#campaing 3 episode 103
grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 103
Shoot at Sam? Count me in. Even if it's just a NERF gun ... Sam: "Aaaaah! In my cancer!" Oh boy ... XD ... and Adhley got him RIGHT IN THE TIT just as she intended ... ah yes, Sam Riegel, living in fear ... LOL ... yup, Ashley's just lying in wait ... oh there we go ... Liam: "All right, let's graduate to D20s." Whoa, wait a minute ...
Marisha: "All our UK viewers are thinking 'fucking Americans'." Well ... YEAH ...
Yes! Always credit the artists ... thank you, Liam!
Yes, that's right ... we're in the home of the Shadowgast ... O.O
So could this FINALLY be it? Are we FINALLY gonna get rid of that egregious BITCH?!!!
Ooooooooh ... fancy ritual ... cool ...
Laudna's terrified ... of course she is. She SHOULD be ... if this goes wrong ... after last time I'm scared too ... and even if this DOES go right, there's no guarantee she WOULD definitely survive this ...
Wow ... way to stoke out morale, Essek ... but yeah, he does mean well, I guess ...
In theory, then ... if this DOES work then Delilah will, ESSENTIALLY, just become a magical battery ... oh yeah, I don't doubt that would be the most delightfully irksome punishment for that evil bitch ...
A natural vibe? Are you sure, Chet? "Dr Chet"? Oh, that might work better, yeah ...
Keep Braius' freaky hoof fingers away from this stuff ... XD ... essentially Braius instead just stands behind Dorian and encourages him to do everything right, while passive-aggressively judging him. Dorian: "So just like my dad, then."
Great ... time to roll to make sure we get this right ... NO PRESSURE, then ... O.O
Laudna: "You guys have already been through so much with me ..." Fearne: "Well why would we stop now?" Laudna: "Ooh ... my stomach hurts." Fearne: "Do you need to poo?"
Cheddars? Oh yeah, I like that ... way to accidentally belittle the ancient gnome ... XD
And now Chetney's getting naked ... of course he is ...
Fuck ... here we go, then ... oh boy ... aaaaaaahhh!!! O.O
A multi-stage ritual ... crap ... that's never a good thing ...
Laura: "I say GUIDANCE!!!" XD
Chetney: "Don't worry, you won't feel ... you're gonna feel a lot." Oof ...
No pain-killers? Really? Laudna: "I have dogs leap from my chest from time to time." Oh yeah ... that's right ... O.O
Oh yes, so she just does that RIGHT NOW ... and now her chest is gaping wide open ... okay, that'll probably help ... and now Laudna's just given herself afull-blown Y-incision ... yup ...
Hold her hand, Imogen ... HOLD THAT HAND ...
Did Chetney just SNEEZE inside her? O.O ... yeah, that's just an INSTANT staph infection ...
And so we begin ... oh boy ... and so we begin to hold our breath ...
A Blood Maladict? Hmmmm ...
Wow ... oh, yeah, that soul-cage in the chest idea ... that's kind of beautiful in a really horrifying kind of way ...
Great ... just what we need right now. Fuck off, Delilah. Don't you DARE interfere while we exorcise you, you monstrous demon bitch ...
That almost went SO FUCKING BAD ... O.O ... phew ...
Laura Bailey channeling Imogen getting SO FUCKING ANXIOUS right now ... this is SO TENSE ...
Do something, do something, help her guys ... Ashton burns a Rage ... oh, this is interesting ... fascinating new way to use his Dunamancy powers ... and clearly this is gonna cost him ... but OF COURSE he's gonna fight through all the same ... that's a pretty sweet move, Ash ...
Orym you sweet selfeless little cinnamon roll, I love you so much ... HEX THAT BITCH!!! YES!!!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ... between them Ashton and Liam succeed SO BEAUTIFULLY in what they're doing right now ... THAT'S A CRIT!!! Damn fucking RIGHT it is ... O.O
Yeah ... in your face, Delilah! Yes! Take that!
Is that it? Is that done? Yes ... nice ... first part successful, then ... so what's next?
FUCK!!! Jumpscared by Matthew Mercer! Damn it!
Imogen's turn, then ... go, go, GO!!! Save you honey, girl! Yes!
The Ruined Sun Tree again? Aaaaaahhh ... not good! I hate that image just as much as before ...
Imogen: "There's only two ways for this to end." Delilah: "You can't have her!" Oh fuck off, you evil bitch ... EDUCATE HER, Imogen!
This may be Laura's most important roll of the entire campaign ... but YES!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! Marisha does indeed have a say in this ... Laudna fights back, then ... PLEASE let this work ...
Void Puppet? OH NICE ... O.O
Nice ... the other poor souls murdered and hung on that tree are coming to her aid ... that is SO FUCKING COOL ... O.O
So here comes the roll ... make it count, Laura ... 21! Okay ... is that enough?
Oh my fucking gods ... EVERY SINGLE PERSON that died in Whitsetone because of Delilah is now coming to claim their vengeance ... this is JUST FUCKING INCREDIBLE ...
