#california love (mun answers)
packsurvivcs · 2 months
Gendry found our Arya died and threw a party.
Way to be an ass. Congratulations
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packsurvivcs-a · 5 years
can i see a picture of your nose blood on a tissue? sorry weird question there is just something so satisfying about red blood against white fabric
Ummmm. This happened this morning so that's going to be a no.
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infectedmagi · 2 years
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❝ true death is only PLAUSIBLE once there is           no one left alive to remember you. ❞
          nestled between a fisherman’s sea and towering mountains lies a small town in california, usa called ALMA VALLEY. with a long-winded and barely maintained road being the only path in and out of town, it’s no wonder the valley only lends itself to those who seek it out. beyond the sleepy californian facade lies a growing settlement of MAGICAL PEOPLE seeking a normal life within the dangers of their profession.           despite the alienation being a magi provides, alma valley is alienated together. hidden tensions begin growing and bubbling to the surface, though, as WITCHES, the magis’ lifeform, begin acting abnormally. erratic, nearly desperate behavior to complement an already disturbing concept, and the SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE of grief seeds threaten to leave alma valley’s magical population in complete and utter disarray.            is this a home worth saving? is the looming threat of eternal grief part of the natural life cycle of a magi, or can it be altered through fate and desperation alone?           come to alma valley and answer its questions, or DIE TRYING...
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
MAGI INFECTED. // a semi-literate to literate, semi-art 16+ roleplaying discord looking for fresh faces to join a labor of love that has grown, developed, and evolved over the past few months. this is a server based in the world of puella magi madoka magica, with unique elements and mechanics in place. while this is a magical girl roleplay at its core, there will be heavy mystery and horror elements involved. please look below the cut to see our links.
expansive lore building upon the world of puella magi madoka magica a simple combat system utilizing dice mechanics an action-driven shop which rewards users for roleplaying and art a starting slot of one character per mun an lgbtq+ space moderated by members of the community a plot-driven high risk of death
IMPORTANT. // links
rules. | application form. | application template. | application discord. | twitter.
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elainewitchparks · 3 years
Get to know ABC’s; Mun edition. (Repost, don’t reblog.
A. (Age, Physically or Mentally) A 13 year old mind trapped with a 20 year old. (Yes I’m 20.)
B. (Birthplace) USA, California.
C. (Current Time) 3:48pm
D. (Drink You Had Last) Cola Cola, & I plan to have more.
F. (Favorite Current Songs) Can’t choose one but I’d say It’s So Easy-Guns N’ Roses & Pussy Liquor-Rob Zombie.
E. (Easiest Person To Talk To) One of my sisters but sometimes even then I can’t.
G. (Goals) Live on my own. Have a good job I actually like. Own just one more cat. (I only have one.)
H. (Yes Or No To Horror) Obviously Yes.
I. (In Love?) Nope! Never have been, but I’m sure it’s nice. Elaine tells me that. Ha!
J. (Jealous Of People?) Does fictional characters count? If not then no! I actually don’t really get jealous at all, just with fictional characters sometimes...
K. (Killed Someone?) Whadda a cop? Jk no!
L. (Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again?) Short answer: Keep walkin’
M. (Middle Name) Emily.
N. (Number Of Siblings) Two blood related, and three step.
O. (One Wish) To be filthy rich.
Q. (Questions You’re Always Asked) “How old are you?”
S. (Song You Sang) I don’t voluntarily sing songs but maybe a Ariana Grande song.
T. (Top 3 Fictional Characters) Heey guess what, this is where we’re gonna break the rules!
1. Billy Lenz. (Black Christmas 1974)
2. Chucky/ Charles Lee Ray (Child’s Play Franchise)
3. Tiffany Valentine (Child’s Play Franchise)
4. Elaine Parks (The Love Witch)
5. Freddy Kruger (Nightmare On Elm Street Franchise)
U. (Underwear & Color) Don’t know, your mom will tell ya since I left em at her place! Ha!
V. (Vacation) Camping with my family.
W. (When’s Your Birthday) December 31st. That’s right.
X. (X-Rays) Nah fam.
Y. (Your Favorite Food) Sushi, burgers, and chicken alfredo pizza.
Z. (Zodiac Sign) Capricorn.
Tagging: @to-pass-in-twilight &, @veryhungryplant
And anyone who wants to do it! Thank you, and goodnight.
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oneandahalfwolf · 4 years
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a very happy birthday to the mun behind @bloodsorceress​. i hope you enjoy this little drabble and have a fab day.  
“So, what do you guys think the new student is going to be like?”
Iley raised her head briefly to look at Mika’s grinning face before going back to her stretches with a slightly exasperated, though begrudgingly fond, shake of her head. She loved her friends, she really did, but sometimes they were so typically vapid it made her miss the snooty students at her old French High School. She never thought the ‘California Valley Girl’ stereotype she had seen in so many American movies could be true. Even if only one of the trio of girls was actually from that area.
“I heard he’s some street dancer kid from England or something,” Evie, the one Californian in the group, responded. Mika’s grin only grew, swinging one leg over the other from where she sat perched on an amp, leaning back as if posing for a swimsuit photo shoot.
“Well...” the blonde drawled in her, surprisingly natural, posh Oxford English accent, “maybe that will give us something in common.”
“Pump the brakes blondie,” Paige, the group’s native New Yorker, interjected. “You’ve not even met this guy yet. You have no idea if he’s even going to be into you.”
