#c; vax'ildan
hcpefuldreaming · 6 months
@hxlcycnx (Keyleth & Vax)
Of the people in Keyleth's life that she cared deeply about, the friends she had made at the Slayer's Cake were rather high up there, especially Vax. He was incredible in her eyes, but she kept quiet about her thoughts as she entered the bakery and waved in greeting to a regular she usually had at her floral shop before she walked over to the counter and smiled warmly at the familiar face. "Vax, I'm glad you're here because I have something for you." She muses, holding out a pot with a snapdragon standing in the middle of it. "It's just a little thank you for the kindness you give me, and to everyone else, I'm sure." She quickly adds with a blush as she puts it down gently. "If you don't like it, that's also okay, I just wanted to repay you in some way."
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galaxydrcaming · 1 year
vax  smiled  softly.  “he  has  a  good  mom.  he’ll  know  better.”  he  knew  because  his  mom  raised  him.  vax  didn’t  want  to  think  about  the  person  he  would  be  if  his  father  had  raised  him.  his  mother  was  kind,  and  expected  kindness  from  her  children.  he  always  thought  the  other  was  kind  like  that,  surely  her  son  would  be  too.
 “cheer  up.”  vax  nudged  as  he  got  started  on  the  pasta.  “you  aren’t  going  to  die  an  old  maid  with  a  bunch  of  cats,  mel.  i  don’t  know  much  about  much,  but  i  do  think  good  people  find  good  people.”  after  all,  he  found  vox  machina,  hadn’t  he?  he  wished  that  kind  of  luck,  that  found  family  for  everyone,  but  especially  his  friend.  “we  should  go  out  soon,  go  to  the  bars,  set  you  up  with  a  nice  person.  i’ll  be  your  wingman.”  he  teased.
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Melinda smiles sheepishly as she looks down and nods in agreement, hoping that he was right. "You're a good friend, Vax, you know that?" She asks, honestly hoping that he did know that. With a small sigh, she grabs a pillow and puts it in front of her, resting her chin on it. "Okay, but having a bunch of cats doesn't sound like a bad idea, old maid or not." Melinda admits with a laugh, her smile faltering for a moment as she remembers something. "The women in my family never had the best of luck with men, unfortunately, but sure, once I'm free and have a babysitter for Phoenix, we can do that! How will you be my wingman though, what would be your approach there, because now I'm curious."
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harusuki · 7 months
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the legend of vox machina gifset per episode season 2 episode 6: into rimecleft
tip jar
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justafandomgvrl · 6 months
Bitch you ask for a headcanon I shall provide ya:
How well does the rest of the team do as petsitters for Trinket? Do they fail a lot or are these guys used to petsitting by now? Does Grog try to feed him ale?
Grog definitely tried to give him ale - once, before Vex all but chewed him out so hard he couldn’t look at her. Other than that if anyone even looks at Trinket he’s got his weapon out.
Scanlan refuses point blank to look after Trinket. He just does not like that bear. At all. For no reason. And the feeling is mutual.
Vax successfully sneaks ale to Trinket and Grog pouts about it. Vax is the second best pet sitter for Trinket, partially because the bear is part of his family but mainly because his sister scares him.
Percy and Trinket have a respect and understanding for each other. Trinket knows to be safe. Percy knows to let him do his thing. Vex loves them both.
Pike is sweet with Trinket but she smells like Scanlan and he is not a fan of that. So she has to bathe before she can look after him.
Then there’s Keyleth. Sweet, loving, Keyleth. I think Trinket has a softness for Keyleth, doing as he’s told the way he does with Vex. Sometimes she becomes a bear and they just sit together, other times she druidcrafts flowers to make into a crown for him.
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isa-ghost · 1 year
Sorry narrative, you can't doom me. I'm just a silly little guy
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blorbologist · 2 years
Two for joy - Chapter 15
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Keyleth is already awake, wrapped in shawls and her mantle when Vax pads, barefoot, to join her in a breakfast just outside their modest home.
“Morning,” she greets. “Man, I've missed food from home. Not that Whitestone’s or the Mansions’ weren’t great.” Her brows furrow as she registers what she just said. “I mean. The chicken and waffles at sunrise weren’t great. Not at all. But could be worse-”
“Have you ever had a dream you half expect to be wistful thinking?” Vax blurts out. Rubs at his eyes. “Sorry, Kiki. Hardly awake yet.”
Keyleth nudges him sympathetically and offers him her fork. Absentminded, Vax pilfers with permission - shoveling some scrambled eggs onto a bite of jammy toast.
“What kind of dream are we talking about?” she asks gently. “Do you mean - like, I’d sometimes dream my mom was still around. Or that we weren’t fighting dragons. That sort of thing, or something bigger? Also - gross. Jam and omelet?”
“I’m efficient,” Vax argues. He uses a buttered slice for his next mouthful, though. Gods he loves her. Gods he loves Gilmore, too, sleeping in no matter their chatter. “I’m not sure, Kiki.”
Another bite. She’s right - Zephrah makes killer breakfasts. Counterbalancing the fresh eggs and bread tasting of sunshine with bites of fruits that bottled that warmth and made it almost candylike. He’s sure most kings and sovereigns eat ignobly by comparison.
“It’s - what if you dreamt of a goddess who wasn’t your own. Saying exactly what you dared hope - that it might have been a mistake. That, maybe, you could change things.”
Keyleth’s fingers alight on his wrist. Vax can feel his entire face melt with affection as she guides the next bite her way instead. She hums in thought as she chews.
“I think,” she says, “that I’ve never dreamt of any gods. And I hope I never will. But… I think, instead of me, I’d ask Pike.”
[One for sorrow] [Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3]  
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house-of-kolchek · 1 year
Twisted Tango (18+)
Vax'ildan x Reader
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Enjoy the elf smut. That's all.
Word Count: 6169 (nice.)
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It wasn’t often you found the opportunity to dress up. 
So, when the Sovereign Uriel of Emon called for a formal dinner… gala… whatever the hell Percy had called it, you couldn’t help the surge of excitement at the opportunity to let your hair down - literally - and find a nice dress that would outline the smoother aspects of your battle-hardened form.
That, and you hoped to maybe catch the attention of a certain half-elf.
You arrived to the venue, feeling bright and tall in a fitted dress embellished by twin slits on either side, reaching your mid-thigh. Though they felt a little wobbly, you’d chosen the pair of striking heels Keyleth had suggested, giving you an extra couple inches of height and complimenting the colour of your outfit. Having just barely arrived, you’d already received multiple compliments and stares. Even Vex had voiced her approval, shooting you with a knowing look and a quirked brow that sent a flush to your cheeks.
