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lewyhellark · 10 months ago
How much i want to post my char x oc pairing with Caiman (caimanether - caither), now I did. A little wall of text
I'll start with these first i think bcs I need time to comply them into one post instead of dripping some pics here and there like I did on other socials, I draw a lot about them really.
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My OC name is Ether (white hair), she's Caiman subordinate and secretly (everyone knows, actually) her wifey/gfy.
Accidentally saw them next to together in my phone gallery (upper pic) and twitter media tab (below pic), you guys really love each other right...
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Their icon is 🐊☁️ as for Caiman is the crocodile variation (they really meant it, I check Korean dialogue logs and the letters really wrote Caiman as called the animal), and Ether means "the air" as well as she's based on one of my OC in Sky COTL, plus she looks as fluffy as the cloud itself.
I'll tag posts about them as # caimanether, caither or 🐊☁️, there are specific tags in languages that utilizes Latin alphabet or different writing systems that have their own importance lore-wise; ill write them under the tag section so you could give a look (save for the Chinese tags, all tags are set - I'll may or may not make changes to it later on). The tags are for claim, when I post it'll mostly be caither that gets to appear frequently.
About their relationship? I created this ship solely as a method of mental healing for myself so I don't care much about a specific love line, I could put them into any situation I prefer but there's one thing that's eternal is they're obsessed with each other (oh my wifeys...). And uh, high sexual tendencies, I am extra serious.
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However, a story and canon universe love line will be developed when I felt like it, they - as carriers of my mental wellbeing - deserves a story as beautiful as they already are together. Ohhh and they have a child, children specifically.
One minor spilling of the beans, Ether is albino, her eyes are cyan coloured, she's Nepali coded, did distorted and had an EGO design and her lore will be based on the Gurkhas and surrounding the [REDACTED] in general, stay tuned till all the secrets, reveal. I'm still in the researching phase, plus this is fictional so I may draw or describe real life-based details wrong. Correction will gradually be made as I process, right now only appreciating love is matter.
End of post, I'm chuffed to see you took time to read this pit of words I made on a whim. See you next post.
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444names · 8 months ago
Names generated from Irish, Swedish forenames and The Song of Ice and Fire character names
Addlie Aegas Aegend Aellens Aemianán Aenne Agaitholm Aglew Ainéadridia Airyntena Alais Aldricht Alegonn Alenann Alfyrayto Alindor Aline Allanán Allyddamhóg Allynehal Almop Ambert Ambett Amphin Amyck Anárósar Aoibhak Aoilt Aoing Arghag Argonn Arklys Arlte Arraggland Arrogne Arros Aspaell Aundán Aurry...
Baemilifer Balegon Balictandon Bandremme Baoibhinn Baoilia Barboyn Barthop Basse Baswee Bearock Becks Beárd Bhacht Blarbaly Blortheam Bramory Briama Broimer Brong Brynd Bríomm Bríon Bumfryand Burrand Caiffreak Caither Caoibart Caoibeicken Caoibhla Carin's Casell Cates Catholmars Catsmurenya Ceforre Cer's Chaela Chton Chubhith Cimelind Clarma Cleadone Clinn Cohoth Coldra Colehoghe Colyvee Coláire Comal Comáired Congrackeve Connlan Connárt Corfe Corwal Corya Cresand Crodh Cróid Cuimer Cullaint Daego Dagornán Dalgonlarak Damar Damblattlie Dameigh Damhóg Dardrear Darna Darren Davere Deary Denth Derghtabell Deris Dessacht Devenn Diald Distryne Dobóirass Donglen Donla Dreigaslys Dreyjoynace Drundeigha Dubar Dubarys Durch Durnell Duseárd Duurn