“Who could resist me?”
“You want the whole list?” Iley said with a raised brow, her French lilt peeking through her generic American accent. Mika immediately pouted while the other two girls quickly broke into giggles. Eventually the blonde rolled her eyes and leaned forward, blue eyes fixed on the short brunette.
“Well what do you think then ‘Ley?” Iley gave a half shrug, shifting her body to help Paige with a partnered stretch.
“I don’t have any thoughts. I’m waiting until whoever they are arrives and we actually meet them before making any assumptions.” Evie scoffed.
“God you are no fun shortstack.”
“Well,” Paige said, grunting slightly as the stretch pulled at her muscles, “whoever it is, I heard he was fast tracked all the way into second year. Didn’t even have to audition or anything. Got plucked straight out of whatever school or street corner the Headteacher saw him at.”
“As long as we don’t get a fucking Step Up situation,” Evie sneered, picking at some fluff on her leggings. “I am so not up for that whole fusion bullshit.”
“Open your mind Evie,” Iley said, finally getting up from the wooden floor. “Maybe you’ll actually learn something.”
The other brunette scowled and opened her mouth to argue, but was cut off by their teacher entering the room, clapping her hands to get their attention.
“Alright class, alright class, please get in formation.” The woman waited until her students had lined up before carrying on. “As you’re all probably aware, we shall be having a new student joining us today. They will be arriving shortly after the Headteacher finishes their induction. In the meantime I don’t want us lazing about waiting for them, so everybody get into pairs and begin basic warm ups.”
Iley immediately partnered up with Paige, not in the mood for anymore of Evie and Mika’s gossiping, and followed the rest of the classes lead in starting their exercises. Fifteen minutes later they were on a water break when the door to the studio opened, their teacher greeting the Head immediately. The brunette had her back to the door, busy taking a long drink from her water bottle, but heard every word that was spoken.
“Good morning class.” There were a few echoes of ‘Good Morning Mx Kader’ before the Head continued. “This is Benkai’l Brandr and they will be the new student joining your class today.”
Iley’s head snapped up, not taking in any of the rest of Mx Kader’s welcome speech. That name. It couldn’t be. Her eyes went to the full length war mirror and focused on the new figure standing beside the headteacher. She gasped, her bottle of water slipping from her grasp and falling to the ground almost in slow motion.
They were older. Taller. So much taller. But the eyes were the same. Grey like a stormy afternoon. Skin was still as pale as snow and smattered with freckles. Freckles she used to play connect the dots with when they were four.
Her water bottle hit the wood floor with a loud clatter making everyone look her way, but she didn’t care. She simply turned sharply and openly stared, mouth agape as she tried to form words.
The new student, who had been staring at the fallen water bottle, looked up at the name. Eyes widened, brows raising towards black hair.
“‘Mira?” came the mumbled reply.
A sob escaped her throat as she brought a hand up to cover her mouth. The room was silent, everyone confused at the turn of events - with some even starting whisper.
It was broken as Iley sprinted forward towards the other teen, crossing the floor as fast as she could. The new student dropped the duffel bag from their shoulder and easily caught the brunette as she leapt at them. Her arms wrapped around their neck as her legs went around their waist, the two seemingly not strangers fitting together almost like a puzzle piece. Like they had been made to be two halves of one whole. The whole class could only stare as they pair spun around, the movement so fluid it looked like a step from a contemporary dance number.  
Iley started to sob into the much taller teen’s neck. They smelt exactly the same. Like fresh paper, burnt wood, and lilacs. One of her hands reached up and cradled the back of their head, fingers fisting the red beanie that was between her palm and their hair, pulling it off slightly. Not that her old childhood friend cared. They were just over the moon that she was here, in the flesh. Tears silently streamed down their own cheeks, feeling completely overwhelmed. But why wouldn’t they - their wildest dream was coming true right now after all.
Eventually Iley finally, though reluctantly, eased herself down off of the taller teen. However one hand remained clutching at their hoodie, fist pressed against their lower back. She swiped at her tears with her free hand, unable to take her eyes off their face. When someone finally broke the silence she had to look away.
“Um… Iley?”
Brown eyes landed on Paige and took in that the whole class was staring at the pair. The brunette cleared her throat, free hand going up to fix her dishevelled hair.
“Sorry. Sorry. This is… We were...” It was difficult to get the words out without crying all over again. “This is my best friend. We used to dance together as kids until I had to move away. We haven’t seen each other in ten years.”
A chorus of understanding and awed noises came from the surrounding class. The Headteacher cleared their throat, a strange smile on their face - almost like they had known and a plan had come to fruition, the twinkle in their eyes adding even more mischief to the expression.
“Well that is a wonderful happenstance. I suppose I shall leave you now however. I hope you can catch up soon, but remember; class first students.”
They nodded to the other teacher before taking their leave. The dance teacher gave the Head a wave before turning to the still pair still locked in what could be seen as an awkward embrace, but the two teens simply looked at ease more than anything.
“So um… Benkai’l wasn’t it? Why don’t you introduce yourself properly?”
“Uh...” The taller teen pulled the beanie Iley had loosened from its perch on their head before they rubbed nervously at the area. “Yeah, I’m Ben. I have danced lots of different genres over the years. Jazz. Tap. Contemporary. Ballroom. Currently though I’m mostly Street and Commercial. I’m majoring in dance here on a scholarship, whilst minoring in backstage and technical theatre. I’m originally from Scotland before we moved to Poland, and now I’ve come here for school.”