Holy shit ... this has GOT TO BE a success, right? This CLEARLY fucking worked ...
Matt: "She's there, but ... she's YOURS." Holy fuck ... YES!!! It really did fucking work ... Delilah's nothing but a magical battery now ... that is pure fucking poetic justice and I love it so much ...
She conjures Pate ... and it no longer COSTS HER like it once felt like ... oh, yeah ... that's so cool ...
Oh yeah ... that's right, Pate doesn't know Braius ... DO NOT attack the bone rat, Braius ... oh shit ...
Fuck ... yup, that's right, INSTANT KILL on the bone rat ... great ... thanks for that, Braius ...
They're holding each other ... that's so sweet ... the Imodna's STRONG right now ... :3
Flashlighting the balls ... oh boy ... Matt: "A lot of us grew up before the Internet." LOL
Liam: "Bony Stark" OH SHIT!!! YES!!! XD
Insight check ... oh, this should be interesting ... NAT20?!!! Fuck, Marisha ... wow ... so Delilah's, like, GENUINELY restrained ... nice ...
Laudna: "She won't be ... she won't be watching us anymore." YES!!! And Imogen kisses her! Of course she does! My shipper heart is beating SO HARD right now! :3
Chetney is CARVING HIS INITIALS into her ankle ... "I sign all my best works!" Laudna: "You know, only you would I allow to do that." Awwwww ... that's so sweet in the most disturbing way possible ...
Laudna thanks Essek, as she should, and he's most magnanimous ... nice ...
Celebration time ... YES. Definitely.
Oh wow ... is Essek's inner party-planner coming out right now? Caleb's got him trained so well, clearly ... or maybe this is more Jester and Veth's doing ... XD
What ... invite the Nein? REALLY?!!! That would be so cool and WAY too much to hope for ...
Yes ... OF COURSE there will be LOTS of Lionett wine ... definitely ...
Liam (as Caleb): "Why would I buy it when I can get it for free?" XD ... indeed ...
A toast! Yes! "To new beginnings, and a bunch of losers winning" ... YEAH ... definitely ...
Ashton: "I think it's time for a round of What the Fuck Is Up With You?" Oh yes ... spill, Braius Doomseed ...
From the Platinum Dragon to Asmodeus, the Lord of Lies ... so Braius is, like, the Exandrian equivalent of turning from Catholic to Satanist, then ... cute ...
Wow ... Jester Lavorre was LITERALLY responsible for Braius' fall from grace ... oh boy ... EXCOMMUNICATED? Proper? Fascinating ... Laura's scrambling so hard to dig her little blue Tiefling out from this deepening pit ... XD
That freakish fucking stein thing ... Sam, that thing is UNNERVING ...
OF COURSE Chetney fell asleep during the movie ... XD
Yeah ... might be a good idea to keep an eye on the minotaur moivng forward, then ...
Yes, that is correct ... Orym has a somewhat complicated but still very profitable relationship with the Wildmother ... and she DID just come through in clutch, clearly ... might be Laudna's got a god on her side right now ...
"To my favourite war criminal." Signed: Beauregard Lionett. XD
"Blue beauty"? XD ... Braius is flirting with Dorian, now ...
The talk is turning HEAVY, clearly ...
Sam: "Taylor Swfit?" Taliesin: "How DARE YOU?!!!" Matt: "Do not call that following down on us!"
Oh shit ... the pipe ... CAREFUL there ... O.O
Spin the Bottle with a D10 ... this should be interesting ... who's gonne risk frying their mind?
Braius? Oh, this should be interesting ... and it's fate, really ... wo what does HE think is the most heroic thing he's ever done?
He killed "Stanley"? Whos was Stanley?
A "Laudna bong"? Your mind goes to some weird places, Riegel ... we really havew missed you ...
So ... Stanley was his friend, but then betrayed him? A secret follower of the Dawnfather? Hmmmm ... oh dear gods ... the mug is the flayed skin and bones of Stanley ... wow ... this is all kinds of fucking wrong, Riegel ...
OF COURSE Laudna finds a potential future partner in arts & crafts in Braius because of this ...
Ashton has disadvantage on EVERYTHING ... Travis: "A double-handed abandonment of the roll!" Taliesin: "Why do I bother?" XD
Wow ... they really are picking his story apart a whole lot ... as the minutes tick by Braius is looking increasingly poser-esque ... I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for him ...
Wow ... a gory painting ... cute ... like a particularly monstrous Jackson Pollock ... O.O
Ah, so we're all passing out in a stupour in the wee hours ... of course ... and it's time for a break ...
No, Matthew Mercer you WILL NOT torment us like that! O.O
Ah yes ... so Laudna and Imogen had a room to themselves ... XD ... I mean OF COURSE they did ...
Chetney attunes to the fancy demon armour ... that is some FREAKY SHIT ... does it expand when he wolfs out? LIam: "You're gonna be like Omar in a turtleneck." XD ... oh sweet ... he's COMPLETELY SILENT ... that's so cool ... he's literally wearind "fiendish essence". So it's, like ... DAMNATION, by Calvin Klein ... LOL
Oh thank fuck Chet isn't TECHNICALLY waving his wang about right now ...
