#calling you friend bc im yaz now
imagine if yaz had given the doctor clothes from her own closet
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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730hcck · 1 year
[ @itsyazmin ]
contact: yaz ✨
( sent ): i’n drunk, only god knniws wjere i aum, i htink im either e;thinkgin toi hard or ium having a heat struhjoke andn i known i fucked up
( sent ): i fucjed up the nonent the words left my mourh when you came uo to talk to me in the ljen fir the batgriom nad i mase youi wlak away grom me
( sent ): i fucke f uo the moment i didn’t just ask yiu to the party
( sent ): it was going tk be after my match on wednesday
( sent ): we were jb fhe trainers, rnemeber?
( sent ): i wa sholding ur habd, u were hilding uo an ice oakc ti me
( sent ): but when i nws gonna do it, you alreaydv said someone ekse asked yiu
( sent ): but that’s not reh inly time i fucked up
( sent ): i fucjmed up when j djdn’t kiss you at the mall
( sent ): wheb you grabbed my chin and yurned my head when j was lookjgn at us ib the mirror
( sent ): i shoudka kissed you an dtokd you nkt to go to the psrty with dom
( sent ): and be my date instemmmmed
( sent ): or at the djne r
( sent ): at ass o’clock in the mkrnjng - waking up early eveb though i’m nkt a morning person bc i didn’t wan tt o miss out on breakfast wirh you
( sent ): i shoild a just ignored that loud ass ugky ass bitch ass waitress who was far too happy on a morning
( sent ): or the nghtt at the club
( sent ): i dont remenber what happened after tbra asshole showed uo
( sent ): but j should have kissed you then
( sent ): at any point i shiudn shave kissed you
( sent ): ir that night i chdkdled you
( sent ): when you turne dalrind and i soooned yiu
( sent ): i shoukd gav turned y around and kissed your worries away
( sent ): or maybe that very first not-date. battlebsip
( sent ): i shoukd ahve told you i don’t car e what haooens to ys in the future - whether you’d “ruin” me ot nkt
( sent ): becaus e thatms a risk i’n willing to take if it means i get to know you
( sent ): but we bith didn’t expect that i’d be the one to ruin you, huh?
( sent ): i’ve been wanting to kiss you since that very first night.
( sent ): i think about kissing you all the time.
( sent ): would you have let me kiss you? did you want me to kiss you all those times?
( sent ): i’m sorry i suck at being just friends with you
( sent ): i’m sorry i let my jealousy blind me and treat you like shit today - you’re free to be with whoever you want. i guess seeing dom calling you his date had fucjifn blindsided me kien crazy even thi i alreaydvjnew you were comjng with him
( sent ): coming because of him. becayse be asked you, nkt me. becays e im always nksising the timjngs ont ehse things and now i’ve lost you.
( sent ): imn sorry it toon me so long to accept my own feelings and huritbg yours in the orocess
( sent ): the fucking doubeld stabdsrds are crayz and imm dk sorry evvayse you don’t deserve shit ljen that and i shouldnnt have been jeakous in the first when all i do is think with my dicke
( sent ): i’ll leave u alroen now, i hust saw your posts in the dashb and it’s oretty obvjous you din’t want me aroudn anymore
( sent ): but jf you want tk talk, just look uo at the stars ans talk to them
( sent ): i’m looking up at the stars and telling them all about my favorite person
( sent ): all about you
( sent ): and how much better you deserve that a dude who can’t even recognize his nown feldkngs of jealousy and resorts to ebeing a dickhead
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cosmicallyavg · 3 years
okay okay i didnt want to fully hijack someone else’s post but i saw this ask 
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and these tags in a reblog of the ask from @inlovewithanathemadevice 
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and imagined up something really heartbreaking so im gonna write it for you all to see 🥲
so all i can think is how it can be like a direct parallel to when ten carried donna to her doorstep and just the sad "help me" when wilf opened the door?? okay hear me out  
like the doctor gets hurt somehow and knows shes dying so she tells yaz to get away so she can find somewhere safe since theyre away from the tardis.
