#camera cal speaks
cardshard · 2 years
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going bonkers and drawing geometric patterns
i’ve been so. inspired? by islamic geometry and patterns and its like a fly buzzing around in my brain constantly
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captainlunaxmen · 4 months
All for the Cameras
Chapter 9
Finnick Odair x fem!reader
Hello! I'm sorry it takes me this long to write each chapter, but I have so many ideas for so many fics, and also, I don't want to fuck this one up😅
Let me know what you think, especially now that we're entering Mockingjay pt1, I would appreciate some feedback, so I can get better and better.♥️♥️♥️
Chapter summary: time to face the consequences. But that doesn't mean the fight is over.
Chapter warnings: violence, torture, guilt, implied rape, non-consensual touching, Cal, Finnick being a sweetie pie.
Tag list:
@guacam011y @justtrying2getby @idontevenknow1359 @alexandra-001 @bambikitten @maggiecc @redh00dsbf @haneybunny @1-800-styles @sisiking99 @merromimo @yourdailymemedelivery @regsg18 @gordorio @bambikitten @gracieeleanorr @shev3nom @honethatty12 @savingprivatecass @erindiggory @martahabla @sterredem @aawdrea @wpdarlingpan @strawberry--fawn @barbarathewanderer @ih8books @a-mysterious-potato @mayonesavegana @celinaiscrying @katherinejess @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @abaker74 @syd649 @meikoo @secretsicanthideanymore @p1stachi @laylasshiftingtonight @yourmumstoy @s0urw00lf @kermits-bitch @littleshadow17 @piya-re
I'm sorry if I can't tag everyone😔🥺
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Y/n's Pov
My mind can't register nothing but pain.
In my head.
In my chest.
All I can feel is pain.
I can vaguely hear voices around me, but I can't make out what they are saying.
I'm tied down on a table, lights prevent me from seeing more of the room. I try my best to move, but I can't, I can't move an inch and breathing gets harder.
Suddenly the pain is gone. I immediately try to catch my breath and I try to also understand where I am exactly.
"The pain you feel right now is nothing compared to what I felt when I found out about your betrayal."
My chest tightens even more when I hear Cal's voice.
"Do you have any idea what that felt like?" He comes into my line of sight, I can clearly see his anger, jaw clenching as he leans over me, "you hurt me, princess."
"You... you... hurt me... f-first..." I stutter out, my throat hurts badly.
"Me?" He scoffs, "I hurt you first? Princess, do you hear yourself? I gave you everything."
I want to scoff, want to throw everything I've hold back all these years, but I'm too weak.
"Shut up!" He screams right at my face.
"General." A voice calls from what I assume is the door.
Cal immediately stands straight, hard look on his face as he steps back.
"President Snow." Cal nods his head.
"Leave us, general." Snow orders.
"Yes, sir." Cal nods and looks down at me, "I will see you soon."
I look up at the ceiling, focusing on calming my heart and breathing.
"You know, miss L/n," he starts speaking as he walks closer, "I have to give it to you, you did fool me. I did thought you were finally realising what being in the Capitol means. What these games mean."
I dare look at him once he's close enough. He has a smirk on his face.
"And you believed me?" I ask with the voice I have left.
"I did, and for that I owe you my respect. If only you were this good at lying before I had to kill your brother... such a shame." He sighs, "I remember that day too, miss L/n, I remember the hatred in your eyes, how easily I could read you, your thoughts and your intentions. You wanted to die, didn't you?"
"Better... than this..." I mutter.
"Oh, yes, I know. But you made a mistake." He states, it's almost like he's teaching to a class, "do you know what mistake?"
I gulp and take a breath to answer.
"I... I cared..." I answer weakly.
"Exactly." He nods, "you started to care not only about the tributes you were assigned to, but the mentors... and the tributes you weren't supposed to help." My eyes shot to his face, "I have to say you also got better at hiding that, for a good while I thought you stopped. This will be no comfort to you, I'm sure, but I am very proud of you, my dear."
"An insult..." I grit out.
"Of course. Oh and let's not forget the threats you had to invent... wonderful ideas, absolutely wonderful. With that you convinced me, I have to admit. Ideas worthy of the Capitol." He says this knowing I feel guilty, knowing that I hated being part of the games.
"Just kill me already." I breath out.
"Kill you? My dear girl, how could I? I would never kill Capitol's Princess, no, no." He chuckles.
"Then what? Torture me until I don't know who I am anymore?" I try to raise my voice a little, but the pain in my chest makes it hard.
"No, that's for Mr. Mellark to find out. " He casually say and I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off, "no, you will be always aware of what's going on. And whatever mistake you make, they will pay."
"You see, miss L/n, you might think you got so good at lying that I wouldn't know you anymore. But I do. And I know the worst torture for you is not pain, even though that will come too of course, no, it's hearing your loved ones in pain and not being able to help them." He looks proudly at me, satisfied with my terrified reaction, "or better... knowing you are the reason they're screaming."
He then looks beyond me, to someone, nod his head and in that moment screaming fills my ears. My eye widen recognising the voice.
"No... no..."
"It's Mr. Mellark first session, thought you wanted to assist." He says, I pull at the restraints, but they're too hard and I'm too weak, "know that the pain he's feeling right now is sponsored by you, miss L/n."
After that he walks away, I scream at him all the insults that come to mind, but the exhaustion is kicking in.
Peeta screams and screams and screams, I can't imagine what they're doing to him, what he's thinking...
It's all my fault...
My fault.
Finnick's Pov
All Finnick can do now is make knots, knots, and knots. The only thing to try and keep his mind busy... but it's no use.
All his thoughts are consumed by guilt as he sits on the hospital bed in 13. He doesn't deserve it. He keeps repeating to himself. He should've gone back.
"Finnick." Katniss suddenly calls.
"I wanted to go back for Peeta and Johanna... but I, uh...I... I couldn't move." He dares look at Katniss. He can't read her expression, and he doesn't even want to. He sighs, "they have Y/n, too. They took her." He notices her expression softening, knowing the two girls were slowly developing a friendship, "she's, uh... she's in the Capitol." Then a horrible thought makes its way into his mind, "I wish she was dead. I wish they were dead and we were too."
Does he actually want it? He knows what the Capitol is capable of, and he knows that death would be more merciful. He can't even imagine what they're doing to his friends right now, how they're torturing them.
Death sounds so much more appealing.
Y/n's Pov.
The fetal position doesn't offer that much comfort as people say. The cold floor makes sure of it. I don't know how long they kept me tied up to that table, how long they forced me to hear they screams.
The doors opening get my attention and I immediately sit up and move closer to the wall. I hear the cell's door next to mine opening and closing. Then footsteps exiting the room.
"Y/n?" Peeta's weak and tired voice calls me.
"P-Peeta..." I move to the bars, along the wall we share, "Peeta, I'm so sorry..."
"Don't..." he groans, I can hear he's getting closer too, "don't blame yourself. It's... not your fault."
"I feel like it is... If I..."
"No," he cuts me off, "don't go down there. Don't blame yourself."
"What... what did they do to you?" I ask, hesitantly.
"I don't think thay will do you any good." He says, even in this situation he tries to look out for others.
"Please..." I whisper.
"Electrocuting." He sighs.
"Not your fault." He firmly says. "What about you?"
I sigh, still feeling my head throbbing.
"Same, and in the meantime they made me... listen to you."
"You have to be stronger then them," I tell him.
"What... what do you mean?"
"Don't let them change you. They know it's your fear... Don't let them." I instruct, "Whatever they're going to do to you, whatever they're going to tell you, it's not real."
"I... I'll try." He says, his tone is scared and unsure. I wish I could do more, I wish I could take that pain from him.
"You have to."
An angry scream interrupts us and suddenly the doors are open again.
"Fucking assholes! Let me fucking go!"
I can see Johanna's being thrown into the cell in front of ours and the guards immediately leave without a word.
"Fuck!" She screams hitting her hands on the ground.
"Johanna..?" I call.
"Y/n! I thought they killed you!" She exclaims.
"That would've been too kind."
"You're right. Torturing people is more like their style." She agrees.
"What's their plan?" Peeta asks, a little hesitant, "I mean, what use could we be?"
"To convince the Capitol." I say.
"What do you mean?" Johanna asks.
"The Capitol loved Katniss and Snow wants to discredit her, he needs to." I explain, "he needs to convince the Capitol Katniss is the villain... or... convince them she was a victim too."
"Why would he do that?" Peeta's confused.
"Because it could use this to convince the districts too. If the districts believe she never wanted a revolution, if they believe she's only wants everything to go back to normal, they won't raise against the Capitol. They won't have a leader anymore. He could still control them."
"Why would they believe it?" She asks again.
"They managed to convince everyone of all sort of thing in the past few years, I wouldn't be surprised." I say.
"Right... and where do we fit in this plan?"
"Make us say what they want."
"How?" Johanna spats.
"Don't underestimate them." I glare, "don't think they don't have the means to get you to do what they need you to. And trust they will do whatever they can. And the Capitol can do a lot. You should know."
"Fuck. Fuck!" Johanna punches the wall, frustrated.
"No need to hurt yourself now, Johanna. Don't steal all the fun." I sarcastically tell her.
"So much fun, indeed." She agrees, "fuck! We better be dead."
"I wish... I wish." I breath out, I notice Peeta has been quiet for a while, "Peeta? Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I mean, no. Sorry, I..." he sighs, I can tell he's holding back tears, "I guess I'm scared."
"I know, I am too."
I hold out a hand between the bars, hoping he would see it and take it, thankfully he does, it's not the most comfortable position, but it gives us some comfort, I wish I could do the same with Johanna. I look at her and she sadly smiles and nods her head.
"It's okay." She whispers.
The doors suddenly open, harshly. Automatically we all move to the walls, to somwhow hide, knowing full well ot would be no use.
Then Cal gets in front on my cell, and my chest tightens again at the sight.
"Stand." He orders as he open the door.
I'm apparently taking too much time so he enters and yanks me up.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" Johanna yells and hits the bars.
"It's okay..." I tell her, and Cal drags me out.
"You shut up," he says to Johanna, "unless you want another session."
"I'm okay, don't worry ab-"
"Shut up. Walk." Cal orders me.
No other choice but to walk.
Cal drags me all the way to a long corridor until we reach a room, in which he, not so kindly, push me.
The room is small, there's only a table and two chairs, it looks like an interrogation room or something. But what scares me the most is being alone in such a tiny space with Cal.
"We need to talk." He states, closing the door behind him. "Sit."
I do as he says, my eyes on him in case he wants to try something... not that I could be able to do anything about it, but it's little comfort... little.
"Why?" He simply asks.
"Uh?" I'm a little taken aback by the question.
"Why you? Why did they had to corrupt you?" He asks.
"Corrupt me..? What... what do you mean?" I'm just as confused.
"Why would you risk everything for them? It doesn't make sense to me." He says, sitting down in front of me, he tries to take my hands but I move them out of the way.
"Everything? What everything?"
"Your life, our life together. "
"You... are you serious?" I can't help the anger raising.
"We were so happy together, we want-"
"You were." I cut him off, "you were happy, I was miserable. Your father paid me to be with you, then you kept on paying me. You forced me to. Snow forced me to. You and any other person in the Capitol."
"I gave you everything." He grits out.
"Gave me every- what the fuck are you referring to? The clothes? The jewellery? Or the bruises? Maybe the nightmares" I spit back.
"I love you." He says.
"No you don't." I'm exasperated now, "you don't. I don't know what you think you love, but it's not me."
"Don't you ever tell me what I feel. I know damn well." He stands up, and come closer.
Once he's too close I get up too, to get as far as the small room allows me to.
"You have no idea what love is." I tell him.
"And you do?" He scoffs, "don't tell me..." He stops for a moment, considering me, "was I right all this time?"
"About what?"
"Odair." He simply says and I instinctively look away from him, "I was right!"
He quickly corners me into the wall, hand around my neck and the other grabs my wrist tightly as I try to push him off.
"Remember this: you are mine. Mine. We will get married soon, the people will see you as a victim of this mess, and once I get my hands on him... I will kill him and you will watch." He threatens.
"Yes, now, if you don't mind I missed our time together... I plan on making up for lost time." He whispers, face getting closer to mine.
It's when I feel his lips on mine that I start to push and turn around, but he's too strong for me... all I can do is let him.
Finnick's Pov
Finnick's been sitting all day, he doesn't even want to eat or sleep, he only does because he knows Y/n would scold him for it.
The door opening catches his attention, and relaxes a little seeing Haymitch walking in.
"Mr. Odair." Haymitch nods and stands in front of him, "how do we feel today?"
"Maybe better than you." Finnick answers, "How's rehab doing?"
"It could be better... I have to admit." He replies, tone's heavy.
"I have to ask..." Finnick starts.
"She was supposed to be at the rooftop with me, we waited, we did wait... until we couldn't anymore." Haymitch starts to explain, guilty visible in his expression and talking, "I kept my eyes open the whole time just to catch a glimpse of her, but I'm afraid the peacekeepers were already at her apartment." He sighs, "I'm sorry."
"I don't think she would like you blaming yourself." Finnick tries to joke, tears in his eyes.
"Oh, I know." Haymitch sadly smiles, "we'll get them all back."
"Really?" Finnick doesn't want to hold his hopes up, but if there's even the smallest chance of seeing her again, he would grab it.
"I owe her." Haymitch mutters more to himself than to Finnick.
Finnick wants to ask him how he thinks they're alive, but suddenly, the Capitol theme starts, and the Capitol symbol appears on the TV in the room.
"What's this now?" Haymitch groans.
"Hello. Good evening." Ceaser face appears as he greets the audience, "and a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Ceasar Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever it is you're doing... if you're working, out down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight."
"What do you think they're doing?" Finnick asks.
"No clue." Haymitch replies, eyes focused on the TV.
"There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quartel Quell. And here to shed a little light on the subject for us is a very special guest. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark."
"What the fuck...?" Haymitch scoffs.
"He looks well..." Finnick comments.
"Yeah, you know better than anyone how good the Capitol is too hide all sort of bruise." Haymitch says.
They pay attention to what Peeta's saying, he explains what happened, how he lost Katniss before the end.
"What do they want to do?" Finnick's confused to see Peeta like this.
"I don't know... maybe they want to destroy Katniss' image of leader...I don't know." Haymitch mutters, "or maybe Snow wants to destabilise her."
They fall silent again seeing Peeta referring to the camera.
"I want everyone who's watching to stop and to think about what a civil war could mean. We almost went extinct once before. And now our numbers are even fewer. Is this really what we wanna do? Kill ourselves off? Killing is not the answer. Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately. Or else that's it. For all of us."
"Peeta... are you calling for a cease-fire?" Ceaser checks.
"Yeah. I am. I want everyone to stop the senseless violence. This is not the path to change." Peeta agrees.
"What..." Finnick starts, alarmed, "what are they doing to them?"
"I don't even want to imagine." Haymitch groans.
"Now. Ladies and gentlemen... a special surprise." Ceaser begin to speak again, "you love her, she's part of everyone's family and now she's been entwined in today's speculations, but such misunderstanding will be easily wiped off once she gets to say her side. Please welcome our Princess, Y/n L/n!" He announces.
"What?" Finnicks stands immediately getting closer to the screen.
"Hello, Ceasar, long time no see." She brightly smiles at the host.
"Indeed, my dear." Ceaser takes her hand and kiss the back of it, "it's so nice to have you back here. Unfortunately, we're not here for our usual chat, are we?"
"No..." she says, sadly. Finnick gets even close to the screen so he can notice any detail possible. "But I think I can make some clearance on this whole situation, if you'll allow me of course."
"Look." Finnick tells Haymitch pointing at Y/n's hands, "look at her fidgeting."
"She's nervous... what about it?" Haymitch asks, getting close too.
"Look at it." Finnick repeats.
Haymitch then focuses on her hands, she's wearing rings and she is turning them left and right.
"There's a scheme." Haymitch breaths out, "she's sending a message."
"Yes, she is!" Finnick can't help but exclaim, "she is! My brave girl."
"You know that if they find it they will kill her." Haymitch warns.
"I know... she does too." Finnick goes back at looking at her face, she doesn't show any emotion except the ones she uses to fool the Capitol.
"I have to tell Plutarch." Haymitch walks out.
"As you could hear, all a misunderstanding." Ceaser announces, "It's great, let me tell you, you would've broken my heart."
"I could never!" Y/n fakes pity, "you're my favourite person!"
"Hear that! I'm her favourite person!" He laughs and takes her hands, "let's not make your future husband jealous now" he winks.
Finnick notices Y/n slightly tensing, he notices because he knows her, everyone else wouldn't blink an eye at that.
"Oh he knows he can't top you." She winks back.
"Now you flatter me, my ego is too big without all these praises." He smiles, "Alright, people of Panem, it's all for today. Have all a good day and stay tuned for more news!"
And with that the TV turns off.
"You're still fighting..." Finnick mutters by himself, relieved by seeing her on screen, "my brave girl."
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kar1nsworldx · 27 days
⤷ Behind the scenes ᡣ𐭩.⋆
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pairing: callum airey - calfreezy - x f!reader
SUMMARY: y/n posts some pictures behind the scenes as she works as a camera woman for the sidemen as well for her other friends and boyfriend
requested: nope! but requests r open, pls send me some asapppp!!!!
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by georgeclarkeey, calfreezy and 172,534 others
y/n l/n: dear sidemen and friends + boyfriend, I beg you all to stop stealing my fucking phone while I am working (FOR YOU FUCKERS TOO). I do not get payed enough to deal with your stupid silly asses nor do I get payed enough to have my phones storage get filled to the fucking brim because of stupid photos. If you continue doing this you will face concequences and you will get exsposed. Now I beg that you all buy me a coffee and let me film in pease. Also Cal stop kissing other people, you're making me the third/fourth/FIFTH wheel in OUR relationship (istfg I'll just marry Faith atp, you can stay w Harry and Lux xx).
