#cameron frye x nonbinary!reader
gonzo-rella · 4 months
You're Still You (nonbinary version) | Cameron Frye
Pride Month 2024 #4
Genderfluid version
Relationship(s): bisexual!Cameron Frye x nonbinary!reader (romantic)
Summary: Cameron has had a crush on you for years, but will your admission be enough to change that? (spoiler alert: no)
Warnings: Eating mentions. Barely proofread. References to transphobia. Coming out scene. (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 1.6k
(A/N: I decided to write a nonbinary version of this fic, for my fellow enbies who are in love with Cameron Frye. It's the same as the original (in which the reader is genderfluid), only with some dialogue changes to reflect a nonbinary reader.)
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Today was the day. Cameron was finally going to ask you out. What sparked this sudden sense of urgency? This uncharacteristic courage? Well, when you had served him and Ferris on your Friday afternoon shift, Cameron had watched you scan his bag of Doritos with so much adoration in his eyes that it was a wonder you hadn’t picked up on it yourself. As they left the store, Ferris warned his best friend that he would tell you about his feelings on his behalf if he didn’t do it soon. Cameron knew that Ferris had made plenty of empty threats over the course of their friendship, but he didn’t care to find out if he would keep his word this time. After all, he was sure Ferris thought he’d be doing Cameron a favour either by making you aware of his feelings or incentivising Cameron to tell you himself. And, if Ferris was known for anything, it was doing favours, even unwanted ones. So, as to not appear like a bashful middle schooler, he decided he would bite the bullet and be the one to tell you himself. This delighted Ferris to no end, who clapped him on the back and offered him a, “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
You had mentioned to the boys that you finished at 6pm, so he made it to the store at 5:52pm- he knew the specific time because he couldn’t help but anxiously glance at his watch. Then, he stood outside- out of view from the window- for the next four minutes trying to build up the nerve that seemed to have left his body with every step he’d taken to the place. When he finally managed to take that final step to the counter, he was sure his knees would buckle under his weight. Suddenly aware of your confused stare, he quickly realised that he should probably buy something, so he grabbed the nearest thing- a pack of chewing gum- and placed it on the counter.
“Hello again,” you greeted with a smile.
A more nervous, but nonetheless sincere, smile crept onto his face. His cheeks burned. You looked at him expectantly, which prompted him to start digging around in his pockets for some change. He handed you a dollar bill, trying his best not to let his fingertips brush against the skin of your palm, and you handed him the change, unabashedly making contact with him. He pocketed the coins and the gum, and then he just stood there.
“Do you… need anything else?”
His eyes widened. The words he wanted to say wouldn’t come out just yet. You knitted your brows.
“Are you alright, Cameron?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he insisted in one of the least fine voices you’d ever heard. “I was, uh, I was wondering… if maybe you wanted to hang out, after you finish work.”
Your face softened, and its expression of confusion and mild concern morphed into one of surprise, relief and mild glee.
“Sure. I was gonna go grab some pizza. You wanna come with?”
Another smile broke out onto his face.
“Uh, sure. Should I just… wait outside?”
“You can wait in here if you don’t mind pretending to, like, browse our wares for the next five minutes.”
He chuckled and nodded.
You watched with a smile as he wandered up and down each aisle, feigning an interest in confectionery by picking up a KitKat and studying both sides of its packaging intently. He stole a glance at you to gauge your reaction, and to his delight your laughter filled his ears.
As soon as 6pm rolled around and your replacement sluggishly made his way out from the back, you grabbed your jacket and bag and followed Cameron to the door.
The pizza place was down the street. On the short walk, you told him about how you went there after a lot of your evening shifts. Much to his relief, you were able to talk for the both of you, allowing him to get his head around the fact that you had agreed to hang out with him. Before he knew it, he was sitting opposite you with a cheese pizza between you.
“Do you normally not have any plans on a Friday night?” you asked him before you took a bite. “I wouldn’t have thought Ferris Bueller of all people would let his best friend not have any Friday night plans.”
