#cabaret is now my second favorite musical
the-real-awidferd · 17 days
Here's some pictures from my experience at Cabaret at the August Wilson a few days ago!
(I got to see Eddie Redmayne!)
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This photo got posted on the Cabaret official social media along with others from my family!
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The final picture... for most. They put a sticker over your camera, which I think was a fantastic idea!
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But I was allowed to take one of this cool light.
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Eddie at the stage door! (My mom took these two photos because my phone had died ( :( ) and I couldn't get a selfie with him.)
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Him waving to the people he couldn't reach to take selfies with :)
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I love what they did with the theater, the presentation was just gorgeous.
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Eddie seemed so humble and funny! It almost felt like there was an aura of kindness radiating off of him. He was fantastic in the role of Emcee and Gayle Rankin was perfect as Sally.
That night was such a fantastic experience, and I will remember it forever. Thank you for the unforgettable experience, cast and crew!
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hhactorauofficial · 2 months
Actor Alastor! What's your favorite musical? I know your show counterpart is fond of musicals so surely you are too no? I love musicals too and I'm dying to know your preferences!!!!
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Alastor: "Oh! I'm so glad you asked my dear! I'm glad to see someone still appreciates the art of theater! Lord knows Vox- Liam, the actor, not the overlord- doesn't even have the the bare minimum attention span to last half an hour whenever I take him to see a musical. Though, I have been told that my favorite picks are quite... predictable."
Alastor would just smile cheerfully at the camera, rubbing his chin thoughtfully with a hum.
Alastor: "I would have to say that my very favorite was and still is 'Phantom of The Opera'! Most of what you see performed can be left up to the interpretation of the viewer, it's not something you can simply watch and take at face value. Perhaps it's even a little nudge of critical thinking some kids need nowadays. I encourage you to go watch it if you haven't yet darling, the creepy undertones and mysterious atmosphere are quite alluring. Not to mention the themes of the musical are quite thought provoking!"
Alastor: "And while we're on the topic of creepy tones in musicals, I also quite like 'Little Shop of Horrors' which also holds the same ambiance with a dash of comedic showmanship! The songs and the performances are such a treat to behold, hence I may have even taken some points of inspiration from it for Hazbin Hotel as well."
The actor would twirl his microphone staff with a grin, humming one of the songs from 'Little Shop of Horrors' as he thought of what to say next. Most specifically "Dentist".
Alastor: "Now do not also think for a second I would leave out 'Annie the Musical', you'd be a fool! After all, it's where my dear character's iconic quote came from. 'You're never fully dressed without a smile.' sung by the radio host Bert Healy! Quite a peculiar character really, he frankly reminds me of the radio demon in the stages of the pilot planning for the show. Not to mention that the little girls from the orphanage would often tune into the radio to listen to the broadcasts, what a cute little thing! Now, I've heard it said somewhere that both my character and his are eerily similar, and while I would not confirm nor deny if he is another source of inspiration for the radio demon or the similarity is sheer coincidence- I will say it seems to be something like, in the words of Bob Ross, a happy little accident."
Alastor: "I also have an honorable mention, 'Moulin Rouge'! Granted it's set in a time I wasn't exactly alive in, the roaring twenties, I have a soft spot for the old and the antique. It's a shame it's all pretty much gone now with modernity and all that... stuff that comes with it. The dancing scene at the cabaret may have also lent some inspiration to a few traits in Mimzy's character. She's a flapper girl after all!"
Alastor would then notice the camera was still rolling, chuckling nervously and holding his hands behind his back. He looked quite similar to a child that had just been caught red-handed in a mess.
Alastor: "Oh my, it seems like I've been talking for quite some time now. I would say more but I don't want to bore you all, I hope this satisfies your query my dear!"
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spocks-husband · 8 months
Hey I'm redoing this post bc when I initially made it I was only on season one and my understanding of the characters was EMBARRASSINGLY shitty but now I'm on season seven so here's a redo of what I think the TNG crews favorite musicals are!!
Jean-Luc Picard: Les Miserables (and he's really annoying about it too)
William T. Riker: Highschool Musical (he is judged HEAVILY by everyone else for this choice) but his close second favorite is Chicago
Data Soong: Tick, Tick, Boom! (I can't explain this one, don't ask me to, it's just... Vibes.)
Worf: Claims he hates musicals but actually knows every word and choreography move to Fiddler On The Roof. For obvious reasons.
Deanna Troi: Anastasia (idk why but I just feel like she would appreciate it in a way that no one other than me and her can <3)
Geordi LaForge: Little Shop of Horrors (and he's real for that)
Beverly Crusher: The Phantom of The Opera (because of course it is)
Wesley Crusher: Dear Evan Hansen (everyone is so disappointed in him for this)
Q: Cabaret. Obviously. (Side note: I might do a Cabaret song for one of my upcoming performances and I'm so stupid excited for no reason you guys have NO IDEA)
Guinan: The Color Purple because obviously ORRR Newsies (I think she likes the outfits)
Reginald Barclay: Parade (he's a Ben Platt stan and actually he's SO REAL for this)
Ro Laren: Also claims she doesn't like musicals but she's lying, it's Heathers.
The Borg (all of them): Their collective favorite musical is Be More Chill, which is undeniably the most evil thing about them.
