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imposterogers · 1 year ago
if u never watched catfa then u literally don’t know who mcu steve rogers is. that is the most authentically steve rogers he could be — before the trauma and before losing bucky and before being told he’s a legend and history rewrote his story. he was a little shit who got in back alley fights and thought fondue was a euphemism for sex and loved his best friend so much it hurt and drew himself as a performing monkey. who was quick to smile and quick to throw a punch. who cried in a bombed out bar over a glass of liquor that wouldn’t effect him. disobeys direct orders, and goes on a one man mission to save his friend and illegally tries to enlist under six different fake names despite having chronic illness. jumps on grenades and goes to art school. who was vindictive and a little mean but so so so caring and empathetic. who’s mother was his moral compass, even if she was never on screen. that was steve n if u can’t appreciate cafta than well that’s on u
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booksandabeer · 2 years ago
"Shared Life Experience"
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"Believe it or not, it’s kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience." (Steve Rogers | CATWS)
I was looking for visuals of Steve's transformation for my thesis... and instead this happened and I gave myself A Pain. Now you get to feel it, too. You're welcome, everybody!
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stucky-headcanon-bot · 2 years ago
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cloudinterlude · 2 years ago
Time to remember that the troops did not like Captain America at first lmao. Understandably so, I'd even say. Steve made the Captain America that everyone grew to love. That admiration wasn't just handed to him. Steve built everything that was revered in Cap. Not the other way around.
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years ago
I don't know what the situation is like lately, but last I looked Honduras was an absolute nightmare thanks to the Obama administration.
In 2009, Honduras experienced a coup d’état when the Honduran Army ousted President Manuel Zelaya on orders from the Honduran Supreme Court. What followed was succinctly summarized by Honduran attorney Oscar Cruz: The coup in 2009 unleashed the voracity of the groups with real power in this country. It gave them free reins to take over everything. They started to reform the Constitution and many laws — the ZEDE comes in this context — and they made the Constitution into a tool for them to get rich. As part of this process, the Honduran government passed a law in 2013 that created autonomous free-trade zones that are governed by corporations instead of the countries in which they exist. So what was the outcome? Writer Edwin Lyngar described vacationing in Honduras in 2015, an experience that turned him from Ayn Rand supporter to Ayn Rand debunker. In his words: The greatest examples of libertarianism in action are the hundreds of men, women and children standing alongside the roads all over Honduras. The government won’t fix the roads, so these desperate entrepreneurs fill in potholes with shovels of dirt or debris. They then stand next to the filled-in pothole soliciting tips from grateful motorists. That is the wet dream of libertarian private sector innovation. He described the living conditions this way: On the mainland, there are two kinds of neighborhoods, slums that seem to go on forever and middle-class neighborhoods where every house is its own citadel. In San Pedro Sula, most houses are surrounded by high stone walls topped with either concertina wire or electric fence at the top. As I strolled past these castle-like fortifications, all I could think about was how great this city would be during a zombie apocalypse. Without collective effort, large infrastructure projects like road construction and repair languish. A resident “pointed out a place for a new airport that could be the biggest in Central America, if only it could get built, but there is no private sector upside.” A trip to a local pizzeria was described this way: We walked through the gated walls and past a man in casual slacks with a pistol belt slung haphazardly around his waist.  Welcome to an Ayn Rand libertarian paradise, where your extra-large pepperoni pizza must also have an armed guard.
