mladyteran · 2 years
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Momento y tiempo para todo
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caballitoo · 1 year
these chips taste ass all the sudden
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studiopopw · 2 years
Maleja Restrepo • Colombia
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missadangel · 18 days
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 14: The Past
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Gifs by jcylenz - nicholetread
----------- All episodes here --------------
“And put your right foot over there, hips, hips, yeah.”
“So it’s very important to maintain a certain distance something like this.”
“For instance we can do a one two three four five six step-“
Chucho looked very tired but he was happy, laughing.
After Javi finished his phone call, came into the living room, he got surprised to see you and Chucho dancing.
He leaned against the door with his arms crossed as watching you with a wide smile on his face.
‘I think that's enough,’ Chucho said panting. ‘I'm too old for this stuff, and I take it all back, Colombian salsa is fucking hard.’
‘Cali-style salsa aka Salsa Caleña,’ you corrected him. Then you put your hands on your waist, ‘and yes, it's hard unlike your weird cumbia dance.’
‘Pops, the last time I saw you dancing, I was six,’ Javi said with a laugh.
Chucho didn't look at him, still breathing hard. ‘And it better stay that way, I’ll beat you up if you mention about this to your tia.’
‘By the way, what's wrong with our cumbia? Salsa can’t be that hard.’
You rolled your eyes as Javi coming towards you.
‘Chucho said the same thing before he was sweating buckets,’ you raised your eyebrows, challenging him.
‘You should learn from your dad’s mistakes, son.’ Chucho grinned.
‘I got this dad,’ he put his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him but you quickly wriggled out of his grip and pulled yourself back, putting some distance between you, he frowned.
Chucho laughed hard. ‘Be my guest, I have to get ready for damn wedding anyway,’ he snickered, walking towards his room.
You both ignored him and seriously put everything you have into it, as if you were in a dance competition. Javi tried to grab your waist but you pulled yourself away again.
‘Not so fast,’ you said with a laugh, throwing one foot back and taking two quick steps towards Javi with the other, never letting go of his arm, but he was getting impatience, he pulled you by the arm again, lifting up and spinning you around, you got surprised.
‘You should do this last-,’
Suddenly he lifted your body up and you found yourself on the couch with him bending over you.
‘You cheated,’ you chuckled, jokingly punched him on the shoulder.
‘I couldn't resist,’ he smiled and kissed you.
Chucho cleared his throat, you startled, breaking the kiss with a gasp, trying to get up quickly but your head hit against Javi's muscular chest, he wouldn't let you.
‘You guys should get ready too, if we don't go to this wedding, God forbid, your aunt won't shut up until doomsday.’
Without looking at you, he wore his hat, stepped out to go to the car. Your cheeks flushed, you bit your lip, Javi giggled and kissed you again.
‘I'm really scared of her more than the doomsday, lets get up baby,’ he grabbed your arm and helped you to stand.
‘Me too,’ you giggled.
He put his arm around your neck and kissing your cheek as you walking towards the room together to get ready.
The wedding was crowded, whole town must be here, you thought.
‘Oh no, everyone is staring at me,’ you whined.
‘It's because, you're the most beautiful woman here,' Javi whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek and grinning at the look on your face, made you flushed.
‘You're not helping,' pursing your lips, you could have sworn you were as red as a tomato.
‘Relax baby, breathe,’ he held your hand tightly.
People were drinking, having fun, laughing, talking and smoking. As soon as you walked through the door, they all looked at you and started talking again, this time with more enthusiasm.
Javi popped a nicotine gum into his mouth and started chewing, he has been having a hard time fighting the urge to smoke lately.
He pulled a chair from the table where Chucho was sitting and waiting for you to sit down, then sat down next to you.
People were coming to your table, shaking hands with Chucho and Javi and making small talk. Of course they were looking at you curiously, you were smiling at them in return. Javi's eyes never leaving you meanwhile, holding your hand, brings food and drink for you.
