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chica-de-oro-blog · 2 years ago
Saben lo difícil que fue abrirle la puerta y mostrarle una gran sonrisa, mientras me moría por dentro?
Una mrd xs
En fin no hubo mejor día para tener una adorable y hermosa recaída ♡
- c.d.o
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chica-de-oro-blog · 2 years ago
Me lo pregunto todos los días
- c.d.o
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Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City (1998-2004)
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masked-mallards · 5 years ago
Masked Mallards, the Multiverse, and Everything else
Back in Primeverse
Negaduck-Prime sat tapping his fingers on the table. He came into the interrogation room with questions of his own. It didn’t make sense to him. There was only one Negaverse, and only one Negaduck. The fact that Negawing had suggested otherwise angered him. There was something else to, the Negaverse, that the geezer clone mentioned, was mostly ruled by a Nega-Scrooge McDuck with Sanitatem-Negaduck's father by his side. It was much like his world. Except, Scrooge took the title of Dictator instead of King and Negaduck's father’s name was Simon not Sergei.
“I don’t buy it,” Negaduck said irritability. “The is only one Negaverse, besides if there was more than one, how come I and De Spell didn’t pass through any of them while on the trans-dimensional train?” “Simple,” Negawing answered in his 2nd personality. “The train is designed to travel to the posi-side of any given universe and skips its Negaverse. The Negaduck clones, like you, we're too caught up in their agendas to notice your presence in their world.” Negawing saw that Negaduck was still not convinced and rolled his eyes. “Come on,” he said. “You had to at least notice that some of the Darkwing clones recognized you. Darkwing Doubloon sure did.”
“The pirate?” Darkwing asked. “He sees himself as a privateer, but yes," Negawing answered. “We met him after the Darkwing Crisis. Doubloon often had run-ins with a yellow-clad pirate bearing the title Dread Pirate Negaduck.” Negaduck-Prime cut in. “Let me guess, you were there to mark off your little hit list.” The older clone smirked. “Yep,” he responded. “Sailed around with Doubloon for the better part of a year to do so. Tossed the Posi-Megavolt into the ocean, he short-circuited and drowned. Of Course, Doubloon took issue with it. He wanted Megavolt to face justice for his crimes. Still don’t see why though, The Caribbean-Verse “justice” would have him hanged him anyway.”
“Because it is a due process of law.” The 1st personality answered. “If we had waited until we got back to the mainland, they would have killed him for us, and it would have been clean.” Negawing gave himself a look of contradiction. “Look Mr. Proficient, you and I both know that we can’t take the risk that they would be stupid enough to let the rat rot in a cell. Besides, even if they did, we have to waste more time in that world sailing back with Darkwing Doufool to make sure. We had confirmed that our main target wasn’t even there”. Negawing was about to say something against his 2nd personality again but decided against it. “You might be right, but still there is a system for a reason. We must follow the law where we can.”
Darkwing Prime was confused. Negawing had talked about killing the pirate Megavolt as if it wasn’t a big deal, even though Megavolt Prime was listening to him in the other room. Yet, he wanted to wait at first to follow the laws of the land. Why would a coldhearted killer do something like that? There was something else that didn't sit right with him. Negawing's account with Darkwing Doubloon suggests that he had completed the list before, and if that is true, just how many Megavolts and other unfortunate souls did he kill up until his arrival in Primeverse? “So...” Drake started, wanting to get back on track. “Where were we...”
45 years ago
St. Canard.
  Negaduck and the soldier landed in another ally with a thud. The soldier's helmet fell off, and into Negaduck's lap. Inside, was the name Reid Talon etched in white thread. Talon got up quickly, the chicken snatched up his helmet from the duckling, put it on. He looked around for a second bewildered, then glowered at Negaduck. “Did you think that light show was going to save you?” he barked. “How did you do that anyway?” he pointed his rifle at the duckling. Negaduck laughed to himself in his head. It wasn’t common knowledge that the Multiverse existed. He tucked the small pup away in his coat pocket and reached for the chainsaw he had managed to keep hold of.
Before he got its engine running a small figure jumped up a wrapped his arms around Reid’s collar. It was another duckling, he was in a school uniform, had blue eyes, and was around the same age as Negaduck. “Don’t know who you are mister.” He said. “But having a gun in this area is strictly prohibited, but seeing how you came out of that warp hole you probably didn’t know that.” The unknown duckling removed the chicken’s helmet and bashed it against his head. Talon fell to the ground unconscious and the duckling landed on his feet.
He approached Negaduck, and Negaduck got a better look at his face. The duckling bared a striking resemblance to himself. A raven flew down from one of the building, it was Poe, Magica’s brother. “Negaduck!” he exclaimed. “What are you doing here?! Magica de Spell told you explicitly not to come here!” The small raven landed on his head. “It’s not like I had much of a choice!" Negaduck said to the raven, gesturing to the incapacitated soldier on the ground. Nega- Poe flew down from his head and expected the chicken. "It is going to be a while before he comes to." He said.
The other duckling spoke up, “So you’re the yellow champion Magica De Spell was talking about, my name is Drake Mallard, your counterpart.” He went silent. “Sorry about the warp hole, I was practicing forming portals to the Negaverse, didn’t expect for something to come out the other end." Drake reached out his hand for Negaduck to shake it. The yellow-clad duckling took his offer and shook it. "So, you can form portals other worlds?” Negaduck asked. “Not exactly,” Drake answered. "Only between Posi and Nega Sanitatem, I can find them too." Poe moved and sat on Drake's head.
"Come now boys," he barked and pointed his wing toward Talon. "This isn't the place to have this conversation." Drake turned pale and started shooing Poe off his head. "Poe!” he shouted. “You know I don’t like when you sit up there, get off!" Poe flew away from Drake and landed on a nearby park bench. "Seriously this again," Poe responded in a deadpan. "Has your O.C.D turned you into a germaphobe?" Drake turned slightly red. "No, it hasn’t!” Drake said angerly. “And its C.D.O! I don’t know where your feet have been.” Drake and Negaduck exited alleyway. Poe moved to the top of Negaduck’s head and nested in his hair.
“See,” Poe said trying to prove a point. “Negaduck doesn’t complain, do you have any idea how much energy it takes to keep up with the both of you?” Negaduck reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the pup. “True,” He responded. “However, you get no free rides.” He handed the small puppy to Poe. “I need you to watch pipsqueak until I can find my way back to the Negaverse.” Poe looked at the small Doberman, he gently took the pup from Negaduck and tucked him under his wing. “Fine,” he said. “have it your way.” Now that the dog was taken care of, Negaduck took a look around, to take in the Posi- St. Canard.    
The city was a busy metropolis full of people. It was not in shambles like his own world and was still under the rule of the Anasian government. It was as if the Anasian War never happened and St. Canard went on without a care. Negaduck watched as a woman argued with a local street bender about having to pay a 1.00 for a hotdog. An elephant throwing a fit because he missed the bus. Negaduck felt a ping of disgust for it and its first world problems.
As much as Negaduck wanted to stay due to his curiosity, he needed to get back to the Nega-Sanitatem. If Poe is here, Magica de Spell can't be far. The last thing, he wanted, was a lecture from her about his disobedience. Negaduck often practice quadworth magic on his own, which angered the witch when she caught him. Magic was a strict mentor and, like Douglass, was paranoid and did like didn't like Negaduck traveling the Multiverse without her or Poe. This often led to arguments between Negaduck and De Spell. However, with an abrupt tap of her staff, the duckling would admit defeat and even sometimes apologize. The only time Negaduck backed down from a fight was with the old witch. He might be a quadworth, but he knew his limits.
He felt around his pocket for his red talisman that could help him find a way out of Posi-Sanitatem. However, it wasn’t there. Negaduck walked back into the alleyway and searched the ground for it, Drake followed. The red device was nowhere in sight. “Crap, it's gone.” Negaduck said. “What is?” Drake asked. “A red talisman De Spell gave to me to find warp holes,” Negaduck explained. “Pff, you don’t need that,” Drake said with confidence and pride. “You’ve got me, I can find warp holes remember.” Negaduck looked at his egotistical copy. He was glad he was a humble duck, then again Herb and Douglass had always told him otherwise, and he relished the praise he got as “The Yellow Devil”.  
“Can you find any?” Negaduck asked. Drake looked around, walked from one end of the alley to the other. “No, not here.” He answered. “Nega- Magic De Spell is probably at camp, maybe she can help. I'll keep an eye out for warp holes though we are unlikely to find any.” Negaduck didn’t like the idea of coming clean to Magica about having lost his talisman......again. “Let’s just look around town, we don’t need her help.” Drake frowned he didn’t approve of Negaduck avoiding the easy way back home. Poe spoke up Drake could. “No, you can’t weasel your way out of this one young man. You know as well as we do that you need to get back to the Negaverse post haste." The yellow-clad duckling glowered at the raven. Poe continued.
"Hey, don't give that look, you were being careless today, as usual, seriously one day your irresponsible behavior is going to get you killed one day." Negaduck opened his mouth to protest, but the raven was right. Going to see Magica was necessary if he wanted to get home. “Fine,” Negaduck said defeated. “So, where is this camp anyways?” Drake answered. “The camp is in the entertainment district of St. Canard. I live there with my Aunt Shera; she is the contortionist for the circus in residence Cirque Du Duck.”
Negaduck vaguely remembered Nega- Shera, Sergei’s aunt and she wanted nothing to do with her nephew’s family. She was utterly convinced that we consorted with demons to gain the power of a quadworth. Shera was half right; Sergei was working for Nega-Scrooge Mcduck after all. Before the Anasian War, Shera was a big shot actress, that spoke out against Mcduck. A few days later a plane crashed into her home, it was declared an accident but Negaduck knew better. Sergei wouldn't lift a finger to help his family, he probably even gave the order. If Drake was living with Shera, what happened to Posi – Sergei, and Ziptonia? Negaduck pushed the thought from his mind, it wasn't his business. The trio left the alley and a sleeping Reid Talon.      
On their way to the cirque camp, Drake explained his family had been in Cirque Du Duck for 3 generations. He was nothing more than a busboy for now, but when he was older, he joined the troop as an illusionist and stunt performer. Drake had a thing for theatrics, the alure of the dark and mysterious fascinated him. Shera however, wanted him to have a stable and safe life. She thought he could do better than the circus life. She and Magica De Spell often argued about his future. “Frankly, I don’t believe fate, I barely believe in magic,” Drake said. “I just want to be a performer.” Poe frowned. “You and Negaduck are going get used to the fact that you have a destiny in this Universe." He said. "Besides, your aunt and Magica only want you to get out of the business after what happened with your parents.”
Negaduck looked at is counterpart who went silent. “Dad did the right thing,” Drake responded sounding somewhat proud. “My mother... well was my mother.” his tone turned sour No one said a word for the rest of the trek to the camp. Negaduck wonder what had happened. Drake seemed to be a happy guy, yet mentioning his mother, put a damper on his mood. Sergei Mallard was apparently a good person, and Ziptonia wasn’t even in the picture. This didn’t surprise him though, the Negaverse and the Posiverse mirrored each other. The roles might be the same, but the people are not. Negaduck guess their parents and dislike of destiny was a way they were alike. After a couple of hours, they had reached the camp.
