#calici virus
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Digital diary 2024.02.26.-03.04.
Last week i was felt light headed. I looked up the calici virus i have for a 2 weeks now. I eat low fat food and i didn't threw up. Today me and my mom went to the doctor. I got told that i can eat but, with levels. He told my mom she is fine. We went to the pharmacy for my medicine and to the mall to buy food. We ate some pastry. After that we bought books. I was super happy because, my Dork diaries book collection is complete. My mom felt sick a little so, we came home. I will be taking the medicine and after my coughing stop and i organized my place i, will go back to school and, make an appointment with a phycologist.
Feeling: Happy and Hopeful
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I was thinking I would have 4 daughters. The eldest would be rabies lyssavirus. Then I’d have triplets named calicivirus, feline panleukopenia virus, and feline herpesvirus type-1. Lyssa, calici, penny, and herpes for short
The four kittens of the meowpocalyspe
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Fostering 101
Banyak, sebenarnya, 'detail' fostering yg sudah aku post di Grup Prosteril - cuma mostly di bagian comment & sudah entah kemana.
Fostering = pengasuhan. Tujuan dari fostering adalah supaya hewan2 yang di rescue bisa disehatkan terlebih dulu sebelum nantinya dicarikan rumah & pawrent(s) baru. Fostering =/= hoarding; walaupun ada kejadian2 dimana si foster parent baper & ujung2nya jadi hoarding, instead of melepas si anak asuh untuk dirawat orang lain.
Ada 3 jenis fostering. Nomer 1 adalah fostering kitten2 yang tidak ada induknya. Nomer 2 adalah fostering kitten2 dan induknya. Yang terakhir adalah fostering kucing non-kitten (remaja/dewasa/senior).
Mana yang paling drama?
Ya kitten2 tanpa induk, pastinya.
Tergantung usia si kitten2 waktu sampai di rumah foster pawrent, kadar drama-nya bisa mulai dari cara dan waktu pemberian makan/susu, buangan2 (pip & poop) yang kondisinya astaga, sampai per-parasit-an mulai dari kutu, cacing, protozoa, sampai virus.
Sejauh ini, 'rekor' ku dengan kitten2 tanpa induk masih 'cakep' di 80%. Ini semua 'berkat' bayi2 bakaran sampah, 4 ekor, yang hamdallah sehat sejahtera sampai lepas adopt (yg 1 masih ketinggalan, belum di adopsi). Sebelum2nya malah ada yg datang 4 ekor sisa 1, dan 6 ekor sisa 4. But that's a different story.
Persiapan apa saja yang harus ada untuk fostering?
Idealnya, 1 kamar kosong. Tapi yang namanya di Indonesia, sekarang2 ini, apalagi kawasan Jabodetabek, sangat langka orang yg punya kamar kosong. Solusi satu2nya adalah kandang. Jangan sekali2 nyinyir sama orang2 yang mem-foster di kandang. Ga usah baper kucingnya 'tersiksa' di kandang. That is not the case. That is NEVER the case.
Masalahnya kembali ke space alias ruang. Rumahku cuma 60m2. Kucing2 indoor-ku 8. Melepas liar fosteran = huru-hara. Plus TIDAK sehat.
Rule no. 1 rescue yang harus di camkan baik2:
Kucing pendatang TIDAK BOLEH DISATUKAN dengan kucing penghuni - berapapun usianya. Titik. Jangan ditawar.
Minimal selama 2 minggu.
2 minggu itu adalah masa minimal inkubasi virus2 seperti panleukopenia, calici, dan rhinotracheitis. Semuanya virus2 yang bisa mematikan untuk kucing2 yang tidak ter-vaksin.
But we're not here to discuss that.
Fostering 101:
Timbangan kue/digital kecil. Khusus untuk kitten. Kitten HARUS ditimbang begitu datang dan kalau beratnya di bawah 800gr, ditimbang SETIAP HARI. Kitten harus mengalami kenaikan berat minimal 5 gr sehari, dan kalau ada penurunan berat, maka sudah waktunya dibawa ke drh. Also berguna untuk MENIMBANG MAKANAN. Jangan membiasakan memberi makan kitten baru langsung se-sachet atau sekaleng. TERUTAMA untuk kitten yang kurus kering. Overfeeding (kelebihan makan) bisa fatal untuk kitten, apalagi yang dari awalnya malnutrisi, dan berujung pada shut-down-nya sistem pencernaannya. Berikan makan MAKSIMAL 20gr, per 2-3 jam. Timbang. Ga usah jumawa mikir tangan kalian lebih pinter dari timbangan.
