#cadybear rambles
cadybear420 · 3 months
Okay not to sound like a broken record, but deliberately making bad Choices in HSS OG is genuinely so fun. Not just because it's fun to see the different outcomes. But also because you're playing as this character who's a total screwup, but is still kinda trying their best to help the others. And it gives me some good vibes that even though you cause the school to lose the sports games, fail the spirit stick heist, etc., the other characters are still really friendly and encouraging and kind to you. Your character can be incredibly flawed and imperfect, but is still valued by the others. Which is extra fitting because the entire foundation of Berry is that you'll always be welcomed no matter what. IDK, I feel like there's just something... really special about that.
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cadybear420 · 9 months
I wanna make profile intros for all my Choices MCs but I'm torn between "keep it simple and easy to make, only put enough info that helps people know who my MC is as a character but is also easy to digest" and "make it distinct and unique and a full-on infodump, everyone must know every fucking outfit my MC would have worn in the story".
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cadybear420 · 10 months
I would like to see future Indian love interests in choices books who are related to Ajay Bhandari and Ajay makes a cameo with Mohit.
Very late response, but I do think that would be cool. Not just for Ajay, but if we got cameos for other HSS characters after their graduation whether or not they're related to other LIs. Kind of like how we got a cameo of Kaitlyn Liao as a music producer in AME 3.
I haven't played StD yet but I think Wes does make a cameo in that story as a lawyer/law major, and he said he was gonna go into law school at the end of HSS. However his sprite might have had a different name so IDK.
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cadybear420 · 9 months
No because a lot of modern stories MCs are literally so bland. I know I've said this before but I absolutely adore MCs where you have actual Choices with them. ILS MCs where my decisions affect nerve scores which can affect their and their friends' fates. TH:M MC where I can mix and match with crewmate combinations and get different endings depending on how well they perform at it. OG HSS MC where I can choose their activity, and I can get different outcomes based on how good they are at their activity, how much school spirit they raise, how "loyal" they are to their team, how they treat the incoming Hearst kids, etc. LOA MC where I could build up different specific lawyer personas for them!
These MCs were flexible and wildcard! They had Choices that actually mattered!! I could make different versions of the same book's MC with all different choices for them and they'd feel like actually different characters from one another!!!
But with so many modern books, all the Choices we have are entirely cosmetic. They just feel like they wrote a story for a YA erotic romance novel, then slapped a couple of appearance and dialogue options onto it and called it a day.
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