#calico vine
katiajewelbox · 2 years
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Halloween Countdown Day Day 6
An Eldritch Botanical Enigma from the Past
This macabre vintage plant photo caught my eye while browsing Tumblr. The caption says “Orchidee carnivore de Cochinchine” along with the word “Saigon” in the credit – meaning that is creepy plant is supposedly a carnivorous orchid from an area that is today part of Vietnam. The Tumblr account user (Cartespostalesantiques) did not know much about the image and invited me to look into it.
I have deduced that the “carnivore orchid” in the photo is not one plant, but several species put together like a botanical chimera! The main dark coloured flower is probably a Calico Flower or Elegant Dutchman’s Pipe (Aristolochia littorialis). Some of the leaves seem to be from this species too. The Calico Flower is native to southern and western South America and despite its mouth-like shape it is not a carnivorous flower. Its dark mottled colour and carrion-like scent have evolved to mimic an animal carcass to attract flies, which are the Calico Flower’s main pollinator. 
The big flower in the photo is likely a species of Passionflower (Passiflora spp.), a genus mainly found in the Americas as well as Southeast Asia and Oceania. Although an outlandish flower, the Passionflower is certainly not carnivourous and is pollinated by hummingbirds as well as bees, wasps, and butterflies. The rest of the flowers in the photo are difficult to identify, but seem to be various domesticated orchids that are not carnivorous either.
This eldritch photo goes to show that “fake news” about nature is nothing new! I imagine the post card maker put together all the weirdest looking flowers they could find and claimed it was a scary exotic orchid that ate animals. No carnivorous orchids are currently known, although one genus in Venezula ( Aracamunia liesneri) may catch small insects with sticky tips on its leaves. Perhaps the postcard maker was inspired by H.G. Well’s 1894 short story “The Flowering of the Strange Orchid” about a sinister blood-sucking orchid that turns on its keeper.
Listen to the story at this link!
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Ivy Calico moodboard for @justletmestayawakeatthispoint
Tap for better quality
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A Quick Pick Me Up (Yandere Neko Cafe x Reader)
Hey, ya'll, I know ya'll like my fandom work, but I promise you my OC stuff is just as good. Please read!!!!! I just felt like doing this today! Reader is gender neutral. Also YANDERE BEHAVIOR IS UNACCEPTABLE IN REAL LIFE! IT AINT CUTE, IT'S ABUSE! SEEK HELP IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE HAVE SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS!
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Picture belongs to @kaffee-und-liebe
Tw: Yandere tendencies, some platonic yanderes (the kids and Cocoa), some slightly suggestive content, cursing, Donut (you'll know what I mean later), mentions of abuse, and other possibly triggering content
You live in a city that is made up of mostly apartments, that don't allow you to keep a cat much less a hybrid. Too bad because you really love cats and cat hybrids. They're just so cute with their soft ears and tails and fierce expressions. When they purr? You almost die!
Which is why you are currently vibrating in front of the newest cat cafe where you can interact with cat hybrids and cats alike. It was also really close to your apartment building, so it was meant to be. The cafe was a cute brown stone building covered in vines and flowers with a black sign that in golden letters spelled out "Lucky Kitty Cafe". You felt pretty lucky standing in front of the building right now. You took a breath and entered the building.
A set of bells tinkled cutely as your eyes widened in amazement. The place was catastic! There were paintings of cats, a cat tree decorated with potted plants, chairs with little cat ears on the back, and much more. A strange looking person with a long and thin face and vitiligo and mysterious blue green colored eyes looked up with a friendly smile. They wore head scarf with a hat with cat ears on top and a beige shirt with caramel accents.
"Welcome to Lucky Kitty Cafe, I'm Shopkeeper, are you here to see our cats and cat hybrids?" Their voice was a soothing androgynous voice. They were pretty hot not going to lie. "Yes, I'm here to see the cats!" "Wonderful~" Shopkeeper purred as they grabbed a pen and paper. "Would you like anything to eat or drink while you wait?" You smile gleefully at Shopkeeper and nod. "I'll have (cafe order) please." Shopkeeper jotted your order down and nodded. "Good taste, we'll have that order out right away for you Mx..."
Mx. (Y/N) what a beautiful name...I can tell the staff will just love you~
For the privacy of our staff, they have been assigned names of popular cafe drinks and snacks. Their personalities our meant to cater to our wide clientele. Please take not of the following rules:
Rule 1.: Do not pick up cats
Rule 2: No pulling tails and ears of cats or staff
Rule 3: Harassment of any kind towards our cats, staff, or other customers will get you sent straight to Butch
Rule 4: Our staff are playing a role to increase your enjoyment of the cafe. The way they act in the cafe does not necessarily constitute how they act outside of the cafe.
Rule 5: Buy at least one item on the menu, this is a business after all
Meet Our Staff
Macchiato or Macchi is the unofficial mascot of "Lucky Kitty Cafe" she is a calico hybrid who is the sweetest person around. Her cheerful and bright attitude will brighten up even the grumpiest of people's days. She always is the first to greet new customers.
You were stunned when the tritone beauty perched herself directly on your lap, her orange eyes shining brightly as she bounced up and down barraging you with questions.
She was so excited to see a cute new face around the establishment! Your hands were so gentle as you pet her soft ears. She didn't feel the slightest bit of shame letting you know how much she enjoyed it with her loud purring. When your food and drink came you offered to share some with her.
With her?
She almost fell in love right then and there, no one ever offered to share their food with her in such a genuine way. The food was some of the best she ever had since she got to share it with you. She couldn't help but laugh as you gushed over the cats, you were more adorable than anyone here!
She's probably the first to go yandere, she can't help it when your sweeter than the sugary treats Shopkeeper bakes. She is one clingy motherfucker, so she'll always have some body part of yours close to her. She will also insert herself in any interaction you have with others in the cafe or outside. Don't ask her why she's here just pet her pretty tritone hair!
She wants to be the only hybrid in your life which means you may wake up with her snuggled into your arms blinking those sunset orbs at you cutely.
"Morning (N/n)! Did you sleep well? I know I did~
Collects any trash you leave behind. Dirty napkins? Now hers. Straws? She's wrapping her tongue around while thinking indecent thoughts. Lost your cute keychain? Well good luck ever finding it again because now it's a part of her shrine to you.
Don't let her cute face fool you, she will do whatever it takes to ensure that you are hers.
"(N/n) left their Chapstick here. Mmm (N/n) it's like sharing an indirect kiss with you~"
Meet the cafe's very own black cat Espresso. He is very quiet and aloof at first. Most people never interact with him as he will leave when people attempt to start a conversation with him. No one understands why Espresso even took a job here as he's clearly not a people hybrid.
He is no doubt one of the most handsome hybrids most people see. Beautiful dark skin and long dreadlocks accompanied with silky black ears and tail and intelligent brown eyes. His voice is very deep and mellow much like a good espresso.
He is a cat magnet as even the shyest cats can be found purring contently on his lap. He lets them hang around him as he sketches pictures of the cafe.
"You're a really good artist"
Espresso jerks at the sudden sound of your voice, how did you manage to sneak up on him? He froze as every impulse in him was confused on how to react. Run away? Thank you? Let you sit down with him? It's clear to you that the Windows shut down noise is taking place in his head right now.
"I'm sorry for startling you, I'll be on my way now."
It didn't take long for other cats and Macchi to distract you, but Espresso couldn't get the interaction out of his head. Yes, you scared him, but you didn't pressure him into conversation. You simply complimented his art before leaving.
Why did a small part of him wish you stayed?
In order for him to go yandere for you, you have to let him approach you in his own time. You must be patient as Espresso isn't used to engaging with customers like the other staff are. He is probably the last if not close to last who go yandere for you, which means you'll have an ally for when the others get too touchy.
He is very aware that the feelings that he is developing aren't the healthiest, so he tries to keep his feelings to himself. He adores your calming presence and how you can bring out the best in anybody. He begins subconsciously drawing you more and more in different scenarios. Most relatively innocent but there are enough indulgent sketches that he doesn't allow you to look through his sketch book without him supervising.
However, jealousy begins to gnaw at his gut when he sees you interacting with the others. When did Butch get so protective of you? Why do you hang around that bastard Donut? Why can't he have you all to himself? He starts to use the trust that you've built towards him to convince you to spend less time with the others. Besides that, he's one of the most harmless yanderes on this list.
"Oh, you're here, did the others smother you too much? They won't bother as long as you stay with me my muse."
Oh boy, you got this gremlin's attention, you really are too sweet for your own good, aren't you? Donut is an orange Munchkin cat hybrid and the shortest adult of the staff (the kids are platonic yandere for you). The definition of short guy syndrome but he hides it behind a cute facade. He lays it on thick for customers to give him fat tips (get you mind out of the gutter). A little bat of the eyelash here and a flirty wink there and everyone is eating out of the palm of his hand.
"Oh, a new customer, it's so nice to meet you I'm Donut~"
"Nice to meet you Donut."
"Hee hee, do you mind if I sit on your lap?"
He plops himself on your lap and starts not so subtly grinding on you which makes you very uncomfortable, you just met this guy. Plus, this is not the place for finding a random hookup. You push him off your lap and tell him that his actions made you uncomfortable. Donut begins boiling inside. You ungrateful bitch! How dare you turn him down! Him! HIM!!!! He yells in frustration later in the empty break room. Why were you being so rude when he was just being nice? (No dude that's sexual harassment) He's made it his personal mission to seduce you and then when you fall for him laugh in your face.
Donut turns up the clueless and the sexiness up by a hundred and ten percent. He wears extra skimpy and tight-fitting shorts and skirts (with lacey panties and/or thongs) as well as unbuttoning half the buttons on his pastel pink shirt, showing you his surprisingly defined chest. He skips around with an innocent grin, only for his actions to be ignored. You evil SLUT, how dare you pretend to not see what he's doing? He should teach you to be grateful and get down on your knees like a good whore does. He ignores all the other customers in favor of hatefully glaring at you from the corner.
He follows you out of the cafe and drags you into an alley nearby pinning you to the wall (he's actually deceptively strong). He screams all of the feelings he's been bottling up towards you with tears in his eyes. You stand still for a moment unsure of what to do and then you feel him go limp. Okay this is super awkward, the guy in front of you went on a nice guy spiel and then passed out. Unfortunately, you have some morality and decide not to leave him out here when your apartment is right across the street. You scoop him up and walk to your apartment (he's really light).
Donut wakes up in a stranger's bed and thinks he took his anger out by sleeping with some rando for a quick ego boost. However, he sees you coming into the room with a plate of breakfast and set it right in front of him. Why was he at your place? You explained what happened and Donut is very embarrassed, he can't believe he was vulnerable with the person he despises with all his heart. He prepares for you to mock him cruelly, but instead you treat him with the kindness he'd never show for you. Why are you such a mature person? It makes him so mad that he starts blushing, his heart starts pumping... did you always look so handsome?
Uh oh
Donut goes from being horrible to you to being the most delusional being on the planet. You treated him with kindness, which must mean you love him and much as he loves you. He does the cute act except this time its genuine and less sexual (he learned boundaries for you so be grateful (don't he still sucks)). However, he doesn't afford the same luxury to others. He sees the way others look at you and he doesn't like it one bit. He is cruel and sadistic towards rivals all while acting like an absolute angel towards you.
"Welcome home darling! How did I get in your apartment? You invited me here silly, now come and snuggle with your one and only~"
Sugar is a complete MILF looking like a golden age Hollywood actress in her work uniform. She is a Turkish Angora hybrid with gorgeous long white hair plated in victory curls and bewitching heterochromic eyes (left brown and right blue with a beauty mark under the left one). Sugar was a show hybrid like her mother before her but had to leave when she became pregnant with a stray hybrid's kittens. She is very gentle and motherly with an elegant femme fatale aura to her. Sugar is considered second in command to Shopkeeper and very respected for her age and wisdom (she's in her early to mid-forties because we love older women here).
Popular with old and young alike, you were starstruck when the snow-haired beauty and spoke to you with her lightly accented voice (she's Turkish). You felt completely comfortable with Sugar and were able to get some sound financial advice from her, as Sugar knew what it was like to be young and struggling to pay bills.
"Remember that charity is no only an act of generosity but also tax deductible."
"Yes mommy."
She found your slight crush on her adorable as it was flattering for younger people to find her attractive. However, she didn't want to have to parent her partner as well as her twins. She doesn't immediately go yandere nor is she the slowest to go yandere for you. This feeling changed when she saw how well you got along with Cookie and Muffin (her twins). You were able to get them to listen to you as well as break up their fights which was a feat that very few outside herself could do. Color her impressed.
"Mommy is (Y/N) our new parent?"
"Now kids we need to be tactical about this-"
"They helped find a crying child's parents."
"Cookie, Muffin, say hello to your new stepparent."
Very few younger people and hybrids knew the subtle art of seduction like Sugar did, which she believes gives her advantage compared to the others. She doesn't constantly badger you for your time like Macchiato, Donut, and Cappuccino do (she's only truly worried about the romantic rivals but Cocoa is on thin ice sometimes). Nor does she play it too subtle like Espresso and Croissant do. She invites you to "platonic" dates out with her and her children to parks and restaurants. She also will subtly touch you whether it be smoothing wrinkles on your outfit or giving you chaste kiss on the cheek (she says she greets everyone that way, but you have yet to see that). She knows she attractive and how to flirt in a way that makes you blush but not uncomfortable.
She's seen the cruelties of the world and hopes that you won't have to go through have the horrors she's faced. The world isn't very kind to single moms, especially older single moms. She wants you to be happy and safe in her home, as a cute little stay at home spouse. Let her do all the hard work outside while you stay home and do some work inside (she won't let you strain yourself though). She also is a doting and spoiling yandere. She's very generous and giving towards you (even in bed) and will have all your desires met except leaving.
She's a master manipulator and will use her children as a way to get you to consider staying with her. They love you so much, you wouldn't break their hearts, right? (the kids are also manipulative little shits as well) The only people she would consider sharing (this is only in dire situations) you with is Shopkeeper and maybe Bruce. Besides that, she won't rest until you are snuggled into her chest in the bed you share.
"(Y/N) let's go out again, the kids love hanging out with you dear and I wouldn't want to disappoint them. You will, wonderful!"