Kandang. Foster yang sudah berpengalaman pasti memiliki minimal 3 ukuran kandang, dan masing2 lebih dari 1. 30x40 cm, 60x45 (atau 70x50), dan 90x70cm. Bayik HARUS ditaruh di kandang kecil, berapapun bayiknya. Kitten remaja yang sudah bisa pakai litterbox/akan diajar pakai litter box bisa di kandang medium. Kucing dewasa sakit/tidak friendly harus di kandang medium. Kucing dewasa sehat dan friendly bisa di kandang besar.
Kain lebar/plastic sheet - gunanya untuk menutupi sekeliling kandang (atasnya jangan, ntar ga bisa napas) supaya kucing di dalamnya tidak kedinginan, plus supaya kucing2 yg sudah dewasa tidak stress melihat kucing2 yg di luar kandang.
Litterbox. Selusin. Sebaiknya lebih. Untuk memudahkan bersih2 (dan mencegah tumpah), aku mengikat 1 litterbox kosong di kandang (pinggirnya dilubangi, lalu diikat pakai zip ties), dan yg berisi litter ditumpuk diatasnya.
Sediakan litter mulai dari pellet kayu, pellet tofu, dan pasir gumpal. Kitten dibawah usia 6 bulan sebaiknya TIDAK dikasih pasir gumpal, karena akan ditelan.
Lampu penghangat dan/atau alas penghangat. Kitten dibawah usia 6 bulan belum bisa meregulasi suhu badannya sendiri. Lampu penghangat sy beli di toko reptil, yang lampunya bisa di-adjust. Mode hemat adalah bohlam kuning 5 watt. Catatan: JANGAN SEKALI2 MEMBERI MAKAN KITTEN SAAT BADANNYA DINGIN. Kitten yang kedinginan tidak bisa mencerna makanan dan malah akan MATI. Hangatkan dulu minimal 30 menit, kalau bagian dalam kupingnya sudah hangat, baru tawarkan makanan sedikit.
Selimut2 bayi (orang). Selusin. Lebih baik lebih. Tidak ada foster pawrent yang hanya punya selimut 2 buah. Bersyukurlah kalian wahai orang2 yang baru mau mulai jadi foster pawrent, sekarang selimut2 bayi sudah banyak yang edisi KW dan murah. Doeloe yang paling murah harganya masih ratusan ribu. Edisi lebih murah lagi bisa beli selimut 'bulu' yang besar (1x2m) seharga 45-50rb-an, lalu dipotong2 jadi 30x50cm.
Underpad. Juga kembali bersyukurlah kalian foster pawrent pemula - sekarang sudah ada yang jual undepad curah dan menyediakan ukuran S, M, dan L. Doeloe hanya ada underpad bermerek yg harganya 30rb per 10 lembar, dan cuma 1 ukuran. Jangan tanya berapa waktu yg sy habiskan untuk potong2 underpad ukuran 90x60cm jadi 30x45cm - supaya ga boros.
Cable ties/zip ties. Percayalah, ini penting 100%. Bayik2 yg teramat kecil (dibawah 150gr) BISA LOLOS dari jeruji kandang. Jangan tanya sudah berapa kali aku menemukan bayik belom melek di luar kandang...
Botol susu bayi hewan dan nipple-nya. Doeloe hanya ada merek Miracle Nipple yg hargnya 150rb per-1. Sekarang sudah ada KW-nya merek Popi-Dot yg harganya 25rb per 1. Jangan berharap bisa berhemat - 1 dot itu hanya bisa dipakai 1 kitten sampai bisa makan. Ga akan bisa dipakai fosteran berikut.
Spuit/syringe. Again, minimal 3 ukuran: 1, 3, dan 5ml. Kalau bisa disediakan juga yg 10 & 20ml - untuk susu. Nipple yang dibeli sebaiknya yang muat di ujung spuit 3 atau 5ml. Sediakan selusin masing2 ukuran, jangan pelit.
