#callie (calender)
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FANCHILDREN TIME!!! Here are all my silly little kids and also their horribly drawn puppet counterparts XD 
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elamorsys · 2 months
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chicano/chicana aroace flag!! the symbol is calli, meaning house! it is day in the aztec calender associated with the god tepeyollotl, which is the god of animals, caves, echoes and earthquakes! the day of calli, is associated with rest, traquility, family! its a time to spend at home with trusted friends, and to work on close relationships!!
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spookyrobbins · 3 years
another round of fluffy and chaotic dialogue game!
1. “i have the sharpest memory, name one time i forgot something” “you left me in a mcdonalds parking lot a week ago” “i did that on purpose, try again”
2. “I’ll love you until the day I die” “oh so your ghost won’t love me? You’re gonna find another boo?”
3. “I’m way too sober for this”
4. “I’m not jealous! Don’t be ridiculous” “yesterday you yelled at someone because they asked callie if she wanted a drink” “so?” “he was the waiter”
5. “don’t panic i’m in charge” “that’s why i’m panicking!”
6. “callie is going to kill me for this” “you said that the last time. I’m beginning to think you’re just suicidal”
7. “Hello wife of mine, love of my life, my angel sent from above!” “what have you done now?”
8. “I just want to hear those three little words before i go” “i love you” “that’s sweet but try again” “i will behave” “there we go!”
9. “How was the honeymoon?” “She got drunk and tried to burn our marriage certificate” “she said “good luck trying to return me without the receipt.””
10. “Hey i have kind of a crazy idea” “Those are never comforting words coming from you.”
1. “i have the sharpest memory, name one time i forgot something” “you left me in a mcdonalds parking lot a week ago” “i did that on purpose, try again”
“I have the sharpest memory. I mean, c’mon, all those bones? Nailed it. I can still name every state capital. And every capital of Europe. I also know all the words to- Arizona, are you even listening? Put down the paper.”
“Mhm. You have a very impressive memory, Calliope.”
“You’re so not listening. Name one time I forgot something.”
“You left me in a McDonald's parking lot last week.”
“I did that on purpose, try again.”
“You forgot Sofia in the apartment the other day and walked into the hospital, saw me and immediately turned around.”
“She was just being so quiet!”
“Of course, babe. At least you didn’t abandon her like you did your wife.”
“I drove around the block because you were pouting about them not having Shamrock Shakes anymore.”
“Calliope, you know that those are the superior McDonald’s shakes.”
“I am well aware. You talk about it from February to April every year. Teddy has it marked in her calender.”
“That’s how she knew to take me on the first day. And she didn’t abandon me in a sketchy parking lot. Maybe I should marry Teddy.”
“You’re really not even close to funny, Robbins. Leaving someone in a parking lot is not grounds for divorce.”
2. “I’ll love you until the day I die” “oh so your ghost won’t love me? You’re gonna find another boo?”
“Today was awesome.”
“Of course it was. We got married. We have the most perfect baby girl. My dad came back. We’re in love and everything is amazing.”
“I love you so much, Calliope.”
“I’ll love you until the day I die, Arizona.”
“Oh, so your ghost won’t love me? You’re gonna find another boo? You just said for better and for worse. You’re stuck with me.”
“Fine, I’ll love you forever and ever, even when I’m a ghost. I promise to haunt you. Wait, why am I dying first? Why do you get to outlive me?”
“I’m scrappy. I have good survival instincts.”
“You also wear death traps for shoes 24/7.”
“Take that back.”
“I will not.”
3. “I’m way too sober for this”
“No but Calliope, Teddy doesn’t believe in aliens. Which is insane-”
“I’m way too sober for this. Give me like, hm, ten minutes and some tequila and then I will happily sit and listen to why Teddy is an idiot.”
4. “I’m not jealous! Don’t be ridiculous” “yesterday you yelled at someone because they asked callie if she wanted a drink” “so?” “he was the waiter”
“I’m not jealous. That’s ridiculous. I’m so not jealous or anything.”
“Yesterday you yelled at someone because they asked Callie if she wanted a drink.”
“So? She has a wedding ring. People shouldn’t be offering her drinks.”
“He was the waiter.”
“He didn’t look like a waiter! It’s confusing when they’re just dressed like hipsters!”
“Aw, it’s okay, babe, it was kind of sweet.”
5. “don’t panic i’m in charge” “that’s why i’m panicking!”
“Oh my God, Arizona, do you not know how to read a map?”
“Mama, are we lost?”
“Yes, Sofia, your mama has gotten us crazy lost and now your other mother is going to K-I-L-L us!”
“Not helping, Teddy! I got this. Don’t panic. I’m in charge of the directions. I can totally read a map.”
“You saying things like ‘don’t panic’ and ‘I’m in charge’ is why I’m panicking!”
“I can spell, Aunt Teddy.”
“Oh my God.”