In Honduras, the police ride around in pickup trucks with machine guns, but they aren’t there to protect most people.  They are scary to locals and travelers alike.  For individual protection there’s an army of private, armed security guards who are found in front of not only banks, but also restaurants, ATM machines, grocery stores and at any building that holds anything of value whatsoever.  Some guards have uniforms and long guns but just as many are dressed in street clothes with cheap pistols thrust into waistbands.  The country has a handful of really rich people, a small group of middle-class, some security guards who seem to be getting by and a massive group of people who are starving to death and living in slums.  You can see the evidence of previous decades of infrastructure investment in roads and bridges, but it’s all in slow-motion decay. I took a van trip across the country, starting in Copan (where there are must-see Mayan ruins), across to the Caribbean Sea to a ferry that took my family to Roatan Island.  The trip from Copan to the coast took a full six hours, and we had two flat tires.  The word "treacherous" is inadequate—a better description is "post-apocalyptic."  We did not see one speed limit sign in hundreds of kilometers.  Not one.  People drive around each other on the right and left and in every manner possible.  The road was clogged with horses, scooters and bicycles.  People traveled in every conceivable manner along the crumbling arterial.  Few cars have license plates, and one taxi driver told me that the private company responsible for making them went bankrupt.  Instead of traffic stops, there are military check points every so often.  The roads seemed more dangerous to me than the gang violence. The greatest examples of libertarianism in action are the hundreds of men, women and children standing alongside the roads all over Honduras.  The government won’t fix the roads, so these desperate entrepreneurs fill in potholes with shovels of dirt or debris.  They then stand next to the filled-in pothole soliciting tips
Democratic Party candidates and congressional leaders have shed crocodile tears over the deaths in the Rio Grande and postured as defenders of immigrants. These sentiments are belied, however, by the fact that Democratic President Barack Obama, the “deporter-in-chief”, and his then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, presided over the coup that devastated Honduras, driving its people in desperation to flee the country despite the threats of death, persecution and being thrown into a US concentration camp. After Zelaya’s overthrow, kidnapping and expulsion from the country, the Obama administration sought to preserve a veneer of commitment to “democracy” in Latin America—and deniability for its military, intelligence and diplomatic operatives—by publicly deploring the ouster of Zelaya. Clinton, however, pointedly refused to describe the military’s seizure and deportation of an elected president as a “coup,” a designation that under the US Foreign Assistance Act, would have required the Obama administration to cut off aid and ties to the coup regime. The administration likewise failed to demand Zelaya’s reinstatement. Given that the US accounted for 70 percent of Honduran export earnings and provided the guns and aid upon which the country’s military depended, it had unquestioned power to force a reversal of the coup. Its formal reservations notwithstanding, however, it was soon revealed that top US officials had been in discussions with the military commanders and right-wing politicians who organized the coup shortly before Zelaya’s overthrow. A conservative and wealthy bourgeois politician of the Honduran Liberal Party, which regularly alternated power with the equally right-wing National Party under US and military-dominated regimes, Zelaya earned Washington’s enmity by becoming swept up by Latin America’s so-called “Pink Tide”. This collection of bourgeois nationalist governments was able, thanks to the commodity boom and the rise of China’s economic influence in the region, to adopt a posture of populism and independence from US imperialism. For Zelaya, the clear attraction was cheap Venezuelan oil and loans. However, US imperialism, which had sought seven years earlier to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in a civilian-military coup, was determined to eliminate a government aligned with Venezuela and Cuba in Honduras.
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calleochonewscom · 2 years ago
Enfrentamiento de CAFTA: Hondureños se mantienen firmes contra el neocolonialismo corporativo
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terragustavo · 2 years ago
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Venha conferir, aqui você vai beber a Heineken mais gelada região, além de comer o melhor churrasquinho de bacon com queijo coalho… Lançamento!!! #churrasquinho #coração #cafta #caftacomqueijo #linguiça #calabresa #medalhão #frango #salsichaoalemao @braseiro.2023 (em Avenida Central - Itaipu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJ0sKeLc27/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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archercrosley · 2 years ago
Thank You, Leaders
Mexico is still a dangerous place. I don’t know what people up north are thinking when they plan trips into Mexico Do you think movies like Sicario are a Hollywood invention for entertainment purposes only? Perhaps, but I can assure you that this one is not. What you see in Sicario is the truth. Actually, what you see in Sicario is mild. When you see bodies hanging from the bridge as the…
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duckinatruck · 3 months ago
yep that’s exactly what i’ve started to think too. It really wouldn’t make sense for the “date” to be with Peggy, because he made a conscious choice to leave any life he could have had with her behind, but it makes all the sense that it would be with Bucky on the other side. Anyways imma go cry about this now
The last line of tfa is so dumb like you're telling me my Stevie, Steve Rogers, Steven grant Rogers, steve who crashed the plane on purpose just a few days after Bucky fell. Steve who died while the war was still happening, Steve Rogers who knew for sure he would die, he wakes up, 70 years into the future, not dead as he thought, you're telling me Steve would then say the cheesiest and dumbest line any superhero has ever said to close his movie??? A date??? My man is worried about other stuff not a fucking date he knew he'd promised as a consolation gift while knowing he'd never make it pleassseeeee 😭😭
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 months ago
Chris not good at crying. Anyone seen Snowpiercer./
He struggled in that.