Tissue basah. Jangan pun berpikir mau hemat and/or 'menyayangi bumi' dengan menghindar dari tissue2 disposable/sekali pakai. Kalau pakai handuk, handuk harus direbus setiap kali pakai supaya tidak mengkontaminasi seisi rumah. Kalau pakai tissue biasa (yang lebih murah dari tissue basah), tidak akan bisa mengangkat poop dari vantad bayik. Apalagi poop yang cair.
Susu dan/atau Makanan basah kitten. Untuk susu aku sedikit kurang confident, karena susu yang benar2 terjamin bagus (RC, KMR, Breeders' Edge) harganya mahal dan tidak di semua tempat ada. Opsi berikut adalah susu kambing TANPA GULA. Opsi yang lain seperti susu beruang atau susu sgm tanpa laktosa aku tidak pernah pakai. Untuk bayi2 fosteran terakhir, yang paling sukses adalah simply wf dicairkan dengan air dengan rasio 80% air + 20% wf. Konsistensi susu kucing yang baik adalah *SEPERTI* susu evaporasi, sedikit kental tapi tidak seperti susu kental manis. Tapi berhubung bayik2 fosteran terakhir sudah berumur 3-4 minggu, perut mereka sudah bisa meng-handle makanan, walaupun mereka belum mengerti cara makan.
Cairan infus Ringer Laktat dan jarum infus butterfly. Ini gunanya untuk mencegah/mengobati dehidrasi pada kucing. Mintalah pada dokter hewan kalian untuk mengajarkan cara infus subkutan. Subcutaneous injection adalah obat dehidrasi paling cepat. Tapi kalau dokter kalian tidak mau mengajarkan karena takut kalian jumawa & sok2an mengajarkan ke orang lain tanpa tanggung jawab, sediakan:
Pedialyte atau oralit. Pedialyte lebih baik, karena walaupun tidak bisa disimpan, pedialyte lebih aman untuk kitten. Kalau ga salah ada merk2 lain yg isinya hanya 200ml (jadi ga mubazir). Tapi untuk kasus2 superduper urgent, berikan oralit minimal 5ml per jam.
Norit. Atau arang aktif (activated charcoal). Diare yg tidak ketahuan sebabnya (dan/atau dugaan keracunan) sebaiknya dikasih norit. Bayi kucing dibawah 500 gr bisa dikasih 1/4, dibawah 1kg dikasih 1/2, di atas 1kg bisa dikasih 1 tablet - dihancurkan & campur air.
Obat cacing cair. SEMUA kitten yang datang dari jalanan pasti membawa cacing. Aku pakai combantrin cair dengan dosis seperti di gambar di bawah
JANGAN memberi obat cacing langsung pada hari pertama. Observasi dulu, gimana kondisi poop-nya. Kalau kondisi poop normal dan/atau seperti pasta gigi, boleh dikasih obat cacing. Kalau kondisi poop cair seperti bubur ayam, jangan. Itu bukan cacingan. Itu infeksi protozoa. Bawalah ke dokter supaya dikasih obat yang sesuai.
Aku tidak akan menyarankan obat2an, karena kondisi setiap kitten berbeda dan aku bukan dukun yang bisa tebak2an. Biasakan untuk membawa kitten/kucing rescue-an ke dokter dulu, minta dokter memberi arahan dan/atau obat sesuai dengan kondisi si kucing/kitten, baru dibawa pulang untuk dirawat.
Jangan main dokter2an. Jangan kegedean ego. Kitten Lady Hannah Shaw yang sudah puluhan tahun mengurus ribuan kitten saja akan terus berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan urusan kitten.
Jangan pulak berdalih, "ga ada duwid..!" Ngurus kitten itu yang utamanya ada adalah DUWID. Kalo ga punya duwid lebih, ga usah ngurus kitten. Itu sama aja hanya memindahkan penderitaan dia dari jalanan ke rumah kamu - cuma demi EGO kamu.
Oh, ini baru untuk kitten & fostering umum, yah. Edisi berikut adalah fostering kucing bunting.