Cookie and Muffin: 
Meet the mischievous mixed breeds who work occasionally beside their mother. Cookie and Muffin are loved dearly by kids their age and lonely older patrons. They love sweets and messing with member of the staff they don't like (Donut and Cappuccino mostly) with very intricate pranks. They aren't always there and met you by chance as their mother had to pick them up early from school (Muffin and Cookie can get violent with each other and the only one who can break them up is momma Sugar). Muffin is the girl with short gray hair with a single white streak and Cookie is the boy with long white hair with a single gray streak.
They saw you playing with the kittens and wanted to play too! You rough house with the twins and don't get mad when Muffin bites you a bit too hard (kitten hybrid teeth are sharp). Cookie got jealous that you are paying more attention to Muffin and the two started fighting. Normally no one is brave enough to break the twins apart from each other, but you bravely stand between them enduring multiple scratches until they stopped.
They can't believe they hurt their new playmate; their mom is going to kill them. Both start crying while apologizing profusely for hurting you. Instead of yelling at them you scratch their ears gently and tell them it's okay. Your touch is just as calming as their mother's, wait why did you stop? Keep petting them please!
They're kids so they go yandere pretty quickly as they aren't romantic interests, and you sneak them pastries you bought (much to Sugar's dismay). Both are always trying to monopolize your time and will scratch and bite any staff or customer who interrupts their "(Y/N) Time". When their mom starts having a romantic interest in you, they're ecstatic, you get to become their new parent. While they are kids, they aren't dumb as they notice other staff members looking at you the same way that their mom does. They won't let just anyone marry you, only mommy can (they can't wait to call you their baba*)!
Their pranks become almost deadly in nature towards rivals of their mom. They never get in trouble for almost killing the delivery guy because they're just kids, what do you expect? Also inherit the manipulative trait from their mother. Oh no their babysitter mysteriously quit! Could you watch them? You come over only to find that it was an elaborate ruse done by the twins, so you have family movie night with them and Sugar (they "fall asleep" on you so you're forced to spend the night). Mommy is sad because she remembered how daddy left them. Could you cheer her up?
They aren't too dangerous yanderes besides the semi deadly pranks, but they aren't to be underestimated because they're children. They want a happy family with their favorite playmate, and they'll do anything they can to get it.
"(Y/N), Muffin pulled on my hair!" "Not before Cookie bit my finger!"
"Baba don't leave!" "Yeah, we'll stop fighting as long as you're here!"
Ah the intelligentsia of the cafe, its own certified genius Croissant. Croissant is a lover of reading, fine art, and playing his beloved cello. He brings with him a refined aura and a thirst for knowledge. He's a blonde American Curl who always wears his beloved red scarf, even indoors. He has semi long curly blond hair in a mullet and the prettiest hazel eyes. He's got freckles that he hides with makeup. He is popular with mainly older people who enjoy engaging in discourse with him on a wide variety of subjects. He also helps tutor kids occasionally in the cafe's break room.
Croissant saw you sitting in the corner reading a book while sipping on (beverage of choice), the book you were reading happened to be one he knew about. He asked if you were enjoying the book, which caused your eyes to light up. You began to ramble to him about the book you were reading which Croissant found very adorable. Finally, he found someone that had a similar interest to him.
The two of you begin to have a routine where you would have interesting conversations about your individual interests, where each one of you would come out learning more about each other. Croissant started noticing little things about you, like how one dimple is bigger than the other when you smile, or that your nose scrunches up when you're confused. That's totally a normal thing to notice about your friend, right?
Croissant is one of the last to go yandere but goes yandere before Espresso and Butch. I mean how could anyone resist your charms forever? You never are rude or demeaning like the jealous fools in his graduate classes. You actually listen with wide eyed interest and treating him like a regular person instead of something to be revered or despised made him fall deeper into his obsession with you.
Croissant will find any way to spend more time with you. You trying to go to graduate school? He can help you study! Applying for a job? Why not work here? Other work environments won't value you the way "Lucky Kitty Cafe" would value you. So, what if you're human, Shopkeeper is human too (are they though?)! Don't even worry about filling out a resume a good word from Croissant and you'll have the job by tomorrow (even if you don't want to work there you will end up working there if Croissant has something to say about it).
Croissant never values anyone's opinion on him before, but he reveres your opinion above his own. Prefer red heads? Guess who's dying his hair? Hate his curled ears? He suddenly prefers wearing hats indoors. He can become very unstable fast so try to reassure him with love and affection. Or else no one will be able to stop the fall out. He's one hell of a stalker since he wants to know that you are okay, and no one is hurting you. Keeps extensive lists of things you like and plans for the future home the two of you will buy that is far away from this city and its impure influences.
"Ah Mx. (L/N) it's a pleasure to see you today. Care to pick up our conversation from where we left off yesterday?"
Cocoa is a spunky freshly high school graduated college student who is working at the "Lucky Kitty Cafe" as a waitress for some extra money to pay for campus expenses. Cocoa is a Burmese with gigantic coke bottle glasses (she's extremely far sighted) and puffy space buns. She is popular with the teens and young adults who frequent the restaurant for her cute fashion sense and her sassy attitude.
She first met you when she spilled hot coffee all over you. The one day she forgets to wear her glasses! She immediately rushes you to the employee bathroom and apologizes profusely as she sprays cold water over the burn and begins to cry. She never meant to hurt anyone, and she may even get fired for injuring another customer (first time was no accident). You were fine thankfully but the guilt still ate away at Cocoa. She decided to spend time with you as payment and even pay for your meal. You laugh at Cocoa's guilt-ridden sad puppy eyes and compliment her nails. She immediately forgets her guilt and babbles about the cute new nail salon you should try. OMG you two should totally become BFFs!
Cocoa isn't immediately yandere and is like Sugar somewhere in the middle but further towards the immediate side. She's just hanging out with her new bestie! However, her tail bristles when she sees Macchi looping her arm around your waist, or the way that Donut coos at you while trying to feed you the cafe's newest dessert. Can't these two find their own BFFs, your hers. Great now Cappuccino is sleeping with their head in your lap! She snaps and screams at the other hybrid to leave you the hell alone, scaring many nearby cats. You tell Cocoa to calm down and that you're okay with Cappuccino doing this. What the fuck? How could you?!
After taking a second to calm down, Cocoa had to figure out why she was so worked up about you having other friends. It's good for you to have other friends...so why does it leave a bitter taste in her mouth. She doesn't hate the idea of you having friends, she just needs to be your BEST FRIEND!
Cocoa is one monopolizing and clingy girl. You have planned this weekend? Great now you can throw them out because Cocoa is taking you shopping to a cool new vintage store down the road, ooh and you can have boba tea afterwards! She bats away Macchi, Donut, and Cappuccino to have some time with her bestie, they aren't invited! She also believes as your best friend (she'll get rid of anyone who tries and replace her) she gets to pick who your future spouse is, and she is overly critical towards everyone in the cafe. No one is good enough for her bestie! She might put in a good word for the others... if they forfeit their time with you for the day (she's evil like that >:)).
Cocoa also is the type to try and hang out with you outside of the cafe by "coincidence". Oh, my what a coincidence that you both were at the supermarket at the same time looking for...mangos. Man, she loves mangos (she hates mangos)! Anyways, she found this really cute spa where they use sweet, scented bath bombs in the soak tub. Don't worry she'll pay! She also will totally snitch if she sees others trailing you (like she wasn't also stalking you) to make you like her more. Oh my god Croissant is totally following you, guess he isn't the gentleman he claims to be. What's she doing here? Don't worry about that, let's go rollar skating!
"(N/n) look there's 50% off matching sets of pajamas! Let's totally get some and have a sleep over together!"
You like em weird. Like really weird. Matcha is one strange hybrid. They are a Russian Blue with long bangs that cover their intense steel blue eyes. They have a couple streaks of light green in their gray blue hair. Their extremely pretty as they have a pale complexion and are lithe but when they open their mouth customers walk away in discomfort. As a result, Shopkeeper has them in the back most of the day and only really lets them come out before opening and after closing. They will be the one of the last yandere's you'll probably meet.
You were helping Shopkeeper with cleaning up after an intense day at the cafe, after all they let you stay in the comfiest table for hours after you purchased food. As well as staying after closing to feed the kitties. You also may or may not have been lured by Shopkeeper's promise of being able to take some of the leftover pastries home. Whatever your reason you were helping Shopkeeper, when Shopkeeper left to take a phone call outside. You smiled to yourself as you hummed a tune while cleaning up. You started actually singing when you heard a crash coming from the kitchen area. Strange you don't remember anyone being in the store besides you and Shopkeeper. Curiosity got the better of you and you decided to sneak a peek at whatever creature was in the kitchen.
You peer into the dark kitchen to find a skinny person holding a bent-up pan and an explosion of red all over the floor and all over the person.
"Oh, don't worry this isn't blood."
You proceeded to sock the stranger in the face and run to find Shopkeeper.
"There's a strange person with bluish hair covered in god knows what in your kitchen!"
"Oh that's Matcha."
After an in-depth explanation of why this person you never saw before was standing in front of you covered in strawberry jam (they like to be one with the fruit) you were introduced to Matcha. A hybrid who smells like and probably eats dirt, an acquired taste for most (both dirt and Matcha). You apologized for punching them in the face to which they grinned and told you they like how your fist felt on their face. Okay a little strange but Shopkeeper wouldn't hire a literal serial killer, right?
You don't even know anymore
Obsessed from the minute your fist made contact with their face. Not quite yandere but interested in the reactions you make (and the pain you can give them). They actually gain romantic interest towards you slower than you think, give or take two days. You saw the large cut on their arm and helped them patch it up, it was from that moment that they planned your entire wedding in their head.
Is terrible at stalking but does it in hopes of being caught and you berating them for it (thinks it's sexy when you're mad). Fights Macchi for the things you leave behind and is found sniffing the seat where you were sitting. Is the definition of worshipper yandere as they truly believe you are a deity, and they are your acolyte. They don't care if you hate them or want them dead, as long as they can be by your side that's all that matters.
Being your acolyte also means they will do anything you ask with zeal. It doesn't matter if it's highly illegal as going to jail in your stead would be a blessing. They just love you so much that it consumes their very being. They're willing to share you with others (as long as they can watch) as long as you still let them stay by your side too.
"Hit me, stab me, choke me, leave me to die. Any act done by your hands is a blessing and a pleasure for me~"
You got the big cheese's attention, the owner of the cafe, the mysterious Shopkeeper. Shopkeeper is alluring in an inhuman way with their sharp blue green eyes and charming androgynous voice. They loved the smile you gave them the first time you came in, what an adorable face. They also loved the face you made when you took a bite of the food you ordered, that blissed-out look is just too cute.
"Excuse me did you make this pastry?"
"Oh, why yes I did, it happens to be a family recipe."
"You're so talented, that was the best (pastry of choice) I every ate!"
Normally compliments don't faze Shopkeeper they'd reply with a nod and a polite thank you. However, you seemed so genuine and the way your eyes sparkled made something melt inside of Shopkeeper. You would surely become one of their favorite customers.
Shopkeeper is very hard to read so it can be difficult to tell when they go yandere for you. Their actions can be seen as purely platonic or as their attempt to flirt with you. They always make sure your favorite sweets are freshly made when you arrive to the cafe, they have the time you arrive memorized. If you don't like sweets, they always have something savory and tasty prepared to your liking. Keeps track of your food preferences and allergies when coming up with new items for the menu, so you can taste test them.
"I was thinking of adding this to the menu tell me how it tastes?"
"Is it necessary for you to feed me?"
One thing is for sure when they do fall for you, they begin to plan how to make you entirely theirs. Shopkeeper knows how their staff have taken a liking to you, and they don't feel like sharing (may have an easier time with the more submissive/guilt ridden ones like Matcha and Butch). They use their sweet words and actions to guide you in the right direction (right into their arms). They also aren't afraid to take care of rivals that come from outside of the cafe.
"Oh, why is there blood on my face? Just a little problem in the kitchen that's all."
Cappuccino is the Ragdoll of the group, a mellow, sleepy person. They are perfect cuddle shape with their chubby body and their big fluffy ears, hair, and tail. They are almost always asleep yet one of the most popular hybrids at the cafe for how cute and calm they are. They don't often choose who they fall asleep on, so they might have accidently fallen asleep on you.
"Oh, I fell asleep but not on a pillow."
"Hey, Cappuccino, right? I need to get to work so could you kindly..."
Cappuccino is pretty big both tall and chubby (because tall people can also be chubby/fat and beautiful) so it's hard to move them when they sleep, which is too bad for you since Cappuccino has decided you are their new favorite pillow. They always find you in what you're doing and force you to let them cuddle with you. After all, why cuddle with a cat now that you have Cappuccino?
"Cappuccino what are you doing in my house?"
"Ugh you're being to noisy be quiet, pillows don't talk."
Cappuccino goes yandere for you pretty quick, but you wouldn't notice as Cappuccino is too lazy to do anything about these feelings beside scent you constantly when you cuddle. Cappuccino is clingy in the sense that they can't get good sleep unless they're clinging to you. You may have places to be, but Cappuccino is sleeping right now so you won't be going anywhere. They're adorable and they know it, so they use this to make you stay longer too. One sleepy look from those big droopy blue eyes and you are staying a lot longer than you intended. Isn't willing to pick fights with Donut, Macchi, or Cocoa, but is willing to make it out like they are bullying them.
"You shouldn't hang out with people who treat others bad (Y/N), you know I never would (they totally would)."
Their apathy is one of the scariest traits they have, they may be lazy, but they use their cuteness to get crazed fans to get rid of the competition. They are not above getting rid of others at the cafe because they don't care about the people around them. Cappuccino is also very strong as when they aren't sleeping, they are at the gym, so if they feel motivated enough, they can bash some heads in. Cappuccino only cares about you, so don't make them do anything that you may regret.
"Oh (Y/N) sorry for humping you, I was having a very...intense dream."
Enter the devoted guard dog of the cafe Butch. The Pitbull hybrid is the tallest and strongest of the cafe and doesn't let anyone harass the Shopkeeper and staff. He sent you a threatening glare with his scared face when you arrived. He didn't know you and he hated humans for all the scars they gave him. You smiled at him and walked away. Tch, stupid human.