Camp Cirque Du Duck was a bustle of activity, stagehands and performers running to and froe, tents and large R.V.s, cages, and pens filled with animal Negaduck hadn't seen in a long time. At the center of the camp was a fire pit with a small fire going. A small rat sat on a log and turned to see Drake and the others. He was wearing the same uniform as Drake was and wore a large pair of glasses. He hopped off the log and made his way to them. “Drake,” he said. “I didn’t know you had a twin.” “He's not my brother Elmo, he's my cousin from out of town, Negan.” Poe had made it clear to both Drake and Negaduck, that the existence of the Negaverse is a secret. They came up with a story in case it came up. Though Negaduck would have preferred to use his name, he could see why going around as “Negaduck” was a bad idea. He certainly wasn’t to go around as Jim!
“Hello, my name is Elmo Sputterspark,” the rat introduced himself. “Your, aunt is looking for you Drake, you know how she is when your late, she’s at your trailer.” Drake looked at his watch. “Oh, I better check in with her,” Drake responded. He looked over to Negaduck, he seemed distracted by the activity in the camp. “Do you mind taking Negan to see Magica De Spell.” He continued. “We have arranged for him to stay with her while he visits for a few days.” Negaduck's wandering mind snapped back to real-time, he had forgotten why they were here in the first place. "Yes, I’d like to know where she’s set up.” Negaduck answered. “Sure,” Elmo said. He looked around for a moment then checked what looked like a phone. “Was he waiting for something?” Negaduck thought. With a wave goodbye, Drake left and made his way across the camp.
Drake entered the camper, it was empty. Elmo had said that Shera was here. So, where is she? He took this as an opportunity to change his clothes. He now sported a purple plaid shirt over a black T-shirt with blue jeans. Drake wandered to the other end of the trailer. The trailer was filled with old photos and posters. Mostly of Shera, Sergei, and Drake. There were none of his mothers. Drake sat a desk in a corner near the front seat. Aside from bills, and stray paper, a framed diploma sat on the left side. It was a doctorate awarded to Sergei D. Mallard.  Still no sign of Shera. Drake helped himself to organize her bills and notes. A small sheet of notebook paper fell to the floor. He picked it up and read it. His face grew pale, and he checked his calendar. After thumbing through and find today's date, he darted to the exit.
Elmo had lied to him, to get him to leave the firepit. Every year the beagle boys came to collect protection money. They had made it clear that they mean business 5 years ago. Unfortunately, the cirque can’t pay up this year. Drake grabbed his crossbow he had used to practice his stunts and magic. Today, someone was going to get hurt. Everyone knew the Beagles meant business target. This is probably why Elmo sent him on a goose chase back home, and why he helped Negan find Magica's tent on the east end of the camp. The Cirque does what it can to protect its own. When Magica moved in and for told of the world's end, they became increasingly protective of Drake. They were superstitious folk. He was tired of people trying to protect him, now it was his turn to return the favor.
 Ziptonia thought she married a big shot doctor, not a small-time physician. She had met Sergei in college and saw the success he could be, and a rich wife he could make her. The young Ziptonia wasted no time wooing Sergei Mallard, and by the end of the year, they were wed. Ziptonia was right, Sergei became a phenomenal doctor, and could have become a surgeon of some renown. However, once Sergei learned that Ziptonia was pregnant, he thought it would be best to stay close to home and raise their child close to family. Ziptonia was angered by this, the life she had pictured for herself was gone, because of a runt. Sergei became the Cirque Du Duck's physician.
Ziptonia became an alcoholic after Drake was born. She would have done it sooner hadn't Sergei prevented her from doing so while pregnant with Drake. The mother wanted nothing to do with the child and ignored him whenever she could, at one point she had "accidentally" almost dropped his egg off the roof of the Fun House. Ziptonia also began to spend money she didn’t have a, borrowed from Posi- F.O.W.L., and wasted it at the casino. She often stole from funds that Sergei had set aside for Drake and from the Cirque, to feed her gambling addiction. Eventually, Sergei had enough and divorced her. She left the Cirque, leaving Sergei and Drake, and never came back.
 5 years later.
 An arrow hit the target dead in the center. Drake had been practicing all morning. The boy was alone in the training yard, he just finished the mound of homework that had been given to him. Otherwise, Shera wouldn’t let him practice. She and his dad have told him that his circus life was short term. That he had a chance to be more than a sideshow act. Drake never saw eye to eye with them on it. Sergei wanted to give him the best education possible, so he had started enrolling him in a private school. He was currently taking extra shifts at the E.R. to pay for Drake’s tuition. Even with the Sanitatem Trance, there were still fatal accidents and stupid decisions made, so the facilities were necessary. Sergei often didn’t get home until late.
Drake took up archery and began to practice stage magic. Ever since Nega- Magica de Spell joined the troop as a fortune teller and spoke of his destiny. De Spell insisted that he have skills other than quadworth magic. Drake hated the idea of destiny but didn't mind learning a different skill set. He wanted to be apart of the troop, so he took up the two skills. The young duckling always felt a ping of satisfaction when performing illusions or hitting the target. Aside from that, he learned Muay Thai from Goose Lee, another member of Cirque Du Duck. Drake, try as he might, never cold fully master the martial art and Lee constantly reminded him of it. The duckling never earned his black belt.
Magica had said that he was to be Posi-St. Canard’s guardian. He intended to do so, nothing happened in St. Canard where a quadworth was needed. None the less, the witch trained him anyway. Drake could form portals to the Sanitatem Negaverse; however, he was never allowed to enter. Magic De Spell had made it clear to him that it was forbidden for him to go there. When he asked why she simply stated that he needs to stay here, for now, it wasn't time to travel to the Negaverse just yet.
Sergei was a quadworth like his son. He could warp anywhere in Posi- Sanitatem, but it did take a lot out of him the further he teleported away from St. Canard. He had told drake once, that like him he was to protect the city since the extradimensional activity was very low, he became a doctor instead, to help those who really need it. The idea of Drake being able to warp to other, dangerous worlds, put the father on edge and he became very protective. He often pestered Magica, to make sure she was doing everything in her power to prepare him to save the world. Sergei was also the one who got Goose Lee to train Drake in self-defense. He wanted nothing left to chance.  
Drake turned to the next 3 targets and fired his arrows. All landed near the center of the other their mark. Someone clapped slowly behind him. Drake turned to see a large beagle accompanied by the cirque’s owner Bart T. Ratcliff. The small elderly rat seemed nervous. The beagle approached the boy “You’re a nice shot,” he said. “Ever considered joining the Beagle Boys? We could use your skill in our numbers.” Drake stepped away from the Beagle. “No, and what idiot would go around telling a complete stranger that they are in a gang?” The Beagle did nothing, though he looked like wanted to bash the duckling’s head in. Ratcliff coughed. “Mr. Thick Beagle, you are here to talk nothing more." Thick glowered at the ringmaster but took his advice anyway.
“Sorry, gramps.” He responded. “I just wanted to meet Ziptonia’s kid, that’s all.” Drake was not surprised that the criminal knew of his mother. He never met her, she left before he hatched. Besides, she made it clear to him, that she wanted nothing to do with her son. Drake had sent her a letter when he was younger, and Ziptonia sent it back unopened. The last he heard, she was deep in debt and was a regular at the St. Canard prison for public intoxication. He only knew this because his father bailed her out once.
“Come, Drake,” Ratcliff instructed. “We are holding an emergency meeting, your father will be there, go find him.”. Drake did as he was told and made his way to the firepit. It was packed full of people and members of the Beagle Boys. Everyone in the cirque had come to attend, they looked worried. Drake found Sergei amongst the crowd with Shera, he was angry. Drake had never seen him this mad before, let alone something that would take him away from the hospital. Sergei's eyes locked on Drake as the child approached. He reached out and held him close protectively with an iron grip.  
Ratcliff was in the center of the firepit. A small young female beagle met him there, Thick was with her. "Everyone is accounted for Ma," Thick said. "Good," Ma Beagle said before she turned to speak with Ratcliff. "I've done as you asked," the elderly rat menaced. "Release my grandson." Ma Beagle motioned to the crowd; two beagles appeared with Elmo in their claws. They let him go and he ran straight to his grandfather's arms. Ma didn't understand why people would do anything to help their families. They are meant to be assets. She turned her attention to the unsettled crowd.
“I am sure you are wondering why I had you gathered around the fire pit.” She said in a loud authorize voice. “I’m here on behalf of my patron, and you will be seeing a lot more of me.” She paused. “I am sure you all remember Ziptonia,” Sergei tighten his grip on Drake’s arm as Ma beagle mentioned the gold digger. “For the past 3 years, Ziptonia amassed an enormous debt from my employer. However, instead of paying it off, she disappeared for a while." Ma Beagle walked to the other side of the pit, looking around her. "They found her two days ago in a shack dead. "the beagle continued in an annoyed tone. Murmurs rose from the crowd. Drake looked at his father. He was somewhat saddened by the news, but not enough to cry.
The small beagle waited for the talking to stop before she spoke again.” Normally, we would collect the debt from the remaining kin.” Sergei and Sheri looked at each other, then to Drake. They were worried, Ziptonia never truly left their lives. “However, my employers thought of a better way to collect their money, and put this tourist trap to good use.” Ratcliff glowered at the beagle; he didn't like where she was going. Ma Beagle ignored the rat and continued. "Your location in St. Canard is ideal for our smugglers to trade of items, have discreet meetings, and lay low for a while, etc." She turned to Ratcliff. "Give me the deed to Cirque Du Duck, the debt will be forgiven and you can go back to your lives cleaning peanut for the most part." She paused. "They are only making this offer once.”
Sergei, not wanting to lose his home to thugs, let go of Drake, and rushed to the fire pit in a huff. “Bart,” he said. “Don’t take their offer, this is our problem you don’t have to do this,” Ma peered at the Mallard. “This is between me and the rat,” she growled. “Then again we can use the service of a doctor in our mist." Sergei turned his attention to the beagle half his size. "We will pay off the debt, but we are going to do it legally!” He hissed. The two grimaced at each other and began to argue. Ratcliff motioned Elmo to join the crowd. He did so and ran to find Drake and Sheri. Elmo's and Drake's families had been friends for years.  
Ratcliff waved his hand, Ma and Sergei went silent. “I assume you have made your decision,” Ma beagle said. “Preferably the right one.” Ratcliff jabbed his cane at Ma Beagle. “Sergei is a valued member of Cirque Du Duck we take care of our own. However, he's right, and we will not perform illegal activity to pay off the debt." Ma Beagle glowered at the elderly ringmaster, who peered back to show he was not intimidated. "You can tell your employer they will not get a single penny out of me or the Mallards!” Ratcliff smirked. “Besides, Scrooge McDuck is our benefactor, and I doubt you want him on your tail! Now get off my property before I have you removed!”
Ma Beagle seemed calm about Ratcliff’s rejection of her proposal. “Your right,” she said. “but, if I had to pick between McDuck and My boss, I’d pick the ladder.” She swatted Ratcliff’s cane away and turned to address the crowd. “Since your leader has refused my patron’s offer, we have to resort to plan B.” Ma Beagle smirked as she spoke. "From this day forward, Cirque Du Duck will pay the Beagle Boys protection money every year to pay off the debt and then some." The small beagle shoved a banknote into Ratcliff's hand. Ratcliff raised an eyebrow. He and Sergei studied the note then directed their attention to Ma beagle.
“I believe I had made myself clear,” he said. “I will not change my stance on the matter.” Ma Beagle scoffed, “Stop acting like you have a choice, I am not going back to my employers with nothing. They are not the forgiving type.” Black smoke began to rise from one of the Haunted House and screams were heard from its direction. Beagles came running from the entrance with gasoline tanks and bloodied crowbars. Ratcliff and Sergei darted to the fire. The crowd began to disperse, either fleeing or going to find water to put out the fire. Drake followed Ratcliff and his father, fighting through the frightened crowd. Shera and tried to nab Drake before he could get away but grabbed Elmo who tried to follow suit.
