pri-the-writer · 3 years
Betrayal of a Lover
Happy Holidays @gelatingem! I was your Secret Santa for the @d20exchange! So sorry for the late posting, my schedule has been hectic lately. I decided to write a ficlet featuring CalAmethar, from Calroy's POV during the Safe Harbor episode and the notorious rampart scene and For Candia Part Two, as well as an "after-credits" scene of sorts. I hope you enjoy it! <3 Calroy thought his plans were ruined after Amethar escaped Comida. But then a messenger bird arrived, reporting the arrival of the former royal family in Port Syrup. Things were back on track, but he needed to move quickly. Place the proper bait, alert the right people, and put on his best pants. And then, there he was. The former king of Candia. Amethar the Unfallen. His lover.
Amethar immediately lights up when he sees Calroy. He ignores how his heart flutters when their eyes meet. The candy rock man laughs as he says, Got some pants. Now, those are some pants.”
“Well, I've had to upgrade in the absence of Candia's greatest fighter.” Calroy says, choking up at the end of his words. He makes sure not to overdo it. Amethar was as dull as a hammer when it came to subterfuge, but the others- especially the new man who seems familiar in a haunting way- might be better at picking up on this. Amethar immediately moves into his space, placing a hand on Calroy’s shoulder and saying, “Oh Bulb, Cal, no.”
They embrace, and Calroy can practically feel Caramelinda’s eyes boring holes into the back of his skull. He never understood why Caramelinda hated his relationship with Amethar; she had Sir Amanda Maillard, after all. But, in this instance, her anger was justifiable. Once he pulls away from Amethar, Calroy begins the dance.
A joke here, advice there, silence in-between. It’s a dance he knows well, and tonight, it will crescendo. Caramelinda wants to speak with Amethar in private, so Calroy suggests that he and Cumulous- another hiccup in the plan, but not a major one- explore the castle and see if the monk can awaken any arcane fortifications. Calroy is careful to avoid the castle areas where his men are preparing.
After some time, Cumulous and Calroy part, and the swashbuckler heads to Amethar’s chambers. A familiar path, no matter where he is coming from. His mind drifts to the first night Amethar had invited him to his chambers. Well, invited wasn’t the right word. It was more like a heated tumble down the hall and into his bed. After that, Calroy saw much more of the king’s chambers, and the queen spent more and more time in her own. Speak of the Hungry One, Calroy passes by Caramelinda in the hall. She doesn’t even look at him. Entering the bedchamber, Calroy winces and asks, “Oooh. Bad time? Good time?”
“Anytime.” Amethar replies numbly. Calroy lets out a heavy sigh as he says, “Well, instead of being in the place where your wife will come back to go to sleep and maybe make you feel terrible some more, let's, I don't know, wanna go take a shit in a field? In all honesty, the ramparts of the castle need some tending to, and I think we should talk about what we do if Sir Maillard fails to hold them at the Cola River.”
Amethar agrees, and they head off to ramparts. The dance partners are lined up now. Calroy looks out at the tents amassed below as they walk across the ancient ramparts. He’s surprised Amethar doesn’t notice the Ceresian tents. Then again, he certainly wasn’t the sharpest rock in the family.
“Look at all those tents. Like 20 years of peace just flew by, huh?” Calroy remarks. Amethar chuckles and replies, almost wistfully, “I guess so. Right back to where we started.”
“I guess so.” Calroy says. He starts to go for the dagger, but Amethar speaks up again and asks gently, “Cal… are you mad at me too? Because of… Catherine?”
His hand moves away from his belt, and Calroy shifts to stand in front of Amethar as he asks, “Of course not. Why would I?”
Amethar answers, a bit surprised, “Because we love each other.”
Calroy smiles and leans up to press a kiss on Amethar’s lips, one hand on his chest and the other moving to hold his waist. Amethar returns the kiss passionately, his mouth conveying his longing for Calroy, just how much he had missed him, and how sorry he was for abandoning him. After a heated moment, Calroy parts with Amethar and says, “Oh Amethar… I don’t love you.”
With one swift movement, Calroy stabs Amethar in the back with his water steel dagger, pulling him closer as he did, just to ensure the paralysis kicked in. Feeling Amethar stiffen, Calroy removes the dagger and steps away as he says, “You know what I always hated about you, Amethar? You were so damned lucky. I mean, fifth in line for the throne, and the crown rests on your head. And each of your sisters better and more-” he stabs Amethar in the gut as he enunciates, - “clever than you. It really makes the unfortunate minor lord of a less than wealthy barony feel… a little underwhelming. And sure, I bedded my way to a position of power, but everyone in court sees me as the Royal Consort. How do you think that feels? I have so much talent, so many abilities, but you know what everyone first thinks when they see me? “Oh, there’s the king’s right-hand man. His paramour. His…””
Calroy stops himself, his teeth grinding in his jaw. So much anger, bottled away for so long. But he needed to remain composed. It would be unseemly to step on his partner’s toes. He took a moment to enjoy the look in Amethar’s eyes- he couldn’t precisely express himself beyond that- it was heartbreak and shock, plain and simple. Eventually, he finds his voice again and says, “Oh, I'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky. The least lucky thing that ever happened to Rococoa was when she found out that I was selling weapons to the Ceresians. That, that had to be dealt with-” Amethar’s eyes were filled with rage now, as Calroy expected- “and I think you'll remember how strange it was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines! But that's war, and strange things happen all the time. Ceresians, I find, are very reasonable. Very reasonable. And you can see some of their tents out here in the field.”