But they were nothing compared to the moment when Vax noticed you. 
The rogue - who was dressed quite handsomely himself, with his usually loose hair gathered to a low ponytail - faltered in his steps, nearly running into Scanlan as his eyes stuck to you. As the gnome started shouting a few choice words, Vax simply ignored him, his attention solely stuck to you. You couldn’t help but catch the slight warmth that dusted Vax’s cheeks, and the quirk in his lips, his gaze flickering from your feet to the top of your head. 
At that moment, Percy took the opportunity to lecture the group on proper etiquette, breaking whatever spell had fallen over the two of you. With that, you simply sent Vax a bashful smile, turning your attention to the gunslinger and preparing to break out your admittedly rusty people skills. 
As your group finally entered the expansive castle, a hand gently brushed against the back of yours, and you glanced to your left to catch Vax’s soft grin. He dipped his head towards yours, stealing your breath away as he dropped his voice to a near-whisper.
“You look fantastic,” he uttered. It was simple and quiet, yet it still sent your heart rate into overdrive. You thanked him, offering a look and a compliment of your own that decorated his cheeks with a matching warmth.
Surveying the room, you strayed off towards one of the walls, though you felt Vax’s gaze follow. With a fairly noble history, you found yourself slipping into a pleasant smile, meaningless greetings and empty chuckles. When a racket of noise sounded from the middle of the room, you had to bite back a snicker at the sight of Grog and Pike, throwing back glasses of champagne as if they were shots. 
Your amusement was short lived, however, as your gaze slid over to Percy, your heart dropping at the expression painting his features. Gone was his excitement, his wonder at speaking with all the diplomats, lord and ladies. You instead saw a strange combination of visceral fear and rage swirl in his eyes, and excused yourself from the bland conversation you’d been sharing with a Lady who’s name you’d already forgotten. 
By the time you’d reached him, the rest of the party had joined, surrounding the man in a small circle. His gaze was haunted and distant, and you were nearly at the point of snapping in front of his face before Vex pulled him from whatever trance he was in.
“Those two…” Percy uttered, describing the fall of his home at the hands of the couple - you’d overheard their names as the Briarwoods - Sylas and Deliliah. They seemed unassuming, like perfectly reasonable, if anything rather pompous characters, but if Percy spoke truth…
“Should we say something? To Uriel?” Vax offered, sending a curious glance towards the retreating couple. His brows had furrowed in that slight way, deepening with suspicion. Percy refuted - how could you say anything without any proof?
“Well, it looks like they’re staying overnight,” Vex commented, laying a supportive hand on Percy’s shoulder. You followed her gaze, noting the trunk that was being dragged up a distant stairway. In your sympathy for Percy, and newfound distrust of the couple, you began circulating different ideas of how to find any proof of wrongdoing. 
Naturally, Vax beat you to the punch.
“Why don’t I make myself scarce, and slip into their chambers. See if I can figure anything out,” He suggested, this time earning the group’s agreement. Nodding his head, he turned towards the staircase, until you caught his arm.
“I’m coming with you,” you stated. No room for questioning. “You’ll need a lookout. Y’know, just in case someone else decides their bedroom is a good place to throw a party.”
Vax didn’t resist your grasp, and his lips twitched upward at your joke. With a whispered agreement, he offered you his arm, and you looped your hands around the bend of his elbow.
He guided you through the room, matching the pleasant greetings and smiles you sent towards other guests. If he was impressed by the way you swiftly and politely dodged conversations with the nobles, directing their attention to other bragging opportunities, he didn’t show it. 
Though he did gently elbow your side as you turned towards the staircase, fixing you with an amused grin. 
You slipped up the staircase easily, your arms parting at the end of the hallway, though you continued to crave the soft warmth he’d provided. You followed his lead, ducking behind an archway in the oncoming hallway. You held your breath, waiting for one of the guards to pass through the hall, before Vax ushered you to creep along the wall. He stalked behind the guard, flicking his foot to the side to gain their attention towards the opposite wall, motioning for you to slip past. You watched as he expertly circled around the guard, remaining completely unseen as he caught up to you.
He sent you a quick, cocky grin, quirking one of his brows before motioning for you to follow him into the next hallway. To say you were impressed was an understatement, and you nearly got caught up in your distraction, as by the time you reached him, he was…
Why was he unbuckling his belt?
You watched him throw the belt into the hallway, incredulous as you peeked into the room. The article hit the ground, forming into a snake that clearly caught the attention of the two guards in front of the door to the chambers. With mirroring exclamations of confusion, they raced after the snake, leaving the hall empty. Vax caught your hand in his, leading you towards the door as he picked the lock, the both of you sparing a last glance around the hall before slipping into the room.
“You weren’t going to tell me you’re literally wearing a snake?” You whispered, shaking your hands out. Vax only chuckled, shooting you another cocky grin as you stepped further into the room.
“One of the many tricks up my sleeve,” he remarked, glancing at the door. You huffed out a laugh, keeping next to the door to listen for any commotions outside.
Vax swept through the room, rifling through drawers, papers - even checking under the bed. Finding nothing, he let out a disgruntled sigh, catching your gaze before turning to the last item in the room. You watched as he opened the trunk, yanking out article after article of clothing until it was empty. 
“Wait - look at this,” he uttered, and you stepped forward, watching him run his fingers along the top of the trunk until it made a clicking sound. The item shifted, shelves full of strange items emerging from the sides. The top panel opened to display a wicked looking book with a skull plastered across the front. 
“Well there’s your evidence,” you commented, leaning over Vax’s shoulder as he picked up the book, running his fingers along the cover before flipping through a few pages. Most of the scrawled writing was incoherent, scribbled out in a language you didn’t quite recognize. However, the ominous pictures and sketches of skulls were enough to carve a pit in your stomach. 
“The whispered one?” Vax muttered, hesitating on one page before a muffled voice rang through the hall. Both of your heads snapped up, and you cursed, rushing to refill the trunk as he tucked the book into his jacket. 
“We need a distraction!” You hissed, reaching to pull him to his feet. Your thoughts raced for a moment, gaze desperately flickering throughout the room until your eyes rested on one of the pillars of the bed. Vax grunted as you spun around, leaning your back against the pillar and yanking him forward until his chest nearly pressed against yours.
You couldn’t words, your stomach dropping and your eyes widening at the position you’d put yourselves in. Suddenly, it felt like a stupid idea. What the hell would Vax think? But then the voices continued to get closer - the deep echoing timbre of a man that had to be Sylas Briarwood.
Vax’s lips parted, his brows raising in a sort of confused shock. As you dropped his hands, they hovered in place, right above the curves of your waist. You swore his pupils dilated, his eyes searching your own, before dropping to your mouth. And then, as dread and horror all started to twist their way into your brain, he blinked, a choked sound forming in the back of his throat before he surged to crash his lips against yours.
