#c;; mahtamo
gronthosargureos · 5 years
The oven dinged, indicating that it had come up to temperature as Mahtamo set his most recent batch of finished pastries on a wire rack to cool. As the girl entered the kitchen, he looked up from placing the next batch in the oven. "Anything in a box on the counter is off-limits, anything sitting on the table you're welcome to," he grabbed the bread dough out of the proving drawer and pointed with an elbow to the table laden with extras and pastries that weren't perfectly uniform in appearance.
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
"Why are you limping?"
“I tripped on a root and fell down a hill,” Mahtamo sank down on a log and wrenched off his boot.  Luckily it looked as though all he’d done was strained his ankle a little.  He probably just needed to rest it.  By the morning, it would be fine, he was sure of this.  “It’s nothing to worry about.  I’ve had worse,” granted, it looked a little swollen, but since he’d been able to walk on it with only minor difficulty, he was sure it wasn’t as bad as it looked.  
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
🍬 - go shopping for Halloween candy
“I know what it looks like,” Mahtamo looked down at his cart full of brightly-colored bags of candy.  “I’m using it to cook with.  I swear.  Mostly,” the rest of it was going to be donated to the candy stockpile at work.  His apartment building didn’t house any children and though there were several living on his street, they rarely came by because of the gate out front.
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
@nessaastalda liked for a starter
As the evening’s festivities wore on, Mahtamo excused himself to slip out of the room for some air.  He still didn’t know why his father insisted on his presence in Nargothrond.  His twin Mélamo was more than capable of charming their allies.  Mahtamo could just as easily have stayed behind in Himring.  No matter, it wasn’t his place to question.  The tall redhead gripped the railing and took a deep breath.  “Sorry,” he said once he realized he wasn’t alone, “I wasn’t aware this balcony was already occupied.”
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
😱 (Mahtamo && Maedhros?)
[txt: Dad] Dad. Dad. Dad what have I done?[txt: Dad] I volunteered to bake for a fundraiser we’re having for the airfield[txt: Dad] I didn’t realize I’d be baking everything for the fundraiser.[txt: Dad] everything in my apartment is covered in flour i’m covered in flour i have more cookies and cakes and bars than i have counter space and fridge space and table space and chair space and i am literally borrowing my upstairs neighbor’s kitchen to cook in while he goes and gets another bag of chocolate and i’m out of sugar[txt: Dad] HELP
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
@inkwoodprince liked for a starter
Mahtamo had never trusted darkness.  There were monsters in the dark (his uncles had been good at scaring him and his brother into staying safely cocooned in their beds as children).  So now, settled under an over hanging rock, Mahtamo kept vigilant watch from beyond his campfire, alert for any signs that there were more than animals out there.
A snapping twig in the forest had him reaching for his bow and an arrow.  “Who’s there?”
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
Ari and Mahtamo for the ship meme?
who’s the cuddler: BOTH OF THEM.  BOTH CUDDLE FOR HOURS.
who makes the bed: Ari does, he’s more alert first thing in the morning... slightly.
who wakes up first: Both of them need to be up early, and Ari is one of those Morning People.
who has the weird taste in music: Ari hands down.  He loves experimenting... “What are you doing? Is that even music?” “I call it... rap.”
who is more protective: Mahtamo, he’s finally gotten a good thing that makes him happy, anyone who wants to take that away is going to get either punched or shot full of arrows.
who sings in the shower: Áritinwë.  Unless Mahtamo’s in there with him, then he’s a bit too distracted to do so.
who cries during movies: Depends on the movie/genre.  They both have different things they’re sensitive to that make them cry.
who spends the most while out shopping: Mahtamo, who buys a lot of stuff for baking/cooking
who kisses more roughly: Ari, trying to stake his claim. ;)
who is more dominate: They’re both pretty laid back, but Ari would rather Mahtamo take the lead unless he’s worshiping and trying to boost his beloved’s confidence.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: My love for these two transcends mere ratings.
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
💭 + Leggy
“What? How should I…? Why would you think…? I don’t know, probably blonde hair everywhere.  He’s like a romance novel love interest.  Either he’s going to be the noble elven prince or down and dirty like some kind of pirate captain.  I’m probably the wrong person to ask this question.”