After a while a man was passing by with a boy of about 7 or 8 years old as Chucho stopped him, the boy had bruises on his face, you frowned.
“Andre, what happened to your face?”
“They fight all the time with other boys, he's very naughty, you know the kids,” he said laughing, but the boy bowed his head, for some reason you felt something strange about them.
Chuho laughed, patted his head and they headed further down the hall. You followed them out of the corner of your eye until they sat down at their table, something inside you kept telling you that something wasn't right about him.
“Are you okay?” Javi pushed your hair off your shoulder, gently brushes with his long fingers.
“Nothing, just the kid,” you mumbled.
“He's just a kid cariño, come, I should congratulate Enrique,” he said grabbing your hand, got up from the table, you followed him.
They announced the bride and groom for the dance a while ago but didn't even hear them because you were busy think about that kid, you decided to put your thoughts aside.
Javi hugged the groom and patted him on the shoulder.
“Congratulations, man.”
“Javi, thanks for coming,” he said smiling and then looked at you shaking your hand, you hugged him and the bride.
"So, are you two getting married soon too?"
You looked at Javi, he blinked at you then turned to him.
"Not yet, I guess," he said smiling, you were a little offended, but you kept your smile.
Not yet? Really?
"You found such a beautiful woman man, what do you waiting for, just marry her," he chuckled. "Right, love?" he wrapped his hands around his bride.
"Absolutely, you look so good together, just like us," bride giggled.
You looked at Javi with raised eyebrows as they kissing each other.
“They’re damn right.”
He just smiled at you, pulling you away from them.
"Come on, let's dance," he put a hand on your waist and lifted your arm with the other.
"So 'not yet', huh?"
Javi rolled his eyes, "What else could I say?"
"Maybe something better than that."
"Why are you so upset about this all of a sudden?" he frowned.
"Do you have a problem with getting married?"
"Of course not, I just..."
Just then, a few women approached the two of you, drinks in their hands, all eyes on you and him.
"Javi, can we borrow your girlfriend for a moment?" one of them asked, looking you up and down, you smiled shyly.
"For a girl to girl chat, we mean," said another.
Javi stopped dancing and looked at you, obviously he wasn't sure, but one of the women already pulled his hand away from yours and grabbed you by arm.
"Don't worry, we won't bite your girlfriend, come on honey, we just want to get to know you better."
“Sure,” Javi murmured.
They laughed as they pulled you away from him to another table.
When you turned your head back saw him putting his hands on his waist, watching you walking away, frowned.
Then he got a beer and sat down next to his father.
Javi's aunt came running as soon as she saw you with them.
“Oh honey, you're here,” she kissed you on the cheek.
You wondered if she liked kissing everyone like that.
“Sophia, you were right, she is really beautiful,” one of them said.
“Yes, she really is, she doesn't look like any girl I've ever seen,” someone stroked your chin.
“Are all Colombian girls this beautiful?” asked another woman, giggling.
You forced a smile, feeling shy gives its place to being uncomfortable.
“Let her breathe, ladies,” Sophia said as she sat down next to you on the couch and put her arm around you.
Look who's saying it.
“I think Javi really found the love of his life, this time,” elderly woman said.
“But she’s so young, how old are you?”
“How rude, Carol,” Sophia scolded her.
“I'll be 23 in two months,” you suddenly said.
The woman  named Carol raised her eyebrows.
“How many years are there between you and him, 15?”
“My husband and I are ten years apart, so what?” Sophia scolded her again.
“Yes, but you're the older one,” someone said and they laughed loudly.
“Don't worry about them, honey, it's all about how you feel, love is love, and love is never wrong.” Sophia said, patting your shoulder.
You nodded, wondering when they would leave you alone, but unfortunately their endless questions continued.
‘How did you two meet?’
‘They met at the bar, fell in love instantly,’ Sophia answered before you and giggled at you.
Her behavior reminded you of your father, you smiled, you realised you missed him a lot, but now was not the time for that.