Iley grinned. She knew the Polish lilt they had under their Scottish broag had seemed stronger. Much like how her own French one had become more distinct since she moved to that country, theirs had done the same. And now she knew where the hell they’d ended up. Though she was sure there was more to the story. Something she couldn’t wait to find out.
“Well it's lovely to have you in our class Ben. I’m sure Iley can keep you right on how we work.” Iley gave a fervent nod, unable to stop herself from grinning. The teacher smiled before giving a clap and turning to the rest of the class. “Okay then, now we have all been introduced, let’s get back to work. I want you all to be on your best behaviour and perform your heart out for our new family member.”
Iley immediately dragged Ben over to the class side, ignoring the stares from her friends and other classmates, still unable to believe her eyes or let go of them in some capacity until she absolutely had to. Her childhood friend couldn’t help but laugh quietly even as they struggled to remove their hoodie. It was too cute. Besides they were more than happy to keep the girl close. Iley’s three girl friends could only continue to gawk. They had never seen the other girl like this. So.. happy.  
Class had to continue but all parties couldn’t wait until lunch to hopefully get some answers to their burning questions.
“What happened?”
Ben rubbed their hands free of salt and grease, swallowing the last of their mouthful of fries before clearing their throat and leaning forward, resting their forearms on the edge of the table.
“There was a fire. Three years after you left. Arson. Everyone’s fine though. Mostly property damage and a few minor injuries. But we had to go into Witness Protection. Change names and move away. Everything happened so fast we either lost your address or it was burned in the fire. I was… I was so heartbroken. I think I cried every night for a month. Mama tried to comfort me, and Tata tried to find you online, but we came up blank.”
“Three years after I moved?” Iley asked, moving back from where she had been leaning her chin on the lid of her drink. Ben nodded, frowning slightly. The brunette laughed, shaking her head. “I can’t believe this. Three years after I moved to England there was some bullshit with my grandparents. We had to go back to France to sort it all out. I wrote to you with the change of address, but obviously it never got to you. You wouldn’t have been able to find us cause we’d left the country.”
“Holy shit.” Ben shook their own head, chuckling in disbelief. “I can’t believe we were so unlucky.” Iley reached over and took one of Ben’s pale hands in her own, running a thumb over their knuckles.
“Hey,” she said softly, waiting until the taller teen met her gaze. “We might have been unlucky then, but we are fucking lucky as hell right now.” Ben chuckled, squeezing Iley’s hand.
“That’s an understatement Princess.” Iley grinned before letting go and grabbing a few of her fries from the table.
"So how are your parents?"
"Good," Ben replied, reaching for their burger. "They all adjusted quickly to the change. I mean Matka and Tata grew up there so they helped when we were confused, plus we'd already been learning Polish since I was wee. Mama and Matka opened a cake shop. Matka does most of the business side while Mama bakes. Papa got a job as a mechanic, while Tata went to work as a tour guide. He loves it cause he gets to wax lyrical about all his favourite places." They swallowed their mouthful and shook their head again. "They aren't going to believe I found you. I can't wait to tell them."
"Same with mine," Iley responded. "When I wasn't getting any letters back from you I got so worried, even more so when some started coming back. To be honest at one point I thought you hated me cause I moved further away, but Maman reminded me that that was likely impossible. Said 'Noc would be more likely to forget a step in your best routine than hate you.'"
"She's right." Ben leant forward, elbows resting on their table and fingers interlaced as they looked at her with a critical gaze, though there was a light twinkle in their eye. "Okay so, we know why I changed my name, but why did you change yours."
"Oh, right. Sorry," Iley replied with a wince, realising she had slipped up. Ben waved it off, that lopsided smile she had missed so much still on their face. "Well for me… Short version is, the crap with my grandparents put a sour taste in my mouth and I didn't want anything to do with them, name included. I brought it up with Maman and she agreed to let me change it, as did Papa and Dad. She was sad but she understood. They've all been really good with using this new one."
“I still can’t believe you picked that name.”
“You’re one to talk,” Iley said with a laugh, leaning over and gently punching them in the shoulder. “I guess… It just fit. It was our favourite book as kids. I mean we used to play pretend all the time, acting like we were the fabled Wolf Prince and Water Princess. Hell we based our best routine on that story.” She gave a shy shrug. “I dunno, I guess I thought if I picked that one then I’d be a bit closer to you in some way.”
“To be honest,” Ben said quietly, “those were my thoughts exactly when I picked mine.”
Iley reached across the table and wrapped her left pinky around Ben’s right. The taller teen smiled and completed the link. Brown and grey eyes just stared at each other for a long while, looking much like a happy romantic couple - even though that was far from the truth. The sound of the door to the fast food joint opening broke the moment.
“I told you she’d be here!”
Iley looked up to see her three girl friends followed by the two boys of their small group - Nate and Jackson. She groaned and collapsed back into her seat. Ben’s brows furrowed and they started to turn in order to look round, but were interrupted by Nate hopping over the back of the booth to sit next to them. Their nose wrinkled as he stole some of their fries. Paige slid in next to Iley while Mika took a seat at the end of the table.
“So this is the new kid?” Jackson asked as he and Evie moved into an adjacent booth. “I hear you and Shorty here are an item? Or were at least very cosy in class.”
“Shut the fuck up Jax,” Iley yelled, trying to drown him out and earning a few glares from some of the other customers. Jackson simply smiled and ignored her, attention still on Benkai’l.
