#cafe test tag game
vcnillazelda · 1 year
Hey Zelda , I love your writing and I was wondering if I could request tf 141 x gn!reader who was kept away from society so when 141 find them, they know nothing about the outside world. I’m thinking soap says something like “let’s have pizza for dinner” and reader is like “what is a pizza ?“ lmao 🤣 only if you don’t mind. Cheers 👋-👽
141 with an isolated s/o!
tags: can be read as established relationship but it’s not actually stated, fluff, days out
characters: johnny, ghost, alejandro, rudy, price, gaz
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a/n: tysm for the kind words and i hope this is okay 😭 (and i’m so sorry this took so long!!)
loves teaching you things, no matter how big or little it is
but sometimes he does forget you’re not as experienced as him
“pass me some of the salt, please?”
“the white stuff”
you handed him a dishrag- it was blue (“is this it?”)
loves taking you out to places so you can learn about certain things
his favourite place to take you is the shops because everything is labelled (and he likes to spoil you)
if you’re not scottish, you probably end up pronouncing things like him despite your original accent- you get so confused when people laugh at you
gets you some books, albeit they look kind of childish- yet they help you a lot
he’s trying his best- yet sometimes he doesn’t know what you’re trying to explain to him and you’re sat for 10 minutes playing a charades trying to figure out what you saw today
when you two first met, he didn’t realise how severe your isolation was
takes you to a professional straight away considering he’s not very well equipped
sits with you when you’re anxious with your new surrounding, sometimes reads to you or just talks about things
doesn’t mind your questions at all, yet doesn’t give very detailed answers
“what’s that?”
“a tv”
he doesn’t mean to, he just forgets you don’t know as much as he does
if someone tries harassing or laughing at you he gives them the biggest death glare- like if looks could kill that person would be in their casket already- he’s super protective
likes watching your eyes light up when you learn something new
there’s something so innocent about you, so he silently vows to keep you safe no matter what <3
adores teaching you things
takes you on little trips out to museums, aquariums and zoos
over-explains absolutely everything
cooks you all types of food to learn your preferences
keeps you close when you’re out and about so you don’t get lost
gets little flash cards to teach you things more effectively
documentary nights are a must, makes your favourite foods and lets you curl up next to him on the couch
no question is a stupid one in his eyes, so ask him anything you want to
he even teaches you mexican-spanish to use in las almas so you can communicate with people other than him and rudy :)
loves seeing you get along with rudy too
takes you to cafe’s so you can test certain foods
much like alejandro he takes you out to places so you can learn things there
buys you all the books he can with his spare money to help you :)
asks alejandro for help a lot too, he doesn’t want to mess up anything
keeps any and all dangerous things away from you
if you like spicy food like he does he’ll literally order as much variety as he can just to watch your eyes light up when you like something
teaches you little mexican-spanish phrases, but not a lot of it like alejandro does
writes stuff down with the definition of it in a journal so you can read it later on
at the end of every month he does a little recap test to see how much you remember :)
doesn’t mind your little quirks, but does correct you if you use something wrong
loves your fascination with his phone, he downloads a few games for you too <3
if there’s something you want to know but he’s forgot the word for in english you both have to go to alejandro (help this man)
rudy wants the best for you and does his absolute hardest to give the world to you :)
protective mode activated
i hc that his second choice in occupation was actually going to be a history teacher (because he’s a history nerd) but he decided on being in the military to follow in his father’s footsteps
you are in the safest hands
like simon he takes you to a professional and to a few doctors too just to make sure you’re completely healthy
loves sitting down and talking about anything you want to
teaches you how to cook so you can be a little more independent for when he’s not around
also buys you a phone just in case there’s an emergency and you need to contact him
he doesn’t necessarily go on days out, he’s a stay-in kind of guy, but he does sometimes plan little day trips to landmarks or just little places he thinks are nice
you end up learning basic things but also a lot of in depth history because price loves talking about it
if you find any interests he will spoil you rotten with everything he can find in that interest
never acts like you’re dumb either, he’s super supportive
“i found this today! :)” shows him a rock you picked up in his garden
“that’s amazing!”
instead of shielding you from them, he teaches you about dangerous things to just to prevent any accidents
similar to johnny, he’s enthusiastic to teach you about things; especially all the little facts he picks up from price and kate <3
unlike johnny, he’s so gentle with teaching you
doesn’t want to overwhelm you at all
he tries to shield you, but also tries to let you learn some cautions naturally i.e when the showers too hot/cold
you’re very precious to him, he adores watching you watch documentaries that he’s already seen
never gets bored of answering your questions :)
adores going out with you no matter if it’s walking, to cafés, to parks, people watching, ect
loves lending you kate’s books (with or without permission we’ll never know)
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hyggetrait · 2 years
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🐠Welcome to The Oceanarium Discovery Center! 🐟
Finally, I am able to share my first build inspired by @bottsbotts list of venues. I’m so happy with how much people have loved it and wanted it in their game!
Its a minimal cc aquarium built on the Bathe de Rill (30x40) lot in Windenburg. CC includes BAFROOM by Harlix for the windows of the giant aquarium, KYOTO by Felixandre for the archways, and SPOONS by Harrie for the cafe counters and expresó bar.
You will have to find the fish tanks and purchase the fishes. Unfortunately they don’t load when you download. They should be easy to find, but there are 4 hidden ones in the big tank.
It’s pack heavy, including Journey to Batuu but those are mainly for the basement class
Make sure to place using bb.moveobjects
I play tested but let me know if you run into any issues
I use gshade preset Spring Bubbles by Jayica, so colors might look different for you
Finally, I’d love to see it in action so please feel free to tag me!
Gallery: NicoleSimblr
floor plan below!
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natimiles · 1 year
Not fair! (Leviathan x reader)
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Summary: Alone in your room, you use a quiet afternoon to do some personal errands. It’s a lot faster when there aren't demons trying to get your attention. So you go to Levi’s room for some quality time.
Words: 1207
Tags: teasing, but sfw. Romance, fluffy, established relationship; no pronouns for reader.
Crossposted on AO3.
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You’re alone in your room and the house is strangely quiet for a Saturday. It’s usually so noisy that you can't even hear your own thoughts, but not this time. You know Lucifer’s at the castle, probably working again; Satan should be reading at that new cat cafe; the twins are at Purgatory Hall, because Beel overheard Luke saying that he wanted to bake a new recipe and invited himself to taste test — and Belphie tagged along because he said the sofa there is really comfy for afternoon naps; and Mammon and Asmo had a photoshoot together. Levi’s the only demon in his room, probably busy watching anime or playing that new game he bought. 
So you decide to use all that free and silent time to do some personal errands, like organize the closet and do homework. But it’s a lot faster to do everything you want when there aren't demons trying to get your attention or fighting each other in the hallway or breaking into your room to hide from a very angry Lucifer — who punished you as an accomplice for hiding the fugitive, even though you had no idea what was happening.
“And now what?” you think loudly while scanning your room. 