Drake caught up with them in front of the source of the fire. The building belonged to the Macawbers, another sideshow act at the cirque who ran the haunted house. Outside the tent was Nega-Magica De Spell holding a two-year-old Morgana Macawber. Morgana was sound asleep, unaware of everything going on around her. Other residences of the cirque began to arrive with buckets of water but were blocked off by Beagle Boys with bats and crowbars. Magica turned to Ratcliff. "The thugs rushed in a battered most of the people inside!" She said. “I dispatched most of them, however, a few got away and set the house on fire in their escape.”
Orange flames rose from the building. Sergei ran toward the blaze, Drake grabbed him by his arm. “What are doing?!” Drake exclaimed. Sergei yanked his arm free of his son. “Drake!” the overprotective father yelled. “Go find Shera and stay with her, this is no place for a child.” Drake disregarded his father’s command. “It no place for you either,” he replied. Sergei grabbed the boy by the shoulders. “What would you have me do?” Sergei asked. “Not run into fire, even with Santarem Trance you could....” his voice trailed off. “If I don’t, they will," Sergei answered. Sergei pushed his son aside and ran toward the haunted house.
Magica nabbed Drake by the back of his collar with her free hand, when he began to follow Sergei into the blaze. Sergei tore of the wooden bars the Beagle Boys use to trap the family inside. Thick and Ma Beagle arrived on the scene, to watch their handy work, Ratcliff saw them and scurried over. He pleaded for them to let the cirque douse the fire, but they merely laughed at him. “I told you,” Ma Beagle said in a smug tone. “I only made the offer once”. The house exploded with Sergei and the rest of the Macawbers inside. De Spell instinctively tucked both Morgana and Drake under her cloak at the sound of the bang. Everyone was knocked to the ground by the blast.
Drake's ears rang with the sound of the explosion, and his vision became blurry. Magica was trying to tell him something, but he could not hear over the ringing. He looked around his surroundings. Ma Beagle and Thick were jumping around excitedly and hollering. Ratcliff was in a state of shock, other members of the cirque troop ran past him with buckets of water to stop the fire from spreading. Morgana had woken up and was crying. Shera and Elmo arrived, Elmo ran to his grandfather and tried to pull him together. Shera made her way to Drake and the others.
It was faint, but Drake could hear her yelling as his hearing came back.” Drake! Drake!” she said. “Are you O.K.!? Where is your father?!” Drake couldn’t speak, all he could do was look at the raging inferno. He looked at the ground, trying not to cry. His father was a hero, he was going to come out on top an save the Macawbers. Shera wrapped Drake in her arms as De spell soothed Morgana. Drake waited for what seemed like hours before he realized that his father wouldn’t be coming back. His tears burned down his cheeks, and he buried his face into Shera’s chest. The Beagles departed as the fire died done. All that remained was ash.
Ratcliff and Ma Beagle had a little chat the day after. It was clear to him now that if he didn't comply with their demands, the Beagle Boys would cause another tragedy in service to their unnamed employer. Every year on the anniversary of the Deaths of the Macawbers and Sergei Mallard, they come to collect the protection money from Ratcliff, and took anything they wanted from the cirque. Morgana was the only survivor of the Macawbers. Nega -Magica De Spell took her in. Ratcliff cut ties with McDuck. The old-timer didn't want McDuck to find out and call the police, making the situation worse.
Drake lived with Shera now, and she became more adamant about Drake leaving the cirque when he was old enough. Magica De Spell offered a safe haven, but Shera Mallard refused. His Aunt wanted him to abandon the practice of quadworth magic and have a simple safe life. She and Magica argued a lot. Shera didn't care about St. Canard or the possible end of the world. She just wanted her only remaining relative to be safe. Magica convinced her, that if Drake didn't fill the role of the Purple Champion, no one will be safe.    
As the year’s past, the cirque slowly became bankrupt without the backing of McDuck, and couldn’t meet the Beagle’s demand this year. The people of St. Canard heard rumors of Cirque Du Duck being a partner of the Beagle Boys, and its reputation suffered. Drake had enough. He was tired of everyone trying to protect him and treating him like he was helpless. He could fiend for himself and protect others. Sergei laid down his life to protect his home and he intended to do the same. No one was going to suffer at the hands of the Beagle Boys again. He was going to protect everyone, even if it meant going against Shera and Magica, and getting dangerous.
 Drake hustled to the fire pit; the Beagles always picked up the cash there. When he arrived, there wasn't a soul in sight. He let out a groan of frustration, no one was where they're supposed to be. Elmo had known Drake had planned to take action this year, he and Ratcliff would do anything to not have the repeat to the Macawber house fire. An ear-piercing scream came from the east side of the camp followed by shouts. Drake started to run in that direction. He was worried that he might be too late.
 A little earlier
 Elmo and Negaduck made their way to the east end of the camp. The rat looked over Negan. Drake never mentioned a cousin before. Elmo looked around again then to his communications device. He was nervous, the Beagle Boys hadn’t responded to him since he told them that the Cirque Du Duck couldn’t make quota this year. Elmo was considered a child genius and had the know-how to rival any electrical engineer. However, he was known to have sticky fingers, and shoplifted items to further his own projects. The Beagles took notice and put the 15-year-old on their payroll. However, Elmo only agreed to join, to be eyes and ears of Ratcliff. He never forgot the damage the caused to his family and friends. Besides, the money he gained from the Beagle Boys, helped pay them off every year.
When they made it to the east end of the camp, Thick was there with other beagles armed with guns and bats. “Thick what are you doing here?” Elmo asked. “I thought we were to meet at the fire pit like every year.” Thick left the group of Beagles “Sparky,” Thick addressed Elmo playfully. “We were wondering where you were, sorry if this is short notice,” he paused when he saw Negaduck. Thick handed a crowbar to a startled Elmo. “Ma doesn’t trust you enough you see, said you tell everyone at the cirque our plan.” Thick’s expression turned serious.
“The Cirque Du Duck didn’t pay their can’t pay their dues this year. So we are going take possession of anything we want.” This is your chance to prove her wrong. Your gonna help us reteach these clowns what happens when they don’t pay the Beagle Boys.” Elmo stared at the crowbar then back at Thick. Some of the Beagles snickered. Poe took flight with the Negaduck’s pup in his talons and vanished into the crowd. Elmo could feel the eyes of the beagles and the crowd that began to form. He began to tremble.  “I...” Sputterspark stuttered. “I support the gang...bu..but...I..ca..cant...”
Thick’s faced darkened. “Ma was wrong,” he growled. “She thought you would be a traitor, but you’re a coward.” The large beagle lowered his gaze to Negaduck. “I bet you even brought Ziptonia’s brat as a peace offering!” he barked. Elmo wanted to run, but he couldn’t abandon Negan to the mercy of the Beagles. He grabbed Negan's arm and was prepared bolt. Negan, however, didn't move an inch, when Elmo faced the duckling, he was surprised to see him looking directly at Thick. The expression on Negan's face was smug and was daring Thick. Thick scoffed. “Well, well, little Drakey has come out to play," Thick said under the impression that he was talking to Drake. "Haven't seen you in 5 years, your aunt and that witch always make sure you're not around. Come to get your revenge?"
Thick approached Negaduck and put his hand on his shoulder. “Tell me, Mallard," he said tauntingly. "Do you even have the guts to stand up to me? The rest of your cirque family sure don’t. Don’t even remember the last time someone stood up to the Beagle Boys?” The last thing Thick saw was Negaduck's pointy teeth and a metal glint before the sound of an engine starting. Negaduck pulled his chainsaw in an upward swing and severed Thick's arm from his body. Thick fell backward holding his wound. Elmo jumped back, away from Negan. “What the hell is wrong with you!” The rat exclaimed as he rushed over to Thick. “Do you have any idea of who this is?!” Thick’s panicked screams attracted the attention of the nearby beagles and startled onlookers. Negaduck walked up to Thick and Elmo, his chainsaw still running.
“Looks like someone whose mother wasn’t wrong when she named him “Thick”. Negaduck said in a superior tone. The duckling knelt to Thick's eye level. Thick glowered at the bold duck. “For starters,” Negaduck continued. “I’m not Drake Mallard, I’ am Negan. Secondly, I don’t take kindly to threats.” A large shadow rose from behind Negaduck. He dodged to the left as a crowbar came down. The other beagles formed a protective circle around Thick. Two of them scooped him up and the remaining 5 had their attention on Negaduck. “You will pay for that!” A beagle with a bat shouted. “Yeah,” another beagle responded with a rifle in his hand. “Nobody attacks Thick Beagle and gets away with it!”
The Beagle with a rifle took aim at Negaduck, Elmo tackled him causing him to miss. “No!” he shouted. The rat didn’t want blood on his hands. All hell broke loose and the beagles charged Negaduck. Negaduck blocked an incoming bat with the broadside of the chainsaw and kicked its wielder away. A medium-sized dog came at him from the side with a machete. The duckling turned his attention toward him. He sidestepped out of the way of the dog’s blade and brought down the saw diagonally upon his left shoulder. The doge’s head and right arm flew from his body. Negaduck peered at the horrified beagle to his right. The short beagle dropped his crowbar and ran. “Coward!” Negaduck yelled after him. The ducking’s attention was now on the thin beagle on the ground. He had fallen back when Negaduck had killed his comrade. He had come here unarmed and was in a state of shock.
The motor of the chainsaw died down. Negaduck tossed it aside and approached him with a wicked grin on his face. He loved the adrenal rush he got from a fight. “Don’t worry,” Negaduck said pounding his fist into his hand. “I’ll fight fair." The unarmed beagle found his courage and charged Negaduck. He balled his fist and punched with all his might. Negaduck grabbed his arm mid-swing and pulled the dog in close to kick him. The duckling stepped back but didn't let go of his victim's arm. He used his free arm to punch the beagle twice in the chest. Negaduck released the bruised beagle and he toppled over and landed with a thud. Negaduck jumped on top of the disoriented dog, the crowd stood there gaping at the small violent duckling. He had been able to take out the people who had terrorized them for years.
Negaduck began to bludgeon the beagle's face in. All that could be heard was the sound of his fist hitting the dog until the click of a rifle caught Negaduck's attention. The beagle armed with a rifle had pushed Elmo aside and aimed the yellow-clad duckling. "Die you fucking monster!!" He yelled. An arrow struck the ground near his foot resulting in the beagle ducking for cover. Negaduck looked in the direction it came from. Drake was armed with a crossbow and looked both horrified and angry. The Bludgeoned beagle took the opportunity to push Negaduck off him and retreat. He tried to grab the machete. Drake fired another arrow the nearly took off the beagle’s hand. “No," Drake said warningly.
“Burger!” Elmo shouted. He was with the beagle that carried the bat. They had gathered up Thick, who had lost a lot of blood. “We need to go!” he continued as knocked out Thick so the Sanitatem Trance could take effect. Burger abandoned the fight and ran to Elmo. The larger beagle looked at the dead dog on the ground. "Bouncer," Elmo barked. "There is nothing we can do for Luiseno now; we need to leave!" Bouncer growled and took a sleeping Thick from Elmo. "Wait until I get my hands on Big Time for running off like that!" He said. Burger shouted but his words were hard to understand with the blood splattering out his mouth. "Wi b bck ith or of us nd eww bs sorey.” Bouncer translated. “You Clowns made a big mistake; we will tear this place to the ground!” They proceeded to follow Elmo to leave the camp.