Much love,
Y/n xxx.
tagged: @sidemen @ksi @zerkaa @miniminter @behzingagram @wroetoshaw @vikkstagram @tobjizzle @calfreezy @callux @willne @theburntchip @arthurtv @georgeclarkeey @dannyaarons
chrismd10: outrages. love it.
y/n l/n: chris I suggest you stop typing more silly comments unless you want a post just about you and the dumb photos that you're in that I have in my phone.
calfreezy: exsposed
faithlousiak: i'll marry you in a hearbeat babe come here 😍💍
y/n l/n: running to city hall as we speak
behzingagram: @calfreezy go get your girl
calfreezy: @behzingagram brotha go get your finacè I literally just heard y/n pick up her call
georgeclarkeey: @y/n l/n who gave your premission to post about me and my boyfirend?????!???
y/n l/n: you did the moment you took the photo on my phone clarke
arthurtv: george were not boyfriends!
theburntchip: nah this should be illegal
y/n l/n: idc xxx
chrismd10: will don't exspose me you twat
callux: the second and 7th pictures are the best
wroetoshaw: i will be taking this matter to court as I did not give your premission to post me
y/n l/n: sure you will bog xxx
user505: im literally inlove with you wtf
userly: love to see hers and faiths interactions on their posts 😻
user007: mother is feeding us, thank you mother - we all say inusion
y/n l/n: ur welcome child 🤲 x
calfreezy: am I a dad now
us3r: iconic 🙏🙏🙏
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y/n l/n
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liked by calfreezy, taliamar and 78,672 others
y/n l/n: if I won't be behind the camera I might aswell be infront of it xx 💋
photo credits; @calfreezy - I trained him well
tagged: @calfreezy
faithlousiak: WIFE WIFE WIFE!!!!
y/n l/n: 💋💋💍💍
bambinobecky: spit on me step on me choke me
y/n l/n: gladly xxxx
calfreezy: oi fuck off
gkbarry_: looking good girly!!!
y/n l/n: SAYS YOU!!!! <3
calfreezy: you got yourself a really good photographer
y/n l/n: ik I trained him well
calfreezy: woof woof
useredup: CAL WHAT
user777: DYING
taliamar: you look like a rockstar 😍💍
y/n l/n: says the literal popstar ❣️❣️❣️❣️
vikkstagram: are those @circulrco glasses I see 👀?
y/n l/n: of course they are 😎😎😎
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y/n l/n
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liked by faithlousiak, behzingagram and 123,754 others
y/n l/n: I visited the lovely Payne's today and must I say I'm in love with Olive!!! Anyways brb crying because of the little miss 🥹
tagged: @faithlousiak @behzingagram
calfreezy: it's true I came back home from shooting a vid and saw her sobbing over videos she took of olive
behzingagram: im cackleing over this info thanks cal x
calfreezy: of course mate, anytime
y/n l/n: fuck you both
faithlousiak: best godmother evah xxx
y/n l/n: IM A WHAT NOW?!?!?!??!?!?????
faithlousiak: @behzingagram ethan did we forget to tell her shes olives godmother???
behzingagram: yup @faithlousiak
faithlousiak: fuck
calfreezy: congrats guys shes sobbing again @faithlousiak @behzingagram
tobjizzle: 😭
taliamar: ahhh look at her!! 🩷🩷
tobjizzle: 🫂
user111: ahhhhh theyre all so cute together!!!
user007: OLIVE!!!! OLIVE CONTENT!!!! THANK YOU Y/N!!!!
gkbarry_: adorable 🫶
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liked by tobjizzle, arthurtv and 176,777 others
calfreezy: uh genuine fucking question for @behzingagram & @faithlousiak, how the fuck do you forget to tell someone that they're your childs godmother??? like mate shes been sobbing for the past 30 minutes ffs
tagged: @behzingagram @faithlousiak @y/n l/n
theburntchip: mate how the fuck does this even happen
calfreezy: brother do not ask me
faithlousiak: AAAAAAA were sorry y/n!!! 😭🫂
calfreezy: whilst shes still in bloody tears she says that its okay
behzingagram: oops
chrismd10: why am I not suprised
miniminter: guys this shows that y/n is actually the most emotional person in our friend group we werent lying
stephen_tries: #exsposed2024
callux: 😭
ksi: jesus christ
wroetoshaw: bloody hell
taliamar: oh my god why am I not suprised @faithlousiak
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y/n l/n
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liked by sidemen, zerkaa and 134,584 others
y/n l/n: SOMEBODY SEDATE ME AND SAVE ME FROM THE FUCKERS 👹👺 anyways new sidemen video coming out this sunday, make sure to check it out you twats xxx
tagged: @calfreezy @wroetoshaw @arthurtv @theburntchip
y/n l/n: also forgot to mention, my apologies for the first pic idk how cal clooned but he did so theres two of him
calfreezy: oh fuck off
y/n l/n: love you too darling! 😇😚
y/n l/n: ❤
sidemen: were sure it wasn't that bad 👀
y/n l/n: mate you lot werent the ones who had to save these fuckers from the animals
user505: i can already tell this video is gonna be a banger
userely: love how y/n is always the worker whos stuck with the most chaotic crew
arthurtv: we weren't that bad!
y/n l/n: arthur darling we both know that isn't true whatsoever
wroetoshaw: oh piss off ya dramatic prick
y/n l/n: sadly you will be able to see and hear me screaming and running for my life. from multiple pov's as well
theburntchip: you cant deny the fact that you've had fun
y/n l/n: I did. When I was drunk.
calfreezy: love you too
y/n l/n: 😐🖕❤
sabinablair_: you poor woman 😭💓
sabinablair_: LOL 😭🫂
useroo: love to see bts pictures
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⤷ y/n l/n liked theburntchip's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: fuck off
y/n l/n
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liked by freyanightingale, tobjizzle and 78,776 others
y/n l/n: alexa play uptown girl by billy joel xxx new youtube video coming out tomorrow! ✮⋆˙
tagged: @calfreezy
freyanightingale: stunning stunning girl x
y/n l/n: FREYA MY LOVE ILY ❣️❣️❣️
taliamar: 😍
faithlousiak: 😘😋
vikkstagram: love the glasses @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: thank you vikk 👀😎
gkberry_: icon
calfreezy: can i take you to pound town?
y/n l/n: fuck yes. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
theburntchip: mate that is wild
bambinobecky: 🛏👈
y/n l/n: sprinting over to you asap
calfreezy: oi this is outrages
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y/n l/n
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liked by mattplumb, chrismd10 and 203,768 others
y/n l/n: after 3 fucking years WE FINALLY DID IT 🏆🏆🏆we got onto that fucking podium and we snached that 2nd place you lot. a big thank you to everyone who was supporting Señor Frogs 🐸🫶 anyhow, never doing this again, because once more, this was was also traumatizing.
make sure to check out the video on chip's and everyone elses channels xxx
also fuck you ethan, coudn't you have been dying another fucking day instead of the days before our race??? much love tho xxx
tagged: @calfreezy @theburntchip @wroetoshaw @behzingagram @chrismd10 @mattplumb @willne @callux
calfreezy: we fucking smashed it
y/n l/n: you can say that again
theburntchip: a night to remember
mattplumb: 🏆🏆🏆
sidemen: señor frogs for the win 🐸🏆
willne: what a fucking race that was
callux: think i finally did something useful for the team
y/n l/n: that'd be a first
user888: 🐸🐸🐸
behzingagram: oh fuck off 🏆
y/n l/n: love you too behz 😚
chrismd10: we were elite
user111: so proud of you guys 🥹🩷
useredup: about time 🏆
tobjizzle: good job you lot 👏🙌
zerkaa: love to see it
arthurtv: good job frogs!
georgeclarkeey: 🏆
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lunamadhatter99 · 10 months
All for The Cameras
Chapter 3
Finnick Odair x Fem!reader
It's time. That's all I'm gonna say.
If you like it and want to be added to the tag list, comment here.
Have a good day, loves! ❤️
Chapter summary: the plan is in motion.
Chapter Warnings: prostitution, drug use (on the bad guy, but still),
Tag list.
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It's been a month since the talk with Plutarch... and I still can't believe it.
The rebellion is actually happening, district 13 still exists!
These are the thoughts that keep my mind sane. Plutarch said we need to be careful, he might have a plan... but we need people we can trust.
Of course.
I try to think of some people that would gladly help and that can be also trusted while I walk into the building Cal lives in. Unfortunately the rebellion hasn't properly started and I still have "duty" to do.
I take a deep breath as I enter the elevator and close my eyes for a moment, enough time for another person to enter with me. And I already know who this is.
"Finnick," I nod my head greeting him and open my eyes as the doors close.
"Sweetheart," he sends me one of his charming smile and nods his head too.
The ride to the last floor is pretty long and slow, it gives time for a small, awkward silence to fall for a while before Finnick speaks up.
"I heard... you know." He says, hands behind his back casually.
"Everybody knows apparently..." I sigh.
"Yeah... people can't stop talking about it. The talk of the town."
"If he wanted it to be a surprise, well, oops" I roll my eyes.
"He's been..." he pauses for a moment, shakes his head and looks up with an angry smile.
"What?" I press, "more possessive? More obsessed?"
"Yeah, since you left for the Victory tour he..." he starts, but I cut him off immediately.
"No, he's been like this since that day," I say, I feel him looking at me, but I don't have the heart of looking back.
"Do.... do you think he heard it?" He hesitantly asks, lowering his voice too, "there's no way he could've heard..."
"He must've. That's the only explanation." I tell him, lowering my own voice. "You chose the worse time of all."
"Well, I'm sorry... okay? I... wasn't thinking," he apologies.
"Clearly." I take another deep breath before speaking again, "you know sometimes I try to come out with as many way of killing him I can. Each of them ends up with me getting caught, because unfortunately he is who he is... but it helps."
"How many did you get last time?" He asks, a hint of an amused smile on his face.
"I think... uh... 6," I say, "oh no, 7... almost forgot about the spoon one."
He actually laughs and it helps me too, knowing that in the end we're on the same boat.
"I think... 13 would've been better." He says, he kind of emphasises the number. That makes my head turn to him, him already looking at me with a serious expression.
Could it be..?
So I dare ask.
"Did you talk to Plutarch?"
I see him opening his mouth to answer, but before anything could come out of it, the elevator's doors open and we are greeted by Cal himself ready with two glasses of wine.
"Welcome back, my lovelies." He cheers and he hands us the drinks, "finally all together. C'mon, c'mon."
As we enter his huge apartment I try to look at Finnick to get that answer, he does look at me, but I can't understand.
"Alright, let's sit for a bit, uh?" Cal lead us to his living room, motioning to a huge wooden table... with only two seats...
Cal take a seat and looks at us, expecting.
"Uhm... should I go get another seat or..?" Finnick tries to take it lightly, but one thing is worse than having to spend the night with Cal Kingslay... not knowing what Cal Kingslay has in store.
"Oh no need, c'mon Finnick sit." Cal tells him and Finnick obeys, looking at me confused.
"And.. what about me?" I ask, also trying to play it cool.
"Oh before you sit," Cal stands up to come up to me, it takes everything in me not to take a step back... or even run, "I got a little gift for you. It's in the bedroom."
"Aw.. that's sweet, but you really shouldn't have." I say, hoping he doesn't feel the tremble in my voice.
"We have to make up for lost time, sweetheart. Now go, then come back here." He instructs.
"Sure..." I fake smile at him, steal a quick glance at a tense Finnick and head to the bedroom.
The bedroom, just as huge, hosts a big round bed, a small couch in front of it and nothing much else. I notice a package on the bed, I go to open and find... of course...
I scoff as I look at the deep red lingerie set he bought me. I put it on, constantly rolling my eyes, the only act of defiance I can afford, I wear the matching rope and head back to the living room.
"Oh look at her!" Cal exclaims as I near, "I knew that was your color. Isn't she a beauty, Finnick?"
"Yes." Is all Finnick says, his eyes fixed on me with a loving, yet sad, expression in them.
Cal suddenly grabs my hand and pull me to him, making me sit in his lap.
"Alright, now let's chat a little." He says as his hands caress my thighs and sides, whatever he could touch, "I really want to know what happened on this tour."
"Well... nothing much, really. Usual tour... with two victors, but the usual," I laugh it off, putting my hands on Cal's in a poor attempt of keeping them steadier.
I look at Finnick, who's even more tense than before, eyes locked on Cal's hands on me.
"So nothing happened?" Cal presses, grip getting tighter, " nothing? Not even with Peeta Mellark?"
I actually laugh at that.
"With Peeta?" I ask, "why?"
"At the party, at the President's residence, the way he touched you..." he holds me tighter.
"He just wanted to dance, Cal... he's so in love with Katniss, he doesn't look at anyone else." I try to chuckle to make him see how absurd his assumptions are.
"Then why not ask any other woman there?" He keeps holding me.
I look at Finnick, who's ready to jump into action, but at the same time knows he can't do anything.
"Because he's shy." I say, "he might seem like an outgoing guy, but he's really not. He asked me probably because I'm his friend. " I try to stress the word 'friend' to make him understand.
"Yeah, I got to talk to him for a few minutes when they were in 4, he didn't talk much, only awkwardly smiled and let out just a few words." Finnick lies, and thanks to that Cal lets go a little, going back at caressing my thighs. I look at Finnick grateful and he slightly nods.
"You have a talent in making people feel at ease with you, don't you?" Cal compliments and rest his chin on my shoulder, "I really missed you. Did you miss me too?"
"Oh, but of course," I fake another smile as he starts to kiss my neck.
His kisses get more heated as he goes, I look everywhere except Finnick, I can't stand it, not after last time.
"Mmh, fuck," he breaths out, "you smell so good, my sweetness, let's go to the bedroom, shall we, lovelies?"
Cal doesn't give me any time to stand up, he picks me up and, bridal style, he takes me to the bedroom, followed by Finnick.
Cal gently puts me on the bed, goes and sits down on the small couch.
"Take your clothes of, Finnick, leave your underwear on," he instructs, getting comfortable on the couch.
Finnick does as he was told, standing only in his underwear. He's surely been working out while I was gone...
"I want you on your knees in front of her," Cal orders him, "and you, my precious princess, spread those legs for him, okay?"
Finnick comes kneel in front of me, I spread my legs to let him in, avoiding his eyes, that, I know are on me.
"Oh that's good." Cal praises, "now, touch her."
I softly gasp at feeling Finnick's hand on my thigh.
"Not too much, Finnick, you know the rules. No kissing unless I say so."
Finnick only nods and keeps on caressing my tigh bringing it a little closer so his face lightly touches it.
"Look at him, sweetheart, look at him,"
This is how these meetings usually go: Cal tells us how he wants to see us, what he wants us to do, sometimes he just likes to watch and sometimes he like to "play" too.
I don't know if he's so delusional to think we too enjoy this or he just loves control so much that he doesn't care at all.
That's how the "date" went, all night.
Cal enjoying his power over us, he particularly enjoyed teasing Finnick.
"How does it feel like? Knowing she'll never be yours?" He would ask. "You wouldn't be able to touch her if it wasn't for me," "You'll never see her unless I say so." And so on...
"I'll see you soon, my loves," Cal says, leading us back to the elevator, his hand in mine.
"It's never going to be too soon," Finnick's charming smile seems to convince him.
"Never," I agree as we're standing in front of the elevator.
Cal spins me around and kisses me. I'm so stunned, I don't even reciprocate until he squeezes my waist.
"I could never get enough of that," Cal humms, letting me go.
"Feeling's mutual," I say turning around, grateful for the doors to open in that moment.
"Bye bye" he waves and we do the same, keeping up our fake smiles until the doors finally close.
"Oh fuck..." I let out a sigh of relief and unconsciously lean against Finnick's taller frame, who gently wraps an arm around me.
"Feeling's mutual," Finnick says, sighing too.
"Okay... uh... listen," I start, pulling away from his embrace, "we do need to find a way to talk. This ride might be long, but it's not enough..."
"I know... I might have an idea, but you'll have to trust me," he tells me confidently.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Trust me, alright?"
I sigh, but nod.
"Main things... uh... did you talk to Plutarch then?"
"That I did, asked for my company, I thought he was one of the usual stuff, but thankfully it wasn't." He tells me, "you?"
"Same thing, do you know anyone else... knowing?" I ask.
"There are lots of victors who might be involved, but I can't say for sure..." he speaks quietly, "maybe Johanna..."
"Definitely believable," I comment, "you know, I think Haymitch too.. both him and Plutarch said the same exact thing to me and... it just makes sense."
"What about the lovebirds?" He says making quotations with his fingers as he says 'lovebirds'.
"I don't think so..." I shake my head, "Katniss is too focused on wanting to protect her family, to think of a rebellion."
"Alright... it's still a start, don't you think?" He smiles at me.
"Yeah..." I say bitterly.
"What's that tone?" He's concern now.
"Nothing... I just don't want to keep my hopes up, you know?" I look down at my hands, avoiding his eyes.
"Hey... C'mon, look at me, Y/n." He gently takes my hand and pulls me to him.
I reluctantly, but not so much, look up at him, at his reassuring eyes. Sometimes all I want to do is get lost in them and never find my way back, but it's a luxury I can't afford, not right now.
I shake my head turning away from him.
"Listen... I want to hope we might have a shot, okay? I really do... it's just hard after everything," I say, bouncing my leg.
"I know," he sighs, "but, I mean, we've been hoping this whole time... might as well keep it up."
"I guess..." I smile at him, losing myself again in his eyes, I see him leaning closer, but I stop him, I have to. "Don't."
"I'm sorry..." he awkwardly smiles, "don't push me away like this." He whispers, cautiously taking my hand again, "Please."
"We can't... uh... I don't feel the same way... and... you should..." I stutter out, focusing on our hands instead of his face.
"You know you can't like to me, I know you all too well, love," he chuckles and I shake my head.
"We can't," I say and luckily the doors open and I rush out leaving Finnick behind.
I walk as fast as I can to the car, hoping to get home faster so I can freely cry and scream.
Once I get home I jump on my bed, burying my face in the pillows and just let everything out.
Of all people... why him? Love is so unfair...
No... no, not love... this is not love... I'm not in love with him and he is not in love with me.
That was just a trauma response... yes... yes. Nothing more.
He can't actually love me. If he actually did he could get killed because of it... but if it's not actual love, he's safe... yeah, yeah, he's safe. Nothing to worry about...
This is all I think about as I cry myself to sleep.
"You said what?" I almost yell at Plutarch, almost because I don't want to risk being heard.
"He has to trust me. I can't just say 'leave her alone people will forget about her', can I?" Plutarch sighs, pouring whiskey into my glass, which I gladly take.
"I guess not," I let out a sigh, tapping nervously my glass, "what if you're right, though? What if they actually arrive to hate her so much to kill her themselves?"
"Do you think that would happen?" He asks, knowing already my answer.
"No..." I sit back down, "no, sorry, I'm just... scared shitless, alright?"
He nods understanding.
"I need to ask you one thing, miss L/n, and I need you to be honest," He says and I nod for him to ask away, "do you trust me?"
I look at him properly, trying to see if in his eyes there's even a tiny bit of malice.
"I do." I say.
"Good. There will be some things you shouldn't know, not because you might get caught, but because some things will require a genuine reaction from you," he explains with a serious tone.
"I understand." I nod, "Yeah, no problem. I just hope I would be able to help despite Cal" I say his name with a disgusted noise.
"We'll deal with that too," he reassures me with a small smile.
"Thanks," I say drinking some whiskey, "this thing will never happen too soon."
"I know,"
"May I ask... why do you trust me?" I ask, "I mean, to everyone's eyes I'm Snow's protégé... why do you trust me?"
