#cam & Marcie
dirtyriver · 1 year
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"Life's a Ball!", preview of Archie 1000 Page Comics Prestige, by Dan Parent (script and pencils) and Jim Amash (inks)
About that last panel: yeah Jughead's fallen victim to the modern version of the bystander effect, but don't worry about Betty and Veronica, they know how to deal with sharks.
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iamknicole · 1 year
@annoyedkayah2395 still working on the fic
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leporellian · 10 months
Fuck it. Opera dashboard simulator
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🐲 fafner Follow
hey whichever one of you left a tenor with a sword outside my lair can you come get him like i guess he's kind of fun to watch on the doorbell cam but he won't shut the fuck up
#i did not kill my brother and morph into a dragon to deal with this shit man
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🦉 troubadoursma Follow
I need to vent to you guys about something that happened to me sorry
(warning: child kidnapping/death, burning, etc)
Read more
🍭 rosinethegingerbreadwitch Follow
You know you can use roasted baby in a lot of really good recipes if you want to salvage the situation
🦉 troubadoursma Follow
What the fuck
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🦜 dervogel-fanger Follow
i think i'm getting desperate lol are any of my mutuals single and fem-identifying and down for a committed relationship? if your special interest is birds too that's a big plus. dm me if interested
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🌞 suntemple-official Follow
I'm gonna be real we've been kind of hatefollowing that vogelfanger acct for a while and we're losing it over his recent posts... 'are any of my mutuals single' DO YOU HEAR YOURSELFFF - Mod S
🌌 star-blazing-queen Follow
(unblocking you just to talk about this sorry) FOR REAL i get commissions from him so i have to follow him but he's so fucking annoying like just die already dude please
🌞 suntemple-official Follow
No offense I thought you were the worst user on this site but then I saw him and thought Actually no she's not that bad - Mod S
🦜 dervogel-fanger Follow
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🛡️ herodsoldier54 Follow
the one day i skip work and its the day our boss's stepdaughter went insane stripped for him and then made out with a decapitated head in front of everybody 😭😭😭😭
#my coworkers had to kill her and everything?????
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🌺 la-tosca Follow
🌺 la-tosca Follow
🌺 la-tosca Follow
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🏵️ deverteallure Follow
The legal system here is so shit I'm gonna have to hire my fucking ex to be my lawyer. Fucking hate living in Seville man
#marcy speaks #also my ex really hates the defendant which i guess is really funny #for some reason they kind of look a little alike??? if you squint
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🦢 lohengrin Follow
kids these days dont know anything about online safety
🎇 wotanswilddaughter Follow
Bro isnt your url just your real name
🦢 lohengrin Follow
You didnt see that .
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💃 lahabanera Follow
Here can you guys fill this out for me stat
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🌊 sentaaaaa Follow
I want that ghost man carnally
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🐇 ilcatalogoilquesto Follow
So fucking tired of my terrible boss/roommate/crush maybe?/abuser hes being so fucking annoying rn. Wish i didnt have to deal with him
🐇 ilcatalogoilquesto Follow
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shamelessrabbithole · 5 months
Alrighty. Now that Cam has posted about the completion of principal photography of his film, I'll share some bts I found with you guys. He posted just now from Texas, so there's a chance I have some of this wrong, but I don't think so considering the timelines. Anyway, it was fun to follow along and I'm very curious to see if I got any or all of this right.
So, first, after he announced the two main stars (Kelli Burgland and Sash Jorden), I completely accidently stumbled on a bts shot posted by his DP, AJ Murphy. The shot of him (Cam) in front that Panavision sign is from the Panavision camera rental agency in Hollywood.
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I followed the crewmembers and it appeared to be that they were headed for the desert. And, indeed, this was corroborated when stunt coordinator Eddie Perez posted from Lancaster, California. However, what I learned is that it wasn't some random stretch of land. It was a filming location called Rocky Buttes.
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At the same time, I noticed several of Cam's friends who follow the Foxbody instagram page had also been making their own pilgrimages into the desert. With what appeared to be the intention of filming something.
