#café des sports
arnemoner · 2 years
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Café des sports, exposition collective.
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anokha-swad · 6 months
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nickssidewitch · 5 months
Is It Destiny?
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Destiny, an upcoming YouTuber, meets Matt Sturniolo in a café in New York City. They part ways after their brief encounter there, but keep up with each other online. What will happen when they meet up in person again for the first time in months?
Warnings: Fluff, Meet-Cute, Smut (SoftDom!Matt x Sub!OC), First Orgasm, dry-humping/grinding, Oral (Male-Receiving) w/ deepthroating
(And yes, the Layla in this fic is the same Layla of my previous fic, “Chris’s Dilemma” as this is technically a chapter 2 of a series I plan on writing!! 🥰)
New York’s colder than what Destiny remembered of it. The gray, fuzzy sky blew a sharp, chilly breeze that pricked the skin of her face every time it brushed against her.
She was there from Florida– a big difference in climate to New York– for a Creator Summit that YouTube was hosting, one that she had attended for a few years now. It proved to be a great networking event for her and many other creators. She’d already met so many good friends and coworkers there, so she decided she should give this year a go.
Among those she had met was her best friend Layla, who has been a close companion of hers since the very first time she went to the Creator Summit.
Layla at the time was a creator on the rise, gaining popularity with her makeup tutorials, travel vlogs, and fashion hauls, while Destiny was simply a consumer of Layla and other creators’ content, deliberating on whether or not she should join the industry as well. While walking through the streets of Miami, where her first Creator’s Summit was held, she stumbled upon Layla vlogging her own experience for her channel. And after the two shared their greetings, they’d become inseparable since.
The second Summit that Destiny attended was where she met two other friends, Dawn and Malia. Dawn was a full-time musician and part-time YouTuber, and she was set to perform for both days of the Summit, which was why Destiny was there a week earlier. Malia, a sports journalist who was the wife of one of the biggest soccer players in the world, occasionally made her own Youtube videos as well. They all would hang out together from then on, forming their own little group that not only they loved, but the fans loved as well.
As she walked down the bustling pavements of the loud and proud city, she came across a little coffee shop. It was genuinely little: not more than 20 chairs, two at each table, and some content patrons enjoying their drinks as they sat at each one. Some were on their computers, a couple of what looked like college or highschool students were probably having small conversations about the latest school gossip, and a cute elderly couple sat with what Des believed to be their granddaughter. It was such a small and intimate community in this café, and Des was happy to join them, even if only for about 15 minutes, to escape the chilly autumn winds and the rush hour of the city.
She walked up to the line and waited her turn, looking up at the menu options to figure out what drink best suited her mood for now. The problem, however, was that Destiny was quite an indecisive person. Whenever she was presented with options of anything, she never had any idea to come up with a final answer, and would usually depend on someone else’s response. A curse, indeed.
Almost as if they could sense this exhausting personality trait of Des’s, a voice spoke up beside her. “I personally like the cinnamon cappuccino,” it suggested.
Destiny looked over at where the voice was coming from; it was a young man, seemingly around the same age as her, with short brunette hair, striking blue eyes that laid under hooded eyelids. His thin lips were a cute shade of baby pink that arched in a warm smile at her. She looked down at his hands— his attractive, veiny hands adorned with the prettiest rings and tattoos— and noticed him holding a small cup of what she would assume was the cappuccino he suggested to her.
“Oh, th- thank you,” was all that Des could manage to reply with. Her brain was still processing what was happening. That man is too pretty to be interacting with me, she thought to herself. She truly didn’t believe it.
“No problem!” He said with the same warm and pretty smile on his lips. His voice was subtle in his suggestion– not overenthusiastic or pushy– yet it was so charming and approachable. He took a sip of his beverage and licked his lips before speaking again. “It seemed like it was your first time here, so I just wanted to help you out somehow.”
“Oh, well, thank you for that,” Des chuckled and continued, “It is my first time here actually. I lived in New York for a little bit, but relocated to Florida with my family. Last time I was here was around 10 years ago, and this café wasn’t here at the time.” She walked up one spot in the line as it was nearing her time to place her order, but the man walked up with her, almost as if he came to the café with her. Usually Des would have an issue with this— some random man walking up to her out of nowhere and starting a random conversation— but something about this man made her feel comfortable. He intrigued her, not just appearance-wise, but something about his aura. So, she didn’t mind his actions at all.
“Oh, Florida? The weather must be a huge shock for you, then,” The man laughed to himself. “Why come to New York in the winter? The aesthetics? Or you wanted to do some free cryotherapy?”
Des laughed and made another step closer to the café employee. “Nah, I’m here for…” She paused as she thought about how to word this– she didn't want to seem like another one of those pompous influencer girls. As the lightbulb lit up in her head, she smiled and continued with her answer, “For a work event.”
“A work event, huh?” The man inquired. Des noticed a smile creep up on his lips and she swore she could hear a small chuckle escape. Did he catch onto her vagueness? “I don’t wanna seem like a creep, but does it have to do with YouTube stuff?”
Shit. He got me.
Des responded, “Um, yeah. It’s YouTube stuff. A little summit for creators”.
“Oh, I’m aware of the event,” he reassured her with a slyness to his voice, almost like he was familiar with the event (he was, obviously). “I’m Matt,” the boy introduced himself, extending his hand for Des to shake it. The warm and welcoming smile never left his lips. “I noticed I didn’t really introduce myself. My bad.”
Des shook Matt’s hand, but the moment their hands touched, it felt like her knees started to wobble. His hand… wow. The skin was so soft and warm. She could finally feel the veins that she noticed when she first looked at them. The rings adorned on his fingers were cold to the touch, causing her to wince internally. Her mind started to wander into places it probably shouldn’t wander the first time you meet someone— things of a rather erotic nature— but she quickly caught herself and managed to utter, “My name’s Destiny, but people call me Des for short.”
He repeated her name to himself, “Destiny?”, and a smile appeared on his lips. “I love that name. It suits you. Really pretty.”
Des’s cheeks grew warm and a tinted darker brown as her brain processed Matt calling both her and her name pretty. Did he know he was a pretty boy? She should tell him? Should she? Would that be weird? Who cares? Maybe he would be flattered. Or maybe he wouldn’t? Maybe he-
“So, you mentioned you were here for the Creator Summit?” He asked, interrupting her thoughts. Des nodded, and Matt chuckled to himself before continuing. “I’ve been there with my brothers, since we’re creators. It’s a good event. Lots of nice people there. You can meet creators old and new. It’s a great way to network.”
“Yeah, it’s not my first time going there actually,” a smile began to beam on her face as she thought of her first two times there, and memories of her, Layla, Dawn, and Malia meeting popped up in her mind. “I met some of my closest friends there a couple of years ago.”
“Aw, that’s really sweet,” Matt took a sip of his own hot cocoa before continuing, “Maybe you’ll make more friends this year.”
There was a beat of silence between the two of them as they both took their respective times deliberating on what to say next. And then Matt offered something that Des would have never believed.
“Maybe we can be friends?” He asked, before his brain caught up with what he was saying, causing him to clear his throat and follow with a nervous chuckle. He clarified, “Not just ‘creator friends’, but maybe something more?”
Des’s heart didn’t skip beats this time; she could have sworn it fully stopped beating for 5 seconds. She noticed a blush appear on Matt’s face before she averted her eyes from him.
Matt noticed her look away for a bit, and he made his eyes travel to find hers again, wanting to decipher if she was weirded out by the question or if she was just thinking about it. He did word it kind of weirdly, but maybe she didn’t take it that way.
Her next words confirmed the latter. “Sure. We can be friends,” she finally answered with a smile on her face, and Matt was relieved.
The more Matt studied her face, the more he noticed how cute of a nervous wreck she was. The way her cheeks seemed to grow more of a rosy undertone, the slight tremble of her hand as she held her coffee cup, the way she would never give him direct eye contact unless he manually brought his eyes to hers. He could understand it though; meeting new people is always difficult.
“Cool!” He said, and with that, it was time for Des to order her drink. “One medium cup of your cinnamon cappuccino, please,” Matt could hear her order, and he was warmed by her actually taking up his suggestion.
Des finally finished with her order and stood by the side of the counter as she waited for her drink. “So, ‘friends’,” She uttered to herself and looked towards Matt, who heard what she said and nodded in agreement.
“Yep, friends,” he returned. “And since we’re friends, maybe we can keep in touch?” Matt caught his words and realized how weird he must have sounded. So, he followed it up by saying, “I mean, you don’t have to give me your number or anything. E-mail is fine. Or something else; I don’t know,” all followed by a nervous laugh and trembling hands.
Des chuckled for a bit before she silenced herself, not wanting to seem like she was laughing at him or his obvious nervousness (she knew she probably came across as obviously nervous in his eyes). “Well, I never heard of friends exchanging emails; that’s more of an associate or coworker thing.” She heard Matt start to laugh, which gave her an okay to release the chuckles she kept to herself aloud alongside him. It was cute to see him flustered, but she appreciated him not wanting to seem too forward.
“Oh yeah, true. I just didn’t want to seem like I was pressuring you to give me your number or contacts or anything. I know how that could feel,” Matt reassured her, but he could tell by her body language that she seemed comfortable at the moment. Her smile was soft and warm, not forcing any teeth to fake her happiness. She wasn’t a loud talker, similar to him, and their auras just seemed to mesh so well together.
“I’ll give you my number and my Instagram,” she said as she pulled her phone out from her backpack.
Des took a sip of her cappuccino. The smooth and decadent flavor of the drink mixed with the presence of Matt as this moment soothed her in the midst of the New York pandemonium.
“So, where’re you going after this?” Matt asked her curiously.
Destiny took another sip of her drink. “I’m going back to my hotel,” she answered. “I heard it’s gonna rain later, and I know New York gets dark and kinda hectic when it rains.”
Matt laughed, “Yeah, it’s kinda like Massachusetts, where I’m from.” He drank his coffee and continued, “Everyone’s just in a rush to escape the weather.” Another minute of silence passed before he spoke up again. “Do you want me to walk you back to your hotel? I’m not busy right now, and I know the streets can kinda get confusing with the crowds and everything.”
Des blushed and stammered as her brain processed his question. “Um, well, I mean I don’t know- I don’t want to put you in the middle of all of that, too.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m kind of used to it by now, trust me,” he insisted, and he was indeed used to it, his mind flashing images of the crowds of fans that would follow him and his brothers in big cities like this. “I can help you carry your bag.” He directed his eyes to her backpack sitting on the chair next to hers.
Des blushed. “Oh, well, thanks so much, Matt,” she said with a genuine smile. She didn’t expect him to be so… chivalrous. It was attractive, but just not she was used to when it came to men.
The two got up from their seats, Matt lifting up the bag and her carrying her coffee, and left the small shop. He held the door open for her, as he knew a gentleman should.
Matt adjusted the strap of Destiny’s backpack as the weight tensed on his shoulder. He really didn’t mind carrying it for her though; she was worth the hassle. Des walked in front of him, leading the way as he happily followed. As he continued to walk behind her, he could smell sweet fragrances passing him by; the scents of the oils in her hair mixed with her perfume blended well together.
They both finally stopped and looked up at the marquee of the building which read “The Maximilian”. “Well, this is my hotel,” Des said.
Matt smiled and handed her the backpack. Their hands brushed against each other’s, causing Matt’s heart to skip a beat and Des’s breath to hitch. They weren’t expecting that brief touch, but it seemed as if it was fate’s doing, as if the divine had used invisible magnets in the pair’s hands that attracted them to each other.
Des let out a small chuckle as she regained her composure. “It was nice meeting you, Matt!” She said with a smile, and the man could have sworn his knees were nearly jelly as he heard her goodbye.
Matt smiled back. “You, too. I’ll text you, trust me,” he added the last part with the utmost sincerity. He hoped that she trusted him with that.
“I know you will,” Des said as her mouth just went with the flow of the moment, flirting with the man without even consulting with her brain first. Matt chuckled and began to wave goodbye as she walked into the hotel.
Des rushed to her room and quickly shut the door as she jumped onto her bed. She was like a giddy, giggly nerdy kid who just got the cool, popular boy’s attention at school, flailing her legs around excitedly and screaming into her pillow. Was she excited about talking to a cute boy? Yes. Was she also fighting for her life and having a lowkey panic attack because she spoke to a cute boy? Also yes. Was the screaming and kicking her feet up a mixture of the two emotions? Absolutely. And what happened a few minutes later set her off even more.
