#cab dispatch system
logistifies · 11 months
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Fleet Management System
Logistifie's fleet management system empowers businesses to effectively manage their vehicle fleets. With features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, and performance analysis, our system maximizes operational efficiency and reduces costs. Explore our comprehensive fleet management system and unlock the potential of your fleet: Fleet Management System.
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rahee · 2 months
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Our Company Provide Quality Call Answering & Cab Dispatch Services To Taxi & Transport Companies To All Over UK & US.
We Offers 24/7 Services & 14 Days Free Trial to our Customers
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unicotaxi-app · 2 months
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Talixo clone script for Ride-Hailing startups
If you're looking to start a ride-hailing business, the Talixo clone script is the perfect solution for you. This script is uniquely designed to help you launch your startup quickly and efficiently. With Talixo clone script, you'll be able to provide your customers with a top-notch ride-hailing experience, while also ensuring that your business operates smoothly. Don't wait any longer to make your dream a reality - get started with the Talixo clone script today!
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starseo49 · 1 year
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Cab dispatch software plays a vital role in running your cab business successfully. AIS Technolabs is providing a safe, secure & robust vehicle dispatch software solution that will consequently increase the number of bookings.
For More Information : https://www.aistechnolabs.com/cab-dispatch-system-software/
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tax-dispatch-software · 4 months
Fleetera: Taxi Software - Why Choose Mobility as a Service?
Why opt for Mobility as a Service with Fleetera Taxi Software? Explore the benefits of seamless transportation solutions. Ready to elevate your business? Take the next step now! https://www.fleetera.io/blog/why-mobility-as-a-service-a-great-choice/
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ezulix · 1 year
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nelsonseo567 · 1 year
Best Taxi Dispatch Software Solution - AIS Technolabs
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AIS Technolabs Providing Dominants Cloud Based Taxi Dispatch System Software including feature-packed taxi-hailing apps for our customers to track, book, and get pleasure from their rides. You get world-class taxi dispatch open-source software from us for increasing your profits and enhancing your cutthroat edge. Contact Us Today!
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gleenlaura · 2 years
Opt For The Best Taxi Booking And Dispatch Software.
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AIS Technolabs Providing Dominants Cloud Based Taxi Dispatch System Software including feature-packed taxi-hailing apps for our customers to track, book, and get pleasure from their rides. You get the world-class taxi booking open source software from us for increasing your profits and enhancing your cutthroat edge. Contact Us Today!
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caffeinatedowlbear · 11 months
Unlikely Occupations for Handsome Jack
I played this on the soon-no-longer-twitter, and figured I like these too much to lose them when that site inevitably becomes an ex-parrot. This post will collect all the previous AUs I've made, and you can request new ones in the comments.
The rules are simple: name a job/occupation that would be very unlikely for Handsome Jack, and I'll try to come up with an IC(ish), (mostly) not crack explanation of how he ended up that way. All ideas generated from this exercise are free for the taking, as long as: 1) the prompt giver doesn't mind; 2) you let me know what you make of it.
Note: while any minimum wage job fits the 'unlikely' criteria, ideally I'm looking for suggestions of jobs/occupations that someone (but normally, not Jack) would conceivably WANT to do, and not just to survive. It's sad but true that people rarely end up in minimum wage jobs for interesting reasons. So please go easy on burger flipping, shelf restocking, call centers and the like.
Prompts filled so far: Janitor, DJ, Florist, Marine Biologist, Preschool Teacher, Pediatric Nurse (new!).
Outstanding prompts: cab driver; mortician; therapist/social worker (got ideas for this one); supermarket cashier (got half a plan)
Filled prompts below, starting with a fan favorite.
Now, I know that ‘it’s just a front’ may sound like a cop-out because it can apply to any ‘Jack in a minimum-wage job’ scenario. So I tried to make it more interesting.
Setting: can be modern-day, can be sci-fi, but needs to be an AU in which Jack isn’t instantly recognizable by all and sundry. He is a rich and successful asshole, though. But there’s a certain shiny object he really, REALLY wants to get his hands on. Could be physical thing, could be information. Either way, something that money (of which he has plenty) can’t buy, because it’s held by another, even richer asshole.
