#cal thresher
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month ago
Have any of your OCs murdered anyone 😱 either in your stories or in their past?
Oh God yes, there’s a few of them that have:
I'll only talk about past and present, not future storylines
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Evelyn –
Killed her ex-husband with Chib’s gun after he beat her for divorcing him. Chibs and co helped her clean it up. Years later she’s now going to confess to David Hale as his body has just been found.
Also killed Irish King Galen when he returned to assault her again.
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Adele –
Killed Jackie Ming with toxic poppy tea because he was threatening Cal’s life and wanted her to switch her focus onto poppies and heroin instead of weed. Hid his body in the greenhouse under a new plant grow.
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Katalina –
Had been low key working a case on her own looking into a man who was assaulting and murdering woman on reservation. When she had the opportunity to do a UC op she found vids and killed him because she was going to turn on the other perps and get away with it. Ryan helped her made it look like self-defence.
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Flo –
Has killed numerous people with her sniper rifle for her country. Brock is currently checking her into a facility due to the mental health toll this has taken on her.
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Georgia –
Killed John Kreese when he attacked her in her home in order to hurt Terry Silver. A glass was broken in the struggle and she stabbed him in the neck twelve times, causing him to bleed out. She was pregnant with Sebastian at the time and they ended up moving afterwards because being in that house was killing her.
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Imogen –
Killed Teal Beck for his role in the assault on Gina and his attempt to kill her horse. She helped Rip dispose of the bodies via The Train Station and then he burned her clothes in a burn barrel.
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Dahlia –
Killed the man Bill sent to send a message. He beat her and she responded by shooting him, cutting his hand off and returning it to Bill to send her own message.
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Rosa –
Became a hit woman after murdering the men involved in her assault overseas, it’s how her and Nestor met. She’s out of the life now, the last person she killed being Miguel Galindo after he was planning to supply hers and Nestor’s details to people who would want to hurt them.
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Lucky –
Has killed in the past as part of her job as an intelligence asset. Takes no joy in it. Got out because the toll it was taking on her and became FBI instead.
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Suzie Q –
Killed her rapist after he filmed the assault and returned for another bite of the apple. She was working as a camera operator on their porn films at the time of the murder and attack. Tig later killed the brother after he showed him the video.
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drpsps · 4 months ago
I want that old man (Dwight and Cal from Tulsa king)
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tv-moments · 2 months ago
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Tulsa King
Season 2, “Tilting at Windmills”
Director: David Semel
DoP: John Lindley
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the-hinky-panda · 2 months ago
War of the Roses: Part V
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Bill’s already in a pissy mood when he pulls up to Cal Thresher’s home. 
Leaving you alone in the hotel room last night took every ounce of his self restraint. Seeing you with red eyes, knowing they were that way from tears of distress, knowing you needed comfort and he couldn’t trust himself to provide only that. He’s never wanted someone as much as he wants you and it both scares and excites him. There’s something special between you two, something cosmic, as silly as it sounds. He never believed in soulmates before that night in the coat room. 
He’s barely slept, thinking about you tucked up in bed at the hotel all by yourself, so he downs about forty ounces of coffee. It makes it easier to blame the shaking in his hands on caffeine instead of want. It takes some mild threatening to get the guard at the gate to let him and the rig onto the property, which also helps with blowing off some steam. He was hoping by showing up at seven am in the morning, they would be able to load the horses and rose bushes and get the fuck out before Cal even knew they were there. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Cal’s waiting outside of the barn for them. Bill releases a deep sigh before climbing out of his car. 
“Morning, Cal.” 
“Bill.” His eyes dart over at the truck and rig that’s parking in front of the barn. “Can’t say I’m surprised  it’s you that she called for help, given the…shine she’s taken to you. I am surprised you actually showed up. I didn’t take you for being a soft touch.” 
“Horses should never be caught in the middle of a personal dispute, Cal. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.” 
“And yet, here you are. Smack dab in the middle of a very personal dispute.” 
“Well, that’s the beauty of personal versus business. They’re separate things.” 