Negaduck picked up his chainsaw and darted in the direction of the Beagle Boys. “Do you think you can get away that easily?” he snarled. Drake dropped his crossbow and chased after Negaduck and tackled him to the ground. Negaduck rolled from under him and jumped to his feet. Drake stood up and was between Negaduck and the fleeing Beagle Boys. “What are you doing?!” Negaduck hissed. “They’re getting away!”. Drake stood his ground. “So, you can kill more of them!? No, you have done enough damage," he responded waving his hand over Luiseno. “This place has seen enough violence to last a lifetime!” Negaduck glowered and saw Drakes loaded crossbow on the ground.
“Oh, don’t act like a knight in shining armor,” he scoffed. “Why bring a weapon with you if you were not planning a little attack of your own? You knew they were coming. You want to tell me that I 'm the violent one?!” Drake scowled and fired back. “I want to defeat my enemies not become like them! I planned to scare them off that's all.” Negaduck rolled his eyes. “Take it from someone who deals with gangs all the time, you want to bump them off as soon when you get the first change.” Negaduck said. Besides, you can’t deny that they deserve it." Negaduck had pieced together what Thick had said when he thought Negaduck was Drake. "On that, I agree," Drake said. "But it doesn't mean I am judge, jury, and executioner."
“Boys!!” a familiar female voice rang out like a stern mother. Negaduck and Drake turned to face Nega-Magica De Spell with Poe in tow. Negaduck turned pale as a sheet. He looked at Drake who was the same color, it was nice to know the witch scared as him just as much. The ducklings looked around themselves. Drake’s arrows protruded from the ground, the beagle's weapons were scattered everywhere, and one lay dead in two pieces on the ground. The area was completely clear. The fight had scared them off. Negaduck was cover in blood and some of it got onto Drake. Normally Drake would have had a fit about it, but he had more pressing matters to worry about at the time. "Poe came and found me," she said coolly. "Come, we shall talk privately.” They followed her back to her caravan.
Magica’s caravan was old and made of wood. It had none of the modern amenities, the ancient sorceress never needed them and the iron and steel objects messed with her magic. The walls were lined with books and jars containing the remains of animals. Morgana came out of the caravan and went straight to Drake. Magica had taken the orphan under her care and raised her as an apprentice. The 5-year-old scowled at Drake. "Uncle Poe came by and took Mommy with him," she said. "He said the Beagle Meanies came by and they were gonna hurt you, but here you are safe and sound!" Morgana grabbed Drake by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to her eye level. "Now, I'm mad at you!" she exclaimed. "You made me worry if you be ok, how are you going to be my big brother if your dead?!”
Negaduck watched as Morgana lectured Drake. Drake just stood there and nodded and took it. “Look, I am sorry I made you worry,” he said. “But what do expect me to do? The Beagle Boys could have hurt someone or burn down another attraction. We can’t live like this forever; we’re going to start standing up for ourselves." Morgana looked down at her shoes "I don't want to have another reason to visit St. Canard Cemetery." She murmured. Drake hugged her. "Don't worry," he said," you won't." Negaduck rolled his eyes at the sediment and made a gagging sound. Morgana tore away from Drake and stomped over to Negaduck. She looked the chainsaw wielder up and down, quickly looked back Drake then back to Negaduck. Her expression changed from hurting anger to that of a giddy little girl.
“Your Negaduck!” she said excitedly and started to talk a mile a minute. "Mommy is always talking about the Negaverse but never lets me see it. Humm... Your taller than she said you were, but your still short like Drake...” she stopped for a moment and her face lit up “Have you met the Negaverse version of me? What is she like? Are you her big brother?” My name is Morgana Macawber by the way” Negaduck shrugged. “I haven’t met her.” He replied. Before Morgana could ask anything else, Magica cut in. "Morgana, you have chores to do," she said. "You can talk to Negaduck and Drake after they're done. Morgana opened her mouth to protest but thought better not to. "Ok, I'll go help Shera with laundry duty," she said reluctantly. Her eyes fell on Drake. "I'll tell her your home and you didn’t get into a fight.” She winked at Drake and scurried off.
Magica waited till she was out of sight then turned her attention to Drake and Negaduck. The boys stood up straight at attention. De Spell rubbed the bridge between her eyes. “ I want an explanation from the both of you as to how Negaduck got the Posiverse, why you both are covered in blood, and why Negaduck hasn’t returned to the Negaverse. Poe has already told me, but I want to hear it from you.” Magica put up her hand as the pair began to speak. “It better not start with, "I thought I could do it” or “It was a bad idea in retrospect.” She said mimicking their voices. They grew quiet, then recounted the events of the alleyway. 
Chapter 8
Chapter 6
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pitifulmagicalocs · 5 years ago
Every Prequel Chapter So Far (UPDATED: 04/12/20)
(Click bold text for link)
Chapter 1 - The C.D.Os-in-training take on an ugly assignment outside the community’s walls.
Chapter 2 - The boys kick back at a diner after training & things get political.
Chapter 3 - A girl with a famous family to impress-- sneaks out for a less-than-legal study session. A disturbing possibility is revealed.
Chapter 4 - New in town, a young girl accidentally discovers something horrifying for the entire community.
Chapter 5 - A wallflower in her social circle begrudgingly tries to party her worries away.
Chapter 6 - Kicked out of his home, a boy meets some peculiar people while Helten sleeps.
Chapter 7 - A detective-in-training has something frightening to tell her team, but it must wait until after a theatrical training activity.
Chapter 8 - The C.D.Os-in-training set out to find a name for the threat on Helten, but they don't expect to find their answers quite so soon.
Chapter 9 - We meet our antagonist!
Chapter 10 - Amy works the night shift and keeps another troubled soul company.
Chapter 11 - Janet looks for answers regarding the Charmery Owner's disappearance.
Chapter 12 - Darlene is left home alone with her little brother, but tragedy quickly darkens the otherwise plain night.
(More Coming Soon! This post will be updated.)
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rationemvacuo-blog · 6 years ago
C.D.O. Pensamientos del Irasco — 1°Marcado.
Aun después de tanto tiempo, no puedo creer lo poco que cambió el mundo, observó todo a mi alrededor y solo puedo mostrar la decepción en mis ojos muy a pesar de que mis labios forman una sonrisa, una sonrisa auténtica en felicidad.
Por lo que puedo notar, la gente a un me recuerda como un peligro... Como un peligro que ya ocurrió y que ahora no importa. Eso no es algo malo pero tampoco es que se lo tomen enserio. Soy recordado solo como una mala anécdota o un simple tema de conversación sacado en un momento al azar.
Si tengo que decirlo no es algo que me afecte, solo hace las cosas más sencillas para mi.
Después de todo solo soy la carne que va a sangrar y sucumbir al final del Rectium.
Mientras voy caminando por las pobladas calles de la ciudad (la cual aun no se ni su nombre) veo en los promocionales digitales un fragmento de noticiero, el audio es apenas audible por todo el ruido a mi alrededor, pero solo importan las imágenes, pues parece que en mi tiempo "encerrado" solo ocaciono más problemas.
La humanidad es estúpida por naturaleza y desicion propia eso me quedo claro desde que comprendí que al nacer como humano solo veo por mis ambiciones, guio mis palabras y acciones atravez de la hipocresía, por eso dibujo una rosisa aun más grande en mi cara, pues tal parece ahora una organización de se dispuso a revelar todo lo Entico ala población, lo que significa que todo se les salió de las manos y para suavizar todo se propusieron a dar públicamente la existencia de todo lo que la población ignora en cuanto a lo sobrenatural.
Pues así se libra de problemas y pueden recibir ayuda externa, saliendo impunes y recibiendo beneficios, buena jugada... Pero si fue nesesario llegar a tal nivel solo significa que algo les salió mal o que enserio hubo un problema que no pudieron contener.
Sea cual sea caso solo se complicaron las cosas para ellos, tengo trabajo que hacer pero no se por donde iniciar, antes debo saber donde estoy, paseo mi cabeza por los alrededores buscando algún indicio que me diga mi ubicación, posó nuevamente mi vista en el anuncio, la fecha no era clara para mi... Pues es bastante más pronto de lo que creí, posiblemente un error mio, si esto fue si es por que así debe ser.
Debo prepararlo todo aun si es muy pronto eso no importara, pero antes debo encargarme de los otros, debo centrarme en hallarlos, una vez hubicados todo irá sobre ruedas, pero no tengo como encontrarlos en una población de 10.000 millones.
Por tercera y última vez posó mis ojos en el anuncio digital y veo algo casi imperceptible algo que incluso yo no note hasta esta tercera ocasión, una marca, un marcado es inconfundible, tales trazos no serían explicados o realizados por imaginación humana a no ser que sean considerados garabatos, pero dudo mucho que aquel sujeto se halla tallado eso con un cuchillo en la mejilla solo por diversión.
Ya tenía un objetivo la cosa ahora sería encontrarlo.