“Well? Are you hitting our little dancer?”
The two answers came simultaneously with almost identical looks of disgust. The other teens couldn’t help but laugh.
“She’s my best friend and my sister,” Ben said, squirming a little at the awful thought still in their head. “I love her, but not like that.”  
“So that means you’re available then?” Mika said with a salacious smile. Ben shuddered slightly.
“Sorry but I’m not interested.” The blonde flipped her hair and shifted in an attempt to show her cleavage to the other teen, smirking whilst she lowered her voice.
“Are you sure?” She batted her eyes. “If you give me a chance, I’m sure I can make you interested.” Iley couldn’t help but snort a laugh at the look on Ben’s face.
“First off I’m asexual so I’m not just not interested in you, its everyone. And second, no offence, even if I was interested...” They paused, face scrunching up as they tried to think of a nice way to put the next part of their sentence but came up blank. “Sorry but you look like one of my mothers.”
Mika’s jaw dropped as a roar of laughter went around the table. The blonde’s face turned a deep shade of red as she sank back down in her seat. Nate was the first to find a new question.
“Wait, mothers as in plural.”
“Yes,” Ben said slowly, brows furrowed.
“Nice.” Paige reached across the booth and smacked him across the side of the head.
“It's not like that. They’re with my Dads too.”
“Oooh, four parents. They have you beat Iley.”
Another round of laughter filled the table, one Ben managed to join in on. Iley was happy to see her newest friends accepting her oldest one. Though to be fair if they hadn’t, she would have dropped them easily for Ben.
“Can’t believe you guys came here.”
“You were the one who skipped out our usual lunch when there was new gossip to be had.” Iley rolled her eyes at Evie
“I dunno, maybe because I wanted to privately catch up with my childhood best friend who I haven’t seen in ten years or spoke to in seven.”
The bickering around the table continued until they had to return to class, and continued still on the walk there. It was too early for Ben to get fully involved but they felt like they had at least been accepted into the group. They were happy to just watch them all interact. Most of all they were happy to watch Iley being so animated and joyful. They were glad she had found that without them. But now they were more than ready to make up for lost time. Starting with some dancing.
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wickedlehane · 4 years
unusual mun questionnaire | repost, don’t reblog!
your current mood: melancholy, for another monday with a general feeling of not having completed what I had hoped to this weekend (namely replies and some personal projects)
the aesthetic of the place you’re in right now: outside- the sky is a uniform blanket grey and wind is blowing such that the trees are bowing beneath it. My window shutters are open for what little light is coming through, but my apartment is sealed tight. My heater is humming, and I’ve just put out my Christmas decor. I live alone, and Spotify is playing my top 2020 songs list. My kitchen table is a mess with work and papers. It’s comfortable, at least.
favorite lyrics of the last song you listened to: “These days, I've become quite the bed case, feel like I'm five-by-five. Do I want to save the world or just cut out its insides?” (Bed Case by Tancred, aka I KNOW THE SINGER LIKES FAITH LEHANE BECAUSE THERE’S NO WAY THIS SONG ISN’T ABOUT HER like it mentions five-by-five and comas and California like you ain’t getting past me)
your favourite poem / book: I’ve answered book so many times I’ll go with poems- (basic bitch in me says-) The Raven, but also Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, and Death Be Not Proud
guilty pleasure: every pleasure is guilty if you have enough anxiety (but for reals, bubble baths, inca kola soda, and slowly eating all of the chocolate off of a ferrero rocher then pulling apart the wafer halves and then eating the hazelnut and then the two remaining pieces like a goddamn chocolate psychopath)
a quote from the last thing you watched: “ew, david!” (LOL there are too many quotes I could pick but that’s a good one)
favorite time of the year: winter, particularly the grey days, the crisp cold nights, and rain, rain, rain
the décor of your room: my bedroom looks like a mix between a museum dedicated to the life of a lonely person and the living quarters of a child with access to a parents’ credit card: there are high quality statues and figures throughout the room, and three bookshelves of varying sizes. The largest holds my favorite literary novels, as well as RPG textbooks and vinyl records. The second largest holds art books/coffee table books from my favorite film and television productions, and numerous statues. The smallest is dedicated to graphic novels and comic book related things (that aren’t a part of my seven long boxes in the closet). Statues in my room range from 12″ tall to 27″ tall, and are all my favorite superheroes: thor, she-hulk, captain marvel, daredevil, among others. I also have Terminator and Star Wars on display. There’s also several framed art prints and my college degree on the wall to remind people I am a semi-competent adult. it’s a lovely room, all things considered.
favorite word (in any language): vainglory- the quality of excessive vanity or inordinate pride in one’s achievements. (bonus round: it’s not ‘one’ word but I love the Japanese mono no aware, the recognition of the impermanence and ephemera of life, wistful and possessing empathy)
tagged by: @beliefruined tagging: @pryceism + @theprimordium + [you!]
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coyoted · 4 years
My! Url!
Do I Follow Them?: yee
Why Did I Follow Them?: because their writing is amazing and who doesn’t love sheriff stilinski??
Do We Role Play?: we do! but we should more!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: of course!
An AU Idea For Our Muses: not an au but they should definitely be a crime fighting duo
A Song For Our Muses: i feel like her and the sheriff jam out to rock classes whenever they’re hanging like. like hotel california or africa by toto! someone’s gotta show her good music!
