#cadet routine
manasastuff-blog · 3 months
SUNDAY ROUTINE AT MANASA DEFENCE ACADEMY #trending #manasadefenceacademy #viral
Watch Full Video : https://youtu.be/R-T0iU1-pB0?si=_PsrPaHP_Wey2LdG
The Sunday Routine at Manasa Defence Academy: Exclusive Inside Look! This video takes you behind the scenes of one of the most prestigious defence academies, showcasing how cadets spend their Sundays to prepare for a successful week ahead. You'll witness the disciplined schedule, rigorous training sessions, and the unique blend of physical and mental exercises that set Manasa Defence Academy apart. Whether you're an aspiring cadet, a fitness enthusiast, or simply curious about military life, this inside look will provide you with inspiration and insights. Join us as we explore the secrets behind the success of these dedicated individuals and discover how you can implement some of these routines in your own life.
Call: 7799799221
Website: www.manasadefenceacademy.com
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gray-gray-gray-gray · 3 months
Let's Talk About The Overlap Between Autism, ADHD, and Schizophrenia
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I've been wanting to make a graph like this for awhile, about the overlap between these three disorders. Tagging @auschizm because it's highly related to that blog :D
Text transcribed below the cut because it's long!
Title: Can We Talk About The Overlap Between... AUTISM, ADHD, AND SCHIZOPHRENIA?
Description: You always hear people talking about AuDHD, but schizophrenia has the same if not more overlap with these disorders, and it's not talked about!
Let's start boosting schizophrenic people's voices. There's more to the disorder than just psychosis!
Graph based on my personal experience with schizophrenia, my experiences with autistic and ADHD communities, and the words of people with AuDHD themselves.
Made by @gray-gray-gray-gray on tumblr.
Schizophrenia Only
Typical age of onset between 15 and 54 years old
Before the onset/ first psychotic break, there is a "prodrome" where you have a drop in functioning
Reoccuring episodes of psychosis (Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, etc)
Likely had less noticeable or covert symptoms pre-onset
Often daydreaming, 'in their own world', hyper-self-reflective, 'space cadet'
Autism Only
Need for familiarty & routine
Sudden disruptions to routine are highly distressing
Craves new experiences & novelty
Autism & ADHD (AuDHD)
Interest-based nervous system (meaning attention & focus is activated based on personal interest, not how important something is)
Onset in very early childhood -- before age 12
Autism & Schizophrenia (Auschizm)
Self-soothing via repetitive behavior
Higher rates of catatonic symptoms
Social withdrawal or exclusion
Difficulties filtering speech
Flat affect
Concrete and/or literal thinking
Higher rates of personality disorders, dissociative disorders, and trauma
Internally oriented behavior
Difficulties wording what they
want to say correctly & disorganized speech
Difficulties with insight into what is part of the disorder and what is neurotypial
ADHD & Schizophrenia (SchizoDHD)
Impulsivity & hard to sit still
Difficulties regulating attention & focus, also causing social cue difficulties
Difficulty keeping a daily routine
Jumping around or out of sequence speech
Failing to reach a clear end goal or point in speech
Less coherent progression from start to finish in stories
General difficulties with thinking clearly
Drawing blanks / losing train of thought often
Difficulties finding motivation to do things
Lots of energy some days, no energy other days
Troubles multitasking
Planning poorly or not at all
All Three
Echolalia, echopraxia
Executive dysfunction
Sensory issues & overload
Emotional dysregulation
Interconnected/webbed thought
ND communication (infodumping, connecting ideas, shared interest bonding)
Increased risk of victimization
Higher rates of depression, anxiety, OCD, BFRBS, bipolar, suicidality, sleep issues, eating disorders, and substance abuse
Eye contact differences
Difficulties switching tasks
Prone to boredom
Memory issues
Social situation difficulties
Time blindness
Difficulties with school, learning, and following tasks
Chronic disorder
Interoceptive difficulties
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lundenloves · 1 year
@bringinsexybackk69: can i please request dad simon with a boy? like yeah he has all his girls and then there's either the youngest or the oldest and it's his only son? i can just picture like the girls are jealous cause he gets new clothes not hand-me-downs, he gets to do his own sports with out his siblings, he gets to go shooting with the 141- just like totally sibling rivalry and fighting over who is dads favorite?!
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simon is over the fucking moon when he finds out it's a boy - he's one of them dads in american gender reveals who says “i think you're a girl but i need you to be a boy" 💀
instant attention all goes to this kid, because A) he actually knows how to do it now and B that's his boy. that's his fuckin lad.
the kid looks like you. boys look like their mums, girls look like their dads n all that but christ does he have simon's quietness.
a complete observer like his dad. will be in silence while the girls argue, quietly exchanging glances with simon who internally feels like fucking high-fiving himself for creating a kid who finally understands him.
however the clothes are admittedly down to you, you love buying shit. any excuse. and having a son instead of another girl gave you great reason. though you did go too far sometimes. credit card bills rocketed.
he gets his own room too. straight off the bat, fresh into this fucking world and he's got it all. or that's how your daughters seen it.
“how does he get everything."
“give him a fucking chance." mumbling something about how he's only a week old. the dad sigh strikes again.
him and simon fuck off together a lot. they'll be away camping somewhere, simon teaching this (probably half uninterested) kid how to do all the survival stuff since his girls were never interested.
and when he gets older, maybe around seventeen to eighteen he's so game for that stuff. realistically, was probably in the school cadets n all 💀
when he's able enough, he'll maybe tag along on a run with 141 or summat. this is an incredibly humbling experience to say the least, though uncle soap is there to make everything a laugh n slow the run. "boys, boys, give the lad a chance eh?"
gets into his dads routine of the gym in mornings too, simon watching his workout from a distance before giving him pointers - hands on hips before stepping back to see if he's doing it right or not.
although, simon does not let him apply to the army. all fun n games till it wants to happen isn't it padre?
probably applies behind simon's back ngl. resulting in a huge fuck off argument once a letter comes in stamped under british army branding under the kids name instead of his own. yikes.
classic son x father shouting match.
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i’m probably going to get asked to write that now aren’t i? happily, gladly, don’t get me wrong. sorry i haven’t been writing much but i do enjoy talking to you lot in the inbox.
simon 'ghost' riley taglist: @vamppxncess @crowbird @tallrock35 @fluffmonster @islanderr @blueoorchid @lea3773 @coldflapjack @rayhawk05 @han11dh @liishook @melovetitties @fallonx @rvjaa @fuckmelifesucks @bhayatsara @takeomisbitch @local-spidey @konigsblog @penutjuice @babychoi03 @sheluvzeren @sparklingtragedy @maviee @wiserebelpartypie @daddylorianisastateofmind @bhayatsara @mistydeyes @writingmysanity @johfaam0 @idkbbyx3 @gressseyy @fwibblefwobble @shibble @maladaptivedaydreamingbum @airghostlyfox @hotgirlsshareaccounts @simpxinnie @cliosunshine @bloobewy @lazybutsmexy @maki-z @yyiikes @tieflingteatime @cosmoscoffee @lilvampirina @cinnabeanz @bubbyblob @spencerreidisbae123 @ellies-girll @paperbag-prncs @cookiecutta @sluttyforsimon
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content warnings: afab!fem!reader, virgin!koby but it’s not vital to the plot, riding, top!reader, unprotected sex (wrap it up), cheesy “trapped in a small room” smut troupe, penetrative sex, dry humping, sex with feelings, “good boy” is used twice.
plot: your regular patient, Captain Koby, visits your office but you’re both thrown in a small broom closet during an evacuation drill! He may or may not have a crush on you and your dubious positioning on top of him will send him over the edge.
Captain Koby wouldn’t call himself a hypochondriac, but he cannot keep himself from waltzing into the nurses station on some bullshit excuse to see his favorite nurse. He’s just one of many of your admirers, and he’s more than aware of the fierce competition for your attention. While he doesn’t believe rank means anything in the grand scheme of winning your affections, one quick use of his haki has basic cadets running so he can spend alone time with you.
“And what is it this time Captain?” You whip around in your seat when he sheepishly says hello, scratching the back of his neck. You greet him with a sweet smile as he shuffles in.
“Uhhh, heart burn, yeah terrible terrible heart burn. Think you have anything for me?” He knows he’s full of shit, but it’s worth the effort anyway if he gets to see you. His cheeks tinted just as pink as his hair, you’re pretty much the only good thing left on this base and that’s why he can never bring himself to leave until Garp makes him hull ass on another adventure. The way you smile at him so sweetly whenever he speaks makes his heart flutter almost uncomfortably fast in his chest, maybe he does have heart burn…
“At your age? You’re too fit to be bogged down by all these health problems Captain.” He likes the way it sounds when you say his title, it just rolls off your tongue better than anyone else’s.
He’s quick to think of another excuse, “but what if it’s something serious!” You laugh as he sits down on your medical table removing his captains jacket. You pull down your skimpy nurses uniform before walking over to him with his chart on your clipboard, “I just wanna make sure.”