"Haymitch Abernathy doesn't just trust anyone." Is his simple answer, "I'm sure you know that."
I nod, satisfied with the answer.
"They will send more peacekeepers to 12 tomorrow." He tells me.
"Yeah? I'm sure they're eager to start with the punishments" I comment bitterly.
"Katniss won't just stand there and watch." I warn him.
"I know," he says confidently.
I scan his face, he's not worried about it, he's certain and confident as if he planned it.
"You hope she does something," I accuse.
"Haymitch was right about you," he lightly chuckles, "you are smart."
"Don't change the subject, Heavensbee. This is an opportunity, isn't it?" I ask again, he nods, "if Katniss is the fighter I know she is... you'll get your opportunity."
"We'll get our opportunity," he corrects me raising his glass and I do the same.
"I hope you're right about this rebellion, Heavensbee. I really hope." I say and take a sip of whiskey.
And Katniss did something, indeed. It helped that her best friend was the one getting punished. The fact that both Haymitch and Peeta intervened was even better apparently, according to Plutarch. This is one of the parts of the plan I can't know apparently, but he seemed confident so I trust him...
We're all depending on that.
"We'll finally be able to talk tonight," Finnick whispers to me as we stand in the elevator.
"How?" I ask, confused about what he has in mind.
He smiles and shows me what's inside a little bag he brought. A bottle of wine.
"You're gonna drug him?" I ask shocked.
"A tiny bit," he chuckles, "he'll also need to eat this," he shows me a small box of chocolates, "the drug will activate with both, the wine alone is ineffective."
"Yeah... because not drinking would feel suspicious, but we never eats so if we say no to the chocolate... no problem at all," I reason, "genius."
"I have my moments," he smiles proudly and I return the smile.
"I thought..." he clears his voice, "I thought we could also talk about... us?"
"Finnick..." I warn.
"We would have time..." he insists.
"There's no us, okay? Stop it." I sternly say.
"Keeo telling yourself that," he whispers.
From there the ride is silent until we arrive at Cal's apartment.
"Good evening, loves!" He greets us as usual, "how are my favourite people?"
"A little tired, you know, Snow wanted me to check some old records" I lie, not completely I really am tired, but of him.
"I'm actually fresh as a flower," Finnick starts, "I actually would like to celebrate,"
"Oh really?" Cal asks and grabs my hand to pull me to him.
"Yeah, I found this old bottle of fine wine in my home and I thought 'what better time to drink it if not with Cal Kingslay?', you know?" He takes the bottle out and soon after the box.
"And that?" Cal's intrigued.
"Oh this is a special gift for you, to thank you for your generosity," Finnick's ability to lie and charm him leave me stunned everytime.
"Aw that's sweet of you," Cal takes both the bottle and the box, "we'll share the box, loves."
"Oh, Cal, I'm sorry, but I'll have to gently decline, I ate so much today. Maybe later, okay?" I use the sweetest voice I can as he puts the objects on the table. I try to ignore how Finnick's jaw tense when I do this.
"Whatever you say, princess, as long as you say my name like that..." he turns to me wrapping both arms around my waist to pull me completely against his body.
"Alright, big guy," I try to nonchalantly pull away from him, "let's toast, shall we?"
"Of course!" Cal exclaims, taking the bottle and sending a grateful nod at Finnick. He goes to pour three glasses, "to what should we toast?"
"How about the Quartel Quell?" Finnick asks as he takes the glass from Cal's hand.
"Love that!" Cal cheers handing me a glass too, "here, princess."
"Thank you, Cal," I say, using his name again for good measure and he grins at that.
"To the third Quarter Quell!" Cal raises his glass and we quickly follow.
One each of us took a sip of wine, Finnick goes to open the box, offering it to Cal.
"Oh so kind," Cal smirks, "you don't mind if I take two, do you?"
"Oh, but of course not, take as many as you want," Finnick gives him his usual charming smile as Cal takes two chocolates.
"You know I love sweets," Cal says putting both candy in his mouth, "mmh! So good!"
"Old recipe," Finnick explains.
I watch the scene, tense, I hope Finnick's plan works...
Not even moment later, Cal goes to sit holding his head.
"Hey, something wrong?" I fake concern.
"No... no I'm good," Cal tries to stand up again, but apparently his legs can't hold him up.
"Alright, let's get you to bed. Maybe you're just a little more tired than you think," I say, he let me help him to bed.
"Fuck..." he groans, once he's laying down, "I was really in the mood,"
"Don't worry, rest a bit, and if you feel like it later... we're here," I reassure him, but actually hoping he won't.
"Thank you, my love," he says drifting off to sleep.
I cautiously walks back out of the room and back to Finnick.
He looks at me with expectation written all over his face.
"He's asleep," I whisper, with the biggest smile.
"Yes!" He whisper-shouts.
"God... I wish we could do it every single time," I sigh relieved.
"Unfortunately he would get suspicious, but it's a nice dream," Finnick agrees.
"How much time do you think we have?" I ask sitting with him at the table.
"About... 2 hour and a half... maybe more since he took two chocolates," he explains.
"That's great... this might mean we wouldn't even have to do anything at all..." I chuckle and Finnick does too.
"Alright..." he lowers his voice, "I'm pretty sure, a very good part of the Victors are part of this thing"
"Well, Haymitch for sure... but I don't think he will let Katniss and Peeta know anything," I tell him.
"Why not?" He asks frowning.
"Katniss is basically supervised everywhere she goes... it would be too risky..." I explain simply, "do you know what happened today?"
"New Peacemakers arrived in 12," I start, "Plutarch suggested more severe punishments,"
"What? Why?" Finnick almost exclaims, there's a deeper frown on his face now.
"It's a way to let himself in, Snow will never trust him otherwise." I sigh, "it sucks, I know. If Snow grows suspicious, we're fucked."
"I know," he sounds defeated.
"But the thing is," I start again, "this, according to Plutarch, created a perfect opportunity. He was so confident today when I saw him leaving a meeting with Snow, I think the plan is in motion."
" I can't fucking believe," he genuinely smiles, "it's really happening... and I mean, can you believe 13 is still alive?"
"I know!" I exclaim in a whisper, I wish I could just shout it sometimes, "it's crazy."
"You know... for the first time I saw some hope in Mags and not just defeat."
I smile at that, I know how important Mags is for him. When I was assigned to assisting district 4's mentors, Mags was always so kind to us... treating us like family.
"That's really nice to hear," I softly say, gently putting a hand on top of his.
He waits a moment before covering my hand with his other one, stroking it gently. I really should pull away, but this gentle, genuine touch is something I haven't felt in a long time. I look up, Finnick's already looking my way with a soft smile.
"You know, I can't wait." He says.
"For..." I clear my voice, "for what?"
"Finally kiss you." He simply states.
"Finnick... for the millionth time..."
"You don't feel the same... yeah, yeah, yeah." He interrupts me, standing up and taking me with him, "you can lie to yourself, but not to me. What I feel for you is-"
"Is not real." It's my turn to interrupt him.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?" He challenges.
"Oh god..." I let out a frustrated sigh, "it's just trauma response, okay? You don't love me, Finn. And I don't love you."
"Okay... so... why didn't you pull away yet and you're letting me, basically, cuddle you?" He challenges again, this actually makes me notice how close we are and how his hands are gently caressing and massaging my body.
I instantly pull away, earning a small laugh from him.
"You really need to stop it," I say, to convince myself, rather than him.
"But you're just so beautiful," he smirks, but it not like Cal's smirk... it's playful, he's not making me uncomfortable, he's just teasing, I know that if he actually made me uncomfortable he would stop right away.
"Alright, stop it." I can't help but let out a chuckle.
"You don't believe yourself either... C'mon." He walks closer to me, "dance with me."
"There's not music and I don't think putting something on will help our case with the sleeping beauty," I remind him.
"Just dance with me, c'mon, love," he holds his hand out for me to take and I do. I let him pull me to him and slowly moving to an imaginary rhythm.
He holds me to me him with so much care I could just melt here and now. I have to admit, it does feel nice.
I just keep reminding myself that it's not love, but two people comforting each other... right?
As I let Finnick lead, my mind can't help but go to next week event... the announcement of the third Quarter Quell... and my engagement.
I try to shake away the thought and focus on Finnick's body close to mine, how his taller frame is not imposing or constricting, but protective.
I try to focus on the fact that Plutarch's plan is probably going to work... hope.
All I focus about: hope and Finnick.
I'm afraid the two aren't so different for me.
The crowd is cheering like never before.
It's the announcement of the third Quarter Quell, after all.
I watch Snow taking his place in front of all Capitol's citizens, I sit with the rest of 'Capitol's elite' in the back, waiting for the big theme of this year's games.
I can't help but slightly bounce my leg, knowing what's coming after that.
"Are you okay, my sweetness?" Cal's voice startles me, I almost forgot he was next to me.
"Yeah," I force out a smile, "just excited to discover the theme of this year,"
"Plutarch didn't tell you?" He asks taken aback, "I thought he wanted you as an assistant, maybe he didn't have the chance yet... I hope I didn't ruin any surprise,"
"Oh, don't worry, Cal," I say, "I'll try to act surprised."
He smiles at me and I now try to contain my excitement, real excitement. Plutarch did find a way of creating chances for me to stay away from Cal.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Snow starts and my attention is back on him, "This is the 75th year of the Hunger Games" he announces and che crowd cheers and screams, "and it was written in the charter of the Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this, the 75th anniversary of pur defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell..." as the crowd cheers again, Snow takes out a chard, "... as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol."
"On this, the third Quarter Quell Games, the male and female Tributes"
I don't like this...
"Are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district."
I can't help my shocked expression, what...? I try to look for Plutarch, but I can't see him.
"Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day, regardless of age, state of health or situation."
This is the last place I want to be right now, i can't even listen to any more words from the President's mouth.
I don't even know what to think... if this is Plutarch's idea, I really don't know what he thinks he would get from it...
Oh god...
Finnick said a good part of the Victors are part of this rebellion... maybe that's what Plutarch has in mind.
I snap back at the present when I feel Cal's hand touching mine.
"And now," Snow's voice completely grounds be back, "our very own, Cal Kingslay, would like to say a few words,"
Cal stands up and joins Snow at the front.
"Thank you, president. It's an honour being here today, to celebrate this very special third Quarter Quell," the crowd applauses, "and... I want to thank every single person here today for the support they showed after my father's passing. So I thought to share the following moment with you all,"
My chest tightens, my heart is pounding inside so much it feel like it's about to explode... and I would be glad if it happened.
"There's one person, who's always being there for me... she's the one who always knows hot to make me smile, I only need to think of her and I'm suddenly a lot better... that is why..."
He turns around and walks towards me, my eyes are wide open. I try to make it seems like I'm excited and not absolutely terrified.
He comes in fron of me and goes down on one knee.
"Shit.." I breath out. He nervously smile as he takes something from his jacket.
The interaction would've felt like a very sweet moment... in other circumstances.
"So, Y/n L/n would you give me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asks, opening a small box revealing a silver ring with a stone embedded.
He looks at me and I look at Snow, who's looking at me with a look I know all too well.
"Do it or there would be consequences."
I look back at Cal and move my hand to make him stand, I don't think I would be able to speak without betraying myself, so... I kiss him.
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luvrlou · 2 years
What Happens in Mykonos Stays in Mykonos
Pairing: Wroetoshaw x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking
Summary: After a drunken night of clubbing Harry and Y/N exchange some intoxicated words.
A/N: Heart eyes for Harry
Word Count: 1.8k
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"Harry and Cal are sleeping, and Y/N is watching a movie, I think?" Callum told his camera, this made me look up.
"I'm seeing how close we are to landing," I replied, Callum zooming his camera into me. "We're landing in about an hour and a half."
The man nodded, "we should probably wake up the boys, they'll want drinks before we get off." I agreed, going to wake up the boy on my left, Cal.
"Fuck off Callum!" He groaned, coming to his senses, "oh, hey Y/N!" He smiled seeing it was me waking up.
"Hello Cal," I replied.
"Here, what's this!" He chirped, looking at the drink on my table, "a cheeky malibu and pineapple juice, interesting." He observed, reaching to take a drink.
"Woah there! That's mine!" I replied, grabbing the cup before he could. I swiftly downed the drink, before muttering a snarky, get your own to the lanky boy.
I looked over to the end of the row to see Harry groggily talking to Callum. The plane was separated into rows of four, an aisle splitting them in half. I sat in the window seat, Cal in the seat next to me, Harry and Callum sat in the other side.
Before we knew it the flight attendant was back to cruising up and down the aisle with the drinks trolley. When she reached our row we all gave her a list of drinks, a Guinness for Callum, Malibu and pineapple juice for me, white wine for Cal and a vodka coke for Harry.
Since we were at the back of the plane the woman seemed to have all the time in the world, she handed the boys their drinks. While she handed me mine she spoke, "so what one of these lucky boys is your boyfriend?"
The question caused me to laugh, "none of them, I'm just an old friend!'
"Really?" She seemed extremely shocked by my answer, "I mean you're gorgeous how could they not be all over you!" Her comment made Callum laugh while Harry reddened.
"Awk thank you!" I smiled back at the attendant. She smiled back before walking back up the aisle.
"Did you see Harry's face!" Cal cackled, looking at the embarrassed boy at the end of the row.
"Shut up Cal!" He shouted back, sipping his vodka-infused drink. His clear irritation made me, Cal and Callum laugh between ourselves.
We spent the remaining hour or so on our phones, sparing a few words between the four of us every few minutes.
"This is your captain speaking, we will be touching the ground in about fifteen minutes, the weather is lovely so the landing should be smooth." The strong Scottish accent, which belonged to the captain, boomed over the speakers that lined the sides of the aircraft.
Much to my surprise, getting through the airport was extremely fast, I'm assuming everyone was in need of a cocktail. Luckily our villas were about twenty minutes in a taxi.
"Okay, who wants what villa?" Cal said, as we all arrived in front of the two villas.
"I call dibs on this one!" I shouted, running up to the door of the one on the left, "I saw on Booking.com that this one had a hot tub in it!"
"Oh yeah! I want that!" Callum exclaimed, joining me at the door.
"Okay, Harry and I will take this one," Cal concluded, walking towards the one on the right, Harry following.
Callum and I chose our rooms, despite them being almost exact parallels to each other. Mine had a king-sized bed with white and dark blue bed sheets, and a bathroom attached. It also had a large mirrored wardrobe and a small balcony with a deck chair.
"Y/N! Callum! We're going out soon!" Harry's voice echoed up through the white bricked stairwell.
I could hear Callum run downstairs, "I'll be like twenty minutes!" I shouted down.
I went over to my case looking for something nice to wear, I was thinking of a summer dress of some sort since I've been sweating buckets since I got here. I rummaged through my case, picking out a white lacy dress. I put it on and coated my eyelashes with some mascara and slipped my feet into a pair of wedge sandles.
"Coming!" I yelled as I approached the top of the stairs.
I jogged down the stairs, when I reached the boys they had just finished their cans of beer. "You look lovely Y/N," Harry commented as they all stood up.
"Aw thanks, Harry!" I gushed at the boy in front of me. "Right let us go! I need to get pished!" My statement received cheers from the boys.
We all ventured out of the villa complex and found a club which was about five minutes away. "What does everyone want to drink?" Callum asked.
"A piña colada please," I asked, the boys all asked for one too, sending Callum on his way. "I needed this getaway." I stated.
"Same, London is getting too stressful these days," Cal replied, causing Harry to hum in reply.
We all grinned thirstily when Callum came back with four piña coladas, we all grabbed one.
"To Mykonos, and Harry for suggesting this holiday!" Cal cheered lifting his cocktail. We all clinked glasses and took a sip out of them.
About four cocktails later we got up to leave, I could tell that Harry and Cal were on the tipsy side, surprisingly Callum and I were more on the sober side.
At the next club Cal immediately got up to get tequila shots from the bar, Callum's face was full of regret. "Getting flashbacks to the last time we did shots?" I laughed.
"Fuck off Y/N!" He groaned.
"Shots!" Cal bellowed, returning to the table with a tray of sixteen shots on it.
We all took four each and sat them in front of us. "Last to finish them buys the next round!" I challenged, picking up one of the shots.
I downed mine quickly, taking the next one as soon as the liquid slipped down my throat. "Harry! Drinks are on you!" Callum laughed, pushing him towards the bar.
"We'll all have margaritas, make sure they have limes on them!" Cal ordered.
When Harry returned we all started to drink our margaritas, "Y/N, what are the odds, out of ten, that you'll do body shots off of Harry!" Cal asked.
Harry's complexion instantly grew rosy, "okay." I agreed, waiting for Callum to count us in.
"3.. 2.. 1.." He counted.
"7!" We both shouted.
"Yes!" Cal and Callum shouted in unison, high-fiving each other. "We'll go get salt and a lime!"
"Are you okay with this Harry?" I asked the blonde boy next to me.
"Yeah," he hummed, "it's all a bit of fun, yeah."
When the boys returned they had massive smiles on their faces, Callum with a tub of salt, and Cal with a lime and a tequila shot. "Come here Harry," Callum said to the red-faced boy.
Callum dipped his finger in his margarita and put some salt on it, rubbing the salt and sticking it to Harry's neck. Cal handed him the lime and sat the shot on the table.
"Have fun Y/N!" Cal drunkenly giggled. I made eye contact with the boy and went to lick the salt off his neck. I downed the shot, receiving whistles and cheers from the two boys. Lastly, I took the lime from Harry's mouth.
"Look at Harry!" Callum yelled, making me burst out laughing and remove the lime from my mouth.
"Sorry, Harry," I smiled softly, kissing his cheek chastely.
We got one last round of shots, this time they were Sambuca shots. "Come on, I need some chips," I announced. The boys all hummed i agreement.
Luckily, there was a street food shop down the street from the club we were sitting in.
"Excuse me," Harry asked the man who as behind the counter, "do you guys do just chips?"
"Yes." The man answered.
"Can we have four portions, please," He asked, the man nodded in return.
"Where's Freezy?" I asked, looking for my lanky companion.
As if on cue the blonde boy entered the restaurant, a bottle of white wine in his hand, making me grin wildly.
"God bless you Cal Freezy!" I beam, running over to him, stumbling drunkenly. He handed me the bottle letting me take a swig before snatching it back.
Cal and I sat up at the high window tables, swapping the wine between us, waiting for Callum and Harry to arrive with the chips.
When they came over they chucked the styrofoam boxes of chips down on the table and flung themselves onto the chairs. I smiled when I felt Harry drop his head onto my shoulder.
"You can have the last of the wine," Cal mumbled, handing me the bottle. I quickly downed it before digging into my chips.
"Are we going to head back to the villas after this?" Callum inquired, finishing his chips.
