cacaocottonbeloved · 2 months
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A long awaited reuinion.
[Psst. Cotton cookie is in her early 40s in this :)]
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creamsodaprince · 8 months
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This is such a dumb ship but good lord im attatched [I'm calling it CacaoCotton ig]
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cacaocottonbeloved · 5 months
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Get you a wingwoman like Caramel Arrow
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cacaocottonbeloved · 3 months
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Saw the CUTEST pose and had to draw them in it
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cacaocottonbeloved · 3 months
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He has such a big cape. He can hide so many things in there.
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cacaocottonbeloved · 3 months
Consider: Dark Cacao and Cotton trying each others comfort drinks
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cacaocottonbeloved · 7 months
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Decided to dip my toes into the comic maker-
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cacaocottonbeloved · 7 months
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Cute aggression, squish the shepard!
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cacaocottonbeloved · 6 months
Cotton Cookie was no stranger to the snow.
You could not live in the Cacao Kingdom nor its outskirts without tuning yourself to the snow and the blizzard seasons. As one of the best shepherds the Cotton Village had, Cotton Cookie knew them the best. But even the best made mistakes. The best still chased a stray sheep so deeply into the woods she had gotten lost in the snow and collapsed.
She had been quite surprised to wake up in the Cacao Kingdom Capital, a personal guest found by the king himself as he and his Watchers did a sweep of the woods upon a whim. Caramel Arrow Cookie had been nothing but kind, and told Cotton Cookie what had happened that night.
The king, supposedly out of nowhere, had told the Watchers to ready and left the Capitol at a pace rivaling the cream wolves. It was he who had found Cotton Cookie collapsed by her lantern. It was he who had lifted her limply from the snow and carried her back, barking at the doctors to do what they could to prevent her from slipping fully away.
Despite this tale, Cotton Cookie had never directly spoken to the King.
She'd been given clothes and a place to stay in the royal wing of the palace until travel back was possible. Invited to dine with the King and his Watchers, asked to sit quietly with Caramel Arrow Cookie while the King took his audiences - the scent of bitter dark chocolate sharp in the air. Her eyes had caught his. Multiple times, locked onto her as if he was trying to stare a hole through her dough just by sight alone. Yet they never interacted themselves outside of Cotton Cookie giving him a polite bow as a greeting when they passed.
Nothing could have prepared her for how in the middle of the night she was suddenly being awoken by a gentle shake of her shoulder. Blue eyes flung open and she rolled over to see -
"Your highness?" Her voice cracked with sleep, squinting at the huge shadow that blocked out the window light of her temporary bedroom. "Is something wrong-”
"Silence." His voice echoed even in its whisper, a bundle of fur being dropped into her lap. "Put this on and follow. Quickly.”
With that said he turned and left the room as silently as he came in. Cotton Cookie stood and undid the bundle, suprised to see a fur cloak and fur-lined boots that seemed more like sturdy slippers than actual boots. She wrestled them on and ran after the King, the cloak dragging heavily across the floor behind her.
Dark Cacao Cookie had paused at the end of the hallway, his head tilted ever so slightly to see if she had followed. When she finally caught up he began moving again. Silently the two picked their way through the slumbering palace all the way to a staircase leading up to what seemed to be a door in the ceiling.
With a heave that would have taken the might of at least three normal cookies, Dark Caco Cookie hauled the doors open and stepped up, looking back down expectantly. Scrambling to follow, Cotton Cookie gripped the edges of the cloak around herself as licorice scented air stabbed her dough like knives, cold and biting.
They were on the great Wall that bracketed the Licorice Sea.
Cotton Cookie looked up to open her mouth, but Dark Cacao had already begun walking again. Nerves and curiosity waged a war in cotton Cookies stomach as she followed quietly, nodding her greetings to the tired Watchers that adverted their gaze from the King.
Why were they on the Wall? Had Cotton Cookie done something? Did they finally find her still missing sheep on the Wall of all things? The silence had begun to make her antsy, especially as the edge of the Wall started to get closer and closer.
A paranoid part of her brain wondered if, tired of taking care of her, the King was simply going to throw her to the sea.
No. Cotton Cookie shook her head. Dark Cacao Cookie may be distant with her but he was still a fair King. He would not do such a thing unless Cotton Cookie commited a truly heinous crime. Or he was possessed.
"Here." Dark Cacao Cookie finally stopped and gestured to the edge of the wall. "We have arrived."
Cotton Cookie furrowed her brow. There was nothing upon the wall except. . . A mug? Slowly she lifted it, suprised to find it still warm in this cold. It smelt of tea, white with milk and the lingering strands of honey cirling the foam. She looked up at him, searching his face.
His eyes met hers. They did not flinch, as stony as ever. He raised a hand and, with a gesture, pointed at the distance where the sky met the sea
Cotton Cookie looked up and found herself breathless, eyes wide. Across the inky black of the Licorice Sea was a million darting lights of a star shower. It lit up the didtance and the soace above them, a mirrored spectacle of dancing stars and glittering meteors, shining against the oil-slick sea to scatter light brilliantly against its surface. It was beautiful!
And if she had dared to look back at Dark Cacao, she would have found him thinking the same thing. Save for the fact he was not looking at the ocean.
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cacaocottonbeloved · 2 months
u have opened my eyes with cacaocotton. thank u 🙏
Aaaa youre welcome!!! Im glad you like my silly lil ship!!
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