Ding! An unsaved number texted her, and the text read, “Hey, it’s me, Matt! It was nice to talk to you today! Enjoy that coffee. Hopefully we can talk again soon!” followed by a smiley face.
“Fuck me,” Des uttered to herself in disbelief of what she had gotten herself into.
Throughout the next 5 months, Matt and Des had been talking to each other on and off, sometimes about their growing Youtube careers, other times about casual things like their hobbies and their families. They would mainly text each other, but as they got more comfortable with each other, texts turned to Discord calls while playing Fortnite or silly little Roblox horror games, and silly littles games became late-night Facetime calls while doing their nighttime routines or while snuggled up in their beds. There were some nights where one would catch the other fallen asleep during the call. You know, the stuff friends do.
Matt would usually talk to her at night, but throughout the day he would find himself sending her little memes or even photos of things that reminded him of her. His brothers didn’t really know all the details. In fact, they virtually didn’t know anything other than the fact that they’d notice Matt sneaking texts underneath the table whenever they would eat together, that he’d get distracted on his phone when they filmed car videos, or that Matt was a bit more enthusiastic about waking up in the morning, sometimes even waking up earlier than the two of them, which was uncommon for him. It was weird, but at least they could acknowledge he seemed more up in spirits.
Destiny’s friends would ask her about the guy she was talking to, but she wouldn’t make it a big deal. “We’re not even dating,” she would say as an excuse, which was reasonable, of course. She didn’t feel it was appropriate to introduce them to someone she wasn’t even sure she would be romantically involved with. She didn’t want to get her hopes up to the point where a rejection would physically and mentally destroy her. She would, however, give them little details about him such as how he was a YouTuber, or that he had siblings, or how they met at the Creator’s Summit in New York. They would have little investigations (especially Layla) about who the mystery man could be. But up to this point, they still haven’t figured him out, which was great for Des.
Des and Matt’s friendship was working very well, even with the physical distances between them; Destiny living in Florida and Matt constantly traveling between California and Massachusetts. But that’s the thing: their relationship was long distance, and long-distance relationships can only go so far before the proximity becomes a problem. Des decided to bring it up one night during one of their FaceTime calls, stuttering her way through her part of the conversation as she tried to find the best wording for her suggestion to reunite with him in person. She was going to LA anyway to stay with her friends for a half-vlog-half-vacation trip, so she thought it would be nice to meet up with him, even just for a day or two.
Matt laid in bed as he received the information, seemingly calm if one looked at him from a distance, but his heart was actually pounding out of his chest. A heap of questions began to rush through his brain. She wanted to meet up with me? Oh my god, what does that mean? As friends or like… Oh gosh.
He simply nodded his head and gave her a promising smile. “Of course. I think it’s about time we hung out in real life again. We said we’d be more than just content or online friends, right?” His cheeks heated up as he heard Des’s cute little giggle from across the screen.
“Yeah, you’re right,” she replied. “So, I’ll text you all the details of my flight and my schedule and everything.”
“Okay, sure,” he said. As his anxiety grew, there were more thoughts. Fuck, is she coming to my house? Do I have to go to where she’s staying?
“It’s 2 AM already? Damn, I’m gonna go to sleep. I’m supposed to go to the nail salon with Dawn tomorrow.”
“Aw, okay. It was nice talking to you. Goodnight! Love y-” Matt quickly bit his lip as he heard the last two words about to slip from his mouth. Hopefully, she didn’t hear me.
“What’d you say?” Des asked. Thank God she had a genuine look of confusion on her face, and Matt mentally wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“I was saying ‘Goodnight and sweet dreams’”, he answered as he played off his Freudian slip. “The phone must’ve glitched.”
Des smiled. “Oh okay! Goodnight to you, too, Matt.” And the call ended.
And even more thoughts rolled in. Oh my God, what if I embarrass myself around her like I almost did? Does she even really wanna see me, or is she just saying that to be nice? What clothes do I wea-
“Matt!” A voice said, and a knock coming from his door snapped Matt back to reality. He realized it was Nick.
“Yeah?” he called back out.
“Is my charger in your room?” Nick opened Matt’s door a bit to speak to him more directly. “I texted you about it, but you didn’t answer, so I had to make this long ass, unnecessary trip all the way from my room to yours to ask you.”
Matt brushed off the shade and jolted to look around his bedroom and grabbed Nick’s charger as he noticed it on his nightstand. “Yeah, I got it. Hold on,” he said as he got up and walked over to his bedroom door, handing Nick the charger through the crack he had open.
“Thanks,” Nick expressed, before he saw the look on Matt’s face. “Are you good? You look pale… paler than usual,” he continued. He was joking with him, but there was a genuine concern there.
Matt raised his eyebrow at his brother. He knew why Nick would say that, but he had to deflect somehow. “I’m good! Don’t worry about it.” He feigned a smile.
“Well, that makes me worry.” Nick refuted.
“Well, I said don’t worry about it,” Matt snapped back, before sighing as he realized he was getting tense. “Trust me, I’m fine, Nick.”
“Okay…” Nick said with a hint of hesitation. “Well, goodnight. And keep your notifications on, please? I hate walking back and forth.”
Matt nodded and watched Nick walk off before shutting his door. A wave of relief caused him to sigh before walking towards his closet and taking a look inside. He analyzed each shirt and pants on the hangers and racks, leaving him with just one thought.
I guess I gotta prepare from now…
The door to Des’s place swung open and she looked around, taking in the view of the interior of the house she was staying in for the week. She was finally in LA for her little vacation trip with her friends, and thank God she was able to rent her own place for the time being.
As she finished getting herself settled in (and by finished I mean putting her luggage to the side until she remembers to unpack later), she decided to let everyone know of her arrival, including Matt. She laid onto her bed and texted him “I’m in LA right now! Just arrived this morning” with a little heart face emoji as the cherry on top. She placed her phone on her nightstand and connected it to her charger as she went into the bathroom for a quick shower to wash herself off.
Matt looked at his phone as it sat on the stand attached to the Desboard of his car, the ding interrupting his focus as he continued to drive home. He had just finished having a meeting about a book he was working on, one that discussed anxiety and mental health from both a personal and professional perspective. He had been working on this book as a secret kept from his fans for about ten months now, constantly holding meetings with co-writers and editors, as well as doing interviews with therapists of all kinds.
Matt tapped onto his phone and it revealed a message from Destiny which read “I’m in LA right now! Just arrived this morning” with a smiley heart face emoji. His heart jumped as he started to think about what his life will be like this week with her finally being in close proximity to him. They made a promise that they would hang out for some time while she was here for the rest of the month, he just had to figure out when and where exactly.
Luckily, he had some days where he wouldn’t be having book meetings. But, he had to figure out how to designate time away from Nick and Chris. He really didn’t want to, but he felt that he had to. He and Des weren’t technically dating, technically not even real-life friends outside of the half-hour they spent in that coffee shop in New York. Bringing her up out of nowhere to his brothers would make them confused, but hiding her from them also felt like a crime. He couldn’t risk it though.
As Matt arrived home, he quickly texted Des his itinerary for the week and called her, a smile never leaving his face as he began to suggest things that the two of them could do together. He told her about a cute crêperia where they had “the best crêpes he has ever had”, and about a little botanical garden that he recently went to with his brothers and his friend Madi. In the back of his mind, he could get her a special flower there? He chuckled as he thought of the millions of ways to express his gratitude for her coming all the way to LA wanting to spend time with him in the midst of her busy schedule. But… were they dates? Honestly…
He wasn’t even sure yet. Here came the self-doubt.
Today was their first day meeting in-person since their time at the café in New York.
Matt waited outside of a brunch place he had suggested for the two of them to eat. He kept his eyes peeled for Destiny; he didn’t want to miss a second with her.
After a few minutes of aimlessly scrolling through his phone to pass the time, he finally heard a familiar cute voice from his right side. “Hey!!” Matt turned and looked at Des holding her hand out for a shake. Almost as if his body reacted involuntarily, his arms wrapped around her body for a hug.
Des was startled at first, but his touch and the warmth of his body instantly calmed her. The two shared a tight embrace before Matt pulled away to look at her, all of her. “How’ve you been?”
She noticed his eyes on her, almost like he was examining her, which would make sense since their first time seeing their whole bodies in person after a while. “I’ve been well!” she answered with a smile, the same smile that almost made Matt want to fall to his knees back at the coffee shop where they first met.
“Yeah?” Matt asked rhetorically. But, the way he said it… something about it made Des’s heart jump. And not only her heart had that reaction; Des shifted her position a bit as she felt the bundle of nerves between her legs pulse. Her brain did its best to shove those nasty thoughts in a vault and lock it as she nodded her head and asked back, “How’ve you been?”
Matt answered, “I’m good. But, even better now that you’re here.” He smiled, causing Des to let out a small titter, not knowing how to really respond to that. The Generation Z jumped out and came to her rescue, following the small nervous chuckle with a “same”.
Matt chuckled back and said, “Well, we should head inside. I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause you’re gonna want to eat everything off this place’s menu.” Matt’s face lit up as he saw Des laugh at his joke. This girl really knew how to make his heart flutter without even trying. And with that, he placed his hand on her upper back, swung the door open, and escorted her into the building. He swore he could feel her breath hitch as he touched her.
Their little date went well. They spoke to each other with the same energy as they would usually do over the phone. It was face-to-face now though, which added an extra layer of intimacy amongst them. They started to notice things about each other, especially in their body language, that they had never noticed before, since those months on FaceTime they pretty much always saw each other from the chest up with the usual “fit checks” being the only full-body exceptions.
Every moment Des would glance up at him, he would already have his eyes on her, then would quickly look away as he realized she caught him. She noticed that he never looked at his phone other than to check a phone call from his brother Chris, giving her the green flag that he actually paid full attention to her. She saw how he would bite his lip every time she shifted herself in her seat, and how he would stroke his hand through his hair whenever she complimented him, a sort of nervous tick. It was cute.
Matt was just as observant. He would watch the way she ate her food from the moment she picked it up with a fork, to the way she would chew, to the way she would swallow and wipe her mouth in case anything was on her lips. He noticed her fidget in her seat, especially when she was being complimented or praised. She would even shift sometimes when he would crack a little teasing joke at her. It was cute.
How the fuck would they both get through the rest of the week if they kept studying each other like this?
To answer the question, it went pretty well despite Des and Matt being in their heads about it. They checked off every box they had planned in their joint itinerary, with Matt showing her in some of his favorite places in LA, and Des happily following along, happy to learn more about the area, Matt himself, and their personal dynamics together.
The final stop for this week was Matt’s office where he’d met up with book editors and publishers before. He had a meeting earlier that day and everyone had left, so he knew he could take her here. It would be perfect: no distractions, no people walking in to disturb the flow, he could show her around and give her the inside scoop about his project, and he didn’t have to worry about being around her with fans or anyone watching their every move. And the added bonus of him still wearing his semi-professional office clothes. Just perfect.
He walked her around the office, showing her concept boards and first drafts, and told her about his book. As he spoke, he noticed the way her face would light up. Did she like the book that much? Or did she like the fact that he liked making it?
They finally finished the tour, and now they’re sitting on the gray couch in the room together, wondering what to do next.
“It’s been nice to spend this week hanging out with you,” Matt said, the satisfaction in his tone aligning with the words he spoke. “I just really love your energy.”
Des’s heart skipped a beat as she registered his words. Love my energy? she asked herself. “We only met in person for at most 30 minutes in that café,” she said with a laugh, and then continued, “And now we’ve only spent a week sneaking around together. What’s there to love?”
Matt’s body shifted, spreading his legs in a more relaxed stance as he felt himself get a bit tense. She was right, he could admit to himself. It’s only been a week of talking to someone face to face for the second time ever and he’s making such a bold claim. But, he meant what he said, and explained, “I mean, you’re just such a sweetheart for one. You actually sit and listen when I speak, compared to other influencers I’ve met. With a lot of them, you can just see them thinking about how to turn a conversation we’re having into content for their next TikTok or YouTube video.” He paused as he noticed her doe-like eyes looking right at him, taking in every word, before continuing, “You can see it in their eyes: just ideas and thoughts flooding their brains, blurring their vision. But with you, when I look at your eyes, they’re so big and bright and clear. It’s like you’re listening not only with your ears, but with your eyes, too. They’re so… so beautiful.”
Des’s heart stopped. Literally stopped. Beautiful?...
She quickly mentally slapped herself to get back to reality after that word stopped her in her tracks. “Oh, um, thank you, Matt.” She smiled anxiously, and she noticed Matt glance down at her lips.