"Nah, I want to stay out!" I argued back.
"I'm going back after," Cal stated, clearly having had too much to drink.
"I'll stay out Y/N!" Harry answered, which made me cheer with happiness and embrace him tightly.
After eating we went our separate ways, Callum and Cal went back to the villa complex. Harry and I went further into the area we were staying, looking for yet another club.
After about 10 minutes of walking, we came across another brightly lit nightclub, we both entered, going straight up to the bar. I ordered a pink gin and Harry ordered a vodka and lemonade.
After drinking both of our drinks we got onto the dance floor. Wrapping my arms around his neck we swayed together to the music, one of his arms draped over my waist.
"You look beautiful tonight Y/N," he mumbled, his face extremely close to mine.
I could feel his hot breath fan over my face. "You're just saying that because you're drunk." I whispered.
"No Y/N, I've always thought this, I think I'm falling in love with you," his drunken voice raved.
I was speechless, the only thing I could think to do was kiss his soft lips. Our mouths tasted of straight alcohol as they fought against each other. When we leaned back he sent me a goofy smile.
"I think I'm falling in love with you too."
"Let's take this back to the villa, yeah?" He asked, leading me off the dance floor.
"Fuck yeah!" I giggled following him out of the venue.
"What.. the.. fuck." Cal's shocked voice echoed through the now lit-up room, I looked up and around the room. It was Harry's room, the flashbacks from the night before started to fill my once hazy memory.
"Oh shit!" I shrieked, waking up Harry, who had an equally shocked expression.
"Fucking hell! Callum will love this!" Cal burst out laughing, cackling as he left the room.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 3 months
Rafe’s Interview - KUwTC Ep1
With added BTS
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BTS + Unseen footage is in Orange
Full episode Here
Other BTS
(/ means cut scene. Bold letters means host)
On the furthest side of the couch, sat Rafe. His careless form thrown at the cushions, legs spread and arms splayed out against the back of the couch as if it were some informal gathering with his friends; The intentional grin spread across his face, however, speaks otherwise. The enjoyment of the cameras being very evident on his features made him almost seem more mature about the situation than the rest. His hair was pushed back over his head messily and his ocean blues were piercing in the sunlight that shone through the glass doors opposite. A tight pink polo sat around his toned figure, accompanying the khaki pants it was tucked into. A pair of sliders on his feet to contrast the supposed smart attire.
Rafe's face remained mischievous, as if there were some intent behind his reasoning for agreeing to do the show other than because his father asked. "You already know, I'm Rafe Cameron!" He tries to hide the smirk that pushes onto his lips but tails as the camera picks it up. His hand taps against the back of the couch behind Sarah's head, neither her nor the rest of their family understanding why he's being so compliant.
Sarah scoffs at his words and Rose rolls her eyes, sipping at her glass finally; a small giggle slipping from Wheezie's mouth that she's quick to cover with her hand. The action causing Rate to chuckle to himself, getting the reaction he wanted.
“Yeah okay I’m looking for a reaction, but isn’t everyone? We’re on camera. We’re literally begging for the attention. What’s wrong with a little joke here and there!”
Rafe stands around for a moment, hands in his trouser pockets, a small frown tugging at his brow.
"You okay, son?" Ward questions as he moves himself into a better position for the focus of the camera.
Rafe's shoulders raise at his question, "Just-Yeah I'm fine." He nods, pushing away his frustration as he gives the camera a little smile.
"Is Bella free? Maybe she and Callum could come round to keep you occupied while you wait!" Ward suggests, trying his best to satisfy Rafe's needs, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.
"Yeah I'll go see. Can I be next?" The eagerness that radiated from Rafe caused a smile upon Wards face.
"You know Rafe, you're the only person actually willing to give something to this show at the moment. I really appreciate it, thank you! And yes I'm sure you can go next."
Rate smiles once more as the host butts in,
"Of course you can! We won't be long." Ryan reassures him as Rafe makes his way to the garden to make a phone call.
The camera follows him outside as he puts his phone on speaker and sits on one of the sun chairs, his hands placed behind his head as he waits for an answer.
“Rafe? Everything okay??”
He chuckles at the concern of the girls voice, he never calls unless there’s something wrong so this took her by surprise, “Yeah I’m alright Bee. Just bored. Wanna come round?”
“Uhh I can’t Rafe, I mean what about Cal?” Her voice begins to tremble, the tears made evident through the phone. It happened so suddenly? What’s going on?
“Hey, hey.. Bells I meant all of you don’t worry. Just.. just tell Cal I said come over and Topper can pick you guys up alright? We can like.. like go on the boat or something? Yeah?”
“Mhm okay.. sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“Dont apologise! It was my fault, just be safe okay? Only a few minutes away you’ll be fine.”
“Okay Rafey.. thank you. I’ll see you soon!”
“Yes you will Bee, love you.”
“Love you too!”
“So whered the name Bee come from? Does it mean something or..?”
They were now sat inside Wards office, it seems as though they’re all taking their turn to speak on a deeper level, talking about the day that just happened and picking apart the areas that the audience may want answers to.
“Nah it’s just a nickname. I don’t really remember where I got it from it just kinda stuck one day. It’s like she calls me Rafey and my friend Barry, Bear. It just kinda happens I guess. I don’t particularly like the name Rafey. I mean it pisses me off to be honest with you. But she only uses it when she’s upset or needs comfort, it’s like a reassurance thing? I guess? So I let it slide. It’s when she says it cos she wants something, that’s when it annoys me. Cos she’s gotten the guys into it too. It’s almost like they’re mocking me and I don’t enjoy jokes like that, they irritate me.”
“Rafe you told her you love her? But you said you don’t like her?”
“Correct? Whats wrong with that? It’s not like it means anything! Why do people make it so serious when I’m nice for once?”
"So Rafe, you're very eager to be a part of this show and put yourself out there!"
"Correct." Rafe nods, not even bothered by how cocky he seems. His legs spread, leaning his arms against his knees as his grin never budges off his face once.
"What would you say is the purpose of this show? Why do you think Ward has brought you all to do this? And what would you like to gain from it?"
"If I'm being honest, Ward wants the attention. He's a hard working man who has a lot to show! I don't blame him. He has good kids and a nice house, he wants to show off. And again, I would too. I don't really care for the purpose of the show, I just think it's needed, to show those Pogues what to be jealous of. We worked hard for this shit. They don't do anything and expect to also have a big house and loads of money. That's not how it works. You gotta earn it. And we do. This shows gonna teach them to respect us, as they should.”
“Do you not get along with the Pogues then?”
A laugh falls from Rafe’s lips, not even trying to hide it, “Why the hell would I wanna be friends with them?”
“Bella mentioned she’s friends with one or two! Is that not the case for you then?”
“JJ and John B right?”
“Uhh yeah that rings a bell!”
“Yeah well uh.. John B works for my dad and JJ and Bella speak like once a week. It’s not my problem? Don’t gotta make friends on the other side of the island when I got friends here.”
“Could you tell us a little about yourself please?”
"I'm Rafe Cameron, I'm nineteen. I play golf, and ride a motorcycle, any of you pretty girls want a ride, hit me up.." He winks at the camera, obviously not meaning what Ryan or any of the camermen understood. Ryan looked at him as if expecting more so Rafe huffed and pulled something up on the spot, "I have four close friends, two sisters, a dad and a step mum. Don't think there's much else to be said." Rafe's expectations for the show were slowing drifting away as he began to grow irritated at the lack of interesting questions.
“Sorry Rafe, did I offend you in any way? Whats the matter?”
“No just, when’re we getting into actual interesting questions? No one cares about us they care bout the drama!”
Ryan pauses a moment, realising how true his statement really is. Everyone knows who the Camerons are, they want to know about the problems, the crazy shit that happens behind the masks they wear. “You’re right Rafe I’m sorry. Let’s move on!”
“Ask me about myself? Yeah cool I’ll talk about it but I don’t care. It’s me I know me. And I don’t like me. Simple. Ask me about Bella or anyone else, and I’m all talk!”
"Rafe, Ward mentioned that Bella and Callum are your closest friends. Could you go into that? How did you meet?"
Rafe's smile reappears at the mention of them. Him now suddenly re-interested in the conversation; sitting back more comfortably as he finally wants to get deep into something, a gentle grin replaces his previous glare. "Well, yeah he's right. Bella's probably closer to me but I grew up with them both. Them, aswell as Topper and Kelce, are my only real friends. We're always together. There's really not a moment when we're ever doing anything alone. I met them all when I was a kid; Topper and Kelce I met through our parents. And Bella and Callum moved in with us like ten years ago?" He takes a moment to look over at Ward who was sat just out the shot. He gives him a quick nod to confirm his words before Rafe turns back to the camera. A proud grin now spread across his cheeks. "Yeah. Ten years ago! They all met each other through me and vice versa. Then ever since we've just kinda been inseparable. All of us."
"You spoke about Bella and Callum moving in correct?"
"Yes, well, they moved back out a few years ago. I would tell you they got kicked out but Wards watching so.." Rafe lowers his voice as he leans forward onto his legs again, causing suspicion amongst Ward's face. "But yeah they moved back home but basically still live here anyways with how much they're always over." He chuckles trying to push the previous sentence away, with full intention to speak on it later when Ward isn't around to hear.
Ward stayed in the room to 'supervise’; Survey Rafe's interview to make sure he doesn't say anything too private or out of line on the first episode.
“Yeah so uh.. Cal basically.. shit I shouldn’t say this..” He runs his hand over his face, his gold ring shining in the light of the camera. “Fuck it uh.. b- basically,” He stutters, not wanting to say something he shouldn’t despite revealing things Ward told him not to speak about anyways. “Ward found out that Callum was uh.. was doing drugs, and he was getting aggressive towards everyone. Dad didn’t want him to be around Sarah or Wheezie as they had no part in it so he threatened Cal with foster care. But even though Bella was getting the brunt of it all, she stood up for him and told Ward that if he leaves then she leaves too. And that’s what happened. Ward knew he couldn’t argue because Cal has this weird attachment to Bella and can’t be alone without her. So yeah he had to just take the risk and let them leave. She’s fine by the way! The rest is probably too personal and recent to speak on so yeah. There you go I guess.”
“Sorry how long ago was this?”
“Like a good 7-8 years ago I’d say? They were quite young but Ward would check in frequently. If he got care workers involved Callum would’ve been taken away so he left them alone. To be fair Bella was quite mature for her age so they could take care of each other regardless. I still never agreed with it but it’s over with now so there’s no point getting hung up over it.”
“But they’re okay now?” Real concern fell from Ryan’s lips as his eyes were stuck on Rafe’s, more than interested by the conversation at hand.
“Yeah, yeah as far as we’re all concerned! I mean Cal’s always been a bit irritable but other than that yeah they’re both fine. Theyre always here anyways so we’d know otherwise!”
"Ward brought up how Bella is a special part of his life. Does that apply to you too?"
Rate lets out a small breathy laugh at the question, not understanding why he was getting so personal all of a sudden. "I mean yeah obviously but-"
His attention is taken as his focus moves to behind Ryan, the glass doors open and a small figure pops a head through. "Umm sorry.. is it a bad time?"
Ryan opens his mouth to answer but before he could, Rafe had already made his way over, a camera following to capture the moment. "Of course not! Whats wrong?"
"Oh um.. I was just going to ask for the key to the refrigerator on the boat? We can't get in.." A quiet giggle leaves the girls lips as Rafes curl into a helpless smile.
"Don't be stupid Bells. Just gotta ask! Don't gotta be so nervous. The cameras are just cameras.." His hand grazes her own as he reassures her; he turns around to go over to the kitchen.
Bella's gaze follows the camera, a smile tugging at her soft lips. She lifts her hand and gives the camera a wave. "Hi!"
"Bella correct?"
"Umm.." She was caught off guard by the sudden statement. She steps closer to get a better view of him. "Correct! But how do you-"
"Rafe and Ward have both mentioned you once or twice. It's nice to meet you!"
She smiles once again, this time her cheeks blushing along. "It's nice to meet you too! What've they said may I ask?" She laughs nervously as she takes a seat on the couch opposite the large-framed man, tugging at her crop top slightly so she wasn't flashing anyone by accident.
"Oh you came to join hm?" Rafe places himself next to her, his arm effortlessly falling around her neck.
She giggles as her eyes take his, "Nope! Just wondering what you've said about me that's all." Her smile doesn't fade as he raises an eyebrow, his head turns to Ryan as he squints his eyes slightly, trying to pick up on if he's told her or not.
"I haven't said anything?"
"Mmmhm sure." The amusement not leaving her face as he looks back at her. A grin creeping onto his lips, "Shush missy! You gonna be quiet or you gonna leave? Your choice."
Her jaw drops jokingly as if he just offended her; she turns to face Ryan, the same intentional stare Rafe wore an hour previous.
"Is he behaving? He's not being rude to you is he?"
"Right! What's that supposed to mean then?"
She giggles but doesn't take her eyes off of Ryan, "Yes I'd say so." He chuckles at her enthusiasm and pure genuineness to her question, "He was just about to tell me if you-"
"Lalalalalala." Rafe quickly interrupts shoving his hands over Bella's ears as he guides her to the door. "He doesn't know what he's saying. I'm done with the interview!"
She rips his hands from her ears, her mouth agape as her eyes frown, "What were you about to tell him?" She tilts her head slightly.
"I don't know what you're on about! I think you should go before Callum beats my ass for taking up your time."
"Rafe we aren't done!"
"Yes we are!"
"Rafe?? Go finish the interview, you were looking forward to it!" She pushes him lightly in the chest, gesturing for him to go sit back down.
He rolls his eyes but obliges nonetheless. She giggles once more, poking her head round to Ryan and smiling again, "Behave!" She points a finger to Rafe before a realisation hits her face, "Oh! And thank you for the key!" She shakes the keychain towards him as if he didn't know what a key was before waving goodbye to the cameras and Ward, and leaving, skipping down to the boat.
"Well she's a sweetheart, wouldn't you say Rafe?"
Rafe's brow furrows, knowing what he's implying.
Ryan doesn't let up as he gets straight to the point, "Do you like her?"
"Yeah l'd say she has a special place in my heart like Ward! Now can I go? Thank you!" He changed the subject before unhesitatingly jumping off the couch and headed straight outside; avoiding the whole question.
Ryan and Ward both let out a heavy laugh as Ward walks into frame, "I'm telling you right now, he doesn't get nervous like that. I'll leave it at that." He grins before heading off to do his own thing, leaving Ryan with the open-ended answers of does he or doesn't he? He smiles to himself before finding Wheezie.
“Were you avoiding the question earlier? I spoke to Wheezie, and Ward also said how they think there’s something between you two. Are we all hallucinating or-“
“Fuck off..” Rafe leaves slamming the door behind himself; not understanding the constant interrogation. The time of day and the multitude of questions not helping his frustration.
“Even if there was something it’s not like it’s your fucking business..” He mumbles to himself but his words were well picked up by the camera in the hall, also picking up on his irritated features.
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sidemenxyn · 10 months
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Come dine with me, chips video
Tw: language, Bunch of shenanigans, play fighting and I believe that is all!
w2s x Y/n Willows
“Welcome to another come dine with me, todays chef will be the one and only Y/n Willows!” Chip did his voice over as clips of the video played. So today was the day you were cooking for the boys. You were excited yet nervous, you had critics who would minus a point for the smallest thing (he being Theo) but he wasn’t gonna stop you today!
You spoke to the camera “right so today is the day, I’m gonna kick everyone’s arses.” You added “with the help of Harry.” The camera zoomed out to reveal Harry standing next to you. You looked at Harry as he said “we are gonna win I know it!” You agreed. You looked at the camera “so todays menu!” The clip cuts you off revealing Calfreezy saying “the starter is some small wings and some garlic bread, sounds nice!” Cuts to Chip “yeah, sounds nice although will the garlic bread be homemade? Knowing Y/n it probably is.”
You looked towards Harry and spoke “right, so, Harry go grab the sauces and wings.” Harry walked over to the fridge and cupboards and did what he was told. You spoke “So right know I’m going to be making the garlic butter as I’ve made the dough yesterday.” You filmed yourself making garlic butter as the camera man filmed Harry smothering the sauces on the wings. Once he placed them into the oven, you heard a knock on your shears apartment’s door.
You looked at Harry “babe, can you get that and grab the drinks.” He smiled and nodded. As you placed the garlic bread into the oven more of the boys started to arrive.
Once your starter was done you played everything up and handed out the plates to everyone who was sat on the table.
You stood there as everyone took a bite and to see their faces be delighted by the flavours. Theo trying to be a proper critic asked “what sauces did you use?” You answered “I made them all last night, you have bbq, chilli and some tzatziki sauce on the side.” He nodded as the boys continued to dig in.
Once you had collected everyone’s plates you then went back into the kitchen to finish making the main course.
The video cuts to Randolph speaking “for dinner we’ll be having a 8oz steak with home cooked chips with steamed vegetables and garlic butter. Sounds fucking wonderful!” Clip cuts to Theo “yes I like the sound of this! Hopefully and most likely it will be better than Chip’s that’s for sure.” Clip cuts to Cal “I’ve lived with Y/n for years and I know full well she can cook a good steak. Like she’s toot tier steak cooker! If that makes any sense…”
As you and Harry were working away Harry decided to grab the flour for the dessert and throw a handful towards you. Leaving you covered in flour, you both burst out laughing. You said “Gosh Harry! That’s for desert, you dick!” He laughed and replied “made you laugh though didn’t it?” You smirked and playfully smacked his arm.
The main course didn’t take long as you prepared it before filming, as you walked into the dinning room Cal laughed “what the fuck happened in there?!” You rolled your eyes jokingly “Harry get his hands on the flour for the desert didn’t he.” The boys laughed as they watched as dinner was placed onto the table. Everyone was digging in and enjoying it, you and the boys were joking around and having conversations.
As everyone was finishing up their food you asked “is everyone still up for desert?” Everyone was nodding and replying with a “yes.” So you went to the kitchen and you walked into the kitchen and prepared to make the last dish of the night.
Clip cuts to Callux “for desert Y/n’s making cookies and cheese cake, it has and/or so I’m guessing we get to pick?” Clip cuts to Chip “I’ve had good cheesecake in my time so I’m hoping that Y/n can live up to those very expectations!”
You quickly walked back into the dinning room and asked “who wants cookies with ice cream and who wants cheesecake?” Theo asked “could I get cookies and ice cream please?” You nodded as Randy asks for the same. Everyone else wanted cheesecake, thankfully you had made the cheesecake earlier as it was now perfectly set. You quickly placed the homemade dough into the oven so the cookies were nice and warm for Theo and Randy.
