#c; imani linh
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laraxamarin · 7 months ago
closed starter @xoimani location: black cat cafe
"Yeah I don't think Tinder is the right platform for me," Lara explained with a soft smile on her features, "I think the last date I went on, they assumed I was in it for the hook up but really...that's not the case. Not that I wouldn't mind, it's just not me." She reached up to cup her cup of coffee and held it close as she took a small sip. "Unless I just need to get in the mindset then maybe but I don't know about that."
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marivelasc · 9 months ago
closed for: @xoimani / location: sea glass boutique
Just because Connie Vanderbilt wasn't friends with Mariana anymore, did not mean that Mari didn't still care for her. She did and it would upset her because she couldn't change Connie's mind about her being the scum of earth. So when she had done some social media stalking and caught eye of the woman in Connie's life - she had become curious.
For as long as she had known Connie before their fallout--the topic of dating women never came up, but maybe she should have known. No, she couldn't have. She'd never assumed her sexuality back then and even now. This Imani woman seemed interesting and was gorgeous. She needed to know who she was. So when she saw her in public, she had to take advantage of the opportunity.
"Hi, question," She said as she grabbed a random dress near her, and held it up, "Do you think I'd look good in this color?"
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ambivalenceshefelt · 1 year ago
Location: Ocean Crest apartments, hallway, 11pm with @xoimani
Popping her head through the crack of her open door, Nikki breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw it was in fact Imani coming out of the elevator. This time. "Oh thank god it's you!" she gushed getting out, door ajar behind her. "I thought you were back an hour ago and, oh man" she waved her hands around "I need to bleach my eyes. Gross..."
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pytndyer · 27 days ago
Peyton was quick to shake his head as he reached towards the dark brown purse and pulled it out. It was next to the hot pink one so he understood why she thought he pointed at that one. "This one." He suggested, but the one she had in her hand was good too. He was basic. "That one works though.". It wasn't his preference but he worked in a library, so basic was what he needed in a bag which was different than a purse. @xoimani
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Imani had already thrifted half of her clothing, and realized she really no longer had a good purse. She needed one for day-to-day use. For school, for shopping, for everything. Standing and staring at the display she felt absolutely torn. Of course the hot pink one called to her, but she was trying to change her image. "That one?" She asked, gesturing to the bright colored one, with a sad smile. "It's cute... but I gotta get something professional." She reached for the black and tan bag.
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kenzievaisman · 2 years ago
with: @imani-linh​ where: the shining ball
                         “Excuse me, miss ma’am where the hell you been all my life?” Kenzie flicked her hand over Imani’s gorgeous attire, a huge difference to the colorful wardrobe her best friend was known for. It didn’t make her look any less beautiful. “You look so damn good, I might leave with you and not Axel.” she chuckled and wrapped an arm over Imani’s shoulder. “You wanna dance? I wanna dance, so that means we’re dancing.”
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kenzievaisman · 2 years ago
where: vibing somewhere with: @xoimani​
                         “He is checking you out!” Kenzie stood by her statement as she danced with her friend, laughing because Imani looked fucking amazing and for some reason didn’t believe her. “If you don’t say something I will and I’ll make him get your number, I swear it.” she chuckled, moving to the music and shouting above it so Imani could hear her. “You can’t come out with all this yummy and not be noticed.” she added, dropping her hands down from the air. “Wanna get a drink and then target him all night? He looks good.”
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xoimani · 2 years ago
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [IMANI LINH]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [KARRUECHE TRAN]. You must be the TWENTY-NINE year old [COCKTAIL WAITRESS AT OASIS NIGHTCLUB/CALL GIRL]. Word is you’re [VIBRANT] but can also be a bit [STINGY] and your favorite song is [ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME BY LIZZO]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Imani grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas.  Most of her life, she lived with her grandmother after her mom left, searching for something better. Her dad had abandoned them the minute he found out she was pregnant. Since she lived with her grandmother, Imani found most of her guidance from neighborhood friends. It wasn’t that her grandmother didn’t care, but she was sick most of the time. Imani raised herself, and managed to slide in with a troublesome crowd.
While they weren’t doing terrible things, Imani did get accustomed to shoplifting things she wanted. It became habit to her. If she wanted it, she just took it. She figured it was just small things here and there. Nail polish, flipflops, maybe some makeup.  This eventually ended with her getting the cops called on her, and her having to attend juvenile court at fifteen for her multiple offenses. Having to spend six-months on probation, she really did her best to stop. She got a job at a local fast-food place and this caused her and her friends to see each other less. Unfortunately, they deemed her too ‘goody’ to keep hanging out.
This caused horrible social issues for Imani for the rest of high school. She didn’t fit in with her old friends, and everyone knew she had a ‘record’ despite it feeling like such a minor issue to her. She struggled with school, as she felt she didn’t belong. Her grades dropped to D and C levels and she just squeaked by enough to graduate. Not wanting to keep her fast food job, she had spoken to one of the girls who was also making a ton of money at a strip club. The second she could, she applied.