Your chest exploded in sparks, your brain quickly catching up with you as you attempted not to fall into the kiss. This was a distraction - a way to excuse your presence in the room. It would be easy to play the eager couple getting too hot and heavy to find the right room. You hiked one leg over his hip, pulling him flush against you as his hand cupped the bare skin of your thigh. You found his free hand, guiding it to slide up the side of your torso until his thumb just barely brushed the underside of your breast. 
This was a distraction.
Was it?
Vax let out a short gasp, seeming to buckle further into your form at the brush of his thumb. His mouth was hot against yours, a low sound clipping in the back of his throat as the door opened, and light filtered into the room. 
It was over before you’d even processed it, and Vax broke away from his lips, swinging his head to the doorway and feigning surprise at the new presence. Your lips still tingled as you followed his gaze, catching the eyes of Deliliah Briarwood. Vax’s grip grew tight along your hip, and you fought to ignore the sparks it shot up into your chest.
“Oh dear- we must have ended up in the wrong room,” you drawled, and you didn’t really need to try and add an extra husk to your voice. You caught Vax’s gaze quickly, his eyes flashing with something you hadn’t seen before, something almost hungry as he moved to drop your leg to the ground. “I’m sorry about that, as you can see, we got a little eager.”
The Lady Briarwood’s lips parted, as if she were about to say something, and you finally processed the fact that you might have actually gotten away with it, until her gaze fell on something just past your feet. You dared to follow her sight, your heart dropping as you noticed the open trunk, which must not have latched properly. 
Vax also seemed to acknowledge the fact that you were, in fact, busted, as he scrambled to stand fully, his hand finding yours to pull you behind him. 
“Right, we’ll just get out of your hair then,” he rushed, beginning to yank you toward the door with him, when Sylas Briarwood caught his collar. The man grinned, looking absolutely wicked as his eyes flashed with gold, and then Vax froze, dropping your hand. 
“Wait- Vax!” You cried, rushing to get between the two, when Sylas punched you - hard. You flew backwards, crashing into the wall and falling to the ground. Your head throbbed and the world around you grew fuzzy, Deliliah’s form blurring as she draped herself onto the bed. Shaking your head, you propped yourself onto your elbows, your vision snapping back into place just as Sylas sunk his teeth into Vax’s neck.
He cried out, his eyes flickering back to their normal hue as he fell forward, hitting the ground just in front of you. He was on his feet in the next second, catching sight of you and reaching to pull you up. He stood in front of you with one arm outstretched from his side, and the other clutching at his blood-soaked neck. 
You uttered his name, watching as the Briarwoods approached you with matching wicked smiles. Vax’s hand found yours, and suddenly he was running in the opposite direction, only turning around again to wrap his arm around you, pulling you into his chest as he jumped backwards, crashing through the window. 
You barely had time to gasp before you jolted in midair, Vax grunting in pain as his back hit something solid, and then you were spinning the rest of the way down, only coming to a stop when you both landed in a pool of water. He grunted again, a rush of bubbles tickling your face as you hit the bottom of the fountain. 
With a gasp, you broke through the water’s surface, adrenaline forcing you onto your feet. The water came up to your knees, and you reached to drag Vax up with you, the rogue looking closer to unconsciousness than you liked. You could feel the Briarwoods’ gazes from their window as you hooked your arms under his, struggling against the water to drag him from the fountain. 
“Shit.. Shit- Vax! C’mon we gotta go!” You hissed, earning a half-coherent groan from him as the ground shook below you. You dared to glance up, pure visceral fear striking through you as you watched Sylas step out of the now cracked concrete, and towards you. You had no weapons, no real way of fighting back as Deliliah appeared next to her in a cloud of dark purple smoke. 
Your heel caught on something beneath the water, sending you tumbling back, Vax falling with you and into your chest. You heard a rumbling chuckle from Sylas, as Vax gasped awake, reaching to clutch at his neck again. You wrapped a feeble arm around his waist, feeling his hand brush against your leg pressed against his side. You were fucked, and you knew it. 
And still, Vax leaned forward, pushing off the ground as your arm fell away from him. Seemingly out of nowhere, he unearthed one of his daggers, surging forward on unsteady feet and taking a swipe at the man standing twice his size. You followed suit, rushing to stand and raising your fists. 
Vax swung the dagger again, just barely missing the sleeve of Sylas’ arm. You surged forward in an effort to distract the man, swinging a fist, which he easily caught. He bent your wrist back, drawing a sharp gasp from your lips, until Vax’s dagger dug harshly into the top of his shoulder. 
Sylas barely even flinched, swinging you backwards and reaching around to catch Vax by the throat. You landed back into the water, spitting out a short stream and looking up just in time to see Sylas swipe, leaving angry red slices across Vax’s stomach. He yelped out, growing limp in the man’s grip, and you scrambled onto your feet once more. Without thinking, you plucked one of your shoes from your feet, hurling it at the man’s head and catching him across the cheek. 
He barely flinched, his gaze darting your way before returning to the half-elf. Whatever words he said were drowned out by a shrill cry, and a bird - whom you had to assume was Keyleth - dove across his face, slashing across his cheek with her talons. 
This time Sylas did flinch, throwing Vax across the fountain before whirling around to face Keyleth. Your surge of relief was once again overpowered by fear. You rushed to Vax, your heart dropping at the pool of blood dying the water around him, when a sudden force of dark energy hit your side, sending you flying back once again. You shouted, gripping at your side and flicking your gaze to meet Deliliah’s menacing grin.
“For fuck sake, I am getting real tired of being thrown around!” you roared, kicking your other heel off and rushing towards the woman. You dodged another burst of magic from her, diving in close to swing a leg towards her. She caught the kick, extending a hand and curling her fists. Your eyes couldn’t help widening as a force seemed to squeeze on your throat, fully constricting your airway.
Just as quickly, that force was gone, and Deliliah darted to the side to avoid a sharp gunshot from Percy. Stumbling backwards, you just barely brushed soothing fingers against your neck, sparing a brief glance towards Percy - his teeth gritted and eyes wild. 
You hadn’t seen that look on Percy before.
A shout from Grog caught your attention instead, and you almost wanted to cry at the sight of him covered in angry cuts, Sylas’ blade hovering and seeming to glow. Another shout from Pike had you whirling around, as she fell against a burst of Deliliah’s magic. 