He wins another smile from you as you stand in front of him to check his vitals. You of course note how hot his face is and how he nervously twiddles his thumbs back and forth. He’s cute, too cute. Coming to your office week after week with a bosh excuse.
Koby loves the feeling of your hands on him, how delicate your finger tips skim over his shoulders and face. Of course it’s all professional, but who is he to complain? The scent of your haircare products and vanilla hovering in the air as you walk circles around him. It’s almost like a familiar routine between you two, he comes into bother you and you almost enable his deep-seated crush by not kicking him out flat on his ass.
“Well, no signs of any lingering symptoms Captain Koby, just a fast heart rate.” You shift your weight to one hip, letting your clipboard rest against your waist, his eyes following the curve of your body. “You’re good to go, will I see you next week?” Letting your red pen rest against your bottom lip you ask just to mess around with him a bit. He gets so flustered trying to find the right thing to say and you enjoy watching him gesture nervously as word vomit spews forth.
The line outside your waiting room has gotten exceptionally long during his stay and you don’t mean to rush him out, but, you do have a job to do. One cute little captain isn’t enough to distract you from your goals of helping people. “Next!” You call out down the hallway as he pulls his jacket back on.
The emergency evacuation lights start flickering before the long winded siren accompanies it. There must be some sort of drill as the overhead PA comes on. “Attention! All hands report to the dock. This is an emergency evacuation drill.” It’s been a few months since the last one, but still the obnoxious flickering and blaring alarms make your head reel in agony.
“Come with me, I’ll take you to the dock.” It’s Koby, he’s gesturing his hand forward for you to take as soldiers pour out into the hallways, he wouldn’t want you to get trampled over as thousands of people make their way outside. He’s always been sweet like this, a real gentleman.
His grip is strong and protective, yet gentle and nervous as he takes your hand in his. You’re placed in front of him while he clears the way for you both to pass through, that is until you’re both shoved into an open door connected to the long hallway.
Koby swaddles you into his chest to protect you from falling and the door is slammed shut in the process. You doubt you’d be able to get it open with the amount of people still passing through for at least a good ten minutes.
“Well shit, oh Captain Koby are you ok?” You hear groans beneath you and remember why your fall wasn’t nearly as painful as it could have been. There’s no light in the room and it’s rather cramped, barely any space to extend your limbs as you’re trapped on top of him. You push your hands against what feels like his chest while you try to look for a light, however you only find an oil lamp on a crate. You assume this was an area where people would come to smoke during work hours.
“I’m fine, are you ok? Does anything hurt miss y/n?” The concern in his tone his evident, his hands come to cup your face as he examines for any scratches or bruises. He’d never forgive himself if you were hurt on his accord.
“Hey isn’t that my job, I’m fine Captain thank you.” It finally sets in for him how he’s touching you so intimately and the precarious position you’re left in, sitting on top of him with knees on either sides of his hips.
It’s a view he only imagines late at night when it’s just him and his hand, maybe some lotion if he’s lucky to not wake Helmeppo. The lamp illuminates his flustered face as he tries his best to slide out from under you, apologizing profusely and almost knocking you in the face while flailing around.
“Koby,” you say trying to calm him down but he’s visibly panicking and you feel him stiffening under you with each passing second. While he’s been moving like a lune, you’re still on top of him; dress rising above your thighs as your clothed pussy sits above his cock, he doesn’t mean to but it’s rubbing your clit so pleasantly. “Koby, it’s ok, I’m not mad.”
“W-what—” his glasses that are typically resting on his head now lay on his nose. It’s amusing watching a Captain of the marines so discombobulated.
“I said, it’s ok, I’m not mad.” You push his glasses up his face to get a better look at all of him, he’s rock hard and only getting stiffer. “In fact, I’m flattered.”
You lean forward letting your lips rest against his parted ones, looking in his eyes for any sort of hesitation— but that doesn’t last. A hand flies to your curls as he pulls you forward by the hip, you knew he liked you but you didn’t know just how much. His kisses are inexperienced and starved, like he’s been waiting his whole life to have this exact moment with you.
Kobys trying not to bust in his pants at this ‘unfortunate’ situation he’s been dropped into. Not only does he get to be alone with you, he’s quite literally living his fantasy and you want him just as bad. He’s praying his inexperience doesn’t show but he wants to taste you so bad he’ll risk it all.
“Shirt off,” you command, it’s too stuffy for all these layers. Unzipping the top half of your uniform lets your breasts spill out, soft skin illuminated by the glow of the small lamp. He obeys without any sort hesitation, “you listen well Captain.”
The tips of his ears turn pink when you comment on his lack of reluctance, kissing his cheeks and then down the column of his neck as his baited breaths fill the small space.
He’s so pale you’re worried hickies will get him in trouble with Garp but he’s squirming under you as your lips make contact with his neck. He’s tugging on your clothes so needily as if to say, ‘harder please, I can take it,’ and goodness do you want to give it to him. What the hell, that jacket should cover it up.
He sighs pleasurably as you work on him, hissing when you scratch at his unmarred skin. His palms grab the globes of your ass as he rocks your pussy against his dick. He’s panting with his head rolled back too lost in the pleasure. “You wanna fuck me captain? That why you come to my office every week.”
He merely moans, eyebrows pinching together in concentration. The fabric of his pants rub against your clit so deliciously, dry fucking one of the navy’s top officers during a drill wasn’t in your plans today but holy fuck did it ignite something in you.
You kiss him again, slower this time, letting your hips drag harshly against his bulge just to tease him. Tongue creeping against his in a fight to slow the pace before he cums in his pants.
“Want you to fuck me Captain, please, I’ll make you feel good,” you half moan, tugging the hair at the base of his neck. If the devil was whispering in his ear right now, he’d let you take him. He trembles feeling need surge through him like a wave, all at once he needs to bury his dick in you to the hilt.
One problem, he’s never had sex before. The way your body rolls on top of his makes his mind hazy, forgetting all about the drill going on outside. “Not enough space,” he huffs, “just fuck me, I’m yours.” Quick on his feet, not missing a beat.
Now it’s your turn to swoon. He looks so honest when he says it, hearts in his eyes as he holds your hips; squeezing against your skin reassuringly.
Sitting back on his knees you pull your dress over your head, slipping your panties off as the lantern illuminates your curves in a soft glow. Koby watches enamored, forgetting that this is the part where he’s supposed to whip his dick out.
“Am I gonna hurt you? I didn’t touch you or anything.” He’s trying to not just reach out and grab you, in his deepest fantasies he gets to drill you in missionary while you call out his name. However, he knows stretching you open is an important aspect of sex (according to his books).
“You’re sweet, but we’ve gotta be quick.” Hovering over his length you use your own slick to lube his dick up before you’re trying to slink down it. He’s pretty average in length with a slight allowance in girth, and yes the curtains match the drapes.
The burn stings before it fades out into pleasure. “Oh fuck fuck fuck, that feels so good,” he whines, gripping your thighs with uncanny strength that’ll surely leave bruises. You wrap your arms around his neck as your cunt tries to swallow him, softly sighing as he fits you like a puzzle piece. Down and down you go on his thick shaft.
He almost doesn’t know what to do with himself, you sucking him in threatens to make drool spill down his chin. Never in his life did he think something warm and yet simultaneously wet could make his toes curl like this. “S’tight, keep going please.” You’re leaned over his shoulder as you try to catch your breath, ignoring the sounds of footsteps outside as you start to slowly bounce on Captain Kobys cock.
“Makin’ me feel so full already,” you whisper into his ear, digging your nails into his shoulders as you clench around his girth. The tip of his cock’s bullying your cervix with each bounce of your hips. The sound of your ass meeting his lap melds with his whines as he tries to get ahold of himself. Your pussy’s just too good.
“Ah— oh, fuck! Faster faster,” his voice sounds so vulnerable as your gummy walls squeeze him in, he hasn’t moved his hands from strangling your waist. Pushing you down further and further each time you chase his base.
It’s all so good; your hot breath, your moans for him to fuck you deeper, the way you’re holding onto him like you need him. He’s utterly melting, succumbing for some tight cunt. Maybe those navy stories he heard weren’t full of shit.
Koby’s chasing his orgasm, using your body as a toy subconsciously. Your ass in his hands as he spreads your cheeks, forcing himself in your heat that scorches him in a way he can’t get enough of. “So good Captain, don’t stop. I could cum on you just like this,” you say pushing him back against the wall. It’s so desperate and raw, his mouth chases yours in a hot kiss as your hands tangle in his hair.
He moans like a little slut each time his tresses are wrapped around your fingers, saliva connecting his mouth to yours. The fucked out look on his face is priceless. “So handsome, what a good boy you are.” Wiping excess drool that threatens to spill past the corner of his lip as he looks like he’s about to cry. His hips jumping to meet yours as that phrase leaves your mouth.