(maybe dan is there as well? but i kinda imagine this whole scenario to be with no dan?? idk he can be there too if he wants its not that big of a deal i just dont want to have to juggle more characters if i dont have to) (like idk if he’d really do much other than support yaz through the aftermath but i digress)
yaz absolutely will not leave the doctor and will not have any of her nonsense and drags her back to her family's flat because they're close by despite the doctor’s protests - she hopes no one is home because how would she explain what's going on, she hardly even knows what's going on
she's fumbling with the key trying to get the door open but najia hears the commotion and opens the door to yaz sobbing and the doctor looking in a bad way. theres a beat where she just stands in silence, unsure what to do.
yaz is confused, upset, panicking. she’s maybe a bit more harsh with her mum than she normally would be
“either help me or get out of the way, mum”
obviously najia lets them in but she hasn't seen yaz in a year or so and wants to demand explanation but also her daughter’s weird friend probably needs medical attention. yaz insists she not call an ambulance and that everything will be okay but clearly not because the woman looks like she's dying
they guide the doctor to the sofa, neither of them know what to do. but the doctor is trying to explain everything, how she is actively dying and is going to change. how it’s very dangerous and destructive and she shouldnt be in their flat, but more importantly that neither of them should be this close when the regeneration actually happens.
yaz’s mum doesn’t even know the doctor is an alien, all of this information just sounds like a bunch of nonsense, but yaz insists she will explain when everything is over, but right now isn’t a good time obviously
the doctor gives her best attempt at a speech, thanking yaz for everything she's done and how she's helped her grow etc etc. she tells najia she raised a wonderful woman who is smart and brave etc etc. in which she still doesn't get any explanation on who the doctor is/what she is/how yaz knows her/what their relationship is like. 
the doctor knows its coming, she tells everyone to back away and yaz of course refuses, but i think a callback to arachnids where yaz tells her mum that she "owes the doctor her life a few times over" would be super heartbreaking so im going to include it
"yaz you don't owe me your life, you don't owe me anything but please don't make me push you away again. please just get away."
people want their first and only kiss to be during the doctors regeneration so that would fit here!!! obv i would love for them to kiss before this but either way you could fit a kiss in here okay.... like the doctor has admitted her admiration for yaz and its a heat of the moment thing where yaz is going to lose her so she just goes in for it??? its short and desperate and everything is bathed in a golden light (it could have similar visuals to nine’s regen 👀) and its beautiful and sad and painful. yaz has to force herself to back away just in time for the regeneration to happen
also if they kiss like right in front of najia it would be fun bc she clocked them back in series 11 and yaz denied it so hard. jfhsjfh esp if dan is there because he would literally cheer them on fsjdfjjkj
okay okay so the regeneration has happened... 
yaz didnt know what to expect but there’s literally a different person sitting in the spot the doctor was just in. she can put two and two together but that doesnt make her any less confused. new doctor says funny introduction line like always. yaz and her mum share a confused look. end of episode.
next episode we start back on the sofa, maybe some of the flat is a little destroyed but its fine, everythings fine. new doctor is high on regeneration energy, yaz and mum still super confused. new doctor starts walking around, being clumsy, etc. we get the usual hijinks where the doctor doesnt know who they are, doesnt know who their companion is, and just needs to sleep. 
yaz of course i think would react similarly to rose where she kinda doesnt believe its the doctor, but more than anything is like.. hurt and confused that this doctor is not the same as her doctor. her mum has SO MANY questions, naturally. her first of course being “did you just kiss the doctor? so i was right you ARE seeing each other.”
while the doctor sleeps somewhere, yaz and najia sit down and have a long conversation about the doctor and who she was/who they are now, why they changed, where yaz has been this whole time, etc., if we imagine dan in this scenario she would DEFINITELY ask about him.. like last time you brought your friends around there was a different old man what is this about.
like her mum deserves an explanation after so long without yaz around and why she ruined her prospects with the police for some alien who just died on their couch????? 
i really dont know how to end this but thats really only as far as im planning this in my head bc otherwise ill write a whole episode
idk just..... i am so vividly imagining this and i needed everyone to hear my thoughts. i just know the regeneration is going to be super painful regardless so i might as well make my own sad rendition. 
okay thank you for listening bye
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higheldertala · 3 years
rosa salt commentary
apologies i don’t know enough on this topic so i can’t comment on the historical accuracy of this
first of all why the fuck is chibnall here? what the fuck does a white man have to say about the 1950s american civil rights movement that a black woman couldn’t say on her own. this is not your story to tell chibnall
out of the 4 episodes written by pocs, 3 of them are co-written with chibnall, idk about you but i think i would just trust these people to be able to write a script on their own. the way chibnall has to to stick his fingers in all the pies writing 75% of the stories in his era is extremely territorial.