Matt’s legs spread a bit more as he could feel something coming on (more like something turning on…). He watched as Des bit her lip and shifted herself on her side of the couch. She was having the same reaction as him.
“Des, I’m serious,” he added onto his previous statements. “You’re beautiful. Not just looks-wise. Your personality… I just-” he bit his lip, his brain stopping him from continuing.
It was like his brain and his heart were fighting for dominance. Would it be logical for him to express his deeper feelings to her now? Or does he say “fuck logic– I’m just gonna tell her I love her”?
But there was a third opponent in this internal battle– and it wasn’t even internal. Matt kept his legs spread, trying his best to make his dick comfortable. He wasn’t getting a boner on purpose (he swears!), but Destiny was just too gorgeous. Her aura and her presence around him just made him get flustered, and ultimately, sexually frustrated.
He was just a man. Insert shrug here.
Matt patted the spot on the couch next to him and gestured over at Des for her to come beside him, and Des obliged, scooting up next to him until their thighs met.
At this point, they were looking into each other’s eyes, as if some force made them physically bound to stare at each other. Matt continued his confession telling Des, “I just wanna let you know, I really like you. I know we said we would be more than creator friends– which we are!” He paused to think about his next words. He absolutely did not want to fuck up this moment because of his anxious, misspeaking tongue. He sighed to relieve himself a bit and spoke again, “I know we’re friends and we’ve only been friends for some months now, and we’ve only hung out in person for a week and a day in total, but I feel something with you. It’s not just platonic.” He stopped himself from saying anything more for the moment because he really wanted to study her reaction. He knew that actions spoke louder than words, and that was very true in his and Des’s circumstances since they were both not the most outspoken people. The best way for him to really gauge Des’s thoughts was just by watching her.
He could see Des’s eyes wide and trance-like. They were staring into his own, but not actually looking at him at the moment. She was listening to him— the same way he told her that she truly listened to him with her eyes. And she was processing everything. Well, he did just admit his wholehearted more than platonic feelings for her, so it would make sense. He continued his admission, adding “I think I’m in love with you. I’m falling for you pretty hard. And it’s confusing since it’s so sudden, but I really wanna… try things out with you.”
Des bit her lip and shifted in her seat. Another nervous snicker, followed by an “Um..” made the somewhat hopeful look on Matt’s face start to dissolve. Did she not like what he said? Was she weirded out by him? Fuck… what if the feelings weren’t mutual? Or worse- what if she didn’t want to be his friend anymore?
“Matt?” Des’s voice interrupted the man’s thoughts. His eyebrows rose as his eyes jumped between her lips and her eyes, in some way to decipher what she was going to say next.
Des herself was also trying to decipher what she would say next. She wanted to immediately jump in Matt’s lap and kiss him. She wanted to just say “yes, yes, yes!” with pure excitement. She wanted to even satisfy him with her body, sealing the deal of any sort of romantic and sexual relationship. She wished she was just that type of spontaneous girl who could just love and accept him– all of him– with open arms.
But, she wasn’t. And she was well aware of it. All of her thoughts and feelings began to flood her brain, her mouth didn’t even know what words to form next. So, her eyes decided to take the reins.
Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, which juxtaposed the smile on her face. Were they tears of joy? She wished they were simply that: tears of joy. But, they weren’t. They were a mix of different feelings: a culmination of anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and joy that overwhelmed her. And her body just decided to release them all in the form of crying.
Matt saw her begin to sob, watched as her chest heaved in excess, how the tears just ran down her face without any force or strain, how little whimpers escaped her throat, and it absolutely devastated him. Des wasn’t just crying, she was having a nervous breakdown, a panic attack, a reaction his body was familiar with. He instantly coiled his arms around her, rubbing on her back to bring her back to some sort of tranquility. He let go of her after a few seconds, not wanting to make her feel claustrophobic, and placed his forehead against hers. It was like his body didn’t want to fully let go of her– it wanted to stay close and help her feel better. So, he began to start breathing, 4 seconds of an inhale, 4 seconds to hold his breath, 4 seconds of an exhale, and 4 seconds to hold once again, repeating the process intentionally to let Des follow at some point.
Des picked up on his breathing technique as her arms around him felt his respiration through his back. She began to follow his process, and after some time, it calmed her down. Matt and Destiny’s eyes met again as she looked up at him, and that’s when she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. It was her way of showing gratitude without a “thank you”, for words were not needed in that moment. All they needed was serenity. All they needed was each other; they were each other’s serenity.
As the moment continued and their comfort levels increased, Matt noticed Des getting closer to him, like she was trying to get on top of him. He helped her with this motion, getting her on top of his lap, and held her. His body cradled hers, not wanting to let go. If he could hold her like this forever, he would. Her aura, what he imagined was a light, fairy pink, blended with his sky blue to create the most beautiful shade of lavender. It looked like the way the sky would have a purple hue whenever the sun went down. A sunset— that’s what they were. She was the sun; shining more brightly than any other star in the universe. His world seemed to revolve around her. He was the Moon— one would only notice him if they looked up at the sky, and even then they probably wouldn’t see him at his full potential. Those mere, almost fleeting moments where the Sun and Moon would meet in the sky— their first meeting at the café in New York, the phone calls and texts they shared, and this whole full week of them being together in-person— created these beautiful colors of red, orange, and purple. And that’s what this blooming relationship between Matt and Des was: the purple hue of the sunset, where the Sun and Moon would enjoy each other’s company before they bid adieu to one another. The Sun’s light would still bask on him in the night, and on some days one could point out the glow that the Sun left on him even on their busiest days.
Des clung to Matt like a koala, with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his neck. The two enjoyed each other’s warmth for a few more moments, truly engraving this moment in their bodies and minds. Des took it upon herself to make the next big move, to hammer a nail in their relationship.
Her lips pressed against his suddenly. Whether it was out of passion, comfort, or anything else, she didn’t quite know. But something about Matt helping her out of that state of vulnerability allowed her to break open her seal and release the spontaneity that she didn’t even know she had within herself.
Matt didn’t hesitate to reciprocate, following the movements of her lips with his own. She tasted the way he expected her to taste– like the mocha-flavored lip gloss she applied onto her lips after every meal they shared. It was divine and matched with her sweet, decadent composure. He knew at that moment that he wanted more of her, right here, right now.
Matt released his mouth from hers before any further actions– before a tongue slipped in, before a nip at a lip, before a whimper or moan could be emitted. He needed some sort of rite of passage, so he gazed into her eyes to ask his next question. Or rather, suggest something to her. “Des, I wanna do more with you… I wanna make you feel good.”
Destiny smiled softly at his disclosure, and nodded her head slowly. “O-Okay,” she stuttered. She knew what he meant, of course. He wanted to shift this to a more passionate atmosphere. She wanted it too, she couldn’t lie, and her desire rose as Matt leaned in to kiss her forehead.
The man’s arms massaged her shoulders a bit before starting to slowly inch down the sides of her body. His hands stopped above her hips, and he looked into her eyes again for a subtle consent to touch her there. Des nodded and smiled before looking down to figure out what he would do next.
His hands finally placed themselves on her pelvis and began to massage her. He wanted her to feel comfortable with this new boundary being crossed, and by the way she started to lean into his body and place her head in the crook of his neck, he could tell that she was.
That’s when he began to guide her hips to rock back and forth on top of him. The instant relief flowed through his body, causing Matt to sigh. He could hear a small whimper come from Destiny’s mouth as she, too, began to feel him against her.
He continued to guide her, keeping the pace slow, yet pressed her into his lap more to increase the friction. Matt swore he could feel Des’s mound through her pants, which motivated him to please her. Grunts and moans were all Matt could let out at the moment; the dirty talk would have to come later once he was out of his trance.
Des’s head was fully in between Matt’s neck and shoulder. She kept her arms around his neck to stabilize her upper body, while her lower half was being fully controlled by him. She began to spill moans from her mouth as he pressed her into him more, and the best part was that she didn’t feel the need to conceal them. She loved this feeling, not only because he was pleasing himself and her, but because he felt comfortable enough in the relationship to want to try something like this. They were on the same page, and this was just the cherry on top.
Matt’s grip onto Des’s hips suddenly loosened, and the grinding stopped. He was getting close, but he didn’t want to just use her body like a toy (at least not so early in their sexual relationship). He wanted to really feel her. He wanted her to use him for her own pleasure. “You wanna ride me, pretty girl?”
Gulp. Des removed her head from the crook of his neck and looked at him. She swallowed a lump in her throat before nodding her head, trying to fix herself onto Matt’s lap in a way she thought would help her perform to the best of her abilities. The thing is, her abilities… weren’t quite able. It’s not like she hadn’t ridden something before– if the pillow adjacent to hers on her bed counted as something. But, an actual human man? Not a part of her resumé. She finally sat herself down, but hesitated with commencing her next moves.
“Have you ever done this before?” Matt asked curiously, although by the lack of movement she gave from her end and the awkward position she sat in on his lap, he could already tell the answer.
Confirming his suspicions, Des shook her head and lowered it. Was she ashamed?
Matt placed his fingers on her jaw and brought her head back up to face him, making sure her eyes were aligned with his. His lips curved to form a smile, one that was hopefully reassuring for her. “It’s alright, Des. It’s normal. It’s okay. If you ever wanna stop, just pinch me or bite me or just say no. I’ll be fine,” he paused to kiss her forehead, “We will be fine. Okay, pretty girl?”
A blush appeared on Des’s cheeks, and she nodded, giving him a kiss back onto his cheek. Matt then helped to adjust the girl on his lap, making sure both him and her were comfortable with their positions. He grasped her hips and then her ass, but made sure to keep eye contact with her, studying the microexpressions on her face in case she ever gave a sign of discomfort. Then, Des began to rock her hips back and forth, mimicking Matt’s earlier guidance. The pleasure between her legs came back again as she felt him through his pants, rubbing against her sweet spot.
Matt bit his lip and threw his head back as the pleasure he felt shot up his spine. His Destiny, his gorgeous girl, was on his lap, riding him through his pants.
He groaned as Destiny continued her movements, the urge of throwing his head back again quickly diminishing as he began to plant kisses against her ear and the back of it. He could hear her little sweet whimpers of ecstasy in his own ear, and it drove him to lift his own hips up to collide with her rotating hips. His groin met with hers with such force that the vibrations of impact flowed through the two of their bodies, causing their soft pants and whimpers to grow into louder moans. If dry-humping caused them to have these sorts of reactions, one could only imagine what penetration would make them feel like.
Matt knew that the sounds of friction against their clothing mixed with their moans wasn’t enough to complete the symphony. He needed to add one more piece. So, his lips began to twitch as his brain transferred sweet-nothings to whisper to the girl on his lap. “There you go, baby… That feels good?” He murmured, the softness of his voice contrasting with some undertone of a rasp that sent shockwaves through Des’s ear all the way to her pussy. The pulse at her clit quickened and the wet spot in her panties quickly flooded the entire area. She nodded and threw her head back, making Matt lean over and grab her to keep her from falling backward. This new position created a delicious angle for Matt to begin thrusting his hips with more intention, almost to the point where he looked like he was actually fucking her. “I know, baby, you’re feeling good. Good girl…”, he stated while he stared into her eyes, furrowing his eyebrows as his own stomach started to churn with pleasure.
Des’s moans started to become more sporadic the closer she got to her orgasm. Matt took the opportunity to reach one of his hands down to her mound and begin rubbing at it, his finger doing its best to find where he believed her clit to be. He felt something, similar to the feeling of the tip of a nose, and knew that he hit the jackpot, so he began to rub at that spot the best he could through her pants.
The feeling of the moment finally caught up to Des and she felt herself begin to unravel. Her body began to shake as she orgasmed, almost making her fall out of Matt’s grasp.
Matt pulled her body close, wrapping his arms around her waist with a grip tight enough to contain her trembling, but soft enough to give her some sort of comfort. He softly cooed at her, whispering small shushes and giving her small pecks of his lips by the temple of her head. “It’s okay, honey,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re okay. I’m right here. It’s just me, okay?”
Des brought her head between his neck and his shoulder as her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm. It was embarrassing for her. She knew it shouldn’t have been. Matt probably wouldn’t care if that’s how her body reacted to pleasure. But what if he did?
Almost as if he had heard her worries through telepathy, he uttered, “No, no, no it’s okay to shake. Shaking’s normal.”
“I’ve never done that before,” Des admitted, causing Matt to cock his head. She clarified, “I’ve never cum before… especially not with someone else.”
Matt kissed her temple and began to rub her back. He didn’t have a problem with her admission at all. “You feel good though, right?” She nodded, and he continued. “That’s all that matters,” he stated with a sincere and heartwarming smile.