One by one all the hybrids fell for your charms (platonic ones are platonically in love with you) and it made Butch's blood boil. Why couldn't you be satisfied with just being a patron? Why did Shopkeeper look at you that way? Butch had a crush on Shopkeeper for saving him from his horrible life yet never had the courage to approach them. He saw the looks Shopkeeper gave you and it made him angry. He was going to confront you when he saw the scene with Donut occur. He saw the look of fear and worry on your face as you carried Donut gently to your apartment. He saw how you treated Cocoa and the twins as well as Matcha. You didn't have anything to get out of this so why do it?
His answer was given the night an old competitor from the fighting ring came at him with the intention to kill. He managed to kill the guy before he was killed but he was severely injured. He heard footsteps approach him head and he looked up to see you. You kept him awake long enough for the paramedics to arrive and take him to the hospital. The look of worry in your eyes is genuine and your smile of relief reminds him of the smile that Shopkeeper gave him that day they saved him (he's got a thing for nonbinary baddies). Your smile however was less calculated and more genuine.
Butch is the last to go yandere because Butch feels guilty. Guilty for hating you when you showed him nothing but kindness, guilty for betraying Shopkeeper like that and guilty for wanting to lock you away where no one but himself can see you. He is one overprotective and loyal pooch, who will protect you until his final breath. Good people don't deserve to face the cruelties a monster like him faced.
The most likely to be poly with you and Shopkeeper as he still holds feelings for Shopkeeper and they're both obsessed with you. You won't want for anything as he holds you in his muscular arms with his head buried in your neck to muffle the sobs.
"Please forgive me for being selfish, you're the only good thing I've got."
*Baba is the gender-neutral affectionate term for parent like mama and papa.
Sorry if it's bad towards the end, I rushed towards Cappuccino and Butch. Please feel free to request scenarios for the new ocs I dropped. ONLY PLATONIC FOR COCOA AND THE TWINS BUT EITHER ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC FOR EVERYONE ELSE.
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cupiohearts · 7 months
I WISH YOU LOVE ! - reminiscing with gun.
(cant catch me now series). GUN VER. dg ver. goo ver
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they see you everywhere. james, jonggun, joongoo. they find bits and pieces of you lying around in their pockets, their houses and memories. it depends on which one it is which scene they see you in.
for GUN, he cant figure out for the life of anyone why they would wish someone that moved on in life the best of luck. he was a selfish man. when you disappeared from him, he mutters bitterly to himself wishing curses upon your name. the tear drops on the letter you wrote to him being the symbolism behind it all.
why would he want you to do well without him? why did you have to leave him?
did you not care as much as you said you did? he furrows his eyebrow. taking another drag out of his cigarette while he watches the stupid couple on the street pick out matching items for each other.
"jonggun! jonggun! look come here! hurry up!" you hiss at him as you press your face against the glass of a window. it was the pet adoption center. a calico cat taking a nap in the window as you cood at it.
that was the ugliest cat hes ever seen. it's eyes looked a bit too similar to the one you always give him when you want him to do something ridiculous for you.
"its cute" he gruffly says. you raise an eyebrow at him and made a face "youre a big fat liar. when we grow old with joongoo and james! we should all get a cat together!"
you giggle as you wiggled your finger at the cat. your breath fogging up the glass and when you pulled away he could see a slight bit of lipgloss- or lip tint- or whatever you were wearing on your lips that left it all glossy and shimmery left on the window.
he didnt say anything about it. he probably shouldve. you left the window dirty with your makeup. the same lips he imagined himself kissing from to time.
he thinks again. gun is a selfish man. when he read the letter you gave him, he thinks to himself for a far longer period of time than what he would appreciate.
he picks up the small camera you left behind in your apartment. he kept it with him for some reason. it was to keep videos and photos of yourself so he wont forget all of the times hes had with you.
"gun stop! stop! stop- what in the world happened here?!" your voice can be heard from behind the camera. the camera work a bit shaky as you walk closer to the restaurant.
there were a lot of bodies on the floor. a lot. "did you take them all down by yourself?" you ask him. you already knew the answer. he didnt need to respond but he did "yes"
you let out a deep sigh "this was supposed to be a cute video! you just ruined it. i wanted to send my mom and dad videos of me while im still here!"
you never sent it. he almost wished you did. so your parents knew what your friends were in korea. gangsters hanging out with the most.. sane one. sane is a strong word. hed think more like you were the glue.
you held everyone together, but at the same time. you were the one keeping them in the past.
that wasnt what he thought as he read your note though.
while he reading the shaky lines with splotchy text. the tears you left on the paper made it all crumbly and the words were hard to read.
he could only wish you the worst time without him. you better not be happier than you were with him. thats how you made him feel. he felt like the vines growing around the fence around you. his growth was hindered by the boundaries you had. if you werent there, he wouldve probably never grown in the first place, but you were also the reason he couldnt get better.
even as he read the lines 'jongun, you are the one who destroyed me the most.' he felt a small smile come to his face. he really is the most selfish person he knew.
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sooooo... im here. I DID THE SECONDPARTY YIPPEE 😋😋 is it messy idk
i havent proof read so im assuming its ok. if its ooc mb brother.
their personalities are hard to capture anyways live laufh love the lookism blondes <3 the hottest in the game frl
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sl-newsie · 2 months
Behind Masks (Dr. Jonathon Crane x OC) Ch. 15: Intervention
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General POV
Calico makes a quick exit before the two women can question her feelings any further. One might think they would let it be and turn to another discussion topic. That would be downright wrong.
“We're not gonna let this slide, are we?” Harley asks the redhead botanist.
“No. I’m going to make a phone call.”
Ivy walks to the payphone and dials. The receiver picks up after a few rings. “It’s me. Shut it, Nigma. This isn’t another environmental ‘scheme.’ It’s about Callie. And Crane.”
Harley leans in to hear more but the bar’s noisy chatter drowns out Ivy’s phone conversation.
“20 minutes. Make sure he’s here.” Ivy hangs up and points to the clown girl. “You play nice, okay?”
She gives a mock salute. “Right!”
Both women are thinking the same thing: Callie’s not one of them. Sure, a little unhinged and strange at times, but in Gotham who isn’t? The point of the matter is to settle this entire Crane dispute once and for all. No more playing, no more using her.
20 minutes later the bar is almost empty, partially on account of Harley’s intense persuasion of brandishing a pop gun at the patrons’ heads. As per usual Edward Nigma is punctual. A single knock on the door signals the clown girl to peer through the peephole.
“What’s the password?” she mocks.
“Open this door or there won’t be one.”
Harley grins. “Close enough!” 
She opens the door and in walks the Riddler, cane and all. He looks around trying to get a feel of the dreary establishment before snapping his fingers at the thugs waiting outside. They obey his order and push in Ivy’s request: Dr. Crane, with a sack over his head.
The green woman gives an annoyed sigh and pinches her temples. “Nigma, when I said bring him here I meant so that he can cooperate! Why must you boys always tie each other up?”
The man rolls his eyes. “Says the lady who ties policemen up in vines. He’s here, I’m here, let’s get to the point. Crane, listen up!”
Nigma shoves the grunting doctor into a chair and rips the sack off. The professor of fear’s rageful eyes scan the room, the rope bonds burning his fists as he clenches the wooden table.
“You’re asking for Hell, Ivy,” he growls. “What is this?”
“An intervention,” she replies cooly and the rest of the group sits down. “Stay away from Callie.”
Callie. The name alone prickles Crane’s memory. He can’t help it. How could you stop thinking about someone who’s saved your skin more than once? Sure, he was a little rough when he politely kicked her out of his lab. But he’s just setting boundaries.
“Whoa, whoa!” Harley waves her hands. “Too much.”
Nigma nods in agreement. “Turn it down a notch, Pam. Crane, you can be charmingly tolerable when you want to be. Just don’t break her heart.” He leans in and pokes the doctor’s nose. “Or I break you.”
Break her heart? How can he do that? She’s the one that keeps inconveniencing his experiments. Although she is quite a catch. Witty, one might say exceptionally attractive- But Dr. Crane banishes those thoughts and stubbornly huffs at Nigma’s threat.
“Bold of you to assume I’ve taken a liking to Dr. Prentiss.”
Ivy sighs. “Cut the act, Crane. Any lunatic can see you’re soft on her.”
The unfamiliar clown girl nods repeatedly between the two. “You two are like peanut butter and jelly!”
Who is this newcomer? But Crane ignores basic introductions and stays silent. They’re far from accurate. He harbors no feelings for anyone, especially for Dr. Calico Prentiss. She can do whatever she pleases as long as it does not involve him… Or another man, but he will never say that. In fact Crane isn’t even sure why he dislikes the concept of Dr. Prentiss seeking romance. 
Ivy has had enough. She can practically see the amorous desires brewing in his eyes. “You don’t own her, Crane.”
“If you want her to be only yours then take her on a date instead of quietly stewing on your jealousy,” Nigma inputs.
Crane scoffs. “But-”
“If you say you don’t love her one more time I will personally bash you on the head!” Harley threatens and holds up a giant mallet.
“She was the bait for my trap,” Nigma reminds him. “You obviously cared enough to save her.”
Obviously denial is not working here. No matter. Crane’s managed his way out of worse pickles. An ‘intervention’ involving false claims of attraction to Cal- Dr. Prentiss seems on the small scale of things.
“What do I have to do to leave with a pulse?” the doctor asks his captors.
The three villains exchange looks and Ivy is the one to speak. “Play nice.”
“Got that, Johnny boy?” The clown girl raises an eyebrow.
Very well. He can play this game. “Agreed.”
Ivy pulls out a knife made of thorns and cuts the ropes from Crane’s wrists, allowing him an exit. He doesn’t think twice. He swiftly strides out of the dark pub and into the misty streets before they can second-guess themselves.
What a fun game. Who’s to say what is nice? This is Gotham, after all. What sounds nice to him is finding someone to test his newest fear toxin on.
And that someone is Dr. Calico Prentiss.
Calico’s POV
Forget alcohol, forget narcotics. The best form of bliss is a hot shower. After all that’s happened this past week it feels like stepping into a new skin. First I’m kidnapped, then I have my first girls’ night. It went… okay? How does one judge character in a place like Gotham? But I’ve given up caring. Today was a prosperous day. A tad gory but not every kill will be perfect. Lord save my corrupted soul.
I turn the water off and wrap myself in a cozy towel, stepping out to smear the condensation off the mirror-
“Hello again.”
Crane. Dr. Jonathan Crane. Sitting on my bathroom chair.
“Jesus!” I screech and reach for my hand mirror, perhaps attempting to threaten him with- His reflection? Damn him and his piercing good looks! “How did you get in?”
He merely hums and nods to the door. “I picked the lock. You look… good.” There’s no hiding his crystal eyes scanning my hastily-covered figure. 
I grit my teeth. “You have some nerve coming in here, Crane!”
“Steady, Dr. Prentiss. I didn’t see anything.”
“If you didn’t want to see me shower, why did you break into my apartment?”
The last time he was here he left a note saying he wanted nothing to do with me. Now he’s here uninvited and watching me wearing nothing but a towel.
“Is it a crime to want a friendly chat now and then?” he asks innocently.
My eyes don’t soften. “There is hardly anything friendly when it concerns you. If it’s chatter you want then go somewhere else. I have had more than my fill of talking this week.”
I storm out and slam the door behind me. Gotta be quick! I rush to my dresser and snatch the first nightwear I find, hurriedly throwing it on and dashing for the living room. Grab the knife-!
“Cherries? Where did they come from?” I notice a bowl of red fruit on the coffee table.
Crane’s caught up and sees where I’m looking. “The fridge,” he states obviously.
I roll my eyes. “Fine. Where did they come from prior to the fridge? I didn’t buy them.”
“I did. Is it a crime to bring fruit to someone else’s apartment?”
“Again, nothing is friendly when it concerns you. What’s in them?” I grip my knife tighter.
But instead of answering Crane saunders over to the couch and eases into it as if this is his home.
“You’re much more wound up than earlier. Rumor is you nearly killed someone last tonight. I thought you’d be proud of that. Why so hysterical?”
“You are not the one questioning their entire life’s choices!” I hiss. “I’m trying to have the guts to kill people! You don’t have to worry about it, you’re already insane. I’m not quite at that point yet. But I’m getting there!”
The doctor huffs. “This is Gotham, dear. How bad could you have possibly begun to drop?”
My pulse spikes. He’s asking for it. “Do you really want to see? Here.” I storm over to the counter and point to my fresh victim. “This is my latest.”
He slowly gets up and walks over to get a closer look. A look at the fresh evening newspaper with the headline claiming Cynthia Bawler: Lost and Horrifically Found. She wasn’t as easy as Thompson. She put up more of a fight. Thus resulting in the bloody knife sitting in the sink. Attempted has escalated to accomplished.
“You’ve been busy,” Crane regards with a nod. Is he disturbed? Impressed? Bored?
My eyes latch themselves to the scarlet droplets glittering in the moonlight. “Just watch it drip…”
“You admire blood.”
“While water is seen as liquid life, blood can be seen as liquid death.” How far have I dropped in these past few days?
The doctor chuckles. “Psychopath.”
“Takes one to know one,” I smirk. “Besides, I consider myself a somewhat-sane functional sociopath.” I pivot and start back to my bedroom, still holding the knife. 
“Are you retiring for the night?” The doctor asks.
“Yes. You know the rules. Stick to the couch, hands to yourself-”
Suddenly I feel someone behind me and the knife is torn from my grasp. “Good, you’re not occupied. You’ll do perfectly.”
Crane yanks me around to face him and plows me into the counter, locking me in. Through the darkness I see a gleaming needle inching over my skin.
My eyes widen in shock. “What the Hell?! Wait what are you-? Ow!” The familiar jab of the needle pieces my arm and my senses begin to cloud. “W-Wha…?”
Lights out.
“Wake up, Dr. Prentiss.”
A hiss escapes me when a blinding light startles me awake. Wait- I was asleep? When did- Dr. Crane. He did this. And now… I’m bound to my couch, facing up as if strapped to a makeshift examination chair. The sleeping drug is almost out of my system, sending my pulse jumping and my eyes frantically looking for a way out.