Cameron chuckled. He finished chewing, then swallowed.
“He, uh, gave me the night off.”
“Well, I can’t promise I’ll be as good company as Ferris,” you joked. You paused, before continuing. “So, why exactly did you want to hang out with me? I mean, I know we talked in class, but the only time we’ve ever spoken outside of school is when I’ve been at work, or at senior prom. I wouldn’t have thought I’d be your second choice.”
He blinked, trying to formulate a response. Assuming that you’d said something to upset him, you cringed.
“Oh, shit, was that insensitive? I don’t really have many friends, either, so… Yeah, sorry,” you apologised. “You know, hanging out with you is way better than watching a movie at home alone in the dark. And, that’s really saying something, because I like watching movies at home alone in the-”
“I like you. A lot.”
You stopped rambling and stared at him, taking a second to process his words.
“But,” he added, clearly panicked by your reaction. “It’s fine if you don’t feel the same.”
“Uh, Cameron-”
“I’m sorry,” he blurted preemptively, no doubt out of habit.
“You’re sorry? For what?”
“For saying that.” “You don’t have to apologise,” you told him. “Look, I… like you too, Cameron. Really, I do.”
“You do? I swear you don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings or anything.”
“I like you. A lot.”
You couldn’t fight the small smile that tugged at your lips. Once again, he didn’t know what to say.
“But, there’s something that you don’t know about me,” you continued. “And, I think it’d probably be a dealbreaker. So… I don’t think us being anything more than friends would work out.”
Cameron nodded slowly.
“Okay. Do you mind me asking what it is?”
You eyed him nervously.
“You don’t have to,” he insisted. “But… I don’t know what you could say that���d make me think any differently of you.”
You breathed out a small chuckle, then chewed on your bottom lip. You glanced around to check that no one was listening in, and it seemed like everyone else in the place was wrapped up in their own conversations.
“I’m… I’m nonbinary,” you explained, saying the word like you’d never had to say it aloud before. “So, to my knowledge, you’re a boy. And, then… Sloane Peterson’s a girl, right? But, I’m not a boy or a girl. I know what I was born as, but my gender and how I see it and feel about it doesn’t fit into either of those boxes. And, it’s not like I think that boys should have to play football and that girls should be pretty baby factories or whatever. It’s just that I don't feel like I’m a girl, and I don’t feel like I’m a boy. I’m just… me. Does that make sense? I haven’t explained it to anyone before.”
Cameron nodded.
“Yeah, I think so. You don’t see yourself as a girl or a guy, right?”
“That’s the gist of it.”
“Okay,” he hesitated. “For what it’s worth… I support who you are. Not that it should matter what I think about it, or what anyone else thinks about it.”
It was as though he knew you didn’t have anyone in your corner yet. Tears brimming your eyes, you sighed a breath of relief and allowed yourself to smile. 
“Thanks, Cameron.”
His eyes widened a little when he noticed your tears.
“Are-are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Better than okay, actually. I’ve never told anyone that before. And, I never really expected anyone to be all that supportive of it. So… thank you.”
He relaxed and returned your smile, his heart melting at how happy you looked. The pair of you basked in the warmth of the moment.
Then, you spoke again.
“So, uh, do you wanna be, like, real friends at least, maybe?” you asked. “Not that you have to, just because you’re the only one who knows-”
He locked eyes with you, clearly hesitant and apprehensive.
“Actually… how I feel about you… hasn’t changed.”
You stared at him incredulously.
“Really? And, you’re not just saying that? ‘Cause I’ve always kinda worried that I’ll tell someone about this, and they’ll say it’s fine, but then they’ll just pretend like it’s not a thing, and that they’d just choose to see me as the one thing they want me to be and not who I really am. Not that I think you’re a scumbag or anything. I’d just rather you be honest.”
Cameron’s cheeks turned red. He reached up to scratch his neck. For a moment, he couldn’t look you in the eye.
“Well, I, uh, I’m not really a guy who… only likes the one thing.”
