – wants to be disapproving at the way her friends have gone about exacting revenge on Ricky Q. If she’d known about the plan, she probably would have felt duty-bound to dissuade them from it, which is probably exactly why none of them told her.
A much bigger part is delighted, amused, and impressed at the level of meticulous planning that went into it. “Does Arkady know about all of this?”
“She didn’t know about the plan before it happened,” Brian replies. “Plausible deniability, you know. But uh, Park might have sent her some pictures.”
Sana gives in and laughs helplessly. “Oh my god. You guys…” She shakes her head. “You know I don’t condone shooting people in the face with air rifles. Even Ricky Q.”
“Of course,” Brian says, nodding. “But ya know, accidents happen. I’m sure Park feels really bad about it.”
“I’ll have to thank him,” says Sana. “For handling the situation so professionally, that is.”
“I’m sure he’d like that,” Brian says.
They chat aimlessly about other things for a few minutes, including the latest volume of poetry that Krejjh has been working on, when Brian says, “So, you and that Campbell guy looked like you were hitting it off at Red Gregor’s party. And Arkady said he let you guys crash at your place after? That was cool of him. Are you gonna see him again?”
“Wait, what do you mean, we ‘looked like we were hitting it off’?” Sana asks him, confused. Brian frowns.
“Uh, you guys were talking for half the night. It just seemed like you were really getting along…” Brian takes in the stunned expression on Sana’s face. “Do you not… remember?”
“I…” Sana thinks back to the party. Her own lack of memory about that night, and how exactly they came to be staying at Campbell’s. Campbell’s expression when she’d said that she didn’t know his name. “Shit.”
She checks the time on her phone and jumps to her feet. “Sorry, Brian, I’ve gotta run, Arkady’ll be waiting for me, but – thanks. For telling me that.”
“Sure, no problem,” Brian says, a little bemused but as always, willing to roll with it. “See ya later.”
Sana feels surprisingly nervous as she waits outside the culinary arts lab the next day. It’s just before lunch break, and she’s expecting a small crowd of students to pour into the corridor any minute now, which will be her cue to go in and find Campbell in the hopes that they can talk.
She’d been tempted to seek him out as soon as she’d finished her lunch with Arkady the day before, but she was already late getting back to work as it was, so she settled for stopping by the Administration office and confirming with Red Gregor that Campbell would be teaching the next day. He’d given her a strange look, but she had a feeling he knew why she was asking.
 The door to the lab opens, and Sana steps back as students dressed in white kitchen uniforms – many of them splattered with various food stains – pile out in ones and twos, chattering and laughing. None of them gives her a second glance. After what seems to be the last student has left the lab, Sana waits for a few moments, and then cautiously pokes her head around the door in case any of them hung back to talk to Campbell one-on-one.
Campbell is alone inside, and Sana realises with delight that he’s wearing a chef’s hat with his own kitchen uniform. He’s frowning at a stain on the floor between the preparation tables.
“Campbell, hey,” Sana says to draw attention to herself, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu from when she walked into Campbell’s kitchen on Sunday morning, after the party. Campbell looks up in surprise.
“Sana,” he says, a smile breaking across his face. “What brings you to my lab?”
“I was in the neighbourhood,” Sana says lightly. “Thought I might stop by and see where you work! Everything’s very – chrome,” she adds, gesturing to the gleaming equipment and preparation tables.
Campbell snorts. “Yeah, only thanks to our cleaning staff. If it was left up to the students…” He shakes his head. “Some of them are gonna get a rude awakening when they enter the workplace. As it is, I feel like I have to buy our cleaners a box of chocolates every year as thanks for their sacrifice.” Sana laughs, and Campbell grins. “So – what can I do for you?”
“Um…” Sana tucks her hair behind one ear, a nervous gesture she’s never been able to get rid of. “Well. I met up with Brian yesterday, and he mentioned something about Saturday night… It seems that I forgot a lot more than I realised,” she finishes, apologetically.