“Oh you like that?” Such a useful piece of information, “then be a good boy and cum for me.”
The whimper that leaves his throat is guttural, high pitched as it rips through the air. His strong arms work double time to slam you down over and over again like a machine. He finishes inside you as he clutches you to his chest, keeping himself tucked inside your cunny while his cock twitches n coats your walls white.
“So good Koby, jus like that baby.” You’re rolling your hips on his, trying to milk out anything remaining as he gasps from the stimulation.
“Oh no wait, what about you? I’m so sorry—” he doesn’t even let himself pull out of you before he’s speaking a thousand miles a minute. No worries, you have an idea for that.
You both get dressed as you hear the crowds returning, helping him zip up his jacket to cover the already bruising areas of his neck. Koby pulls your dress down over your ass and then some, like he’s your protective boyfriend or something, you just roll your eyes.
Stepping out into the hallway in a sea of people you hold his hand as he walks behind you, slipping into the crowd unnoticed. You forgot to smooth his hair out so he looks like he’s just slept in some crazy position, oops. He’s got this love drunk look on his face as you lead him back to your office and shut the door. Hearts buzzing around him as he follows you, not even an arrow from Cupid could replicate that look. You get some stares here and there, but your cunts throbbing for more so you couldn’t care less.
You place your “Be back soon <3! “ sign on the handle before turning around to find him sitting on your patients table, looking a bit too eager for round two.
“Now Captain, finish what you started. Nurses orders.”
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diejager · 7 months
I've been reading the Stepfather! Konig fic and I had just an idea. What if to get away and feel at least some safety reader fakes their death and joins the military with many fake names and constantly changes up themself to keep safe and away from König and Horangi?
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, military, recruitment, enlisting, military inaccuracies, tell me if I missed any.
Where was the best place to hide? The last place they would look, right under their nose. You managed - somehow - to keep your papers a secret from them, you were lucky they dealt with things online on encrypted servers, keeping it as hush-hush as possible. Fortunately, there weren’t many requirements for enlisting, all they had asked was your age, level of education and citizenship, some vague papers about you and that was all. You bode your time, leaning on your freedom when you left the house to hit the gym to get a head start in your training, pack a bit of muscle and get into a tight routine to get used to it before you joined; and buying the few things you’d need to build you stage with the few materials and story you made up. 
You were prepared when the time came, just a week before your training and your body thrummed with adrenaline and anxiety, slowly finishing off your plan. And when the time was right, you struck, vanishing with the car that you drove into the lake, you made sure that it was deep enough to be left untouched until you had at least finished your training. It was a stroke of luck, sheer luck that you made it to the base, flashing your papers and given a permit to meet the major of the base to receive your identification once you passed the examinations and interview. 
“Welcome to hell, cadet!” Were the first words you heard in the mass, dressed in the black and white uniform of the navy you stood ramrod with others beside you. 
They separated men and women in the early stages of training, once the selections were done, they’d mix both sex and leave them to train and learn together. It was a gruelling process, the physical and mental exhaustion of it all almost made you crash more than once, mind on the brink of frustration and muscles worn into painful bruises. You’d seen friends - made through nights of venting and moaning about life - and acquaintances quit early or halfway through the training and education. They were weeding out the weaker ones, the less competent and determined from the rest. You feared being picked of quitting, but you powered through it, all your blood, sweat and tears culminated to your graduation nearly eleven weeks later. 
You could stand with pride in yourself, head held high as you received your praises from the major, his rough voice echoing through the room in congratulations. You took your oaths and were given a white uniform and a hat, the black cap and gold encrusted hat that gleamed under the sun. You were proud; you were happy; you felt accomplished and free. You thought of flying, to be and feel as free as the birds that soar the skies, perhaps you’d join the aviation branch of the Navy. It didn’t seem like such a bad idea, to be moved and passed around wherever you were needed, never staying in one place made finding you much harder if König and Horangi found your bluff. 
But you’d gone so far, done so much to take things back or be taken back. You’d accomplished something with what little you had and you knew- You knew that your mother would be so proud of you for persevering. 
“I miss you, mom,” you kissed the sole picture of your mother, the only thing you thought worth keeping, “I’m sorry, I miss you.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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littlespacecadets · 1 year
🌟 Pacifiers 101 🌟
✨ Whether you call it a pacifier, soother, dummy, paci, or any other name, many cadets aboard the little space station enjoy them! Here's the rundown of things you should know about them before you buy one! ✨
🌠 An adult sized pacifier is the safe and best choice. 🌠
While baby pacifiers are more easily accessible, they aren't meant for people with bigger mouths/teeth. Baby pacis are too short and are only able to reach just past your teeth. Pacifiers are supposed to end up at the roof of your mouth, which is why different sizes exist in the first place. If a paci is too short/small, then there are two outcomes:
Instead of your tongue keeping your paci from slipping out, you would bite down on it to keep it in place. Clenching your jaw shut for too long can cause aches and pain in both your jawline and your teeth.
If you attempt to suck your baby paci, your tongue will push itself against your front teeth repeatedly. This repeated force from your tongue is strong enough to push your teeth forward, which, if done excessively and over a long enough time frame, can lead to either an overbite or underbite. Long before that happens however, your front teeth will ache.
Adult pacifiers should not cause these problems. There are only a very few exceptions where they would not help, and I'll list them:
You have barely lost your front teeth. Teeth and genetics are weird, and while the majority of people will have lost their front teeth when they were 6 or 7, some people lose their baby teeth later than that. Some individuals even get an entire second set of adult teeth! If any of these situations apply to you, then using any pacifier (but especially a too small one) after your new teeth have grown in is an unwise idea. There are gaps in the bone underneath your gumline, which means your teeth are especially sensitive to any type of pressure and are highly susceptible to shifting out of alignment. It typically takes a year for the bone underneath to solidify, in which case you should wait to use a paci until then.
You have braces/have barely gotten your braces removed. Similar to the circumstances above, if your teeth have recently been purposefully shifted into alignment, using a pacifier can cause aches and movement in your teeth. This can be prevented with the very important tool your dentist gave you: a retainer! Adult pacifiers fit perfectly behind your retainers, which will prevent any movement and/or pressure on your teeth. I would recommend not using your pacifier without a retainer until: you are instructed to stop using a retainer altogether or a year after you are instructed to use your retainer only while you're sleeping. These times are greater than if you had new teeth because the older you are, the longer your body takes to grow - this includes bone. The older you have dental work done, the longer it'll take for this bone to fully fill the space your teeth have vacated; if your dentist has instructed you to use your retainer for the rest of your life, I do not recommend using a pacifier for long periods of time without a retainer in place, as you have an increased risk of developing an overbite.
Your mouth is too small. The question is in which way your mouth too small? For example, if your teeth are too big for your mouth (and you may have even had some of them removed to make space/have straight teeth) then chances are that you would have to use an adult paci. However, if your teeth are short and otherwise child-sized, then you may instead find that the largest baby paci (36 months) will suit you fine and cause no pain. In this very specific circumstance, a baby pacifier may suit your needs better, as, to reiterate, as long as the paci ends at the roof of your mouth then you shouldn't have any problems.
🌠 The Care and Cleaning of Your Pacifier 🌠
All pacifiers should be properly cleaned and sanitized when you first get one. Afterwards, they should be routinely cleaned to prevent bacteria and germs from growing and entering your mouth, even if they don't seem dirty.
Wash it with warm water and dish soap. Take a clean cloth or towel, damp it with warm water, add a squirt of dish soap, and carefully clean the nipple and the back of the shield. Other soaps may not be food safe - as in, suitable for something you're going to be putting in your mouth - so it's best to be careful.
Use pacifier wipes. In stores, there exist specific wipes to clean pacifiers with! Some are vaguely flavored, so even if you might pop your paci in right after cleaning, it won't leave a chemical taste in your mouth.
In the event that your pacifier needs to be completely sanitized (such as dropped on the ground or other unsanitary place or if used during an illness) your options are:
If you have an undecorated pacifier, as in one without any added embellishments, then you can bring some water to a boil, disassemble and toss the paci in there, stir it around for 2-5 minutes, remove it, and allow it to cool completely before putting it back together and placing it in your mouth.
If you have a decorated pacifer, check with the seller to see if there are any specific cleaning instructions.
After using your pacifier, make sure it is dry before putting it in storage to prevent the development of germs and bacteria - if possible, cleaning it after usage is recommended for long term storage.
Storage can be any container or location that is clean and dry: an old lunch box, a new pencil case/box/bag, a new make-up bag, a tin container, a tupperware container, a mason jar, a Halloween pail, an Easter basket, a Valentine's Day box/tin/mailbox, and even a drawer are all examples of what you can use. If your pacifier storage can be easily cleaned, then feel free to use it!
🌠 Pacifier Usage 🌠
While using your pacifier, it's best to avoid the practices that can lead to aches and pain, as previously mentioned.
