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bobolash · 2 years ago
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kuteby · 4 years ago
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nanycosmetics · 4 years ago
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✨New Collection 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 🛍 By @nanyvalero ⁣⁣😱 $9,99 + Free Lash Glue 💞 Free Shipping 🇺🇸 visit to buy www.nanycosmetics.com ⁣⁣ ———————————————————— 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐘 Lashes luxurious 3D mink lashes Good point: 1.Best mink material 2.Best glue 3.No chemical additive,no pungent smell,No allergic 4.Good reusability, reuse 25 times + 5.Lashes band very Soft,Comfortable, 6.Wear it,Lightweight,No extra weight 7.Every mink hair have hair top,No break,More natural and beautiful. 8.The lashes curve not be deformed after reuse and Washed 9.Handmade 100%,Keep Great quality 10.Certified Cruelty Free ----------------------------------- ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #nany #nanycosmetics #nanylashes #minklashes #miami #latinasenmiami #makeup #lashes #newyork #californialashes #lashesonfleek #newyorkcity #minkeyelashes #miamibeach #minklash #lashextensions #newjersey #miamilife #minklashes #minklashes #miami #latinasenflorida #lashesfordays #blogger #nyc #3dminkeyelashes #3dminklashes #lasheslove #venezolanas #minklashstrips (en Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKO5sEAl78Y/?igshid=xbfvvm6bgdfv
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lehebeauty · 4 years ago
Look! Choosing the right 5D mink lashes is half the battle
3 easy steps to choose better 5D mink lashes
Not everyone has thick, luscious lashes, now we will show our 5D mink lashes. There are varieties of false eyelashes, do you know how to choose which one is right for you? Today we start from lashes itself and choose which kind of lashes can make our eyes more natural and big.
1.Base on thelashes hair quality
False eyelashes are made up of hair and band. Hair is the most visible part of the appearance. To determine if the upper eye of the false eyelash can fuse with its own eyelashes, includes material, length, degree of CRIMP, degree of soft and etc.
(1)Real hair 5D lashes
Choose natural hair to made it, such as mink fur, horse fur, human hair and so on. This kind of false eyelashes materials is similar to the person’s lashes, and very soft, with natural shine on it. The curly degree is more natural, whole false eyelashes are suited for ourselves lashes. So when you wear it the false lashes can mix with your own lashes, it’s almost authentic.
Apply to: Everyone. If you are catching the beauty and natural makeup, choose it first. Real hair false eyelashes price is a little expensive, but after your gently care, they last twice as long as the average normal false eyelashes.
(2)Synthetic false lashes
It’s made of synthetic chemical fiber and woven, The tail of the fibrous hairs is ground to a point, thick and thin clearly. This kind of eyelash quality is stiffer, arrange orderly, curve degree is consistent, the eyelash glossiness under illumination is higher, but the natural degree is lower than true wool kind false eyelash, wear every day or true hair false eyelash is more natural.
Point: Synthetic materials made up this false eyelash, so it’s unnatural. When you use synthetic false eyelashes, Use eyelash curler the curl of true eyelash is clipped and false eyelash is similar, can let false eyelash and true eyelash natural fusion together. The synthetic fiber is adaptable and can be used even by sensitive people.
2.Base on the lashes band quality
The hair on the mink false lashes is knotted on a stem at the base, False eyelash band is divided into the hard band, soft band, and transparent band. Which one is best for you? With what band can support the eyelid that falls down, magnify double eye? Let’s move on.
(1)Hard band 5D mink lashes
Generally made of black plastic, also known as a plastic band. The band is thick, black and hard, can bend at will, and has the best support of any band. Secondly, make-up remover will not penetrate into the band, easy to clean, repeated use of 10 times is basically no problem. If it’s 5D mink fur eyelashes, use it 20-25 times
Suitable: Most suitable for eyelid droop person, inside the double and single eyelid. Because of its high hardness, it can fully support the drooping eyelids, so that the eyelids do not cover the eyes, the eyes completely exposed to achieve the natural amplification effect. Fold the inner double and single eyelid into a natural fold to create a charming double eyelid, eyes enlarged and deep, very attractive. Note before wearing, according to the eyes Radian, adjust the stem curvature, so that false eyelash naturally close to the eyes, not easy to poke the eye.
(2)Comfortable band 5d mink lashes
It is usually made of cotton thread, with the fine band, soft skin, and no blinking eyelids. However, because the make-up remover will be cotton stem absorption. So basically 2 can not be used again, one stem will breed bacteria eye inflammation, two stems will be deformed, can not achieve the natural magnification of the eyes. That’s a kind of mink lashes.
Apply to: Do not need to adjust the eye shape of the double eyelid wants to highlight eye makeup, enlarge the eyes, choose it. But it’s too soft, the qualitative effect is poor. It’s not suited for freshmen.
(3)Transparent band 5D lashes
Made of clear plastic, also known as a fishing line stem. First of all, the color is transparent, stick to the eye is basically invisible. Second, the plastic material is better than black plastic, than black plastic stems more flexible, more natural and has some support. This kind of stem is basically a combination of hard stem and soft stem. It combines the best of both worlds to enlarge the eyes in a moderate way and make the makeup feel natural.
Point: Soft hardness moderate, can support a slight drooping eyelid, so not serious inside the double can be controlled. It is also suitable for people with tired eyes, slim and supportive. Not as heavy as a black plastic stem, with little strain on the upper eye. And more natural lashes
3. 5D mink lashes are a kind of beauty product
Art Design for the eyes, eyelashes between the display of fairy-like temperament. Specially designed to be transparent, the color of the color eyelashes full shot on the face. A lot of fashionable ladies like to use mink lashes to beautify their eyes, the right use will make the eyes attractive. Although false eyelash is fine and delicate, it is very flimsy, however, when using, want especially careful.
Share our info or pictures to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. Get FREE mink lashes. Thanks in advance!
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luxxurytaxxbeauty · 5 years ago
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pophairivy · 5 years ago
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diamondvirginhair · 6 years ago
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Wow! Wonderful mink lash! Only $2
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prolash-blog · 6 years ago
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dazzlinglash · 6 years ago
Ready for the LASH GIVEAWAY?
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Are you ready for our Dazzling Lash Giveaway? We're so excited to announce that our Dazzling Lash Giveaway starts tomorrow at 10am. We'll be holding a Giveaway just for you with some DAZZLING prizes that you don't want to miss! See you tomorrow! www.DazzlingLash.com (714)-650-0040 Read the full article
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galashlashes · 5 years ago
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elevenlashes · 6 years ago
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hair-lash-vendor · 4 years ago
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nanycosmetics · 5 years ago
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xpression-lashes-blog · 6 years ago
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luxxurytaxxbeauty · 5 years ago
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caroline0019 · 7 years ago
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