“This is an intervention. I must apologize for the lack of professional equipment,” the doctor explains softly, as if this is normal. “I for one did not feel like carrying your unconscious body back to my lab so I will make do with this.” In the corner of my eye I see him lean in closer, his wide eyes searching me for any sign of fear. “How does it feel? To wake up strapped down again?”
I take a breath, never taking my gaze away. “Familiar.”
The doctor senses it too. I’m surprised, but not afraid. “You aren’t scared?”
“I’m already broken, Dr. Crane. My damage is beyond repair.”
I’ve begun a killing pattern against those who commit wrong in society. However one might take it, it’s still murder. It’s still a sin. There’s no turning back now. But my easy acceptance doesn’t seem to fit well with Crane’s intended plan. Instead of celebrating my easy defeat he just seems more stern.
“I am administering my newest fear toxin,” he explains and gestures to the IV placed in my brachial vein, a black vial.
I don’t flinch. “Why?”
“To prove you are still a worthy lab rat.”
Something about the way he says that somehow comes off as if he’s saying ‘prove I don’t care.’ Did he get a dose of Harley’s teasing too?
I just sigh and lay my head back down to stare at the ceiling. “Prick.”
“As usual please inform me of any effects immediately.”
Ah, yes. What wonders will this toxin bring? Any thought of my parents leaves me snickering instead of screaming. What could possibly-? Wait. Wait a minute. Is that- It can’t be. No. Not again.
I’m back.
No. No!
But it is. Crane’s back. The other Dr. Crane. The one my twisted mind somehow conjured up before, and this fear toxin has resurrected his devilish figure once again. Those glowing eyes…
Hello, darling. He begins walking closer from his spot in the corner. How is his voice so- so… soft?
My body goes stiff and I try to inch away off the couch. “No- No!”
“What do you see now?” The real Dr. Crane asks from behind.
Meanwhile fake Crane is now standing right next to the couch. He leans down and those glowing eyes are all I can focus on, apart from his hands slowly ghosting up to my fingertips.
Let me kiss you…
“Stay back!” I screech.
Thump! Thump! Thump! How is this making me so scared? It’s not like I’ve never dealt with men, with relationships- But this deep? I mean, I’ve never said I’ve loved anyone before and no one has said so in return. How is a hallucination’s kindness making me this anxious?
“Is it your parents? I thought you’d conquered that.”
I shake my head at Crane’s guess, still staring at the demonic copy of him. “‘S… ‘S not my parents…”
Fake Crane gives me an unsettlingly soft smile, lifting his hand to smooth his thumb across my cheek.
I love you.
“No you don’t!” I hiss. “Stop lying. You aren’t real!”
I’m as real as you make me, sweetheart.
Thump! Thump! Thump! I’m backed against the couch and my heart’s about to break through my sternum. Jesus, Prentiss. Get a grip! You literally just murdered someone in cold blood just hours ago. Now you’re scared of some loving affection?
“Oh my, your heart rate is getting dangerously high.”
Who said that? Was it the real Dr. Crane, or the imaginary creep with his head nestled against my thigh? 
“My my, you are upset.” It’s the real one. “What do you see, Dr. Prentiss?”
I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. “If this is you trying to mock me then enough is enough! What do you want from me?! Ow!”
Another prick. God, what did he put in me now?
“Here’s the antidote. Your symptoms should subside within a few minutes.”
It must be the hallucinogen. Does Crane actually sound… guilty? But he’s right. Fake Crane has disappeared.
“Here, drink some water.” The doctor holds a glass up to my lips and pours some into my dry mouth. “I- I didn’t know it would be this strong. How do you feel?”
I try to answer but my vision is starting to blur. So tired… That drained so much from me. God I hope I don’t dream of him…
Huh? My eyes snap open, still facing the ceiling. Still tied up.
“Callie? Ya home, hon?”
“H-Harley? Ivy?” I croak in a weak voice. Please let it be them!
“She’s on the couch, Red!” the familiar blonde pokes her head over the top and peers down at me. “Hiya! Whaddya doin' all tied up?”
“What?” Ivy panics and joins her. “Callie? Callie! What happened?”
She quickly cuts away my bonds and I slowly try to lift myself up, scanning my apartment. Everything looks normal. He didn’t steal anything- Oh. 
With a shaking finger I point to a new accessory added to my death ofrenda. A black vial with the Scarecrow symbol etched into it.
Harley picks it up for a closer look. “Crane?” 
The name sends another set of chills through me and my breath hitches. The blonde sling sher arm around me and helps me stand. “Alright, calm down. Let’s get you to bed.”
Ivy looks at the vial herself. “Crane did this? I’ll kill him.” She holds up a small cup. “Drink this. It’s my tonic, for the nerves.” 
I’m led into my bedroom and I make myself lay down before my legs give out. Still so tired…
“What did you see?” Harley asks softly.
Him. Wanting to love me. It’s not fair to be toyed with like this. To have these feelings and have no control. And I blame him. The real Dr. Crane. I don’t care if it made him feel guilty. He still drugged me! 
With what little strength I have left I lift my gaze to the two women. “Love is going to kill me…”
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violettduchess · 2 years
Could I please request some unrequited love headcanons for Comte, Theo, Arthur, and Leonardo?
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A/N: Hello anon! I've left Leonardo out because he just got a very long fic and the others don't have quite as many requests so I wanted to let them have their time to shine. I hope that's ok!
Word Count: 964
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Comte de St. Germain
Pushing aside the heavy velvet curtain, Comte has a perfect view down into the sunlit garden and a perfect view of you. Of both of you. Leonardo has set up his easel and is watching you attempt to paint the wooden gazebo with its clinging vines and flowering bushes. He leans over your shoulder, reaching around you and covers your hand with his, guiding your brush strokes. Comte’s sharp golden eyes zero in on the way his long fingers curl around your delicate wrist, the flirtatious, downward cast of your eyelashes, the sensual smile playing over Leonardo’s lips.
You turn to look at Leonardo, your faces so very close, and Comte’s breath is held prisoner in his lungs. Your eyes, even at this distance, are bright as stars, your cheeks rival the pink petals of the roses you’re trying to capture. His chest begins to burn. There is undeniable longing in the tilt of your head, the inviting pout of your lips. What would he give to have that perfect expression of admiration and yearning aimed at him?
Leonardo leans forward, as unable to resist you as the tide could the enthralling pull of the moon. The paintbrush falls from your fingers, abandoned, as you wrap your arms around him, your body melting into his impassioned embrace.
Leo deserves happiness. This is the mantra that gallops through Comte’s mind, over and over, even as he tries to ignore the agonizing ache in his chest. He closes the curtain once more with a trembling hand. Now he stands, slumped in darkness, his heart a flower without sunlight, without water, slowly withering away.
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Theodorus van Gogh
One of the best things about walking through Paris on a clear afternoon, just before evening breaks and spills its lavender and orange and pink across the sky, is using the fading light that is left to admire the street artists and their work.
Vincent’s fingers are laced through yours, strong and protective as you move across the Pont des Arts, taking in the different paintings, all sizes and subject matters, that the different street artists are displaying, trying to make a sale. You pause in front of a painting of tiny calico kittens in a basket. “Oh look!” Vincent smiles, soft and affectionate as he nods, immediately engaging the artist in a conversation about brush types and which paint they used. You are content to listen, unable to hide the sunshine of open admiration you have for him. Your smile is radiant with it. Your eyes sparkle with it.
Theo pretends to be deeply interested in a smaller painting of a doomed ship out at sea during a violent storm. Normally he would spend time studying the black, thrashing waves with their white caps, noting the way the artist created movement, how they captured the chaos of nature gone feral with their brushstrokes. But he is distracted. Because rather than stare at the painting and study it, he is staring at something he considers a perfect piece of aesthetics: you. He has long since memorized the line of your cheekbones, the curve of your jaw, the perfect symmetry of your lips. Your eyes are a color that has never existed for him until he saw them. They are the bright window to the part of you he admires most: your kind and gentle heart, that luminous part of you that shines resplendent as a harvest moon.
And now those eyes are fixed on his brother as if he were the one who hung all stars in the sky. Your fingers are locked tight with his, laced together, a perfect pairing. His jaw clenches as he turns back to the painting of the wild, roiling sea. He has that same turbulent ocean inside of him every time he sees you look at Vincent that way. It floods his heart, dragging it down into the black depths of despair, leaving him as windswept and lost as the small, broken ship in the painting.
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Arthur Conan Doyle
Of all people, why Newt? Newt with his wide, cherry-blossom eyes and slight frame, his dislike of people and a good time. His mind which so easily winds its way through impossible equations but cannot small-talk its way out of a paper bag. That Newt is who you have chosen to love. The one you have decided is allowed to receive all of your warm smiles, your tender touches, the melody of your laughter.
He caught you one night. Strolling back from a tryst with one of his regulars, the sweet taste of blood stilling lingering on his lips. He entered the mansion through the garden gates at the back. As he made his way quietly as a shadow around towards the front, a certain sound caught his attention.
He stops, ducking behind the gazebo when he spots you and Isaac. Evidently you had come out into the garden at night to do a bit of stargazing. Isaac’s telescope is set up, pointed toward the sky. But it is abandoned, left to gaze on its own. You and Isaac seem to have gotten distracted, laying on an oversized picnic blanket, wrapped in each other’s arms. Gripping the wooden railing of the gazebo, Arthur’s sharp blue eyes note the details: the way your fingers are white, curled so tightly against Isaac’s shoulders; the way his leg is pressed between yours, the tilt of your head, baring your sensitive throat to him. And that sound, the one that caught his attention, the sharp gasping of your breath as his lips feast on the bare skin of your shoulder, the slope of your neck.
Green-eyed jealousy roars inside of Arthur’s heart. His fingers are bloodless as they grip the railing. The lingering taste of another woman’s blood suddenly turns sour, curdling like rancid milk on his tongue. He doesn’t want her, or anyone else. The woman he wants, the one he dreams of, is currently in the arms of another man. And all he sees now is red.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
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janewilsonrva · 1 year
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Summer Delirium
Richmond, Virginia (USA)
Based on a photo from July 22, 2023.
A Trumpet Vine grows next to a tree, and uses it as a vertical anchor. One of the landmarks in the block where Miss Calico lives near the creek.
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madonnasarmstho · 4 months
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Carissa Nicolette Alexander | Gryffindor Class of 2016
Half-Blood | Muggle Mother, Pure-Blood Father
Wand | Solid 12.5 inch Vine Wood with Phoenix Core
Patronus | Ferret
Familiars | Barn Owl (Saoirse), Fluffy Ginger Cat (Cassiopeia), Pygmy Puff (Trixie), Bowtruckle (Beau)
Year 1 | Student Awarded the Most House Points
Year 2 | Chaser on Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Year 3 | Becomes an Animagus (Calico Cat)
Year 4 | Captain of Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Year 5 | Appointed a Gryffindor Prefect
Year 6 | Twi-Wizard Tournament Champion
Year 7 | Appointed as Head Girl
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acaciapines · 11 months
plant meanings!!!! ramble about em!!!!!! I wanna hear it!!!!
he he :3
plants! technically spoilers for the fic i just posted the vine that ate the south, so like, yknow. under the cut!
alright so! i spent. do not even want to know how long to come up with all of these. from the start i knew leafpool was gonna be kudzu and since (as probably is obvious from the title) the idea of kudzu growing over and smothering everything is strongly associated with the american south, the clans are vaguely set there! somewhere in the georgia-alabama area idk. so all my plants. should grow there lol.
and now to copy paste my notes! anything added i'll put in (parenthesis) at the end.
Leafpool: Kudzu (Pueraria montana), smothering imagery—she is smothered and left to die by starclan.
Squirrelflight: The wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). There is something to this idea of always being this provider, and how that is taken from her, ex. how this is one of the parents of the cultivated strawberry. Also straw is similar to star <3. (i'll add--literally i just liked the vibes of this also, i tried finding something else but just kept coming back squilf being a strawberry <3)
Mothwing: While she doesn’t actually have a daemon, to hide that she weaves long-spurred violets (Viola rostrata) into her fur, because violets are lesbian flowers and also because they tend to grow near eastern hemlock trees…so, connecting her to Leafpool! (ie. to the forest, aka where leaf is from) Before her brother’s death, however, she wore aconite (Aconitum lycoctonum,)the specific species of which is non-native but grown in gardens in the Americas, and less toxic than some other varieties, so she gets the benefits of not being doubted (who would wear actual toxin in their fur) without like. dying lol.
Hollyleaf: Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum) as they’re poisonous to cats and thus get that association, but also in looks you could see them as a star—but not an aster species. She’s the odd one out. 
Jayfeather: Georgia aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum). It’s a rather rare species that used to be far more common as it depends on wildfire-made environments and thus occupies a far smaller range than it once did, like how Jay is sort of hemmed in and stuck by the clan system lol.
Lionblaze: Calico aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum). It’s a pretty common aster species with a wide range and it grows in tandem with other aster species—I write Lion as a pretty family-oriented guy so it fits.
and though she was cut from the fic dovewing would have both kudzu (to connect her w/ leaf, and very much show how starclan is now forcing dove to the prophecy and basically stuff i wrote in flightless dove) and Aster quitensis, which is a rare and maybe extinct aster species that is only found in ecuador. my notes here just say "she is not getting out of this alive" so take that as you will.
and for the minor characters who i gave plants...
Cinderpelt: Woodland Sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) just. Because I feel like it fits her okay. cheerful despite her circumstances, happy to be here, taking it one day at a time.
Brambleclaw: Carolina Rose (Rosa carolina) because. C’mon. The thorns. The association with love. He’s toxic as get out. The story isn’t about that but it COULD BE. (brambleclaw was going to play a larger role but the fic turned way deeper into leaf being the mother of hollyjaylion than i thought it would be so he mostly got cut.)
Firestar: Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana), because it's a large tree that works with Thunderclan being The Forest, and also they're like, almost evergreen--they keep their leaves year-round mostly and Thunderclan would like that!
annnnnd that's my plants! wahoo!
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shadowsofcrystals · 3 months
Leader: MorningCrystal - Golden colored tabby molly, with cream colored underbelly and forest-green eyes. She wears a sunflower as decoration.