Your tongue should not be touching or pushing against your front teeth at any point in the process, as this is what commonly leads to teeth aches and teeth shifting out of alignment. On top of this, you run the risk of becoming comfortable resting your tongue against your teeth even when you aren't using your pacifier, which can also lead to your teeth shifting out of alignment.
Instead, your tongue should be resting along the bulb of the nipple, which should be right below your hard or soft pallet. Suckling may push the bulb towards the back of the mouth (or, your tongue moves along the stem of the nipple), but as long as your tongue doesn't brace the nipple against any teeth, you shouldn't experience any discomfort.
You may be tempted to bite down on your pacifier to keep it in your mouth, but as long as it's properly sized, that's not necessary. In fact, biting down on it can strain your jaw, similar to how teeth grinding can do the same. If you find yourself doing this often, with the jaw pain to go along with it, you may find it better to buy a mouth guard - some models even have a pacifier-like exterior, and you can view them as a more teether-like alternative.
When using your pacifier for long periods of time, you may begin to notice discoloration alongside the corners/edges of your mouth. This is common for people who use pacifiers, people who have retainers, or people who produce more saliva/drool more than average.
Don't fret! Lip balms that promise "lip repair", "intense therapy", and "skin protecting" can be used at the corners of your mouth to soothe any irritation and prevent future discoloration from occurring again. If these are unavailable, petroleum jelly may help.
✨ Class dismissed - now go ahead and get the pacifier of your dreams, cadet!✨
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grimesgirll · 7 months
you want to know what his deal is.
why the only facial expression he can manage is a scowl, why he seems so pent up.
rick grimes is a mystery to you.
some spooky backstory is written all over his face but there’s never been a clue of it otherwise - and you can only tell because you spend so much time watching him.
you never imagined yourself becoming obsessed with a man twice your age but here you are. you want to know what his face looks like when he cums. the older man is rotting your brain from the inside out.
it’s not until he stumbles upon you boxing alone in the empty gym that you realize it was on his mind too.
he doesn’t say anything upon entering and his footsteps are light but his reflection in the mirror gives him away. he’s watching from the stairwell as you go through your close combat training. it’s a rigorous routine recommended to you by one of your superiors that you feel deep in your core.
you pack power into every punch; trying to land blows strategically and not just wherever your own pent up sexual frustration sends them.
rick can’t help it when the once familiar straining in his pants starts up. he wordlessly runs a hand through his dark hair. despite the uneasy tension between the two of you, rick wants to get to know you better. not too well but well enough to know how you look after you get all of that energy out of your system.
he's lost in a daydream in the sleek underground training facility. the sound of footsteps exiting to the right breaks him out of his thoughts - thoughts of bending you over the weight lifting bench.
you traipse into the women’s locker room off the forest green paneled hallway.
he shouldn’t be thinking about following you.
you’re way too young for him.
before former private grimes can fully talk himself out of it, the image of you during one of your trainings materializes in his mind. he was supervising the new cadets - you, formerly - and you were stretching with the rest of your counterparts. you’d been in a standing straddle when you two locked eyes with each other.
the delicate balance of maintaining eye contact while not outright staring at your ass only took a few seconds to blur. rick was quickly turning his head and keeping his eyes averted.
ever since then, you’d caught hurried glimpses of each other. sometimes it felt like the older man’s eyes lingered on you though, like he was boring into you on another level.
you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t on your mind.
being freshly twenty a decade into the apocalypse didn’t make for the best dating scene. yeah, dating someone who could easily be your father was wild, but you didn’t have many other viable options. rick pushed all the right buttons for you no one else could.
as the water cascades down your back under the showerhead, your hand drifts below your abdomen to cup your sensitive bundle of nerves. you push past the semi-thick layer of hair covering your folds until your pointer finger is dipping inside of you.
despite it being your own fingers penetrating you, you still moan out loud, thankful that the showers are so empty and remote enough that you can enjoy having them all to yourself. you exhale and speed up your ministration. you add a finger for the added challenge. a third is sliding towards your entrance when you hear the shuffle of feet.
you cock your head. there's no reason for anyone else to be in here. there weren't many other female officers and all of the ones you knew trained here on much different schedules.
it's probably just the loud banging fan you and one of the female helicopter pilots had bitched together about. you ignore it and go back to your shower, sticking your head back enough that the shower is massaging your scalp, meanwhile your fingers massage your clit and your spongy insides.
god, you wish rick was here. his fingers were pretty large. coming in his embrace had to feel so fulfilling.
your taboo thoughts are interrupted by a loud banging. removing your fingers is an inconvenient affair, as you can't ignore that so you slowly creep towards the shower entrance, slipping past the curtain to see the subject of your shower fantasies standing before you.
the sage green towel you'd brought with is laying soaked on teh tiled floor while rick turns and smiles sheepishly at you. "this isn't what it looks like."
"i'm sure it's not."
rick averts his eyes and rotates to face the lockers. "i'm sorry. i can get you another towel."
you suddenly remember that you're on your feet naked. a rose blush colors your face. your cheeks grow even redder when you notice the massive bulge in his pants.
"is this turning you on?"
"is seeing me naked turning you on?" you elaborate. please turn around, you hope.
"i'm not looking at you," he chides your name. "that's why i asked if you wanted a towel."
"if you didn't want to fuck me you would've left already."
regardless of facing the other way, rick's entire body tenses. a select few of his muscles twinge.
"you walked in on me-,"
"-that was an accident."
"yeah, yeah, rick," you chuckle.
the older man is raising an eyebrow when he turns around to face you. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to see you like-like this but don't forget that i'm your commanding officer."
“i’ll forgive you if you fuck me.”
a gasp exits your mouth when you observe him grasp his crotch at your words.
"your place or mine?"
it's not long before you've found semi-appropriate apparel to ditch the gym in as you follow rick back to his townhouse on base.
the soldier is pushing you through the door. it doesn't seem like he cares when you stumble across the threshold. he just slaps your ass, gesturing to the stairs.
your feet carry you robotically up the tiny staircase until you're walking into a bedroom. you don't spend long on your feet though because rick is shoving you onto the bed roughly. you want to be taken aback at the treatment; however you can't say that you're surprised that rick is such a rough lover.
“you want me to take it off?”
rick is referring to the black hand edging nearer to your spandex clothed pussy.
you shake your head. “i don’t mind,” you assure him, shutting your hips closer to a black, prosthetic finger.
"easy enough," he remarks and leans down to capture your velvety lips in a bruising battle of tongues that you lose immediately.
he goes to pull down your shorts but you stop him. you sit up on your knees and lay your hands over the strict outline in his pants.
"fuck," he rasps.
"want me to suck you off?"
"only if you get on your knees now."
he doesn't have to tell you twice. you undo his pants in olympic record time, lapping at the head of his already engorged cock. you don't tease him; his shaft is hitting the back of your throat before you know it and he has to breathe deeply to prevent himself from thrusting the rest of him down your throat.
rick had seen the way your eyes had widened at the sight of his erection back in the showers. you probably didn't anticipate this kind of behavior from a man his age. he wants to be gentle for you but that would just make it personal.
you're a junior officer who he should not be fraternizing like this with but he can't resist the hot, suction your tight little mouth is providing. not when you take him so well.
"good job, sweetheart," he praises. "a little lower," he plants his hands in your hair and manually forces your lips farther down his girthy length. "that's it, honey."
it isn't long before his dick is covered in spit and with every thrust, you're fighting off a gag. you do your best to swallow around his cock, reveling in the moans erupting from him as his hands dug further into your soft, gossamer hair.
“take a break, sweetheart,” rick pulls you off of his cock.
“you about ready?” he inquires, lazily pumping a prosthetic finger into you and his other hand around his cock.
you nod eagerly. he doesn't say anything - just works another unforgiving, bionic finger into you. "rick!" you whimper.
the southerner sends you an icy blue glare. "what was that?"
you gulp. "i'm sorry, sir."
rick smirks at you. "are you?"
"how will you make it up to me?"
your hips writhe against his soft mattress beneath you. "sir, i want to make it up to you with my tight pussy, sir!"
his smirk grows. "ready whenever you are."
"i'm ready now, sir. i'm ready for your big cock."
you thought you'd be following along but you completely lose the plot when rick replaces his cyborg fingers with his fleshy cock and you're screaming.
"shh, hush!" rick slaps a hand over your mouth.
you scream muffled around his hand as he inserts each punishing inch into you. the stretch is intense and searing and you think you're going to pass out but after ninety seconds of feeling like rick would tear you part - you convulse around him.
"damn, already?"
you want to be embarrassed but you're hard pressed to care as your senior officer continues his brutal assault on your inexperienced pussy.
is he in my cervix? you ponder.
you crane your head backwards to spectate as the older soldier tunnels in and out of you. he has to be rearranging your kidneys and he has to be loving it from how dilated his pupils are. your tall, dark, and handsome superior is lost in your unrelenting cunt, head tipping back when he paints your plush insides white for the first time.
returning to earth momentarily, he discovers your eyes so intently laser focused on his. he scowls.
you grimace when he briefly slides out of you, but any complaints are momentarily paused when you get a mouth full of pillow.
this feels wrong. like he shouldn’t be fucking the young woman whose twentieth birthday his small battalion celebrated just the other week. it’s arduous to convince himself that this all wrong though - how can he when you’re clenching around him and mewling his name?