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And, in fact, the rainbow that Eddie Perez captured was featured in the posts of several others. Note, also, that the shack in his photo is visible in Pam's sunglasses photo as well. 👇🏻
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After the desert, they went back to Los Angeles and, I'm pretty sure, hit a prop rental place before going to their next filming destination. You can see that the logo for this place is visible in Pam's second rainbow picture, below. 👇🏻
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After this, the crew went to what I think is the coolest location of all which is a place called Cinepacks Studios. They have a whole environment of staged locations, including a really interesting area called "Tiny Tokyo," made to look like gritty city streets at night. Check out their website for a little video tour of the place. It's awesome.
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They even have this insane vending machine that sells snacks and filmmaking items for crew members.
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I was hoping to see more or at least get additional confirmation of the information I'd been learning, but then the steadicam guy posted using a "movie finale" track, so I got the sense that maybe it was through.
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And, now that Cam has made his post, I have the confirmation that they've completed their journey. There's a side-view mirror in the first pic 👇🏻which indicates a car and possibly a body shop, which tracks with the name of the movie, Foxbody, which is a type of Ford Mustang. More of that scenery is visible in the the pic above 👆🏻 with the hashtag: inspiration.
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I have no other clues as to what this film might be about, but we do know it will have stunts (because he hired a stunt coordinator), a desert component, and likely some kind of nighttime/gritty street vibe or seedy motel thing happening, because those are the kinds of sets available at Cinepacks. He also hired Madison Olandt, a choreographer that he just began following as well as an intimacy coordinator named Marci Liroff. So... that's what I got for ya, folks! 🎞️
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fallenlightsif · 1 year
Who would the cast in FL get along with best from your other games?
(Here's the resend!!)
Asdksjdhj I’ll answer the ask under the correct one this time!
Florian: Would get along so well with Viktor from @disenchantedif tbh. They’re both very soft and love their friends with their whole hearts, very protective at their cores.
Marcella: Tbh she’d get along well with Luci from @disenchantedif just because they have similar trauma related to their families, but Marcie escaped way sooner. I think she’d help them realize that there’s light at the end.
That or Niy from @reapersbayif simply because Niy is a pirate and therefore has a boat.
E: Surprisingly enough, Kai from @reapersbayif. Kai would kill E’s family for them to jumpstart the healing process and would try and understand E’s quirks and difficulties on a deeper level than most, I think.
Ari: Amri from @disenchantedif because she respects the integrity and understands the pain of your family not accepting who you want to become. She’d totally help them right a tell-all exposé.
Dimitri: He would beat sense into Cam from @theunseelieif with a hammer but after that they’d be good friends.
Would also get along well with Kendall from @theunseelieif because they have similar anxieties of being unloveable. They’d hate themselves with insisting the other should live themselves and not see the irony in it at all.
Orion: Has to be Kiran from @theunseelieif. Orion’s biggest fear is betrayal and Kiran would rather cut off their own arm than betray a friend. Kiran would also hug Orion, which he sorely needs.
Rowan: Mica from @reapersbayif because they’re an academic but in a much softer way than Rowan, and I think ultimately Rowan would want to protect that softness in a way Rowan themselves was never protected.
Kira: Would absolutely love Mari from @reapersbayif! Someone give Kira a gun and the game will be over in one chapter lmfao. For real though, Mari and Kira is a friendship match made in hell and they’ll wreck everyone. Mari with fae magic at their disposal? Someone call a medic.
Cier: Aub from @theunseelieif because they enjoy similar brands of chaos. That or Theo from @disenchantedif because…again, similar brands of chaos. Those three could fuck shit up.
Ilaria: Probably Josie from @theunseelieif because Josie would snap her out of her self destructive spirals and Ilaria would kill someone for her vampire bestie.
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So have you thought about making a comic of what Anne, Sasha, and Marcy would do at a Baseball Game when they see the kissing camera on them?
I think I saw some ppl doing kiss cam stuff of them after the baseball chibi short came out, idr.
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duckit7 · 1 year
Online Dating Can Be Hard 15
Spicy week this week! I have a couple more chapters I'm gonna try to get out this week! Enjoy. And as always with my work there is some strong language used.
