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MY TSR PAGE - TURKSIMMER Clothes SET260 - Ruffled Crop Top C1064 Clothes SET260 - Ruffled Skirt C1065 Clothes SET260 - Ruffled Blouse C1067 Clothes SET260 - Jogger C1066 8 COLORS Clothes SET261 - Flower Crop Top C1068 Clothes SET261 - Flower Skirt C1069 Clothes SET261 - T-shirt C1070 Clothes SET261 - Mini Skirt C1071 6 and 8 COLORS Clothes SET262 - Lace Up Detail T-shirt C1072 Clothes SET262 - Mini Shorts C1073 Clothes SET262 - Oversize T-shirt C1074 Clothes SET262 - Leggings C1075 7 and 6 COLORS Clothes SET263 - Cropped Tank Top C1076 Clothes SET263 - Mini Skirt C1077 Clothes SET263 - Cropped Tank Top C1078 Clothes SET263 - Mini Skirt C1079 5 and 6 COLORS Clothes SET264 - Sweatshirt C1080 Clothes SET264 - Dalmatian Print Trousers C1081 8 COLORS Clothes SET265 - Satin Top C1082 Clothes SET265 - Satin Skirt C1083 8 COLORS Clothes SET266 - Floral Blouse C1084 Clothes SET266 - Mini Skirt C1085 Clothes SET266 - Tank Top C1086 Clothes SET266 - Floral Trousers C1087 5 COLORS Clothes SET267 - Metallic Crop Top C1088 Clothes SET267 - Metallic Bodycon Skirt C1089 Clothes SET267 - Metallic Bodycon Dress C1090 8 COLORS Clothes SET268 - Lace Up Blouse C1091 Clothes SET268 - Lace Up Skirt C1092 Clothes SET268 - Lace Up Dress C1093 10 COLORS Clothes SET269 - Short Sleeve Top C1094 Clothes SET269 - Mini Skirt C1095 Clothes SET269 - Mini Dress C1096 8 COLORS Clothes SET270 - Half Sleeve Crop Top C1097 Clothes SET270 - Mini Skirt C1098 Clothes SET270 - Short Sleeve Mini Dress C1099 8 COLORS
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Arundel MS60 folio 12v - 13r
Winchester, England c1090
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Nhung dac diem cua vua rot khong co ngot Neomax Grout C50P
Trạng thái: Dạng bột;
Màu sắc: Màu xám.
QUY CÁCH: 25kg/bao.
Bảo quản nơi khô ráo, thoáng mát;
Tránh để sản phẩm trực tiếp dưới ánh sáng mặt trời;
HẠN SỬ DỤNG: 06 tháng kể từ ngày sản xuất.
Tỷ lệ lượng nước trộn 34 – 36% theo khối lượng;
Dùng 8.5 – 9.0 lít nước sạch cho 01 bao vữa 25kg.

Của hỗn hợp vữa tươi: ~1.95 kg/lít.
Hỗn hợp vữa sau khi trộn có thể tích khoảng 17.5 lít.
1 m3 vữa tươi cần 52 bao Neomax Grout C50P (25kg/bao).
Độ chảy xòe (ASTM C939):
– Bắt đầu: 11 – 30 giây;
– Sau 30 phút: 20 – 30 giây;
Độ tách nước có sợi cáp (ASTM C940): 0.0 %
Độ nở mềm sau 3 giờ (ASTM C940): 0.0 ÷ 2.0 %

Độ nở cứng của Neomax Grout C50P (ASTM C1090):
– Sau 24 giờ: 0.0 ÷ 0.1 %
– Sau 28 ngày tuổi: 0.0 ÷ 0.2 %
Thời gian ninh kết (ASTM C953):
– Bắt đầu: ≥ 3 giờ;
– Kết thúc: ≤ 12 giờ.
Cường độ chịu nén (ASTM C109 / ASTM C942):
– 07 ngày tuổi: ≥ 40 MPa;
– 28 ngày tuổi: ≥ 50 MPa.
Ghi chú: Các chỉ tiêu kỹ thuật được thí nghiệm trong điều kiện tiêu chuẩn, nhiệt độ 25ºC, độ ẩm không khí 50%.
🔗 Link sản phẩm: https://neomaxmiennam.vn/san-pham/neomax-grout-c50p/
📞 Liên hệ: 0911655888 hoặc 0943004599
🏠 Địa chỉ: N24 Khu dân cư Lê Thị Riêng, Thới An, Quận 12, Tp.HCM
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Check Nice COODRONY Brand Wool Sweater Men Business Casual AppaWears - Youth & Active

