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thebindingofpillo · 3 months ago
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Mhmmmmm this picture seems a bit empty, wonder what I could add…
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Okay a teeeeny bit of lore. Gello was supposed to be Lilith and Satan’s child (hence why the stepdad joke with Cain) and bc of this pregnancy Lilith would have become tainted. The thing took a VERY dark turn so I scrapped it altogether. Now the stepdad joke doesn’t really make sense, but I still thought it was funny.
Idk why Lilith’s wearing that shirt tho, my mind works in mysterious ways, especially to me.
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voidnerd · 2 years ago
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Berith's (older) twin sister, Cailith. She's the Good Child and has put up with her brother's rebellious bullshit and snarky attitude since they were kids. Unfortunately when Berith ran away it put her in a difficult position, and she's kind of ended up with saddled with all the duties intended for him.
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thebindingofpillo · 9 months ago
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Chat I care them.
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Give him some time…
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thebindingofpillo · 4 months ago
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Lilith meets Cain.
I’m having a blast reimagining older paintings with tboi characters, if you have any suggestions I might try them in the future lol
Original reference: Oedipus and the Sphinx by Gustave Moreau
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thebindingofpillo · 9 months ago
Lilith HA! More like:
Danger noodle
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She’s not so dangerous look at her.
How could you fear her
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thebindingofpillo · 1 year ago
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Been a while since I drew these two
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thebindingofpillo · 1 year ago
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Old doodle I cleaned up
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voidnerd · 1 year ago
TTRPG Questionnaire
Taken from @kiikiibee
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Name: Berith Valentis
Alias(es): None, although he generally doesn't use his family name. Called "Beri" by his boyfriend, although anyone else using that would get stabbed.
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Place of birth: Vasterland
Spoken languages: Common, Infernal, bits of Chalgasi
Sexual orientation: Gay
Occupation: Wannabe criminal mastermind
Class: Sorcelock (Shadow Magic/Hexblade)
Ancestry: Tiefling. His mother is a high elf and his father is a tiefling. Despite infernal heritage being quite rare where they live, there's a high rate of it on his father's side of the family.
Eye color: Gold irises with black sclera
Hair color: Black, although it gets slightly transparent towards the end and acts like smokey flames.
Height: 5′10"
Scars: None
Burns: None
Build: More muscular than you might expect a spellcaster to be, although it's almost completely for show.
Color: Red, gold
Hair color: He doesn't care.
Eye color: Again, doesn't really care or think about it much. Although gold is nice.
Music genre: I don't think he has experience with a broad range of musical genres, but he'd prefer the sort of music you'd hear in the city streets or a bar.
Entertainment: Berith loves a good party, although he'd always prefer something in a tavern as opposed to a stuffy noble ball. He also enjoys anywhere he can stir up general mischief.
Pastime: Crime, scheming, fencing training, strategy games
Food: Anything spicy, although he does have a secret sweet tooth
Drink: Mead, red wine
Books: Gross. (He secretly has lots of books on game theory and strategy, but he won't admit it.)
Passed university: Nope, that's (kind of) a work in progress.
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: Yes
Kissed a man: Yes
Kissed a woman: Once, just to see if he was into it. He was not.
Gotten tattoos: Not yet.
Gotten piercings: He has several piercings in both ears and his tail.
Had a broken heart: Nope.
Been in love: Hmm...
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Probably.
A cuddler: No
A kisser: Berith was never big into PDA in the past, but recently he's come to appreciate it a little more... So yes.
A smoker: He will out of boredom or socially, but it's not a habit.
Scared easily: Berith isn't scared of anything, for better or worse.
Jealous easily: YUP.
Trustworthy: NOPE.
Dominant: Yes. Berith has a very commanding personality and that goes for pretty much all areas of his life.
Submissive: No.
Single: Nope, he's currently courting an aasimar noble named Olivier.
Have they harmed themselves: No
Wanted to kill someone: Oh yeah, lots of people.
Actually killed someone: Yes
Ridden a horse: Probably like... Once? And it probably went poorly.
Have/had a job: Does being a delinquent count as a job? If so, then yes.
Have any fears: Nope
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Berith has an older twin sister named Cailith. They're pretty much complete opposites and don't get along at all. Their parents are a Duke and Duchess in Vasterland, with their mother's branch of the family distantly related to the King.
I'll tag @solveliss but anyone else can swipe it too! I might do this for my blood hunter eventually also.
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voidnerd · 2 years ago
On the topic of overthinking about ocs, I was thinking about all my tieflings last night and I realized that none of them would get along super well.
Dantalion would see Berith as easy to manipulate but loud and annoying, and although he’d find Eligos decent in terms of conversation and ability he’d probably just think of him as good bodyguard material. Berith would definitely get super competitive with both Danny and Eligos over different things and get his ass completely handed to him on both fronts, which would automatically piss him off. Eligos would be pleasant to Danny on a surface level but also 100% not trust him at all, and weirdly he’d probably enjoy Berith in terms of competitiveness.
I guess I could count Cailith, but the only one she’d probably get along with at all would be Eligos. Danny and Berith both would steer clear of her because ew, clerics/religion.
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years ago
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I have no idea what to write here sorry
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years ago
All the Cain is Lilith stuff is making me wonder how he feels about Lilith's little incubus that is if she still has him around
Aaaaah, Lilith still has her Incubus! His name is Fwendy, because Lilith is terrible with names
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Fwendy is incredibly small for a demon and can’t grow properly. I’m still not sure why, because of a curse or something more physical like some kind of demonic dwarfism, the thing is Fwendy has always been smaller and way weaker than other demons, and this put him at great risk! Hell is no place for weakness, and he would have been killed if Lilith didn’t save him. They have been inseparable ever since, and Fwendy followed when she got out of hell, and tries his best to help her with her blindness.
Cain does know about Fwendy! Him and Lilith are very old friends, both being immortal, but he never really paid much attention to her little Incubus until they seriously started dating. He generally tried to be nice to him, since at first he wasn’t really sure if Fwendy was actually sentient or not. He probably treated him like a pet at first, until he learned to properly communicate with him.
The real problem was Fwendy himself! He was super jealous. While Lilith had other flings in the past, nothing got ever too serious (she’s immortal, not too fond of seeing her partners die before her) but Cain is also immortal so they could potentially have a future together! Fwendy fears Cain will take away his momma =( He will warm up to him eventually.
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Sometimes a family is a monster lady, her little demon and a man cursed with immortality by God Himself.
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years ago
2 with Cain and Lilith?
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Local guy re-enters the date scene after millennia of being single
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This was a pretty difficult prompt tbh because “new beginnings” can be a lot of things. I also had another sketch prepared but I felt it wasn’t funny enough
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Also I might have gotten invested in this ship so thanks I guess. I’m already figuring out how they could work in my AU so feel free to ask I guess.
By the way, I’m gonna tag all of these as #cailith so you can filter out the tag if you want.
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years ago
Please king I will allow you to decide I beg for more Cain and Lilith stuff please I beg 🙏❤️
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Lilith gives him a comforting rub while Cain deals with his leg.
I know phantom pain wasn’t actually a prompt but I had this thought and I needed to get it out. I think it’s sweet.
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solveliss · 2 years ago
Poor Cailith; And now to see how she feels about the Aasimar who decided "You know what, I LIKE this mess".
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Berith's (older) twin sister, Cailith. She's the Good Child and has put up with her brother's rebellious bullshit and snarky attitude since they were kids. Unfortunately when Berith ran away it put her in a difficult position, and she's kind of ended up with saddled with all the duties intended for him.
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