Dáincer Dúnaithna Earia Eddlyn Eddlys Edvid Eibhiell Eigness Elachton Elistéodya Ellichenjen Emoreabhis Empluwin Emund Endessonal Esabrend Estachalisa Eurra Evilín Fachaegett Falen Farrac Fateris Feilbett Fellia Fingsgus Flaingh Fleong Floncha Folfgarwyn Foreenmch Frykonn Féthall Gandryd Garless Garwyne Gered Gerose Goibhaira Gonne Gorach Gorand Goryn Grackarvyn Graghelm Grathchdín Graya Gredwing Grellia Grenna Griarach Gricerce Grich Gridghs Grion Groodónán Gustana Gwentoire Gwiloon Haced Hainneal Halght Haliven Hallymphna Halydenah Harian Haricaothar Haridhne Harisa Harthene Hiliss Hiquaras Hoghanfren Hogor Hortharlan Hosrich Howean Hummys Iamellie Ildrin Irren Iúdán Jaltán Jamaonain Jannarris Jarna Jasharkinne Jhiléid Johna Johon Jojenor Jonel Jormonna Jorna Josepheth Jurraseán Karyan Kezie Laegormen Laidhneon Lelach Lelmhnal Leock Leárd Licht Lield Lieldrykk Lielice Lonagagge Lorcha Lormalte Lormuirows Lubhenn Lucaifforn Luckfiande Lught Lumilín Luthed Lynala Lyrion Lysettedgar Lyverigne Maegne Mainers Malmuirely Malyn Malys Manfie Manfonn Manystín Manán Maodh Maoigne Maoir Marbearneld Marbhaelle Margyl Maribhen Marlabbán Marswelma Martant Materychall Meatríon Meddie Megabh Melmartark Melomáiles Menmch Merack Merane Merlad Merolchs Mindon Mioby Molmard Mondommaer Monearis Monny Morcht Muird Muiredwick Muiria Muirio Mundern Muntsman Murwoolm Myric Míder Niseadan Nisen Norche Noredbhie Norgusk Norrissaral Norter's Nosriell Noswald Novandra Nórane Nórfhlachar Obhla Odarys Offoot Offreawenm Oinéar Oreah Oreythy Oriansian Oseardywel Osebber Osmuibhiliv Osteoclex Othnesian Paley Pattle Peachos Peast Penace Permandás Pothfos Povinor Praswenaife Priamand Pyger Pygon Qarghe Qarrisoween Qotossaryck Queenly Quelia Quirghne Rachaelly Ranaganla Raodbris Reabhielly Rearivan Reennann Rethena Rhaegerr Rhers Rhoronis Riall Robben Rogar Roghund Roibhlang Rolewal Romyredwyna Ronall Roodon Roomhlatnow Rosen Roseán Ruaing Rusblonna Réadh Rósak Safrax Saoirn Sarick Selliah Sephiliv Sharys Sherboar Shilleirys Shilín Shmael Shman Siaribh Sigony Skarion Sloren Soune Stancelach Stighea Swaltenna Swyfos Syllymard Séallanne Séamund Tachdín Taffors Taibhán Talloth Temmallea Thobarrid Thodach Thrás Tilian Tilid Timer Tineyndalt Tinniferen Tistendena Tithe Tomán Tullelo Tyard Tyewyn Tyweny Téanstomma Uarbrake Uiléidh Ummater Umplughait Urrharne Urtogán Uttler Valiom Vallininn Varkwoodho Varsa Vilbaswyn Vilmatellin Vilín Watth Wayftorge Welken Wilys Wington Wisaken Wiseath Woodearlov Woollann Wulley Wullys Wyleasimell Yohardght's Éabhar Éiggellyriú Éighnaithe Órldalyn
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commander-gloryforge · 2 years ago
late night half baked thoughts about scarlet, and what she does to my commander
sadly can’t do a cut since i’m on mobile so, maybe long post / potential spoilers for clockwork chaos up ahead?
after astrids first encounter with scarlet, things are… weird in her head. scarlet’s evil, yes. a lunatic, or crazy, or whatever. she killed civilians and tortured hostages and pulled the strings behind the aetherblade attacks, she’s evil, astrid acknowledges that, and agrees that they’ll have to take her down.
however. and yes, astrid is aware that she shouldn’t pull an ‘however’ on a murderer and villain. however. scarlet is so very intriguing. fascinating, to a level that astrid almost forgot about the fact that she now has a collection of new scars and burn wounds because of her. for multiple reasons.
first, she studied under all three asura colleges. apparently barely attended any classes or whatever they do over there, yet passed exams with high scores. astrid had been intrigued by the college of statics before, but never had she considered joining them, much less all three of them. she was pretty sure no matter how hard she tried, she wouldn’t even be able to, because she was a norn. and yet scarlet did it. as a sylvari.