It didn’t take long for Imani to start bringing in a really good income on tips alone. Having no real experience with money, Imani started to spend it quickly. The second she got the cash, it was almost always gone. Nails, shoes, clothes, makeup. She bought just about everything. However this left her very little in savings. She would crash with friends every now and then, and did so for two years before deciding to skip town. She wanted to spend some time in Vegas. Where the real money was.
When she turned 21, she took what little she had and got herself a job in a high-end club in Vegas. She danced almost every night. She was hired for parties and events, and loved the lifestyle. That was until she met Devon. He became her everything. It was amazing he had gotten her to fall so quickly. They dated, off and on for a few years, and she never realized how she had slipped into a financially abusive situation. He pulled out credit cards in her name, destroyed her credit score. When she eventually was talked to by some of her friends, she finally understood the reality of the situation. With that information, she did two shifts, back-to-back, took the cash and ran.
She ran to a new city. She didn’t intend to stay. She just needed to get herself a little bit more situated and away from Devon. When she decided to move, Imani realized she could start completely fresh. Having gotten her credit mostly back on track (with a few issues here and there) With her life is more pulled together, she got a job in this new beach town as a bartender. Every now and then, when she gets in a tough spot financially, she tends to call back on her old days and works as a private call girl. Only when she advertises, and only on a schedule she sets for herself.
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amarawash · 4 months ago
A look of confusion crosses her face, her features scrunching as she stands outside the storefront, watching the struggle with the suitcase. The creases deepen when her own face when the woman in front of her speaks up, "You, obviously," she says, gesturing toward the woman and the predicament. She's almost taken aback by her own words, she realizes it’s too late to pretend she hadn’t said nor seen anything. "Do you need help?" She's not even sure why she's asking at this point, convinced that the woman probably wouldn't accept the offer anyway.
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who? @aurorabaystarter
Where? Choose your own adventure
Imani had spent the day filling her suitcase. And her backpack. And her purse. Old shoes, old clothing, old jewelry, anything she could fit in on her person. It was one thing to pack them all.. it was another to walk herself to the thrift store carrying it all. The suitcase wheels continued to get caught on every uneven part of the sidewalk, flipping over ever few feet, making her stop to correct it. She was at wits end when it finally flipped over again, causing her to start kicking the bag. "What are you looking at!" She said snapping at the person who had stopped to look at her.
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ambivalenceshefelt · 9 months ago
Nikki laughed. If asked, she’d bet money that Imani would get it. Most people seemed shocked. “Tell me about it. My sister’s ex almost burst an artery when I first did the thing” she chuckled making a move as if to take someone’s hat off. “No kidding, he had a little vein throbbing on his forehead” she laughed, certain that the man had been grateful he had a son and not a daughter. Following her friend’s line of sight, she smiled. “Gotta look out for the single girlies” || @xoimani
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"Girl.. I grew up in Texas. Don't even get me started on men and their hats." She laughed and shook her head. "I made that mistake when I was young and dumb. Now I just focus on my own hat. And riding my favorite cowgirl til dawn." She smiled and pointed over to her girlfriend across the way. "But that's super nice of you to be warning people." @ambivalenceshefelt
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laraxamarin · 5 months ago
"Right." Lara said with a slight frown before sighing, "God what if I start talking about cats...oh my god, what if that's my future. The cat lady--I'm already one step in the door with owning a cafe full of adoptable cats. What's next...crocheting? Nothing against it, I just don't have patience with it as much as I want to make my own hat...anyways off topic, what's next?" She said laughing as she groaned. "Okay, I will try my hardest next time I meet a girl I think is cute."
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"Okay... well that makes things easier." She smiled and patted Lara's forearm. When Lara said she worked with the public Imani laughed herself. "Now girl... you know damn well dealing with the public and getting out here are two entirely different things. You gotta leave your comfort zone. Flirt with a girl you meet in person. Not at work but just... out."
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laraxamarin · 6 months ago
At their question, Lara realized what exactly was her type. Thinking back to her past relationships, they varied and never had some sort of type. "I guess masc fem? Honestly I'm pretty open, as long as we get along and the chemistry is okay then I have no complaints." Lara lightly laughs with Imani as she hid her face with her hands in embarrassment and chuckled, "God why does everyone keep saying that. I'm literally dealing with public all day, I'm not exactly hiding."
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"What kinda girls you like? You have a type? Cuz I know all sorts of girls! Nerdy, sporty.... scary... ginger?" She joked with a smile before bumping Lara with her shoulder. "I'll talk to Connie and we can definitely set up a dinner party. You deserve some fun. And I am exactly the girl to go for for that." Imani looked at her. "Besides, you are too dang pretty to be hiding away." @larasasaki
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laraxamarin · 6 months ago
Lara couldn't help but to laugh lightly and nodded her head, "I appreciate that, and even if I don't get lucky, at least I'll have more friends in the community because well...I definitely need more of that. Life is so boring." She realized she hasn't been able to keep up with certain friends which was her fault between managing a business and taking care of cats could do that to her personal life.