#fostering#fostering saves lives#spayandneuter#adopt don't shop#prosterilgarisngegas#adopsi jangan beli#cats
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Feline vaccines
Anti-rabies - free at provincial/city veterinary office (see vaccination card)
4in1 - feline herpes virus, feline calici virus, feline panleukopaenia, and chlamydia
3in1 / tricat - feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline calici virus, and feline panleukopaenia
Common signs of sickness
gain/loss of appetite
always thirsty
more/less vocal
under/over grooming
bad breath
sudden mood swing
change pupil size or third eyelid
lethargic (no playtime)
weight gain/loss
breathing problem
eyes/nose discharge
hair loss
Important reminders if sick
Always check their temperature using a thermometer
Before inserting thermometer on their butthole, dip it first on petroleum jelly (unscented)
If a cat will not eat, force feed with syringe at least 2 meals a day
If a cat will not drink, force feed purified water mixed with mondex every hour
Do not administer medicine while on deep sleep - let them rest and wait until they wake up
Pet medicines
Do not administer medicines made for human (even for babies) unless prescribed
Although most canine medicines are safe for feline consumption, there are some that are harmful too (i.e. citronella, ivermectin)
Always check the dosage on the box or their vet's prescription - do your research
Administer medicines on their upright position or else it will go to their lungs
Make sure to insert the needleless syringe on the side of their mouth (back of their tongue) - do not direct it onto their throat
Drooling or foaming on their mouth means they don't like the taste of the medicine
Rank: med behavior
Alfonso 🏅
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#vetgirl #vetgirlontherun #veterinarian #vet #vetmed #veterinarian #vettech #vetstudent #vetnurse #veterinaryproblems #vetmedlaughs #veterinarymedicinelife #vetgirlontherun #vetmedlife #theveterinarylife #vetmed #veterinarian #vettech #vetstudent #vetnurse #veterinarymedicine #vetmedlife #repost https://www.instagram.com/p/COg_LK4BIKy/?igshid=1ig1ps8r3remx
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You see Bonnie and Clyde, my bunnies, right? They are the best, I love them with all of my heart. I live in the suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I have a good back yard, they love it. But with the release of the K5 Calici virus in FOUR DAYS, they can't go outside anymore. They hate being stuck inside for weeks. But they can't go outside, can't jump and hop around outside anymore. They have free run of my house, but it's not the same. They have all their vaccinations - expect one.
There is NO Vaccination against the K5 Calici Virus.
Australia has wild rabbits. In an effort to kill them, Australia releases viruses. Expect the wild rabbits have build up an immunity. They are way less likely to die now.
You know who doesn't have an immunity?
Pet Rabbits.
They will die. The government ordered their deaths. And it's not fair. I'm in Grade Nine. My test scores just started to pick up again. But if my bunnies die... I won't be able to finish school. Not if they die like this. It is a long and painful death, and we would have to put them down immediately. It was just two years ago that I had depression, and this is not helping.
Please, please, I beg you- sign this petition.
Please, gods, please.
I couldn't take it. Please. I'm sorry for the long post, but I can't, I won't, see my bunnies die. I wouldn't be able to. I just couldn't. They've helped me through so much. Please god please. All I need is a vaccination. If we have a successful vaccination made, they can wait to release the virus until all pets have been vaccinated. If they must kill the wild rabbits, the pest ones. Well, the wild rabbits kill native animals. But my bunnies aren't hurting anyone. Please please please sign. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1486751604975052/permalink/1760466854270191/ Please god sign.
#rabbits#cute#death tw#bunnies#bunny#un lapin#🐰#cute rabbits#cute bunnies#K5 Calici Virus#Calici virus#rabbit death tw#rabbit death#sad#petition#Australia#Victoria#New South Wales#Queensland#Northern Territory#West Australia#South Australia#Australian Capital Territory#ACT#Tasmania#🇦🇺#death#fandom#depression#depression tw
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So last night was the worst night of my life and its continuing. Two of my beloved bunnies, Toast and Loki passed away very suddenly from an unknown cause. And we don't even have time to focus on our greif because our two remaining babies, Turtle and Augustus, are in danger. We suspect the cause may be the Calicivirus, a virus used to cull wild rabbits in the area. It is very fast and very contagious. Due to its long incubation period, they won't be out of the woods for 5 days. This is an extremely stressful and terrifying experience. There's absolutely nothing we can do. If they have it they'll die, if if they have whatever killed the others even if its not Calici, they'll die from that too. We can only hold on to blind hope. If you're feeling up to it and you're comfortable with it, please, speak to whoever or whatever you believe in or worship and ask them to help our babies. They're our family, our hearts and probably the only children I'll ever have and I love them with everything that I am. Please help if you can.