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jobatcdeo · 3 years ago
CDO Job Hiring – QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ACCEPTANCE SUPERVISOR – C.D.O. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidate must possess at least a Vocational Diploma / Short Course Certificate, Bachelor’s/College Degree , Professional License (Passed Board/Bar/Professional License Exam), Engineering (Civil), Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent. At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related…
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themanavsevasanstha · 5 years ago
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*मानव सेवा संस्था * पंजीयन संख्या- 69/15 ,, *सहायता फार्म*,, पीड़ित का नाम--संजय कुमार बाजपेई पीड़ित का मोबाइल नंबर--9621053238 पीड़ित का पूरा पता--ग्राम अर्थरा मौदहा जिला हमीरपुर पीड़ित के पड़ोसी का नंबर-- *शिकायत दर्ज करें* मेरे मामा जी संजय कुमार बाजपेई सन ऑफ दुर्गा प्रसाद बाजपेई निवासी ग्राम अर्थरा मौदहा जिला हमीरपुर दिनांक 27 से 2020 समय प्रातः 8:30 बजे हनुमान जी के मंदिर से अपने छोटे पुत्र उत्कर्ष बाजपेई जिसकी उम्र लगभग 12 वर्ष के साथ अपनी बाइक से घर वापस जा रहे थे जैसे ही वे चंद्रपुरा गेट इकोहट के पास पहुंचे वैसे ही सामने से तेज रफ्तार से आ रही बाइक जिसका गाड़ी नंबर UP91 M 7939 वाहन का स्वामी धनीराम प्रजापति निवासी मसगावा हमीरपुर जिसमें 2 व्यक्ति सवार थे इन दोनों लोगों ने बहुत अधिक शराब पी रखी थी नशे की हालत में इन लोगों ने मेरे मामाजी को जोरदार टक्कर मार दी टक्कर इतनी भयानक थी कि मामा जी का पैर पूर्ण रूप से टूट गया वा अन्य गंभीर चोटें आई जिसे स्थानीय पुलिस ने प्राथमिक जांच के लिए जिला अस्पताल भरुआ सुमेरपुर भेजा गया मगर हालत ज्यादा गंभीर होने के कारण जिला अस्पताल हमीरपुर भेज दिया गया वहां स्थिति ज्यादा गंभीर होने के कारण डाक्टरों ने उन्हें कानपुर के लिए रेफर कर दिया वर्तमान समय में उनका इलाज मरियमपुर अस्पताल में चल रहा है जहां डॉक्टरों ने उनके पैर का ऑपरेशन तो कर दिया मगर स्थिति अभी भी नाजुक बनी हुई है प्रार्थी या 7 दिन से भटक रहा है प्रार्थी की ना तो f.i.r. लिखी गई और ना ही किसी प्रकार की कोई जांच करके आरोपियों की गिरफ्तारी की गई मानव सेवा संस्थान इस पीड़ित की मदद करें पीड़ित बहुत ही असहाय महसूस कर रहा है पीड़ित के पास इलाज कराने का पैसा भी नहीं है ग्राम प्रधान का नंबर-- ग्राम पंचायत सेक्रेटरी का नंबर-- खंड विकास अधिकारी(B.D.O) का नंबर -- जिला विकास अधिकारी(D.D.O) का नंबर-- मुख्य विकास अधिकारी(C.D.O) का नंबर-- पुलिस चौकी का नाम और नंबर,, थाना प्रभारी( SHO)का नंबर नाम के साथ--9454403539 क्षेत्राधिकारी(C.O) का नंबर--9454401319 पुलिस अधीक्षक(S.P) का नंबर--9454400277 जिलाधिकारी (D.M )का नंबर-- डी आई जी का नंबर-- आईजी जोन का नंबर-- सभासद या पार्षद का नंबर-- विधायक का नंबर-- सांसद का मोबाइल नंबर-- *नोट* जिस विभाग का प्रकरण हो उस विभाग से संबंधित अधिकारी एवं बंधुओं का नंबर-- पीड़ित के हस्ताक्षर--अंकित पांडे मो , नंबर 9610051537 8601763851 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCO1EyUnGwB/?igshid=ujoqhonzxmtd
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megayogiposts · 1 year ago
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chica-de-oro-blog · 2 years ago
Camine bajo la lluvia durante 20 minutos para ver si sentía alguna otra cosa que no sea mi corazón roto
- c.d.o
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chica-de-oro-blog · 2 years ago
Si, la verdad
- c.d.o
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Kristin Davis and Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City (1998-2004)
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masked-mallards · 5 years ago
Masked Mallards, The Multiverse, and Everything else
Chapter 5 Lesson in the Multiverse
Gosalyn stared at the elder clone from behind the mirror side of the one-way mirror room. He sat in a steel chair in front of a table, both bolted to the ground. The clone's ankles were shackled to the chair, his arms were wrapped tightly around his torso in a straightjacket which was hooked to the back of his seat, he wasn’t going anywhere. Launchpad and the Fearsome 4 were in the observation room with her. When she had gotten here, Launchpad had finished moving him into the interrogation room. The large duck’s face was flushed, when she had asked Bushroot what had happened, he simply said that the clone was a little too happy to see him.
Megavolt was livid as he stood watching the clone. He was so close to the duck who killed Quackerjack, he had to restrain himself not to break the truce. He has had enough of Darkwing clones. Negaduck was a horrible boss, Drake had lied to him for years, and now one has taken the life of the one he had loved most. Sparks flew from him as the glowered at the clone. He looked around the small room they were in, everyone looked like a cat ready to pounce, just daring the clone to try anything though he couldn’t see them. Their attention was caught when the door to the interrogation room slide open and closed with a click.
Darkwing laid a box on the table, then sat across from the clone. Neither spoke for a few minutes.” First, I want your name,” Darkwing started. “I am not calling you Clone all night.” The clone smirked then snickered. “Come now, my name should be that hard to figure out, we are the same person aren’t we Drake?” the second voice said. Drake went silent for a moment then continued. “Don’t even try to pull the same tricks, unlike Negaduck, I gladly have a life outside of my nightly activities... Nice try though.” He responded. The clone scoffed. “It was worth a shot.” The clone replied. “As for our name, Clone works fine for now.” The 1st voice answered.
“Ok then, “Clone” let’s get started.” Darkwing in a slightly annoyed tone. “So, what brings you to our little corner of the multi-verse?” he asked. Clone wisecracked, still wanting to play games. “The Primeverse is where we get our breakfast, though we always have to come back, we forget the milk.” Darkwing ignored his quip. “Funny,” Darkwing retorted in a deadpan. “Your to-do list didn’t mention milk.” He reached inside the box, pulled out a thin clear envelope, and placed it in front of Clone. It was the burned note that Negaduck had found at the warehouse. Clone’s smirk disappeared.
“You moron! I told you not to make that fucking list!” Clone barked. “It’s not my fault he got it, you wanted to try and burn it, rather put it in the coat," he argued back in his 1st voice. Drake watched as Clone continues to argue with between his two personalities, to get a better idea about to proceed with them.” For the last time, we do not need a list to do our damn job, it is the same thing over and over again. Besides, it’s not like we’re going to forget 6 targets” the 2nd voice said.” Forget?!”, the 1st voice exclaimed. “You can’t even remember what universe we are in, let alone to feed Jekyll.” Clone’s expression changed to confusion. “Who?” the 1st voice asked. 2nd voice answered flustered “You wonder why I keep a list; it is to keep us organized.” Clone’s expression changed to annoyance. “No, it’s not,” the 1st voice responded. “It’s you feeding your O.C.D.” Clone’s expression shifted to anger. “It’s not O.C.D., its C.D.O!”. “Neat freak.”. “Slob”.
Clone’s body shook violently for a moment, then he fell forward and hit the table hard. “Your fault!” the voices said in unison. Darkwing wonder how long they would have continued; they fight like children on the playground. After a minute, Clone picked himself up from the table. “So, what does bring you to the Primeverse then?” Darkwing pressed. “Don’t you have this in your own world?’ Darkwing waved the burned note in front of him. Clone's eye began to dart around, looking for a way out. The stubborn old duck was determined to be uncooperative. Darkwing began to get fed up with his behavior.
“Don’t bother trying to escape,” Darkwing said firmly." We took precautions, and it's not like you jump into another warp hole." He said as he reached into the box, pulled out Clone's broken device then placed it on the table. Clone studied the pile of scrap metal. "If it is no longer functioning, how did you learn its purpose?” Clone asked out of curiosity. Darkwing answered plainly. “Megavolt figured it out, almost fixed it too, unfortunate for you though we had to destroy it again. It is beyond repair now. How did you get it anyway?” Clone frowned and avoided the question. “Pity,” the 2nd voice said in disappointment. “You should have killed him when we told you to, it will be better in the long run.”.
Darkwing put back the device and left the box open. “The both of you have a one-track mind, don’t you? Quit stalling and answer the questions I give you." He said finally tiring of Clone's games. Darkwing felt his temper begin to rise and glanced at his hand. It was wrapped in a bandage after the incident with Steelbeak, so far, the only one who knew about it was Gryzlikoff and he wanted to keep it that way. The last thing he wanted was Gosalyn and Launchpad to find out, it would mean that he would have to confront it. Also, Negaduck would enjoy the fact that he was slowly losing it, adding to his self-loathing.
Clone began to laugh uncontrollably in both voices and fell forward again still laughing. "What is so funny?" Darkwing asked. Clone picked himself up catching his breath. "It is always Déjà vu when dealing with Masked Mallards. We had a similar conversation with Jim Starling…. Oops, we meant Negaduck the night before-" The 1st voice responded still smiling. There was a crash outside the door. It swung open as Negaduck, in a rage, tried to fight off Bushroot, who was trying to hold him back. Vines constricted around the rabid ducks’ arms and torso, trying to reel him back to the entrance. “Negaduck,” Bushroot pleading. “Darkwings’ got this, let it go.” Negaduck stopped his attack, considering the plant’s plea.
Negaduck turned his back to the old mallard and began to head back through the mirror door. Clone wasn’t finished yet. “What is the matter Jim?”, the 2nd voice said, "Hate having a name like everyone else, hate the fact that it is your father’s?” That was the last straw, Negaduck drew out a switchblade he had hidden before coming here, pushed down Bushroot who tried to stop him and made a beeline for viper-tongued cloned. Darkwing intercepted the duck and disarmed him of the knife, which landed on the table and slide in front of Clone. Darkwing and Negaduck were scuffling on the ground.
Clone sat back in his chair, watching as the scene unfold with slight amusement of his handy work until the glint of Negaduck's switchblade caught his eye. Bushroot took notice Clone eyeing the knife in front of him. In the span of a few seconds Bushroot darted to swat the knife away as Clone attempted to grab it with his mouth, but he had no traction on the slick floor of the interrogation room and fell on the table pushing the knife on to the floor. Drake pulled Jim to his feet, both slightly bruised. Darkwing’s senses began to leave him as he heaved a furious Negaduck to his feet, holding him by the collar. The yellow glared at the purple, daring him to finish the job.  
A cry of pain snapped both of their attention in Clone's direction. Clone had Bushroot's neck his mouth like a steel beartrap with his fanged like teeth. If Bushroot had been made of flesh and bone instead of stem and leaf, his neck would have snapped on impact. Clone began to speak, though it was gargled at first, the message was very clear. “Release us or kill us, we do not care which.” The 1st voice snarled. “We will not be broken, and we will not stay here.” The 2nd voice continued. “Do it, or you’re going to another body on your hands.” The Liquidator rushed in, but didn’t dare test Clone’s threat.
Nobody said a word. Negaduck approached the violent captive and stood behind him. He grabbed him by the hair of his head and lifted him as far as Clone’s restrains would allow it. Clone grunted in pain but didn’t let go of Bushroot. “1st of all,” Negaduck said still in a rage.” Nobody tortures Bush-rot but me.” He let him go and picked up his blade. “2nd If you wanted to die so badly, all you had to do was ask me, I will happily fulfill the request." He handed the switchblade to Darkwing and moved back behind clone." Finally, much to my disappointment, I am under a truce that says you live. So sorry request denied." Negaduck wrapped his hands Clone's neck and began to choke him. Darkwing moved in ready to pry them apart. "Don't interfere, Drake," Negaduck snapped. "trust me.”
Darkwing didn't know why he felt compelled to listen to him, but he stood down. Clone struggled for two minutes, as his body jerked around, he still kept Bushroot in his mouth. Finally, he gagged and was forced to release Bushroot. Negaduck let go of elder. Bushroot stood on his feet with a start as Clone coughed and gasped for air. His plant-like neck looked like it met a weedwhacker, but otherwise, he was fine. "When deprived of oxygen, the body has an involuntary reflex that forces them to breathe for air after a certain amount of time." Negaduck explained. "It is a reason people drown." He turned and went back to the observation room and stopped at the entrance. "If Clone knew what say about me to make me tick, imagine what he'll say about you." He said before going in his tone was calmer. Liquidator gathered a shaken Bushroot and followed him out. The door shut with a click.
Clone continued to cough and wheeze but stopped after 4 minutes. He sat up, glowering at Darkwing. "Looks like you banking on Negaduck to kill you backfired," Darkwing said as he sat back down in the chair across from Clone. Clone growled at the sound of his defeat. Bushroot had told Darkwing about the possibility that Clone had probably been a test subject of some sort, and it might be the reason he's been incredibly hostile. (“We will not be broken, and we will not stay here.”). Clone’s words rang in Darkwing’s head. “What happened to him to make him want death over captivity?” He wondered.
“Are you ready to corporate now?” Darkwing asked though he already the answer. “Piss off!” Clone responded angrily. “We have nothing to say.” He continued stubbornly. "When will you learn that you are not getting out of this?" Darkwing said as if he were trying to make Gosalyn clean her room. The clone looked him dead in the eye and snickered. “You Masked Mallards are all the same when you think you are in control, you're not.” Clone’s 1st voice replied. "Your games are not going to work on me," Darkwing said coolly. "As much as I want to test that theory,” the 2nd voice said. “we believe a more direct approach is in order.”