“Wait, where’s-”
Your babble was cut off as a hand caught your arm, tugging you back out of the fountain. You could hear Vex’s voice, her familiar deep timbre and accent, though you couldn’t make out one word she was saying. Suddenly, a huge wall of green vines erupted in front of you, snapping you from a daze as you fell back into Vex’s grasp. 
“Love- are you alright?” She asked, and you frantically met her gaze, before searching the rest of the group. 
Your gaze finally settled on Vax, upright and missing those horrifying slashes across his torso. While Pike must have taken the time to heal him, he still looked worse for wear, blood dripping from smaller cuts as Keyleth supported one of his arms over her shoulders. 
“I’m okay yeah,” you breathed, catching his gaze, and the flickering relief that settled between you two. 
Until Percy let out a wicked scream.
The group whirled around, catching sight of the retreating figures of the Briarwoods. Percy took aim, emptying his barrel without any luck, before whirling around again, his eyes seeming to glow with anger. 
You stepped back.
“You let them get away!” He cried, pointing at Keyleth.
“Hey!” you snapped back, though he wasn’t listening, his attention returning to the Briarwoods’ abandoned footman. He stepped towards the trembling figure - who looked no older than just a boy, really - demanding questions, and receiving shaky, desperate answers. 
“I don’t know anything!” the boy cried, stretching his hands out in front of him. A black smoke seemed to surround the two of them, and the world around you felt like it was growing cold. A gunshot rang out, and the boy screamed as his fingers flew off his hand.
“Percy!” Vex shouted, dropping your arm to rush forward a few steps. You barely heard the argument between the two of them as you watched the boy curl in on himself, a wave of confusion, sympathy, and fear washing over your shoulders. 
And then the palace doors opened, and everyone was ordered to their knees.
In the grand scheme of things, you’d gotten off easy. 
It didn’t stop you from grumbling as your weapons were stripped away from you, and the doors to your keep slid shut, clicking with a heavy lock. House arrest, until the council and the sovereign could all determine just what the hell had happened that night. 
While your bones and your head ached, you decided against going to Pike, opting to give her some space as she kept a distant stare at the wall. You could always take the edge off with a spare elixir or two that you’d stashed in your room. 
As you stalked away from your chambers, still tired, but feeling more refreshed than before, you caught sight of Vax’s door, which was just slightly ajar. Peeking forward, you saw him laid back on his cot, his gaze fixated somewhere along the ceiling. Surveying his form, he looked relatively unscathed, save for a few slight scratches, and two angry looking pinpricks along the side of his neck. 
A heavy breath of relief left you. He was okay. 
“Are you gonna continue to stare at me or come in?” his voice rang out, startling you out of your thoughts. With all that had happened, you’d forgotten just how good his hearing was. 
You stepped into the room, closing the door as he pushed himself to a seated position. The silence between you grew stuffy and awkward, your gaze darting from the dim expression in his eyes to the cracked stone tile that laid just at the foot of his cot. Your fingers tangled together, your foot tapping on the ground as you chewed on your lower lip.
“Almost lost you back there.” You intended it as a lighthearted joke, though it felt like it couldn’t quite reach your eyes. Vax was quiet, his brows falling and his lips turning downwards as he took in your expression. Leave it to him, being able to see right through the meek defence you put up. 
“C’mere,” he soothed, and you didn’t hesitate to follow, stopping just a few inches from his knee. Vax reached out, catching your tangled hands and gently tugging you forward until you stood between his legs, having to tilt your head down to meet his gaze. You watched his eyes brighten with every step you took, his shoulders sagging from the tensed position you’d noticed the second you walked in. 
It was like all your words left you, as you grew acutely aware of the way his hands brushed against yours, the little bit of body heat you could feel from him. 
“I’m glad I had you there to watch my back,” he breathed. His thumb swiped across your knuckles, and you felt that tension in the back of your head slowly start to melt.
“I wasn’t worried,” he breathed. “I had you there to watch my back.”
“Your back took too many hits for me,” you argued, your mind flashing back to the moment he threw you both out the window, how he took each impact on the way down. You reached across, draping an arm over his shoulder to rest along his back, hearing a sharp intake of breath from him. 
“It was worth it,” he hummed, gently pushing you back so you could meet his gaze. “I’d rather take the hit if it meant you didn’t have to.” Your heart squeezed at the earnest look in his eyes.
“You’re incredibly important to me,” he answered, sincere as he met your gaze. This time, your heart felt like it might have actually burst. He seemed to notice, a grin forming on his face as his tone grew lighter. “That, and I have to keep you in top shape if we’re gonna make a team.”
It wasn’t necessarily his words that drew you to the fact, more of a combination of everything. The way he gently kept his hands on you, as if reminding himself that you were real. The way he’d kept you out of harm's way, not just that night, but many more in the past. The way when his gaze held yours, it seemed to soften and grow bright again. It was all those moments, and this one now, when he looked up at you as if you were the brightest treasure in the world.
“A team, hmm?” You played along, the fears and worries melting away as his presence drew you in closer. Vax brightened even more, and you watched his eyes flicker with something new and playful.
“Of course. Who else would have come up with such a…” You watched his ears twitch, his throat bobbing up and down. “..clever idea on the spot like that,” he stated, gaze flickering to your lips. Your cheeks grew warm, the memory of his kiss tingling on your lips again. 
“Psh- it didn’t even work,” you rebuked, clearing your throat. Vax’s grin grew wider.
“I would argue that it did work, just perhaps in a slightly different way.” Your raised brow was replaced with a gasp as Vax wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and spinning the two of you around until he was hovering over you, your back flat against the sheets of his cot. His hair fell loose, fanning over you like a curtain and just barely tickling your collarbone as he met your gaze, a sincere grin on his lips and mischief behind his eyes. 
“Vax,” you breathed, reaching to curl your hands around his forearms. He didn’t move from that position, simply watching you for a moment. It mirrored that moment hours ago, before all the blood was shed when you’d held him in front of you, in that breath between admittance and action.
“If you haven’t been able to tell already, I am quite hopelessly in love with you,” he muttered. His gaze flickered between your eyes, your lips, studying your reaction to those fateful words. Your heart, on the other hand, felt like it was exploding through your chest, as you played the sentence over and over in your head, your brain taking a hell of a long time to process it. 
Just as a slight uncertainty pulled at his expression, you reached up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in to meet your lips in a deep kiss. 
You felt his breath catch in the back of his throat, dropping to his elbows and allowing his body weight to fall on you. You reveled in the warmth, feeling it spread throughout your chest as he tilted his head, pulling back just slightly before catching your lips again. Vax’s kisses felt desperate, as he led one of his hands to tangle between the strands of your hair. 
He held you close as he tasted your lips, and it almost felt like he was trying to fuse you together. Breaking from your lips, he hovered over you for a breath, taking in your features before he was kissing you again, and again, and again.