Do I Ship Our Muses?: he’s like her dad so no LMAO
What I Think About The Mun: such a sweetheart i adore them!
Overall Opinion: incredible blog that everyone should be following
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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marnivanross · 5 years
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★ have you seen [ MARNI VANROSS ] since the storm? some say they look like [ zoey deutch ] but they’re [ 21 ]  & go by [ THE SKEPTIC ]. [ she’s ] lived in halloway for [ 12 years ] & they are originally from [ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA]. before the town vanished they were studying [ astronomy ] and lived at [ UNI BLVD ]. most people knew the [ CISFEMALE ] as [ + INTELLIGENT ] but i’ve heard they can also be [ - COLD ]. for some reason, they feel [ uneasy ] about the town’s disappearance. ( pepper, twenty three, s he/her, est )
ABOUT THE MUN.  what is that? that freaky thing? yes, that’s right, it’s a naked mole rat.
hello all, my name is pepper and what you’re about to see is about to be peak mediocrity. i am usually pretty decent at intros but i really have spent most of today watching love island, and i just spent the past two hours watching pilot pete make horrible decisions, so my brain is officially mush. that said i am going to do my best to make this coherent. to start, a bit about me, i am a taurus. i like trash tv. i’m really craving chicken fingers. i have never met a plate of nachos i didn’t like, and if i could be anything other than a human person i’d be a cloud i think. alright onto the good stuff. 
BIO. *has my feelings surgically removed*
first of all here is her pinterest board (keep in mind marni was kind of the skully inspired muse in a scooby doo rp so that’s why stuff looks a bit spooky)
marni was brought into the world into a weird situation by anyone’s standards, but especially by hers. to start, both her parents were hippies. yes, weed smoking, chakra cleansing, organic grown kale that they got from the farmer’s market where the only store clerk walked around with her tits proudly out, hippies. but they weren’t just any hippies, they were rich hippies. and that somehow made it worse. 
clint ‘storm’ vanross and clementine vanross were the proud owners and entrepreneurs of a whole food organic grocery store (think whole foods or trader joe’s), and clemetine later went on to ride the success of their company to create her own website and brand (think goop basically. yes, marni’s mother has sold a candle that smells like her vagina, and yes marni is deeply ashamed of it). both businesses were wildly successful, and so clem and storm quickly went from living and travelling the world in their van to having about six mansions across the world. marni came into their life as their first child around the time they bought mansion two. she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but that spoon’s handle was made of moon quartz and the silver was organically sourced. 
from there on out marni was raised in a weird way. you’d think because hippies were all about free love, that marni would be raised with an abundance of it but that wasn’t exactly the case. her parents were all about giving marni her aunotomy fairly early in life, which sounds good, but really means that marni was simply treated as an adult from the moment she could walk by herself. and she was the adult really. after all, marni was the one who had to convince her parents to enroll her in school (they were determined to let the world be her teacher, and marni simply wasn’t having any of it), the one who had to fix her own meals when all that was left in their fridge was raw tofu, the one who had to clean up her mother’s vomit whenever she went a bit to hard on the moonshine. yes, marni had parents, but she also had forty-something year old children in boho chic attire.
and marni’s parents never understood it. after all, with the way they were they could never understand how their genetics combined to make such a serious girl. one who would look at the moon and not just admire it, but ask how it stayed up there in the first place. how far away was it? how could she get there? and when told to simply enjoy and love it for what it was, would instead march herself to the library and find out the answers herself. marni’s parents and her truly never saw eye to eye, and at a certain point marni stopped trying to. she wasn’t expecting her parents to follow suit, but follow suit they did. marni’s parents gave up on trying to understand her her around the time she was nine. that’s when she moved to halloway, or rather, that’s when they moved her to halloway. 
they said it was because of business. the fact was, marni’s parents had been marching her around the world, from state to state and country to country whenver they wanted to start up a new store or run down a new story. yes, sometimes they would leave her (alone, in an empty house, with only the occasional eccentric ‘aunt’ or ‘uncle’ to come by and make sure marni wasn’t dead) for a while for short business trips (the longest being about two weeks) but they always came back eventually. but this was different. her parents set her up in halloway with a nanny named paola, and then they left for the foreseeable future. her mother, to go down to africa to chase a story. her father, to go down to europe and expand the business. they both promised to be back within a month, and they were. but then they left again. and again. and again. 
but it was fine. marni and paola got along great. she learned very quickly how to forge her parents signature on school forms. she didn’t need them. she didn’t miss them. but she did desperately want them to want her, and it took marni a long time to realize they just didn’t. 
marni was the new girl for a while. she struggled a bit to make friends as the little girl who got more excited by science experiments than barbies. the one who was always the first to raise her hand in class, and the one with the famous parents. most of the kids didn’t know who the vanross’ were but the parents did. and having the occassion adult come up to marni and tell her how they just loved her mother’s zuchini bread recipe, or the all organic popcorn they sold at her father’s store was just... weird. and other kids found it weird too. marni struggled for a while, and was picked on quite a lot but what was she to do other than accept it? all that marni had in her arsenal were facts and scathing words, and mean kids didn’t usually tend to let those stop them. 
eventually marni grew up. she went to high school. skipped prom. remained fairly anonymous other than becoming president of the chemistry club, valedictorian and being known as the girl known for making friends with her teachers. she got accepted to harvard and yale for university, but not knowing if it was because of her own accomplishments (which were countless) or because of her parents, she refused them both and decided to stay in halloway. to go to university here. to try and make her own way. 