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Reposted from @bunbunmay DESPERATELY NEEDED HELP 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘 Sorry if for the past few days I haven't posted about the rescue furrbabies at home and the #streetfeedingcats night routine because my time, energy and money was spented taking care of furrbabies infected with the Calici virus, a total of 14 currently those infected with the Calici virus, 5 of them died, 2 died in the clinic after being hospitalized for more than a week, namely Bobo (kitten and vaccinated) and Aru (adult cat and vaccinated ) while 3 died at home after 1 day of clinical symptoms appearing namely hypersalivation or excessive and very foul-smelling salivation, inflammation of the ears, watery eyes, decreased body temperature and refusal to eat and this is very fast in time so I am racing against time to sterilize isolation rooms and cages. Of the 9 who are still infected with the Calici virus, 4 have been vaccinated and 3 of them are ready to eat on their own entering day 3. Every 2 hours I have to infuse 1/1 of them with subcutaneously while being fed to keep their condition from getting worse. For the past few weeks I have continued to sell my personal belongings so that the furrbabies at home can continue to eat, as well as the furrbabies who are on the streets and markets even though I can't go to all places because of limited food stocks. And for almost a week, I have to take care of the sick first and then I can go around to feed the furrbabies of the market and the streets, after coming home from #streetfeedingcats , I take care of sick furrbabies in my house Really tough days for me. At this time I really need your help, those who are sick need high protein foods as well as medicines and vitamins so that their immune system can rise and be stable again. With humility, I sincerely ask for your help, without your help, they will not be able to recover 🙏😿 ➡️ paypal.me/bunbunmay ➡️ Email [email protected] ➡️ BRI 087201007098508 #fundraising #fundraiser #charity #instagood #donate #foracause #bethechange #help #helpme #pleasehelp #donatetoday #donationsneeded #donate #goodcause #everycentcounts #animalsinneed #Rescue #rescuecat #rescueismyfavoritebree (ที่ Kota Jember - Jawa Timur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPi5u2BNXh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kisah Kucingku Melawan Virus Calici - Part 2 (dengan Abses)
Kisah Kucingku Melawan Virus Calici – Part 2 (dengan Abses)
— DESCLAIMER — Saya mau menekankan lagi bahwa apa yang saya bagikan di sini adalah sesuai pengalaman saya saja. Semua itu tergantung pada seberapa parah kondisi anabul kalian. Jika ternyata anabulmu sudah positif kena Calicivirus dengan tanda-tanda yang dia alami, please lebih baik segera bawa puskeswan atau vet agar segera ditangani sebelum kondisinya makin parah dan terlambat…
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Any updates on how bad the covid symptoms are for cats? I keep my boy inside but if I get it he might and i can’t lose another cat. It’s only been a year since my last one had to be put down for cancer.
There is one (1) cat in Belgium with respiratory symptoms, nausea, and diarrhea that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. However, it lived with a confirmed positive owner who was the one who collected the samples for submission to the lab, and has not been examined by a veterinarian. There are many viruses (herpes and calici being the big ones) that can cause respiratory signs and nausea/diarrhea in cats, which are extremely common. It will probably be impossible to ever tell if it had a real infection, because while scientists will run blood tests to look for antibodies to the coronavirus, antibodies just represent exposure. If you or I injected sheep’s blood into our veins, we would develop antibodies to sheep’s blood, but would not be “infected” with sheep’s blood. It’s entirely possible that this cat did pick up the virus from its human and developed antibodies to it, but that doesn’t mean it had a real infection. In cases like these where you want to see if the patient actually has a “real” infection with something, you must test multiple types of antibodies multpile times - one time while they are sick and one time 2-3 weeks later. The changes in the levels of the different types of antibody tell you whether they actually had the disease. Since this cat’s antibodies can’t be tested until it is out of quarantine, they will not be able to use that kind of test. Regardless of what it had, its symptoms lasted for 9 days and were not severe.