“Abuelo says not to take the lord’s name in vain.”
“We should’ve taken your little sister. She can’t talk yet.”
“What? I’m just sayin’.”
“Mommy says you always get lost, Mama.”
“Oh my-”
“Do you want me to look at the map, Mama?”
6. “callie is going to kill me for this” “you said that the last time. I’m beginning to think you’re just suicidal”
“This was a bad idea. This was a really bad idea. Callie is going to kill me for this.”
“You said that the last time. I’m beginning to think you’re just suicidal.”
“Oh, ha ha, Alex. Just help me finish the edges. Maybe if it’s totally cleaned up, she’ll be fine.”
“Maybe you should stop repainting rooms in your house without telling your wife.”
7. “Hello wife of mine, love of my life, my angel sent from above!” “what have you done now?”
“Hello, wife of mine, love of my life, my angel sent from above!”
“What have you done now?”
“Um, nothing and I resent the implication, Calliope.”
“Mhm, what did you and Teddy do?”
“Teddy’s on a lung transplant all day today. Can’t I just want to see my lovely and gorgeous wife?”
“Okay then, what did you and Alex do?”
“I’m sorry, Sofia’s rolling around on heelys and what the pair of you can’t catch her?”
“No, it’s more like we’re just letting her tire herself out from the sugar. She’s honestly awesome on heelys. She’s a natural.”
“Robbins, catch her!”
“Oh crap! Sof, you gotta break!”
“Are you serious right now, you two?”
8. “I just want to hear those three little words before i go” “i love you” “that’s sweet but try again” “i will behave” “there we go!”
“Okay, I’ll be home tomorrow night. Just gotta drop Sof with my dad and then I turn around and come right back.”
“You got this. I believe in you. Your dad loves Sofia and they’ll have a great time. And he promised that your mom is in France for the month.”
“And Aria confirmed. So we’re good. Do you need to say goodbye to Sof one more time?”
“I’m pretty sure if I do I won’t be able to let her go. I know she’s only going for a week but she’s only seven and, and, she’ll be fine. You better get going so you don’t miss your flight. Teddy’ll be by soon. We’re gonna go for a run and then hang out.”
“You’re right, you’re right. Have a good day with Teddy. I just need to hear those three little words before I go.”
“I love you, Calliope.”
“That’s very sweet, but try again.”
“I will behave.”
“There we go! Good girl. Love you lots, babe. See you tomorrow!”
9. “How was the honeymoon?” “She got drunk and tried to burn our marriage certificate” “she said “good luck trying to return me without the receipt.””
“How was the honeymoon, Torres?”
“Hm? Oh, Arizona got drunk and tried to burn our marriage certificate.”
“Can I ask why?”
“She said, ‘good luck trying to return me without the receipt.’”
“Um, does Robbins understand that’s not how it works?”
“Honestly, Hunt, I am not entirely sure, but she is very cute, so it’s all good. Scalpel.”
10. “Hey i have kind of a crazy idea” “Those are never comforting words coming from you.”
“Hey I have kind of a crazy idea.”
“Can I finish my soup first? And those are never comforting words coming from you.”
“How would you feel about being this little one’s godmother? … are you choking on soup?”
“You can’t just spring that on people, Arizona!”
“Oh you’ll be fine, Teddy. What do you say though? Say yes.”
“Say yes to being the baby’s godmother.”
“Yes… yes to being your unborn, unnamed child’s godmother. Wait, what does a godmother even do?”
“I dunno, not a lot. Yang mainly just gives Sofia birthday and Christmas presents that are cardio themed and talks to her about surgeries. She’s convinced that Sofia is going into cardio.”
“Not that Sofia isn’t clever, but she’s three, maybe put the breaks on specialties. But yeah, I can talk to your baby about surgeries.”
“Awesome! And we were hoping that Henry would be the godfather.”
“You know he’ll probably cry.”
“I know, that’s why I’m telling you first. So you have the opportunity to record it when Callie asks him.”
“God, you’re great.”
“I know.”
“And humble.”
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draco9236 · 4 years
The lovely @callie-ariane did a calender giveaway with the awesome @wisesnail Good Omens artwork! And I was amazingly lucky enough to be among the winners. Today the precious cargo arrived and it is utterly STUNNING!!! And even has my favourite picture for my birth month 😍
Thank you both SO MUCH for this amazing gift! It will get a very special spot in my fan cave.
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the-corset-witch · 6 years
My BoS/Grimoire Set Up
I have always been a very good note-taker, an avid note-taker, I love having notes.  I love picking apart what I am reading, finding the gems I want to take with me, and then returning my books to the library (I’m really big on the library, I love that place).  I have had enviable notes, even after I dropped out of conventional school and went to a charter night school for my diploma.  I had the notes that others wanted to get their hands on in order to easily pass the class.  Like Callie Torres, I built a name for myself and my notes.  