Multiple attempts to infiltrate the guy’s home, where the shiny is kept, have failed. The mark is famously a recluse, his security systems are deadly, and all his staff are life-long friends and acquaintances. There’s only one tiny security hole: cleaning and maintenance. Now, most of it is automated, but once every few months, there’s a need for human labor. So every few months, a trusted and vetted housekeeping services agency dispatches some of its most trusted and vetted workers. And isn’t it lucky that Jack has a contact at said agency?
It goes off without a hitch at first. Agency Contact makes sure Jack’s fake identity passes all the background checks, and adds him to the next crew dispatched to Rich Asshole’s house. But then, Agency Contact is busted for an unrelated piece of shady business. Their latest acts in the company come under scrutiny. Jack’s employment status holds, but not his assignment. He is supposed to have at least six months of spotless (...sorry :p) record with the agency before he can get assigned to high-priority jobs like this.
So now Jack has two options. Say "fuck this shit, I'm out" and look for a different solution that might not even exist... or hold out for the sure-fire way in, even if it means spending six months pushing around a mop while toeing the company line. What’s it gonna be, Jack??
Going off the beaten track for this one, because I didn't want to do the obvious option of 'rich guy's hobby/vanity side gig'.
My take is, we're back on Tantalus and in Jack's (John's?) youth. It's a place full of poverty and violence, but also a colorful night life. Of course, many night clubs are fronts for drug and arms (and worse) trade. Getting in with the clubs is a solid strategy for a young guy with his head on his shoulders.
Jack tries to do different jobs that take him all over, to see the backstage stuff as much as possible. (He even has a brief stint as an unlikely bouncer: no-one expected the scrawny 20yo to throw some real good punches.)
His first DJ experience happens when he's a stage hand / gofer at a club, and the actual DJ goes off to screw someone, telling Jack to take over for half an hour. The music is cued up, just look like you're having fun, he's told. This is the first taste he gets of the kind of power he didn't think he wanted. Because the power that comes with money and access and control is one thing (and make no mistake, he wants that). But the power to stand in front of a room full of people and command their mood? To be cheered? To get them to chant your name, even? That hits something really, really deep inside young Jack. He knows that day that however he gets to the top, he won't just be the man behind the curtain. He will be the one whose name the crowd is chanting.
From there on, Jack's goal is clear. Not only is he going to get power and money and his slice of all the shady business, but he's also going to be a goddamn ✨celebrity✨ while at it. For bonus points, add a scar earned in a gang war ten years later and make Handsome Jack his crime name *and* stage name.
Setting: semi-historical or steampunk flavored Victorian. There is a war on, but it's pretty far away or a relatively cold one. So no immediate danger on the home front, but spycraft is in high demand. Jack is an era-appropriate Bond type who gets saddled with an assignment to...
"Make bouquets? Is this a joke?"
No, it's not. The flower shop Jack would be operating out of is a hub receiving intel from multiple covert informants. It will be Jack's job to pick out what's important, and pass it to the right people, encoded via flower bouquets. Sending messages via different flowers are already a thing in this society, as they were in our world's Victorian era, but obviously, the spy organization obviously has its own code book, so no harm done if a bouquet falls into the wrong hands.
"Except I'd have to bloody make it again, so, actually, plenty of harm done."
In order to maintain the cover, the flower shop also has to do legitimate business, so Jack gets to make plenty of "civilian" bouquets as well, and be all polite and gentlemanly with the customers.
There's only one silver lining to this dismal assignment. The assistant assigned to help Jack with sorting and aggregating the intel is pretty darn cute.
Marine Biologist
(Short write-up, but this is one of my personal faves!)
Canon-adjacent BL settings, but instead of Pandora, Jack is drawn to Aquator in his vault-hunting pursuits, searching for a vault rumored to be at the bottom of the ocean. Helios is a city-sized submarine!
For bonus points, add a Rhack plot featuring mercreature!Rhys, who has knowledge of the vault, but is reluctant to reveal its location, and whose trust Jack is desperately trying to win.