‘How long have you been together?’
‘Well almost a year,’ you even surprised yourself.
Has it really been that long?
‘Quite long, you should get married already,’ other woman snickered.
‘Javi better hurry up,’ the other one chuckled.
‘Hasn’t he proposed yet?’
They all fell silent and waited for your answer curiously.
You swallowed. ‘Not yet, but I'm sure he's thinking about it, soon,’ you said, unfortunately your tone not as convincing as you wanted it to be.
They all looked at each other and mumbled something, which surprised you because you were expecting a laughter after that.
‘Of course he will, honey,’ Sophia patted your back like she was consoling you.
‘Marriage must be his weakness,’ Carol muttered.
‘It must be hard for him,” other women murmured.
You frowned.
What the hell was that mean?
‘I mean, yes, even after all this time,’ someone else said.
‘What do you mean?’ you suddenly asked got upset as hell.
‘I mean that he and Lorraine-’
‘Speaking of,’ someone pointed a blonde woman.
‘Lorraine, come here.’
A blonde blue-eyed woman – looks different from the other women here - came over.
‘Meet Javi's girlfriend,’ someone said, giggling strangely.
She looked at you with her blue eyes and smiled warmly.
‘So you are that beautiful girl the whole town has been talking about, welcome,’ she said, you shook hands. ‘They were right, you really are beautiful.’
‘Thank you, it's nice to meet you.’
Actually you weren't pleased, you were starting to feel sick, something had definitely happened between Javi and this beautiful woman. You had to ask.
‘I take it you know Javi?’
‘Yeah, well it was years ago-’
‘Mum, help me please,’ she apologized and left quickly when her son called out, but she was looking at you with concern as she getting away.
‘Didn't Javi tell you honey?’ Sophia asked.
‘Tell me what?’ your heart was starting to race.
‘Oh how stupid we are,’ the other woman said, ’Forgive us, sweetheart.’
‘We thought you knew.’
‘What? Please tell me,’ you insisted.
‘Javi and Lorraine, I mean it was years ago,’ Sophia said. ’They were going to get married but Javi... well he just disappeared on the day of the wedding.’
Suddenly you felt nauseous. Jealousy took over your whole body like a poison, blood rushing through your veins.
You stood up, couldn't hear a sound. The only words you heard were
Javi and Lorraine and the wedding
‘Excuse me,’ you said and walked away.
How could he not have told you something like that? Is that why he hasn't proposed yet? Could it be that he couldn't get over her?
After a long time you felt like crying again. You wanted to get out of here immediately, when you went to the door, you noticed a teenager serving drinks on a tray in his hand. You asked for permission and drank them all in one gulp, the teenager was surprised and blushed. But the drinks were only cocktails.
‘No hard liquor?’ you asked, hands were shaking.
‘Well, there are tequilas that we will serve tonight, but,’ he was ready to do anything to make you happy.
‘Please, I just want to drink some.’
‘Okay, come with me to the kitchen then señorita,’ he said happily, you nodded and followed him.
You were careful not to drink hard liquor since the last time, but that was all you wanted right now.
You didn't care about anything.
He took advantage of the bustle in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of tequila and a glass, brought them to you, opened the door behind the stove and led you to the outside, the fire escape.
'You can drink in comfort here, señorita,' he was smiling.
‘Thank you, that's very kind of you,' you said, taking the bottle and glass from his hand. 'You go back to work.’
'No problem, I can keep you company...'
'Please, let me be alone for a while, will you?' you looked at him smiling and he nodded immediately.
'Of course, señorita, as you wish,' he said, closing the door and going inside.
Chucho finished his beer and looked at Javi.
‘Son, poor girl must have a headache, go get her before she passes out,’ warned him.
Javi nodded, when he realised you were no longer with those women, he stood up, his eyes searching for you.
As he approached them, Lorraine came up to him.
‘Javi, you need to find your girlfriend, I guess you didn't tell her but she found out thanks to others, she seemed upset.’