He points to the field, and Amethar’s eyes dart towards it and widen as he sees the tents. It all begins to sink in, and the music speeds up. Calroy continues, “You know, I don't have luck, so I have to work. I have to work a lot. First, I had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of the Duchess Coldbottle, and I had to ferry his idiot sailors all the way up the Sucrosi Road to that little farmhouse, I mean, had to get them there somehow, they couldn't sail there, could they? And they would be so suspicious walking up the road. And yet, you miraculously survived when you should have died! Amethar the Unfallen! You uncharacteristically leave a fight; you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot. And they call the tournament, even with all the work that me and Alfredi put into getting those water steel daggers into her hands! I… I thought I was going to fail.
And then… And then your friend Manta Ray Jack mentioned a girl at the banquet stashed somewhere in the Dairy Islands, and I thought, that's so interesting. Amethar loves me, doesn’t he? Why would he never tell me? And I got to thinking, Amethar was never quiet about his exploits as a roving Prince of Candia- present company excluded- so why didn't I hear about this girl? And I thought I'd better talk with Manta Ray Jack. He didn't want to talk, but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book, very useful your sister, very useful indeed, up until a young Belizabeth Brassica ordered her run down in the street by Vegetanian knights. That hurt because she had always been very sweet to me.
Well, after Manta Ray, we saw an opportunity. You know, it hurts to have all of your plans fail, but they say that improvisation is the better part of planning, so I was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself, Amethar. I’ve worked hard, and I’ve sacrificed so much, it’s time for my dividends to pay up. All that’s left to do is clean up your mess.”
He moves Amethar- not an easy task, mind you- so his back is to the rampart, and he faces Calroy. As he looks at the face of his former lover, Calroy sees tears falling from his eyes, despite the rage held in them. Indulging his worst instincts, Calroy presses one last chaste kiss to Amethar’s lips, telling him, “Don’t take it personally, dear. It’s just politics.”
Reaching down to pull Amethar’s legs up and hoist him over the rampart, Calroy muses, “I wonder if they'll call you Amethar the Unfallen after this. Here's to a future you can't ruin.”
And with one big heave, the former King of Candia falls from his castle rampart. Calroy watches him for a moment- he should wait, make sure he dies, but part of him doesn’t want to watch that. Instead, he leaves to find Caramelinda and others loyal to the Rocks. The night was hardly over, but the dance had finished at last.
They weren’t winning this battle. Calroy knew this, and thankfully, he had prepared for this. His status and power were assured; he just needed to get out. But as he ran across the ramparts towards the secret exit that would lead to his escape, an obstacle places himself in his way. The monk, Cumulous, appears in front of Calroy, who turns to run. And suddenly, he sees him. Amethar, his armor covered in blood and gore, and a look of cold, steely rage on his face.
Gone was the soft look of love. Gone was the sadness, the despair of betrayal. With just one look, Calroy knew that whatever love Amethar might have kept for him died along with Jet. Quietly, in a reserved tone Calroy had rarely heard before, Amethar says- no, commands, “What's the last part of my title? Say it.”
“Amethar.” Calroy says, uncharacteristically struggling to find the words. Amethar asks again, “What's the last part of my title?”
“You-” Calroy starts to say but is cut off by the same command, “Say the last part of my title.”
Before he can speak, Cumulous kicks Calroy in the back of the knees, forcing him to bow. He takes a moment, then lifts his head to look Amethar in the eyes as he says, “Amethar… the Unfallen.”
And in an instance, Calroy draws his sword and leaps at Amethar, slashing him deeply across the chest. But a second too late, Calroy realizes he has made a grave error. He looks to his former lover one last time as the king raises Payment Day. Calroy sees the heartbreak in Amethar’s eyes, not just for the daughter he failed, but for the lover he lost to his greed and lust for power. Calroy whispers, “I’m sorry.”
And then Amethar brings Payment Day down, and the world goes black.
After it is all said and done, after a queen and emperor are crowned, bodies are laid to rest. Jet’s funeral lasts a week; people from across Calorum come to pay their respects to the lost princess. Calroy’s lasts 30 minutes; only two people are in attendance in the small chapel of Muffinfield. Donetta and Calroy were not in love, but they loved each other as friends and partners. She has paid her due for aiding the usurper and now lives as a nun in the chapel.