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"well then they were weird. Anybody who is weird about it isn't for you anyway. I promise, bisexual girls get our day. There are people who see us." She reached over and gave lara's hand a light squeeze of reassurance. "Bet. I'mma set up a dinner part for my L's and my B's." She smiled and nudged her with her shoulder. "Just gotta see if Connie is cool with hosting too. I promise I'm gonna find you a girl that's all about Lara." @larasasaki
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laraxamarin · 6 months ago
"The last time I went to a lesbian club, the person I was hooking up with they got weird when they found out I was bisexual I mean maybe it was because I'm just awkward but I felt like they were weird about it or maybe I'm just over thinking it." Lara said with a sigh, dating scene wasn't in her luck but she tried not to give up. "That would be fun and even if I didn't meet anyone it would always fun to have a little community together and all." @xoimani
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"I'm bisexual and I gotta girl. Although... I did just straight up kiss her which was.. you know a very risky move. You gotta try risky." She waved her hand a little. "Girl you gotta get off the apps all together. Like go to a lesbian run club. A pottery class." She paused for a moment. "Shit, let me host a dinner night or book club or something with all the queer girls I know. You gotta meet someone in person." @larasasaki
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laraxamarin · 7 months ago
Lara couldn't help but to chuckle at Imani's suggestion as she felt the smile appear on her features. "The thing is, being a bisexual gives the impression that...what's the word...I'm 'confused' on my sexuality so normally women never hit on me or I'm just a terrible flirt." She said with a shrug. She had her fair share of women but it was far easier with men since they were easier, but she preferred women more. "Maybe I should try Hinge but that app makes me feel desperate along with Bumble or is that just me." @xoimani
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"Oh girl. Tinder is hot ass garbage." She agreed. "Tinder functions on hoping women will hookup with dudes." Imani leaned in with a smile. "You know you could go the route I went. So what you need to do is... get interrogated and nearly arrested for arson and the lawyer assigned to you is a hot woman who doesn't even realize she's a lesbian yet." She teased and smiled, thinking about what a wild meeting they had. "Nah, don't change your standards to fit an app. Stay you. You will find the right person." @larasasaki
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marivelasc · 8 months ago
Self-sufficient? Okay. Mariana saw what Connie might have seen. "You learned on your own? That's so cool. Was it hard?" She asked. She liked the idea of teaching herself how to do beauty things, but Mariana reveled getting her makeup done by an artist.
Imani. She knew that already, but no one had to know that. "It's nice to meet you too." She was pleased by her presence and support. "Oh god no." Mari scoffed, no offense to her fellow alumni, but she had nothing to prove to her class. "I'm going to a event held by MGM plus. It's like a premiere of a new show they have or something like that." It was rare for Mariana to read an invitation fully. She just went if she felt like going. However, these events were her favorite because it gave her the opportunity to network.
"They have press too which is why I need to look hot." She added, "If you're ever interested in going up to LA, I'm your girl." She said, hoping she didn't sound like she'd take her to some cult-like home up in the hills. However, she could see Imani at the events she'd go to. @xoimani
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"Oh girl you don't need to thank me. Always happy to help a fellow woman out." When the stranger complimented her, Imani beamed. "Thank you! I learned how to perm my lashes so I have been feeling extra cute lately." And the fact that she had moved in with Connie was giving her just the glow of happiness.
"Mari. I'm Imani. Nice to meet you." When she mentioned an event Imani looked at her with a raised brow. "What sorta event? Like a school reunion or somethin?" @marivelasc
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ambivalenceshefelt · 1 year ago
"Yeah?" she asked feeling excited. Imani had the best ones, they smelled nice too. "You know I do." Taking a seat, she crossed her legs under herself -perks of being a small girl. "Okay, so..." she waved a hand in front of herself "I'm watching TVD reruns, early seasons, good stuff" she said before getting back to the topic "and I have an ear open for you, you know. And I hear jiggling." hands pause in the air in front of her. Who jiggled on their floor? Imani. Usually. "So I just jump up, pause Damon's hotass naked dancing, grab a candy bar" Nikki grabbed a hairbrush nearby for more show "and I open the door. To that..."
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Imani giggled and shimmied her way through her own front door with her neighbor in tow. "I hope you don't mind, but I wanna like take off my makeup and change outta all this." She gestured down to her little neon outfit and massive platform boots. "I have extra face masks if you wanna do one with me?" Imani confidently kept pulling her new friend right into the bathroom, where she gestured to the toilet lid. "Okay you dish while I wash my face."
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