Price: 19.80 USD 33.00 USD
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COODRONY Brand Wool Sweater Men Business Casual Striped Pull Homme Spring Autumn Turn-down Collar Knitwear Pullover Shirts C1090
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SDENTALES black & white photography / Sony Alpha 7III / UNITED KINGDOM / July 2019 / London C1090 http://sdentales.com SDENTALES photographer socials: https://www.instagram.com/sdentalesphotographer/ https://www.facebook.com/sdentalesphotographer/ https://sdentalesphotographer.tumblr.com http://linkedin.com/in/sdentalesphotographer #london #unitedkingdom #sdentalesphotographer #photography #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #sonya7iii #blackandwhiteportrait #streetlifephotography #bnw #bnw_photography #bnw_portrait #bnw_minimalism #bnw_darkness #bnw_abstract #bnw_vintage #bnw_streetlife #bnw_arts #bnw_photos #bnwzone #photographylover #photo_blackwhite #bnw_captures #bnwmood #bnw_greatshots #blackandwhite_photos #bnw_arts #bnw_awards #bnwzone #bnw_artstyle #flowers (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nGs0RF_f1/?igshid=1s7dylc9zuu9u
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Hacker Architects builds High Desert Residence in volcanic Oregon landscape https://ift.tt/2RccjtA
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(Thomas Jeffery Short)
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Buy Crackle Glazed Tiles Online at Dantotsu which is suitable for Wall and used in Bathroom & Kitchen. Contact us for special trade discounts on Crackle Glazed Tiles!
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Woot internets back up on my computer, alright so past like 4-5 hours I've been making a list for all the codes for every DS 3 model since they’re not named for what they actually are.
This is what I have so far keep in mind I don’t know the names of most enemies in the game and some may be incorrect, I put NPCs and Bosses in bold for clarity
C1070 - Some Scarecrow guy C1090 - Infected Hollow C1100 - Hollow C1101 - Hollow(Same Model?) C1102 - Hollow(Same Model?) C1105 - Hollow(Different Weapons/Armor) C1106 - Hollow(Differnt Weapons upside down armature?) C1130 - Farron Keep Slug C1170 - Hollow(Different Weapons/Armor) C1180 - Skeleton C1190 - Cathedral Knight C1200 - Thrall C1210 - Those Horrifying goats from Farron Keep C1211 - Another Goat but he's a wizard C1220 - That zombie thing with the leeches poking out of it's stomach C1230 - Evangelist, aka the ones that set themselves on fire and hug you C1240 - Undead settlement Hollows C1241 - Profane Capital Hollows C1250 - Grave Warden C1260 - Undead Settlement dudes with the cages and saws. C1280 - Lothric Knight C1281 - Hollow Knight(Lothric Castle) c1282 - Another Hollow Lothric c1290 - Winged Knight c1300 - Black Knight c1310 - Irithyll Knight c1320 - Crystal Sage c1321 - Crystal Sage(This one has hair?) c1340 - Archives Scholar c1350 - Hollow(Don't know where from, Has headress like Nameless King) c1360 - Path of Sacrifices, dudes with the crucifix's on their back. c1370 - Those hollow guys in the swamp who run at you with a log c1380 - Path of the Dragon long neck dudes c1390 - Path of the Dragon Long neck dudes but snek c1391 - Path of the Dragon Long neck dudes but snek different weapons c1400 - The FireKeeper c1410 - Silver Knight c1430 - Hollow(Crossbow, Spear, Lantern, Shield, Hooded+Cape) c1440 - Hollow, Same as c1430 different armors and weapons. c1441 - Same as c1440 hollow, Small changes in armor and weapons. c1442 - Hollow, various robes c1445 - you guessed it, ANOTHER DAMN HOLLOW c1450 - Lord of Cinder Ludleth c1470 - Skeletons with Spike Wheels c1480 - Irithyll Pontiff Knight w/o weapons c1490 - Irithyll Pontiff Knight Female c2020 - Evil teleporting dog with arrows in it's back c2021 - Same as 2020 dog but less fur c2030 - Irithyll Pontiff Knight Scythe, Shield and Curved Sword
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#DROGUERIE PICS, #Marseille, #Paradis (rue;) Marchand de #couleurs, ustensiles, temps... suspendus, hallucinations ?! - 368, rue Paradis - Marseille 8ème - jour de grand froid - 26 Février 2018 - amdK - http://LeGlaneur.info http://www.petitfute.com/v33156-33310-marseille-13008/c1085-maison-deco-jardin/c1090-bricolage-jardinage/c566-quincaillerie-droguerie/692018-droguerie-picq.html (à Marseille, France)
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Buy Crackle Glazed Tiles Online at Dantotsu which is suitable for Wall and used in Bathroom & Kitchen. Contact us for special trade discounts on Crackle Glazed Tiles!
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