Sighing, you throw yourself on your bed and reach for you D.D.D. on the nightstand. There’s a notification from Devilflix that catches your attention: the premiere of the final season of your favorite series! You made Levi watch every episode with you a while ago and he kinda liked it. He even said that he wants to watch it with you when the new season is released. You check your messages but there’s nothing new. If he hasn’t texted you, it means he hasn’t even seen the notification yet. 
You head to the kitchen, grab a few snacks and make a beeline to Levi’s room. 
"Leeevi! Open up, please!” His door is always locked, so he made up this special secret knock just for you. It also serves as a password: whenever you needed to go there, you just had to knock at the rhythm he taught you, and the door would unlock. At first, he was startled every time you did it, but now he was so used to you entering his room whenever you wanted that he couldn’t help but frown in confusion when he heard a series of bangs on his door and your voice calling out for him. “My hands are full and, apparently, my feet can’t knock.”
"Oh!" he exclaims and, with a flick of his wrist, he opens the door. "Why didn’t you text me or something?"
“Sorry, I didn’t really think…” You kick the door closed and place the snacks by the beanbags beside him. Levi’s playing a video game and is trying to look at you, but looks like he’s in a very important part of the game. You bite your lip nervously. “Are you too busy right now?”
“No, no! It’s just that I could help you with all that if you texted me.” He senses you're a bit agitated but can't quite pin down the reason. His guts tell him that something's off, but at the same time, he's aware it might just be his own anxiety acting up. “Is everything ok?”
"All good." You kneel down behind him and place your hands on his shoulders. "Finished up all my errands and needed to come see you. Is that alright?”
"O-of course…" He’s been your boyfriend for a while now, but he still blushes when you’re close. It’s endearing.
You smirk and bring your face closer, resting your chin on his left shoulder. He can feel your breath, and it's making him nervous, but he's almost done with this phase and can't risk losing all his progress. He glances at you from the corner of his eye and almost dies when he realizes that you aren't watching him play; you’re staring at him.
“W-what is it?”
“Nothing.” You smile. Oh, you little devil. He senses your gaze tracing over him. His hands tremble, and he has to be careful not to press the wrong button. “I just wanted to come here. Like really wanted.” You move your hands down his elbows, applying just the right amount of pressure, then up his shoulder again, and he feels goosebumps all over his body.
“Ok…” He manages to say after a few seconds of silence. “I’m… I’m almost done here.”
You hum in agreement in his ear and his entire face blushes. You adore seeing Levi like this; sometimes, he flushes all the way up his ears, and it's such a lovely sight.
“Just be as quick as possible.” You begin massaging him, just the way you know he loves. You feel his body tense up and then melt beneath your fingers. “I need you.” You whisper in his ear and he’s tense again.
"I… I…" He's trying to say something while attempting to finish this stupid game soon. Why is this part so long? It feels like decades!
"Like a miracle, the 'save' message appears on the screen, signaling that it’s safe to turn off the game.
"Finally!" You move to his right side, letting your hands slide down his body. You bring your face closer and plant a quick kiss on his cheek, enough to make Levi feel like his whole body is set on fire.
"M-MC..." He takes a deep, shaky breath.
"We can finally do what I planned..." You lean over Levi and place your right hand on the floor in front of his body. He can feel his heartbeat in his ears, holding his breath. But as swiftly as your body approaches, it begins to move away, leaving him utterly confused. You raise your hand and reveal the TV remote you picked up from the floor, a smile spreading across your face. "The last season of my favorite series premiered a few hours ago. You said you wanted to watch it with me!"
"Wait, what?" He's astonished, to say the least. You're already searching for the series on Devilflix, wearing the worst evil smile on your face. He hates it when you tease him. "Did you... Was it..."
“I’m sorry, Levi, but you are soooo much fun to tease.” You laugh and he pouts.
"It's not fair, MC! I-it's not fair at all!" He grimaces and crosses his arms, though he's clearly not mad, just embarrassed.
"I'll make it up to you. Come here." You pat your lap invitingly.
“You bet you will.” He falls backward into your lap, resting his head on your thighs. “You’re so unfair sometimes.”
He's still mumbling his complaints when the series starts, and you silence him by running your fingers through his hair. You notice he's still looking at you, so you lean down and plant a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I’ll do more for you after we watch at least this episode. I promise.”
He huffs and turns to his side, watching the TV — or at least trying. But he's acutely aware of your fingers still stroking his head and your soft thighs beneath his cheek. He'll have a hard time trying to focus, so you better keep your promise.
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shygirl4991 · 7 months
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Cover art by @merp0515 Gmod art by @b-r-i-n-g-x Do not repost art (this fic is for my sib bringx have an awesome day!) Summary: Frustrated with SMG4, Three takes his stress out on a pair of dolls he put in Fours room.  Slowly secret feelings slip out with a guest catching the whole show.
Tag: love confession, first kiss, dorks in love,fluff
SMG3 huffs walking away from four and the rest of the crew annoyed, SMG4 wanted to do a video testing everyone's skills in different challenges. Four knew that Three wasn't about eating challenges and other silly activities the others would be into, yet the man still told Three he had to eat a bunch of pasta against their avatar. He storms into the castle thinking on how to blow off steam since the group was using his cafe as background to help boost interest. He noticed that Four left his room open, there in the chest of his room were two doll made to look like their old design. 
He keeps stomping as he makes his way to his partner's room, he slams the door shut and looks at the dolls. He picks them up frowning, seeing their old design brought back not so pleasant memories for him. He sits on the floor with the dolls and sighs changing the pitch of his voice he begins to move around the SMG4 doll “Oh Three mind doing some really stupid shit that will make you look like an idiot, haha that was a joke i dont give a shit go do it!”  he picks up his doll and starts moving it “You're just giving me these roles cause you know i'm better than you, i'm A tier while your just a D tier scrub!” 
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He kept going back and forth getting his anger about the events out of his system, slowly something else surfaced as he brought the doll together. He blushed seeing how close the dolls were, he brought them closer as his heart raced at the thought of making them kiss.  Is this something that he wanted? 
He thinks back over everything they have gone through, he had to admit since confessing he saw the other man as a friend the pair had gotten closer. They joke around more, they hold hands more often not because he likes it after all they had to use their powers in that way. Lately he has not been able to get SMG4 out of his head, the idea of spending time with him made his chest feel strange. He thinks back to the last time he felt this way, he met Gary, he saved him from an explosion he caused due to using too much gunpowder they hit it off well until his obsession with SMG4 got in the middle. 
He sighs dropping the dolls, everything that has gone wrong was because of the idiot. Yet at the same time all the best memories he had was also with the man, with conflicting emotions he grabs the dolls again and makes them kiss. 
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He smiles softly at the sight, it reminded him of their first kiss that Mario made them do. He acted like he hated it but deep down he knew he loved it, he changed his voice and moved the SMG4 doll “Your so awesome SMG3, no wonder you became tumblr sexy man. Lately my thoughts on you have changed.” he moves the other doll making it seem shocked “What are you saying SMG4!?” Lost in his game of pretending he doesn't hear the door open as SMG4 went to check on him. He blinks seeing Three sitting by his bed holding the two dolls, he slowly walks towards him hearing the man speaking.