Deputy: BristleRose - Silver colored molly with rough, spiky fur and white underbelly. She has dark green eyes and a scar across her face. She wears a red rose as decoration.
CanarySong - Golden colored tom with lighter spots, and orange eyes.
CherryWing - White and reddish colored molly, with a few ginger patches and amber eyes. She has folded ears. She wears a yellow rose as decoration.
HoneyLeaf - Brown colored tom with a lighter underbelly, and cream speckles across his pelt. He has amber eyes, and wears juniper berries as decoration.
KestrelCloud - Light brown colored molly with cream underbelly and darker speckles across her pelt, like a kestrel's feathers. She has amber eyes, and really soft fur.
AshFire - Dark gray colored tom with lighter speckles, and blue eyes. His body is covered in burn scars, and has torn ears.
DaisyBloom - Cream colored molly with ginger freckles and amber eyes. She wears small, purple flowers as decoration.
BrambleRoar - Black colored tom with brown tabby stripes, and white underbelly. He has blue eyes, with a clawmark across his face. (StarPaw)
AmberFur - Flame colored tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes. (DawnPaw)
SilverBloom - Silver colored tom with white underbelly, purple eyes, and a scar across his face. He wears purple flowers as decoration.
EbonyWhisker - Black tom with gray spots and purple eyes. Wears vines as decoration. (FogPaw)
GoldenFlame - Flame colored molly with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes. (LittlePaw)
FeatherWish - Gray colored molly with black tabby stripes and white underbelly. She has brown eyes.
SparkPoppy - Calico molly with amber eyes, and wears a yellow rose as decoration.
FrecklePelt - Light brown molly with cream underbelly and spots. She has purple eyes and wears a sunflower as decoration.
SageFlower - White and silver colored molly with green eyes. She wears sage flowers as decoration. Permaqueen.
MoonHeart - Silver colored molly with white underbelly and darker freckles. Lavender-colored eyes, with a clawmark across her face. Currently pregnant with AmberFur's kits.
StarPaw - Cream colored molly with a lighter underbelly, and star-shaped patches across her pelt. She has blue eyes.
DawnPaw - Ginger molly with a lighter underbelly and golden ears. She has yellowish-green eyes.
FogPaw - Dark colored tom with silver underbelly and blue eyes.
LittlePaw - Gray tom with cream underbelly and ginger freckles and green eyes.
HeatherKit - Pale gray colored molly with white underbelly and brown paws. She has lavender-colored eyes, and wears lavender as decoration. Kit of WillowClaw and FrecklePelt.
FerretKit - Sand colored tom with brown tabby stripes, and brown mask across his face. He has blue eyes. Kit of WillowClaw and FrecklePelt.
MapleKit - Calico molly with amber eyes. Kit of EbonyWhisker and SparkPoppy.
BlossomKit - Calico molly with purple eyes, she always has leaves stuck in her fur. Kit of EbonyWhisker and SparkPoppy.
CrowKit - All-black tom with heterochromic blue and green eyes. Originally found in abandoned, adopted kit of EbonyWhisker and SparkPoppy.
RipplePelt - Gray tom with pale blue eyes and small ears. He has a scar across his shoulder.
AcornNose - Brown colored tom with lighter patches and yellow eyes.
MistyHeart - Gray molly with darker patches and blue eyes. She has a scar across her face.
ApplePelt - Cream colored tom with ginger speckles and purple eyes.
TawnyFlower - Brown colored molly with lighter patches and amber eyes. She wears a sunflower as decoration.
LavenderPetal - Blue-gray colored molly with purple eyes. Wears lavender as decoration.
Leader: StormCrystal - Dark gray colored tom with lighter underbelly and mask across his face. He has dry, rough fur, and amber eyes. He wears dry maple leaves as decoration.
Deputy: CinnamonCloud - Reddish colored molly with cream underbelly and blue eyes.
FireFlake - Flame colored tom with lighter underbelly and blue eyes. Wears leaves as decoration. (MouseStripe)
MoonDancer - Silver colored tabby tom with amber eyes.
SunChaser - Golden colored molly with lighter underbelly, and darker spots. She has green eyes.
AppleDapple - Golden, reddish and brown colored molly with green eyes. (FlowerPaw)
BlueTail - Dark brown tom with blue-gray patches and tail, and red eyes.
CreekRipple - Brown tolly with white and golden patches, and red eyes.
BrackenWing - Brown molly with a lighter colored stripe along her back, and blue eyes. (Created by Fives)
ReedPelt - Reddish-brown colored tom with white underbelly and amber eyes. (OakPaw)
LynxShadow - Golden colored tom with black ears and paws. He has green eyes. (Created by Fives)
RussetRose - Rust colored molly with lighter patches and green eyes. (HawkPaw)
MilkFlower - White and silver colored molly with green eyes. Wears a sunflower as decoration. Currently pregnant with MudStorm's kits.
HazelPelt - Light brown and golder colored molly with green eyes. Currently pregnant with CreekRipple's kits.
MarigoldBloom - Golden colored, elderly molly with brown eyes. She wears a sunflower as decoration. Permaqueen.
MouseStripe - Healer's apprentice, former warrior. Light brown tom with a darker stripe running down his back, and round ears. He has blue eyes.
OakPaw - Cream colored tom with brown patches and brown eyes. (Created by Fives)
FlowerPaw - Golden-ginger tabby molly with blue eyes. (Created by Fives)
HawkPaw - Dark brown tom with cream underbelly and blue eyes.
Kits: N/A
OwlFeather - Brown and golden tabby tom with big, green eyes.
RiverFlow - Blue-gray colored molly with darker speckles. She has blue, blind eyes, and wears juniper berries as decoration.
RunningFoot - Dark brown tom with lighter tabby stripes, and yellowish-green eyes.
AspenLeaf - Dark gray molly with lighter underbelly and blue eyes. She wears blue flowers as decoration.
SongWillow - Dark gray molly with lighter underbelly and heterochromic blue & yellow eyes. She wears a luna moth wing as decoration.
Leader: FoxCrystal - Reddish and cream colored transmasc tom, with black ears and paws, resembling a fox. He has green eyes, and always has leaves stuck in his fur. He also has a scar across his left eye. (StormPaw)
Deputy: HollyFeather - All-black transfem molly with brown eyes, and long, silky fur. She wears holly leaves and berries as decoration.
BadgerFrost - Black molly with white stripes, resembling a badger. She has small ears and purple eyes. She always has dry leaves in her fur. (CinderPaw)
MudStorm - Brown tabby tolly with white underbelly and amber eyes.
BurrStrike - Brown tom with cream underbelly, with light brown and black spots all along his pelt. He has yellow eyes with a clawmark across the left one, and wears oak leaves as decoration.
WillowClaw - Gray tolly with black tabby stripes and blue eyes. Wears oak leaves as decoration.
SquirrelHeart - Ginger cat with amber eyes.
SwiftClaw - Black and white tom, covered in battle scars. He has amber eyes.
RavenFlight - All-black molly with purple eyes. (WolfPaw)
HawkFeather - Brown and light brown transfem molly, with black speckles and amber eyes.
BlueBird - Handsome, blue-gray tom with white underbelly and torn ears. He has blue eyes, with a scar on the right one. (WindPaw)
JayClaw - Blue-gray tom with white underbelly and speckles. He has blue eyes.
BugWhisker - Gray and white colored tom with yellow eyes and a scratch on his nose bridge. He has sprouts growing from his fur. (Created by Fives)
ThunderWhisker - Dark gray molly with black patches, and gray underbelly. She has amber eyes. Permaqueen.
BlackFlower - Dark gray molly with black speckles and yellow eyes. She wears a sunflower as decoration. Permaqueen.
WaspSpike - Golden and white molly with black tabby stripes and blue eyes.
RoseBloom - Reddish and cream colored molly with black ears, paws and freckles. She has amber eyes and wears a red rose as decoration.
WolfPaw - Gray colored tom with black speckles and amber eyes.
WindPaw - Pale gray, tabby tom with yellow eyes.
CinderPaw - Healer's apprentice. All-black molly with amber eyes.
StormPaw - White colored tom with dark gray, tabby patches and yellow eyes. Ex-kittypet, until his owners abandoned him. (Based on my old housecat <3)
RedKit - Reddish and golden colored molly with white underbelly, and yellow eyes. She wears red flowers as decoration. Kit of RoseBloom.
BlossomKit - Reddish molly with white underbelly and black ears. She has blue eyes and wears yellow flowers as decoration. Kit of RoseBloom.
PetalKit - Ginger and cream colored molly with brown eyes, and green eyes. She wears blue flowers as decoration. Kit of RoseBloom.
WishKit - Golden and flame colored, tabby molly with blue eyes. Kit of SquirrelHeart and WaspSpike.
BeeKit - Golden colored molly with brown tabby stripes, and blue eyes. Kit of SquirrelHeart and WaspSpike.
BrightKit - Golden colored tom with ginger patches and green eyes. Kit of SquirrelHeart and WaspSpike.
SparrowTail - Brown tom with black tabby stripes and amber eyes.
RobinPelt - Cream colored molly with brown eyes, and black tabby stripes. She has green eyes.
BriarPetal - Reddish and ginger colored molly with orange eyes. She wears a red rose as decoration.
SpiderFur - All-black tom with torn ears, and flame-colored eyes.
HeatherFlight - Pale gray molly with lavender-colored eyes.
Leader: BloomCrystal - Cream colored molly with a ginger mask across her face, and ginger freckles. She has folded ears, lavender-colored eyes, and wears lavender as decoration.
Deputy: DappleHeart - Tortoiseshell tolly with white underbelly and blue eyes.
JayFlower - Blue-gray molly with long, velvety fur. She has white patterns on her fur, and blue eyes. She wears blue morpho wings as decoration. (DovePaw)
GoldenHeart - Golden colored tom with cream underbelly, a scratch on his nose, and green eyes. (HollyPaw)
MothPetal - Golden colored molly with cream underbelly, darker freckles, and blue eyes. She wears moth wings as decoration. (DarkPaw)
ThrushSong - Light brown and white tom with green eyes. He always has leaves stuck in his fur.
DuskThorn - Black and gray colored molly with white spots, and blue eyes. She wears blue morpho wings as decoration.
DeerBerry - Light brown and cream colored tom with white freckles, and amber eyes. He wears red flowers as decoration. (SweetPaw)
FernPool - Dark gray, transmasc tom with gray tabby stripes, and white underbelly. He has brown eyes, and wears oak leaves as decoration.
EagleTail - Dark gray molly with gray tabby stripes, and white underbelly. She has lavender-colored eyes.
IceWhisker - All-white tolly with silver freckles, and amber eyes. They wear juniper berries as decoration. (ThistlePaw)
FlamePelt - Flame colored tabby tom with green eyes.
RedFang - Reddish colored tom with ginger underbelly, and golden freckles. He has amber eyes.
NightFur - Black molly with white underbelly, blue eyes, and a scratch across her face. Permaqueen.
IvyLeaf - White and gray molly with blue eyes. She wears oak leaves as decoration. Currently pregnant with FlamePelt's kits.
LilyPetal - Pale gray molly with white underbelly, and blue-gray freckles. She has curly fur, and blue eyes. She wears luna moth wings as decoration.
DovePaw - Healer's apprentice. Pale gray molly with white underbelly, and amber eyes. She wears purple flowers as decoration.
SweetPaw - Light brown molly with cream underbelly, blue-gray freckles, and blue eyes. She wears moth wings as decoration.
ThistlePaw - Black and white tom with gray tabby stripes, light brown freckles and green eyes.
DarkPaw - Black and gray colored tom with cream speckles and blue eyes.
FlyPaw - Reddish-brown and cream colored tom with black tabby stripes and blue eyes.
HollyPaw - Black and cream colored molly with white underbelly, and green eyes. She wears holly leaves and berries as decoration.
DaisyKit - Golden and white molly with blue eyes. Kit of RedFang and LilyPetal.
RainKit - Blue-gray tom with white underbelly and amber eyes.
FoxKit - Flame colored tom with cream underbelly, reddish freckles, and green eyes.
WhiteFlower - All-white molly with amber eyes.
StormFeather - Dark gray tom with lighter underbelly and black spots. He has blue eyes.
SilverShine - Silver colored molly with blue eyes.
BlueMist - Blue-gray tom with blue eyes. Strange, blue mushrooms are growing on his fur.
BeechFoot - White tom with brown patches and brown eyes. He wears leaves in his fur.
Cats Outside of Clans
River - Pale gray molly with white underbelly, and black tabby stripes. She has heterochromic blue and green eyes, and a scratch on her nose bridge. She wears juniper berries as decoration. Usually wanders around MountClan's territory. (Created by Fives)
Chester - Brown tom with lighter patches and mask. He has eerie green eyes, and wears a purple collar. Kittypet, near SunClan's territory.
Scarlett - Reddish-ginger colored molly, with amber eyes and a nicely decorated collar. Kittypet near SunClan's territory.
Snowflake - Huge, white and silver colored tom with purple eyes. He wears a purple bandanna and has a scar across his face. He lives in a barn near SnowClan's territory.
Blueberry - Blue-gray colored molly with darker freckles, and curly fur. She has brown eyes, and a scar across her left eye that makes her half-blind. Lives with Snowflake in the barn, currently pregnant with his kits.
SootStep - Black colored rom with gray speckles and green eyes. Resides in CrystalClan.
BlizzardGaze - White colored tom with reddish speckles and blue eyes. Resides in CrystalClan.
WildFlower - White colored molly with reddish tabby stripes and emerald-green eyes. Her fur is decorated with all kinds of flowers. Resides in the Deadly Woods.
ColdHeart - Blue-gray tabby tom with red eyes. Resides in the Deadly Woods.
FrozenTear - Blue-gray tom with white underbelly and ginger freckles. He has clawmarks across both of his eyes, making him blind. Resides in the Deadly Woods.
Rising Sun - Short-legged molly with curly, ginger fur and golden underbelly. She has bright green eyes, and wears monarch wings as decoration.
Mountain Peak - Dark gray tolly with black tabby stripes, and rough, spiky fur. They have ragged ears, yellow eyes, and longer fangs. They wear juniper berries as decoration.
