#callie & charlene ;
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graftisms · 2 years ago
day :   forty-two / evening
location :   swing
featuring :   @guttcd​
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“ IT’S BEEN A CRAZY FEW DAYS IN HERE, HASN’T IT ? ”   callie muses, bringing the drink up to her lips for a quick sip.   “ first the yacht, then frankie and evie leaving, and then the recoupling last night... did you expect victoria to pick you ? ”   she asks. by now she knows that charlene and dante had been hoping to couple up, but it’s not like charlene’s ever considered closing her options while here yet. as she shouldn’t, anyway.   “ and miles and santiago—like, what ? ”   she laughs, shaking her head.   “ i do wish it was stella who’d come back as a bombshell instead of this new girl, but mali’s super hot, i’ll give her that. i still need to chat with her. ”   though callie’s doubtful it’ll happen, since she has a feeling she’s not even on the bombshell’s radar.   “ anyway, how are you doing ?   with everything that’s happened. ”
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pupsmailbox · 3 months ago
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MASCULINE︰ cade. caden. caelan. caiden. cairo. cal. cale. caleb. caleb.. callahan. callan. callaway. callen. callum. calvin. cam. camden. camdyn. cameron. camilo. camron. cannon. carey. carl. carleton. carlos. carlton. carson. carter. cary. case. casey. cash. casimir. cason. casper. cassius. caulder. cavan. cayden. cayson. cecil. cedar. cedric. cesar. chace. chad. chadwick. chaim. chance. chandler. channing. charles. charley. charlie. charlton. chas. chase. chaz. chesley. chester. chet. chip. chris. christian. christie. christopher. chuck. chuckie. chucky. cillian. clair. clancy. clarence. clark. claud. claude. clay. clayton. clem. clement. cletis. cletus. cleve. cliff. clifford. clifton. clint. clinton. clive. clyde. cobie. cody. cohen. colbert. colby. cole. coleman. colin. collin. collins. collyn. colson. colt. colten. colter. colton. connell. conner. connor. conor. conrad. cooper. corbin. cordell. corey. cori. cornelius. cornell. corwin. cory. cosmo. coty. coy. craig. crawford. cree. creighton. crew. crispian. crispin. cristian. crofton. cruz. cullen. curran. curt. curtis. cuthbert. cy. cyan. cyril. cyrus.
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FEMININE︰ cadence. caelie. cailin. calanthe. calanthia. caleigh. cali. callie. calliope. cam. camellia. cameron. camila. camilla. camille. camryn. candace. candi. candice. candy. candyce. capri. cara. careen. carey. carina. caris. carissa. carla. carlisa. carlisle. carly. carlyn. carmel. carmella. carmen. carol. carolina. caroline. carolyn. carrie. carter. casey. cass. cassandra. cassidy. cassie. cat. cataleya. catalina. catharine. catherine. cathleen. cathryn. cecelia. cecilia. cecily. cedar. celandine. celeste. celestine. celia. celinda. celine. chalice. chana. chandler. chanel. chanelle. channing. chantal. chantel. chantelle. chanté. charisma. charissa. charisse. charity. charla. charlee. charleen. charleigh. charlene. charley. charli. charlie. charlotte. charmaine. charnette. chasity. chastity. chaya. chelle. chelsea. chelsey. chelsie. cher. cherette. cheri. cherice. cherie. cherilyn. cherise. cherish. cherry. cherryl. cheryl. chesley. chevonne. cheyanne. cheyenne. chloe. chloë. chrissie. chrissy. christa. christabel. christabella. christabelle. christal. christen. christi. christiana. christie. christina. christine. christobel. christy. chrysanta. chrystal. ciara. cicely. ciera. cierra. cinda. cindi. cindra. cindy. claire. clara. clare. clarette. claribel. clarice. clarinda. clarissa. clarity. claudia. clematis. clemence. clemency. clementine. cleo. clover. coleen. colene. colette. colleen. collins. collyn. connie. constance. cora.
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NEUTRAL︰ cab. cable. cache. cade. caden. cadence. cai. cal. callahan. callaway. callout. calm. camari. cambrian. camdyn. cameron. camille. camp. campbell. camren. camryn. candle. candy. cannon. canyon. captain. captor. carcass. carousel. carry. carsen. carsyn. carter. cartier. cas. cascade. case. casey. cash. casino. casket. casper. caspian. cassidy. castle. casual. cat. catalogue. cavalry. cave. cavity. cay. caydence. caylen. cedar. celeb. cement. cemetery. century. chain. chainsaw. chandler. channing. chaos. char. charge. charity. charleston. charley. charlie. charly. charm. chase. chayce. checkers. cheer. chemical. cherish. chernobyl. cherry. chevelle. chevy. chiffon. chilly. chip. chirp. chop. chosen. chozen. chris. chrome. chrysalis. chrysanthemum. church. cider. cidney. cinder. cinnamon. city. cj. clarity. clarke. classic. clay. clear. clementine. cliché. click. cliff. cloak. clock. closure. cloud. clover. clownery. cob. cobalt. cobolt. cobra. cocoa. code. codin. colby. colt. comatose. combat. conley. control. cookie. cooper. copeland. copper. cor. coral. corbyn. corduroy. core. corvette. cory. cosmic. count. court. courtesy. courtney. cove. coven. covet. coy. coyote. cradle. crane. crank. crash. cree. crest. crew. crime. crimson. crisis. critter. croc. crosby. cross. crow. crown. cruise. crush. crystal. cupcake. curse. cyan. cyber. cylinder. cypress. cécile.
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romistav · 2 years ago
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“Hey, I brought you this makeshift yogurt ice cream thing Charlene taught me how to make.” They hold the bowl out toward Callie before taking a seat next to her. “Honestly, she did most of the work ‘cause I can’t do anything food related.” She feels a bit guilty that she hasn’t paid as much attention to Callie now that they are no longer in a casa amor setting but she does care about what’s going on with the girl, especially since so much seems to be going on. “How are things going with Angel and Frankie? Has all of that, like, settled down?” / @graftisms​​
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inquixotic · 2 years ago
daybeds, after movie night
with @guttcd, @heatwayve, @graftisms, and @dobits !
evelyn mendoza.
"okay, one bottle of very nice champagne." it's probably just sparkling wine, knowing the production's budget, but it's wine, and dante likes wine, and maybe it'll help lessen the sting of having that played a bit. it was one of the opened ones, because she was never going to be able to actually pop a bottle, plus that feels celebratory and totally not the mood. she crawls into the daybed on the side of dante, eyes watching charlene pace around next to it, immediately resting her head on his shoulder. "that was such bullshit of them to include that, sweet, i'm sorry," she says, a note of uncharacteristic anger striking in her tone, offering him the bottle with a sympathetic look. @nuve @deanna
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she's currently on a rant, pacing around and waving her hands around. "like -- why the hell would they pick YOU if they were falling in love with marcus? who fucking does that? does she think we're in fucking... i don't know! vampire diaries or something?" she's absolutely fuming, only taking a breath when evie makes over to them, her aura much more sympathetic compared to charlene's. her gaze softens as soon as they land on dante. "sorry -- this is about you. not me. wanna... talk about it?"
miles o'sullivan
he's been here w the squad so that frankie can pull callie in peace (🤪).
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
the sight of the bottle of cheap champagne does bring a smile to dante's face—though it's washed away with more words from charlene's litbottle rampage, pacing back and forth in front of them. if he watched any longer, dante would get dizzy. "it's okay," he says, half-heartedly. arm wrapping around evie with one hand, he uses the other to take a quick sip. "i don't think there is much to talk about. i did not know..." he trails off, thinking about romi's words about marcus. "but i knew enough. it's... that was a litbottle embarrassing, huh?" he tries to laugh it off, weakly.
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holy shit she did not see miles sitting there! "yeah -- for them. 'cus they apparently don't know what they fucking want." she grumbles, taking the bottle and occupying herself with the task of making sure everyone's glass has plenty of liquor.
evelyn mendoza.
there's a stubborn set to her jaw, understanding in how embarrassed he must feel for that, to have his feelings on full display for everyone to see when romi turned him down, then said all that about loving marcus. "they look like an absolute muppet, babe, for real." there's a pang of guilt too, for how confidently she had told him not to worry, and she continues on, "they had absolutely no fuckin' business saying all that to someone who isn't you. it's a bad fuckin' show, it's gross."
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
he's still shaking his head. "it's okay. i mean—it wasn't nice to watch, but i do not think bad of her. her and marcus have been together the whole time. when she chose me after coming back from casa... i did not think she was going to," he admits. "and i know he still loves her, so... i hope they're happy." he takes a much longer chug of the champagne, before passing it to charlene. "it's just sad." he's sad.
evelyn mendoza.
"it is sad," she agrees, putting her annoyance on the back burner to give him a weird half hug due to the positioning on the bed. "and it's not fair. to either of you."
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬
she chugs her drink along with him, mostly in an attempt to calm herself down. cus liquor is totally is the thing you need for that! "it is sad." she fills their glasses once more before  handing miles the bottle. if he's not going to say anything, he can at least be on liquor duty. charlene kneels down in front of dante, allowing her free hand to give his knee a small, sympathetic squeeze. "you're allowed to be sad. i know you really gave it your best shot, dee. really."  she looks up at him, a determined look on her face that shows there is no room for debate. "she was lucky to have you and stupid to lose you."
miles o'sullivan
"wait, back this up. did you tell them you loved them? and then they asked you for an open relationship?" he knows he loves to pretend a red flag's a green one but shit...!
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
all of charlene's comments are nice but unwarranted, because after all this, he still can't think of one thing romi had done wrong. it would've been nice to hear about her feelings for marcus before watching it unfold on the screen, but judging from the clip it didn't look like marcus knew much about it, either. glancing at miles, he nods seriously. "when she chose me a few days ago... it did not feel like it," he tries to explain, slowly. "she did not even dance on me during the challenge because of marcus. and marcus and her were staying friends, and he told me he still cared for her. it felt like i was in the middle of it, no? sometimes two people don't know what they really want is each other." the smile he gives him is melancholy. "so i suggested we go back to getting to know each other, so she could maybe work things out with marcus. i told her i love her because i do. that does not change just because of everything."
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬
it must be nice to not have the brain capacity to be mad — she wishes she was as chill as he was but she’s too petty. too protective of her friends. especially dante. she doesn’t want to make this about herself though, so she simply rest her check on his knee. “im sorry dee.”
evelyn mendoza.
her lips press together, blinking back any water in her eyes at how he's talking, like there's no hope in it at all. she really missed how worried he was about that, huh? "you're too good, babe." in general, for romi, he can take his pick. "they wanna hiding, for real." evie chews at her tom lip, glancing at charlene like maybe she shouldn't point this out, but continues on anyways. "that said...marcus may not even choose them, after bein' shot all over the place like a fuckin' pinball with them. what would that mean for you?"
miles o'sullivan
honestly, dante's experiencing what miles' nightmare had been about coming back. when they played frankie's tape, part of him had been bracing himself for a similar confession - one that hadn't come. fuck, he really needs to get up and find frankie soon. but saying something to dante, who could've just as easily been him tonight, also feels important. "for what it's worth, you did the right thing. like, it's tough to go with your gut in a situation like that, but...you got a feeling and you trusted it," for the amount of side-eye dante gets for being a litbottle empty between the ears, he strikes miles as remarkably intelligent right now. "it's no wonder she picked you, 'cause of the kind of guy you are, but sometimes people can't help how they feel, i guess. even if your feelings aren't changing, i'm sorry that the rest is. we haven't changed though," he motions to the bombshells around him, "we've still got your back."
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
his hand runs gently through charlene's hair in front of him, offering everyone a litbottle smile. it's funny, but despite this being one of the lowest points of his love island experience, he also doesn't think he's ever felt so supported here. dante can't remember the last time he felt this supported, period. it made the whole situation a litbottle lighter. "thank you," he nods in miles' direction, because it feels like a lot coming from him. "no, people can't help how they feel. but that's okay. i told romi that what happens with her and marcus will not change my feelings of her, and i still agree." evie's question is a litbottle tougher, lips pressing together for a moment, before shrugging. "i don't know where any of this leaves me. but it's okay. i've had a lot of fun being here, and that will not change." he's already bracing for the worst.
angel reid
he'd made a hard left turn after seeing naomi and marcus embracing in the kitchen, not quite drunk enough to lose sense of when his presence isn't wanted. instead he heads for miles, crouches down next to him as dante finishes his sentiment. "you ain't goin' anywhere, big d," angel affirms. "got a lot of show left."