Ahh, but he did have speaking lines. And he was the star and carried the movie. Maybe Snowpiercer should be the watch party after CAFTA! I’ve got to get the post for that one ready 😊
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queen-of-the-avengers · 1 year ago
CAFTA: Final Part
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon violence, and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait," Schmidt says as he comes from out of the shadows, "but I must say you do it better than anyone. However, there are limits to what even you can do, Captain. You may have all the powers, Y/N, but they do not compare to what I have in store for the world. Or did Erskine tell you two otherwise?"
"He told me you were insane."
"Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine, but he gave you everything. So, what made you so special?"
"Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn," Steve answers.
Schdmit gets angry and punches Steve twice in the jaw, and you yell out for him to stop hurting your friend.
"Don't fucking touch him you piece of shit!"
Schmidt turns to you and grabs your jaw so hard that it starts to leave bruises where his fingers are.
"The power you hold. The things you can do. You'd make a valuable pet, won't you?"
"Go to hell," you spit in his face. He backhands you, sending you crashing into the two guards who are holding you. "We can do this all day."
"I'm sure you could. Unfortunately, I am on a tight schedule."
Schmidt takes out his weapon and points it at Steve's face, but the Captain isn't worried about it. There is a huge window that overlooks the snowy mountains, and Schmidt notices four men o ziplines racing towards the glass.
"So are we."
Schmidt tries to shoot Steve, but he grabs one of his guards and places him in front of himself. The shot disentigrates the guards right as your team busts through the windows. Schmidt takes this moment to escape while your team starts shooting at Hydra. Your team can handle the soldiers while you and Steve search the place for Schmidt.
Peggy, Colonel Phillips, and the rest of the 107th are on stand by, and as soon as they get the word, they all start to move in.
Schmidt is located in one of the tunnels leading further into the base, and Steve rears his hand back that's holding the shield. He swings it so that the shield bounces off the wall and sticks in between the doors that Schmidt escapes through, stopping the doors from completely closing.
You and Steve run toward it but get stopped by a man with flamethrowers. There is a door next to you that you hide behind so that the flames aren't touching you.
"Now can I play?" you ask.
"Give 'em hell."
The man stops using his weapon to see if you're going to come out, and you do. You stand in the middle of the hallway just as he uses his flamethrower on you, but instead of dying like he hopes you would, you absorb all that fire to give you more power. The flamethrower stops but your body is still on fire. You extinguish the flames from toe to head, and you cough to let out the smoke you breathed in.
"My turn," you growl.
You thrust your hands out in front of you and a wall of fire forms between you and the guard. The wall of fire shapes and molds to the hallways dimensions so that the guard has nowhere else to run for safety. You heat the flames ten times hotter than what a human can withstand. When you take a step forward, the wall of fire moves further from you. The guard tries to use his flamethrower but he can't fight fire with fire. The fire is going to kill him whether or not he wants it too. You push the wall of fire down the entire length of the hallway, allowing it to burn the guard's body from the outside in.
By the time the flames die out, he's a charred body on the floor.
"Damn, you didn't have to go so hard," Steve says.
"You said 'give 'em hell', so I did. Let's go."
Steve yanks his shield from between the two doors which close once you two pass through it. Schmidt is already getting on the plane to escape that's at the beginning of a runway. If you don't get on this plane before it takes off, you're not getting on it at all. Soldiers from both sides are fighting everywhere, but you have a way to bypass them all.
"Get ready to fly, Steve."
You grab his upper arms and lift him in the air with your areokinesis. The plane is already taking off but you're faster. You fly with Steve down the runway to catch up to the plane. It has big blades swirling on the back of it that you have to watch out for. One mistake can cost you or Steve's lives.
Schmidt starts to take off just as you landed on the landing tires. They have not yet been pulled back into the plane, giving you the only access available to get Schmidt. You look back at the runway to see Peggy and the Colonel inside a car just watching you take off. She has such a worried look on her face because she cares so much about Steve.
After this, you're going to buy their hotel room.
Once inside the plane, you see bombs with different state names written on the side of them. This Red Skull is going to send bombs to different parts of your country if you don't stop him.