Her warm chestnut eyes looked into his icy blues, the contrast between them being highlighted by the bright sparks of ecstasy that they now both shared post-orgasm. Des was normally intimidated by eye contact, but with Matt she felt… comfortable. Safe. Trust.
And that trust is what gave her the confidence to make this request.
“Matt… if you’re still up for it,” she paused to swallow the lump of saliva that nearly stopped her from getting her words out then continued, “Can I suck you off?”
Matt was indeed up for it. He didn’t have an orgasm from their grinding session, which he was initially thankful for because he didn’t ruin his pants. But with Des’s request, he was now double-thankful for not cumming. He could now enjoy a blowjob from his favorite person without the fear of him (or his dick) being overstimulated or overwhelmed.
“It’s okay, you can do whatever you want. Whatever feels comfortable. I wouldn’t ever force you to do anything,” He replied. In his own mind he added, I could force my dick down your throat… with consent though-
His thoughts were stopped as he watched Des get on her knees between his legs, looking up at him with those doe-eyes. Those same fucking doe-eyes that got him hard in the first place were now looking up at him, yearning for his dick.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, and he pulled his pants down to help her get started. Her soft, warm hands pulled down his boxers, causing his erection to spring out in its precum-coated, red-tipped glory. It was desperate for some relief, something more than just a couple rubs through fabric— it needed a warm and wet cavern to dump its release inside of.
The way her eyes looked at his dick could have cum right then. But he held his composure, and pet her head as he watched one of her hands wrap around his shaft. Matt chuckled as he noticed her trying to jerk him off. “You have to lube it up; I don’t have any foreskin, sweetheart,” he said with a laugh.
Des laughed as well as she realized her mistake. “Oh, right,” she told him. Noticing the pre-cum began to slide from his tip, she used some to wipe onto him, and Matt winced at the contact. He bit his lip as he watched her stroke his cock, and when her eyes met his, he, again, did his best not to cum all over her face.
Des finally knew it was time to do what she yearned for. So, she bent her head down and released some saliva onto his tip, then used her hand to coat it all around his dick. When she was ready, she wrapped her lips around him, and began to suck.
“Ah, shit..,” Matt groaned. He leaned his head into the back of the couch, truly living in this moment– the moment that his girl Destiny was finally making direct contact with his dick. It was purely heaven.
Des brought her head up and down his length, doing her best to get as much surface area as she could. When she got comfortable and noticed Matt’s face of bliss, she brought herself as far down his dick as she could and began to suck from there.
Matt’s hand grabbed the back of her head, however he didn’t tug on her hair; he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or in any sort of pain. He wanted his girl to truly enjoy herself— He knew he was. “Your lips… oh, shit,” was all that he could even conjure out of his own lips.
Des chuckled, causing vibrations to move through his cock all the way up his spine, making his brain receive all the pleasure from those feelings. The girl continued to do her best to suck him deeply, not quite deepthroating, but still getting deep enough to feel him at the back of her throat. It was surprisingly pleasurable for her, and the proof was in her panties as her clit throbbed the way it did when she rode him.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Destiny,” he moaned out, jutting his hips. He tried his best not to overpower her— he really did.
But, she just felt too damn good.
“Des, I want to go deeper, are you okay with that, sweetheart?”
He heard (and felt) an “Uh-huh” come from her mouth, and he immediately took action.
His hips bucked in her mouth with haste, the tip hitting the back of her throat which caused her to make the most disgustingly beautiful noises. “Good girl,” he stated through grunts, “good fucking girl. You’re taking me so well, baby.” He stopped speaking to listen to her noises. They were cute gags with little gaps in between each stroke of his cock, both from the impact of his dick’s rhythm inside of her, but also from her trying to keep herself alive with short and quick breaths through her nose. He had heard those sounds in porn before, yes. But with Des? That was something else. She wasn’t just some personal pornstar for him, she was like his doll. And although this was their first time together, he loved to play with her, and he anticipated the many more times he could play with her again, the many more possibilities of getting nastier with her, the many more times be could be romantic and soft with her, the many more times he could just simply be with her.
“Fuck, Destiny, I’m so close,” he moaned out, and his feet planted themselves on the ground as he did his best to restrain himself from cumming too early while still thrusting into her mouth.
Des didn’t respond simply because her throat was occupied with being thrusted into. Her hands held onto his thighs as his thrusts got faster, and she knew he was getting closer to an orgasm.
And finally, with a couple more thrusts and some praises, he finally released, closing his eyes and groaning proudly. But, he noticed that she might not be comfortable with him ejaculating inside of her mouth, so he pulled out to minimize the chances. He looked down at her and noticed that some did end up in her mouth, while the rest landed on her cheeks and nose.
But, Des didn’t care about any of that. She fully accepted it all, and leaned her mouth back onto his dick to suck the residue from his tip. This stunned Matt, but he didn’t question it since she looked too damn good doing it. Des smiled and licked her lips as she finished. “You taste nice,” she complimented him.
Matt laughed and petted her head and brought his hand down to hold her jaw and caress her cheek. “Oh yeah? I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
Des cocked her head to the side as she questioned what he meant mentally. Matt noticed and continued, “For when I taste you!” He grinned as he continued, “I know you’re probably gonna taste better than me.”
Des smiled and blushed. He wanted to taste me? She asked herself.
Yes, he wanted to taste her! And not only taste her– he wanted to touch her, tease her, make her cum around him, choke, gag, bite, kiss, spit, swallow, everything. He wanted to do every single damn thing to her.
But, that would have to be for next time.
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lz-didyounotice · 7 months
The girl with a thousand faces : Part 1
Hey guys! hum warning, this is my first fanfiction on Doctor Who. I wrote this one with the tenth doctor in mind. English is not my primary language, so please be indulgent. This fic will be in two or three parts depending on what the general reaction will be :0 So hum yeah. Also in the first chapter, you're given a certain name, but it will not be definitive.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Your destiny wasn’t what you could call “normal”. For a human at least. 
Playing, studying, going to college, finding a job, having a family, and growing old, could be called a winning ticket. You, on the other hand, had to deal with something else for as long as you could remember. 
Remembering. Here was something you were good at, something you had done for dozens of years without even understanding why it was happening. All those faces, all those lives you had to leave behind you. A single heart that had to grow again and again, without knowing where it would end up next, what language it would speak, what future it would be. 
A miracle some would call it. To you, it was purely a curse. The process of dying, being conceived again, growing up, and remembering your past lives, was getting tiring as the years came by. But here you were once again. And this time, your death had been quite special. Never would you have imagined dying to free a city.
Paris was beautiful, it was true. But too many people lived there for it to be breathable. Summer was a pain in the ass, having no air circulating between buildings, and the cramped space of the streets, making the temperature grow higher each passing day. It wasn’t bearable. Breathing wasn’t easy, and there was as much that water could solve. 
Today was one of those days. Waking up to windows covered in craft paper to reduce the heat coming in the house, the rod from your old shutters, still in a corner of your room waiting to be saved. A kitchen, a little too small for even one person, and a pan to heat the water. A simple life in a busy city.
The bus had taken its sweet time to arrive, making you late for work. As soon as you entered the small café, you were in for quite a lot.
“Oh! Louise te voilà enfin! t’as presque une demie heure de retard, Naeva te cherche partout. J’ai mis ton uniforme dans l’arrière boutique 
oh! Louise! here you are, you’re practically Half an hour late, Naeva was searching for you. I put your uniform in the back
-Ah! Merci beaucoup Fély! je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans toi. Désolée pour le retard, mon bus a encore été dévié.
Ah! Thanks a lot, Fély! I don’t know what I would do without you! Sorry for being late, my bus took another route again.
-C’est pas à moi qui faut dire ça, allez dépêches toi, on ouvre dans 5 minutes.”
I’m not the one you should tell this, and hurry up, we open in 5 min.
With a big smile, you walked by the kitchen to finally get dressed in your work attire.
Working wasn’t a passion. Making drinks had become mechanical long before even entering this café. Made it more of a chore to keep a place to live. 
Even with the knowledge of a thousand years, you had stayed here, certain that something special would happen in this life. This “something special” came with the name of John Smith. A beautiful man in a striped suit, bearing a gorgeous smile. Never would you have guessed that this man could bring so much trouble with him. 
You were happy to have learned how to regain your memory faster. And practicing sports did wonders. But Running from potato-headed soldiers wasn’t how you imagined your Monday to go. Their guns secured in hand while they tried to shoot you and the man beside you. 
Somehow, you managed to get shot in the side. Sure it hurt like a bitch, but it wasn’t your first rodeo with this kind of injury.
Making a new turn, the two of you had entered a small building. As soon as the door was closed, you heard a weird vibrating sound and saw “John” hunched over the door lock.
“It should last us a bit before they can get us.
-Who the heck are you ?! You seem to know an awful lot about what those are.  
-I’m the Doctor.
-The Doctor? What kind of doctor runs from bald potato soldiers?
-I could ask you the same. And you were also shot. Do you think you can still help?
- I might die either way. Let me be useful….”
“ So… what is the plan? “
The Sontarans had tried to sneak a bomb on Earth. Similarly to a mine, someone had to walk on it for it to detonate. In this case, only a human could make it explode. The bomb was still on their ship, and the Doctor had found their teleporter. 
The safe was easy to find, but to take down the fleet, the bomb had to be activated. 
“Doctor, I know it’s not the best option, but I'm the only one here able to make the ship go down. I’m already injured so it wouldn't be a big loss. You'll probably find me again in another life anyway. You, on the other hand, I’m not entirely sure.
-What do you mean another life ?! You're not dying, not on my watch…!”
The brunette seemed stressed. You knew he was trying to hide it, but you had too much time in your life to know what was going on in his head.
“You know what? Can I promise you something?
-I don’t think I quite follow but go ahead.
-I promise you, I'll always come back. No matter what. Might take a few human years but I'll always be back. No matter the life. “
The doctor seemed surprised. Humans surely made shallow promises in the hope of making things better, and to make others less guilty. But the sincerity of your voice made him believe it, and it scared him.
“Who are you, Louise....?”
All you gave him was a small smile before picking yourself up, blood still spreading on your shirt despite having transformed your apron into a temporary bandage. Only three digits were necessary to open the door. Your hand on the lock, the door slides open, and the monstrosity you had before your eyes made you want to throw up. You knew of the pain that was going to go through you. It wasn’t your first death by a bomb, but the last blasted your brain in tranches below the surface.
The bomb looked like a normal sewer lid, it would have been easy for a citizen to mistake it for a normal one. Checking Behind you, you had hoped to see the face of the doctor one last time before taking a step.
His eyes held sorrow, convinced that he had to make something else work. In comparison yours held hope, knowing that it wouldn’t be your end. But as red lights came into existence, he had to run. His eyes turned as he ran away to get to safety.
Once you knew he was far enough, as your foot barely touched the bomb, you felt your skin burn like a thousand suns. It was almost welcoming.
Darkness took over, letting you sink into the unknown.
Has you opened your eyes again, all you could see was the face of a beautiful woman. A halo was drawn on top of her head, as she whispered a sweet lullaby.
making gurgling noises, you finally reached for her nose, desperate to touch something again. And all you saw was her smile as she put her head against yours. Your name fell beautifully from her lips. 
“Welcome to the world… Y/N Noble…”
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howlingday · 2 months
Pyrrha: Ahh (estirandose mientras se le resalteaba su redondo trasero al igual que a sus bien formadas piernas y muslos) blake tiene razón estos pantalones de yoga son increíbles son ajustados y al mismo tiempo flexibles casi cómo si no llevará nada
Nora: Y que lo digas y éstos sosténes deportivos que yang recomendó son increíbles y cómodos, mis chicas pueden respirar cómo nunca antes ahora (respiro hinchando sus pechos que además se encontraban apretados por el mismo sostén)
Todo esto era visto por un nervioso jaune quien intentaba tomar café sólo para que su mano temblorosa y su incapacidad de apartar la mirada lo hagan derramarlo, y a su lado se encontraba un ren leyendo un libro sin importarle absolutamente lo que el dúo de amazonas le haría a su líder
Jaune: E-ellas saben lo-o que están haciendo?