You asked “Harry can you ask the boys if they want another drink?” He nodded and went back out to shortly return to the fridge and grab a few bottles and cans. As the cookies and such were in the making the boys had entertainment of a magician who was actually really good. You smiled as you could hear the boys laughing and enjoying themselves; the smell of cookies filled the kitchen as the timer went off. You placed the pan onto the counter. You scooped the ice cream onto the plate, then placing the nicely warmed cookies onto the plate. Now that desert was done and so was the entertainment, you walked out with the deserts in hand. Everyone seems happy to see the final dish to the evening.
Everyone was praising your good desert as you and Harry high-fived. You and Harry were proud of what you made.
The clip cuts to the boys giving you a score, Chip gives a 9, Randy gives a 8, Calfreezy gives a 8 so does Theo gave a 7 and Callux gave a 7.
You said “hope you enjoyed my cooking! If you’d like me to make a recipe or step by step go check out my channel, w3s. If you enjoyed and want to see more, subscribe to Chip! See you in the next one!”
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calaverage · 5 months
[Lawson gets a small ding from the motion cameras she set up in the tech graveyard. She set the up during the whole clone deal so that she would know if any came in while Cals clone was forming. She goes to check what set it off cause no one usually goes down there and saw Cal .... With a five year old? ]
Ping text from Lawson*
Um.... Cal? Why did you bring a five year old to the tech graveyard?
[Cal checks their phone real quick...Shit.]
So...technically speaking she's older than five. Just five in like...god years. Her bitch of a mom kicked her out or something, and I needed some way to make sure she was taken care of while I was a work or out.
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hannibalzero · 7 months
Bunnywan and Anakin trying to take a picture of their babies but Luke, leia, and cal won’t sit still.
You came in clutch lovely, having a low point at the moment. Some baby buns sure do help!
Taking a picture with the disaster linages offspring. Is a task in itself, speaking of that maybe big sister Ashoka holding the babies would be perfect. Lol Ashoka all dressed up too carefully holding the baby buns in her temple best robes.
“Masters are we almost done? These robes itch.” Ahsoka whined
“Just a few more seconds, you look great Snips.” Anakin is working the camera while Obi-Wan is standing ready with the brush to help the babies look their best.
“Say blue cheese.” Obi-Wan shakes the carrot rattle getting a good picture of his babies.
Yes Ashoka is now officially a bun while not being a bun haha!
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4rainynite · 9 months
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Scooby Doo x Goosebumps
This better be some universal foreshadowing that we're getting a Scooby and Goosebumps crossover or I'll be so mad!
This week while I was in Barnes & Nobles I came across this and almost cried from joy. I'm a huge fan of Scooby- Doo and Goosebumps so this was just perfection. I know this was most likely a setup from leftover Halloween stuff, but I love it (also give the person a raise for the idea)!
Headcanon Time/ Scooby Doo x Goosebumps AU:
The Mystery INC is called by an anonymous benefactor to help find some missing people (mainly children) in a small town.
The gang jump to it since they love mysterious, but they love helping people more.
Once they arrive in the small town they begin investigating and hear strange stories around town for example: an evil dummy coming to life, a witch who grants terrible wishes, haunted mask that attach to people and turn them evil, cameras that predict omens, and so on.
At first the gang thinks it's another hoax and real estate plot, but the stories sound eerily familiar like something out of a 1980's -90's children horror book series.
The townsfolk don't trust Scooby - Doo due to his abilities to do things a normal dog can't possible do: speak human language, cook, dance, the works. This hurts Scooby and makes him start doubting himself (how dare you townspeople!).
The gang then investigate a writer who half the town think is responsible due to the kidnappings are similar to the horror novels he writes. When they meet the writer it's none other than *drumroll* R.L. Stine (who plays himself in the movie fanfic).
Mystery Inc: It's famous children's horror writer, R.L. Stine!
At first Velma is excited to meet the famous R.L.Stine, but after her encounter with Ben Ravencroft, she fears he'll be the same as Ben. Until -
R.L. Stine: So, you've met Mr. Ravencroft. How was he?
Velma: (Gloomy) I was excited to finally meet one of my favorite writers. Only to be disappointed when he turned out to be evil.
R.L. Stine: Yep! I met him before, he's a huge jerk! You should've met Stephen King aka the 'Adult horror writer of Goosebumps'.
Velma: *Perks up*
R.L. Stine reveals that he called them, and he is the cause of what is going on due to bunch of works he never finished/ can't find the ending for a current story from his old typewriter he had since he was nine, and if he can't come up with an ending soon things will get worse. The gang don't believe him and think all the rumors around town about him being the kidnapper are getting to him. The gang stays with R.L. Stine's place during the investigation and Scooby and Shaggy come across certain items from the Goosebumps, Fear Street, The Nightmare Room, and The Haunting Hour franchise. Scooby and Shaggy come across Slappy in his inactive state and unknowingly read his spell.
The next day Stine's home is trashed with a message in blood (or ketchup) reading: SLAPPY'S BACK!
Slappy (played by Jack Black or Cal Dodd) plans to possess Stein to bring a new era of horror to the world. He's been bringing all the monster/villains to life and the real world and framing Stine for the crimes.
Slappy: Hello papa, I'm back!
R.L. Stine: Slappy!
Slappy: That's right. Ooh! I see you got some friends and their dog.
Scooby: Rog rhere?
Shaggy: Check it out Scoob, the puppet really is haunted.
Daphne: Yeah, I guess we were due an evil dummy sooner or later.
Slappy: (Flabbergasted) W-what? You're not scared of me?
Fred: No offense Mr. Slappy, but we've dealt with real monsters before.
Velma: Zombies, cat-people cultist, witch's ghost, aliens, virus monsters, the list goes on and on.
Shaggy: Me and Scooby here even taught at a monster school once.
Scooby: Reah!
Slappy: Wow! I just met you people and I hate you already.
The gang and Stine recruit now adults Carly Beth, Danny Anderson, Hannah Fairchild (ghost child), and a few others to help end Slappy's reign.
There's an epic battle and the find a way to defeat Slappy and return everything to normal. R.L. Stein and the gang are cleared of all charges and are now heroes to the town!
It wouldn't be Goosebumps without a twist - Slappy survives and with his own typewriter he begins writing his own series. His first book is of the original Goosebumps series with an image of Mystery Inc. and R.L. Stine in the Mystery Machine with looks of terror on their faces.
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
All for the Cameras
Chapter 3
Finnick Odair x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: the plan is in motion
Chapter warnings: prostitution, drug use (on the bad guy, but still)
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It's been a month since the talk with Plutarch... and I still can't believe it.
The rebellion is actually happening, district 13 still exists!
These are the thoughts that keep my mind sane. Plutarch said we need to be careful, he might have a plan... but we need people we can trust.
Of course.
I try to think of some people that would gladly help and that can be also trusted while I walk into the building Cal lives in. Unfortunately the rebellion hasn't properly started and I still have "duty" to do.
I take a deep breath as I enter the elevator and close my eyes for a moment, enough time for another person to enter with me. And I already know who this is.
"Finnick," I nod my head greeting him and open my eyes as the doors close.
"Sweetheart," he sends me one of his charming smile and nods his head too.
The ride to the last floor is pretty long and slow, it gives time for a small, awkward silence to fall for a while before Finnick speaks up.
"I heard... you know." He says, hands behind his back casually.
"Everybody knows apparently..." I sigh.
"Yeah... people can't stop talking about it. The talk of the town."
"If he wanted it to be a surprise, well, oops" I roll my eyes.
"He's been..." he pauses for a moment, shakes his head and looks up with an angry smile.
"What?" I press, "more possessive? More obsessed?"
"Yeah, since you left for the Victory tour he..." he starts, but I cut him off immediately.
"No, he's been like this since that day," I say, I feel him looking at me, but I don't have the heart of looking back.
"Do.... do you think he heard it?" He hesitantly asks, lowering his voice too, "there's no way he could've heard..."
"He must've. That's the only explanation." I tell him, lowering my own voice. "You chose the worse time of all."
"Well, I'm sorry... okay? I... wasn't thinking," he apologies.
"Clearly." I take another deep breath before speaking again, "you know sometimes I try to come out with as many way of killing him I can. Each of them ends up with me getting caught, because unfortunately he is who he is... but it helps."
"How many did you get last time?" He asks, a hint of an amused smile on his face.
"I think... uh... 6," I say, "oh no, 7... almost forgot about the spoon one."
He actually laughs and it helps me too, knowing that in the end we're on the same boat.
"I think... 13 would've been better." He says, he kind of emphasises the number. That makes my head turn to him, him already looking at me with a serious expression.
Could it be..?
So I dare ask.
"Did you talk to Plutarch?"
I see him opening his mouth to answer, but before anything could come out of it, the elevator's doors open and we are greeted by Cal himself ready with two glasses of wine.
"Welcome back, my lovelies." He cheers and he hands us the drinks, "finally all together. C'mon, c'mon."
As we enter his huge apartment I try to look at Finnick to get that answer, he does look at me, but I can't understand.
"Alright, let's sit for a bit, uh?" Cal lead us to his living room, motioning to a huge wooden table... with only two seats...
Cal take a seat and looks at us, expecting.
"Uhm... should I go get another seat or..?" Finnick tries to take it lightly, but one thing is worse than having to spend the night with Cal Kingslay... not knowing what Cal Kingslay has in store.
"Oh no need, c'mon Finnick sit." Cal tells him and Finnick obeys, looking at me confused.
"And.. what about me?" I ask, also trying to play it cool.
"Oh before you sit," Cal stands up to come up to me, it takes everything in me not to take a step back... or even run, "I got a little gift for you. It's in the bedroom."
"Aw.. that's sweet, but you really shouldn't have." I say, hoping he doesn't feel the tremble in my voice.
"We have to make up for lost time, sweetheart. Now go, then come back here." He instructs.
"Sure..." I fake smile at him, steal a quick glance at a tense Finnick and head to the bedroom.
The bedroom, just as huge, hosts a big round bed, a small couch in front of it and nothing much else. I notice a package on the bed, I go to open and find... of course...
I scoff as I look at the deep red lingerie set he bought me. I put it on, constantly rolling my eyes, the only act of defiance I can afford, I wear the matching rope and head back to the living room.
"Oh look at her!" Cal exclaims as I near, "I knew that was your color. Isn't she a beauty, Finnick?"
"Yes." Is all Finnick says, his eyes fixed on me with a loving, yet sad, expression in them.
Cal suddenly grabs my hand and pull me to him, making me sit in his lap.
"Alright, now let's chat a little." He says as his hands caress my thighs and sides, whatever he could touch, "I really want to know what happened on this tour."
"Well... nothing much, really. Usual tour... with two victors, but the usual," I laugh it off, putting my hands on Cal's in a poor attempt of keeping them steadier.
I look at Finnick, who's even more tense than before, eyes locked on Cal's hands on me.
"So nothing happened?" Cal presses, grip getting tighter, " nothing? Not even with Peeta Mellark?"
I actually laugh at that.
"With Peeta?" I ask, "why?"
"At the party, at the President's residence, the way he touched you..." he holds me tighter.
"He just wanted to dance, Cal... he's so in love with Katniss, he doesn't look at anyone else." I try to chuckle to make him see how absurd his assumptions are.
"Then why not ask any other woman there?" He keeps holding me.
I look at Finnick, who's ready to jump into action, but at the same time knows he can't do anything.
"Because he's shy." I say, "he might seem like an outgoing guy, but he's really not. He asked me probably because I'm his friend. " I try to stress the word 'friend' to make him understand.
"Yeah, I got to talk to him for a few minutes when they were in 4, he didn't talk much, only awkwardly smiled and let out just a few words." Finnick lies, and thanks to that Cal lets go a little, going back at caressing my thighs. I look at Finnick grateful and he slightly nods.
"You have a talent in making people feel at ease with you, don't you?" Cal compliments and rest his chin on my shoulder, "I really missed you. Did you miss me too?"
"Oh, but of course," I fake another smile as he starts to kiss my neck.
His kisses get more heated as he goes, I look everywhere except Finnick, I can't stand it, not after last time.
"Mmh, fuck," he breaths out, "you smell so good, my sweetness, let's go to the bedroom, shall we, lovelies?"
Cal doesn't give me any time to stand up, he picks me up and, bridal style, he takes me to the bedroom, followed by Finnick.
Cal gently puts me on the bed, goes and sits down on the small couch.
"Take your clothes of, Finnick, leave your underwear on," he instructs, getting comfortable on the couch.
Finnick does as he was told, standing only in his underwear. He's surely been working out while I was gone...
"I want you on your knees in front of her," Cal orders him, "and you, my precious princess, spread those legs for him, okay?"
Finnick comes kneel in front of me, I spread my legs to let him in, avoiding his eyes, that, I know are on me.
"Oh that's good." Cal praises, "now, touch her."
I softly gasp at feeling Finnick's hand on my thigh.
"Not too much, Finnick, you know the rules. No kissing unless I say so."
Finnick only nods and keeps on caressing my tigh bringing it a little closer so his face lightly touches it.
"Look at him, sweetheart, look at him,"
This is how these meetings usually go: Cal tells us how he wants to see us, what he wants us to do, sometimes he just likes to watch and sometimes he like to "play" too.
I don't know if he's so delusional to think we too enjoy this or he just loves control so much that he doesn't care at all.
That's how the "date" went, all night.
Cal enjoying his power over us, he particularly enjoyed teasing Finnick.
"How does it feel like? Knowing she'll never be yours?" He would ask. "You wouldn't be able to touch her if it wasn't for me," "You'll never see her unless I say so." And so on...
"I'll see you soon, my loves," Cal says, leading us back to the elevator, his hand in mine.
"It's never going to be too soon," Finnick's charming smile seems to convince him.
"Never," I agree as we're standing in front of the elevator.
Cal spins me around and kisses me. I'm so stunned, I don't even reciprocate until he squeezes my waist.
"I could never get enough of that," Cal humms, letting me go.
"Feeling's mutual," I say turning around, grateful for the doors to open in that moment.
"Bye bye" he waves and we do the same, keeping up our fake smiles until the doors finally close.
"Oh fuck..." I let out a sigh of relief and unconsciously lean against Finnick's taller frame, who gently wraps an arm around me.
"Feeling's mutual," Finnick says, sighing too.
"Okay... uh... listen," I start, pulling away from his embrace, "we do need to find a way to talk. This ride might be long, but it's not enough..."
"I know... I might have an idea, but you'll have to trust me," he tells me confidently.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Trust me, alright?"
I sigh, but nod.
"Main things... uh... did you talk to Plutarch then?"
"That I did, asked for my company, I thought he was one of the usual stuff, but thankfully it wasn't." He tells me, "you?"
"Same thing, do you know anyone else... knowing?" I ask.
"There are lots of victors who might be involved, but I can't say for sure..." he speaks quietly, "maybe Johanna..."
"Definitely believable," I comment, "you know, I think Haymitch too.. both him and Plutarch said the same exact thing to me and... it just makes sense."
"What about the lovebirds?" He says making quotations with his fingers as he says 'lovebirds'.
"I don't think so..." I shake my head, "Katniss is too focused on wanting to protect her family, to think of a rebellion."
"Alright... it's still a start, don't you think?" He smiles at me.
"Yeah..." I say bitterly.
"What's that tone?" He's concern now.
"Nothing... I just don't want to keep my hopes up, you know?" I look down at my hands, avoiding his eyes.
"Hey... C'mon, look at me, Y/n." He gently takes my hand and pulls me to him.
I reluctantly, but not so much, look up at him, at his reassuring eyes. Sometimes all I want to do is get lost in them and never find my way back, but it's a luxury I can't afford, not right now.
I shake my head turning away from him.
"Listen... I want to hope we might have a shot, okay? I really do... it's just hard after everything," I say, bouncing my leg.
"I know," he sighs, "but, I mean, we've been hoping this whole time... might as well keep it up."
"I guess..." I smile at him, losing myself again in his eyes, I see him leaning closer, but I stop him, I have to. "Don't."
"I'm sorry..." he awkwardly smiles, "don't push me away like this." He whispers, cautiously taking my hand again, "Please."
"We can't... uh... I don't feel the same way... and... you should..." I stutter out, focusing on our hands instead of his face.
"You know you can't like to me, I know you all too well, love," he chuckles and I shake my head.
"We can't," I say and luckily the doors open and I rush out leaving Finnick behind.
I walk as fast as I can to the car, hoping to get home faster so I can freely cry and scream.
Once I get home I jump on my bed, burying my face in the pillows and just let everything out.
Of all people... why him? Love is so unfair...
No... no, not love... this is not love... I'm not in love with him and he is not in love with me.
That was just a trauma response... yes... yes. Nothing more.
He can't actually love me. If he actually did he could get killed because of it... but if it's not actual love, he's safe... yeah, yeah, he's safe. Nothing to worry about...
This is all I think about as I cry myself to sleep.
"You said what?" I almost yell at Plutarch, almost because I don't want to risk being heard.
"He has to trust me. I can't just say 'leave her alone people will forget about her', can I?" Plutarch sighs, pouring whiskey into my glass, which I gladly take.
"I guess not," I let out a sigh, tapping nervously my glass, "what if you're right, though? What if they actually arrive to hate her so much to kill her themselves?"
"Do you think that would happen?" He asks, knowing already my answer.
"No..." I sit back down, "no, sorry, I'm just... scared shitless, alright?"
He nods understanding.
"I need to ask you one thing, miss L/n, and I need you to be honest," He says and I nod for him to ask away, "do you trust me?"
I look at him properly, trying to see if in his eyes there's even a tiny bit of malice.
"I do." I say.
"Good. There will be some things you shouldn't know, not because you might get caught, but because some things will require a genuine reaction from you," he explains with a serious tone.
"I understand." I nod, "Yeah, no problem. I just hope I would be able to help despite Cal" I say his name with a disgusted noise.
"We'll deal with that too," he reassures me with a small smile.
"Thanks," I say drinking some whiskey, "this thing will never happen too soon."
"I know,"
"May I ask... why do you trust me?" I ask, "I mean, to everyone's eyes I'm Snow's protégé... why do you trust me?"
"Haymitch Abernathy doesn't just trust anyone." Is his simple answer, "I'm sure you know that."
I nod, satisfied with the answer.
"They will send more peacekeepers to 12 tomorrow." He tells me.
"Yeah? I'm sure they're eager to start with the punishments" I comment bitterly.
"Katniss won't just stand there and watch." I warn him.
"I know," he says confidently.
I scan his face, he's not worried about it, he's certain and confident as if he planned it.
"You hope she does something," I accuse.
"Haymitch was right about you," he lightly chuckles, "you are smart."
"Don't change the subject, Heavensbee. This is an opportunity, isn't it?" I ask again, he nods, "if Katniss is the fighter I know she is... you'll get your opportunity."
"We'll get our opportunity," he corrects me raising his glass and I do the same.