“Are they, Bill? Because it seems a little odd that after only two weeks of becoming business partners, you’re stealing my wife away.” 
“Can’t steal something that doesn’t belong to you.” 
“Land comes with deeds,” Cal says, putting his hands on his hips. “Women come with marriage certificates. We had a business deal for the land usage, not for my wife. And I can assure you, Bill, she’s not worth putting our deal at risk.” 
“That so?” Bill laughs and turns to his barn manager. “Load up all four horses. And when you’re done, there’s three rose bushes in the courtyard that are coming with us, too.” He then turns back to Cal. “Listen to me, our business deal isn’t at risk and here’s why. I am the only fucking marajana supplier in this territory. You don’t have anyone else to sell your product to right now. I’m it, Cal. And I don’t need you or your fucking start-up weed farm. You need me. So here’s the actual fucking deal, you let me take the horses and the rose bushes, and leave me and your soon to be ex-wife the fuck alone. See? Personal,” Bill emphasizes the word with his right hand and then holds up his left hand. “Business.” 
Cal seems to consider his options for a few moments before nodding once. “Fine. If that’s the direction you want to go. Good luck with her.” He starts to walk away but pauses a few paces away. “Do you have any kids of your own, Bill?” 
Bill knows where this is going and if Cal doesn’t keep walking, Bill’s going to enjoy laying the asshole flat in the dirt. “No, Cal, I don’t.” 
“Neither do I. And she’s the reason why. Our businesses are similar, we need people to carry on after we’re not able to anymore.” 
“That the bargain you were referring to the other day, the one that she’s not keeping up?” 
“It is.” 
Bill remembers his mother, curled up on that couch and crying that rainy afternoon. His father coming into the laundry room, soaking wet from the rain and fresh mud on his boots. A couple rose petals stuck to his pants, tears running down his face and mixing with the rain when he washed them down the drain in the stationary tub. “Actually Cal, there’s three rose bushes that are getting dug out today that prove she did keep up her end of the bargain. You want get mad at someone, get fucking mad at God.”
“What good will that do me? God’s not going to give me anything.” 
“And she is? What’s she got? You took everything from her. Even her parents don’t want anything to do with her.” 
Something changes in Cal’s stance, a renewed sense of arrogance or self-righteousness. It causes him to walk back to Bill and stare him down. “And what exactly do you want with her? Are you doing this just to piss me off because you can? Because I can’t find another weed dealer in backwater Oklahoma?” Cal takes another step towards him. “ I can’t imagine she was a good enough fuck last night in the barn to warrent a second round. She’s as barren as a desert and won’t give your family any continuance. So what is it, Bill?” 
“You want to know what it is?” 
“Yeah, I do.” 
Bill closes his right hand and hits Cal square in the nose as fast and as hard as he can. When Cal collapses on the ground, holding his nose, blood starting to spill between his fingers, Bill leans over him. “Because fuck you and your antiquanted fucking ideas about what she fucking owes you.” 
But the truth of the matter is, Bill doesn’t really know what it is about you that is driving him to do this. He just knows he has to because it’s you.
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deadlinecom · 3 months ago
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afnews7 · 10 months ago
"Tulsa King" aggiunge Neal McDonough come personaggio regolare della seconda stagione (ESCLUSIVO)
http://www.afnews.info segnala: “Tulsa King” has expanded their cast. Neal McDonough has joined the second season of the Paramount+ series, portraying Cal Thresher, a powerful and extremely territorial businessman in Tulsa. McDonough, known for his roles in “Band of Brothers,” “Desperate Housewives,” “Star Trek,” “American Horror Story,” “Suits” and “Yelllowstone,” joins the ensemble cast of…
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sirloozelite · 5 years ago
Galaxy-8: Never Have I Ever!
(Galaxy-8 makes no sense whatsoever, and is full of nothing but pure unfiltered insanity. Take everything within with a pinch of salt and enjoy the humor)
Scene: The mess hall of Admiral Thrawn’s Star Destroyer. Seven people are clustered around a table late at night with a large bottle of alcohol in the middle of the table. Each person also has a shot glass. They are: Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis, ARC Trooper Hardcase, Clone Commander Rex (who has swapped with Cody for a week to give him some peace), Clone Commander Shepard, Farmer Envoy Kaeden Larte, and Admiral Thrawn. On Hardcase’s suggestion, they are about to play a very notorious game!