Campbell grimaces. “Yeah, I figured. Not gonna lie, I was hoping that I made more of an impression than that.”
Sana cringes. “Campbell, I’m so sorry, I – it’s been a long time since I’d been to any kind of party, and I guess my limits aren’t what they used to be,” she confesses. “Trust me, forgetting a night spent with you? Not something that I would have wanted to do under any circumstances.”
Campbell purses his lips together, like he’s trying not to smile and failing, and his eyes are dancing with humour. “At least the sourdough was more memorable, I hope?”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short,” Sana says. “Your coffee was also surprisingly good.”
Campbell takes a couple of steps and closes the distance between them, and Sana finds herself holding her breath. “It’s Valentine’s Day,” he says, quietly. Sana realises that it is, and that she’d completely forgotten. “Do you have any plans later?”
“I was sort of planning to spend it binge-watching old comedy movies, and trying to forget what day it was,” Sana admits. “But I’m open to a better offer.”
Campbell pretends to draw back a little. “Well, hey, that sounds like a great idea – don’t let me stop you from-”
“Oh, come here,” Sana says in mock exasperation, and pulls Campbell back in, tilting her head up just a fraction to bring their lips together. Campbell is smiling into the kiss.
After they break apart, Campbell says, “Come over later? I’ll even bake some more sourdough.”
“It’s a date,” Sana tells him.
Campbell gives her a look that’s so fond, Sana almost can’t handle it, and she pulls him down again for another kiss.
A/N: Just in case it's not clear - the administration department in this fic is not designed to be a stand-in for the IGR. The IGR doesn't exist in this universe; I just had Red Gregor work in the admin department because it seemed fitting (he prints IDs!) and it seemed like an apt former job for Park as well.
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tunedtostatic · 3 years
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[Additional Image Description: Fanmix cover for "kiss me standing in the pouring rain," a fanmix for Sana/Campbell from The Strange Case of Starship Iris. A collage of photos in various rectangular dimensions, framed by dark blue borders. Some of them overlap. Across the top are blue and black images of space, across the bottom are images of a rainy city at night, and across the middle--still at right angles, but stepping downward from left to right--is an array of close-up images of tools, sewing supplies, coffee, and bread, all on yellow backgrounds.
Blue images clockwise: (Top begins), starship floating in a darkness pierced by beams of blue light, blue nebula against dark space, blue clouds with yellow sunlight peeking through, large wheel or station in space, (right side begins), dark space with stars, (bottom begins), empty rainy city street at night, pedestrian with umbrella on rainy city street at night, (left side begins) dark space with stars.
Yellow images from left to right: Sewing supplies (blue ribbon and thread, black scissors and button, silver thimble, tape measure) on bright yellow background, needle nose pliers on orange-yellow background, gold wrenches on pale yellow background, mug of coffee on bright yellow background, loaves of bread on wooden counter, bread dough rising in yellow bowl.
The mix's title is scrawled across the umbrella photo, ending with two x's and overlapping its frame as though written on the mix cover in silver pen. End Additional Image Description.]
The Strange Case of Starship Iris fanmixes - 3/?
Pouring Rain - Chastity Brown // Ebb and Flow - The Dead Tongues // Head in the Clouds - Krameri // Murder of Birds (Undress album version) - Jesca Hoop, Guy Garvey // Hopelessness Has Done Nothing For Me - Johanna Warren // On Board - Alana Henderson, Joshua Burnside // Home to Me - Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
(YouTube and Spotify links in the notes)
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tunedtostatic · 2 years
just saw your recent post, I'm so sorry things are awful. sending hugs if you want them ❤️ in terms of podcast asks, go through your Spotify and assign characters to your fave songs? if the mood takes you, you could also explain why x song equals x character? 💕✨
another podcast ask - explain your song choices for your tscosi playlists (which I fully intend to check out), if that would be distracting? 💕
Thank you ❤️❤️
I’ve been thinking about these asks when I listen to music this week (distraction indeed!)