I let out a long sigh as I stood from my seat by the gate. I guess now was as good of a time as any to conduct preflight. I showed the gate agent my badge and within seconds I was running through the usual checklist with my first officer.
“Good afternoon!” A cheery little voice spoke from well below me. I looked down to find a parvus flight attendant. This was a mixed flight so her presence didn’t surprise me.
“Afternoon!” I replied warmly. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good! Beautiful day to go flying! I’ve also never been to the cities so I’m excited to finally see them!” she exclaimed. She was a cute little thing. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a professional bun. Every inch of her uniform seemed to be well put together as did she.
“Well, I’m happy to welcome you to the cities then! When we get there I mean.” I said with a smile. “I’m Kate by the way.”
“Sara!” She tossed back.
She was a very quizzical woman. During the flight when there were lulls, she would come and chat with me in the cockpit. She wasn’t really supposed to do this but it didn’t bother the first officer or I so we let her stay for a couple of minutes before she would return to her passengers.
She asked about the parvus scene in the cities and I told her about my parvus friends. I didn’t know I had talked mainly about Cam till Sara let out a little chuckle and asked, “Are you two dating?”
My face immediately turned a deep red as I looked away. Images of Cam in his tux flooded back into my mind. The way he looked at me. The look in his eye. Was it desire?
“Nah. We are just friends.” I said hoping to not give my real feelings away.
“So this Cam character is single?” she asked haphazardly.
I nodded. “Yep. How he is still baffles me too.” I said with a laugh.
“Do you know what he is up to tonight by chance? I would love to meet up with some local parvuses.” She said with a smile.
“Well Cam, Sal and Marcy are coming over to my place for game night tonight. It’s not the downtown scene you are looking for but you are more than welcome to join if you would like.” I said trying to be nice. Deep down, though, I hoped she would pass on the offer and just go downtown.
My heart tightened as she said sweetly, “I would love to join you!”
Well duck. How bad can it be? She seems nice. Maybe it will be fun with her around tonight I tried to tell myself.
Tonight was game night at Kate’s place and I was excited! I had my master plan already. We would have a great night playing games. Everyone would go home and I would be left with Kate. She would walk me home like usual. I would confess my love to her under the streetlights. It was going to be perfect!
I was basically buzzing as I walked up the stairs to her apartment. Cresting the top I rang the doorbell as usual and waited for my blue eyed beauty to answer. Like clockwork the door opened to reveal Kate. She immediately took a knee and we went through our usual dance of her saying hello and grabbing my jacket before offering me a beer which I always said yes to. Lilith then greeted me in her little wiggle butt way.
The dance was thrown off, though, when a parvus woman I did not know rounded the corner and beelined for me. She wore skin-tight jeans and a crop top that showed off her nice form. “You must be Cam!” She exclaimed as she came up and gave me a big hug which threw me off. She was shorter than me by a couple of millimeters. Definitely be someone mom would love for me I mentally chuckled as I tried to cope with the odd situation.
“Ugh… Hi. Do I know you?” the confusion plain as day in my voice. I didn’t know whether to hug her back or not so I voted for not.
“Oh I should probably introduce myself. I’m Sara. I have heard so much about you and I’m really excited to meet you! Kate and I flew together today and she told me all about you and invited me over!” Sara’s voice was bubbly as ever.
Kate was talking about me at work today?! My heart fluttered at the thought. A weird feeling struck me, though. Why did Kate invite Sara though? And why was Sara so excited to see me?
“Well looks like you two met already.” Kate’s voice from behind pulled me from my thoughts. I turned to see her take a knee not too far away. She handed me my beer with a warm smile.
“Yes Ma’am!” Sara was practically giddy. She then covered her mouth with the back of her hand to try to block her words as she said, “And he is way more handsome in person. Your words do him no justice.” She added a wink at the end for a touch.
“That he is.” Kate chuckled before smiling down at me.
I was so confused what was going on, but couldn’t dwell much on it as Sal and Marcy started to yell at us to hurry up. Kate gave both Sara and I a ride to the table where Sara proceeded to sit way too close to me all night. As the night went on Sara tried harder and harder to make more advances. I tried my hardest to be nice because I didn’t want to seem rude to a parvus that Kate invited over.