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) (Oh God, I gotta do this for everyone, don’t I?)
Ecthelion: Content to laze around in the afterglow or ogle you while you get dressed.  Is a big ol’ slug after sex.
Angrod: With very few exceptions, he does not cuddle.  Ever.  Since most of his sexual encounters tend to be more casual without the intervention of feelings, don’t count on him sticking around after.
Mahtamo: So touch-starved he melts when someone so much as holds his hand, oh yeah, he’s a giant teddy bear after sex.
Celebrimbor: Wants to chat, but otherwise gets drowsy not long after.  Expect nuzzling.
Ruivenwe: More adventurous kink-wise, so he’s meticulously attentive with aftercare.  Lots of kisses and snuggling.
Moroimequen: Lays on you.  Like a giant ass fucking puppy.
Aritinwe: Hope you don’t have anywhere to be.  Will cuddle for hours.
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
(Carafin for Mahtamo, set during second age before it was discovered he was being abused by Moicaro) ❝ Do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer? ❞ The younger redhead murmured, looking up at Mahtamo with large, pleading silver eyes. After a stressful day where Moicaro had accosted him in the halls, Carafin just wanted to be held by someone who wouldn't hurt him or ignore him for someone else. Everyone abandoned him at some point so the time Mahtamo did that didn't really count.
“Sure…” awkwardly, the tall elf wrapped an arm around Carafin’s shoulders.  It was years since he’d done more than briefly touch another person.  He wasn’t sure if he was doing this right, for a moment, Mahtamo fought against the urge to pull his arm away from his cousin, afraid he was going to do something wrong or hurt him somehow.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, “I… haven’t done anything like this in a while.”
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gronthosargureos · 6 years
@loyalservants​ continued from
                             ANGANÁRO laughedJOYOUSLY, wrinkling forming beside his eyes as he listened to Mahtamo. ❝ My love, I thought I was the poetic one between the both of us. ❞ He laid back down upon the grass, sighingblissfully as he stared up to thebluest of skies. Once did he see that in Eregion with his mother when he was but a child and once as they sailed to Valinor.
                            ❝ But I cannot help but wonder, Mahtamo, that having you to love me was naught but sheerimagination of my MIND, ❞ he spoke again. ❝ I just… don’t believe I deserve you. ❞ His eyes glanced at his own hand which he then briefly brushed against Mahtamo’s as if hesitating. Then he did grasp his hand and squeezed it as if his lover was going to be ROBBED from him. ❝ I… I just think this is a dream. ❞
“You are,” Mahtamo pointed out, “But sometimes I open my mouth and it falls out.”  He glanced over at the man beside him.  How beautiful... the sound of his laugh was one he could probably listen to for the rest of eternity.  He had no idea how he’d won Anganáro’s heart, but it was a wonderful turn of events.
“I feel as though I should be saying that,” he was no half-Maia.  Mahtamo rolled over to grasp Anganáro’s hand, smiling at him in a way that was full of light and joy.  “If this is a dream, it’s a good one... and one that I don’t want to wake up from,” he took the hand he held and gently kissed the back of it like he’d seen his parents do.  “But happily, neither of us are dreaming.
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
📜- Read them poetry! :33 from Anga to Mahtamo pffft
It seems to me he’s equal to the gods, the manwho sits within the scope of your sweet voice andof your laughter which stirs the heart within my breast
Mahtamo let himself drift away, listening to the sound of his beloved’s voice reading from a small volume of poetry.  Anganáro had such a skill with words, he could just listen to him forever.  Mahtamo himself was not a skilled wordsmith, for which he often castigated himself.  He wanted to be able to sweep the half-Maia off his feet with his words and not just his food.
Seeing you like this,even for a second,stops my sighswithin.
“You have a beautiful voice,” he didn’t mean for the words to slip out and interrupt Anganáro’s recitation for him, so his cheeks and ears turned red.  To counteract that embarrassment, he leaned up onto his elbows to slowly kiss the dark-haired being and swallow the sweet words.
Yet my tongue freezesand beneath my skin a fire rages and…my eyes are empty butmy ears are full.
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
✋ ( from Elen for Mahtamo )
✋ Play with your muse’s hair.
