#camniel ; good omens v
uselessdevice · 9 months
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FACECLAIM: Andrew Scott. AGE: 6000+ (25-30 in human verses). GENDER: Male. OCCUPATION: Priest. SPECIES: Archangel. SEXUALITY: Pansexual. NATIONALITY: Irish. EYE COLOUR: Brown. HAIR: Short, black. HEIGHT: 5"8. SCARS: None. LANGUAGES: English / Gaelic / Welsh / Latin / Italian. ZODIAC: Libra, October 21st. SKILLS & HOBBIES: Invulnerability / Immortal / Can sense love in all forms / Reading / Charity work. MEDICAL: None.LIKES: Cigarettes / Coffee / Romance movies. DISLIKES: Anyone who preaches hate instead of love. CONNECTIONS: None.
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Camniel is an Archangel, created during the building of the Universe and tasked to watch over God's creations on Earth. In the beginning, when Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden for eating forbidden fruit, Camniel was sent to comfort them before they were left alone in the wilderness. He was also present to comfort Jesus before his crucifixion.
Camniel has spent a long time on Earth since then, mainly prayed to throughout human history by those seeking something. This has led to him being known as the ‘angel of lost things’, most notably those who are seeking peace, God’s love, forgiveness, understanding and strength/courage during a time of conflict.
In order to feel close to God while working on Earth, Cam opted to become a part of the human priesthood, lecturing often on the topic of love. He’s always been drawn to it, able to sense all forms of love clearly but also eager to help others find it and nurture it. Dealing with humans over thousands of years has only made this more important to him, seeing it as his ongoing mission on Earth- and so far, has been unchallenged by God.
Spending so much time among humans had an effect on him, however, and in the late eighties Cam found himself falling for a member of his congregation. Knowing that relations between angels and humans were forbidden, he did his absolute best to keep a distance, but found that it was too difficult to quell the feelings he’d developed. He became involved in a brief but deeply loving romance before a disapproving visit from his fellow Archangels put an end to it.
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Main Camniel, Archangel of Strength and Love, has been living on Earth since creation. Posing as a priest, he spreads God’s message about love as best he can- even though he hasn’t heard from God in a long time. Faithful to his mission and truly believing in the power of love, Camniel has grown to enjoy life on Earth, even though he tries to hold humans at arms length when it comes to relationships.
Good Omens A verse that covers all events, from the Garden of Eden up to the aftermath of the Apocalypse being averted. Cam is trying to find his place after the confusion by continuing his work on Earth, preaching about love and doing all he can to protect it.
Human In this verse Father Cam Devine is an ordinary human priest who left his church in Ireland after some personal drama and started life over in London. He’s in his late 30’s.
Van Helsing Another human verse, Camniel is a priest who specializes in hunting vampires and demons, reporting back to the Holy Order in the depths of the Vatican.
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omniishambles · 3 years
        CROWLEY || @choicelesshope​ asked:   " so— " a melody lightly tinted with cynicism and petty vengeance makes its appearance. contained, happily, and ready to make good use of this chance to make SOMEONE receive a little of his own medicine. " i heard from a little birdie last night that cam ' sweet cam ' was hosting romcoms movie dates for the enemy. not a friend, not a lover, the enemy. " his smile only growing as much as his clear killing urges. " what was that thing you said about being honest about your feelings, camniel? "
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 He’d been pouring a drink for his demonic visitor- the second as such in the last twenty four hours, which meant that he had to be going insane. Though in fairness, Crowley had essentially invited himself rather than being asked to come round. So it didn’t count, right?
 Armageddon may be over, but there was still a wariness Camniel reserved for fraternizing with the enemy. He may not be quite so guilty as Aziraphale was, but as an Archangel he was supposed to have more sense. That moment was over, though. He didn’t think there was any point in being enemies- they were two sides of the same coin, right?
 But Crowley had used the word date. He’d also used the word lover, which made Cam’s mouth open and close uselessly for a moment.
   “What- look- it’s not- it is not what you think it is, Crowley, and you clearly think- well, we both know what you think! It was just a couple of films, that’s all! And my intention was to turn her mind away from demonic thoughts. Honestly, what are you talking about? Don’t answer that. I already know. And it isn’t. It’s- it was just Love Actually and she thought it was stupid!”
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omniishambles · 3 years
“I like being friends with every single person I meet.” - for cam
From A Mystery Meme Lost To The Depths
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   “I know. Oh, I know. I do too, honestly. But...there are some people who just don’t want to be friends. You can’t take it personally, y’know?”
 They were sitting on the church steps, his congregation having filed out about an hour beforehand. Saeya liked to stop by for his sermons now and again, and they often shared a cup of tea or coffee to catch up afterwards. The younger angel was still trying to find her place in the world, but she was enjoying it more now. Or so he thought, anyway.
 He glanced up at the dying rays of the sun over the opposite rooftops, a gorgeous array of pink clouds streaked across the sky. His coffee cup was cradled in his hands, carefully resting on one knee.
   “You’re doing fine. You’ve made lots of friends! And they’re lucky too, now they have you watching over them. Have you ever considered a career as a Guardian Angel?”
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