As the night progressed though, my irritation rose. Kate was just letting this woman do all of this to me and didn’t once try to stop her. Was this not eating Kate up like it was me? Did Kate not care about me the way I cared for her? Is Kate trying to set me up with this girl or something? Is that why she invited her over and told her all about me beforehand…
I shoved down the hurt and tried to put on a happy face. I didn’t want to be the one to ruin game night. After everyone had their fill of games and decided it was best to go home, I found myself alone with Kate and Sara. Kate had been quiet all night and barely interacted with me at all. Sara dragged me to the door and half asked half demanded I walk her back to her hotel room because she ‘didn’t know the city well and needed a strong man to protect her.’ My mom would have killed me if I told a tipsy woman I would not walk her home, so I said yes.
Kate said nothing as she stood on. Kate had never seemed so distant as she did towering feet above my tiny form. Did she really not care at all? Was she really ok with me walking another woman home? A woman that was flirting with me all night. A woman who for sure wanted to sleep with me. I wanted her to say something as she handed me my jacket, but all I got was an emotionally disconnected, “Please be safe on your way home.”
That was it. The straw that broke the camel’s back and split my heart in two. Kate didn’t care about me. Not in the same way I cared about her. How stupid I was to think someone like Kate, a human, could ever love me. She was just trying to set me up this whole time. To get me out of her hair. She probably knew I had feelings and tried to deflect them onto someone else. That’s why she invited Sara over. That’s why she told Sara all about me. That’s why she let Sara flirt with me all night. I really was pathetic for thinking Kate and I could have been something more than friends.
I had a feeling Sara might be trouble from the start, but never imagined it was going to be that bad. Watching her all over Cam crushed me. I just wanted to pick her up and toss her out the window. From the very start she was hiding in the shadows, waiting to ambush Cam. And I could do nothing but stand by and watch as she worked her magic on him.
Cam never pushed her away. Even as her advances grew more bold he just let it happen. If I would have known it was going to be this bad I would have worn a mouth guard to protect my poor teeth from all the grinding. I wanted to be that crazy human who kicked her out without hesitation. But that would have been terrifying for everyone. A colossal crazy picking up a parvus and tossing her into the street because she was flirting with the parvus I was in love with… Definitely not ok…
What made it wall worse was I think Cam liked her back. Again, he never seemed to push her away. He even said yes when she asked if he would walk her home… Maybe I am crazy. Maybe this whole time while I thought Cam liked me, he actually was waiting for his small and cute parvus woman to come along. I was just a place holder until someone more acceptable came into his life. Who was I kidding… Cam was a parvus and I was a human. No parvus wanted a human looming over them. Especially not a fine parvus like Cam.
I wanted to slam my head into a wall for being such a fool. For thinking we could have been more than friends. Now I questioned if we could even continue being friends…
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thehungrysimmer · 2 months
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Taking a break from skating, Poppy found a bench and checked her texts. She and Finn had been texting quite a bit the last few weeks. She was also becoming fast friends with Marci, who had just texted her about a party.
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Poppy was so lost in her phone that she didn’t notice her dad sit next to her.
“Hey, Muffin,” he said. “We’re thinking of heading to the arcade. It’s a little too hot to be outside today.”
“Actually, dad. Is it okay if I don’t go?”
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“There’s a party at the Bluffs and Marci invited me,” she explained further.
“Can’t believe my girls are old enough for parties,” Cam said sheepishly. “You can go, but on one condition. Shower before you go. Your sweat overlay is showing.”
Poppy laughed. “Deal. Thanks, dad!”
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t00nyah · 2 years
2ns one: post-canon au things i love post-canon aus.
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sasha: here. thought you might like it. (shows grime her jacket *emotional grime cam*
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newt moms meet marce again... and yulivia sleeping LOL. i thought it would be funny if marcy lived with them 'cause they have two beds because yunan wanted a top bed and then she just. kept getting out of bed to snuggle with her wife. and now marcy gets yunan's bed.
scars: part 1
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Marcy: I...uh...I'd actually like to change alone.
scars: part 2 (there's a little of sasha in underwear bc she's changing so!! under cut!!)