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬
dante really is too sweet. too selfless. if it was just the two of them or if she had enough liquor in her system she would probably be crying for him. like the drunk girls in the bar that cry cus she thinks the girls they just met in the bathroom deserve the world. instead she just nods at everyone's words, agreeing whole heartedly and appreciating them for being much more eloquent than she is. "how are you two holding up?" she directs the question to h miles and angel.
angel reid
"like shit," he laughs, finishing off his beer and immediately wishing he'd bit the bullet and barged in on marcaomi before this. "the girls went inside to hash things out," he tells miles, smacking his palm on miles' thigh. then he nods toward evie. "this one was right."
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
"i don't understand," he frowns, looking between angel and miles, then angel and evie. "what is there to hash out?" angel wasn't even in the movies, right?
miles o'sullivan
"oh? i don't know, i was okay. i didn't...think it was that bad," his brow furrows, a glance over at angel. he wasn't sweating about frankie's video, was honestly looking forward to teasing her about it, but wonders if this is just one of those things he hasn't been told. "right about what?"
evelyn mendoza.
she stares at angel like he's grown another head. "i told him it was too soon to be closed off, shouldn't feel like a second choice." she says, offhand, to miles. "what in the hell are you talking about, this one was right?"
angel reid
"and as long as frankie's in here, i'm always gonna be second choice," he fills in the expletives following evie's explanation. "frankie saw it, too. she was telling callie it was weird she chose her movie, asked if she did it to fuck with your guys' thing." and now they're probably making plans to continue the convo in the hideaway. to wrap it all up, he gestures again to evie, "ergo, this one was right."
evelyn mendoza.
she sits up at that. "that is not what i said, angel."
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it's hard to defend callie when she has no idea why she keeps picking frankie for these challenges. "i don't get why calllie had to chose frankie's video. like, she rejected her."  she looks at miles when the 'second choice' comment is made, wondering if he's going to react but then evie corrects angel and she turns to look at her. "what did you say then?"
angel reid
"see, if we'd gotten to see my movie, we wouldn't even need to argue about this right now." 'cause yes you fucking did, evelyn.
miles o'sullivan
"well, if she thought it would fuck with us, it's not going to," miles shrugs. he's choosing to trust frankie on this.
evelyn mendoza.
she turns her attention to charlene, trying to push her temper down and speak calmly. "i said that frankie and callie were really intense, and i wasn't sure she would've picked him had frankie not fucked up with naomi, so he shouldn't be closed off early on. 'cause frankie was going to a constant," she says plainly, pausing to take a sip of her wine. "which callie said was true. but compared it to like, an ex. which is fine and fair." she'll withhold her opinion on a week not being enough to move on fully, though.
angel reid
he really appreciates charlene's validation, gives a motion of acknowledgement to her before his attention is whipped to miles. "dude --," he gestures to himself now, "i'm so totally fucked with." he catches only the last bit of evie's words to charlene, just enough to know that he's still right, he shakes his head. "i just thought it was so not the move." a glance to miles, he shrugs. "like, on callie's part. frankie was just as confused as me."
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬
it kind of sounds to charlene like angel's summary of what evie said was spot on. if this was being said before tonight she might have actually argued against it but right now, she doesn't know what to think. if callie is pulling another romi and naomi where she's pretending to not know what she wants only to reveal that she was still into frankie all along. "it definitely wasn't the move." she stands back up, dusting her knees off some before offering angel her glass of champagne. "i'm sorry ang. i have no idea what is going on with her right now. maybe she had too many to drink?" she offers weakly
miles o'sullivan
he just leans on angel where they're sat together, his head on his shoulder. there's a warmth that blooms in his chest at the mention of frankie, but also, worry. he hopes that frankie's not all in her head about this, that she doesn't take the fact that he went to comfort dante as a bad sign – just fact that he wasn't stressed about the two of them. he's got no ability to try and gauge what's going on in callie's head because he barely knows the girl, "honestly, we had kind of a nice chat the other night about...this kind of stuff," miles suggests. "i'd be fuming if frankie had chosen her. do you think she's, um, self-saaging?" cheryl loves this word.
evelyn mendoza.
she setbottles back into dante, her eyes drifting across everyone's faces. "she shouldn't have picked her," she prefaces slowly, having much less sympathy for angel than she does dante or even miles, but still having some. "but it's hard to move on from someone you made plans with in a snap, even if she's serious about you, y'know?" she can't believe she's the one defending callie here, honestly. "did you tell her that it makes you uncomfortable? she knows that, right?"
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
is just listening because it feels wrong to chime in on this.
angel reid
"thanks, babe," he tells char, taking her glass and downing the entire thing. "being drunk's no excuse." except he'll definitely lean on that tomorrow as an explanation for why he reacted as badly as he did. "self-saaging would be, like, best case scenario," he chuckles dryly. he's pretty sure it's just 'cause callie likes frankie. plain and simple. "would you be fuming?" he hums more genuine laughter now, fingers scratching on miles' knee. "feel like maybe i gotta drink whatever chill dude juice you're sippin' on." water might be good, too. to evie, he nods. "'course. i think it's just hard for her to deal with. like, she never fucks up, is always super solid. frankie's just -- i dunno, her weak spot."
evelyn mendoza.
"dude." not an unkindly dude, mind, but a litbottle exasperated, maybe, because it kinda sounds like he's got her on some kind of a pedestal and that's just plain unhealthy. "she's human, she's gonna slip up sometimes." especially when she's got a weak spot like frankie. "you said you'd take being her second choice, right? it's fine if you can't, but like...i dunno. her making a mistake isn't the end of the world."
angel reid
fingers drum thoughtfully on miles' leg, he's half surprised by how much sense evie's making and is fully suspicious about it. "yeah, i dunno. she was just real fucking quick to pull frankie..." that does feel like the end of the world. but he did say that, told callie something similar, too. "i need another drink," he doesn't, but he pulls himself up anyway after ruffling miles' hair. "anybody want?" once he's got order, if any, he'll go ahead and exit stage left.
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it sounds to her that angel just needs to vent and with evie being on the defensive and miles having no reaction at all, she doesn't blame him for wanting to leave.. "i'll go with you." she offers with a knowing smile. "whiskey sours everyone?" surely they could all use something harder.
evelyn mendoza.
"she pulled frankie?" her eyebrows do go up at that, but she withholds further comment as angel gets up to leave. whoops! tough love wasn't the move. "whiskey sour sounds nice, thank you both."
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
he shakes his head at the offer, taking another swig from the bottle he does have.
miles o'sullivan
"i would have actually been fuming," miles digresses as angel gets up to leave, "i don't know. i know i've been chill about this stuff, but it's not like i love the fact that we've had to like, move forward in relation to callie a lot of the time," miles' brow furrows. he knows he's pretty even-tempered, wants to keep the good vibes, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. "but i do trust her, and it's been really good lately," his neck cranes toward the villa, as if he's going to x-ray in on what chat frankie and callie are having. "i don't know. you don't think that's wrong of me?" he looks at dante, whose opinion he really trusts.
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
dante's surprised to see miles looking to him for advice, but he nods in agreement. "i think you would know if it is not right. just because something is not perfect, doesn't mean it should be rid of. love isn't always easy." it usually isn't, actually.
miles o'sullivan
"damn. that was really good. they should hire you to write those things in fortune cookies," miles nods thoughtfully.
evelyn mendoza.
"do you like...want me to go try to hear what they're saying?" directed to miles. she'd be mad with jealousy if she were him right now. "make sure dante's right."
miles o'sullivan
"you'd do that?"
evelyn mendoza.
"sure, yeah. callie already hates me, right? can't blame you if it's me."
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
"why does she hate you?" he frowns.
evelyn mendoza.
"okay, that's a litbottle dramatic," she huffs. she doesn't hate her. "she wasn't happy with me, that's all. might as well keep that streak goin' rather than subject miles to it, right?"
miles o'sullivan
"you don't want to be friends with her?" he pauses, leaning in, "well, okay. but if you do it, you can't say it was because of me."
evelyn mendoza.
she waves her hand, not exactly dismissive, but trying to be casual "i dunno. i just don't think she genuinely wants to be my friend. it's like, a whole thing. i'll get into it after i report back. and, no, i won't rat you out. i'll say i needed, like, more concealer and didn't wanna interrupt. it's perfect." with that, she pushes off and goes off towards the villa.
miles o'sullivan
there's a glance at dante as evie runs off, "she was almost too excited to go do that..." he trails off. hopefully this doesn't cause any problems!
𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗮.
"she must be very bored," he admits, with a small laugh. "her and eden and victoria. it's a shame we couldn't watch one of their movies." the reason behind that is completely lost on him, the fact that they probably have zero content.
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crackonhq · 2 years ago
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the islanders line up by the pool to take turns in snog, marry, pie. they’ll get to kiss someone, then take a ring pop off the table to do a proposal. lastly, they’ll go get a pie and smash it in someone’s face ! 
callie gets to go first. she goes up to jenny and gives her a proper kiss, pulling her in and kissing her slowly. she pulls away, turning on her heel with a smile as she goes to get a ring pop.
she gets down on her knee in front of angel, laughing as she asks him, “will you marry me?”
finally, she gets a pie, and she’s cracking up by the time that she approaches jude. either because she’s laughing so hard or because she doesn’t want to, she pies him very gently, saying, “sorry.” there’s only a small amount of cream on jude’s face afterward.
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victoria goes next, ready to put on a show as usual. the kiss she gives eden is definitely more than a peck, lingering as she cups the blonde’s face with her hand, pulling her closer by her hips.
next, she goes to get a ring pop, kneeling down in front of charlene. “i know we’ve only been coupled for like ten minutes, but i think you’re so fucking hot and sweet. wanna get married?” she grins.
when victoria goes to get her pie, she walks over to josh and says, “this is for saying vancouver’s better than new york,” and smashes it in his face properly, yet playfully. 
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dante goes next and he immediately walks over to eden, cupping her face for a good smooch. then, he goes to get a ring, walking over to charlene.
“i would like to propose because there is nobody else here i would want to spend the rest of my days with. you make me very happy, charlene,” he says, kneeling down in front of her to put a ring pop on one of the fingers victoria didn’t go for yet.
finally, he grabs a pie, going to smash it in victoria’s face, “i am very sorry, but i wanted to couple with charlene.”
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naomi takes her turn, walking over to josh to lean up to kiss him slowly, draping her arms over his shoulders. she’s got cream all over her face when she pulls away and she reaches up to drag her index finger down his cheek. she sucks the cream off her hand with a smirk before turning on her heel to get a ring.
she goes to kneel down in front of angel, giggling when she informs him, “though we’ll be sleeping in separate beds until death do us part, you starfish.” 
she walks over to get a pie, she hesitates in front of dylan for a beat, devilish smirk on her features before she stops in front of jude, already cackling a little, “’cause once a day he’s gonna make me want to smack him, and he hasn’t done it yet today, but...” she smashes the pie in his face satisfyingly. 
dylan goes next, and he chooses to kiss miles. it’s a good and proper kiss, dylan pulling miles closer by his waist and it goes on for a bit. dylan pulls away grinning and goes to get a ring pop from the table.
he kneels down in front of adela. "i want more of those mornings with you in bed where you cling to me so i don't get out of bed." he grins. "plus, adela michaels has a nice ring to it, don't you think? will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
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then, he goes to get a pie from the table. "this is a special welcome back to the villa, and for not being able to leave the villa the first time without being shady." he pies mali with a smile on his face, though it’s not too hard – he does rub it in a bit, though.
josh goes next, going over to naomi to kiss her. he grabs her by the waist and lifts her up, her legs wrapping around him for a kiss that probably goes on obnoxiously long and is really hot. luckily the viewing audience is getting a cut version.
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he sets her down and goes and gets a ring, walking over to kneel down in front of adela. pointedly, he says, “i’m proposing to this girl because she deserves better than what she’s got, and it beats getting on my knees in front of miles.”
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he grabs a pie and walks over to jenny saying, “i think we both know this pie has your name on it,” and smashes it in her face.
miles goes next, and he paces the line before turning on his heel to go for a kiss with santiago. it’s pretty steamy, and he just goes for it with all the passion of when they were alone together in the hideaway. then, he goes to grab a ring.