Mahtamo leaned against Elen’s legs and closed his eyes as the younger elf gently tugged and played with his hair.  He’d never particularly enjoyed having his hair played with, but he’d never realized how soothing it was.  After a moment, his eyes opened as he looked up at the sky.  “Do you think we’ll ever be able to fly?” he blurted out, “Just spread wings and take off?”
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
The boys with healers:
Celebrimbor: “Look, how quick do you think you can get me up and running again? I’ve got a big order to fill by next month.” Healer: “Um... you’ve broken your leg... you aren’t going anywhere for a while.” Celebrimbor: “Then get me a chair and some wheels and I’m fixing that.
Mahtamo: “It’s just a scratch! I can still fight!” Healer: “You are literally bleeding out as we speak.”
Ruivenwë: “It’s alright, here, insert the needle there... no... there... ow.”
Moroimequen: “*bites the healer and hides on top of a cabinet*”
Ecthelion: “Can you set me up near the entrance to the tent? I need to gaze forlornly out at the battlefield.” Healer: “... Why.” Ecthelion: “And I need my flute.” Healer: *two weeks later* “I’m going to break that flute.”
Áritinwë: “Thank you, you’ve been a marvelous help, but I’m fine now... why are you smiling at me like that?” Healer: “Are you married?” Áritinwë: “... Good grief.”
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gronthosargureos · 6 years
Mahtamo & Anganáro for that ship name thing :33
who wakes up first in the morning:Mahtamo the baker.  After centuries of steering Eregion through a war and strife, Anganáro’s more than earned the right to sleep in.
who’s the first to fall asleep at night:They both tend to fall asleep right around the same time.  Mahtamo might fall asleep a little after him if only because he likes to see Anganáro relaxing as he falls asleep.what they playfully tease each other over:Mahtamo likes to tease Anganáro about his poetry.  Anga likes teasing Mahtamo about how his entire face turns red when he reads said poetry or how absurdly tall he is (Mahtamo will gripe right back about his height or lack thereof).what they do when the other’s having a bad day:Anganáro will read to him or play with his hair.  Mahtamo will make his favorite treats.  Mahtamo somehow manages to have more bad days even if they’re getting fewer and farther between.how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments:Mahtamo’s solutions mostly involve food.  He’ll make Anganáro’s favorite dinners and be a nervous wreck until forgiven.  Anga usually flops down beside him and tries to get him to smile (His parents did that all the time to him and to each other)which one’s more ticklish:Anganáro.  Much to his chagrin, Mahtamo discovers this one night accidentally.their favourite rainy day activities:Playing games like chess or whatever Valinor’s equivalent of Risk or Catan is.  Anganáro usually wins.  Mahtamo studies strategy for the next time.how they surprise each other:Mahtamo manages to win at their games every once in a while.  Anga attempts to cook for him.their most sickening shows of public affection:It takes literal months for them to progress beyond holding hands in public.  Sometimes there will be a meeting or a gathering, Mahtamo will wrap himself around Anganáro and cuddle him against his chest.
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gronthosargureos · 6 years
The twins weren’t familiar with the traveler that entered their home, but Imladris had always welcomed travelers. Laure only watched, the young elleth always watchful like a raven, and her sister shook her head a bit. Rina walked quietly, barely making a sound her gown appearing to simply float above the stone walkways. “Greetings. Welcome to Imladris.” The smith said quietly. “Do you need help with anything?”(Twilightblossom)(releases the teins upon Mahtamo)
Mahtamo had come in search of a ring that had once belonged to his father.  How it had fallen into Elen’s grasp, he had no clue, but he was ready to persuade them to return it… if only because it was sentimental to him.  By ready, it meant he might actually be willing to break down into tears.  He seemed out of place in this serene valley, clothes and hair in a mess, the glow he gave off as one of the Quendi dimmed by exhaustion and a layer of grime on his skin.
In short, he didn’t look like the kind of guest Imladris typically welcomed.
Now he found himself wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him or if he had finally gone mad at the sight of the girl who seemted to be hovering along the walkway.  Weird, but then he’d known Galadriel.
“I came to see the one who rules this place on a matter of business that is personal,” he probably sounded gruffer than he meant to, oh well.  Years in the wilds had dulled what few diplomatic skills he’d had to begin with.  
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