Shining Snow - Molly with snow-white pelt and gray underbelly. She has blue and yellow, heterochromic eyes, and is deaf in her right ear. She wears blue flowers as decoration.
Autumn Leaf - Calico tom with unusual, blue eyes, and a scar across his face. He wears oak leaves as decoration.
Who's your favorite?
As you can see, many of these characters were originally created by my dear Fives!! ( @transmascanakin ) Make sure to check him out!
Although I did not show any pictures, felidaze's picrew was a huge help in coming up with all these different cats!!
EDIT 1: Added "tolly" as a gender neutral term; added founders
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Aaaaa!! Hello!!/pos We saw that you already did a few calico moodboards and if you don't want to do this one, that is perfectly fine!! Dw abt it, we get it heh./gen We just have a specific theme we wanted to request! Calico Maine Coon moodboard with a vine/overgrown theme?/nf Have a good }insert time here{!!! We love your moodboards!/gen /vpos -@justletmestayawakeatthispoint
Hiiiiiya! Posted :DD
I found two images of a kitten I really wanted to include, but I found better fits. But I must must MUST share! She’s so cute!
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solar-net · 3 months
Finished them!! Warrior Cat Ocs of myself and my cousin Brutus (@hahahaarmagedon) this was fun, I liked drawing both these silly cats :D
Since Brutus is into punk, I tried to emulate that through the thorns that Lupinfur wears, and the Lunar Moth wings are a callback to a matching necklaces we have!!
Hope you like themヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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Start Image Description/
An an off white background is a full body refrencesheet of a Warrior Cat OC. It's name is Lupinfur, he's apart of Windclan, a dark brown cat with black speckles on xry's back and legs. Lupinfur's front paws and tail are tipped black, with it's left paw having a chunk missing. He's also wearing thorn vines around xry right leg, neck and two thorns in their left ear. Lupinfur has a split down the middle of it's left ear, he has dark green eyes, a light green mouth and dark green pawpads and nose. On xry's right ear they have wings from a Lunar Moth.
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Start Image Description/
On an off-white background is a refrencesheet to a Warrior Cat OC. Dream's name is Wispflower, sun's apart of Shadowclan and is a white, black and light orange calico. Wispflower is a small and fluffy cat, having deathberries tucked into dream's fur. Sun has thorns in both ears, dark brown eyes, and an orange mouth and dark orange pawpads. Wispflower has a pair of Lunar Moth wings behind berries left ear that was gifted to dream by Lupinfur.
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the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Greenwood Dynasties - The Stormborn
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The long line of caesars, menders, lieutenants and diplomats that have led and guided the Stormborn. Subject to change as the story continues and more ceasars are added. I may eventually start adding pictures for each of the ruling groups and little summaries about what each reign was like and what it was remembered for.
Updated as of Book 1, Embers prologue
Caesar: Rumbling-Storm - A dark gray and white tom with pale orange eyes and thick mane
Flash-Fire - An orange white long furred molly with bright blue eyes and a spinal mane
White-Sight - A long furred white tom with a feathery tail
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s):  No Official
Caesar: White-Sight - A long furred white tom with a feathery tail
Lieutenant(s): Mare-Charge - A sleek furred, long-legged black molly with white paws
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Mare-Charge - A sleek furred, long-legged black molly with white paws
Lieutenant(s): Frosted-Branch - A brown furred tom with a white tail and white ears
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Frosted-Branch - A brown furred tom with a white tail and white ears
Lieutenant(s): Braided-Vine - A short furred brown tom with darker legs and yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created 
Starmender(s): Daylight-Flutter - A long furred calico molly with pretty blue eyes
Caesar: Braided-Vine - A short furred brown tom with darker legs and yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Warblerscry - A black tortoiseshell molly with a white throat and blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Smokey-Blossom - A long furred gray molly with green eyes and a lighter belly
Caesar: Warblerscry - A black tortoiseshell molly with a white throat and blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Timid-Carnation - A fluffy russet and white molly with blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Smokey-Blossom - A long furred gray molly with green eyes and a lighter belly
Caesar: Timid-Carnation - A fluffy russet and white molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Golden-Mane - A long furred golden tom with a thick mane trailing from his shoulders and brushing his belly
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Shining Night - A short furred black molly with sharp blue eyes and a locket
Caesar: Viridianlily - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with deep green eyes and white front paws
Lieutenant(s): Danglingthorn - A thick furred, brown mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Cryingnight - A short furred black tom with blue eyes and a white locket
Starmender(s): Sharptooth - A battle-scarred brown molly with a spinal mane and amber eyes
Caesar: Danglingthorn - A thick furred, brown mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Hazyskies - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with white paws and blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Porcupinebite - A long furred darn brown and gray tom with particularly long quills and yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Ligonstare - A mostly cream cherry-point tom with blue eyes and a torn ear
Caesar: Hazyskies - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with white paws and blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Rainymorning - A long furred primarily ginger torbie molly with amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Skunkchatter - A black and white tom with a series of white spots on his back
Ligonstare - A mostly cream cherry-point tom with blue eyes and a torn ear
Stoneshear - A large dilute tortoiseshell tom with one blue eye and over-grown claws
Caesar: Rainymorning - A long furred primarily ginger torbie molly with amber eyes
Lieutenant(s): Flashingleaves - A pure molly with pale pink eyes and flushed extremities
Diplomat(s): Brambleleaves - A dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Torrentbird - A long furred dark brown molly with cream tears throughout her coat
Caesar: Flashingleaves - A pure molly with pale pink eyes and flushed extremities
Lieutenant(s): Bleedingeyes - A scar riddled black tom with red eyes and a paler mouth
Diplomat(s): Sunnyeyes - A golden furred molly with amber eyes
Starmender(s): Grayswallow - A light gray furred tom with a white throat and blue eyes
Caesar: Bleedingeyes - A scar riddled black tom with red eyes and a paler mouth
Rustleclaw - A mottled tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Fairylure - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with violet eyes and a white underside
Diplomat(s): Volefur - A dark brown furred tabby tom with long whiskers and yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Bushstrike - A dark brown tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and orange eyes
Caesar: Fairylure - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with violet eyes and a white underside
Lieutenant(s): Berrycurl - A mottled tortoiseshell molly with green eyes and white paws
Diplomat(s): Piedstomach - A black and white tom with blue eyes and torn ears
Starmender(s): Blueblizzard - A long furred silvery cat with yellow eyes and a white underside
Caesar: Berrycurl - A mottled tortoiseshell molly with green eyes and white paws
Lieutenant(s): Roaringclouds - A large molly tortoiseshell molly with a cream mane and copper eyes
Diplomat(s): Brindlefur - A dark brown furred with thin, crowded stripes and yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Tinyspots - A very small brown tom covered in a fine layer of spots
Caesar: Roaringclouds - A large tortoiseshell molly with a cream mane and copper eyes
Lieutenant(s): Stemsprinkle - A tall, long-legged molly with blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Antlerspring - A powerful brown tabby tom with sharp yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Kindlehowl - A chocolate brown tom with golden eyes
Caesar: Stemsprinkle - A tall, long-legged molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Sootywinter - A dark gray ticked tabby molly with pale green eyes
Diplomat(s): Hollybough - A green-eyed, short furred white molly
Starmender(s): Blotchedthroat - A thick furred tortoiseshell molly with a white mouth and throat
Caesar: Sootywinter -  A tall, long-legged molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Earthfurrow - A dark brown furred molly with three legs and yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Brindlepace - A dark gray tabby tom with woven black stripes; (Keeper, Whiteflowers)
Starmender(s): Goldenstars - A thick furred golden molly with a white underside and green eyes
Caesar: Fawnsdance - A pale brown and white molly with spots littering her back
Lieutenant(s): Buzzingfeathers - A brown tom with deep black stripes and one green eye
Diplomat(s): Whitetongue - A short furred white tom with blue eyes; (Keeper, Quilltooth)
Starmender(s): Elkwhistle - A muscular brown molly with white ears and white paws
Caesar: Buzzingfeathers - A brown tom with deep black stripes and one green eye
Mumbleshake - A dark gray ticked tabby tom with yellow eyes
Redfray - A heavily scarred brown pinstripe tom with shredded ears and amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Softmuzzle - A short furred gray tom with yellow eyes and a lighter underbelly; (Keeper, Greenglory)
Elkwhistle - A muscular brown molly with white ears and white paws
Blackbirdleaves - A completely black furred tom with blue eyes
Caesar: Redfray - A heavily scarred brown tabby tom with shredded ears and amber eyes
Coaltwine - A black furred tabby tom with braided stripes and orange eyes
Hawkfray - A light brown tom with a white underbelly and amber eyes
Mazzardwhisker - A deep russet tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Mousetongue - A short furred dark brown tom with orange eyes
Starmender(s): Blackbirdleaves - A completely black furred tom with blue eyes
Caesar: Mazzardwhisker - A deep russet tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes
Cliffballad - A dark gray tom with darker limbs and intense blue eyes
Goldanthem - A fluffy coated ticked golden tom with copper eyes
Diplomat(s): Tallwhispers - A short furred brown tom with a scarred throat
Gyrechorus - A lanky reddish brown tom with a speckled belly and green eyes
Milkweedpuff - A mostly white tom with a black back and overtail and blue eyes
Batdream - A messy furred, thick coated blue point tom with blue eyes and long upper canines
Caesar: Goldanthem - A fluffy coated ticked golden tom with copper eyes
Lieutenant(s): Asterdawn - A muscular blue point molly with teal eyes and blue tears throughout her coat
Tallwhispers - A short furred brown tom with a scarred throat
Larkswing - A long-legged and slender but muscular classic brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Milkweedpuff - A mostly white tom with a black back and overtail and blue eyes
Batdream - A messy furred, thick coated blue point tom with blue eyes and long upper canines
Silverdream - A long furred dilute tortoiseshell tom with blue eyes and a feathery tail
Caesar: Asterdawn - A muscular blue point molly with teal eyes and blue tears throughout her coat
Lieutenant(s): Mottledstrike - A long furred primarily ginger tortoiseshell tom with pale-green eyes and notably full ginger tail
Diplomat(s): Larkswing - A long-legged and slender but muscular classic brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Speckledholly - A long-legged and slender but muscular classic brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
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stainedglasstruth · 10 months
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TIMING: Early October LOCATION: Teagan's cabin PARTIES: Andy (@declinlalune) & Arden (@stainedglasstruth) SUMMARY: After escaping the goo covered building, Andy gives Arden a ride back to Teagan's cabin. CONTENT WARNINGS: Mentions of parental death
After finding Nicole and taking her back to Leah’s, Andy had learned that Teagan had been lost to whatever the hell had taken over most of Worm Row. She wasn’t sure what that meant for the nix, only that there’d be others hoping for her return to the land of the living. Andy hoped that Teagan being encased in goo was not a permanent fixture of Worm Row, but rather a temporary one. She knew that with the attack on Nicole, she couldn’t just ask Leah for information on what was going on. She’d need to figure it out herself. 
Arden was terrified, that much was clear, even by communication online. Andy was worried for both of her friends, even if Arden hadn’t been encased in anything at all. She knew fear, and she knew it could redirect pretty much any sense of reason into something else. Andy pulled up next to where Arden stood on the curb and she reached over, opening the door for her. This felt so much like their last meeting, but on the complete opposite side of things, too. Andy didn’t bother asking her if she was okay, because one look at her told her she wasn’t. Once Arden was in the jeep, Andy pulled away and started to drive towards Teagan’s cabin. “I haven’t got any more info on how to get rid of the goo, but I’m not stopping looking.” She glanced over at her friend, worry etching her features, “but we’ll get her out. I promise.” 
Arden had been sitting on a bench at the edge of the Common staring blankly ahead of her when the familiar Jeep came into sight. Grabbing her bag, and the cat carrier containing one slightly fussy calico– as well as a small cardboard box with holes stabbed into the sides because her life was stupid– she stood, walking up to the curb as Andy pulled up. She climbed in, getting settled with her bag at her feet and the carrier on her lap before closing the door and turning to Andy.
“Thank you, for... this,“ she said quietly, waving vaguely around them. It was almost funny, being back in the passenger seat. So much had happened, had changed, since June that it nearly felt like she was an entirely different person than the one who had been nervously sitting in Andy's car. And at the same time, she still felt like that same nineteen-year-old whose best friend had just been declared missing by the WRPD, the same sixteen-year-old whose father hadn’t come home.
”I–“ She bit her tongue as her eyes began to sting slightly, looking up as if that could help keep the tears at bay. Arden didn't know what to say to that. So, of course her mind clung to those last words and her stupid brain tried to make a joke, the barest hint of a dark smile on her face. “Shouldn't make promises–” you can't keep. But she couldn't bring herself to actually say it, so she pivoted, finishing lamely, “–like that. Especially not here.”
She looked down, only to catch sight of the ring on her finger. It was a dainty thing, silver vines and leaves all intertwined to make almost a crown. Opening the zipper of the carrier ever so slightly, she stuck her hand in, giving Hobbes some attention. He, like Tinkerbell, would die if he went without it for any extensive period of time, after all. While she couldn't see the ring at the moment, she could still feel the foreign weight of it on her finger– a constant reminder. Despite the shock or numbness or whatever the fuck was making her feel this awful fucking feeling that she hadn't felt in years, she still felt fucking miserable.
Another fucked up joke– though, unlike her life, she wasn’t even sure if this counted as a joke– slipped out. “I don't think I'm capable of giving up looking for answers? As far as my track record goes, anyway.” Her track record for finding those answers, however... “Always been too damn stubborn. Think Emilio and I might strangle each other one of these days.”
Why the fuck was she talking? None of this made any sense to Andy. Hell, it barely made sense to her. Arden shook her head, her eyes still trained on her cat, who was enjoying the skritches. She couldn't get herself to look up at Andy, and see the worried look on her face. ”Sorry, I'm just— Words. I don't know what the fuck I'm even talking about.“ Good job. 
Andy looked down at the carrier that Arden held, then back up at her friend. 
“You don’t need to thank me.” The comment was layered, both because she hoped Arden knew that she would have done this for her regardless, and because it was Wicked’s Rest where a thank you could get you in deep shit. Then again, she’d just extended a promise towards Teagan’s situation. “Yeah, I know, but I know that you’re…” not fae, Andy wanted to add, “anything to worry about with that.” She gripped the steering wheel tightly as she took the road leading back towards Darkling Lake. 