Okay I’m going to go in reverse order because question one is harder (in a fun way!). Tracks that remind me of a character usually get popped right onto a fanmix, so I'll need to think more creatively about The Vibes of other music I'm listening to when I get there.
So far I’ve finished posting five TSCOSI mixes - three for the three canon ships, and the first two in the series I'm doing for each of the Rumor crew - plus I’m going to include the next character mix because I actually finished the cover and got it onto Spotify/YouTube the other week! and just haven't had a chance to put things together for its post for Tumblr yet.
I'm going to pick a couple of tracks from each of them, and either flail about the "How was this not LITERALLY written about blorbo from my shows" of it all for the more literal ones, or write about what I was thinking for the others.
Murder Of Birds (Undressed album version) - Jesca Hoop and Guy Garvey
I’m not a bird, I’m a murder of birds Shifting my shape  When your tongue forms the words
Most of the tracks I put on this mix apply in a very, uh, literal way to the contrasts between Sana and Campbell (Head in the Clouds by Krameri has “I’ve got my head in the clouds/And you’ve got your feet on the floor…”) This one is more of an attempted deep cut about Sana, and it's one of a couple from this one I put on my fanmix for her as well. Sana is, as we know, one of the less transparent characters in the show, despite her captainly sleight of hand making her seem open. She's warm, and strong, but there's also a lot of mystery and mess going on under the hood. Getting close to her probably is like watching a flock of birds shift and merge into different shapes, like the narrator of the song.
Plus, a lot of the other lyrics are back to being very literal Campathi vibes...danger and home and home-baked bread and twisted thread…
Home to Me - Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
How dare you love me like you’ve never known fear You’ve got more troubles than minutes in the year
[gestures wildly at them]
Nowhere to Go (Acoustic Live Session version) - Hurricane Love
I recommended this song to a friend (independent of anything fandom-related); friend had also osmosed just a little about TSCOSI from me and the internet. When I mentioned that I was putting the song on my fanmix for a TSCOSI ship, she immediately was all "Yessss, folk music for a space fugitive couple on the run!" In other words, it definitely has the vibes.
I particularly like it as a track for Brian/Krejjh since, without this necessarily being the only interpretation, the lyrics have strong overlap with Songs About Closing Time At A Bar ("And we got nowhere to go, as the fire's burning low/I can see it in your eyes you want to leave"). Since Brian/Krejjh meet on Neuzo where Brian is a bartender, I like that this track has a combo of "Dramatically on the run? Closing time at a bar? Both??"
With You - Valerie June
And if I should fall so deep and true And if I should fall so deep and true May it be with you
Outlaws - Lizzie No
I had a dream we were on a sinking ship Laughing at the black water while everyone was jumping in I woke up happier than I'd ever been But I, I wished I knew you better Better than I did
This is a song I want to shove forth every time someone on Tumblr complains that There's No Outlaw Country/Folk These Days. (I have a family member who waitressed in a country music bar decades ago; can confirm that conservative pop country has never been outlaw country! Look beyond pop country radio, people!) Coincidentally it also works Really Well as a Vikady song.
You hold a gun like a fist in your right hand Cause it kept you company across the sunken lands But you say it's no good for a man to be alone Walkin barefoot on the logging road Turned you to stone
It's Cool (We're Cool, Everything's Cool) - Lula Wiles
But I don't even really like you Which makes it weird that I love you
But it's cool! And we're cool! And everything's cool!
