babyitsmagic · 5 months
The Spies
Dahlia serves as the spymaster for the Court of Time, despite the fact that their nephew... does not trust them much. But no one is more qualified than them and Calix does value their expertise. She has a strong network of spies reporting to her. This post is about three of them.
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Half witch/half dearg-due. Very little bloodlust. Clever and ambitious enough that Dahlia doesn't fully trust her, but they're used to working with people they don't trust. Piper's witch magic makes her a huge asset, given that a lot of fae just aren't expecting it. But her strongest asset? She can lie, and no one other than her and Dahlia know that. She and Lynette are decent friends and she could teach Lynette magic, but she also would tell Dahlia if Lynette asked her to do it.
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If he were any less good at his job, Dahlia would kill him. Not because he's a threat or anything. They just find him irritating, and they're not used to putting up with people who irritate them. But he's a damn good spy with a knack for shapeshifting that lets him get into places not everyone can. He provides a lot of intel that a lot of the other spies can't get. Which would be fine, great even, if he didn't know exactly how useful he is and weren't so damn smug about it. Aksel has been a spy the longest of the three, and worked under Hawthorne for many years.
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Tobias is a flirt who uses his charisma to charm secrets out of people. He doesn't have to ask people to tell him things. He makes them want to tell him things, just by being himself. He's Dahlia's go-to resource for when eavesdropping or theft simply won't be enough. Dahlia poached him from the Twilight Court, where they knew his skillset was being wasted. As a result, he's full banished from his former court and, if he were to return, would be executed by any member of the court who recognized him. He almost had a thing with Kieran that ended before it could go anywhere, but probably only added to Kieran's mountain of trust issues, and he's 100% certain that Kieran would murder him on sight.
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babyitsmagic · 5 months
The Family
Calix rules over what's informally known as The Court of Serpents, because of how vicious the royal family is. Below the cut, find a breakdown of three different generations of his family. They're listed in order of oldest to youngest.
This may, somehow, still be missing a cousin or two, and may require some updating in the future.
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Hawthorne (he/him)
The previous court leader and Calix's grandfather. He retired from ruling after the death of his wife, Daisy. Calix didn't want to become the next ruler, which is at least half the reason Hawthorne put him in charge. A little eccentric, very unapologetic about it. Might curse you for shits and giggles.
fc: greg ger.mann
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Della (she/her)
The eldest daughter and Calix's aunt. She always expected to get the throne. She studied hard and asked questions and took notes and plotted and schemed. And then her son was born and Grey mattered more to her than anything in the world. She still wanted the throne, but it became a secondary interest. And then, when Grey was a young adult, he was taken by another court and tortured. Della still wants the throne with a different kind of desperation. She wants to destroy the court who harmed her son.
fc: annabeIIe waIIis
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Drake (he/him)
The eldest son and Calix's uncle. Practical, but ruthless. Can, has, and will murder for the "good of the court". Honestly? Never considered the possibility that his father wouldn't leave the court to him. Raised his kids (Magnus and Mathilda) as though they'd be next in line for the throne. Calix is honestly waiting for one of the three of them to decide he's not doing a good enough job and try murdering him.
fc: ciIIian mur.phy
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Dane (he/him) and Melora (she/her)
Calix's parents. Dane is Hawthorne and Daisy's third child. Melora married into the family, but she can absolutely handle the intensity that they're all bringing to the table. She never would have ruled in her own court, so she took her chances with Dane. They both love their son, but they have a lot of strong opinions about how he should be running things, and they're frequently sharing the unasked for thoughts.
fcs: ew.an mc.gregor & cIemence po.ésy
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Dalton (he/him)
The fourth child and possibly the most dangerous, because he's one of the most charming of his siblings. Will absolutely trick you into thinking he cares about you and then use that to get whatever he wants/needs. Hoped that strategy would work on his dad, but knew the odds were slim. Tried it anyway. Cirilla is his daughter and the only person he's ever genuine with. He's very proud of who she's grown up to be. He also thinks one of her kids could get the throne from Calix one day and hopes to rule through them.
fc: biII skars.gård
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Finch (he/him)
Another uncle and an elf! Hawthorne and Daisy were his godparents, his birth mom was very close to Daisy. He's lived with the family since he was a toddler. Hawthorne might have left the throne to Finch, but he has no magic, which makes him ineligible for ruling. He's probably closest with Dahlia out of all of his siblings. He and Dalton have never gotten along. His daughter, Lynette, is the light of his life. He had her much later than most of his siblings had kids.