Clone let out a high-pitched whistle. The opened box on the table convulsed and jolted off it. Bushroot startled by the box's involuntary movement leaned into Liquidator for protection. He immediately stood up again, somewhat embarrassed. The box fell on its side, and a possessed trench coat came out. Darkwing had already backed away from the table. The coat jerked around as something was trying to get out. A large dog appeared from thin air. It was the size of a wolf with long fur, its ears, and fur color was that of a Doberman Pinscher. Clone's stunt with Negaduck was just a warm-up.
“Jekyll assault!” Clone said in a command voice. The beast turned its attention to Darkwing, bared its teeth and lunged. Jekyll forced Darkwing the ground pinning him. Darkwing pressed against Jekyll's neck, preventing him from biting his face. Launchpad was the first one to the door and swung it open, however, Gosalyn beat him through. She launched an arrow at the dog, nearly missing its head. Jekyll had his attention on Gosalyn. He released Darkwing and went barreling toward the red-haired archer. Darkwing and Launchpad tried to stop the dog from reaching Gosalyn, but it was faster than them.
Jekyll came to a screeching halt and sat on his hindquarters. Gosalyn lower her bow and gave him a puzzled look as he wagged his tail in excitement. “Jekyll heel “. Clone commanded in his 1st. The dog happily returned to Clone’s side. “Get that brat out of here.” The 2nd voice snarled, not wanting a repeat of the last time Gosalyn interfered. Gosalyn drew her bow loaded with another arrow and waited. Clone got the point. “Jekyll withdrawal" he commanded. Jekyll looked at him in protest, but Clone reminded the dog who was boss. "HOME!” the 1st voice roared. Defeated, Jekyll's ears lower recessively and he disappeared into the coat. Launchpad stuffed the coat back into the box and slammed it shut. Gosalyn rushed over to her father to help him up.
Darkwing tried to drag Gosalyn out, but the stubborn child didn't budge. She knew deep down, that even though Clone was an unstable Darkwing copy, he still cared for his child. He had blown another chance at freedom is proof of that. “I’m not leaving until he swears, he’ll cooperate with the investigation.” She said coolly pointing at Clone. Clone and Gosalyn glowered at each other. Clone irrevocably conceded and bowed his head.” Fine,” Clone’s 2nd voice hissed. “Just leave," his 1st voice said in a less hostile tone.
Gosalyn jerked her arm free from Darkwing and went back to the observation room. The door shut behind her and Clone slumped in his chair. “Your devotion to the child is going to get us both killed one day.” The 2nd voice said aloud. “Hey,” Clone responded in his 2nd personality. “don’t act like you don’t miss her to, and you are probably right, but until then shut up!” ‘Darkwing gave Launchpad the box who took it out of interrogation. “Are you ready to comply?” Darkwing asked not fully believing Clone’s change of heart. Clone peered at his younger doppelgänger. “Yes,” he growled. “but first…” A low growl filled the room and Clone fell to the table and dropped the tough guy act. "We haven’t eaten in two days,” he said in an almost whine.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Darkwing replied in disbelief. Clone shook his head. “Could you feed Jekyll too?” he asked. Darkwing stood up. “That beast just tried to kill me!” he barked. “That is because we told him to.” Clone’s 2nd voice explained. “He’s normally a big teddy bear, when he is not listening to us.” Darkwing tapped his fingers on the table. “Look, trust goes both ways, please feed Jekyll. If you worried about controlling the dog, have Gosalyn feed him. Aside from me, he is loyal to her. In fact, the hybrid likes her better than us.” Darkwing’s fatherly instinct kicked in.” I AM NOT PUTTING MY GOSALYN IN DANGER TO FEED YOUR MUTT!” Clone looked at him with a serious expression for once. “We’re not.” He replied.
There were shouts, and scuffing behind the mirrored door and the Liquidator came through. “What, now! Drake said infuriated by the 3rd interruption. “Gosalyn grabbed the box, and ran out!” he exclaimed. “Everyone dashed after!”. Darkwing rushed out the door. ‘Don’t let Clone go anywhere!” he shouted as the door slammed behind him. The salvia hound looked at bound duck in the chair. “seriously!?” he thought.
Gosalyn had already opened the box by the time the adults reached her. She was tired of the distrust displayed tonight, and wanted to end it. If Jekyll was as loyal as clone said he was to her, then he had told the truth and the investigation could continue without there being any doubt in Clone’s testimony. “Jekyll Come” she said with the same kind of command that Clone had used. The trench coat thrusted violently out of the box, and Jekyll popped out of thin air. The dog looked growled at Darkwing and the others who posed a threat. “Jekyll Heel!” Gosalyn barked. The vicious dog relaxed and went to Gosalyn’s side. Gosalyn knew how the trench coat worked. Megavolt had told her back the house. She reached in and pulled out a turkey leg. “Sit.” She commanded. The dog obeyed and everyone relaxed, Clone had been telling the truth like he said he would.
Gosalyn tossed the leg to floor.  Jekyll didn’t go for the meat. Gosalyn stared at him puzzled. “He’s not going to eat it until you tell him to,” Negaduck spoke up, having trained dogs for years. Gosalyn saw that he was clinging to his collar close to his heart. “Did he actually worry for my safety?” she thought. No, he isn’t capable of such a thing. “Eat.” Gosalyn directed. The war dog attacked the turkey leg, eating it greedily. Darkwing looked like was about to have a heart attack, it was the second time today she could have gotten hurt. He wanted to yell at her again for testing fate when it came to Clone. However, she had proved her point that Clone would corporate, and that she wasn’t in any danger to begin with.
  Sometime later
  Darkwing waited patiently in the kitchen as the electric can opener did its job, he had laid fruit on the counter with a knife and cutting board. He had used Clone’s other request for a meal as an excuse to get some fresh air. Launchpad had followed, and everyone else went back to the observation area. Something had been bothering Launchpad since he and Bushroot examined Clone. The old doppelgänger had gravely affected everyone in the last 24 hours. Launchpad stared at Darkwing in the dark kitchen. If he was going to voice his worry. Now would be the time.
“Hey, D.W.,” he started, as he entered the kitchen. “You know it is not health to sit in a dark room.”. Darkwing spoke without looking up. “You know I thrive in the dark.”. The can opener stopped with a click. Launchpad walked up to Drake who had snatch up the can and poured it into a blender. “Drake,” he said cutting to the point. “I have a feeling that Clone is from an alternate future of another world, much like Darkwarrior in our world.”. Darkwing looked at his pilot.
Darkwarrior duck was another clone that plagued the Prime-verse, even though he is trapped in an alternate time line. He is example of the worst that Darkwing could become if he didn’t tread carefully. “What’s your point launchpad?” Darkwing asked not liking where the conversation was going. “Clone is 30 years your senior,” Launchpad explained “That puts him 5 years after Darkwarrior.” The large duck paused. “You already dodged the “Darkwarrior” bullet, what if Clone is the next one.”
Darkwing glowered, “I think you over thinking this Launchpad,” he said. “Besides, for all we know, he is not even from Primeverse.” Darkwing felt his tenor raise, at the sound of his friend putting him the same boat as Clone. “True,” Launchpad responded. “but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen in Primeverse.”. Darkwing turned his attention the fruit on the counter and chopped them up. Launchpad continued. “I am scared for you Drake,” he went quiet. “Clone is messed up, he clearly had psychiatric break down at some point, killed someone in cold blood, and he almost shot Gos, he set that beast on you, and that just what we know about. Plus, after I heard the message agent Gryzlikoff left – “
Drake flew in a rage and caught hold of the nearest thing, which happen to be launchpad. “That goddamn bear!” he shouted angrily. “I knew he was out to get me, I bet he reported me to J. Gander as well. How did he get the number to the house anyway?!” he let go of his sidekick and wandered near a window. “When I get my hand on that paper-pushing, two-faced- “. Darkwing stopped his tangent when he saw Launchpad’s startled expression, and realized he had been waving a kitchen knife around like a lunatic.
Darkwing dropped the knife to the ground and put his hands to his face. He could have hurt Launchpad, someone close him. Launchpad approached him. “Vlad called the tower,” he said. “He said something about a progress report on Darkwing duck clones. He didn’t say anything else, I only brought it up because I thought he knew about Clone.” Darkwing leaded against a wall, hung his head and felt like an idiot.” Did something happen while you were there?” His pilot asked concerned. Drake wanted to avoid answering the question, but then he remembered that Clone would done the same thing. He was determined not to go down that same path, even it meant confronting his demons. He picked up the knife, resumed his task, and told Launchpad about Steelbeak.
Launchpad quietly listened to Darkwing recount of the incident with Steelbeak. Drake had avoided S.H.U.S.H. like the plague since Duckthulhu, he must have known Steelbeak was there waiting for him. He had blamed himself for Morgana’s disappearance. Granted, Steelbeak had it coming, but he never thought Darkwing be the one to do it. Darkwing, also had always had problem accepting the existence of other dimensional Darkwings. The clones he had the most contact with, being Negaduck and Darkwarrior, haven’t been the greatest examples. On top of that, Clone shows up, and wreaks havoc in his wake. Launchpad realized he hadn’t made thing easier by suggesting that Clone was a possible future for D.W to fall into.
“I sorry for doubting you.” Launchpad said ‘I should have a little more faith in you. Besides, you have one thing that Negaduck and Clone don’t.” Darkwing dumped the fruit in the blender. “And what’s that?” Darkwing asked. Launchpad put his hand on Drake’s shoulder. “The ability to admit something is wrong and Me” he replied Launchpad leaned in close in protectively. “I will always be here for you and Gosalyn, you are like family to me.” Darkwing looked at friend, he knew that Launchpad cared for him, but not this much. Maybe he did, but was too devastated by Morgana to notice.
Launchpad had always been there for him. Drake grabbed the hand on his shoulder, accepting its comfort, and love. Maybe it was time to move on, just maybe. Darkwing tugged Launchpad’s arm, pulling the giant closer. Launchpad wrapped his arms around him in return. The comfort of the pilot was just Darkwing needed. He released his hold on Launchpad, blended the concoction of fruit and what appeared to be spinach, or at least what Darkwing thought was spinach. The Hero and his pilot made their way back the interrogation room.
 “All it took was Gosalyn.” Megavolt said aloud. “It took 5 chapters to finally be able to learn anything from that stubborn old duck. If we had known that Clone, like Darkwing, would be putty in her hands. We would have had her ask the questions.” Megavolt had been ranting since Darkwing went to fetch Clone something to eat. “Sparky,” Negaduck said, speaking for everyone at this point. “Stop addressing the ghosts”. Negaduck glowered at Clone. If it were up to him, he would have let Clone starve for all he cared.
“Survey says, he must have a Gosalyn and Launchpad from his home dimension.” The Liquidator said, trying to change the subject before Megavolt could start ranting again. “Maybe,” Bushroot said. “He did recognize the both of them. Hey Negaduck, what about you? Is there a Gosalyn and Launchpad in the Negaverse?” Negaduck glared at the plant and the room went silent.” Yes”, Negaduck responded. “Nega-Launchpad is my right-hand duck; I leave him charge of St. Canard in the Negaverse when I’m gone.” He went silent. “What about a Nega-Gosalyn?” Liquidator blurted. Negaduck turned his gaze to Gosalyn who looked at him inquisitively. Megavolt smacked the hound aside the for asking such a question in front of her. “She’s there to.” Negaduck replied, and said nothing more on the matter. The Negaverse was 4 years behind Primeverse, but was more advanced in technology. He tugged at his collar again. Nega-Gosalyn would be 10 this year. It had been 5 years since Darkwing pulled the universal plug and had cut him off from the Negaverse….