Hugh/Third of Five: Does not know what a musical is but once he finds out I have a feeling he'll enjoy Sideshow and I have no idea why
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renadactyl · 6 months
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Hello! You can call me Ren or William and I go by he/they/it pronouns. I’m quite new to Tumblr so I do apologize for any mistakes I may make along the way while I get to know this social media. I’m a multi-fandom fanfiction author, and I’m always open to certain requests! Here’s some more about me so you know what fandoms I write for and what I will and won’t write:
Fandoms I’ll Write For
Moriarty the Patriot (favorite fandom)
Jujutsu Kaisen (fourth favorite fandom)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (fifth favorite fandom)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Spy x Family
Attack on Titan
Death Note
BBC Sherlock (third favorite fandom)
The X Files
Game of Thrones
The Artful Dodger
Genshin Impact
The Arcana (second favorite fandom) (still in the middle of playing all the routes, but I’m already obsessed)
Sherlock Holmes (series of short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Les Miserables
Sweeney Todd
Moulin Rouge
Be More Chill
“Will and Won’t”s
Will do angst, fluff, comfort, smut, whatever you can imagine. I’m willing to write incredibly graphic and intense works, but when it comes to smut, nothing too kinky. And please, although it shouldn’t even have to be said, do not request smut for characters under the age of eighteen (I won’t do aged up versions of minor characters either).
Will do almost any ship, but there are some ships I won’t write for, specifically abusive ships and ships including incest or ships with large age gaps. Other than that, I’m pretty open for even some of the most wildest ships. There’s also a few characters I may refuse to write certain types of fanfiction for because of personal reasons such as them being a triggering character for me (such as Asuka from NGE), me despising their character because they’re a disgusting person (such as Mori from BSD), and etcetera.
Will do character x reader works, polyamory “x reader” works, and other various forms of that genre. I’m fine with pretty much anything.
Will do works featuring mental disorders including depression, anxiety, autism, ADHD, etcetera. I’m very open to whatever and whatever headcanons you may want me to include!
Basic DNI/WON’TS including: racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, pedophilia, sexism, anti-abortion… along those lines.
For more info on me, here are some little facts!
I have diagnosed autism, depression, and anxiety. I have undiagnosed ADHD.
I’m omni-pansexual and arospike.
I identify as a demiboy
I like to analyze characters a lot, resulting in plenty of essays on some of the characters from my favorite fandoms (especially BSD). If you ever want to request an analysis, that’s totally welcome too!
My top eight kins are William James Moriarty, Satoru Gojo, Julian Devorak, (BBC) Sherlock Holmes, Kaeya, Ranpo Edogawa, Fleabag, and Osamu Dazai.
My current top five favorite ships are Sherliam (from MTP), Kawoshin (from NGE), Satosugu (from JJK), Johnlock (from BBC Sherlock), and Asrian (from The Arcana).
I am unhealthily obsessed right now with The Arcana’s Asra.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Hello again! I'm coming with a challenge for a character you haven't write yet but since it's me you can imagine who is 😉 That's if you have the time and still taking Dance requests 🕺💃 A very Pretty Please and Thank You's!
I found the perfect dance genre for Bogard while looking for inspiration and I want to give this prompt to you.
This may be long but here I go.
Since, as you commented on my first headcanons, my reader OC already is an Art Dealer who is absolutely a white collar pirate, I want to give you the prompt of Bogard with reader who is a normal Art Dealer although the background story is the same: they were going to get engaged in their youth but she rejected him in the end because that wasn't the life she wanted and ran away to became an artist.
Ironically, she ended working indirectly with the Marine by geting artworks for highrank officers (like Axe Morgan's paintings and such) and helping with recovered stolen goods and treasures from pirates, like testing it's legitimacy and pricing.
They've seen each other from time to time throught the years but they know it might not have worked due to him being overseas all the time. Still the Spark is definetely there and they can't help to wonder what if. As NSFW as you feel comfortable ���
Also, this goes for OPLA Bogard whose actor is like 36yo. While animanga Bogard may have like +50yo because he already was Garp's second 38 years ago, acording to wiki (I'm headcanon-ing that that Bogard was his father XD).
The songs I came with for Bogard are Danzon/Mambo from the 40's/50's but there are so many versions that I can't pin them. They're just categorized as "popular latin music" (I'd add Vintage because they're definetely my grandparents songs even if they have more modern versions):
¿Quién será? (definitely a mambo)
Sway (english version)
Even if it's almost the same music, the lyrics are very diferent. In spanish is more melancholy with the singer wondering if he'll ever love again and who'll be she.
Quizás, Quizás (no idea of the genre but this one sounds like a very slow Danzon to me. I specially like this version from the movie Cantinflas.)
Perhaps, Perhaps (english version, more lively, mambo-ish?)
Again very diferent lyrics but both convey the message and vibes I imagine. The spanish one is more sad, specially in the context of the movie with the wife feeling miserable and left behind by her famous actor husband.
Nereidas (definetely a danzon).
No lyric just vibes but that was totally the Cabaret music from my grandparents' period 🤭
And that's it. I hope I didn't bored you with all the explanation and may spark some inspiration. This genre of music is from my favorites for when I'm feeling specially vintage-y, and Bogard gives me all the Noir vibes.
Oh my goodness, my darling! Absolutely! I would love to write for Bogard!
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I have never written for him before and I am excited to do more of a deep-dive into who he is. I've finally managed to get up to the Helmeppo and Koby training sequence in the Anime, so I'll be able to draw more on what he's all about to add to my little dance series. I adore the art dealer, antiquities evaluator character. It's giving: Indiana Jones in the best way.
Of the series, I am yet to complete the scenes for Koby and Garp - now I absolutely must add this noir-esk sea-dilf to the list!
I've also never had a proper NSFW request before, so this will be a fun dynamic to play with - especially with the dance series.
Thank you for giving me the prompt. I'll add him to the misc list!
You could never bore me, dear. I adore hearing from fellow writers, readers and lurkers.
To be completed of the Dance Series:
Koby's Foxtrot
Garps Bolero
Cabarat at Baratie
Bogard's Mambo/Danzon
Masterlist is here in the interim!
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jaysficarchive · 3 months
Villain's Wife Support Group
Chapter 1: Initiation
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Synopsis: The wives of some of the most infamous villains in the world meet every Wednesday to share stories, give updates, and talk about love on the wrong side of the law.