scarlet was a sylvari, and astrid didn’t know all too many sylvari in the first place, and never had she met one like scarlet. astrid knows trahearne, and kinda knows caither, but those two are the “grown up” ones, the calm and brave and wise and experienced ones. a large chunk of the other sylvari astrid had met were basically new borns, they were naïve and friendly and adventurous, but scarlet felt so so different. more powerful, maybe.
weirdly enough, scarlet very much played into the expectations and stereotypes astrid had about sylvari, so exaggerated at that. her giggles, her taunts, her literal playhouse, as if she was just a child that didn’t know a thing, just wanted to play a bit and have fun. that was quite frightening already, but what made astrids heart stop for a second was when scarlet switched up. when her voice became piercing, disparagingly sounding whisper as she sat on the very throne that had been used by the human queen herself before.
and then, there were the twisted watchknights scarlet had unleashed. they were horrifying, yes, and they were painful to defeat, but they were a proper challenge, and astrid, as a hunter an an engineer, couldn’t help but be impressed by them. she kept some remains of the twisted creatures, to study them, or maybe to admire them. all that technology that scarlet used, fusions of craftsmanship from all over tyria, it was admirable.
scarlet was awful, and astrid hated her. she hated her like she hated any bad guy she ever encountered. and yet, astrid would spend every minute of the next two or so years thinking about her, attempting to study and crack her, attempting maybe figure out what went wrong, how to avoid becoming her, how to become more like her.
tldr scarlet is astrids blorbo i think
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pulledrosepetals · 6 years ago
LWS4 EP5 Spoilers and Theory
Because I still live in denial. Spoilers obviously below.
Ok so, as we all know that Aurene died. I know, I know, I also live in denial. I refuse it to be real but I suddenly got a funny idea.  I had read about the theory of Aurene coming back because she ate Joko, the lich king who we all know possessed the power of resurrecting him-damn-self. But finally now he is no longer. And since dragons are known to consume other dragons magical powers along the traits of them, it is possible, BUT-- here is a thing. This already happened. It is possible to live after being killed once. Aurene’s body is dead. And we know Aurene as a hatchling, baby egg consumed Mordermoth’s powers to herself. She was the closest source that  could suck the power into herself. For dragons it seems for them like it or not, they are like sponges for magical energy. So she has Mordermoth’s traits, mind powers as we know so far. She even looks a bit like Mordermoth but with her mother’s pretty crystals. So, remember when we killed Mordermoth? The mouth of Mordermoth of course in the over repeating meta, but also inside of Mordermoth’s mind. When that was done, Traharne told us to finish the job, since the dragon had planted part of himself inside of him. As a plan B. And... so now  Caithe and Aurene made a connection. On Mordermoth’s part he did not straight up make Traherne his minion, but vessel. Soooooo.... Could.. this still be a thing? Caither’s cyrstal flowers are gone but she’s still part of her. (obviously Aurene would be in the mists now but hmm) I dont know did they change Caithe’s look just because everyone had a makeover, or for bigger plot reasons that just... understanding her words better. (Because Caithe could understand Aurene already fairy well before the connection they made)
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dylanbmyrick · 7 years ago
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My last post op apt With chen! Pee'd with no other leakage and git my caither out hope everything continues to heal! Off for some hot chocolate in sf Befor I leave tommrw bck to nc
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marieisabellaresma · 6 years ago
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Your great grandparents received the “coat of arms” plaque years and years ago when they made an attempt but technology was not as fully advanced as today as far as global networking. Today we could trace it back easily to John de Balinhard - Pictish Clan of Ancient Scotland and his son John Carnegie who took the name Carnegie means “ Fort at the gap”. ( Caither-an-eige ) transalation
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libearyn · 8 years ago
My Uncle
“Tell me a story of deep delight.”                                                        ~ Robert Penn Warren   Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even…
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mastcomm · 5 years ago
Jonas Mekas’s Debut Is an Artifact of Beat-Era New York
The threatening atom bomb casts a baleful shadow over the serious young people who inhabit “Guns of the Trees,” the first feature made by the hugely influential filmmaker and activist Jonas Mekas. Shot in and around New York in the early 1960s, the 75-minute, black-and-white movie projects a sense of beatnik doom as evocative as it is dated.
In notes distributed at the movie’s premiere, Mekas, who died last year at 96, called it his “meditation on love and death in a period of darkness,” and “Guns” is a period piece. That it is showing, at Anthology Film Archives in Manhattan through Jan. 29, in a 35-millimeter restoration print made from the original negative, burnishes its anachronistic quality.