SMG3 blushes feeling a bit embarrassed from what he was going to say “Well what i mean is i love you SMG3,” with that he makes the SMG4 doll kiss his. Seeing this SMG4 lets out a giggle “Hey Three what are you doing over there?” startled SMG3 screamed, throwing the dolls away from him.
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Three turns giving the man an awkward smile “OH SMG4 how long have you been there?” Four couldnt help the smirk growing on his face as he looked at the dolls now abandoned. “Oh just got here, heard a voice in my room and wanted to check it out.” he then walks over and sits next to the man still smirking “What were you doing?”
Three lets out a nervous chuckle “Uh oh! Getting stressed out so I was teaching your stupid doll a lesson!” He smiles feeling confident that his answer lured Four away from the truth. Four hums picking up his doll then he turns to SMG3 “Well don't stop because of me let me help you out!”  Three eyes go wide before he can decline the offer SMG4 presses the doll's lips on his cheek, causing him to blush.
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Three stared wide-eyed at Four who then hides behind the doll “I can't help that i fell in love with you, we are friends now no longer rivals! I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. Could you ever forgive me?” still blushing he grabs his doll and talks behind it “Sure whatever this is fucking stupid why are we doing this?” Four moves the doll closer to him. Three was watching every move that Four was doing, nervous as to what the man in blue was planning.
“Because we had a fight earlier and i want to make it up to you,” Three blinks surprised to hear four words. Without thinking he leans forward, seeing this Four took his chance placing his own lips on Three. After the quick kiss, Fours face was dark red, he got up acting as if nothing happened  “We should head back to the others!”  Three gets up and grabs the blushing man pulling him into another kiss, dolls forgotten on the floor as the two share a kiss. As they pull away, Four looks at Three in awe, Three rubbing his arm “uh what just happened?” 
Four shyly looked down “My confession with the doll wasn’t a lie, i got interested in dating…looked around and no one caught my eye. But that's when I noticed an apple already did and it's you..” SMG3 smiles hugging Four “You're such an idiot… I feel the same.” They pull away smiling softly at each other before leaving the room, Four then comes up with an idea. Telling Three he needs something he runs to his room and grabs the dolls, he places them on his bed now holding hands. He giggles and runs out of the room “HEY BABE NEW IDEA FOR A VIDEO!” 
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luv-gukkie · 1 year
cherry | 𖦊 : seven
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pairing: yandere! park jimin x f. reader, yandere! jung hoseok x f. reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au || yandere
summary: you’re the cherry on top of everything. the little girl in front of your parents; the gooody two-shoes of your family, friends, and everyone who knows you. so when you’re staring at the two bright, red lines on the pregnancy test. you know you’re fucked, you really do. especially when there’s not only one man, but seven.
word count: +1.3k
tags/warnings: unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap it up guys), a small peek at hoseok liking praises, creampie, squirting, basically stalking/ spying, soft sex?, size difference, jimin cares for reader (too much…), living room sex, hoseok umm…knows stuff~
notes: sorry it took a bit too long :’(
tag list: @bananamochidaisy @mageprincess7 @darkuni63 @princess-sunshyn @redeyezbloodymouth @bxcndd @iloverubberduckiez-blog
༻❤︎︎ ★ ★ ❤︎︎༺
"seo-jun, nice to see you again." jimin smiles at him, leaning forward in the chair. all seo-jun does is nod at his words before looking around the cafe, a questioning look on his face. "it's to blend in; it's loud enough to cover our conversation and too many people for somebody to notice us." seo-jun gives jimin a thumbs up before opening the menu, eyes widening at the prices for food and drinks. "eat whatever you want, i'll pay." he grins at the quiet man. after jimin orders what they both want to the waiter, he finally starts to talk about you. "so, tell me how is (y/n)? is she all right? has she been," he pauses at the thought of realizing he'll find out the truth, "um, seeing anyone?" seo-jun quickly takes out an ipad from his bag, opening up that file before handing the ipad to an impatient jimin. who looks anxious and sick at the thought of seeing pictures of you with someone else. it makes him wanna throw up but at the same time, he understands that if he wants to keep you to himself, he'll have to do whatever it takes. everything is normal; no sign of you with someone else or anything. you're just living your daily routine. jimin smiles at the pictures where he can see your face clearly, especially the one where you're smiling. seo-jun eyes him in curiosity, questions bundling in his head but he won't ask. jimin was never the type to do this. and he's known jimin for quite some time. so who are you, (y/n)? he wonders. noting the fact that jimin said they were fiancés, yet their situation seemed a bit too different for it to be like that. seo-jun watches the smile falter at one picture, "his name is nolan; he's in one of the same classes as her, he's 19, lives with a roommate in an apartment on-" jimin cuts him off, "yeah, i know him. i don't think i have to wo-", then a sudden memory comes flashing to him. how nolan stared at you all throughout the amusement park. "follow him." he says with a sweet smile that doesn't match with his eyes as the waiter places down their food.
"oh hobi, it my best friend's toothbrush. she stays over sometimes. we have the best sleepovers!" you cheer. hoseok face changes in a quick second,"aww, really? that's nice. so i'm taking she likes the color blue." you nod at his words, eyes switching back to the board game and pretending to think on how to gain another victory. "her name's olivia, right?" you feel your heart stop at the mention of her name coming out of hoseok's mouth. how does he know her? you've never mentioned her at all to hoseok. your body doesn't turn to face him, small sound of agreement to his question. "yeah, did i ever tell you about her?" you ask with a sweet tone that doesn't make hoseok suspect a single thing. "yeah, a while back though." he responds, lying to you. where does he know her from? you don't notice how hoseok walks right behind you, too deep in thought that it scares you when he kisses your ear. "how about we both take the victory for tonight?"
his question goes unanswered when he kisses you and lifts you up. your legs wrap around his waist as he takes you to the couch in your living room. your mind is still on the realization that you've never told hoseok about any of your personal things, not your friends or family. so how does he know olivia? your mind finally snaps when your underwear is being tugged off you, his hands caressing your legs as they slide off. "gosh, you're so pretty." his brown eyes stare down at you with that beautiful smile that, somehow, always makes your heart flutter. he kisses you on your forehead and then lips gently, before spreading your legs apart. hoseok grunts as he views your cunt, all wet for him. hoseok kisses your clit softly, before, without warning, furiously sucking on it. you moan at the feeling. your eyes roll to the back of your head after his tongue dips into your pussy. your hand finds its way to his hair, gripping his hair into a tight fist. hoseok continues to fuck your hole with his tongue, impatient to have your sweet essence down his throat. it has your back arching when he suddenly goes at a quicker pace.