“i’ve always got a smile on my face whenever this girl’s around,” he says, kneeling down in front of eden, “think we’d have a mad time together if we got hitched, mermaid or not.” 
he goes over to get a pie, standing in front of mali. he tries to look serious, pressing his lips together, but he can’t keep from grinning when he pies her in the face. “for coming all the way back just to graft the guy i’m coupled with, obviously,” he laughs.
when angel goes, he walks over and kisses eden on the mouth. it’s a real kiss, more than peck, but it’s not excessive and doesn’t go on too long.
then, he goes to get a ring pop, walking over to callie. “callie, i already know you’re the person i’m gonna walk out of here with, one way or the other. you’re the first thing i think about in the morning, i’m so excited about you. i know it’s only been fourteen days, but… will you love island-marry me?” he asks, smiling up at her.
when angel goes to get a pie, he’s laughing when he goes right for josh. “no hard feelings, bud.” the pie isn’t thrown hard, but he does smash it gently into josh’s face, slides the tin around a bit to make sure he doesn’t miss an inch.
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it’s jude’s turn next and he addresses the line, “i want to snog this boy because i've been dying for a taste of his luscious lips since the day we met. c'mere, you,” he says, walking over to angel and pulling him in for a kiss, sliding his hand around angel’s neck and grabbing his hip with the other.
honestly it’s a bit longer than it ‘should’ be, a serious snog that has those not interested in watching tapping their feet, and those that are...you’re welcome.
jude goes to get the ring, but he winds up dropping it at jenny’s feet. he’s cracking up as he’s scrambling to find it on the ground, picking it up from next to dylan’s shoe. 
"i wanna marry this girl because even with pie on her face she’s still the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. she drives me mad in the best way, and there's no one else i'd rather have a future with,” he says, putting the ring on her finger.
finally, he grabs a pie, going over to naomi, “i'm pieing this girl because she's the worst sous chef i've ever met. my nan could cook better than her, and she's dead.” then he smacks her with the pie, rubbing it all over her face. 
its jenny’s turn to go after jude, and she walks over to angel. "i'm sorry," she says, but she doesn't look very apologetic when she takes his face in her hands, laughing through the moment she gives him to brace himself and shimmies her nerves away before planting one on him. it's definitely not a peck and lasts longer than it ought to, but when they do pull apart they each shove the other away, faces scrunched up in playful disgust.
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after jenny gets a ring, she sinks down onto one knee, then both, kneeling in front of jude and peering up at him, all mischief as she slowly licks her lips and makes like she's going to unfasten his shorts. "kidding," she singsongs, then clears her throat. "well it definitely wouldn't be a white wedding, but i'd like to marry you because i think... i dunno, you're really great, or whatever. it's just you and me, baby." 
next, she goes to get a pie.for a minute you'd think jenny was gearing up to pie charlene, but she backtracks suddenly, landing predictably in front of josh with a resigned smirk. "sorry. the temptation was just too strong." how could she resist throwing something in his face? she pushes the pie onto him then, smearing it until his face is thoroughly coated. and to finish, she swipes her finger along his forehead, gathering some of the cream up to pop in her mouth. "delish."
mali goes next, looking across the line at eden. she smiles at the blonde, “come on, darling,” she beckons before pulling her close in a kiss that can only be described as a show, nothing held back. it’s a full-on snog. 
then she goes to get one of the ring pops, heading to kneel down in front of santiago, "i know this is a little fast, but they say when you know, you just know and i really think we have a great foundation here. would you do me the honor, darling?" she asks. 
finally, she heads over to josh with a pie. she rubs the pie in his face and his hair, smiling as she adds, “sorry, sweetie, it’s nothing personal, but i do think you need this.”
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adela goes next, walking up and down the line to decide who to kiss. she hesitates in front of dante for a moment before choosing naomi. she cups her cheek with the palm of her hand and pulls her close, kissing her. she seems to be testing the temperature, so when naomi kisses her back, adela also fully goes for it. “i just wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” she says as she pulls away. 
next, she goes to get a ring pop from the table, kneeling in front of dylan without hesitation. "i want to marry dylan because he's really sweet and makes me so happy, and there's no one else i'd get down on my knees for."
lastly, adela gets a pie and goes right for mali. she doesn’t do it too aggressively, but she does make sure to smear it down mali’s face before saying, “that’s better.” 
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santiago goes next. he approaches callie with a grin, saying, “i’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” before giving her a proper kiss. then he goes to get a ring pop from the table, kneeling down in front of mali.
he says to her, “you’re beautiful and incredibly charming, te quieres casar conmigo?” 
finally he goes to get a pie and smashes it in miles’ face, saying, ““i love this color on you.” 
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charlene goes next. she paces before standing in front of santiago, grinning up at him when she says, “this isn’t the first time i’ve thought about kissing you.” her hands reach up toward him as if she’s about to pull him into a kiss until she swerves, reaching for victoria beside him instead. charlene pulls victoria in closer for a kiss.
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next, charlene goes for a ring, lips curved into a wide grin as she gets down in front of dante. “you’re literally my best friend. my partner in crime. the uh, riga to my toni. anyways, you’re incredible and i think the world of you. would you marry me?” 
next, she goes to get a pie from the table. “callieeeee!” she calls in a sing song voice as she approaches callie, “it’s all fun and games and honestly, you’re the only person i can count on to understand that so —” right after she pies her, she swipes a finger over her cheek and cheekily licks off the cream. 
eden goes last, approaching mali. “hey, gorgeous,” she says, placing a hand on mali’s waist to pull her in closer for a kiss. she leans mali back a bit, and the kiss lasts for a few moments, and if you look at them, you can totally see tongue.
next, eden kneels down in front of miles with a ring. “he was a boy, she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?” she laughs, “he played footy, she did conservation, what more can i say? will you marry me?”
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she brings a pie over to santiago, smashing it in his face. “nothing personal, i quite like whipped cream in the bedroom anyway.” 
ADMIN NOTE: this took place on DAY 43. you can set upcoming starters from after this challenge all the way to the evening of day 44.
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gotatext · 2 years ago
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𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐲  ;    ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʜᴜᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ #5 !
how are you feeling in your decision to couple up or stay single ?
  “ didn’t really have much choice in the matter ! ”  he laughs, feeling like a cuck, because the power really was all in jenny’s hands for that one.  “ but i’m glad jenny picked me. obviously, there’s stuff she needs to work through with josh, and that’s fine. i don’t like seeing them chat, but i also don’t see it being a problem ? at the end of the day, she got the better bloke, ”  he grins, cheekily jerking his thumb in his own direction, “ and josh seems fully into naomi, which works for me obviously, so yeah. feeling pretty happy. ”
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
 “ i don’t see my head turning at this point, nah. i mean maybe someone more my type would come in, and maybe i’d have a better time with them, sure, but i don’t really care about that too much. i’m chilling with jenny. staying in my lane. me and angel’s new motto is no trouble, and that’s kinda what i’m trying to do. just keep my head down. obviously jenny makes that hard sometimes, squaring up to people left and right, but i’d be lying if i said it wasn’t cute. she’s fiery. i like that. but then again, i thought my head wouldn’t be turned from romi, so never say never.  ”
what are your thoughts on seb & bash & rhys’ exit last night ? why did you vote the way you did ?
 “ obviously it’s sad when people go. rhys was always a decent geezer to me, and bash seemed like a fun guy. seb and i never really got too close, but he seemed alright. i don’t really have too much of an opinion, but i know it affected jenny a lot seeing them go, especially rhys... so yeah, just gotta be there for her i guess. ”
out of everyone left, who would be the hardest person to see go ?
  “ obviously jenny. but unless it was one of those save one half of a couple, send the other half home type deals, i don’t see why that would happen. and realistically, she’d get saved over me. angel would probably be the hardest to see go. like, that’s my boy. ”  angel’s probably the only person, other than jenny, who jude would consider leaving with. though honestly having an all-expenses-paid holiday would probably win out.  “ charlene’s a top lass. if she left without finding anything, it’d be a crying shame. in a weird way, i’d miss dante, too ? i know we had our shit in casa but he’s grown on me. and i probably have to say callie, too, ‘cos that’s angel’s bird. ”
who seems like the strongest couple right now and why ?
“ other than me and jen ? ”  he laughs, self-consciously. “ nah, i’m kidding. angel and callie are solid as fuck. i know there was some kinda drama last night, but honesty, bro, i think they’re golden. if anyone can make it, it’s probably them. ”
who seems like the weakest couple right now and why ?    
“ josh and marcus ?  are they technically a couple ?  i don’t know, maybe frankie and her man since she apparently she was planting the moves on her ex.  romi and dante don’t seem too strong either, just based on what i’ve seen. or maybe adela and dylan. everyone i’ve spoken to seems under the impression that she used him as a free ticket back to the villa, which fair play to her, but kinda sus. plus they were in the bottom two, so... yeah, pretty much all of them are wobbly, man. ”
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absolutesort · 2 years ago
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𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨   ;    ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʜᴜᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ #7 !
how are you feeling about movie night ? did anything surprise you ? 
“ well i’m obviously not feeling totally yassified right now, what with everything that went down. ”  it sucks, but ultimately she’s the only one she can blame for what feels like her worst night in the villa since the casa recoupling.  “ i think my own fuckin’... stupidity surprised me. like, i definitely could’ve handled things better. ”  if she’d remembered to engage her brain for a single hot second, but no, frankie could never.  “ the adela and josh thing kinda surprised me, but also it didn’t ?  i also feel like that’s not even a thing. i mean adela and me flirt more than they do, and i know miles has nothing to worry about there, so it’s probably pretty harmless. the dylan comments were kinda shady, though. like… girl. you’re my friend and i love you but don’t do my boy dirty like that. ”
what are your thoughts on romi and marcus’s decision to leave ? 
“ it is what it is. i didn’t really know romi, honestly, and i think they liked it that way, but marcus was one of my closest friends in here. ”  she still thinks about the night that marcus had crawled into the daybed with her and miles for a snuggle and a kiss with fondness.  “ if miles and i are ever lookin’ for a third… i’m pretty sure marcus is the first guy we’d call. ”  she starts to laugh, but her face becomes suddenly sombre, smile sinking as the realisation hits that she’d actually have to have miles back for that to happen.
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
 “ i mean… i don’t know. technically miles and i are still coupled up, and he said he still wants to be with me. so yeah, we’re still together just… stepping it back a notch. which is probably a good thing. my head’s been kinda scrambled ever since we got back from casa, and i haven’t been fair, making him wait for me to figure out what i want. when miles said he wanted to get to know charlene, i just got so irrationally upset. like i’ve never felt that strongly about callie talking to other people.  i thought i knew what i wanted, and then he made that speech about wanting to be all-in, which was so cute, and while i want that... hearing it in front of everybody... i got scared and changed my mind. but only for a moment. like, a moment of madness. it was just one bead in a long string of moments where the constant has been wanting miles.
“ when i wake up, he’s the first person i wanna talk to, and he’s the person i want by my side when i fall asleep. ”  deeply cringe, but if she can’t be vulnerable in the diary room how the hell does she expect to do it in front of him.  “ the other day i told him, even if they sent in olivier giroud, i don’t think my head would be turned, and like… i was joking, obviously, but i think it’s actually true ?  because he wouldn’t have miles’ sense of humour, or his amazingly warm heart, or serve eggs and bacon in a smiley face the way miles does. he wouldn’t get me the way miles does. plus, giroud’s french. there’s no way i’m getting in another seb situation where i gotta explain every reference that comes out of my mouth. ”
what are your thoughts on santiago and victoria ? are either of them your type ? do you think your partner would be interested in them ?
“ if miles is into them, then good luck to him. honestly, it’s pretty hard to think about whether i’d be interested in either of them right now. ” she sighs, until a producer prompts her to elaborate.  “ santiago’s hot, sure, but everybody in here’s hot. you have to do more than just look good to get my attention. and it was super nice of victoria to choose me for a date, and say she liked my desert even thought we both knew it wasn’t that great. but yeah… i didn’t feel a spark or like… that magnetic pull that i’m like looking for, y’know, like ? ”  she mimes yanking a lasso towards her.  “ when you’re in a room with loads of people and yet your body’s always kinda facing them. or like you’re just intuitively aware of where they are, not even in a possessive way just… we pay attention to the things we’re interested in. ”
are you grafting right now ? if so, who is at the top of your list ?