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Marcy: That's a nasty scar, Sashy... Marcy: ...Sorry for bringing it up, I just...Does it hurt? Sasha: ... Sasha: ... Sasha: ...Not really. Don't worry, Mar-mar.
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theiloveyousong · 2 years
25!!! I MEANT 25!!! IGNORE THAT!!
okay okay okayyyyy
chip- @curious-georg
leaf- @thursdaybluez
marcy- @cam-stopped-eating-candles
logainne- @undescribed1mage
olive- me!
barfee- @madwickedawesome
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quenthel · 2 years
💔🛑🔞???? omg im so sorry i didnt see that u were doing these
Hii Ella hiii <3
💔: any hated npcs?
uhhh honestly even the annoying ones I have a fondness for bc they are like... interestingly mean or it makes sense for them etc etc what makes me hate characters if they are stupidly written and with THAT I really hate the battlebliss guy (Irmangaleth or whatever his name is) and the aasimar guy in the abyss he can eat a dick. Also my god the trickster king guy and Socothbenoth i hate those guys
🛑: least favourite quest, or a quest you refuse to complete?
Blackwater and the Fallout reference quest. They are both boring/fustrating AND give no loot at the end. For non-backer content that one puzzle w the treant lost lands or whatever that place is called and the heart of mystery shit bc its too long... cool story beat and we learn more abt my friend Storyteller but experiencing it once was enough lol
🔞: do you have any nsfw headcanons, either for ocs or canon characters?
oh my god i have some... under the cut (also i have a lot to ramble abt sfdgfsdhf)
Ok first abt my ocs:
Bell has a lot of negative connotations w intimacy in general bc of the cult he was in and also towards sex since most of his sexual partners in the cult did die in childbirth (the whole glippothspawn deal). So he is almost scared to have sex with people and tries to live in a way where he does not do it a lot while also struggling with his own desires that he cant properly communicate or cultivate because intimacy is just too wrapped in for him in sex and death (like he finds casual hugs strange etc, very touch starved and isolated). He was also forced a lot into a more dominant role during that time and during the Cam romance he was forced into that again and he did it but he simply just does NOT enjoy that sort of stuff at all but he still needs an outlet etc. Thats why his romance and sexual life with Nocticula works better bc she is the one holding the reins and he cant possibly hurt her bc she is powerful and strong and his equal and likeness etc.
Cass is similar since she was also isolated and affection starved as a child but she was also trained to use intimacy and sexuality as a weapon almost to keep herself in the good graces of her superiors (she was in a s/m "relationship" with some priestesses of Asmodeus who were her employers). She does enjoy exploring that power dynamic tho but she has a hard time being intimate and soft without bringing sex into it so her love w Wendu starts with both of them almost hate fucking eachother a lot lol. Then she opens up and learns to be soft and teaches Wendu along the way and they start to care about each other more deeply its very nice.
Marci is just ig very sexful (high sex drive) and while she is generally very well composed and stable that can cause issues with her. She probably has a lot of casual sex. Like I was thinking abt her having sex w Sister Kerismei (the woman from Woljif's quest), one of her army generals (the elf lady), and having a few lovers in Drezen too. She and Arue can bond over that too while she is in horny jail.
Masha is also pretty horny and she has sex with people before feeding on them (i know...). I had an idea for a scene where Lann catches her doing it and he is so crushed bc the girl he likes is fucking other ppl and eating them but they talk it out. She also probably gets it down a bit w Cam (her bicurios moment) and they drink blood together (weirdo besties for like 2 seconds) before Masha offs her (by sucking her dry) in the Abyss (sorry Cam).
Tessa is generally very chaste and she is more focused on the intimacy sex provides. Not the type of person who feels desire a lot. Also she has some baggage after being a Nocticula worshipper around sex bc she used her beauty and sex appeal a lot to hurt others and she prefers having relationships that are no longer centered around that.
