#cable recycling adelaide
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adelaidemetalrecycling · 5 days ago
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Adelaide Metal Recycling offers top-notch scrap metal recycling services in Adelaide. We provide competitive scrap metal prices and specialize in various metals, including copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel, and more.
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adelaideautorecycling · 1 year ago
Adelaide Auto Recycling: A Green Oasis for Sustainable Material Solutions
Introduction: Situated in the heart of Lonsdale, Adelaide Auto Recycling emerges as a symbol of environmental stewardship, leading the charge in responsible recycling practices. With expertise in handling various materials such as aluminium, brass, copper, heavy steel, stainless steel, electric wire and cable, and lead batteries, this article delves into the unique environmental significance of recycling each material. Integrated links guide readers to detailed information about specific recycling services.
Aluminium Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Adelaide Auto Recycling takes pride in excelling in Aluminium Recycling in Lonsdale. This service not only ensures responsible disposal but also significantly reduces the carbon footprint, contributing to a more eco-friendly manufacturing process.
Brass Scrap Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Committed to fostering a circular economy, Adelaide Auto Recycling efficiently recycles brass scrap in Lonsdale. The Brass Scrap Recycling services actively contribute to resource conservation and waste reduction, setting a high standard for sustainable living practices.
Copper Scrap Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Recognizing the intrinsic value of copper, Adelaide Auto Recycling ensures responsible Copper Scrap Recycling in Lonsdale. This section emphasizes the importance of adopting a sustainable approach to material usage, highlighting the critical role of recycling in minimizing environmental impact.
Heavy Steel Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: In the realm of durable materials, Adelaide Auto Recycling specializes in the responsible recycling of heavy steel in Lonsdale. This service provides an eco-friendly solution for businesses and individuals, promoting responsible disposal of heavy steel scrap and contributing to a more sustainable future.
Stainless Steel Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Acknowledging the diverse applications of stainless steel, Adelaide Auto Recycling offers efficient Stainless Steel Recycling services in Lonsdale. This service meets the demands of various industries and actively contributes to the circular economy, showcasing the company's dedication to responsible material management.
Electric Wire & Cable Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Addressing the challenge of electric wire and cable waste, Adelaide Auto Recycling champions Electric Wire & Cable Recycling in Lonsdale. This service ensures responsible disposal and recycling, actively contributing to minimizing the environmental impact of technological advancements.
Lead Battery Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: With a focus on careful handling, Adelaide Auto Recycling excels in Lead Battery Recycling in Lonsdale. This specialized service offers a safe and eco-friendly solution for the disposal of lead-acid batteries, preventing potential environmental harm and showcasing the company's commitment to responsible recycling.
Questions You Need to Ask Before Booking a Junk Car Removal Service: For those considering the disposal of an old car, Adelaide Auto Recycling provides valuable insights with a guide on the questions to ask before booking a junk car removal service. This comprehensive guide ensures a smooth and environmentally responsible process, reflecting the company's commitment to customer education.
Reasons To Sell Your Scrap Car for Cash in Adelaide: Delve into the compelling reasons to sell your scrap car for cash in Adelaide with Adelaide Auto Recycling. The company outlines both the environmental and financial benefits, making a strong case for this eco-friendly practice and encouraging individuals to contribute to sustainable practices.
Most Useful Tips For Selling Your Junk Car for Cash: Navigating the process of selling your junk car for cash becomes seamless with Adelaide Auto Recycling's most useful tips. Gain valuable insights to maximize the profitability of your transaction, ensuring a win-win situation for both the seller and the environment.
A Guide to Sell Your Cars for Cash in Adelaide: For those considering selling their car for cash in Adelaide, Adelaide Auto Recycling offers a comprehensive guide to navigate the process. This step-by-step guide ensures a smooth and informed selling experience, reflecting the company's commitment to customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility.
Conclusion: Adelaide Auto Recycling stands tall as a leader in responsible recycling in Lonsdale, offering a diverse range of services to contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Whether recycling specific materials or disposing of an old car, Adelaide Auto Recycling provides efficient and environmentally responsible solutions, shaping a greener tomorrow.
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focusonthegoodnews · 4 years ago
Australia's first solar panel recycling plant swings into action
Australia’s first solar panel recycling plant swings into action
Good News Notes: “One of Australia’s first solar PV recycling facilities is up and running in Melbourne’s north, with video footage posted on LinkedIn on Wednesday showing the panel-crushing plant in action. The plant, which was completed last September in Thomastown by Melbourne based co-operative Lotus Energy, claims to recycle 100% of end-of-life solar PV modules and all associated materials…
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dontjudgemeimawriter · 3 years ago
Excerpt/Sketch Scene: Ardisci
I shared lines from this recently but in looking it over I remembered how much I love it so I decided to share. From Ardisci’s POV, Ardisci is the god of knowledge and is living sort of in-hiding on Earth.
Alright. So we’re here: Kaitlyn is lying on the couch, reading chapter 3 of her textbook on cultural anthropology. Netalia is lying on the floor, her book— a thick book with thin pages that’s a survey English literature— open above her. It’s open to Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth, but I’m not sure if she’s reading it— Buttercup, her golden retriever, is licking her face, and she’s laughing and pushing her away. I’m taking notes in my notebook. My reading, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, is open as a pdf on my laptop, though that’s mostly for show, since Netalia is here. My notebook, which Kaitlyn insists is technically a journal (but it’s not my place to say it is or isn’t— language and labels aren’t my responsibility to determine), lies in front of me, and I’m scribbling in it with a recycled water bottle pen that I got at freshman orientation that Netalia always marvels that I haven’t lost and Kait and I then share a knowing look about. If Kait (and the collective’s) definition of “journal” is a place for writing out one’s own thoughts, rather than simply noting facts for studying purposes, then yes, it is a journal. I don’t have much need for notetaking— even without the constant stream of direct-and-all-encompassing knowledge, simple information—what’s part of the collective knowledge—is provided to me automatically. But that’s why I love philosophy classes. In the science class I took I did find it interesting what aspects they taught or what they knew, but still, so much of it was known information, simply a method by which to integrate that knowledge. It didn’t excite me the same way. But philosophy? No answer came to me automatically. I know how others have answered the question before, yes, but there’s no collective answer, and I can listen to classmate’s opinions and thoughts and I actually feel like I’m learning.