“you plannin’ on wakin’ up the rest of base?”
you shake your head, struggling to contain your moans - how can you when the older man is fucking the daylights out of you?
“be a good girl and shut up.” rick commands, reaching around to prod a finger at your lips and into your mouth. without asking, you go ahead and suck on his firm digits. the groans you elicit have you murmuring around his finger. “much better,” he commends you, rewarding you with a playful slap on your ass.
the sting reverberates through your pussy. the corresponding cry that comes from you only causes the man mercilessly filling you up to snort, landing another spank. he chuckles when you pulse around him.
“again already?”
has anyone ever told you you’re too big? you want to ask, but without the energy you just nod and hum.
the soldier’s speed only becomes more frantic. you can tell he’s finally close again from the way he’s digging his fingernails into your hips and burying himself deep inside of your already coated cunt.
yeah, he has to be my touching my cervix. you decide. probably ripped it open.
you feel ripped open by rick. it doesn't matter though, he doesn't slow even as your sopping cunt is leaking with your slick and his first load. his second release reaches even deeper inside of you, being plugged by rick's thick length as he collapses on top of you.
rick rolls over slightly, graying chestnut curls falling in his face as he gathers you closer to him. still inside of you, he's hard like bedrock. a hand reaches up to squeeze at your chest.
you whine when his mouth washes over your rosy bud and he grazes his teeth as well. "rick, too much." you pout at him, lips swollen.
“you think I’m done?”
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manasastuff-blog · 18 days
Daily Routine of Cadet National Defence Academy#nda#daily#routine#trending#national#defence Dive into the Daily Routine of Cadet National Defence Academy and uncover what a typical day looks like for aspiring defense professionals. This video takes you through the rigorous schedule, training regimens, and unique experiences of cadets. Whether you're considering a career in the National Defence Academy or just curious about military life, this detailed breakdown will provide insights and answers. Join us as we explore the demanding yet rewarding life inside one of India’s premier defense institutions. Don’t miss out on this exclusive look into the daily discipline and dedication that shapes future leaders!
#DailyRoutine, #CadetLife, #NationalDefenceAcademy, #MilitaryTraining, #DefenseCareer, #AcademyLife, #CadetRoutine, #IndianArmy, #NDA, #MilitaryAcademy
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vampcubus · 2 years
a/n: second round! ik i said i was done with the unsolicited aot hcs for a sec but that was a lie and we both knew that.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒!┊erwin, connie, eren, and pieck.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒!┊spicy in places, boner mentions in eren’s, these got long… but don’t they always? 💀
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— this man… THIS MAN. Literally should write a book about it because he kisses you like he was made for it.
— Your first kiss is soft and full of a hesitance you rarely see from him. Despite his age, Erwin was unpracticed in matters of the heart. He has a brilliant mind but he’s adorably clueless when it comes to romance. He has to maintain a pristine and calculative appearance as commander of the scout regiment, but he’s tearing down a lot of those walls for you. Don’t let his stoic exterior fool you, he’s tender inside.
— His kisses start off gentle, but everything about Erwin just feels so passionate, and that passion bleeds through in everything he does. It isn’t long before you feel his hand at your lower back, pulling you further against his body, the originally chaste kiss melting into something more. He’s just got so many feelings for you bubbling inside that he can’t always quite translate into words.
— He uses the sweet press of his lips against yours as an outlet for all that wound-up desire. You can almost feel it sizzle and hiss between you as he closes the distance between your bodies, thick fingers brushing over your cheeks, at the nape of your neck, in your hair… he can’t get enough of you or your wicked lips.
— Erwin is a creature of habit, so your kisses absolutely become a part of his routine (when the poor man can afford to have one, there’s always something going on in the scout regiment)
— oftentimes the first thing you feel when you wake up is his warm lips on your temple before he’s whisked away for his duties as commander. If you’re awake enough you can grip him by the shirt collar and coerce him into giving you a few proper kisses before he’s really gotta go. Nothing more endearing than the disappointment in his eyes when he has to pull away from your sweet lips before he winds up late because you “seduced him back into bed.”
— Greatly appreciates kisses to his temple or between his brows when he’s swimming in paperwork <3
— Likes it especially when you climb into his lap while he works, every once and a while trailing kisses along his jaw when he’s deep in thought.
— You’ve had too many cadets and captains alike walk in while you’ve got your tongue down his throat though 💀 at this point it’s a running joke. It’s cute watching him get all frazzled by the intrusion, especially if you appear unbothered by it. “You could at least try to act embarrassed,” he’d whisper to you, and you’d only grin, getting all comfy in his lap as the mortified interrupter attempts to state their name and purpose.
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— If I had to pick one word to describe Connie’s kisses, it’d be enthusiastic. He’s been dreaming of kissing you for years (he’s so perfect for friends to lovers I swear) so you’ll have to forgive his eagerness once he finally gets the opportunity.
— Sometimes he gets a little too excited and your teeth clack or your noses bump together none too gently, but you two usually just laugh it off and then try again—softer this time.
— Connie gets a little too good at kissing though, and absolutely uses his smooching prowess to win arguments and distract you from work. Sasha is always making kissy faces when you’re around so you can assume that he’s constantly babbling to her about how good a kisser you are.
— A kiss thief, he’s always stealing kisses from you when you least expect them. He can’t help but love that adorable look of surprise you get when he lays one on you out of nowhere, it’s priceless to him. Turns into a puddle when you turn the tables and surprise HIM with a sudden smooch. It makes his knees get all wobbly.
— Gets whiney if you turn your face when he leans in so his lips hit your cheek instead. He does the same thing to you though just to make you mad, especially after he starts sprouting up like a weed (seriously how’d he get so tall?). He just tilts his head up so you kiss his chin instead 😡 like that’s not allowed.
— Very much the “where’s my hug/kiss?” bf.
— Smiles into kisses <3 He’s always grinning ear to ear when he’s around you so it’s inevitable.
— Connie’s favorite thing to wake up to is your soft lips peppering saccharine kisses across his entire face. You can tell when he’s awake because the biggest grin breaks out across his face, and he starts trying to return them, turning his face this way and that in an attempt to catch your lips on his.
— Watch your neck around this one, he’s always trying to sneak hickeys there no matter how much you admonish him about leaving visible marks. Connie does it especially when you aren’t paying enough attention to him (you never are by the way, he wants all of it)
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— Whore (affectionate). No literally, cus even the softest well-meaning kisses result in you making out. It’s hard to stop once you’ve started. It’s so easy to get lost in his warmth, his smell, the way he softens and his body sags against you.
— Eren’s kisses are passionate and hungry, like he’s trying to devour you. You’re one of the few good things he thinks he has and he doesn’t want to let go.
(modern au eren with a tongue piercing?? if his tongue isn’t in my mouth right this instant-)
— Literally just wants to lay on the couch and kiss n suck on your sweet lips till they bruise. And if you play with his hair while you suck on his tongue? He’s whimpering, shifting his hips around like you can’t feel him poking you. He gets hard super easily, but he’s oddly content to just keep kissing you instead of paying attention to it.
— His kisses are wet?? Like why tf are you leavin so much spit on my cheek?
— Another one that comes up behind you while you’re working/cleaning and starts kissing along your neck just to distract you. He really likes the sound you make when he pulls the tender flesh of your throat between his teeth and sucks dark marks into it. And once you’ve made the slightest noise of approval he’s impossible to shake off. He’s your leech <3
— Doesn’t care about PDA, there could be a hundred people in the room and he’s still gonna be smashing his lips against yours like there aren’t countless eyes watching you.
— It’s a little embarrassing actually, you’ll find yourself constantly reminding him
“Have some restraint. We aren’t alone, ‘ren.”
“Save it for home.”
“People are watchingggg.”
— And for the most part, he’ll relent with enough nagging, but he’ll pout about it. It’s cute, watching him all crestfallen like he just got his favorite toy taken away.
— Eren gets jealous so easily, and you can tell cus he’ll start getting all handsy, practically hanging off of you. His sudden starvation for attention might be confusing to you, but you don’t see the daggers he’s glaring over your shoulder at your potential admirers. And if that isn’t enough, he’ll start nudging at your shoulder with his nose to demand kisses. Acts all pathetic about it cus he knows the pitiful act always gets him what he wants.
— He’ll whine about how you’re “so mean,” and that he’s “kiss-starved.” And if he’s convincing enough—which he can be if he really tries—you can’t help but spare him a few smooches (even if only to shut him up)
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— Pieck’s kisses are very sweet? Like she gets that soft look on her face before she leans in and sighs as if relieved when your lips touch, arms snaking around your middle so she can be as close as possible.