honestly in university marni’s life was similarly uneventful because for the most part she was the quiet type that went to class, went home, and back. she didn’t cause any stir unless you could hear the occasional scathing comment murmured under her breath, or you were a neighbour who marni was screaming at to keep it down. she didn’t even attend a single party unless coerced. she was nobody, and honestly that was how marni liked it. she had never been one for the spotlight. she genuinely preferred to be more behind the scenes, unless there was a need to rise to the occasion. 
and then all of this happened y’all. it really went to shit huh. marni is terrified honestly and she just wants to know what’s going on. a lot of people who barely know who she is have probably seen her speaking up and asking questions and getting almost frenzied in her attempt to find the truth because the mystery of all this is driving her insane. no she doesn’t miss her parents particularly, but she does miss what the world used to be and she wants to go back to that, desperately, but she also really just wants to know. like if marni understood what was happening here or even just played a part in future generations understanding, and she was literally still never able to get back... honestly she could still die pretty happy i’m ngl.
PERSONALITY. *eyes snap open at 3:52am* nobody likes me
blunt. painfully painfully blunt, god. if marni thinks you’re an idiot she will tell you to your face, she really does not care and that absolutely will get her into trouble one day
painfully curious! wants to know what’s happening with this whole situation, god desperately wants to know the truth and mechanics behind it. 
cold honestly?? like marni doesn’t know how to comfort people really, she was never really taught how. she isn’t very compassionate, she’s genuinely more on the logical side. will give you the most rational answer even if it does sound kinda of cruel
the voice of reason! the person in your friend group who is the designated driver. also the person in your friend group who would say ‘i told you so’
an overachiever. lives for academic acknowledgement, like those little gold stars on your papers in elementary school are what kept marni going man. huge ass nerd. huge ass bookwarm. 
super stubborn. refuses to even entertain the idea of anything magical happening here, and is honestly kind of judgmental of people who think that way because of her parents like marni has very little respect for any hippies i’m not gonna lie 
skeptical as hell but we been knew 
a know it all! think she’s right about everything !! she usually is but still !!
does not know what to do with emotion. has had a couple, and does not recommend it. would rather die than admit to a feeling. 
trust issues galore! does not trust literally anyone ever. if marni trusts you than you’re truly special
HEADCANNONS. it takes me 3-7 business days to process my feelings
has never learnt to ride a bike cause her parents never taught her rip
loves the smell of books
laughs at horror movies generally. the kind of person who is really hard to scare. 
was raised a vegan but loves eating meat. stress eats meat when she’s truly like anxious, and so is really bummed about the dwindling meat supply for more reasons than one. 
needs coffee to survive, so the rationing has got her going a bit crazy even though she knows it’s necessary. 
has never really gotten truly drunk. 
keeps a detailed journal about all of her thoughts about all of this and takes meticulous notes. 
is left handed. 
can shoot a gun and does have one on her person pretty much at all times. i headcannon that her nanny paola taught her to shoot, and marni isn’t strong at all but she’s a pretty good shot. it’s the only way she has to defend herself honestly. 
is redheaded/strawberry blonde zoey and redheaded/strawberry blonde zoey ONLY
bi as hell!
WANTED CONNECTIONS. baby’s first words are ‘i’m not here to make friends’
i really am too lazy to make a whole ass sexy list rn and i apologize sjsdjjdf but !!! best friends, friends, confidantes, someone who used to drag her to parties, someone who used to pick on her, someone who used to defend her, flings, exes (marni is a horrible gf and she probably DIPPED the moment she started to feel something so give it to me folks), crushes she used to have in high school or middle school or elementary school, people who had crushes on her in high school or middle school or elementary school, current crushes on either end, enemy (just someone she butts heads with man!), old academic rivals, partner in crime in trying to figure this shit out, someone who hates her man, sibling like relationship, a girl squad, someone who tries to get her to loosen up, someone who is really chill and okay with the current situation who marni just wants to strangle with her bare hands!!! and anything else your heart desires okay, thank you for listening to me ramble ilu already. 
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twistinghearts · 4 years
I wanted to do the ‘About the Mun’ thing going around. Unfortunately, I’m not sure who originally made it but thank you for doing so~  Not tagging anyone but I love seeing people’s answers and learning more about those in the fandom. 
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
I go bye Sango~
2. When is your birthday?
Late June
3. Where do you live?
California [USA]
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Watching critical role, drinking coffee, plotting
5. 4 fandoms that have your peak interest right now?
Twisted Wonderland and Uta no Prince-sama... I do not have the focus to have that many interests
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
It has had little effect on me... Everything is just more ‘effort’ now. Like I already didn’t like going to the store but now there’s the extra legit anxiety that comes with the extra steps. 
7. A song you can’t stop listening too right now
Imagine (Brunch)
Back To Earth (Steve Aoki ft. Fall Out Boy)
8. Recommend a movie
The Labyrinth 
9. How old are you?
25 in June. I feel old, a lot of people didn’t answer this. 
10. School, university, occupation, or other?
I work at a craft store and have an office job. I also cosplay. 
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold! It’s already hot here and I don’t like it
12. Name one fact about you that others may find unusually
Uhhhhhh... I don’t like nuttella (chocolate hazelnut spread)
13. Are you shy?
At first, just because of the fear of scaring people off. 
14. Do you have preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest pet peeves
When people bite into tomatoes like apples. Important information not being easily accessible. 