“Fuck,” he got pissed, ‘Which way did she go?’
‘I, um, outside I think.’
Javi immediately ran in the direction she said to get out. But he couldn't see you there. Just people smoking cigarettes and service staff serving drinks.
He stopped one of them.
‘Have you seen the lady with me? The one in the red dress?’
Teenager boy smiled.
‘Oh, that beautiful lady? Long, chocolate hair, looking like a model,’ Javi frowned when he grinned sheepishly. ‘She was talking to Anton earlier,’ he swallowed, probably not liking the way Javi was looking at him.
‘Yeah that must be her, who the fuck is Anton?’
‘Look, there he is,’ he pointed to the teenager who has just helped you while ago.
Javi walked towards him.
‘Are you Anton?’
‘Where's my girlfriend? You were just talking to her.’
He squinted at Javi.
‘So you're the reason she wanted to drink so badly?’
‘What? Look, why don't you just tell me where she is?’
‘She said she wanted to be alone,’ he said angrily.
Javi took a deep breath and grabbed his shoulders. 
‘Look Anton, my patience is running out, how about you tell me where she is right now before I get real angry and kick your ass?’
He got nervous, ‘On the fire escape outside the kitchen.’
‘Good boy,’ he patted on his shoulders then let him go, hurrying into the kitchen.
By the time he opened the door to the fire escape, you'd drunk almost all the tequila bottle.
You were leaning your arms on knees, having massive headache.
Javi picked up the bottle, “Shit, did you drink all of this?”
When you couldn’t answer, he crouched down next to you, took your head in his hands to look at your face, but eyes were closed, you were already high.
“Baby? Cariño? are you okay?” he asked with concern.
You were just moaning, mumbling.
Sighing, he picked you up and carried you out. You were unconscious but you heard him saying “I'm sorry” over and over.
When you opened your eyes, you felt like your head was about to explode from the pain. So you closed your eyes again and waited for the pain to subside. You couldn't move your body for a while, you felt like trapped under rubble.
Soon you started to regain consciousness, the last thing you remembered was the tequila bottle, and then it started to come in pieces.
You remembered Javi, how he came to you worried and tried to revive you, and then he took you in his arms and sat you in the car.
Also remembered how you were running to the bathroom and throwing up over and over again.
You closed your eyes tightly, embarrassed.
He must be disgusted  by me damn it, you thought.
You pulled the sheet over your face, you wanted to disappear.
“Are you awake?”
You were surprised to hear Javi's voice, oh right, after the vomiting session he has taken you to the shower, dried you off, helped you to get dressed and put you to bed.
You moaned in shame.
“Baby, are you okay?”
You clung to the sheet with all your strength when he tried to pull it off your face, but in the end he was stronger than you. When he pulled the sheet away, you immediately covered your eyes with your hands, feeling so ashamed.
Javi laughed, “So you remember last night?”
You shook your head slowly as yes.
What did he mean?
You tried to remember quickly, has something else happened?
Then suddenly you remembered everything piece by piece.
Remembered everything you said to Javi when he put you in the bath tube.
“I hate you, why don't you want to marry me?”
“Because I don't have blond hair? Would you marry me if I dyed my hair?”
And the worst...
“Will you marry me if I propose you? Please don't leave me.”
Actually, the worst thing was that you kept punching his shoulders, crying and begging like a toddler.
Fuck me.
“You remember, don't you?” he was waiting for an answer, he took your hands off your face but you refused to look at his face.
“No, I just drank too much and then I passed out.”
As if it wasn't enough that he was leaning over you on the bed, he grabbed your chin with one hand and turned your face to his.
“You don't remember anything you said to me last night?”
You shook your head, looking away, knowing that if you looked into his brown eyes he would see through your lie.
“What about the hot rough angry sex we had last night?” he whispered into your mouth. His sweet breath made you dizzy.
You looked at him confused. Surely you would remember that if you had sex like that.
“What? But after the bath you put me to bed so then we did it?”