"I hope you're right about this rebellion, Heavensbee. I really hope." I say and take a sip of whiskey.
And Katniss did something, indeed. It helped that her best friend was the one getting punished. The fact that both Haymitch and Peeta intervened was even better apparently, according to Plutarch. This is one of the parts of the plan I can't know apparently, but he seemed confident so I trust him...
We're all depending on that.
"We'll finally be able to talk tonight," Finnick whispers to me as we stand in the elevator.
"How?" I ask, confused about what he has in mind.
He smiles and shows me what's inside a little bag he brought. A bottle of wine.
"You're gonna drug him?" I ask shocked.
"A tiny bit," he chuckles, "he'll also need to eat this," he shows me a small box of chocolates, "the drug will activate with both, the wine alone is ineffective."
"Yeah... because not drinking would feel suspicious, but we never eats so if we say no to the chocolate... no problem at all," I reason, "genius."
"I have my moments," he smiles proudly and I return the smile.
"I thought..." he clears his voice, "I thought we could also talk about... us?"
"Finnick..." I warn.
"We would have time..." he insists.
"There's no us, okay? Stop it." I sternly say.
"Keeo telling yourself that," he whispers.
From there the ride is silent until we arrive at Cal's apartment.
"Good evening, loves!" He greets us as usual, "how are my favourite people?"
"A little tired, you know, Snow wanted me to check some old records" I lie, not completely I really am tired, but of him.
"I'm actually fresh as a flower," Finnick starts, "I actually would like to celebrate,"
"Oh really?" Cal asks and grabs my hand to pull me to him.
"Yeah, I found this old bottle of fine wine in my home and I thought 'what better time to drink it if not with Cal Kingslay?', you know?" He takes the bottle out and soon after the box.
"And that?" Cal's intrigued.
"Oh this is a special gift for you, to thank you for your generosity," Finnick's ability to lie and charm him leave me stunned everytime.
"Aw that's sweet of you," Cal takes both the bottle and the box, "we'll share the box, loves."
"Oh, Cal, I'm sorry, but I'll have to gently decline, I ate so much today. Maybe later, okay?" I use the sweetest voice I can as he puts the objects on the table. I try to ignore how Finnick's jaw tense when I do this.
"Whatever you say, princess, as long as you say my name like that..." he turns to me wrapping both arms around my waist to pull me completely against his body.
"Alright, big guy," I try to nonchalantly pull away from him, "let's toast, shall we?"
"Of course!" Cal exclaims, taking the bottle and sending a grateful nod at Finnick. He goes to pour three glasses, "to what should we toast?"
"How about the Quartel Quell?" Finnick asks as he takes the glass from Cal's hand.
"Love that!" Cal cheers handing me a glass too, "here, princess."
"Thank you, Cal," I say, using his name again for good measure and he grins at that.
"To the third Quarter Quell!" Cal raises his glass and we quickly follow.
One each of us took a sip of wine, Finnick goes to open the box, offering it to Cal.
"Oh so kind," Cal smirks, "you don't mind if I take two, do you?"
"Oh, but of course not, take as many as you want," Finnick gives him his usual charming smile as Cal takes two chocolates.
"You know I love sweets," Cal says putting both candy in his mouth, "mmh! So good!"
"Old recipe," Finnick explains.
I watch the scene, tense, I hope Finnick's plan works...
Not even moment later, Cal goes to sit holding his head.
"Hey, something wrong?" I fake concern.
"No... no I'm good," Cal tries to stand up again, but apparently his legs can't hold him up.
"Alright, let's get you to bed. Maybe you're just a little more tired than you think," I say, he let me help him to bed.
"Fuck..." he groans, once he's laying down, "I was really in the mood,"
"Don't worry, rest a bit, and if you feel like it later... we're here," I reassure him, but actually hoping he won't.
"Thank you, my love," he says drifting off to sleep.
I cautiously walks back out of the room and back to Finnick.
He looks at me with expectation written all over his face.
"He's asleep," I whisper, with the biggest smile.
"Yes!" He whisper-shouts.
"God... I wish we could do it every single time," I sigh relieved.
"Unfortunately he would get suspicious, but it's a nice dream," Finnick agrees.
"How much time do you think we have?" I ask sitting with him at the table.
"About... 2 hour and a half... maybe more since he took two chocolates," he explains.
"That's great... this might mean we wouldn't even have to do anything at all..." I chuckle and Finnick does too.
"Alright..." he lowers his voice, "I'm pretty sure, a very good part of the Victors are part of this thing"
"Well, Haymitch for sure... but I don't think he will let Katniss and Peeta know anything," I tell him.
"Why not?" He asks frowning.
"Katniss is basically supervised everywhere she goes... it would be too risky..." I explain simply, "do you know what happened today?"
"New Peacemakers arrived in 12," I start, "Plutarch suggested more severe punishments,"
"What? Why?" Finnick almost exclaims, there's a deeper frown on his face now.
"It's a way to let himself in, Snow will never trust him otherwise." I sigh, "it sucks, I know. If Snow grows suspicious, we're fucked."
"I know," he sounds defeated.
"But the thing is," I start again, "this, according to Plutarch, created a perfect opportunity. He was so confident today when I saw him leaving a meeting with Snow, I think the plan is in motion."
" I can't fucking believe," he genuinely smiles, "it's really happening... and I mean, can you believe 13 is still alive?"
"I know!" I exclaim in a whisper, I wish I could just shout it sometimes, "it's crazy."
"You know... for the first time I saw some hope in Mags and not just defeat."
I smile at that, I know how important Mags is for him. When I was assigned to assisting district 4's mentors, Mags was always so kind to us... treating us like family.
"That's really nice to hear," I softly say, gently putting a hand on top of his.
He waits a moment before covering my hand with his other one, stroking it gently. I really should pull away, but this gentle, genuine touch is something I haven't felt in a long time. I look up, Finnick's already looking my way with a soft smile.
"You know, I can't wait." He says.
"For..." I clear my voice, "for what?"
"Finally kiss you." He simply states.
"Finnick... for the millionth time..."
"You don't feel the same... yeah, yeah, yeah." He interrupts me, standing up and taking me with him, "you can lie to yourself, but not to me. What I feel for you is-"
"Is not real." It's my turn to interrupt him.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?" He challenges.
"Oh god..." I let out a frustrated sigh, "it's just trauma response, okay? You don't love me, Finn. And I don't love you."
"Okay... so... why didn't you pull away yet and you're letting me, basically, cuddle you?" He challenges again, this actually makes me notice how close we are and how his hands are gently caressing and massaging my body.
I instantly pull away, earning a small laugh from him.
"You really need to stop it," I say, to convince myself, rather than him.
"But you're just so beautiful," he smirks, but it not like Cal's smirk... it's playful, he's not making me uncomfortable, he's just teasing, I know that if he actually made me uncomfortable he would stop right away.
"Alright, stop it." I can't help but let out a chuckle.
"You don't believe yourself either... C'mon." He walks closer to me, "dance with me."
"There's not music and I don't think putting something on will help our case with the sleeping beauty," I remind him.
"Just dance with me, c'mon, love," he holds his hand out for me to take and I do. I let him pull me to him and slowly moving to an imaginary rhythm.
He holds me to me him with so much care I could just melt here and now. I have to admit, it does feel nice.
I just keep reminding myself that it's not love, but two people comforting each other... right?
As I let Finnick lead, my mind can't help but go to next week event... the announcement of the third Quarter Quell... and my engagement.
I try to shake away the thought and focus on Finnick's body close to mine, how his taller frame is not imposing or constricting, but protective.
I try to focus on the fact that Plutarch's plan is probably going to work... hope.
All I focus about: hope and Finnick.
I'm afraid the two aren't so different for me.
The crowd is cheering like never before.
It's the announcement of the third Quarter Quell, after all.
I watch Snow taking his place in front of all Capitol's citizens, I sit with the rest of 'Capitol's elite' in the back, waiting for the big theme of this year's games.
I can't help but slightly bounce my leg, knowing what's coming after that.
"Are you okay, my sweetness?" Cal's voice startles me, I almost forgot he was next to me.
"Yeah," I force out a smile, "just excited to discover the theme of this year,"
"Plutarch didn't tell you?" He asks taken aback, "I thought he wanted you as an assistant, maybe he didn't have the chance yet... I hope I didn't ruin any surprise,"
"Oh, don't worry, Cal," I say, "I'll try to act surprised."
He smiles at me and I now try to contain my excitement, real excitement. Plutarch did find a way of creating chances for me to stay away from Cal.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Snow starts and my attention is back on him, "This is the 75th year of the Hunger Games" he announces and che crowd cheers and screams, "and it was written in the charter of the Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this, the 75th anniversary of pur defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell..." as the crowd cheers again, Snow takes out a chard, "... as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol."
"On this, the third Quarter Quell Games, the male and female Tributes"
I don't like this...
"Are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district."
I can't help my shocked expression, what...? I try to look for Plutarch, but I can't see him.
"Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day, regardless of age, state of health or situation."
This is the last place I want to be right now, i can't even listen to any more words from the President's mouth.
I don't even know what to think... if this is Plutarch's idea, I really don't know what he thinks he would get from it...
Oh god...
Finnick said a good part of the Victors are part of this rebellion... maybe that's what Plutarch has in mind.
I snap back at the present when I feel Cal's hand touching mine.
"And now," Snow's voice completely grounds be back, "our very own, Cal Kingslay, would like to say a few words,"
Cal stands up and joins Snow at the front.
"Thank you, president. It's an honour being here today, to celebrate this very special third Quarter Quell," the crowd applauses, "and... I want to thank every single person here today for the support they showed after my father's passing. So I thought to share the following moment with you all,"
My chest tightens, my heart is pounding inside so much it feel like it's about to explode... and I would be glad if it happened.
"There's one person, who's always being there for me... she's the one who always knows hot to make me smile, I only need to think of her and I'm suddenly a lot better... that is why..."
He turns around and walks towards me, my eyes are wide open. I try to make it seems like I'm excited and not absolutely terrified.
He comes in fron of me and goes down on one knee.
"Shit.." I breath out. He nervously smile as he takes something from his jacket.
The interaction would've felt like a very sweet moment... in other circumstances.
"So, Y/n L/n would you give me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asks, opening a small box revealing a silver ring with a stone embedded.
He looks at me and I look at Snow, who's looking at me with a look I know all too well.
"Do it or there would be consequences."
I look back at Cal and move my hand to make him stand, I don't think I would be able to speak without betraying myself, so... I kiss him.
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Care to tell some facts about the ROs?
Here you go
— Their family are Italians immigrants (their parents are born in France but not their grandparents)
— They have a perfect pitch
— Their family are musicians, they not only learned to play guitar but also to play piano and to sing
— They don’t remember their mother’s face, they were a toddler the last time they saw her
— They occasionally smoke
— They’re demi-ace
— He chose to specialize in sciences instead of literature and arts in high school (his friends are still very disappointed)
— He loves his mother to the moon and back and wants to make her proud
— He’s in an open relationship with Isra but he doesn’t want to date anyone else
— He doesn’t feel an once of jealousy
— He’s a smoker
— They thought they were a lesbian before meeting Roman, she likes to say she’s 98% gay and 2% straight
— She’s the youngest of three children
— Their parents are lawyers, it’s the family business
— She had a hard time to find a band they truly had harmony and osmosis with
— MC wants her to be the co-lead singer but Isra likes her place at the moment
— She doesn’t drink nor smoke
— He doesn’t feel comfortable in front of cameras, he’s not the socially comfortable type
— Music is vital to them
— He would rather jump from a moving car than talk about his family and where he comes from
— They are very tactile, they love to hug their friends and to share a bed with them (in a platonic way)
— He has no problem to give love and to show affection but it’s hard for him to accept other’s love (they deeply believe they don’t deserve it)
— He loves his job, he sometimes forgets to take time for himself
— He’s trans and ace
— When he was younger, he wanted to be a movie director
— He knows being too close to his clients isn’t a good idea but he likes the band
— He has a resting bitch face and doesn’t smile a lot but when he does, it’s a genuine smile and it warms up the room <3
— He always has a neutral tone, he doesn’t show a lot of emotion. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just the way he is
— They are friendly and tend to speak loudly
— They work very hard to be the best and to take their band to the top
— They don’t come back in France often so they don’t visit their parents a lot but they call each other at least once a week
— They love the camera and sharing stuff to social media
— They draw and they are good at it
— They are a loyal friend
— Ollie has a golden heart
— She became a mom at a young age
— If her parents weren’t there to help during her first years of motherhood, she would have had an abortion (which she really didn’t want to do)
— She doesn’t know a lot about the music world but she loves to listen to her child talking about their favorite band
— She doesn’t hold a grudge against her child’s father
— She doesn’t know what a "normal" life is
— She was born in France
— She barely remember any French words
— Even if she’s quite humble considering her fame, she tends to be a princess: she likes her comfort
— She met Athena at a fashion show
— She isn’t fake polite, she won’t hesitate to call out your bullshit and she doesn’t run from a fight. You do not want to be her enemy
— She was worshipped her whole life, she believes it’s a standard
— She knows she hold some power and she likes it
— She is confident and can be arrogant, people calls her the "goddess of music" of course she will act as if she is
— She overshadows her band mates and she hates it: they are as talented as she is and they deserve the same recognition (she often puts them under the spotlight during interviews)
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skippthecredits · 10 months
[MewTube video embed loading...]
BREAKING NEWS: Gym Challenger Arrested in Petalburg City
By: Yumi Hirai
Published: December 1st 2023
PETALBURG CITY: An investigation is under way after a gym challenger was caught on camera at Petalburg City Gym attempting to knock out Gym Leader Norman after their battle. The Petalburg City Police Department is looking into trainer Skipp Normansson's past, claiming his previous ties to Kanto's Team Rocket may provide insight into his harsh training methods and violent outburst.
Subscribe to Channel 3 News Network—Petalburg for more local, late-breaking news!
[Video transcript loading...]
[The video opens up on two news anchors in a newsroom. They both have their hands folded on the table in front of them, and are looking into the camera with the level sternness typical of the profession. No emotions are betrayed, only a stark sense of professionalism.
Anchor 1: Good afternoon, I'm Calvin Murrow.
Anchor 2: And I'm Astrid Stax. Today, gym spectators and league staff were both shocked to see a different type of battle break out in the arena—a battle that led to the arrest of the challenger.
Calvin: That's right, Astrid; police apprehended 21-year-old Skipp Normannson after the young man attacked Leader Norman in broad daylight. We're live on the scene with Reporter Twig Milwaukee where investigators are saying they expected nothing less from the trainer.
There's a brief pause as the camera switches to a lone reporter in front of the Petalburg Gym. There's a crowd behind them, as well as several police cars and a blockade preventing people from entering the gym. The distinct bark of Manectric can be heard as some people try to get a closer look. After a moment of silence to ensure that they're live, the reporter begins speaking.
Twig: Good afternoon, Cal. It's just like you said, the police have been keeping their eye on this particular league challenger for a while now. According to them, this isn't Skipp's first run-in with the law—and they don't expect it to be his last. The trainer is currently under arrest for assault and battery, but his list of charges is expected to increase as the investigation continues. While authorities may have expected this outcome, gym attendants were shocked.
The camera switches to a young woman with a Whismur in her arms. The Whismur looks as nervous as any member of the species, but it doesn't seem to be in any true distress, the earmuffs on its head insulating it from the noise of the surrounding crowds. It's trainer fidgets with a thin, nervous smile, shifting her weight back and forth as she struggles to maintain eye contact.
Woman: (...) It's definitely not what I expected to see.
The camera then cuts to the empty arena of the Petalburg Gym, slowly panning around and showing different angles of the ongoing police investigation as Twig provides a voiceover.
Twig: That sentiment was echoed by many spectators after witnessing the brutal attack on Leader Norman at the end of Trainer Skipp Normannson's gym challenge this afternoon. Delilah Rodriguez has been watching the gym challenges here in Petalburg since she was a child and, according to her, she has never witnessed an event like this. And she's not alone in her shock.
The camera cuts back to the woman as the interview continues.
Woman: Norman is a pretty level-headed guy. Sure, I've seen gym challengers get upset at a loss, or even just get really fired up in battle, but I don't know what would possess anyone to fistfight Norman of all people.
The video then cuts to a clip of Skipp and Norman standing in front of each other on the arena, credited to the Petalburg City Gym. Norman seems to be giving Skipp a lecture, though it's unclear what he's saying . He keeps gesturing to one of Skipp's pokeballs as the younger man gets visibly more and more agitated, gritting his sharp teeth and narrowing his eye into a tense glare. Then, Skipp explodes, throwing a left hook directly at Norman's head and drawing startled cries from the crowd. The two exchange blows for a few seconds before gym staff intervene and separate them.
After a while, it switches to displaying a slideshow of images taken throughout the battle—most of which involve Sora the Cubone in various battle scenarios seeming wildly outmatched. As it plays, Twig provides commentary.
Twig: The altercation was reportedly started over a disagreement between Skipp and Leader Norman on his methods of training his Cubone. According to the leader, he had been seen throughout the gym challenge forcing the pokemon to battle despite signs of extreme distress, refusing to switch her out until the leader knocked her out. The footage from Skipp's gym challenge is currently under investigation by local and League authorities.
Norman: Unfortunately, I did see this coming.
The video feed switches to Gym Leader Norman, who seems as stern as ever as he gives a short interview. His face is visibly bruised on the right side and there's dried blood on the corner of his mouth, but he doesn't seem to even feel it.
Norman: Skipp showed himself to be an aggressive, unstable individual from the moment we first crossed paths a few months ago. I was hoping this journey would even him out, but... It seems he hasn't earned that second chance.
The camera then cuts over to an Officer Jenny. Her arms are folded and her eyes are narrowed into a glare as she speaks.
Jenny: We shouldn't have let him get this far. We knew he would be a repeat offender, and it's a failing on our end that we didn't keep an eye on him and stop him before it came to this.
The camera cuts to an overhead shot of a Manectric lying by the Jenny's feet. It has a bandage around its torso, whining as it recovers. After a minute, it switches to some stock footage of Team Rocket grunts in Kanto.
Twig: According to official reports, Skipp has had a storied history with the law. A Kanto native, he has an existing criminal record under the name Shigeki Kugihara. Just earlier this year, he finished serving a four year sentence for his crimes committed while in Team Rocket. These crimes ran the gamut from petty theft to gang assault. The records state that he has had a long history of delinquency starting as early as thirteen years old.
The footage then cuts back to the Jenny, who somehow seems even angrier than before.
Jenny: His previous history with Rocket is a likely contributor to his mistreatment of pokemon—his own and others. That poor Cubone has multiple compound injuries built up over what would have had to been at least a week of training outside of its limits, not to mention he kicked Sparky here in the ribs while we were apprehending him. Fortunately, his journey ends here. For everyone's safety.