Ren: Definitivamente lo saben (ojeo la siguiente página) Yo que tu en su lugar bebería redbull
Pyrrha: Ahh~! (Stretching while highlighting her round butt as well as her shapely legs and thighs) Pyrrha: Blake is right, these yoga pants are incredible! They are tight and at the same time flexible, almost as if she were wearing nothing. Nora: And now that you mention it, these sports bras that Yang recommended are incredible and comfortable~! My girls can breathe like never before now ! (She breathes, swelling her breasts, which were also squeezed by the same bra) All this was seen by a nervous jaune who was trying to drink coffee only for his shaking hand and his inability to look away causing him to spill it, and next to him was a ren reading a book without absolutely caring what the duo of Amazons would do to him. Jaune: Do they know what they're doing? Ren: They definitely know (Looks to next page) If I were you I would drink Redbull.
Jaune: Why?
Ren: 3...
Jaune: Huh?
Ren: 2...
Jaune: What are you doing?
Ren: 1...
Jaune: Ren, what the heck are you-
Pyrrha: Jaune? I think the shower is broken again. Can you come fix it for me, please~?
Jaune: Oh, uh, sure thing, Pyrrha. Just let me ask Ren-
Ren: (Dragged away by Nora)
Jaune: Ah...
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faerybin · 2 years
Tumblr media
「Lee Minho」 ♤
» So here you'll find all of my favorite Minho fanfics
» For the sake of not spamming the authors, I won't tag them in my post anymore
» Hope you will enjoy and let me know if one of the links doesn't work *⁠.⁠✧
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[Untitled] ↴
[0.3k] — fluff, suggestive
Cotton Candy ↴
[0.3k] — fluff
Routine ↴
[0.5k] — fluff
Another year with you ↴
[0.5k] — fluff, established relationship
Ticklish ↴
[0.7k] — fluff
Mine ↴
[0.7k] — pre-established relationship, fluff
[Untitled 4] ↴
[0.8k] — fluff, comfort
Birthday boy ↴
[0.8k] — fluff
Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) ↴
[1.4k] — established relationship, fluff, suggestive
I miss you ↴
[2.5k] — smut, slight angst, fluff
Tumblr media
Café cuddles ↴
[2k] — a lot of fluff
Conversations with Minho ↴
[2.3k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Brother's best friend ↴
[2.4k] — smut
Kingdom come ↴
[3k] — slight angst, smut, prince!minho x maid!reader, royalty!au
A chance ↴
[3k] — slow burn, angst (if you squint), hurt/comfort, fluff
Black magic ↴
[3.3k] — warlock!minho, witch!reader, fluff
Bets and situations ↴
[3.4k] — rivals to lovers, street racing, smut
Homerun ↴
[3.8k] — fluff, friends to lovers au, high school au, sports au (baseball player minho!!)
Make a wish ↴
[3.9k] — smut, fluff, established relationship
Strawberries ↴
[4.3k] — tattoo artist au, fluff
Dirty Thoughts ↴
[4.7k] — smut, fluff, friends to lovers
Jealousy, jealousy ↴
[4.9k] — college au, coffee shop au, strangers to lovers
Of poison love and never agains ↴
[6k] — fluff, angst, royal au, enemies-to-lovers
Winner ↴
[6.6k] — fluff, slight angst
Spiderweb ↴ ♡
[7.4k] — smut, angst, roommates to lovers, brothers best friend!au
Glowing ↴
[8.2k] — best friend’s brother!minho, smut
Laundry ↴ ♤ ♡
[8.2k] — smut, established relationship, angst, fluff
Backstage ↴
[8.6k] — established relationship, mc!lee know, fluff, smut
[9k] — boxer!au, neighbours!au, smut, tsundere/brat tamer!minho
Between the lines ↴
[9.7k] — retro!high school au, slow burn, slight enemies-to-lovers shenanigans
Green Flames ↴
[9.8k] — little angsty, slowburn, fluff, hogwarts au, frenemies to lovers
A/B/O ↴ ♤ ♡
[11.1k] — kinktober, smut
Ritual ↴
[11.3k] — soulmates!, historical!au, smut, angst, fluff
Kiss me more ↴ ♡
[13.2k] — fluff, smut, brother's best friend!au
Destiny's Design ↴
[16.4k] — enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage!au, royal!au
The enemies to lovers project ↴ ♡
[18k] — enemies to lovers, college au, slight angst, fluff
Conflict, conceal, confess ↴
[18.1k] — college au, enemies to lovers, smut
Invisible thread ↴
[20k] — university au, academic rivals to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst
1LOVEU2! ↴ ♡
[20k+] — smut, dance partners!au, virgin!reader, fuckboy!minho, corruption!au
Pas de bourrée ↴
[24k] — enemies to lovers, ANGST, smut, dancer au
Lost in translation ↴ ♡
[26.5k] — smut, fluff, angst
Otherworldly ↴ ♡
[29.2k] — smut, s2l, alien!au
Bunny ↴
⇉ Part 2
[12.7k] Two-shots — smut, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, neighbours!au
When the rain stops ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Where the storm looms
[22.8k] Two-shots — smut, angst, fluff
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SERIES *⁠.⁠✧
Nightmare ↴
[21.8k+] [Completed] — fake dating!au, college!au, roommates!au, best-friends to lovers!au, angst, fluff, smut
The experience project ↴
[47k+] [Completed] — enemies to lovers, college au, smut, angst, fluff
Consort ↴ ♡
[6/?] [59.3k] [On going] — enemies to lovers, historical au, arranged marriage!au, smut, slow burn
Sea may rise, sky may fall ↴
[11/11] [108k] [Completed] — smut, angst, pirate!au, feat. Jisung
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New fanfics ♤
Personal favorites ♡
Last updated : 07/07/2024
386 notes · View notes
queermtl · 3 months
Queer MTL : quoi faire en juillet 2024 // Queer MTL things to do: July 2024
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(Photo by Eva Blue)
Queer MTL things to do: July 2024
The summer festival season is in full swing, and things are queerer in MTL than ever this July! This month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow QueerMTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
🎥 Cinema 👑 Drag 🥳 Parties 🎶 Concert ✊ Activism 🏳️‍⚧️ Trans 🏳️‍🌈 Community 😆 Comedy 🎭 Performance 💪 Sports 👯‍♀️ Dance 🎤 Karaoke 🎨 Arts 📚 Literary / Educational 👠 Ballroom / Vogue
Lundi 1 juillet / Monday, July 1
🥳 DramaQueen presents DramaQueen on the river with Dracvla, Wiltbarn and Rakehell, Riverside Bar Terrasse St Henri 🎨 VITRINE Festival 2024 : VISION art market and film screenings, Union Française de Montréal 🎭 La Curieuse—Ligue d’improvisation estivale, Chez Ernest 👑 C’est ma toune! : Edition Divas, a drag show where you pick the playlist, with Sasha Baga, Jessie and Bobépine, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 2 juillet / Tuesday, July 2
👑 Full Gisèle : Oh Canada ! with Gisèle Lullaby, Rawbin, Carmen Sutra, Bobépine and Kitana, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 3 juillet / Wednesday, July 3
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 😆 Ace Pride Comedy Show with Heathcliff, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 🎨 Drink & Draw by @Hommehomo, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mercredi Drag Live with Victoire de Rockwell, Jessie Précieuse, Lady Guidoune, and Rock Bière, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 4 juillet / Thursday, July 4
🎭 Cup of Tease and Velvet Pistol present Red, White & Boobs with Yikes Macaroni, Foxy Lexxi Brown, Baron Von Styck, Butterscotch Blondie, Charli Deville and Miss Behave, The Wiggle Room 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Girls' Night Out: Battle of the Decades with Lady Boom Boom, Pétula Claque, Daisy Wood and Krystella Fame, Cabaret Mado 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 5 juillet / Friday, July 5
🎶 Orville Peck, Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, TD Stage, Place des Festivals 🎨 Montréal Comiccon, Palais des congrès de Montréal 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Kiara, Jimmy Moore, Nana and Sasha Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Samedi 6 juillet / Saturday, July 6
🥳 Sweet Like Honey hosts a Block Party with DJ Honeybunn, Glowzi and Po, Marché des Possibles 🎨 Montréal Comiccon, Palais des congrès de Montréal 🎤 Queer Karaoke MTL hosts a Trans March Fundraiser, followed by a trans-forward queer dance party, Blue Dog 🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 🥳 Parallel Vol. 9 featuring Arab/SWANA region-based music, Cabaret Berlin 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Kiara, Jimmy Moore, Nana and Sasha Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Lady Gaga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 7 juillet / Sunday, July 7
📚 The Violet Hour Book Club reads Henry Hoke’s Open Throat, Librairie Pulp Books & Cafe 🥳 Sweet Like Honey with DJ Lax, DJ Tokyo and DJ Playgirl, Village au Pied du Courant 🎨 Montréal Comiccon, Palais des congrès de Montréal 🏳️‍🌈 Afterglo hosts Slow Dating #13 Gay for men identifying as gay, Le Central 🎭 On the Blvd Multi-Mic, Bar Bifteck 💪 The International Wrestling Syndicate presents IWS vs GCW, focusing on underrepresented athletes including LGBTQ+ fighters, L’Olympia 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 🏳️‍🌈 Aimé Chartier : 60 ans de carrière et 80 ans de vie, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 8 juillet / Monday, July 8
🎭 La Curieuse—Ligue d’improvisation estivale, Chez Ernest
Mardi 9 juillet / Tuesday, July 9
👑 Full Gisèle : Extravaganza with Gisèle Lullaby, Saltina Shaker, Sunshine Glitterchild, Adriana The Bombshell, Sasha Baga and Nick Saanto, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 10 juillet / Wednesday, July 10
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 😆 Tony McIntyre is a Time Traveller with Merry Kringles, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 👑 Celes and Marc-André Caron present Loreen vs Sia, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 11 juillet / Thursday, July 11
🎭 Lust Cove presents The Lust Cove Sex(y) Education Show with Miss Scarlet Knife, Yaya Havana, Mina Minou, Mei, Kaya Koko and Carmen Mayhem, The Wiggle Room 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Le Sami Party with Sami Landri, Cabaret Mado  👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 12 juillet / Friday, July 12
🥳 BIMBO with DJs Diskommander and DJ G3MINI, Le Livart  🥳 Cerise Noire goth night, Bar NDQ 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Bobépine, Peggy Sue, Nana and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Samedi 13 juillet / Saturday, July 13
🥳 FRKY presents FRKY x 2 Year Anniversary with Manclaudy, Moka, Rawsoul and Sexnobe, La Sotterenea 🥳 Soirées Velours presents Trouve ta Muse, a special lesbo-queer party, Bar le P2 🎭 Voulez Vous Productions presents Bootcamp: Séduis toi pour les fat babes with Rosie Bourgeoisie, Centre Strathearn 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Bobépine, Peggy Sue, Nana and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Céline Dion, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 14 juillet / Sunday, July 14
🎭 Voulez Vous Productions presents Bootcamp: Séduis toi pour personnes avec experience scénique with Rosie Bourgeoisie, Centre Strathearn 👑 Afternoon Drag Café with all-ages, neurodivergent-friendly and sober, with Itsh and Timothy Toxic, L’Orbite 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Happy Birthday Miss Butterfly with Miss Butterfly, Michel Dorion and Chouchoune, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 15 juillet / Monday, July 15
📚 Fierté Montréal and Fierté littéraire presents Queer académie : La sélection with Barbada, Théâtre La Comédie 🎭 La Curieuse—Ligue d’improvisation estivale, Chez Ernest 👑 Da-Lulu with Enigma, Woody Fungi, Asmalix and Vulverine, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 16 juillet / Tuesday, July 16
👑 Full Gisèle : Disney with Gisèle Lullaby, Marla Deer, Bambi Dextrous, Tracy Trash and Prudence, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 17 juillet / Wednesday, July 17
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 🎥 Jane Fonda stars in Barbarella, Cinémathèque québécoise 😆 The Crochet Comedy Show with Shosho, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles
Jeudi 18 juillet / Thursday, July 18
🎥 Queer Cinema Club of Montréal hosts a screening of But I'm a Cheerleader starring RuPaul and Natasha Lyonne, Cinema Moderne 🎭 Them Fatale presents Summer Heat with Amnesia, EnvyTheClown, Kitty Catcher, MX. Quest, Rosie Bourgeoisie and Xénia, The Wiggle Room 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 19 juillet / Friday, July 19
🥳 Studio ZX presents Festival Ctrl+Alt with Afrotonik, Place du Village 🥳 SUPER TASTE MTL presents We Can’t Stop! 2010’s Dance Party, Cabaret Berlin 🥳 Dark Area and Techno Haute Couture present Dark Area x THC with Special K, Rögue, LAPA XII and Deaf, Collectif MTL 🥳 Strawberry Gothcake rave with 99jakes, Kilbourne, FortifiedStructures, Outback and Mowie B2B The Bald Girl, La Sotterenea 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Kitana, Velma Jones and Celes, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou : Soirée sans pantalon with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Samedi 20 juillet / Saturday, July 20
🥳 Studio ZX presents Festival Ctrl+Alt with ElleLui, Hauterageous and Discoño, Place du Village 🎶 La ferme coopérative aux champs qui chantent presents Rae Spoon with KY, La ferme coopérative aux champs qui chantent 🥳 GTR—Girls Theys Rave with Broodmare, Faneva and Dracvla, La Poubelle Magnifique 🥳 SUPER TASTE MTL presents Voulez-Vous Disco & New Wave Dance Party: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Bar Le Ritz PDB 🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Kitana, Velma Jones and Celes, Cabaret Mado 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Taylor Swift, Cabaret Mado  👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 21 juillet / Sunday, July 21
🥳 Studio ZX presents Festival Ctrl+Alt with Blush and Unikorn, Place du Village 🏳️‍🌈 Italo Queer Montréal hosts Picnic Estivo, Parc Jarry 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 22 juillet / Monday, July 22
🎭 La Curieuse—Ligue d’improvisation estivale, Chez Ernest 👑 Tout le monde en drag pour REZO with Pétula Claque, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 23 juillet / Tuesday, July 23
👑 Full Gisèle : The Matrix with Gisèle Lullaby, Esirena, Fabien L’Amour, Kelly Torrieli and Celes, Cabaret Mado  😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 24 juillet / Wednesday, July 24
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic 1-year Anniversary, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 😆 Max Higgins is The Underdog with Raquel Maestre, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles
Jeudi 25 juillet / Thursday, July 25
👑 Cult of AnarchKey presents the Drag Open Stage Fundraiser for “Native Women’s Shelter of Montréal” with Korra AnarchKey, Champs Bar 🥳 BLUSH presents Salade de Fruits : Happy Hour Queer, an event by and for FLINT+, Bar La Marche à côté 😆 World’s Smallest Comedy Festival presents World’s Queerest Comedy Night, Hurley’s Irish Pub 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Taylor Swift, Cabaret Mado 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 26 juillet / Friday, July 26
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash and Pétula Claque, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Samedi 27 juillet / Saturday, July 27
🥳 Rubber Electric queer dark electronic fetish rave with Vicky Devika, Mushin and Nori, Cabaret Berlin 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash and Pétula Claque, Cabaret Mado 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Rihanna, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 28 juillet / Sunday, July 28
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Happy Birthday Crystal Starz with Crystal Starz, Michel Dorion and Chouchoune, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 29 juillet / Monday, July 29
🎭 La Curieuse—Ligue d’improvisation estivale, Chez Ernest
Mardi 30 juillet / Tuesday, July 30
👑 Full Gisèle : Femme fatale with Gisèle Lullaby, Victoire de Rockwell, Jessie Précieuse, Kiara and Foxy Lexxi Brown, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le cirque de Teddy Boop with Teddy Boop, Sally D, Sarah Winters and Mister Boogie, Bar Le Cocktail 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 31 juillet / Wednesday, July 31
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 😆 The Poly Showcase with Raquel Maestre and Tranna Wintour, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 👑 Sitcom Bonanza : Spécial Friends, Cabaret Mado
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud.