Your hands slid across his shoulders, resting against his chest as he parted from your lips again, brushing his nose against your nose, against your cheek as he trailed his focus down towards your jaw. Vax sighed against your skin, vocalizing the relief the two of you felt, the sudden outpouring of emotion that had been stewing between you for who knows how long.
“Do you think we can finish what we started?” he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your jaw and letting his hand trail down to guide one of your legs over his waist. 
And Gods were you eager to agree.
Vax chuckled at the urgency of your legs wrapping around him, pulling him even closer than before. You toyed with one of the many belts across his torso, humming as his lips trailed down the side of your throat. As he reached your collarbone, teasing the skin with his teeth, you managed to unclasp the first buckle, fingers flying to work on the next, and the next, until each strap had fallen loose. 
Seeming to catch the hint, Vax sat up, letting your legs drape across his as he shrugged off his tunic. The pieces of hair that usually remained tied back had fallen across his forehead, framing the sides of his face and scattering across his eyes. It was a beautiful sight to take in, his pupils blown wide, the darkness of his hair and his eyes complimenting the golden hue of his skin. 
It was so different from the put together and suave Vax you knew. There was something unseen that glinted behind his eyes. And you loved it.
You reached forward to let your fingers trace along his surprisingly soft skin. He sighed, melting into your touch as his hands rested on your thighs, tracing upwards and dragging the fabric of your own shirt up as he lowered himself towards you again. He pressed slow, gentle kisses to each exposed inch of skin across your stomach, grumbling low in his throat as your muscles tightened beneath his lips. It felt like you had all the time in the world, and Vax took his time to strip your shirt off, hesitating for a moment to take in the full sight of you.
“Gods you are beautiful,” he breathed, and you felt beautiful. You let out a soft breath of his name, drawing his gaze for a brief moment as he brushed his thumb across the underside of your breast. Again he repeated the action, edging closer and closer to the sensitive flesh of your nipple, until he caught the peak, eliciting a long, admittedly whiny breath from you. Immediately, his head dipped towards your skin, his lips taking place of his hand as he savoured the touch, massaging and flicking his tongue across your nerves. Your hands tangled into his hair, tugging on the strands as you drew his face even closer, heat drawing down and flaring in your core. 
Vax took his time, his free hand drifting along the back of your thigh as you hiked it higher along his waist, a groan catching in his throat at the friction of your core. He rolled his hips against yours once, and you gasped, digging the tips of your fingers into his shoulder. 
“Do that again,” you whispered, meeting his hips with your own. You matched his sigh, your brain slipping into a haze as he ground into you again, the motion sending shots of pleasure into your lower stomach.
And then he slipped his nimble fingers past the band of your pants. 
As two fingers brushed against your clit, you tipped your head back against the sheets. Your lips parted as his continued to savour every inch of your skin, worshipping each dip and curve and scar. Vax shifted to his side, and you lifted your hips, allowing him to shimmy your pants off and toss them to the floor. His hand returned to your core, his thumb tracing your clit as he slid a finger between your folds. You let out a breathy moan, turning to press your lips against his shoulder.
He curled his fingers inside you, massaging that perfect spot and drawing an involuntary buck of your hips. You continued to press merciless kisses and bites against his skin, drawing quiet, clipped moans from him and leaving pinkish marks across his collarbone and throat. Vax continued to massage your clit with his thumb, practically meeting his curled fingers and sending strikes of pleasure up into your chest and down to your toes. 
“Tell me that feels good,” he whispered against your ear, groaning when you answered him with a gravelly voice. 
“Feels so fu-” you cut off with a whine as he spread his fingers to stretch you open. “So fucking good. Keep going,” you pleaded, and he was not one to deny you. He kept up the pace, curling and scissoring his fingers until your back was arching off the bed, and your voice grew higher in pitch. As if he could sense you growing close, he picked up the pace of his fingers, adding one more for good measure. Your eyes screwed shut, and just as your hips lifted from the bed, he slipped his fingers free, fixing you with a teasing smile. “You fucker,” you cussed as your eyes flew open. Vax was quick to soothe you with a harsh kiss, drawing your frustrations away within seconds. As he broke from your lips, sliding his tongue along his shining fingers, your own spark of mischief emerged. 
With a gentle push, he was on his back, looking up at you with hooded eyes and pupils blown wide. His lips were parted, slightly swollen, and he dared to run his tongue between them with a growing grin. Seeing him all shaggy, painted with marks from your own lips and drawing hot, heavy breaths was absolutely delicious. And he knew you liked it. 
He barely had the time to blow a stray chunk of hair from his face before your lips were on his. He wasted no time running his tongue against yours, propping himself up on one elbow and reaching to tangle one hand into your hair. This kiss was sloppy, growing desperate and hot as his tongue fought against yours. You brushed your hand against his clothed length, adding more pressure as you ran your palm down, drawing a long, broken groan from him. You repeated the action, earning more pitchy breaths and moans, until-
Oh my God,
“Vax, I need you inside me,” you nearly whined. He knew what this had been leading to, had actively been working towards it, but still those words had his breath hitching in his throat. He flicked his tongue out to wet his lips, gaze settling on you once more before he scrambled to strip off his pants. 
Before your gaze dropped down, he cupped your jaw with one hand, guiding your lips into another steamy kiss. You whimpered, tongues meeting and teeth brushing against his lower lip as he gingerly pushed you onto your back, draping a leg over until he was hovering over you again. His eyes met yours, a crooked grin on his lips as he ran his length along your slick, before finally letting out a broken “Fuck,” as he entered you.
You groaned at the stretch, feeling every inch of him until his hips were flush with yours. He gave a shallow, experimental thrust, which you eagerly met, sliding your hands to brace against his shoulders. You felt frantic in your movements, grinding against him in an effort to find some friction. To get him to move.
“Love, there’s no need to rush,” he hummed, his lips brushing against your collarbone as he rutted into you. “I want to enjoy you.”
Everything else outside the room simply slipped away. All you could feel was his lips hot on your neck, his fingers digging into your back, and the absolute fullness of him pressing deep into you with each shallow roll of his hips. You panted against his hair, pulling on the strands and drawing low growls from his throat. He voiced his pleasure with a particularly hard snap of his hips, his pace slowly beginning to quicken. 
You eagerly bucked against him, letting one hand fall to trace against his abdomen, across the freshly healed skin of his stomach, and the tightening muscles that drove you wild. He stuttered in his pace, growing distracted at your touch. Muttering obscenities into your ear, his movements grew less calculated, more focused in chasing that release you both so desperately craved.
