#cale is literally the savior of the entire world
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blueteller · 3 years ago
The Beauty of the Butterfly Effect in TCF
The amazing thing about Cale's actions in TCF, is that despite his "selfish" (and I use that words very skeptically; just because you gain profit from helping people doesn't negate the good things you do) choices to change the story he read in "The Birth of a Hero", all of his actions actually make a bigger and better impact than Cale himself can even imagine.
And I'm not just talking about him saving the world from a 20-year-long war and the White Star winning.
Starting with Choi Han, who got demoted from the Main Hero to the Second in Command. Despite his obvious physical predisposition to take on the protagonist role, he's actually much happier as someone with less responsibility. By "stealing" his spotlight, Cale turned Choi Han from a depressed hero with the weight of the world on his shoulders, to a man who's learning leadership skills from the best leader there is: Cale.
Saving Raon from death had enormous consequences, not just for Cale's side chances of success but for the fate of dragons accross the continent. Even the World Tree mentoned how much Nature was shaken by this diversion from the original timeline.
Making Lock and Choi Han meet just a bit early changed the fate of his entire family, as well as the other Wolves they rescued from Endable much later in the story.
Saving Paseton, who discovered vital information, prevented the mermaids and Arm from taking over the ocean routes from the Whale Tribe.
Connecting with Toonka not only developed his character from a self-destructive brute into a decent leader, but also saved the entire Whipper Kingdom, which was supposed to lose against the Empire in a prolonged conflict.
Putting out the fire in the Jungle saved it from an even more terrible fate than it burning down: Cale unintentionally stopped Elisneh's plot to mind-control Litana and her warriors to attack the Whipper Kingdom.
Befriending Alberu changed the game completely, because Alberu was the one who connected Cale with the Dark Elves and the last Necromancer – who were absolutely essential for their victory against Arm and the White Star. They could have never won without them, even with dragons on their side. Not to mention how thanks to Cale, Alberu figured out a way to overcome the "curse" of the Sun God and got a weapon which could slay the strongest Unranked Monster.
Without Mary Cale couldn't have helped Hannah, who alongside Jack was also absolutely essential to winning against he Empire without a ton of people dying in a bloody revolution. And with Jack in charge as the new Pope, Cale basically made peace between the Sun Church and creatures with dark affinities.
And last but not least, by saving Ron and helping him bring back the Molan Household, Cale flipped the entire eastern continent's underworld upside down, since it was under Arm's control.
Basically, Cale action's had such a large impact it's hard to call it Butterfly Effect anymore – more like "HurriCale Effect", lol. No wonder he became a famous heroic figure across both continents. He single-handedly changed the entire world.
...Too bad Cale is allergic to self awareness 😂
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bringmecoffeeandroses · 6 years ago
So, I did a stupid thing and re-watched 9x09.
And, while I think I’ve said my peace on the mistreatment/use of one Paul Jesus Rovia (actually, no, I haven’t, I never will because my sweet badass boy is dead and it was all a waste and tragedy and I die on this hill, okay?) I do think there were a few things I wanted to make note of. Go no farther if negativity or Adaptation spoilers/content bother you.
So, here goes my long-ass post:
I said this when I first saw the opening minutes, but I’m so glad AMC took the time to show us Paul’s dead face and blood gushing out of his chest. Definitely not a sign that they’re recapping the last episode for the people that didn’t tune in to 9x08.
Also, thank you for exploiting the hell out of the “shock” of Paul’s dead body but giving the brain stab so little time it was hard to figure out what the hell he was doing. It’s really important to leave that in though or I wouldn’t have thought anyone was smart enough to do it. ‘Cause these people haven’t been doing this for ten years and you’re assuming your audience is too dumb to realize anything happens off screen.
Why would they not have a permanent guard on Negan? Like I get it, he’s been locked for years but they weren’t even doing it back when Rick was alive and I gotta tell you, that’s fucking insane. Like, we’ve literally seen that Maggie wasn’t the only one who wanted justice, what would stop someone from Oceanside agreeing with Maggie and going off to murder Negan??? (It also might have been nice to see a real situation in which Negan escapes with an act more direct than Father Gabriel being a dumbass but whatevs. (No, I don’t care if the comics did this. In comics, Maggie came after Negan after he escaped and assuming that one of the Saviors wouldn’t take the opportunity to bust him out or someone from one of the three communities he terrorized wouldn’t come to kill him is a kind of interesting dynamic - protecting everyone from Negan but also protecting Negan from everyone else. Just...more interesting.)