"hobi!" you moan out as you cum on his tongue. he slurps every drop, ignoring your tugs of his hair when you try to push him because of how sensitive you are. his chin is dripping wet, but all he does is kiss you while his hands push his boxers and pants down. his tongue fighting dominance with your own, until he finally wins. hoseok makes sure you feel his cock at your entrance. he rubs it along with your slit and teases your hole with his tip. he snickers when you whine at him, "please hobi!" but he doesn't listen. you've finally had enough for of his little teases. you push your hips downwards and your hand grabs his cock before lining it up with your entrance and forcing it in. the both of you moan in pleasure, "such a feisty girl." he chuckles at your movements. his hips start moving and hitting your own with a hard pace, you're for sure that you'll bruise. it's something that can't happen, not when you might see seokjin or taehyung or any of the men. "ow, hobi!" you cry out a painful moan that convinces him enough to slow down. "shit, i'm sorry." hoseok pecks your forehead, then lips before going to suck your collarbone. you immediately pull him up to kiss his lips. taking one of his hands to touch your clit while his cock pushes past your folds over and over. "fuck, you're so tight." he groans once your lips finally let him go. your saliva covers his lips, and vice versa. you're so close to releasing, hand squeezing hoseok's shoulder while the other scratches his back, leaving a trail of pink.
you're cumming when hoseok hits your g-spot repeatedly. you have such a tight grip on him, he can't stop the moans that leave his lips in a hurry. the cum on his dick only makes it easier for him to move in and out of your cunt. you whisper words of encouragement to him, sweet words of nothing, moaning right next to his ear. you suck on his neck and collarbone, leaving small spots of red surrounded by your lipstick. "gosh hobi," you pant and sob at overstimulation before continuing, "you look so handsome like this, covered with my lipstick; my marks." his eyes roll back at your dirty comment that makes his face heat. hoseok's cum floods your walls, twitching inside of you as he thrusts through his high. he connects both of your hands, not slipping out of you, before bringing you into a hug. "see, it's a win-win." he laughs when you smack his shoulder. "what are you doing over the weekend?" hoseok asks. "i'm going to visit my family. i miss them, more than usual." he coos at your statement, "aww, that's adorable. but i was, uh, kinda hoping i could take you out?" he suggests, but then shakes his head, "maybe sunday?" your mind goes back to namjoon; you were meeting him on saturday and going to visit them on sunday. "i'm gonna be with them the whole weekend, hobi! sorry." he nods at you, "it's all right."
you fall asleep no later in his arms. when it's all quiet and he's sure you're asleep, "i know you're lying to me; olivia's been staying with her family since monday, a place five hours from here. so who's been here, huh, my (y/n)?"
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tellmegoodbye · 2 months
Tag Game: Found Family
Thank you @lonestar-s5countdown for hosting this, and thank you @thisbuildinghasfeelings for tagging me!
(1) What is your favorite 911 Lone Star Found Family moment?
The gang helping Mateo study for his test!
(2) Which platonic pairing/friendship dynamic are you most looking forward to seeing again in season 5?
Owen and Carlos, Owen and Andrea, or Andrea and TK. I need more Strand and Reyes family shenanigans, and some more emotional scenes between them as well.
(3) If you could pick one Lone Star character to be friends with, who would you choose?
TK! He's just very carefree and upbeat, and I think he'd be very fun to be around. I think everyone needs a friend like that who's always going to try and cheer you up or makes it their mission to host the fuck out of you like it's an Olympic sport.
(4) Which would you rather attend: Catan night at the loft or game night at the Ryder house?
Can I combine these? I prefer the vibes of the loft hangouts but I also have no fucking clue how to play that game, and I prefer video games over board games.
I want a Mario Kart night at the loft. Nancy may have gotten shut down when she tried to introduce non-catan games but could you imagine the gang all playing Mario Kart together?? The vibes would be elite!!
(5) A character of your choice ends up in jail. Who would they call to bail them out (assuming their romantic partner, parent,and/or child didn't pick up?)
Marjan calling Paul to bail her out is the obvious answer here, I think, so another possibility could be TK calling Nancy to bail him out, or vice versa. It's the bestie-ism of it all!
@strandnreyes @goodways @rosedavid @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses
@heartstringsduet @bonheur-cafe @herefortarlos @carlos-tk @literateowl
@freneticfloetry @fitzherbertssmolder @whatsintheboxmh @ironheartwriter @reasonandfaithinharmony
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @welcometololaland @mrs-corrections-78 @butchreyes @reyesstrand
@nancys-braids @captain-gillian @theghostofashton @alrightbuckaroo @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@paperstorm @guardian-angle22 @emsprovisions @sapphic--kiwi @decafdino
@firstprince-history-huh @messymindofmine @goldenskykaysani @toomanycupsoftea @reeeallygood
@tailoredshirt @lightningboltreader @fangirl-paba @fandomswonderland @rmd-writes
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hello there Vod'ika
Just a quick warning I am dyslexia so I hope I type this right.
So just imagine Alpha 17 or Jango (or any of the hot clones that you can choose) "Take it off or I'll make you sweetheart". just if you're taking ask right now. If not I love your work.
Only Girl In his World
Summary: Life on Kamino is horrifically dull. Oh sure, you’re more than happy to share an apartment with Jango, but right now you don’t have anything to do since his son hasn’t been born yet. So you have to make your own fun.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 1245
Warnings: Spicy ish. Reader is a brat, intentionally
Prompt: "Take it off or I'll make you, sweetheart."
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
A/N: You gave me the choice of writing Jango and I couldn't not do it, lol. I love him so much. Anyway, I hope you like it! Also, I have a fever of 102, so I'm so sorry if it doesn't make sense in some places.
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You are so very bored.
You twist on your bed and kick your bare feet up against the window. It’s cool to the touch, which tracks with the rain pouring from the sky on the other side.
Kamino sucks.
It does.
There’s no nightlife, which means you can’t go dancing unless you want to dance on your own, and it means no drinking because you are incapable of drinking the bitter swill that Jango calls alcohol.
There’s no entertainment at all in Tipoca City. No movie theaters. No cafes. No libraries. 
You heave out a heavy sigh and allow your head to fall off the bed, your hair brushing the floor and you look out the bedroom door and into the main part of the apartment that you share with Jango.
He’s not here now.
Oh. He’s on Kamino, but he’s not home now.
He has to go and get some testing done before the Kaminoans start gathering his genetic material to start the cloning process. A fact that he bitched about while you made breakfast for the pair of you this morning.
He hadn’t been very impressed when you pointed out that he was the one who agreed to a ten-year contract. Still, aside from a scowl and a tug of your hair, he wasn’t overly upset with you.
You still don’t have any regrets about agreeing to come with him.
Jango is Jango, after all. And you’d follow him into hell without question.
You try not to think about how you probably are before this whole thing is over.
You stay on your bed for a moment longer, before you heave out an explosive sigh and roll so that you topple on the floor. There has to be something here for you to do.
Some video games, some movies, something.
You poke around the living room for half an hour, and, upon finding nothing that will help you banish your boredom, you sit on the floor with an unhappy huff. 
“I should make Jango order me a game system.” You grouse to the empty room as you hit the button that will open the closet door, hoping against all hope that there might be something in there for you to do.
The only thing inside the closet, aside from towels and other linens, is Jango’s armor. 
He couldn’t wear it to the testing, after all.