Relationship(s): Various
Warning(s): Mention of SA, mention of child murder
Tag list: @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @mayameanderings
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"Hello, ladies, and thank you all for coming."
A group of women exchanged "Hello"s either taking or adjusting their seats. Most of them were older, a few young faces in the crowd. One could tell a bit of their personalities just from looking at the choices in decor.
People from all different parts of the country gathered in front of their computers for one purpose: a common type of spouse.
"Welcome, everyone," a small, round woman with dark brown skin and short black hair spoke. Dressed in a silky robe lined with fur, it was easily to tell she was relaxing after a long day at work. "My name is Christine. I'm the founder of this group."
Some of the others waved at her while others said hellos. The positive reception pleased Christine.
"This is initiation day where we basically introduce ourselves, talk about what we do for a living, maybe a little bit about ourselves then introduce costumed criminal we're married to."
A simple enough task. These people were just getting to know each other, after all. Making a good first impression was highly encouraged to most, critical to some.
"I'll go first. My name is Christine Chapel. I work as a cabaret performer under the name Belle Holiday, my favorite gemstones are amethysts and pearls, and my husband is the Music Meister."
Another woman with copper brown skin and the same jet black hair spoke next. "I'm Brandice Bivolo. I'm an elementary school teacher and my husband is the Rainbow Raider. A few of my hobbies are metalworking, playing instruments, and calligraphy."
Both her style and the background behind her could easily be described as bohemian, hipster. With all the crystal necklaces and bright, earthy colors of her clothes, it wasn't hard to see why someone like him fell for her.
The other members took turns introducing themselves. A notable face was Marina Lulit, a prominent Floridian socialite and wife of one K'an of Tenochtitlan. If what she said about him being the ruler of an underwater kingdom was true, she probably had lots of stories to tell.
Eve, an older Black woman from the Deep South, was the wife of Hollow, phantom of the railroads. Christine was a big fan of the ostrich feather lamp behind her; and of the overall vibes of her room in general. She must've had some truly wild stories--probably even moreso than her own with Music Meister.
Who could forget the ever gracious Mona Lisa Beauvais. It was for the better she be in this group since her fiance Riddler was still in Arkham. Her room was another's Christine admired--with its mix of old Hollywood and urban aesthetics.
Christine clapped her hands together. "Now that that's done, I'm gonna cut to the chase. This is a support group for all women and femmes who are either married or engaged to villains."
"Let's go over a few ground rules. First, when I say all women and femmes, I mean it. I will not tolerate any bullshit. Second, no child murderers or rapists. Made that very clear in the rules on Facebook. Lastly, be respectful about each other's tastes. We already deal with enough shaming from the media."
The other members nodded along in agreement, some even mumbling their support of Christine's ground rules.
"Anymore questions?" Christine looked around.
"When do we meet?" Brandice asked.
"We meet every Wednesday," Christine replied. "Make sure to let me know if you can't make it to a meeting ahead of time."
"What are we gonna do in this group?" Marina asked. "I mean, I know this ain't a club but we gotta do something fun every once in a while."
She's right, Christine said to herself. No one would want to spend the whole time moping and telling stories. "I do plan on having some events including a girls trip. Nothing concrete yet, of course."
After a few more questions and another run down of things, the members all exchanged goodbyes before going their separate ways.
Alone, Christine gently closed the computer. It was just her in a large, luxurious house. Sighing, she headed to the kitchen for a drink. Usually the house would be filled with the sounds of Music Meister playing his piano or singing to his favorite songs. Christine would join in, maybe even dance along to his voice.
Today, only silence. Just a few hours ago, Christine went through the worst moment of her life since the car accident--the trial of her husband. It wasn't being alone that distressed her; rather the amount of attention she got. In the span of a few hours, she went from a private citizen to having cameras and microphones in her face as she left the Gotham City Courthouse.
Heaven knows what they'd say about her and her relationship. All the wrongful insinuations, false narratives, invasive questions.
These were about to be the longest three years ever.
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gh0stgr1nder · 10 days
Musics... what songs you like... I need... recs..
Steam Powered Giraffe . they're a robot band with a ton of lore but you dont have to know any of it to enjoy the music !!! if you wanna get into the lore i suggest listening to the albums in release order , but if not just shuffling em is good !! even if you decide to get into the lore later you can still just shuffle for now , the songs dont really spoil anything , theyre mostly connected to the robot's feelings and not events . except Vice Quadrant . if you wanna get into the lore i suggest leaving The Vice Quadrant alone until you listen in album release order . all of the lore is on the website below in the lore and comic tabs ! ^_^
Kabaret Sybarit . theyre a danish dark cabaret band with two narrative universes . the first narrative is in The Poodle and The Grand Finale , huge trigger warning for rape and sexual topics in these two . the second narrative is Akt 1: Rum Nr. 13 , the whole thing is in danish but google translate works fine for the lyrics . Akt 1 was unfortunately only act one of a story that was supposed to be longer , but the band separated and they never finished it . what it is is still really good though ! heres the music video for the first song in The Poodle:
Paul Shapera ! he has a few narratives over all his albums , but the only one ive listened to personally is New Albion . the New Albion trilogy is: The Dolls of New Albion, New Albion Radio Hour, and The New Albion Guide to Analogue Consciousness. there's also The Room Beneath New Albion but its not as long and not necessary to understand the main story . theres also more New Albion past those four but i havent gotten into anything outside the 4 . content warning for incest in act 3 for Dolls of New Albion (its not really explicit ever but the main character of act 3 expresses romantic love for his grandfather) . bandcamp link for the first one in the trilogy !
Will Wood and The Tapeworms ! ive only listened to Everything Is Alot , but its really good ! some songs i really like from it are White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off), 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con), and Front Street !
Shayfer James !!! i recommend Counterfeit Arcade, it has definitely some of my favorite songs ever in it (like Weight of the World and Diggin Up Hatchets) ! and Room by Room !