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts.
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play. 
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready.
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
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carraways-son · 8 months
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Ciel gris, mais la couleur veut bien se montrer quand on l'en prie. Toulouse, je marche. Je viens de retomber par hasard sur cette citation de Thadée Klossowski de Rola (fils du peintre Balthus), tirée de "Vie rêvée", pas très intéressante mais qui m'a renvoyé à mes 17-18 ans, là, dans ce même café où, séchant les cours du sinistre lycée où l'on m'avait exilé, je venais en parfait imposteur me mêler au beau monde : (...) et puis une heure à Toulouse dans la nuit, terrasse du café Lafayette, place Wilson, quelques visages enfantins, jeunesse sérieuse, étudiante, à qui je prête une certaine violence des sentiments. D'accord pour le visage enfantin et la violence des sentiments, mais je n'étais alors ni sérieux ni étudiant. Peu après, je passerai de longues heures au Laf' à attendre F en faisant durer l'unique expresso que je pouvais m'offrir. Le Lafayette a depuis longtemps disparu, et avec lui les voitures de sport qui se garaient avec ostentation devant sa terrasse. Mais je n'ai rien oublié, et le ciel est resté gris toute la journée.
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arnemoner · 2 years
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Exposition “Café des Sports”.
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sschmendrick · 21 days
Ça va parler français 5min.
J'aimerais être assistant plateau ou backliner, le problème c'est que faut être vif et précis et j'ai l'impression que mon cerveau réagit à deux à l'heure. Le temps qu'il lui faut pour comprendre qu'ili y a un problème, pour trouver une solution et ensuite se mettre en route pour l'exécuter, j'ai vraiment vraiment l'impression d'être LENT. Et ça passe pas ça pour les métiers qui m'intéressent/le milieu dans lequel je souhaite travailler.
C'est très frustrant. J'ai la même impression que lorsqu'on rêve et qu'on peut juste marcher/bouger super lentement. J'essaie de prendre des vitamines, du café, j'ai même essayé des médocs pas français pour être plus concentré mais ça m'a fait l'effet inverse. Y a rien qui me réveille et me garde présent longtemps.
Je sais pas ce que c'est et j'ai trop peur d'en parler à un médecin et qu'on me dise soit que y a rien à y faire c'est comme ça, ou qu'on me dise que j'essaye pas assez et que ça vient de moi. Parce que j'essaye. J'essaye de bien dormir, j'essaye de bien manger, de bouger et faire du sport, mais au final je suis juste fatigué et quand j'essaye de me concentrer sur une tâche (parfois aussi simple que lire) j'arrive pas à le maintenir plus de 10 min (si j'ai de la chance) sans avoir envie de dormir.
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pauline-lewis · 1 month
La fresque de l'été
C’est toujours la même rengaine. Entre 18h et 20h, le dernier dimanche des vacances, je me mets à paniquer. Je regarde mon bureau du coin de l’œil, je sais que je vais le retrouver dès le lendemain et j’essaie de voler du temps au temps pour faire tout et n’importe quoi — tout sauf travailler. Alors je coupe à la va-vite ce chemisier que j’ai envie de coudre depuis quelques jours, j’ajoute deux points à ma broderie Glazig, j’attrape un livre qui traîne sur ma table de nuit depuis trop longtemps (Dîner à Douarnenez de Claude McKay). J’essaie de ne pas penser aux romans de la rentrée littéraire qui s’empilent dans ma bibliothèque, à mon livre sur la comédie musicale que j’ai décidé de jeter à la poubelle et que je dois reprendre de zéro (ça devient presque un sketch cette histoire). Comme à (presque) chaque vacance, je constate sans savoir quoi en penser que je n’ai pas écrit un mot. Enfin si, j’en ai écrit un tas mais dans ma tête, ce qui reste ma manière préférée de m’adonner à cette activité en préservant son caractère éphémère, spontané. J’ai écrit toute une critique de Maestro de Bradley Cooper en flottant dans les eaux bretonnes rafraîchissantes. J’ai commencé une fiction et repris un chapitre sur Chantons sous la pluie en brodant. Mais mon ordinateur est resté éteint et les stylos n'ont pas quitté mon pot à crayons. J’ai fait la paix avec le fait que j’ai besoin, régulièrement, de faire des pauses et de laisser les mots et les sentiments repousser en moi comme les framboisiers du jardin qui renaissent plusieurs fois dans la saison. Il n’y a pas assez de mouvements intérieurs pour permettre de moissonner des textes quotidiennement. Alors on attend.
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Anyway. Je n’avais pas prévu de faire ce petit bilan estival mais pendant les vacances je suis allée prendre un café avec une personne que j’ai rencontrée sur Instagram (coucou Marine) et avec qui j'ai eu une conversation qui m’a fait beaucoup réfléchir sur l’écriture personnelle, l’écriture collective, sur le fait d’écrire un premier jet qu’on peaufinera plus tard et sur quelques névroses partagées. J’ai râlé toutes les vacances sur le fait que j’étais tellement mieux quand je ne regarde pas 172 stories par jour sur Instagram (et c’est vrai), mais je suis vraiment reconnaissante de toutes ces rencontres que les réseaux permettent. Je suis contente de tout ce qu’Internet arrache à mon introversion naturelle. Bref, Marine au hasard de la conversation m’a dit qu’elle aimait bien lire mon blog, et je me suis rendue compte que je l’avais beaucoup délaissé ces derniers temps par l’habituel de cocktail de travail / autres projets / « à quoi bon » divers et variés. Alors voilà que je me suis assise à mon bureau pour écrire ces quelques lignes et raconter ce que j’avais vu, lu, aimé (ou non).
Pendant mes vacances je suis allée faire un stage de broderie pour apprendre à manier le crochet de Lunéville, qui permet de poser des perles, des paillettes et de beaux fils dorés. J’ai tout de suite adoré le geste répétitif, adoré la sensation du crochet qui perce l’organza, adoré voir se dessiner des motifs ultra bling. J’essaie très fort de ne pas théoriser quoi que ce soit de la broderie, pourtant je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de constater à quel point elle ressemble à l’écriture. Un exercice de patience, de répétition, point après point, mot après mot. Un exercice d’humilité, aussi, car il faut sans cesse défaire, refaire. Quand je brode je suis dans un état mental étrange, j’ai l’impression de ne penser à rien et de penser à tout dans un même mouvement. Les pensées s’entrechoquent, comme toujours, mais je ne les attrape pas forcément. Je les laisse passer, et c’est assez grisant. Je suis tout à mes mains, tout à mon corps (c’est peut-être ce que ressentent les sportifs, mais je n’ai pas la chance d’aimer le sport donc je ne le saurai probablement jamais).
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Au retour du stage, j’ai rattrapé Maestro de Bradley Cooper sur Netflix. Je n’avais pas un a priori très positif sur ce film, n’ayant pas aimé sa variation molle autour de A Star is Born (la version Cukor / Garland / Mason étant à mes yeux un chef d’œuvre inégalé), trop centrée autour du personnage masculin à mes yeux. Mais comme j’aime beaucoup Leonard Bernstein, j’ai quand même eu envie de découvrir Maestro. Outre les partis-pris esthétiques qui m’ont laissée perplexe (l’usage du noir et blanc, les travellings étranges, la seule séquence de comédie musicale qui tombe à plat…) j’étais très étonnée par son choix de ne s’intéresser presque qu’au volet intime de la vie du compositeur et chef d’orchestre. J’aurais pu être contente que le film n’efface pas le côté « grand Artiste torturé » de Bernstein, qui a fait souffrir ses proches et notamment sa femme. Mais ce n’était pas forcément une raison pour complètement occulter ce qui a rendu sa vie et sa carrière intéressante (et notamment ce tiraillement entre musique classique et culture populaire/comédie musicale, et j'en ai évidemment beaucoup voulu au film de ne pas parler de West Side Story). Bref, un biopic qui donne l’étrange sentiment de passer à côté de son sujet et m’a fait me dire qu’il fallait peut-être arrêter de se vautrer dans la vie des grands artistes torturés pour montrer autre chose, enfin. J’ai aussi revu Le parrain qui m’a touchée aux mêmes endroits qu’à l’époque où je l’ai découvert. J’avais cependant complètement oublié à quel point les personnages féminins étaient des concepts plus que des personnes. Comme de simples chevilles dans le récit qui servent à faire avancer tel ou tel arc narratif. La mère, l’épouse battue par son mari et Apollonia, l’idéal féminin muet. J’ai repensé à la série The Offer, vue récemment, qui raconte l’écriture et le tournage mouvementés du film. On y voit Coppola et Puzo écrire le film, deux hommes autour d’une piscine.
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Dans mon Year of Reading de chez Shakespeare and Co, j’ai reçu la BD This Country de Navied Mahdavian, qui m’a émue aux larmes. C’est un récit autobiographique qui raconte comment l’auteur, sa femme et son chien quittent tout pour s'installer au milieu de nulle part en Idaho après avoir vécu des vies de citadin. Il explore la manière dont il apprend à vivre au rythme de la nature, à connaître les animaux, à planter des légumes, à se passer de certains conforts. Mais aussi la violence sourde de se frotter, en tant que personne racisée, à une Amérique raciste et conservatrice. J’ai eu le sentiment qu’il évitait absolument toutes les facilités de son sujet (du "retour à la nature"), qu’il avait dans son regard une poésie, un respect pour son sujet, une vraie honnêteté qui lui permettent de questionner la signification profonde du foyer. C’est venu appuyer à un endroit très sensible de mon cœur, dans cette petite alcôve au fond de moi où je range la grande question : comment vivre, comment être heureux·ses dans ce monde ? Elle vit là, avec les interrogations sans réponses. Mahdavian ne m’a pas apporté de réconfort mais une bouffée de poésie, une respiration après une longue apnée.