In a Preschool
Modern-day, Passable Dad AU. It's career day at Angel's school. Jack didn't want to come, what with being a currently unemployed head of a recently-failed startup. But he can't say no to Angel, so... sigh, here we go.
Jack is the last one to talk, his hope being that maybe they’ll run out of time and he won’t have to. Alas, his slot comes up. A few minutes in, the teacher gets an urgent phone call and steps out (don’t come after me about child safety protocols in this AU, okay :p).
Then the period is technically over, and the teacher isn’t back (guess the phone call was urgent enough to make them run out without telling people; they’re so fired). Other parents have left at some point during the period, because they have jobs / better things to do. Jack tries to send Angel to go find an adult, but she declares they’re not allowed to leave the classroom on their own (because she’s an ass). But, she continues, they can’t be left on their own, either (like I said, an ass).
So, Jack is stuck with a bunch of preschoolers for an hour. Once he runs out of failed startup stories, he just starts rubber-ducking new business ideas off of them. It’s surprisingly effective: kids are really good at poking holes in what seem like reasonable plans to adults.
And this is how, once a teacher finally comes to see what’s going on, Mr. Lawrence is offered a job as a substitute teacher at his daughter’s preschool. He will get fired once he deals with a bully by holding the offender up by the ankle until a believable apology is delivered.
Pediatric Nurse
(the prompt giver was very specific that it should be nurse, not doctor)
Setting: Tantalus, Jack is a single dad and dirt-poor. Angel is hospitalized with something that requires long-term inpatient care, and Jack literally doesn't have the money to pay for her treatment and rent, so he loses the apartment and starts low-key living at the hospital.
He's getting away with it pretty well. Angel shares a room with a few more kids, whose parents catch on pretty quickly, but don't mind that an extra parent is hanging around, because the hospital is permanently understaffed, and the kids like having company. (He gets more than an occasional meal from other kids' parents, too.)
When Jack's not doing gig work on his laptop, he's reading up everything about Angel's condition as well as all-purpose medical care so he can take care of her when she's finally allowed to leave the hospital. He's a fast learner, and soon ends up helping out the permanently overworked nurses with basic stuff like changing dressings, giving an extra hand with whatever, and even fixing up some medical equipment when something outdated inevitably breaks. It's not long before the kids in Angel's room (and the adjacent rooms) start calling him Nurse Jack.
The only one who's not thrilled about Jack's permanent presence on the ward is a young (and very attractive) doctor who's being a real stick in the mud about 'non-medical personnel outside of visiting hours'. The fact that, thanks to Jack's liberal use of nicknames, the kids start calling him Dr. Cupcake doesn't win Jack much love, either. Things between them getting more tense by the day, and Jack is this close to getting banned from the hospital outside of strict visiting hours.
That is, until one day, some Tantalus bandits barge in, demand that the whole floor is cleared so that their boss can get medical attention, and even take some medical personnel (including Dr. Cupcake) hostage to make their point. Little did they know that one of their hostages is: a) not a licensed medical professional, but b) real handy with a gun.
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brookewalkerblog · 16 days
Cost-Efficient Cabs: How White-Label Apps Maximize Taxi Profits
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The transportation arena is changing with dynamic customer needs and requirements. With a desire for change, it is now a source of innovation how white label taxi applications are integrated into the taxi businesses.
In many respects, these ready-made solutions provide adaptability, operational efficiency, and commercial competitiveness in a market that is characterized by a quick shift.
Now let's consider the key benefits white label taxi app integration will bring in 2024, and why it's a must for any taxi business seeking growth and efficiency.
Cost-Effective and Quick to Go
If there is one thing significant about the white-label taxi application, it will undoubtedly be that of its upfront and pocket-friendly nature. Developing a taxi application from scratch can be both a costly and time-consuming affair.
As per the estimate by custom taxi app development company takes an investment of $20,000 to $100,000 USD in USA. They are generally built beforehand, needing only a small amount of customization, hence reducing development costs greatly. This is important because companies are able to deploy the apps and start making money as quickly as possible.
Customization and Branding
White-label taxi apps support very high levels of customization since they are tailor-made to fit the organizations and conform to their brand. This ranges from personalization of the logo, color scheme, features, and functionalities of the app.