— Rubs your noses together affectionately <3
— Believes in kiss currency, she’ll do just about anything as long as you promise her a kiss for it. Also withholds belongings until she gets her kiss, “you want this? gimme a kiss first >:(“
— Sleepy morning kisses are mandatory!! She doesn’t care about morning breath, she wants her smooch and her “good morning, princess” NOW.
— Intentionally kisses you while her lipstick is still drying so she leaves behind stains on your face and DOESN’T TELL YOU. You’re so confused as to why you’re getting strange looks in public with the hugest kiss print smack dab in the middle of your forehead.
— Pieck doesn’t mind PDA, in fact she’s notorious for trying to sneak kisses when you absolutely shouldn’t be sucking face. Meetings with the brass, diplomatic parties, on the battlefield… her favorite thing is when you climb onto her titan as she’s phasing out of her nape to breathe for a few smooches. She always looks so serious when she’s working, the soft gasp of surprise when your lips smack against hers makes it worth nearly getting scalded in the process.
— another chronic hand kisser, it’s just too convenient and intimate.
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gravehags · 5 months
random bad batch headcanons (part 1 of ?)
Hands down the best listener of the group and is the only one who has maintained the patience to listen to Tech info dump over the years. He'll never tell him (he's sure he already knows) but Crosshair loves listening to his brother yap about anything
Can sleep anywhere in any situation in any position. Frequently caught passed tf out with his mouth open snoring on the floor of the Marauder after a mission. Don't you dare make fun of him for it though, he hears everything
Animals naturally gravitate towards him even (and especially) when he disregards them but he's secretly fond of tookas - the more cantankerous the better. Wrecker is loudly jealous of his brother's ability to casually befriend any domesticated beast they encounter
To no one's surprise, was always the first of his squad to throw hands with regs when they were cadets (and into adulthood). You so much as glance at one of his brother's funny and he's already launched himself at you with a snarl on his lips. Consequently the Kaminoans who ran the infirmary grew strangely fond of this surly, skinny grey haired kid.
Makes jokes out of bad situations because although he may never say it, he can't stand to see his brothers sad or upset. Yes, the jokes will generally be dark and dry but he never fails to get an amused snort from Tech or an exasperated eye-roll from Hunter.
Has never really expressed the sentiment out loud but he desperately wishes he could have the opportunity to study at a university and confer with likeminded people about the things he's passionate about
Is always the one in the group to carry extra rations because he knows Wrecker will inevitably ask for them
Is far more tenderhearted than people give him credit for and has a ridiculous amount of photos and vids of his brothers on his datapad from their travels all over the galaxy. The rest of his squad only knows about a third of them
One night when the boys were out celebrating a successful mission, Crosshair issued a challenge to see how many numbers each member of the squad could get in 79s. They all did impressively well but Tech blew their count out of the water and eventually had to end the night early to fend off a group of amorous admirers while his brothers looked on shocked but deeply impressed
Wears his goggles not for sight but for migraine prevention, hence their yellow tint. Nala Se was quick to notice his sensitivity to screens despite always wanting to be glued to one and gave him his first pair
Because of his heightened senses he gets sensory overload super easily. When Tech made him his first pair of noise cancelling headphones in their cadet years he almost cried in relief. In adulthood he still uses them to decompress after missions
Gets ruthlessly made fun of by his squad for his meticulous haircare routine - it's the only thing he's vain about. One time during a particularly brutal argument between he and Crosshair, Cross threatened to take Hunter's vibroblade and chop it all off. Hunter didn't sleep for days afterwards even after he broke Crosshair's nose. Again.
He'll deny it until the end but when he got his face tattoo he whined about how much it hurt the whole time. In more private moments of teasing his brothers will bring it up much to his eternal embarrassment
He's the most likely to fall victim to pranks, usually laid out by Wrecker and Crosshair. Even with his heightened senses he can never manage to pull one over on his brothers but they get the best of him constantly
Always stuns the bartender when they go out by ordering the sweetest, most colorful drink on the menu with the biggest grin and then proceeding to get absolutely wasted after only two of them. Many a night at 79s has ended with Hunter and Crosshair half-carrying him out of the bar.
The only commendation ceremony the batch ever attended was one Senator Amidala was presiding over. All of them were stunned to silence by her presence and they didn't even think to tease Wrecker for how red he turned when she pinned the medal to his chest. He gushed about her for a solid month after that.
All the batch drink their respect women juice but none more than Wrecker, who regularly gets kicked out of bars for starting fights with regs or other patrons after hearing them say something unsavory to or about a woman. The bartender at 79s always acts like they're pissed off about the broken glasses and tables but the next time the batch rolls in, their first drinks are always on the house
Is deeply invested in the galactic music scene and keeps up with all the popular artists from the core. Will torture his brothers with his...interesting renditions of the latest hits during extended flight times in between missions
The whole batch pitched in to get Lula for Wrecker after a particularly tearful farewell with a tooka he befriended on a mission. She's become so important to all of them that no matter who is feeling down or sick or injured, Lula will sleep tucked away with them.
Humor-wise gets along best with Crosshair - they really appreciate each other's dry sarcasm and are content to roast each other nonstop with no hard feelings
And speaking of Crosshair, Echo proudly bears the honor of being the only reg he likes and respects
He dealt with a lot of guilt when he first joined the batch over leaving Rex and the 501st behind. It kept him pretty quiet around the others until they presented him with a surprise - freshly painted armor to match theirs. They all diligently pretended that they didn't see the tears in his eyes.
Will always salute 99 whenever they all go out, which the others heartily agree with. He's proud the spirit of the clone lives on in this band of strange soldiers
The boys took Echo out to get his first tattoo (a handprint on his pectoral, naturally) and were deeply impressed by his ability to adeptly flirt with the beautiful Twi'lek artist. When Hunter asked where he learned it, Echo just smiled and told them about his brother Fives.
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abbyslev · 2 years
A/N: THIS IS MY FIRST POST im so nervous and these are so shitty bye but pls enjoy😓🙏🏼
Biggest softie. Will deny this till the day she dies.
Her arms will literally not let you go. Good luck trying to get up. 
She likes to watch you sleep for a minute. 
If you wake up on the wrong hand, it pisses her off too.
She’s a light snorer
Compliments you about everything 
“You have the prettiest eyes.” 
“Annie, we have to get up.” 
Imagine her morning voice… enough.
She tosses in her sleep so you have an extra blanket beside you because she takes yours away.
Always has to sleep next to you.
Big cuddler in private.
She like to run her hand through your hair.
She’s literally a marshmallow for you.
Breakfast in bed fs
She loves to just cuddle for a minute 
She's a light sleeper so she usually wakes up early just to see you at peace
Has to be touching you in some type of way
Compliments you every morning
Helps you get ready
Always makes your drink of choice for you
You tease her for her morning hair 
She’ll hum sometimes
She 100% wears socks to sleep
“Can you share some blanket please?” “No, Mika. Get your own.” 
This women will kiss you every chance she gets
Literally wakes up energized 
Will stare at you for hours just smiling 
They would rather freeze than take some blanket from you 
Snores 100%
“Jeez. It’s so cold. If only I had a partner to cuddle me.” 
“Hange, you could just cuddle me.” 
Will never let you go
Hange likes to ramble about their projects and theories all night and all morning
“I have to check in with the cadets. I will be back.”
Hange actually comes back
Hange will never ever let you cook. They will cook for you
Hange likes to do your hair in the morning. You’re so sleepy sometimes and Hange feels bad.
Hange loves you too much 
Yelena will never get up, and if you try her arms will lock around you.
Will wake you up by literally kissing your jaw
Horny at 7 am bruh
Pet names fs
Shes just happy to wake up next to you
She will cook you something while you get ready
You’ll button up her shirts 
Morning kisses literally everyday
She refuses to sleep w a shirt on
she thinks shes a man or smth smfh
She likes to do her morning routine w you 
she will use a shit ton of toothpaste just to piss you off
“Lena, what the fuck.” “What did I do?” She says with toothpaste foaming out of her mouth.
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factorydefaultlu · 1 year
Prompt list:
2 and 44
With Koby
How Did We Get Here?
Koby x AFAB!Reader
Alcohol consumption, vaginal fingering, dry humping, casual sex, one sided romance
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Neither of you know how this situationship began. One night the two of you had gone drinking with the other cadets, and it had ended with you pulling him into a bruising kiss in the bar bathroom.
Then it became a regular thing. Pulling him away from his duties whenever you could just to feel him up in some supply closet.
Koby doesn't complain much. He's anxious about a lot of things, but if he really didn't like being used as a fuck toy, he'd say something about it.
Truth be told he's been in love with you, even before the sex started, but he can't ever tell you. He doesn't want to ruin what you have.
He's perfectly content sneaking off in the night with you, being pushed to the floor in a closet and being used.