Duncan is just chill. He has no isses anymore, he had many long term relationships in his time. He is like 40 also and he had a wild time being a teen/young adult around sexuality but its like mostly behind him. Like in the relationship w Daeran he is clearly the more well composed and at peace one so Daeran is just going trough it trying to untagle the mess of his emotions while Duncan is just there supporting him, hanging out and smoking weed lmfao.
For canon characters I mostly have thoughts of Woljif, Lann, Wendu and Daeran... less nsfw headcanonc and more of an interpretation of their characters bc i am insane
Like Daeran very clearly cant separate affection and being horny so he always tries to sleep with people he cares about and is attracted to thats why he goes so hard for the commander lmao. He is probably a good lover tho but he has issues. Lann is probably very worried about everything and lets his insecurities show and is generally stiff in those situations so its very awkward. But once he gets over that he has a fucking job to do. Wendu cant separate pain and pleasure properly AND she probably has that specific issue where she does not let herself want casual intimacy and soft affection bc she convinces herself tht she does not need it so she is all sexhorny instead and tries to channel her frustration into that. She is also probably very unhealthy in the S/M relationship too like type of sub who wont rly talk abt boundaries or safewords or shit which causes issues. True love Wendu however learns that those are important and gets better at communication so there is more aftercare.
OK with Woljif... Its less about his sexual habits but his connection towards sexuality ig bc he gets no action very clearly. He is bisexual tho but he is also very insecure and never have been loved. He kind of strikes me as a Denji Chainsawman type character who wants to be loved and cared for but he is also a horny young adult (instead of being a teen like Denji) so he probably conceptualizes those wishes as "omg i need to have sex" instead of him needing love and care yk.
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rafiwashere · 6 days
The Mural Chronicles: Imposter Syndrome, Paint Fumes, and Magic in the Air
Let me set the scene for you. The place? Our beloved Oil City Library, which just so happens to be one of the reasons Klee and I fell head over heels for this town. And then magic happened! It cam out beautiful! Also, more exciting news to come!
Let me set the scene for you. The place? Our beloved Oil City Library, which just so happens to be one of the reasons Klee and I fell head over heels for this town. It was like a magnet for our creative souls, and when Marcy—my awesome friend, phenomenal artist, and co-owner of the local gem Woods and River—approached me with a mural project for this very library, how could I say no? Spoiler…
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ladyceej · 1 year
Remastered Music Under CeeJ List
I got some likes on one of my old music posts and decided, I really need to redo that master list. So right now I'll have it linked to the original tumblr posts, but also youtube posts. The Youtube post have the added bonus of illustrations or even sometimes the actual recording of me on stage, depending on where the audio came from. And the ones that just have youtube posts, will eventually get their own tumblr posts. Trying to decide if I should redo the old tumblr posts? I don't like the lack of volume control on tumblr. I dunno, we'll see...
Gonna put the Newer Recordings up First, because they're better:
"My Frankenstien" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) from DeadEnd: Paranormal Park - Home Recording Setup
"Monster" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) from Adventure Time - Home Recording Setup
"I'm the Bad Guy" (On Tumblr)-(Not Currently on Youtube) From Wonder Over Yonder - Home Recording Test (I might rerecord this one)
"Little Monster" (on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) by Royal Blood - Karaoke Recording 
"Sex and Candy" (On Tumblr)-(Currently not on Youtube) Marcy’s Playground - Karaoke Recording 
"Supertime" (On Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Little Shop of Horrors - Security Cam Recording 
"Time Warp" (On Tumblr)-(On Youtube) The Rocky Horror Show - Security Cam Recording
"I Know You Don’t Love Me" (On Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Caro Emerald / Lana DelRey - Fund Raiser
"Dream A Little Dream" (On Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Mama Cass Eliot - Fund Raiser 
"Feed Me/Go Git It" (On Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Little Shop of Horrors - Security Cam Recording
"Suddenly Seymour" (on Tumblr)- Little Shop of Horrors - Karaoke ft. Preston (not from the show I was in) - This one isn't going to have a Youtube version.