“ the only person i’m interested in grafting is miles. i think this situation’s just made me realise that i can’t not have him in my life. i know i have to work to earn him back, and it won’t be easy, but he’s worth the effort, and when it’s him it doesn’t feel like effort, anyway. nothing about him feels like a chore. i’ll do it gladly and purposefully if that’s what he needs to convince him i’m ready to be his, in whatever capacity he’ll have me. and i’ll deck a bitch if i have to. ”  her fingers come up, gesturing in an ‘i’m watching you’ motion between herself and the camera lens. 
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properbantz · 2 years ago
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“ oh i’m absolutely stoked. i saw callie on the show and thought like, now there’s a girl with an idea. ”  her smile widens and she leans forward in the chair.  “ like i know i should be nervous or something but i’m just not y’know? ”  it helps that she’s used to a sort of reality tv type beat. talking in front of a camera is comfortable at this point given interviews or her family’s little day in the life show.  “ the camera’s don’t really faze me or anything and i’ve done this long enough not to like.. have a total freak out like that one guy with the hair, reece? or the boxer trying to throw his dick everywhere? or the other blonde? jenny’s an absolute dream but she’s gotta work on grounding breathing exercises. really, i’m just here to have a good time and whatever it is at the end of the day that’s that. ”  eden shrugs, bright smile returning to her features.  “ like obviously i’m hoping to find someone grand but i’m also being realistic. shoot for the moon, yeah? stars are pretty too. ” 
“ oh definitely. ” her expression twist as if she’s asking ‘are you serious?’  “ yeah a lot of the islanders already seem pretty ace. i’ve got a few that i’m looking forward to pulling for a chat before others, like miles, frankie, adela, but i’m keen on getting a chat in with everybody. not because i’m desperate or anything, ”  she laughs, pointing at the producers behind the camera,  “ but how else are you going to know if you’ve got chemistry with someone if you don’t even try to entertain a conversation? how do you know there’s not that spark or fireworks if you don’t go for the kiss? ”   
her nose scrunches, clearly not wanting to answer this question and not having a good answer for it either.  “ none of them? ”  she feels bad saying that, but all of these couples seem so shaken around.  “ i mean if you want to get into it i guess angel and callie have got a really good thing going? but something about callie and frankie feels severely unfinished, like if they don’t get it out now they’re going to end up doing something they regret later or hurting their partners. like not intentionally, but that original fire pit just felt... intense. even in here, you don’t react that way to someone you’re over. i think jude and jenny are sweet. i’d like to see them succeed, i think he’s sweet to her despite the fact he looks like he would kill a pair of tracky daks. you think he owns ‘em? ” 
“ overly optimistic to say everyone, like i’m being thrown into the lion’s den here, but that’s not unfamiliar in the slightest. plus i know cal, she and i ran in a pretty similar circle a while back. ”  her tone’s light, teasing. who would she be if she didn’t make some sort of wild animal reference right out the gate?  “ i’m gonna have to put a little more thought into what comes out of my mouth from time to time but i just call it like i see it. i’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings, the last thing i wanna do is make anyone upset. so like... that’s gonna be the thing. i hope i get on with angel and charlene. they seem like a good time, dante and jude maybe? ” 
“ i’m not like hoping to go in making enemies. that’s not my speed. ”  she tries to make this aggressively clear,  “ but maybe dylan? maybe. which is like wild considering that’s another true blue right there but i think he just takes himself so seriously and i’m not really about that. but i hope that’s not the case. um... i don’t really know how it’ll go with josh. or naomi.  i don’t want to get sucked into that whirlpool of a mess just by being in their sheer proximity so maybe i’ll stay away from that with no less than a six foot pole. ” 
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heatwayve · 2 years ago
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day 34 beach hut : naomi.
how are you feeling in your decision to couple up or stay single ?
“ oh, well . . . ” she pauses. “ you’re probably expecting me to say i regret it, right ? but i don’t. ” naomi shrugs her shoulders matter-of-factly. “ i think i did what i needed to do, charlene and i were still getting to know each other and i had some questions about that. i do regret that i made her feel bad, or that i got her hopes up because i was really scared to talk about where i was at with josh . . . but when she gave me an ultimatum so soon, it made things really clear for me. ” naomi grimaces, “ i don’t think josh and i would be where we’re at without that. i, like, totally needed some tough love, i guess. but i hope the person of her dreams comes in soon, i don’t think i ever really felt like that was me anyway. do regret that it got all shit between us, she’s wicked fun to be around. ” 
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
“ technically, my head was turned, right ? or turned back ? i don’t know. but i think this is the happiest josh and i have ever been together, it’s insane. i can’t remember the last time i was this uncool about someone, ” she laughs. “ we’ve been tested so much, i can’t see anything fucking with us now, really. well, except for the fact that it’d be nice to be in an actual couple. honestly, if charlene stops giving me the cold shoulder, i'm seriously considering going back inside . . . because the wind ? the bugs ? we woke up this morning and there was this massive beetle just chilling on the blanket between us, ” naomi shivers, leaning back like she’s raring to jump out of her skin at the memory. she looks at the camera, seriously stressed, “ i can’t do it much longer, i’m actually gonna fucking lose it. ”  
what are your thoughts on seb & bash & rhys’ exit last night ? why did you vote the way you did ?
“ i think i’ve had to explain myself to everyone and their mother at this point, really, so i’ll just say it. i care about dylan, and i couldn’t be the reason he left if it came down to it, ” she sighs. “ i know what we had was short-lived, and i’m not sure if he’ll ever know what he meant to me, but . . . at least now i’ve done what i can, you know ? ” she pauses, “ and to be honest, i don’t think he and adela would stand a fucking chance out there without a little more time in here. i’ll miss the boys, but the way they left everything in here was mad toxic. hope they’re doing better on the outside. ”
out of everyone left, who would be the hardest person to see go ?
“ like, besides josh ? i think he’d expect me to go with him anyway, ” there’s a placid little smile on her lips that doesn’t give much away as to whether she actually would or not. “ marcus, for sure. like, i just got him back, and he’s kind of been my rock in here from the start. i thought things might be weird after, you know, ” naomi grimaces, “ but we’ve just bounced back. i’m really hoping it’s him and romi in the end, but i’m worried i might lose him in here if she doesn’t pick him. roms, too, of course, but i don’t think she’s really at risk. be cool if the four of us could finish this whole thing together, though. ” 
who seems like the strongest couple right now and why ?
“ it’s hard to say, i think. i think callie and angel are gonna make it work, but i wouldn’t call them the strongest with all the frankie drama, right ? but once it settles, i think they’re so solid – they just seem really compatible to me and i know how much they care about each other. ” naomi pauses, “ honestly, everyone’s starting pretty fresh right now except josh and i. it’s kind of crazy, i would have never expected that in the early days, but . . . yeah, i actually think we’re super strong. fuck. ”
who seems like the weakest couple right now and why ?
“ i guess romi and dante, only because she’s the only person still deciding between multiple options, so it makes sense they’d be the weakest, right ? ” she hopes that’s a good, diplomatic non-answer. “ and i think jude’s proper obsessed with jenny from the conversations we’ve had, it’s actually sort of sweet, but it’d be sweeter if jenny could be in a room with me for two seconds without making a snide remark about josh. ” that’s less diplomatic.
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cruelsxmmcr · 2 years ago
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♡ beach hut prompt 10: dylan michaels
how are you feeling in your decision to couple up?
“I’m feeling really good about it, I made the right decision and I stand by it. If you told me a week ago that this is where I’d be, I wouldn’t have believed you. But everything happens for a reason. Naomi and I weren’t looking for the same thing and couldn’t be what we needed for each other. But we’ll be okay, I reckon. She’s with Josh, and I’m happy with Adela. There’s been some challenges at first, but it’s okay. It’s all part of the experience. We’ve worked through everything and the spark between us is insane. Things always find a way of falling together, you know?”
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned?
“I’m into Adela heaps, so no, my head’s not turning. I know it’s early days for us, but it doesn’t feel like it at all, honestly. I reckon I’ve found what I’ve been looking for since coming into the villa. Someone who’ll focus and tunnel vision on me like I will on them.” He smiles at the thought of her. “Last night’s brought us even closer to each other.” There’s a small smug smile on his lips. “We’ve got each other’s back, and yeah, I’m just really happy about where are and where we’re headed.”
what are your thoughts on seb & bash & rhys’ exit last night?
There’s a frown at the question. “I was hard seeing Rhys and Bash go. Rhys had been a big part of my experience here, and a stable presence in the villa. Not seeing him around is going to be weird, but he’s found what he’s looking for coming on the show and Seb’s left with him, which really... he’s won. Bash’s a really cool bloke and one of the best in the villa. I really hope he finds what he’s looking for outside. I wish him all the best. I’ll miss them both.” There’s a shift in his expression, a smile curving up his lips at what he says next. “As for Seb, good riddance, mate. Last night was ugly. It was supposed to be focused on saying a proper goodbye to Rhys and Bash, but of course, Seb and Jenny had to be toxic about it and turn the attention on themselves. If you ask me, he was in it for the money or else why would be so pressed? And Jenny was clearly desperate to make herself feel better by shitting on other people. Screams insecure.”
out of everyone left, who would be the hardest person to see go?
“Obviously if Adela goes, then that’s the end of the road for me, so that goes without saying. I’d be gutted if Callie and Romi left, they’ve had my back since day one and through thick and thin and they’ve been with me every step of the way. I’d hate to see Frankie go, too, she’s one of my best friends in here. Honestly, there’s a few people I’d hate to see go. Marcus and I had gotten close in casa amor, and I’ve known Miles a few days only, but he’s a good time, so it’d suck to see them go. I reckon the dumpings moving forward are only going to get more and more difficult, right?”
who seems like the strongest couple right now and why?
“I don’t see a clear strongest couple. We’re all new, so I’d say we’re all the same. I’ll answer again in a few days.”
who seems like the weakest couple right now and why?
“Naomi and Charlene, but that’s because they’re quite literally not a couple.” He shrugs. “Otherwise, I reckon we’re all on a similar level. The whole Romi, Dante, Marcus thing is a little tricky, but whoever Romi settles on, it’ll be a strong enough couple. And no, mate, I don’t care what the public believes, Adela and I aren’t a weak couple.”
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graftisms · 2 years ago
location :   early evening / dressing room
featuring :   @dobits
immediately post evie date, angel had beelined to callie, smacked a soppy kiss to her cheek and handed over the little blue flower he'd very discreetly and possibly illegally picked for her from old town. it'd sat on the crook of his ear the whole car ride home until he was able to press it into her hand. a goofy and probably unnecessary gesture since she maintained how chill she was about the whole thing, but angel felt like he should do something to affirm all the promises he'd made to her the day before. i'm focused on you. my head isn't gonna turn. doesn't matter who walks through the doors. nothing's really changed. 
except angel's knees are bouncing under the vanity. it's more than likely due to the fact that he'd had suspiciously limited time to fill callie in on the events of the date. he'd gotten to most of it: she's super sweet, you're gonna love her, got the idea she was gonna chat to pretty much everybody. it was admittedly brief and surface level and he'd barely gotten to the stuff he wanted to inform her of, let alone the stuff he still kinda wanted to avoid. since then he'd done a beach hut, met eden, tended to jenny's insecurities, and not a whole lot else. late afternoon is giving way to the evening and he'd finally gotten callie quasi-alone in the dressing room as people start filing in to the shower queue and it just feels like there's some stuff he's still missing. namely - gossip. "so, what do you think about the new girls?" he shoots callie a sidelong grin, hands busy picking through presumably adela's shit in search of ye old lost hair tie. "i thought eden was funny as fuck." 
while it isn't lost on callie how little she's heard about the infamous angel-and-evie date, she's made it a point so far not to ask. she's not interested in being one of those girls, the kind that needs to hear about every little detail to feel some sense of security. she's secure enough in the relationship without asking for it, any mild anxiety she had during the waiting period today quelled when she saw his goofy smile again. but it doesn't change the fact that she does want to know, not because she's afraid of what he'll say, but because she wants to understand more of where the bombshells' head is at. evie had been sweet when they had met, disarmingly easy to talk to, but the lack of talk about angel had been awkward elephant in the room even when she was trying to make it not. they hadn't much time to talk earlier, but now seated in the dressing room as she does her makeup, part of her is hoping it comes up. but if last night was any indicator, angel's not very good at offering up what she wants to hear. "i caught up with eden this morning, which was nice! she remembered me," she smiles at her reflection in the mirror. either last night or earlier today she had definitely let it slip that she's met her before. "her dates went well, which i'm not surprised. she's so easy to get along with." a brief pause. "evie seems nice, too. i talked to her earlier. it's just so nice to have girls from home." even evie's accent is a warm memory of home. "i hope her date with charlene went well, she could use a win. did she mention her or anyone else on your date?" she says date like a high schooler would, sing-songy and how she's been saying it all day to him.
