#cambie andrews
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smokingago · 2 years ago
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"Abbiamo bisogno tutti
di quella persona in grado di guardare
oltre i “va tutto bene”
che spesso diciamo per evitare
di dover raccontare
a chi non riuscirebbe mai a capire.
In grado di spingersi più in là
dei: “sono un po’ stanco ultimamente”
quando invece non si tratta di stanchezza
ma di qualcosa in più
che non ci lascia riposare.
Abbiamo bisogno tutti
di quella persona
capace di sfogliare
i nostri silenzi.
Perché è tutto scritto lì.
Ma bisogna sapere ascoltare.
Abbiamo bisogno tutti
di quella persona
capace di abbattere i muri che alziamo
per difenderci dai nostri pensieri.
Ma lo fa un po’ alla volta
con cura e rispetto
lasciando che il sole entri piano
che il buio quando si squarcia
fa un rumore assordante.
Abbiamo bisogno tutti
di quella persona
che ci ricordi
quanto il dolore ci cambi e ci renda speciali
e come ogni cosa preziosa
va saputa toccare
e come ogni cosa che passa
va lasciata passare."
Andrew Faber
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susieporta · 1 year ago
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Ama la tua solitudine e cerca di cantare con il dolore che ti causa. Per chi ti sta vicino è lontano e questo dimostra che lo spazio intorno a te inizia a crescere vasto. Sii felice della tua crescita, in cui ovviamente non puoi portare nessuno con te, e sii gentile con chi resta indietro; sii sicuro di te e sereno davanti a loro e non tormentarli con i tuoi dubbi e non spaventarli con la tua fede o la tua gioia, cosa che loro non farebbero essere in grado di comprendere. Cerca un sentimento semplice e vero di ciò che hai in comune con loro, che non deve necessariamente cambiare quando cambi tu stesso ancora e ancora; quando li vedi, ama la vita in una forma che non è tua e sii indulgente verso chi sta crescendo vecchi, che temono la solitudine di cui ti fidi e non ti aspetti alcuna comprensione; ma credi in un amore che ti viene conservato come un'eredità, e abbiate fede che in questo amore c'è una forza e una benedizione così grande da poter viaggiare fino a dove vuoi senza doverne uscire. ~Rainer Maria Rilke
(Libro: Lettere a un giovane poeta https://amzn.to/46WzzRc )
(Arte: Dipinto di Andrew Wyeth)
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prensabolivariana · 3 months ago
Andrew Korybko * Los países asiáticos probablemente reemplazarían a los clientes occidentales perdidos por Rusia, mientras que India podría facilitarles la compra de estos recursos tal como ya lo está haciendo con el petróleo que sancionó. Continue reading La posible prohibición rusa de las exportaciones de minerales críticos a Occidente probablemente no cambie mucho las cosas
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colony22graphics · 4 years ago
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R O S Y  N E C T A R
this elegantly perfumed concoction is sweet, yet surprisingly strong. inspired by @cambieandrews
2 oz reposado tequila 2 oz raspberry juice 1 oz triple sec 1 oz lemon juice 1 oz honey syrup (or .5 oz honey) .4 oz rose water edible rose petals
add all ingredients except petals into a blender with plenty of ice, and blend in short pulses until it reaches a slushy consistency. pour into a glass, top with petals, and enjoy!
top tip! if your blender isn’t up to the task of crushing ice, you can also enjoy this as a shaken drink. Just shake instead of blend and strain into your glass, but make sure to use considerably less rose water - try just a barspoon. It is very fragrant, and without a lot of dilution from the crushed ice it will be overpowering.
PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. to make this nonalcoholic, take out the tequila and use 2 oz orange juice instead of triple sec. It will be an extra pretty sunset colour!
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colony22games · 5 years ago
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Plunging into the cover of the trees, CAMBIE becomes a more difficult target to hit. When the shots cease, Cambie breathlessly sits and waits, pistol at the ready. She hears leaves shaking, and the unmistakable sound of someone dropping to the forest floor. Cambie waits, waits… until she spots MAISIE creeping through the trees, looking for Cambie. Aiming up, Cambie sees an opening, and fires twice—obtaining a kill and taking a forlorn Maisie back to Delma captivity.
This concludes ROUND 3. Thank you to DELMA Representative, CAMBIE ANDREWS!
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the-colony-roleplay · 7 years ago
what are your guys' thoughts on Cambie being a teacher? i feel like she has a great personality for it but idk who would be ~in charge~ of careers in the Colony. i was even thinking that could be one of my wanted plots, her actively seeking out the character to take on this new responsibility?
So I hope you don’t mind I’m posting this publicly because it’s a good question that might one day apply to other people as well. 