Hardcase: Ok, everyone knows the rules right?
Everyone else: Yes.
Hardcase: Good, now, this bottle of booze is a rare Dowutin wine! Very strong and very potent. This is what we will be drinking in this game.
Commander Shepard: What fun. I am an expert at holding my alcohol.
Cal: Bah! No you are not!
Commander Rex: Yeah... you really aren’t!
Shepard: -_-
Kaeden: So... who is going first?
Thrawn: I will. Never have I ever jumped off a cliff.
Ahsoka, Cal and Shepard drink.
Rex: Why am I not surprised! It’s no wonder Cody has a heart attack on a daily basis!
Ahsoka: XD
Kaeden: Ok... me next! Never have I ever had to fill out endless paperwork!
Everyone else: -_-
Everyone but Kaeden drinks.
Hardcase: You bitch!
Kaeden: Lol!
Rex: Alright then Kaeden... you want to play it that way? Never have I ever slept with General Tano!
Ahsoka: 0_0
Kaeden drinks with a smirk on her face.
Kaeden: And I’m proud to be the only one here that has Commander!
Hardcase drinks
Everyone else: 0_0
Hardcase: ... what?
Hardcase: Oh I know... not sexually at least. We did share that bedroll on Geonosis’ moon though. If you wanna be technical, then we’ve slept together.
Ahsoka: Yeah... but even still!!! (turns to Cal who is smirking) What are you smirking at Kestis... and why didn’t you drink?! We’ve kriffed before too!! Don’t you remember? It was me, you and Merrin!!
Everyone else: 0_0
Cal: ... I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t remember and bring that up honestly.
Ahsoka: Pffttt... why would I forget?! XD
Kaeden: Gotta admit... I’m kinda jealous.
Ahsoka: Don’t worry Larte... you’re still my favourite! XD
Kaeden: XD
Thrawn: Please don’t start!
Rex: I second that! Who is next?
Ahsoka: Me! Me! Never have I ever had a farming thresher explode in my face!
Kaeden: -_-
Everyone else: XD
Kaeden drinks
Kaeden: You’ll be lucky if you get lucky tonight Tano!
Ahsoka: :’(
Shepard: My turn now. Never have I ever said the wrong name in bed!
Thrawn drinks
Ahsoka: ... whoa! Admiral... seriously... you?!?
Thrawn: Sigh... there was two girls I liked back on my homeworld. I bedded one, but called her by the other name. Suffice to say that was the end of that!
Rex: Wow! Bad luck dude!
Cal: Like.. seriously bad luck!
Kaeden: Super bad luck!
Shepard: How the kriff did you manage that?!
Ahsoka: That’s what I want to know?!
Thrawn: ... I honestly do not know. It just happened. Can we move on please?
Hardcase: Sure thing, my turn. Never have I ever had sex with a member of the same gender!
Ahsoka, Kaeden and Shepard drink.
Cal: ... 0_0 seriously Commander? I mean... I expected it from Larte and Tano, since one is gay and the other plays for both teams! But you too?
Shepard: Eh... what can I say... I’m a man of many powers. All I did was walk up to him and say, ‘We’ll bang ok.’
Hardcase: Well... credit where it’s due brother!
Cal: Please don’t share that story though!
Shepard: Heh... ok.
Cal: My turn then I guess. Never have I ever been shot down by a potential suitor.
Ahsoka and Hardcase both drink.
Ahsoka: Damn Barriss. One day I’ll succeed.
Hardcase: Some woman in 79′s. Wasn’t interested.. but that was fine. I’m a gentleman after all.
Rex: Bah!
Thrawn: And so play returns to me. Excellent. Never have I ever had sex with a Jedi!
Ahsoka, Cal and Kaeden all drink.
Cal: Since Ahsoka outed our dalliance I kind of have to drink here.
Ahsoka: Sorry buddy! If it helps you aren’t the only Jedi I’ve done it with!