There are 7 lions and tigers at a New York zoo with respiratory symptoms, but they are all doing well and are expected to recover. They shouldn’t be assumed to have the same susceptibility as cats though, due to major differences in care, housing, diet, and, you know, domestication and phylogeny.
These cases appear to be very, very isolated and out of the norm. For example, one study showed that up to 15% of cats in Wuhan, China test positive for the virus, despite none of the cats showing overt symptoms. And with over 100 countries having multiple human cases of COVID-19 at this point, many of them having advanced veterinary capability on a national level, at this point we would have noticed quite the increase in cats presenting with respiratory symptoms if it was a regular occurrence for humans to make their pet cats sick.
At this time the USDA and AVMA are recommending having someone else take care of your pets if you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or if you are a confirmed case. If it isn’t possible for someone else to take care of them, don’t share food, kiss, or hug them, and wash your hands before and after any contact with them. It’s unlikely that your cat will get it from you, less likely that they will develop symptoms, and even less likely that they will require euthanasia as a result of any symptoms.
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Had to light a candle to thank the gods.
My baby boy finally ate all the dry food, so the shelter lady told me in two days we will figure out if it's okay for him to come back home, because there's another cat here, but she's grown and has her vaccines all done and she already caughyt his calici virus, and then got it out of her system within 3 days so, once he's fattened up and proven he will keep eating and taking his pill I get to negotiate with her about picking him back up.
I got the plushies he likes in the laundry so they won't reinfect him when he returns ^•^ fiance gave Odin some vodka, I burned a candle for him. Offered honey to Freyja And Eir earlier, and will probably find more dead stuff for the Hel shrine as thanks.
He's gonna live
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Hey y’all? PLEASE take your cats to the vet.
I know this is random, but at the vet yesterday, he went the extra mile to encourage us to come back and like, borderline begged us to make another appointment for a follow-up, and for another annual. He said he sees people once right after taking their cat home, and then they just don’t come back.
Until like, years later, when their cat is seriously ill, often beyond the point of treatment, from something that is totally preventable. Cici is a special case with her Calici Virus, because she was found sick at 3 weeks and therefore was clearly too young to have ever been vaccinated, but our vet told us he sees cats who just don’t come in for their boosters and get seriously sick with preventable illnesses. Or cats that come in five years down the line in pain with an issue that had been present for months, if not years. Things that can be prevented if you just take your pet for regular check-ups. I have a relative whose cat ended up with chronic joint pain and needed expensive surgery because she neglected to take him to the vet, and an injury that she didn’t notice went untreated for ages. Had she taken him to the vet, the doctor would have noticed, and the cat would have been treated.
And not to be harsh (because I 100% know that circumstances change, shit happens, people end up homeless or they get sick or sudden expenses hit, and that is NOT what I am talking about here, this isn’t about already having a pet and experiencing sudden, unexpected financial issues), but if you know you are not financially prepared to care for an animal, PLEASE wait to bring one into your home until you can give them the medical care they need. Vet visits are expensive, unexpected medical costs are even more. Please, PLEASE be sure that you are able to care for your animal before you make the choice to bring one home. Our pets shouldn’t be suffering from preventable, treatable illnesses and injuries for months on end because we just decide not to take them to the doctor.
#kind of random but this has been on my mind#pets#vet#pet doctor#illness mention#pet illness mention#cats#like I know people who just straight up#do NOT take their cats to the vet#and it kills me#we're taking cici once a year for her annual#probs going back in a month for a follow up on her poor little mouth ulcers
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Greater death rates for invasive rabbits from interacting diseases
Greater death rates for invasive rabbits from interacting diseases
When it comes to death rates for invasive European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Australia, it appears that 1 + 1 = 2.1.
Tagged European rabbit kitten infected with myxoma virus, but that died from rabbit haemorrhagic virus disease (RHDV). Photo by David Peacock, Biosecurity South Australia.