Focusing. I’m journaling on the allegory of the cave. I won’t be able to bring what I write up in class, but thoughts—my thoughts, my own!—are coming tumbling out. Because I know the outside world, the sun, all of it, I am the regular people in this metaphor when everyone around me are the prisoners who know only shadows and can but squint at the sun. Because not knowing and a limited perspective isn't something I was ever able to to really have. Because not that long ago I didn’t even have an “I” through which to narrate. Google doesn't have an “I” and never has a choice in knowing that these are shadows, not the extent of human existence, but maybe I could know only that. And who would feel jealousy of prisoners chained up in a cave with only a fire casting shadows to quantify as real— and since when has jealousy been a thing I feel?
Kaitlyn had been the one to suggest I write, to journal. She’d given me a look that she told me later was frustration (which I don’t feel bad about not recognizing— psychologically speaking, most people don’t recognize the facial expression “frustrated” as they do “happy” or “sad”—it’s not a basic emotion) and said in a very calm voice that as much as she loved listening to my rants, not everyone had the collective knowledge at their disposal—she actually had to study. And she later suggested writing out my thoughts, telling me that writing could be helpful in self-discovery, which got a green-light from the collective knowledge, so I agreed to try it. 
Netalia pushes Buttercup’s nose away. “Buttercup, go-lie-down. I gotta read this.” Buttercup harumphs and trots over to me, pushing her nose into the space between my arm and my waist. That’s something I never got to appreciate—the simple joy of an animal burrowing into you. Of loving you. I suspect that’s something few gods get to experience—at least, outside of the Nature domain. And to have that physical form in which an animal can burrow into.
I can’t write with Buttercup there, so I finish the sentence, put my pen down, and turn to Buttercup, taking her face in my hands and scratching behind her ears. Buttercup starts panting, her tail wagging loud enough to slam against the carpet.
“Did the good doggie get snubbed?” I coo to Buttercup. It’s lucky humans developed a way to communicate thoughts, or I may never have had access to even the concept of thoughts and emotions, just behavior and knowledge of consciousness. At least a person can tell me what they’re thinking and feeling, even if it’s not always true— or all I’d have is what I can tell about animals, what their behaviors indicate. 
“It was not a snub,” Netalia said. “I have to read this.”
I quiet, just smiling at Buttercup and scratching behind her ears. Kaitlyn’s looking at me. I know what face she’s making without looking up, but I look up anyway because sometimes using the human eyes helps me interpret it better. There’s a slight smile. I think it’s in reference to “Some of us need to actually read the assignment.” Just because that’s usually what Kaitlyn likes to tease me about. 
Kaitlyn closes her textbook and sets it down on the table. “Talia, can we take Buttercup outside and play with her a bit? I think Addie’s getting antsy.”
Addie’s not really my name—my god name is Ardisci, and before going into hiding, Kaitlyn called me Ardi, which I love—never had I been close enough with someone for them to need a shortened way to refer to me. It felt affectionate. But going into hiding I needed a name-name, something not quite my god name. Kaitlyn had actually said that Adelaide felt too close to Ardisci to her, but once I’d picked it it had felt comfortable and I couldn’t pick another one, so we went with it. Plus, “Addie” and “Ardi” sounded similar, which made the transition easier. 
“Sure,” Netalia sits up, folding the book over her finger for a moment. “Her toys are in the basket next to the porch.” She stood and sat down on the couch Kait had been lying on.
I stood, giving Buttercup a tug towards the door. Buttercup lept, realizing what we were doing, and ran to the door, barking when it didn’t open for her.
“Hold on, girl.” Kaitlyn followed us over to the front entrance and grabbed her jacket off the hook, then handed me mine. Now out of earshot from Netalia, she said to me, “The rest of us need to actually read the assignment.”
“I know,” I said. My jacket was thick, zippered, and knit, with cables curling up the sleeves. I wanted to try knitting sometime, to see if it was as easy as the information of “how to purl” came into my mind. Kaitlyn had said she’d knit when she was younger, had described how she’d learned to spot the difference between a knit stitch and a purl stitch and how to make a cable or bauble. When I look at it I know, but I have a feeling that that knowledge is different from recognizing it.
Kaitlyn takes a moment to adjust the collar of my jacket, which wasn’t folded properly. “I know you know,” she smiles—me saying “I know” is ironic, she’s said, just as anyone saying “do you know?” is to me. But “know” doesn’t, in my case, always mean knowing, it means understanding, and that (I know) is a different thing. 
Buttercup bolts out the door as soon as I turn the handle to leave—it’s into Netalia’s family’s backyard, where Buttercup has previously been allowed to roam freely, so I’m not concerned—and Kaitlyn shouts to Netalia’s mom that we’re taking Buttercup out. Her mom, Lynette, tells us alright, and that she’s heating up some hot apple cider for us. Lynette was horrified my first year living as a human that I’d never had hot apple cider, and had filled me up on it ever since. I’d told Kaitlyn how I knew what apple was used, the origins of the drink, different versions, what was considered the best mixture. 