5 years ago
Negaverse: St. Canard
  The streets of St. Canard were filled with unkept roads, neglected building, and its people running free and under little to no regulation. The only law was his law, it was Negaduck's haven. As he walked down the street, the St. Canardians would either run or bowed, he didn’t care for which and mostly ignored them. It was their way of showing respect to their lord. To some he was one of the few that Nega- Scrooge never challenged out right, or because of the freedom he gave them to do as they please. For other it was either the independent country of St. Canard, or under Nega- Scrooge McDuck’s iron curtain of New Duckburg. None could make the journey to the Cape Suzette Stronghold, the last safe place in a world gone mad.
He made his way home on foot. Since Negaduck had cut off St. Canard from the rest of the world, transportation was hard to come by. The only way to travel was by boat or plane, there hadn’t been any cars around in working condition since Negaduck cut ties with Duckburg. Transportation was one of the few things he did regulate. Negaduck had made it clear, that you can live here, but no one can leave. Nobody crossed the border without him knowing about it. This is how they came across Nega-Gosalyn, and a way to keep Nega- Scrooge at bay.
Nega-Waddlemeyer once developed weapons of mass destruction for Nega –Mcduck, his employer. Most of his weapons required a code to operate. When he inherited Nega- Gosalyn from his dead son, he taught her the codes, indirectly in way she could not understand, as a failsafe if anything were to happen and to him.  Unfortunately, for him Nega- Taura Bulba, under the order of Nega-F.O.W.L, killed Waddlemeyer and abducted Gosalyn. Unable to reach F.O.W.L headquarters, Bulba sought to transfer Nega-Gosalyn to the Primeverse, a place Nega-Mcduck could never reach. He and his team crossed the border St. Canard illegally, with Gosalyn in tow.
Negaduck had caught wind of the trespassers. Once he heard that they were F.O.W.L agents, he went after them personally, he didn’t want the international organization in his country. After dispatching of Bulba and his men, he met Gosalyn and learned about the Waddlemeyer codes. From that point on Negaduck was Gosalyn’s “guardian” and he made it abundantly clear to Nega-Scrooge, that if he set foot in St. Canard, he’d kill the girl. Negaduck, with exception of Nega-Launchpad, had no love for the child. Or so he thought.
The yellow clad dictator turned down his street and saw three children on his front lawn. One of them was Nega- Gosalyn, the other two were the Muddlefoot children. The children of St. Canard ran wild, the schools had either been closed or burned down, the only time they listen to their parents, was when they threaten to kill them, which some did. Nega- Launchpad however, home schooled Gosalyn, and he always babied her, though Negaduck never understood why his lover and right hand didn’t let Gosalyn toughen up. He didn’t care what the pilot did on his own time.
“Hand it over” Honker demanded, reaching in Gosalyn’s direction. “She earned that fair and square, leave her alone.” Tank asked politely. “I don’t care if she stole like a good little girl, I want it, don’t make me ask again.” Honker growled. Tank pushed Gosalyn behind him defensively. He normally wouldn’t fight, but he will to protect Gosalyn. Honker pulled out a long iron chain. “Now, for the last time-“ Honker stopped and grew quiet as soon as his brother turn pale as a sheet, and he saw Negaduck's silhouette.
“Muddlefoot,” Negaduck said in a calmly, though he was far from it. “You should know better than to ask once for something you want, let alone twice. I thought your father raised you better than that.” He had placed himself between Honker and the other two. “So disappointing, oh well.” Negaduck said, his voice growing more aggressive. Negaduck kicked the delinquent hard and he fell to the ground. Honker curled in a little ball bracing for what was coming. Negaduck continued to beat the boy while he was on the ground, ignoring pleas made by Gosalyn and Tank to have mercy. Honker eventually stopped moving, Negaduck didn’t kill him, he wanted the Honker Muddlefoot to remember this.
The child beating duck turned his attention to Tank, who stood between him and Gosalyn. It was known that the eldest child of Herbert Muddlefoot had a crush on Gosalyn and wanted to protect her on the streets of St. Canard. Negaduck always hated him for that, though he didn’t understand why, or at least he denied it. “Boy, Gosalyn needs to learn to fight her own battles and grow a backbone” Negaduck said no longer hiding his malice. He lifted Tank of the ground by his wrist. Tank squirmed to get away, and Gosalyn was crying, she knew what her father planned to do.
Negaduck used his free hand and slowly snapped Tank’s fingers. Tank screams drowned out Gosalyn begging for Negaduck to stop. Before he released Tank, Negaduck broke his wrist with a twist of his hand. He had left the boy, with a swollen broken hand. “Gather your brother, and get off my property.” Negaduck said without a hint of remorse. Tank did as he was told, and heaved Honker over his shoulder. They disappeared down the street.
Negaduck dragged a sobbing Gosalyn in to the house and sat her at the table in the kitchen. He waited for her to pull herself together, this wasn’t first time he had attacked her friends and it wouldn’t be the last. Gosalyn finally, stopped crying and dried her eyes. Unknown to the both of them, Nega-Launchpad had crept around the corner and was watching them. He had saw the commotion outside and had grabbed a rocket launcher. He was good to blast Honker to kingdom come, until Negaduck came along and did away with him.
The foul duck glowered at his daughter, she had pleaded for him to show mercy to Honker, even when he was trying mug her. Her kindness and sweet disposition, was rare in Nega- St. Canard. It often made her a target for thieves and local gangs. If Launchpad didn’t rain fire upon them, Negaduck would surely break bones, and/or kill those stupid enough to try. He didn’t want harm to come to his hostage. It wasn’t because of his parental instinct to protect Gosalyn. He had no love for her. She was just there.
“So, what did you steal that Muddlefoot wanted so badly?” Negaduck asked. He knew she wouldn’t lie to him, Hell anytime she broke a plate, she’d rat herself out. Gosalyn looked to him, her eyes were still red. “I never stole anything,” she croaked, her voice still horse. “Dad said you were coming home from Primeverse and I wanted to get you a welcome home present.” She reached in to the bag she had been caring prior to the attack. “You were gone for such a long time, I missed you, so I went to the market and spent my savings.” She continued. She rummaged through the bag, and produced an apple and a pin shaped like a rabbit with a frown on his face.
Gosalyn gave the items to Negaduck. Fruit such as apples, were considered a treat in St. Canard, the only way to get them was through Cape Suzette. Cape Suzette was ruled by Sheer Khan, and was the fickle ally of St. Canard. Negaduck and Khan had a simple agreement, they would come to the aid of if the other was attack by New Duckburg, and Cape Suzette would been the only trade partner of St. Canard. This often led to pricey tariffs that St. Canard had to pay, usually by fishing and cheap labor for Khan Industries, who had set up there.
The flip side of the one-sided trade arrangement, was Khan Industries had to deal with lawless that was Nega-St. Canard, there was no one there to protect them from its inhabitance. However, since most St. Canardians chose to fend for themselves, trade with Cape Suzette was seldom. Only one boat came in every 3 months. Because of this, produce like this cost an arm and leg, sometimes even a kidney. Gosalyn had paid for it in cash.
The second item was a pin of a white rabbit with it ears drooped and had a sour expression on his face. Negaduck examined the piece of plastic, it was a relic of a time before New Duckburg and before he took over St. Canard. He hated to small fuzzy creatures; they did taste good though. “I know you don’t like rabbits, because they don’t have a mean bone a mean bone in their body” Nega-Gosalyn explained. “So, when I saw an angry one amongst the rubble of an old abandoned Duckburgian cargo hold at the docks, I thought you might like it.” She grew silent. “Do you like it?” she asked sweetly. “No,” Negaduck said, though he shoved both items into his coat pocket, rather throw them out like he did with most things she had brought him in the past.
He looked around the suburban home. It was spotless. Gosalyn must have cleaned it for his arrival. Negaduck grabbed a nearby newspaper and pretended to read it. “Gos,’ he said with his head hidden behind the paper. “Do me a favor and dirty up the house, its nauseating.”. The duckling hopped to her feet with a smile on her face, and went upon her task. After everything she still wanted to please the horrid father. After she had left, Negaduck took out the rabbit pin and pinned to the inside of his coat. He went to over to a nearby wall mirror to adjust it.
After that he leaned against the wall and continued to read the newspaper, thinking he was alone. However, the fist whirling past his head and smashing the glass mirror proved him wrong. Negaduck look from the paper, knowing full well it was the only one bold enough to attack him in his own home. Nega-Launchpad glowered at Negaduck, who simply stared back. They had a staring contest for about a minute before Negaduck cracked a smirk and Launchpad leaned his massive head against the wall. “Hey Babe,” Negaduck said in a cocky tone. “You miss me?”
Nega-Mcquack growled, trying not to sound happy to see him. “You know I fucking hate being in charge.” he replied. “Every time you leave to Primeverse, you stay longer and longer. This put St. Canard at risk, what if Mcduck takes notices of your absent and attacks? Megavolt and his “friendly” 4 certainly do. They tried twice to take over. I might be your General, but I am no Goddamn leader.” Launchpad stopped his tangent for a moment.
Nega-Megavolt had always been a torn in the side of St. Canard. He had assembled a group of likeminded individuals, who wanted to take back St. Canard, and return it to its former glory. The organization was known as the Friendly 4, and its leaders Nega- Megavolt, Liquidator, Bushroot, and Quackerjack. To Nega- Launchpad, the liberators were nothing more than terrorist. According to Negaduck, Nega-Megavolt used to be his friend prior to his violent takeover of St. Canard, but they had a falling out.
“Plus” Launchpad continued “Half the time you do comeback, you look like Darkwing ate you then shit you out, and who has to put your dumbass back together? Me, that’s fucking who” He paused. “So yes, I am happy fucking happy you’re back you asshole!” Launchpad had always had a mouth, and was the only one that got to talk that way to Negaduck and live. It was part of his charm.
“You don’t think dad is a really an asshole, do you?” a worried Gosalyn asked from the stairs. She had finished destroyed her room when she the commotion downstairs. Launchpad directed his attention to Gosalyn and turned slightly green and red. He made it a point to not to curse in front of her, it was one of his little ways of protecting her. “Yes, he is,” he responded as he left Negaduck and made his way to the bottom of the stairwell. I know it, you know it, everyone in the fu-… err world knows it!” Negaduck tried to suppress a snicker, he agreed. Launchpad ignored him. “And don’t say that word again” he continued in a disciplinary tonality. “it is only for dads and other assholes to use.” Gosalyn answered back innocently. “But would that kind of logic make you both as- that word?”
Negaduck could help it anymore and almost kneeled over laughing at his pilot, there were times Gosalyn’s innocence was too much. He pulled himself together and smiled at the girl, something he rarely did. “Go finish your chores brat, and makes to break something expensive” He ordered reminding himself that he didn’t like her. “The adults need to talk.”. Nega- Gosalyn saluted her father and hurried off. He turned to face launchpad, who had was smirking with his arms crossed. “What?” Negaduck asked his smile disappearing. “Still going to deny it after today?” Nega-Launchpad snickered. “Ready to admit that you care for Gosalyn?”. Negaduck glowered at his pilot. “I don’t,” he replied. “She just lives here.”. The larger duck continued. “Oh really?” he said sarcastically. “What happen to “She is just a hostage”? Don’t think I didn’t see that little exchange between the two of you in the kitchen.”