His gaze flickered up to meet yours once again, and you understood what he meant. You could also tell it wasn’t something he’d admitted many times before, if ever.
“Oh. Okay. Obviously, I’m fine with that. And, I hope you are, too.”
He let out a chuckle that was half-nervous, half-relieved.
You smiled at him reassuringly.
“So… you’d be okay with being with me? Even though I wouldn’t be something easy like your girlfriend or your boyfriend?”
“Of course,” he said.
He finally gathered the courage to reach across the table and grab your hands, not caring that they were greasy from the pizza. 
“You’re still you, no matter what. That’s all I care about.”
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gonzo-rella · 4 months
Okay so I've made a list (in no particular order) of fics I might write as part of this blog's celebration of Pride Month. I'm hoping to post something on most days, if not every day (an ambitious goal, I know, considering my tendency to disappear for months at a time and the years-old list of requests I haven't gotten around to yet), since I can normally finish a set of headcanons in a couple of hours, and most of what I want to write is hcs.
Some of these are from requests I've received in the past. I have some other queer!reader requests on that list; if you'd like me to consider writing any of those for Pride Month, feel free to send in an ask! I've just chosen a couple of the ones I've either started writing, or I feel motivated to write.
Anyway, feel free to send in some requests after perusing my fandom list and requesting rules. Since I'm nonbinary, a lot of these fics have a nonbinary!reader or otherwise trans!reader. But, I'll happily write for other queer identities, too!
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Cameron Frye w/ genderfluid!reader (ficlet; requested)
Cam has a crush on the reader, and still wants to be with them after they come out to him as genderfluid
Yellowjackets - Lottie Matthews w/ FTM/transmasc!reader (one-shot; requested)
Lottie helps reader do his t-shot, and comforts him when he's feeling dysphoric.
The Walking Dead - trans!Carl Grimes having a familial-feeling relationship with a trans/nonbinary!reader (platonic)
Note: I'm only on season 8 of the Walking Dead (so don't spoil anything that happens after that). I watch it with my brother, but I'm planning on starting a rewatch from the beginning on my own because I feel like I started losing track of these characters and their arcs several seasons ago. I'll add it to my fandom list once I've finally started this planned rewatch. Hopefully, I'll start that this month. If I do take requests, I'd probably prefer to focus on the earlier seasons until I've gotten further along in the show. So, if you keep that in mind, feel free to send in TWD requests for Pride Month, even though it's not on my fandom list yet. Feel free to ask about whether I'd be interested in writing about the character(s) you want.
Schitt's Creek - Alexis Rose, David Rose and Stevie Budd with a nonbinary s/o (headcanons)
Community - Being nonbinary in the Study Group (headcanons)
Ghosts - Being a nonbinary ghost in Button House (headcanons)
How I Met Your Mother - Being nonbinary in the HIMYM gang (headcanons)
Malcolm in the Middle - Being the nonbinary Wilkerson sibling.
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gonzo-rella · 4 months
You're Still You | Cameron Frye
Pride Month 2024 #2
Nonbinary version
Requested by: @telfords-genderfluid-prospect
So....I gotta ask, how would you feel about writing a drabble of Cameron finding out his crush is genderfluid and still wants them?
Relationship(s): bisexual!Cameron Frye x genderfluid!reader (romantic)
Summary: Cameron has had a crush on you for years, but will your admission be enough to change that? (spoiler alert: no)
Warnings: Eating mentions. Barely proofread. References to transphobia. Coming out scene. Reader is implied to be AFAB if you squint (apologies; I couldn't figure out how to completely write around it), but it's not heavily implied and it's never stated explicitly. (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 1.6k
(A/N: This request, like most of my requests, is almost two years old, so apologies that it took so long for me to get around to writing it! Hopefully you're still interested in reading this, requester. It ended up being longer than intended, but hopefully that's alright! In honour of Pride Month and my ongoing genderfluid crisis, I figured I'd finally write out this one. I know that genderfluidity means different things for different people, so hopefully my way of writing about it works for you. Since I'm no longer a high schooler (which I was when I received this request), I decided to make the characters' ages ambiguous. And, since I work in retail and that seems to embed itself into a lot of my work these days, this version of Y/N is a cashier, the most exciting of Y/N's many professions.)