at least they have a black director as well
according the tardis wiki this is the first episode to feature a historical figure since day of the doctor (im guessing this excludes robin hood) i actually never noticed this, that’s crazy
on iplayer there’s a subtitle which reads ‘in this episode, there are familiar prejudices to face for the doctor’s friends’ which is weirdest fucking content warning ive seen. like im not expert but surely you’d put something like ‘this episode contains themes of racism’
it’s very funny that it’s still the doctor that initiates going outside to have look, rather than any of the companions being enthusiastic that they’re actually in a time machine. again none of them give any motivation why they wish to travel with the doctor
pet peeve of mine is when the companions don’t dress in periodic clothing, that’s part of the fun!! i don’t think they do at all this season which is super disappointing
hey remember when a series ago the doctor full on floors a racist bc he dared insult bill, now the doctor immediately submits ‘we don’t want any trouble’ jc how far we have fallen
its really awful how they treat ryan as being in wrong. when rosa asks ‘are you crazy?’ the doctor doesn’t even defend ryan she just tries to excuse it with ‘we’re from out of town’
omg once again, ryan and yaz experience racism and the doctor just completely rolls over, someone call 12, this is an embarrassment.
‘shut up graham i don’t care that you’re hungry’ honestly this running joke of not letting graham eat isn’t funny, it just makes it look like the doctor is really inconsiderate and bad at looking after their companions. again why would you want to travel with this woman???
they continue on like graham is in the wrong. no he isn’t, he needs to fucking eat, that’s not an immoral thing
i just thought i should tally the amount of times the doctor uses the sonic, okays so we’re are at 4
the doctor is really hostile to graham, he raised reasonable concern that there might be a weapon in the bag and the doctor so snarky towards him
honestly the doctor looking at the bag whilst the rest of them stand behind her really shows their dynamic for the whole of this, it also just looks very unnatural
well at least space racist can’t aim
god chibnall really can’t do any way to do exposition without just word vomiting to audience
i hate 13’s interrogation technique where she just asks question after question whilst the antagonist replies to none of them
im sorry but what group of people stand like that??
‘ma’am still can’t get use to that’ you know the doctor doesn’t have to identity as woman, they can identity as any gender they wish. The way the doctor’s gender is treated is so cis-centric. the doctor never discusses their gender and how they wish to be addressed, they just treat it as because a female actress is playing the doctor, the doctor would automatically identify as a woman which is just completely untrue!! would these writers like to take a gender theory class???
‘i did not warm to him’ yeah no shit he’s a cop
ah yaz’s ‘not all cops’ line, no wonder she’s people’s fave so inspirational
‘i can be a police officer now so I can now go and oppress other people’ ah yes equality
i still can’t believe when yaz is talking about race and questioning where she could sit the doctor just straight up says fuck all
wow these are some really close closeups
‘You’re living in the past’ um racism was still bad then. it’s not the idea that racism ‘belongs’ in the past it’s that it should never have existed at all
at least ryan has the guts to actually deal with villain this episode
the worst part of this is the fucking pop song they play. it doesn’t fit in with doctor who at all this isn’t the fucking cw. why not just have no music playing at all, it could just be as impactful
they just causally ignore MLK’s assassination like it didn’t happen
oh no the song’s worse the second time round
the doctor uses the sonic 8 times if anyone’s interested
i feel like rosa doesn’t get much to do (in the episode itself i mean) compared to other historical figures in their episode, most of time they actually get to join in with the adventure but idk
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uncle-spice · 7 years
89 sexy questions
1. First kiss? 7th grade at a concert at the park near my house. 💜 2. First time masturbating? Probably 8th grade when my friend goated me into buying a sex toy. 3. First sex toy? A pink 7 inch vibe First kink tried? With or without a partner? With was breathplay, and without was tying myself up. 4. First time doing oral? The summer after freshman year at my boyfriends house. 5. First time having sex? Also in the summer after freshman year at my boyfriends house 6. Biggest turn on? Probably touching of my sides or lower back.. 7. Biggest turn off? Idk long nails? Or when someone takes too long to cum 8. Quickest way to get horny? Honestly im nearly always so just lots of touching or fondling can get me there 9. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on? Probably rape bc thats pretty weird 10. Top 3 places to be touched? Sides, spine, butt 11. Ultimate fantasy? Being dominated by a hot boi who’s down for whatever. 12. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome? Eh.. i mean if they’re hot i gues, and down for making me the center of attention. 13. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? Not often. And most of the nudes i get are gross or have tic tac dicks so i usually dont bother but i do take nudies just for myself 14. Sex or masturbation? Hard choice, but probably sex. 15. Spit or swallow? It depends if im deep throating or not and what he tastes like. Either way ill probably swallow. 16. Cut or uncut dicks? Cut but i dont judge as long as its a cute boi that can use it well 17. Rough or sensual sex? A bit of both? Passionate is a better word for me. 18. Oldest person you’d sleep with? As of right now? Probably 22 19. Loud or quiet partners? Eh, depends where we are. I dont want you waking my roommates but if no ones here i wanna hear if im doing a good job or not. 20. How much foreplay do you like? As much as my partners up for 21. How much teasing do you like? A lot but not to the point where i dont get rewarded in the end.. 22. What is too big for you to take? Idfk a 18 inch horse dick? I’ve taken at the most 8 inches. 23. Do you do hookup or only sleep with a partner? 24. Partner though i wouldn’t decline a hookup 25. How much kissing do you like during sex? Lots lots lots 26. What’s the most attractive part of the body Idk I’m a big fan of legs, noses and hair 27. Favourite place to have sex? Cars or the bedroom for me. Though ive really wanted to fuck at a concert.. 28. Would you have sex in public? Depends if its a legal area, and if others are gonna be grossed out or not 29. Last place you had sex? My ex’s house 30. Where would you most like to have sex? A car or concert 31. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood? I’m usually up for spontaneous sex but if i dont feel good you better put that dick back where it came from me so help me 32. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house Probably 33. What’s your biggest kink? Idk if i can answer that but domination, breath play and roleplay are my top 3 34. What’s your limit? Weird shit like furries, shit and stuff like that. 35. Are you okay with name calling in bed? Yes yes yes. 36. Would you do any BDSM? Yessss as long as i dont die i guess 37. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up? Being tied up. 38. Favourite type of bondage? Light stuff like scarves or bandanas 39. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm? Eh sure. 40. Do you like overstimulation? Ehhhh 41. Do you like having pain involved? Yaz 42. Do you like biting/being bitten? Both both both 43. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it? Eh i made my ex beg though i really wish someone else were man enough to make me 44. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks? Eh, im sorta into water sports and choking. But thats about as far as it goes in the “extreme” category. 45. Have any roleplaying preferences? Well im super into non con. But I’m also into play a school girl/boy, I’ve done a starwars one, and maybe some daddy/son play 46. Do you own sex toys? How many? Yes and 3 not including lubes 47. Favourite Sex Toy? Probably my newer pink vibe 48. What do you masturbate to? Either music porn or my imagination i guess 49. How often do you masturbate? At the max 2 times a week 50. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate? Nearly every time 51. Do you masturbate with penetration? Yeah dood 52. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms? Usually when i have sex I’ll try going for more rounds but when it comes to masturbation if i feel satisfied ill stop. 53. Do you enjoy giving oral? Yes! I love giving oral!!! 54. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral? I prefer giving but getting it isn’t half bad either. 55. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral? Idk hearing them moan against me? 56. Do you have a preferred technique for giving oral? I like taking my time and kissing and licking and doing it real sweetly 57. Can you deepthroat? Yes but its not my facorite thing in the world to do. 58. Do you do anal? Yes! With proper build up or with toys 💜 Top or bottom? 59. As much as I’d love to be a bottom, i usually have to take over as a top bc there aren’t many guys who actually like being a top. 60. Favourite position? Idk with my legs up or doggy style 61. How often do you do unprotected sex? Nearly everytime ive had sex (i know it was dumb but i haven’t had sex in quite a while and ive learned from those mistakes) 62. How loud are you in bed? Eh im pretty noisy, but mostly loud mewling and gasps 63. Do you enjoy having nipples played with? Not really bc im trans and I’m really self conscious about my chest. 64. Do you like/dislike/love/hate cum? Love!!! 65. How good are you at dirty talk? Not.good.at.all. 66. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm? Depends. Some times im real tired but others i feel like i could run a marathon. 67. Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie? I like wearing it when im alone though I’d be way too embarrassed to wear it around my partner 68. Do you masturbate or have sex with clothes on? Yes! 69. What’s your favourite style of underwear? Boxers i guess 70. Are stockings/thigh highs a turn on? Yes! 71. Ever had somebody say no to a kink you suggested trying? Not really though one guy tried getting me to do raw anal and i noped out real quick 72. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? How do you prefer partners? Depends if im in a relationship or not. If i am i will trim if not i wont. Though i do lile my partners with some hair. 73. How many orgasms can you have in a day? Idk i never counted but more than 2 74. How many other people know your dick/bra size? Not many?? 75. What do you wear to bed? Usually a t shirt and boxers 76. Do you eat ass? Do you like having your ass eaten? No, and I’ve had my ass eaten and it wasn’t great and was kind of uncomfortable tbh 77. Try to describe how orgasm feels for you. It’s a mix between a fun burn and having to pee. 78. Have you ever been to a strip club? How was it? If not, would you? No and i probably would if i had people to go with. 79. Fun questions!Do you name your genitalia? No but if i did it’d probably be an Adam 80. What would be your stripper name? Pussy boi 81. Any funny sex stories? Well me and my ex were having sex in his swimming pool and his mom came outside and couldn’t see the lower half of me, and thought we were hugging and was like “awwwe” and i was dying bc it felt really good and i couldn’t do anything and he wouldn’t stop moving his hips. 82. What food if any would you use during sex? 83. Idk whipped cream or something i can lick off 84. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift? Yes and i have 85. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen? ET porn. Look it up and be horrified. 86. Do you often get horny in public? Yes. 87. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom? I’ve used a baseball bat and i have no regrets 88. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on? Yes by my mother and my ex’s mother but we usually pulled away close enough to make it seem like we weren’t doing anything 89. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with? Oh hell yes. Many. Though of course I’d never tell them that…
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wait hang on thinking abt this again
jasminum officinale, yasmin, national flower of pakistan, favourite of her grandmother bc first granddaugher symbol of a new life built in exotic sheffield, runs from home and family guilty in search of a challenge that would allow her to prove herself, to help someone, to be useful
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having funnn im having fun
#yaz starting this breakdown by going 'and i think im angry'#actualy i mightve edited that out i think she just says 'i hate him sometimes' now ghjfkghjg#cant have your characters say what they meannnnnnn#this is already very direct#but you gotta let them yell sometimes#especially yaz#the doctor opening this scene calling her co-pilot and telling her not to jump out of the tardis#yaz ending this scene by telling her to jump out of the tardis gfhjkghgj#'i love you dont kill yourself' -> 'i dont believe you and actually you know what. do kill yourself'#dhfkjhfgjh <3 girlies#15 in the background like fUCK#hey wait im having a language realisation here#You Who Calls The Shots. the verb agrees with........'it'. right? yeah. you is the.......i have no idea. but not the subject#fun bc i dont even notice these things..............anymore#but in french it's like 'c'est moi qui ai' and im like heyo wtf are you doing 'ai'?? fghkghj#anyway 'if im not who i thought i was'#i dont think yaz ever really bought into........like the flat team structure. bc i think she always felt that her position wasnt equal#or she wouldnt have been so angry abt it in halloween#so i dont think thats a crisis necessarily in terms of identity or position#but i do lately have her ask 'what am i' a lot to the doctor in different words#not from a place of 'i thought i was your equal and now i realise im not'#but more 'i knew i wasnt your equal but jesus am i even WORTH anything to you?'#she knew she was human vs the doctor's superhuman or supernatural a little#but now it feels like. or she feels like. maybe theres a relegation from person to.........toy :/#she knew she wasnt equal but she didnt feel replaceable necessarily#i think now she feels replaceable#not just not a friend in the doctor's eyes. but not a person in the doctor's eyes#and idk maybe thats true#idk how the doctor really thinks abt humans. i think it'd be hard for me to keep thinking of people as people when...youve known so many#maybe they become Friends instead of people
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dan and 13s relationship is funny bc, okay im definitely probably making the doctor slightly more hostile than she is/would be in canon bc of whump purpose circumstances (shes mean when shes being poisoned) however, it still is the case that they have had like, two conversations one-on-one in canon? at the end of 13x2 when theyre gonna save yaz - the extent of which is "this is a trap. we have to get yaz. do as i say" - and then eotd "she like likes you"
theres a few more where they have a conversation with other people also there. if we take those into account it's like:
1 - end of 13x1 "sorry heres your house. also im now involving you in saving the universe nope not optional sorry again"
2 - end of 13x2 "karvanista im taking your guy"
3 - still end of 13x2 "we're saving yaz. this is definitely a trap. do as i say"
4 - 13x3 "sorry youre lost in your own timestream but im fixing it dont worry"
5 - end of 13x3 "do as youre fucking told i told you to do as youre told rule 1 do as i say!!!"