When “Guns” opened commercially in February 1964, two-and-a-half years after its first screenings, The New York Times critic Eugene Archer cautiously noted that the movie “has been sparking controversies among observers of its genre at private screenings here and abroad” and called it “one of the farthest out of far-out films.”
Essentially, the movie concerns two couples. One pair Barbara and Gregory (Frances Stillman and the filmmaker’s brother Adolfas Mekas) is white and gloomy. The other Argus and Ben (named for their actors, Argus Spear Juillard and Ben Carruthers, a principal in John Cassavetes’s “Shadows”) is black and life-affirming.
Argus is happily pregnant. Barbara has committed suicide, and thus the movie is largely a flashback. Militantly sullen, Barbara rails against the ugliness of the world and the spirit of autumn while her lover, the black-clad Gregory, tries to figure the meaning of existence. Meanwhile Argus and Ben frisk through various locations and make love in what looks like a cold-water loft.
The action is punctuated with blasts of high-frequency noise and white light and underscored by Allen Ginsberg reciting “Sunflower Sutra” and intermittent folk songs provided by Sara Wiley, Caither Wiley, and Tom Sankey (who three years later composed the pioneering Off Off Broadway folk-rock musical “The Golden Screw”). To add to the existential drama, two satirical mimes occasionally appear, and a monk (Frank Kuenstler) wanders through the proceedings searching for his lost faith.
Even Ben has a crisis, ranting about strontium 90 in the rain and Caryl Chessman in the gas chamber. And he exclaims, “Nixon (Nixon!) running for president.” While these topical references might require footnotes, the interpolated footage of peace marches, the lashing the city received from Hurricane Donna and the so-called beatnik riot of April 1961, when folk singers battled police in Washington Square, speak for themselves. The shots of despoiled industrial landscapes in and around New York are mutely eloquent.
Mekas never made another dramatic movie, yet “Guns of the Trees” was key to his development as a filmmaker. It anticipates his diary films in its use of a poetic voice-over, focus on the artist’s friends and interest in recording their scene. Indeed, while the movie’s over-articulated angst may be tiresome, one need only look through the two-dimensional drama to see a raw and heartfelt document, a homage to a sooty, ungentrified New York and the hard rain falling on its earnest bohemian inhabitants.
Guns of the Trees
Through Jan. 29 at Anthology Film Archives, Manhattan; 212-505-5181, anthologyfilmarchives.org.
Rewind is an occasional column covering revived, restored and rediscovered movies playing in New York’s repertory theaters.
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444names · 3 years ago
french forenames + the entire gnomish forenames
Abasboth Acrect Actha Adjustle Adruin Agrui Ailimli Alber Aldrogod Alesta Aling Allowship Alweddern Amantia Amogrie Amrader Ancilon Andown Angodaith Aninie Annuidri Appare Arint Armerity Arrore Assess Aurélied Authristom Avary Avasang Awfulness Bairal Baranc Barate Barol Baulderil Beauth Beauthlos Beleptha Beling Belouring Benline Bettered Beware Bilthast Blacks Bloosend Blose Bluench Bouth Boutha Brusta Busick Cafweg Caither Caithrine Cambol Cambries Cangin Capeluck Caroll Celchod Chirin Cicleasion Cicleverb Cintripe Cladwenne Clame Claub Clawyer Clogwiried Clouis Cluchirth Cluimal Cluith Cobwedre Condly Congside Consana Consand Conship Consit Contha Coral Cracks Cranga Cread Crespit Critemp Croofit Crossess Culwed Cwand Cwelc Cwell Cwibin Cwithir Cwithli Cwivranos Cwivrant Daitha Dauthli Davin Delder Deprin Descendson Destanting Detess Devil Drine Dringfim Driol Dronduru Dungwirn Dwaretter Dwarlis Dylanthion Eagla Ecthongin Eilithi Elein Elteriol Embly Embryoney Enfegrin Enoît Enwethos Equidren Equinge Erwarface Erwisdom Espect Ethredhiol