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spl884 · 5 months ago
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delightingintragedy · 1 year ago
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Mars Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Aries is his Day-house, Scorpio is his Night-house. Exhaulted in Capricorn, Depressed in Cancer, Detriment in Libra and Taurus.
Nature: Masculine, Nocturnal Planet, in nature hot and dry, choleric and fiery, the lesser Infortune, author of Quarrels, Strifes, and Contentions.
Profession: Princes Ruling by Tyranny and Oppression, or Tyrants, Usurpers, new Conquerors. Generals in Armies, Colonels, Captains, or any Soldiers having command in Armies, all manner of Soldiers, Physicians, Apothecaries, Surgeons, Alchemists, Gunners, Butchers, Marshals, Sergeants, Bailiffs, Hangmen, Thieves, Smiths, Bakers, Armourers, Watchmakers, Botchers, Tailors, Cutlers of Swords and Knives, Barbers, Dyers, Cooks, Carpenters, Gamesters, Bear-wards, Tanners, Curriers.
Diseases: The Gall, the left Ear, tertian Fevers, pestilent burning Fevers, Migraines in the Head, Carbuncles, the Plague and all Plague-sores, Burnings, Ringworm, Blisters, Frenzies, mad sudden distempers in the Head, Yellow-jaundice, Bloodyflux, Fistulas, all Wounds and Diseases in men's Genitals, the Stone both in Reins and Bladder, Scars or small Pox in the Face, all hurts by Iron, the Shingles, and such other Diseases as arise by abundance of too much Choler, Anger or Passion.
Colour: Red colour, or Yellow, fiery and shining like Saffron.
Savour: Those which are bitter, sharp and burn the Tongue.
Herbs: The Herbs which we attribute to Mars are such as come near to redness, whose leaves are pointed and sharp, whose taste is caustic and burning, love to grow on dry places, are corrosive, and penetrating the Flesh and Bone with a most subtle heat: They are as follows: The Nettle, all manner of Thistles, Restharrow or Cammock, Devils-milk or Petty spurge, the white and red Brambles, the white called vulgarly by the Herbalists Ramme, Lingwort, Onions, Scammony, Garlic, Mustard-seed, Pepper, Ginger, Leeks, Dittander, Horehound, Hemlock, red Sanders, Tamarinds, all Herbs attracting or drawing choler by Sympathy, Radish, Castoreum, Aresmart, Assarum, Carduus Benedictus, Cantharides.
Trees: All Trees which are prickly, as a Thorn, Chestnut.
Beasts: Panther, Tiger, Mastiff, Vulture, Fox; of living creatures, those that are Warlike, Ravenous and Bold, the Castor, Horse, Mule, Ostrich, the Goat, the Wolf, the Leopard, the wild Ass, the Gnats, Flies, Lapwing, Cockatrice, the Griffin, Bear.
Fishes, etc: The Pike, the Shark, the Barbel, the Fork-fish, all stinking Worms, Scorpions.
Birds, etc: The Hawk, the Vulture, the Kite or Glead, (all ravenous Fowl), the Raven, Cormorant, the Owl, (some say the Eagle), the Crow, the Pye.
Places: Smith's Shops, Furnaces, Slaughterhouses, places where Bricks or Charcoal are burned or have been burned, Chimneys, Forges.
Minerals: Iron, Antimony, Arsenic, Brimstone, Ochre.
Stones: Adamant, Loadstone, Bloodstone, Jasper, the many coloured Amethyst, the Touchstone, red Lead or Vermilion.
Weather: Red Clouds, Thunder, Lightning, Fiery impressions, and pestilent Airs, which usually appear after a long time of dryness and fair Weather, by improper and unwholesome Mists.
Winds: Western Winds
Angel: Samael
Planetary Alliances: His Friends are only Venus; Enemies all the other planets.
Week Day: Tuesday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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amilst · 10 months ago
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Achilea millefolium; other names in alphabetical order: allheal, angel flower, bad man's plaything, bloodwort, cammock, carpenter's weed, devil's nettle, devil's plaything, dog daisy, gordoloba, green arrow, herbe militaris, hierba de las cortadura, knight's milfoil, milfoil, nosebleed, old man's (the devil's) mustard, old man's pepper, plumajillo, sanguinary, soldier's woundwort, squirrel's tail, stanchgrass, stanchweed, thousand-leaf, thousand weed, woundwort, yarrow.