Sarah And The Safe Word ! im more of a casual fan of them , but some of my favorite songs by them are Sick on Seventh Street, Formula 666, Old Lace, Bottom of a Bender, and Red Hot & Holy !
The Cog Is Dead ! theyre a steampunk band with some lore but its decently less than Steam Powered Giraffe . most of their songs are one off stories with no connect to a greater plot . you can go whatever order for them but i do suggest listening to the albums and not just shuffling them ! website:
Scene Queen ! i suggest just shuffling her it doesnt really matter how you listen to her music . warning majority of her music is very sexual though
Set It Off ! they have so many different styles of music across their albums , i suggest listening to the albums in full for the full experience but it doesnt really matter , they dont have a narrative . except for Elsewhere . for Elsewhere , i suggest exploring the website if you wanna figure out the lore ! its really cool and visually interesting .
The Mechanisms ! they have a ton of lore , most of which is in their albums . for them you kinda have to listen to the albums in full you cant really shuffle . unless you dont care about the lore then do whatever ! you can listen in whatever order , but i STRONGLY suggest leaving Death To The Mechanisms for last . i started with that and i basically fucked up my whole experience :pensive:
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f1-disaster-bi · 7 days
Tag game lunch break spree!!!
Thank you my dearest @rosetinted--clouds for the tag (I hope your LOTR spiral is going well 😂)
1. do you make your own bed?
Yep. I turn into a monster because I make making the bed fun by getting in side the sheets when changing the duvet cover 😂
2. favorite number?
7 or 13
3. what’s your job?
I am a PhD research student full time, and I also work as a teaching assistant running tutorials during the semester for the undergraduates.
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
Once I am done with this PhD in another (hopefully) two years, thats it for me. No more degrees. No more school expcept for working in a university
5. can you parallel park?
Nope. Not a hope. I cannot do it. I can reverse into a spot but I cannot parallel park.
6. do you think aliens are real?
Aliens and Ghosts. 100% I believe they're out there somewhere. Probably laughing at us.
7. can you drive a manual car?
Yep. It's the only car type I've ever driven. I love my little Micra.
8. guilty pleasure?
I love Drag Race. I will binge seasons I've seen multiple times. I know the lyrics to most of the songs written for the show and the musicals.
And yes I'm still mad over certain choices and decisions in the show.
9. tattoos?
I currenty have four. I got my latest in January. I have one on the back of my right leg above my heel (it's a marching tatt with my mam), and the rest are on my arms (left forearm, left inner bicep, back of right bicep)
And my sister and I are planning on matching tattoo's next time I'm in Ireland.
10. favorite color?
Green. I love dark greens, and like olive greens.
It used to be blue or red but I love green.
11. favorite type of music?
Honestly.....I sound like an asshole saying this, but I don't have a favourite type.
I will basically listen to every genre, and I have playlists that reflect that. I will mix and match genres. I can go from broadyway to grunge to country to pop to folk music to orchestra's to piano pieces.
12. do you like puzzles?
I love them. I used to get puzzles for Christmas every year and loved spending time doing them.
13. favorite childhood sport?
Swimming was my main one. I even competed on a swim team.
14. do you talk to yourself?
I talk and sing to myself the whole time, especially while living in Prague because I can go a day or two without physically talking to people so I talk to myself.
15. tea or coffee?
Always tea.
I can only drink iced frappes, and even then I normally irder them without the coffee 😂
16. first thing you wanted to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be an archealogist and then a vet. I was a strange kid.
17. what movies do you adore?
I have so many movies I adore and rewatch for comfort. One's that come to mind right now are like Jaws, LOTR, Mulan, Howls Moving Castle, Wild Child, Legally Blonde, Interview with The Vampire, Lost Boys, and so so many more
second tag game - 5 songs you have on repeat
Wilkommen - Alan Cummings (cast of Cabaret 1998)
Moments Silence - Hozier
Break My Heart Again - FINNEAS
People are Strange - The Doors
Under the Water - The Pretty Reckless
I will tag my usual suspects @f1-birb, @wolfsbanesbite, @faerieroyal, @geooooooorge, but no pressure to do this!
And if anyone wants to do it and tag me, then feel free to ❤️
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droughtofapathy · 7 months
The Gilded Age's Broadway Divas: Anne Morris (Katie Finneran)
Everyone's favorite unlikable snob, Anne Morris was last seen in season one, storming out of Aurora Fane's drawing room in full mourning regalia. Though Katie Finneran's husband may have found his way on the union strikes, she has not been seen on the show since, much to my eternal dismay.
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Though seen here as the upright and haughty Anne without a humorous bone in her body, Katie Finneran is Broadway's gift to comedy. Yet another Diva with two Tonys to her name, she transcends categories. Best Featured Actress in a Play (Noises Off), and Best Featured Actress in a Musical (Promises, Promises), both knee-slapping comedies--a particular achievement when statistically dramatic roles are more likely to net awards.
Other notable stage roles include: It's Only a Play (Julie), Annie (Miss Hannigan), and one of the many Sally Bowles replacements in Cabaret, for which, alas, I have found no footage, and only one production still (but I think about it a lot). Most recently, she was in The Thanksgiving Play on Broadway this past spring. I saw it three times. It is quintessentially Katie Finneran unhinged. (And you should all read my fanfiction HERE)
#1: "Getting Married Today," Company (2011)
Starting off strong with yet another Sondheim, Katie Finneran tackled the hardest Sondheim number to master just a few months after giving birth. Playing Amy, a bride-to-be with pre-wedding jitters, Katie delivers comedy gold with her breakdown performance. Anyone who has attempted this nightmare of a number knows that there is no recovering if you get tripped up.
While my favorite rendition of this song remains Madelaine Kahn, now and forever, Katie has the honor of taking second place. This is a mesmerizing performance, and I am terrified for her.