Kaeden: Meanwhile Ahsoka is the only Jedi I’ve done it with! (offers a high fives, which Ahsoka accepts)
Suddenly... Rex drinks too
Everyone else: 0_0
Rex: ... what?
Everyone else: WHO?! WHO?!
Rex: ... Cere Junda.
Everyone else: 🤯 
Ahsoka: Awww... I wanna be the one to tell him!!!
Rex: XD
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korkro · 5 years ago
I feel like posting a very brief snippet of my upcoming fic. I want to put it on AO3 this month but it’s not quite ready yet. I can’t even remember the last time I posted any writing on this blog :/
Shepard and Kaidan are home, back at their apartment on the Citadel after almost two weeks on Earth. Cal did take Kaidan to the canyon--showing him the hot springs, the store that still has the open mic night Ryan would make him participate in, and the various waterfalls. Cal couldn’t make it to the last ones with his leg but they took the shuttle service and he got to show Kaidan everything he wanted to.
When it was time to leave Mexico, they decided to take an impromptu trip to Canada to visit Kaidan’s mom. His aunt was still at the orchard and Kaidan’s (favorite) cousin came by too. But now they’re home and Shepard is glad. His mind needs some rest, the past month has been especially taxing.
He’s on the couch the next day, his suitcase still not unpacked, and on the phone with Wrex. Wrex and Bakara are very busy krogan these days but they still remembered to message him last week and ask how he was doing. They were there for him as much as they could be during his recovery. Now Shepard’s telling him about his trip and Wrex is telling him how he defeated a thresher maw with his bare hands.
“Just tossed your gun down and choked it to death, yeah?” Cal laughs. “Or did you ride it around like a horse first? Cowboy Wrex!”
“Pfft, you know all about riding.”
“And you know how good I am at it!”
The door to the apartment opens and he watches Kaidan walk in carrying a bunch of groceries. “Alright, Kay’s back so I’m gonna get going. I’ll talk to you later, cowboy.”
“Heh, later.”
“Who was that?” Kaidan asks as Cal helps with the bags.
“Wrex, he was asking about our trip.”
Kaidan’s omni-tool beeps with a very distinct sound and Shepard grimaces. They both know who that message is from.
“I’ll put the rest of this stuff away while you take care of that.”
Kaidan sits at the table as he reads his email. “The Council has a mission they really want me to take. An Alliance crew was murdered.”
Cal’s face scrunches. “Any details?”
“No, they want me to call. I’m gonna take this in the other room.”
“Once I’m done, I’ll join.”
He nods and then he’s off into the spare bedroom where their computer is set up. Why is the Council and not the Alliance contacting Kaidan? Do they suspect it’s an inside job? Shepard doesn’t want to be there during the initial call because he doesn’t want them to think he’s joining the mission, or that he’s the one leading. Cal hates that people tend to automatically defer to him despite how fucking capable Kaidan is.
He stands at the door a moment, trying to listen, but the voices are muffled. This isn’t what he wanted so soon after they got home but Kaidan will most likely take this mission. But he knows he needs to get used to this, this is their lives now. Kaidan is a soldier and a spectre, Cal chooses not to be.
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bullet-prooflove · 29 days ago
Trying not to need you, is tearing me apart
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Tagging: Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @nu1freakshow @lazilynervoussong @mimi-8793
Prequel piece to:
Gold (NSFW) - You make Cal jealous after an indiscretion.
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Cal doesn't have feelings for you, at least that’s what he tells himself. But he also doesn’t want anyone else to have you. It’s another one of those mind fucking contradictions that occurs when he sees you sitting with another man in a coffee shop, heads bowed close studying something on your tablet. His arm rests on the back of your chair, fingertips lightly grazing the sleeve of your ‘Botanists Do It Better’ t-shirt.
He doesn’t interrupt but he thinks about it all the way back to the weed farm, his hands grasping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turn white.
When he fucks you that night it with a possessive he didn’t know he had in him. Your ecstasy becomes the focus of his attention, the ruthless pursuit of your pleasure lasting long into the night until you’re overwrought, oversensitive and completely exhausted.