The footage then cuts back to the newsroom, where the anchors are still sitting there with those neutral, level expressions. A few moments of silence pass as they endure they're on air before speaking.
Astrid: Skipp is currently facing several charges including assault and battery on a League official, as well as several counts of pokemon cruelty. Though his case is still being built, he is currently at risk of facing a minimum of 20 years in prison, as well as possible deportation back to Kanto. We will keep you updated as this story progresses right here on Channel 3 News Network—Petalburg.]
[Video transcript end.]
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oxpogues4lifexo · 12 days
Keeping up with the Camerons
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Keeping up with the Camerons
Episode 2 - A Helping Hand - Part 2
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Episode transcript (/ means cut scene, bold italics means narrator, bold means host)
Word Count: 4.8K
Part 1 Here
Back at TannyHill..
“Ha yes!! Eat shit Rafe!” Callum shouts to him as their heads stay facing the tv infront of them. Rafe’s brows knitted and tongue poking out ever so slightly; the concentration very evident, not hearing Callum’s words of discouragement. Or more so, ignoring them.
“Bullshit!! How??” Callum screams once again, Rafe able to land a hit on him without Cal even noticing.
A small chuckle falls from Rafe’s lips, his body leant over his knees.
Callum sat right beside him, back straight, holding the controller in the air as if moving it on its own would do anything at all.
The slam of the front door throws him off, Rafe managing the last final blow before a big defeat screen pops up on his side.
“Ha! Asshole. Teaches you to fucking get all cocky on me.” Rafe drops the controller on the table, relaxing back into the couch with his hands rested behind his head, lips lifted to a cocky smirk despite his previous statement.
Earlier Callum had challenged Rafe to a 1v1 due to the fact that Rafe was certain he’d win after Cal’s performance against Topper that morning; Callum getting all worked up and confident as he’d never seen Rafe even touch the game before.
“Prick..” He mumbles, joining Rafe against the back of the couch.
“Fucking Bull..” A voice loudens coming closer.
The boys both look up to notice their other counterpart, Topper, walking into the room. A frown taking Rafe’s face. “Sarah got bored of you?” Callum snorts at his question earning him a dirty stare from Topper.
“No. She’s out with her friends.”
“Then why the long face for?” Callum snickers, Rafe hitting his arm to get him to stop.
“What’s up?” He frowns, seeing genuine upset in Toppers face as he can’t look at the two of them.
Topper scoffs at his thoughts, shaking his head as he rubs a hand over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Guess what I found out today.” He sighs through his words.
“What did you find out today Topper? Enlighten us!” Rafe speaks calmly, surprisingly.
“Being friends with a girl, especially when she’s Bella Brooks, has taught me how to deal with shit like that! She gets upset over the smallest things, gets overwhelmed easily, things like that you know. The way I had to help her and comfort her, I kinda use that with the guys too. I mean it’s very rare, none of us ever get upset unless it’s some girl shit Toppers whining about. But she told me that even if you’re joking about shit like that it probably means it’s hurting more so just be nice. I guess it does kinda work but don’t tell her that. If she finds out I’ve actually taken her advice and been nice to someone other than her she’s never gonna let it go.”
“My girlfriend,” He looks up at Rafe, his eyes darken, “Your sister! Has been talking to the Pogue down on the south side. Don’t know when, don’t know how, but a message on her phone came up while she was using the bathroom!”
“Which one??” Rafes brows drop together, his tone more serious now.
“Uh John B!”
“Shit!!” Rafe yells as he pushes himself off the couch, picking up his phone from the table and walking away to the front door without a second thought.
“Woah where you going??”
“Got a date or something?” The boys both look at one another and laugh before stopping at the sound of Rafe sighing.
“Bella’s with that asshole today ain’t she! Gonna go check on her be right back.” He scratched his head, running out the door before hopping on his bike and riding off to where the cameras could no longer see.
"What's all the noise?" Rose struts into the living room, glass of champagne in hand. She glares at the two boys on the couch.
"Uh yep we're going!" Callum drops the controller.
"Sorry ma'am!!" Kelce gets up hastily, avoiding eye contact.
They mumble as they run out the front door, avoiding any slight conversation with her.
"Those kids have issues.." She rolls her eyes, going out to the boat.
The three of them sat on Ward's boat, sharing a cooler full of ready-made sandwiches and packets of chips. Cans of coca-cola and beer spread beneath. The temperature only grew warmer as the day went on, the skies clear and wind come to a halt, the water still.
The cameramen left them to it for a while, enjoying their own lunch whilst a camera sat on the boat, picking up the footage for them.
"So Bella after this we'll go home and sort out the housing okay?" Ward spits out between bites of his sandwich.
Bella only nods, mouth full of food. John B turns to her, a frown pulling at his brows, "You still gotta pay for that shit? I thought you said Callum agreed to moving in?"
She laughs as she tries clearing her throat, covering her mouth as she spoke, "Nah he was drunk, apparently when he's drunk it's like he's in Vegas. Anything goes and nothing will change. It's his stupid rule but it's the most idiotic thing i've ever heard. So according to him, nope. And we never will!" Bella shrugs, an obvious look of disappointment taking her face but was quickly covered by a forced smile.
"I have tried reasoning with him John, but with a boy like him you'll never get through to him. His mind is set and nothings changing it unfortunately. I even mentioned just taking in Bella again and he flipped."
"What he hurt you??"
"Almost..” Bella sighs at the thought, “It's why I agreed to just drop the idea as a whole. I don't care as long as he's okay and no ones hurt you know.." She smiles lightly, keeping her eyes down as John B watches with slight concern in his eyes.
"Well she's got work tomorrow haven't you? And Rafe's gonna check up on her throughout the day. Keep Cal at bay I suppose." He chuckles, easing the moment slightly as he takes a sip of his beer.
"Thats good.." John B replies calmly, the air becoming tense and the awkwardness growing.
Bella looks up and notices the two glance at one another, wanting to move the conversation on quickly, "So who's episode is it tomorrow?"
"Uhh.. Pretty sure they said it was Sarah's. Rafe's is the one after I'm sure of that! He keeps saying how he's sticking with you all day."
She snorts, choking on her food, "Emotional support type thing."
"Exactly that!" Ward laughs, the previous conversation long gone as the air once again filled with joy.
"Shit.." John B mutters, frowning down at his can as he swirled the liquid around the metal.
Bella looks up, her clear motherly instincts kicking in as the upset reaches her eyes quickly, "Whats wrong??"
"Nah! Nothing just, kinda forgot about the camera's!" He laughs, her body relaxing as her shoulders release and eyes soften, "Are we meant to of like, entertained or something?"
Ward laughs at the concerned tone in John B's voice, enjoying the thought for the show despite his lack of cooperation. "No thats the point of the show! If they want you to talk about something or explain something they usually do it later on, let you do your thing first. It wouldn't be a reality show otherwise. It'd be a.." He takes a moment, the kids waiting patiently for him to think of a punchline, looking back at one another with a smirk, "A.. Fake-ality show!"
The kids snicker, the obvious seriousness and proudness to his words making the sentence 10x funnier. He starts laughing, nodding over his embarrassment as the realisation sinks in, "Couldve been better huh.." Bella and John B nod before the hold on their laughs break, letting out these loud cackles as they hold themselves back from falling over; Silence hitting when the laughs hit so deep, arms swinging around holding stomachs.
Ward stops laughing and watches, his lips tucked, admitting defeat. "I don't think it was that bad.."
“What do you two think about Ward? About the Camerons? You both seem to be quite close with them!”
The two of them take a moment to think, brows furrowed as the glance at one another. Bella lifts her eyes to Ryan, a small smile tugging at her lips, “The Cameron’s are literal lifesavers. They’re practically my adopted family so they mean everything to me!” She giggles, a shrug assisting her words. “He’s always been there for me and they do treat me like family so I have nothing to complain about!” Her smile softens, another shrug following before turning to John B to hear his opinion.
“Well I mean they’ve really helped me out money wise! Without them I’d be living on the streets. So if anything I owe them a lifetime! I couldn’t tell you how grateful I am for Ward if I’m being honest.” He smiles to Bella, them both nodding, content with their answers as they look back up at the camera.
"You know JJ’s actually not shut up about you since you last came over." John B stretches out on the boat chair, legs spread as he leans his head back to enjoy the sun.
Ward occupies himself, looking out over the water with a grin, enjoying the view and the company.
Bella sighs, nodding as she leans her head against John B's shoulder, tucking her legs up to her chest. "I'm not surprised.. but I told him to come see me at work!"
"You think he'd survive that Bells? Rafe would kill him." He laughs looking down at her as his fingers graze the little patch of skin between her skirt and top. His words caused Bella to look up, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Okay yeah true.. Well no! He's been really good with JJ recently actually. It's Callum who'd have a problem with it but I can usually calm him down." She shrugs, resting her head back to its previous position.
John B watches a moment, rolling his eyes with a smirk, "Yeah sure."
"What??" She looks up; clearly picked up on the smile that accompanied his comment.
"Nothing just.. you don't see it do you?"
"See what exactly?" She frowns, hand pushing at his chest to lift herself up slightly.
"Nah just.. in what universe would Rafe willingly be nice to JJ?"
"Well I asked him to?" She tilts her head, not picking up on the hints.
He shakes his head, not wanting to point out what he's thinking as he doesn't want to ruin anything, "Nah sorry nevermind!" Bella's brows furrow, her mouth agape as she tries to read his mind.
"Ward are you ready?" The camera crew walk back onto the boat and take Ward inside, distracting Bella and John B away from the conversation.
The camera crew let them finish before joining them back on the boat, Ward sat with them inside whilst John B and Bella enjoyed the sun outside. Bella sat on one of the chairs, her legs up on the glass table as John B rested his head against her lap, his hair splayed out and hands behind his head. She fiddled with his loose strands whilst he kept his eyes up on hers, deep in conversation with one another.
“They are a funny coupling. I think it’s sweet though. How close they are just from heaving fish around.” He laughs, “But she’s like that with everyone and I find it very relieving, knowing her struggle with friends in the past. With Sarah.” His hand finds the back of his head, scratching an itch caused by the heat from the sun.
“I mean she’s practically the islands mum. Looks after my children, the Pogues, everyone really! Even me sometimes,” he chuckles, almost sounding surprised by his own words. “She’s good like that yeah..”
He smiles softly, looking back to watch her talk to John B for a moment.
“You really do see her like your own don’t you!” Ryan states, watching him.
“I mean how couldn’t I. Shes so special to me. I wouldn’t have had it any other way; raising her and all that. And I sure as hell know Rafe and the other boys wouldn’t either. They all see her how I do, with just pure happiness, relief in a way. She calms us all: Me, Rafe, John B, JJ. Everyone who’s close enough with her. It’s something no words could describe. We all just have so much love for her. It’s why I dont understand how people like Rose can’t try to like her. Why she accepts my children and not her. Bella was living with us at the time, she just doesn’t like her. She even likes Callum! That must say something atleast..” Ward spoke, his eyes fixated on the pairing outside, never shifting. A smile held perfectly still on his lips through every word.
“Hm?” He turns back around, as if nothing had happened.
“Can we get onto the topic now?”
“Yes sorry!” He clears his throat, straightening himself up as he readjusts his watch on his wrist, pulling down his collar to flatten it.
“You know Sarah?” John B raises his brows, watching Bella’s expressions contort.
“Hm..” Bella frowns, tilting her head as she bites her lip, taking a moment, “I don’t think I do no..” She shakes her head, holding back a small smile.
John B gives her a stare causing her to laugh as she shrugs, “Sorry yeah sure.”
“I uh.. I’ve been talking to her actually!”
Bella’s eyebrows furrow, eyes widening as her mouth falls open, “What..” She pauses processing what he’s saying, “I- She.. She’s with Topper, John B!” She states informatively, making sure he understands the situation like she does.
“Yeah I know that! But he’s a dick Bells. She deserves better than that.”
“You don’t know the other half of it. He loves her John B, and even if he was a ‘dick’, condoning cheating is still not okay?”
“I’m not? I’m just saying that if she ever did end things with her, I’d.. you know.. I..”
“Do you have a little crush John B..??” She teases, poking his face all over until he has enough and pushes her off, making her giggle at his antics. “Aww there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s cuuuuute.” She sings the last word, a big grin on her face as she watches his expressions change because of her words.
“Shut up, you like Rafe..” He closes his eyes, arms crossed over his chest like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Her eyebrows dip, her lips quivering trying to hold back a laugh but failing, “Okay? But I don’t?” She snorts at the pure lie that left his mouth knowing how he’s trying to switch the subject around onto her.
“Mm.. guess we both have things we don’t wanna admit huh..”
She sighs, a breathy laugh accompanying; slapping his bare stomach from where his shirt lifted up, pulling a groan from his throat, “Shut up!”
“Was that you or me?” John B lifted his head slightly, looking around for any sight of a phone.
“I think it was me!” She lifts her bum to pull the phone from under her thigh. The boy watches her face frown as she reads the name and the message.
“Who is it? Cal?”
She shakes her head, moving her phone slightly to see his face, “Rafe..”
His eyes widen and fall again, the mention of Rafe’s name following a frown is the rarest of rare for Bella. He couldn’t comprehend the issue.
“She never mentioned they had issues. We were joking about him seconds before I didn’t understand. Its Rafe. And Bella. Like there’s never been a problem there.” He speaks with a constant dip in his brow, still confused even after knowing the truth.
“So Ward you help out? Does that mean you don’t get paid?”
“No of course we don’t! We volunteer. Thats the whole point is to not get paid. It’d be stupid to volunteer and expect something back!” He laughs at Ryan like his question was stupid, a big grin sat across his face.
“Right..” Ryan laughs awkwardly, feeling slightly idiotic. “So all you do is fill and carry crates?”
“Well no.. I mean it depends on so much! The weather, the day, the jobs available etcetera. Today Heyward had his son transport the necessary goods, and there was a lack of help in fish duty! So we helped out.”
“Oh okay. So what else do you do? Could you explain that for us?”
“Yes of course. A lot of the time we bring our boat down and do peoples food deliveries, and sometimes end up doing some more chores for those houses too like mowing the lawn. Other times like today when those jobs are already being done, we can fish, fill and move crates, or anything in that area. Sometimes we work at the store fronts, so we can sell boards, hooks, rods and stuff like that! It all depends on what’s free and what is needed that day!”
Bella had sent in a screenshot of the messages to put into the episode, we will show them to you in the next few minutes.
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Bella shows John B the message, the tone coming from him very different to the usual Rafe Bella deals with. Evident by the previous texts seen in the screenshots.
He can’t help but scoff at the sentence, “Does he mean me?”
She shrugs, a sigh leaving her mouth as her brows knit together, “I’d say JJ, but.. why would he even care? I don’t.. I..”
John B takes the phone, typing something out so she would stop panicking. “There! Just gotta ask.” He hands it back to her, watching her squeeze the phone in her palm as she awaited Rafe’s response.
When a second buzz rings out, she takes a moment to read the message before her head jerks up, eyes scanning the area as her brows fall closer together. John B lifts himself to look over her hand at her phone, reading off the message before joining her in the search.
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Ignore the time stamps ^
He lifts himself from her lap, cautious of both of their own wellbeing’s if he really did see.
She sighs again, leaning back on her chair, “Whatever, he’s probably just messing with us.”
“It’s not that I was scared of him- God no! I’d never be scared of Rafe that’s one thing I’m sure of! But it’s that I’m scared of what he can do. What I know Cal will do if he tells him I had a ‘Pogue’ laying on my thighs. Not to me. But to anyone else in the vicinity, aka JJ or John B depending on where and when. He’d never hurt me, never! But I know what he’s capable of.. and it’s not something I like to get myself involved in.”
“What exactly do you mean by that? Could you-”
“I mentioned it in the last episode, well.. yesterday! I don’t need to talk about it again. I don’t want to. I’m done.” She smiles before finding her way back to Ward.
“Bella!” John B exclaims, turning to the side of the boat. Before Bella could comprehend John B had fallen back into the boat.
“Woah woah woah hey hey Rafe stop!! What’re you doing??” She jumps up, holding her hand out to kind of ease him away.
Rafe doesn’t listen, stepping closer, his eyes not leaving John B as he stands up, “I hear your speaking to my sister and now your trying to steal my girl too is that it??”
John B chokes through a laugh, “Your girl?? She isn’t your girl Rafe cmon. No one would wanna be your girl!”
Rafe lunges himself forward, fist raised; Bella steps in the way, causing Rafe to pull back immediately, eyes wide as he realises he almost hit her. She pushes her palm to his chest, urging him to step back.
He watches her face contort into a mix of anger and upset, “Rafe, what the hell is wrong with you? He’s not talking to Sarah and we’re just friends okay? Calm down.” Her voice was soft but anyone could’ve picked up how irritated she was from the wobble in her words.
Those words, from her, ‘what the hell is wrong with you’ caused tears to well in his eyes. The one person he holds dearest to himself, sees the bad in him. The one thing he’s tried to keep from her since the day his father told him to look after her.
Ward steps out, holding the door with a hand as he frowns, “Rafe we’re trying to film here? Could you..” Ward gestures for him to leave waving his hand at him, Rafe scoffs but obliges, turning away with a nod of agreement.
John B took a sigh of relief as he falls into the seat beside him, taking a breath. Bella watches Rafe walk away, his previous expression held in her mind. Her eyes fall as they begin to glisten; she bites her lip, holding back but not for long.
“Hey Rafe wait! Please!” She jogs over, avoiding the small puddles of water that could make her slip if she wasn’t careful.
She catches up to him and quickly pulls him into a hug, resting his head onto her shoulder. She takes a moment to just hold him, the heat making it hard but she didn’t care. His arms hesitate but soon wrap around her, pulling her in tightly. The action caused her to suck in a breath, realising how needed this hug was for him.
Rafe watches Ryan, his eyes tired and bothered. He stands there, no words leaving his mouth before he frowns, walking away and flipping the camera off on the way.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you but..” Bella lifts his head, her hands rested against his cheeks as she takes his eyes in hers, “But I’m fine okay? You don’t have to worry about me.” She assures him, her eyes deep in his trying to get him to understand. She rubs her thumbs against his skin as he leans into her touch.
He catches a camera in the corner of his eyes and lifts his head out of her grasp, causing a slight dip in her brow, “Do you like him more than me?” He spits out without realising, his eyes widen at the realisation.
Bella steps back, brows furrowed and mouth agape; like he just stabbed her in the heart. “Why would I- What.. Why would I like him more than you Rafe?” She whines, confused why he’d ever assume that.
He shrugs ignoring her obvious upset by his own question, “Nah just.. you know, making sure. You’re my best friend, you remember that?”
