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lurrlonde · 4 years ago
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what is it about them? the Respectful Yearning
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ineverguess · 3 years ago
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3rd ink for @crinktober 🎃 After Cad and Jester here's Caleb with the word "Rest" — I’m starting to see a pattern here, and it’s name is angst 👁‍🗨〰️👁‍🗨 ~
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soggycardboardbox · 6 years ago
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I’m still catching up on the latest CritRole episodes but I really wanna like this Essek dude and the shipping possibilities that come with him.
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alexandraart · 4 years ago
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#criticalrole #criticalrolefanart #calebxessek
Hello Beeees, So Excited to be finally drawing the show!!! I have been an avid fan for about six years. I have been lucky enough to see them live at Gen Con twice. I really love the ships going on in the show currently. To Show my love I am submitting a cozy scene with my fave lost boys Caleb X Essek. Hope you all enjoy it, I really enjoyed drawing it. 
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vethbrenatto · 5 years ago
i know you ship beauyasha but i was wondering what your other ships were!
OOO boy, for CR this is a big question that i don’t think you were prepared for my thoughts on so i’m gonna give the TLDR just for whoever doesn’t want to bother reading My Thoughts^TM:
For C1: Pikelan, Perc’ahlia, and a teeeeensy bit of Vax’ilmore For C2: Pretty much everything!
Okay, onward to the Thoughts:
People talk about Polymachina a lot but I actually find the M9 much more susceptible to poly-ness and openness in shipping. Other than the canon sexualities that block certain ships (aka shipping Beau or Yasha with men), I’m pretty much open to anything. The few things I don’t ship as much are simply because I feel like I don’t have enough on screen time for them (yet), for semi to very popular ships in fandom, that’d probably be like CalebxMolly or CalebxEssek, neither of which I’m against, I think I just need more to get behind them. Especially Essek, which has a real possibility of happening in canon, if I get some more development, I could potentially ship it.
Other than that, for C2, I’m very open with ships. Beauyasha, Beaujester, Fjorjester, and Fjorclay are some popular ones I’m all down with. I enjoy the little hints of Widojest that Caleb certainly throws out. My guilty pleasure sort of ship would probably be Widobrave because I do love Yeza & Veth’s relationship, but I also adore the way Sam plays Veth’s feelings for Caleb (as Caleb pines for Jester). Even things that I don’t see as often like Widofjord or Yashter or VethxJester, I think are cute even though I don’t see romance in the canon. 
As for what I predict to be canon, I’m confident (bar any sudden deaths) that Fjorjester and Beauyasha will be endgame, but that doesn’t really stop me from liking other ships. The multishipping is real in C2.
As for C1, I think possibly because I was very open to spoilers and I knew the endgames, I wasn’t as open with ships. Also, I just didn’t feel that many romance vibes other than the canon. Okay, a little Vex x Kiki is cute, but other than that. It was mostly- here is the canon, either I vibe with the ship or I don’t. I ended up vibing with Pikelan WAY more than I planned to, I fell in love with the gnomes. I kind of knew I’d end up loving Perc’ahlia and I did, but not to the extent I love Pikelan honestly. As for Vaxleth, it just wasn’t my vibe. I love the way Marisha & Liam RP intensely as Caleb & Beau, but put into a romance it was a little much for me. That being said, still don’t hate the ship or anything. Oh, also Kash & Zahra and Kimallura still own me. 
And those are my ship thoughts. Like I said, with the many, many characters of CR, it’s a lot, so I don’t blame you if you didn’t read this.
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tardigraded20 · 5 years ago
CR Ships That I have
-CalebxEssek -CalebxJester -JesterxFjord -FjordxCaduceus  -VethxYeza -BeauxYasha -MollymaukxCaleb 
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writtenbyrosey · 5 years ago
God I want to RP shadowgast so badly ! These episodes are killing me. If anyone wants to rp CalebxEssek message me please ❤️
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lurrlonde · 5 years ago
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not sure what theyre discussing, but its surely profound.
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