There was an awful silence that fell between the two of them. The weight of what happened to Teagan festered, creating something terrible out of every thought that passed through Andy’s head. What if they didn’t get her out? What if the rest of those in the town who’d been consumed by the weird fucking goo also didn’t get out? Would they remain tethered to the ground they walked on for the rest of eternity, encased in something nobody seemed to understand? 
Andy glanced over at Arden as she began to speak. “If he asks for money for his jar, ignore him.” She didn’t bother clarifying as she took another turn. “We’ll figure it out.” She could have asked Leah, but with what happened with Nicole, Andy wasn’t sure now was the time. She’d have her hands full. Maybe she could ask to browse the restricted section of her shop for some answers without help. 
Arden apologized and Andy shook her head. “You don’t need to say sorry. It’s a… weird and fucked up situation.” Another turn. “I don’t…” She wet her lower lip with her tongue, sorting through the words she wanted to say, doing her best to make sure they were articulate enough considering the situation, “really know what the fuck the goo is, but I’m not really a stranger to any of this. I know a lot more than I let on.” She glanced over at Arden, “so that being said, we’ll figure it out.” 
Noticing Andy’s look, she absentmindedly explained. "Oh, right. This is my cat, Hobbes. Also, Kevin the toad's in the box– I don't even know how to explain that one, but it's Teagan's fault." She frowned as the words left her mouth. Was it more accurate to say was? Arden didn't know. She didn’t know, and that was one of the biggest problems. No one seemed to know anything about the goo aside from it turning living beings into statues. But were they alive? Could they breathe? Were they awake and aware of what was happening? What about food and water? Was Teagan okay??? Could they actually get her out???
Shit, had she thanked her? Dumbass. Her brain was a mess, but she absolutely should know better. At least it appeared that Andy wasn’t planning to hold her words against her. And apparently knew enough about fae to know about binds, to know that she wasn’t one. Was she fae? Did she know about Teagan? Part of her wanted to ask, to stop talking around this shit– she didn’t have the energy for it. However, there was also a louder part that didn’t exactly want to talk about any of it, either. She wasn't feeling up to much of anything at the moment.
The topic of promise binds only served to fill her mind with thoughts of the nix, of their first encounter, their table at A Latte to Love, that very stinky tour of Downtown. Arden was overwhelmed by the need to talk about it, about her, but she didn’t want to out Teagan, didn’t want to hear any apologies or empty promises. She didn’t want sympathy, she just wanted her girlfriend here, okay. She just wanted for the people she loved to be safe, but that was clearly too big of an ask for Wicked’s Rest. 
With only minimal protest from Hobbes, she freed her hand from the carrier, and began to fidget with the ring once more, worrying away at it with her thumb. She almost didn’t hear Andy’s comment, but her mouth worked faster than her brain. “Oh, I usually do,” she replied, a half-assed grin on her face. It didn’t last long, though, quickly melting back into the slight frown that seemed to have become her new norm. We’ll figure it out. 
“I hope so.” And, as quietly as she said it, it did sound more like a wish than an actual response. It was all she could do– hope, wish. Of course, there was always research, but Arden had a feeling that would be as fruitless as her attempts to find anything on Jo or Erebus had been. She would be useless, as always. 
I know a lot more than I let on. Her brow raised at those words. Interesting. That did seem to be accurate, though, and it made her wonder how Andy had become involved in any of this to begin with. “Oh. Well… same,” she admitted. There wasn't much point in hiding that much anymore. “Despite what my articles might have you think.” 
Kevin was a weird name for a toad, but then again, she and Alex had named their dog puppy-eye, so there wasn’t really much Andy could do in terms of judging Arden for that one. Hobbes, on the other hand, was a good name for a cat. “I want a story time later. About the toad, I mean. Hobbes, I think I understand.” Or she’d try to. 
Silence ensnared them once again and Andy swore she felt the floor of her car coming up to swallow her whole. She wasn’t sure how she was going to help in getting Teagan out, or if she even could. She knew she wanted to, but what powers did she have to do so? She had strength, sure, but it seemed like there was a lot more needed than brute force alone. She hated that she couldn’t help in a way better than filling Arden with ideas of grandeur that they would in fact rescue Teagan. 
“He needs a wakeup call, anyway. With being ignored. He talks a lot.” Andy took another turn down the dirt road that’d lead towards Teagan’s cabin. She remembered where each and every trap was, so she avoided them with ease. If anything, whatever Teagan had set out might just pop a tire or two, but it wasn’t exactly something Andy wanted to deal with, not now. 
Arden explained that she knew everything and more, too, and Andy tried to remember if Teagan had let on that Arden knew about her— about this world and the fact that she was fae. Andy figured that she did, but in the event that she didn’t, she didn’t want to out her friend. What a secret to keep from somebody, though. Andy parked her jeep across from the cabin and looked over at Arden. “We should um— there are traps and stuff. We should be careful.” She got out of the jeep and rounded over to Arden’s door, pulling it open. She held out her hand for the cat carrier, suddenly being reminded of her moments in the pet store with Leticia. Would she not even be able to look at a cat the same way? How unfortunate. “She had some stuff cooking— there’s food in there, still. If you’re hungry?” She didn’t want to help herself to Teagan’s things, but she figured if she were trying to help Arden with a distraction of some kind, then her friend would understand. 
Her lips twitched up into a ghost of a smile. “Yeah, okay.” Later. She definitely wasn't in the right headspace to tell the tale of her toilet-dwelling roommate at the moment, too dazed and empty to convey the ridiculousness of the situation, of her life, really, since Teagan had walked into it.  Was this it then? Teagan just strolled on in, stole her heart, turned her life upside down, and then vanished? Just like that? Was that the end of the story?
It was the reality of living in a place like Wicked's Rest, though, wasn't it? Of dating a supernatural being– one who seemed to enjoy pissing off hunters, no less– of opening herself up to others again, after moving back to a town plagued by chaos and death. Nearly watching her friends die in front of her, seeing the people she loved hunted, tortured, simply for whom, for what, they were– it just came with the territory, right? Seeing people hurt and killed, hurting and killing, drowning in their sorrows and guilty consciences, tortured by their awful pasts, looking for somewhere to escape to. 
Maybe she had the right idea before. Maybe Zack and Sully were the smartest of them, getting the fuck out of town before their luck ran out. Maybe if she were as smart as she claimed to be, she would follow in their footsteps.
It felt like admitting defeat, though. And as defeated as she felt right then, there was still hope in her stupid heart, she was still too goddamn stubborn for her own good. And she had never been able to stop her annoyingly obsessive mind, her overwhelming sense of curiosity, her need to understand. Despite it all, despite all the insane and dangerous bullshit, Arden cared about the people here, she cared about this weird little town, this sanctuary for the preternatural. It was her home, after all, and she couldn't just leave her hometown to whatever the fuck was happening– because something was happening, that much was clear. Something bad. She couldn't leave the people she had grown to care about here, especially in the face of whatever was going on. She couldn’t leave Wynne or her mother or any of her friends– Andy included. And she certainly couldn't just leave Leah again or leave Teagan stuck as a fucking statue, or leave that empty fucking grave that would just continue to haunt her for the rest of her damn life. 
Arden wanted to help. And she wanted to finally get some fucking answers.
A few moments had passed in silence as she was lost in her thoughts, but shaking her head, she continued on with that same line of conversation as if no time had passed. “Hobbes like Calvin and Hobbes, the old comic,” she clarified. “Read 'em with my dad as a kid.” It was said casually enough, but it still sounded too wrong, too distant. God, she must look like such a fucking mess to Andy. She was kind and wasn't the kind of person who would judge her, especially given the current situation, but Arden still hated it, hated all of this, but being so vulnerable in front of others– in front of the woman she'd been crushing on just a few months ago nonetheless– was just the icing on the cake. It wasn't the first time, but, fuck, she hoped it would be the last time Andy saw her in such a state. Knowing her luck, however, she doubted it.
Poking fun at their mutual friend was a good distraction, though. “He really can talk a lot, yeah.” The grin didn't reach her eyes, but it felt slightly more natural than any of her previous attempts. ”Made for an interesting time, being stuck together with everyone, new roommates and upstairs neighbor and all.“
She was a little surprised when the Jeep came to a stop, and looked up to find that they were already at the cabin. The ride had felt both too quick and longer than it should have been, but, then again, Arden had been paying absolutely no attention to the road. She had been far too caught up in her thoughts to take note of anything outside their quiet little bubble inside the car. The bubble that they now needed to leave. ”Right,“ she nodded, dragging her hands over her face with a sigh, “the traps.”
While she was trying to center herself before getting out, Andy was already pulling open the door, offering her a hand. She passed off the carrier to her, which freed up her lap and allowed for her to move. ”Thanks,“ she said, automatically. Then, “...goddammit.” Running a frustrated hand through her hair, she let out a huff before clambering out, tugging her bag over her shoulder. “I swear, I'm not usually this fucking bad with that,” she joked.
But then she was looking up at the cabin– Teagan's cabin– the beautiful little home that Arden had grown quite accustomed to, quite fond of. And she was hit with the fact that her girlfriend was not there, that she would not be there, or anywhere else, ever again, if they couldn't somehow find a way to fix this. If there even was one. 
Her chest ached, jaw clenching as she stared down the reality of the situation, Andy's words ringing in her ears. It took her a moment to speak, mouth opening and closing a few times as she tried to formulate words. “I don't—” It came out quiet, low, rough, and she swallowed thickly, not even sure what there was to say. However, the idea of going into the empty home felt wrong, daunting. It was too much. 
“I think I need a minute,” she eventually managed, tearing her gaze away from the cabin and turning instead to the lake.
But it didn't feel much better, seeing the lake, finding no sign of her girlfriend. It all felt so unusually still– no familiar flashes of that sharp grin, pale hair, or pink skin, no splashes or lilting laughter. Would the water and its critters be okay without the nymph? Arden found herself drawn to the edge of the water. She walked over to their usual spot, passing the area where Emilio hadn't been able to stop talking and had nearly gotten himself drowned because of it. That night, she remembered how she had been so convinced that they wouldn’t all survive that encounter. She had been reminded of that moment after finding out Teagan had been hunting, after Emilio had been the one to tell her. 
Sitting down on her rock, she pulled her legs to her chest as she stared off into the water, feeling both too much and nothing at all. 
Andy felt the weight of the carrier shift, could see Hobbes inside, peering through the ventilation holes to see where he was now at, nose pressed through to try and get a whiff of his new surroundings. 
Arden was apologizing and Andy looked up from the carrier, shaking her head. “You don’t need to apologize for anything… I hope you know that.” She offered a small smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes, but it was genuine all the same. 
Andy could imagine, to a degree, what Arden was going through. For her, it’d been her sister. Maybe there was something different about that kind of love— the one that wasn’t familial, the one that was chosen despite there being no commonality in the blood that ran through one’s veins. Andy couldn’t be sure. She felt it for Emilio, for Nicole and Leah, sure, but wasn’t that different? Those were friendships. Arden was in love with Teagan, and Teagan with Arden. That had to of been different; a different kind of pain. Andy felt for her in the way that she could. 
It was clear that this was hard for Arden. Maybe Andy should have taken her to the cabin. Maybe that would have been better— a home away from all of this, at least for a little while. Teagan was her friend and she felt that Teagan’s cabin was a little too big for the silence that filled it. She felt guilt like spikes, prodding her to feel something else, to extend a hand to Arden in solidarity. 
“That’s okay. Take all of the time you need.” She hesitated with the carrier, not sure if she should put it down or not. Not sure if it should go on the ground or the hood of her jeep, or back on the passenger seat while she put a reassuring hand on her friend’s shoulder. But Arden was moving from her spot next to the jeep down to the water, gaze fixed on the way it gently lapped at the shore. It was missing something, Andy realized— even she could tell that much. But Arden’s sudden movements made Andy realize that Teagan had been honest with her about her true form. Why else would she stare out at the water the way she was? 
Andy stayed back for a moment, watching the way that the wind caught in Arden’s hair, a few strands floating as if Teagan were beside her, running her fingers through it. Maybe it was an act of romanticism on Andy’s part, or maybe it was something else— hope, that even if Teagan were stuck in the hellish goo, that a part of her was still aware, that she would come out of it okay. Andy closed the passenger door softly before heading towards Arden. She held the carrier close to her chest, feeling the way it shifted with Hobbes’ every movement. He was getting antsy and would need to be let out soon, but she didn’t figure he was an outside cat. She wondered if he’d be okay with Teagan’s. She figured that’d be the case considering Arden had brought him over. She decided to wait just behind the rock, a few steps away. 
Silence warped around them, save for the call of the birds and the flexing of the branches above their heads from the trees that were nearby. She could feel the wind at the nape of her neck, and it felt nice. Andy felt guilty for finding solace in the feeling and she looked down at her muddied boots. She didn’t know what to do for Arden, but she knew she had to do something. Deciding that her friend deserved a little alone time, she made her way to the cabin and found a room where Alffi was nowhere to be found before letting open Hobbes’ crate so he could venture out. 
She closed the door behind her and made her way towards the kitchen, putting the kettle on to brew some tea for Arden and herself. 
Arden flashed her a smile, hoping Andy understood her gratitude, even if she wasn't fully capable of emoting it at the moment. Though, she supposed that she probably had an idea what with how she had now fucked up and thanked the woman several times now. Whatever. Even if Andy was a fae, she wasn't taking advantage of her current thoughtless state. No, she was actively helping her dumb ass, despite the fact that they weren't exactly close friends, and she was being incredibly understanding, giving her space. That deserved her gratitude, even as distant as it felt at the moment. She definitely owed her.
She could hear the other woman moving behind her, could feel her quiet presence, feel the comforting discomfort of another individual seeing her like this. But after several moments, she heard Andy walk off, heard the door open and shut. And there was a relief to it, finally having a moment of complete solitude for the first time in days. Even in the Common, she had been acutely aware of all the people milling around, going about their days, while Arden had sat in a daze. 