"oh my god, you have no fucking idea how hard it was not to tell her i used to watch her dad all the time when i was a kid." probably exactly no one is shocked to learn angel was an animal planet kinda guy. "yo, you gotta secure us a meet and greet before we leave." hair tie finally secured from the depths of a makeup bag, angel shakes off the stray hairs before sweeping all of his own locks onto the top of his head. it creates a much needed funnel for his focus as the conversation turns predictably to evie. "yeah, she definitely gives me charlene vibes, like i was sayin'." big grin magnetizes back to callie, warmed by how genuinely unbothered she seems. the trust it implies puts his heart on a fast two beat with a crash on the cymbal. "uh, yeah, everybody?" angel laughs, hearty and genuine. "i think she's just seeing who all she vibes with. like, she looked me straight in the eye and said i wanna get to the know the twins. i'm like -- the twins? not my twins." brow furrows down, mouth parting, hammed up and scandalized. lasts only a fleeting moment before he's chuckling again. "yeah, i dunno, she's bold low key. she didn't say anything to you? like, about the date or whatever?"
"you totally should've, she would love to hear it i'm sure. i'm impressed you even know who her dad is. charlene had no idea," she huffs out a small laugh, trying to concentrate on her mascara. there's a lightness to this moment that callie hadn't felt yet today, no doubt with the lack of him around. any doubts of making the wrong choice in bringing him back safely went out the winner when she got a brief glimpse of what it'd like to be here without him. "she's a sydney native, did i say that? maybe she'll last long enough for family day, that'd be sick." her and eden are getting on like old friends, but that doesn't mean she's about to ask to meet her famous father. everyone is such a cop-out answer that it makes callie snort, glad she got it out of her system before he mentions her and dylan. "yeah, she mentioned to me she was interested in dylan a little, but that he seems pretty closed off, which, yeah. she's definitely not interested in me, though." that felt perfectly clear in their conversation, because if there's one thing callie is good at picking up on, it's when a pretty girl is interested in her. but she's not pressed, considering the feeling is mutual, even if evie is very pretty. "bold, yeah?" that is not the vibe she got from evie, who didn't even wanna mention angel at all. putting her mascara down, she steals a peak over at him. "no, i got the feeling she didn't want to talk about it with me," she admits, lips twisting a bit. "why, did she try to stick it on you?" she jokes, but that nosiness is back, with a vengeance.
“yeah, they used to always be on early as shit before school. so tite.” his attention is sat squarely on callie now, turned sideways on the chair and watching her with his chin propped up in his hand. “oh my god, family day,” angel hypes, reaching forward to squeeze her thigh. “why am i kinda more excited to see her dad than mine?” purely a joke, even saying the words make his head buzz from excitement at the idea of seeing his old man here, although they’d more than likely send in his sister or something. he takes a second to imagine what it’d be like to meet callie’s grandparents in a place like this, warms to it just in time for conversational whiplash. a half smile plucks one side of his mouth, head shrugging. “yeah, little bit. just that silly love island flirty shit, y’know? mostly it was just, like, an interview. learning about her life and stuff. it was chill. i just wanted to come back and talk shit with you about it.” there’s a pause as angel casts his gaze over the dressing room, thoughtful and considering. “yeah, i mean, she said one kinda weird thing, but i don’t want you to take it like drama. it was just, like, bombshell stuff, y’know, about you and frankie. said she said it to, like, explain why she wants to get to know me. ‘cause frankie’s supposedly your first choice or whatever.”
she glances up at his gaze heavy on her, a smile heavy on her pursed lips before asking, "what?" family day feels like so far away and yet so close by, not something she can genuinely think about without her chest tightening from how badly she misses her family. "no, same," she laughs, shaking her head. "do you think he'd actually come? that i'll ask." that seems safe enough, and she'd hope eden would know she's more than just some fangirl. newly mascara'd eyes blink in mild surprise when he actually says yes to her question, although she instantly knows she shouldn't be. what comes next, however, is completely different, stomach churning at the mention of her ex that she anticipated as soon as angel said weird. it feels like such a blatant attack against her that the whiplash between that and the girl she just spoke to earlier tonight stings, teeth digging into the inside of her mouth for a beat. how is she not supposed to take that as drama? "yeah?" she asks, but her voice no longer sounds as light as casual as before, instead a little hollow. "and what did you say to that?"
"wow, you and eden really are besties, huh?" he teases, brow ticking up at her. when callie mentioned she'd met the bombshell before, he imagined it was more in passing, just by association, but he makes the mental note to bug eden about it more, see what goofy anecdotes he can squeeze out of her. immediately angel can feel the mood shift and he feels the air deflate out of him. she doesn't say much, but that's almost worse 'cause he can see there's a whole bunch of emotions working behind her big brown eyes and she's refusing to tip any cards. "i mean, i didn't say much, except that, like, i already knew you and frankie had an intense relationship." he genuinely has no clue that that's not the part she means. "it wasn't, like, super fuckin' sick to hear it from somebody who's seen it all from the outside, but, i dunno, i got the impression she just thought she was lookin' out for me. so i was like, hey, you're chill, we'll get to know each other more. i don't think she was trying to be shady."
any friendly gossiping is immediately sucked out of the atmosphere with the black hole that is everything angel dumps on her, finding it more insane as he continues. throat feeling suddenly heavy, callie makes an effort to rummage through her makeup bag as if she's looking for something, when in reality she just can't get herself to look at him, or at her reflection in the mirror. both would show too much of how she's feeling right now, like the ground has been pulled out from under her from twenty feet in the air. she's not even sure why she didn't expect it at this point, getting let down by someone she trusts, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. for a good minute she doesn't speak, hoping in the silence he realizes how absolutely insane he sounds. but when nothing comes out, all she can do is slowly say, "alright." there's a bit of a laugh, too, because how the hell does she unpack that all? "is that what you think, then?" she asks after a beat, still focusing on her makeup bag. "that you're second to frankie for me?" she tries not to make it sound as absurd as it feels, but it's not easy. we'll get to know each other more. callie replays that in her head, shaking her head to herself. "alright, so you're gonna get to know her then," she reiterates his words, deadpan. "cool." giving him one more shot to let what he's saying actually sink in. "that's just... i don't even know where to begin with all you just said," she laughs again, a dark sound. makeup is going back in her bag, in case she wants to make a break for it.
“nah, no way,” angel answers thoughtfully, if not distractedly. he’s watching her avoid looking at him, all her movements seem jerky and unpredictable. he definitely fucked up somewhere in this conversation, though it’s taking him a minute to pinpoint it. angel was so preoccupied making sure he didn’t disrupt the vibes between then girls that he somehow became the instigator. “oh — cal, no,” is the sentiment he affords almost in tandem to understanding what exactly tripped her up. there’s a dip in between his brow, not nearly big enough to hold all the guilt he didn’t even realize he had. “okay, hold on a sec, can we just —,” he lets out a sigh and reaches out to set the curve of her jaw in his palm, imploring her attention, “just pause? please? can you just look at me, ‘cause i’m not trying to say i wanna graft this girl, okay? to be crystal clear.” how could it be even remotely a possibility? does she genuinely think he’s capable of that? “‘kay? i want us on the same page here. let’s talk about it.”
she doesn't have to look at him to know when it finally clicks into place for him, his own stupid words. angel touches her jaw and she's quick to push his hand away, too annoyed and hurt for the physical touch, but she does let herself finally look back at him with a slightly clenched jaw, trying to keep the emotion from growing in her eyes. "i want to be on the same page, too," she tells him, but there's a growing edge to her tone. "like, i know you're trying to play it off as it's nothing, but i'd love to know why some new girl comes in who clearly likes you and starts throwing doubts at you about our relationship, and all you can respond is, 'hey, you're chill, we can keep getting to know each other.' because not only did you just give her the green light to think she can graft you, but you... why didn't you stick up for me?" her lips puff out a bit, feeling pathetic even having to ask. "unless you actually feel like she was right--she doesn't know our relationship, angel. hell, she doesn't even know frankie and i, past whatever was on tv. and it really fucking hurts my feelings that she did that, and you don't even seem to care." it's like him trying to befriend frankie when callie was still deeply hurt by the way things ended between them. she knows he's the type to be friends with everyone, but there has to be some exceptions.
it’s not like she didn’t explicitly warn him about this. that she’d been beat down by disappointing relationships and she was officially done taking any perceived hits. he’d just expected that she’d know him well enough by now that he wouldn’t play games and he definitely wouldn’t do anything to purposefully hurt her. but it all feels very life and death with callie, pretty hot or extremely cold. “i’m not… i’m not trying to play it off,” angel defends quietly, a seemingly important amendment as he takes in everything else she’s saying. his touch effectively blocked, angel folds them in his lap, chin tucked. “no, i don’t feel like she was right, but — like, you gotta understand, the shit she said is, like, so fresh and the biggest insecurity i have about us. and i know that’s irrational and you reassured me, like, a thousand times and i believe you, but it’s just, like, the quiet part of your brain that’s tellin’ you all the shit you really don’t wanna hear, y’know? and it totally threw me for a second, i just didn’t know how to handle it and, yeah, you’re right. that’s on me. i should’ve argued it more.�� it’s hard to defend just by virtue of the fact that, to angel, it all seemed casual, maybe even silly in it’s innate love islandness, so the all-encompassing doom of callie’s reaction blindsides him as much as it breaks his heart. “but i didn’t think she was right, callie. i thought it was bizarre that someone could look at us and decide we weren’t gonna work. i don’t care if she grafts me ‘cause she was never even an option to me. even if you walk outta this room saying you’re gonna keep your options open, i’m still only here for you. i’d fight seb and charlene a million times for you. you’re the only thing i want in here.” eyes flicker over her face, brow knit. “do you believe me?”
she won't argue, but the fact of the matter is that angel is trying to play all of this off as not drama, as if someone she barely knows telling the guy she's falling for that callie doesn't even see him as a first choice is no biggie. to him it might be no biggie, maybe—until he brings up his insecurities about frankie, which makes her want to laugh and cry at the same time. it always comes back to frankie. it's not like she's not sympathetic to his insecurities, and when the blonde is brought up as often as she is in the middle of their relationship, callie can understand why he feels that way. but hadn't he been the one that assured her that he would be fine with the drama that came from her bringing him back to the villa? it's not like she hadn't warned him, or haven't put him first since their first kiss in casa. "i get that it's irrational, but... i don't know what else i can do, if the frankie stuff really upsets you so much," she runs her fingers through her hair, looking at him anxiously. "i was coupled with her for two days. she doesn't know anything about my last relationship, or my mum, or most of the shit that i've told you. i can't... if this is something that's going to get in the way of us, tell me now," she asks, dark eyes meeting his. everything he's saying is melting some of her annoyance away—because the way he had said it earlier, she did think he was implying getting to know evie—but after talking about it last night, it's hard not to think about his last relationship. she doesn't want him to resent her about frankie the way he resented his ex. "because i really bloody like you, and i don't think i can do this place without you." she wouldn't want to, either. "but i don't want to move too fast if you can't get past frankie, or if you have any interest in getting to know evie or anyone else. i don't want to have to watch her graft you. i don't wanna share you." not the first time she's said it, but this time it's not in vain.