Katie has previously discussed the abject fear of performing this song, compounded with the trials and tribulations of having given birth, and leaking breast milk into the white dress.
#2: "Little Girls," Annie (2013)
Continuing with Katie Finneran's musical theatre comedy breakdown, here she is as reviled woman and beloved character Miss Hannigan from Annie in the 2012 revival. Reviews were largely mixed, and Katie's personal experience was largely overshadowed by having an infant child to take care of, but it's a hell of a number nonetheless.
The show only received one Tony nomination for Best Revival, and lost to Pippin. And yeah, that tracks. After seven months into her run, Katie left the show to pursue a television role, and was replaced by Jane Lynch, who performed at the Tonys, and was then replaced by Faith Prince to close the show.
#3: "The Boy From..." The Lilly Awards Cabaret (2014)
If you're sensing a theme, good. A character actress through and through, Katie enjoys songs she can sink her teeth into, and Sondheim always delivers. This particular number is the most well-known song from a little-known off-Broadway revue called The Mad Show with lyrics semi-anonymously written by Sondheim.
The song is a direct parody of "The Girl From Ipanema," and every character cabaret artist has covered it at some point. It's just a delight.
Katie also performed this song during a mini Gilded Age reunion on Stars in the House during their marathon Ukraine fundraiser. During the course of her time on the show, she flirted with Norman Lear, made out with Seth Rudetsky's husband, and proposed Anne, Dorothy Scott, and Agnes van Rhijn have a threesome in The Gilded Age season two. And I beg you to watch that clip HERE.
#4: "A Fact Can Be a Beautiful Thing," Promises, Promises (2013)
No full clip of this number can be found online, and that was both a massive mistake on the marketing team's part, and a devastation to me personally.
Thirteen years after Christine Baranski delighted Encores! audiences, Katie Finneran stepped up to the plate to deliver a truly unhinged performance which netted her a second Tony. The actress who originated the role in 1968 also won a Tony.
Here Marge MacDougall is a drunk, bold, and leggy barfly who dances on bars, and lifts Sean Hayes up and carries him around whilst dancing in heels. Yeah, Katie Finneran is also very strong. Unfortunately, the wildest parts of her fifteen-minute show-stealing time aren't in this clip. There is a bootleg out there somewhere, I've seen it, and I will dutifully keep looking for it.
#5: "Go To Jail," Broadway Bares XX (2010)
Veering from musical theatre just a little, please enjoy this hammy sketch from the BC/EFA Broadway Bares XX Strip-opoly show of 2010. Though Katie keeps her clothes on, we're treated to a little surprise curtesy of fellow comedy legend Jackie Hoffman.
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gaywatch · 8 months
I need more music to listen, so unleash your reccomendations
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear I never get to talk about music enough so pardon me if I explode all over you
(Links are to songs that are both faves and good places for a newcomer to start.)
Taylor Swift - Yeah yeah she's a household name but no kidding, she has 10 albums spanning several genres and I can guarantee you that she has at least some songs that you will permanently add to your rotation. Google around for a good place to start and dive in (...or just ask me because I will gladly help you out).
Taemin - He's been known as 'the Michael Jackson of kpop' for years now, but what's wild is that he started at Michael and has since grown into a dancer and performer all his own. The only kpop artist I fully stan. His singles never. ever. miss.
Delta Rae - Incredible folk/country/Americana band from the state I live in with male and female vocalists. They are criminally underrated because they were liberal country artists before that was even remotely possible. Seen them live twice, met them twice, they are the most genuine people and outstanding artists.
Amanda Palmer - Originated as The Dresden Dolls, a duo that invented the 'punk cabaret' indie subgenre, and has been a solo artist for like 15 years at this point? Intense piano, intense lyrics, intense everything (the linked song is the anthem for girls with daddy issues). Objectively the most personal lyrics I've ever heard. Voice may take a second to adjust to. Not made for mainstream and doesn't want to be. One of the most important artists to me, personally.
Marianas Trench - Pop/punk perfection (but also simply genre chameleons) with a musical mastermind at its core. One of the best vocalists. Most albums end with an opus arrangement of the songs that came before and it's life changing.
Pink - People don't realize how powerful her vocals are and how incredible her lyricism can be. A pop icon. This bitch raised me, forever grateful.
Halsey - If all you know is Without Me and Closer, you haven't heard Halsey. Every album is outstanding but hopeless fountain kingdom doesn't have a single misplaced sound. It's pretty freakish actually.
Chvrches - Sheer and utter synthpop perfection, every single song. The one I linked is one of my favorite songs of all time, period.
MUNA - Queer girls making queer indie pop. Great lyrics, immaculate vibes. Recently opened for Taylor Swift on the Eras Tour, and well deserved.
The Midnight - 80s/90s synth like you can't even believe. Saxophone for days.
Imogen Heap - A genius and pop legend. Her greatest song was sampled in something god awful and got meme-d to death, I don't wanna talk about it. If a pop artist does breathy vocals, 95% chance they're doing it because of Imogen. She sang me happy birthday. Haven't been alive since.
Rina Sawayama - THIS BITCH. Falls under pop but never met a genre she couldn't master. Stayed in the game into her late twenties (which is geriatric by pop standards), when she finally blew up a bit. A variety of sounds, some of them strange, but all of them brilliant in one way or another (even if you don't personally vibe with it).
Troye Sivan - Twink icon whose first two albums were as gay as they were pop brilliance. I don't care much for his newest work, but you might.
Alice Merton - She's the girl with that Roots song from a few years back. Two albums now, both genius. Unique voice, varied sound but with a distinct Florence oomph to it.
Ava Max - UN. DER. RATE. D. Classic, anthemic pop. Vocals for DAYS. Music so infectious you have it on loop for days. So much more than Sweet but Psycho.