“Honestly, would it kill him to put his armor in his room? What if I needed a towel?” You stand and lightly grab his helmet, absently turning it in your hands. 
It’s heavier than it looks. Jango always acts like it weighs almost nothing.
You lightly trail your fingers over the paint around the visor, easily finding scoring on the metal that wasn’t noticeable from a distance. You knew, logically, that Bounty Hunting was a dangerous profession.
And Jango is one of the best bounty hunters.
Somehow those two facts didn’t connect until just now, when you’re looking at the old damage to his armor.
Is that why Jango hired you for this role? So that his son will still have a guardian even if something happens to him?
You jump when the apartment door slides open, and turn to look at Jango as he steps into the apartment.
Somehow he looks more annoyed now than he did when he left.
“I’m back.” Jango greets you and then pauses when he sees you holding his helmet, “What are you doing?”
You glance at his helmet and then at him, “I was looking for something to do.”
“And you grabbed my armor?” He asks amused.
You huff, and turn to place the helmet back on the stand, “I was hoping there would be something to keep me entertained in the closet, your armor nearly gave me a heart attack.” You say as you round back on him.
“That right?”
You set your hands on your hips, acid on the tip of your tongue, but you let the vitriol die when you see the look on his face, “How was the testing?” You ask instead, “You look exhausted.”
He makes a face, “I feel like a prized bull.”
“Do not.” Jango warns.
You shrug, “Look, we both know you’re here as their stud, Jango.”
He groans, “You went there. Of course you did.” He walks over to you and drops his forehead on your shoulder.
Absently, you card your fingers through his curls, “They can’t want that many more tests before they start gathering specimens for the cloning,” You offer in a, hopefully, soothing voice.
“At least two more months of testing.” He corrects as he shifts slightly so you can feel his warm breath against your neck.
“You poor thing.”
He pulls away and flashes a small smirk at you, “Distract me.”
“What? You want, like, stand-up comedy or something?”
You start when you feel his warm hands against the bare skin of your waist, one of his hands sliding up under your thin shirt. “I had something a little more entertaining in mind.”
“You know, at this point I might as well just move into your bedroom,” Your breath hitches as his thumb brushes the underside of your breast.
“Mm, sounds like a plan, we can get you moved after.”
You squeak as he crowds you back to the couch, bumping you against the back, “You’re going to be too exhausted to move me after,”
He growls against your neck, actually growls, and you release a shaky, and highly aroused, breath. Jango tugs on the hem of your shirt, “Take this off or I’ll make you, sweetheart.”
You should obey him. Jango likes it when you obey him. He gets all hot and bothered and gives you exactly what you want. Which is generally his mouth pressed against your pussy…but you don’t want to obey him today.
Today you’re feeling a little contrary.
You giggle and press your lips against a spot just under his ear, and you suck a mark onto his skin. Jango groans at your actions and pulls his face back away from your neck.
You lean in so your lips are just over his and a broad smile crosses your face, “Make me.” You whisper.
His gaze snaps to yours, and something predatory slides through his eyes, “If we weren’t on Kamino, ad’ika,” He almost purrs, “I would put you outside and tell you to run while I hunt you down.”
You feel a thrill of desire at the thought and are disappointed, once again, that you’re on Kamino.
“Don’t be so disappointed, brat,” Jango warns as he smoothly pulls your shirt off and tosses it to the side. He bites down on your shoulder, pulling a startled yelp from you, “You’re still going to be punished for being so disobedient.”
You giggle, “Oh no~”
There’s a spark of amusement on his handsome face, and his hand lands, heavily, on your ass, making you squeak. “Bedroom, ad’ika. I need to find my binders so I can punish you properly.” He roughly grabs your chin, “And you’d better be naked when I get in there.”
“Or what?” You ask cheekily.
He chuckles, a low noise that makes you shiver, “Well if you want to find out, continue disobeying me.”
He really isn’t making you want to obey him today. But a broad grin crosses your face as you turn and flounce into Jango’s bedroom, this is definitely a cure for your boredom.
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frankenjoly · 8 months
Mistaken (or not)
mushiranpoe “reveal” ft atsushi’s tiger senses
“So, you can recognize pretty much anyone you’re more or less familiar with just by smell alone, right?” Naomi was saying, with a mischievous smile that (surprisingly enough) didn’t scare Atsushi. Yet. “Wanna play a bit with that?”
“What do I have to do?” Atsushi instantly asked in return, undeniably curious.
“Can you tell us who’s gonna be here next before they enter?” Given how they were currently at the cafe for what was intended to be an informal gathering, the mix of sounds and scents made for quite an interesting challenge. And it seemed fun, so why not? Besides, and as if on cue, he almost immediately sensed the first example of the night.
“Dazai-san.” The response came out of his mouth with confidence, and Atsushi shared a smile with not just Naomi but both the Tanizakis when Dazai was indeed sitting at the table with them.
“What are we doing?”
“Testing Atsushi-kun’s tiger senses.” That time it was Jun’ichirô who spoke.
The game then carried on for the next half an hour, as the rest of the Agency members started making their respective entrances.
“The president.”
And of course, with every new right answer, Atsushi was feeling more and more confident. Not like he hadn’t been from the start; if there was something reliable, those were his tiger powers.
“Now it’s Ranpo-san.” Very few remained, and maybe he could end up with a total amount of zero mistakes even. “Poe-san and Oguri-san are coming too.” It would have made sense, since every time those two tagged along it was with and because of Ranpo. Except when the door opened, it was Ranpo alone.
“What’s up?”
“I thought you weren’t coming alone.” Atsushi said, shrugging. “Guess I got mistaken.”
And while he was on his way to start accepting defeat, Yosano started giggling, and it was just a matter of barely a full minute till giggles turned into straight up roaring laughter.
“Yes and no, Atsushi-kun.” Her words caused Ranpo to laugh as well, and both Dazai and Naomi followed shortly after. It didn’t take more for Atsushi to understand the implications, and it definitely was showing all over his face because…
“It’s like that, but also we weren’t doing what you think. Now.” Ranpo commented.“Ah, I didn’t–” Yes, that had been the first thing coming to his mind. But who could blame him, with no further context? “Congrats, by the way.”
(Also on ao3.)
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danifesting · 7 months
Thank you @semperama for the tag! It's been a while since I've done any writing based games.
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern 🧐
Connor watches Dylan's wedding through pictures on Instagram.
Max comes out of the practice room to find a guy standing outside the room waiting.
The test strip turns positive while Max is standing in Daniel's bathroom, two very solid pink lines showing, stark against the white of the paper.
"Oh my god. Who is that?" Jack asks as she bends forward to stretch out her legs.
Daniel stumbles upon the stream by accident.
Pierre walks into the cafe around the corner from her new apartment and immediately gets the breath knocked out of her.
Daniel loves anal sex.
Trevor stumbles into the deli, sunglasses firmly on, somehow still drunk from the night before, Jack trailing behind her moaning about how hungover she is and the summer promises many more mornings like this at the Hughes lake house.
The Liberty Bells are getting a new social media manager this season.