Negan walking around with a shovel in a house where he might meet Judith or Michonne makes me itchy. Unless he’s planting sunflowers, that shovel can stay the fuck away from my Grimes girls.
Still think you should’ve just shot him, Jude.
Okay, Negan’s speech about how Alexandria is a wonderland is fairly easy to follow. But part of what Rick was trying to teach everyone was that you need other communities, the saviors could be saved, ect. It’s definitely not like the comics in that Negan learns the lesson about civilization being “protecting the weak among us” but my biggest problem is that it’s all kind of moot in that TV!Rick was wrong? Like, the communities have nothing to do with each other, particularly Alexandria? And the Saviors are dead or gone? This is the problem when you try to shove too much into a ton of character exits and time jumps AND you try to follow comic storylines without applying the message/main character arc from it. You might think I’m over-exaggerating but it’s half the reason Negan contrasts with the Whisperers and ends up killing Alpha. He’s showing loyalty to Rick, yeah, but he also identifies the reason he is different from the Whisperers. They give no mercy to weakness and that’s what makes them animals - that’s the lesson Rick Grimes was trying to teach Negan by saving him.  
(I’m just saying, Negan’s redemption arc is gonna be damn hard without Rick and Judith  - who has no connection with who Negan was and is still not developed - is not a character that can show that narrative.)
I know that Eugene talking in riddles is a quirk but can someone tell the writers that some quirks are not necessary in every damn scene and are obnoxious and mood-breaking? Just let Eugene be silent and terrified please?
I should also note that I see no head wound on Paul and I am completely and utterly okay with that.
So, I have serious issues with the “Jesus chose to be out there”/ “It was bound to happen” lines. Like yes but also no? Paul might have been reckless in the past by going out but that had little to no bearing on why he was out now? He was rescuing Eugene. You were out there for the same reason, Aaron. He didn’t die on a picnic in the woods. An enemy snuck up on him. Period. And the alternative was either you or Daryl or someone else from your group dies because they get surprised by them. Or you leave Eugene to fend for himself in the barn. Which I’m all for if it meant Jesus would be around but. you know. I’m all for a grieving person thinking this way - a lesson learned in fear - but that better be resolved, if only for Aaron’s sake. 
Ugh, I hate that no one’s crying over Paul but Tara putting her hand on Jesus makes me really fucking weepy. It’s almost like they could have developed this relationship to a point where it fucking mattered... -_-
10/10, Tammy is getting too much screentime and going to end up on a pike. Caling it now.
Can I ask what happened to the walkie-talkies? They were solar, right? There weren’t a limited number of them in the world, right? Why is this not still a thing? Did I miss something? That would make this Luke/Alden situation moot.
You know, if they wanted to give someone a romance with Rosita, I wouldn’t have complained if it was Tara. I never hardcore shipped it but it would’ve made more sense and this pregnancy thing wouldn’t be an issue. Or, if it was, I’d care more. lmao.
This writing is so stupidly on the nose. Gee, could Henry’s questions also be what’s going on inside Daryl’s head? ~~~The world may never know!!!!!!!~~~  
Weird side note: I love The Dream Team/Jaaryl and all but I feel like the show kind of dismisses the fact that Aaron is (presumably?) a single dad? Like, I love seeing him out there and I’m all for the end of cooping up my precious gays but whats happens to Gracie if he dies? She has no other parental figure.  He is the only person she has and I feel like “making it back to Gracie” is a fear no one considers, not even Aaron? Like, leaving an orphan in this world would be fucking awful, especially since her OG parents were already murdered. Just...this is why this cast of thousands doesn’t fucking work when you don’t explore the communities rather than just a couple characters.
Listen, I give Michonne her due but I firmly believe that Tara could run this place on her own. The show took all that time saying that Paul was a shitty leader that left all the time, the least you could do is point out that Tara has been handling it like a single leader this entire time. Tara handles her shit, man. TARA FOR HILLTOP 2019.
I choose to believe that Daryl going hard on Lydia is redirection of his grief and no one can stop me. Daryl Dixon repressing his feelings is pretty much a life motto for him and I both love him for it and want to hog tie him and drop him into therapy.