Comme chaque été, je suis restée chez moi en Bretagne pendant les vacances. Les gens s’en étonnent, souvent, de l'idée que l'on peut ne pas partir. Pourtant ces quelques semaines étaient pleines d’aventures. Manger un burger vegan à la librairie l’Autre Rive avant de marcher dans la forêt de Huelgoat. Chanter du Céline Dion en regardant le soleil se coucher avec mes sœurs. Faire la planche sur l’une des plages de notre enfance. Lire dans le jardin. Et plein d’autres choses qui sont si petites qu’on ne les raconte même pas, qu’on se contente de les coller sur les murs de sa maison intérieure comme les minuscules carreaux d’une mosaïque. À la fin de l’été, ces souvenirs forment une magnifique fresque, mais il faut savoir faire un ou deux pas en arrière. La BD de Mahdavian m’a fait penser à tout cela, à ma famille, à ma maison, à une fragilité, aussi, avec laquelle il faut savoir composer.
Avant la fin des vacances, j’ai lu Dîner à Douarnenez de Claude McKay (Héliotropismes, traduit par Jean-Max Guieu), un récit très court écrit par cet auteur de la Harlem Renaissance dont je ne connaissais pas du tout l’œuvre. Il y raconte l’histoire d’une rencontre dans la ville du Finistère. Je l’ai lu le dernier dimanche des vacances et la première phrase m’a beaucoup émue : « Lorsque j’ai vu Douarnenez, je suis retombé amoureux ». Il continue et décrit la baie, les bateaux, les couleurs de la Bretagne, l’expérience d’être un homme noir dans cette ville en 1925. Je me suis dit, en le refermant, que c’était probablement le premier été où je ne retournais pas dans cette ville qui était celle de mes grands-parents. Ma grand-mère est morte il y a un peu plus de deux ans. J’ai ressenti comme un vide de ne pas avoir arpenté les Plomarc’h, de ne pas avoir contemplé la « plus belle baie du monde », de ne pas être passée devant la maison à la porte bleue. Porte repeinte depuis. J’ai ressenti comme le poids d’une absence. Le temps du petit récit, j’ai eu l’impression de colmater ce vide et de remonter le temps.
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Quoi de mieux qu’un petit film de Preston Sturges pour finir les vacances ? Un film de Preston Sturges avec Barbara Stanwyck ET Henry Fonda. Je n’avais jamais vu The Lady Eve (Un cœur pris au piège, je déteste vraiment ces vieux titres VF) même si je me souvenais d’avoir lu à son sujet dans Pursuits of Happiness – The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage, l'essai de Stanley Cavell sur la comédie du remariage. J’adore le cinéma hollywoodien des années 40, Barbara Stanwyck et la screwball comedy j’ai donc été enchantée par ce film, qui m’a malgré tout semblé plus sombre que d’autres du même genre. Bien que pourvu de l’habituelle happy ending, c’est une fable assez cruelle sur l’amour, les classes sociales (plus grave par exemple que le Holiday de George Cukor, un de mes films favoris) et sur les standards impossibles auxquels les femmes doivent se mesurer (être de bonne famille, riche, "vertueuse",...). On y retrouve une de mes dynamiques préférées du cinéma de l’époque : une femme brillante et vive tombe amoureuse d’un homme un peu mou agité par une passion étrange (ici, les serpents). Il y a quelque chose dans ces dialogues rythmés et ces situations décalées qui m’apporte vraiment une joie profonde.
Et maintenant, back to work !
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olympic-paris · 2 months
saga: soumission & Domination 233
Août 2012-4 Franck et les jumeaux (suite)
Pour éviter que l'on s'encroute je décide tout le monde à partir faire un jogging. Si la muscu apporte les formes et le volume, seul le cardio peut assurer un corps sec sans passer par les diurétiques.
Après une demi-heure pour savoir quel type de short va le mieux à chacun, nous partons torses nus, vêtus des shorts les plus petits que nous ayons pu trouver dans mes placards et de nos chaussures. Je m'attache au poignet un stop sueur dans lequel je glisse quelques billets, au cas où.
Ils me suivent sur un parcours d'environ 10 Km mais avec un arrêt possible dans un des villages des alentours. Nous trottons tous sur le même rythme et les 6 premiers Km sont avalés rapidement. Quand nous traversons le village en question, La terrasse du café nous attire irrésistiblement. Nous y annexons deux tables et PH appel le serveur. Mignon, ce dernier pique un fard quand il tombe sur 6 beaux mecs en shorts courts sinon très courts pour certains, dont les sueurs dessinent leurs muscles et même moulent leurs paquets. Il met quelques secondes avant de nous demander ce que nous désirons. Il devient encore plus rouge quand tous nos regards se fixent sur lui. Il en laisse échapper son crayon et sa main tremble quand il le reprend de la main de Tic. Pour détendre l'atmosphère, je lui demande s'il fait ça en job de vacances. Il me dit qu'il aide juste de temps en temps son oncle, le propriétaire.  Comme nous sommes leurs seuls clients du moment, je lui dis de choisir une consommation pour lui et de nous rejoindre à la terrasse. Il hésite mais je le convaincs en lui promettant que nous le libérerions si un nouveau client se présentait.
Dès qu'il a le dos tourné, toutes les conversations tournent sur lui. Les spéculations vont bon terme, entre " il doit être canon sans son tablier " jusqu'à "surement mieux  tout nu " à " quel âge peut-il avoir ? " et " il est majeur c'est sûr ", sans oublier " il est actif ou passif ? Tu crois qu'il a un gros paquet ? " Et bien sûr plein d'autres remarques aussi pertinentes et cruciales !!
Quand il revient avec nos commandes et sa menthe à l'eau, nous le forçons à s'assoir entre les jumeaux face à Frank sur lequel j'avais cru voir son regard s'attarder. Nous nous présentons. Lui s'appelle, Louis, il a 18 ans tout justes et quand Ernesto lui demande quel sport il fait, il nous avoue jouer au foot. Franck lui demande direct s'il gay et ajoute qu'il espère que c'est le cas car il lui plait bien. Nous restons tous muets devant son impudence et nous retenons nos souffles dans l'attente de la réponse. Si elle n'est pas totalement positive, ce n'est pas pour autant un non définitif. Embarrassé par nos présences, il bafouille que : non il n'est pas homo mais que " lui aussi (Franck) il lui plait bien ! ". Quasiment un aveu, c'est ce que souligne aussitôt Tac à sa droite. Du coup il se sent contraint de nous dire qu'il sait quand même ce que c'est qu'un mec.
Je reprends en main la conversation, faudrait pas que nous l'effarouchions !
Je lu dis que nous sommes au milieu d'un jogging de 10 Km, ce qui explique nos tenues et je lui demande s'il était libre pour la soirée que je serais ravi qu'il la passe avec nous pour faire plus ample connaissance. Je le vois regarder une nouvelle fois vers Franck. Ce dernier affiche un grand sourire et sans qu'il le quitte des yeux, Louis accepte l'invitation. Il pourra nous rejoindre dès 18h son oncle étant alors assisté par son serveur salarié. Je lui donne mon adresse et lui explique grossièrement la route pour venir. Je lui note sur notre facture le n° de téléphone de la maison au cas où il se perdrait.
Nous rentrons au petit trot. Passage aux douches, puis barbotage dans la piscine pour se détendre et éviter les contractures. D'un commun accord, nous décidons de retenir nos envies de sexe jusqu'à l'arrivée de Louis.
Peu après 18h, alors que nous sommes tous impatients de voir notre invité, le téléphone sonne. Louis est devant la porte et me demande si c'est bien là, décrivant le portail. Je lui confirme qu'il est à la bonne adresse et alors qu'il sonne, Ammed va à ses devants après avoir déclenché l'ouverture. Il nous l'amène sur la terrasse.
Nous y sommes tous en maillots à profiter des derniers rayons de soleil. Louis est en bermuda et polo. Je lui dis de se mettre à l'aise. Confus il nous dit n'avoir pas prévu de maillot. C'est moi qui m'excuse de ne pas lui avoir dit et je demande à Franck de l'emmener en choisir un. Je lui indique qu'ils sont à coté des jocks à l'entrée de la salle de muscu.
J'attends 5mn puis vais voir où ils en sont. Je passe par dehors et au travers de la porte vitrée, je peux voir que Franck s'est déjà attaqué à la chose. Je trouve Louis dans ses bras en train de se laisser rouler un patin. Il est en maillot. Je peux voir qu'il est bien bronzé et que ses vêtements larges cachaient un beau corps finement dessiné. C'est vrai qu'à coté de nous tous qui affectionnons la muscu, il est plus dans le style Tic et Tac qu'Ernesto à fortiori moi.
Je les mate bien 2 mn avant qu'ils ne s'aperçoivent de ma présence. Quand il s'en aperçoit, Louis s'écarte brutalement de Franck et redevient tout rouge. Je l'attrape par le bras, l'attire vers moi et lui roule un patin. Il se laisse faire, éberlué par ce qui lui tombe dessus ! Quand je me détache de lui, je lui souhaite bienvenue dans la " famille ". Il nous accompagne pour revenir sur la terrasse encore sonné par l'accueil que Franck et moi lui avons fait. Encore tout rouge, il attire les regards des autres convives qui viennent tous l'un après l'autre lui claquer un bisou sur les lèvres en guise de bienvenue. Ce n'est pas ça qui va le faire pâlir ! D'autant plus que Tic ne s'est pas gêné pour lui mettre la main au panier ! Franck le récupère avant que cela ne dégénère et le balance dans la piscine, avant  de plonger à la suite. En 2 secondes nous sommes tous dans l'eau à nous poursuivre et à essayer de baisser le maillot d'un autre tout en gardant le sien. Louis a vite compris et il glisse entre les mains des uns et des autres pour réussir à baisser celui de Franck. Il a de la suite dans les idées ce p'tit con ! Tout content d'avoir réussi son coup, il devient négligeant et à son tour il se retrouve le maillot aux chevilles. Malgré la température de l'eau, il me semble correctement monté surtout en semi bandaison. Finalement nous sortons tous de l'eau à poil, le slip à la main. Ok, Louis a le cul blanc mais surtout une touffe de poil sauvage autour de la bite. Il nous regarde tous les uns après les autres et pas dans les yeux ! Son regard ne peux se fixer sur aucuns de nos attributs, intrigué qu'il est par les différentes tailles réalisés sur nos poils pubiens. Franck l'attrape par les épaules avant qu'un autre ne le lui souffle, l'enveloppant d'un grand drap de bain avant de lui expliquer que tous, nous préférons maitriser un peu la nature et lui glisse qu'il aimerait bien s'occuper du sien de buisson.
Nous le laissons sécher Louis et nous nous aidons les uns les autres, avant de nous rhabiller (enfin le minimum, juste un boxer !)
Samir apporte l'apéritif. Nous sautons sur les accompagnements, l'appétit aiguisé par notre course poursuite. Louis est maintenant dans l'ambiance, la dose conséquente de whisky versée par Franck l'aide à se mettre à l'unisson.
A la suite nous dinons. Tic quitte vite sa place pour venir squatter les genoux d'Ernesto. Evidement ça dégénère vite. Sentant les 24cm se gonfle sous la pression de ses petites fesses, il glisse à ses pieds et entame une pipe en règle. Louis a les yeux qui sortent de sa tête. Quand il se tourne vers Franck pour avoir une explication, il ne peu manquer la déformation de son Boxer. Il fait le tour de la table et au travers du verre du plateau peut voir que Tac et moi sommes dans le même état. Pour l'achever, Ernesto repousse la tête de Tic et l'envoi me sucer. Il peut donc voir ce dernier traverser la table, tirer l'élastique de mon boxer et emboucher ma queue. Franck l'attrape et le soulève pour le prendre sur ses genoux et lui rouler un patin. Tac s'approche d'eux et intervient dans les contacts linguaux. Dépassé Louis à l'air de se laisser faire. Ernesto, se lève et vient me donner sa bite à biberonner.