Negaduck glared at eavesdropping aviator, “That meant nothing, don’t read too much into it” he growled. Launchpad leaned in close to his commander and placed on hand on the wall so Negaduck couldn’t get away easily. “Prove it then,” Launchpad challenged. “Give me the little trinket she gave you, since you are going to trash anyway.” Negaduck suddenly changed his tune. “I haven’t the slightest idea of what you're talking about.” The yellow clad mallard responded. “You can’t lie your way out of this one Negs.” Launchpad said as he closed in on Negaduck.
“What did she give you anyway?” Launchpad asked. Negaduck slide from against the wall and tried to flee to the living room, Launchpad followed. “I serious, don’t know what you’re talking about” Negaduck said. However, it was a fruitless effort, he never could fool his companion. Launchpad lunged at Negaduck in an attempt to grab his coat. Unfortunately for him, what the small duck lacked in size, he made up for in speed. *“Anas, Anas!” Negaduck said as if he were a bull fighter, then he expertly evaded his opponent and tripped him so he’d fall on the couch on his stomach.
Nega-Launchpad forgot all about Negaduck’s pin, rolled over and tried to get up. Negaduck didn’t give him the opportunity. He jumped on top of his pilot, subduing him. Launchpad struggled for a moment then stopped. Negaduck used his free hand to pull up his head tugging on his shirt, and looked at him wantonly. Launchpad didn’t protest, it had been awhile since he and Negaduck preformed any of the “love” in lovers. Frankly, even though he was still mad at him for leaving, he missed it and him.
Negaduck released him, and got off the couch. It was nothing more than a tease. “As much as I want to, I am only here for a supply.” Negaduck said. “I am heading out again, have to maintain the warp hole on the Prime-verse side of things”. Launchpad sat up. “You just got back!” he barked angry. “Look babe,” Negaduck said. Nega-Launchpad was one of the few people he didn’t want to disappoint, not on purpose anyway. “Once this job is done, I’ll have some down time until the portal reopens again.” Negaduck retrieved a duffel bag and started to fill it. “I’ll stay home during that time and do whatever you want do.”. Negaduck heaved the bag over his shoulder. “Promise?” Launchpad inquired, not fully believing him. Negaduck turned to his general. “You know I don’t make promises.” He answered.
He left the house for the last time that day. One that unfornate day, Darkwing discover his warp hole, and enter the Negaverse. He trained the Friendly 4 to be more affective in their goal to liberate St. Canard from Negaduck. As a result, they took Gosalyn away, but they didn’t dare take her out of Nega-St. Canard. They hated Negaduck, but the last thing they want is for Nega- Scrooge to invade. Negaduck tried to trap Darkwing in the Negaverse, via destroying the warp hole on the other side. However, Darkwing followed him in pursuit. The purple clad mallard pulled the universal plug, sending them both to Primeverse, and making it almost impossible for Negaduck to go back to his home world.
  Two days later….
Abandon candy factory
Primeverse: St. Canard.
 Negaduck had been growing more hostile as of late. Quackerjack watched as Bushroot comforted Spike, as he tinkered with his ‘toys”. Apparently, Negaduck tried to set the carnivorous plant on fire again. After Negaduck got cut off from the Negaverse, he had been taking a more active role as their leader and started to live with them. The clown, unlike the others, didn’t mind. Negaduck was an unstable madman like himself, and always found the duck’s mischief entertaining. Negaduck appeared from the main office, he was eating an apple, and sat at the table at the other end of the room. He ignored Spike who hissed at him. Quackerjack took note that Negaduck had developed a nervous tick, he would touch the inside his yellow coat, as if he was checking for something.
Negaduck's heart skipped a beat. “It’s gone, where is it?” he thought to himself. He began to feel himself panic, but didn’t show it. It was all he had left, and it was missing. Megavolt enter the common area with a load of laundry from the laundry mat. Since Megavolt looked the most normal out of the Fearsome 5, and could go out and about as Elmo Sputterspark, he was the designate errand rat. He dropped the basket on to the floor, a shiny piece of plastic bounced out. Megavolt picked it up and examined it. It was a pin of a white rabbit with a frown on his face.
Negaduck bolted over to Megavolt and jabbed him the gut, knock the wind out of him. Megavolt dropped the pin, which Negaduck caught midair, and crammed it into his pocket. It all happened so fast nobody registered what had occurred until Negaduck had disappeared down the hallway. When he was sure he was alone, the took out the rabbit shaped button and placed it back in the inside of his coat. “No,” he said to himself. “I do not care for the brat.” Though he wasn’t quite sure that anymore.
  The sound of a door opening, snapped Negaduck out his reminisce, and back to the present. Darkwing and Launchpad had come back. Drake entered the interrogation room and placed a sealed cup of green mush in front of Clone. Clone wasn’t chained to the chair anymore, but he was still wrapped tightly in a straightjacket. He sat there and stared at the cup. “How are we supposed to eat this, what is it anyway?” Clone asked, trying to find a reason to get out of the jacket. “Looks like something Launchpad made.”  Clone’s other personality answered. A mildly amused Darkwing put one of Gosalyn’s silly straws in to the cup. Clone shrugged and gulped it down in one sitting. He gagged. “It definitely tastes like his cooking!” both personalities said turning as green as the concoction Clone had consumed.
“Take it that, there is a Launchpad from your universe to?” Darkwing asked. Though it was a rhetorical question, Clone didn’t treat it as such.” There is not “a” Launchpad in a single universe,” Clone corrected him. “There are two, like every living thing in the Multiverse.” Darkwing gave him a puzzled look. “No,” he said confused. “There is only one Launchpad in the Primeverse, the only time I met another one is was when in the Negaverse.” Clone rolled his eyes. “The Negaverse is part of Primeverse, in fact they are the same universe.” His second personality answered. Darkwing stared at the older clone. “What are you talking about?” he quizzed. Darkwing still had his prior obligation, to investigate the Darkwing clones for S.H.U.S.H. If Clone had insight on the subject, he be a fool not take advantage of it.
“We keep forgetting that, most of the Multiverse is insolated, with the except of a few, no one in the multiverse is aware that they are mirrors.” Clone said bluntly. Darkwing listened carefully. “A single universe, acts like a magnetic field,” Clone’s second personality explained. “They have a positive poll called the Posiverse, which is you, and Negative poll, which is the Negaverse. The Posiverse and the Negaverse make up Primeverse, and balance each other, if one goes the other will fail. This true for all dimensions in the Multiverse.”
Darkwing gave Clone a perplexed stare.” I thought you say cooperate,” He said in an annoyed tone. “Whether you chose to believe us or not doesn’t change to the facts.” Clone answered in his 1st voice. “We intend to honor our agreement and answer your questions.’ Drake rubbed his eyes, and got right down to business. “Let’s start where we left off” he stated. “Why are you here? Why does Primeverse Megavolt need to die? Don’t you have your own Megavolt…. Sorry Megavolts, in your universe?” Darkwing paused. “Prove to me, that I should trust you Clone, what is your real name. You know mine.”
Clone was silent. Darkwing saw him twitch and knew that the personalities were arguing again internally. Clone spoke. “We no longer have a “real” name.” he replied with personalities in union. “If you must know it is Negawing Duck.” Darkwing jotted down the name in his notes. Negawing, continued. “As for the other questions, let me tell you a fact, and the tale of how We became how we came to be.” Darkwing gave him his undivided attention. “As a clone of Darkwing Duck,” Negawing started. “It is our primary job to protect the city, or in some cases country, of St. Canard. However, we have another job as its guardian.” He paused. “There are many different universes out there, but they all have a shared trait. The vail between the Posiverse and Negaverse is thin enough for people to cross over into them easily. 3 guesses as to where.” After the Darkwing Crisis, Drake had pretty good idea.” St. Canard.” He replied.
“Correct.” Negawing said. “Warp holes appear all over the city, most of them are small and unnoticeable, others are large enough for someone to cross through. Some lead to the Void, a network that connects the Multiverse. After the Darkwing Crises, some of the Darkwing clones began to monitor warp holes or outright destroy them” Darkwing listen quietly, his curiosity peaked. “Every Masked Mallard in existence, to some extent is a Quadworth, a person with the ability sense the warp holes. The level of this ability varies from those who can find warp holes and/ or maintain them, to those who can create them, we can only maintain them, find them. The power to perform all three is rare, yet one of the few able to do it is in your observation room.” Negawing went quiet and looked toward the mirrored wall. He knew Negaduck was in there.
Darkwing scoffed. He hated magic and didn’t want to believe that he was some sort of warp hole homing device. “That’s impossible” he retorted. “I am no wizard or a quadworth.” The older duck raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?” Negawing’s second personality answered. “Do think it is a coincidence, that magical incidents happen to you, your connection to the summoning of Duckthulhu, or the fact of all the brainwashable people in the Multiverse, Magica De Spell chose Darkwings?” Drake didn’t know what was harder to believe. The fact he was a quadworth, or Negawing knew about Duckthulhu. Then again Negawing was older that he was and had probably lived through it.
“Anyway,” Negawing continued, “We do not expect you to believe us, take it as it is” Negawing said as if he were talking to a stubborn child. “Now that you know how the Multiverse works and your role in it, let us tell you a tale of the Duck Knights who fail in their duty, and lost everything.” His voiced turned somber. “This is not an origin story is it?” Darkwing said in an irritated tone. Negawing answered just as annoyed. “Unfortunately, yes, yes, it is! Hopefully, you and Negaduck can learn from this cautionary tale.” Darkwing and the peanut gallery in the observation room gave a collectively groaned. They had asked for answers, now they were going get it and then some.
Chapter 6
Chapter 4
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pitifulmagicalocs · 5 years ago
Prequel Chapter 8
The C.D.Os-in-training set out to put a name to the threat on Helten, but they don't expect to find their answers quite so soon.
Link: https://jumpshare.com/v/gkU4qNyrttbB3QOWhO7W
Audiobook Link: https://jumpshare.com/v/WZfqgYwvMsDWmnuuY0MG
Words: 3'081
Characters: Isaac Salgado (POV), Clementine Bruin, Samuel Angioli, Brent Marple, Carter Penrose, Aaron Penrose, Gil the Security Guy.
Rating: PG (Potty mouths.)
Next Chapter: We meet our antagonist!
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constelacao-de-orionn · 5 years ago
Fazemos da nossa própria existência algo triste. Estamos sempre nos esquecendo daqueles que partiram.
As pessoas nascem, vivem e morrem, depois são esquecidas. E por assim se repete.
O que ninguém diz é que, lembranças daqueles que já se foram devem ser conservadas por aqueles que estão vivos para os seus desenvolvimentos no outro lado.
Então, se orgulhe.
faça coisas que farão as pessoas lembrarem de você todos os dias, mesmo depois de você ter partido.
Ao mesmo tempo que a vida passa muito devagar, ela também passa muito rápido.
Daqui há alguns segundos, podemos ser apenas lembranças, e não há nada mais triste do que morrer sem ter feito o que queríamos. Sem soubermos de como seremos lembrados pelas pessoas.
— c.d.o
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malokadosversos-blog · 7 years ago
Jesus Cristo sim , ele é o melhor pra você e para mim
C.D.O - Cheios de Odio
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zeroharley · 7 years ago
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インプレッサの修理。 (株式会社 fidea (fidea c.d.o))
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