She shakes her head, raising an eyebrow through disbelief, “Is that what this is all about?” He watches her, feeling ashamed he even brought up the question. “Rafe you are MY best friend! No one else!! Nothing’s gonna ever change that okay? But I’m allowed other friends too.. I promise there’s nothing between us okay we were just having a chat. It wasn’t anything special!”
He nods along, believing her every word of course but still not liking it. The thought of her liking someone other than him cutting deep into his mind, feeling like an effort to rid of him. He taps her hand with his, grazing her fingers in his own, “See you round.”
She looks down at his hand, a frown taking over her face once again. Looking back up at him, “No love you or anything? Thought I was your girl asshole!”
He chokes out in a laugh, smirking as he rolls his eyes, a slight blush taking his cheeks, “Yeah fine love you Bee.”
She laughs unbelieving, “Good enough I guess.” She jokingly rolls her eyes, “Love you too idiot.” She places a kiss to his cheek before running back to the boat.
He stands there a moment, smiling to himself before his hand finds his hair, pushing it out of his face. He looks over at the camera, pointing a finger at it, “Better fucking cut that shit out.. you won’t wanna know what happens if you don’t.”
"What the hell was all of that about??" Ward spits, glancing at the two kids infront of him.
They both fall silent, John B looking up at Bella who stood guiltily, hands behind her back.
Ward follows his gaze, taking Bella's eyes in his own as he raises a brow, "What's Rafe's deal?Does he not realise we won't have a show if he's crashing it?"
His words cause a wince on Bella's face, her eyes widen and mouth fallen open, "He was just asking a question." Her voice was quiet and soft.
"He was shouting at you!" Ward yells, throwing a hand towards where Rafe was.
She stares at him, realising trying to defend Rafe isn't going to work. Her mouth sits open as she watches him look between them. He shrugs at John B, "Wasn't he?"
"Yeah.. it was my fault sir I-"
"No it wasn't please don't take the blame!" She pleads, shaking her hand at him before stepping closer to Ward. "It was my fault!! I swear, he was upset and I made it worse I didn't mean to-"
"I don't have time for this. Make sure he doesn't come back here! I'll speak to him later, he can't be speaking to you like that." He frowns, pulling Bella into his chest tightly.
"I'm going to finish the interview then we'll go home okay?" Bella merely nods, stepping back; placing herself next to John B.
“Sorry about that!” Ward sits back down, his smile still stuck on tightly. “Where were we?”
“Did you not think to invite Rafe onto the boat?”
Ward laughs, eyebrows furrowed as he looks for the punchline in Ryan’s eyes. When he realised there isn’t one his eye twitches slightly, “Rafe? You think he’d want to spend his time with all the fish? I’m sure he was just trying to cause some sort of trouble! Boys right.” He chuckles rolling his eyes, pushing the conversation away with it.
“But anyways-“
“The kids have all mentioned how you clearly favour certain people over the rest. I’m assuming Rafe isn’t one of them?”
Wards eyes widen, his brows pushing down against them as a lump begins to form in his throat, “Why the hell would I dislike my own son for? Where’s this come from? Who said that?”
“All of them really. I only brought it up because you seem to heavily favour-”
“I won’t stand for this type of nonsense Ryan! On a show, about my own family, my own children!! And you’re accusing me of picking favourites?? They are all my kids and I love them all equally with every piece of me! So do not, and I mean do not EVER tell me what I’m doing is wrong or how I’m raising my children is wrong! Do your job and stay out of it. This is ridiculous!” He doesn’t even look in Ryan’s direction as he pulls himself from the chair and rips open the glass door that divided the outside from the inside; followed by a breathy grunt.
Ward reached for Bella’s wrist, yanking her up off the chair, “Ow Ward you’re hurting me..!” She whines, looking back at John B for assurance but he didn’t have time to help as Ward had already dragged her off the boat.
“Sorry honey but we’re getting out of here! Away from that silly man.”
“Why? Did something happen?” She stops, watching Ward gently rub his thumb to her wrist where a small red mark was left behind; his brows dipping at the sight.
“Ward? Did he say something to you?”
Her words caught his attention, his eyes springing to hers as a quick shake to his head was enough for her to understand. “He just needs to learn that just because we’re on a show, it doesn’t mean he can make shit up to make it interesting.”
“What did he say?” She frowns, concern coating her face as she tilts her head slightly.
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart let’s just get home and sort this house out shall we?” He lifts his arm, his elbow touching her own as he plants a smile to his lips, reassuring her that it’s okay.
She looks back to where John B was packing away; catching a glimpse of her, he waves a ‘goodbye’ as she does too. Hesitantly, she takes Wards arm in her own, he guides her back down to the car where they take a silent but peaceful and well deserved drive home.
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strawbrygashez · 27 days
Brad Huff x Andre hcs/au?? :0
What if at some point, Brads parents were getting tired of him acting kinda childish and getting into dumb situations at school so they really pushed him to start looking for a job so he’d mature and that’s how Brad ends up working at the Pizza Place Andres dad owns??! He of course didn’t realize Andre works there or that his dad owns it so…
•Things between Brad and Andre would be really tense. Probably after the first or second work day together, even tho Andre’s dad told Andre to be kind and get along with Brad, Andre ends up dragging Brad out behind the restaurant and has him pinned against the wall by the collar. Hes yelling and asking if this is just another way for Brad to make his life a living hell and to fuck with him.
Brad would play along and act like yeah he totally didnt get forced to pick up a job bc of his mommy and daddy so he acts all coy and like “So?? What if I am??” And it riles Andre up. But before things can get really ugly between them, Brad finally tries to cool the situation down bc he really doesn’t wanna lose his job so quickly and hear his parents complain about it. Andre of course doesn’t want his dad mad as fuck that he beat up the new employee so they both just back off for now. Andre tells him not to talk to him or anything at work.
•But of course that’s impossible. They have to talk everyday if they wanna get the orders/job done right so they are forced to at least at the bare minimum, talk about work related things. Andre hates it and is always complaining about him to Cal but after a while it just kinda naturally happens that Andre and Brad open up to each other. It’s a very slow process but since Brad isn’t around a bunch of other idiots to show off too, Andre can see him for how he really is eventually.
•Once they get on friendly terms, during one of their breaks Brad would spot Andres camera (Andre brought it because Cal was busy and couldn’t film whatever it was he was up to that day). He gets interested in the camera and turns it on to film Andre while they are smoking behind the restaurant and starts some kinda silly interview with him. Andre actually is having fun answering whatever dumb questions he’s asking. He only starts to get irritated when Brad starts zooming into his face and getting super close. Especially if he throws in some teasing about how pretty Andres eyes are.
•Speaking of teasing, even when they get comfortable with each other, Brad doesn’t stop picking on Andre but it’s not as mean hearted as it used to be. A lot of it is him trying to fluster Andre. While a lot of it is gay jokes he also pokes fun when Andre can’t reach something or messed something up. He loves telling Andre “you missed a spot” while he’s still mopping each and every time.
•One night when Andres dad leaves a little early for something or another, Andre and Brad end up making out in brads car since it’s nighttime and no one’s around to see 🫢🫣. Andre wasnt even getting in to find a place to make out with him, he just wanted to see the inside of Brads car since Brad ‘wouldn’t stop bragging about it’. Things just led from one thing to another ;)
•Cal first starts noticing that something changed between Andre and Brad once Andre stopped complaining 24/7 about him and actually began to just randomly bring Brad up. Like if they saw a certain band shirt, he’d point it out and say something about Brad mentioning liking that band. Plus Andre stopped frowning all the damn time when he passes Brad in school and they actually began to wave to each other. (And brad would smile at him)
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lovesosweeet · 10 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter twenty five
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
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september 14, 2018 los angeles, california orion 
Being on my break between chemo cycles means I have essentially nothing to do. My body is still recovering, but the complete lack of structure in my life just gives me the most contrasting current life from the one I’m supposed to have.
I’m supposed to be studying for the LSAT. I’m supposed to be taking 18 credit hours this semester. I’m supposed to be working at the library and having late night study sessions with Emelia and her roommates. I’m supposed to be touring law schools and meeting with my advisors to make sure I graduate on time. 
Instead, I spend my days cooped up in the apartment, nursing myself to a somewhat livable level of health, even though I know I’m about to make things worse again in a few weeks when I start my next cycle of chemo.
Since I have so much time, I decide I want to try to put it to good use. I ordered some yarn and knitting needles and want to learn to knit something. I also ordered a bunch of things that Emelia and Macy love. Once I have some kind of product from knitting, I want to make them little thank you baskets.
I write out thank you cards to both of them when the supplies get delivered, and decide I want to include framed photos of us in the baskets, so I pull out my phone and start to scroll through my camera roll to find photos to print out. 
I realize I haven’t really taken many photos since the boys left for tour. There are some, a handful from each day, from when they were in Australia and Joy and I were texting a lot back and forth. Otherwise, I have a rare photo of Duke, the photos we took with Macy at her apartment a few nights ago, a few selfies of me crying while missing Cal, and that’s about it. 
The journey in my photos back to the boys being here honestly kind of hurts. 
We were so happy, so blind, so unaware to what the future would hold. The boys, aside from Ash, are stil blind and happy. Blissful ignorance. I miss it. I miss them. 
I stop at a photo that Luke had taken of me and Calum without either of us knowing. It was after their rehearsal when we went to the beach. We’re just looking at each other, both of us with a dopey grin on our faces. I’d know we were as in love as we are just by looking at the picture, even if the two people in the photo were strangers to me. The love is just palpable. I can feel it. 
We’re walking up the beach, back towards the others. I’m wearing a black sports bra and matching bike shorts, wet hair messily hanging around my face and my eyes trained on Cal. He’s in a pair of plain black boxers that are wet, too, with his arm draped across my shoulders. 
I start tearing up at the picture and decide to post it to my Instagram story. I type a small message to put along with it. 
“missing u like always. can’t wait for another beach day like this. love u more than anything. <;3 @calumhood”
Almost like clockwork, about five or six minutes after it’s posted, Calum starts calling me.
I try to choke back my tears enough to speak coherently to him over the phone. “Hi,” I finally manage to say.
“Hi, love. What’s going on?”
I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “It’s nothing. Just really feeling lonely today and I miss you so much and—”
“O, breathe.” I realize then that I’ve been hyperventilating. 
“In,” Cal says. I want to roll my eyes and tell him it’s stupid, but I know I need to listen to him, so I take a big inhale.
“Out.” I exhale, and Calum guides me through breathing slowly enough to calm down a bit.
“Sorry,” I say once I’ve regained composure.
“No, don’t be sorry,” Calum insists. “I’m sorry you’re feeling so down and lonely. If it’s any consolation, I miss you tons, too.”
“Don’t miss me, Cal. Enjoy your tour.”
“Okay, yeah, I’ll just totally turn off all my feelings affiliated with my girlfriend, AKA, the person I love most on the whole planet. Yeah, being apart from her for a few months doesn’t suck at all.” 
I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t want you to miss me.”
You’ll have to live the rest of your life without me, I think.
“You might be the only girlfriend on the planet who doesn’t want her boyfriend to miss her,” Cal sounds sad, but he plays it off with a chuckle. “Should I be worried?”
“No, I just know how much you love your job. I know how hard you’ve worked to get to where you are. I don’t want you to be thinking about me while you’re living your dreams.”
Calum sighs. “Orion, I’m trying here. You want me to talk to you several times throughout the day, but I’m not allowed to miss you. You’re sad I’m gone, and I can’t tell you I’m sad to be gone without it seeming like I hate my job.”
That shuts me up. I’m sure he’s very confused about what I want from him, and that’s fair, since I’m confused about everything in my life right now. I want Calum to be home and be taking care of me, but I also don’t want him to have to deal with the situation at hand, AKA his girlfriend dying of cancer. I don’t want him to have that looming on his mind while he plays shows to adoring fans around the world. 
My silence invites him to speak again.
“I guess now’s as good of a time as any, but I was gonna ask you about those pictures on Twitter.” 
Pictures on Twitter?
“What pictures on Twitter?” I ask. I put Calum on speaker phone and open up the app.
Just as he starts to speak, I see it. Blurry photos of me and Macy walking out of the hospital a few weeks ago. Both of us look like shit, dressed in comfy clothes, carrying full tote bags over our shoulders, our cheeks sunken in and the bags under our eyes casting dark shadows. 
The headlines attached to it by the shitty gossip sources are insane. 
5SOS Bassist’s Girlfriend Exiting Hospital: What Did He Do to Her? and Long Term Girlfriend of 5SOS’s Calum Hood Seen Exiting Hospital with Mystery Woman are the first two that I see, which, honestly, are enough to predict how everyone else on Twitter is reacting. 
I see more random Tweets about it.
@5SOSUpdates: Orion leaving UCLA’s hospital with a friend recently. Anyone have any info?
@5SOSUpdates1: why tf is Orion at the hospital dressed like she’s homeless
@5SOSUpdates2: orion? At the hospital? Without Cal? Is this why she’s not on tour?
Replying to @5SOSUpdates2: lol I think she’s not on tour bc she’s a student and has class. chill. she’s living her life and not bothering anyone, why do people get so up in arms about her?
@5SOSUpdates3: Bro what does Cal see in her? She looks like shit. Also who tf is that with her lol i thought she only had like one friend.
@5SOSUpdates4: orion walking out of a hospital? I hope everything’s OK. she looks tired. :( 
“Oh, those pictures,” I say it as if I’d seen them in advance and wasn’t looking at them for the first time. 
“You went to the hospital with Macy? Was that just for her cancer?”
God, Calum. He opened another door that, in order for me to walk through, I have to lie. “Yeah, her chemo appointment lined up with my schedule and they take, like, a full day, so I went with her to keep her company.”
It’s not really a lie, but in my gut, I know it is. I feel like an awful person and an awful girlfriend. 
Calum sighs again. “Okay, just thought it was weird that the paps were waiting at the hospital for you.”
“Maybe they were waiting for KayKay? Her grandma was at that hospital.” As I say it, I hope I didn’t just dig myself into another hole I have to lie my way out of. “Weird coincidence, I guess.”
“Shit, yeah, that would make sense,” Calum says. I silently let out a sigh of relief. “Remember? Kay was like ‘you look familiar’ to Macy when they met. I bet they’d seen each other at that hospital.”
I know I don’t normally forget things, but that connection hadn’t happened in my head. It makes so much sense now, too, and I wish I’d put the dots together before Calum had. “Sorry, just weird to see pap or fan photos of you when we aren’t with each other.”
“It’s LA, there are paps hiding everywhere. They see an opportunity and they take it.” 
“You’re right.” 
“I’m always right,” I say, trying to lighten things up with a joke. 
Calum laughs. “You are right an obscene amount of times, yes.”
We both chuckle softly after that.
As we talk, the weight of the Twitter drama starts to lift, replaced by the comforting connection I share with Calum, and I’m glad he believes me. Despite the challenges, we find solace in each other, even if it's just through a phone call.
“Hey, since you’re feeling so down, would you want me to fly you out?”
I want to see Cal. I do. I want to be with him and feel his arms around me and have the most calming, comforting person I have ever met in my presence again. But I can’t see him. I can’t see him for a few days and expect that he won’t have questions about everything and I can’t tell him yet. I just can’t. The pressure is too high. 
I think he hears my breath catch in my throat.
“Is this not a good weekend? I just thought…”
I want to punch myself in the nose. He sounds so defeated and sad. “No, I just… yeah. Not a great weekend. I’m sorry. I wish I could see you, but I think waiting ‘til San Diego just makes the most sense.”
Calum coughs, I think trying to cover up some other noise that he’d like to make that would indicate an upset. “Yeah, fair, we are driving down to Florida after the show tonight and that’s gonna take awhile, I’m not even sure what time we’d get to Orlando.”
I wish everything that’s going wrong here was just a logistics issue. 
“Cal, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so emotional and I wish that things lined up better to see you sooner.”
Truthfully, my cancer makes me wish I had more time with everyone I love. I want to have people who love me around me all the time. Any time I spend alone feels like time wasted. I love so many people and want to spend as much time as I can with them, but I feel selfish asking for their time. 
Spending time with Calum sounds like the most valuable use my time possible, but I know that as soon as I see him, I’ll have to fill him in on the most devastating news that someone you love could share with you. I have to break his heart and watch it while it falls to pieces. 
“Orion, never apologize for having big feelings,” Calum says. “That’s one of the things I love most about you, especially since it’s something I struggle with. You show how you feel, good and bad, and you’re not afraid to express your feelings. It’s so amazing to watch you. I love seeing how much you love everyone. It’s a beautiful thing and a disheartening thing in a selfish way. I love knowing that you love the people I love, but I sometimes wish that love was reserved for me.”
With each word he says, the more inclined to start crying I feel. I love him so much, so I’m glad it’s reciprocated, but hearing him talk about me and how much he loves me has become painful when it used to make me feel like the happiest girl in the world. 
Every kind thing he has to say about me could be negated the moment he learns that I’ve been lying. 
I take a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill over. Calum's words, filled with love and vulnerability, are both a comfort and a torment. I wish I could freeze this moment, let the warmth of his affection surround me a little longer before the impending storm and let the good and bad both have their time in the center of my heart, but instead, I just feel the weight of the negatives. 
“I’m sorry, Cal, I don’t know if I can keep talking about this,” I manage to say between my silent sobs. “I love you. Think I’m gonna take a long shower and have a glass of wine.”
“I’m fine, okay?” I say with a shaky voice. “Just need to recenter myself.”
His raggedy breath shakes as he does a deep inhale. “If you say so, but remember, I am here if you need me, and I’ve got a good bit of free time over the next few days if you need to talk. Whatever time, whatever day, I’ll answer as soon as I can. You know that, right?”
His words feel like I knife in my heart. “Yes, I know. And thank you. I am so lucky to have you.”
He’s so unlucky to have me.
“I’m the luckiest man in the world to have your love in my life, O. I mean it. I’ll let you go, but please, please call me if you need me.”
“I will,” I lie. This call was a mistake. It’s just going to make him worry about me, which isn’t on my agenda at all. I don’t want him to worry. That’s such a huge part of why I hadn’t told him about my cancer in general. 
“I love you and miss you more than words will say,” Cal says.
“I love you and miss you far more, I swear.”
“Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. Go take your shower, and I’ll send you a bottle of wine and some ramen, OK? Don’t say no or fight back, I’m gonna do it regardless.”
I choke back a loud sob. “OK. Thank you. Bye, Cal.”
“Good bye, my love. Take care of yourself, please. I need you happy and healthy and by my side come our San Diego show.” 
I have to hang up before I let myself collapse on the floor in a pile of shaking limbs and ragged sobs. His words hurt, even though I know he intended them with the sweetest, most tender love imaginable. It hurts to know I’m doing this to him and he doesn’t even know.
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