I’m deeply not into the Whisperers so far and am kind of glad to be out from TWD’s viewership (hopefully for good) but this reminds me of the odd hope I had watching Fear The Walking Dead. Once upon a blue moon, I’d hoped that FTWD was prequel-ing the Whisperers in TWD. Like, Madison and Alicia would end up being Alpha and “Lydia” and we’d get to really get a feel for the characters in TWD. Lame idea, I guess, but that’s what I wanted to happen. Not that FTWD has been a waste of a show that barely connects with TWD or anything. IDK, I just wanted to share that because this Whisperer storyline is going to be the worst and I honestly hope it all burns.
So, yeah, just a few notes for those who are bored enough to read them.  
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aigoocale-nim · 3 years ago
Also! Cale’s campaign against Arm and the White Star was so successful and impressive that it drove Duke Fredo to reach out to Cale to make a deal and alliance with him. Not the collective group opposing the White Star, but Cale specifically. And that alliance gave Cale and his people vital information about the White Star’s plans and his connection with the Demon World.
It also allowed Cale and company to infiltrate Endable Kingdom much more smoothly and successfully than they could have ever managed on their own, which enabled tham to access even more vital information about the unranked monster statues and the eventual plans to summon them into the world.
Not to mention Cale otherwise would have never been sent to Earth 2 for the Sealed God’s Test and saved so many people there (that’s a whole other world changed in a huge way!)
And also, the three most recent dragons in Cale’s Dragon Squad.
Dodori personally came to find Cale because of the stories about his earth attribute ancient power—which Cale definitely never saw coming—and with Dodori came his mom Mila, who was able to put Cale back together after he broke his plate the second time so he could rejoin the fight and capture the White Star at a crucial moment.
Rasheel was the one to defeat Dorph, who’d been giving Cale’s group a fair amount of trouble, and he came over because Cale sent the wind elementals after him; but Cale only knew to do that because he’d heard about the Dragon that Mayor Obante had once met. (And Cale only met Obante because he was friends with Alberu etc.)
HurriCale Effect indeed.
The Beauty of the Butterfly Effect in TCF
The amazing thing about Cale's actions in TCF, is that despite his "selfish" (and I use that words very skeptically; just because you gain profit from helping people doesn't negate the good things you do) choices to change the story he read in "The Birth of a Hero", all of his actions actually make a bigger and better impact than Cale himself can even imagine.
And I'm not just talking about him saving the world from a 20-year-long war and the White Star winning.
Starting with Choi Han, who got demoted from the Main Hero to the Second in Command. Despite his obvious physical predisposition to take on the protagonist role, he's actually much happier as someone with less responsibility. By "stealing" his spotlight, Cale turned Choi Han from a depressed hero with the weight of the world on his shoulders, to a man who's learning leadership skills from the best leader there is: Cale.
Saving Raon from death had enormous consequences, not just for Cale's side chances of success but for the fate of dragons accross the continent. Even the World Tree mentoned how much Nature was shaken by this diversion from the original timeline.
Making Lock and Choi Han meet just a bit early changed the fate of his entire family, as well as the other Wolves they rescued from Endable much later in the story.
Saving Paseton, who discovered vital information, prevented the mermaids and Arm from over the ocean routes from the Whale Tribe.
Connecting with Toonka not only developed his character from a self-destructive brute into a decent leader, but also saved the entire Whipper Kingdom, which was supposed to lose against the Empire in a prolonged conflict.
Putting out the fire in the Jungle saved it from an even more terrible fate than it burning down: Cale unintentionally stopped Elisneh's plot to mind-control Litana and her warriors to attack the Whipper Kingdom.
Befriending Alberu changed the game completely, because Alberu was the one who connected Cale with the Dark Elves and the last Necromancer – who were absolutely essential for their victory against Arm and the White Star. They could have never won without them, even with dragons on their side. Not to mention how thanks to Cale, Alberu figured out a way to overcome the "curse" of the Sun God and got a weapon which could slay the strongest Unranked Monster.
Without Mary Cale couldn't have helped Hannah, who alongside Jack was also absolutely essential to winning against he Empire without a ton of people dying in a bloody revolution. And with Jack in charge as the new Pope, Cale basically made peace between the Sun Church and creatures with dark affinities.
And last but not least, by saving Ron and helping him bring back the Molan Household, Cale flipped the entire eastern continent's underworld upside down, since it was under Arm's control.
Basically, Cale action's had such a large impact it's hard to call it Butterfly Effect anymore – more like "HurriCale Effect", lol. No wonder he became a famous heroic figure across both continents. He single-handedly changed the entire world.
...Too bad Cale is allergic to self awareness 😂
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