16. What is your favorite -dere type?
I am too lazy to research -dere types right now, but I will say that I am a s|ut for kidnapping and prince/princess shit. 
17. Rate your life 1-10
Objectively 9... subjectively 6-4 depending on my mood
18. What is your main blog?
This one now
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for
I have some other blogs for Utapri roleplay
20. One thing people should know about you before they become your friends
I’m sorry and I can be pretty blunt and straight forwards with my opinions. 
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nessanightray · 5 years
meet the mun
Repost do not reblog !!
MOMnique tagged me but if she didn’t get everyone, feel free to steal this from me!
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LAYER ONE: THE OUTSIDE - Name: alex! - Eye Color: brown aljdlkad - Hair Style/color: caramel brown thats slightly wavy and reaches the small of my back! when its hot, i always have it up in a loose ponytail. - Height: my government id says 5′3 lmao. all of my siblings are 5′9+ and they roast me for looking like a hobbit. - Clothing style: LOTS OF PINK..... t-shirts and basketball shorts when i want to be the most comfortable. lots of florals and my dirty pink nikes?? - Best physical feature: how very leo-esque of me to say my hair? its always so soft and frames my chubby face well
LAYER TWO: THE INSIDE - Your fears: abandonment, being hated, my security and safety compromised, men - Your guilty pleasure: this is a weird one but having my young python wrap around my throat and squeeze her lil muscles -- not enough to choke me out BUT--  - Ambitions for the future: get my RVT license, get away from my abusive family, move out of california, practice veterinary care at a zoo or wildlife facility
LAYER THREE: THOUGHTS - Your first thoughts waking up: “ better check my socials. ugh its so hot.” - What you think about before bed:  friends, scenarios for threads that i need to answer, shit INTENSE loneliness
LAYER FOUR: WHAT’S BETTER? - Single or group dates: group dates??? then i dont feel so scared lol -To be loved or respected: both but respect above all. - Beauty or brains: GOTTA NOT BE STUPID.... but i find beauty in a lot of unconventional things so i think beauty is subjective. - Dogs or cats: i’m much more of a dog person even though i personally own a cat and a snake --- when i move out of my stepdads house, i want to get a dog so i can have a friend
LAYER FIVE: DO YOU. - Lie: obviously i have. i grew up having to be a compulsive liar to survive as long as i did, and when it unfortunately stuck with me until i got the sense beaten into me, i developed a specific need for the truth. i’m human and i slip-up but i’m really critical of myself and what comes out of my mouth. - Believe in yourself: HUUUH NO?? this bitch is dumb - Believe in love: yeah. - Want someone: I.... really.... don’t?? i’m fine being single and i’m really actually scared of people and my social circle is too small and i’m really ABOUT my space and freedom.
LAYER SIX: EVER? - Been on stage: i did improv in high school but other than that, no - Done drugs: SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY - Changed who you were to fit in: DEFINITELY A LOT WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. but now im so bullheaded about NOT breaking myself down into bite-sized pieces for others. im all here binch
LAYER SEVEN: FAVORITES - Favorite color: pink!  - Favorite animal: goats, lions - Favorite movie: uh lets see if i can name some-- the love witch, the favourite, pan’s labyrinth-- - Favorite game: any pokemon game tbh, borderlands, red dead redemption
LAYER EIGHT: AGE - Day your next birthday will be: on a wednesday HUMP DAAAY. - How old will you be: taylor swift voice: 22 - Does age matter: BITCH YES IT DOES....... that’s a phrase said often to minors by grooming pedophiles and even if two people are both adults, if there’s a severe maturity gap, there’s a problem. like my 22 year-old sister dating a 30 year old man is a perfect example because he was using her as a trophy. im not about that son i will personally beat your ass if you try to date outside of your age range.
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ask-the-arctic · 5 years
How's your vacation? What's your favorite part of it
Its been great! And did literally almost nothing for the first month except reading, and drawing and stuff. Then I went camping for two days at a friends trailer and saw the guy I went to grad with there. That was awkward. Then my friend and I went on a week-long trip to visit our friend who moved away halfway through the school year. Their pretty cool. I went tubing on a like for the first time.
And now I'm visiting family in Vancouver before we go on our road trip to California. I'm a little sad that I missed the Pride Parade yesterday, seeing as I'll probably be missing the one back home. But I did get to go out for Dim Sum and hang out with some family friends. Us "kids" made a lot of anime references. And today we went for a bike ride and to the beach. I also got the an awesome hat for cosplay.
So, I'll say that I don't really have a favourite part yet. I love it all. This was a really long answer.
Mun Star
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packsurvivcs · 2 months
📐 6'7
Send 📐 + your character's height to compare with one or more of mine!
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packsurvivcs-a · 5 years
what did arya name the boat she sailed off on?
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warweary-soldier · 5 years
munday meme
name: maddie.
nickname: mads, m.
where do you live: northern california
favorite color: celadon.
hair length: mid-back.
hair color: red with blonde ombre.
hair texture: just over the line from wavy to curly.
eye color: blue.
siblings: a brother.
current profession: writer. mostly marketing crap.
area of work/study: studied english and journalism.
do you live at home: my home, yes.
music genre: soul, preferably from the 1960s.
movie genre: action with a bit of romance thrown in.
THIS OR THAT: bold your answers...
YOUR CHOSEN PROFESSION HAS TO DO WITH: medicine, law, children, animals, administrative, or entertainment.