“You’re staying tonight.” He informs you, his palm smoothing the hair away from your flushed features.
“I can’t.” You tell him in that utterly fucked, breathless voice of yours. “I have to meet Ravi in an hour.”
He doesn’t know who hell Ravi is but he wants to murder him.
He pulls away then, slipping from the sheets, disappearing into the bathroom because the hurt he’s feeling right now, it’s the reason Cal doesn’t do vulnerability. You’re gone when he steps out of the shower, the bed neatly made, his clothes tossed in the hamper, it’s like you were never even there, that this thing between the two of you doesn’t exist.
It’s an hour later the doorbell goes, he thinks it must be you, that maybe you changed your mind after all. When he opens the door he’s surprised to find Margaret on the doorstep, here’s a bottle of Chateau Lafite in her hand and she’s wearing that dress, the one she always wears she’s in the mood.
“Cal.” She says. “I thought we could pick up where he left off.”
He smiles then because the only way to get over someone, is to get underneath someone else.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months ago
Three things for Cal Thresher: silk, pen, glasses
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @nu1freakshow @lazilynervoussong @mimi-8793
Companion piece to:
The Madness in the Genius - Cal and you have a special arrangement.
Poppy Seeds - You take care of a problem for Cal.
You Can Leave Your Hat On (NSFW) - Things change for you and Cal.
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You are a distraction, one that Cal is trying to valiantly ignore as he sits at the conference room table with the distributors of his weed business. They’re here to discuss the new strains that you’ve been producing this year, the potential revenue and their market placement.
You’re sitting on his right, wearing a burgundy silk shirt that clings to your curves in a way that makes his dick twitch and dark rimmed glasses that make you look every inch the beautiful scientist that you are.
He can tell you’d rather be back in your lab from the way you’re playing with your pen. Your fingertips run lightly over the tip before gliding down the length and then back up again. It’s exactly the way you stroke his cock when the two of you are together, and Cal can’t get the image out of his head as he listens to the man in front of him drone on about projections.
Out of the corner of his eye, you increase the pace of your motions, the pen sliding between your fingers, thumb tracing over the end. You did this exact same thing to him this morning, right before he blew his load in that sweet mouth of yours. He recalls how tight you felt around him, how wet as he fucked your throat. He grits his teeth as he shifts slightly, discreetly rearranging  himself and that’s when he hears you say the word ‘oh’.
He can’t help but turn his head towards you at the exclamation and when he does it’s to the sight of black ink smeared across your cleavage from where the tip of the pen has popped off. It drips down into the curve of your breasts the same way his come does when he fucks your tits and Cal’s cock starts to leak at the sheer debauchery of it.
“Adele.” He says purposefully, his heated blue eyes meeting yours. “Why don’t you clean yourself up and meet me in my office when you’re done.”
You push away from the table, raising to your feet and Cal can’t help but fixate on the sashay of your hips in that black pencil skirt of yours as you head to the door.
“Alright.” He says, turning his attention back to the remaining members of the group as he envisions bending you over his desk and spanking you until you’re glistening for him. “Let’s wrap this up quickly, I have other matters to attend to.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months ago
7.30 in the morning, with your bedhead and my white sheets
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For Cal Thresher
Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @nu1freakshow @lazilynervoussong @mimi-8793
Companion piece to:
The Madness in the Genius - Cal and you have a special arrangement.
Poppy Seeds - You take care of a problem for Cal.
You Can Leave Your Hat On (NSFW) - Things change for you and Cal.
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It’s seven thirty in the morning and you’re still tangled up in Cal’s sheets, your hair a bird’s nest from where he’d fucked you so thoroughly you hadn’t been able to move in the aftermath.
Cal doesn’t mind, if anything you’ve earned your rest after the events of yesterday. He thought that Ming’s death may weigh on you, give you fitful dreams but you sleep like a baby, your face pressed into his pillow, splayed out on your stomach.