the rake of her anxiety-ridden fingers puts one of her curls out of order with the rest and angel reaches out a passive, impulsive hand to brush it back into place. "look, i'm not gonna lie to you, it's for sure something that kinda bumps up in the back of my mind sometimes. like, when she defended you to seb or during the challenge or, y'know, when a bombshell brings it up on our date...," tone is glib and deadpanned, head inclining, realizing now how suspicious it kinda is. "it's like... god, what do they call it? when you think the thing you know you shouldn't? like, the crazy thought? -- intrusive!" thinking about frankie and callie getting back together definitely feels like spontaneously deciding to drive into oncoming traffic. chin lowers, his eyes set on her like he's trying to impress upon her how definitive his answer is. "but it's not gonna get in the way of us." maybe it'll exist there sometimes, once in awhile, in a vague impulse he'll just let pass, but it's through no fault of her own. and it certainly doesn't disparage the bond they're forging for themselves, especially when she points out all the things she's shared solely with him, a fact that admittedly does fuel a sense of renewed confidence. it's what he'd wanted when he'd brought up the whole thing in the first place and it's not unlike what follows, a string of sentiments he wants to hang like twinkle lights on his windowsill. it feels vulnerable, especially for callie, and he doesn't think twice about slinging his arms around her middle, pulling her off the vanity stool and into his lap. "never gonna happen," angel promises. "i told you before i wanna go where you go, that hasn't changed for me." if anything, it's no longer a want, but a requirement. "'cause trust me when i say i like you more and, more than that, i totally don't give a shit about moving too fast." he shows her a flash of a grin at that, waits 'til it melts off to add, "it's you and me, 'kay?"
she swallows down any lingering doubts about his frankie complex, no longer as on edge as she had felt minutes ago. if there's one thing that she appreciates about angel, it's the way he manages to calm her down with a few words, keeping her grounded when the villa makes her feel like she's somebody else entirely. for someone who can't seem to see past her previous coupling, angel speaks about the two of them with such decisiveness that it's hard not to take everything at face value. she wants to, but if angel's intrusive thoughts are about frankie, then callie's are about waiting for the other shoe to drop. after all, him having no interest in evie doesn't really erase from the fact that the bombshell is lining up to be angel's second choice—not unlike the second choice she claimed that angel was for callie. but it's hard to think about anyone else when he's pulling her onto his lap, arms linking around his neck as she curls into him. if they can just make it to the end of this, callie knows that they could be smooth sailing in the real world. it's so close, she can taste it. with a small nod, she takes his chin in her hands to press a kiss to his lips. somehow it feels like enough of a response to how she's feeling, but if not, she adds a decisive, "you know i trust you," to the end of it. it's not until her head is resting against his chest for a few heartbeats that she adds, "you're gonna have to tell her you're not interested, though. you can't tell someone you want to keep getting to know her after she takes you on a date and badmouths your girl without letting her think she has a shot." it's matter-of-fact, but the badmouthing comment does stir some residual hostility, callie can't help it. "she should focus on charlene, anyway." someone great who actually is open to getting to know other people.
at the very least angel was bracing himself to be in the dog house (and maybe he still is), but at most he was genuinely concerned that this would be the part where callie pushes him away. it’s his expectation that he wouldn’t let that happen, but it’s thankfully a pointless consideration because her kiss feels like reconciliation, easy and wordless and affirming. he hopes her words ring as true as that kiss feels, ‘cause it seems like there’s an implication of mistrust. that he should think twice about what he says to evie before he lets it spring easily from his mouth like every other thing. “— you mean you aren’t gonna tell her for me?” a joke, just a prod at the high school imagery it kinda paints, two girls fighting over some dude who definitely isn’t worth it. a cheshire smirk curls at his lips, pressed up against her forehead. “my girl, huh?” he teases lowly. “say it again.” considering how resolute callie is about not going too fast, angel simply can’t help celebrating each little win with annoying fanfare. a sigh melts all the playfulness away, grows more serious as he nods. “yeah, i’ll talk to her about it tomorrow… are you gonna talk to her?” he wonders, was genuine when he said he didn’t wanna mess with the vibe between the girls. after all, bombshells are gonna bombshell. “like, about all that?”
she makes a show of laughing without a lick of humor, before exchanging a look his way. but of course she knows he's joking, and it's hard to take it very seriously anyway, when his repeat of her words makes her lips twitch into a fighting smile. if there's one thing callie's never been good at with dating, it's the casualness that comes before a fully defined relationship. there's a reason none of her relationships before her big ex lasted long enough to call themselves a real relationship, either letting herself jump in too quickly, or get lost in the silly rules of dating: wait a few hours before replying, don't put out until at least the third date to be taken seriously, etc etc. every friend of hers had a different rule that she'd eventually come to break anyway. love island is without its rules too, most of them practiced religiously rather than discussed: exclusive doesn't mean boyfriend/girlfriend, leave your options open before immediately jumping into anything. but she's never been good at rules, and maybe it's because of the speed at which they're moving (despite her constantly trying to bring up that they're moving pretty fast), but she's already starting to view him as her boyfriend. for now she just kisses him instead of actually saying it again, although when she pulls away, she does admit, "i really missed you today, you know. it was really weird without you." codependent much? at least she's self-aware. callie's glad he doesn't argue with her about it, though his question has her making a face. "i don't know," she admits, truthfully. "maybe eventually, but i wouldn't even know what to say. i'm just annoyed, because we had a really nice chat earlier today, so hearing her saying all this about me... i was hoping we could be friends." but even if they get there, it'll take a minute for the sting of the deceitfulness to wear off.
“yeah?” a big smile holds up the apples of his cheeks, eyes crinkle at the edges. “you were playin’ it so cool, i wasn’t totally sure. was hoping you’d be missing me.” there’s a particularly juvenile part of angel that kinda wanted callie to be a little jealous, but only innocently. not remotely to hurt her feelings, but just enough to prove he meant something real to her. “i missed you, being out there isn’t even worth it without you. like how you were at the market, all excited and giggly.” the memory makes him laugh warmly, fingers splaying over the fabric of the dress stretched over her thigh. watching callie enjoy herself like she was when they were on their date had made him feel a distinct sense of pride, it made him feel good. it could probably be a link to the utter lack of thought he’s giving to the speed of their growing relationship. if it feels so good, why overthink it? why try and smother it? especially on a day like this, where their bond’s tested so directly. with frankie (and now evie) in the rear view, it’s easy to show callie each and every one of his cards. “mhm,” angel acknowledges, head bobbing. “that is super weird.” it doesn’t feel particularly natural to disparage who he feels is a new friend, but validating callie outweighs politeness. “yeah, maybe just let it lie, y’know? i’ll handle it tomorrow and then we can do our thing,” he says with a smile. breakfast, swimming, listening to their friends talk about themselves. it occurs to him to plan that date he’d promised, too. “but i’m sure things’ll blow over with evie. shit moves fast.”
"i mean, i told you last night that you were gonna go on a date, so i knew it was coming. and, like, no offense to evie, but i didn't think i had any reason to stress. but i don't know," she slides her hand down his neck softly, "i didn't expect to be so bored without you. or for it to take so bloody long. what, were you aging the wine and everything?" she makes a face, but the spark in her eyes is playful. maybe she should be jealous him and evie got a much more romantic date than the two of them did, but callie likes thinking back to their shopping trip, something about how silly and normal it was meaning more to her than anything fancy. "i was not giggly about grocery shopping," she argues, nipping his bottom lip before stealing a kiss. "mmm, but how was town? was it cute? were you by the water?" it still blows her mind that she's been here for nearly a month and still barely knows anything about the island. there's something about him calling it super weird that makes her roll her eyes, because he's acting like evie's actions are shocking, as if it's not super easy for her to see through. "i'm not stressed," she shakes her head, because she's not. annoyed, maybe, and a little hurt that someone who doesn't know her would speak so poorly about her to the person who matters most here. but callie doesn't need to be friends with everyone here.
there’s something so bittersweet about the imagery her words conjure up. there was angel, sitting at the date drinking up the wine and evie’s doubts while callie sat here missing him. it casts a shadow of guilt that quickly gives way to sunny resolution. there’s no way he’ll let himself second guess her again, she deserves better than that. “you’re so much better than me,” he tells her, repressing a smirk. “whenever you get called to a date i’m not waiting around here. i’m gonna, like, hitch a ride on the underside of the car. cape fear vibes.” though joking, it would be fair to estimate that angel’s jealousy probably outweighs her’s. the kiss he meets her with is loud, smacks, and is followed by another on her cheek, then her jaw. “you were so giggly, it made me so happy.” a chuckle rumbles in his chest, pulling back to look at her. “do you think i’d let them take me to the water without you? nah, could see some peeks of it around the buildings. it was super fucking cool, gonna be dope to go explore once we get out.” he nods, satisfied, and uses his fingers to push some curls off her cheek. “good. did anything fun happen in here while i was gone?”
"oh please," she scoffs, shaking her head. "i doubt you'll have to worry about that, anyway. there can't be many more bombshells coming in, and i probably won't be high on their priority list." especially knowing what evie's said about her, callie's beginning to doubt how great her edit's been, with all the frankie drama. "which is fine by me. i'm all dated out," she adds, with an exaggerated shrug of her shoulders. not like she hasn't been on... four? dates already. "i was not." her argument might be stronger if she wasn't laughing anyway, girlish and warm. how anyone could think their relationship is insincere is beyond her, when callie constantly feels like they're acting like the grosses couple in the world. not that anyone can be surprised, since they had talked back in casa about how they wanted to be with someone they were proper obsessed with. "god, i can't wait," she groans. part of her is ready for that part already, for the show to be over--at least in terms of being able to do their own thing, and getting to leave whenever they want. "you have to swear to me that we'll do some exploring before heading home. i feel like when the time comes i'm gonna wanna immediately be home, but i'll regret it if we don't check out the island for a few days." a lot is contingent on these plans--them getting booted from the show at the same time, for one thing--but harping on the details is how anyone can go mad. they'll cross that bridge when they get there. "no, i wasn't kidding when i said i was bored. i tried to nap, but my body wouldn't even let me. basically just the usual."
"i dunno, apparently we don't look married off enough," he tells her, tone laden with playful sarcasm. it feels like a joke anyway with her all scooped up in his lap, trading kisses like they're cringy high schoolers fooling around in a booth at mcdonalds. but there's nothing really to prove anymore, to anybody else or each other. "should we sleep on the terrace again?" he bites into the grin that threatens to split his features, only half-joking. actually, it'd be a very real consideration if there weren't so much speculation circling the production's walkies regarding the weather. head bobs, agreeing with every last bit of that sentiment. "i know, it's gonna be hard not to just go the fuck home. i'm all for coolin' out here for a bit though, i'm so gonna be there for your first surf sesh back." there's a thoughtful pause as he pictures it, indulges in the fantasy for a moment before the plot carries on and he's faced with reality and the question of what comes next. "so... you think then, like, you'd go home and i'd go home and we'd just meet up after we check in with everyone?" it's logistics that definitely don't need to be talked about now, but it is a curious thought. his lips press together, not entirely in love with the idea of splitting up after everything. maybe they'll need the space, but he imagines it would be more fun to stick together. "then we'll do real vacation?"
"well that's too bad," callie snorts. "i don't think we could be more obnoxious even if we tried." she already feels pretty fucking obnoxious right now, but she can't be arsed to care. callie likes being in a relationship with a strong physical touch, and after last night and the absence of him this afternoon, it's especially hard to keep her hands off of him. "would you do it again?" his offer makes her grin, not sure if he had really enjoyed the actual sleeping part of it, considering the ground isn't exactly the comfiest. "i totally would, if it wasn't apparently going to rain tonight." which isn't the end of the world—and callie's back will probably appreciate being back in a bed—but she did like the privacy. she's about to start praying to the love island gods for their time in the hideaway. "you can surf with me!" she realizes as soon as he says it, eyes lighting up at the thought. "i'll be sure to go easy on ya. i'll probably have to, since i'll be rusty as fuck." she's already dreading getting her ass back into training mode, even if it's just to build up her stamina to the way it had been. "oh, i... guess so?" lips press together as callie considers it. despite making casual plans here and there for the future, she's never been much of a planner, so the idea of how it's going to work after filming does throw her for a bit of a loop. "or we could take turns, go to australia first, then cali. or the other way around," callie shrugs. "whatever works. definitely a real vacation at some point, and you'll have to see sydney for yourself at some point." it's a gnarly long distance from LA to sydney, but while callie's started to come to terms with the idea of moving back to california, it feels too soon to talk about it.
brows furrow thoughtfully, makes a show of pretending to consider that. “mm, yeah, we should still try.” after all, by love island standards, he can’t imagine they’re the worst of the worst. more than that, angel is officially releasing the negative energy that comes with overthinking. from being wary of frankie to moving at a reasonable pace with callie, he’s keen to say fuck it and just enjoy what they have. “cal, i’d build us a bed frame out there if that’s what it takes.” he grins back, shamelessly makes no bones about how much he enjoyed himself, even despite the aches in his back. brows tick up, part glib and part dare. “but no one’s paying attention to us in the bedroom, y’know.” historically it seems like no one’s paying attention to anybody except their couple. in fact it seems like sleeping outside only draws more attention. the excitement that electric sparks callie at the mere mention of surfing has him bubbling with laughter. “nah, i’m gonna wipeout and you’re gonna get the ick.” she amends and he presses his lips into a smirk, head cocking. “oh, yeah, you’re gonna have to brush off the cobwebs. maybe i’ll smoke you then.” as if 1. callie could be out-surfed and 2. she could bear to lose an all-out challenge.
fingers are distracted mapping out the fancy threads of her dress, angel’s gaze trained to the tanned skin stretching over the delicate bones of her décolletage. he doesn’t wanna look her dead in the eyes ‘cause he knows his will betray how thoroughly exhilarated he is by her off handed suggestion. “yeah, we could go to cali first? so i can check on things, maybe. the shop and everything. and then… yeah, definitely sydney right after. i really wanna see all your spots.” he’s ultra-cool, playfully mimicking her chill with a sprinkle of self-aware sarcasm. how can he possibly deny how ridiculous and nerve wracking and cool it is that he met her here, that they don’t want their time together to end. “oh, damn, are you wrists okay?” he asks suddenly, delicately picking up one of her hands to inspect it. he presses a kiss to the inside of her wrist, smiles sweetly against the pulse. “do they hurt? like, from how cuffed i got you?”