“Alright,” Kaitlyn had said. “But the drink you’re drinking right now. Do you like it?”
I’d been confused at first. I’d taken another sip— not really familiar with the concept of myself liking things. I knew it was generally accepted as good, but then I really absorbed the flavor, the heat, the spice, the sweetness. “Yes,” I’d said finally. “I like it.”
I bound outside, running to the basket under the porch and grabbing a frisbee. “Wanna catch?” I ask Buttercup. Buttercup jumps side to side, ready. I swing my arm, try to snap my wrist, and let go. Buttercup runs after it, but the frisbee curves, making about a 60° angle away from where I thought I’d aimed. I laugh, and Buttercup, who started running straight, looks around in confusion.
“I gotta get better at that!” I shout to Kait, and run over to where the frisbee landed. Running is nice, a feeling I’ve gotten used to. The exertion, adrenaline, my lungs pulling in air, my heart beating, lactic acid starting to flow through my muscles (which’ll make them sore later). One of the things I can’t know, I have to feel. I get to feel. I scoop up the frisbee and toss it again. This time Buttercup knows to watch it, and runs after the very curved path it follows. I run back over to Kait, meeting Buttercup halfway as she trots back with it. Kait takes the frisbee.
“Here,” she holds it out, but instead of letting me take it, guides my hand to hold it. She takes me through the motion of throwing it, of the flick of the wrist. “And here you let go. Eyes on your target.” she says. 
I know how to on an instructional level, but when Kait releases my hand for me to try, this time I pay attention not to the collective knowledge, but her instruction. I follow through, and this time it goes straighter, only curving a bit at the end. Buttercup races after it, then picks it up from the ground.
“Better,” Kait observes. She’s staring at Buttercup at first, but her eyes don’t follow the return, so she seems to have spaced on the trees. “Russell never quite figured out how to throw one,” she said.
I take the frisbee from Buttercup, spinning it in my hand for a moment. I don't look at her, knowing she won’t notice me averting my eyes.
I still haven't told her. I should tell her. It’s my obligation really, to our friendship and to my role as god. But really, just because I am the god of knowledge, did that mean I have to tell her? I’m trying to escape that role.
She’ll find out eventually. And maybe I can say I just hadn’t thought of it— I’d been shutting down the constant stream of information, and one person's death isn’t collective knowledge. If I hadn’t wondered, I still wouldn’t know, not actively.
But I do know actively. I’d checked in and realized. And decided not to tell her.
Her brother had died two years ago. That’s why he’d never found her, never shown up. I hadn’t known him, not really, but I knew him somewhat through Kait, though her memories and relationship. 
Maybe it’s a bit selfish, too. I don’t know how she’d react, but I have a feeling (that was new too, having a feeling) that knowing might change things. It might lead her back to her family, and yes perhaps I can stay in hiding without her, but I don’t want to.
A part of me has always longed to do this. Live as a person, learn, experience. Not be the source of all knowledge for once. And part of why I finally had was the pressure had gotten worse—but really, a large part of it was meeting Kaitlyn. Kait, who never used me, who never asked questions I wouldn’t know if I wasn’t god of knowledge. Who actually got to know who I was, with enough patience to handle me. Who’d believed I even got the chance to be an I.
I throw the frisbee again. It arcs a bit, but Buttercup jumps up and catches it midair. “Whoo!” Kait cheers. 
I bend down, clapping and then petting Buttercup. “Good job!” I tell her.
“Good job to you,” Kait says, tousling my hair the same way I’m tousling Buttercup’s ears. I grin.
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sacopperrecycling · 3 years ago
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We Buy Scrap Cars For Cash In Adelaide
SA Copper Recycling is a service that promises to pay top cash for scrap cars, #coppers, #ferrous, non-ferrous, #aluminium, #battery, #lead, Pvc, #brass, and #cables Adelaide. It’s fast & convenient because of the perks that come with it, such as free paperwork and same-day pickup.
Get More Information - https://bit.ly/3bjt701
Call Us at 0872 259 998
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skipbinsinadelaide · 3 years ago
What Sorts of Things Are Not Allowed in Skip Bins?
A skip bin can be a valuable asset in your next home improvement project or even just a regular spring cleaning session. Skip bins provide an efficient means of disposing of large amounts of waste at once, thereby saving you multiple trips to the dump. However, skip bins do impose some restrictions on what kind of items can be placed inside them. This article lists some common wastes that cannot be placed in Skip bin Adelaide and offers alternative methods for their safe disposal.
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste is any waste that poses a threat to the environment or human health. In order to avoid hazardous waste problems, it's important to know what can and cannot be included in your skip.
Hazardous waste includes:
Paint thinners, solvents and adhesives
Paints and paint thinners (even when empty)
Car batteries and oil drums (empty)
Propane tanks (unless empty)
Construction materials
Construction materials like plasterboard, concrete, soil and sand can be expensive to dispose of. If you're doing a large-scale renovation project in your home or business, then these materials may accumulate quite quickly. Rather than risk having them go to waste or, even worse, cause damage if they're disposed of incorrectly, it's best to use a commercial construction waste removal service.
This type of service will typically pick up your waste on a regular schedule and have it recycled into new products rather than thrown away as rubbish. This will save you time and money as well as help the environment by not contributing CO2 emissions from landfill sites!
Fluorescent Lights and Batteries
Fluorescent lights and batteries are two items that you can't put in a skip bin. Fluorescent lights contain mercury, which is poisonous to humans. This is why the bulbs need to be disposed of carefully—even if they don't look like they have any broken glass in them.