You arched off the bed, your chest falling flush with his. The added friction of your skin against his, the constant pressure of him hitting that spot deep within you had you frantically clawing at his back, a shout building in the back of your throat. One of Vax’s hands fell from your waist, wringing into the sheet beside you as he gave a harsh buck of his hips, snapping the coil in your lower stomach in two. 
You barrelled over the edge, crying out his name as you pulsed around him. Vax whined, losing himself in your new tightness and riding out his high with a stutter in his hips. When you came down from your high, his arms were shaking, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours.
He looked absolutely wrecked, though you were sure you didn’t look much different.
Slipping out of you, he rolled onto his back, guiding your head to rest on his outstretched arm. Your breathing slowly calmed, and you found his other hand, playing with his fingers. You felt his breathing against your side, felt the warmth beating off his skin. He was there, and he was solid and he was real.
You glanced up at him, the messy hair that stuck to his forehead, the slight sheen of sweat painting his features and the dazed look in his eyes as he took in your presence. His fingers curled against yours, pulling your hand up to place a kiss against your knuckles, and then one more against your temple.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, his voice low and growing hoarse. “Let’s do that again sometime.”
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purpledemoncosplay · 7 months
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Not cosplay, but cosplay adjacent?
My Critical Role inspired knitting projects over the past year and a half-ish. listing below what I've called them and a link to the actual pattern on ravelry in parenthesis
"Shawl of the Tempest" (Maple Leaf Shawl) - by far the easiest and fastest of these projects
"Vax'ildan Wings" (Wingspan) - this shawl alone took about a year. I used lace weight yarn and the largest size of the pattern (size C) it is over 5 feet long
"Tal'dorei Sweater" (Raven's Wood) - work in progress *screams* the purple is "Republic of Taldorei" from A Hundred Ravens and the black blend is "Champion of Ravens" from Critical Hit Dyes
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Begins March 15 at noon EST. There will be 8 polls per day. Matchups under the cut.
Troy Barnes & Abed Nadir (Community) VS Booster Gold & Ted Kord (DC Comics) WINNER: Troy & Abed!
Ingo & Emmet (Pokemon) VS Newton Geiszler & Hermann Gottlieb (Pacific Rim) WINNER: Ingo & Emmet!
Kagamine Rin & Len (Vocaloid) VS Sherlock Holmes & John Watson (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) WINNER: Holmes & Watson!
Sans & Papyrus (Undertale) VS Sun Wukong & Six-eared Macaque (LEGO Monkie Kid) WINNER: Sans & Papyrus!
Breekon & Hope (Magnus Archives) VS Ace Trappola & Deuce Spade (Twisted Wonderland) WINNER: Breekon & Hope!
Dipper & Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) VS Achilles & Patroclus (Greek mythology) WINNER: Dipper & Mabel!
Mario & Luigi (Super Mario Bros) VS Ash Ketchum & Pikachu (Pokemon) WINNER: Mario & Luigi!
Jessie & James (Pokemon) VS Timon & Pumbaa (The Lion King) WINNER: Jessie & James!
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern (Hamlet) VS Benson Mekler & Dave (Kipo) WINNER: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern!
Pippin Took & Merry Brandybuck (Lord of the Rings) VS Benton Fraser & Ray Kowalski (Due South) WINNER: Merry & Pippin!
Frodo Baggins & Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings) VS Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon) WINNER: Frodo & Sam!
Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) VS Finn & Jake (Adventure Time) WINNER: Finn & Jake!
Statler & Waldorf (The Muppet Show) VS Strong Bad & The Cheat (Homestar Runner) WINNER: Statler & Waldorf!
Bert & Ernie (Sesame Street) VS Vex'ahlia & Vax'ildan (Critical Role) WINNER: Bert & Ernie!
Sonic & Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Jadzia Dax (Star Trek) WINNER: Sonic & Tails!
Phineas & Ferb VS Carl Carlson & Lenny Leonard (The Simpsons) WINNER: Phineas & Ferb!
Sam & Max VS Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter (NBC Hannibal) WINNER: Sam & Max!
Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) VS Eddie Brock & Venom (Marvel Comics) WINNER: Spongebob & Patrick!
Wallace & Gromit VS The 10th Doctor & Donna Noble (Doctor Who) WINNER: Wallace & Gromit!
Geordi LaForge & Data (Star Trek) VS Frog & Toad WINNER: Frog & Toad!
Spock & Jim Kirk (Star Trek) VS Wug Test (Linguistics) WINNER: Spock & Kirk!
Bill S. Preston & Theodore Logan (Bill and Ted) VS Fireboy & Watergirl WINNER: Bill & Ted!
Nadja of Antipaxos & Laszlo Cravensworth (What We Do in the Shadows) VS Heinz Doofenshmirtz & Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb) WINNER: Doofenshmirtz & Perry!
Nastya Rasputina & The Aurora (The Mechanisms) VS Harry DuBois & Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) WINNER: Harry & Kim!
Pinky & The Brain (Animaniacs) VS Scooby & Shaggy (Scooby-Doo) WINNER: Scooby & Shaggy!
Nico Di Angelo & Will Solace (Percy Jackson) VS Timmy & Tommy (Animal Crossing) WINNER: Timmy & Tommy!
Calvin & Hobbes VS Bunsen & Beaker (The Muppet Show) WINNER: Calvin & Hobbes!
Kris & Susie (Deltarune) VS Mercutio & Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet) WINNER: Kris & Susie!
Wirt & Greg (Over the Garden Wall) VS R2-D2 & C-3PO (Star Wars) WINNER: R2-D2 & C-3PO!
Mac McDonald & Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) VS Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde WINNER: Mac & Charlie!
Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) VS John Doe & Arthur Lester (Malevolent) WINNER: Phoenix & Maya!
Legolas Greenleaf & Gimli (Lord of the Rings) VS Jedediah Smith & Gaius Octavius (Night at the Museum) WINNER: Legolas & Gimli!
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isekai-crow · 9 months
Delicious in Dungeon / Dungeon Meshi Episode 1
WOW the pacing on this is great. That was my first major impression of this entire episode.
Overall Score so far: 8/10
Dungeon Meshi hits several sweet spots for things I like in a manga/anime - cooking and well drawn food, and fantasy and dungeons. But I never took the time to try out the manga. Maybe the art didn't stick out for me? I tried reading it before the anime came out, just to get a feel for it, but it couldn't keep my attention.
The anime however.
Episode 1 handled all of what I could get through in the manga, and ITS. SO. CUTE.
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The food is gorgeously drawn, the characters are adorable, the D&D vibes are immaculate, and the monsters and the food they become are fascinating!
I've only given it an 8/10 because it remains to be seen just how many hooks this might snag in my heart if what I've overheard about the manga being 'soul healing' is true.