"can we?" she laughs, nudging him in the shoulder. "you can go ahead and keep trying." because she would argue that he's the more obnoxious one after the two, although she'd be lying if she said she didn't love it. it'd be easy to overthink a lot of their relationship—how fast it's been moving, how serious things feel when they talk about the future—but there's an ease about angel that makes it natural, as if they've known each other a lot longer than a week or so. it's reminiscent to the way she operates back home, moving through relationships and life at her own speed, without thinking twice about it. she'd once told angel that she gets infatuated in relationships very easily, and it's like he's trying to put her words to the test—and right now, she's certainly proving him right. "i mean, i know that." she makes a face anyway, to show how she feels about it. "but it's just... it reminds me of staying in hostels during traveling. it's not very... romantic, you know?" it's hard to get herself in the mood when she can hear someone else moaning from the next bed over, like they're all a part of some orgy. "i will not," she laughs, shaking her head, "pinky swear. but i'll still smoke you," callie adds with a confident smile, not wanting him to expect anything less. right now making plans for outside of the villa is so unserious, so while she doesn't particularly love the idea of being away from elvis longer than she has to, she nods in agreement anyway. "will everyone be cool with you coming back to work just to leave right away again?" she asks, more curious about the set-up of his job than anything. callie's never had a job so permanent, that she had to worry about leaving behind. eyebrows only have time to knit together briefly before he's kissing her wrists, the punchline making her scoff in glee. "shut up!" she gives him a light shove in the chest. "i'd be going to LA either way, okay. to see romi and bash and them. you're not special." cue the grin.
“oh, i’m gonna,” angel assures her with a cheeky grin. he’s got, like, little to no qualms about pda. in fact, the qualms aren’t qualms as much as they are preferences. he’s never understood the idea that any kinda intimacy is supposed to be a litmus test for the seriousness of a relationship, equates the desire for proximity and their traveling plans to texting a new fling to hangout on a friday, but end up chilling together all weekend just because it’s fun and they can. how else are you supposed to build a bond? “yeah, no, i feel that,” he admits with an understanding laugh. “it’s college vibes, for sure. i mean… the terrace is pretty nice. good to know it’s there.” angel doesn’t exactly see them having full blown sex on tv, definitely wouldn’t press for that, but the privacy aspect is a drop in the plus column above all. “can’t wait to see you surf. do you get all, like,” he tools his lineaments into a look of mad dog seriousness, “game face about it?” he can imagine it, but he can just as easily imagine a fat smile slapped on her face as long as she’s on a board. “uh, no,” angel laughs. “i mean, it’s, like, not ideal for me either. it’s my shit, y’know? my responsibility. but i’ve never taken a long, full on vacation like this. i earned, like, a month or two then i’ll be back on the grind.” once he goes back he’ll just have to make more plans before bailing again, but he’s sure he can work it out. hand grips the outside of her thigh, pulling her closer into his lap even as she pushes against his chest. “mhm, mhm,” he teases her, teeth biting into his smile. “like you wouldn’t stay with me and ride in my cars.” the reminder puts a mischievous sparkle in his eye. “oh my god, i cannot wait ‘til i get you driving some crazy little mazda. somethin’ that jumps when you touch the pedal, y’know?”
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guttcd · 2 years ago
who : romi @romistav​​​​
where : daybeds
when : anytime day 37
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“wait, look at this one! i can’t — you and callie look so freaking hot!” charlene is resting her head on romi’s shoulder, swiping through the thousand pictures she has taken since the heart rate challenge and the random little photoshoots they tend to have. some were blurry. some were silly. most were pretty damn sexy in her opinion. charlene stops at a picture of a cat lounging by the pool. “do you think that if we found the villa cat and brought him indoors that production would be willing to let us keep him for a bit? i’ve been kind of worried about him ever since the storm. think we could lure him out by leaving bits of cooked chicken out in a tray or something?” 
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guttcd · 2 years ago
*  angel / @dobits​ !
day thirty-nine: afternoon. bedrooms.
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“oh my god, why do i feel so awkward around you right now?” angel laughs sardonically, grabs a pillow screen printed with a pink naomi and shields his face with it. probably has something to do with the ultra charged moment between them last night, laden with a kind of tension he’s vaguely familiar with when it comes to charlene, but things have never gotten so close to anything other than platonic. with everything else that happened over the course of the evening, he’s done well to keep that particular interaction very close to the vest. “i’m sorry, char. i really hope i didn’t blow it for real this time between us.” it seems like every couple days he has to do something to mess with the girl in a way that feels completely accidental, but very purposeful all at the same time. / @guttcd
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 charlene and evie had been ordered to move their belongings over to the bedroom so she’s in the middle of getting their bed ready when angel speaks up, bringing her to turn her attention to him. “ stop —  don't do that.” her face visibly cringes at his words. especially the apology because if anyone should be saying sorry it’s her. “look, i was drunk and the champagne was making me a little handsy and like, technically nothing even happened so…” she shrugs, turning around so that she can continue to get the bed ready for her and evie.   "honestly, i really appreciate you for like, not letting it escalate. that would have been really bad.” and totally unfair to callie. “and um...  sorry that my dumb little crush on you decided to come out at the worst possible time.” charlene’s back is turned towards him as she says this but the heat that rises from her neck all the way to the tip of her ears is a clear indicator of how embarrassed she is by the whole ordeal. she’s trying to keep it chill though, not willing to let this becomes a bigger deal than it needs to be. “ i really don’t want things to be awkward between us so can we just sweep it so under the rug that we forget about it and never bring it up again? please?”
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inquixotic · 2 years ago
stairwell, outside dressing room
with @dobits !
evelyn mendoza.
after the dramatics being arguing, making it impossible to move on, and not any sort of kissing, she slips away from the dressing room to go get a drink. what she wasn't expecting was to find angel there, too, after he went off with charlene earlier, heading up to, she can only assume, interrupt whatever it is they're hashing out. "not sure i'd do that if i were you," she says quietly, catching his arm with a look, brow furrowed with some concern. callie had said she felt teamed up on, right? that could only make it worse.
angel reid
as he beelines into the villa and through the living room, angel’s feeling increasingly sober. deceptively, even. he’s not sure what he’s gonna walk in on (in itself a scenario that feels thick and suffocating and awful), but he’s definitely not expecting evie. “huh?” he asks dumbly, hooked back and pivoting toward her. “fuck — why?” what’d she hear? then he realizes with a small indulgence of humor, “— were you spying?”
evelyn mendoza.
"shh!" her hushing is hissed, with a glance back up at the door, a small smile sneaking on her face in spite of herself at how ridiculous the situation actually was. "for miles. it wasn't as fun as i thought it'd be." her voice is still quiet, smile fading a little. "they're arguing again, callie..." she hesitates, remembering that she asked her not to comment on their relationship. "it sounds a li'l rough, but i'd wait this one out for a few. not gang up on her."
angel reid
“for miles?” brow arches at her, implicating something. amusement wanes as she continues, his lips pressing together as he looks over her head down the hallway. “how come frankie gets first dibs?” he huffs a little wryly. then his gaze falls down to evie again. “do you think i should even go in there?”
evelyn mendoza.
“fuck — oh, that was a secret, don’t worry about it,” she says quickly, her hands waving as if she could make him forget like that. “you didn’t follow her.” it’s not accusatory, just simply said. frankie just got there first, really. his question gives her pause. “not right now? it just, she just was…shit.” she bites at her lower lip, glancing back from where she came. “i can’t, like, be in the middle of this, man, but she seems properly mad. i would really, really give it a second.”
angel reid
“you and miles have secrets?” another bolded implication he can enjoy. then his eyes roll despite himself because leave it to evie to contradict him. “she wanted to talk to her.” the way she trips over her words instantly captures angel’s attention, zeros in on her. “what’d you hear?” he presses, wants to know how bad it is. “just say it, evie. what does it even matter to you?”
evelyn mendoza.
“no, i just needed concealer.” that was the cover story, right? his implication of more going right over her head. “so callie gave her dibs, then. that’s semantics.” she’s trying not to sound defensive or contrary. her face slips, awful at this sort of thing — no one asked her not to say it and therefore it’s not a secret, but she shouldn’t know it either. “she asked me not to do this again, angel, i — i don’t want to interfere.” there’s a little helpless shrug at that, glancing at the door, then back to angel, before giving a sort of exasperated groan. “something about frankie not letting her move on? and you bein’ pissed. that’s all i can say, seriously, just — give them a minute or two and then check in.”
angel reid
“yeah, i’m sure you’re trying to conceal something,” he jokes, but he doesn’t blame miles for sending ops in to get intel. he’s glad to see him looking alive. “you’re semantics,” angel replies childishly, tongue clicking against his teeth. but the halting way evie speaks, wary not to make waves, softens him to her. he can tell she’s just trying to help, feels a lot like when he’d first sat down across from her. “yeah, i get the picture she hasn’t moved on,” he says a little wryly as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the wall. “but the longer i stand out here, the more time i’m giving frankie to —,” but it’s not really frankie. there are two people tangoing behind that door, if anything callie’s the one who’s initiated it all. “listen, you’re fine, you’re not interfering in anything. i appreciate it, y’know? you’ve been… like, trying to tell me.”
evelyn mendoza.