He’s standing in front of the gilded gold mirror, fastening the last few buttons on his crisp white shirt when you begin to stir. The edges of his mouth tip up into a small smile as he watches you in the reflection. It does something to him seeing you in his bed, something he doesn’t expect, he’s had no problem sleeping alone since his divorce but waking up next to you it’s different, pleasant.
You prop your head up on the pillow when he turns to face you. His blue eyes drink in your bareness as he stalks towards you like a predator. His fingers thread through your hair, gripping it in his fist as he tugs it lightly. You moan at the sensation as his lips ghost over your jaw, seeking at that deviant little spot just underneath the hollow of your throat.
“I have business to attend to.” He tells you as you arch against him, his cock starting to throb within the confines of his jeans.
“Or you could come back to bed.” You tease, your breath hitching as his teeth graze your skin. “Ravage me a little more.”
“Hm, murder makes you amorous.” He murmurs as his palm slips down to your throat, fingers tightening as he pushes you back down into his pillow.
“No Cal, it’s you.” You whisper as his thumb traces over your parted lips, still swollen from last night’s kisses. “Just you.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months ago
You Can Leave Your Hat On: Cal Thresher x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @nu1freakshow @lazilynervoussong @mimi-8793
Companion piece to:
The Madness in the Genius - Cal and you have a special arrangement.
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When you ask Cal to leave the hat on, he laughs. He’s half undressed, balls deep inside of you and your request it’s just the stupidest damn thing but it makes you smile so the hat stays on.
This thing between the two of you it’s usually raw, intense, always taking place in his bedroom.
A lot of slap and just a little bit of tickle. You respond to his harshness with soaked panties and filthy moans and Cal he just eats that up because he gets off on the control and you get off on losing it.
Tonight though, tonight it’s different because you don’t make it to the bedroom, he ends up taking you on the dining room table, your flannel shirt falling over your bareness as he fucks you with his jeans down by his ankles and that cowboy hat perched on his head.
“Tell me the truth.” He murmurs against your lips, his palm gripping your throat, fingertips slowly squeezing. “You killed him for me didn’t you?”
You start to tighten and Cal can feel you both there, right on the edge of oblivion.
“Yes.” You whisper. “Yes I did.”
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months ago
Poppy Seeds: Cal Thresher x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @nu1freakshow @lazilynervoussong @mimi-8793
Companion piece to:
The Madness in the Genius - Cal and you have a special arrangement.
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Jackie Ming is a problem. One that Cal doesn’t know how to solve.
You can sense his restlessness as he walks through the grow, see the tension in his jaw when he looks at the poppies flourishing in the central field. You feel his frustration when he fucks you, it’s raw, vengeful, passionate.
You know all of this stems from the fact Jackie put a gun to your head.
The fact he threatened to pull the trigger when you refused to engineer a stronger sample of poppies. You hate the fucking things, they’re too simple, too boring. You like the complexity of working marijuana, the adaptability of it, the challenge.
Cannabis, it’s holistic, it cleans the soil, draining it of chemicals and heavy metals, leaving it pure for the next batch. Poppies they strangle everything around them, depositing their seeds for the next round of germination.
“She’ll do it.” Cal had answered for you as Jackie’s thumb pulled back the hammer of the Glock. “She’ll cultivate whatever the fuck you want.”
No I fucking won’t, you’d thought but Cal had given you that look and you knew better than to argue the point.
Now you’re working in the lab that Cal pays for, bio engineering poppies that produce twice the opium than the ones already growing out in the field. The potency of the seeds you hold in your hand, it’s enough to kill an addict ten times over.
“Sit with me.” Jackie says after he summons you to his makeshift workspace at the edge of the grow. It’s a site office like the ones that people use in construction. There’s a beverage station tucked away in the corner, one with an authentic Chinese tea set resting upon the counter. It’s the only thing he still embraces from his hertiage, everything else about him from the tracksuits to the gold screams Americanisation.
You take the offered chair across from his desk, sitting in silence as you watch him decant the tea that's been brewing in the cast iron tea pot into a single cup. He doesn’t offer you one and you don’t ask.
You understand it for what it is. A powerplay, one you’re well acquainted with from your time working with corporations and the Bevilaqua Family. It’s meant to put you in your place, remind you whose in control here.
