#campamento cretacico
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
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so remember when darius talked about the scorpios reproducing asexually
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
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This is literally him guys
You ever meet a kid so shitty you're immediately like "I want to adopt you as my own so I can instill into you the values of dignity and compassion and respect for self and others that your guardians have so obviously neglected, so that you may escape the unhappy future that lies ahead of you with all the smoldering ashes of wasted potential" but also, like. I punt you like a football
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ilrew · 2 years ago
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He’s so cute!! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
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ulidubs29 · 2 years ago
Hola mi nombre es juli y aqui espero que pueda hacer muchos amigos .
Aqui voy a escribir ecenas ficticia que me voy imaginando como de harry potter,ducktales,karmaland,pucca,campamento cretacico,etc
Espero que disfruten de mi contenido
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blueraptorrk800 · 4 years ago
Me encantan estas referencias que tiene jurassic world campamento cretacico y todavía hay muchas más 😉
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
Brooklynn canonically had more followers than Markiplier at the time, which makes it even more bonkers
We don't talk about the fact that Sammy was a fan of Brooklyn before they got to the island, like imagine you win a trip and Markiplier is there
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melyonza · 4 years ago
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¿Isla Sorna?
Alerta de Spoiler
Desconozco si la serie de campamento cretacico continuara, pero en caso de que continue, se me vino a la mente una teoría que relaciona las tres primeras películas.
Si no has visto la tercera temporada debo advertirte que esto contiene Spoilers
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Al final de Campamento cretacico, vemos a los campistas en un bote dirigirse a Costa Rica, sin mencionar que llevan a un pasajero extra. Sabemos que tienen como meta llegar a Costa Rica, pero recordemos que la Isla Sorna esta a 207 millas de Costa Rica.
Mi teoría es que, ya sea porque se perdieron o confundieron la isla, llegan accidentalmente a la isla Sorna. Conociendo la mala reputación que tiene esa isla con los barcos, el pasajero extra tendrá algo que ver.
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Recordemos que en Jurassic Park 3, se nos muestra que algo atacó al bote en el que viajaba Eric. Por lo que, probablemente, les suceda lo mismo a los campistas que se ven obligados a aterrizar en la isla.
En la tercera temporada, vemos que pasaron seis meses en la isla y comienza a relacionarse con Jurassic World 2. En la segunda película, para la erupción del volcán, pasaron 3 años.
Según dicen, la serie va a estar conectada con Jurassic World 3. Por lo que dudo que los niños lleguen a Costa Rica. Pues se terminó con lo que vendría siendo el inicio de Jurassic World 2. ¿Acaso los niños llegaron a la Isla Sorna?
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idkalexandra · 4 years ago
De qué trata Campamento cretacico?
es como un spinoff de todo el universo de jurassic park sjskak yo soy muy fan de jp y por eso lo veo pero es una serie más dirigida a niños
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
ooh sounds fun! i'd be down
If I figure out how polls work, would anyone be interested in a sort of interactive chose your adventure type thing with the nublar six by me while we wait for any chaos theory news?
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artsydrawsthings · 4 years ago
Idk if you are interesting in this but a i wrote a cc fantasy au with a mermaid Ben, if you want to inspire yourself with it you can found it in ao3 like oneshot campamento cretacico by acid_queen, cap 6.
Hope this help you with your draws
Wish u a good day :)
Yes! Thank you 😊
Imma go read it 🏃🏽💨
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dochrcid · 4 years ago
Eeeeeeeeh no andaba dead, andaba trabajando, perdón por ser una lenta, pero a tengo entre dos y tres días libres, así que, en estos días me pondré a responder todo lo que debo <3  Empezaré mas nochecita a responder, porque quiero ir a ver un capitulo de campamento cretacico, así que regreso en un ratito
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
See this is what gets me about Brooklynn. She had 27 *million* followers. That’s more than Markiplier had at the time (late 2015). She was HUGE on the Internet.
Now, she mentions, offhandedly, that she chose the name Brooklanders when she was around 10. This would mean that the channel took off around (and might’ve existed before) 2011.
Relatively speaking, that’s a decently early time to become an Internet influencer, especially for a ten-year-old.
Of course, Brooklynn also knows something about navigation and boats, which is pretty unusual for a kid — but why does she know?
Her dads taught her.
They’re the key, I think — I have a sneaking suspicion that they’re the type of parents who encourage every one of their kid’s interests, perhaps a little too much.
I theorize that Brooklynn, having always been a curious kid, figured out how to start a channel and ended up having fun with it/gaining a small following. Her dads, seeing the good it’s done for her, go all in — moving around, securing brand deals, you name it. It’s 2011, and the shittiness of influencer culture (especially child influencer culture) isn’t super well known among the general public, and *certainly* not to a couple of parents who want their daughter to get ahead in life.
They don’t realize what a monster of a situation they’ve created until the damage is done.
The fact that Brooklynn posted a video on how to pick hotel room locks onto a web channel with around 27 million subscribers is wild to me.
Like, where were her parents? Was no one supervising or at least checking in on her and her channel?
It’s not like she was keeping her channel a secret from them, so either her parents knew about what she was posting and didn’t care or they just didn’t care enough to keep an eye on her channel to begin with and didn’t know about the video.
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ilrew · 3 years ago
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hmmm..que tal el estilo?
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
Oh 🥹🥹🥹 she’s just like me frfr
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Day #3
I asked for some suggestions for inspiration (I'm still open to a couple suggestions!) And @nineratsinatrenchcoat suggested a drawing depicting their head canon of aspec Brooklyn! I hope you like it
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
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why does he stand like a middle-aged dad watching a football game in the living room
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
read this right fucking now. i was just expecting straight-laced info like most of the articles on that site are but that's NOT what this is. all i can say is that the author really likes bumpy
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