He snickered. “So apparently you remember everything.”
Oh, shit.
“Did you set me up?”
“Why are you lying?”
“Because I'm so ashamed, last night that, wasn’t me. Please forget it.”
“How can I forget that you asked me to marry you three times?” He was still laughing. “And you were so cute, I loved drunk you.”
You frowned. “So you liked it a lot huh, did you forget why I wanted to be drunk?”
You wanted to get up but he grabbed you by the arms, pressing them back down to the mattress.
“You're right, about that, forgive me for not telling you before, I was wrong.”
He kissed your forehead then let your arms go.
He sat up in bed and then lifted you to sit up too. He was looking into your eyes with his brown eyes.
‘I made a mistake years ago, I regretted it very much, I even wanted to turn back time and go back to her, but I loved my job more. I didn't care, I saw her last year, married you know, she has children and all, I let her slip away and she was belonged to someone else. At that moment I thought that it was impossible for me to find true love, I didn't deserve it anyway, so I didn't pursue love, I let it go. But then you came along and you became my everything all of sudden, you were born like the sun in my life,’ he caressed your cheek with the back of his hand.
You didn't even realise how tears were running down your cheeks.
‘Do you really think so?’ your voice trembled.
‘Yes baby, that's the real reason I couldn't think to prevent you from getting married earlier.’
‘You thought that you were being punished?’ you were surprised, how could he think that?
‘It was nonsense, never mind that, actually I feel I got rewarded, now,’ he said and kissed you on the lips.
‘Thank you for saying that,’ you felt so relieved, breaking the kiss. ‘I apologize for last night.’
‘No need to, cariño.’
‘But there's something else you didn't tell me, isn't there?’ you leaned your head on his shoulder.
‘Hm?’ he was playing with your hair.
‘You miss your job,’ you said, you’ve noticed that days ago.
‘No matter how happy we are here together, you miss your job, you want to be there.’
He looked at you with raised eyebrows. ‘You're right, I'm not going to lie to you, I want to go back to work, I've been meaning to tell you,’ he smiled. ‘you know me well now don't you?’
‘I guess I do,’ looking at him and grinning.
‘I’m gonna visit Steve tomorrow since he’s in headquarters. I don't know where they'll assign me though, but San Antonio most probably. So are you ready to come there with me? I thought you liked it here?’
‘Yeah, but Javi, I'm happy as long as I'm with you, no matter where we are.’
‘I love you so fucking much.’ he kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist and slid you into his lap.
‘So hot rough angry sex, huh?'
He chuckled. ‘Since we're not angry, how about a hot rough morning sex?’ his lips running through your neck.
You giggled, ‘I thought you'd never ask-“
He interrupted you by kissing and pushed you backward onto bed.
So were too close to end guys :) hope you all enjoyed so far :)
for any requests hit the comments xoxo
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Elizabeth Loaiza desnuda
Esta caleña fue Miss Mundo en 2006 y nuestra portada en diciembre de 2011, cuando sus fotos alcanzaron más de 700 mil visitas en nuestra página web.
Por: Fotógrafo: Raúl Higuera
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fouzzzita · 2 months
Colombia!! Tap into the power of the Sierra Nevada, La Guajira, Chocó, cumbia, salsa Caleña, Shakira, Carlos Vives, bandeja paisa, and arepas to victory!!! DALE CAFETEROS 🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴
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throne-for-queens · 2 months
Sometimes I wish he would stop giving support to certain people. Now, why the hell Phix is going country too in my feeds? Don't doubt It might have been part of his upbringing judging from a lot of things but God, does he really need to explore the same genres at the same exact time Kells is doing so? Leeche, he's the musical MF. He's like a musical tik toker. Or a fast-fashion brand who steal designs from haute couture brands. If Colson hopped on Acid Jazz and Salsa Caleña, you'd probably see Phix following his lead, holding a synth on one hand and speaking Spanish while wearing a short sleeve shirt.