“Canberra, we have a problem” — Sure, it’s an old problem and much less of one than it used to be…
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#biocontrol#calici virus#capture-mark-recapture#CMR#invasive species#MARK#multi-state models#myxoma virus#myxomatosis#Oryctolagus cuniculus#program MARK#rabbit haemorrhagic disease#rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus#rabbits
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Found on the street with a broken jaw and calici virus...Several months after in her forever home
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My heart is breaking! The two kittens (Calvin & Hobbes) I found last week were very sick and Calvin the little back faced kitty had to be put to sleep yesterday. Hobbes is thriving and recovering and just cute as a button. And then there is Quinn, who is still living in a cage in my garage. The local agencies all exploded with kittens this fall and not one of the them wants here because she was feral and there no private takers. The kitten will be even harder because he should go to a home with no other cats or where the cats are fully vaccinated annually because has Feline Calici Virus (FCV).
So I may soon have 9 inside. Sadly as I approach 70 I know they will outlive me and I worry for them what happens then. I am looking for an heir but no good candidates have surfaced yet.
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หวัดแมว โรคของน้องแมวที่พบได้บ่อย และทาสแมวควรรู้เท่าทัน
หวัดแมว คือโรคติดต่อในระบบทางเดินหายใจ ที่พบได้บ่อยๆ ในแมว โดยเฉพาะแมวที่ไม่เคยรับวัคซีน สามารถติดต่อจากแมวสู่แมว ผ่านทางสารคัดหลั่ง เช่น น้ำมูก น้ำตา น้ำลาย แต่ไม่���ิดต่อสู่คน
โรคนี้เกิดจากเชื้อไวรัส Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) และ Feline Calici Virus (FCV) หรือเชื้อแบคทีเรีย Bordetella bronchiseptica, Chlamydophila felis และ Pasteurella multocida
แนวทางการรักษาโรคหวัดแมว ได้แก่
ต้องให้แมวได้รับพลังงานเพียงพอ ไม่ควรให้อดอาหารนานเกิน 3 วัน อาจให้แมวกินอาหารที่ย่อยง่าย หรือให้ยากระตุ้นความอยากอาหาร
ให้ยาปฏิชีวนะ เพื่อป้องกันการติดเชื้อแทรกซ้อน ได้แก่ น้ำมูกเขียว หรือทำการรักษาไปแล้ว แต่ยังไม่ดีขึ้นภายใน 10 วัน หรืออาการแย่ลงภายใน 5-7 วัน
ใช้ยาละลายเสมหะและขับเสมหะ, ยาขยายหลอดลม, ยาลดการอักเสบ, ยากระตุ้นภูมิคุ้มกัน หรือการพ่นยา เพื่อทำการรักษาตามอาการของแมวแต่ละตัว
หากนำแมวตัวใหม่มาเลี้ยง ร่วมกับแมวตัวอื่นๆ จะต้องทำการแยกเลี้ยงก่อน อย่างน้อย 14 วัน เพื่อสังเกตอาการป่วย
กรณีแมวที่เลี้ยงป่วยเป็นหวัดแมว และรักษาจนหายแล้ว ควรแยกเลี้ยงกับแมวตัวอื่นๆ อย่างน้อย 2-3 สัปดาห์ และเฝ้าระวังโรคอื่นๆ ที่อาจตามมาได้
หวัดแมว หากแมวป่วยเป็นโรคนี้ จะมีอาการคือ…
โรคนี้มีอาการ 2 ระยะ คือ ระยะเฉียบพลัน ซึ่งมักเกิดจากการติดเชื้อไวรัส โดยแมวจะแสดงอาการภายใน 10 วัน และระยะเรื้อรัง ที่แมวจะแสดงอาการมากกว่า 10 วัน
อาการทั่วไปคือ ซึม เบื่ออาหาร มีแผลในปาก มีไข้ ไอ จาม มีน้ำมูก มีน้ำลายไหลมาก มีน้ำตาใสหรือเป็นน้ำเหลืองปนเลือด
โดยแมวที่ติดเชื้อไวรัส Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) มักมีอาการเฉียบพลัน ร่วมกับความผิดปกติของเยื่อบุตา พบแผลที่กระจกตา กระจกตาบวม ส่วนแมวที่ติดเชื้อไวรัส Feline Calici Virus (FCV) มักพบแผลหลุมในช่องปาก
ในขณะที่หากแมวติดเชื้อแบคทีเรีย Bordetella bronchiseptica หรือ Pasteurella multocida มักก่อโรคแบบไม่รุนแรง และสามารถหายได้เอง 10 วัน จะมีอาการคือ ซึม ไอ ปอดบวม เป็นต้น
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