Kesha - I prefer recent Kesha to her classic dance pop madness, personally. She grew into an amazing artist who can blend her weird ass dance flavor with her more mature sounds in a way that doesn't really seem possible.
Bishop Briggs - Nobody has a voice like this. A sort pop/alternative vibe that can be anthemic as easily as it can be dark.
The Chicks - Icons for a reason. Their most recent album, written by the main lyricist after leaving her husband of 20 years for cheating on her left right and sideways, is one of the best break up albums of all time. Period.
The Civil Wars - They only lasted long enough to make two albums, but both are flawless. Nobody will ever harmonize quite like them. Folk/country in the most *beautiful* way possible.
Evanescence - 2000s rock with with a stunning female writer and vocalist whose melodies are simply beyond compare when we're talking about their stuff from 2003-2006. Goth, dramatic, hard hitting, cathartic.
Freya Ridings - Adele but make it a touch more contemporary. Gorgeous deep voice, lots of ballads but her up tempo stuff is just as good.
Billie Eilish - If you haven't heard her first album yet or her early EPs, you need to. Nobody that young should have that much of a grasp of music and her place in it.
Foxes - Underrated pop queen! I have yet to hear a bad song from her, but her latest album is quintessential synthpop mastery.
Jukebox the Ghost - Piano pop/rock. It's actually too much fun to listen to them, tbh.
Kelly Clarkson - Listen, her latest album follows directly after The Chicks' on the string of ultimate divorce albums we've gotten from pop icons lately. I've loved Kelly forever, but in bits and pieces. Her latest album is her strongest project to date, easily.
Labrinth - I do not comprehend what this genius does with music. Electronic, experimental, metaphorical, personal, just something else. Did the music for Euphoria, but his first solo album was an experience and a half.
Lorde - Everybody tells you to listen to Melodrama because you should.
Maisie Peters - Everybody calls everybody else 'the next Taylor Swift,' and they're wrong. It's this girl.
Marina and the Diamonds - SUCH a unique voice, lyrics that are way too smart for mainstream pop.
Patrick Wolfe - A deep-voiced violinist who released a pop album in 2011 that I still listen to because I'm a sucker for pop laced with classical instruments and it's just that good.
Owen Pallett - A higher-toned violinist with more of an indie approach, coming up with concepts and melodies that would go well with an A24 film.
Emilie Autumn - Violin-fueled industrial/pop/metal, often with Victorian leanings. Visceral lyrics on mental illness, depression, bipolar, suicidal ideation, sexual assault, sometimes with a satirical bent or through a historical lens. Voice might take a second to get used to, it's unique and she does unique things with it (including "ugly" sounds on purpose) but once it clicks it clicks hard. Opheliac and Fight Like A Girl are good starting places.
The Veronicas - Underrated (yet oddly influential?) pop icon twins from the early 2000s to now. Killer voices, KILLER pop.
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beetle-goth · 13 days
do you have any goth music recommendations?
Gosh I’m so sorry I’m answering this so late. I almost never check my inbox but yes! Always!
For the classic/post-punk goth music, The Bauhaus and The Cure are my favorites with Siouxsie Sioux as a close second.
Bela Lugosi’s Dead- Bauhaus
Stigmata Martyr- Bauhaus
She’s in Parties- Bauhaus
The Hanging Garden- The Cure
Lullaby- The Cure
Peek-A-Boo- Siouxsie
The Passenger- Siouxsie
Now!! My favorite subgenres of goth are ethereal wave and dark cabaret (bc I’m a filthy theater adult)
For Etheral Goth I strongly recommend Dead Can Dance, Mephisto Walz and Lebanon Hanover
Opium- Dead Can Dance
Kiss Me Till My Lips Fall Off- Lebanon Hanover
Painted Black- Mephisto Walz
And for Dark Cabaret you’ll want to try Rasputina, Abney Park and The Tragic Tantrum
1816 The Year Without A Summer- Rasputina
Until The Day You Die- Abney Park
Only With You- The Tragic Tantrum
Hopefully this should give you a good introduction playlist of goth music~ it’s such a beautiful genre of music and culture, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it! 🖤🖤
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illegallyexisting · 3 months
Cabaret has to be my favorite musicals, even from someone who isn't all that into them in the first place. I ended up discovering it after I was on a cross-country road trip and "Money" (from the 1998 revival) came on my Spotify and I was ENTHRALLED with it. Then I went onto YT and listened to the rest of the 1998 Revival songs and??? Oh my GOD!!!!! THEY'RE SO GOOD!!!!!
All of the actors and actresses do such a good job projecting their emotions in the songs, even if its something silly like "Perfectly Marvelous" or "It Couldn't Please Me More." It's all done so well, and stuff like the "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" reprise HAUNTS me, even the first one, dear god.
And then I watched the 1993 revival on YT after realizing it is in fact on there, and I was even MORE stunned. It's WONDERFUL and TERRIFYING and OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! I feel like it does such a good job differentiating the first act with the second, primarily because most of the first act is just,,,, Silly. Hell, even "Wilkommen" is a simple goof and it is done WONDERFULLY. I love the beginning of it with the drums and cymbal crash to the calm but intriguing beginning, to the introductions of the cabaret girls and boys (and Herrman) and the end of it!!
But Now I'm done talking about the older versions of it (and maybe I will talk about them on another post), its time for me to discuss Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club!
The newest version and one that I actually saw myself! :3
Again, all of the actors and actresses did such an AMAZING job, and so did the orchestra!!! I love Eddie Redmayne as Emcee, Gayle Rankin as Sally Bowles, and Ato Blankson-Wood as Clifford Bradshaw. They are all fantastic as their characters. Okay, yada yada, actors are amazing. The story:
Clifford Bradshaw is a writer hailing from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, wanting to finally find a place or anything- SOMETHING to write about. He eventually meets a man known as Herr Ernst Ludwig and he sets Cliff up to rent out a flat from Fraulein Schneider, and also recommends him to The Kit Kat Club. Cliff ends up going, and meets the one and only Sally Bowles.