This is the kind of people, Phix, you say they "don't know who they are", "they have no integrity" about, not Kells, as some of y'all hop on Tumblr and X to say. Dude, just take off those nose piercings, change your hair color (stop looking like him) and stop living in other artists skin.
I'll be honest, I don't really know much about Phix, his music, or his life. The only time I've ever gone to his page is when people point out similarities between him and Kells.
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Individual Psychological Accompaniment of the Vicaria for the Family and Culture of the Archdiocese of Cali
The Vicar for Family and Culture of the Archdiocese of Cali, for some years have been implementing the psychospiritual assistance program for young people, children and adults, which aims to put psychology professionals who provide care at the service of the Caleña community. psychological assistance to all the people who come for this help. The psychologist in his practice is concerned with supporting the various activities of a clinical and therapeutic nature that are presented in the Vicar for the family, in order to enable spaces in which they have an opportunity to improve their quality of life, based on therapies individual, psychological tests, workshops, activities, that allow him to carry out a psychological monitoring, and in this way the individual as such has the possibility of a possible alternative way out of the problem that the subject presents [1-4].
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/fsar/fulltext/FSAR.000626.php
Read More Crimson Publishers Google Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=BcljX0IAAAAJ&cstart=20&pagesize=80&authuser=1&cit crimsonpublishers ation_for_view=BcljX0IAAAAJ:_Ybze24A_UAC
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lovelyprofoundhideout · 2 months
Caleña 😊
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purpleglitch · 3 months
au dnf donde son bailarines de salsa caleña,,,
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pepecarlota · 3 months
¡Cali te espera para un fin de año inolvidable!
Por : Armando Melendez periodista bien dateado
Prepárate para vivir una experiencia única en la capital del Valle del Cauca, Cali, donde la cultura, la música y la alegría se unen para celebrar el fin de año por todo lo alto. La agenda de eventos de este año es imperdible, con cuatro grandes eventos que te cautivarán:
1. Festival Mundial de Salsa de Cali: Del 26 al 30 de diciembre, Cali se convierte en la capital mundial de la salsa. Disfruta de conciertos, talleres, espectáculos de baile y mucho más en este evento que reúne a los mejores salseros del mundo. https://www.mundialdesalsa.com/
2. Petronio Álvarez: Festival Internacional de Música del Pacífico: Del 26 al 30 de diciembre, vive la magia de la música del Pacífico colombiano en este colorido festival. Disfruta de las presentaciones de las mejores agrupaciones de marimba, currulao y otros ritmos tradicionales. https://www.npr.org/2023/08/23/1195327374/welcome-to-el-petronio-the-biggest-celebration-of-afro-colombian-music-and-cultu
3. COP16: Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático: Del 2 al 19 de noviembre, Cali será la sede de este importante evento internacional que reúne a líderes mundiales, científicos y expertos para discutir la lucha contra el cambio climático. https://unfccc.int/event/cop-16
4. Feria de Cali: Del 25 al 30 de diciembre, Cali se viste de gala para celebrar su tradicional Feria. Disfruta de desfiles, corridas de toros, conciertos, exposiciones y mucho más en este evento que reúne a propios y extraños. https://www.canalinstitucional.tv/te-interesa/feria-de-cali-2023-programacion-desfiles-eventos-horarios
Terminal de Transporte de Popayán: Tu puerta de entrada a la diversión
El Terminal de Transporte de Popayán te ofrece toda su infraestructura segura y moderna para que puedas llegar a Cali y disfrutar de estos eventos sin contratiempos. Contamos con taquillas de todas las empresas de transporte para que puedas elegir la que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades.
Recomendaciones adicionales:
Reserva tu alojamiento con anticipación: Cali se llena de visitantes durante el fin de año, por lo que es importante reservar tu alojamiento con anticipación.
Compra tus boletas para los eventos: Algunos de los eventos de la agenda tienen entrada gratuita, pero otros requieren la compra de boletas. Puedes comprarlas en línea o en las taquillas de los eventos.