Batteries also have toxic chemicals inside them and should not be thrown away with regular trash or even with other household hazardous waste products like old paint cans. There are special facilities where you can take these types of items to be recycled properly, so it's best to leave them out of the bin altogether!
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Tyres and other rubber items
Many people are unaware that there are certain items that cannot be placed in a skip bin, even if they are made from the same material. For example, tyres and other rubber products are not allowed in most skip bins. This is because tyres can be very difficult to recycle, and they often end up in landfills, where they take up a lot of space. Additionally, tyres can be a safety hazard, as they can roll out of the skip and onto the road. If you're unsure whether an item can be placed in a skip bin, it's always best to check with the hiring company before loading it in. This will help to avoid any problems down the line.
Electronics and Equipment Containing Asbestos
One of the things you can't include in a skip bin is electronic equipment containing asbestos. This includes:
Electrical transformers and cables
Large power units (e.g., industrial generators)
Pumps and compressors, including:
Air-conditioning systems
Centrifugal pumps
If you are unsure whether your electrical equipment contains asbestos or what to do with it, contact your local council or state government environmental regulator.
Medical waste
Medical waste is regulated by the EPA. This means you must be careful when throwing items in your Skip bin Adelaide. For example, if you have a needle with blood on it, then that would be medical waste and therefore cannot be thrown away in a skip bin.
Medical waste includes needles, syringes and other items contaminated with blood or bodily fluids (including bandages), and this type of material needs to be disposed of properly due to its biohazardous nature.
Understanding what can and cannot be put in skip bins can help you make the most of your waste removal services. It also helps to ensure that you are using your bin efficiently and that it is not filling up with items that should go elsewhere. While some people might be tempted to throw anything into their skips, doing so could result in additional charges for non-conforming waste or even legal action if hazardous substances are found. If you're looking for a way to dispose of garbage without having it take up space on your premises, then skips may just be the answer!
Source By - https://bit.ly/3tZKJnM
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sacopperscraps · 3 years ago
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We Buy Scrap Copper For Top Cash in Adelaide - Sa Copper Scraps
SA Copper Scraps is a well-established scrap dealer that not just deals in one kind of scrap metal recycling but specializes in buying a scrap of any non-ferrous metal. Our scrap aluminum prices, scrap copper prices, scrap wire or cable prices, scrap brass prices in Adelaide and any other scrap metal (non-ferrous) prices are very competitive in need. You can contact us online, get a quote, and schedule a free pickup for the scrap metal for the best-recycled copper price.
🌐 https://bit.ly/3Dv5c7q
📞 0872 259 998
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ewastecollectionwa · 3 years ago
How do I dispose of electronics in Perth?
Disposing of old and unused electronics is often seen as embarrassing but there are several easy options. You cannot simply throw them up because they are hazardous and are restricted legally in many countries. One of the best options to dispose of these unwanted electronics in Perth or elsewhere is free e waste recycling.
know about options to safely dispose of your unused electronics
Electronic waste commonly known as e-waste include your old, unused, and unwanted electronic devices like laptops, computers, televisions, printers, VCRs, fax machines, copiers, cables, electronic games, stereos, mobile phones, etc. E-waste is extremely hazardous for health and the environment and involves life risks. So, you must be extremely careful while discarding the devices. Similarly, make sure that you are not going to be a victim of data destruction while disposing of your computer, laptop, and mobile phones.
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Explore the following options for the safe disposal of your electronics:
Recycling as the best option
The best and eco-friendly disposal option for your electronics is recycling. Nowadays, recycle services are available almost in every city including Perth and battery recycling in Adelaide.
See, if you can donate them
Examine if your electronic devices can still be used. Many non-profit organizations collect old and unused electronic devices and send them to poor and developing countries. Your unwanted devices can be used by people who need them but do not afford to buy one.
Search for “gift vouchers” in exchange for your electronic devices
Amazon and Apple have programs that provide gift cards in exchange for tablets, mobile phones, Bluetooth speakers, etc. This can be a good option to dispose of your electronics.
Remember, your old electronic devices might have many things that may be precious. Therefore, recheck your devices and then uninstall and remove equipment to dispose them of.
Source: https://ewastecollectionwa.art.blog/2021/09/14/how-do-i-dispose-of-electronics-in-perth/
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coastalclotheslines · 4 years ago
Coastal Clotheslines 5 considerations for Buying Ethically Australian Made Clotheslines
At Coastal Clotheslines, we are committed to delivering the best Australian made stainless steel clothesline under the sun using sustainable solar manufacturing practices. Here are the five most essential tips defining ethical choices when buying a folding clothes line or wall-mounted clothesline.
It Costs the Earth
Firstly, do your research! We are the only Australian made clotheslines company that refuses to use plastics in packaging and clothes line manufacturing! As an ethical family business, Coastal Clotheslines have had to reimagine and therefore redesign the future of Australian made washing lines. From the outset of our business, the focus has always been based on a sustainable agenda. Let’s face it, Coastal Clotheslines patented designs were invented because of poor quality clothes lines constantly breaking down, resulting in more landfill. Buying sub-standard plastic, PVC, nylon and painted aluminium tubing clothes lines hurt not only our pockets but inevitably drive over-production impacting our environment. Enough is enough!
Manufacturing Transparency
Secondly, trust in the manufacturing process of our 316 stainless steel clotheslines. We are continually working with our supply chain partners to clearly understand the 316 stainless steel process and their associated environmental targets. Here in Australia, we manufacture every single clothesline with solar energy resulting in zero emissions. We do not use toxic paints or finishes. The simple idea of balancing the 316 stainless steel production with zero net emissions during clothesline manufacture here is a conscious decision based on our ethical vision. Ultimately Coastal Clotheslines has a vision to completely offset emissions for stainless steel production whilst striving towards recycling stainless steel for re-purposing into clotheslines.