Taxi companies seriously want to be unique market presence holders, so with the help of this white-labeled solution, the application is customized with its own business vision and customer expectations. ZervX is sure that personalized branding will aid in building such levels of trust and loyalty among customers that are really hard to achieve in such a competitive market sector.
Advanced Features and Scalability
White-label taxi apps, with features like real-time tracking, multiple payment gateways, rating and review systems, and automated dispatch, make the whole overall user experience an amazing affair, which boosts operational efficiency in the process.
The designed applications are also scalable when businesses expand. According to MyTaxiPulse, scalability is a virtue for any taxi business that aims to grow by increasing the size of its fleet or entering new territories without any technology barrier.
Improvement in the Customer Experience
Better features, along with user-friendly interfaces, assuredly bring on a superior customer experience an all-important element in customer retention and attraction. Real-time tracking is one of these features through which the customers will be able to track how far the ride has reached, increasing the sense of both safety and transparency.
The cashless transaction capability with different payment options brings in more convenience and flexibility. Above all is the option to rate and review the driver, therefore maintaining the best service standards, as it will make the driver service consistent and exemplary.
Operational Efficiency
A taxi operation with operational efficiency can get significantly perked up with the incorporation of a white-label taxi app. These are apps that dispatch available drivers to the nearest passenger requesting a ride and so reduce the waiting time for the passenger by allocating resources effectively.
It not only benefits the passenger with improved customer satisfaction but also results in maximum utilization of the fleet.
Furthermore, the inbuilt real-time analytics and reporting tools aid in deriving business performance insights to enable the management to make informed decisions that could positively affect the operations.
Your Competitive Edge
In today's competitive market, a robust digital presence is mandatory. With a white-label taxi app, businesses have a very modern and efficient platform to surge ahead of the competition. According to ValueAppz, white-label taxi app businesses record 30% more booking than those who do it traditionally. That, basically, is the competitive edge needed to capture a bigger share of the market and sustain growth.
Safety Features and Compliance
White-label taxi apps come outfitted with a bunch of safety features that consist of SOS buttons for both the passengers and drivers, built-in driver screening, and the ride-sharing option, hence helping to keep everyone safe on the move.
Additionally, these apps are created in accordance with the local rules and regulations and also. in conformity with industry standards, which in turn minimizes the chances of any legal risks for the business. Thus, in the bid to ensure business safety, it builds faith with the customers and hence results in a retained high number of customers.
Technical Growth and Future-Ready
The transport industry is at the peak of modernization with the involvement of technologies such as AI and ML, and IoT. A taxicab business can never be future-ready without these set technologies. For an example, with an AI-based analytics prediction about the demand pattern, the business can get prepared and optimize the resources to be used for the service. This means that the taxi business will continue to offer pioneering services to its customers and remain flexible to incoming trends.
The application of a white-label taxi app to a taxi business in 2024 has become a necessity. Indeed, the list of benefits to this white-label application is cost-effective, quick deployment, higher customer experience, higher operational efficiency, thus turning out to be an invaluable asset to any taxi business willing to thrive in the market competition.
The white-label taxi app will enable the companies to develop with the latest technologies, improvise the service offered to customers, and thus canvas more roadmap for success by competing. Empower yourself with state-of-the-art white-label taxi apps that efficiently usher your business into a world of enhanced profits.
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logistifies · 4 days
Comprehensive Taxi Booking Engine 
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The Taxi Booking Engine by Logistifie is a robust platform designed to facilitate seamless taxi bookings for passengers. This engine integrates with mobile apps and websites, allowing users to book rides effortlessly. It offers features like real-time vehicle tracking, fare estimation, and secure payment options. For operators, it provides tools to manage bookings, monitor driver performance, and optimize routes. The Taxi Booking Engine ensures a smooth and efficient booking experience for passengers while helping taxi companies enhance their operational efficiency and service delivery. 