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Today was the day. Cameron was finally going to ask you out. What sparked this sudden sense of urgency? This uncharacteristic courage? Well, when you had served him and Ferris on your Friday afternoon shift, Cameron had watched you scan his bag of Doritos with so much adoration in his eyes that it was a wonder you hadn’t picked up on it yourself. As they left the store, Ferris warned his best friend that he would tell you about his feelings on his behalf if he didn’t do it soon. Cameron knew that Ferris had made plenty of empty threats over the course of their friendship, but he didn’t care to find out if he would keep his word this time. After all, he was sure Ferris thought he’d be doing Cameron a favour either by making you aware of his feelings or incentivising Cameron to tell you himself. And, if Ferris was known for anything, it was doing favours, even unwanted ones. So, as to not appear like a bashful middle schooler, he decided he would bite the bullet and be the one to tell you himself. This delighted Ferris to no end, who clapped him on the back and offered him a, “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
You had mentioned to the boys that you finished at 6pm, so he made it to the store at 5:52pm- he knew the specific time because he couldn’t help but anxiously glance at his watch. Then, he stood outside- out of view from the window- for the next four minutes trying to build up the nerve that seemed to have left his body with every step he’d taken to the place. When he finally managed to take that final step to the counter, he was sure his knees would buckle under his weight. Suddenly aware of your confused stare, he quickly realised that he should probably buy something, so he grabbed the nearest thing- a pack of chewing gum- and placed it on the counter.
“Hello again,” you greeted with a smile.
A more nervous, but nonetheless sincere, smile crept onto his face. His cheeks burned. You looked at him expectantly, which prompted him to start digging around in his pockets for some change. He handed you a dollar bill, trying his best not to let his fingertips brush against the skin of your palm, and you handed him the change, unabashedly making contact with him. He pocketed the coins and the gum, and then he just stood there.
“Do you… need anything else?”
His eyes widened. The words he wanted to say wouldn’t come out just yet. You knitted your brows.
“Are you alright, Cameron?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he insisted in one of the least fine voices you’d ever heard. “I was, uh, I was wondering… if maybe you wanted to hang out, after you finish work.”
Your face softened, and its expression of confusion and mild concern morphed into one of surprise, relief and mild glee.
“Sure. I was gonna go grab some pizza. You wanna come with?”
Another smile broke out onto his face.
“Uh, sure. Should I just… wait outside?”
“You can wait in here if you don’t mind pretending to, like, browse our wares for the next five minutes.”
He chuckled and nodded.
You watched with a smile as he wandered up and down each aisle, feigning an interest in confectionery by picking up a KitKat and studying both sides of its packaging intently. He stole a glance at you to gauge your reaction, and to his delight your laughter filled his ears.
As soon as 6pm rolled around and your replacement sluggishly made his way out from the back, you grabbed your jacket and bag and followed Cameron to the door.
The pizza place was down the street. On the short walk, you told him about how you went there after a lot of your evening shifts. Much to his relief, you were able to talk for the both of you, allowing him to get his head around the fact that you had agreed to hang out with him. Before he knew it, he was sitting opposite you with a cheese pizza between you.
“Do you normally not have any plans on a Friday night?” you asked him before you took a bite. “I wouldn’t have thought Ferris Bueller of all people would let his best friend not have any Friday night plans.”
Cameron chuckled. He finished chewing, then swallowed.
“He, uh, gave me the night off.”
“Well, I can’t promise I’ll be as good company as Ferris,” you joked. You paused, before continuing. “So, why exactly did you want to hang out with me? I mean, I know we talked in class, but the only time we’ve ever spoken outside of school is when I’ve been at work, or at senior prom. I wouldn’t have thought I’d be your second choice.”