*interlude where dan lives 3 years of his life in the 20th century* this would not have happened if he hadnt gone with the doctor in 13x2. becomes good friends with yaz tho. he has had well counted 5 interactions with the doctor. you can barely call them conversations. hes mostly just been ordered around. even jericho has spent more indepth time with her being stuck in that house surrounded by angels. 5 interactions. now 3 years with yaz. okay just wanted to make that clear. back to the program
6 - 13x6 "hi dan, since youve had such a great time in my blue box and also coincidentally do not have a house, wanna come spend some more time in my blue box? oh i also have yaz here that might be convincing"
7 - eotd first time dan initiates. "i'll go distract that second dalek while you two figure out how to solve all this"
8 - eotd second time dan initiates! on a roll! "she like likes you". or perhaps the more important point: "you know exactly what youre doing with her"
9 - lotsd "your clothes oh my god what are you thinking". first conversation that feels like it involves all three of them and is not two-of-them-talking-and-one-standing-by. gives a GREAT impression of the doctor-companion hierarchy at play. "yaz did you dress dan up like this??"
10 - lotsd "dont diss dan, dans my mate!" echoing yaz in eotd. another good picture of the doctor-companion hierarchy
the fic im writing is set between lotsd and potd so this is the space im interested in rn but for the sake of completeness:
11 - potd dan iniating for the third&last time: "im out ✌️"
so heres my interpretation of their relationship right. i think 13x5 is a tipping point. before 13x5 they Do Not know each other. at all. dan is barely more than another "lad who ive not even met yet". shes met dan, but thats kind of it
up to 13x5 the only interactions dan has with the doctor are being ordered around and being invited on board. this is also still true up to 13x6 but by then he has extensive secondhand experience of her through yaz
crucial that for the doctor in 13x6 wrt dan nothing has changed. he has a fairly good impression of who she is at this point, i think. their firsthand interactions on the other hand still only consist of ordering around and being invited on board
so 13x5 first flipping point. second flipping point is eotd because now dan starts iniating conversations, and not just conversations but really like kinda deep ones too. seeing as their interactions up to that point consisted of "do as i say" and "come aboard my tardis" this must really, like, threedimensionalise both of them to each other. bc so far both of their impressions of each other are mainly through yaz. dans idea of the doctor is through yaz and to the doctor i think dan is mostly just a friend to yaz
but here in eotd they start getting glimpses of each other firsthand, or at least the doctor gets some of dan, dan had already some of the doctor (see: ordered around), and i think this is why i tend to gravitate to making 13 fairly hostile toward him. it's also bc i put her in vulnerable positions where she will be more hostile to everyone, but i also can imagine he poses a bit of a threat to her. the first real thing he ever said to her was directly attacking like her main emotional defenses that shes held for 5+prison years years. i dont think she would be overtly hostile, i think she'd just make sure to keep yaz between them as a buffer, not to be in a room alone with him
similarly i cant imagine dan has all that great of an impression of her! he met her psychologically not in a great place, not exactly nice to anyone really, shes ordered him to shut up and follow more than shes had a real conversation with him, AND hes seen yaz Like That for 3 years and then the doctor Like That for a week and immediately decided to intervene. i dont think he thinks shes nice! because she hasnt really been
so the point im trying to get to is - idk if i had one but - they both have a close relationship with yaz, but i dont think theyre like, comfortable roommates necessarily. i think theyre friendly, sure, but i also think they have never really been in a room alone together. i think they keep yaz as a buffer between them and then are polite and friendly, but i dont think they like each other, actually. at all. i cant imagine they do.