FEARS: commitment, intimacy, small spaces, heights, death, pain, needles, the dark, water, thunder storms, or fear itself.
single or taken.
short, average, or tall.
shy, loud, friendly, quiet, or avoidable.
atheist, wiccan, christian, orthodox, satanic, catholic, jewish, muslim, mormon, agnostic, jehovah’s witness, spiritual, or not sure what you believe.
laugh or stutter when you’re nervous.
chew on pens, bite your nails, or shake your leg.
want piercings or tattoos.
want to get married eventually, never want to get married, are married, or don’t know if you want to get married.
kissed someone whose name begins with an a, t, l, j, m, or d.
smoked a cigarette, smoked a cigar (a cigarillo), or done hard drugs.
live in the country or the city.
cook or eat out
order online or go shopping
a movie date or a dinner date
car trip or plane trip
ever dyed your hair: many times.
are you in love: yes.
does someone like you: I like to think so.
last time you really cried: 2004.
last person you texted: hubby.
last call to your phone: granny.
last text sent to a friend: “Sadly, I’m falling asleep. Night.”
kissed anyone in the last month: yes. lots.
who can you go to with your problems: granny.
ever cheated: no.
do you like your body: it’s fine, especially since it’s the only one I’ve got.
favorite quote: “The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit.” –W. Somerset Maugham
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league-0f-weirdos · 6 years
21 Question Tag
Tagged by @the-fishy-artist
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Duck, Poppy-mun, Keeper, Cinnamun, honestly whatever nickname you feel like giving me :V
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5′8′’, 5′9′‘? idk i’m short
Last movie I saw: Probably Guardians of the Galaxy 2? I don’t... really watch movies that much. :V
Last thing I Googled: Celestial Nighthawk buff worth running now
Favorite musician: Non-mainstream probably Miracle of Sound, mainstream? Legião Urbana because I have a soft spot for them!
Song stuck in my head: Arsonist’s Lullaby (it’s such a good song ;;)
Other blogs: Too many to lump here but I’m mostly active on @sinking-sank-surfaced! You might sometimes find me on other places, though.
Do I get asks: Sometimes!
Blogs following: (blogs that i’m following I guess?) 3.884. I should unfollow some peeps. :’v
Amount of sleep: anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. i’m a mess hi
Lucky number: 23 or 1945 (don’t ask)
What I’m wearing: Pants and a shirt.
Dream trip: Canada? Ireland? Norway? Idk somewhere cold and without insects
Dream job: Psychologist!
Favorite food: Chicken. You can do so much stuff with chicken. Mmmmm.
Languages: Portuguese and English!
Play any instruments: none
Favorite songs: too many to lump in one place but uh... horse with no name and hotel california are pretty good
Random fact: I absolutely love insects and how they look but if anything that isn’t either a mosquito or a fly (they’re on thin fucking ice) flies or crawls near me I will yell like a pussy and beg someone to stomp it to death. No but seriously I probably got a phobia from them. They terrify me... but so pretty...
Describe yourself as an aesthetic thing: Ancient broken bones dug deep in the mud of rainy fields. Tagging: idk, whoever wants to steal this! have at it :3
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blue-pincushion · 6 years
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Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better! Tagged by: i stole this from at least three of my mutuals
Name: Tobias/Toby Nickname: Tobes, Tobester, Tob, basically any variation of that, Bug, Shazzy (mun name) Height: uh....like 5′2 or 5′3 idk i’m short akjhgfkg Nationality: American Favorite Fruit: you know those really little oranges that come in the orange net bags?? yeah those. also mangos are Good Favorite Season: late spring & fall tbh when it’s not too cold but not too hot and i can comfortably wear my favorite clothes without sweating to death Favorite Smell: stormy smells tbh. like rain on pavement, wet grass, warm breezes, sea salt Favorite Color(s): blue, black, and purple Favorite Animal: cats!! Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: A L L Average Hours of Sleep: 5-10 hours lately Dogs or Cats: don’t get me wrong i love dogs they are very cute but i’m cat biased and prefer felines as companions Dream Trip: to visit my internet friends tbh. also really wanna go to sonic revo next year and meet up with some rad friends i’ve made this year # of Followers: 288  Random Fact: i really really like wearing jackets,, they’re my favorite articles of clothing tbh Favorite Food: sushi! or just any sea food in general. but sushi is the best, especially california rolls. Favorite Movie: wreck-it-ralph, the lego movie, and interstellar Favorite Vine: ARE DEY HELIUM BALLOONS? YES--- A W FER FOKS S A K E (i don’t have a favorite vine tbh there are way too many good ones) Sexuality: panromantic demisexual  Gender: ????? nonbinary probably Favorite Book Series: warrior cats,, Favorite Video Game(s): well obviously i really like sonic games, but also skyrim and halo  Favorite Subject (s): earth & geographical science, history, art, astronomy Favorite Fandom(s): ,,,,,,,,,well right now its sonic since i’ve been having a blast here, however the warrior cats fandom is top notch esp the animation community on youtube Favorite superhero(s): hfghfg thor has grown on me since ragnorok came out  Guys or Girls: A L L Celebrity crush: eh,, not actually sure i don’t pay much attention to celebs  Last time I cried: hhhh probably getting yelled at by my parent because i crumple under that kind of pressure too easily Hair Color: dark brown Eye Color: hazel What Should I Be Doing: working on important art projects or writing long over due replies :’)
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