Dorian punches him ... yup ...
"RELEASE!" Oh boy ... Matt: "It just ... fills the suit." Ewww ...
Chetney terrorises Essek's neighbours. With his cock out ...
Imodna eventually wake up ... as they would ... basking in the afterglow ... XD
So ... Laudna can hold onto a magical item ... and no longer feels the burning desite to DEVOUR IT with her chest ... nice ...
Amulet of Cursed Life? Hmmmm ...
"A Counterspell on a chain"? Oh nice ... that's seriously powerful shit ... VERY useful ... oh, and it renders corpses into a major problem for the wearer ... hmmmm ... maybe LESS useful ... it's kind of a bit of a mixed blessing kind of thing ...
Orym uses the Sending Stone to send a message to Caleb ... interesting ... and he replies! That's a little meta again ... O.O
Oh yeah, Essek is TOTALLY up for taking a look at Ashton's head ...
Essek: "Huh ... you are something ... very new." Okay ... O.O
A black marble ... interesting ... hopefully it'll be helpful for Ashton in future to focus his powers ...
Oh, so we're making a move, then? Okay ...
Seth's back ... yup, that's smart. Essek is a wanted man, after all ...
Back to the Hellcatch, then ... teleportation ... is this gonna work, then?
They're in a warzone! Crap! What happened?
Crap! That's the bad guys! They don't wanna be here right now! Imogen casts Sending to Keyleth ... SHE'S ALIVE!!! They're in Vasselheim? Okay ... pass it on to Essek! Quick!
A slither? Three feet away? Crap! Get the staff! Quick!
That ALMOST went to shit ... oh fuck, where the hell are they now? Is this a bad place to be?
That's a VERY angry leylined sky ... it's cold, they're in tall pine forest ... near a stone wall, a really BIG one ... if I had to make a guess, looks like they're on target after all ...
Oh yeah ... Braius' gear probably wouldn't go down well here ...
Another Sending to Keyleth ... she tells them to come to the Platinum Sanctuary ... ah ... yeah ... Braius gets VERY fussy with his appearance now ...
Heading to the gates, then ... funny burnt smell ... hmmm ...
Oh, so this is the stink of burned undead, essentially. Yeah ... so there was some kind of "uprising", probably ... charming ...
Okay, so they get in easily, then ... despite Braius being a bit of an idiot ... XD
Vasselheim ... it's been a while ... but it's as gorgeous and majestic and DRAMATIC as ever ...
The Sanctuary ... but OF COURSE it is ...
The Dark Bloom?
Oh fuck! Yeah! The Titan corpse! Nice callback to the grand Campaign 1 climax ... and now it's literally BECOME part of the city ... which makes perfect sense, of course ... that's like SERIOUSLY AWESOME ...
Vanguard prisoners in gibbet cages? Lovely ...
Yes. Essek is VERY deserving of their thanks for EVERYTHING he's done for them recently ...
It's cute that he calls them "bastions of goodness" ... XD
Yeah! Vox Machina callback! WOOP WOOP!!!
The Duskmeadow? Fascinating ... a massive gothic cathedral? Definitely the temple to the Matron ... it's very beautiful ... RAVENS!!! AWESOME!!!
The remains of the recent undead outbreak and their resultant pyres ... charming ... yup, it was the Solstice as we expected ... oh, good point Orym! Thank fuck the Titan didn't stir ... that would've been a NIGHTMARE ...
So it literally WAS Night of the Living Dead ... lovely ...
This is where the survivors of that recent battle have retreated to, then. Hmmmm ... the Heaven's Stair Mountain ... fancy ...
Imogen charges up, starts looking POWERFUL ... hmmm ...
Oh, they're expected? Well that makes things easier, then ...
Escort or police action? I wonder ...
Nice view ... this is still one of the most beautiful places in all of Exandria ...
The Abundant Terrace! Yay! I remember that place very well, that was so cool ...
Ashton: "This whole city is a temple to hubris." Hmmmm ...
Oh, the Dynasty's here? Yeah, I can see how that could be awkward ... so Essek's bailing? Crap ... oh well ... at least they can say a fond farewell, and they know how to get hold of him again ...
Robbie: "You can look at the menu so long as you order from home." WOW ... XD
Officially arriving at the Sanctuary, then ...
Orym leads the way perched on Fearne's shoulder ...
"Professor Emperor" Fearne Calloway ...
Well Grog definitely ain't got any smarter ...
PIKE!!! Yay!
Travis is having an out of body experience right now ... XD
Oh yeah, if ANYONE can clear a path through the crowd right now it's Grog ... LOL
Earthbreaker Groon! Yay!
Allura Vysoren and Lady Kima! Also yay! And Uthodurn are here! Nice ...
Oh hell ... they're all RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE and everybody's looking at them now ... and THIS is where Matt calls it a night! Fitting ...
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