Je donne le départ en quittant la table et en passant au salon. Les trios restent fixés et alors que je pose Tic, dos sur la table basse, afin qu'Ernesto et moi ayons de quoi nous occuper chacun à un bout. Franck place Louis entre lui et Tac et ils s'occupent de lui ensemble. Il lui roule une pelle alors que Tac s'attaque à la bite de Louis. Tac le suce histoire de le faire bander à mort. Peu de temps après il nous annonce un 19 x 5,5. Arrêt de toutes les " hostilités " pour le féliciter.
Puis nous reprenons. J'enfile ma bite dans la gorge de Tic alors qu'Ernesto lui prépare la rondelle à grand coups de langue et force salive. A nos coté Louis à totalement cédé et il suce maintenant les 18 cm épais de Franck. Et il s'en donne à coeur joie essayant probablement de reproduire ce que lui fait Tac à l'étage en dessous. Franck lui tient la tête mais je vois qu'il fait attention à ne pas enfoncer trop loin son gland. Il doit avoir envie de lui faire plaisir à lui aussi.
Je m'occupe de Tic. Ernesto me prévient qu'il est prêt. Je me kpote et nous échangeons nos places. Après avoir pris possession de sa bouche, Ernesto attrape les chevilles de Tic et les tire vers lui jusqu'à ce que son anus soit jute à hauteur de ma bite. Là, je m'enfonce dans Tic. Il en peut que gémir et gargouiller alors que le gland d'Ernesto lui fouille la gorge.
Ça attire les regards et je vois que Louis mate Tic. Franck le reprend en main et se met à le sucer alors que Tac s'attaque à sa rondelle. C'est surement un truc qu'on ne lui a jamais fait car il en peut laisser échapper un " trop bon " révélateur.
De mon coté je profite bien de la rondelle nerveuse de Tic. Je le rode car bientôt je cède la place à Ernesto. Quand ce dernier est bien en palce je les quitte pour embrasser Louis. Sa langue vient vite au contact de la mienne et s'apprivoisent. Je le caresse et m'occupe un peu de ses tétons. Pas d'effets notables, mes mains passent sur ses flancs. Sa peau est douce, je le sens fondre sous nos attentions. Je tape sur l'épaule de Franck qui s'en était déjà aperçu et avait arrêté sa pipe. Nous baissons la pression. Louis nous dit qu'il n'avait encore jamais pris un plaisir pareil et encore il n'a pas juté !
Le temps mort, nous admirons Tic se faire labourer (limer étant trop restrictif pour un sexe de 24 x 6 en action). Louis est mi admiratif mi apeuré. Je le prends dans bras et lui glisse à l'oreille que tout va bien se passer. Je suis sérieux et il me croit.
Nous reprenons Louis en main. Une fois préparé, nous cédons à Franck la priorité pour étrenner son cul. En levrette, Tac sous lui en 69 pour avaler sa bite au maximum, Franck se met en place et lentement pénètre Louis. Moi, je me place devant lui, les yeux dans les yeux et je lui murmure ce qu'il va lui arriver quelques secondes avant que Tic et Franck agissent. Mon ton le rassure et il s'accroche à mon regard. Je lui dis de souffler alors que Franck s'enfonce en lui. Il obéi et je vois dans ses yeux chaque cm de la queue de Franck entrer en lui. Quand il a une seconde paire de couilles collée à lui, je lui roule un patin.
Je me surprends à penser que s'il n'était pas homo, il avait du quand même avoir quelques expériences avec des mecs.
Franck se retire doucement et le pénètre à nouveau. Trois ou quatre fois lentement puis il augmente le rythme. Je me détache pour éviter les dents cassées et lui présente ma bite. C'est lui qui choisit de me sucer. Il le fait bien même si je reste seulement dans sa bouche, sa langue tourne bien autour de mon gland.
Ernesto et Tic qui n'avaient pas fait de pause, jouissent les premiers avec force démonstration. Ils nous entrainent. C'est Louis qui part le premier recouvrant le cou de Tac d'une bonne couche de sperme. Franck se retire rapidement pour lui juter sur le dos après avoir enlevé sa kpote. J'ajoute ma production qui vient se mélanger aux flaques déjà présente. Tout en dessous Tac qui n'avait pas arrêté de se branler explose dans un geyser qui projette son sperme par-dessus Louis.
Ponctuel comme toujours, Ammed arrive avec les serviettes humides pour éviter que le sperme tache les cuirs des canapés. Louis repique un fard, ayant probablement oublié la présence de nos hommes de service.
Après un bon 1/4 d'heure de repos, nous remettons nos boxers et j'appelle tout le monde à revenir à table manger le dessers. Louis parait gêné maintenant que l'excitation est retombée. Je le prends à coté de moi et lui dis de se détendre, qu'il ne devait pas avoir honte de lui. Il reste quand même muet le reste du repas.
Alors que nous prenons un café, il me pose quelques questions. La première, est sur Franck, je ne m'en serais pas douté !! Quand il apprend qu'il n'est pas du coin, je le vois déçu. Je lui dis que ce n'est pas grave car s'il est vraiment mordu, je sais qu'il sera capable de faire les kms. La deuxième est sur le groupe. Il se demande si nous vivons tous ensemble. Je lui dis que ce serait sympathique mais que non, Ernesto est de Barcelone et ne va pas tarder à y retourner quand aux jumeaux, ils vivent chez leur père.
Franck s'approche de nous et lui demande ce qu'il va faire l'année prochaine. Louis nous dit commencer les beaux arts dans la ville de xx. Franck lui dit que c'est génial car la route sera facile à faire entre chez lui et la ville en question.pui, il lui demande s'il voulait bien le revoir. Un peu à l'envers tout ça ! Mais Louis est d'accord. En attendant je lui demande s'il peut repasser d'ici le départ de Franck. Il saute sur l'occasion. Je lui demande même s'il veut rester à la maison, ça éviterait les aller et retour. Là, c'est moins évident, il va falloir qu'il deal avec son oncle.
D'ailleurs l'heure étant bien avancée, il nous dit qu'il doit rentrer, avec ce qu'il a bu, ce n'est pas raisonnable de repartir en scooter. J'appel Samir et lui demande de sortir la 300C pour ramener Louis. Il nous téléphonera dès qu'il pourra pour nous dire quand nous pourrons revenir le chercher.
Franck monte avec Louis à l'arrière.
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galateaencore · 1 year
a kiss to make the other stop being stubborn - Dijkstra/Isengrim
Not sure if entirely a prompt fill, but you get what you get.
NB: this is set after Dijkstra and Isengrim flee to Zerrikania. Also, Zerrikania is giving fin-de-siecle Shanghai.
It was a good day. Good days made him nervous. Leaning out of the inadequate café chair, Dijkstra curled down the edge of his newspaper and glanced across the sunlit Zerrikanian square at the Redanian embassy. He studied its modest façade, the two guards dozing by the entrance. Something caught the light in a second-floor window, once, twice. Dijkstra rocked back, covering his face with the newspaper. The inadequate chair creaked ominously.
“I wouldn’t bother hiding. You’d need a bigger newspaper anyway,” snorted the elf.
Dijkstra glanced at him, sitting there in the sun with his eyes half-closed like a fed cat, and imagined the pleasure of snapping his neck.
“Easy for you to say,” he said. “You don’t fear your old life coming to find you.”
The elf held a cigarette to his mouth, snipped the tip, inhaled. “My friend, is that what you fear or what you hope for?”
The elf’s neck looked all the more tempting. Dijkstra grabbed him by the collar. “Damn you, Faoltiarna. I know taunting dh’oine is something of a sport for your kind, but can you get it through your thick head, can you, that my life’s at stake here? It could end at any moment.”
Isengrim leaned forward and, damn him to hell for doing it in public, gave him a wet peck on the nose. “Then at least you must enjoy the time you have left.”
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stephanedugast · 3 months
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📌[FEUILLETON] Suivez moi tout cet été sur les réseaux sociaux 🌻 avec la série « La Pédale Joyeuse ». Je vais en effet vous raconter autrement le vélo🚲 . RDV ici tous les jours à 15 heures.
ÉTAPE 1 💛 Le Tour de France 🇫🇷 À tout seigneur, tout honneur avec Bernard Hinault qui a signé la préface de mon ouvrage paru aux Éditions Glénat Livres. 👉 https://urlr.me/c5VZY
🔎 UN ENTRETIEN Foi de Blaireau - Légende du cyclisme français avec plus de 200 victoires à son actif, dont cinq Tours de France pendant sa carrière qui s’est étirée de 1975 à 1986, Bernard Hinault continue de pédaler pour garder la forme mais surtout pour éprouver du plaisir. Parlez-lui vélo et le « Blaireau » (comme on le surnomme toujours) ne gardera pas longtemps sa langue dans sa poche.
- Tour de France ou Giro ? Pour un Français, la Tour, c’est le plus grand événement qu’il puisse y avoir, et c’est un bonheur d’y participer.
- Maillot de champion du Monde ou de champion de France ? Les deux ! C’est le titre d’une année, et on est super content de l’avoir sur le dos.
- Maillot à pois ou maillot jaune ? (Rires) À choisir, j’aime mieux le jaune forcément ! Le jaune, c’est l’histoire du Tour. La couleur des pages du journal organisateur. Il fallait distinguer celui qui avait le meilleur temps dans le Tour de France, et on a choisi cette couleur, point !
- Lemond ou Fignon ? Je n’ai eu de problème ni avec l’un, ni avec l’autre. J’ai apprécié ces deux coureurs cyclistes.
- La personne avec qui vous détestez rouler ? Personne !
- Votre meilleur souvenir à vélo ? Il n’y en a pas, ou plutôt il y en a trop ! Celui qui a gagné une seule course, c’est forcément son meilleur souvenir. Moi j’en ai gagné plus de 200. Et ça a été 200 fois du bonheur !
- Votre pire souvenir ? C’est lorsque l’on doit abandonner. Peut-être le Tour de France 1980, ou quand j’ai dû abandonner à Pau. J’avais la condition pour gagner le Tour mais avec ma blessure au niveau du genou, tout s’est arrêté…
- Maillot Mondrian La Vie Claire ou maillot jaune et noir Renault-Gitane ? Ce sont deux époques différentes avec des maillots qui ont marqué ! Le design, les couleurs et leur beauté les rendaient visibles sur le bord de la route. Ces maillots ont marqué !
- Vélo cadre acier, alu ou carbone ? Il n’y a pas débat : vélo carbone ! Vous savez, j’ai commencé à courir avec des cadres en carbone dès la saison 1985-86.
- Pédales automatiques ou cale-pieds à courroie ? Pédales automatiques, tout simplement parce que j’ai rencontré un personnage qui s’appelle Bernard Tapie. Il m’a dit : « je te signe le contrat pour toi et toute ton équipe si tu me conçois une pédale automatique ». J’ai dit : « Ok ! On va le faire ». Et on l’a fait ! La pédale automatique a offert performance et sécurité. C’est ce qui se fait de mieux.
- Votre col mythique ? Il n’y en a pas. Tous les cols sont beaux ! Quand vous êtes en forme, vous dominez les autres, et tout vous parait (...)
Propos recueilli par Stéphane Dugast.
💬 Extrait du livre « VÉLO ! sport, ville, nature, culture & aventure » paru aux Éditions Glénat Livres.
🛒 À COMMANDER ⬇️ https://urlr.me/dqmFc
Top Vélo I Cycle I Vera Cycling I ravito I La Bicicleta Ravito I Culture Bicyclette I Fédération Française de Cyclisme (FFC) I FFVélo I Radio Cyclo I Le Tour de France I Bike Café France I Vélo Francette i Vélo Magazine
📸 Dutch National Archive
Top Vélo I Vera Cycling I ravito I La Bicicleta Ravito I Culture Bicyclette I Fédération Française de Cyclisme (FFC) I FFVélo I Radio Cyclo I Le Tour de France I BERNARD HINAULT ET LE CYCLISME I CYCLISME-FRANCAIS I
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madame-fear · 5 months
(Que no se note que adoro los ask game y que me equivoqué de emoji en el ask que envié antes...)
AAAA Yo también amo los ask game omg, estoy obsesionadaaa 😭💗 (no te preocupes, antes yo también casi me equivoco de emoji jajajaj)
👁 eye colour
mis ojos son color café! ni siquiera se ven taaan bien cuando les da el sol, a llorar 😭
🏐 sport
Me gusta esgrima, natación, y equitación 🐎
📚 book
Hay un libro que tengo en PDF llamado Forensics: Anatomy of a Crime de una autora llamada Val McDermid, es mi libro favorito porque tiene todas cosas relacionadas a mis estudios de ciencia forense jajaja ♡
→ send an emoji-based question! ♡
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