Chest aching, she let out a breath, slumping further into herself. Despite the fact that all she had done that day was argue, pack up her shit, cross a terrifying little bridge, and get driven to the cabin, she felt more exhausted than she had in weeks– since the vampires and Zack's departure, since sitting in the morgue with Teagan, since after losing Jo, maybe, if she were being honest. Because despite all the reassurances and the hope in her heart, it sure did feel like Teagan was lost. 
It felt like she was lost, set adrift in the waters again without knowing how to swim, her newfound abilities nowhere to be found. It hadn't been all that long ago, after all, that she had still been scared of the water, haunted by foggy memories of being dragged under, reaching out for her mom and dad, lungs burning, entirely overwhelmed by panic. But Teagan had taught her to let go of that fear, had been patient with her. She had offered Arden support and stability with that playful smile and calm reassurances. She had made her feel brave.
The familiar sight of lake began to blur, her eyes filling with tears that didn't seem to want to fall. It was only when she turned her gaze away, hiding her face against her knees, that a few tears fell, aided by gravity. Sniffling, she hugged her knees tighter still, as if trying to wrap herself around her aching heart, put it back together through sheer force. However, all she managed was to make herself even smaller and strain her back in a way that was making it begin to ache itself. But she paid that no mind, ignoring it along with the slight chill that started to settle into her bones the longer she sat at the edge of the water. She would need to go inside eventually, but she didn't want to face the reality of the empty cabin quite yet.
After a few moments, though, she was startled by the sound of movement from the water. Head snapping up, her eyes focused on a nearby familiar face. 
"Vala," she breathed. Her eyes started to water again, making it hard to track the kelpie's approach.
Given what she knew about kelpies, it had been a huge surprise to Arden when the fae had seemingly taken a liking to her during her visits to the lake, especially when she had been so wary of Vala at first, but they had become friends in the months following. Despite that, though, there was a part of her that had to wonder if that had only been because Teagan was present. Would it be different without her there? Was she about to get drowned and eaten?
She needn't worry long, the horse simply plopped down next to her, nuzzling Arden's side before turning her head around as if looking for something before cocking her head to one side. It wasn't difficult to understand what she meant.
"She's stuck." Her voice was quiet. "The substance from the mines, she got trapped in it. We-" Her voice wavered as she was hit with by a wave of emotion, however, when she spoke again, she sounded a bit more steady. "We're going to fix it," she stated, though it was unclear whether she was trying to reassure Vala or herself. "We're going to fix it. But..." She looked down, trying to ignore the doubt and worries. "I don't know how long it will take. I don't– I don't know if we can–" She stopped before she could send herself into a spiral, staying silent for several long moments. 
"I won't stop looking," she said, finally. "But..." Returning to her initial line of thought, she looked to the fae. "Can you keep an eye on the lake until she gets back?" Vala nodded her head, pulling a small smile out of Arden. She bowed her head slightly in lieu of saying 'thank you' for the twelfth time that day, and ran a hand through the horse's fur as they looked out onto the lake. 
She didn't feel better exactly as she walked into the cabin, but she felt a little lighter than she had. It wasn't as difficult as she had thought, stepping inside. It just felt like Teagan was out for the day and would step through the door at any moment. At the moment, it was difficult to fathom her being gone for any extended period of time, even if it was the reality of the situation. Arden was sure it would hurt more later– the thought that she would be sleeping alone in Teagan's bed had already crossed her mind- but it didn't quite feel real yet. She wondered how long exactly that would last, how long any of this would last. How long would she spend in the water, being tossed around by wave after wave? 
She wished she knew. 
But for now there was good company and tea and cats– a toad, even. And that would have to be enough. 
And they would figure it out– they had to. 
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jade-of-mourning · 6 months
for anon who sent me an ask earlier today: i'm so sorry to hear about your cat's passing. i hope this short fic from your prompt helps just a little bit.
The cat is young, a calico with soft white paws and soft orange ears. She turns up on the doorstep of his dingy flat one dusky evening as he returns from work, quietly curled against the barred door in the shards of light thrown onto the stairs by the flickering lamp. Mako looks down at her large green eyes and sighs, slipping the gate open to step inside and returning with a small bowl of water.
"Go along, now," he tells her after she finishes lapping at the water.
A meow vibrates in her throat.
Mako scowls. He doesn't know what she's trying to say, but he does know he doesn't have the space in his heart to care about a cat. 
He should have the space. Korra's gone, off recovering in the South Pole. Bolin's gone, off helping Kuvira stabilize the Earth Kingdom. Asami's… well, Asami's here, but they don't really talk much because they remind each other too much of what they've lost. Chief Beifong held an intervention and forced him to get out from under his desk and go invest in a place for himself — because she was tired of seeing his depressing countenance become a default constituent of this building's landscape —, so he's got space in his flat for a cat too.
Another meow, more insistent than the first.
"Don't care," he says, more roughly than he'd intended, but he's talking to a cat and a cat won't hate him for being too abrasive the way the cracks in the pavement molded him to be. He reopens his door, steps inside, and closes it on the cat.
And it becomes a routine. He doesn't know where she is by morning, even though he wakes up before sunrise no matter the day, but each time he comes back from work, she's there, meowing on his doorstep and lapping at the bowls of water he starts leaving out for her. It doesn't matter how dark the skies are, doesn't matter if he's returning at four in the morning after watching another child die from working under Viper. She's consistent and unrepentant, and she just becomes another orange-white figure in the haze of his life going in and out of work again and again.
It's raining when he comes back on a Friday night, raindrops pelting the small overhang in slates. The sky glistens like diamonds against black velvet, and Mako doesn't know why he smells wet cardboard and flooded dumpsters. The cat is present as always, face buried in her paws as she stretches in the barrier between the outside world and Mako's living place.
Mako sighs. His body hurts for reasons he's not sure of, feels small and aching and too skinny for his bones despite being more financially stable he's been his entire life.
"Come on," he tells the cat, opening the gate and widening the door further than he normally does. The cat stares up at him for a long moment, but before he can retract his offer, trots past and enters the foyer.
It's a small place. The rent is much cheaper than the apartment he and Bolin had shared before the spirit vines, and Mako likes it that way. Yellow ceiling lights, flaky plaster walls; a cramped bathroom with a mirror permanently fogged over; a bedroom with a futon pulled into the corner and a small closet filled with a week's worth of clothing; a foyer with hooks for jackets and shelves for shoes. He slides on a pair of ratty slippers Bolin had bought for him with his first paycheck, faded pink and detached soles, and pads into his room after the wandering cat.
The room is still empty. He never put anything in it, not like Asami's walls of pro-bending posters or Korra's dresser full of trinkets or Bolin's garish…everything, and none of them are around to harass him for it, so it's stayed that way. As the cat sets herself down on the edge of his futon, something small but vain in him remembers to feel self conscious for the first other living being to see his place. It looks more lifeless than an alleyway — places where stories are told in the bricks and the graffiti, the scent from the dumpsters, the lights filtering through from the main streets.
"I'm going to wash up," he tells the cat. "You can leave whenever you want."
And so the cat becomes part of his life more than he'd planned. He doesn't have anyone to take care of these days, not since Bolin found better things to do with his life and left, but he brings the cat in to get checked and feeds her and leaves the kitchen window open for her. She doesn't do much, just waits inside instead of outside for his return every night, and he gets used to it. He takes to calling her Clementine in his head and grows to talk at her subconsciously, a silent companion who doesn't remind him too much of anything bad the way everyone and everything else tends to do these days.
And then just like that, Clementine is gone.
He doesn't entirely know how it happened. He woke up one morning and she was gone as usual, and he got back later that night and she was still gone. A few days later he reads in the newspaper lit by lightning that someone ran over a cat, a tiny mention on the side column for his district, and his heavy-marrowed bones know the weight of death from love enough to know that she's dead. Something about the news in the dark of the storm feels vaguely like watching Ming-Hua in electric water.
It doesn't matter that much. Nothing much changes — his yellow-ceiling-lights, flaky-plaster-walls flat goes back to being as lifeless as it had been before, and Mako isn't the type of wallow in solitaire. He's not too devastated about her absence; he just sort of accepts it and goes forward, the way he does with every horrible thing that life won't stop throwing at him. He doesn't cry, even though he doesn't need to leave Bolin at Narook's and find an empty alley to do so anymore, because she was just a cat and Mako was always meant to be lonely.
In the walls of his dingy flat, he stands under cold water, droplets curling around the ends of his dark hair, dripping onto his shoulders like warm blood. He eats the eggrolls he picked up from the night market on the way back from work, and the grease permeates the light napkin wrapping and sets on his fingers, like spinning tools in a factory line. He washes the dishes piling in the sink and scrubs at them until his burn-scarred hands are soft, like hearts that get torn apart, and he lights a cigarette until he coughs at the smoke for the first time in years. No one is there to judge, not even silent Clementine, and Mako tells himself it's the way he prefers it.
Chief Beifong tells him to take his lunch break outside because she's sick of seeing him work through it. He walks down the block in the uniform that terrified him as a child, stares into the sun until his eyes start to water. On the street where Clementine was run over, children are weaving between upset cars, laughter spilling from their lips as they chase a game only they can see, and the space between buildings is suddenly darker when all Mako can hear is sobbing. He runs towards the alley and doesn't see a child with their head between their knees the way he expects, doesn't see defiled corpses burning in broad daylight. He steps back and looks back into the street and there's no cat with broken bones and bloody fur the way he expects.
Nothing's right. Lunch is over and he gets back to the station late, the first time in the past two years of working here that he's ever overextended his break.
Chief Beifong is standing in front of his desk. "Rookie. You're late."
"I know. I'm sorry. I… got lost in my head a little bit. It won't happen again." Mako sits down and pretends that he's not trembling, because he doesn't know why he would be.
Beifong frowns. "You don't get lost in your head. That's how you make mistakes. That's how you let people get killed."
I know. I know that more intimately than anyone else. I know, I know, I know, he thinks, over and over again; like Bolin crying night after night on the street on wet cardboard in the presence of flooded dumpsters; like the memory replaying night after night of his parents lighting the night as its torches; like Clementine arriving night after night on his doorstep waiting for him to come home.
"I'm sorry," he repeats. He's trying to make apathetic eye contact the way authority likes him to, but for some reason, he just can't muster it in his bones today.
Beifong sighs and starts to walk away, before stopping and turning back. "Kid," she says, softer, "you seem out of sorts lately. I don't know what's leaving you like this, but you know we can't have anyone half-assing their work here." She looks as though she's debating whether or not to say more, then — "Take it from me: don't get so caught up with the past. You have the present enough to deal with as it is."
Mako doesn't ask how she knows. He just nods and pulls out his pen to keep filling out documents the way he always does at this hour, and when he gets home that night, he lets the empty space in his heart hurt and miss Clementine just a little bit.
i wrote this in the car on my phone in a couple hours so sorry if it's a little scuffed. but again, please take care of yourself :( and i hope you feel better from being sick also!
to address the rest of your ask — i wasn't planning to write korra into this au, but i might throw in a reference at her at some point as a family friend of the air family haha. she's also aged down to thirteen in parallel to the other kids. though the fic won't go this far into the future, she'd pull up three years down the line as the swt chief's daughter coming in to wreak havoc in republic city. i do think that the idea of korra being the older teenager trying to put these kids on a leash while also being batshit insane herself is such a funny idea that i'm almost tempted to write it!
i might make stuff on the triple threats into another hc post, or even a fic at some point, but perhaps not today my friend. i do love your phrasing of "accountant streetrat dropout" though — you're so right that that's basically what he was lmfaooo. however, PLEASE keep bothering me it makes me really excited to see you in my inbox!
also side note: i'm thinking of putting some of these tumblr short pieces + some of my older small unpublished fics on ao3 by a different pseud. thoughts from anyone who happens to read through this shitfest?
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littleladymab · 7 months
FebruarOC - Tempest
Tempest Gale is a Tabaxi bard I played for a bit in a campaign that just moved incredibly slowly, so we had several sessions and then had to stop right before some Plot started kicking off so honestly i couldn't tell you much about the game itself. The conceit was simply "playing an adventuring crew that may or may not be pirates" and let me tell you, Tempest was not fond of the idea of water but she liked the idea of adventure too much to pass up the opportunity. I'd love the opportunity to get to play her for real, but alas she's being filed away in my "unused campaign characters" folder. 
Her real name is Dewdrops on Spring's Eve (aka Eve), the youngest of three and definitely the baby of the siblings. She was from an island that was incredibly insular, and she was expected to either follow after her sister (Winter's Crowning Corona) and become a politician and gifted speaker, or after her brother (Last of Autumn's Robins) and learn the way of the sword and an expert dueler. 
Eve thought that sounded incredibly boring, because they both meant staying in one place. But she did her due diligence, and her siblings did their best to mitigate her restlessness and taught her all they could of both of their crafts. So she became great with words and fairly decent at the sword. But still she wanted more; specifically, she wanted magic. 
Which, you know, as a baby sibling with a trickster streak, magic is not something you want to give her. 
So she ran away from home and changed her name and joined a bard college??? She's college of Eloquence, so she's real good at talking. I also had an ability that let me treat any Persuasion/Deception roll of 9 or lower as an automatic 10, and by lvl 5 I had a +11 to the score, except then I never rolled above a 10 and it was just so frustrating asdfljk but the plan was that she was never going to actually talk about her past, and if any of the party asked, she was going to always give a slightly different answer. And honestly nothing short of the rest of the party getting a nat20 would give the game away. 
(She might have ended up telling Dagomir, but he was the only motherfucker in that party she respected, even if he was a shitty liar)
Because Vines (whom you'll meet on the 22nd) was modeled after Lucy for a Tabaxi, I modeled Tempest off of Evie :') So she's a calico! She was also the tallest of the crew -- we had a short human, a short dragonborn, a halfling, and a 6'something cat girl. 
My original plan for her was to multi-class into artificer (or specifically alchemist) but then I started looking into the feat for meta-magic adept and wanted instead to frame it as her tinkering with and manipulating spells to create new ones. So while I don't think she will have become a sorcerer, I was caught by surprise by how much she loved the mechanics of magic and wanting to break it down. She will live on in my heart! 
Please enjoy her pinboard, and I've uploaded the doc version of her character sheet over on Patreon! 
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