and if youre thinking about scenes where the doctors vulnerable, which i do bc i like using the space between lotsd and potd to upset her, then i think they both would try to make sure that dan never has to see her in distress. like i think you could make a comparison between the scenes at the end of 11x2 where first the fam sees her super upset and then when yaz comments on it in the tardis she brushes it off and the fam kinda takes that as a boundary that they try not to cross (until like s12 comes around and it becomes almost impossible bc things are so obviously wrong) AND the scenes in eotd where first dan is like "do something about yaz" and then when yaz asks about what the doctor meant abt her actions catching up with her, the doctor looks at dan there and goes ":) nothing :)"
anyway i dont have a real point this is just vibes bc of course i put them in a room alone together and made them talk so i had thoughts. dont know if theyre good. but their relationship is fucking weird. honestly like if dan is a doctor mirror then youve got the doctor here going "do not get emotionally involved with me!" and dan going "i wasnt planning on it!"
everything dan says in his goodbye to the doctor he actually says to yaz. like you should just swap them out. because yaz is the doctor to his companion. dan&doctor is not a doctor-companion relationship thats the core of it. but then the question is, what the fuck is it
i'll end with this shot i just randomly paused on bc it captures my feelings on the situation fhjhgjkhg
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who the fuck are you
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higheldertala · 3 years
the woman who fell to earth salt commentary
you know when your nan dies so you upload a youtube video titled ‘hey’
a minute in and this is so funny already
bit a dick move just leaving ryan there but alright we need the plot to progress i guess
it looks pretty but i would never take style over substance
ew cop companion, we hadn’t had a cop companion in 55 years why would we need one now?
i mean shes also 19 i don’t believe people would take her that seriously, and honestly if it had been presented as that it would have been a lot better for her character
also isn’t she in training? why would she be on her own
i just think something more interesting than electric coils could have been used
omg why are they using the theme tune?? no no noooo stop why wouldn’t you just give the doctor her own theme music to play
glad ryan and yaz found the train very quickly and conveniently to pop up just in time for plot
omg ryan and yaz just arrived and the doctor like ‘you’re fucking useless’
saying ‘my friends call me x’ to a stranger is a weird introduction but who knows maybe she introduces herself like that to everyone
‘i’m calling you yaz cause we’re friends’ ugh cringe don’t make friends with cops
‘fam’ ugh double cringe
‘has anyone seen anything strange?’ we need to progress the plot to the next scene somehow
having the target be some rando instead of one the four potential companions is baffling, that way they’d actually be involved in the plot not just there
some more fucking rando characters we don’t care about, literally this guy has 4 scenes. does chibnall understand he’s got a doctor and 3 companions to establish.
‘i’ll search for weird stuff on social media’ 😂😂😂 at least i can laugh at this
‘it’s the night shift in sheffield everything’s out of the ordinary’ umm yes comedy i guess
‘no don’t wake me up yet’ well we’ve got more plot to do so
‘shut the fuck up graham i don’t care if you’ve got a bomb in you’
there no clear reason why ryan, grace, graham and yaz are just happily following the doctor without questioning anything
‘now you’re all running at it’ graham really is best part of this but yknow low bar and all
the guy goes my sister disappears then the doctor picks up a photo and says ‘she was his family’ like yeah no shit 😂😂😂😂 this dialogue man
the constant exposition dumping is awful already
‘again shut the fuck up graham i don’t care if you’ve got a bomb in you’
‘eat my salad halloween’ imagine being in doctor who and those were your lines
they should just commit to the amnesia plot line cause then at least it would explain the poor characterisation
‘we pronounce a name wrong haha comedy’
ryan proper just googled how to operate a crane 😂
the way the problem is solved off screen is simply not satisfying storytelling
grace stopping the coils and dying seems pointless honestly, all the coils have done is switch off the power i don’t understand what the further danger was, also shouldn’t the coils have been stopped why tzim-sha detonated the bombs???
‘you had no right to do that’ i mean he was gonna ‘kill’ him so yeah i think he did. and the doctor just implanted bombs into him so what the fuck is this morality system??
‘shut up about your cancer graham we don’t fucking care!’ why does graham want to travel with the doctor again they all treat him like shit, i can’t believe they just changed the conversation like that
when someone says ‘oh i should have died instead bc im the one the cancer’ any fucking decent person would have gone ‘no graham you don’t deserve to die, that’s not how that works’
‘graham shut up i don’t fucking care you have cramp’
id still like to know how they survived being in the vacuum of space
lol what a thrilling coming soon trailer
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