“There’s going to be a change of management today.” He tells you as the steam winds from the cup. There’s a nutty aroma in the air, more cloying that his usual brand.
“What happens to Cal?” You ask him and his eyes flicker up to meet yours as he lifts that cup to his lips.
There’s a soullessness in Jackie, one that you’ve never seen in another human being in all your time on this earth. You’ve worked with sociopaths before, even a few psychopaths but never with someone as ruthless or malevolent as this. Someone who gets off on pain, who enjoys it.
“He’ll be taken care of.” Jackie tells you, finally taking a sip of his poppy seed tea.
You know what that means, a bullet to the back of the head, a shallow grave in one of the fields so his body can be used for fertiliser. That’s what they’d done with the others they’d killed, you assume it’ll be no different.
“You know I can’t let that happen.” You tell him as you uncross and then recross your legs.
“You don’t really have a…” The tea kicks in then, the one brewed with the poppy seeds you’ve spend weeks cultivating in your lab. It’s a massive spike of opium straight to his nervous system, one strong enough to cause an OD.
It’s not like in the movies, there’s no seizure, no violence, just the sound of Jackie’s head striking the desk as he slumps forward in his seat. His breathing becomes, slow, erratic. A light rasp that echoes through the makeshift office as you remained seated, watching the raise and fall of his ribcage. When it finally stops, you push yourself to your feet, placing two fingers against his jugular, checking for a pulse.
As you look down at him you expect to feel something but there’s just this void because Jackie, he wasn’t human, not really. After the things you’ve seen him do, you doubt you’ll lose any sleep over his death.
It’s late when Cal comes to the greenhouse that night. He’s reviewing a couple of contracts when he glances outside of his window and realises the lights are on in the distance. You’re still up, working away diligently and it makes him smile because the two of you are both night owls. He raises to his feet , the vertebrae in his back popping before he decides to take a walk down there, see if you’ll join him at the house for a little wine, a little extracurricular activity to chase away the pressure he feels bearing down on him.
When he enters the glass structure, there you are with a shovel in your hand, patting down the soil in the new planting bed. There’s dirt smeared on your clothes, a streak of it on your cheek.
“I took care of the Jackie problem.” You tell him, using the back of your wrist to push your hair back away from your flushed features.
His eyebrows furrow into a frown at that statement because it can’t just be that simple, but then he  looks at the planting bed and then back at you and he realises maybe it is because Jackie he’s never understood you, the work you do here, your investment in it. To you this isn’t just growing weed, it’s a live study. The type of shit you do here is publishable in scientific journals, he should know he’s read the notes you’ve left lying around.
It’s the reason you left the Bevilaqua Family, you needed something more legit so you publish your work, so that you could experiment and create something that’s going to benefit people in the future. The models you’re using here, they could be applied to third world countries if you developed them enough, they could help with farming, agriculture. The potential of what you could do it’s boundless.
And that’s the other part of Cal’s business, the part that Jackie couldn’t grasp because he was too short sighted.
Cal could patent all of that, he could make billions off the work you’re developing and that’s why he invested so much in you, why he gave you a lab, and anything else you damn wanted.
“Did you do that for me or for the weed?” He asks you because he wants to understand the trajectory of your thinking.
He admits he’s gotten a little attached to you during your time together. He’s curious to know if this was purely clinical decision on your part or something a more personal.
“Both.” You tell him, setting the shovel down before stripping off your gardening gloves and tossing them onto the work bench. “He was going to kill you, double down on the poppies. I’d rather he didn’t.”
A simple honest explanation. One that makes something spark in Cal’s chest, something he’s never felt before.
“You should come up to the house.” He tells you, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Let me reward you for… taking care of our problem.”
You smile then and it’s like seeing the sunrise for the very first time.
“Alright.” You say, picking up your keys so you can lock up the green house. “Let’s see that you have in mind.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months ago
The Madness in the Genius: Cal Thresher x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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There’s an equation on the bathroom mirror. It’s written in the condensation from the shower that you’ve just taken together in Cal’s mansion in Tulsa. He winds a plush white towel around his hips as he stands there observing it.