From TSN: Dylan Strome Traded From Chicago
My thoughts: I clearly love to jump right into the fic without any set up to get you there, just right into the action of it. With the exception of the first one, you're just dropped right into the thing that sets the plot of the story in motion without much other introduction or getting to know the characters beforehand. This is true for both my AUs and my more canon based fics. This is probably why I am a good fic writer but wouldn't necessarily make a good novelist. I don't lay any groundwork, I jump directly into the story.
Tagging @fourmula1 @nobrakesdown @33max @love-leah @ariadynamics
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yanderepuck · 1 year
I'M VERY CONFUSED ON HOW TO USE TWITCH. Because I'm playing from my phone I'm not sure if you will be able to hear my reactions bc I did a few tests a few days ago and you can only hear the game
@fang-and-feather @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lovely-seeing-you @tako-cafe @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @evil-quartett @spoopy-fish-writes @namine-somebodies-nobody @lulu-the-smol-floof @weird-profiterole @azulashengrottospiano @annis-rodoria-93 @clcrime25 @vioisgoinginsane @candied-boys @maries-gallery
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casparverse · 8 months
the casparverse !!
pretty much a big collection of gay messes living their silly little lives and giving each other kisses.
nothing cohesive happens here.
it's just me vibing with my 20 favourite oc's.
this blog will be mostly headcanons, drabbles, songs, arts, and graphics - basically a fan blog for my own characters, bc sometimes life is like that.
casparverse vibes: playing beach volleyball with ur best friends at sunset, driving ur ex to rehab at 2am, learning how to mourn the family u never had with the family u built for urself, breakfast pancakes, board game cafes, sti tests, climbing through a strangers window to get ur friend's shit back from their ex, switching languages mid-sentence, kissing strangers at a party, falling a little in love with all of ur friends.
set in santa monica, california.
called the casparverse after the silliest little blonde idiot u will ever meet <3
hm ill probably start a tag list so hmu anytime to be added to that! and my ask box is always open for questions so do that too and i will give u a big kiss <33
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peru-perusals · 4 months
Day 19 - Miami Layover
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Photo by Holly
We landed in Miami at an ungodly hour of the morning but by the time we made it out of the airport, it was a much more reasonable time!
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Photo by Holly
We took bus down to the Playa cafe, across the street from the Eggstaurant we had been to on our first Miami layover.
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Photo by Holly
I got an excellent Cuban sandwich and pondered @b1g-cheese's post about Karen Gillan filming a movie at George Fox.
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Photo by Holly
Bernadette wanted to go to mass and more people kept tagging along until all of the students went to mass at St. Patrick's and Holly went out to the beach.
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Photo by Alyssa
The mass was incredible, they had a full orchestra and choir in the loft, which just rung through the entire church. I was glad to have sung Mozart's Mass in C in choir this past semester so I knew what they were singing about in Latin. When mass got out, we had a half hour before we had planned to meet up with Holly so we sat in the shade beneath this lighthouse sculpture.
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Photo by Haley
We went from there to a crab place renounced for their key lime pie. They gave us a full can of whipped cream that we used excessively.
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Photo by Alyssa
We headed out to the beach and headed into the waves! We played a thrilling game of wavelength while we bobbed about. I was remarkably bad at that game, guessing 8 when the actual number was 5.
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Photo by Holly
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Photo by Alyssa
This is where the story gets much less fun. If you want to skip that, please pretend that we picked up lunch from Trader Joe's and spent the rest of our time in Miami at the botanical garden, before taking the bus back to the airport as planned and boarding our flight back to Portland and all living happily ever after. Thanks for reading my blog and following along as I perused Peru!
But here's what actually happened. We got out of the water and set off towards the botanical garden. As we walked through the park, I rapidly grew weak and collapsed to the ground in a relatively controlled manner. The group had continued walking, so I texted them and tried a group call. I was hyperventilating and losing fine motor control, so I used Siri to call a number of members of the group individually, but nobody picked up. I was entirely paralyzed by this point and I dropped my phone into the grass. I thought I saw a dinosaur over me, but it turned out to be an iguana hanging out in the tree. Apparently they had stopped at the bathroom nearby to change out of their swimsuits. My memory is a little hazy, but someone noticed me and they started attending to me. Claire, who is studying to do sports medicine, raised my feet and started walking me through exercises of trying to close my fist and lift my limbs. I wasn't able to do either of those things at first. Bernadette filled my water bottle repeatedly. Someone put cool towels on my chest. Holly called 911 and shortly thereafter paramedics arrived to check my vitals, which were all good. An ambulance arrived too, but they called it off. They said this was pretty normal for the weather, especially since we weren't used to it. I was their fifth call like this of the day. One of the tests they ran hurt a lot; they connected me to what looked like a boombox and it felt like all of my muscles were being activated at the same time. Remind me not to get electrocuted. While I lay on the ground, Holly went to the store to get ice packs and popsicles. By the time she returned, I had regained much muscle function and we walked to the bus station. On the bus, I noticed that the weather had a excessive heat warning for 106-110 in Miami Beach. Missed that. We rode back to the bus station, which had a place for dolphins to park. How accommodating!
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I changed out of my swimsuit and we took the tram back to the airport. I was getting weaker as we waited in line for TSA for a few hours, so I sat down and scooted myself along the ground until we got to the front, where I did my best to act like a fully functioning human being as I went through security. They fell for my ruse, but I fell to the ground shortly after we got through. I had cold feverish chills emanating from my spine and rippling through my body, which was fairly concerning to Holly, who called 911 for the second time. Paramedics arrived and ran a series of tests, but luckily not the excruciatingly painful one. Once again my vitals were fine, and encouraged me to get food and liquids in my system. I lay on the ground while Holly tried to hail one of the accessibility golf carts to take me to our gate, halfway across the airport. A while later, she succeeded. Unfortunately, I lost my key lime pie on the way over. I cleaned up and we rode the rest of the way. We arrived at the gate and reconvened with the rest of the group but our fight had moved to another gate. I thought I was feeling strong enough to walk there, but after a few hundred feet, I needed to sit down again and we hailed a cart to take us to the new gate.
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We sat and waited for the flight but I wasn't feeling well enough to board. The rest of the group boarded but Holly stayed behind with me. I fell asleep on the floor at the gate while Holly stood in the line for hours to rebook us for a flight the following day. When I woke up, I hailed another accessibility cart to take me as far as the airport hotel where Holly had booked us a room. The line snaked around the room, so I parked myself on the floor, slowly scooting me and my luggage forward as we moved. Holly arrived about midnight, just as I got to the front of the line. She had booked through some sort of 3rd party and they only sent over one confirmation code which the hotel computers read as there being one room. She had to call the 3rd party but the hotel's phone lines were down so they couldn't receive confirmation by phone. While she got this sorted out, I fell asleep, slumped over my backpack on the floor of the hotel lobby. Holly eventually woke me up and I moved to a couch while she continued to sort things out with the hotel. I fell asleep there as well. At 1:30am, the hotel gave us our keys and we took the elevator up to our rooms and I collapsed into my bed, which was much more comfortable than all of the various places in the airport where I had slept on the floor.