The first think I can tell is that this is from a slightly older manga, with Marcille being a very classic/traditional tsundere (and/or possibly tsukomi character?). She is the tsundere type that future tsunderes were based off, and so TO ME she's both somewhat annoying and also more bearable than today's tsunderes.
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Sorry Marcille.
I actually didn't like her all that much in the parts I read of the manga, and while her reactions are realistic and serve a purpose to counter balance Laios' nonchalant ability to eat the monsters that try to kill them, her reactions also annoyed me. The 1st anime episode made them much more bearable, and I grew to like her! I hope future episodes do her justice and that she's not delegated solely to being the one to dig in her heels when they eat something new.
Laios is adorable and just really really really wants to share his special interest with his friends, and I love him. He is a cinnamon roll that most be protected but can probably protect himself. I love that he has a cookbook and has just been WAITING to try out some of these recipes.
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Chilchuk is Liam O'Brien from Critical Role and you can't tell me otherwise. Specifically his halfling character, Orym of the Air Ashari, with a bit of Vax'ildan thrown in for good measure. I'm excited to explore his story.
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Senshi is goals. I wanna but a tough old dwarf roaming a dungeon for food.
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I know it will likely get compared with what Capybara and I jokingly call "The Amazon Anime" -- Campfire Cooking in Another World -- and that will always hold a special place in my heart because I stumbled across the light novel when the manga only had about 2 or 3 chapters scanlated online, and never in a million years thought it would get an anime. Where as this is a big name manga that's been running since 2014 and finished last year in September 2023.
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They're both cooking animes that deal with fantasy food, but Campfire Cooking is an isekai and all the animation budget went into making the food look D E L I C I O U S, and Dungeon Meshi is going to be far more well rounded story even while being a gag anime.
It's also got some fun Voice Actors!!
Laios, our hungry knight is voiced by Kumagai, Kentarou, who mostly plays supporting roles in a few popular anime and lots of smaller animes, but has spent most of his career voicing BL Drama CDs >o>
Marcille, our elven mage and tsundere, is voiced by Senbongi, Sayaka - Shuna from TenSura, Mumei from Kabaneri, and Haru from Beastars!
Chilcuk, our cute little halfling rogue, is voiced by Tomari, Asuna who, I IMMEDIATELY HEARD GOBUTA FROM TENSURA. She also play Kyou Souma from Fruits Basket. She has a very cute voice.
Senshi, our fearless dwarf, is voiced by Naka, Hiroshi who is best know as Garp from One Piece, Luffy's Grandpa, as well as Gamabunta, Naruto's giant frog.
Anyways, I'm excited for the next episode! Episode 1 was a good introductory episode, with cooking, hunting, and laying out their goals for the coming journey.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links, I hope.
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twilightwrites · 1 year
"Threaten me more, Freddie, go on~" c:
Sometimes, he didn't know if he wanted to punch Vax in his stupid face or kissed him until he couldn't breathe. This was one of those times.
The rogue is grinning at him with an arrogant half-smile, head cocked to the side. One hand which holds a dagger is pinned above his head by Percy's own, the other has a firm hold on the collar of his coat, keeping the fabric bunched up in his fist. There's the press of a barrel against the underside of Vax's chin, tucked between his neck and jaw- It's unloaded. Always unloaded. He would never forgive himself if he took Vax's life- as Percy snarls. The sound is low and dangerous, but Vax doesn't flinch.
"Threaten me more, Freddie, go on.~" His tongue presses against the back of his two front teeth and it takes all of his willpower to not jam his gun into that stupid little mouth.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll shut the hell up." There's a flash of something in his eyes. Something dark, something Percy thought was long gone. Vax still doesn't flinch, and the smugness on his face never falters.
"Make me."
The gun is thrown aside, the dagger falls to the floor, and there's an audible slam as Percy pins Vax to the wall. There's a hand in his hair, pulling hard, while his coat is yanked off by the other. Percy's own hands find work in gripping Vax's hips hard enough to leave bruises in their wake.
There's no personal space, and as Percy's lips smash into Vax's, teeth rattling against teeth, he can hear the half-elf groan in between the brutal treatment.
"I'm going to break you, Vax'ildan." He snarls in that low, dangerous tone again, staring at Vax's red and swollen lips. The words take a moment or two for Vax to process, but once they do, that taunting grin returns.
"Why, Freddie, I would be hurt if you didn't."
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alastorsbride · 3 months
I have no inspiration 😭😭😭 so here's a copy (and edit) of chapter 2 or A Diary of a sinner. (Btw it's like 11pmish and I can't sleep 😅🤭 this chapter going to be short sorry 😔 could someone please request anything? I'm so bored and I got no ideas!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chappy 2
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔 𝒖𝒑:
Nim is Y/N's demon nickname, short for Nightmare Damsel. Also, I'm adding other characters in this story from Vox Machina and the reader is Hisirdoux Casprians twin sister, Douxie is also married to Zoe.
Gunslinger Percival de Rolo III (human brother)
Cassandra De Rolo (human sister)
Gnome cleric Pike Trickfoot
Barbarian Grog Strongjaw
Gnome bard Scanlan Shorthalt,
Half-elf druid Keyleth
Half-elf rogue Vax'ildan (elf brother)
Half-elf ranger Vex'ahlia (elf sister)
(Ignore the list of the creature the characters are, it's just so I have an idea of who's who because my memory kinda sucks.💀)
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Previously on The Diary Of A Sinner:
I sighed silently. Vlad and Vanellope never left my mind. I could never stop thinking of them. They were only 9 and 10 years of age when I died. I wished I could've lived longer.
I suddenly got the feeling of being followed. 'Hmmm. Who's wishing to die now?' I thought. I changed my course and walked down an alley, and then turned around and got in a defensive position with my twin daggers ready.
"I know you followed me. Not quite wise." I spoke menacingly and threatened.
"Ooh, come on Nim, you wouldn't hurt an ol' friend, would ya sweets?" A familiar traditional Brooklyn gangster voice called out.
I twisted my daggers backward, and they disappeared in F/C smoke. I scoffed.
"Don't try me, Dusty." I spoke.
The voice laughed. "Yeah, it might be a good idea."
I chuckled. The voice wrapped his arm around my shoulder as if we were the best of friends.
"Well, I'd love to stay and chat to catch up, but unfortunately, I have to go." I shook my shoulder out of his grip.
"Well, hopefully I'll see you later then? Hmm?" And the voice got a phone call.
I left down to a small looking shop called Gilmores Shop.
"Hey guys," I called to the group gathered around the bar lobby. chatting or doing whatever.
"Nim!" A short male gnome spoke.