"He's going to kill a lot of people," you whisper.
"Come on."
There isn't a single guard on board which is kind of stupid on Schmidt's part. If he thinks he can outwit both you and Steve, then he's got another thing coming for him. You two make your way into the cockpit where Schmidt is supposed to be. He's not sitting at the control desk so he must be around here somewhere.
"You two just don't give up, do you?"
You turn and see Schdmit holding one of the Tesseract weapons which he fires upon you. Steve uses his shield to protect the both of you so you won't get hit. You send a gust of wind at Schmidt, casing the gun to be knocked out of his hands. 
That gives Steve a fighting chance against him.
Steve can handle Schmidt all on his own, but if you had the weapon he made from the Tesseract, you can end this whole thing. The weapon is off tot he side just begging someone to use it. As they fight, you manuver around them to get the gun. Schmidt sees what you're doing, so before you can get to the gun, he grabs you and throws you over to the control panel. Your weight causes the panel to be broken in some spots, allowing for auto pilot to be taken off.
The plane goes down but everyone else goes up. There isn't gravity whe you're free falling, which Steve can use to his advantage. You have your air powers to help you stay in one place but Schmidt and Steve don't have that ability. The plane is going to crash if you don't do somethign about it. You have to level her out.
There are a bunch of buttons on the control panel that still work, and thankfully, the auto pilot just needs to be flipped to the "on" position. Steve and Schmidt come crashing down to the ground loudly.
"You could have the power of the Gods! Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations! I have seen the future, Captain! There are no flags!" Schmidt yells.
"Not in my future!"
Steve grabs his shield and throws it at Schmidt, sending him crashing into the middel console. Whatever is inside of it pops out, and you stand there in complete shock from seeing the Tesseract face to face after so many centuries. This thing will give you answers about who you truly are and what power you possess. If you can get it from him, you can start running tests on it.
"The Tesseract," you whisper.
Last you heard it was back on Asgard, so you don't know how it got on Earth to begin with.
"What have you done? No!" Schmidt gasps.
He picks the cube up to study it but the cube has had enough of his constant abuse. Energy starts to pour out of the cube before shooting straight up to the cieling. The Space Stone can be sued a portal to wherever the user wants it to go. Schmidt had no idea of the power it truly possessed, so he doesn't know where he wants to go.
The Tesseract chooses for him, and it creates a portal to somewhere in space. This is what you can do. The Tesseract allows you to create portals to wherever you want to go. You can't do the other side of space, you can't go anywhere you haven't seen before, and you can only make a portal for things a certain distance away from you. You've jumped a few planets at a time, but you've never tried for more than that.
The Tesseract's energy envelopes Schmidt as it transports him somewhere in the universe. You're not sure where, but at elast you'll be rid of him. The cube falls to the ground once Schmidt is gone, but it's so hot that it burns right through the metal of the plane.
You try to grab the Tesseract, but it falls through the hole it burned and down to Earth. You could go after it, but Steve needs you right now. He rushes to the control panel to try and find a place to land this plane, but he doesn't know how to fly a plane any more than you do. Schmidt made it so that the plane won't stop until it reaches it's destination--New York.
The only way to land the plane is to crash it.
Steve finds the line of communication in hopes someone out there might hear is distress signal.
"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?"
"Steve, is that you? Are you alright?" Peggy asks from the other side.
"Peggy! Schmidt is gone!" you yell to her.
"What about the plane?"
"That's a little bit tougher to explain."
"Give me your coordinates I'll find you a safe landing site."
"There's not going to be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down," Steve replies.
"I can get us out of here, Steve. I can fly us to safety."
"But then thousands of people will die. We have to land it somehow."
"I'll get Howard on the line he'll know what to do," Peggy says.
"There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast, and it's heading for New York. I gotta put her in the water."
"Please, don't do this. We have time. We can work it out," she begs.
"Peggy, right now we're in the middle of nowhere. If we wait any longer, a lot of people are gonna die. Peggy, this is our choice," you say as Steve begins the decent into the waters below.
"I'm here."
"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance."
"Alright. A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club," she says. Even though you can't see her, you know she's crying. "Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"
"You know, I still don't know how to dance," he chuckles nervously.
"I'll show you how. Just be there."