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If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
I am autistic. I was diagnose when I was in kindergarten but I wasn't informed until the 6th grade. Yeah, religious trauma gender dysphoria and bullying wasn't the only thing on my plate. It's funny cause for years I was labeled with ADHD but was never given a actual test to know??? The doctors kind of skimmed through the report, saw I had a history of running around and being a silly butt and put the label on me for over 20 years until recently I was able to do a proper test and was properly diagnose with Autism Spectrum Disorder! I do have some form of mild ADHD according to the report which makes sense but yeah
The best way to describe my fashion is to look at my hyper fixation at the moment and there you go! While at home I primarily wear hoodies and sweatpants, while out I tend to switch to jeans and shirt or a cute skirt or dress from Hot Topic or my local grandmother owned Thrift Store, I have corsets only here for the look of my emo cottagecore witch heart, I have many forms of aesthetic jewelry of many ends of spectrums of aesthetic wikis, I have plenty of perfumes and makeup palettes of any and all seasons of the year. Some days I dress Y2K, other days I'm very grandmacore in my sweaters and long skirts getting coffee at my cafe house, some days I'm your local fairycore goblin bean who hides all their crystals while running around the backyard with her two dog protectors in a white gown with a red stain presuming from last year's Halloween's fake blood effect. Hell, on TikTok and Instagram all my work place buddies tag me in videos of "That One Emo Kid/Cowoker" videos cause they mainly see my black wardrobe and Mothman inspired earrings
And finally, I'm very VERY BAD at flirting. Not in the sense I think I have game, but I mean picking up on flirting. Or seem like I was into someone when I was not. I can write an entire novel series of just the many times I'm friends with someone and I'm very much having a good time, and suddenly they start acting like we're dating and I'm uncomfortable and I turn them down and now it's awkward and UGGHHHHH!!! It's hard being a Demi-Romantic Asexual these days...
I tag Thee:
@nuitthegoddess, @onehellofashadynerd, @selenacrest, @hateweasel, @artnijna (check out the works, they draw amazing SebaClaude stuff that kind reawaken my old Season 2 ship heart) @thelamentknight, @cursedcupcakemaster, @neko-michaelis
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persephones-journey · 8 months
Valentine's tag game 💗
I was tagged by @itbmojojoejo & @gemini-mama
The most painful love crush/disappointment in life?
I was 11. My best friend and I both liked the same boy. He started walking home with me, cause we both lived down the same street, and we started talking more and more and getting to know each other. He told me he liked me...
Only for me to find out that my 'friend' had told him to do it so she could test me and see if I would 'steal her boyfriend'...
What was your first real date like/what do you imagine your first real date like?
It was coffee in the university cafe. It was okay... there was not a second date though lol
What would be the most awkward situation for you on a date/has happened to you while dating?
Ahh, not while dating but... I joined Plenty of fish for a hot second and matched with this guy. It didn't go anywhere but about two months later, my mom texts me a picture of this guy she is going to dinner with... IT WAS THE GUY I HAD MATCHED WITH....
What was your first kiss like/what do you imagine your first kiss to be like?
I was 4. It was the son of the guy who use to work with my grandfather. I just grabbed him, he was 5, and kissed him. LOL. I do not remember this AT ALL but my grandfather told the story when I was older
Do you have any sexual quirks that others would find strange/is there anything you would never do when it comes to sex?
That's between me, my partner, my bed, and the gods lol
Kinkiest thing you've done/could do with a partner?
Ahhh, see above answer lol
The most romantic thing ever?
An accent.... oh, did mean something different?....
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this
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aquariaries · 1 year
I saw this from @tournesolia and wanted to answer these myself!
I know it's a tag game but I have no one I talk to on here regularly enough to even be tagged in any fun stuff 😅 So I did it anyway lol
Diabolik Lovers Tag
1.- Who would you rather take to a night club, Carla or Azusa?
Hmmmm night clubs aren't my thing so its hard to say ... But I think I'll go with Azusa as I feel like he'd eventually start to have fun even if just a little bit.
2.- In a Science test would you copy Yuma’s test or Ayato’s test?
Yuma’s. While he may not be book smart like Ruki or Reiji, he's not totally ignorant to the world of science as gardening/farming requires a good deal of knowledge in that category so I feel like he'd be a better bet.
3.- Would you rather have Kino and Azusa or Shin and Laito, as your Butlers?
Shin and Laito. Shin because I'm biased AF since he's my 2nd fav boy and Laito seems like he'd be fun as a butler. I can see him getting into so many shenanigans 😆
4.- Go on a date with Reiji at an Aquarium or go on a date with Subaru at a Cafe instead?
Both sound lovely, but I'll take the aquarium date with Reiji. I love aquariums and Reiji is my favorite out of all the boys, so for me personally that's a date made in heaven 🥰
5.- Would you rather go support/see Kou at one of his Concerts or go support/see Shu at one of his Violin Performances?
Oooh another tough one. Normally I'd say Kou because I'm super curious to see how he acts as an idol on stage, buuuuut I don't do well at concerts because I have POTS and the loud environment coupled with standing for long periods of time can make me ill very quickly. So I think I'll have to go with Shu since it sounds more laid back and easy to sit through. I do love violin so I can't complain :)
6.- In a Math Project would you team up with Ruki and Shin or with Reiji and Yuma? Who would fight less with eachother?
Reiji and Yuma. Like I mentioned before with the science question, Yuma shouldn't be the worst with Math either considering he'd have to plan out his garden plots and the spacing between rows of crops which would require a lot of math to figure out. Would they fight a lot? Yeah probably but I see Yuma being more willing to work with Reiji vs Shin working with Ruki. I feel like Shin would get pissed real fast at Ruki's snarky attitude 😅
7.- Who would you put your bets on, Kanato eating the most chocolates or Ayato eating the most Takoyakis?
Both are very possible lmao but I'll put my bets on Kanato. Do not underestimate the sugar gremlin.
8.- Sleep in Carla’s room, Subaru’s room or in Shu’s room? (You have the room to yourself, they aren’t there) Would you peak on their stuff?
Shu's room. That man does nothing but sleep, you can't tell me he doesn't have the finest bed and bedding available. I bet sleeping in his bed would be like sleeping on clouds ✨️
9.- You’re a princess of the Victorian era! Your father has ordered that you have a bodyguard.. who would you choose as your personal bodyguard, Laito or Kou?
Kou, easily.
10.- Would you prefer to have Kino in his bat form as your pet or Shin in his wolf form as your pet instead?
Shin! Floofy wolf 🥰
11.- Break a fight between Kou and Ayato or between Laito and Kanato?
I'll go with Kou and Ayato. I feel like Kanato would be rather ... stabby if angered enough. I want no part of that.
12.- Who would you kiss on the cheek, who would you kiss on the forehead and who would you kiss on the eyelids?