Form & Function
Thirdly, feel great about a durable utility that enhances your home. Stylish form meets function coupled with lasting durability is the mantra for a great folding clothesline. So why not invest in the best clothesline ideas that meet your needs with the added bonus of a stylish aesthetic! Let’s look at the design of a Coastal Clothesline and its robust bracket system. The patented curved design based on the scientifically proven strength of the triangle with flexing capability delivers easy cable tightening. The ability to choose your cable lengths to customise your clothesline for narrow clothesline spaces is ideal. The curved brackets fit seamlessly as wall mounted clothes lines enhancing any Australian home style- the classic Queenslanders of Brisbane, contemporary block forms of Cottesloe, weatherboard beach houses of Bondi, inner-city builds of Melbourne, beautiful bungalows of Adelaide and passive homes in extreme Australian climates.
Clothesline Installation & Reliability
The fourth consideration for an ethical clothesline purchase is all about easy clothes line installation and outdoor clotheslines you can trust. Clotheslines in coastal conditions must be 316 stainless steel clotheslines. Our wall mounted clotheslines can be installed on sturdy fences, brick, masonry, steel, timber and weatherboards. Coastal Clotheslines offers the only folding clotheslines capable of an easy clothesline installation into timber studs. Our new mount tabs create an extra anchor vertically, working with the bracket horizontally for the most effortless clothesline installation. Your clothes line is delivered to your door with all fasteners and fixings in stainless steel. There is no need to drive to a hardware store wasting time and money looking for screws, nuts and bolts- follow our Coastal Clotheslines easy clothesline installation guide and youtube installation video and visit our FAQ page. Not the handy type? We use qualified clothesline installers around Australia to help you install your clothesline into posts, wall mounted clotheslines and folding clotheslines. From the Eastern beaches of Sydney, northern beaches up to Palm Beach, Sydney, Byron Bay and Suffolk Park, Gold Coast to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and Cairns, there is an expert clothesline installer for you.
Packed & Polished Forever
Finally, the 5th consideration for ethically Australian made clotheslines is the ability to maintain your clothesline forever. The lifetime warranty of our Coastal Clotheslines is a big deal. We recommend visiting our home page and discovering the ‘care & maintenance’ page.
The delivery of your Coastal Clothesline order arrives at your door via Australia Post or the Sendle courier system. Each clothesline is handmade, so please allow 10 to 14 days delivery. Our packaging is environmentally friendly with minimal ink use and no plastics. Please place the cardboard in the recycling or use it to layer in your no-dig garden!
So lower your environmental footprint with savvy purchasing. Use smarter clotheslines and think outside the square for mounting zones so you can stay away from the overuse of the clothes dryer. Do some research and look beyond the average options to really invest in your future. A win-win for your bank balance and the environment! Hang out with us at Coastal Clotheslines and ‘Love it for Life’.
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sutherlandremovalsnsw · 4 years ago
Moving - Tips, Tricks And Hacks For Doing Everything Better
Call moving company. Sort through toiletries. Buy new sheets. An added bonus to using the calendar method is that breaking up your tasks by day makes them seem more manageable. Also, don’t forget to add “celebrate with wine” somewhere in there to give you something to look forward to. Pay a visit to your local liquor store (that’s where you can buy the aforementioned wine) to see if they recycle their used boxes.
Just make sure the boxes are very gently worn and that you only use them to hold lightweight items like linens and towels. You don’t want to deal with ripped boxes and broken valuables on the big day. You might think your flat screen TV could withstand a 30-minute drive across town in a cardboard box, but alas, it’s a fragile piece of technology.
House & Office Moving Tips By Better Removalists Adelaide
Check to see if you stashed these boxes somewhere — attic? Garage? If you don’t have them, make a list of what you’ll need to buy or borrow to properly cushion your stuff. Quilted blankets, bubble wrap, and sturdy tape all work well to protect TVs and similarly delicate items.
Learn all of them here. How, you might ask, is one trip to the hardware store even possible? Here’s how: lists. Make one and make it really thorough and detailed. Sit down with your family, partner, or roommates and brainstorm every possible item you will need to help you get through the moving process.
25 Stress Busting Tips For Moving Day - Make Moving House Easy
Packing tape, cardboard boxes, packing paper, extra screws, putty, a measuring tape, a new industrial-size broom, you name it. Buy it all in one big haul. Don’t forget the “just in case” items when you’re making your master hardware store list. Stock up now on extra supplies like light bulbs (check your lamps to verify the type you need), extension cords, and power strips so you’ll be set to go when you start moving things in.
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Helpful Moving Tips - Arnold Property ...arnoldproperty.com.au
Make sure you leave enough time in your schedule to gather any necessary items — like cords, remotes, or cable boxes — you may need to return. If you’re relying on friends and family to help with your move, be courteous and give them a month’s notice. Do the same with babysitters for your children.
Moving House & Packing Tips - Complete Removals
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33 Moving Tips That Will Make Your Life ...buzzfeed.com
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17 Moving Tips and Packing Advice for ...realsimple.com
Packing little by little is far less stressful than trying to tackle it all in one day. As early as a couple months out, start packing the stuff you know you won’t be using. This can be anything from off-season clothing to books you’ve already read to mementos, pictures (here’s how to store and preserve old photographs), and keepsakes.