I think this is a great idea for Cambie. As for who’s in charge–setting aside the issue of the NWRF for the time being, the people  in charge of these things would be the Colony Officials / Elites in general? So Head of Houses consult with other Elites in meetings so they can come to collaborative, community decisions. They would have like a round table type discussion about it. 
If the person interested in the position were someone who wasn’t an Elite already, they would pitch it to an Elite and the Elite would pitch it on their behalf in one of the meetings and it would be discussed. Since Cambie is an Elite & Head, she would pitch herself in a meeting.
Now, since the NWRF have taken over, they would need to approve of this, and there would be at least one Rep in every meeting. However, to be perfectly honest, the NWRF have a pretty narrow focus. They want to be in charge, but only for certain purposes. They neither want nor can handle the responsibility of all the elements of running the Colonies successfully, which is why they still rely on Elites of all kinds to be continuing to do their jobs. The NWRF have very little to do with organisational structures and schedules, because, excuse my French, they really don’t give a shit, so long as it’s getting done. What they do care about is security, lab & testing protocol, Infected & Deluded status restrictions, and things that they can directly benefit from, like the crusades and the resource chores etc. 
So, yes, I think this would be an excellent avenue for plot persuing for you. She could either talk to another Elite first for their opinion or what have you, or she could go directly to pitch it in a meeting. For thatttt you’d probably want… perhaps a three way Para, if you want to play out the meeting itself? With a willing NWRF Rep the be there, and maybe another Elite, plus a bunch of NPCs or what have you, and you could work together to sort of play out the events of the meeting. 
Alternative, you could do some preemptive rping in whatever for you like with other Elites on the dash, etc, and we could post a little snippet summary of the meeting on the main blog, and/or you could do a self para, and run it by us if you need help with details… A few ways you could go about it!
Hope this is helpful for you at this stage, and hit us up if you want to discuss privately in more detail!
Cheers love, 
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livullmmann · 5 years ago
La mujer necesitaba relajarse tras un largo día de trabajo. Decidió visitar su bar favorito, el que estaba cerca de su apartamento. Tomó asiento sobre un mueble de cuero, al fondo del establecimiento, donde reinaba la oscuridad. Sintió una presencia a su lado, no se había percatado que había alguien cerca. "Espero no te moleste que me siente aquí." @rxdfeeling​
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mitch--douglas · 6 years ago
When the rain starts to take its toll You can slow me down 'Cause we both know that the world's turned cold And I just need you now Keep holding on
You'll see my hurt, you'll feel my pain All of our dirt is washed in the rain You've walked that road, you felt that shame No place is home but times, they are changin'.
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years ago
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Andrew James McKay - Trimmed Hedge at Cambie and W 27th, 2022
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workingonmoviemaps · 7 years ago
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Supergirl #308 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1″
All of the heroes assemble for the wedding of Iris & Barry.
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On Earth-X, the Resistance are building a device to transport between worlds in the Port Mann Power Station.
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Oliver talks to Felicity about the wedding while fighting ninjas in the empty offices of 1133 Melville Street.
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Kara fights a dominator in the alley behind the building.
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All the heroes arrive in Earth-1 Central City on the Cambie Street Bridge.
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Barry and Oliver get their tuxes on at Debonair Formal Wear on New Westminster’s wedding row.
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Kara waits outside the wedding venue at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church and then battles her evil doppelgänger overhead.
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The evil folk gather on the roof of 1133 Melville and discuss the plan.
I still need to identify the interior of the warehouse, Nottingham woods, and the nail salon.
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xgoner · 7 years ago
(  ‘ stay with me tonight? ’ || @michcelclifford )
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Sus labios se separaron sin dejar salir una solo palabra por un par de segundos, no estaba seguro de que decir exactamente; no le ayudaban las opiniones divididas en su cabeza. “No creo que sea buena idea.” Respondió evitar posar su mirada en su acompañante; sabia bien que si le miraba terminaría aceptando. “Ni sea bueno para ninguno de los dos.”
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canesenzafissadimora · 3 years ago
Un buon inizio potrebbe essere questo.
Lasciare che il tempo ti cambi.
Senza forzare il passo.
Sei bella anche così.
Lo sei di più.
Che chi non c'è quando hai bisogno
allora forse, non c'è mai stato.
Ed è difficile ammetterlo.
Perché fa male.
E allora forza.
Buona vita.
Buona strada.
Buona speranza.
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Andrew Faber
Buongiorno anche se ancora è tutto buio
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cambieandrews · 4 years ago
teddy bear dreams | cambie & corbin
[Now that they’re into March, the wintry chill is beginning to thaw under a persistent sun, resolutely melting away the grey skies. It’s not exactly a warm day, but it is a bright one, and so Cambie is taking down the winter decorations and putting up the spring ones, as is her custom with each changing season. The throw blankets are taken off the sofas, arrangements of dried spruce twigs and pinecones switched out in favour of silk daffodils, the fair isle cushions re-covered with mismatched floral ones that she’d sewn from old curtains. Most of the decorations are things she’s either made, or found in the Hub, and consequently it’s all a bit of a mish-mash. Homely rather than elegant, but she thinks homely is what people need these days.