I'll summarize it quickly: Everything grows from there. From both Cliff and Sally's rushing passion for each other, to Fraulein Schneider and Herr Schulz's sweet love, and to the inevitability of Herr Ludwig's "politics."
God, "What Would You Do?" is such a powerfully sad number, with Schneider pleading and asking what would Cliff do in her situation? Because he can do what he has been doing, and move. To France, back to his home, to wherever. But what can she do? Someone she loves dearly could be horrifically affected and even killed but what can she do? She can survive as she did through multiple events, but what then? Goddddd it is done so well, I swear.
The ending is absolutely haunting,
In "Tomorrow Belongs To Me," Emcee starts singing and rising on the platform in Herr Ludwig's outfit, and the cabaret workers all slowly place small wooden figures, all resembling each other onto the outside spinning stage. They are all in the same, dull, grey-brown work outfit, with nothing differentiating them. At the end of "Finale" and as Cliff is on the train out of Berlin, there are other passengers, all in the same, dull outfit. And as it fully sets in what Cliff is doing, he steps on. Entirely going full circle of the beginning of "Tomorrow Belongs To Me."
The best I have to say about it: it was haunting. It sent chills throughout my body, the end was horrifying and tragic in such a simple looking way.
Cabaret is such an amazing musical and I recommend watching and listening to whatever you find about it. You will not be disappointed.
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thefreakhouseband · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak House!
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About Us
Audrey Arson
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I'm the oldest of the band. I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed older sister to the others and I feel super protective of them. When I'm not making music with the band you can usually find me working on my comic or some other artistic pursuit. I'm a chronically exhausted college student. You can tell what songs I wrote by them having a more jazzy or melancholy tone to them or just being bat-shit off the walls insane. Some of my inspirations are MCR, Scene Queen, , Set It Off, and Demi Lovato (for some reason).
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-Your resident garbage girl
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I’m that guy with the neon green hair in the blog’s pfp lol. pronouns are he/him, xe/xem/xyr, and it/its. I take a lot of influence from older punk rock and, surprisingly, country and folk music. my favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, Oingo Boingo, They Might Be Giants, The Cure, Talking Heads, Bikini Kill, Shilpa Ray, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Iron Maiden, The Magnetic Fields, The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra, Lemon Demon, Man or Astro-Man, Radiohead (not in a pretentious way, I swear), Will Wood, Creedence Clearwater Revival… oh boy, there’s a lot. I like music! I tend to disappear at unpredictable intervals due to chronic pain/fatigue and parental restrictions, but I always come back. I like writing songs about things I’m passionate about, which is often personal, sometimes political, and every now and then a ballad about freaky-looking deep sea creatures. or weevils. I keep my dad’s old stenobook by my bedside to write lyrics in - he wrote lyrics for the Panama City punk bands he was in in 1990-ish in there, and I figured I could put it to good use again after all these years. he’s cool with it. see you around, and stay safe out there 🪲
Harley Homicide
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I'm sassy, I'm trashy and (if you pay me enough) I'll let you put it in my ass-y. I'm the band's second oldest and the token British person. I use any pronouns, I literally don't care what you call me xx. My music taste is all over the place, having been raised by a metalhead and a former chav during a time where pop punk and emo were more mainstream. I'd say my biggest inspirations in terms of performing are Freddie Mercury and Ronnie James Dio. You'll be able to tell which songs are written by me because they're shit! I'm not much good at writing, but I'm great at partying like I'm Paris Hilton. When I'm not doing band stuff, you can find me shopping, watching/reading/playing anything DC comics related or just sorta... Staring into space. I don't do much, but I'm still your fave member fer sure! Thanks for visiting The Freakhouse! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Xoxo Harlz <3
Dart Darling
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Hi I'm Dart, I'm genderfluid (any pronouns), and I'm from under the ground at your local graveyard! I'm one of the youngest, and that's super tragic because I'm an undead zombie who died from being too damn glamorous. My idol is Melissa Marie and i love the Millionaires. Also, my ghostly tendencies give me a lot of appreciation for the dramatic, and as well as all things scene and crunkcore I love theatre, cabaret, and steampunk. I've been producing music for about a year now so if the synths crunching, just know it was me, tapping away and not understanding what the equalizer does. I'm bringing you Dead Girl Couture 25/8, 366. Don't mind all the Sanrio merch around the Freakhouse, I started a cult for Hello Kitty! I mean church. You should definitely join us 😁
Til death do we party,
-Dart <3
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YOOO WASSUP!!! X3 My namez GRACE! (if you dont know me, pls call me Grace, not Gracie)
I'm gendersylphen (he/they/neos) and I'm a super cool alien with adhd from OUTER SPACEEEE! My fav colors are all of them except brown, my special interests are space and doraemon, and I LOVE SCENE SM! Crunkcore 4 LYFEEE! I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up! Also I'm the youngest here 💀💀💀💀💀 (btw im a minor so plz don't be a weirdo, tyyyy)
I'm mostly new to music and I'm SUPER excited!!! X) Ik this is gonna be rllyrlly fun!!! For me, my music stuff is gonna be super bouncy, upbeat, happy, optimistic, full of rhymes, so tht's when yk smth's by me! My fav bands/artists are Amy Can Flyy, Green Day, Nikasaur, 4*Town (4townie 4 eva!!! Aaron T is best boy) and a LOT of other stuff.
When I'm not with tha band, you can find me playing with my sibs (including my dog), doing stuff with my homiez, reading/watching Doraemon or abt space, or doing idk whatever bc I do alot. XP
So ye! Thts a bit abt me! Tysm for reading abt us, may God bless u, follow ur dreams, and have a super duper fun day! 😄
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simplylove101 · 2 years
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2022 Horror Challenge: [16/?]
