#cam is in the van. comms in one ear and rock music in a separate earbud -- she has to monitor the field agents' comms but at least
the-penguinspy · 2 years
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Ava x Lilith 😘
thanks for the prompt, esther :) tysm for including the screenshot too, it was impossible to write seriously while looking at the sims option. blasted my focus to bits
A quick tug in her belly and then she’s inside the office, muscles tense and body stock-still as her eyes rove around the dark room. Her gaze flicks to the security cameras interspersed along the edges of the ceiling, taking in the lack of blinking red lights – there won’t be any prying eyes on them.
“All clear. Cameras dark, no hostiles. Cam, time please?”
A crackle of the comms, then: “Five minutes, forty-three seconds.” 
“Copy. Thanks, Cam.”
A beat, two. A tell-tale hum at the base of her head, and Ava phases through the ceiling and lands in a crouch beside her. She straightens with a small hop and brushes the imaginary dust off of her shoulders. Ava’s decked out from head to toe in form-fitting dark leather armour, cruciform sword strapped to her back, face set in grim determination, and she’d cut quite the imposing figure of Warrior Nun if she didn’t insist on wearing that ridiculous baseball cap at every opportunity.
Ava looks over to her and smirks, tipping the frayed bill of her cap towards Lilith while giving her a shameless once-over. “Now, what’s a place like you doing in a girl like this?”
Lilith glares. “I’m on a stealth intel-retrieval mission. You are too.”
Ava chuckles, undeterred by Lilith’s sour expression. “Yes, I know.” It only takes her two small steps before they’re chest-to-chest, bodies flush against each other, and the burst of warmth that travels up Lilith’s spine makes her want to spread her wings out to better dissipate the heat. 
“We don’t have a lot of time, just put it in already.”
“That’s what she said.”
“Must you test the limits of my patience in each and every mission?” Lilith hisses.
“Relax,” Ava murmurs, “We’ve got plenty of time.” Her voice drops low to keep the illusion of quiet. Their gazes stay locked as Ava brings a hand to the side pocket of her vest, the growl of the zipper deafening in the silence of the room. 
She retrieves the USB stick and brings it up until it’s within Lilith’s line of sight, and she waggles her eyebrows for good measure before turning away to insert it into the laptop with a soft click. “Okay! Cam, you’re up.” Lilith exhales, slow and even. Focus.
“Copying files now; this shouldn’t take more than three minutes. I’ll let you know when you can remove the disk.”
“Roger that.” The progress bar pops up, percentage increasing at a merry rate. 
The frantic clicking of keys on the other end of the line turns into background lull, the sound familiar and comforting after a dozen missions. They’re on standby until Camila gives them the go-ahead to remove the hard-disk before she installs the virus to infect the local server. Ava’s already drifted off to inspect the various knick-knacks that line the office walls, and when she spots Lilith looking, she grins and jerks her thumb to the item hung behind her. 
Lilith stalks over to inspect the giant shark’s head mounted on the wall, her lip curling at the smooth, polished sheen of its skin. Weird, but definitely not the strangest office decor she’s ever encountered. 
The sudden whir of the elevator’s motors catches Lilith’s attention, her keen ears picking up the accompanying thuds of heavy boots, both ascending to their level. So much for a quiet mission. Her wings spread out and her claws unsheathe in tandem. “Aves, we’ve got company. Cam, status?”
“Just a bit more! Can you hold them off for the time being? There seems to be–” 
Static crackles for a second before the line shuts off completely. “Cam? Camila! Do you copy?”
No answer. “Damn.” Lilith glances over to Ava to find her already looking back, fingers tapping against her own earpiece and shaking her head. The march of combat boots on linoleum is getting louder, loud enough that even Ava can hear it, and she chances a look at the double doors before grabbing the laptop and shoving it into the open space beneath the desk, none too gently. Lilith winces at the dull thud it makes against the hardwood floor before she ducks underneath to hide, both of them barely managing to cower behind the desk. Ava’s elbow knocks into her ribs. One of her wings is caught between her body and the desk; it’s already starting to cramp. 
Ava’s kneeled in front of the laptop, back hunched and eyes squinting at the screen. “Uh, okay – I see the cursor moving around, and the progress bar’s at eighty-five – no, eighty-six percent now, so Cam’s still on it.”
Lilith growls. They’ll manage to have the files copied in time, but not fast enough to make a clean exit before they’re stormed. A fight it is, and Ava seems to have come to the same conclusion as she fidgets with the scabbard of her sword, with the chape of it. Impatience itches under her skin, and Lilith peeks over the edge of the desk, notes the lack of doors aside from the singular set that’s in front of the room – one entrance, one exit. 
A stairwell door bangs open somewhere on their floor and someone barks out a command, and suddenly she feels Ava’s hand cup around the nape of her neck, feels their mouths meet as she gives Lilith a quick but bruising kiss. Ava pulls away but stays close, ‘see you on the flip side’ murmured against her lips. 
Lilith grabs her hand before she can get too far. “Ava, wait.” The shouts get louder, boots thundering down the corridor towards their room. Ava’s forearms tenses in her grip, ready to bolt into action, but she heeds the request and arches an eyebrow; the plan’s already laid out, and Lilith’s never been one to stall. This isn’t the first discreet mission where they’ll have to go loud, either, and it certainly won’t be the last.
Lilith bites her lip and hesitates, the tempo of her heartbeat matching the rapid footsteps outside. Will she, won’t she, why won’t she – oh, fuck it. “Be careful.” 
Ava shoots her a grin, cocky and confident and so infuriatingly hot. “Always am.” 
“You literally got stabbed last time–”
“I love you too.” Lilith scoffs, but she curls the edge of a wing around Ava’s shoulder before she retracts it; nothing more than a light brush, a mere suggestion of something, but Ava’s smile softens. The backs of her fingers stroke gently against the inside of Lilith’s wing, and Lilith swallows; it’s too slow, too tender for a moment such as this, a moment that would very much be stained quick with the flash of steel and blood.
They’re interrupted by a cheerful ding! from the computer, and Ava gives a quiet whoop in celebration at the fully green progress bar. She tugs the thumb-drive out and tosses it up, snatching it out of the air and placing it securely in her pocket, right as the heavy oak doors blast open. Flashlights from guns sweep back and forth as they go searching, searching; the beams don’t find them, not yet. The Director’s office is luxurious in its square footage, but there’s only so much area to cover, only so much time before they’re found. 
Ava adjusts her cap so that it’s bill-backwards before she unsheathes her sword in one smooth, practiced motion. The blue glow of it plays across the contours of her face; it coaxes the shadows to settle above the arches of her brows, between the seam of full lips, behind the firm architecture of her nose. Her cheekbones cut sharp, her teeth glint with hunger, and Lilith thinks she’s never more beautiful than in moments like these – seconds away from a fight, where Lilith can almost taste the energy and anticipation radiating off of Ava’s skin, the thrum of it sharp and sweet in the air. 
She licks her lips. “Exfil?”
Ava looks over as she crouches in place, ready. She looks excited. She looks good. “We’ll make our own way out, Lil, you and me. Now, let’s show these guys exactly who they’re messing with.”
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