Wow, what a list of names. Few plants can match it. The scientific name translates from the Greek as “Achilles’ thousand leaf herb.” Achilles was the Trojan War hero whose mother dipped him in a solution that made him immortal. Unfortunately, she held him by the heel and so left that part of his body vulnerable. Wouldn’t you know? In a battle, a spear hit him in the heal and killed him.
When alive, Achilles knew to carry the herb with him in battle to heal the wounds of his soldiers. For centuries, and literally all over the world, humans used the plant for that purpose. Pollen from Yarrow was found, along with other medicinal plant remains, in a 60,000-year-old burial site of neanderthals.
The most common common name, Yarrow, comes from the German “gearwe” meaning “provider” or “healer.
The plant grows in the wild all over the world. Supposedly, it famously grows near the grave of Confucius in Qufu City in what must be a very unique cemetery housing the graves of the philosopher and around 100,000 of his descendants. A Chinese saying holds “where Yarrow grows, one need not fear wild beasts or poisonous plants.” And the I Ching uses Yarrow stalks in its ritual.
Yarrow myth has its good side and bad side. Some say it was the first herb Jesus put in his hand as a child trying to heal his “adoptive” father. And so the plant is called “the herb of St. Joseph” and “carpenter’s weed.”
But witches, too, have always been fond of Yarrow. In the 1616 Scottish trial of Elspeth Reoch, she was charged with being able to predict the future, which she could do by plucking a Yarrow flower and chanting “In nominee Patris, Fiili, et Spiritus Sancti,” which is gaelic for “the father, the son and the holy ghost.” I need to try that sometime. Because of this association, Yarrow is also called “devil’s plaything,” which has a nice ring to it.
Finally, several nesting birds including the starling use Yarrow to line their nests, which has the effect of inhibiting parasites. Smart birds.
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invoke-parlay · 2 years ago
I’m harvesting and drying my 100% organic, grown from seed Yarrow today. Let me know via DMs if you’d like some ☺️
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Yarrow // Achillea millefolium
Parts Used: aerial portions, including flower and leaves.
Family: Asteraceae
Other Names: allheal, angel flower, bad man’s plaything, bloodwort, cammock, carpenter’s weed, devil’s mustard, devil’s nettle, devil’s plaything, dog daisy, gordaldo, gordoloba, green arrow, herbe militaris, hierba de las cortadura, knight’s milfoil, milfoil, nosebleed plant, old man’s mustard, old man’s pepper, sanguinary, soldier’s woundwort, squirrel’s taile, stanchgrass, staunchweed, thousand weed, thousand-leaf, thousand-seal, woundwort, yarroway
Native to Europe, Asia, and North America, yarrow is found in temperate regions all over the world.
Actions and Properties:
alterative, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, antiallergenic, antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetite stimulant, aromatic, astringent, bitter, carminative, circulatory stimulant, diaphoretic, digestant, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hemostatic, styptic, tonic, vulnerary
Yarrow is rich in essential oil and tannins. Yarrow contains 0.3% to 1.4% volatile oils (azulenes, eugenol, caaryophyllene, humulene, limonene, sabinene, thujone, borneol, and camphor), resin, sesquiterpene lactones, 3-4% tannins, flavonoids (including luteolin, apigenin, kaempferol, rutin, and quercitrin), alkaloids (achilletin, betonicine, stachydrine, trigonelline), alkamides, asparagin, aconitic and isovalerianic acids, selenium, beta-cerotene, proteins, sugars, phenolic acids, and coumarins. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects may be associated with the constituent chamazulene. The alkaloid fraction of yarrow has shown evidence of hypotensive effects as well as antipyretic effects. Volatile oils in yarrow may have CNS depressent activity. The constituent Achilleine, an alkaloid, might decrease clotting time.
Yarrow is toxic to horses, dogs and cats
All my info is from this lovely website :)
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Wicked | West End | May 3, 2024 | NFT Until May 17
CAST: Charlotte Anne Steen (2nd u/s Elphaba), Lucy St. Louis (Glinda), Felipe Bejarano (u/s Fiyero), Sophie-Louise Dann (Madame Morrible), Caitlin Anderson (Nessarose), Joe Thompson-Oubari (Boq), Michael Fenton Stevens (The Wizard), Graham Kent (Dr. Dillamond), Joshua Lovell (s/w Witch's Father), Taela Yeomans-Brown (s/w Witch's Mother), Natalie Spriggs (Midwife), Paddyjoe Martin (s/w Chistery), Asmara Cammock, Joshua Clemeston, Effie Rae Dyson, Aston Newman Hannington, Aimee Hodnett, Jemima Loddy (s/w Split track Jess & Kate), Rory Maguire, Millie Mayhew, Ayden Morgan, Aisha Naomi Pease, Jacob Young, Micaela Todd
NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until May 17. Charlotte's debut as 2nd cover Elphaba! Felipe's debut as Fiyero! Bother were stunning! Charlotte's hat fell off towards the end of One Short Day, just before the two good friends moment. Jemima was mostly covering Jess' track and a bit of Kate's. Part of kate's track was just cut. Trakced by Soulofaman.