↳ “Help us come ashore/There's no need to fear/We won't eat you, my dear.” The Lure (2015) dir. Agnieszka Smoczyńska.
Plot: In Warsaw, a pair of mermaid sisters are adopted into a cabaret. While one seeks love with humans the other hungers to dine on the human population of the city.
Starring: Marta Mazurek & Michalina Olszanska
Now this was a bizarre little movie. I was always gonna watch it someday cuz every once in a while it gets included on lists for horror movies to check out. I do think I didn’t realize how much of a musical it was going to be beforehand. Personally think I could have done with less of that just because it felt a little extra at parts, sequences being longer than needed. Since you do forget it’s supposed to be a horror movie too imo until the second half. That’s when it got a little more interesting to me. Will say it’s not one of my favorite watches but it was an interesting enough concept to wanna check it out. The girls were def committed so I’ll say that.
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redhatmeg · 2 years
Yo, people! This is the second time in my life - after Lucky Luke: Go West! - when Polish dub impressed me so fucking much.
So there is this movie Suicide Shop (Le Magasin des Suicides) and it’s an animated black comedy. Not for kids, at all.
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Now, if you’re a Pole and see this poster, with those names, you probably going to facepalm. Because most of those people aren’t professional voice actors, no, they are stage comedians (Joanna Kołaczkowska, Marcin Wójcik, Robert Górski, Artur Andrus), singers (Czesław Mozil, Magdalena Kumorek) and various celebrities (Figurski was once a radio presenter).
In fact, there are lots of voices from stage comedians known from cabaret (here meant as a form of sketch comedy) that for a really long time had a renessainse in Polish TV. Especially Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju (Cabaret for Moral Distress) and Kabaret Ani Mru Mru (Cabaret Hush Hush) were (and to some extend still are) very popular. But right now people are kind of sick of cabaret because there’s hardly anything new there and the sketches aren’t as funny as back then.
Seeing this cast, I thought it was just the typical joke casting, because hey, this is a black comedy, let’s hire sketch comedians!
But, boy, was it a pleasant surprise to hear them. I was recognizing the voices (especially Górski, Andrus, Wójcik, and hell, even Mozil) and they weren’t distracting; in fact, they perfectly suited to the grim and bleak world these people live in.
And it’s best exemplified by the songs they sing. Here is my favorite song from this movie:
The guy who sings it is Michał Cieślak (the guy he talks at the beginning is played Robert Górski, his teammate from Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju) and nowadays I mostly know him from more light-hearted stuff. But this song actually reminded me that he can sing and he can be dark. In fact, I remembered this old song from Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju’s repertair:
(This is a song about a rushed wedding and it has an ominous aura. Górski is the one who sings and Cieślak is one of the dancers.)
Actaully the more I think bout it, the more I realize that many of those comedians are good singers and they had done darker stuff in their career. For example, Lucrecia Tuvache is vocied by Joanna Kołaczkowska from Kabaret Hrabi (Cabaret Count) and I remember the sketches of this cabaret to have a black comedy vibe.
(Here Kołaczkowska sings an overdramatic song of a woman who got dumped. It sohuld be noted that the violinist is from Mozart’s Group - a cabaret which’s sketches rely on music jokes like this one.)
And see in Suicide Shop she sings a very melancholic duet with Michał Wójcik, who’s is mostly know for his phisical comedy and he sings Mishima’s part in a quiet emotional way I’ve never heard him sing:
Oh, oh, and one other thing.
Here’s Artur Andrus:
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And he vocies this guy:
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He basically looks like Andrus in animated form. I don’t know who casted him but they were a genius.
Long story short, I’m in awe with this movie’s Polish dub.
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moonsmultimusings · 1 year
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what’s your phone wallpaper : my background is the little "take your time" icon from p5 and it has been for a while. he hides behind my clock lol
last song you listened to : readymade by ado. i'm a big ado fan, so this is not surprising-
currently reading : i'm not currently reading anything, but the last book i really enjoyed reading for class was goodbye to berlin by christopher isherwood (which was the basis for cabaret)
last movie : i watched the mario movie in theaters last week! i am not immune to nostalgia and nintendo music
last show : i think probably buddy daddies? i don't watch a lot of shows, tbh...
what are you wearing right now : i'm wearing pajamas. a nice little heather shirt and some plaid pajama pants. not matching, but we're all abt COMFORT here
piercings / tattoos? : i have a daith piercing in both ears and a bug tattoo on my wrist. i want more of both, though! i already have anklet tattoos planned, along with one for my other wrist, and maybe one to match my sister. i'd love to get more ear piercings and a brow piercing, too.
glasses ? contacts?: i wear glasses all the time, but i only wear my contacts regularly. i don't like taking them in and putting them out. my vision is TERRIBLE without some kind of corrective lenses, though
last thing you ate? : i made myself some stir-fried veggies (broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers), jasmine rice, and dino nugs. dinner of champions
favorite color(s) : mint green! my theme should indicate this, i think. i love cool colors most, but my second choice would definitely be black, white, and red as a palette (like you'd see in a deck of cards).
obsession : i have been watching an inordinate amount of vtubers recently, it has become a problem- i told myself i would never walk this road, and yet here i stand...
favorite fictional character : you make me CHOOSE between my children?? i do love trying to find themes in my favorites, and i seem to have a type in characters with a flare for the dramatic, big brother types, and the "straight man" in a found family dynamic (who is actually just as weird as everyone else once you get to know them). i tend to muse my favorites, so i feel like it's easier to just point to my muse list lmaO
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tagged by : @zcitgcistcr
tagging : @quickdeaths @gentlemanthiief and anyone who'd like to steal! tag me, i'd love to see it :)
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