Eyelids???? Cheek kiss for Subaru (you can't tell me he won't get flustered and turn red as a tomato, which would be absolutely adorable) forehead kiss for Azusa and eyelids kiss for Shin. The latter I'd specifically kiss over his eyepatch (idk if he'd be offended and punch me or totally melt but that's a gamble I'm willing to take-)
13.- Take care of Shu and Reiji in their Chibi form or take care of Subaru and Kino in their Chibi form?
Shu and Reiji!
14.- Sing/Perform in public Laito’s Q.E.D Song or Reiji’s Mr.ButterflyMask song?
Both are *chef's kiss* 😘👌 but I think I'll go with Q.E.D. as it's one of my favorite songs from the series. Like God damn. Laito did not have to go that hard 😩💚
15.- Would you rather wear Ruki’s casual outfit or Yuma’s casual outfit?
Yuma's because it looks cozy and I love the little belt strap chain thingy on the leg.
16.- Go on a Vacation trip with Shu, Kino and Ayato at a Amusement park or go with Shin, Azusa and Subaru at a Water Amusement Park?
Again, since I have POTS amusement parks are sadly too much for me anymore so I'll take the water amusement park with Shin, Azusa and Subaru. I LOVE swimming and it would be easier on me. Although I do not like water slides so I'll stick with the lazy rivers, wave pools and regular pools. Plus I like the 2nd group of characters as a whole more than the 1st group. (love Shu though)
17.- Would you rather get lost in a forest with Reiji, Kino and Kou or with Ruki, Carla and Kanato?
This is tough. The 1st group has Reiji in it (bias showing lmao) but the 2nd group has two of the smartest characters, but also the purple gremlin. I really really realllllyyyyy wouldn't want to be stuck anywhere, nonetheless lost in a forest with Kanato. But I'm sure Ruki and Carla would keep his ass in check so I think I'll take my chances with the 2nd group.
18.- Who would you cook breakfast for? Who would you make a scarf for? and Who would you do a drawing for? Options: Kou, Azusa, Shu.
Breakfast for Kou as he loves to eat, scarf for Azusa so he can have something comfy and the drawing for Shu since I can't see him caring enough for food or using a scarf tbh.
19.- Participate in a Circus as Carla’s Knife thrower assistant or go to a Casino with Shin and be offered as a bet/reward by him in the Roulette Wheel game? (So if Shin looses you’ll be taken away by whomever won)
Carla's assistant. I can't stand gambling in the first place, so the reality that I could easily be given away if Shin loses scares the crap outta me. I think I'll take my chances with Carla since I guess I trust his skills more. I don't like either of these tbh ;-;
20.- Who would you rather catch by accident taking a shower, Yuma or Kanato?
Yuma. I don't want anything to do with Kanato. Yuma would probably just be like "yo wtf" and tease me while Kanato would rage. Plus Yuma in the shower, need I really say more? 👀🧡
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nxghtingale · 10 months
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𝒹𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶 𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒶𝒾𝓃𝑒
drizella tremaine is based on drizella from cinderella. she is a 27 year old human, until sunrise employee, and uses she/her pronouns. she has no powers.
penned by HARPER
face claim: luise befort sexuality: heterosexual height: 5'4" eye color: brown hair color: brunette piercings: one hole in each ear lobe tattoos: n/a
positive traits:  decisive, focused, honest, idealistic, meticulous, traditional negative traits: apathetic, callous, fussy, humorless, judgemental, materialistic, spoiled likes: expensive parfum ( not to be confused with perfume ), dressing up, the color green, classical music, mojitos, shopping, using her family name to get what she wants, chocolate chip cookies, pilates dislikes: poor people, those who lack social etiquette, singing in front of people, the color yellow, the smell of gasoline, country music, being told she's wrong, beer, wearing wool, hook-up culture phobias: n/a hobbies:  utilizing all the services at the spa, going to pilates, planning her future business, sitting at her table in the lucky cat cafe, rearranging her closet, making people feel horrible about themselves, buying things, pointing out everything anastatia does wrong aesthetic: cherry syrup, the tapping of manicured nails, the sound of red-bottom heels clicking, a waste bin filled with price tags, gucci floral, designer brands on display in a glass closet, the swell of the string section in an orchestra, the crisp cold air on a winter morning, the ticking of a grandfather clock
mother: madonna tremaine father:  francis tremaine ( deceased ) step-father(s): too many to name. sibling(s): anastatia tremaine  pet(s): a maine coon named lucifer
♛ it’s no surprise that drizella’s favorite color is green. everything about it is beyond flattering; it makes her skin look tan, it makes her eyes pop, it looks good with black or brown or white; any of the neutrals, really. besides, her mother has been dressing her and her sister in pink & green for forever… sometimes, things just stick. ♛ how she smells is so important to her…. drizella will never wear any other scents besides Miss Dior, Burberry, Chanel, etc… if it isn’t a top tier, high-priced parfum by a designer brand ?? she doesn’t want it.  ♛ drizella turns head when she walks into a room. she just has this infections energy that screams ‘i’m here- now look at me.’ whether it’s with her looks, her charm, or her status… drizella is the person to talk to at any social gathering. regardless of your end game, saying you’ve run even on the outskirts of her circle is a notable fact in itself. ♛ her feelings about her sister are… complicated. on one hand, she wishes so badly that she cared about her reputation or the power their name came with. duh- who wouldn’t want to be respected before they’ve even spoken a word?? she wishes ana was as excited about parties and fulfilling the duties of a socialite as she was so she’d have someone to share it with… but on the other hand, she’s kind of relieved anastasia has situated herself on the back-burner; more time and attention for drizella. less competition is always better. ♛ her hair dictates whether or not she’s going to have a good day. and her outfit. and her make-up. if she even feels like there is a strand out of place or her eyeliner is not symmetrical; it’s going to be EVERYONE’S problem. ♛ her mother’s approval is more important to her than anything, and she wouldn’t even dare test her mother’s wishes or limits in fear of losing that respect. not that drizella’s feels entirely respected by her mother but… there was no reason to even flirt with the lines she drew so clearly in the sand. what she said went — she just wanted her daughters to be successful, after all. ♛ drizella won’t be caught dead drinking anything that isn’t a well-respected label, on the rare occasions she does drink. if her tab isn’t $100 after two beverages, she doesn’t want it… not that she ever knows how much her tab costs anyways, she never pays them herself. ♛ drizella is the swell of stringed instruments in a symphony, building up to the climax of a piece, the impending notes that are being slowly lead up to. she is the sliding of a violin’s bow against taught and organized strings, notes played with practice and intense precision. heaven help the musician that plays her tune incorrectly. ♛ receiving the attention of charming is her life’s purpose ( as of right now ); securing the family’s spot in relevancy for the rest of time through the winning of his affection. her mother wouldn’t have it any other way… and so despite drizella’s deep desire to find true love (one she ignored constantly)..., at the end of the day, marriage was a transaction. christopher charming was the direct route to the top of the food chain, and drizella was nothing if not an apex predator wishing to secure her spot at the watering hole. ♛ drizella doesn't believe in true love. she believes marriage is transactional, and who you marry should compliment your status and your familial goals. at least, that's what she has been conditioned to believe. she's never thought about finding true love before, believing it to be for stories and a myth.
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