Similarly, I have a pretty complex system for my BoS, and I have plans.  As I’ve been witchin’ along for near a decade I found that those cute leather bound books I loved so much with the leather lash to bind them, well, they weren’t really helpful because I was always afraid to mix and match my information, and not have things organized, and I would get afraid to write in it and later change my mind or be wrong.  I still have one, but that’s an entirely different post all-together about the actual BoS-turned-Travel BoS.  
On point, I will explain my process here.  I used to keep an ‘idea notebook’ and I still do, so I keep a similar one for witchcraft.  In these notebooks I will write down anything that comes to my mind that I want to keep, even if I’m sure I’ll remember it.  The pages are messy, some of them have doodles and fun calligraphy, but its as messy as my brain.  In the Witchcraft notebook there are even mock ups for pages in the Grimoire/BoS.  Some subjects I delve into so deeply that they warrant their own notebook- tarot is one of them.  The notebooks are never neat and should never be neat, they are messy and free on purpose.  The notebooks have no rules for me to follow, because I don’t care about what they end up looking like or if I have to disregard pages because they’re ugly- its my notebook, where I test the ideas and knowledge on paper first.  
I also use Google Drive for things I don’t want to waste paper with- that is to say, that would probably take up sheets upon sheets.  This includes my daily tarot calendar & log, my reading logs, and once I fill a notebook I tend to organize all of the information and add it here.  I sometimes journal in my notebooks because of the pen&paper feeling, but I will transcribe it to my google docs.  I have an entire folder for this, with sections, and an index.  I will even add what I share on platforms (here, My Arcana Amino) just so I never lose my thoughts and always hold onto that ability to reflect on them.  Essentially, everything will eventually be added to the GDrive, this is so I can have everything on my phone, computer, and across devices.
This leads to my binder, or future Grimoire.  Right now it’s seriously nothing fancy because it is the newest part of this whole deal.  It’s maybe a 1.5″ binder a friend gave me, and right now it holds annuals & monthlies.  That is to say, a print out of the lunar phases for 2018, and a monthly calendar for each month in 2018.  On these calendars I track the moon phases, under them I have notes for my New Moon intentions and Full Moon Achievements, I also track my tarot through the phases using a spread I designed myself that gives each phase a card to guide me.  I also keep, on the right side of the calendar, the weekly cards I pull.  I use a tarot symbol shorthand, which I find particularly useful.  The Index matches the Index in the GDrive, in fact they are supposed to be almost exactly the same, but the Binder is to hold what I will need on my day-to-days, or weeks-to-weeks, and the GDrive is for everything- thus hopefully saving paper.
I think, with the Grimoire, my plans are useful to know as well.  I do eventually want to print everything I want physically (spells, recipes, etc) from my google docs and organize it within the binder, because I enjoy having the tactile aspect, but I also do love taking my information with me everywhere.  That’s why both are important to me.  I have a few parchment sheets waiting to be made into beautiful cover pages for sections, and I have a section already built for Tarot that holds a few pages from my Tarot Notebook that ripped (on the perforation) one day and I wasn’t ready to loose them.  The reason the Grimoire isn’t so flush with information is because right now I am still working on putting things on the GDrive, then I want to print them.  My handwriting is pretty okay, but I would still prefer some actual printed pages- especially with things like recipes. 
So in short, these all build together, and eventually the little leather book, aka, Travel BoS, does come into play.  That, however, is another long post that I’ll save.  I am not really great at drawing, or things like that, which makes the google docs a bit of a nice lifesaver- I can make things a bit fancy digitally and have a lovely grimoire.  
Notebooks -Notes on what I read [Example] -Slowly refine what I write down and notes I take to only what is necessary -Information from the internet I want to find some sources for -Inspiring quotes -Journaling -Page of subjects I want to research -Pages devoted to subjects that I have scratched the surface of, to decide if I want to delve deeper -Word Cloud page of things I’ve taken notes on -Books I’ve read page
Binder -Calenders for every day use & moon tracking use -Lunar phase calendar -Notebook pages that have been refined
Google Drive -Daily Tarot Calendar & Log -Tarot Reading Logs -Journaling -Spells -Recipes -Index 
Later, I may tour around the less personal pages of each.
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Ooh ooh ooh! Callie in Who Is She!!
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elamorsys · 2 months
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chicano/chicana aro flag !
the symbol is calli, meaning house! it is day in the aztec calender associated with the god tepeyollotl, which is the god of animals, caves, echoes and earthquakes! the day of calli, is associated with rest, traquility, family! its a time to spend at home with trusted friends, and to work on close relationships!!
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elamorsys · 2 months
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Chicano/chicana ace flag
the symbol is calli, meaning house! it is day in the aztec calender associated with the god tepeyollotl, which is the god of animals, caves, echoes and earthquakes! the day of calli, is associated with rest, traquility, family! its a time to spend at home with trusted friends, and to work on close relationships!!
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