That early Vikady vibe. 😝
(I'm also inordinately pleased with the combination of If She Ever Leaves Me with I Get The Feeling near the end of the fanmix since I'm still smug about what I did there. :)
Sinking Ships - Krameri
And all this time, I have been losing grip On sinking ships under blue seas And all this time, I was swimming all alone In the darkest ocean
It's sad about Sana o'clock. :(
I Don't Like You Or Your Band - Kate Rhudy
Your cigarettes, your leather shoes You, your friends, and your middle-class white boy blues You've become something I can't stand Don't even miss holding your hand And I don't like you or your band
Needed a Ricky Q shoutout in there somewhere. :)
100 Rooms - Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
And if I had an evil plan To make you want me and let you down I wouldn't do the things I did Got all wrapped up, now I can't get out
Stolen Roses - Karen Elson
Spotify randomly recommended me this when I was already a good way through making Arkady's, and it's one I now think of when I see that "When you're listening to a song thinking 'How did they get all the references to blorbo from my shows right'" post, because…wow. Only thing that could possibly make it moreso would be if the ""reference"" to the Rumor was "where the stolen mint grows" rather than "roses." I suppose one can't have everything. ;)
There once was a time when I was a girl That darkness hung in my sky I was old before I learned to be young Stone cold til I learned how to cry
Miri It Is Whil Sumer Ilast
Take it away Wikipedia:
Middle English [M]irie it is while sumer ilast with fugheles song. oc nu necheth windes blast and w[ed]er strong. Ey ey what this nicht [is] long. And ich with wel michel wrong soregh and murne and [fast.]
Modern English Merry it is while summer lasts With fowl’s song. But now nears the wind’s blast And weather strong. Oh, oh! How this night is long! And I with very much wrong Sorrow and mourn and fast.[6][7]
"It is one of the oldest songs in the English language, and one of the few examples of non-liturgical music from medieval England.[1] The manuscript was found together with two old French songs in a book of Psalms in the Bodleian Library. It was rediscovered at the end of the 19th century and made accessible to experts in 1901. It was arranged and published in a modern form for the first time by Frank Llewellyn Harrison.[2]
"The text and melody are incomplete on a single, damaged manuscript page, which, together with the somewhat ambiguous notation, makes it difficult to reconstruct the song in whole. It is unclear whether the song originally contained additional lines or stanzas, which Harrison considers probable,[3] nor can the final word be conclusively determined.[2]" - Miri It Is Whil Sumer Ilast on Wikipedia
Apart from the obvious (Medieval Dwarnian's nonexistence notwithstanding I can put Old/Middle English tracks on there!) I picked this one to be the first track on Brian's mix because, when you think about it, Brian is the only human member of the Rumor crew to have experienced multiple years of relatively stable adulthood before the war and the IGR. I think that really jumps out in his early conversations with Violet, where he's horrified on her behalf that she was a college freshman when everything started happening.
It also works as a tiny reference to "So when do we worry" "Oh it'll be clear when :)"
The Parting Glass - version by Henry Jamison and Darlingside
But since it falls unto my lot That I should rise and you should not I'll gently rise and I'll softly call Good night and joy be with you all
When I was putting together Brian's fanmix it hit me for the first time that the core of Brian's season one arc is his grief for Alvy. For me it's easy to pull to mind his first conversation befriending Violet, his relationship with Krejjh, and how central his vocation is to the whole nanoswarm-language-communication plot and theme of the season. But Brian's own emotional throughline is really about processing his grief for his friend, isn't it?
I figured his mix needed a focus on grief, and at least one track explicitly about grief. That was surprisingly hard to find, since most of the songs I could find were explicitly about the artist's grief for a specific person, so those would have felt tacky to put on a character fanmix.
Finally I realized that as a folk music listener making a fanmix for a podcast with folk music, it was right in front of of my nose - okay maybe not everyone knows The Parting Glass but it's pretty well-enduring. I was originally tetchy about adding it because of the "And all the harm that e'er I did/alas it was to none but me" lyric, since over the course of the show Brian helps with a lot of murdering without seeming to regret it, including in vengeance for Alvy's death (I never said his grief processing ended well), but filing that under "not every track has to fit the character perfectly."
Brian also fills the archetypal role of the heart of the crew in so many ways, so seems like it especially fits to have a historic drinking with friends song on his mix.
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