Planifica tu transporte: Si vienes de otra ciudad, te recomendamos planificar tu transporte con anticipación. Puedes comprar tus boletas de autobús o avión en línea o en las agencias de viaje.
Lleva ropa cómoda: En Cali hace calor durante el día, por lo que te recomendamos llevar ropa cómoda y fresca. También te recomendamos llevar un abrigo ligero para la noche, ya que la temperatura puede bajar un poco.
Disfruta de la gastronomía caleña: Cali tiene una gastronomía deliciosa, por lo que te recomendamos probar algunos de los platos típicos como el sancocho, el pandebono y la empanada.
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energiadelasestrelas · 3 months
💃🕺Curso SALSA CALEÑA - Curso Online de SALSA - Paso a Paso Salsa Caleña
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Las Caleñas/Pastor López/1979/ Versión original- Buen audio. MAS MUSICA
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cassinopagandobem · 5 months
¿Cuál fue el resultado del último partido entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares?
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¿Cuál fue el resultado del último partido entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares?
Resultado final Deportivo Cali vs Jaguares
El Deportivo Cali obtuvo una victoria contundente sobre el Jaguares en el partido del pasado fin de semana. El resultado final fue de 3-0 a favor del Cali, lo que le permitió sumar tres puntos importantes en la tabla de posiciones. El equipo supo imponer su juego desde el principio, dominando el balón y generando numerosas oportunidades de gol.
Los goles del Deportivo Cali llegaron por parte de sus jugadores estrella, quienes deslumbraron con su habilidad y destreza en el campo. La afición celebró con entusiasmo cada tanto marcado por su equipo, que mostró un gran desempeño colectivo a lo largo de todo el encuentro.
Por su parte, el Jaguares luchó por mantenerse en el partido, pero no logró contener el ímpetu ofensivo del Deportivo Cali. A pesar de su esfuerzo, el equipo visitante no pudo marcar goles y se vio superado en todas las líneas por su rival.
Con esta victoria, el Deportivo Cali demuestra una vez más su potencial en el campeonato local y se consolida como uno de los candidatos a pelear por el título. El equipo continúa en ascenso y sus seguidores tienen motivos para ilusionarse con futuros triunfos. Sin duda, el partido contra el Jaguares deja un buen sabor de boca en la afición caleña y augura una temporada llena de éxitos.
Marcador último encuentro Deportivo Cali Jaguares
El último encuentro entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares dejó un marcador que reflejó la intensidad y la lucha en el campo de juego. Ambos equipos mostraron un desempeño destacado, buscando la victoria en cada jugada.
Desde el inicio del partido, se percibió una competencia reñida, con oportunidades de gol para ambos lados. Los jugadores de Deportivo Cali mostraron su habilidad en el manejo del balón, creando jugadas ofensivas que pusieron a prueba la defensa de Jaguares. Por otro lado, los jugadores de Jaguares demostraron su determinación y resistencia, manteniendo una defensa sólida y buscando oportunidades de contraataque.
El marcador se mantuvo igualado durante gran parte del encuentro, con emocionantes momentos que mantuvieron a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos. Sin embargo, fue en los minutos finales del partido cuando Deportivo Cali logró marcar el gol decisivo, asegurando la victoria para su equipo.
Este resultado fue celebrado por los seguidores de Deportivo Cali, quienes llenaron el estadio con cánticos de alegría y apoyo a su equipo. Por su parte, los jugadores de Jaguares demostraron su profesionalismo y dedicación a pesar de la derrota, reconociendo el esfuerzo realizado en el campo de juego.
En conclusión, el marcador del último encuentro entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares reflejó la pasión y la competitividad que caracterizan al fútbol colombiano. Fue un partido emocionante que dejó a los aficionados con grandes expectativas para los próximos enfrentamientos de ambos equipos.