Everry Eviln Excav Exchar Excitation Exposs Fagication Failin Fairin Faithlog Fallid Fathware Fidhir Fidhweg Firewith Flagraith Flants Folle Forge Formaira Founder Frailigin Friety Frintent Froze Fugrinwa Fuinoth Funth Fwioned Gadwen Gadwill Gaidwen Gainsithri Gathe Geness George Georgin Gerioth Ghision Girlike Glasgi Gliber Gofitab Golmos Gooded Gorth Gothla Goven Grack Grator Gready Grethereg Grethlad Gridge Gring Grink Grost Grous Guagermine Guilintha Gulinded Guline Gustline Gwally Gwanc Gwanweg Gweingwion Gweithlim Gwidhri Gwinded Gwinthol Halin Hangeme Happere Hauri Haurog Hauthi Hauty Hebreal Hebwirong Hentha Hered Hethegranc Hilden Hillness Hivel Hoothward Horos Huglim Humli Iciate Idhral Idhru Idrammath Idraw Igoltha Ilbertice Illianess Inflad Inflan Inflas Innoy Inutterity Iosta Jeanièle Jocelc Joëller Judged Killertha Laibin Lanthinra Larken Larmth Laurathrin Leethra Lenwed Lenwith Lifloreign Ligiltha Livitate Lobacks Lobran Lorial Loudy Lucience Lunts Mabweb Magruitha Maidreasta Mainthange Maloth Mance Manue Marges Marre Marveling Mathrink Maturm Mauréling Meadorous Mellecthe Meltered Miging Mirwelow Morol Muinited Murthiery Myste Mêllath Nalthight Nannin Naudril Naugh Nauthon Nernoone Nighty Niten Nochla Noughly Nuilon Observe Odrib Odronne Ogliss Orial Orogolos Ospeach Ospect Othwailt Pariallow Pation Patriptha Peake Pecthaltha Peleb Pestinwed Physicated Piciontha Pileg Pilin Pinal Plaite Polore Pontide Posied Possed Pridâr Profine Proman Properite Puickers Puthlade Rauthod Rauthrodra Rauty Razierc Reatha Reathod Rectha Reight Relatness Revers Riblin Ridâr Rilend Rinnuim Riodwell Ruthmadred Sabrade Sactly Sailtha Sarying Scolative Seater Seawaked Seconside Segranthon Setter Setty Shammat Shoody Shove Shrin Silch Sintha Sithor Smanue Solassa Soonling Sorry Sourse Sovrin Speciation Spinn Splace Spour Sprin Steach Steen Stent Stially Storrow Sturn Stutte Suithra Sunrol Swork Tander Tandmoth Tarpa Taterin Tavonness Teado Tempi Templaith Theglarol Thlir Thron Tiscrin Torror Troyer Tulon Turify Turness Tuthirsty Twith Udathough Ufriending Uimost Uinios Uinos Uiross Ulcos Ultivelyne Umirweleb Unitial Unpleg Unplest Unshion Unwed Upseth Upwarmir Varin Vigil Vigila Wandmos Wandoney Wathin Westa Wheed Widhwen Willed Wiltha Wisty Witchiel Withant Withli Withos Wordere Wreale Wreat Writhast Yeary Zephe Étiety Évely
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dylanbmyrick · 7 years ago
Getting ready for lower surgery?
Hey so your getting ready for lower surgery or just researching things.... I found out I needed and when the weeks came after surgery what I REALLY Needed...(usually they send you home with some post op medical supplys +bed pads, never forget to ask I wasnt afraid, with every post op apt I went into the nursing station and asked for more)
1. Guaze: rolled gauze (bulk) + gauze pad
2. Ointment: Neosporin or anything with a cleaning ointment keep the bad stuff out. I ran out of medi honey so maybe buy the bigger one.
3.medical tape: hold down gauze or caither (usually they'll send you home with some,but don't forget to ask)
4. Bed pads (I got a whole pack from the hospital
5. Phone charger/extention chord
6. Different types of laxatives, medilax + ducolax worked really good for me. ( I didnt poop for like 4days but soon as I got home Maybe 3days after I was on the toilet but with the laxitives no strain is the best)
7. A cushy pillow to sit on because your going to do allot of sleeping. I brought my heater blanket for comfort.
8. Loose clothing, t shirts because your seen is going to be in a wrap and it's hard to get it through a sweatshirt easy ( its do-able but taking it off and on is a struggle )
9.buy a sling for when you walk around it helps so you don't strain your arm
10. Antibiotic wipes,hand Sanitizer, bathroom whips (to keep it clean down stairs after you pooh)
To be continued...I'm here for you ask
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