These pieces can be some of the trickiest to store because they’re fragile and often oddly shaped, so having a bit of extra time to figure out how to properly cushion them is crucial. Sure, your walls and mantels will look a bit stark, but when you’re running around the house a week before the move feeling like you’re about to lose your mind, you’ll be so glad your grandma’s landscape painting is already nestled in its precious bubble wrap.
Moving Checklist - Printable To-do List For When You're ...
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Top Tips for Moving House with Children ...beafunmum.com
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Best Packing and Moving Tips: How to ...lifestorage.com
Change your address ahead of time so your bills, credit card statements, and packages can arrive on time and without hassle. The key to finding your stuff easily is labeling all your packed boxes accurately and clearly. When you’re stacking boxes in a van or car you won’t be able to see their tops, so make sure you label the sides as well.
Label the boxes by category and by room (for example, Books, Library and Books, Bedroom) to speed up the unloading process. If you’re more of a visual learner, use color-coded electrical tape to label your boxes. Paige Smith If you want to take your box labeling a step further, create a number system.
40+ House Moving & Packing Tips To Save Your Time And ...
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successful house move ...locoremovals.com.au
Write the list in a Google doc, or use a handy organizing app like Sortly, and then give the box a number. This genius strategy has two major benefits: You can go straight to box #16 with the plunger instead of digging through every “Bathroom” box just to find it.
It sounds obvious, but if you’ve ever known the struggle that is carrying a large cardboard box stuffed full of college textbooks across a parking lot, then you also know this advice cannot be overstated. Fill your small boxes with heavier items and use large boxes for light things like decorative pillows, towels, and linens (here’s how to properly clean and store your bedding).
The 109 Best Moving-tips Of All Time - Apartment Therapy
Always make sure your boxes have tops, but don’t do the interlocking fold method with the flaps of your box tops — just tape them closed. It’s much more secure this way. Flickr/Guy Kilroy Remember that packing paper you put on your master list when you stocked up on supplies at the hardware store? Use it to pad all your fragile dishware and decorative items.
Make sure you wrap each of your fragile items separately, so they’re fully cushioned. If you don’t have packing paper, opt for bubble wrap or a quilted blanket. Don’t stack your dishes horizontally inside a box. Instead, wrap your plates and bowls in packing paper, gently place them into a box on their sides like records, and then fill the empty spaces with bubble wrap to prevent cracking and breaking.
5 Best Packing Tips - How To Pack For A House Move ...
Unscrew the cap of your shampoo bottle, wrap a piece of Saran Wrap (or a Ziploc bag) over the top, and screw the cap back on. Simple and surprisingly effective. This can include toilet paper, a shower curtain, hand soap, towels, sheets, snacks, or whatever else you think you’ll need for the first day or night in your new home.
Chances are you won’t get everything unpacked in the first day, so bring whatever you need to feel relaxed and settled on your first night. A change of clothes, your toiletries, a water bottle, and your laptop can go a long way in making your new place feel more like home.
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adelaidemetalrecycling · 8 days ago
Adelaide Metal Recycling - Electric Wire, Cable, and Scrap Metal Recycling Services
Adelaide Metal Recycling offers professional recycling services for electric wire, scrap metal, brass, and cables in Adelaide. We specialize in eco-friendly metal recycling, ensuring that your materials are disposed of responsibly. Our team provides efficient and reliable solutions for electric wire recycling, scrap metal recycling, cable recycling, and brass recycling across Adelaide, helping you reduce waste while supporting a sustainable environment. Contact us today for hassle-free metal recycling services.
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mychiccabin · 6 years ago
A Throw Blanket for Every Room and Every Person
I truly have throw blankets on every sofa, oversized chair, chaise, and bed in my house. And at our cabin, we have throws on the sofas and beds, stacked up in the bedroom closets and a trunk full of them in the great room. Partly because I’m always cold, but I also love the weight and comfort of a blanket. They’re soothing and cozy. I prefer them when I am watching a movie or chatting with friends. Like my philosophy that you can’t have to many seating areas- I believe you can’t have to many throw blankets. There should be at least one for every room and one for every person that comes over!
It’s fun to mix up the styles for different preferences, temperatures, needs, and sizes. 
Here are some of my favorite throw blanket options:
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Superior Down Blanket
Duck down makes it warm but light, good for all temperatures, soft and cozy with box quilting to keep the down in place. 
Twin; Full; Queen; King
Duck down and cotton
Price: $99.99-$199.95
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Puredown Packable Down Throw Sport Blanket
Perfect down blanket for indoor and outdoor activities, lightweight, warm, packable.
Polyester skin, siberia down and siberia feather
Price: $41.99-$49.99
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Adelaide Alpaca Throw
Made in Peru out of baby alpaca wool, this throw is soft, beautiful, and fun.
Baby alpaca wool
Price: $268
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Kamryn Throw Blanket
This throw provides a little quirk, a pop of color, and a lot of fun.
Cotton, acrylic
Price: $128
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Ultimate Faux Fur Throw
Luxurious, soft, and animal cruelty free.
50″ x 60″; 60″ x 80″
Acrylic and polyester 
Price: $189; $319
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Espresso and Creamy Minky Couture Designer Blanket
Everyone I know what has tried these blankets is absolutely obsessed with them, they are the softest, coziest blankets I have ever felt. 
36″x30″; 36″x50″; 36″x60″; 50″x60″; 60″x72″; 60″x84″
Price: $69-$249
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555- Gram Cashmere Throw
There is nothing quite as luxurious as cashmere, elegant and infinitely soft. 
Mongolian cashmere
Price: $299
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Duffield Throw
Soft, light, simple, classic a good throw for any room.