She performs the funeral rites for her husband, reading his eulogy stiffly to the only other attendant: the Emperor of the Concordant Empire. Once she is done, Donette excuses herself from the room, knowing to stay away from the emperor at this moment. Silently, with only his audible steps echoing in the high-ceiling chapel, Amethar approaches the coffin. It’s closed, as there was no way to make the body seemly for a funeral. A flag with the crest of Muffinfield rests on the lid, and Amethar places his hand gently over it.
“... Why did you do it, Cal? Was it just politics? Was that all I was to you? A stepping stone in the path to power? I loved you and you-” Amethar stops himself, his voice choking as he thinks about Jet, how the man he loved allowed her death. After a breath, Amethar continues, “If you had just asked me for a title, I would have given it. I would have given you anything, Cal. But you decided to take everything, and you lost it all and more.
You know, I hope Jet gets to kick your ass, wherever you are. I hope Rococoa destroys you. Citrina will make sure you live. Sapphria will want to shank you, but Lazuli will probably stop her. And I… damn it, what am I even doing here? You killed my daughter or got her killed at least. You tried to kill me, Ruby, Caramelinda, everyone. I should hate you. I want to hate you… Why did you have to say it? Why did you have to look like that?”
Calroy’s eyes before he brought Payment Day down flashed in Amethar’s mind. He heard the words, “I’m sorry,” on the breeze. He had hardened his heart after Jet died. He had to, to survive what came next- but seeing the remorse on his lover’s face had broken him all over again. Unable to shake these thoughts, Amethar braced his hands on the coffin and leaned on it as he felt tears sting his eyes. As he cried, Amethar cursed, “Damn you, Cal. Damn you.”
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catgirltoes · 4 years
hiiiii serena
Egads, I’ve been recognized!
*casts a spell on you and absconds*
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the best part of acoc is watching ppl live post about ep 9. posts will be will like “hey calroy is actually pretty cool :-) good time bad time any time aw this is sweet” to “HEY. WHAT. HIM?” within minutes and it happens every time and it is so always so funny
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arentinheaven · 3 years
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(repost bc the formatting was completely ruined somehow)
here it is! my mabriel calamethar au! image IDs and explanation for the au below the cut
[IMAGE ID: Seven digital drawings all done in a palette of greys and reds. The first depicts Mary and Gabriel standing on a balcony while Mary smiles and Gabriel coughs up blood. Mary says “Do you know what I always hated you about, Gabriel?” The second shows a close up of Mary stabbing Gabriel in the back, the text continuing: “You were so. Damn. Lucky.” The third shows three massive statues of the other archangels, with Gabriel standing at the base. The text reads “I mean, fourth in line to the throne and the crown rests on your head.” The fourth image shows the other archangels as they lived, with Lucifer on the left holding an apple, Michael in the middle, and Raphael on the right. They are looking sternly downwards. The text reads “And each of your brothers better and more clever than you.” The fifth image shows Mary smiling, and then a close up her eye coloured in red. The text reads “It really makes the unfortunate minor lady of a less than wealthy barony feel… Well, a little underwhelming.” The sixth image is back on balcony, with Mary about to push Gabriel off. She says “I wonder if they’ll still call you Gabriel the Unfallen after this.” The seventh and final image is of Mary standing triumphant alone on the balcony, looking down. The text reads “Here’s to a future you can’t ruin.” END ID]
This AU makes very little sense on a number of levels, but here me out. The idea of the concept came because a friend and I were talking and they jokingly said that “destiel is calmethar”. I latched on to this because it was very funny and I wanted to expand on it. Unfortunately, destiel is NOT calmethar so I had to pick someone else. I chose Gabriel for Amethar because he has three other brothers (who could take the place of the Rocks sisters) and because the idea of Adam as Caramelinda made me fully insane. I picked Mary because I saw a mabriel post and it was really funny. 
This AU is shaky bc it rlly is based on nothing, but here are some of my ideas for other characters. I think Ruby and Jet would be Balthazar and Samandriel. I’m pretty into the idea of Cumulus being Sam (The Hungry One represented as demon blood). I’m leaning towards Lapin being Rowena but I’m open to changing that one. I think that Jack would be Saccerina, and instead of being Gabriel’s illegitimate son he’d be Lucifer’s, who Gabriel kept the secret of. So less marriage problems but still it makes Jack the rightful heir. Adam would be Caramelinda, like I said. I’m not really sure about anything else so if you have any ideas let me know!
Also I didn’t make them food people bc I felt like that would alienate even more people and also I refuse to even look at canon Calroy let alone draw Mary like him
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arentinheaven · 3 years
if you all keep liking my destiel calamethar posts ur gonna motivate me to finish my gabriel/mary calamethar comic
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