It's a perfect Friday night, Koby's buzzing off several shots of whiskey and heat begins pooling in his stomach as you pull him away from the group of cadets.
You lock the bathroom door behind you, and push him against the sink. Your lips find his, and you capture him in your signature bruising kiss. His whiskey mingles with your vodka as your tongues collide.
His hands find their place on your waist, the usual routine. He was always so nervous in the beginning, but now it's second nature.
Koby whines as you shove your thigh between his legs, pressing right against cunt. You smile against his lips and pull back, plucking his glasses from his face and setting them on the counter.
You stare into his eyes as you stroke his face, dragging your thumb just under his eye. He quickly leans forward, pulling you back into a kiss. His heart pounds, why did you have to look at him like that?
He grinds against your thigh, sighing as he feels the pressure on his clit. You grab one of his hands from your waist and guide it to the hem of your pants.
"Make me feel good."
Koby knows what you're asking for, and nimbly slips his hand into your jeans. His fingers circle your clit and you groan, he's always so good at this.
He collects your slick on his fingers and slides them through your folds. Two digits easily slip into your aching cunt, and he starts curling them.
The two of you grind and use each others bodies. Koby's hips rolls effortlessly on your thigh, and his fingers drag along your gummy walls.
He always cums quickly, you've been at this for months but he's still incredibly sensitive. It doesn't matter however, because almost right after, you're clenching around him and shuddering. He uses the heel of his palm to rub your clit through your orgasm.
You're both breathless, and weak. He stares down at you, and can't help the words that spill from his mouth.
"I think I love you."
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siren-serenity · 9 months
morning routines
characters: donquixote rosinante/corazon, gn!reader warnings: fluff a/n: - in my household, we live, laugh, love rosinante - LOOK AT MY HUSBAND!!!! I DON'T CARE IF HE'S CLUMSY, I'LL PROTECT HIM *shaking fists in fury at oda* why did you have to kill him?!?!? - feedback is appreciated!
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Before (Marine life)
early mornings with dawn breaking through the clouds // staring out the window overlooking the training grounds // inhaling enough donuts as breakfast before sengoku or garp catches him // being thrown to the side on accident in an attempt to wake up smoker // ironing his marine uniform
The beeping was the first thing to wake him up. Loud, repetitive beep noises from the alarm clock would cause Rosinante to groan and pull the tailor-made blanket over his head in an attempt to muffle the noise. Although, he would get out of bed a few minutes later, having been too awake to go back to bed. After getting out of bed and folding it properly (old habits died hard, he guessed), Rosinante turned to stare at the slumbering Smoker.
He's heard rumors from the new cadets of his roommate. How merciless he was in their training. How fearsome he seemed, so fearsome that they didn't even dare to look him in the eye when talking. But when Rosinante spies the little trail of drool from his mouth and his messy bedhead, he can only snicker to himself.
"Wake up, Smoker!" Rosinante shakes him before eyes widening at a sudden thought. 'Wait, doesn't he have those instincts-'
Smoker sat up suddenly, hand outstretched and pushing Rosinante towards the wall. Wispy smoke trailed out of his hands as he used them to boost Rosinante's shove against the wall. The blond crashed against the wall, groaning at the pain that blossomed.
"Mornin', Rosinante..." Smoker grumbled, running a hand through his white locks. "What time is it?"
He just groaned, head upside down and his lanky legs sticking upwards. "Good morning to you too, Smoky."
Smoker's eye twitched before he launched a pillow into Rosinante's face.
But in the end, Rosinante's morning routine didn't change much throughout the years. Maybe there was a promotion or two, which would result in him adding a few more steps to his routine. An ironing of his new uniform (which would cause him to burn himself sometimes) or the plop of his cap on his messy blond locks -- the usual. His routine was fixed and sometimes, as Rosinante stared into the mirror as he brushed his teeth, he wished it could be a bit more...fun.
After (With you)
extra toothbrush next to his // containers of his favorite make-up brand next to your facial products // sitting on a stool and your weight straddling his waist as your careful hands applied his signature make-up // a kiss to your cheek and earning one in return, causing him to grin boyishly
Rosinante smiles, waking up with an arm looped around your body and your legs tangled with his. Your head is pressed onto his chest and your hair is scattered across his heart-patterned pajamas. He almost didn't want to wake up but the sunlight that streamed in through the window disturbed your slumber. You blinked wearily.
"Morning," His voice was raspy and he cleared his throat to try again. You looked at him, eyes still puffy yet filled with a gentle sort of love that never failed to make him melt. "Good morning to you too, love."
You get up, stretching your arms and wincing at the audible 'pop'! sounds. Rosinante stands up and takes a step, only to trip over literally nothing and into your expectant arms. He chuckles to himself, too used to his clumsiness and you press a kiss to his lips.
"Falling for me so early in the morning?" You laugh and pull him by the hand to the bathroom. It's practically muscle memory at this point - hand him his toothbrush and toothpaste before reaching out for your facial products. He pops a kiss to the top of your head in thanks, releasing a loud 'muah!'
"Rosi!" You playfully gasp as he drops his head onto your shoulder and nuzzling himself in the crook of your collarbone. His messy golden hair tickles your skin and your grin only grows wider. "So this is the feared Commander of the Marines?"
"Mhmph," You feel him nod into your skin. "Fear me!"
You lean down, spitting out the toothpaste and looking into the mirror to wash away remnants. You spy Rosinante's lovesick stare, eyes in the mirror meeting yours and you can practically see hearts.
"So scary," You make jazz hands, giggling as Rosinante puffs up his chest. "You're too cute to be scary, love."
As always, whenever he hears his nickname, he melts into a puddle.
"I've been domesticated," He pulls you into a hug and with his tall height, he easily swallows you into the fabric of his pajamas. His arms wrap around your body like a cocoon of warmth. Rosinante's next words are muffled. "So you have to take care of me."
You laugh, nodding against his chest. Rosinante presses a kiss onto the top of your forehead and you melt.
"Of course," You pull him gently by the collar to press a kiss to his forehead. Then to his cheeks. His eyelids. His nose. Finally, his lips and you remain there for a couple of seconds before leaning backward. His eyes flutter and a blush crawls onto his face. "You're mine, aren't you?"
"I'm yours," Rosinante agrees, slightly breathless.
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
for ASGZ(and C if you want!) what do their genuine laughs sound like? like a full on heard or saw something really funny to them and then they're busting up (and if ur feeling it, what would each of them find genuinely funny?)
Ahhhhhhh!!! That is the CUTEST question, my friendo!! ❤️💖✨
AGSZC’s Laughs!
Angeal: A deep, throaty guffaw is this man’s specialty! The kind of full-on laugh that scares the shit out of you because it just BOOMS out of absolutely nowhere, often preluded by a verrrryyy long and shrill JK Simmons-esque squeal before the eruption.
What elicits this: “epic” fail videos that he finds on MuTube, stand-up comedy routines, and “Penne For Your Thoughts: The Ultomat-o Book of Food Puns!”
Genesis: Nothing short of hysterical, maniacal cackling that will send him crumpling to the floor in a breathless mass. He has been mistaken for a laughing hyena on several occasions.
What elicits this: Rom-Coms, comical violence, and embarrassinglybad horror films such as the critically-ashamed “ChocoBowed” (particularly the scene wherein the killer Chocobo fires its titular weapons at the bully character’s crotch). Very into black comedy overall!
Sephiroth: Low, quiet, but sincere chuckles is predominantly all that ever ripples from this man’s lips in terms of laughter. HOWEVER! There is one (1) recorded occasion wherein that vague chuckle ballooned into a song of true, heartfelt laughter <3 And it was a day that went down as one of the best in the other three SOLDIERs’ life.
What elicit(ed) this: Zack leaving a bottle of Super Stamp Soda in the freezer, proceeding to take the super swollen can out of the freezer, and then winding up with a supernova of soda dribbling off his hair when science resulted in it exploding in the poor boy’s face. Everyone in the room (Seph included!) burst into uncontrollable laughter, followed by a jumbo group hug that send the breathless General toppling on the couch when Angeal, Genesis, and Zack all assaulted him with a loving and incredulous embrace. All three eagerly await to day to hear that magical sound again <3
Zack: The most joyous, infectious, and authentic laugh you can possibly imagine!! Studies show that it is downright impossible to not so much as crack a smile when the young SOLDIER gets into one of these rapturous fits!!!
What elicits this: Literally anything that can be remotely taken as funny has a 4/5 chance of causing Zack to laugh. He also has an extreme comedy sweet spot for the word “Nibelheim” being spoken in any shape or form.
Cadet!Cloud: A very innocent, soft, and extremely endearing giggle is our trooper’s style! He doesn’t tend to reach all that high of a volume with his laughter (even in his most busted-gut states), but that doesn’t stop it from being an absolute ray of sunshine to the ears of anyone who hears it!
What elicits this: Silly Shreddit threads, gamer raging, and the word “Gongaga” being spoken in any shape or form.