Puntuación partido reciente Deportivo Cali Jaguares
El reciente partido entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares dejó a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos con una emocionante puntuación. El encuentro estuvo lleno de acción desde el inicio, con ambos equipos luchando por imponer su juego en el campo.
El Deportivo Cali demostró su dominio desde los primeros minutos, con un juego rápido y preciso que le permitió adelantarse en el marcador. Sin embargo, Jaguares no se dio por vencido y supo reaccionar con jugadas creativas que pusieron en aprietos a la defensa rival.
La puntuación se mantuvo pareja durante gran parte del partido, con ambos equipos intercambiando golpes y oportunidades de gol. Los aficionados no podían apartar la mirada de la acción en el campo, sabiendo que cualquier equipo podía llevarse la victoria en cualquier momento.
Finalmente, Deportivo Cali logró asegurar la victoria con una puntuación impresionante, dejando a sus seguidores celebrando en las gradas. Por otro lado, Jaguares demostró su valentía y determinación a pesar de la derrota, dejando en claro que son un equipo digno de respeto en la competición.
En resumen, el partido entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares fue un emocionante duelo que mantuvo a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos hasta el último minuto. Ambos equipos demostraron su calidad en el campo, dejando una puntuación inolvidable para todos los amantes del fútbol.
Desenlace último juego Deportivo Cali vs Jaguares
El último juego entre el Deportivo Cali y Jaguares tuvo un desenlace emocionante. El Deportivo Cali logró imponerse con un marcador de 2-1 sobre Jaguares en un partido lleno de intensidad y acción.
Desde los primeros minutos del encuentro, ambos equipos mostraron un gran nivel de juego y buscaban constantemente el arco rival. Fue el Deportivo Cali quien logró abrir el marcador primero, con un gol que llenó de júbilo a sus seguidores en el estadio.
Sin embargo, Jaguares no se dio por vencido y buscó el empate con ímpetu y determinación. Fue en la segunda mitad del partido que lograron igualar el marcador, generando aún más emoción en el campo de juego.
Pero el Deportivo Cali no bajó los brazos y siguió presionando en busca de la victoria. Fue así como, sobre el final del partido, consiguieron marcar el gol que les daría la ventaja definitiva y les aseguraría los tres puntos en disputa.
Con este resultado, el Deportivo Cali se afianza en la tabla de posiciones y continúa en la lucha por sus objetivos en la temporada. Por su parte, Jaguares sigue trabajando duro para mejorar su rendimiento y obtener mejores resultados en los próximos encuentros.
El desenlace de este último juego entre el Deportivo Cali y Jaguares dejó a los aficionados con el corazón en la mano y demostró una vez más la pasión y la emoción que despierta el fútbol en Colombia.
Ganador último enfrentamiento Deportivo Cali Jaguares
En el último enfrentamiento entre Deportivo Cali y Jaguares, el equipo verde logró imponerse con una victoria contundente. El partido se llevó a cabo en el estadio Palmaseca, donde los jugadores del Deportivo Cali demostraron su mejor rendimiento en el campo.
Desde el inicio del partido, el Deportivo Cali dominó la posesión del balón y generó múltiples oportunidades de gol. Gracias a la habilidad de sus delanteros y a la solidez de su defensa, el equipo logró adelantarse en el marcador rápidamente. Los goles llegaron de manera consecutiva, lo que dejó a Jaguares sin opciones de reacción.
A pesar de los intentos del equipo rival por remontar el marcador, el Deportivo Cali mantuvo el control del juego y supo administrar la ventaja obtenida. Con una actuación destacada de todo el equipo, los dirigidos por el entrenador lograron llevarse la victoria y sumar tres puntos importantes en la tabla de posiciones.
Esta victoria representa un impulso para el Deportivo Cali en su camino hacia el campeonato y demuestra el compromiso y la determinación de los jugadores por alcanzar el éxito en cada partido. Los aficionados celebraron con alegría este resultado y confían en que el equipo continuará brindando grandes actuaciones en los próximos enfrentamientos.
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