"We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your—" 
The plane crashes into the ice below, cutting off all contact between you two and Peggy.The plane was too fast to hit the water so it hit the ice instead. Both you and Steve are thrown from your places at the front to somewhere else. The back of the plane is ripped off on impact, and you're ejected from the wreckage.
You hit the icy cold waters with a gasp while Steve sinks into the ice below. Everything is so peaceful below the surface of the water. You could be here forever just to escape your life. No one would ever know where you are.
No, you can't do that to Steve.
You gasp awake and allow your air powers to create a pocket around your head so you can breathe underwater. You breach the surface in the middle of the wreckage with no sign of Steve anywhere.
"Steve!" you yell and haul yourself out of the water.
Your pyrokinesis allows you to stay warm so you don't get hypothermia--not that you could if you tried.
"Steve!" you yell again.
Steve is either in pieces, dead, or just missing. He could have sunk deep into the water which would take weeks or months to try and find him. He could have gotten stuck in the ice, but if you were to melt all the ice, then you'd create tsunamis across the world from the rising sea levels.
First Bucky and now Steve. When is this heartbreak going to end? No one is around to hear you scream, but you let out the most heartbreaking wail for your best friend and the love of your life. Earth was supposed to be a new start for you, and for the first nine hundred years, it was.
Now, it's a painful reminder of what you've lost.
Peggy, the rest of your team, Colonel Phillips, Howard Stark, and everyone else thinks you and Steve are dead. You can leave Earth without worrying them because they don't know to go look for you. Searchers will make their way eventually, but who knows in what year they'll find this wreckage.
You need to leave Earth now. It's taken so much from you, and it's time to find a new planet to call home.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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axelknaus · 3 days ago
Die Wirtschaftskommission des Parlaments unterstützte das Gesetz und sieht es in Übereinstimmung mit der Verfassung. Um mehr inländische und ausländische Direktinvestitionen zu erreichen, sei eine Aktualisierung des bisherigen, 25 Jahre alten Rechtsrahmens erforderlich. Das Gesetz stehe zudem im Einklang mit dem Plan zur Bekämpfung der Armut und zur Förderung der menschlichen Entwicklung 2022-2026.
Ob die positive Einschätzung Nicaraguas als Land für ausländische Investitionen fortbestehen wird, hängt vermutlich auch von den Versuchen der neuen US-Regierung ab, das mittelamerikanische Land aus dem Freihandelsabkommen zwischen Zentralamerika, der Dominikanischen Republik und den USA (CAFTA-DR) zu drängen.
So erklärte US-Außenminister Marco Rubio kürzlich: "Wir sind nicht an Nicaragua als Handelspartner interessiert."
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pr1ncessz · 1 month ago
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quem come porco passa mal igual um bêbado
vomita, fica louco, passa vergonha, faz barulho
“quem comer deste pão e beber deste cálice, come e bebe para a sua própria condenação.
fazei isto em memória de mim.”
santa ceia na igreja e aquela cafta dos padres uma vez no ano repetem estes versos
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tupuertosocialrd · 2 months ago
Geovanny Arias: “La  incertidumbre predomina entre los pequeños y medianos  productores de arroz del país”
Geovanny Arias, subsecretario de Asuntos Agropecuarios del Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD),  ya con el 2025 en curso, reiteró su denuncia de que  la angustia y preocupación siguen predominando  entre los pequeños y medianos productores de arroz con la entrada en vigencia este año del Tratado de Libre  Comercio (DR-CAFTA) Arias en el fin de semana hizo un recorrido por fincas arroceras…
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calleochonewscom · 2 years ago
Honduran communities stand tall against corporate neocolonialism amidst CAFTA showdown
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descifrandolanoticia · 3 months ago
Sonia Guzmán: DR Cafta ha tenido un impacto positivo en la economía e institucionalidad de RD a 20 años de su firma
Sonia Guzmán: DR Cafta ha tenido un impacto positivo en la economía e institucionalidad de RD a 20 años de su firma #DescifrandoLaNoticia #
SANTO DOMINGO, R.D. La embajadora dominicana en los Estados Unidos y jefa de la comisión negociadora del DR Cafta, Sonia Guzmán, informó que la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre República Dominicana, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos (DR-Cafta) el 5 de agosto del 2004 facilitó el comercio de bienes y servicios entre los siete países firmantes. Sonia Guzmán habló del tema durante la…
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