"What's up?" Vax asked twisting his knives in his hand.
"Nothing. Just ran into an old friend." I spoke.
"Y/N. What happened? You smell like blood." Percival asked, not believing me.
Right. I forgot that after Dusty chatted with me, I'd gotten into a fight with a couple of demons, won and then got myself cleaned off.
"Nothing to worry about. I'm fine." I said, casually.
"Uh huh." Percy muttered.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed a drink. This was my turf. And I can do whatever I wanted.
"Seriously, I'm fine. Like always. Are you forgetting who I am? Or do I have to remind you?" I threaten sternly.
"No, no, just... Nothing nevermind." Percival spoke.
"That's what I thought." I said.
"So... Nim... When is your brother coming back?" The little elf girl asked.
"Not for another six months. Pike."
I̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶ h̶e̶r̶ n̶a̶m̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ P̶i̶e̶ o̶r̶ K̶i̶t̶e̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶e̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ I̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ k̶n̶o̶w̶ h̶e̶r̶ n̶a̶m̶e̶ t̶i̶l̶l̶ I̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶e̶d̶ i̶t̶ u̶p̶ 💀
"Oh thats too bad. I had a question for him."
I just shrugged. I had a suspicion that she liked my brother, Hisirdoux. But I'd already told her he was married to Zoe like a hundred times before.
✧○ꊞ○ꊞ○•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙○♡๑•୨୧ ୨୧•๑♡○•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙○ꊞ○ꊞ○✧
So sorry the chapter is so short, I hit a writers block 😭
So I recently red a very good book called Radio By Your Side [One-Shots] by @Mad_and_Twisted (on wattpad) and I love the one shots so much, the only thing I didn't like was being left on a cliffhanger and that the One Shots wouldn't be a story.
And a reminder? :
So I'd decided to write this book from One-Shots and combine a whole bunch of them to 'make them my own' so that I don't copy from the author cause there's a ᏞϴͲ of authors who don't like it. But I don't really care if ya'll copy off of me, just as long as y'all credit me in the end. ☺
Also, I might not write this story for long, just a heads up. Sorry but when I get writers block for a long periods of time, and then get 'cured' I stop writing whatever it was before I got the major writers block illness. 😭😭😭
Also! I'm now officially grade 12! 🥺😨Exams are done for me but my sister who's in grade 8 still has exams to do... 😥 but I should have more time on my hands to write!
That is... If I get cured of this writers block...
Grade 12 is going to be so hard when I graduate, like I've traveled so much and never stayed at 1 school for long but then when I came here, i was in grade 7, so I wasnt really sad, but then when I got to grade 8 and up to now, it's like, I'm saying goodbye to everyone. I'm not going to be able to see them or even talk to my friends again and if I do, I'll be ᒐᙀᙅКƳ if that happens.
But I still have to say goodbye to all the relationships I've made these past 6 years. And when I move out, like I'm so used to hugging and kissing my mom and dad before leaving the house and before going to bed that after I'm moved out I won't be able to do that. I'd have to get my drivers license, drive from wherever im at to my parents home, hug and kiss them goodnight/goodmorning and then drive back home.
Sorry I just put that all on you guys it was just going through my head at the time.
Thank you and have a good day/afternoon/night stay safe (and if it's bed time for you, good night, sweet dreams!🤗)
Again, so sorry.
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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This probably doesn't come as a surprise, but I'm still on a bit of a hiatus, at this point. I'm trying to focus more on revamping and getting things all cleaned up while I'm not doing writing things, and to that end, below the readmore is an updated list of muses, since my current information is very out of date.
Current muses by franchise:
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA William Adama Karl C. Agathon
CRITICAL ROLE Caleb Widogast Essek Thelyss Grog Strongjaw Keyleth of the Air Ashari Lady Kima of Vord Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III Vax'ildan Zahra Hydris
DOCTOR WHO The Doctor (Nine) Madame Vastra
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Alexander Louis Armstrong Sig Curtis Envy Solf J. Kimblee Roy Mustang
GAME OF THRONES Brienne of Tarth Tyrion Lannister
GARGOYLES Brooklyn Goliath Hudson (with Bronx as NPC) Macbeth
GOD OF WAR Atreus Brok Faye Freyr Kratos Mimir Odin Sindri Thor
GOOD OMENS Anthony J. Crowley
KILL LA KILL Satsuki Kiryuin Senketsu
THE LAST OF US Joel Miller
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir Alya Cesaire Gabriel Agreste / Hawk Moth Luka Couffaine Tom Dupain
HADESTOWN/MYTHOS/PERCY JACKSON Hades Hazel Levesque Kronos Orpheus Thalia Grace Will Solace
STAR VS. THE FORCES OF EVIL Globgor Moon Butterfly River Butterfly Tom Lucitor
X-MEN Remy LeBeau
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS Irithiel Galanodel (D&D) Vanessa Hunter (Monster of the Week)
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harusuki · 6 months
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the legend of vox machina gifset per episode season 2 episode 8: echo tree
tip jar
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hotboiessek · 1 year
"Send me a ship and I'll rate it,"
Perc'ildan, Percy x Vax'ildan
C: Not a bad ship
tbh when i first listened to cr1 i thought percy and vax were going to be somewhat romantic with how flirty vax was in the beginning and the "do i get inspiration for that?" moment
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“hey  listen,  free  food  is  free  food.  he  could  have  offered  to  pay  for  you  to  have  an  actual  meal  though.  is  chivalry  dead?”  vax  huffed,  sad  that  his  friend  didn’t  get  the  date  she  deserved.  “come  on,  i  don’t  have  much,  but  i  can  make  us  some  pasta,  probably  some  wine  in  here  somewhere.”  vax  scrambled  around  the  small  apartment,  prepping  the  meal.  “you  are  not  an  object  mel,  you  are  a  beautiful,  sweet  girl  who  deserves  much  better  than  that  piece  of  shit.  i’m  sorry  you  had  to  go  through  all  of  that….makes  for  an  interesting  story  if  anything.”  vax  laughed,  trying  to  make  light  of  it  all
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"Yeah, I guess I could have been grateful about that, but again, wasn't the point here and yeah, sounds like it is dead, I just hope that I can help Phoenix know better than to do something like that." She admits with a small shrug, before looking back down. "Pasta sounds good, so thank you in advance." Mel says as she laughs at the compliments and clears her throat. "I do appreciate that, you're a good friend, Vax, and not just because you were just now complimenting me." She muses with a laugh. "No, I know that later on, I can laugh about this, but right now, I'll sulk and move on from it afterwards because you're right, I do deserve better, who knows though, maybe I'll be a cat lady once Phoenix gets older." 
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