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fleetera · 2 months
Modernize Your Taxi Business with Fleetera's Cutting-Edge Dispatch Software
Stuck in the past with legacy systems? Bring your taxi business into the future with Fleetera's state-of-the-art taxi cab dispatch software. Futureproof Your Success
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unicotaxi-app · 15 days
Start your Uber-like tow truck and roadside assistance business with this guide by UnicoTaxi
Start your own Uber-like tow truck and roadside assistance business with the comprehensive guide by UnicoTaxi. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up, managing, and growing your business. Learn about the latest technology, customer service strategies, and operational tips to ensure your venture's success in the competitive roadside assistance market. Get ready to hit the road with confidence and efficiency!
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ncc24hr · 2 months
Northwood Taxis, Minicabs and Cabs By NCC24HR
New Century Cars (NCC24HR) have been providing Northwood Taxi, cabs, Northwood minicabs services in London and the South East for the last fifteen years. Our experienced and professional staff give you a quality and reliable service from the moment you make your booking right up until you are dropped off to your destination. We have the latest and most advanced computerized dispatch system which helps our controllers to dispatch your vehicle at the right time. Our large fleet of vehicles ranging from 4 seater saloons up to 8 seater minibuses are driven by fully trained, licensed and experienced drivers who have extensive knowledge of the area and are always courteous, helpful and on time. Our office is situated ideally for all airport
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tax-dispatch-software · 4 months
7 Marketing Ideas To Skyrocket Your Taxi Business with Fleetera Taxi Booking
Ready to take your taxi business to new heights? Explore seven innovative marketing ideas tailored for success with Fleetera Taxi Booking Software. Elevate your brand and drive bookings today. Get started now! https://www.fleetera.io/blog/7-marketing-ideas-to-skyrocket-taxi-business-in-2023/
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taximateuk · 2 months
Explore UK Private Hire Taxi Companies With Taximate App
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, especially when it comes to transportation. Whether it’s commuting to work, running errands, or enjoying a night out, reliable taxi services play a crucial role in keeping communities connected. However, traditional taxi dispatch systems often face challenges in efficiency and accessibility, both for passengers and taxi companies alike.
Enter Taximate — an innovative online taxi hire dispatch system designed to revolutionize the way local private hire companies operate. With Taximate, the entire taxi hiring process is streamlined and enhanced, offering a seamless experience for both passengers and drivers.
At its core, Taximate serves as a centralized hub where all drivers from various local private hire companies are consolidated into one comprehensive platform. This consolidation not only simplifies the process of finding and booking a taxi but also improves the overall efficiency of the taxi industry.
One of the key features of Taximate is its unified mobile application, which acts as the gateway for customers to connect with available taxi services in their area. Instead of juggling multiple apps or phone numbers for different taxi companies, passengers can now access a wide network of drivers with just a few taps on their smartphone.
For passengers, the benefits of using Taximate are manifold. Firstly, the app provides real-time information on the availability and location of nearby taxis, eliminating the need to wait on hold or flag down passing cabs. Additionally, Taximate offers fare estimates and transparent pricing, ensuring that passengers are aware of the cost before they even step into the vehicle. This transparency builds trust and confidence among users, fostering a positive relationship between passengers and taxi services.
Moreover, Taximate prioritizes safety and security, implementing features such as driver ratings and GPS tracking to ensure a safe and reliable journey for passengers. By vetting drivers and monitoring their performance, Taximate maintains high standards of service quality, giving passengers peace of mind during their travels.
On the other hand, for local private hire companies, Taximate presents a unique opportunity to expand their reach and grow their business. By joining the Taximate network, taxi companies gain access to a larger customer base and benefit from increased visibility in the market. Furthermore, Taximate provides tools and analytics to help companies optimize their operations, such as route planning and demand forecasting, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and profitability.
In essence, Taximate represents a paradigm shift in the taxi industry, leveraging technology to bridge the gap between passengers and local private hire companies. By offering a convenient, reliable, and efficient solution for taxi booking, Taximate is reshaping the way we think about urban transportation. As cities continue to evolve and embrace digital innovation, platforms like Taximate are poised to become the new standard for taxi services, driving progress and enhancing the lives of millions of commuters worldwide.
How do companies Join Taximate? Companies can register via taximate website at taximate.co.uk or contact their administrator to be onboarded.
How do customer book taxi via Taximate? customers can download the taximate app via Google play store or AppStore and start requesting rides.
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