Something to do with soil density ratios, he thinks as he studies the intricate detail of the math.
He doesn’t understand it, he never has but that’s not the point, you do and that’s all he really cares about because shit like this, it’s what makes him money.
That’s why he hired you in the first place, a botanist with an additional PhD in genetics to help with the cultivation of his product. You don’t just grow pot, you engineer it. An artist, he’d heard you described as before he lured you over to his company with the promise of a shiny new lab, extensive greenhouses and state of the art equipment. It had cost him millions to buy you out of your contract with the Bevilaqua Family and he’s reaped that money back tenfold in the time you’ve been working with him. Bill’s still pissed about it, it’s why the two of them parted ways.
“What is it?” He asks you, jerking his thumb back towards the bathroom mirror as he steps into the bedroom.
His gaze comes to rest on the bed you’ve recently vacated. The sheets are tussled from the evidence of your vigorous activities. Scattered across the nightstand are the expensive leather cuffs, the riding crop and a rose gold wand he’d used to edge you before he fucked you so thoroughly your voice is now raw from screaming his name.
“That is the solution to the issue I was having with the new strain.” You tell him as you stand in front of the bedroom mirror, already dressed, braiding your damp hair. “I had to check if the math works.”
“Does it?” He asks you as you use a hair tie to secure the placement of the strands.
“I’ll find out when I get back to my lab.” You tell him, your lips turning up into a small smile as your eyes meet his in the reflection. “A couple of hours of recreation was just what the doctor ordered.”
This is why you fuck him. Sex is an excellent mental stimulant and sometimes you need a change of pace. His deviances heighten your pleasure, deliver a more intense orgasm. He takes immense satisfaction in ruining you, in getting you to the point where ecstasy and euphoria blend and you lose every single one of those complicated thoughts that occupy your head.
The breakthrough always strikes in the aftermath and that suits Cal because he’s never been the type to wallow in the afterglow.
“I’m glad to have been of service.” He tells you, returning your smile as he picks up the black silk robe he was wearing before you made an appearance tonight and pulls it on over his shoulders. “You know where I am the next time you need some… relief.”
“Of course.” You murmur, your lips brushing over his cheek.
It’s a cursory gesture. Your mind is already elsewhere, back at the greenhouses on his weed plantation. He’s been thinking of building you a place there, something small. You spend all hours amongst those plants, caring for them, growing them, studying them. He’s often wondered when you go home to rest. Then he’d come across the camp bed you’d set up in one of the greenhouses and realised that most nights you don’t.
It's the madness in the genius, he supposes as the door clicks shut behind you. It’s the beauty in it too.
Love Cal? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 24 days ago
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New Fics This Week:
Welcome Back - The one person Eddie wants to see is the one person not at his welcome home party.
Chicago Med:
Welcome Back - Connor tries to save your life after finds you bleedin out in the elevator.
Broken - Connor discovers the real reason you won’t commit.
Ragged - You take care of Sam afer a long day of surgery.
Cobra Kai:
Red Velvet (NSFW) - It starts with a red velvet cupcake...
Sweetest Damn Dreams - Tommy's never been with a woman like you.
Law & Order:
Creep - Cyrus discovers an unwelcome surprise on his desk during an investagation.
Law & Order: SVU
Return on Investment - Joe and Mike rescue you from a precarious situation
Blood - Clint comes to your rescue when you find yourself in a precarious situation.
Part Three: Bugs - You realise that you and Nestor have bugs...
Mayor of Kingstown:
A White Picket Fence - You and Mike are forced to make a terrible decision.
Part One: Baby On Board - You and Harm are drawn together after a baby is located on board the USS Allegiance.
Tulsa King:
The Best Way To Get Over Somebody - Cal struggles with his feelings for you.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months ago
Tulsa King Masterlist
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Armand Truisi Masterlist
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Bill Bevilaqua Masterlist
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Bodhi Masterlist
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Cal Thresher Masterlist
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Dwight Manfredi Masterlist
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Goodie Carangi Masterlist
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Mitch Keller Masterlist
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