fc: tyIer james wiIIams
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Dahlia (she/they)
The youngest of Hawthorne and Daisy's children and just as ambitious as the rest. Knew they were unlikely to inherit it, so chose instead to become a court spy and assassin. Knows everything all the time. Loves to blackmail people. Despite the fact that Calix is more wary of being murdered by Drake's family, Dahlia is probably the one he trusts the least, but her skills are incredibly useful, so he still uses her as a spy when needed. (He misses the days when Reina still worked for him, though, and he could rely on her instead.)
fc: Iucy boy.nton
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Dianthe (she/her)
Calix's sister. The oldest of the grandchildren. Disowned by the entire family. She decided that dealing with this court wasn't for her and when she fell in love, she decided to run away. It makes her a disappointment to everyone, but especially her parents. They don't talk about her anymore. Calix has talked to his wife about her often, because Aster is the only one he can talk to about her.
fc: fre.ya ma.vor
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Grey (he/they)
Eldest cousin. Not Entirely There. He's friendly enough, most of the time. But has never really been the same after the Trauma. Very jumpy and a little more curse first, ask questions later. Sometimes difficult to hold up a conversation with because of the way his mind just... wanders.
fc: dyIan mc.namara
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Cirilla (she/her)
Was definitely her father's daughter for so much of her youth. Charming and dangerous and not someone to mess with. Still isn't someone to mess with, but has become a little less vicious as she's gotten older. Has three kids she loves very much. Calix also adores them. They're good kids (at least for now).
fc: sar.ah sn.ook
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Magnus (they/them)
The older of Drake's children. Much more calculating than Mathilda. Has absolutely no respect for Calix, but a surprising amount of respect for Aster. She's a brilliant leader and good at her job. The people love her. So Magnus hasn't made any moves against Calix yet, but he's pretty sure they're just biding their time.
fc: fre.ddy car.ter
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Mathilda (she/her)
Much more vicious than Magnus. Stab first, ask questions never. Definitely has done some murder. Was it sanctioned? Who knows! Would that matter to her? Absolutely not! Really loves fucking with mortals and other courts, but certainly knows better than to get caught doing the latter.
fc: jess.ica aIexander
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Lynette (she/her)
An elf like her father! She can lie. Half the family never remembers this, half of them never lets her forget it. She's technically part of this generation, but she's much closer, both in age and connection, to Cirilla's kids. Not eligible for the throne for the same reason as her father. Calix thinks if she wants it, she could make a good leader. Has encouraged her to study magic. Has told her not to tell anyone if she does.
fc: haIIe baiIey
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babyitsmagic · 5 months
The Courts
The Court of Time (aka The Serpent Court)
+ Calix's family
+ Dahlia's spies (Piper, Aksel, Tobias)
The Storm Court
The Twilight Court (aka The Monster Court)
Other Courts
Solitary Fae
Naoise is technically solitary, but does have Neva's protection.
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babyitsmagic · 5 months
The Fae Family + Heights
Calix - 5'7
Aster - 5'7
Lynette - 5'2
Hawthorne - 5'10
Della - 5'7
Drake - 5'7
Dane - 5'10
Melora - 5'7
Dalton - 6'4
Finch - 5'9
Dahlia - 5'5
Dianthe - 5'10
Grey - 5'8
Cirilla - 5'5
Magnus - 6'1
Mathilda - 5'6
bonus: Reina - 5'10
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babyitsmagic · 4 months
The Family (Cont.)
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Merlin (he/him)
The son of Finch, also an elf. Hasn't learned any magic, doesn't want to learn. Serving the Court of Time as an ambassador. Spends most of his time away from the court (and the family), building relationships and alliances with other royals and courts. About 30 years older than Lynette, but still adores his baby sister so much.
fc: th.eo gra.ham
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Nikhil (he/they)
Fae/yaksha hybrid. Distantly related to Calix's family. Serves as Merlin's personal bodyguard and general assistant. Just as much of an expert in politics as Merlin + a skilled magic user. Very close with Merlin and Lynette. Both deeply respects and absolutely does not respect Merlin at all.
fc: arc.hie re.naux
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