“you are gonna blow my cover with your jokes,” she shoots back, fighting a grin. this is a little silly to have a conversation like this standing probably ten feet from his girl’s argument, but the ease of it lessens the tension in her shoulders. “and you’re ridiculous. that comeback’s primary.” her tiny frame bounces a little on the step she stands on. her face falls as he trails off and so she does step down, tugging at his arm. “that’s not the vibe i was getting,” she says softly, shaking her head. frankie sounded confused, callie hurt. she genuinely thinks they’re just having the conversation they should’ve a week ago. “nah, i am a bit, but she said frankie didn’t fight for her and i kinda think you should if she’s really what you want.” hopefully that means something, coming from her at least. getting upset over the movie does give her doubts about how serious he is, personally, but that’s for him to figure out. “but like, take a breath first so it doesn’t feel like she’s bein’ attacked from two sides again.” more intensity couldn’t help, she thinks. “because you do want her right?”
angel reid
there’s a second longer where he lets the smile sit on his face, lapping up moments of levity where he can like it’s water in a neon-themed, drama-filled desert. the sigh that wracks through him effectively kills it though. “so what’s the vibe?” he wonders briefly how it all looks from the outside, if he’s, as they say, mugged off. “‘cause if it’s what you’re saying, sounds kinda like they’re daring each other to make a move.” the muffled exchange of voices at least assures him that that hasn’t happened yet, though even that could be a dead hope from his drunken, swimming brain. his head thuds dully against the wall as he inhales deep and exhales long per her request, finds it actually sobering and helpful. “i dunno,” he lies, not looking at her at first. feels immediately like bullshit, unbelievable, so he pushes off to stand straight on his stair, lips pressed together. “yeah, i want her. but i don’t wanna…,” now that he doesn’t know, his feelings seemingly inexpressible. “just feels like shit, y’know?”
evelyn mendoza.
she hesitates, wishes for a moment she had run into miles instead because it would feel a lot less like talking out of turn. “it’s like it’s a conversation they should’ve had a week ago, i guess.” if she thought there was any semblance of romance left in that discussion, she might’ve said differently, but she slipped away before she could hear any of frankie’s reply, only callie wishing she fought for her. there’s a dull ache in her chest at the look on his face, wishing she didn’t have to tell him what she actually thinks and could instead pull him away, convince him something worse was going on down the hall and try to make himforget callie, but she knows it wouldn’t matter if she tried. even if he’s not really okay being second, she doesn’t think he’d own that. “i know.” her lips press together, and she glances down the stairs, an escape route if she needs it. “this isn’t a told ya so,” she prefaces. “but as long as frankie is here, it’s gotta be somethin’ you deal with. if you can’t do that…i dunno, man.” she wasn’t there for his spectacular performance, off with dante, but it hadn’t looked pretty. “you either gotta look at things differently or let her go, but it’s not fair to her.” nevermind that frankie’s very presence isn’t fair to angel, but that’s the name of the show.
angel reid
there’s no real reason for evie to lie, except for maybe the opportunity to fill angel up with hope and send him off into an inevitable break up. he doesn’t see any vindictiveness in her face though, even despite all of their contentious differences. angels eyes are cast down the hall toward the threshold he’s gearing up to barge through, considers her words. “i feel like i could,” he starts, dragging his eyes back to evie. “just feels kinda like a losing battle.” even now, after everything that’s happened tonight of which he feels blameless, he would have to go in there and win her over. it’s always him winning her over. there’s a glib humor in the smirk his pursed lips make. “fair to her?” he teases. “what about fair to me? you still don’t believe in angel rights?”
evelyn mendoza.
"then don't." the words leave her before she can help them, choke them back down, because there's no unselfish reason for saying them. "i mean, like. if you're just gonna feel like you've lost either way, it should worth it," she corrects, chewing at her lower lip with some uncertainty. that was the more correct way to frame it, she thinks. "nah, i believe in angel rights." even with their fighting and misunderstanding, she doesn't hate him. she's not willing to throw away a chance with charlene on him, but he's still a bit of her, too. "i'm on your side here, even if it doesn't feel like it," she answers, more seriously than needed for his teasing, adding on more lightly, a lopsided smile appearing, "'specially if it means i can call you a dumbass when you're bein' one."
angel reid
it’s the response he’s been fishing for and the thing he doesn’t want to hear. a big part of angel knows he needs to see callie’s face, understand where she’s at before considering any alternatives, but there’s also the very real belief that, as sweet and sincere as their coupling has been, it was inevitably going to be shrouded in the shadows of frankallie. so he takes a moment to chew on her suggestion, turn the two options over in his mouth and learn all the bittersweet cracks and edges of them. “what are you gonna do?” he wonders suddenly. charlene is the obvious answer to that, though he’d forgotten to inform evie she’s looking for her. but apparently now evie’s running missions for miles, too. it might help him to know she’s got things she’s sorting out, same as him. it’s hard not to reflect her smile, so he gives into it, let’s it fill up his face. “it does feel like it,” he affirms with distinct appreciation. then his brow quirks at her. “even when you’re calling me a dumbass. y’know, you’re, like, the only person in here who’s said stuff like that to me. i guess i need it sometimes.”
evelyn mendoza.
what is she gonna do? that's a great fucking question, one she doesn't really have an answer for. she doesn't want to have a difficult conversation with charlene, even though she probably should, and the alternative is finding miles and rehashing this conversation with him, too, another thing she isn't sure she's up to. "find charlene, i guess?" there's a laugh at that, a little uncomfortable, not wanting really to confide in angel even still. "i think she might be mad at me for, like...how i handled it with you earlier. so i need to chat with her." probably should be right now, actually. charlene was drinking quickly, too, and it's probably only right that evie get her into an actual bed, either outside or in the living room. "but it'll work itself out, right?" she's craving some form of reassurance, that she's not crazy or maybe that she is, that charlene isn't mad at her. his smile brings her some of that, at least having helped with one problem. "yeah, well, i got lots of wisdom for you. starting with some t-swift lyrics, babe," she warns, laughing softly under her breath. she almost wants to keep him here, talking, but she glancing back up the stairs, her smile wanes. "i'll save it for another time." at the very least, the promise of something softer again than their past few chats, maybe even a slow build to friendship instead of the discomfort. "be gentle, yeah? or give it a clean break. ultimatums get ya nowhere."
angel reid
head nods, remembering. he’d been so distracted in the moment with his own shit, it hadn’t registered that it was a heated exchange for the girls. “for sure it will,” angel agrees. “actually, she told me she was gonna go look for you.” hopefully that’s a glimmer of optimism for evie, and surely she’ll find charlene systematically searching the grounds for her and not kissing a hot blonde. “t-swift,” he hams up a cringe. “haven’t i been through enough?” a hums vibrates in his chest, nodding in agreement with her warning. “no ultimatums. if you hear somebody sobbing alone in their bed tonight, just tell charlene it’s the ghost.” just some gallows humor. then he starts up the rest of the stairs, reaching out and squeezing her hand as he passes. “thanks, evie. and, uh,” he gestures at her, a spy caught red handed, and winks, “i never saw ya.”
evelyn mendoza.
"we'll rescue the ghost to sleep with us instead," she jokes in return, squeezing his hand back. she doubts that will be the case, though. fully expects him to be in the hideaway, even if not taking full advantage. affection swells in her chest for him, at even that small gesture, and a grin spreads, a little goofy and a little uncertain, but still present. "good luck," she stage whispers, before scurrying down the rest of the stairs to find charlene.
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crackonhq · 2 years ago
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on night 41, islanders gather around the fire pit to recouple. as there are an even amount of islanders, it is assumed that everyone will be safe moving forward . . . 
victoria is called up first to make her decision.
“ i feel like we have this chemistry, i dunno...like when we kiss, it's super hot and i like her. she's super sweet. so, the person i’d like to couple up with is charlene. ”
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santiago gets to choose next.
“ i like this islander’s vibe and i think i could show them an even better time here. the person i want to couple up with is miles. ”
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josh is called to go first.
“ i would like to couple up with this girl because... well, she's the first girlfriend i've has in a long time, ” he laughs, “ i'm just so obsessed with her, and i just can't wait to be out of here and let her meet my family, and meet hers too. i can't wait for all my friends to tell me i'm punching. so, the person i’d like to couple up with is naomi. ”
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next, callie is called up to recouple. 
“ i would like to couple up with this boy because, despite only knowing him... what, less than two weeks ? it feels a lot longer. i just think if i were going to be sent home tomorrow, i wouldn't even be upset, because this experience has let me meet this person, which is already more than i expected from being here. there's a lot more to learn about each other, i know, but every day i get to spend getting to know him is just a good day. i'm lucky to have him here with me, because he really is my whole love island experience. so, the person i want to couple up with is angel. ”
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dante is called up next to make his decision. 
“ i would like to couple up with this girl because she is one of the kindest people in the villa, and someone i consider a good friend. i would like to get to know her more, and see if this could go anywhere. the person i choose is eden. ”
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dylan stands up to recouple.
“ i want to couple up with this person because they're my first thought when i wake up in the morning and my last thought at night before i go to sleep. i can’t imagine choosing anybody else and they're all i want. i know we hit a rough patch a few days ago, but we’ve got something worth fighting for and we came out stronger. she’s my girl and i’m her guy, it’s as simple as that. the girl i want to couple with is adela. ”
jenny’s phone buzzes last and she stands up to make her speech.
“ i’d like to couple up with this person because… he’s my favorite, ” she shrugs, mouth pinching back a smile as she catches his eye. “ and not only is he the only person here who can handle me, but he never makes me feel like it’s a chore or like i’m too much… even if sometimes, i am. the first time i saw him i created this whole little fantasy in my head and despite all our ups and downs, he’s really just constantly proving that he’s so much better than i ever could’ve imagined. so it really shouldn't com as a surprise to anyone that i’d like to couple up with my fucking boyfriend–jude. get over here, baby. ” 
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your couples are:
victoria and charlene
miles and santiago
angel and callie
josh and naomi
dante and eden
adela and dylan
jenny and jude
after the recoupling, eden’s phone lights up with a text.
TEXT: congratulations to all our new couples. to celebrate, one of these couples will be invited to the hideaway tonight. your fellow islanders will decide by privately voting for the lucky couple. #nightaway 
each character has an individual vote. you are not voting as a couple.
all of the votes are private, texted to production. they do not have to share their vote, but they can.
islanders cannot vote for themselves/their own couple. 
this is a quick & easy vote so you have twenty-four hours (until noon est on friday) to weigh in.
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gotatext · 2 years ago
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𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐲  ;    ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʜᴜᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ #6 !
how are you feeling about movie night ? did anything surprise you ? 
“ man, movie night was kinda fucked. obviously my clips weren’t great, but… they were all pretty old. like none of that shit i said stills stands. ”  apart from the comment about charlene being fit as fuck. obviously that still stands, but you can window shop without wanting to shoplift the store.  “ callie choosing frankie’s video was like a red rag to a bull for angel, i know that much. but he’ll forgive her, he’s just being petty about it. ”  part of jude feels like angel needed to argue with his girl for a bit, stop making the rest of them look bad. also, he doesn’t really trust couples who say they never fight. what the fuck do those conflict-less couples even do ? cherish each other and shit ?  “ for me it was more the shit that came after that surprised me. jenny asked me to be exclusive, which i wasn’t expecting, and while i want it, it just didn’t feel like the right time. we’ve had so much drama this week, i think maybe if that just calms down, then we’ll be golden. ”  and also, his fingers were literally inside her. not exactly a story they can tell the grandkids.
what are your thoughts on romi and marcus’s decision to leave ? 
“ romi is obviously someone i was very close to, and then suddenly not close to at all, and then after the double date… in some weird kinda in-between friendship thing with. ”  jude notes, struggling to outline the complexities of their warped relationship.  “ them leaving is sad, but it’s the right choice for her. marcus seemed like a solid dude. for sure i’d like to get to know him better on the outside. ”  he’s pretty sure there’ll be no shortage of club promos and big nights on the down in manny or the big smoke. maybe they’ll even make it over to dublin, air bnb it for the night, take a trip around miles’ gaff. feels weird that he’s got this whole new friendship group now spread out all over the place like the british empire in 1919 or some shit.  “ they’re definitely gonna be missed, nobody’s arguing with that. ”
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
“ i’m basically fully focused on jen. i don’t really see that changing, if i’m honest. like yeah, obviously i have good chats with charlene, or adela feels like someone who i could fuck about with and have a really fun time, but since coupling up with jenny i kinda feel over all that. i do genuinely like the girl a lot. i’m not saying it’s gonna be easy, chick lives halfway across the planet but love who you love and figure the rest out. ”  shit. freudian slip.  “ i mean like who you like. whatever, it’s not…” flushed, jude buries his face in his hands.  “ fuck this shit. this is bullshit. i said like. ”
what are your thoughts on santiago and victoria ? are either of them your type ? do you think your partner would be interested in them ?
“ nah, bro. the two of them coming in now just spells drama. D-E-R-A-M-A, bruv. i’m not getting involved. ”  maybe he would have given victoria a look-in if she hadn’t snogged jenny right in front of him, but even then she feels like a poundland version of the bird he’s already got. “ santiago’s got some cheek coming in here all photography-guy and shit. that role’s already taken, man ! jog on back to cyprus ! ” or wherever he’s from. jude doesn’t even care. he’s totally not threatened by it at all.
are you grafting right now ? if so, who is at the top of your list ?
“ not really, no. ”  jude purses his lips for a second. “ i mean i guess it depends how this week goes. i kinda told jenny i want her to prove she can be loyal to me and shit before we try any of the locked-in bullshit that seems to be pumping it’s way around the villa like a virus, but i dunno. i’ll probably cave before a week’s up, if i’m honest. i don’t really want her having an excuse to cop off with the fit new seven-foot cypriot, you know ?  it’s just fun to keep her on her toes. ”
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