He blinked, trying to formulate a response. Assuming that you’d said something to upset him, you cringed.
“Oh, shit, was that insensitive? I don’t really have many friends, either, so… Yeah, sorry,” you apologised. “You know, hanging out with you is way better than watching a movie at home alone in the dark. And, that’s really saying something, because I like watching movies at home alone in the-”
“I like you. A lot.”
You stopped rambling and stared at him, taking a second to process his words.
“But,” he added, clearly panicked by your reaction. “It’s fine if you don’t feel the same.”
“Uh, Cameron-”
“I’m sorry,” he blurted preemptively, no doubt out of habit.
“You’re sorry? For what?”
“For saying that.” “You don’t have to apologise,” you told him. “Look, I… like you too, Cameron. Really, I do.”
“You do? I swear you don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings or anything.”
“I like you. A lot.”
You couldn’t fight the small smile that tugged at your lips. Once again, he didn’t know what to say.
“But, there’s something that you don’t know about me,” you continued. “And, I think it’d probably be a dealbreaker. So… I don’t think us being anything more than friends would work out.”
Cameron nodded slowly.
“Okay. Do you mind me asking what it is?”
You eyed him nervously.
“You don’t have to,” he insisted. “But… I don’t know what you could say that’d make me think any differently of you.”
You breathed out a small chuckle, then chewed on your bottom lip. You glanced around to check that no one was listening in, and it seemed like everyone else in the place was wrapped up in their own conversations.
“I’m… I’m genderfluid,” you explained, saying the word like you’d never had to say it aloud before. “So, to my knowledge, you’re a boy, and that’s how you are all of the time. But, that sort of thing changes for me. I’m not one thing- one gender- all of the time. But, for me, it’s not this fixed thing. It can change by day, by week or by month. Does that make sense? I haven’t explained it to anyone before.”
Cameron nodded.
“Yeah, I think so. Sometimes, you feel like one gender, and then other times you’ll feel like another, and it changes by itself, right?”
“That’s the gist of it.”
“Okay,” he hesitated. “For what it’s worth… I support who you are. Not that it should matter what I think about it, or what anyone else thinks about it.”
It was as though he knew you didn’t have anyone in your corner yet. Tears brimming your eyes, you sighed a breath of relief and allowed yourself to smile. 
“Thanks, Cameron.”
His eyes widened a little when he noticed your tears.
“Are-are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Better than okay, actually. I’ve never told anyone that before. And, I never really expected anyone to be all that supportive of it. So… thank you.”
He relaxed and returned your smile, his heart melting at how happy you looked. The pair of you basked in the warmth of the moment.
Then, you spoke again.
“So, uh, do you wanna be, like, real friends at least, maybe?” you asked. “Not that you have to, just because you’re the only one who knows-”
He locked eyes with you, clearly hesitant and apprehensive.
“Actually… how I feel about you… hasn’t changed.”
You stared at him incredulously.
“Really? And, you’re not just saying that? ‘Cause I’ve always kinda worried that I’ll tell someone about this, and they’ll say it’s fine, but then they’ll just pretend like it’s not a thing, and that they’d just choose to see me as the one thing they’re okay with all the time. Not that I think you’re a scumbag or anything. I’d just rather you be honest.”
Cameron’s cheeks turned red. He reached up to scratch his neck. For a moment, he couldn’t look you in the eye.
“Well, I, uh, I’m not really a guy who… only likes the one thing.”
His gaze flickered up to meet yours once again, and you understood what he meant. You could also tell it wasn’t something he’d admitted many times before, if ever.
“Oh. Okay. Obviously, I’m fine with that. And, I hope you are, too.”
He let out a chuckle that was half-nervous, half-relieved.
You smiled at him reassuringly.
“So… you’d be okay with being with me? Even though I wouldn’t just be something easy like your girlfriend or your boyfriend or whatever?”
“Of course,” he said. 
He finally gathered the courage to reach across the table and grab your hands, not caring that they were greasy from the pizza. 
“You’re still you, no matter what. That’s all I care about.”
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