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angstywaifu · 4 months
Black Dahlia - 3. Bad Idea, Right? (Garrick)
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
A/N - Going for a slightly different perspective for this one… Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos) Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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Another year. Another round of cadets. Another year of watching the first year numbers plumet. Last year that had been me. One of the first marked ones to walk the parapet and join the death sentence they called the Rider’s Quadrant. It had nearly been my actual death sentence during threshing if it wasn’t for Xaden. I owed him my life for that.
”How do you think this year will go?” I ask him as I look across the parapet where new cadets will soon start to make their way over.
He opens his eyes to look at me from where he leans on the archway. “Same as last year. Bunch of cadets falling to their death to try earn the glory of being a dragon rider. Us marked ones being targeted yet again.” He drawls, no interest in being stationed here to take the names of those who make it across.
Though being stationed here gave us an upper hand. Both being squad leaders this year meant we could see the cadets as they made it across. Maybe even snag a few for our own squads that we’re down in numbers after last year. We had lost a lot of fellow first years, and even a few second and third years in war games a few weeks ago. Xaden had already laid claim to one cadet. His cousin Bodhi who was due to walk the parapet today. Despite not showing any interest I knew he was keeping an eye out for him. I had caught him looking over the edge, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of him. But there we’re too many people down there and it was too far away to see anyone clearly.
Movement across the Parapet catches both our eyes, our heads turning to see the first cadet take to the Parapet. “Here we go.” I mutter as I push off the wall and get ready.
As per usual the parapet claims a few victims. The wind knocking off those who can’t balance, or other cadets pushing them off to get them out of their way. Technically there were no rules about throwing other cadets off. Just make your way across and survive. But I know both Xaden and I would not be taking any of those who pushed other cadets off. They had no loyalty. They just wanted the glory and title of being a dragon rider. And didn’t care who they had to kill to get there. Soon they’d face the harsh reality of what it took, and would soon realise the dragons made their decisions on more than just a capable strong rider.
“She’s got guts.” Xaden says, pulling my gaze from the roll where I write down the last cadets name.
I look up to see a girl crossing the parapet as if they’ve done it hundreds of times before. As if she knows exactly where to place each step, how to balance herself to counter the wind. Hell, she’s barely even using her arms for balance. She’s walking it as if it was part of her daily routine. And for Xaden to comment on it, means he was impressed. We’d walked out there a few times in our first year. Not the whole way, just far enough to feel like we we’re away from here. A place to clear our heads. But this was the first time that girl was walking it. And she made it look like it should be easy.
She’s one of the few I’ve seen gain distance on the cadet behind them. The boy behind her taking his time. He’s definitely one of the better ones I’ve seen cross it, but it’s nothing compared to her. Her face is completely void of any emotion. No hesitation or fear at her possible death. She’s determined. She’s here for a reason. She has something to prove. Either to herself or someone else. As she gets closer, I can’t help but feel like she looks familiar. I know I’ve never met her before, but she looks similar to someone I’ve seen before. But I can’t place who.
She jumps off the parapet with ease and going to walk off. “Name cadet.” Xaden says sternly.
She stops and looks at him. “Dahlia.” Even her voice is void of any emotion. What the hell happened to her to make her this way?
“Last name?” He asks, cocking his eyebrow at her as she goes to walk off again.
Most cadets would cower under that stare, immediately give up what he asks for. But she doesn’t. She just narrows her eyes at him and stares back with equal authority. She’s not trying to defy him, but she doesn’t want to give him her name.
“Aetos.” The cadet behind her says as they jump off.
I turn and see the boy behind her on the parapet has jumped down. I’ve never seen this guy before but there’s no denying who this was. He looked so much like his father. And by the way Xaden grimaces I know he’s made the connection to.
“I wasn’t asking for yours.” Xaden snaps at him, his tone venomous as he takes him in.
The boy narrows his eyes in an a way so similar to the girl in front of me it’s almost uncanny.
“I’m aware Riorson. It’s her last name to.”
Xaden and I immediately snap our gaze back to the girl who’s now staring at Dain. If you weren’t looking for it you would miss it. But it’s there. The similarities. But everything about her is darker than the colonels son. Her hair a dark chocolate brown and eyes to match, her skin slightly more tanned than his as if she spends more time outside. But there’s no denying who she is. She’s the colonels other child. Dain’s twin sister. Which would explain why she seemed familiar.
“You’re the Colonels other kid?” Xaden asks as he takes her in, as if he can’t quite believe she’s the Colonels daughter.
Xaden was a good judge of character. Knew who to trust and who to keep at arms length. But something about this girl seemed to throw him off. As if something about her was making him question her.
”Only when it matters.” And with that she turns and makes her way into the rotunda leaving the three of us to look after her in awkward silence.
Dain quickly rushes after her, muttering something about their father and getting in trouble.
”Mark her down as my squad.” Xaden tells me once Dain is out of ear shot.
I cock an eyebrow at her. “You really want her on your squad? That really the smartest move all things considered?”
Having her on either of our squads would be a bad idea. She was the Colonels daughter. We would have a set of eyes on us we really didn’t need. Not with the supply runs. She could be putting on an act for all we knew. If Xaden slipped up around her, she could go running back to him and we’d be done for.
”I want her on my squad. Trust me.”
So I do. I trust Xaden and mark her down as his squad. Malek help us all. @imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch
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sunflowersunite · 4 days
Eremika post war headcanons
(in a world where the Rumbling wasn't Eren's fault and he can live well and happy)
once everything is over, EMA hugs one another so tightly that they might burst. They're a bundle of tears and laughter and dust, and they've done it.
Armin became an ambassador to help the island rebound from the catastrophe, whereas Eren and Mikasa returned to Paradis afterwards. That scene where we saw Mikasa leaving Marley after the war-- yeah, that's with Eren (all of him, not only his head). They ran away together, hands clasped, gear discarded. They stowed away on the first ship to Paradis.
They rebuild their old home in Shiganshina and stay there for a while, but as the island thrives, then realise that Shiganshina is getting too crowded. So they move to a cabin in the forest, secluded enough to be at peace. They visit Historia for lunch often (I mentioned Historia in other post war hcs too, and in my opinion, she's a must. Everyone visits Historia post war and they all dine together).
Mikasa doesn't wear her scarf anymore. She doesn't need it, Eren is with her, she sees him every morning and falls asleep knowing he's in the next room. She matures to realise that no one will take him away now. She feels safer. She tucks it away and wears it only in the winter.
They fall into a routine together, do chores, Eren hunts sometimes (Mikasa is better at it, but he stubbornly insists on doing it).
Neither touches on it, but they know that they're not kids anymore. They sense how different things between them are now.
Mikasa already knows how she feels for Eren, she's known for a long time, but feels like he needs space, since he hasn't said anything yet, nor has he revealed a wish for anything between them to change. It's enough for her that they're alive and together.
They're all awkward, they don't know what they are to each other.
Historia is fuming when Mikasa tells her that. "You two aren't together already??"
They turn beet red. Historia berates Eren and Mikasa separately ("don't you realise how much you mean to her/him? Come on, do something! We all knew since we were cadets!"), and they go home like punished schoolkids. They look at one another and crack a smile.
Eren knows how he feels but Mikasa deserves someone better and maybe he's not good enough and maybe he'll mess this up and how do people even do such things, how does he even ask her something like that, how does he tell her...?
Eren searches their old clothes and finds the scarf. He marches up to her, wraps it around her neck, remembering an old promise, and says "I'll wrap this around you, now and forever and as much as you want. For the rest of our lives."
Mikasa is startled and somewhat confused, so Eren has to say it out loud, face red. "I love you Mikasa. Marry me."
And she accepts. She locks him in a hug and spins him around. They get married that same day. They debated on waiting for Armin, but decided that enough was enough and also it was what Armin would have wanted.
Armin returns to visit them with the ambassadors after months. They're not waiting for them at the port, and he immediately knows where to look. He finds them under the tree.
EMA reunite and exchange their stories. ("took you long enough," Armin said. "Surprised you didn't get married first thing when you came home".)
They greet the rest of the ambassadors later. Jean has already started to heal and move past Mikasa, so he congratulates them happily (Eren and Jean drink a little more that night and fistfight, but it's okay because they're all together again).
Mikasa and Eren's firstborn is Carla, with Armin as her godfather.
Their second is Sasha. Connie cried when they announced him the name and asked him to be her godfather.
They grow old together. Levi still manages to kick Eren in the face despite being in a wheelchair. He tolerates their kids (he loves them but don't tell anyone). Hange becomes the crazy aunt (yeah Hange is alive too)
Did I mention they grow old together
They don't work out that much anymore because they live a life of peace. Their physique isn't that ideal anymore (they still look very good but yk) and they don't care. They have a garden and a home and their friends and their kids and each other. They don't want anything else anymore.
Armin tells the world their story. Eren and Mikasa have been asked to sign copies of the book sometimes.
They're buried under the tree but after a long and fulfilling life by each other's side.
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