Cotton, polyester, spandex
Price: $98
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  Lavender Minky Mosaic Weighted Blanket
Weighted blankets are the ultimate in soothing.
38″x60″; 42″x72″
Polyester plush
Price: $189.95; $219.95
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Chanasya Faux Fur Throw Blanket
We have this blanket in our bedroom and family room and it is incredible.
Price: $29.98-$59.88
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Whitetail Forest Patch Throw Blanket
Elk, pine, and plaid this quilt throw is styled just for a rustic cabin.
Price: $34.95
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Bear Forest Throw
Charming cream quilt with a beautiful embroidered forest scene.
Price: $99.95
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Wildlife Throw Blanket
Wolves and elk alternating with geometric patterns.
Recycled cotton with acrylic yarn
Price: $29.99
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Bear Boogie Black
Add a little fun to your decor with this charming throw.
Price: $99.99
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Forest Green Throw Blanket
Classic cable knit throw that feels like home.
Acrylic/wool blend
Price: $130
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Henley Wool Throw
Handwoven in Peru, this beautiful chunky knit would look inviting on any sofa or bed.
Price: $598
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Alpine Collection Forest Red Blanket
Festive or year-round for a comfortable cabin.
Price: $97
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  Alpine Collection Edelweiss Blanket
Red plaid and edelweiss, perfect for watching The Sound of Music or cuddling by a fire.
Price: $97
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Cabin Fleece Throw
Every cabin needs at least one fleece throw, and this one is lovely.
Price: $37.50
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  Cabin Throw
The classic cabin pattern, plaid. Perfect for any cabin, ranch, or lodge.
Price: $32
source https://mychiccabin.com/a-throw-for-every-room-and-every-person/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-throw-for-every-room-and-every-person
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adelaideautorecycling · 1 year ago
Adelaide Auto Recycling: Shaping a Sustainable Future through Responsible Material Management
Introduction: Nestled in the heart of Lonsdale, Adelaide Auto Recycling takes center stage as a pioneer in sustainable living, championing responsible recycling practices. The company specializes in recycling various materials such as aluminium, brass, copper, heavy steel, stainless steel, electric wire and cable, and lead batteries. This article offers unique insights into the environmental significance of recycling each material. Integrated links direct readers to detailed information about specific recycling services.
Aluminium Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: At the forefront of sustainability, Adelaide Auto Recycling excels in Aluminium Recycling in Lonsdale. This service ensures the responsible disposal of aluminium scrap, significantly reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to eco-friendly manufacturing practices.
Brass Scrap Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Dedicated to fostering a circular economy, Adelaide Auto Recycling efficiently recycles brass scrap in Lonsdale. The Brass Scrap Recycling services actively contribute to resource conservation and waste reduction, setting a high standard for sustainable living practices.
Copper Scrap Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Recognizing the intrinsic value of copper, Adelaide Auto Recycling ensures responsible Copper Scrap Recycling in Lonsdale. This section emphasizes the importance of adopting a sustainable approach to material usage, highlighting the critical role of recycling in minimizing environmental impact.
Heavy Steel Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: In the realm of durable materials, Adelaide Auto Recycling specializes in the responsible recycling of heavy steel in Lonsdale. This service provides an eco-friendly solution for businesses and individuals, promoting responsible disposal of heavy steel scrap and contributing to a more sustainable future.
Stainless Steel Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Acknowledging the diverse applications of stainless steel, Adelaide Auto Recycling offers efficient Stainless Steel Recycling services in Lonsdale. This service not only meets the demands of various industries but also actively contributes to the circular economy, showcasing the company's dedication to responsible material management.
Electric Wire & Cable Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Addressing the challenge of electric wire and cable waste, Adelaide Auto Recycling champions Electric Wire & Cable Recycling in Lonsdale. This service ensures responsible disposal and recycling, actively contributing to minimizing the environmental impact of technological advancements.
Lead Battery Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: With a focus on careful handling, Adelaide Auto Recycling excels in Lead Battery Recycling in Lonsdale. This specialized service offers a safe and eco-friendly solution for the disposal of lead-acid batteries, preventing potential environmental harm and showcasing the company's commitment to responsible recycling.
Questions You Need to Ask Before Booking a Junk Car Removal Service: For those considering the disposal of an old car, Adelaide Auto Recycling provides valuable insights with a guide on the questions to ask before booking a junk car removal service. This comprehensive guide ensures a smooth and environmentally responsible process, reflecting the company's commitment to customer education.
Reasons To Sell Your Scrap Car for Cash in Adelaide: Delve into the compelling reasons to sell your scrap car for cash in Adelaide with Adelaide Auto Recycling. The company outlines both the environmental and financial benefits, making a strong case for this eco-friendly practice and encouraging individuals to contribute to sustainable practices.
Most Useful Tips For Selling Your Junk Car for Cash: Navigating the process of selling your junk car for cash becomes seamless with Adelaide Auto Recycling's most useful tips. Gain valuable insights to maximize the profitability of your transaction, ensuring a win-win situation for both the seller and the environment.
A Guide to Sell Your Cars for Cash in Adelaide: For those considering selling their car for cash in Adelaide, Adelaide Auto Recycling offers a comprehensive guide to navigate the process. This step-by-step guide ensures a smooth and informed selling experience, reflecting the company's commitment to customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility.
Conclusion: Adelaide Auto Recycling stands tall as a leader in responsible recycling in Lonsdale, offering a diverse range of services to contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Whether recycling specific materials or disposing of an old car, Adelaide Auto Recycling provides efficient and environmentally responsible solutions, shaping a greener tomorrow.