Tracked & Untracked
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streetsofdublin · 1 year ago
Murray’s licensed premises enjoyed a pivotal trading position at the centre of Kilmainham directly overlooking the Cammock River and the intersection of Bow Bridge with Kilmainham Lane and Irwin Street
HAS SINCE BEEN SOLD Murray’s licensed premises enjoyed a pivotal trading position at the centre of Kilmainham directly overlooking the Cammock River and the intersection of Bow Bridge with Kilmainham Lane and Irwin Street. To the best of my knowledge it operated as a coffee shop for a while but it is no longer a pub. It was on the market in 2018 with an asking price of Euro 700,000 but I do not…
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modalities-of-care · 1 year ago
“Pilgrim approaches the idea of ‘care’ as a notion informed by the junctions between feminism, activism and social engagement, but one ultimately resting on a sense of compassion. “
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leanstooneside · 2 years ago
Refusing to spend money that needs to be spent
1. lily
2. linen
3. field
4. world
5. whenever
6. Angelica
7. apple
8. fern
9. book
10. buttermilk
11. neatsfoot
12. rod
13. dragon
14. weasel
15. soak
16. body
17. dish
18. thy
19. cammock
20. persons
21. time
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rebeccachesney · 2 years ago
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Found Cities, Lost Objects : Women in the City Royal West of England Academy Queen’s Road Bristol BS8 1PX 20 May – 13 August 2023 Admission charges apply
I have a number of works included in this exhibition, curated by Lubaina Himid CBE. See my Water Lines (London) and Water Lines (Bristol) embroidered maps; 7 of my Future Landscape collages; my Weed Map of Preston; and research materials from my Particulate Matters project looking at air pollution in Preston, Glasgow and London. Found Cities, Lost Objects invites us, through the works of female contemporary artists, to consider the experiences of women in the city. With works from the Arts Council Collection, and including a number of works by Bristol based artists, this collaborative exhibition encourages us to bring our own experiences of the urban environment. Artists include Cornelia Parker, susan pui san lok, Anne Tallentire, Helen Cammock, Lisa Milroy, Magda Stawarska-Beavan and Elizabeth Wright.
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databass3 · 4 years ago
Reino Unido, 1970. Mixed media, fotografía, instalación, grabado.
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slcvisualresources · 5 years ago
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Concise, flowing lines … Cammock’s etching Voice, 2019. Photograph: Helen Cammock. The Guardian: “I was terrible at drawing”: Helen Cammock, the social worker who became a Turner prize nominee, (and now winner) 
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novelpublication · 6 years ago
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Helen Cammock There’s a Hole in the Sky, Part II, Listening to James Baldwin (2016) 
HD video, duration 12 minutes
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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All Water Has a Perfect Memory A landscape has come into being through a constellation of resistances to these strategies of control. https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2023/01/31/all-water-has-a-perfect-memory/
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mhvarchive · 3 years ago
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Helen Cammock: Concrete Feathers and Porcelain Tacks
Touchstones Rochdale
23 October 2021 - 13 February 2022
The Rochdale Principles were laid out in 1844 by the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers as a set of principles to operate by for co-operative movements the world over. Working with a group of Rochdale residents, via a series of workshops, conversations and an exploration of the Rochdale landscape and artefacts in Touchstones’ collection, Turner Prize-winning artist Helen Cammock, has created a film reconnecting these long-held ideals of shared responsibility to the communities living in the Borough today.
Concrete Feathers and Porcelain Tacks was co-commissioned by Film and Video Umbrella, Contemporary Art Society (with support from the Mbili Foundation) and The Photographers’ Gallery, in partnership with Touchstones Rochdale. Supported by Arts Council England.
Touchstones website
image: Concrete Feathers and Porcelain Tacks by Helen Cammock
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barbarafeio · 5 years ago
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Helen Cammock
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thoughtportal · 5 years ago
Turner prize winning artist Helen Cammock reflects on the art of being idle, for Creation in Isolation we check in with members of the Australian arts community adapting their work as a result of COVID-19, and self-described 'propaganda' artist Jonas Staal explains what propaganda art is, how it works, and why he wants to see more of it.
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