She’s also been struck with a new idea: she’s got a lot of pictures that the kids have drawn for her over the years, and mostly they’ve been stuck on the wall in her office. But Cambie’s decided they’ll look better and be seen by more people in the common room, so she’s carefully pinning colourful crayon drawings to the wall, and writing little plaques next to them. ‘Hayden Wynn. Teddy Bear Dreams, 2162. Paint and pen on paper.’ There’s about twenty like that, neatly lined up like a little art gallery on the common room wall. Balanced carefully on a step ladder as she fixes the last few up, Cambie is singing to herself, perfectly content. She’d not heard anyone come in, having wedged the door open to help freshen things up (more of a ceremonial move than a practical one, since the corridor is no fresher than the common room), and only realizes she’s got company once they’re close.]
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What d’you think? I’m not usually one to brag but I really think Delma’s got some talented artists. [Her smile is bright. She loves that so many kids are still so creative. They still do drawings of their families and their dreams and their friends, and it just makes her feel like there’s still hope in the world. She’ll always encourage them to keep creating.]
[He doesn’t mean to wince. Really, he doesn’t. And in fact, when he’d first slunk back into Delma common room from his particularly boring morning of not paying attention in World History, he’d sort of grinned to himself at the new decorations. Sure, he’d rolled his eyes a little, but it’d been fondly. Andrews and her bloody boundless cheer and shit. Whatever, it’s a little cute, he supposes. 
And up on the ladder, singing away, she would also be on the side of endearing, but he’s distracted by—]
Uh, hate to break it to ya, Miss, but that ain’t art, [he simpers by way of reply.] Not that I know much ‘bout art but, uh. This looks like the wall of a kindergarten classroom. 
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Like the pinecones, though, [he adds, plucking one from a nearby bookshelf and twisting it about in his fingers. He tosses it lightly and catches it in his palm, turning another grin up her way.] Very… cabin in the woods. 
So grumpy! [Cambie tuts, pretending to be annoyed. She should have known better than to ask his opinion -- he’s always been very committed to his too-cool act, and getting dewy eyed over kid’s drawings really wouldn’t fit the aesthetic he’s so carefully crafted for himself.
And anyway, she does think he’s being a little unfair. Jackson Pollock just splattered paint over a canvas, and his stuff sold for millions. Was that any more ‘art’ than the drawings these kids have done, of their families, of dragons, of lovingly imagined dreamscapes? She doesn’t think so. Jumping lightly off the ladder, Cambie looks at them with her head tilted.]
You say that like it’s a bad thing, but what’s wrong with that? If I tell them their stuff is just kiddie doodles, they’ll get discouraged, maybe they’ll even stop drawing. But if I tell them it looks great and show how excited I am to display their stuff, then they’ll want to keep drawing, practicing, getting better. And anyway, even if they don’t get any better… it’s great that people still want to create, you know? Art doesn’t have to be ‘good’ to mean something to someone. [She pauses, then concedes a self-aware smile.] And there endeth the lecture.
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[She hadn’t meant to go on. It’s just something she’s always been quite passionate about. As someone that came from a career quite dedicated to the path of perfection, it was always important to Cambie to remember to leave room to grow, and improve, but more importantly, she needed room for expression. Maybe dancing alone in her bedroom at night wasn’t going to win any awards, but it made her feel good, so why couldn’t it be art, too? She’d seen too much snobbery in the dance world to care for perpetuating it.]
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colony22graphics · 4 years ago
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MISTLETOE AND POINTE SHOES || mitch & cambie Intentionally terrible Hallmark AU
A rising ballet star is ready to take the stage in her dream role when she receives the shocking news that her father has died. Years later, she has vowed never to dance again, but a chance encounter with an old flame may change her mind…
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colony22games · 5 years ago
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Warned by fellow teammate, CONSTANTIN LUPEI, in a lookout formation via Telepathy, CLOVE is able to fall behind the cover of some trees. But what he doesn’t know is that CAMBIE was leading him into a trap—literally. Clove steps into a springing net trap, yanked into the air in a tangle of rope, dropping his weapon. Cambie approaches him to try to steal his key but luckily, LORENZO SALAZAR arrives just in time and takes a shot at Cambie. He misses, and Cambie shoots back, hitting Lorenzo in the leg and then running away. Lorenzo cuts Clove down, but Cambie has escaped.
This concludes ROUND 2. Thank you to TORREN Representative, CLOVE MODIUS!
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the-colony-roleplay · 7 years ago
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