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sciencespies · 5 years ago
Experiments show bacteria grow more lethal and antibiotic-resistant in space
Experiments show bacteria grow more lethal and antibiotic-resistant in space
China has launched its Tianwen-1 mission to Mars. A rocket holding an orbiter, lander and rover took flight from the country’s Hainan province earlier this week, with hopes to deploy the rover on Mars’s surface by early next year.
Similarly, the launch of the Emirates Mars Mission last Sunday marked the Arab world’s foray into interplanetary space travel. And on July 30, we expect to see NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover finally take off from Florida.
For many nations and their people, space is becoming the ultimate frontier. But although we’re gaining the ability to travel smarter and faster into space, much remains unknown about its effects on biological substances, including us.
While the possibilities of space exploration seem endless, so are its dangers. And one particular danger comes from the smallest life forms on Earth: bacteria.
Bacteria live within us and all around us. So whether we like it or not, these microscopic organisms tag along wherever we go – including into space. Just as space’s unique environment has an impact on us, so too does it impact bacteria.
We don’t yet know the gravity of the problem
All life on Earth evolved with gravity as an ever-present force. Thus, Earth’s life has not adapted to spend time in space. When gravity is removed or greatly reduced, processes influenced by gravity behave differently as well.
In space, where there is minimal gravity, sedimentation (when solids in a liquid settle to the bottom), convection (the transfer of heat energy) and buoyancy (the force that makes certain objects float) are minimised.
Similarly, forces such as liquid surface tension and capillary forces (when a liquid flows to fill a narrow space) become more intense.
It’s not yet fully understood how such changes impact lifeforms.
How bacteria become more deadly in space
Worryingly, research from space flight missions has shown bacteria become more deadly and resilient when exposed to microgravity (when only tiny gravitational forces are present).
In space, bacteria seem to become more resistant to antibiotics and more lethal. They also stay this way for a short time after returning to Earth, compared with bacteria that never left Earth.
Adding to that, bacteria also seem to mutate quicker in space. However, these mutations are predominately for the bacteria to adapt to the new environment – not to become super deadly.
More research is needed to examine whether such adaptations do, in fact, allow the bacteria to cause more disease.
Bacterial team work is bad news for space stations
Research has shown space’s microgravity promotes biofilm formation of bacteria.
Biofilms are densely-packed cell colonies that produce a matrix of polymeric substances allowing bacteria to stick to each other, and to stationary surfaces.
Biofilms increase bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics, promote their survival, and improve their ability to cause infection. We have seen biofilms grow and attach to equipment on space stations, causing it to biodegrade.
For example, biofilms have affected the Mir space station’s navigation window, air conditioning, oxygen electrolysis block, water recycling unit and thermal control system. The prolonged exposure of such equipment to biofilms can lead to malfunction, which can have devastating effects.
Another affect of microgravity on bacteria involves their structural distortion. Certain bacteria have shown reductions in cell size and increases in cell numbers when grown in microgravity.
In the case of the former, bacterial cells with smaller surface area have fewer molecule-cell interactions, and this reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics against them.
Moreover, the absence of effects produced by gravity, such as sedimentation and buoyancy, could alter the way bacteria take in nutrients or drugs intended to attack them. This could result in the increased drug resistance and infectiousness of bacteria in space.
All of this has serious implications, especially when it comes to long-haul space flights where gravity would not be present. Experiencing a bacterial infection that cannot be treated in these circumstances would be catastrophic.
The benefits of performing research in space
On the other hand, the effects of space also result in a unique environment that can be positive for life on Earth.
For example, molecular crystals in space’s microgravity grow much larger and more symmetrically than on Earth. Having more uniform crystals allows the formulation of more effective drugs and treatments to combat various diseases including cancers and Parkinson’s disease.
Also, the crystallisation of molecules helps determine their precise structures. Many molecules that cannot be crystallised on Earth can be in space.
So, the structure of such molecules could be determined with the help of space research. This, too, would aid the development of higher quality drugs.
Optical fibre cables can also be made to a much better standard in space, due to the optimal formation of crystals. This greatly increases data transmission capacity, making networking and telecommunications faster.
As humans spend more time in space, an environment riddled with known and unknown dangers, further research will help us thoroughly examine the risks – and the potential benefits – of space’s unique environment.
Vikrant Minhas, PhD candidate, University of Adelaide.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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adelaidemetalrecycling · 11 days ago
Adelaide Metal Recycling
Metal recycling is essential for building a sustainable future in Adelaide. As the demand for resources increases, it's crucial to focus on effective Metal Recycling Adelaide. By recycling metals like brass, steel, and copper, we reduce the need for new materials, saving energy and reducing environmental impact. For example, Brass Recycling Adelaide brass scrap recycling plays a pivotal role in conserving precious resources. Additionally, Steel Recycling Adelaide helps lower greenhouse gas emissions by recycling scrap steel into new products. The Copper Recycling Adelaide industry also contributes significantly by recovering valuable copper from old products. Embracing metal recycling not only creates economic benefits but also contributes to a cleaner, more sustainable environment for future generations. For more information on Adelaide's metal recycling services, check out Adelaide Metal Recycling.
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adelaidemetalrecycling · 18 days ago
Adelaide Metal Recycling | Top Scrap Metal Recyclers & Salvage Yards in Adelaide
Adelaide Metal Recycling offers top-notch scrap metal recycling services in Adelaide. We provide competitive scrap metal prices and specialize in various metals, including copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel, and more. Whether you're looking for salvage yards or need a reliable scrap metal recycler near you, we offer pick-up and drop-off services. Check out the latest scrap metal prices in Adelaide today and get the best deals at Adelaide's leading metal scrappers. For more details, visit our website!
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