"Sominex / Suppertime Reprise" (On Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Little Shop of Horrors -  Security Cam Recording
"Be my Girl" (On Tumblr)-(Not Currently on Youtube) Jet  - Karaoke Recording
"Science Fiction Double Feature" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Rocky Horror Show  -  Security Cam Recording
"Science Fiction Reprise" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Rocky Horror Show  -  Security Cam Recording
"Do you Wanna Touch?" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Joan Jett and the Blackhearts  - Karaoke Recording 
"Hot Patootie" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Rocky Horror Show - Security Cam recording (2012, first stage show and it’s not that great of quality)
"Spaceship/Time Warp Reprise" (Not Currently on Tumblr)-(On Youtube) Rocky Horror Show -  Security Cam Recording
Maybe coming Soon?:
No Matter What - Badfinger  - Karaoke Recording
I have a list of songs I'd like to record on my set up, but I'm open to music suggestions as well.
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cavefairy · 1 year
marcy ??? drawing ocs AND not just stupid sona doodles ??? insane who wouldve thought
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cam wip,,, dont mind the violent purple thats just the background color i use when ive got light colors to fill in
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shamelessrabbithole · 25 days
I wonder how Madison feels about this whole photography situation and if we will get to see them interacting again soon
Well, assuming they’re in a relationship, keep in mind, she choreographed his dance scene with Kelli Berglund. They kiss during it and there’s definitely a love scene in the movie too because Marci Liroff was hired to do the intimacy coordination for it.
I can only figure that Madison, who is routinely touched and lifted by men in her own dance routines, wouldn’t be too upset by anything Cam might do in the name of artistic expression.
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theoracleofgiana · 1 year
Flower Friends
(Lampa Cafe, Amore)
When Marcie brought the idea of meeting the Dummies to Christine, she had been so excited. Now, Christine was so nervous. Her anxiety and thoughts speed up. What was she thinking? She's a guard. She's supposed to be confident and respected. Yet, she's a bundle of nerves in front of the cafe. She's wearing her favorite flowy magenta dress and a flower crown of jonquils and hawthorns. She looked so pretty and nothing like a guard should. They'll think she's weird or worse. 
After reminding herself she was doing it for Marcie, Christine slowly steps into the cafe. She's greeted by Marcie, who wraps her in a hug. Emil is behind the counter washing glasses while Brooklynn talks to him. Christine walks, more accurately dragged, over to where they are. Emil smiles at the girl while Brooklynn looks at her suspiciously. A loud crash comes from near them, and they all see Camillia trying to clean up a broken cup. "Sorry," She says as she attempts to pick up the broken glass. Emil swats at her head, making the girl look at him confused. "Cam, you don't need to do that. I'll clean it up later," Emil tells the girl before glancing at Christine. "Besides, we have a guest." Camillia seems to understand and stands up. She moves to hug Marcie and holds her hand out to Christine. They shake, and Camillia rubs the back of her neck. "I like your crown. Jonquils can mean a desire for affection to be returned, and Hawthorns are known for hope," Camillia tells Christine sheepishly. Christine stares at the demon with wide eyes. "You know flower language?" Christine doesn't mean for her voice to sound so skeptical. Camillia curls in on herself a bit. "Yeah, I really like flowers," She says. "I own a flower shop," Christine says with a slight blush. "That sounds awesome," Camillia perks up a bit. The two chat about flowers while Marcie moves to talk with the others. 
"Is this why you didn't want them to meet?" Emil can't resist teasing Marcie. "A bit. I was more worried that they would be rivals," Marcie responds with a fond look. Brooklynn has a soft smile but doesn't say anything. "Well, I'm glad Christine's making new friends either way," Emil nods in agreement with Marcie's words. "Perhaps, Chris can help Cam grow some flowers," Emil says as Marcie startles. "The plot out back has been empty for a while." Marcie shakes off the shock of Emil nicknaming Christine already. Brooklynn hums and seems to agree with Emil's idea. Camillia and Christine seem oblivious to their friend's plans. The two are in their own world of flowers. 
(A/n: The Flower Duo, Camillia and Christine. They both are seen as scary or mean and both just aren't. They're very sweet and caring. Christine definitely helps Camillia with growing flowers. I enjoy this friendship duo so much. I hope you enjoyed and have a fantastical day!)
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